path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgfplots/lua/pgfplots/plothandler.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgfplots/lua/pgfplots/plothandler.lua')
1 files changed, 962 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgfplots/lua/pgfplots/plothandler.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgfplots/lua/pgfplots/plothandler.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e3fc089e25d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgfplots/lua/pgfplots/plothandler.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,962 @@
+-- This file contains parts of pgfplotscoordprocessing.code.tex and pgfplotsplothandlers.code.tex .
+-- It contains
+-- pgfplots.Axis
+-- pgfplots.Coord
+-- pgfplots.Plothandler
+-- and some related classes.
+local math=math
+local pgfplotsmath = pgfplots.pgfplotsmath
+local type=type
+local tostring=tostring
+local error=error
+local table=table
+local pgfmathparse = pgfplots.pgfluamathparser.pgfmathparse
+-- all globals will be read from/defined in pgfplots:
+local _ENV = pgfplots
+local pgftonumber =pgfluamathfunctions.tonumber
+Coord = newClass()
+function Coord:constructor()
+ self.x = { nil, nil, nil }
+ self.unboundedDir = nil
+ self.meta= nil
+ self.metatransformed = nil -- assigned during vis phase only
+ self.unfiltered = nil
+ self.pgfXY = nil -- assigned during visphase only
+ return self
+function Coord:copy(other)
+ for i = 1,#other.x do self.x[i] = other.x[i] end
+ self.meta = other.meta
+ self.metatransformed = other.metatransformed
+ self.unfiltered = nil -- not needed
+function Coord:__tostring()
+ local result = '(' .. stringOrDefault(self.x[1], "--") ..
+ ',' .. stringOrDefault(self.x[2], "--") ..
+ ',' .. stringOrDefault(self.x[3], "--") ..
+ ') [' .. stringOrDefault(self.meta, "--") .. ']'
+ if not self.x[1] and self.unfiltered then
+ result = result .. "(was " .. tostring(self.unfiltered) .. ")"
+ end
+ return result
+local stringToFunctionMap = pgfluamathfunctions.stringToFunctionMap
+-- a reference to a Coord which is returned by math expressions involving 'x', 'y', or 'z'
+-- see surveystart()
+local pseudoconstant_pt = nil
+local function pseudoconstant_x() return pseudoconstant_pt.x[1] end
+local function pseudoconstant_y() return pseudoconstant_pt.x[2] end
+local function pseudoconstant_z() return pseudoconstant_pt.x[3] end
+local function pseudoconstant_rawx() return pgftonumber(pseudoconstant_pt.unfiltered.x[1]) end
+local function pseudoconstant_rawy() return pgftonumber(pseudoconstant_pt.unfiltered.x[2]) end
+local function pseudoconstant_rawz() return pgftonumber(pseudoconstant_pt.unfiltered.x[3]) end
+local function pseudoconstant_meta() return pseudoconstant_pt.meta end
+-- @return the old value
+local function updatePseudoConstants(pt)
+ local old = pseudoconstant_pt
+ pseudoconstant_pt = pt
+ return old
+LinearMap = newClass()
+-- A map such that
+-- [inMin,inMax] is mapped linearly to [outMin,outMax]
+function LinearMap:constructor(inMin, inMax, outMin, outMax)
+ if not inMin or not inMax or not outMin or not outMax then error("arguments must not be nil") end
+ if inMin == inMax then
+ = function (x) return inMin end
+ else
+ if inMin > inMax then error("linear map received invalid input domain " .. tostring(inMin) .. ":" .. tostring(inMax)) end
+ self.offset = outMin - (outMax-outMin)*inMin/(inMax-inMin)
+ self.scale = (outMax-outMin)/(inMax-inMin)
+ end
+function LinearMap:map(x)
+ return x*self.scale + self.offset
+PointMetaMap = newClass()
+function PointMetaMap:constructor(inMin,inMax, warnForfilterDiscards)
+ if not inMin or not inMax or warnForfilterDiscards == nil then error("arguments must not be nil") end
+ self._mapper =,inMax, 0, 1000)
+ self.warnForfilterDiscards = warnForfilterDiscards
+function PointMetaMap:map(meta)
+ if pgfplotsmath.isfinite(meta) then
+ local result = self._mapper:map(meta)
+ result = math.max(0, result)
+ result = math.min(1000, result)
+ return result
+ else
+ if self.warnForfilterDiscards then
+ log("The per point meta data '" .. tostring(meta) .. " (and probably others as well) is unbounded - using the minimum value instead.\n")
+ self.warnForfilterDiscards=false
+ end
+ return 0
+ end
+-- Abstract base class of all plot handlers.
