path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/utilities/pgfcalendar.code.tex
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+% Copyright 2006 by Till Tantau
+% This file may be distributed and/or modified
+% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
+% 2. under the GNU Public License.
+% See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details.
+\ProvidesFileRCS[v\pgfversion] $Header: /cvsroot/pgf/pgf/generic/pgf/utilities/pgfcalendar.code.tex,v 1.11 2007/07/23 21:23:14 tantau Exp $
+% Translation stuff
+ \def\translate#1{#1}
+% Load month dictionary, if possible
+ \usedictionary{translator-months-dictionary}
+% Typeset a calendar
+% #1 = prefix for the calendar nodes
+% #2 = begin date in ISO format
+% #3 = end date in ISO format
+% #4 = date rendering code
+% Description:
+% First note that this macro need not be called inside a pgfpicture
+% (even though it often will be). You can use it to typeset
+% calendars also using packages other than pgf. You do not even need
+% to load pgf to use this file.
+% A calendar is typeset as follows: You specify a range of dates (by
+% providing a begin and an end date). Then, for each date the code #4
+% is executed. When the code is called, lots of information about the
+% current date (like its day of week) is available. The job of
+% #4 is to render the date. Typically, this is done by placing nodes
+% somewhere, but the function could do other things as well.
+% It is also the job of #4 to position the calendar correctly.
+% The different calls of #4 are not surrounded by TeX groups (though
+% you can do so yourself, of course). This means that settings can
+% accumulate between different calls, which is often desirable and
+% useful.
+% Inside #4 code, different macros can be access:
+% \pgfcalendarprefix
+% The parameter #1. This prefix is recomended for nodes inside the
+% calendar, but you have to use it yourself explicitly.
+% \pgfcalendarbeginiso
+% Start date of range being typeset in ISO format (like 2006-01-10)
+% \pgfcalendarbeginjulian
+% Julian day number of start date begin typeset
+% \pgfcalendarendiso
+% End date of range begin typeset
+% \pgfcalendarendjulian
+% Same as Julian day number
+% \pgfcalendarcurrentjulian (a TeX-count)
+% Julian day number of day to be rendered/considered
+% \pgfcalendarcurrentweekday
+% Weekday (0 = Monday) of day to be checked
+% \pgfcalendarcurrentyear
+% Year of day to be checked
+% \pgfcalendarcurrentmonth
+% Month of day to be chjeck
+% \pgfcalendarcurrentday
+% Day of monath of day to be checked
+% Inside the \pgfcalendar macro the macro \ifdate is available, which
+% has the same effect as \pgfcalendarifdate{\pgfcalendarcurrentjulian}
+% (only faster). This means that you
+% can write, say, \ifdate{Monday}{current date is a Monday}{Not a Monday}.
+% Example:
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \pgfcalendar{cal}{2007-01-20}{2007-02-10}
+% {\node[anchor=base] {\pgfcalendaronday}; \pgftransformyshift{-1.5em}}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \pgfcalendar{cal}{2007-01-20}{2007-02-10}{ \pgfcalendaronday\ }
+ \begingroup%
+ % Setup local \ifdate
+ \let\ifdate=\pgfcalendar@local@ifdate%
+ % Let's start with computing start and end dates...
+ \def\pgfcalendarprefix{#1}%
+ \pgfcalendardatetojulian{#2}{\pgfcalendarcurrentjulian}%
+ \edef\pgfcalendarbeginjulian{\the\pgfcalendarcurrentjulian}%
+ \edef\pgfcalendarbeginiso{#2}%
+ \pgfcalendardatetojulian{#3}{\pgfutil@tempcnta}%
+ \edef\pgfcalendarendjulian{\the\pgfutil@tempcnta}%
+ \advance\pgfutil@tempcnta by1\relax%
+ \edef\pgfcalendarendjulianplus{\the\pgfutil@tempcnta}%
+ \edef\pgfcalendarendiso{#3}%
+ %
+ % Start main loop
+ %
+ \loop%
+ \ifnum\pgfcalendarcurrentjulian<\pgfcalendarendjulianplus\relax%
+ % Setup information about current date
+ \pgfcalendarjuliantodate{\pgfcalendarcurrentjulian}%
+ {\pgfcalendarcurrentyear}{\pgfcalendarcurrentmonth}{\pgfcalendarcurrentday}%
+ \pgfcalendarjuliantoweekday{\pgfcalendarcurrentjulian}{\pgfutil@tempcntb}%
+ \edef\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday{\the\pgfutil@tempcntb}%
+ % Render:
+ #4%
+ % Advance day:
+ \advance\pgfcalendarcurrentjulian by1\relax%
+ \repeat%
+ \endgroup%
+ \let\pgfcalendarifdatejulian=\pgfcalendarcurrentjulian%
+ \let\pgfcalendarifdateyear=\pgfcalendarcurrentyear%
+ \let\pgfcalendarifdatemonth=\pgfcalendarcurrentmonth%
+ \let\pgfcalendarifdateday=\pgfcalendarcurrentday%
+ \let\pgfcalendarifdateweekday=\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday%
+ \pgfcalendar@launch@ifdate%
+% Execute on specific kinds of dates
+% #1 = ISO-format date
+% #2 = date specification
+% #3 = code
+% Description:
+% The given code #3 is execute on every day that matches the date
+% specification #2. This specification is a comma-separated list of
+% key-value pairs with the path /pgf/calendar. The code for a
+% key-value should check whether the given day matches its
+% specification. If so, it should set \pgfcalendarmatches to true.
