path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algxpar
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algxpar')
3 files changed, 894 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algxpar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algxpar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..899c01b903a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algxpar/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+% Brazilian Portuguese keywords
+% Moreira, J. (
+ description = Descrição,
+ input = Entrada,
+ output = Saída,
+ require = {Pré-condição},
+ ensure = {Pós-condição},
+ end = fim,
+ if = se,
+ then = então,
+ else = senão,
+ switch = seleção,
+ of = de,
+ case = caso,
+ otherwise = {caso~contrário},
+ do = faça,
+ while = enquanto,
+ repeat = repita,
+ until = {até~que},
+ loop = {laço},
+ foreach = {para~cada},
+ forall = {para~todo},
+ for = para,
+ to = até,
+ downto = {regressivo~até},
+ step = passo,
+ continue = {reinicie~a~repetição},
+ break = {interrompa~a~repetição},
+ function = função,
+ procedure = procedimento,
+ return = retorne,
+ true = Verdadeiro,
+ false = Falso,
+ nil = Nil,
+ read = leia,
+ write = escreva,
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algxpar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algxpar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..55505ff5e60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algxpar/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+% English keywords
+% Moreira, J. (
+ description = Description,
+ input = Input,
+ output = Output,
+ require = Require,
+ ensure = Ensure,
+ end = end,
+ if = if,
+ then = then,
+ else = else,
+ switch = switch,
+ of = of,
+ case = case,
+ otherwise = otherwise,
+ do = do,
+ while = while,
+ repeat = repeat,
+ until = until,
+ loop = loop,
+ foreach = {for~each},
+ forall = {for~all},
+ for = for,
+ to = to,
+ downto = {down~to},
+ step = step,
+ continue = continue,
+ break = break,
+ function = function,
+ procedure = procedure,
+ return = return,
+ true = True,
+ false = False,
+ nil = Nil,
+ read = read,
+ write = write,
+ set = set,
+% Compound keywords
+ endwhile = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{while},
+ endfor = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{for},
+ endloop = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{loop},
+ endif = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{if},
+ endswitch = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{switch},
+ endcase = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{case},
+ endotherwise = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{otherwise},
+ endprocedure = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{procedure},
+ endfunction = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{function},
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algxpar/algxpar.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algxpar/algxpar.sty
index 1ed25143b1c..3da15d94157 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algxpar/algxpar.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algxpar/algxpar.sty
@@ -1,341 +1,834 @@
+%! Package: algxpar
+%! Author: Jander Moreira
+%! Email =
-[2020/05/30 v0.91 Algorithms with multiline/paragraph support]
+\ProvidesPackage{algxpar}[2023/06/26 v0.99 Algorithms with multi-line/paragraph support and some enhancements]
+%% Documentation
-%% Package options
-\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{algxpar}{Unknown ‘\CurrentOption’}}
%% Required packages
-\RequirePackage{amsmath, amssymb}
-\RequirePackage{tcolorbox} % to save verbatim
\RequirePackage{fancyvrb} % to load verbatim preserving tabs
+% \RequirePackage{listings} % to load verbatim with tabs
+% \RequirePackage{tcolorbox} % to save verbatim
+%%% Internal commands
+% set_keyword:nnn creates or update a keyword in a language
+% #1: language (e.g., brazilian)
+% #2: keyword (e.g. while)
+% #3: value (e.g, enquanto)
+\cs_new:Npn \set_keyword:nnn #1#2#3 {
+ \tl_clear_new:c { g_keyword_#1_#2_tl }
+ \tl_set:cn { g_keyword_#1_#2_tl } { #3 }
+% get_keyword:nn returs a keyword in a language
+% #1: language (e.g., brazilian)
+% #2: keyword (e.g. while)
+% returns: keyword text (e.g. enquanto)
+\cs_new:Npn \get_keyword:nn #1#2 {
+ \cs_if_exist_use:cTF { g_keyword_#1_#2_tl } { } {
+ \cs_if_exist_use:cTF { g_keyword_english_#2_tl } { } {
+ \msg_new:nnn { algxpar } { keyword-not-found } {
+ Keyword~'#2'~not~found.
