path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/IEEEtran/IEEEtran.cls
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+%% IEEEtran.cls 2005/09/13 version V1.6c
+%% NOTE: This text file uses UNIX line feed conventions. When (human)
+%% reading this file on other platforms, you may have to use a text
+%% editor that can handle lines terminated by the UNIX line feed
+%% character (0x0A).
+%% This is the official IEEE LaTeX class for authors of the Institute of
+%% Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions journals and
+%% conferences.
+%% The latest version and documentation of IEEEtran can be obtained at:
+%% and/or
+%% The CTAN page may have additional files related to obscure,
+%% non-IEEE standard and/or platform dependent use of this tool.
+%% Based on the original 1993 IEEEtran.cls, but with many bug fixes
+%% and enhancements (from both JVH and MDS) over the 1996/7 version.
+%% Contributors:
+%% Gerry Murray (1993), Silvano Balemi (1993),
+%% Jon Dixon (1996), Peter N"uchter (1996),
+%% Juergen von Hagen (2000), and Michael Shell (2001-2005)
+%% Copyright (c) 1993-2005 by Gerry Murray, Silvano Balemi,
+%% Jon Dixion, Peter N"uchter,
+%% Juergen von Hagen and Michael Shell
+%% Current maintainer (V1.3 to V1.6): Michael Shell
+%% See the CTAN website above
+%% for current contact information.
+%% Special thanks to Peter Wilson (CUA) and Donald Arseneau
+%% for allowing the inclusion of the \@ifmtarg command
+%% from their ifmtarg LaTeX package.
+%% Legal Notice:
+%% This code is offered as-is without any warranty either
+%% expressed or implied; without even the implied warranty of
+%% User assumes all risk.
+%% In no event shall IEEE or any contributor to this code
+%% be liable for any damages or losses, including, but not limited to,
+%% incidental, consequential, or any other damages, resulting from the
+%% use or misuse of any information contained here.
+%% All comments are the opinions of their respective authors and are not
+%% necessarily endorsed by the IEEE.
+%% This code is distributed under the Perl Artistic License
+%% ( )
+%% and may be freely used, distributed and modified.
+%% Retain the contribution notices and credits.
+%% Major changes to the user interface should be indicated by an
+%% increase in the version numbers. If a version is a beta, it will
+%% be indicated with a BETA suffix, i.e., 1.4 BETA.
+%% Small changes can be indicated by appending letters to the version
+%% such as "IEEEtran_v14a.cls".
+%% In all cases, \Providesclass, any \typeout messages to the user,
+%% \IEEEtransversionmajor and \IEEEtransversionminor must reflect the
+%% correct version information.
+%% The changes should also be documented via source comments.
+% Available class options
+% (e.g., \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran}
+% *** choose only one from each category ***
+% 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt
+% Sets normal font size. The default is 10pt.
+% conference, journal, technote, peerreview, peerreviewca
+% determines format mode - conference papers, journal papers,
+% correspondence papers (technotes), or peer review papers. The user
+% should also select 9pt when using technote. peerreview is like
+% journal mode, but provides for a single-column "cover" title page for
+% anonymous peer review. The paper title (without the author names) is
+% repeated at the top of the page after the cover page. For peer review
+% papers, the \IEEEpeerreviewmaketitle command must be executed (will
+% automatically be ignored for non-peerreview modes) at the place the
+% cover page is to end, usually just after the abstract (keywords are
+% not normally used with peer review papers). peerreviewca is like
+% peerreview, but allows the author names to be entered and formatted
+% as with conference mode so that author affiliation and contact
+% information can be easily seen on the cover page.
+% The default is journal.
+% draft, draftcls, draftclsnofoot, final
+% determines if paper is formatted as a widely spaced draft (for
+% handwritten editor comments) or as a properly typeset final version.
+% draftcls restricts draft mode to the class file while all other LaTeX
+% packages (i.e., \usepackage{graphicx}) will behave as final - allows
+% for a draft paper with visible figures, etc. draftclsnofoot is like
+% draftcls, but does not display the date and the word "DRAFT" at the foot
+% of the pages. If using one of the draft modes, the user will probably
+% also want to select onecolumn.
+% The default is final.
+% letterpaper, a4paper
+% determines paper size: 8.5in X 11in or 210mm X 297mm. CHANGING THE PAPER
+% WILL BE AFFECTED. In particular, documents using the a4paper option will
+% have reduced side margins (A4 is narrower than US letter) and a longer
+% bottom margin (A4 is longer than US letter). For both cases, the top
+% margins will be the same and the text will be horizontally centered.
+% For final submission to IEEE, authors should use US letter (8.5 X 11in)
+% paper. Note that authors should ensure that all post-processing
+% (ps, pdf, etc.) uses the same paper specificiation as the .tex document.
+% Problems here are by far the number one reason for incorrect margins.
+% IEEEtran will automatically set the default paper size under pdflatex
+% (without requiring a change to pdftex.cfg), so this issue is more
+% important to dvips users. Fix, config.pdf, or ~/.dvipsrc for
+% dvips, or use the dvips -t papersize option instead as needed. See the
+% testflow documentation
+% for more details on dvips paper size configuration.
+% The default is letterpaper.
+% oneside, twoside
+% determines if layout follows single sided or two sided (duplex)
+% printing. The only notable change is with the headings at the top of
+% the pages.
+% The default is oneside.
+% onecolumn, twocolumn
+% determines if text is organized into one or two columns per page. One
+% column mode is usually used only with draft papers.
+% The default is twocolumn.
+% nofonttune
+% turns off tuning of the font interword spacing. Maybe useful to those
+% not using the standard Times fonts or for those who have already "tuned"
+% their fonts.
+% The default is to enable IEEEtran to tune font parameters.
+% 09/2005 V1.6c (MDS) changes:
+% 1) Changed endfigure/endfloat definitions so as not to cause problems with
+% preview-LaTeX and other packages. Thanks to Stephan Heuel and David
+% Kastrup for reporting this problem.
+% 11/2002 V1.6b (MDS) changes:
+% 1) Fixed problem with figure captions when using hyperref. Thanks to
+% Leandro Barajas and Michael Bassetti for reporting this bug.
+% 2) Provide a fake nabib command \NAT@parse so that hyperref will not
+% interfere with the operation of cite.sty. However, as a result citation
+% numbers will not be hyperlinked. Also, natbib will not be able to work
+% with IEEEtran. However, this is perhaps the best solution until cite.sty
+% and hyperref.sty are able to co-exist with each other.
+% It easy enough to override the fake command via:
+% \makeatletter
+% \let\NAT@parse\undefined
+% \makeatother
+% 3) Revised font selection method so as not to have problems when used
+% with setspace.sty. Thanks to Zhang Yan for reporting this bug.
+% 4) Added \special to feed papersize to dvips. Thanks to Moritz Borgmann
+% for suggesting this feature.
+% 5) In addition to the IEEE IED lists, the original IED style list
+% environments (as is done in article.cls) are now provided as
+% LaTeXitemize, LaTeXenumerate, and LaTeXdescription. Also, users can
+% now redefine \makelabel within IEEE IED list controls. There may be
+% some use for this in specialized applications. Thanks to Eli Barzilay
+% for suggesting this feature.
+% 6) \table* now defaults to \footnotesize text like \table.
+% 7) The draft modes now no longer force a pagebreak after the title.
+% Thanks to Christian Peel for suggesting this change.
+% 8) New draftclsnofoot mode is like draftcls, but does not display the
+% date and the word "DRAFT" at the foot of the page. Thanks to
+% Christian Peel for suggesting this feature.
+% 9) New peerreview and peerreviewca modes with \IEEEpeerreviewmaketitle
+% command allows for a "cover" titlepage for anonymous peer review.
+% Except for the cover titlepage, peerreview is much like journal mode.
+% peerreviewca is like peerreview, but allows the author names to be
+% entered and formatted as under conference mode so that author
+% affiliations and contact information can be easily seen on the cover
+% page. Thanks to Eric Benedict for suggesting this feature.
+% 7/2002 V1.6 (MDS) changes:
+% 1) Added conference mode via conference option. Defaults to the traditional
+% journal mode. i.e., \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran}
+% 2) Added support for A4 paper via new a4paper option. Pdflatex's paper size
+% lengths are now automatically set to the proper paper size being used.
+% 3) Revised margins again. Page text is now horizontally centered.
+% Conference mode increases the top and bottom margins with the bottom
+% margin being slightly larger. For A4 paper, the top margin and text
+% typesetting will not change from those of US letter paper, but the side
+% margins will be smaller and the bottom margin will be larger than that of
+% US letter. All per IEEE specs.
+% 4) Fixed footnote line spacing anomaly in draft mode.
+% Thanks to Alberto Rodriguez for reporting this bug.
+% Also, slightly revised footnote and \thanks note spacing.
+% Set \interfootnotelinepenalty=10000 to prevent LaTeX
+% from breaking footnotes across multiple pages or columns.
+% 5) Fixed bug that caused overwritten photo areas and sometimes anomalous
+% spacing when a new paragraph was started within a biography. Also,
+% the presence of \par's, new lines or spaces at the beginning of
+% abstract, keywords, biography, or biographynophoto will no longer
+% affect the first word spacing.
+% Thanks to Eric Durant for reporting this bug.
+% The biography environment now does a better job in preventing
+% a biography photo area from being broken across pages or columns.
+% 6) Fixed whitespace between \cite entries bug. i.e.,
+% both \cite{einstein24, knuth84} and \cite{einstein24,knuth84}
+% are now valid. \cite is now a robust command as it should be.
+% IEEEtran now no longer defines the old non-standard \shortcite or
+% \citename.
+% The base IEEEtran.cls does not sort citation numbers or produce ranges
+% for three or more consecutive numbers. However, V1.6 of IEEEtran.cls
+% now pre-defines the following format control macros to facilitate easy
+% use with Donald Arseneau's cite.sty package (tested with cite.sty V3.9):
+% \def\citepunct{], [}
+% \def\citedash{]--[}
+% cite.sty is standard on most LaTeX sytems and can be obtained from
+% Thanks to Donald Arseneau for creating cite.sty, providing
+% the required format arguments to produce the IEEE style. and
+% designing a cite interface capable of handling the IEEE citation
+% style.
+% Note: Historically, IEEE has wanted authors to "hardcode" symbolics.
+% (i.e., replace all \cite{} with fixed [x]). However, it now seems that
+% most electronic manuscript submissions to IEEE are in .pdf format, and
+% as such, do not require the LaTeX document reference numbers to be hard
+% coded. If an author is required to submit actual LaTeX files, I do
+% recommend that the bibliography file (.bbl) be copied into the .tex
+% document and the \bibliographystyle{} and \bibliography{} commands be
+% commented out so that the .tex file does not depend on (potentially
+% lengthy and/or confidential) external bibliography database files.
+% 7) Adjusted some spacing parameters. The spacing above and below equations
+% has been revised (to a typical IEEE value). \jot now has a decent value.
+% The title text is now exactly 24pt. (On a related note, \fontsubfuzz has
+% been increased to 0.9pt to prevent annoying font substitution warnings
+% when using the Computer Modern fonts that use the 24.88pt size.)
+% In V1.6, \small is now 8.5pt in 9pt docs because \footnotesize is 8pt.
+% For 9pt docs, you should probably go ahead and use \footnotesize when you
+% need text a little smaller than \normalsize.
+% The interword spacing has been adjusted to be extremely close to that
+% which IEEE uses. You can use a new class option, nofonttune, if you need
+% to disable the adjusting of the interword spacing. This adjustment and
+% an increase to \hyphenpenalty have greatly reduced the amount of
+% hyphenation in a typical paper.
+% The baselineskip for the normalsize fonts has been tweaked to reduce
+% underfull vboxes on journal paper columns with only paragraphs.
+% Conference mode does the same thing but by also tweaking the \textheight
+% slightly off 9.25in (IEEE spec) to ensure an integer number of lines per
+% page. Draft (also draftcls) mode has also been revised to reduce
+% underfull vbox warnings. However, draft mode can still produce underfull
+% vboxes (a direct result of the increase in line spacing and margins) if:
+% A non-normalsize font occupies an entire column (abstract and index terms
+% take up a whole column by themselves); or the beginning of a section
+% occurs near the end of a column and cannot be squeezed into the bottom,
+% etc. This is normal as draft mode's liberal spacings cannot guarantee
+% perfect formatting.
+% 8) New biographynophoto environment for biographies without photos.
+% Usage:
+% \begin{biographynophoto}{author name}
+% biography text here
+% \end{biographynophoto}
+% 9) Fixed bug that produced multiple table of contents entries for papers
+% with more than one biography. Also, biography now works better with
+% hyperref.
+%10) New \sublargesize font size command provides for 11pt text in a 10pt
+% document. (Needed for things like author names.) For documents not
+% using 10pt normal size text, \sublargesize is currently identical
+% to \large.
+%11) New \IEEEmembership command to provide correct font to indicate IEEE
+% membership for journal papers.
+%12) Fixed author name line overflow problem when in journal mode. This
+% problem had been introduced in V1.5 in my rush to get \and to work for
+% conferences. \and is unneeded (and invalid) in journal mode. For
+% conference mode, \and will work as expected and features an optional
+% spacing argument. i.e., \and[\hspace{5ex}]
+% \and will default (recommended) to using \hfill which will result in
+% equal spacing between author blocks.
+%13) New \authorblockN, \authorblockA and \authorrefmark commands to
+% facilitate easy formatting of author names, affiliations and cross
+% reference symbols, respectively, when in conference mode. These
+% three commands are to be used only for conference papers.
+% In conference mode, \author text is placed within a modified tabular
+% environment (somewhat like article.cls). So, within \author in conference
+% mode, you should not try to enclose multiple \\ within an environment or
+% command (other than the argument braces of \authorblockX{}). For example:
+% \author{\authorblockN{{John Doe \\ Jane Doe}}} % WRONG!
+% will generate an error.
+% Note that font size/attribute changes will now persists across \\ within
+% \author. (But, not across author blocks nor across \and.)
+% However, with the new commands, there should be no need to alter any
+% font attributes within \author. All text sizing and spacing within
+% \author{} and the author block commands is per IEEE specs for both
+% conference and journal modes. (In conference mode, the author names
+% are only very slightly larger than the affiliations which are in normal
+% size.) For specialized applications you can alter the justification of
+% author lines by placing \hfill at the beginning or at the end of a line.
+% The interline spacing within \author is determined by the font attributes
+% that are in effect at the end of each line within author.
+%14) Because the titles and author name blocks use different font sizes/styles
+% from the main text, it was possible that two column papers with titles that
+% span both columns (standard journal and conference papers, but not technotes)
+% with certain numbers of lines for the title and authors' name/affiliations
+% can cause underfull vbox problems (paragraphs with large spacings between
+% them) in the second column of the main text on the title page - if there were
+% no new sections, equations or figures in this column (they would provide some
+% needed rubber spacing). The use of things like special paper notices and
+% publisher ID marks also affected this issue. The problem could not happen
+% in the first column because the first column has a rubber length around the
+% heading of the first section. Furthermore, problems seldom occurred on pages
+% after the first as the margins had been chosen not to cause it with the popular
+% font sizes. Rubber lengths after the author names would not fix this problem.
+% Auto-calculating a "good" spacing after the title is a tad difficult
+% to do in LaTeX. However, I am pleased to report that V1.6 has this new
+% capability - "dynamically determined title spacing". IEEEtran will now
+% measure the height of all the title and author text in \maketitle
+% and then calculate a rigid (non-rubber) spacer to follow that meets
+% IEEE specs and also produces a \textheight on the title page that ensures
+% an integer number of normalsized lines on the rest of the page. Single
+% column papers, and two column papers with the title entirely in column
+% one (technotes) do not need dynamic rigid spacing and therefore use
+% standard rubber spacers.
+% Note: This problem can still crop up if you use floats that span both
+% columns (i.e., figure*). It has been a decade+ long limitation with LaTeX
+% that the stretchable portion of \dbltextfloatsep is ignored.
+% If you get a problem with underful vbox warnings and paragraphs that "are
+% pulled apart" on page with a float that spans both columns, tweak the
+% space between the figure and the main text a little:
+% \vskip 5pt
+% \end{figure*}
+% If you can't find a value that fixes both columns, you are going to
+% have to put a rubber spacer somewhere in one or both of the columns.
+%15) Because of change #14 above, those of you using \pubid will, as of V1.6,
+% have to place it *before* \maketitle in order for it have the intended
+% affect. The dynamic spacer algorithm must see if you are using \pubid when
+% \maketitle is called. \pubidadjcol works as before except that it now
+% has additional logic to prevent it from doing anything if \pubid was never
+% called.
+%16) In some unusual, non-standard circumstances, an author may desire to
+% alter the spacing after the title area or put some unusual text above
+% the main text. For instance, to stop a bad break when a new section
+% occurs right at the start of the second page. This is difficult to do
+% when the title spans both columns of two column text since LaTeX treats
+% such title text as a type of float. A new command, \IEEEaftertitletext{},
+% gives access to the end of that produced by \maketitle. The types of
+% things that can go into \IEEEaftertitletext are the same as those into
+% \twocolumn[] - no \par, but \\ are OK. There is no restriction on the
+% range of spacings that can be used.
+% i.e., \IEEEaftertitletext{\vspace{-100pt}} will push the main text well
+% into the title and \IEEEaftertitletext{\vspace{100pt}} will push it far down
+% the page. You will have complete control. If used, place
+% \IEEEaftertitletext{} before \maketitle like \title and \author. IEEEtran's
+% dynamic title spacing intentionally does not take into consideration the
+% contents of \IEEEaftertitletext{} when determining the spacer after the title
+% area (otherwise it would try to second guess you), so the user will have
+% manually adjust the height of the contents in \IEEEaftertitletext{} if the
+% problem discussed in #14 above should develop. A safe bet is to keep
+% the height of contents of \IEEEaftertitletext{} to integer multiples of
+% \baselineskip, i.e., \IEEEaftertitletext{\vspace{-1\baselineskip}}
+% Because it can result in an IEEE nonstandard format, the use of
+% \IEEEaftertitletext{} is discouraged. Possible uses include (1) the use of
+% IEEEtran for non-IEEE work with different title spacing requirements,
+% or (2) as an emergency manual override if a problem should develop in
+% IEEEtran's automatic spacing algorithm.
+%17) completely rewritten \PARstart to:
+% a. no longer have problems when the user begins an environment
+% within the paragraph that uses \PARstart.
+% b. auto-detect and use the current font family
+% c. revise handling of the space at the end of the first word so that
+% interword glue will now work as normal.
+% d. produce correctly aligned edges for the (two) indented lines.
+% Because the current font family is now auto-detected, there is no
+% longer any need for \CMPARstart - it is now the same as \PARstart.
+%18) There is now a new "open box" Q.E.D. symbol (\QEDopen) as well as the
+% original default (\QED) closed one (\QEDclosed). Some journals use
+% the open form. To make \proof use the open form, just do:
+% \renewcommand{\QED}{\QEDopen}
+%19) Additional \typeout{} notices added to warn the user when unusual
+% settings/commands are detected or as reminders to avoid common errors
+% when in conference mode.
+%20) IEEEtran now provides \abovecaptionskip and \belowcaptionskip skip
+% registers because article class provides them and some packages
+% may error if they are missing. However, IEEEtran only uses
+% \abovecaptionskip for actual caption spacing.
+%21) Fixed bug that prevented users from redefining the section headings
+% to use arabic digits. Thanks to Richardt H. Wilkinson for reporting
+% this bug.
