path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cite/chapterbib.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cite/chapterbib.sty')
1 files changed, 446 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cite/chapterbib.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cite/chapterbib.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..66224a2c4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cite/chapterbib.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+% chapterbib.sty Version 1.11 (29-FEB-2004) Donald Arseneau
+% Allow multiple bibliographies in a LaTeX document, including items
+% \cite'd in more than one bibliography.
+% Instructions are below, after \endinput.
+%====================== BEGIN MACROS ===========================
+{\global\advance\c@inputfile\@ne \xdef\the@ipfilectr{@-\the\c@inputfile}%
+ \@CB@writeContext}%
+ \edef\@tempa{\string\gdef\string\@extra@binfo{\@extra@b@citeb}}%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\@tempa\@CB@wtoc{toc}\@CB@wtoc{lof}\@CB@wtoc{lot}}%
+ \endgroup\fi}
+ \string\the@ipfilectr{\@extra@b@citeb}}}%
+\def\include#1{\clearpage \cbunit \xdef\@currentipfile{#1}%
+ \cb@include{#1}\global\let\@currentipfile\@savedjobname\endcbunit}
+\newcommand\cb@input[1]{\cbunit \xdef\@currentipfile{#1}%
+ \input{#1}\global\let\@currentipfile\@savedjobname\endcbunit}
+\@ifundefined{@extra@binfo}{% if not defined by compatible package
+% \@ifundefined{@safe@activestrue}{}{% babel is loaded
+ \@ifundefined{org@bibcite}{%
+ \let\bibcite@iii\bibcite
+ \def\bibcite#1{\bibcite@iii{#1\@extra@binfo}}%
+ }{% and will clobber us
+ \let\bibcite@iii\org@bibcite
+ \def\org@bibcite#1{\bibcite@iii{#1\@extra@binfo}}%
+ }%}
+ }{}%
+\@ifundefined{@extra@b@citeb}{% if not defined by compatible package
+ \def\@citex[#1]#2{% Add \@extra@b@citeb to \cite
+ \let\@citea\@empty
+ \@cite{\@for\@citeb:=#2\do
+ {\@citea\let\@citea\citepunct
+ \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb\@empty}%
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citeb}}\fi
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb \@extra@b@citeb}{\mbox{\reset@font\bf ?}%
+ \@warning{Citation `\@citeb' in file `\@currentipfile'
+ on page \thepage \space undefined}\G@refundefinedtrue}%
+ {\hbox{\citeform{\csname b@\@citeb \@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}}}}}{#1}}
+% Test if \@extra@b@citeb hook needs to be added to \nocite
+ \def\@extra@b@citeb{\global\let\@gtempa\relax}\@extra@b@citeb
+ \def\@ifundefined#1#2#3{\global\let\@gtempa\@empty #1}%
+ \@fileswfalse \nocite{x}}
+\ifx\@gtempa\@empty % define \nocite with hook
+\def\nocite#1{\@bsphack % Add \@extra@b@citeb to \nocite
+ \ifx\@onlypreamble\document
+ \@for\@citeb:=#1\do{%
+ \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb\@empty}%
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citeb}}\fi
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{\G@refundefinedtrue
+ \@warning{Citation `\@citeb' in file `\@currentipfile' undefined}}{}}%
+ \else
+ \@latex@error{Cannot be used in preamble}\@eha
+ \fi
+ \@esphack}
+\@ifundefined{citepunct}{\def\citepunct{,\penalty\@m\ }}{}
+\xdef\@savedjobname{\jobname}% save root file name as a macro
+\newcount\c@inputfile \global\c@inputfile=0
+\gdef\@extra@binfo{} % in case .aux files are left from old run.