+ }
+ \msg_fatal:nn { algxpar } { keyword-not-found }
+ }
+ }
+%%% User commands
+% SetKeyword: create or update a keyword in a language
+% #1: language (e.g., brazilian)
+% #2: keyword (e.g. while)
+% #3: value (e.g, enquanto)
+\NewDocumentCommand{\SetKeyword}{ O{\axp@Language} m m }{
+ \set_keyword:nnn { #1 } { #2 } { #3 }
+% Keyword: returns a formatted keyword in the current language
+% #1: keyword (e.g. while)
+\NewDocumentCommand{\Keyword} { O{\axp@Language} m }{
+ \mbox{\textcolor{\axp@KeywordColor}{\axp@KeywordFont\get_keyword:nn{#1}{#2}}}
+% Constant: returns a formatted constant in the current language
+% #1: keyword (e.g. True)
+\NewDocumentCommand{\Constant} { m }{
+ \mbox{\textcolor{\axp@ConstantColor}{\axp@ConstantFont\get_keyword:nn{\axp@Language}{#1}}}
+% Module: returns a formatted name for a procedure ou function
+% #1: name
+\NewDocumentCommand{\Module} { m }{
+ \mbox{\textcolor{\axp@ModuleColor}{\axp@ModuleFont#1}}
+% CommentSymbol: returns the formatted comment symbol
+\NewDocumentCommand{\CommentSymbol} { }{
+ \mbox{\textcolor{\axp@CommentColor}{\axp@CommentFont\axp@CommentSymbol}}
+% CommentSymbol: returns the formatted comment symbol right
+\NewDocumentCommand{\CommentSymbolRight} { }{
+ \mbox{\textcolor{\axp@CommentColor}{\axp@CommentFont\axp@CommentSymbolRight}}
+% RenewFullyExpandedDocumentCommand: fully expands argument before
+% renewing document command
+% #1: macro
+% #2: value
+\NewDocumentCommand{\RenewFullyExpandedDocumentCommand} { m m }{
+ \exp_args:NNnV \RenewDocumentCommand #1 { } { #2 }
+ \RenewDocumentCommand{\ALG@noend}{}{t}%
+ \algtext*{EndWhile}%
+ \algtext*{EndFor}%
+ \algtext*{EndLoop}%
+ \algtext*{EndIf}%
+ \algtext*{EndProcedure}%
+ \algtext*{EndFunction}%
+ \algtext*{EndSwitch}%
+ \algtext*{EndCase}%
+ \algtext*{EndOtherwise}%
+ \RenewDocumentCommand{\ALG@noend}{}{f}%
+ \algrenewtext{EndWhile}{\Keyword{endwhile}}%
+ \algrenewtext{EndFor}{\Keyword{endfor}}%
+ \algrenewtext{EndLoop}{\Keyword{endloop}}%
+ \algrenewtext{EndIf}{\Keyword{endif}}%
+ \algrenewtext{EndProcedure}{\Keyword{endprocedure}}%
+ \algrenewtext{EndFunction}{\Keyword{endfunction}}%
+ \algrenewtext{EndSwitch}{\Keyword{endswitch}}%
+ \algrenewtext{EndCase}{\Keyword{endcase}}%
+ \algrenewtext{EndOtherwise}{\Keyword{endotherwise}}%
+\axp@EnableEnds % update end-line texts
+%% Settings
+\newif\ifaxp@NoEnd\axp@NoEndfalse % whether line with 'end' is used or not
+\newif\ifaxp@IsStatement\axp@IsStatementfalse % set in \Statep
+\newif\ifaxp@ShowBoxes\axp@ShowBoxesfalse % show parboxes for debugging
+\newif\ifaxp@LineBalanceAuto % true for 'auto'; false for 'fixed'
+%% General options
+%! formatter = off
+ /algxpar/options/.cd,
+ % language
+ language/.store in = \axp@Language,
+ % styles
+ text font/.store in = \axp@TextFont,