+%22) Code cleaned up to be more efficient with the use of TeX registers;
+% removed some old LaTeX 2.09 code; revised option processing to
+% LaTeX2e standard; eliminated unwanted "phantom" spaces in some
+% environments.
+%23) Added new \IEEEeqnarray, \IEEEeqnarraybox, \IEEEeqnarrayboxm and
+% \IEEEeqnarrayboxt environments to provide superior alternatives to the
+% standard LaTeX \eqnarray, \array and \tabular. Additional new support
+% commands include \IEEEeqnarraydecl, \IEEEeqnarrayboxdecl,
+% \IEEEeqnarraymathstyle, \IEEEeqnarraytextstyle, \yesnumber. \IEEEnonumber,
+% \IEEEyesnumber, \IEEEyessubnumber, \IEEEeqnarraynumspace, \IEEEeqnarraymulticol,
+% \IEEEeqnarrayomit, \IEEEeqnarraydefcol, \IEEEeqnarraydefcolsep, \IEEEeqnarrayseprow,
+% \IEEEeqnarrayseprowcut, \IEEEeqnarrayrulerow, \IEEEeqnarraydblrulerowcut,
+% \IEEEeqnarraystrutmode, \IEEEeqnarraystrutsize, \IEEEeqnarraystrutsizeadd,
+% \IEEEvisiblestrutstrue, \IEEEvisiblestrutsfalse and \IEEEstrut.
+% These are documented in the user's guide.
+%24) V1.6 changed back to using () around theorem names (which are also now in italics)
+% as this is what IEEE is using now. Thanks to Christian Peel for reporting this.
+% Also, when section numbers are used as the first part of theorem numbers, display
+% them in arabic, not Roman.
+%25) New \IEEEtriggeratref{X} command allows a page break to be triggered just
+% before the given reference number "X". This is most useful when balancing
+% the columns on the last page and a \newpage between references is desired.
+% \IEEEtriggercmd{X} allows a different command to be executed at trigger.
+% 7/2001 V1.5 (MDS) changes:
+% 1) Fixed \and within \author bug: (! Misplaced \crcr. \endtabular ->\crcr)
+% Thanks to Rainer Dorsch for discovering and reporting that \and
+% did not work.
+% 2) Fixed the biography environment so that if a biography's text is shorter
+% than the area allocated for the photo, a collision with the next
+% biography does not occur. You can now put real graphics (using the
+% graphicx package) into the biography photo box with a new optional
+% argument of the biography command! For example:
+% \begin{biography}[{\includegraphics[width=1in,height=1.25in,clip,keepaspectratio]{./tux.eps}}]{Linux Penguin}
+% will use the specified graphic as the author's photo. The photo area is
+% exactly 1in wide by 1.25in high - as is done in IEEE Transactions. Try
+% to keep the same 4:5 aspect ratio if scanning/cropping your photos.
+% Note the need for the extra set of enclosing braces around the
+% \includegraphics. Without it, The LaTeX parser may get confused when it
+% sees the \includegraphics's brackets within the biography's optional
+% argument. Due to the length of the \includegraphics command, you may wish
+% to define your own shorthand form of it. I have not done so with IEEEtran
+% to prevent dependence on the graphicx package. If you do not use the
+% optional argument, or leave it empty, a standard frame box with the
+% words "Place Photo Here" will be used. If you want the space to remain
+% completely empty, you can do:
+% \begin{biography}[\mbox{}]{The Invisible Man}
+% The interface to biography's optional argument is into a
+% 1in X 1.25in minipage in which the argument text is centered both
+% horizontally and vertically:
+% \begin{minipage}[b][1.25in][c]{1in}%
+% \centering
+% #1%
+% \end{minipage}
+% Within the biography environment, \unitlength is set to 1in.
+% With this in mind, you can even design your own custom frameboxes.
+% For instance:
+% \begin{biography}[\framebox(1,1.25){\parbox[][\height][c]{0.9in}{\centering PLACE\\ PHOTO\\ HERE}}]{Author Name}
+% will yield the same type of result as the default photo box.
+% Thanks to Herbert Voss for discovering the collision bug, suggesting the ability
+% to handle graphics and providing some prototype code.
+% 3/2001 V1.4 (MDS) changes:
+% 1) New "draftcls" and "final" options have been added.
+% Thanks to Dragan Cvetkovic for suggesting an option like draftcls.
+% 2) Documentation changes to reflect the fact that this IEEEtran.cls
+% is no longer beta test.
+% 3) Slightly revised caption sizes. Figure and table captions are now
+% in \footnotesize, not \small as before.
+% 4) Allow user to control figure caption justification. IEEEtran.cls
+% normally defaults to left justified as is done in Transactions.
+% However, for conferences, you may wish to issue the command:
+% \centerfigcaptionstrue
+% in the preamble. Short (less than one line long) figure captions
+% will then be centered. Multi-line figure captions will always be
+% properly left justified. V1.6: This is already done for you when
+% using the conference mode.
+% 1/2001 V1.3
+% Michael Shell (MDS) made extensive changes and additions:
+% BUGS FIXED (and many others too numerous to mention!):
+% 1) Fixed improper alignment with itemized, enumerated and
+% description lists. Added new controls to these three
+% environments so that it is easy to get the alignment IEEE
+% uses. Furthermore, the itemize, enumerate and description lists
+% no longer force a new paragraph to begin at the end the list
+% (\par). (Sometimes lists are used within paragraphs.)
+% 2) JVH's fixes now allow things like $\mathbf{N}(0,P(0))$
+% to work properly without needing the extra braces:
+% ${\mathbf{N}}(0,P(0))$. There is no longer any dependence
+% on the "rawfonts" and "oldlfont" packages. Thanks Juergen!
+% 3) Fixed underfull hbox errors and incorrect reference number
+% alignment when the number of references in the bibliography
+% exceeded 9 entries (which is almost every paper!).
+% 4) Removed dependence on the LaTeX sizexx.clo files.
+% Now, 9pt documents should work correctly even on systems that
+% lack a size9.clo file. This is most often used in conjunction
+% with the option "technote" for "correspondence" papers like those
+% in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. For virtually all
+% other papers, 10pt is used and so it is the default.
+% Some improper font sizes have been corrected. \footnotesize is
+% now 8pt in 9pt docs, so footnotes in technotes should be the
+% correct size now.
+% 5) Added \interlinepenalty within the bibliography section to discourage
+% LaTeX from breaking within a reference. IEEE almost never breaks within
+% a reference and when they do it is usually in technotes
+% (correspondence papers). You may get an underfull vbox warning in the
+% bibliography indicating that the spacing just before the "REFERENCES"
+% section is larger than normal, but the final result will be more like
+% what IEEE will publish. See the comments in the BIBLIOGRAPHY section
+% around line 2034 below if you want to change this behavior.
+% 6) No longer "blows up" when you use \paragraph and have a table
+% of contents.
+% 7) Theorem environment changed, (but for V1.6, back to the old way, sigh).
+% 8) Figure captions adjusted: IEEE left (not center) justifies
+% figure captions (for journals) and does not indent figure caption text.
+% 9) Adjusted some spacings in the table of contents(TOC))/list-of-figures/
+% list-of-tables so that section/table numbers will not so easily
+% collide with the titles. Section VIII was usually the worst offender.
+% Still doesn't right justify the section numbers, but neither does
+% article.cls (This must be why LaTeX likes the x.y.z section numbering
+% scheme unlike I, II, III, etc. of IEEE. )
+% It may be "normal" as it is (left justified). sigh.
+%10) Now uses "index terms" now as a heading instead of "keywords".
+% Furthermore, the "index terms" and "abstract" headings are in bold
+% italic. This is how IEEE does things.
+%11) \thebibliography and \biography now put entries into
+% the table of contents for you.
+% *******
+% *******
+% 9/2000 (JVH) changes: (now designated as V1.2)
+% made some corrections to get closer to LaTeX2e
+% 20000906 Juergen v.Hagen
+% Permission to redistribute granted as of December 2000.
+% *******
+% *******
+% 1996 (JWD) LaTeX2e version: (now designated as V1.1)
+% In the most recent TeXhax digest, there was a request for a copy of
+% IEEEtrans.sty modified to work with LaTeX2e. I have a version I
+% modified to make it IEEEtrans.cls, which I have sent to the person
+% making the request and am now sending to you to consider posting to
+% the archives.
+% --
+% Jon Dixon
+% 30-August-1993 original LaTeX 2.09 version (IEEEtran.sty),
+% (now designated as V1.0):
+% by Gerry Murray and Silvano Balemi
+% Automatic Control Lab, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
+\ProvidesClass{IEEEtran}[2005/09/13 revision V1.6c by Michael Shell]
+\typeout{-- See the "IEEEtran_HOWTO" manual for usage information.}
+\typeout{-- The source comments contain changelog notes.}
+% define new needed flags to indicate document options
+% and set a few "failsafe" defaults
+\newif\if@twocolumnmode \global\@twocolumnmodetrue
+\newif\if@draftversion \global\@draftversionfalse
+\newif\if@draftclsmode \global\@draftclsmodefalse
+\newif\if@draftclsmodefoot \global\@draftclsmodefootfalse
+\newif\if@confmode \global\@confmodefalse
+\newif\if@peerreviewoption \global\@peerreviewoptionfalse
+\newif\if@peerreviewcaoption \global\@peerreviewcaoptionfalse
+% we HAVE to turn off technote as there is no
+% "not a tech note" option
+\newif\if@technote \global\@technotefalse
+% V1.6 we allow the user to control whether or not the
+% font interword spacings are tuned to be more like
+% that of IEEE. The default is to tune things.
+\newif\if@fonttunesettings \global\@fonttunesettingstrue
+% V1.6b flag to show if using a4paper
+\newif\if@IEEEusingAfourpaper \global\@IEEEusingAfourpaperfalse
+% IEEEtran class scratch pad registers
+% dimen
+% count
+% token list
+% we use \@IEEEptsize so that we can ID the point size (even for 9pt docs)
+% as well as LaTeX's \@ptsize to retain some compatability with some
+% external packages
+% LaTeX does not support 9pt, so we set \@ptsize to 0 - same as that of 10pt
+% \@IEEEmarginE is the side margin for equal margins
+% \@IEEEmarginW is the wider side margin when the margins are not equal
+% NOTE: BOTH of the above margins are as they appear
+% on the paper - they are NOT offset by 1 inch
+ \setlength{\paperwidth}{8.5in}%
+ \def\@IEEEmarginE{0.680in}%
+ \def\@IEEEmarginW{0.775in}%
+ \@IEEEusingAfourpaperfalse}
+ \setlength{\paperwidth}{210mm}%
+ \def\@IEEEmarginE{14.32mm}%
+ \def\@IEEEmarginW{17mm}
+ \@IEEEusingAfourpapertrue}
+\DeclareOption{oneside}{\@twosidefalse \@mparswitchfalse}
+\DeclareOption{twoside}{\@twosidetrue \@mparswitchtrue}
+% the file twocolumn.sty is not read as it changes \textwidth.
+% If the user selects draft, then this class AND any packages
+% will go into draft mode.
+\DeclareOption{draft}{\global\@draftversiontrue \global\@draftclsmodetrue
+% draftcls is for a draft mode which will not affect any packages
+% used by the document.
+\DeclareOption{draftcls}{\global\@draftversionfalse \global\@draftclsmodetrue
+% draftclsnofoot is like draftcls, but without the footer.
+\DeclareOption{draftclsnofoot}{\global\@draftversionfalse \global\@draftclsmodetrue
+% we provide a final option just for completeness (article.cls has one)
+\DeclareOption{final}{\global\@draftversionfalse \global\@draftclsmodefalse
+\DeclareOption{journal}{\global\@peerreviewoptionfalse \global\@peerreviewcaoptionfalse
+\global\@confmodefalse \global\@technotefalse}
+\DeclareOption{conference}{\global\@peerreviewoptionfalse \global\@peerreviewcaoptionfalse
+\global\@confmodetrue \global\@technotefalse}
+\DeclareOption{technote}{\global\@peerreviewoptionfalse \global\@peerreviewcaoptionfalse
+\global\@confmodefalse \global\@technotetrue}
+\DeclareOption{peerreview}{\global\@peerreviewoptiontrue \global\@peerreviewcaoptionfalse
+\global\@confmodefalse \global\@technotefalse}
+\DeclareOption{peerreviewca}{\global\@peerreviewoptiontrue \global\@peerreviewcaoptiontrue
+\global\@confmodefalse \global\@technotefalse}
+% IEEE uses Times font, so we'll default to times.
+% These three commands make up the entire times.sty package.
+% enable Times now - so that all class options can see the correct font families
+% default to US letter paper, 10pt, twocolumn, one sided, final, journal
+% overrride these defaults per user requests
+% we can send console reminder messages to the user here
+\typeout{** Conference Paper **}%
+\typeout{Before submitting the final camera ready copy, remember to:}%
+\typeout{ 1. Manually equalize the lengths of two columns on the last page}%
+\typeout{ of your paper;}%
+\typeout{ 2. Ensure that any PostScript and/or PDF output post-processing}%
+\typeout{ uses only Type 1 fonts and that every step in the generation}%
+\typeout{ process uses the US letter (8.5in X 11in) paper size.}%
+% warn about the use of single column other than for draft mode
+ \if@draftclsmode\else%
+ \typeout{** ATTENTION: Single column mode is not normally used with IEEE publications.}%
+ \fi%
+% V1.6, if the user is using pdflatex, go ahead and set the output paper size.
+% Otherwise, we declare the papersize via a \special for dvips.
+% We keep the tests within braces because otherwise, if not using pdflatex,
+% \pdfpageheight and \pdfpagewidth will be set to \relax - possibly affecting
+% similar tests of other packages.
+{\@ifundefined{pdfpageheight}{% not using pdflatex, setup paper size for dvips
+{% using pdftex, set paper size for pdftex
+% The idea hinted here is for LaTeX to generate markleft{} and markright{}
+% automatically for you after you enter \author{}, \journal{},
+% \journaldate{}, journalvol{}, \journalnum{}, etc.
+% However, there may be some backward compatibility issues here as
+% well as some special applications for IEEEtran.cls and special issues
+% that may require the flexible \markleft{}, \markright{} and/or \markboth{}.
+% We'll leave this as an open future suggestion.
+% pointsize values
+% used with ifx to determine the document's normal size
+% FONT DEFINITIONS (No sizexx.clo file needed)
+% V1.6 revised font sizes, displayskip values and
+% revised normalsize baselineskip to reduce underfull vbox problems
+% on the 58pc = 696pt = 9.5in text height we want
+% normalsize #lines/column baselineskip (aka leading)
+% 9pt 63 11.0476pt (truncated down)
+% 10pt 58 12pt (exact)
+% 11pt 52 13.3846pt (truncated down)
+% 12pt 50 13.92pt (exact)
+% we need to store the nominal baselineskip for the given font size
+% in case baselinestretch ever changes.
+\typeout{-- This is a 9 point document.}
+\abovedisplayskip 1.5ex plus3pt minus1pt%
+\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip%
+\abovedisplayshortskip 0pt plus3pt%
+\belowdisplayshortskip 1.5ex plus3pt minus1pt
+% sublargesize is the same as large - 10pt
+% Check if we have selected 10 points
+\typeout{-- This is a 10 point document.}
+\abovedisplayskip 1.5ex plus4pt minus2pt%
+\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip%
+\abovedisplayshortskip 0pt plus4pt%
+\belowdisplayshortskip 1.5ex plus4pt minus2pt
+% sublargesize is a tad smaller than large - 11pt
+% Check if we have selected 11 points
+\typeout{-- This is an 11 point document.}
+\abovedisplayskip 1.5ex plus5pt minus3pt%
+\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip%
+\abovedisplayshortskip 0pt plus5pt%
+\belowdisplayshortskip 1.5ex plus5pt minus3pt
+% sublargesize is the same as large - 12pt
+% Check if we have selected 12 points
+\typeout{-- This is a 12 point document.}
+\abovedisplayskip 1.5ex plus6pt minus4pt%
+\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip%
+\abovedisplayshortskip 0pt plus6pt%
+\belowdisplayshortskip 1.5ex plus6pt minus4pt
+% sublargesize is the same as large - 14pt
+% V1.6 The Computer Modern Fonts will issue a substitution warning for
+% 24pt titles (24.88pt is used instead) increase the substitution
+% tolerance to turn off this warning
+% However, the default (and correct) Times font will scale exactly as needed.
+% warn the user in case they forget to use the 9pt option with
+% technote
+ \ifx\@IEEEptsize\@IEEEptsizenine\else%
+ \typeout{** ATTENTION: Technotes are normally 9pt documents.}%
+ \fi%
+% set \baselinestretch
+\if@draftclsmode% draft mode uses larger than normal spacing
+\def\baselinestretch{1.5} % controls line spacing for draft version
+\fi % some people may like 1.7 or greater
+ % so that there will be even more space
+ % for hand written comments
+\normalsize % make \baselinestretch take affect
+% V1.6
+% store the normalsize baselineskip
+% store the nominal value of jot
+% set \jot
+% abstract and keywords are in \small, except
+% for 9pt docs in which they are in \footnotesize
+% Since 9pt docs use an 8pt footnotesize, \small
+% becomes a rather awkward 8.5pt
+ \let\@IEEEabskeysecsize=\footnotesize
+% V1.6, we are now going to fine tune the interword spacing
+% The default interword glue for Times under TeX appears to use a
+% nominal interword spacing of 25% (relative to the font size, i.e., 1em)
+% a maximum of 40% and a minimum of 19%.
+% For example, 10pt text uses an interword glue of:
+% 2.5pt plus 1.49998pt minus 0.59998pt
+% However, IEEE allows for a more generous range which reduces the need
+% for hyphenation, especially for two column text. Furthermore, IEEE
+% tends to use a little bit more nominal space between the words.
+% IEEE's interword spacing percentages appear to be:
+% 35% nominal
+% 23% minimum
+% 50% maximum
+% (They may even be using a tad more for the largest fonts such as 24pt.)
+% for bold text, IEEE increases the spacing a little more:
+% 37.5% nominal
+% 23% minimum
+% 55% maximum
+% here are the interword spacing ratios we'll use
+% for medium (normal weight)
+% for bold
+% command to revise the interword spacing for the current font under TeX:
+% \fontdimen2 = nominal interword space
+% \fontdimen3 = interword stretch
+% \fontdimen4 = interword shrink
+% since all changes to the \fontdimen are global, we can enclose these commands
+% in braces to confine any font attribute or length changes
+\setlength{\@IEEEtrantmpdimenB}{\f@size pt}% grab the font size in pt, could use 1em instead.
+% revise the interword spacing for each font weight
+% revise the interword spacing for each font shape
+% \slshape is not often used for IEEE work and is not altered here. The \scshape caps are
+% already a tad too large in the free LaTeX fonts (as compared to what IEEE uses) so we
+% won't alter these either.
+% if the nofonttune class option is not given, revise the interword spacing
+% for each font size (and shape and weight). Only the \rmfamily is done here
+% as \ttfamily uses a fixed spacing and \sffamily is not used as the main
+% text of IEEE papers.
+% if needed, revise the interword spacing now - in case IEEEtran makes any default
+% length measurements, and make sure all the default fonts are loaded
+% and again at the start of the document in case the user loaded different fonts
+% V1.6
+% LaTeX is a little to quick to use hyphenations
+% So, we increase the penalty for their use and raise
+% the badness level that triggers an underfull hbox
+% warning. The author may still have to tweak things,
+% but the appearance will be much better "right out
+% of the box" than that under V1.5 and prior.