+\def\cb@roottest{11}% for [rootbib]: {2\ifx\the@ipfilectr\@empty 1\else2\fi}
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibdata{#1}}\fi
+ \fi \cb@dobiblio{\@currentipfile.bbl}}
+ {\def\cb@warning{\PackageWarning{chapterbib}}}
+\@ifundefined{@newl@bel}{% pre-1995; must redefine \@testdef
+ \let\@test@defiii\@testdef
+ \def\@testdef#1#2#3{%
+ \if#1b\relax\@test@defiii b{#2\@extra@binfo}{#3}%
+ \else \@test@defiii #1{#2}{#3}\fi}%
+ \let\cb@dobiblio\@input}%
+ {\let\cb@dobiblio\@input@}
+\def\sectionbib#1#2{% Macro to convert \thebibliography command
+ \@ifundefined{bibsection}{% Regular -- patch \thebibliography
+ \long\def\@tempa##1##{% to parse beginning of old def
+ \long\def\@tempa####1\endthebibliography{}\def\@tempc{##1}\@tempa}%
+ \expandafter\@tempa\thebibliography{}{}\endthebibliography
+ \def\@tempa{\chapter*}\ifx\@tempa\@tempc\else \begingroup\toks@{#1}%
+ \cb@warning {The sectionbib option changes \string"\expandafter
+ \strip@prefix\meaning\@tempc\string" to \string"\the\toks@\string"
+ in \string\thebibliography }\endgroup\fi
+ \let\cb@thebibliography\thebibliography
+ \def\thebibliography{\let\@currentlabel\@empty
+ \ifx\the@ipfilectr\@empty \else
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\cb@sectionbib\fi
+ \cb@thebibliography}%
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\cb@sectionbib\@tempc##1{#1{\bibname}%
+ \ifx\@currentlabel\@empty \begingroup \c@secnumdepth\z@
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{#2}{\bibname}% local: * -> no num
+ \csname#2mark\endcsname{\bibname}\endgroup\fi
+ \@ifnextchar\@mkboth{\@gobblethree}{}}%
+ }{% Some package or class has \bibsection -- patch that.
+ \long\def\@tempa##1##{% to parse beginning of old def
+ \long\def\@tempa####1\endthebibliography{}\def\@tempc{##1}\@tempa}%
+ \expandafter\@tempa\bibsection{}{}\endthebibliography
+ \def\@tempa{\chapter*}\ifx\@tempa\@tempc\else \begingroup\toks@{#1}%
+ \cb@warning {The sectionbib option changes \string"\expandafter
+ \strip@prefix\meaning\@tempc\string" to \string"\the\toks@\string"
+ in \string\bibsection }\endgroup\fi
+ \let\cb@bibsection\bibsection
+ \def\bibsection{\let\@currentlabel\@empty
+ \ifx\the@ipfilectr\@empty \else
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\cb@sectionbib\fi
+ \cb@bibsection}%
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\cb@sectionbib\@tempc{#1}%
+\@ifundefined{DeclareOption}{% LaTeX2.09
+ \def\@CB@wtoc#1{}% disable; broken in 2.09
+}{% LaTeX2e option
+\ProvidesPackage{chapterbib}[2004/02/29 \space v 1.11]
+ \providecommand\StartFinalBibs{\chapter*{\bibname}\chaptermark\bibname
+ \protected@edef\bibname{\chaptername\space\noexpand\thechapter}}}%
+ \@ifundefined{section}{}{\providecommand\CBMainSectioning{section}}%
+\ifx\cb@sub@input\@input@ % For [duplicate]
+ \def\cb@dofinalbibs{\if@filesw
+ \toks@{\let\cb@bc\bibcite\let\bibcite\@gobbletwo}%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\the\toks@}\fi
+ \let\cb@elt\cb@dogatherbib \cb@biblist
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\let\string\bibcite\string\cb@bc}\fi}%
+\ifx\cb@sub@input\@gobble % For [gather]
+ \def\cb@dofinalbibs{\let\cb@elt\cb@dogatherbib \cb@biblist}%
+\ifx\cb@biblist\@empty % duplicate or gather declared
+ \providecommand\StartFinalBibs{\protected@edef\bibname
+ {\bibname\space for \chaptername\space \noexpand\thechapter}}%
+ \def\cb@dobiblio#1{\begingroup\makeatletter
+ \ifx\the@ipfilectr\@empty % in root
+ \StartFinalBibs \cb@dofinalbibs
+ \else % in chapter, or section
+ \let\cb@elt\relax
+ \xdef\cb@biblist{\cb@biblist
+ \cb@elt{\csname the\CBMainSectioning\endcsname}% = \thechapter
+ {\the\c@inputfile}{\@currentipfile}}%
+ \cb@sub@input{#1}%
+ \fi\endgroup}
+ \def\cb@dogatherbib#1#2#3{%
+ \setcounter{\CBMainSectioning}{#1}%
+ \global\c@inputfile#2\global\advance\c@inputfile\m@ne
+ \IfFileExists{#3.bbl}{\cb@input{#3.bbl}}{}}
+%====================== BEGIN INSTRUCTIONS ===========================