+-- It offers basic functionality for the survey phase.
+Plothandler = newClass()
+-- @param name the plot handler's name (a string)
+-- @param axis the parent axis
+-- @param pointmetainputhandler an instance of PointMetaHandler or nil if there is none
+function Plothandler:constructor(name, axis, pointmetainputhandler)
+ if not name or not axis then
+ error("arguments must not be nil")
+ end
+ self.axis = axis
+ self.config =
+ = name
+ self.coordindex = 0
+ self.metamin = math.huge
+ self.metamax = -math.huge
+ self.autocomputeMetaMin = true
+ self.autocomputeMetaMax = true
+ self.coords = {}
+ self.pointmetainputhandler = pointmetainputhandler
+ self.pointmetamap = nil -- will be set later
+ self.filteredCoordsAway = false
+ self.plotHasJumps = false
+ -- will be set before the visualization phase starts. At least.
+ self.plotIs3d = false
+ return self
+function Plothandler:__tostring()
+ return 'plot handler ' ..
+-- @see \pgfplotsplothandlersurveybeforesetpointmeta
+function Plothandler:surveyBeforeSetPointMeta()
+-- @see \pgfplotsplothandlersurveyaftersetpointmeta
+function Plothandler:surveyAfterSetPointMeta()
+-- appends a fully surveyed point
+function Plothandler:addSurveyedPoint(pt)
+ table.insert(self.coords, pt)
+ -- log("addSurveyedPoint(" .. tostring(pt) .. ") ...\n")
+-- assigns the point meta value by means of the PointMetaHandler
+function Plothandler:setperpointmeta(pt)
+ if pt.meta == nil and self.pointmetainputhandler ~= nil then
+ self.pointmetainputhandler:assign(pt)
+ end
+-- updates point meta limits
+function Plothandler:setperpointmetalimits(pt)
+ if pt.meta ~= nil then
+ if not type(pt.meta) == 'number' then error("got unparsed input "..tostring(pt)) end
+ if self.autocomputeMetaMin then
+ self.metamin = math.min(self.metamin, pt.meta )
+ end
+ if self.autocomputeMetaMax then
+ self.metamax = math.max(self.metamax, pt.meta )
+ end
+ end
+-- @see \pgfplotsplothandlersurveystart
+function Plothandler:surveystart()
+ stringToFunctionMap["x"] = pseudoconstant_x
+ stringToFunctionMap["y"] = pseudoconstant_y
+ stringToFunctionMap["z"] = pseudoconstant_z
+ stringToFunctionMap["rawx"] = pseudoconstant_rawx
+ stringToFunctionMap["rawy"] = pseudoconstant_rawy
+ stringToFunctionMap["rawz"] = pseudoconstant_rawz
+ stringToFunctionMap["meta"] = pseudoconstant_meta
+-- @see \pgfplotsplothandlersurveyend
+-- returns executable TeX code to communicate return values.
+function Plothandler:surveyend()
+ -- empty by default.
+ return ""
+-- @see \pgfplotsplothandlersurveypoint
+function Plothandler:surveypoint(pt)
+ updatePseudoConstants(nil)
+ local updateLimits = self.config.updateLimits
+ local current = self.axis:parsecoordinate(pt, self.config.filterExpressionByDir)
+ -- this here defines the math functions for x, y, or z.
+ -- FIXME: are there any hidden callers which rely on these constants in parsecoordinate!?