+% TeX default is 50
+% If we didn't adjust the interword spacing, 2200 might be better.
+% The TeX default is 1000
+% IEEE does not use extra spacing after punctuation
+% we want to maintain textheight as an integer multiple of
+% \baselineskip. Keep \topsep in with this game plan too.
+% set sizes and margins
+% Book typesetting is a world where point and pica (12pt) reign supreme.
+% IEEE textwidth is 21 pica. They have a colsep of 1 pica.
+% V1.6 conference mode margins
+ \topmargin -0.25in
+ \textheight 9.25in % The standard for conferences
+ % However, we will adjust this a tad so that an integer number
+ % of lines will always fit on each page
+ % The baselineskip (leading) for each document point size is used
+ % to determine these values
+ % rounded up an extra 0.1pt or so to prevent trouble with any rounding errors
+ \ifx\@IEEEptsize\@IEEEptsizenine\textheight=674.0pt\fi %9.3261in 61 lines/page
+ \ifx\@IEEEptsize\@IEEEptsizeten\textheight=672.1pt\fi %9.2998in 56 lines/page
+ \ifx\@IEEEptsize\@IEEEptsizeeleven\textheight=669.3pt\fi %9.2611in 50 lines/page
+ \ifx\@IEEEptsize\@IEEEptsizetwelve\textheight=668.3pt\fi %9.2473in 48 lines/page
+ \topmargin -49.0pt
+ \textheight 58pc % = 9.63in or 696pt
+\textwidth 43pc % 2 x 21pc + 1pc = 43pc
+\columnsep 1pc
+% IEEE MARGIN INFO and new \overrideIEEEmargins command
+% V1.6 revised margins again
+% IEEE wants the side margins to be equal under both US letter
+% and A4 paper
+% However, for those of you who need to bind copies of your work
+% (for review distribution, etc.) the \overrideIEEEmargins
+% command will shift the text a tad away from the binding
+% edge.
+% the default side margins are equal
+\oddsidemargin \@IEEEmarginE
+\addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-1in}% compensate for LaTeX's 1in offset
+\evensidemargin \@IEEEmarginE
+\addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-1in}% compensate for LaTeX's 1in offset
+% execute \overrideIEEEmargins in the preamble to make the side margin
+% near the spine slightly wider so that the paper will be much more
+% agreeable to being bound. \overrideIEEEmargins will have no effect
+% when in draft or draftcls mode.
+ \typeout{** ATTENTION: Overriding IEEE standard margins (line \the\inputlineno).}%
+ \if@twoside
+ % for double sided, odd pages have the bound side on the left
+ % make this the wide margin
+ \oddsidemargin\@IEEEmarginW
+ % and even pages have the narrow margin on the left
+ % as they are bound on the right
+ % evensidemargin is to be the narrow margin
+ % calculate the narrow margin and set evensidemargin
+ \setlength{\evensidemargin}{\paperwidth}%
+ \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-\@IEEEmarginW}%
+ \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-\textwidth}%
+ \else
+ % for single sided the bound side is always on the left
+ % make this the wide margin
+ \oddsidemargin\@IEEEmarginW
+ \evensidemargin\@IEEEmarginW
+ \fi
+ \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-1.0in}% compensate for LaTeX's 1in offset
+ \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-1.0in}%
+\parindent 1.0em
+% conference papers do not have headers, other papers need
+% to reserve space for them
+\headsep 0in
+\headheight 0in
+\headsep 0.25in
+\headheight 12pt
+% V1.6, if things get too close, go ahead and let them touch
+\lineskip 0pt
+\normallineskip 0pt
+\lineskiplimit 0pt
+\normallineskiplimit 0pt
+% The distance from the lower edge of the text body to the
+% footline
+\footskip 0.4in
+% normally zero, should be relative to font height.
+% put in a little rubber to help stop some bad breaks (underfull vboxes)
+\parskip 0ex plus 0.2ex minus 0.1ex
+% draft mode settings override that of all other modes
+% provides a nice 1" margin all around the paper and extra
+% space between the lines for editor's comments
+\headsep 0.25in
+\headheight 12pt
+% want 1" from top of paper to text
+% we want 1in side margins regardless of paper type
+\oddsidemargin 0in
+\evensidemargin 0in
+% set the text width - start with the entire page
+% subtract for the 1" top/bottom margins
+% give them a textheight that won't have underfull
+% vbox problems, but can't help them if they later change
+% baselinestretch from its default
+% subtract of first line taken by \topskip
+% now digitize \textheight so that the length after
+% the first line is an integer multiple of \baselineskip
+% to cut down on underfull vbox errors in draft mode
+\divide\textheight by \baselineskip%
+\multiply\textheight by \baselineskip%
+% add back the first line
+% margin note stuff
+\marginparsep 10pt
+\marginparwidth 20pt
+\marginparpush 25pt
+% Controls the amount of EXTRA spacing
+% above and below \trivlist
+% Both \list and IED lists override this.
+% However, \trivlist will use this as will most
+% things built from \trivlist like the \center
+% environment.
+\topsep 0.5\baselineskip
+% Controls the additional spacing around lists preceded
+% or followed by blank lines. IEEE does not increase
+% spacing before or after paragraphs so it is set to zero.
+% \z@ is the same as zero, but faster.
+\partopsep \z@
+% Controls the spacing between paragraphs in lists.
+% IEEE does not increase spacing before or after paragraphs
+% so this is also zero.
+% With IEEEtran.cls, global changes to
+% this value DO affect lists (but not IED lists).
+\parsep \z@
+% Controls the extra spacing between list items.
+% IEEE does not put extra spacing between items.
+% With IEEEtran.cls, global changes to this value DO affect
+% lists (but not IED lists).
+\itemsep \z@
+% \itemindent is the amount to indent the FIRST line of a list
+% item. It is auto set to zero within the \list environment. To alter
+% it, you have to do so when you call the \list.
+% However, IEEE uses this for the theorem environment
+% There is an alternative value for this near \leftmargini below
+\itemindent -1em
+% \leftmargin, the spacing from the left margin of the main text to
+% the left of the main body of a list item is set by \list.
+% Hence this statement does nothing for lists.
+% But, quote and verse do use it for indention.
+\leftmargin 2em
+% we retain this stuff from the older IEEEtran.cls so that \list
+% will work the same way as before. However, itemize, enumerate and
+% description (IED) could care less about what these are as they
+% all are overridden.
+\leftmargini 2em
+%\itemindent 2em % Alternative values: sometimes used.
+%\leftmargini 0em
+\leftmarginii 1em
+\leftmarginiii 1.5em
+\leftmarginiv 1.5em
+\leftmarginv 1.0em
+\leftmarginvi 1.0em
+\labelsep 0.5em
+\labelwidth \z@
+% The old IEEEtran.cls behavior of \list is retained.
+% However, the new V1.3 IED list environments override all the
+% @list stuff (\@listX is called within \list for the
+% appropriate level just before the user's list_decl is called).
+% \topsep is now 2pt as IEEE puts a little extra space around
+% lists - used by those non-IED macros that depend on \list.
+% Note that \parsep and \itemsep are not redefined as in
+% the sizexx.clo \@listX (which article.cls uses) so global changes
+% of these values DO affect \list
+\def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini \topsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}
+ \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep 2pt}
+ \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep 2pt}
+ \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep 2pt}
+ \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep 2pt}
+ \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep 2pt}
+% IEEE uses 5) not 5.
+\def\labelenumi{\theenumi)} \def\theenumi{\arabic{enumi}}
+% IEEE uses a) not (a)
+\def\labelenumii{\theenumii)} \def\theenumii{\alph{enumii}}
+% IEEE uses iii) not iii.
+\def\labelenumiii{\theenumiii)} \def\theenumiii{\roman{enumiii}}
+% IEEE uses A) not A.
+\def\labelenumiv{\theenumiv)} \def\theenumiv{\Alph{enumiv}}
+% exactly the same as in article.cls
+% itemized list label styles
+% IEEEtran.cls version numbers, provided as of V1.3
+% These values serve as a way a .tex file can
+% determine if the new features are provided.
+% The version number of this IEEEtrans.cls can be obtained from
+% these values. i.e., V1.4
+% KEEP THESE AS INTEGERS! i.e., NO {4a} or anything like that-
+% (no need to enumerate "a" minor changes here)
+% **** V1.3 ENHANCEMENTS ****
+% Itemize, Enumerate and Description (IED) List Controls
+% ***************************
+% IEEE seems to use at least two different values by
+% which ITEMIZED list labels are indented to the right
+% For The Journal of Lightwave Technology (JLT) and The Journal
+% on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), they tend to use
+% an indention equal to \parindent. For Transactions on Communications
+% they tend to indent ITEMIZED lists a little more--- 1.3\parindent.
+% We'll provide both values here for you so that you can choose
+% which one you like in your document using a command such as:
+% setlength{\IEEEilabelindent}{\IEEEilabelindentB}
+\IEEEilabelindentA \parindent
+\IEEEilabelindentB 1.3\parindent
+% However, we'll default to using \parindent
+% which makes more sense to me
+\IEEEilabelindent \IEEEilabelindentA
+% This controls the default amount the enumerated list labels
+% are indented to the right.
+% Normally, this is the same as the paragraph indention
+\IEEEelabelindent \parindent
+% This controls the default amount the description list labels
+% are indented to the right.
+% Normally, this is the same as the paragraph indention
+\IEEEdlabelindent \parindent
+% This is the value actually used within the IED lists.
+% The IED environments automatically set its value to
+% one of the three values above, so global changes do
+% not have any effect
+\labelindent \parindent
+% The actual amount labels will be indented is
+% \labelindent multiplied by the factor below
+% corresponding to the level of nesting depth
+% This provides a means by which the user can
+% alter the effective \labelindent for deeper
+% levels
+% There may not be such a thing as correct "standard IEEE"
+% values. What IEEE actually does may depend on the specific
+% circumstances.
+% The first list level almost always has full indention.
+% The second levels I've seen have only 75% of the normal indentation
+% Three level or greater nestings are very rare. I am guessing
+% that they don't use any indentation.
+\def\IEEElabelindentfactori{1.0} % almost always one
+\def\IEEElabelindentfactorii{0.75} % 0.0 or 1.0 may be used in some cases
+\def\IEEElabelindentfactoriii{0.0} % 0.75? 0.5? 0.0?
+% value actually used within IED lists, it is auto
+% set to one of the 6 values above
+% global changes here have no effect
+% This controls the default spacing between the end of the IED
+% list labels and the list text, when normal text is used for
+% the labels.
+\IEEEiednormlabelsep 0.6em
+% This controls the default spacing between the end of the IED
+% list labels and the list text, when math symbols are used for
+% the labels (nomenclature lists). IEEE usually increases the
+% spacing in these cases
+\IEEEiedmathlabelsep 1.2em
+% This controls the extra vertical separation put above and
+% below each IED list. IEEE usually puts a little extra spacing
+% around each list. However, this spacing is barely noticeable.
+\IEEEiedtopsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
+% This command is executed within each IED list environment
+% at the beginning of the list. You can use this to set the
+% parameters for some/all your IED list(s) without disturbing
+% global parameters that affect things other than lists.
+% i.e., renewcommand{\iedlistdecl}{\setlength{\labelsep}{5em}}
+% will alter the \labelsep for the next list(s) until
+% \iedlistdecl is redefined.
+% This command provides an easy way to set \leftmargin based
+% on the \labelwidth, \labelsep and the argument \labelindent
+% Usage: \calcleftmargin{width-to-indent-the-label}
+% output is in the \leftmargin variable, i.e., effectively:
+% \leftmargin = argument + \labelwidth + \labelsep
+% Note controlled spacing here, shield end of lines with %
+% This command provides an easy way to set \labelwidth to the
+% width of the given text. It is the same as
+% \settowidth{\labelwidth}{label-text}
+% and useful as a shorter alternative.
+% Typically used to set \labelwidth to be the width
+% of the longest label in the list
+% When this command is executed, IED lists will use the
+% IEEEiedmathlabelsep label separation rather than the normal
+% spacing. To have an effect, this command must be executed via
+% the \iedlistdecl or within the option of the IED list
+% environments.
+% A flag which controls whether the IED lists automatically
+% calculate \leftmargin from \labelindent, \labelwidth and \labelsep
+% Useful if you want to specify your own \leftmargin
+% This flag must be set (\nocalcleftmargintrue or \nocalcleftmarginfalse)
+% via the \iedlistdecl or within the option of the IED list
+% environments to have an effect.
+% A flag which controls whether \labelindent is multiplied by
+% the \labelindentfactor for each list level.
+% This flag must be set via the \iedlistdecl or within the option
+% of the IED list environments to have an effect.
+% internal variable to indicate type of IED label
+% justification
+% 0 - left; 1 - center; 2 - right
+% commands to allow the user to control IED
+% label justifications. Use these commands within
+% the IED environment option or in the \iedlistdecl
+% Note that changing the normal list justifications
+% is nonstandard and IEEE may not like it if you do so!
+% I include these commands as they may be helpful to
+% those who are using these enhanced list controls for
+% other non-IEEE related LaTeX work.
+% itemize and enumerate automatically default to right
+% justification, description defaults to left.
+% commands to save to and restore from the list parameter copies
+% this allows us to set all the list parameters within
+% the list_decl and prevent \list (and its \@list)
+% from overriding any of our parameters
+% V1.6 use \edefs instead of dimen's to conserve dimen registers
+% Note controlled spacing here, shield end of lines with %
+% Note controlled spacing here
+% v1.6b provide original LaTeX IED list environments
+% note that latex.ltx defines \itemize and \enumerate, but not \description
+% which must be created by the base classes
+% save original LaTeX itemize and enumerate
+% provide original LaTeX description environment from article.cls
+ {\list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin
+ \let\makelabel\descriptionlabel}}
+ {\endlist}
+ \normalfont\bfseries #1}
+% override LaTeX's default IED lists
+% provide the user with aliases - may help those using packages that
+% override itemize, enumerate, or description
+% V1.6 we want to keep the IEEEtran IED list definitions as our own internal
+% commands so they are protected against redefinition
+% IEEEtran itemized list MDS 1/2001
+% Note controlled spacing here, shield end of lines with %
+ \ifnum\@itemdepth>3\relax\@toodeep\else%
+ \ifnum\@listdepth>5\relax\@toodeep\else%
+ \advance\@itemdepth\@ne%
+ \edef\@itemitem{labelitem\romannumeral\the\@itemdepth}%
+ % get the labelindentfactor for this level
+ \advance\@listdepth\@ne% we need to know what the level WILL be
+ \edef\labelindentfactor{\csname IEEElabelindentfactor\romannumeral\the\@listdepth\endcsname}%
+ \advance\@listdepth-\@ne% undo our increment
+ \def\@iedjustify{2}% right justified labels are default
+ % set other defaults
+ \nocalcleftmarginfalse%
+ \nolabelindentfactorfalse%
+ \topsep\IEEEiedtopsep%
+ \labelindent\IEEEilabelindent%
+ \labelsep\IEEEiednormlabelsep%
+ \partopsep 0ex%
+ \parsep 0ex%
+ \itemsep 0ex%
+ \rightmargin 0em%
+ \listparindent 0em%
+ \itemindent 0em%
+ % calculate the label width
+ % the user can override this later if
+ % they specified a \labelwidth
+ \settowidth{\labelwidth}{\csname labelitem\romannumeral\the\@itemdepth\endcsname}%
+ \@IEEEsavelistparams% save our list parameters
+ \list{\csname\@itemitem\endcsname}{%
+ \@IEEErestorelistparams% override any list{} changes
+ % to our globals
+ \let\makelabel\@IEEEiedmakelabel% v1.6b setup \makelabel
+ \iedlistdecl% let user alter parameters
+ #1\relax%
+ % If the user has requested not to use the
+ % labelindent factor, don't revise \labelindent
+ \ifnolabelindentfactor\relax%
+ \else\labelindent=\labelindentfactor\labelindent%
+ \fi%
+ % Unless the user has requested otherwise,
+ % calculate our left margin based
+ % on \labelindent, \labelwidth and
+ % \labelsep
+ \ifnocalcleftmargin\relax%
+ \else\calcleftmargin{\labelindent}%
+ \fi}\fi\fi}%
+% IEEEtran enumerate list MDS 1/2001
+% Note controlled spacing here, shield end of lines with %
+ \ifnum\@enumdepth>3\relax\@toodeep\else%
+ \ifnum\@listdepth>5\relax\@toodeep\else%
+ \advance\@enumdepth\@ne%
+ \edef\@enumctr{enum\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth}%
+ % get the labelindentfactor for this level
+ \advance\@listdepth\@ne% we need to know what the level WILL be
+ \edef\labelindentfactor{\csname IEEElabelindentfactor\romannumeral\the\@listdepth\endcsname}%
+ \advance\@listdepth-\@ne% undo our increment
+ \def\@iedjustify{2}% right justified labels are default
+ % set other defaults
+ \nocalcleftmarginfalse%
+ \nolabelindentfactorfalse%
+ \topsep\IEEEiedtopsep%
+ \labelindent\IEEEelabelindent%
+ \labelsep\IEEEiednormlabelsep%
+ \partopsep 0ex%
+ \parsep 0ex%
+ \itemsep 0ex%
+ \rightmargin 0em%
+ \listparindent 0em%
+ \itemindent 0em%
+ % calculate the label width
+ % We'll set it to the width suitable for all labels using
+ % normalfont 1) to 9)
+ % The user can override this later
+ \settowidth{\labelwidth}{9)}%
+ \@IEEEsavelistparams% save our list parameters
+ \list{\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname}{\usecounter{\@enumctr}%
+ \@IEEErestorelistparams% override any list{} changes
+ % to our globals
+ \let\makelabel\@IEEEiedmakelabel% v1.6b setup \makelabel
+ \iedlistdecl% let user alter parameters
+ #1\relax%
+ % If the user has requested not to use the
+ % labelindent factor, don't revise \labelindent
+ \ifnolabelindentfactor\relax%
+ \else\labelindent=\labelindentfactor\labelindent%
+ \fi%
+ % Unless the user has requested otherwise,
+ % calculate our left margin based
+ % on \labelindent, \labelwidth and
+ % \labelsep
+ \ifnocalcleftmargin\relax%
+ \else\calcleftmargin{\labelindent}%
+ \fi}\fi\fi}%
+% IEEEtran description list MDS 1/2001
+% Note controlled spacing here, shield end of lines with %
+ \ifnum\@listdepth>5\relax\@toodeep\else%
+ % get the labelindentfactor for this level
+ \advance\@listdepth\@ne% we need to know what the level WILL be
+ \edef\labelindentfactor{\csname IEEElabelindentfactor\romannumeral\the\@listdepth\endcsname}%
+ \advance\@listdepth-\@ne% undo our increment
+ \def\@iedjustify{0}% left justified labels are default
+ % set other defaults
+ \nocalcleftmarginfalse%
+ \nolabelindentfactorfalse%
+ \topsep\IEEEiedtopsep%
+ \labelindent\IEEEdlabelindent%
+ % assume normal labelsep
+ \labelsep\IEEEiednormlabelsep%
+ \partopsep 0ex%
+ \parsep 0ex%
+ \itemsep 0ex%
+ \rightmargin 0em%
+ \listparindent 0em%
+ \itemindent 0em%
+ % Bogus label width in case the user forgets
+ % to set it.