+ chapterbib.sty Version 1.11 (29-FEB-2004) DA (allow \nocite check)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.10 (23-JUN-2003) DA (\bibsection \CBMainSectioning)
+ 1.9 (19-SEP-2001) DA (sectionbib change; babel)
+ 1.8 (29-APR-1999) DA (gather, duplicate, toc)
+ 1.7 (21-JUL-1997) DA (sectionbib, \nocite)
+ 1.6 (08-FEB-1997) Donald Arseneau (more sectionbib)
+ 1.5 (09-OCT-1995) Donald Arseneau (rootbib)
+ 1.4 (11-MAR-1995) Donald Arseneau (sectionbib)
+ 1.3 (04-JUL-1994) Donald Arseneau (2e, cbunit)
+ 1.2 (21-MAY-1993) Donald Arseneau (bug fix)
+ 1.1 (24-MAR-1993) Donald Arseneau
+ 1.0 (23-NOV-1988) Niel Kempson
+ Allow multiple bibliographies in a LaTeX document, including items
+ \cite'd in more than one bibliography. Despite the name "chapterbib",
+ the BIBLIOGRAPHIES ARE FOR EACH INCLUDED FILE, not necessarily for each
+ chapter. The main point is to allow you to use BibTeX: Each included
+ file should have its own \bibliographystyle and \bibliography commands,
+ and you should run BibTeX on each included file separately rather than
+ on the root file.
+ There are also the commands \begin{cbunit}, \end{cbunit}, and \cbinput
+ to allow multiple bibliographies without using \include (see item 4).
+ There are two added hooks, \citeform and \citepunct, to customise the
+ formatting of each entry in a citation list.
+ Usage, Restrictions, and Options
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ 1. Normal use: Put \bibliographystyle and \bibliography commands in
+ each \include'd file. Run LaTeX; run BibTeX on each included file;
+ run LaTeX; run LaTeX.
+ 2. If you get errors like "! LaTeX Error: Command \xxx already defined."
+ then bibtex is foolishly putting "\newcommand" in each bbl file. The
+ fix is to put the \bibliography command in braces: {\bibliography{x}}.
+ 3. The \bibliography and \bibliographystyle commands are not normally used
+ in the root file, only in files that have been \include'd. To have a
+ whole-document bibliography, see items 7-10, depending on which style of
+ whole-document bib.
+ 4. If you can't use \include because a new section must start below the
+ preceding bibliography on the same page [odd format!], then you can
+ use \begin{cbunit}...\end{cbunit} or \cbinput, with a {thebibliography}
+ environment in each unit or input file. To use BibTeX: input separate
+ files using \cbinput; at first use the package or global option [draft],
+ run LaTeX on the document, then BibTeX on each file that was \cbinput;
+ finally, remove the [draft] option and run LaTeX again (maybe twice to
+ get page references right). The [draft] option only affects the treatment
+ of \cbinput, not \include or \begin{cbunit}.
+ With old LaTeX, do the preliminary run using \include commands, and
+ change these to \cbinput for the final run(s).
+ 5. Your preferred citation style (xxx.sty) may not work with chapterbib at
+ first, but it is easy to make it compatible: In `xxx.sty' change every
+ "@\@citeb" to "@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb", and insert the line
+ \@ifundefined{@extra@b@citeb}{\def\@extra@b@citeb{}}{}
+ somewhere (but not as a comment or as part of another definition!).
+ If the package also redefines \bibcite then you should change that
+ definition, replacing "@#1" with "@#1\@extra@binfo", and insert
+ \gdef\@extra@binfo{}
+ somewhere in the file.
+ Some citation packages deviate quite far from LaTeX's own method of
+ organizing cite tags using "b@\@citeb". The instructions above catch
+ such extensions as "Y@\@citeb", but not more radical differences.
+ In such cases, try contacting the author of the citation package.
+ If a citation style does not define "\nocite", then that command
+ would not be converted when you make the patches to "@\@citeb".
+ Chapterbib will try to detect the hook in "\nocite", but if this fails
+ you may need to redefine "\nocite" (with any "@\@citeb" changed to
+ "@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb") in that sty file.