+ text color/.store in = \axp@TextColor,
+ text style/.store in = \axp@TextStyle,
+ comment font/.store in = \axp@CommentFont,
+ comment color/.store in = \axp@CommentColor,
+ comment style/.store in = \axp@CommentStyle,
+ keyword font/.store in = \axp@KeywordFont,
+ keyword color/.store in = \axp@KeywordColor,
+ constant font/.store in = \axp@ConstantFont,
+ constant color/.store in = \axp@ConstantColor,
+ module font/.store in = \axp@ModuleFont,
+ module color/.store in = \axp@ModuleColor,
+ %
+ comment symbol/.store in = \axp@CommentSymbol,
+ comment symbol right/.store in = \axp@CommentSymbolRight,
+ comment separator width/.store in = \axp@CommentSeparatorWidth,
+ %
+ noend/.code = {\axp@DisableEnds},
+ no end/.code = {\axp@DisableEnds},
+ end/.code = {\axp@EnableEnds},
+ %
+ % keywords/.code = {\pgfkeysalso{/algxpar/languages/.cd, \trim@spaces{#1}}},
+ keywords/.code = {\axp@LanguageSet{#1}},
+ %
+ algorithmic indent/.store in = \algorithmicindent,
+ statement indent/.store in = \axp@StatementIndent,
+ parameter indent/.store in = \axp@ParameterIndent,
+ %
+ show boxes/.is if = axp@ShowBoxes,
+ %
+ comment width/.code = {%
+ \axp@LineBalanceAutotrue%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{auto}{#1}}{%
+ \axp@LineBalanceAutotrue%
+ }{%
+ \axp@LineBalanceAutofalse%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{nice}{#1}}{%
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand{\axp@CommentFixedWidth}{}{0.4\linewidth}%
+ }{%
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand{\axp@CommentFixedWidth}{}{#1}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ },
+%! formatter = on
+\NewDocumentCommand{\AlgSet}{ > { \TrimSpaces } m }{%
+ \pgfkeys{%
+ /algxpar/options/.cd,
+ /utils/exec = \pgfkeysalsofrom{#1},
+ }%
+%% Languages and translations
+ /algxpar/languages/.cd,
+ .unknown/.code = {\SetKeyword{\pgfkeyscurrentname}{#1}}
+\NewDocumentCommand{\AlgLanguageSet}{ > { \TrimSpaces } m > { \TrimSpaces } m }{%
+ \AlgSet{language = #1}
+ \pgfkeys{
+ /algxpar/languages/.cd,
+ #2
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand{\axp@LanguageSet}{ > { \TrimSpaces } m }{%
+ \pgfkeys{
+ /algxpar/languages/.cd,
+ #1
+ }
+\input{} % always loads default language
+% general settings defaults
+ language = english,
+ text font = ,
+ text color = .,
+ text style = \RaggedRight,
+ comment font = \slshape,
+ comment color = .!70,
+ comment style = \RaggedRight,
+ keyword font = \bfseries,
+ keyword color = .,
+ constant font = \scshape,
+ constant color = .,
+ module font = \scshape,
+ module color = .,
+ comment symbol = $\triangleright$,
+ comment symbol right = $\triangleleft$,
+ comment separator width = 1em,
+ algorithmic indent = 1.5em,
+ statement indent = 1em,
+ parameter indent = 0pt,
+ show boxes = false,
+ comment width = auto,