+ % TIP: If you want to see what a variable's width is you
+ % can use the TeX command \showthe\width-variable to
+ % display it on the screen during compilation
+ % (This might be helpful to know when you need to find out
+ % which label is the widest)
+ \settowidth{\labelwidth}{Hello}%
+ \@IEEEsavelistparams% save our list parameters
+ \list{}{\@IEEErestorelistparams% override any list{} changes
+ % to our globals
+ \let\makelabel\@IEEEiedmakelabel% v1.6b setup \makelabel
+ \iedlistdecl% let user alter parameters
+ #1\relax%
+ % If the user has requested not to use the
+ % labelindent factor, don't revise \labelindent
+ \ifnolabelindentfactor\relax%
+ \else\labelindent=\labelindentfactor\labelindent%
+ \fi%
+ % Unless the user has requested otherwise,
+ % calculate our left margin based
+ % on \labelindent, \labelwidth and
+ % \labelsep
+ \ifnocalcleftmargin\relax%
+ \else\calcleftmargin{\labelindent}\relax%
+ \fi}\fi}
+% v1.6b we use one makelabel that does justification as needed.
+\def\@IEEEiedmakelabel#1{\relax\if\@iedjustify 0\relax
+\makebox[\labelwidth][l]{\normalfont #1}\else
+\if\@iedjustify 1\relax
+\makebox[\labelwidth][c]{\normalfont #1}\else
+\makebox[\labelwidth][r]{\normalfont #1}\fi\fi}
+ \list{}{\itemsep\z@ \itemindent -1.5em \listparindent \itemindent
+ \rightmargin\leftmargin\advance\leftmargin 1.5em}\item[]}
+\def\quotation{\list{}{\listparindent 1.5em \itemindent\listparindent
+ \rightmargin\leftmargin \parsep 0pt plus 1pt}\item[]}
+% \titlepage
+% provided only for backward compatibility. \maketitle is the correct
+% way to create the title page.
+ \else \newpage \fi \thispagestyle{empty}\c@page\z@}
+\def\endtitlepage{\if@restonecol\twocolumn \else \newpage \fi}
+% standard values from article.cls
+\arraycolsep 5pt
+\arrayrulewidth .4pt
+\doublerulesep 2pt
+\tabcolsep 6pt
+\tabbingsep 0.5em
+%\skip\footins 10pt plus 4pt minus 2pt
+% V1.6 respond to changes in font size
+% space added above the footnotes (if present)
+\skip\footins 0.9\baselineskip plus 0.4\baselineskip minus 0.2\baselineskip
+% V1.6, we need to make \footnotesep responsive to changes
+% in \baselineskip or strange spacings will result when in
+% draft mode. Here is a little LaTeX secret - \footnotesep
+% determines the height of an invisible strut that is placed
+% *above* the baseline of footnotes after the first. Since
+% LaTeX considers the space for characters to be 0.7/baselineskip
+% above the baseline and 0.3/baselineskip below it, we need to
+% use 0.7/baselineskip as a \footnotesep to maintain equal spacing
+% between all the lines of the footnotes. IEEE often uses a tad
+% more, so use 0.8\baselineskip. This slightly larger value also helps
+% the text to clear the footnote marks. Note that \thanks now uses
+% its own value of \footnotesep.
+\global\footnotesep 0.8\baselineskip}
+\skip\@mpfootins = \skip\footins
+\fboxsep = 3pt
+\fboxrule = .4pt
+% V1.6 use 1em, the use LaTeX2e's \@makefnmark
+% Note that IEEE normally *left* aligns the footnote marks, so we don't need
+% box resizing tricks here.
+\long\def\@makefntext#1{\parindent 1em\indent\hbox{\@makefnmark}#1}% V1.6 use 1em
+% V1.6 do not allow LaTeX to break a footnote across multiple pages
+% V1.6 discourage breaks within equations
+% Note that amsmath normally sets this to 10000,
+% but LaTeX2e normally uses 100.
+ \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3}
+ \setcounter{secnumdepth}{4}
+% used only by IEEEtran's IEEEeqnarray as other packages may
+% have their own, different, implementations
+% as shown when called by user from \ref, \label and in table of contents
+\def\thesection{\Roman{section}} % I
+\def\thesubsection{\thesection-\Alph{subsection}} % I-A
+\def\thesubsubsection{\thesubsection.\arabic{subsubsection}} % I-A.1
+\def\theparagraph{\thesubsubsection.\alph{paragraph}} % I-A.1.a
+\def\theequation{\arabic{equation}} % 1
+\def\theIEEEsubequation{\theequation\alph{IEEEsubequation}} % 1a (used only by IEEEtran's IEEEeqnarray)
+% Main text forms (how shown in main text headings)
+% V1.6, using \thesection in \thesectiondis allows changes
+% in the former to automatically appear in the latter
+\def\thesectiondis{\thesection.} % I.
+\def\thesubsectiondis{\Alph{subsection}.} % B.
+\def\thesubsubsectiondis{\arabic{subsubsection})} % 3)
+\def\theparagraphdis{\alph{paragraph})} % d)
+% just like LaTeX2e's \@eqnnum
+\def\theequationdis{{\normalfont \normalcolor (\theequation)}}% (1)
+% IEEEsubequation used only by IEEEtran's IEEEeqnarray
+\def\theIEEEsubequationdis{{\normalfont \normalcolor (\theIEEEsubequation)}}% (1a)
+% redirect LaTeX2e's equation number display and all that depend on
+% it, through IEEEtran's \theequationdis
+% adjusted some spacings here so that section numbers will not easily
+% collide with the section titles.
+% VIII; VIII-A; and VIII-A.1 are usually the worst offenders.
+% MDS 1/2001
+\def\l@section#1#2{\addpenalty{\@secpenalty}\addvspace{1.0em plus 1pt}%
+ \@tempdima 2.75em \begingroup \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth%
+ \parfillskip-\@pnumwidth {\bfseries\leavevmode #1}\hfil\hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par%
+ \endgroup}
+% argument format #1:level, #2:labelindent,#3:labelsep
+% must provide \l@ defs for ALL sublevels EVEN if tocdepth
+% is such as they will not appear in the table of contents
+% these defs are how TOC knows what level these things are!
+\def\listoffigures{\section*{List of Figures}\@starttoc{lof}}
+\def\listoftables{\section*{List of Tables}\@starttoc{lot}}
+%% Definitions for floats
+%% Normal Floats
+\floatsep 1\baselineskip plus 0.2\baselineskip minus 0.2\baselineskip
+\textfloatsep 1.7\baselineskip plus 0.2\baselineskip minus 0.4\baselineskip
+\@fptop 0pt plus 1fil
+\@fpsep 0.75\baselineskip plus 2fil
+\@fpbot 0pt plus 1fil
+%% Double Column Floats
+\dblfloatsep 1\baselineskip plus 0.2\baselineskip minus 0.2\baselineskip
+\dbltextfloatsep 1.7\baselineskip plus 0.2\baselineskip minus 0.4\baselineskip
+% Note that it would be nice if the rubber here actually worked in LaTeX2e.
+% There is a long standing limitation in LaTeX, first discovered (to the best
+% of my knowledge) by Alan Jeffrey in 1992. LaTeX ignores the stretchable
+% portion of \dbltextfloatsep, and as a result, double column figures can and
+% do result in an non-integer number of lines in the main text columns with
+% underfull vbox errors as a consequence. A post to comp.text.tex
+% by Donald Arseneau confirms that this had not yet been fixed in 1998.
+% IEEEtran V1.6 will fix this problem for you in the titles, but it doesn't
+% protect you from other double floats. Happy vspace'ing.
+\@dblfptop 0pt plus 1fil
+\@dblfpsep 0.75\baselineskip plus 2fil
+\@dblfpbot 0pt plus 1fil
+\intextsep 1\baselineskip plus 0.2\baselineskip minus 0.2\baselineskip
+%% redefine CAPTION
+% V1.4 add user control for short figure caption justification
+% V1.6 set the default according to conference mode
+% article class provides these, we should too.
+% but only \abovecaptionskip is used above figure captions and *below* table
+% captions
+% V1.6 create hooks in case the caption spacing ever needs to be
+% overridden by a user
+% 1.6b revise caption system so that \@makecaption uses two arguments
+% as with LaTeX2e. Otherwise, there will be problems when using hyperref.
+% test if is a for a figure or table
+% if a table, do table caption
+\begin{center}{\footnotesize #1}\\{\footnotesize\scshape #2}\end{center}%
+\@IEEEtablecaptionsepspace% V1.6 was a hard coded 8pt
+% if not a table, format it as a figure
+\@IEEEfigurecaptionsepspace% V1.6 was a hard coded 5pt
+% 3/2001 use footnotesize, not small; use two nonbreaking spaces, not one
+\setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\footnotesize #1.~~ #2}%
+\ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize%
+% if caption is longer than a line, let it wrap around
+\setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\footnotesize #1.~~ }%
+\parbox[t]{\hsize}{\footnotesize \noindent\unhbox\@tempboxa#2}%
+% if caption is shorter than a line,
+% allow user to control short figure caption justification (left or center)
+\ifcenterfigcaptions \hbox to\hsize{\footnotesize\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
+\else \hbox to\hsize{\footnotesize\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
+% V1.6 IEEE uses 8pt text for tables
+% to default to footnotesize, we hack into LaTeX2e's \@floatboxreset and pray
+% v1.6b double column tables need to default to footnotesize as well.
+%% Inspired by the concepts, examples, and previous works of LaTeX
+%% coders and developers such as Donald Arseneau, Fred Bartlett,
+%% David Carlisle, Tony Liu, Frank Mittelbach, Piet van Oostrum,
+%% Roland Winkler and Mark Wooding.
+%% I don't make the claim that my work here is even near their calibre. ;)
+% hook to allow easy changeover to IEEEtran.cls/tools.sty error reporting
+\newif\if@IEEEeqnarraystarform% flag to indicate if the environment was called as the star form
+\newif\if@advanceIEEEeqncolcnt% tracks if the environment should advance the col counter
+% allows a way to make an \IEEEeqnarraybox that can be used within an \IEEEeqnarray
+% used by IEEEeqnarraymulticol so that it can work properly in both
+\newcount\@IEEEeqnnumcols % tracks how many IEEEeqnarray cols are defined
+\newcount\@IEEEeqncolcnt % tracks how many IEEEeqnarray cols the user actually used
+% The default math style used by the columns
+% The default text style used by the columns
+% default to using the current font
+% like the iedlistdecl but for \IEEEeqnarray
+% \yesnumber is the opposite of \nonumber
+% a novel concept with the same def as the equationarray package
+% However, we give IEEE versions too since some LaTeX packages such as
+% the MDWtools mathenv.sty redefine \nonumber to something else.
+\if@IEEEeqnarrayISinner% only do something inside an IEEEeqnarray
+% flag to indicate that an equation is a sub equation
+% allows users to "push away" equations that get too close to the equation numbers
+% provides a way to span multiple columns within IEEEeqnarray environments
+% will consider \if@advanceIEEEeqncolcnt before globally advancing the
+% column counter - so as to work within \IEEEeqnarraybox
+% usage: \IEEEeqnarraymulticol{number cols. to span}{col type}{cell text}
+% check if column is defined
+\relax\expandafter\ifx\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolDEF#2\endcsname\@IEEEeqnarraycolisdefined%
+\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolPRE#2\endcsname#3\relax\relax\relax\relax\relax%
+\relax\relax\relax\relax\relax\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolPOST#2\endcsname%
+\else% if not, error and use default type
+\@IEEEclspkgerror{Invalid column type "#2" in \string\IEEEeqnarraymulticol.\MessageBreak
+Using a default centering column instead}%
+{You must define IEEEeqnarray column types before use.}%
+\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolPRE@IEEEdefault\endcsname#3\relax\relax\relax\relax\relax%
+\relax\relax\relax\relax\relax\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolPOST@IEEEdefault\endcsname%
+% advance column counter only if the IEEEeqnarray environment wants it
+\if@advanceIEEEeqncolcnt\global\advance\@IEEEeqncolcnt by #1\relax\fi}
+% like \omit, but maintains track of the column counter for \IEEEeqnarray
+\def\IEEEeqnarrayomit{\omit\if@advanceIEEEeqncolcnt\global\advance\@IEEEeqncolcnt by 1\relax\fi}
+% provides a way to define a letter referenced column type
+% usage: \IEEEeqnarraydefcol{col. type letter/name}{pre insertion text}{post insertion text}
+\def\IEEEeqnarraydefcol#1#2#3{\expandafter\def\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolPRE#1\endcsname{#2}%
+\expandafter\def\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolPOST#1\endcsname{#3}%
+\expandafter\def\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolDEF#1\endcsname{1}}
+% provides a way to define a numerically referenced inter-column glue types
+% usage: \IEEEeqnarraydefcolsep{col. glue number}{glue definition}
+\def\IEEEeqnarraydefcolsep#1#2{\expandafter\def\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolSEP\romannumeral #1\endcsname{#2}%
+\expandafter\def\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolSEPDEF\romannumeral #1\endcsname{1}}
+\def\@IEEEeqnarraycolisdefined{1}% just a macro for 1, used for checking undefined column types
+% expands and appends the given argument to the \@IEEEtrantmptoksA token list
+% used to build up the \halign preamble
+\def\@IEEEappendtoksA#1{\edef\@@IEEEappendtoksA{\@IEEEtrantmptoksA={\the\@IEEEtrantmptoksA #1}}%
+% also appends to \@IEEEtrantmptoksA, but does not expand the argument
+% uses \toks8 as a scratchpad register
+% define some common column types for the user
+% math
+% text
+% vertical rules
+\IEEEeqnarraydefcol{v}{}{\vrule width\arrayrulewidth}
+\IEEEeqnarraydefcol{vv}{\vrule width\arrayrulewidth\hfil}{\hfil\vrule width\arrayrulewidth}
+\IEEEeqnarraydefcol{V}{}{\vrule width\arrayrulewidth\hskip\doublerulesep\vrule width\arrayrulewidth}
+\IEEEeqnarraydefcol{VV}{\vrule width\arrayrulewidth\hskip\doublerulesep\vrule width\arrayrulewidth\hfil}%
+{\hfil\vrule width\arrayrulewidth\hskip\doublerulesep\vrule width\arrayrulewidth}
+% horizontal rules
+\IEEEeqnarraydefcol{h}{}{\leaders\hrule height\arrayrulewidth\hfil}
+\IEEEeqnarraydefcol{H}{}{\leaders\vbox{\hrule width\arrayrulewidth\vskip\doublerulesep\hrule width\arrayrulewidth}\hfil}
+% plain
+% the default column type to use in the event a column type is not defined
+% a zero tabskip (used for "-" col types)
+\def\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPzero{0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt}
+% a centering tabskip (used for "+" col types)
+\def\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPcenter{1000pt plus 0pt minus 1000pt}
+% top level default tabskip glues for the start, end, and inter-column
+% may be reset within environments not always at the top level, e.g., \IEEEeqnarraybox
+\edef\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPdefaultstart{\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPcenter}% default start glue
+\edef\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPdefaultend{\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPcenter}% default end glue
+\edef\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPdefaultmid{\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPzero}% default inter-column glue
+% creates a vertical rule that extends from the bottom to the top a a cell
+% Provided in case other packages redefine \vline some other way.
+% usage: \IEEEeqnarrayvrule[rule thickness]
+% If no argument is provided, \arrayrulewidth will be used for the rule thickness.
+% creates a blank separator row
+% usage: \IEEEeqnarrayseprow[separation length][font size commands]
+% default is \IEEEeqnarrayseprow[0.25\normalbaselineskip][\relax]
+% blank arguments inherit the default values
+% uses \skip5 as a scratch register - calls \@IEEEeqnarraystrutsize which uses more scratch registers
+% get the skip value, based on the font commands
+% use skip5 because \IEEEeqnarraystrutsize uses \skip0, \skip2, \skip3
+% assign within a bogus box to confine the font changes
+% creates a blank separator row, but omits all the column templates
+% usage: \IEEEeqnarrayseprowcut[separation length][font size commands]
+% default is \IEEEeqnarrayseprowcut[0.25\normalbaselineskip][\relax]
+% blank arguments inherit the default values
+% uses \skip5 as a scratch register - calls \@IEEEeqnarraystrutsize which uses more scratch registers
+\def\IEEEeqnarrayseprowcut{\multispan{\@IEEEeqnnumcols}\relax% span all the cols
+% advance column counter only if the IEEEeqnarray environment wants it
+\if@advanceIEEEeqncolcnt\global\advance\@IEEEeqncolcnt by \@IEEEeqnnumcols\relax\fi%
+% get the skip value, based on the font commands
+% use skip5 because \IEEEeqnarraystrutsize uses \skip0, \skip2, \skip3
+% assign within a bogus box to confine the font changes
+% draws a single rule across all the columns optional
+% argument determines the rule width, \arrayrulewidth is the default
+% updates column counter as needed and turns off struts
+% usage: \IEEEeqnarrayrulerow[rule line thickness]
+\def\IEEEeqnarrayrulerow{\multispan{\@IEEEeqnnumcols}\relax% span all the cols
+% advance column counter only if the IEEEeqnarray environment wants it
+\if@advanceIEEEeqncolcnt\global\advance\@IEEEeqncolcnt by \@IEEEeqnnumcols\relax\fi%
+\def\@IEEEeqnarrayrulerow[#1]{\leaders\hrule height#1\hfil\relax% put in our rule
+% turn off any struts
+% draws a double rule by using a single rule row, a separator row, and then
+% another single rule row
+% first optional argument determines the rule thicknesses, \arrayrulewidth is the default
+% second optional argument determines the rule spacing, \doublerulesep is the default
+% usage: \IEEEeqnarraydblrulerow[rule line thickness][rule spacing]
+\def\IEEEeqnarraydblrulerow{\multispan{\@IEEEeqnnumcols}\relax% span all the cols
+% advance column counter only if the IEEEeqnarray environment wants it
+\if@advanceIEEEeqncolcnt\global\advance\@IEEEeqncolcnt by \@IEEEeqnnumcols\relax\fi%
+% we allow the user to say \IEEEeqnarraydblrulerow[][]
+% advance column counter only if the IEEEeqnarray environment wants it
+\if@advanceIEEEeqncolcnt\global\advance\@IEEEeqncolcnt by \@IEEEeqnnumcols\relax\fi%
+% draws a double rule by using a single rule row, a separator (cutting) row, and then
+% another single rule row
+% first optional argument determines the rule thicknesses, \arrayrulewidth is the default
+% second optional argument determines the rule spacing, \doublerulesep is the default
+% usage: \IEEEeqnarraydblrulerow[rule line thickness][rule spacing]
+\def\IEEEeqnarraydblrulerowcut{\multispan{\@IEEEeqnnumcols}\relax% span all the cols
+% advance column counter only if the IEEEeqnarray environment wants it
+\if@advanceIEEEeqncolcnt\global\advance\@IEEEeqncolcnt by \@IEEEeqnnumcols\relax\fi%
+% we allow the user to say \IEEEeqnarraydblrulerow[][]
+% advance column counter only if the IEEEeqnarray environment wants it
+\if@advanceIEEEeqncolcnt\global\advance\@IEEEeqncolcnt by \@IEEEeqnnumcols\relax\fi%
+% inserts a full row's worth of &'s
+% relies on \@IEEEeqnnumcols to provide the correct number of columns
+% uses \@IEEEtrantmptoksA, \count0 as scratch registers
+\loop% add cols if the user did not use them all
+\advance\count0 by 1\relax% update the col count
+\the\@IEEEtrantmptoksA%execute the &'s
+\newif\if@IEEEeqnarrayISinner % flag to indicate if we are within the lines
+\@IEEEeqnarrayISinnerfalse % of an IEEEeqnarray - after the IEEEeqnarraydecl
+\edef\@IEEEeqnarrayTHEstrutheight{0pt} % height and depth of IEEEeqnarray struts
+\edef\@IEEEeqnarrayTHEmasterstrutheight{0pt} % default height and depth of
+\edef\@IEEEeqnarrayTHEmasterstrutdepth{0pt} % struts within an IEEEeqnarray
+\edef\@IEEEeqnarrayTHEmasterstrutHSAVE{0pt} % saved master strut height
+\edef\@IEEEeqnarrayTHEmasterstrutDSAVE{0pt} % and depth
+\newif\if@IEEEeqnarrayusemasterstrut % flag to indicate that the master strut value
+\@IEEEeqnarrayusemasterstruttrue % is to be used
+% saves the strut height and depth of the master strut
+% remove stretchability
+% save values
+% restores the strut height and depth of the master strut
+% remove stretchability
+% restore values
+% globally restores the strut height and depth to the
+% master values and sets the master strut flag to true
+% remove stretchability
+% restore values
+% if the master strut is not to be used, make the current
+% values of \@IEEEeqnarrayTHEstrutheight, \@IEEEeqnarrayTHEstrutdepth
+% and the use master strut flag, global
+% this allows user strut commands issued in the last column to be carried
+% into the isolation/strut column
+% usage: \IEEEeqnarraystrutsize{height}{depth}[font size commands]
+% If called outside the lines of an IEEEeqnarray, sets the height
+% and depth of both the master and local struts. If called inside
+% an IEEEeqnarray line, sets the height and depth of the local strut
+% only and sets the flag to indicate the use of the local strut
+% values. If the height or depth is left blank, 0.7\normalbaselineskip
+% and 0.3\normalbaselineskip will be used, respectively.