+ updatePseudoConstants(current)
+ if current.x[1] ~= nil then
+ current = self.axis:preparecoordinate(current)
+ if updateLimits then
+ self.axis:updatelimitsforcoordinate(current)
+ end
+ end
+ self.axis:datapointsurveyed(current, self)
+ self.coordindex = self.coordindex + 1;
+-- @return a string containing all surveyed coordinates in the format which is accepted \pgfplotsaxisdeserializedatapointfrom
+function Plothandler:surveyedCoordsToPgfplots(axis)
+ return self:getCoordsInTeXFormat(axis, self.coords)
+-- @return a string containing all coordinates in the format which is accepted \pgfplotsaxisdeserializedatapointfrom
+-- @param extraSerializer a function which takes an instance of Coord and returns a string. can be nil.
+function Plothandler:getCoordsInTeXFormat(axis, coords, extraSerializer)
+ if not axis then error("arguments must not be nil") end
+ local result = {}
+ for i = 1,#coords,1 do
+ local pt = coords[i]
+ local ptstr = self:serializeCoordToPgfplots(pt)
+ local axisPrivate = axis:serializeCoordToPgfplotsPrivate(pt)
+ if extraSerializer then
+ axisPrivate = extraSerializer(pt) .. "{" .. axisPrivate .. "}"
+ end
+ local serialized = "{" .. axisPrivate .. ";" .. ptstr .. "}"
+ table.insert(result, serialized)
+ end
+ return table.concat(result)
+-- does the same as \pgfplotsplothandlerserializepointto
+function Plothandler:serializeCoordToPgfplots(pt)
+ return
+ toTeXstring(pt.x[1]) .. "," ..
+ toTeXstring(pt.x[2]) .. "," ..
+ toTeXstring(pt.x[3])
+function Plothandler:visualizationPhaseInit()
+ if self.pointmetainputhandler ~=nil then
+ local rangeMin
+ local rangeMax
+ if self.config.pointmetarel == PointMetaRel.axiswide then
+ rangeMin = self.axis.axiswidemetamin
+ rangeMax = self.axis.axiswidemetamax
+ else
+ rangeMin = self.metamin
+ rangeMax = self.metamax
+ end
+ self.pointmetamap =, rangeMax, self.config.warnForfilterDiscards)
+ end
+-- PRECONDITION: visualizationPhaseInit() has been called some time before.
+function Plothandler:visualizationTransformMeta(meta)
+ if meta == nil then
+ log("could not access the 'point meta' (used for example by scatter plots and color maps). Maybe you need to add '\\addplot[point meta=y]' or something like that?\n")
+ return 1
+ else
+ return self.pointmetamap:map(meta)
+ end
+-- Modifies coords inplace.
+-- @return nothing.
+-- see \pgfplots@apply@zbuffer@sort@coordinates
+function Plothandler:sortCoordinatesByViewDepth()
+ local coords = self.coords
+ local axis = self.axis
+ local viewdir = axis.viewdir
+ -- Step 1: compute view depth for every coordinate
+ local getVertexDepth = axis.getVertexDepth
+ for i=1,#coords do
+ local vertexDepth = getVertexDepth(axis,coords[i])
+ coords[i].vertexDepth = vertexDepth
+ end
+ -- Step 2: sort (inplace)
+ local comparator = function(ptA, ptB)
+ return ptA.vertexDepth > ptB.vertexDepth
+ end
+ table.sort(coords, comparator)
+ -- Step 3: cleanup: do not leave 'vertexDepth' inside of the array
+ for i=1,#coords do
+ coords[i].vertexDepth = nil
+ end
+-- Generic plot handler: one which has the default survey phase
+-- It is actually the same as Plothandler...
+GenericPlothandler = newClassExtends(Plothandler)
+function GenericPlothandler:constructor(name, axis, pointmetainputhandler)
+ Plothandler.constructor(self,name, axis, pointmetainputhandler)
+UnboundedCoords = { discard="d", jump="j" }
+PointMetaRel = { axiswide = 0, perplot =1 }
+-- contains static configuration entities.