+%% Package options
+ /algxpar/.cd,
+ language/.store in = \axp@Language,
+ noend/.is if = axp@NoEnd,
+ .unknown/.code = {
+ %! suppress = FileNotFound
+ \input{algxpar-\}
+ \RenewFullyExpandedDocumentCommand{\axp@Language}{\pgfkeyscurrentname}
+ }
+ /algxpar/.cd,
+ language = english,
+ noend = false,
+\ifaxp@NoEnd\axp@DisableEnds\fi% globally disable 'ends'
+% axp@SetToWidth: \settowidth allowing multi-line text
+% #1: existing length
+% #2: text
+\NewDocumentCommand{\axp@SetToWidth}{ m m }{%
+ \settowidth{#1}{%
+ \begin{varwidth}{500cm}% 5 meters = infinity
+ #2
+ \end{varwidth}%
+ }%
+% axp@DefineCommand: defines command structure
+% #1: keyword (e.g, while)
+% #2: block text (e.g. a > 0)
+% #3: complement keyword (e.g. do)
+% #4: comment text
+% #5: options
+\NewDocumentCommand{\axp@DefineCommand}{ m m m m m }{%
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand{\axp@CommandKeyword}{}{#1}%
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand{\axp@CommandText}{}{#2}%
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand{\axp@CommandComplementKeyword}{}{#3}%
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand{\axp@CommentText}{}{#4}%
+ \def\axp@CommandOptions{#5}% def: to be accepeted in \pgfkeysalsofrom
+% axp@MakeSingleToken: texto before and after only if token has some width
+% #1: text before toke
+% #2: token
+% #3: text after token
+\NewDocumentCommand{\axp@MakeSingleToken}{ m m m }{%
+ \settowidth{\axp@TokenWidth}{#2}%
+ \ifdim\axp@TokenWidth>0pt\relax#1\fi%
+ #2%
+ \ifdim\axp@TokenWidth>0pt\relax#3\fi%
+% axp@CalculateDimensions: evaluate space needed for text and comments
+% #1: nesting ajustment (1 when openning a block; 0 when closing)
+% #2: text
+% #3: comment
+% sets:
+% \axp@TextWidth
+% \axp@CommentWidth, when needed
+\NewDocumentCommand{\axp@CalculateDimensions}{ m m m }{%
+ \axp@SetToWidth{\axp@FullTextWidth}{\axp@TextFont#2}% text
+ \axp@SetToWidth{\axp@FullCommentWidth}{\axp@CommentFont#3}% comment
+ %! formatter = off
+ \ifdim\axp@FullCommentWidth=0pt\relax%
+ % No comments present
+ \axp@NoCommentPresenttrue%
+ \setlength{\axp@TextWidth}{
+ \dimexpr \linewidth - \axp@CurrentTokenWidth - (\algorithmicindent)*(\theALG@nested - #1)
+ }%
+ \else
+ % Yep, we have a comment
+ \axp@NoCommentPresentfalse%
+ \settowidth{\axp@CommentSymbolWidth}{\hspace{\axp@CommentSeparatorWidth}\CommentSymbol~}%
+ \setlength{\axp@CurrentLineWidth}{
+ \dimexpr \linewidth - \axp@CurrentTokenWidth - (\algorithmicindent)*(\theALG@nested - #1)
+ }%
+ \ifaxp@LineBalanceAuto%
+ % 'auto': decide here how to balance text and comment widths
+ \setlength{\axp@RemainingWidth}{
+ \dimexpr \axp@CurrentLineWidth - \axp@FullTextWidth - \axp@FullCommentWidth - \axp@CommentSymbolWidth
+ }%
+ \ifdim\axp@RemainingWidth>0pt\relax%
+ % Both text and comment fit the line