+ 6. The report and book document classes usually treat the bibliography as
+ an unnumbered chapter (\chapter*), which is not so good for bibliographies
+ IN a chapter. You can specify
+ \usepackage[sectionbib]{chapterbib}
+ to convert your bibliographies from \chapter* to \section*, with an
+ entry in the table of contents and the page-header. A bibliography in
+ the root file remains as a \chapter*. The [sectionbib] option modifies
+ the existing thebibliography environment (or the \bibsection command, if
+ present already), so the other formatting in the bibliography should
+ remain unchanged. On the other hand, if you already have a non-standard
+ bibliography defined, or if you want them numbered, it may be easier to
+ redefine \thebibliography directly, without any trickery.
+ Alternatively, you can use the \sectionbib command directly in the
+ document preamble. It takes two parameters: the sectioning command, and
+ the name of the sectioning level. For instance, the [sectionbib] option
+ does \sectionbib{\section*}{section}. Again, for the most control, it is
+ better to redefine \thebibliography entirely.
+ 7. If you want a completely unrelated bibliography in the root file, perhaps
+ for a general reading list, you can provide your own bibliography there
+ using the thebibliography environment. I don't suppose this will appeal
+ to BibTeX users!
+ 8. To have a cohesive bibliography for the whole document, plus individual
+ bibs in the chapters, put \bibliography commands in the included chapters
+ plus in the root file; use \usepackage[rootbib]{chapterbib}; run LaTeX;
+ run BibTeX on the root file; change to \usepackage{chapterbib}; run
+ LaTeX; run BibTeX on each included file; run LaTeX; run LaTeX.
+ This produces an independent `overall' bibliography which only makes
+ sense for various `named' bibliography styles; a style with numbering
+ will give unrelated numbers in each bibliography.
+ Actually, you probably don't *need* to ever run with [rootbib]
+ because, although bibTeX should complain about multiple \bibdata
+ commands, it should produce all the right bbl files -- but the root
+ \bibliographystyle must come first in the document.
+ 9. To have a bibliography-by-chapter at the end instead of separate bibs
+ in the chapters, use \usepackage[gather]{chapterbib}, put \bibliography
+ commands in each file, and at the end of the main file. Run LaTeX as
+ in item 1. You can control the titling of the final bibliography by
+ defining \StartFinalBibs. The default definition is (like)
+ \newcommand{\StartFinalBibs}{%
+ \renewcommand{\bibname}{Bibliography for Chapter \thechapter}}
+ normally, but when using the [sectionbib] option it becomes
+ \newcommand{\StartFinalBibs}{%
+ \chapter*{\bibname}\chaptermark{\bibname}%
+ \renewcommand{\bibname}{Chapter \thechapter}}
+ You should really provide your own definition. If you are using the
+ article document class and \section, then you MUST do so.
+ If your document class has neither section nor chapter, then you must
+ define \StartFinalBibs (of course) and also indicate the sectioning:
+ \newcommand\CBMainSectioning{motif}
+ if the main sectioning command is \motif, for example.
+10. To have bibliographies in each chapter PLUS a bibliography-by-chapter at
+ the end, follow item 9, but declare \usepackage[duplicate]{chapterbib}
+ (or \usepackage[duplicate,sectionbib]{chapterbib}).
+11. If you use Babel, load chapterbib before babel.
+ \citeform and \citepunct:
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Normally, the citations are formatted as given, but you can define \citeform
+ (with one parameter) to reformat every citation. Some possibilities:
+ \renewcommand\citeform[1]{\romannumeral 0#1}% roman numerals: [iv,x]
+ \renewcommand\citeform[1]{(#1)} % parentheses: [(3),(4),(7)]
+ \renewcommand\citeform[1]{\thechapter.#1} % number by chapter: [3.9,3.10]
+ If you change \citeform, you should define \@biblabel to match.
+ \citepunct gives the punctuation (comma-penalty-space) between items.
+%====================== END INSTRUCTIONS ===========================
+% -----------------Implementation notes---------------
+% LaTeX normally uses command names in the form \b@TAG to associate a mnemonic
+% TAG with the citation name or number. Chapterbib changes this to a command
+% like \b@TAG@-nn where nn is a number identifying which included file is in
+% effect.