+% The optional argument can be used to evaluate the lengths under
+% a different font size and styles. If none is specified, the current
+% font is used.
+% uses scratch registers \skip0, \skip2, \skip3, \dimen0, \dimen2
+\else% arg one present
+\fi% if null arg
+\else% arg two present
+\fi% if null arg
+% remove stretchability, just to be safe
+% dimen0 = height, dimen2 = depth
+\if@IEEEeqnarrayISinner% inner does not touch master strut size
+\@IEEEeqnarrayusemasterstrutfalse% do not use master
+\else% outer, have to set master strut too
+\@IEEEeqnarrayusemasterstruttrue% use master strut
+% usage: \IEEEeqnarraystrutsizeadd{added height}{added depth}[font size commands]
+% If called outside the lines of an IEEEeqnarray, adds the given height
+% and depth to both the master and local struts.
+% If called inside an IEEEeqnarray line, adds the given height and depth
+% to the local strut only and sets the flag to indicate the use
+% of the local strut values.
+% In both cases, if a height or depth is left blank, 0pt is used instead.
+% The optional argument can be used to evaluate the lengths under
+% a different font size and styles. If none is specified, the current
+% font is used.
+% uses scratch registers \skip0, \skip2, \skip3, \dimen0, \dimen2
+\else% arg one present
+\fi% if null arg
+\else% arg two present
+\fi% if null arg
+% remove stretchability, just to be safe
+% dimen0 = height, dimen2 = depth
+\if@IEEEeqnarrayISinner% inner does not touch master strut size
+% get local strut size
+% add it to the user supplied values
+\advance\dimen0 by \skip0\relax%
+\advance\dimen2 by \skip2\relax%
+% update the local strut size
+\@IEEEeqnarrayusemasterstrutfalse% do not use master
+\else% outer, have to set master strut too
+% get master strut size
+% add it to the user supplied values
+\advance\dimen0 by \skip0\relax%
+\advance\dimen2 by \skip2\relax%
+% update the local and master strut sizes
+\@IEEEeqnarrayusemasterstruttrue% use master strut
+% allow user a way to see the struts
+% inserts an invisible strut using the master or local strut values
+% uses scratch registers \skip0, \skip2, \dimen0, \dimen2
+% get master strut size
+% get local strut size
+% remove stretchability, probably not needed
+% dimen0 = height, dimen2 = depth
+% allow user to see struts if desired
+\vrule width0.2pt height\dimen0 depth\dimen2\relax%
+\vrule width0pt height\dimen0 depth\dimen2\relax\fi}
+% creates an invisible strut, useable even outside \IEEEeqnarray
+% if \IEEEvisiblestrutstrue, the strut will be visible and 0.2pt wide.
+% usage: \IEEEstrut[height][depth][font size commands]
+% default is \IEEEstrut[0.7\normalbaselineskip][0.3\normalbaselineskip][\relax]
+% blank arguments inherit the default values
+% uses \dimen0, \dimen2, \skip0, \skip2
+% remove stretchability, probably not needed
+\vrule width0.2pt height\dimen0 depth\dimen2\relax%
+\vrule width0.0pt height\dimen0 depth\dimen2\relax\fi}}
+% enables strut mode by setting a default strut size and then zeroing the
+% \baselineskip, \lineskip, \lineskiplimit and \jot
+% \IEEEeqnarray is an enhanced \eqnarray.
+% The star form defaults to not putting equation numbers at the end of each row.
+% usage: \IEEEeqnarray[decl]{cols}
+ % default to showing the equation number or not based on whether or not
+ % the star form was involked
+ \if@IEEEeqnarraystarform\global\@eqnswfalse
+ \else% not the star form
+ \global\@eqnswtrue
+ \fi% if star form
+ \@IEEEissubequationfalse% default to no subequations
+ \@IEEElastlinewassubequationfalse% assume last line is not a sub equation
+ \@IEEEeqnarrayISinnerfalse% not yet within the lines of the halign
+ \@IEEEeqnarraystrutsize{0pt}{0pt}[\relax]% turn off struts by default
+ \@IEEEeqnarrayusemasterstruttrue% use master strut till user asks otherwise
+ \IEEEvisiblestrutsfalse% diagnostic mode defaults to off
+ % no extra space unless the user specifically requests it
+ \lineskip=0pt\relax
+ \lineskiplimit=0pt\relax
+ \baselineskip=\normalbaselineskip\relax%
+ \jot=\normaljot\relax%
+ \mathsurround\z@\relax% no extra spacing around math
+ \@advanceIEEEeqncolcnttrue% advance the col counter for each col the user uses,
+ % used in \IEEEeqnarraymulticol and in the preamble build
+ \stepcounter{equation}% advance equation counter before first line
+ \setcounter{IEEEsubequation}{0}% no subequation yet
+ \def\@currentlabel{\p@equation\theequation}% redefine the ref label
+ \IEEEeqnarraydecl\relax% allow a way for the user to make global overrides
+ #1\relax% allow user to override defaults
+ \let\\\@IEEEeqnarraycr% replace newline with one that can put in eqn. numbers
+ \global\@IEEEeqncolcnt\z@% col. count = 0 for first line
+ \@IEEEbuildpreamble #2\end\relax% build the preamble and put it into \@IEEEtrantmptoksA
+ % put in the column for the equation number
+ \ifnum\@IEEEeqnnumcols>0\relax\@IEEEappendtoksA{&}\fi% col separator for those after the first
+ \toks0={##}%
+ % advance the \@IEEEeqncolcnt for the isolation col, this helps with error checking
+ \@IEEEappendtoksA{\global\advance\@IEEEeqncolcnt by 1\relax}%
+ % add the isolation column
+ \@IEEEappendtoksA{\tabskip\z@skip\bgroup\the\toks0\egroup}%
+ % advance the \@IEEEeqncolcnt for the equation number col, this helps with error checking
+ \@IEEEappendtoksA{&\global\advance\@IEEEeqncolcnt by 1\relax}%
+ % add the equation number col to the preamble
+ \@IEEEappendtoksA{\tabskip\z@skip\hb@xt@\z@\bgroup\hss\the\toks0\egroup}%
+ % note \@IEEEeqnnumcols does not count the equation col or isolation col
+ % set the starting tabskip glue as determined by the preamble build
+ \tabskip=\@IEEEBPstartglue\relax
+ % begin the display alignment
+ \@IEEEeqnarrayISinnertrue% commands are now within the lines
+ $$\everycr{}\halign to\displaywidth\bgroup
+ % "exspand" the preamble
+ \span\the\@IEEEtrantmptoksA\cr}
+% enter isolation/strut column (or the next column if the user did not use
+% every column), record the strut status, complete the columns, do the strut if needed,
+% restore counters to correct values and exit
+% need a way to remember if last line is a subequation
+% IEEEeqnarray uses a modifed \\ instead of the plain \cr to
+% end rows. This allows for things like \\*[vskip amount]
+% This "cr" macros are modified versions those for LaTeX2e's eqnarray
+% the {\ifnum0=`} braces must be kept away from the last column to avoid
+% altering spacing of its math, so we use & to advance to the next column
+% as there is an isolation/strut column after the user's columns
+\def\@IEEEeqnarraycr{\@IEEEeqnarrayglobalizestrutstatus&% save strut status and advance to next column
+ {\ifnum0=`}\fi
+ \@ifstar{%
+ \global\@eqpen\@M\@IEEEeqnarrayYCR
+ }{%
+ \global\@eqpen\interdisplaylinepenalty \@IEEEeqnarrayYCR
+ }%
+ \ifnum0=`{\fi}%
+ \@@IEEEeqnarraycr
+ \noalign{\penalty\@eqpen\vskip\jot\vskip #1\relax}}%
+\def\@@IEEEeqnarraycr{\@IEEEtrantmptoksA={}% clear token register
+ \advance\@IEEEeqncolcnt by -1\relax% adjust col count because of the isolation column
+ \ifnum\@IEEEeqncolcnt>\@IEEEeqnnumcols\relax
+ \@IEEEclspkgerror{Too many columns within the IEEEeqnarray\MessageBreak
+ environment}%
+ {Use fewer \string &'s or put more columns in the IEEEeqnarry column\MessageBreak
+ specifications.}\relax%
+ \else
+ \loop% add cols if the user did not use them all
+ \ifnum\@IEEEeqncolcnt<\@IEEEeqnnumcols\relax
+ \@IEEEappendtoksA{&}%
+ \advance\@IEEEeqncolcnt by 1\relax% update the col count
+ \repeat
+ % this number of &'s will take us the the isolation column
+ \fi
+ % execute the &'s
+ \the\@IEEEtrantmptoksA%
+ % handle the strut/isolation column
+ \@IEEEeqnarrayinsertstrut% do the strut if needed
+ \@IEEEeqnarraystrutreset% reset the strut system for next line or IEEEeqnarray
+ &% and enter the equation number column
+ % is this line needs an equation number, display it and advance the
+ % (sub)equation counters, record what type this line was
+ \if@eqnsw%
+ \if@IEEEissubequation\theIEEEsubequationdis\addtocounter{equation}{1}\stepcounter{IEEEsubequation}%
+ \global\@IEEElastlinewassubequationtrue%
+ \else% display a standard equation number, initialize the IEEEsubequation counter
+ \theequationdis\stepcounter{equation}\setcounter{IEEEsubequation}{0}%
+ \global\@IEEElastlinewassubequationfalse\fi%
+ \fi%
+ % reset the eqnsw flag to indicate default preference of the display of equation numbers
+ \if@IEEEeqnarraystarform\global\@eqnswfalse\else\global\@eqnswtrue\fi
+ \global\@IEEEissubequationfalse% reset the subequation flag
+ % reset the number of columns the user actually used
+ \global\@IEEEeqncolcnt\z@\relax
+ % the real end of the line
+ \cr}
+% \IEEEeqnarraybox is like \IEEEeqnarray except the box form puts everything
+% inside a vtop, vbox, or vcenter box depending on the letter in the second
+% optional argument (t,b,c). Vbox is the default. Unlike \IEEEeqnarray,
+% equation numbers are not displayed and \IEEEeqnarraybox can be nested.
+% \IEEEeqnarrayboxm is for math mode (like \array) and does not put the vbox
+% within an hbox.
+% \IEEEeqnarrayboxt is for text mode (like \tabular) and puts the vbox within
+% a \hbox{$ $} construct.
+% \IEEEeqnarraybox will auto detect whether to use \IEEEeqnarrayboxm or
+% \IEEEeqnarrayboxt depending on the math mode.
+% The third optional argument specifies the width this box is to be set to -
+% natural width is the default.
+% The * forms do not add \jot line spacing
+% usage: \IEEEeqnarraybox[decl][pos][width]{cols}
+% flag to indicate if the \IEEEeqnarraybox needs to put things into an hbox{$ $}
+% for \vcenter in non-math mode
+% #1 = decl; #2 = t,b,c; #3 = width, #4 = col specs
+\def\@@@@IEEEeqnarraybox[#1][#2][#3]#4{\@IEEEeqnarrayISinnerfalse % not yet within the lines of the halign
+ \@IEEEeqnarraymasterstrutsave% save current master strut values
+ \@IEEEeqnarraystrutsize{0pt}{0pt}[\relax]% turn off struts by default
+ \@IEEEeqnarrayusemasterstruttrue% use master strut till user asks otherwise
+ \IEEEvisiblestrutsfalse% diagnostic mode defaults to off
+ % no extra space unless the user specifically requests it
+ \lineskip=0pt\relax%
+ \lineskiplimit=0pt\relax%
+ \baselineskip=\normalbaselineskip\relax%
+ \jot=\normaljot\relax%
+ \mathsurround\z@\relax% no extra spacing around math
+ % the default end glues are zero for an \IEEEeqnarraybox
+ \edef\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPdefaultstart{\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPzero}% default start glue
+ \edef\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPdefaultend{\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPzero}% default end glue
+ \edef\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPdefaultmid{\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPzero}% default inter-column glue
+ \@advanceIEEEeqncolcntfalse% do not advance the col counter for each col the user uses,
+ % used in \IEEEeqnarraymulticol and in the preamble build
+ \IEEEeqnarrayboxdecl\relax% allow a way for the user to make global overrides
+ #1\relax% allow user to override defaults
+ \let\\\@IEEEeqnarrayboxcr% replace newline with one that allows optional spacing
+ \@IEEEbuildpreamble #4\end\relax% build the preamble and put it into \@IEEEtrantmptoksA
+ % add an isolation column to the preamble to stop \\'s {} from getting into the last col
+ \ifnum\@IEEEeqnnumcols>0\relax\@IEEEappendtoksA{&}\fi% col separator for those after the first
+ \toks0={##}%
+ % add the isolation column to the preamble
+ \@IEEEappendtoksA{\tabskip\z@skip\bgroup\the\toks0\egroup}%
+ % set the starting tabskip glue as determined by the preamble build
+ \tabskip=\@IEEEBPstartglue\relax
+ % begin the alignment
+ \everycr{}%
+ % use only the very first token to determine the positioning
+ % this stops some problems when the user uses more than one letter,
+ % but is probably not worth the effort
+ % \noindent is used as a delimiter
+ \def\@IEEEgrabfirstoken##1##2\noindent{\let\@IEEEgrabbedfirstoken=##1}%
+ \@IEEEgrabfirstoken#2\relax\relax\noindent
+ % \@IEEEgrabbedfirstoken has the first token, the rest are discarded
+ % if we need to put things into and hbox and go into math mode, do so now
+ \if@IEEEeqnarrayboxHBOXSW \leavevmode \hbox \bgroup $\fi%
+ % use the appropriate vbox type
+ \if\@IEEEgrabbedfirstoken t\relax\vtop\else\if\@IEEEgrabbedfirstoken c\relax%
+ \vcenter\else\vbox\fi\fi\bgroup%
+ \@IEEEeqnarrayISinnertrue% commands are now within the lines
+ \ifx#3\relax\halign\else\halign to #3\relax\fi%
+ \bgroup
+ % "exspand" the preamble
+ \span\the\@IEEEtrantmptoksA\cr}
+% carry strut status and enter the isolation/strut column,
+% exit from math mode if needed, and exit
+\def\end@IEEEeqnarraybox{\@IEEEeqnarrayglobalizestrutstatus% carry strut status
+&% enter isolation/strut column
+\@IEEEeqnarrayinsertstrut% do strut if needed
+\@IEEEeqnarraymasterstrutrestore% restore the previous master strut values
+% reset the strut system for next IEEEeqnarray
+% (sets local strut values back to previous master strut values)
+% ensure last line, exit from halign, close vbox
+% exit from math mode and close hbox if needed
+\if@IEEEeqnarrayboxHBOXSW $\egroup\fi}
+% IEEEeqnarraybox uses a modifed \\ instead of the plain \cr to
+% end rows. This allows for things like \\[vskip amount]
+% This "cr" macros are modified versions those for LaTeX2e's eqnarray
+% For IEEEeqnarraybox, \\* is the same as \\
+% the {\ifnum0=`} braces must be kept away from the last column to avoid
+% altering spacing of its math, so we use & to advance to the isolation/strut column
+% carry strut status into isolation/strut column
+\def\@IEEEeqnarrayboxcr{\@IEEEeqnarrayglobalizestrutstatus% carry strut status
+&% enter isolation/strut column
+\@IEEEeqnarrayinsertstrut% do strut if needed
+% reset the strut system for next line or IEEEeqnarray
+% test and setup the optional argument to \\[]
+% IEEEeqnarraybox does not automatically increase line spacing by \jot
+% starts the halign preamble build
+\def\@IEEEbuildpreamble{\@IEEEtrantmptoksA={}% clear token register
+\let\@IEEEBPcurtype=u%current column type is not yet known
+\let\@IEEEBPprevtype=s%the previous column type was the start
+\let\@IEEEBPnexttype=u%next column type is not yet known
+% ensure these are valid
+\def\@IEEEBPcurglue={0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt}%
+\def\@IEEEBPcurcolname{@IEEEdefault}% name of current column definition
+% currently acquired numerically referenced glue
+% use a name that is easier to remember
+% tracks number of columns in the preamble
+% record the default end glues
+% now parse the user's column specifications
+% parses and builds the halign preamble
+% use only the very first token to check the end
+% \noindent is used as a delimiter as \end can be present here
+% identify current and next token type
+\@IEEEgetcoltype{#1}{\@IEEEBPcurtype}{1}% current, error on invalid
+\@IEEEgetcoltype{#2}{\@IEEEBPnexttype}{0}% next, no error on invalid next
+% if curtype is a glue, get the glue def
+\if\@IEEEBPcurtype g\@IEEEgetcurglue{#1}{\@IEEEBPcurglue}\fi%
+% if curtype is a column, get the column def and set the current column name
+\if\@IEEEBPcurtype c\@IEEEgetcurcol{#1}\fi%
+% if curtype is a numeral, acquire the user defined glue
+\if\@IEEEBPcurtype n\@IEEEprocessNcol{#1}\fi%
+% process the acquired glue
+\if\@IEEEBPcurtype g\@IEEEprocessGcol\fi%
+% process the acquired col
+\if\@IEEEBPcurtype c\@IEEEprocessCcol\fi%
+% ready prevtype for next col spec.