+ \axp@TextWidth\axp@FullTextWidth%
+ \axp@CommentWidth\axp@FullCommentWidth%
+ \else%
+ % Text/comment will go multi-line
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\axp@CurrentRatio}{
+ int(round(\axp@FullTextWidth/(\axp@FullTextWidth + \axp@FullCommentWidth) * 100))
+ }%
+ \ifnum\axp@CurrentRatio<25\relax% never less than 0.25
+ \edef\axp@CurrentRatio{25}%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum\axp@CurrentRatio>75\relax% never more than 0.75
+ \edef\axp@CurrentRatio{75}%
+ \fi%
+ \pgfmathparse{
+ \axp@CurrentRatio/100 * \axp@CurrentLineWidth - \axp@CommentSymbolWidth/2
+ }%
+ \setlength{\axp@TextWidth}{\pgfmathresult pt}%
+ \pgfmathparse{\axp@CurrentLineWidth - \axp@TextWidth - \axp@CommentSymbolWidth}%
+ \setlength{\axp@CommentWidth}{\pgfmathresult pt}%
+ % fine tunning the widths
+ \settowidth{\axp@CommentWidth}{%
+ \begin{varwidth}[t]{\axp@CommentWidth}%
+ \axp@CommentStyle%
+ \textcolor{\axp@CommentColor}{\axp@CommentFont#3}\strut%
+ \end{varwidth}%
+ }%
+ \pgfmathparse{\axp@CurrentLineWidth - \axp@CommentWidth - \axp@CommentSymbolWidth}%
+ \setlength{\axp@TextWidth}{\pgfmathresult pt}%
+ \fi%
+ \else%
+ % 'fixed': limit comment width
+ % todo: think about using \axp@CurrentLineWidth instead of \linewidth
+ \setlength{\axp@CommentWidth}{\axp@CommentFixedWidth}%
+ \setlength{\axp@TextWidth}{
+ \dimexpr \axp@CurrentLineWidth - \axp@CommentWidth - \axp@CommentSymbolWidth
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ \setlength{\axp@RemainingWidth}{
+ \dimexpr \linewidth - \axp@CurrentTokenWidth -
+ (\algorithmicindent)*(\theALG@nested - #1) -
+ \axp@CommentWidth - \axp@CommentSymbolWidth
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ %
+ \ifdim\axp@FullTextWidth<\axp@TextWidth\relax%
+ \axp@TextWidth\axp@FullTextWidth% makes the parbox fit the actual text width
+ \fi%
+ %! formatter = on
+% axp@MakeCommand: builds the command (see axp@DefineCommand)
+% #1 (star): star = end block; no star = begin block
+\NewDocumentCommand{\axp@MakeCommand}{ s }{%
+ \axp@DoCommand{% ajustment for opening/closing blocks
+ \IfBooleanTF{#1}{0}{1}%
+ }{% command or module+name
+ \axp@MakeSingleToken{}{\axp@CommandKeyword}{\ifaxp@IsModule(\else\ \fi}%
+ }{% text or module arguments
+ \axp@CommandText\ifaxp@IsModule)\fi%
+ }{% command complement
+ \axp@MakeSingleToken{ }{\axp@CommandComplementKeyword}{}%
+ }{% comment
+ \axp@CommentText%
+ }{% options
+ \axp@CommandOptions%
+ }%
+%! formatter = off
+ \begin{lrbox}{\axp@SaveBox}%
+ \end{lrbox}%
+ \ifaxp@ShowBoxes%
+ \begingroup%
+ \setlength{\fboxrule}{0.001pt}%
+ \setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}%
+ \color{.!20}\fbox{\color{.}\usebox{\axp@SaveBox}}%
+ \endgroup%
+ \else%
+ \usebox{\axp@SaveBox}%
+ \fi%
+%! formatter = on