+PlothandlerConfig = newClass()
+function PlothandlerConfig:constructor()
+ self.unboundedCoords = UnboundedCoords.discard
+ self.warnForfilterDiscards=true
+ self.pointmetarel = PointMetaRel.axiswide
+ self.updateLimits = true
+ self.filterExpressionByDir = {"", "", ""}
+ return self
+-- a PlotVisualizer takes an input Plothandler and visualizes its results.
+-- "Visualize" can mean
+-- * apply the plot handler's default visualization phase
+-- * visualize just plot marks at each of the collected coordinates
+-- * visualize just error bars at each collected coordinate
+-- * ...
+-- this class offers basic visualization support. "Basic" means that it will merely transform and finalize input coordinates.
+PlotVisualizer = newClass()
+-- @param sourcePlotHandler an instance of Plothandler
+function PlotVisualizer:constructor(sourcePlotHandler)
+ if not sourcePlotHandler then error("arguments must not be nil") end
+ self.axis = sourcePlotHandler.axis
+ self.sourcePlotHandler=sourcePlotHandler
+ if sourcePlotHandler.plotIs3d then
+ self.qpointxyz = self.axis.qpointxyz
+ else
+ self.qpointxyz = self.axis.qpointxy
+ end
+-- Visualizes the results.
+-- @return any results. The format of the results is currently a list of Coord, but I am unsure of whether it will stay this way.
+-- Note that a PlotVisualizer does _not_ modify self.sourcePlotHandler.coords
+function PlotVisualizer:getVisualizationOutput()
+ local result = {}
+ local coords = self.sourcePlotHandler.coords
+ -- standard z buffer choices (not mesh + sort) is currently handled in TeX
+ -- as well as other preparations
+ -- FIXME : stacked plots?
+ -- FIXME : error bars?
+ for i = 1,#coords do
+ local result_i
+ local result_i =
+ result_i:copy(coords[i])
+ if result_i.x[1] ~= nil then
+ self:visphasegetpoint(result_i)
+ else
+ self:notifyJump(result_i)
+ end
+ result[i] = result_i
+ end
+ return result
+-- resembles \pgfplotsplothandlervisualizejump -- or at least that part which can be done in LUA.
+-- It does not visualize anything, but it can be used to modify the coordinate
+function PlotVisualizer:notifyJump(pt)
+ -- do nothing.
+function PlotVisualizer:visphasegetpoint(pt)
+ pt.untransformed = {}
+ for j = 1,#pt.x do
+ pt.untransformed[j] = pt.x[j]
+ end
+ self.axis:visphasetransformcoordinate(pt)
+ -- FIXME : prepare data point (only for stacked)
+ pt.pgfXY = self.qpointxyz(pt.x)
+-- An abstract base class for a handler of point meta.
+-- @see \pgfplotsdeclarepointmetasource
+PointMetaHandler = newClass()
+-- @param isSymbolic
+-- expands to either '1' or '0'
+-- A numeric source will be processed numerically in float
+-- arithmetics. Thus, the output of the @assign routine should be
+-- a macro \pgfplots@current@point@meta in float format.
+-- The output of a numeric point meta source will result in meta
+-- limit updates and the final map to [0,1000] will be
+-- initialised automatically.
+-- A symbolic input routine won't be processed.
+-- Default is '0'
+-- @param explicitInput
+-- expands to either
+-- '1' or '0'. In case '1', it expects explicit input from the
+-- coordinate input routines. For example, 'plot file' will look for
+-- further input after the x,y,z coordinates.
+-- Default is '0'
+function PointMetaHandler:constructor(isSymbolic, explicitInput)
+ self.isSymbolic =isSymbolic
+ self.explicitInput = explicitInput
+ return self
+-- During the survey phase, this macro is expected to assign
+-- \pgfplots@current@point@meta
+-- if it is a numeric input method, it should return a
+-- floating point number.
+-- It is allowed to return an empty string to say "there is no point
+-- meta".