+% be sure and put back the future token(s) as a group
+% executed just after preamble build is completed
+% warn about zero cols, and if prevtype type = u, put in end tabskip glue
+\@IEEEclspkgerror{No column specifiers declared for IEEEeqnarray}%
+{At least one column type must be declared for each IEEEeqnarray.}%
+\fi%num cols less than 1
+%if last type undefined, set default end tabskip glue
+\if\@IEEEBPprevtype u\@IEEEappendtoksA{\tabskip=\@IEEEBPendglue}\fi}
+% Identify and return the column specifier's type code
+% use only the very first token to determine the type
+% \noindent is used as a delimiter as \end can be present here
+% \@IEEEgrabfirstoken has the first token, the rest are discarded
+% n = number
+% g = glue (any other char in catagory 12)
+% c = letter
+% e = \end
+% u = undefined
+% third argument: 0 = no error message, 1 = error on invalid char
+\let#2=u\relax% assume invalid until know otherwise
+\ifcat\@IEEEgrabbedfirstoken\relax\else% screen out control sequences
+\else\ifcat a\@IEEEgrabbedfirstoken\let#2=c\relax\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+\if0\noexpand#3\relax\else\@IEEEclspkgerror{Invalid character in column specifications}%
+{Only letters, numerals and certain other symbols are allowed \MessageBreak
+as IEEEeqnarray column specifiers.}\fi\fi}
+% identify the current letter referenced column
+% if invalid, use a default column
+\def\@IEEEgetcurcol#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolDEF#1\endcsname\@IEEEeqnarraycolisdefined%
+\def\@IEEEBPcurcolname{#1}\else% invalid column name
+\@IEEEclspkgerror{Invalid column type "#1" in column specifications.\MessageBreak
+Using a default centering column instead}%
+{You must define IEEEeqnarray column types before use.}%
+% identify and return the predefined (punctuation) glue value
+% ! = \! (neg small) -0.16667em (-3/18 em)
+% , = \, (small) 0.16667em ( 3/18 em)
+% : = \: (med) 0.22222em ( 4/18 em)
+% ; = \; (large) 0.27778em ( 5/18 em)
+% ' = \quad 1em
+% " = \qquad 2em
+% . = 0.5\arraycolsep
+% / = \arraycolsep
+% ? = 2\arraycolsep
+% * = 1fil
+% + = \@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPcenter
+% - = \@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPzero
+% Note that all em values are referenced to the math font (textfont2) fontdimen6
+% value for 1em.
+% use only the very first token to determine the type
+% this prevents errant tokens from getting in the main text
+% \noindent is used as a delimiter here
+% get the math font 1em value
+% LaTeX2e's NFSS2 does not preload the fonts, but \IEEEeqnarray needs
+% to gain access to the math (\textfont2) font's spacing parameters.
+% So we create a bogus box here that uses the math font to ensure
+% that \textfont2 is loaded and ready. If this is not done,
+% the \textfont2 stuff here may not work.
+% Thanks to Bernd Raichle for his 1997 post on this topic.
+% fontdimen6 has the width of 1em (a quad).
+% identify the glue value based on the first token
+% we discard anything after the first
+\if *\@IEEEgrabbedfirstoken\edef#2{0pt plus 1fil minus 0pt}\else
+\@IEEEclspkgerror{Invalid predefined inter-column glue type "#1" in\MessageBreak
+column specifications. Using a default value of\MessageBreak
+0pt instead}%
+{Only !,:;'"./?*+ and - are valid predefined glue types in the\MessageBreak
+IEEEeqnarray column specifications.}\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+% process a numerical digit from the column specification
+% and look up the corresponding user defined glue value
+% can transform current type from n to g or a as the user defined glue is acquired
+\def\@IEEEprocessNcol#1{\if\@IEEEBPprevtype g%
+\@IEEEclspkgerror{Back-to-back inter-column glue specifiers in column\MessageBreak
+specifications. Ignoring consecutive glue specifiers\MessageBreak
+after the first}%
+{You cannot have two or more glue types next to each other\MessageBreak
+in the IEEEeqnarray column specifications.}%
+\let\@IEEEBPcurtype=a% abort this glue, future digits will be discarded
+\else% if we previously aborted a glue
+\if\@IEEEBPprevtype a\@IEEEBPcurnum=0\let\@IEEEBPcurtype=a%maintain digit abortion
+\else%acquire this number
+% save the previous type before the numerical digits started
+\if\@IEEEBPprevtype n\else\let\@IEEEBPprevsavedtype=\@IEEEBPprevtype\fi%
+\multiply\@IEEEBPcurnum by 10\relax%
+\advance\@IEEEBPcurnum by #1\relax% add in number, \relax is needed to stop TeX's number scan
+\if\@IEEEBPnexttype n\else%close acquisition
+\expandafter\ifx\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolSEPDEF\expandafter\romannumeral\number\@IEEEBPcurnum\endcsname\@IEEEeqnarraycolisdefined%
+\edef\@IEEEBPcurglue{\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolSEP\expandafter\romannumeral\number\@IEEEBPcurnum\endcsname}%
+\else%user glue not defined
+\@IEEEclspkgerror{Invalid user defined inter-column glue type "\number\@IEEEBPcurnum" in\MessageBreak
+column specifications. Using a default value of\MessageBreak
+0pt instead}%
+{You must define all IEEEeqnarray numerical inter-column glue types via\MessageBreak
+\string\IEEEeqnarraydefcolsep \space before they are used in column specifications.}%
+\fi% glue defined or not
+\let\@IEEEBPcurtype=g% change the type to reflect the acquired glue
+\let\@IEEEBPprevtype=\@IEEEBPprevsavedtype% restore the prev type before this number glue
+\@IEEEBPcurnum=0\relax%ready for next acquisition
+\fi%close acquisition, get glue
+\fi%discard or acquire number
+\fi%prevtype glue or not
+% process an acquired glue
+% add any acquired column/glue pair to the preamble
+\def\@IEEEprocessGcol{\if\@IEEEBPprevtype a\let\@IEEEBPcurtype=a%maintain previous glue abortions
+% if this is the start glue, save it, but do nothing else
+% as this is not used in the preamble, but before
+\if\@IEEEBPprevtype s\edef\@IEEEBPstartglue{\@IEEEBPcurglue}%
+\else%not the start glue
+\if\@IEEEBPprevtype g%ignore if back to back glues
+\@IEEEclspkgerror{Back-to-back inter-column glue specifiers in column\MessageBreak
+specifications. Ignoring consecutive glue specifiers\MessageBreak
+after the first}%
+{You cannot have two or more glue types next to each other\MessageBreak
+in the IEEEeqnarray column specifications.}%
+\let\@IEEEBPcurtype=a% abort this glue
+\else% not a back to back glue
+\if\@IEEEBPprevtype c\relax% if the previoustype was a col, add column/glue pair to preamble
+% make preamble advance col counter if this environment needs this
+\if@advanceIEEEeqncolcnt\@IEEEappendtoksA{\global\advance\@IEEEeqncolcnt by 1\relax}\fi
+% insert the column defintion into the preamble, being careful not to expand
+% the column definition
+\@IEEEappendNOEXPANDtoksA{\begingroup\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolPRE}%
+\relax\relax\relax\relax\relax\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolPOST}%
+\advance\@IEEEeqnnumcols by 1\relax%one more column in the preamble
+\else% error: non-start glue with no pending column
+\@IEEEclspkgerror{Inter-column glue specifier without a prior column\MessageBreak
+type in the column specifications. Ignoring this glue\MessageBreak
+{Except for the first and last positions, glue can be placed only\MessageBreak
+between column types.}%
+\let\@IEEEBPcurtype=a% abort this glue
+\fi% previous was a column
+\fi% back-to-back glues
+\fi% is start column glue
+\fi% prev type not a
+% process an acquired letter referenced column and, if necessary, add it to the preamble
+\def\@IEEEprocessCcol{\if\@IEEEBPnexttype g\else
+\if\@IEEEBPnexttype n\else
+% we have a column followed by something other than a glue (or numeral glue)
+% so we must add this column to the preamble now
+\ifnum\@IEEEeqnnumcols>0\relax\@IEEEappendtoksA{&}\fi%col separator for those after the first
+\if\@IEEEBPnexttype e\@IEEEappendtoksA{\tabskip=\@IEEEBPendglue\relax}\else%put in end glue
+\@IEEEappendtoksA{\tabskip=\@IEEEeqnarraycolSEPdefaultmid\relax}\fi% or default mid glue
+% make preamble advance col counter if this environment needs this
+\if@advanceIEEEeqncolcnt\@IEEEappendtoksA{\global\advance\@IEEEeqncolcnt by 1\relax}\fi
+% insert the column definition into the preamble, being careful not to expand
+% the column definition
+\@IEEEappendNOEXPANDtoksA{\begingroup\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolPRE}%
+\relax\relax\relax\relax\relax\csname @IEEEeqnarraycolPOST}%
+\advance\@IEEEeqnnumcols by 1\relax%one more column in the preamble
+\fi%next type not numeral
+\fi%next type not glue
+% set up the running headings, this complex because of all the different
+% modes IEEEtran supports
+ \if@technote
+ \def\ps@headings{%
+ \def\@oddhead{\hbox{}\scriptsize\leftmark \hfil \thepage}
+ \def\@evenhead{\scriptsize\thepage \hfil \leftmark\hbox{}}
+ \if@draftclsmode
+ \if@draftclsmodefoot
+ \def\@oddfoot{\scriptsize\@date\hfil DRAFT}
+ \def\@evenfoot{\scriptsize DRAFT\hfil\@date}
+ \else
+ \def\@oddfoot{}\def\@evenfoot{}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\@oddfoot{}\def\@evenfoot{}
+ \fi}
+ \else % not a technote
+ \def\ps@headings{%
+ \if@confmode
+ \def\@oddhead{}
+ \def\@evenhead{}
+ \else
+ \def\@oddhead{\hbox{}\scriptsize\rightmark \hfil \thepage}
+ \def\@evenhead{\scriptsize\thepage \hfil \leftmark\hbox{}}
+ \fi
+ \if@draftclsmode
+ \def\@oddhead{\hbox{}\scriptsize\rightmark \hfil \thepage}
+ \def\@evenhead{\scriptsize\thepage \hfil \leftmark\hbox{}}
+ \if@draftclsmodefoot
+ \def\@oddfoot{\scriptsize\@date\hfil DRAFT}
+ \def\@evenfoot{\scriptsize DRAFT\hfil\@date}
+ \else
+ \def\@oddfoot{}\def\@evenfoot{}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\@oddfoot{}\def\@evenfoot{}%
+ \fi}
+ \fi
+\else % single side
+ \if@confmode
+ \def\@oddhead{}
+ \def\@evenhead{}
+ \else
+ \def\@oddhead{\hbox{}\scriptsize\leftmark \hfil \thepage}
+ \def\@evenhead{}
+ \fi
+ \if@draftclsmode
+ \def\@oddhead{\hbox{}\scriptsize\leftmark \hfil \thepage}
+ \def\@evenhead{}
+ \if@draftclsmodefoot
+ \def\@oddfoot{\scriptsize \@date \hfil DRAFT}
+ \else
+ \def\@oddfoot{}
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\@oddfoot{}
+ \fi
+ \def\@evenfoot{}}
+% title page style
+ \def\@oddhead{}%
+ \def\@evenhead{}%
+ \def\@oddhead{\hbox{}\scriptsize\leftmark \hfil \thepage}%
+ \def\@evenhead{\scriptsize\thepage \hfil \leftmark\hbox{}}%
+ \def\@oddhead{\hbox{}\scriptsize\leftmark \hfil \thepage}%
+ \def\@evenhead{\scriptsize\thepage \hfil \leftmark\hbox{}}%
+ \if@draftclsmodefoot
+ \def\@oddfoot{\scriptsize \@date\hfil DRAFT}%
+ \def\@evenfoot{\scriptsize DRAFT\hfil \@date}%
+ \fi
+ % all non-draft mode footers
+ \if@IEEEusingpubid
+ % for title pages that are using a pubid
+ % do not repeat pubid if using peer review option
+ \if@peerreviewoption
+ \else
+ \footskip 0pt%
+ \def\@oddfoot{\hss\normalfont\footnotesize\raisebox{1.5ex}[1.5ex]{\@pubid}\hss}%
+ \def\@evenfoot{\hss\normalfont\footnotesize\raisebox{1.5ex}[1.5ex]{\@pubid}\hss}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% peer review cover page style
+ \if@draftclsmodefoot
+ \def\@oddfoot{\scriptsize \@date\hfil DRAFT}%
+ \def\@evenfoot{\scriptsize DRAFT\hfil \@date}%
+ \fi
+ % non-draft mode footers
+ \if@IEEEusingpubid
+ \footskip 0pt%
+ \def\@oddfoot{\hss\normalfont\footnotesize\raisebox{1.5ex}[1.5ex]{\@pubid}\hss}%
+ \def\@evenfoot{\hss\normalfont\footnotesize\raisebox{1.5ex}[1.5ex]{\@pubid}\hss}%
+ \fi
+% start with empty headings
+%% Defines the command for putting the header. \footernote{TEXT} is the same
+%% as \markboth{TEXT}{TEXT}.
+%% Note that all the text is forced into uppercase, if you have some text
+%% that needs to be in lower case, for instance et. al., then either manually
+%% set \leftmark and \rightmark or use \MakeLowercase{et. al.} within the
+%% arguments to \markboth.
+ January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+ \space\number\day, \number\year}
+%% V1.6 no longer supports the older, nonstandard \shortcite and \citename setup stuff
+% Modify Latex2e \@citex to separate citations with "], ["
+ \let\@citea\@empty
+ \@cite{\@for\@citeb:=#2\do
+ {\@citea\def\@citea{], [}%
+ \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb\@empty}%
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citeb}}\fi
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb}{\mbox{\reset@font\bfseries ?}%
+ \G@refundefinedtrue
+ \@latex@warning
+ {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
+ {\hbox{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}}{#1}}
+% V1.6 we create hooks for the optional use of Donald Arseneau's
+% cite.sty package. cite.sty is "smart" and will notice that the
+% following format controls are already defined and will not
+% redefine them. The result will be the proper sorting of the
+% citation numbers and auto detection of 3 or more entry "ranges" -
+% all in IEEE style: [1], [2], [5]--[7], [12]
+% This also allows for an optional note, i.e., \cite[mynote]{..}.
+% If the \cite with note has more than one reference, the note will
+% be applied to the last of the listed references. It is generally
+% desired that if a note is given, only one reference is listed in
+% that \cite.
+% Thanks to Mr. Arseneau for providing the required format arguments
+% to produce the IEEE style.
+\def\citepunct{], [}
+% V1.6b providing this command makes hyperref think the natbib package is
+% in use so that it will not interfere with cite.sty. However, as a result,
+% citation numbers will not be hyperlinked.
+\def\NAT@parse{\typeout{IEEEtran error: Attempt to use fake Natbib command
+which is provided to fool Hyperref.}}
+% it easy enough to override via:
+% \let\NAT@parse\undefined
+% V1.6 class files should always provide these
+\def\newblock{\hskip .11em\@plus.33em\@minus.07em}
+% Provide support for the control entries of IEEEtran.bst V1.00 and later.
+ \@for\@citeb:=#1\do{%
+ \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}%
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citeb}}\fi}%
+ \@esphack}
+% V1.6 provide a way for a user to execute a command just before
+% a given reference number - used to insert a \newpage to balance
+% the columns on the last page
+\edef\@IEEEtriggerrefnum{0} % the default of zero means that
+ % the command is not executed
+% allow the user to alter the triggered command
+% allow user a way to specify the reference number just before the
+% command is executed
+% trigger command at the given reference
+\advance\@IEEEtrantmpcountA by -1\relax%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{References}%
+ % V1.6 add some rubber space here and provide a command trigger
+ \footnotesize \vskip 0.3\baselineskip plus 0.1\baselineskip minus 0.1\baselineskip%
+ \list{\@biblabel{\@arabic\c@enumiv}}%
+ {\settowidth\labelwidth{\@biblabel{#1}}%
+ \leftmargin\labelwidth
+ \advance\leftmargin\labelsep\relax
+ \itemsep 0pt plus .5pt\relax%
+ \usecounter{enumiv}%
+ \let\p@enumiv\@empty
+ \renewcommand\theenumiv{\@arabic\c@enumiv}}%
+ \let\@IEEElatexbibitem\bibitem%
+ \def\bibitem{\@IEEEbibitemprefix\@IEEElatexbibitem}%
+\def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}%
+% originally:
+% \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000%
+% by adding the \interlinepenalty here, we make it more
+% difficult, but not impossible, for LaTeX to break within a reference.
+% IEEE almost never breaks a reference (but they do it more often with
+% technotes). You may get an underfull vbox warning around the bibliography,
+% but the final result will be much more like what IEEE will publish.
+% MDS 11/2000
+ \sfcode`\.=1000\relax}
+% \IEEEmembership is used to produce the sublargesize italic font used to indicate author
+% IEEE membership.
+% \authorrefmark{} produces a footnote type symbol to indicate author affiliation.
+% When given an argument of 1 to 9, \authorrefmark{} follows the standard LaTeX footnote
+% symbol sequence convention. However, for arguments 10 and above, \authorrefmark{}
+% reverts to using lower case roman numerals, so it cannot overflow. Do note that you
+% cannot use \footnotemark[] in place of \authorrefmark{} within \author as the footnote
+% symbols will have been turned off to prevent \thanks from creating footnote marks.
+% \authorrefmark{} produces a symbol that appears to LaTeX as having zero vertical
+% height - this allows for a more compact line packing, but the user must ensure that
+% the interline spacing is large enough to prevent \authorrefmark{} from colliding
+% with the text above.
+\def\authorrefmark#1{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\textsuperscript{\footnotesize\ensuremath{\ifcase#1\or *\or \dagger\or \ddagger\or%
+ \mathsection\or \mathparagraph\or \|\or **\or \dagger\dagger%
+ \or \ddagger\ddagger \else\textsuperscript{\expandafter\romannumeral#1}\fi}}}}
+% The default font styles for the author name and affiliation blocks (confmode)
+% The default if the user does not use an author block
+% spacing from title (or special paper notice) to author name blocks (confmode)
+% can be negative
+% spacing between name and affiliation blocks (confmode)
+% This can be negative.
+% IEEE doesn't want any added spacing here, but I will leave these
+% controls in place in case they ever change their mind.
+% Personally, I like 0.75ex.
+% baseline spacing within name and affiliation blocks (confmode)
+% must be positive, spacings below certain values will make
+% the position of line of text sensitive to the contents of the
+% line above it i.e., whether or not the prior line has descenders,
+% subscripts, etc. For this reason it is a good idea to keep
+% these above 2.6ex
+% This tracks the required strut size.
+% See the \@IEEEauthorhalign command for the actual default value used.
+% variables to retain font size and style across groups
+% values given here have no effect as they will be overwritten later
+% saves the current font attributes
+% restores the saved font attributes
+% variable to indicate if the current block is the first block in the column
+\newif\if@IEEEprevauthorblockincol \@IEEEprevauthorblockincolfalse
+% the command places a strut with height and depth = \@IEEEauthorblockXinterlinespace
+% we use this technique to have complete manual control over the spacing of the lines
+% within the halign environment.
+% We set the below baseline portion at 30%, the above
+% baseline portion at 70% of the total length.
+% Responds to changes in the document's \baselinestretch
+% blocks to hold the authors' names and affilations.
+% Makes formatting easy for conferences
+% use real definitions in conference mode
+% name block
+\def\authorblockN#1{\relax\@IEEEauthorblockNstyle% set the default text style
+\gdef\@IEEEauthorblockXinterlinespace{0pt}% disable strut for spacer row
+% the \expandafter hides the \cr in conditional tex, see the array.sty docs
+% for details, probably not needed here as the \cr is in a macro
+% do a spacer row if needed
+\global\@IEEEprevauthorblockincoltrue% we now have a block in this column
+%restore the correct strut value
+% input the author names
+% end the row if the user did not already
+% spacer row for names
+% affiliation block
+\def\authorblockA#1{\relax\@IEEEauthorblockAstyle% set the default text style
+\gdef\@IEEEauthorblockXinterlinespace{0pt}%disable strut for spacer row
+% the \expandafter hides the \cr in conditional tex, see the array.sty docs
+% for details, probably not needed here as the \cr is in a macro
+% do a spacer row if needed
+\global\@IEEEprevauthorblockincoltrue% we now have a block in this column
+%restore the correct strut value
+% input the author affiliations
+% end the row if the user did not already
+% spacer row for affiliations
+% allow papers to compile even if author blocks are used in modes other
+% than conference or peerreviewca. For such cases, we provide dummy blocks.