+% axp@DoCommand: builds the command (see axp@DefineCommand)
+% #1: 1 when openning block; 0 when closing
+% #2: command
+% #3: text
+% #4: command complement
+% #5: comment
+% #6: options
+\NewDocumentCommand{\axp@DoCommand}{ m m m m m m }{%
+ \AlgSet{#6}%
+ % Dimensions
+ \settowidth{\axp@CurrentTokenWidth}{#2}%
+ \axp@CalculateDimensions{#1}{{\axp@TextStyle\axp@TextFont#3}#4}{#5}%
+ %
+ % Making the line: body
+ #2%
+ %! formatter = off
+ \begin{axp@FBox}%
+ \ifaxp@IsModule\hspace{\axp@ParameterIndent}\fi%
+ \parbox[t]{\axp@TextWidth}{%
+ \ifaxp@IsStatement%
+ \setlength{\hangindent}{\axp@StatementIndent}%
+ \fi%
+ \axp@TextStyle%
+ \textcolor{\axp@TextColor}{\axp@TextFont{#3}}#4\strut%
+ }%
+ \end{axp@FBox}%
+ % Making the line: comment
+ \ifaxp@NoCommentPresent\else%
+ \hspace{\axp@CommentSeparatorWidth}\hfill\CommentSymbol~%
+ \begin{axp@FBox}%
+ \ifaxp@LineBalanceAuto
+ \begin{varwidth}[t]{\axp@CommentWidth}%
+ \axp@CommentStyle%
+ \textcolor{\axp@CommentColor}{\axp@CommentFont#5}\strut%
+ \end{varwidth}%
+ \else
+ \parbox[t]{\axp@CommentWidth}{%
+ \axp@CommentStyle%
+ \textcolor{\axp@CommentColor}{\axp@CommentFont{#5}}\strut%
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ \end{axp@FBox}%
+ \fi%
+ %! formatter = on
+%% Keyword quick references
+\NewDocumentCommand{\To}{}{\axp@MakeSingleToken{}{\Keyword{to}}{ }}
+\NewDocumentCommand{\DownTo}{}{\axp@MakeSingleToken{}{\Keyword{downto}}{ }}
+\NewDocumentCommand{\Step}{}{\axp@MakeSingleToken{}{\Keyword{step}}{ }}
+\RenewDocumentCommand{\Return}{}{\axp@MakeSingleToken{}{\Keyword{return}}{ }}
-%% Constants and identifiers
-\algnewcommand\True{\ensuremath{\textsc{\rmfamily \algorithmictrue}}}
-\algnewcommand\False{\ensuremath{\textsc{\rmfamily \algorithmicfalse}}}
-\algnewcommand\Nil{\ensuremath{\textsc{\rmfamily \algorithmicnil}}}
+% \newcommand{\TextString}[1]{\textrm{\normalfont``{\ttfamily\mbox{#1}}''}}
+% \algnewcommand{\VisibleSpace}{\textrm{\color{black!70}\textvisiblespace}}
%% Headings
-%% Read, write
-\algnewcommand{\Set}[2]{\Id{#1} $\gets$ #2}
-\algnewcommand{\Setl}[2]{\algorithmicset\ #1 \algorithmicsetto\ #2}
-%% Comments
- \textsl{#1}~\axp@commentrightsymbol}
-%% Statep
+% Read, write
+\NewDocumentCommand{\Set}{ m m }{%
+ \PackageWarning{alxpar}{The macro \string\Set\ is no longer supported.}%
+ \Id{#1} \gets #2%
+\NewDocumentCommand{\Read}{}{\Keyword{read} }
+\NewDocumentCommand{\Write}{}{\Keyword{write} }
+% %% Comments
+ \begin{axp@FBox}
+ \textcolor{\axp@CommentColor}{\CommentSymbol~\axp@CommentFont#1~\CommentSymbolRight}%
+ \end{axp@FBox}%
+\NewDocumentCommand{\Commentl}{ m D<>{} }{%
+ \begingroup%
+ \AlgSet{#2}%
+ \textcolor{\axp@CommentColor}{\CommentSymbol~\axp@CommentFont#1\strut}%
+ \endgroup%
+\RenewDocumentCommand{\Comment}{ m D<>{} }{%
+ \hfill\Commentl{#1}<#2>%