+% Tags indicating the citations and/or the input files:
+% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+% \c@inputfile = counter counting included files
+% \the@ipfilectr = (empty) when typesetting from the root file,
+% = @-\the\c@inputfile when typesetting from an included file
+% \@extra@b@citeb = \the@ipfilectr (just an alias)
+% \@extra@binfo = the value of \@extra@b@citeb as saved in .aux files
+% \b@FOO:
+% ~~~~~~~
+% In the root file, the citation number (or name) is given by \b@FOO
+% just like regular LaTeX, but in an \include'd file it is given by
+% \b@FOO@-number. Any definition of \cite (\@citex) should refer
+% to this using \csname b@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb \endcsname.
+% \include \cbinput and \cbunit:
+% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+% Redefine the \include macro so that when a file is \include'd...
+% Increment the file number, (globally) update \the@ipfilectr to be
+% @-number, and write \gdef\@extra@binfo{@-number} in the (main) .aux
+% file, and do regular \include. When the \include'd file is finished,
+% write \gdef\@extra@binfo{} in the (main) .aux file. Globally reset
+% \the@ipfilectr to {}. Provide similar \cbunit and \cbinput.
+% \cite:
+% ~~~~~~
+% Redefine \cite (\@citex actually) and \bibcite to use the file number
+% tag along with the specified tag. \@citex also uses \citeform as a hook
+% to reformat each individual citation.
+% Only do the redefinitions if no citation style that supports chapterbib
+% has been loaded--as indicated by existence of filename tags.
+% \nocite:
+% ~~~~~~~~
+% A while ago LaTeX changed its \nocite so it checks the validity of the
+% (no)citation tags. This necessitated adding the "\@extra@b@citeb" hook
+% to \nocite. At first, I only redefined \nocite when redefining \cite,
+% but there existed citation packages that supported chapterbib by putting
+% \@extra@b@citeb into \cite but which did not define \nocite at all!
+% These then gave warning messages for every \nocite. With version 1.7,
+% I now try exercising the \nocite command with some functions disabled:
+% (1) .aux file output is locally switched off; (2) The \@ifundefined
+% command is hacked to merely typeset the text of the tag; (3) this is
+% done in a disappearing \hbox so it generates no output. This detects
+% (by setting a global flag \@gtempa) a \nocite command that executes
+% \@ifundefined but not \@extra@b@citeb. In such cases, \nocite must
+% be redefined.
+% \citepunct and \citeform:
+% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+% These customization hooks are present in cite.sty; others (\citemid,
+% \citeleft, \citeright) are not defined here because \@cite is not redefined.
+% We redefine \@testdef so that it properly checks whether the
+% \cite labels have changed.
+% Handle package options and redefining thebibliography. [sectionbib]
+% converts "\chapter*{...}" to "\section*{\bibname\markright{\bibname}%
+% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\bibname}}"
+% Table of contents etc:
+% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+% As of version 1.8, definitions of \@extra@b@citeb are written to the
+% toc, lot, and lof files to avoid undefined citation tags in those tables.
+% This is actually a problem in regular LaTeX with bibTeX -- cites that
+% appear in those tables get numbered starting with 1, but they should
+% be sequenced by where they originated -- but the problem was worse with
+% chapterbib.
+% Authors Niel Kempson (original)
+% ~~~~~~~ Donald Arseneau <> March 1993 - Feb 2004
+% Changes with ver 1.11: Follow LaTeX's barring \nocite from preamble
+% Changes with ver 1.10: \CBMainSectioning; \bibsection hook
+% Changes with ver 1.9: sectionbib remove \@mkboth
+% Changes with ver 1.8: options gather and duplicate; babel workarounds; toc
+% Changes with ver 1.7: change the \sectionbib command re. headings.
+% update \nocite and alter \citeform
+% Changes with ver 1.6: change the \sectionbib command to take arguments.
+% Changes with ver 1.5: rootbib option; item 8 in instructions.
+% Changes with ver 1.4: sectionbib and draft options
+% Changes with ver 1.3: rewrite:
+% The filename tag is defined in each .aux file by \include, not as an
+% extra parameter to \bibcite. \@bibitem & \@lbibitem are left alone. Add
+% \citeform and \citepunct. Add \cbunit and \cbinput for use without \include.