+-- PRECONDITION for '@assign':
+-- - the coordinate input method has already assigned its
+-- '\pgfplots@current@point@meta' (probably as raw input string).
+-- - the other input coordinates are already read.
+-- POSTCONDITION for '@assign':
+-- - \pgfplots@current@point@meta is ready for use:
+-- - EITHER a parsed floating point number
+-- - OR an empty string,
+-- - OR a symbolic string (if the issymbolic boolean is true)
+-- The default implementation is
+-- \let\pgfplots@current@point@meta=\pgfutil@empty
+function PointMetaHandler.assign(pt)
+ error("This instance of PointMetaHandler is not implemented")
+-- A PointMetaHandler which merely acquires values of either x,y, or z.
+CoordAssignmentPointMetaHandler = newClassExtends( PointMetaHandler )
+function CoordAssignmentPointMetaHandler:constructor(dir)
+ PointMetaHandler.constructor(self, false,false)
+ if not dir then error "nil argument for 'dir' is unsupported." end
+ self.dir=dir
+function CoordAssignmentPointMetaHandler:assign(pt)
+ if not pt then error("arguments must not be nil") end
+ pt.meta = pgftonumber(pt.x[self.dir])
+XcoordAssignmentPointMetaHandler =
+YcoordAssignmentPointMetaHandler =
+ZcoordAssignmentPointMetaHandler =
+-- A class of PointMetaHandler which takes the 'Coord.meta' as input
+ExplicitPointMetaHandler = newClassExtends( PointMetaHandler )
+function ExplicitPointMetaHandler:constructor()
+ PointMetaHandler.constructor(self, false,true)
+function ExplicitPointMetaHandler:assign(pt)
+ if pt.unfiltered ~= nil and pt.unfiltered.meta ~= nil then
+ pt.meta = pgftonumber(pt.unfiltered.meta)
+ end
+-- a point meta handler which evaluates a math expression.
+-- ATTENTION: the expression cannot depend on TeX macro values
+ExpressionPointMetaHandler = newClassExtends( PointMetaHandler )
+-- @param expression an expression. It can rely on functions which are only available in plot context (in plot expression, x and y are typically defined)
+function ExpressionPointMetaHandler:constructor(expression)
+ PointMetaHandler.constructor(self, false,false)
+ self.expression = expression
+function ExpressionPointMetaHandler:assign(pt)
+ pt.meta = pgfmathparse(self.expression)
+ if not pt.meta then
+ error("point meta=" .. self.expression .. ": expression has been rejected.")
+ end
+DatascaleTrafo = newClass()
+function DatascaleTrafo:constructor(exponent, shift)
+ self.exponent=exponent
+ self.shift=shift
+ self.scale = math.pow(10, exponent)
+function DatascaleTrafo:map(x)
+ return self.scale * x - self.shift
+-- An axis.
+Axis = newClass()
+function Axis:constructor()
+ self.is3d = false
+ self.clipLimits = true
+ self.autocomputeAllLimits = true -- FIXME : redundant!?
+ self.autocomputeMin = { true, true, true }
+ self.autocomputeMax = { true, true, true }
+ self.isLinear = { true, true, true }
+ self.min = { math.huge, math.huge, math.huge }
+ self.max = { -math.huge, -math.huge, -math.huge }
+ self.datamin = { math.huge, math.huge, math.huge }
+ self.datamax = { -math.huge, -math.huge, -math.huge }
+ self.axiswidemetamin = { math.huge, math.huge }
+ self.axiswidemetamax = { -math.huge, -math.huge }
+ -- will be populated by the TeX code:
+ self.plothandlers = {}
+ -- needed during visualization phase:
+ self.datascaleTrafo={}
+ -- needed during visualization phase: a vector of 3 elements, each is a vector of 2 elements.
+ -- self.unitvectors[1] is (\pgf@xx,\pgf@xy)
+ self.unitvectors={}
+ -- needed during visualization phase -- but only for 3d!