+% When the key-value code is executed, the following macros will have
+% been setup:
+% \pgfcalendarifdatejulian
+% Julian day number of day to be checked
+% \pgfcalendarifdateweekday
+% Weekday (0 = Monday) of day to be checked
+% \pgfcalendarifdateyear
+% Year of day to be checked
+% \pgfcalendarifdatemonth
+% Month of day to be chjeck
+% \pgfcalendarifdateday
+% Day of month of day to be checked
+% The setting of these macros will persist after the call, so a
+% sideeffect of callling this macro is to setup these macros.
+% By setting \ifpgfcalendar@do@not@recompute to false, the computation
+% of the year, month etc. is suppressed.
+% Examples:
+% \pgfcalendarifdate{2007-01-10}{all}{}
+% % Simply setup the macros
+% \pgfcalendarifdate{2007-01-10}{mondays}{Is a monday}
+% \pgfcalendarifdate{\mydate}{date=05-01}{\mydate is a Worker's Day}
+ \pgfcalendardatetojulian{#1}{\pgfutil@tempcnta}%
+ \pgfcalendarjuliantodate{\pgfutil@tempcnta}
+ {\pgfcalendarifdateyear}{\pgfcalendarifdatemonth}{\pgfcalendarifdateday}%
+ \edef\pgfcalendarifdatejulian{\the\pgfutil@tempcnta}%
+ % Compute info about date
+ \pgfcalendarjuliantoweekday{\pgfutil@tempcnta}{\pgfutil@tempcntb}%
+ \edef\pgfcalendarifdateweekday{\the\pgfutil@tempcntb}%
+ %
+ \pgfcalendar@launch@ifdate{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ % When this macro is called, the pgfcalendarifdatexxxx macros must
+ % be setup correctly
+ %
+ % Set match to false
+ \pgfcalendarmatchesfalse%
+ \pgfqkeys{/pgf/calendar}{#1}%
+ \ifpgfcalendarmatches%
+ #2%
+ \else%
+ #3%
+ \fi%
+% Keys for matching
+\pgfkeys{/pgf/calendar/equals/.cd,.value required,.code={%
+ \pgfcalendar@special@datetojulian{#1}%
+ \ifnum\pgfcalendarifdatejulian=\pgfutil@tempcnta\relax%
+ \pgfcalendarmatchestrue%
+ \fi}%
+\pgfkeys{/pgf/calendar/day of month/.cd,.value required,.code={\ifnum#1=\pgfcalendarifdateday\relax\pgfcalendarmatchestrue\fi}}
+\pgfkeys{/pgf/calendar/end of month/.cd,.default=1,.code={%
+ % Tricky and expensive ... do only if necessary
+ \ifpgfcalendarmatches%
+ \else% sigh
+ {%
+ \pgfutil@tempcnta=\pgfcalendarifdatejulian\relax%
+ \advance\pgfutil@tempcnta by#1\relax%
+ \pgfcalendarjuliantodate{\pgfutil@tempcnta}{\pgf@dummy}{\pgf@dummy}{\pgf@cal@temp}%
+ \global\let\pgf@cal@temp=\pgf@cal@temp%
+ }%
+ \ifnum\pgf@cal@temp=1\relax\pgfcalendarmatchestrue\fi%
+ \fi}%
+\pgfkeys{/pgf/calendar/at least/.cd,.value required,.code={%
+ \pgfcalendar@special@datetojulian{#1}%
+ \ifnum\pgfcalendarifdatejulian<\pgfutil@tempcnta\relax%
+ \else%
+ \pgfcalendarmatchestrue%
+ \fi%
+\pgfkeys{/pgf/calendar/at most/.cd,.value required,.code={%
+ \pgfcalendar@special@datetojulian{#1}%
+ \ifnum\pgfcalendarifdatejulian>\pgfutil@tempcnta\relax%
+ \else%
+ \pgfcalendarmatchestrue%
+ \fi%
+\pgfkeys{/pgf/calendar/between/.cd,.value required,.code args={#1and#2}{%
+ \pgfcalendar@special@datetojulian{#1}%
+ \ifnum\pgfcalendarifdatejulian<\pgfutil@tempcnta\relax%
+ \else%
+ \pgfcalendar@special@datetojulian{#2}%
+ \ifnum\pgfcalendarifdatejulian>\pgfutil@tempcnta\relax%
+ \else%
+ \pgfcalendarmatchestrue%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \edef\pgf@temp{#1}%
+ \expandafter\pgfcalendar@special@split@test\pgf@temp-\relax{#1}%
+ \def\pgf@temp{#3}%
+ \ifx\pgf@temp\pgfutil@empty%
+ \def\pgf@temp{\pgfcalendarifdateyear-#1-#2}%
+ \else%
+ \def\pgf@temp{#4}%
+ \fi%
+ \pgfcalendardatetojulian{\pgf@temp}{\pgfutil@tempcnta}%
+% Suggested name for nodes inside a calendar
+% Description:
+% It is suggested that (main) nodes (if present) in a calendar should
+% get this name.