+ \if@peerreviewcaoption\else
+ % not conference or peerreviewca mode
+ \def\authorblockN#1{#1}%
+ \def\authorblockA#1{#1}%
+ \fi
+% we provide our own halign so as not to have to depend on tabular
+\def\@IEEEauthorhalign{\@IEEEauthordefaulttextstyle% default text style
+ \lineskip=0pt\relax% disable line spacing
+ \lineskiplimit=0pt\relax%
+ \baselineskip=0pt\relax%
+ \@IEEEcurfontSAVE% save the current font
+ \mathsurround\z@\relax% no extra spacing around math
+ \let\\\@IEEEauthorhaligncr% replace newline with halign friendly one
+ \tabskip=0pt\relax% no column spacing
+ \everycr{}% ensure no problems here
+ \@IEEEprevauthorblockincolfalse% no author blocks yet
+ \def\@IEEEauthorblockXinterlinespace{2.7ex}% default interline space
+ \vtop\bgroup%vtop box
+ \halign\bgroup&\relax\hfil\@IEEEcurfontRESTORE\relax ##\relax
+ \hfil\@IEEEcurfontSAVE\@IEEEauthorstrutrule\cr}
+% ensure last line, exit from halign, close vbox
+% handle bogus star form
+% test and setup the optional argument to \\[]
+% end the line and do the optional spacer
+% flag to prevent multiple \and warning messages
+% if in conference or peerreviewca modes, we support the use of \and as \author is a
+% tabular environment, otherwise we warn the user that \and is invalid
+% outside of conference or peerreviewca modes.
+\def\and{\relax} % provide a bogus \and that we will then override
+\renewcommand{\and}[1][\relax]{\if@IEEEWARNand\typeout{** WARNING: \noexpand\and is valid only
+ when in conference or peerreviewca}\typeout{modes (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNandfalse}
+% page clearing command
+% based on LaTeX2e's \cleardoublepage, but allows different page styles
+% for the inserted blank pages
+% user command to invoke the title page
+ \begingroup%
+ \normalfont%
+ \def\thefootnote{}% the \thanks{} mark type is empty
+ \def\footnotemark{}% and kill space from \thanks within author
+ \footnotesize% equal spacing between thanks lines
+ \footnotesep 0.7\baselineskip%see global setting of \footnotesep for more info
+ \normalsize%
+ \if@peerreviewoption
+ \newpage\global\@topnum\z@ \@maketitle\@IEEEstatictitlevskip\@IEEEaftertitletext%
+ \thispagestyle{peerreviewcoverpagestyle}\@thanks%
+ \else
+ \if@twocolumn%
+ \if@technote%
+ \newpage\global\@topnum\z@ \@maketitle\@IEEEstatictitlevskip\@IEEEaftertitletext%
+ \else
+ \twocolumn[\@maketitle\@IEEEdynamictitlevspace\@IEEEaftertitletext]%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \newpage\global\@topnum\z@ \@maketitle\@IEEEstatictitlevskip\@IEEEaftertitletext%
+ \fi
+ \thispagestyle{titlepagestyle}\@thanks%
+ \fi
+ % pullup page for pubid if used.
+ \if@IEEEusingpubid
+ \enlargethispage{-\@pubidpullup}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \setcounter{footnote}{0}\let\maketitle\relax\let\@maketitle\relax
+ \gdef\@thanks{}
+ % v1.6b do not clear these as we will need the title again for peer review papers
+ % \gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}%
+ \let\thanks\relax}
+% formats the Title, authors names, affiliations and special paper notice
+% THIS IS A CONTROLLED SPACING COMMAND! Do not allow blank lines or unintentional
+% spaces to enter the definition - use % at the end of each line
+ {\bfseries\large\@title\par}\vskip 1.3em{\lineskip .5em\@author\@specialpapernotice\par}%
+\else% not a technote
+ \vskip0.2em{\Huge\@title\par}\vskip1.0em\par%
+ % V1.6 handle \author differently if in conference mode
+ \if@confmode%
+ {\@specialpapernotice\mbox{}\vskip\@IEEEauthorblockconfadjspace%
+ \mbox{}\hfill\begin{@IEEEauthorhalign}\@author\end{@IEEEauthorhalign}\hfill\mbox{}\par}%
+ \else% peerreviewca, peerreview or journal
+ \if@peerreviewcaoption
+ % peerreviewca handles author names just like conference mode
+ {\@specialpapernotice\mbox{}\vskip\@IEEEauthorblockconfadjspace%
+ \mbox{}\hfill\begin{@IEEEauthorhalign}\@author\end{@IEEEauthorhalign}\hfill\mbox{}\par}%
+ \else % journal or peerreview
+ {\lineskip.5em\sublargesize\@author\@specialpapernotice\par}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% V1.6b define the \IEEEpeerreviewmaketitle as needed
+% \IEEEpeerreviewmaketitle does nothing if peer review option has not been selected
+% peerreview formats the repeated title like the title in journal papers.
+% V1.6
+% this is a static rubber spacer between the title/authors and the main text
+% used for single column text, or when the title appears in the first column
+% of two column text (technotes).
+% adjust spacing to next text
+% v1.6b handle peer review papers
+% for peer review papers, the same value is used for both title pages
+% regardless of the other paper modes
+ \vskip 1\baselineskip plus 0.375\baselineskip minus 0.1875\baselineskip
+ \if@confmode% conference
+ \vskip 1\baselineskip plus 0.375\baselineskip minus 0.1875\baselineskip%
+ \else%
+ \if@technote% technote
+ \vskip 1\baselineskip plus 0.375\baselineskip minus 0.1875\baselineskip%
+ \else% journal uses more space
+ \vskip 2.5\baselineskip plus 0.75\baselineskip minus 0.375\baselineskip%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% V1.6
+% This is a dynamically determined rigid spacer between the title/authors
+% and the main text. This is used only for single column titles over two
+% column text (most common)
+% This is bit tricky because we have to ensure that the textheight of the
+% main text is an integer multiple of \baselineskip
+% otherwise underfull vbox problems may develop in the second column of the
+% text on the titlepage
+% The possible use of \pubid must also be taken into account.
+ % we run within a group so that all the macros can be forgotten when we are done
+ \def\thanks##1{\relax}%don't allow \thanks to run when we evaluate the vbox height
+ \normalfont\normalsize% we declare more descriptive variable names
+ \let\@maintextheight=\@IEEEtrantmpdimenA%height of the main text columns
+ \let\@INTmaintextheight=\@IEEEtrantmpdimenB%height of the main text columns with integer # lines
+ % set the nominal and minimum values for the title spacer
+ % the dynamic algorithm will not allow the spacer size to
+ % become less than \@MINtitlevspace - instead it will be
+ % lengthened
+ % default to journal values
+ \def\@NORMtitlevspace{2.5\baselineskip}%
+ \def\@MINtitlevspace{2\baselineskip}%
+ % conferences and technotes need tighter spacing
+ \if@confmode%conference
+ \def\@NORMtitlevspace{1\baselineskip}%
+ \def\@MINtitlevspace{0.75\baselineskip}%
+ \fi
+ \if@technote%technote
+ \def\@NORMtitlevspace{1\baselineskip}%
+ \def\@MINtitlevspace{0.75\baselineskip}%
+ \fi%
+ % get the height that the title will take up
+ \if@peerreviewoption
+ \settoheight{\@maintextheight}{\vbox{\hsize\textwidth \@IEEEpeerreviewmaketitle}}%
+ \else
+ \settoheight{\@maintextheight}{\vbox{\hsize\textwidth \@maketitle}}%
+ \fi
+ \@maintextheight=-\@maintextheight% title takes away from maintext, so reverse sign
+ % add the height of the page textheight
+ \advance\@maintextheight by \textheight%
+ % correct for title pages using pubid
+ \if@peerreviewoption\else
+ % peerreview papers use the pubid on the cover page only.
+ % And the cover page uses a static spacer.
+ \if@IEEEusingpubid\advance\@maintextheight by -\@pubidpullup\fi
+ \fi%
+ % subtract off the nominal value of the title bottom spacer
+ \advance\@maintextheight by -\@NORMtitlevspace%
+ % \topskip takes away some too
+ \advance\@maintextheight by -\topskip%
+ % calculate the column height of the main text for lines
+ % now we calculate the main text height as if holding
+ % an integer number of \normalsize lines after the first
+ % and discard any excess fractional remainder
+ % we subtracted the first line, because the first line
+ % is placed \topskip into the maintext, not \baselineskip like the
+ % rest of the lines.
+ \@INTmaintextheight=\@maintextheight%
+ \divide\@INTmaintextheight by \baselineskip%
+ \multiply\@INTmaintextheight by \baselineskip%
+ % now we calculate how much the title spacer height will
+ % have to be reduced from nominal (\@REDUCEmaintextheight is always
+ % a positive value) so that the maintext area will contain an integer
+ % number of normal size lines
+ % we change variable names here (to avoid confusion) as we no longer
+ % need \@INTmaintextheight and can reuse its dimen register
+ \let\@REDUCEmaintextheight=\@INTmaintextheight%
+ \advance\@REDUCEmaintextheight by -\@maintextheight%
+ \advance\@REDUCEmaintextheight by \baselineskip%
+ % this is the calculated height of the spacer
+ % we change variable names here (to avoid confusion) as we no longer
+ % need \@maintextheight and can reuse its dimen register
+ \let\@COMPENSATElen=\@maintextheight%
+ \@COMPENSATElen=\@NORMtitlevspace% set the nominal value
+ % we go with the reduced length if it is smaller than an increase
+ \ifdim\@REDUCEmaintextheight < 0.5\baselineskip\relax%
+ \advance\@COMPENSATElen by -\@REDUCEmaintextheight%
+ % if the resulting spacer is too small back out and go with an increase instead
+ \ifdim\@COMPENSATElen<\@MINtitlevspace\relax%
+ \advance\@COMPENSATElen by \baselineskip%
+ \fi%
+ \else%
+ % go with an increase because it is closer to the nominal than a decrease
+ \advance\@COMPENSATElen by -\@REDUCEmaintextheight%
+ \advance\@COMPENSATElen by \baselineskip%
+ \fi%
+ % set the calculated rigid spacer
+ \vspace{\@COMPENSATElen}}}
+% V1.6
+% we allow the user access to the last part of the title area
+% useful in emergencies such as when a different spacing is needed
+% This text is NOT compensated for in the dynamic sizer.
+% V1.6 have abstract and keywords strip leading spaces, pars and newlines
+% so that spacing is more tightly controlled.
+ \if@twocolumn%
+ \@IEEEabskeysecsize\bfseries\textit{Abstract}---\,%
+ \else%
+ \begin{center}\vspace{-1.78ex}\@IEEEabskeysecsize\textbf{Abstract}\end{center}\quotation\@IEEEabskeysecsize%
+ \fi\@IEEEgobbleleadPARNLSP}
+% V1.6 IEEE wants only 1 pica from end of abstract to introduction heading when in
+% conference mode (the heading already has this much above it)
+ \normalfont\normalsize}
+ % IEEE uses the term (in bold italics) "Index Terms" now.
+ \if@twocolumn%
+ \@IEEEabskeysecsize\bfseries\textit{Index Terms}---\,\relax%
+ \else%
+ \begin{center}\@IEEEabskeysecsize\bfseries Index Terms\end{center}\quotation\@IEEEabskeysecsize%
+ \fi\@IEEEgobbleleadPARNLSP}
+ \par\if@twocolumn\else\endquotation\fi%
+ \normalsize\normalfont}
+% gobbles all leading \, \\ and \par, upon finding first token that
+% is not a \ , \\ or a \par, it ceases and returns that token
+% used to strip leading \, \\ and \par from the input
+% so that such things in the beginning of an environment will not
+% affect the formatting of the text
+\let\@IEEEgobbleleadSPtoken=\ %
+\def\@IEEEgobbleleadSPMACRO{\ }%
+% a control space will come in as a macro
+% when it is the last one on a line
+% if we have to swallow this token, do so and taste the next one
+% else spit it out and stop gobbling
+\ifx\@IEEEswallowthistoken 1\let\@IEEEnextgobbleleadPARNLSP=\@IEEEgobbleleadPARNLSP\else%
+\def\@IEEEsectpunct{:\ \,} % Punctuation after run-in section heading (headings which are
+ % part of the paragraphs), need little bit more than a space
+\def\@seccntformat#1{\csname the#1dis\endcsname\hskip 0.5em\relax}
+ \ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth%
+ \def\@svsec{}%
+ \else%
+ \refstepcounter{#1}
+ % load section label and spacer into \@svsec
+ \protected@edef\@svsec{\@seccntformat{#1}\relax}%
+ \fi%
+ \@tempskipa #5\relax%
+ \ifdim \@tempskipa>\z@% tempskipa determines whether is treated as a high
+ \begingroup #6\relax% or low level heading
+ \noindent % subsections are NOT indented
+ % print top level headings. \@svsec is label, #8 is heading title
+ %\@hangfrom{\hskip #3\relax\@svsec}{\interlinepenalty \@M #8\par}
+ % IEEE does not block indent the section title text, it flows like normal
+ \relax{\hskip #3\relax\@svsec}{\interlinepenalty \@M #8\par}%
+ \endgroup%
+ % got rid of sectionmark stuff
+ % \csname #1mark\endcsname{#7}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth\relax\else%
+ \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi#7}%
+ \else % printout low level headings
+ % svsechd seems to swallow the trailing space, protect it with \mbox{}
+ % got rid of sectionmark stuff
+ \def\@svsechd{#6\hskip #3\@svsec #8\@IEEEsectpunct\mbox{}%\csname #1mark\endcsname{#7}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth\relax\else%
+ \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi#7}}
+ \fi%skip down
+ \@xsect{#5}}
+% section* handler
+\def\@ssect#1#2#3#4#5{\@tempskipa #3\relax%
+ \ifdim \@tempskipa>\z@%
+ %\begingroup #4\@hangfrom{\hskip #1}{\interlinepenalty \@M #5\par}\endgroup
+ % IEEE does not block indent the section title text, it flows like normal
+ \begingroup \noindent #4\relax{\hskip #1}{\interlinepenalty \@M #5\par}\endgroup%
+ % svsechd swallows the trailing space, protect it with \mbox{}
+ \else \def\@svsechd{#4\hskip #1\relax #5\@IEEEsectpunct\mbox{}}\fi%
+ \@xsect{#3}}
+%% SECTION heading spacing and font
+% arguments are: #1 - sectiontype name
+% (for \@sect) #2 - section level
+% #3 - section heading indent
+% #4 - top separation (absolute value used, neg indicates not to indent main text)
+% If negative, make stretch parts negative too!
+% #5 - (absolute value used) positive: bottom separation after heading,
+% negative: amount to indent main text after heading
+% Both #4 and #5 negative means to indent main text and use negative top separation
+% #6 - font control
+% You've got to have \normalfont\normalsize in the font specs below to prevent
+% trouble when you do something like:
+% \section{Note}{\ttfamily TT-TEXT} is known to ...
+% IEEE sometimes REALLY stretches the area before a section
+% heading by up to about 0.5in. However, it may not be a good
+% idea to let LaTeX have quite this much rubber.
+% IEEE wants section heading spacing to decrease for conference mode
+\def\section{\@startsection{section}{1}{\z@}{1.5ex plus 1.5ex minus 0.5ex}%
+{0.7ex plus 1ex minus 0ex}{\normalfont\normalsize\centering\scshape}}%
+\def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{1.5ex plus 1.5ex minus 0.5ex}%
+{0.7ex plus .5ex minus 0ex}{\normalfont\normalsize\itshape}}%
+\else % for journals
+\def\section{\@startsection{section}{1}{\z@}{3.0ex plus 1.5ex minus 1.5ex}% V1.6 3.0ex from 3.5ex
+{0.7ex plus 1ex minus 0ex}{\normalfont\normalsize\centering\scshape}}%
+\def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{3.5ex plus 1.5ex minus 1.5ex}%
+{0.7ex plus .5ex minus 0ex}{\normalfont\normalsize\itshape}}%
+% decided to put in a little rubber above the section, might help somebody
+\def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\parindent}{0ex plus 0.1ex minus 0.1ex}%
+\def\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{2\parindent}{0ex plus 0.1ex minus 0.1ex}%
+% "box" symbols at end of proofs
+\def\QEDclosed{\mbox{\rule[0pt]{1.3ex}{1.3ex}}} % for a filled box
+% V1.6 some journals use an open box instead that will just fit around a closed one
+\def\QED{\QEDclosed} % default to closed
+\def\proof{\noindent\hspace{2em}{\itshape Proof: }}
+%\itemindent is set to \z@ by list, so define new temporary variable
+\def\@begintheorem#1#2{\@IEEEtmpitemindent\itemindent\topsep 0pt\rmfamily\trivlist%
+ \item[\hskip \labelsep{\indent\itshape #1\ #2:}]\itemindent\@IEEEtmpitemindent}
+\def\@opargbegintheorem#1#2#3{\@IEEEtmpitemindent\itemindent\topsep 0pt\rmfamily \trivlist%
+% V1.6 IEEE is back to using () around theorem names which are also in italics
+% Thanks to Christian Peel for reporting this.
+ \item[\hskip\labelsep{\indent\itshape #1\ #2\ (#3):}]\itemindent\@IEEEtmpitemindent}
+% V1.6
+% display command for the section the theorem is in - so that \thesection
+% is not used as this will be in Roman numerals when we want arabic.
+% LaTeX2e uses \def\@thmcounter#1{\noexpand\arabic{#1}} for the theorem number
+% (second part) display and \def\@thmcountersep{.} as a separator.
+% redefine the #1#2[#3] form of newtheorem to use a hook to \@IEEEthmcounterin
+ \expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+ {\@definecounter{#1}\@newctr{#1}[#3]%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{%
+ \noexpand\@IEEEthmcounterin{#3}\@thmcountersep\@thmcounter{#1}}%
+ \global\@namedef{#1}{\@thm{#1}{#2}}%
+ \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}
+% normally the page counter starts at 1
+% however, for peerreview the cover sheet is page 0 or page -1
+% (for duplex printing)
+ \if@twoside
+ \setcounter{page}{-1}
+ \else
+ \setcounter{page}{0}
+ \fi
+% standard book class behavior - let bottom line float up and down as
+% needed when single sided
+% if two column - turn on twocolumn, allow word spacings to stretch more and
+% enforce a rigid position for the last lines
+% the peer review option delays invoking twocolumn
+ \if@peerreviewoption\else
+ \twocolumn
+ \fi
+% \APPENDIX and \APPENDICES definitions
+% This is the \@ifmtarg command from the LaTeX ifmtarg package
+% by Peter Wilson (CUA) and Donald Arseneau
+% \@ifmtarg is used to determine if an argument to a command
+% is present or not.
+% For instance:
+% \@ifmtarg{#1}{\typeout{empty}}{\typeout{has something}}
+% \@ifmtarg is used with our redefined \section command if
+% \appendices is invoked.