+ self.viewdir = {}
+ return self
+function Axis:getVertexDepth(pt)
+ local vertexDepth = 0
+ local vertex = pt.x
+ local viewdir = self.viewdir
+ if vertex[1] == nil then
+ -- an empty coordinate. Get rid of it.
+ return 0
+ end
+ if #vertex ~=3 then
+ error("Cannot compute vertex depth of " .. tostring(pt) .. ": expected a 3d point but got " .. tostring(#vertex))
+ end
+ if not viewdir or #viewdir~=3 then error("got unexpected view dir " ..tostring(viewdir) ) end
+ for k = 1,3 do
+ local component = vertex[k]
+ vertexDepth = vertexDepth + component*viewdir[k]
+ end
+ return vertexDepth
+function Axis:setunitvectors(unitvectors)
+ if not unitvectors or #unitvectors ~= 3 then error("got illegal arguments " .. tostring(unitvectors)) end
+ self.unitvectors = unitvectors
+ local pgfxx = unitvectors[1][1]
+ local pgfxy = unitvectors[1][2]
+ local pgfyx = unitvectors[2][1]
+ local pgfyy = unitvectors[2][2]
+ local pgfzx = unitvectors[3][1]
+ local pgfzy = unitvectors[3][2]
+ self.qpointxyz = function(xyz)
+ local result = {}
+ result[1] = xyz[1] * pgfxx + xyz[2] * pgfyx + xyz[3] * pgfzx
+ result[2] = xyz[1] * pgfxy + xyz[2] * pgfyy + xyz[3] * pgfzy
+ return result
+ end
+ if pgfxy==0 and pgfyx ==0 then
+ self.qpointxy = function(xy)
+ local result = {}
+ result[1] = xy[1] * pgfxx
+ result[2] = xy[2] * pgfyy
+ return result
+ end
+ else
+ self.qpointxy = function(xyz)
+ local result = {}
+ result[1] = xyz[1] * pgfxx + xyz[2] * pgfyx
+ result[2] = xyz[1] * pgfxy + xyz[2] * pgfyy
+ return result
+ end
+ end
+-- applies user transformations and logs
+-- @see \pgfplots@prepared@xcoord
+function Axis:preparecoord(dir, value)
+ -- FIXME : user trafos, logs (switches off LUA backend)
+ return value
+function Axis:filtercoord(dir, ptCoords, filterExpressionByDir)
+ if not dir or not ptCoords or not filterExpressionByDir then error("Arguments must not be nil") end
+ local result = ptCoords.x[dir]
+ if filterExpressionByDir[dir]:len() > 0 then
+ for j = 1,#ptCoords.x do
+ ptCoords.x[j] = pgftonumber(ptCoords.x[j])
+ end
+ local old = updatePseudoConstants(ptCoords)
+ result = pgfmathparse(filterExpressionByDir[dir])
+ updatePseudoConstants(old)
+ end
+ return result
+-- @see \pgfplotsaxisserializedatapoint@private
+function Axis:serializeCoordToPgfplotsPrivate(pt)
+ return toTeXstring(pt.meta)
+function Axis:validatecoord(dir, point)
+ if not dir or not point then error("arguments must not be nil") end
+ local result = pgftonumber(point.x[dir])
+ if result == nil then
+ result = nil
+ elseif result == pgfplotsmath.infty or result == -pgfplotsmath.infty or pgfplotsmath.isnan(result) then
+ result = nil
+ point.unboundedDir = dir
+ end
+ point.x[dir] = result
+-- @see \pgfplotsaxisparsecoordinate
+function Axis:parsecoordinate(pt, filterExpressionByDir)
+ -- replace empty strings by 'nil':
+ for i = 1,3 do
+ pt.x[i] = stringOrDefault(pt.x[i], nil)
+ end
+ pt.meta = stringOrDefault(pt.meta)
+ if pt.x[3] ~= nil then
+ self.is3d = true
+ end
+ local result =
+ local unfiltered =
+ unfiltered.x = {}
+ unfiltered.meta = pt.meta
+ for i = 1,3 do
+ unfiltered.x[i] = pt.x[i]
+ end
+ result.unfiltered = unfiltered
+ -- copy values such that filtercoord can access them in the same order as the TeX impl.