+ \global\edef\axp@SaveIndent{\the\ALG@tlm}%
+ \endgroup%
+ \setlength{\ALG@tlm}{\axp@SaveIndent}%
+%% Statep: statement
+% #1: old style comment
+% #2: text
+% #3: comments
+% #4: options
+\NewDocumentCommand{\Statep}{ O{} +m O{} D<>{} }{%
+ \axp@IsStatementtrue%
+ \State\axp@DoCommand{1}{}{#2}{}{#1#3}{#4}%
+ \axp@IsStatementfalse%
+ \item[]\strut%
%% While
-\settowidth{\axp@whilewidth}{\algorithmicwhile\ }%
-\algparbox[x#1]{\algorithmicwhile\ #2~\algorithmicdo}{\axp@whilewidth}%
-{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicwhile}
+% #1: old style comment
+% #2: text
+% #3: comment
+% #4: options
+\RenewDocumentCommand{\While}{ O{} m O{} D<>{} }{%
+ \axp@BeginGroup
+ \axp@DefineCommand{\Keyword{while}}{#2}{\Keyword{do}}{#1#3}{#4}%
+ \ALG@makeentity{While}%
+% #1: comment
+% #2: options
+\RenewDocumentCommand{\EndWhile}{ O{} D<>{} }{%
+ \axp@DefineCommand{\Keyword{endwhile}}{}{}{#1}{#2}%
+ \ALG@makeentity{EndWhile}%
+ \axp@EndGroup
%% Repeat
-\settowidth{\axp@untilwidth}{\algorithmicuntil\ }%
-\axp@algparbox{#1}{\algorithmicuntil\ #2}{\axp@untilwidth}{0}%
-%% If, else if, else
-\settowidth{\axp@ifwidth}{\algorithmicif\ }%
-\algparbox[#1]{\algorithmicif\ #2~\algorithmicthen}{\axp@ifwidth}%
-{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicif}
-\settowidth{\axp@elseifwidth}{\algorithmicelse\ \algorithmicif\ }%
-\algparbox[#1]{\algorithmicelse~\algorithmicif\ #2~\algorithmicthen}{\axp@elseifwidth}%
-{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicif}
-%% Switch, case, otherwise
-\settowidth{\axp@switchwidth}{\algorithmicswitch\ }%
-\algparbox[#1]{\algorithmicswitch\ #2~\algorithmicof}{\axp@switchwidth}%
-\settowidth{\axp@casewidth}{\algorithmiccase\ }%
-\algparbox[#1]{\algorithmiccase\ #2~\algorithmicdo}{\axp@casewidth}%
-{\textbf{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicotherwise}}
+% #1: comments
+% #2: options
+\RenewDocumentCommand{\Repeat}{ O{} D<>{} }{%
+ \axp@BeginGroup
+ \axp@DefineCommand{\Keyword{repeat}}{}{}{#1}{#2}%
+ \ALG@makeentity{Repeat}%
+% #1: old style comment
+% #2: text
+% #3: comment
+% #4: options
+\RenewDocumentCommand{\Until}{ O{} m O{} D<>{} }{%
+ \axp@DefineCommand{\Keyword{until}}{#2}{}{#1#3}{#4}%
+ \ALG@makeentity{Until}%
+ \axp@EndGroup
+%% Loop
+% #1: comment
+% #2: options
+\RenewDocumentCommand{\Loop}{ O{} D<>{} }{%
+ \axp@BeginGroup
+ \axp@DefineCommand{\Keyword{loop}}{}{}{#1}{#2}%
+ \ALG@makeentity{Loop}%
+% #1: comment
+% #2: options
+\RenewDocumentCommand{\EndLoop}{ O{} D<>{} }{%
+ \axp@DefineCommand{\Keyword{endloop}}{}{}{#1}{#2}%
+ \ALG@makeentity{EndLoop}%
+ \axp@EndGroup
+%% If
+% + else if
+% + else
+% #1: old style comment
+% #2: text
+% #3: comment
+% #4: options
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+% + case
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