+% The command \section will behave slightly differently depending
+% on whether the user specifies a title:
+% \section{My appendix title}
+% or not:
+% \section{}
+% This way, we can eliminate the blank lines where the title
+% would be, and the unneeded : after Appendix in the table of
+% contents
+% end of \@ifmtarg defs
+% save the "original" meaning of \section so we can redefine
+% \section after a call to \appendix or \appendices
+% neat trick to grab and process the argument from \section{argument}
+% we process differently if the user invoked \section{} with no
+% argument (title)
+% note we reroute the call to the old \section*
+\@IEEEappendixsavesection*{Appendix \thesectiondis}%
+\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Appendix \thesection}}{%
+\@IEEEappendixsavesection*{Appendix \thesectiondis \\* #1}%
+\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Appendix \thesection: #1}}}
+% we use this if the user calls \section{} after
+% \appendix-- which has no meaning. So, we ignore the
+% command and its argument. Then, warn the user.
+\def\@IEEEdestroythesectionargument#1{\typeout{** WARNING: Ignoring useless
+\protect\section\space in Appendix (line \the\inputlineno).}}
+% remember \thesection forms will be displayed in \ref calls
+% and in the Table of Contents.
+% The \sectiondis form is used in the actual heading itself
+% appendix command for one single appendix
+% normally has no heading. However, if you want a
+% heading, you can do so via the optional argument:
+% \appendix[Optional Heading]
+ % v1.6 keep hyperref's identifiers unique
+ \def\theHsection{Appendix.A}%
+ % v1.6 adjust hyperref's string name for the section
+ \xdef\Hy@chapapp{appendix}%
+ \setcounter{section}{0}%
+ \setcounter{subsection}{0}%
+ \setcounter{subsubsection}{0}%
+ \setcounter{paragraph}{0}%
+ \def\thesection{}%
+ \def\thesectiondis{}%
+ \def\thesubsection{\Alph{subsection}}%
+ \refstepcounter{section}% update the \ref counter
+ \@ifmtarg{#1}{\@IEEEappendixsavesection*{Appendix}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Appendix}}{%
+ \@IEEEappendixsavesection*{Appendix \\* #1}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Appendix: #1}}%
+ % redefine \section command for appendix
+ % leave \section* as is
+ \def\section{\@ifstar{\@IEEEappendixsavesection*}{%
+ \@IEEEdestroythesectionargument}}% throw out the argument
+ % of the normal form
+% provides the user a way to choose between
+% Appendix A
+% and
+% Appendix I
+% notation
+% defaults to Roman.
+% appendices command for multiple appendices
+% user then calls \section with an argument (possibly empty) to
+% declare the individual appendices
+ % v1.6 keep hyperref's identifiers unique
+ \def\theHsection{Appendix.\Alph{section}}%
+ % v1.6 adjust hyperref's string name for the section
+ \xdef\Hy@chapapp{appendix}%
+ \setcounter{section}{-1}% we want \refstepcounter to use section 0
+ \setcounter{subsection}{0}%
+ \setcounter{subsubsection}{0}%
+ \setcounter{paragraph}{0}%
+ \ifuseRomanappendices%
+ \def\thesection{\Roman{section}}%
+ \def\thesectiondis{\Roman{section}}%
+ \else%
+ \def\thesection{\Alph{section}}%
+ \def\thesectiondis{\Alph{section}}%
+ \fi%
+ \refstepcounter{section}% update the \ref counter
+ \setcounter{section}{0}% NEXT \section will be the FIRST appendix
+ % redefine \section command for appendices
+ % leave \section* as is
+ \def\section{\@ifstar{\@IEEEappendixsavesection*}{% process the *-form
+ \refstepcounter{section}% or is a new section so,
+ \@IEEEprocessthesectionargument}}% process the argument
+ % of the normal form
+% \PARstart
+% Definition for the big two line drop cap letter at the beginning of the
+% first paragraph of journal papers. The first argument is the first letter
+% of the first word, the second argument is the remaining letters of the
+% first word which will be rendered in upper case.
+% In V1.6 this has been completely rewritten to:
+% 1. no longer have problems when the user begins an environment
+% within the paragraph that uses \PARstart.
+% 2. auto-detect and use the current font family
+% 3. revise handling of the space at the end of the first word so that
+% interword glue will now work as normal.
+% 4. produce correctly aligned edges for the (two) indented lines.
+% We generalize things via control macros - playing with these is fun too.
+% the number of lines that are indented to clear it
+% minimum number of lines left on a page to allow a \@PARstart
+% Does not take into consideration rubber shrink, so it tends to
+% be overly cautious
+% the depth the letter is lowered below the baseline
+% the height (and size) of the letter is determined by the sum
+% of this value and the height of a capital "T" in the current
+% font. It is a good idea to set this value in terms of the baselineskip
+% so that it can respond to changes therein.
+% This is the separation distance from the drop letter to the main text.
+% Lengths that depend on the font (i.e., ex, em, etc.) will be referenced
+% to the font that is active when PARstart is called.
+% definition of \PARstart
+% The token \@IEEEPARstartfont will be globally defined after the first use
+% of \PARstart and will be a font command which creates the big letter
+% The first argument is the first letter of the first word and the second
+% argument is the rest of the first word(s).
+% if this page does not have enough space, break it and lets start
+% on a new one
+% calculate the desired height of the big letter
+% it extends from the top of a capital "T" in the current font
+% down to \@IEEEPARstartDROPDEPTH below the current baseline
+% extract the name of the current font in bold
+% and place it in \@IEEEPARstartFONTNAME
+\def\@IEEEPARstartGETFIRSTWORD##1 ##2\relax{##1}%
+% define a font based on this name with a point size equal to the desired
+% height of the drop letter
+\font\@IEEEPARstartsubfont\@IEEEPARstartFONTNAME\space at \@IEEEtrantmpdimenA\relax%
+% save this value as a counter (integer) value (sp points)
+% now get the height of the actual letter produced by this font size
+% If something bogus happens like the first argument is empty or the
+% current font is strange, do not allow a zero height.
+\typeout{** WARNING: PARstart drop letter has zero height! (line \the\inputlineno)}%
+\typeout{ Forcing the drop letter font size to 10pt.}%
+% and store it as a counter
+% Since a font size doesn't exactly correspond to the height of the capital
+% letters in that font, the actual height of the letter, \@IEEEtrantmpcountB,
+% will be less than that desired, \@IEEEtrantmpcountA
+% we need to raise the font size, \@IEEEtrantmpdimenA
+% by \@IEEEtrantmpcountA / \@IEEEtrantmpcountB
+% But, TeX doesn't have floating point division, so we have to use integer
+% division. Hence the use of the counters.
+% We need to reduce the denominator so that the loss of the remainder will
+% have minimal affect on the accuracy of the result
+\divide\@IEEEtrantmpcountB by 200%
+\divide\@IEEEtrantmpcountA by \@IEEEtrantmpcountB%
+% Then reequalize things when we use TeX's ability to multiply by
+% floating point values
+\multiply\@IEEEtrantmpdimenB by \@IEEEtrantmpcountA%
+% \@IEEEPARstartfont is globaly set to the calculated font of the big letter
+% We need to carry this out of the local calculation area to to create the
+% big letter.
+\global\font\@IEEEPARstartfont\@IEEEPARstartFONTNAME\space at \@IEEEtrantmpdimenB%
+% Now set \@IEEEtrantmpdimenA to the width of the big letter
+% We need to carry this out of the local calculation area to set the
+% hanging indent
+% end of the isolated calculation environment
+% add in the extra clearance we want
+\advance\@IEEEtrantmpdimenA by \@IEEEPARstartSEP%
+% \@IEEEtrantmpdimenA has the width of the big letter plus the
+% separation space and \@IEEEPARstartfont is the font we need to use
+% Now, we make the letter and issue the hanging indent command
+% The letter is placed in a box of zero width and height so that other
+% text won't be displaced by it.
+% V1.6 \CMPARstart is no longer needed as \PARstart now uses whatever
+% the current font family is.
+% \CMPARstart is provided here for backward compatability.
+% determines if the space remaining on a given page is equal to or greater
+% than the specified space of argument one
+% if not, execute argument two (only if the remaining space is greater than zero)
+% and issue a \newpage
+% example: \@IEEEtranneedspace{2in}{\vfill}
+% Does not take into consideration rubber shrinkage, so it tends to
+% be overly cautious
+% Based on an example posted by Donald Arseneau
+% Note this macro uses \@IEEEtrantmpdimenB internally for calculations,
+% so DO NOT PASS \@IEEEtrantmpdimenB to this routine
+% if you need a dimen register, import with \@IEEEtrantmpdimenA instead
+\def\@IEEEtranneedspace#1#2{\penalty-100\begingroup%shield temp variable
+\@IEEEtrantmpdimenB\pagegoal\advance\@IEEEtrantmpdimenB-\pagetotal% space left
+\ifdim #1>\@IEEEtrantmpdimenB\relax% not enough space left
+\ifdim\@IEEEtrantmpdimenB>\z@\relax #2\fi%
+% Allows user to enter BIOGRAPHY leaving place for picture (adapts to font size)
+% As of V1.5, a new optional argument allows you to have a real graphic!
+% V1.5 and later also fixes the "colliding biographies" which could happen when a
+% biography's text was shorter than the space for the photo.
+% MDS 7/2001
+% V1.6 prevent multiple biographies from making multiple TOC entries
+% biography counter so hyperref can jump directly to the biographies
+% and not just the previous section
+% photo area size
+\def\@IEEEBIOphotowidth{1.0in} % width of the biography photo area
+\def\@IEEEBIOphotodepth{1.25in} % depth (height) of the biography photo area
+% area cleared for photo
+\def\@IEEEBIOhangwidth{1.14in} % width cleared for the biography photo area
+\def\@IEEEBIOhangdepth{1.25in} % depth cleared for the biography photo area
+ % actual depth will be a multiple of
+ % \baselineskip, rounded up
+\def\@IEEEBIOskipN{4\baselineskip}% nominal value of the vskip above the biography
+\unitlength 1in\parskip=0pt\par\parindent 1em\interlinepenalty500%
+% we need enough space to support the hanging indent
+% the nominal value of the spacer
+% and one extra line for good measure
+\advance\@IEEEtrantmpdimenA by \@IEEEBIOskipN%
+\advance\@IEEEtrantmpdimenA by 1\baselineskip%
+% if this page does not have enough space, break it and lets start
+% with a new one
+% nominal spacer can strech, not shrink use 1fil so user can out stretch with \vfill
+\vskip \@IEEEBIOskipN plus 1fil minus 0\baselineskip%
+% the default box for where the photo goes
+\def\@IEEEtempbiographybox{{\setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}\framebox{\begin{minipage}[b][\@IEEEBIOphotodepth][c]{\@IEEEBIOphotowidth}\centering PLACE\\ PHOTO\\ HERE \end{minipage}}}}%
+% detect if the optional argument was supplied, this requires the
+% \@ifmtarg command as defined in the appendix section above
+% and if so, override the default box with what they want
+\end{minipage}}}}% end if optional argument supplied
+% Make an entry into the table of contents only if we have not done so before
+% link labels to the biography counter so hyperref will jump
+% to the biography, not the previous section
+% one more biography
+% Make an entry for this name into the table of contents
+% V1.6 properly handle if a new paragraph should occur while the
+% hanging indent is still active. Do this by redefining \par so
+% that it will not start a new paragraph. (But it will appear to the
+% user as if it did.) Also, strip any leading pars, newlines, or spaces.
+\let\@IEEEBIOORGparCMD=\par% save the original \par command
+\edef\par{\hfil\break\indent}% the new \par will not be a "real" \par
+\settoheight{\@IEEEtrantmpdimenA}{\@IEEEtempbiographybox}% get height of biography box
+\@IEEEtrantmpcountA=\@IEEEtrantmpdimenB% countA has the hang depth
+\divide\@IEEEtrantmpcountA by \baselineskip% calculates lines needed to produce the hang depth
+\advance\@IEEEtrantmpcountA by 1% ensure we overestimate
+% set the hanging indent
+% reference the top of the photo area to the top of a capital T
+% set the photo box, give it zero width and height so as not to disturb anything
+% now place the author name and begin the bio text
+\noindent\textbf{#2\ }\@IEEEgobbleleadPARNLSP}{\relax\let\par=\@IEEEBIOORGparCMD\par%
+% 7/2001 V1.5 detect when the biography text is shorter than the photo area
+% and pad the unused area - preventing a collision from the next biography entry
+% MDS
+\ifnum \prevgraf <\@IEEEtrantmpcountA\relax% detect when the biography text is shorter than the photo
+ \advance\@IEEEtrantmpcountA by -\prevgraf% calculate how many lines we need to pad
+ \advance\@IEEEtrantmpcountA by -1\relax% we compensate for the fact that we indented an extra line
+ \@IEEEtrantmpdimenA=\baselineskip% calculate the length of the padding
+ \multiply\@IEEEtrantmpdimenA by \@IEEEtrantmpcountA%
+ \noindent\rule{0pt}{\@IEEEtrantmpdimenA}% insert an invisible support strut
+% V1.6
+% added biography without a photo environment
+% Make an entry into the table of contents only if we have not done so before
+% link labels to the biography counter so hyperref will jump
+% to the biography, not the previous section
+% one more biography
+% Make an entry for this name into the table of contents
+\vskip 4\baselineskip plus 1fil minus 0\baselineskip%
+\noindent\textbf{#1\ }\@IEEEgobbleleadPARNLSP}{\relax\par\normalfont}
+% provide the user with some old font commands
+% got this from article.cls
+% holds the special notice text
+% for special papers, like invited papers, the user can do:
+% \specialpapernotice{(Invited Paper)} before \maketitle
+% to insert a publisher's ID footer
+% V1.6 \pubid has been changed so that the change in page size and style
+% occurs in \maketitle. \pubid must now be issued prior to \maketitle
+% use \pubidadjcol as before - in the second column of the title page
+% These changes allow \maketitle to take the reduced page height into
+% consideration when dynamically setting the space between the author
+% names and the maintext.
+% the amount the main text is pulled up to make room for the
+% publisher's ID footer
+% IEEE uses about 1.3\baselineskip for journals,
+% dynamic title spacing will clean up the fraction
+% for technotes it must be an integer of baselineskip as there can be no
+% dynamic title spacing for two column mode technotes (the title is in the
+% in first column) and we should maintain an integer number of lines in the
+% second column
+% There are some examples (such as older issues of "Transactions on
+% Information Theory") in which IEEE really pulls the text off the ID for
+% technotes - about 0.55in (or 4\baselineskip). We'll use 2\baselineskip
+% and call it even.
+% holds the ID text
+% flag so \maketitle can tell if \pubid was called
+% issue this command in the page to have the ID at the bottom
+% V1.6 use before \maketitle
+\def\pubid#1{\def\@pubid{#1} \global\@IEEEusingpubidtrue}
+% command which will pull up (shorten) the column it is executed in
+% to make room for the publisher ID. Place in the second column of
+% the title page when using \pubid
+% Is smart enough not to do anything when in single column text or
+% if the user hasn't called \pubid
+% currently needed in for the second column of a page with the
+% publisher ID. If not needed in future releases, please provide this
+% command and define it as \relax for backward compatibility
+% v1.6b do not allow command to operate if the peer review option has been
+% selected because \pubidadjcol will not be on the cover page.
+% Special thanks to Peter Wilson, Daniel Luecking, and the other
+% gurus at comp.text.tex, for helping me to understand how best to
+% implement the pubid command in LaTeX.
+%% Lockout some commands under various conditions
+% general purpose bit bucket
+% flags to prevent multiple warning messages
+%% Lockout some commands when in various modes, but allow them to be restored if needed
+% save commands which might be locked out
+% so that the user can later restore them if needed
+% disable \PARstart when in draft mode
+% This may have originally been done because the pre-V1.6 drop letter
+% algorithm had problems with a non-unity baselinestretch
+% At any rate, it seems too formal to have a drop letter in a draft
+% paper.
+\def\PARstart#1#2{#1#2\if@IEEEWARNPARstart\typeout{** ATTENTION: \noexpand\PARstart is disabled in draft mode (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNPARstartfalse}
+\def\CMPARstart#1#2{#1#2\if@IEEEWARNPARstart\typeout{** ATTENTION: \noexpand\CMPARstart is disabled in draft mode (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNCMPARstartfalse}
+% and for technotes
+\def\PARstart#1#2{#1#2\if@IEEEWARNPARstart\typeout{** WARNING: \noexpand\PARstart is locked out for technotes (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNPARstartfalse}
+\def\CMPARstart#1#2{#1#2\if@IEEEWARNPARstart\typeout{** WARNING: \noexpand\CMPARstart is locked out for technotes (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNCMPARstartfalse}
+% lockout unneeded commands when in conference mode
+% when locked out, \thanks, \keywords, \biography, \biographynophoto, \pubid,
+% \IEEEmembership and \IEEEaftertitletext will all swallow their given text.
+% \PARstart and \CMPARstart will output a normal character instead
+% warn the user about these commands only once to prevent the console screen
+% from filling up with redundant messages
+\def\thanks#1{\if@IEEEWARNthanks\typeout{** WARNING: \noexpand\thanks is locked out when in conference mode (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNthanksfalse}
+\def\PARstart#1#2{#1#2\if@IEEEWARNPARstart\typeout{** WARNING: \noexpand\PARstart is locked out when in conference mode (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNPARstartfalse}
+\def\CMPARstart#1#2{#1#2\if@IEEEWARNPARstart\typeout{** WARNING: \noexpand\CMPARstart is locked out when in conference mode (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNCMPARstartfalse}
+\renewenvironment{keywords}[1]{\if@IEEEWARNkeywords\typeout{** WARNING: \noexpand\keywords is locked out when in conference mode (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNkeywordsfalse%
+% LaTeX treats environments and commands with optional arguments differently.
+% the actual ("internal") command is stored as \\commandname
+% (accessed via \csname\string\commandname\endcsname )
+% the "external" command \commandname is a macro with code to determine
+% whether or not the optional argument is presented and to provide the
+% default if it is absent. So, in order to save and restore such a command
+% we would have to save and restore \\commandname as well. But, if LaTeX
+% ever changes the way it names the internal names, the trick would break.
+% Instead let us just define a new environment so that the internal
+% name can be left undisturbed.
+\newenvironment{@IEEEbogusbiography}[2][]{\if@IEEEWARNbiography\typeout{** WARNING: \noexpand\biography is locked out when in conference mode (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNbiographyfalse%
+% and make biography point to our bogus biography
+\renewenvironment{biographynophoto}[1]{\if@IEEEWARNbiographynophoto\typeout{** WARNING: \noexpand\biographynophoto is locked out when in conference mode (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNbiographynophotofalse%
+\def\pubid#1{\if@IEEEWARNpubid\typeout{** WARNING: \noexpand\pubid is locked out when in conference mode (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNpubidfalse}
+\def\pubidadjcol{\if@IEEEWARNpubidadjcol\typeout{** WARNING: \noexpand\pubidadjcol is locked out when in conference mode (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNpubidadjcolfalse}
+\def\IEEEmembership#1{\if@IEEEWARNIEEEmembership\typeout{** WARNING: \noexpand\IEEEmembership is locked out when in conference mode (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNIEEEmembershipfalse}
+\def\IEEEaftertitletext#1{\if@IEEEWARNIEEEaftertitletext\typeout{** WARNING: \noexpand\IEEEaftertitletext is locked out when in conference mode (line \the\inputlineno).}\fi\global\@IEEEWARNIEEEaftertitletextfalse}
+% provide a way to restore the commands that are locked out
+\typeout{** ATTENTION: Overriding command lockouts (line \the\inputlineno).}%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of IEEEtran.cls %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% That's all folks!