+ for i = 1,self:loopMax() do
+ result.x[i] = pt.x[i]
+ end
+ -- FIXME : self:prefilter(pt[i])
+ for i = 1,self:loopMax() do
+ result.x[i] = self:preparecoord(i, pt.x[i])
+ result.x[i] = self:filtercoord(i, result, filterExpressionByDir)
+ end
+ -- FIXME : result.x = self:xyzfilter(result.x)
+ for i = 1,self:loopMax() do
+ self:validatecoord(i, result)
+ end
+ local resultIsBounded = true
+ for i = 1,self:loopMax() do
+ if result.x[i] == nil then
+ resultIsBounded = false
+ end
+ end
+ if not resultIsBounded then
+ result.x = { nil, nil, nil}
+ end
+ return result
+-- @see \pgfplotsaxispreparecoordinate
+function Axis:preparecoordinate(pt)
+ -- the default "preparation" is to return it as is (no number parsing)
+ --
+ -- FIXME : data cs! Stacking!
+ return pt
+-- returns either 2 if this axis is 2d or 3 otherwise
+-- FIXME : shouldn't this depend on the current plot handler!?
+function Axis:loopMax()
+ if self.is3d then return 3 else return 2 end
+-- updates axis limits for pt
+-- @param pt an instance of Coord
+function Axis:updatelimitsforcoordinate(pt)
+ local isClipped = false
+ if self.clipLimits then
+ for i = 1,self:loopMax(),1 do
+ if not self.autocomputeMin[i] then
+ isClipped = isClipped or pt.x[i] < self.min[i]
+ end
+ if not self.autocomputeMax[i] then
+ isClipped = isClipped or pt.x[i] > self.max[i]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not isClipped then
+ for i = 1,self:loopMax(),1 do
+ if self.autocomputeMin[i] then
+ self.min[i] = math.min(pt.x[i], self.min[i])
+ end
+ if self.autocomputeMax[i] then
+ self.max[i] = math.max(pt.x[i], self.max[i])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Compute data range:
+ if self.autocomputeAllLimits then
+ -- the data range will be acquired simply from the axis
+ -- range, see below!
+ else
+ for i = 1,self:loopMax(),1 do
+ self.datamin[i] = math.min(pt.x[i], self.min[i])
+ self.datamax[i] = math.max(pt.x[i], self.max[i])
+ end
+ end
+-- unfinished, see its fixmes
+function Axis:addVisualizationDependencies(pt)
+ -- FIXME : 'visualization depends on'
+ -- FIXME : 'execute for finished point'
+ return pt
+-- indicates that a data point has been surveyed by the axis and that it can be consumed
+function Axis:datapointsurveyed(pt, plothandler)
+ if not pt or not plothandler then error("arguments must not be nil") end
+ if pt.x[1] ~= nil then
+ plothandler:surveyBeforeSetPointMeta()
+ plothandler:setperpointmeta(pt)
+ plothandler:setperpointmetalimits(pt)
+ plothandler:surveyAfterSetPointMeta()
+ -- FIXME : error bars
+ -- FIXME: collect first plot as tick
+ -- note that that TeX code would also remember the first/last coordinate in a stream.
+ -- This is unnecessary here.
+ local serialized = self:addVisualizationDependencies(pt)
+ plothandler:addSurveyedPoint(serialized)
+ else
+ if plothandler.config.unboundedCoords == UnboundedCoords.discard then
+ plothandler.filteredCoordsAway = true
+ if plothandler.config.warnForfilterDiscards then
+ local reason
+ if pt.unboundedDir == nil then
+ reason = "of a coordinate filter."
+ else
+ reason = "it is unbounding (in " .. tostring(pt.unboundedDir) .. ")."
+ end
+ log("NOTE: coordinate " .. tostring(pt) .. " has been dropped because " .. reason .. "\n")
+ end
+ elseif plothandler.config.unboundedCoords == UnboundedCoords.jump then
+ if pt.unboundedDir == nil then
+ plothandler.filteredCoordsAway = true
+ if plothandler.config.warnForfilterDiscards then
+ local reason = "of a coordinate filter."
+ log("NOTE: coordinate " .. tostring(pt) .. " has been dropped because " .. reason .. "\n")
+ end
+ else
+ plothandler.plotHasJumps = true
+ local serialized = self:addVisualizationDependencies(pt)
+ plothandler:addSurveyedPoint(serialized)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- note that the TeX variant would increase the coord index here.
+ -- We do it it surveypoint.
+local function axisLimitToTeXString(name, value)
+ if value == math.huge or value == -math.huge then
+ return ""
+ end
+ return "\\gdef" .. name .. "{" .. toTeXstring(value) .. "}"
+local function toTeXxyzCoord(namePrefix, pt )
+ local x = toTeXstring(pt.x[1])
+ local y = toTeXstring(pt.x[2])
+ local z = toTeXstring(pt.x[3])
+ return
+ "\\gdef" .. namePrefix .. "@x{" .. x .. "}" ..
+ "\\gdef" .. namePrefix .. "@y{" .. y .. "}" ..
+ "\\gdef" .. namePrefix .. "@z{" .. z .. "}";
+local function findFirstValidCoord(coords)
+ for i=1,#coords do
+ local pt = coords[i]
+ if pt.x[1] ~=nil then
+ return pt
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+local function findLastValidCoord(coords)
+ for i=#coords,1,-1 do
+ local pt = coords[i]
+ if pt.x[1] ~=nil then
+ return pt
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+-- @return a set of (private) key-value pairs such that the TeX code of pgfplots can
+-- access survey results of the provided plot handler
+-- @param plothandler an instance of Plothandler
+function Axis:surveyToPgfplots(plothandler)
+ local plothandlerResult = plothandler:surveyend()
+ local firstCoord = findFirstValidCoord(plothandler.coords) or
+ local lastCoord = findLastValidCoord(plothandler.coords) or
+ local result =
+ plothandlerResult ..
+ toTeXxyzCoord("\\pgfplots@currentplot@firstcoord", firstCoord) ..
+ toTeXxyzCoord("\\pgfplots@currentplot@lastcoord", lastCoord) ..
+ axisLimitToTeXString("\\pgfplots@metamin", plothandler.metamin) ..
+ axisLimitToTeXString("\\pgfplots@metamax", plothandler.metamax) ..
+ "\\c@pgfplots@coordindex=" .. tostring(plothandler.coordindex) .. " " ..
+ axisLimitToTeXString("\\pgfplots@xmin", self.min[1]) ..
+ axisLimitToTeXString("\\pgfplots@ymin", self.min[2]) ..
+ axisLimitToTeXString("\\pgfplots@xmax", self.max[1]) ..
+ axisLimitToTeXString("\\pgfplots@ymax", self.max[2]);
+ if self.is3d then
+ result = result ..
+ axisLimitToTeXString("\\pgfplots@zmin", self.min[3]) ..
+ axisLimitToTeXString("\\pgfplots@zmax", self.max[3]) ..
+ "\\global\\pgfplots@threedimtrue ";
+ end
+ if plothandler.plotHasJumps then
+ result = result ..
+ "\\def\\pgfplotsaxisplothasjumps{1}"
+ else
+ result = result ..
+ "\\def\\pgfplotsaxisplothasjumps{0}"
+ end
+ if plothandler.filteredCoordsAway then
+ result = result ..
+ "\\def\\pgfplotsaxisfilteredcoordsaway{1}"
+ else
+ result = result ..
+ "\\def\\pgfplotsaxisfilteredcoordsaway{0}"
+ end
+ return result
+-- resembles \pgfplotsaxisvisphasetransformcoordinate
+function Axis:visphasetransformcoordinate(pt)
+ for i = 1,#pt.x do
+ pt.x[i] = self.datascaleTrafo[i]:map( pt.x[i] )
+ end
+-- will be set by TeX code (in \begin{axis})
+gca = nil