+% Example:
+% \pgfcalendar{cal}{2007-01-20}{2007-02-10}{}
+% { \node[anchor=base] (\pgfcalendarsuggestedname) {\pgfcalendarifdateday};
+% \pgftransformyshift{-1.5em} }
+% \draw (cal-2007-01-30) -- (cal-2007-02-08);
+ \ifx\pgfcalendarprefix\pgfutil@empty\else\pgfcalendarprefix-%
+ \pgfcalendarcurrentyear-\pgfcalendarcurrentmonth-\pgfcalendarcurrentday\fi%
+% Date conversion functions
+% Convert a date to the Julian day number (number of days since
+% January 1st, -4712)
+% #1 = date specification
+% #2 = counter that should be set to the number of days
+% Description:
+% The conversion is taken from the Wikipedia entry on Julian days.
+% The date specification works as follows:
+% - It starts with a year. Use \year for the current year (the year
+% the file is being typeset).
+% - Next comes a hyphen.
+% - Next comes a month (number). Use \month for the current month.
+% - Next comes a hyphen.
+% - Next comes either a day of month (number, use \day for current
+% day) or "last". The keyword "last" refers the last day of the
+% month. Thus, 2006-01-last is the same as 2006-01-31 and
+% 2000-02-last is the same as 2002-02-29.
+% - Next may come a plus sign, followed by a number (positive or
+% negative). This will adjust the date by the given number of
+% days. Thus, 2006-01-31+1 is the same as 2006-02-01 and
+% 2006-02-01+-2 is the same as 2006-01-30. And \year-\month-day+1 is
+% tomorrow. You may add a space before the +.
+% Example:
+% \pgfcalendardatetojulian{2006-01-10}{\mycount}
+ {%
+ %
+ % Store year, month and days.
+ %
+ \count1=#1\relax%
+ \count2=#2\relax%
+ % If #3=="last", then calculate first day of next month
+ \edef\pgf@temp{#3}%
+ \ifx\pgf@temp\pgfcalendar@last@text%
+ \advance\count2 by1\relax%
+ \count3=1\relax%
+ \else%
+ \count3=#3\relax%
+ \fi%
+ %
+ % Store offset
+ %
+ \edef\pgf@@temp{#4}%
+ \ifx\pgf@@temp\pgfutil@empty%
+ \count8=0\relax%
+ \else%
+ \pgfcalendar@unpack#4%
+ \fi%
+ %
+ %
+ % 4) a = \lfloor (14-month) /12 \rfloor
+ %
+ \ifnum\count2<3\relax%
+ \count4=1\relax%
+ \else%
+ \count4=0\relax%
+ \fi%
+ %
+ % 5) y = year + 4800 - a
+ %
+ \count5=\count1\relax%
+ \advance\count5 by 4800\relax%
+ \advance\count5 by-\count4\relax%
+ %
+ % 6) m = month + 12a - 3
+ %
+ \count6=\count2\relax%
+ \count0=\count4\relax%
+ \multiply\count0 by12\relax
+ \advance\count6 by\count0\relax%
+ \advance\count6 by-3\relax%
+ %
+ % 7) jdn = day + \floor{(153 m+2)/5} + 365y + \floor{y/4} -
+ % \floor{y/100} + \florr{y/400} - 32045
+ %
+ \count7=\count3\relax%
+ % + \floor{(153 m+2)/5} :
+ \count0=\count6\relax%
+ \multiply\count0 by 153\relax%
+ \advance\count0 by 2\relax%
+ \divide\count0 by 5\relax%
+ \advance\count7 by \count0\relax%
+ % + 365y :
+ \count0=\count5%
+ \multiply\count0by365\relax%
+ \advance\count7 by\count0\relax%
+ % + \floor{y/4}
+ \count0=\count5\relax%
+ \divide\count0 by 4\relax%
+ \advance\count7 by\count0%
+ % - \floor{y/100}
+ \count0=\count5\relax%
+ \divide\count0 by 100\relax%
+ \advance\count7 by-\count0\relax%
+ % + \floor{y/400}
+ \count0=\count5\relax%
+ \divide\count0 by 400\relax%
+ \advance\count7 by\count0%
+ % - 32045
+ \advance\count7 by-32045\relax%
+ %
+ % Undo "last" advance
+ \ifx\pgf@temp\pgfcalendar@last@text%
+ \advance\count7by-1\relax%
+ \fi%
+ % Add offset
+ \advance\count7by\count8\relax%
+ \expandafter%
+ }%
+ \expandafter#5\the\count7\relax%
+ \count8=#1\relax%
+% Convert Julian day number date.
+% #1 = the number of Julian days
+% #2 = a macro in which the year should be stored.
+% #3 = a macro in which the month should be stored.
+% #4 = a macro in which the day should be stored.
+% Formula used:
+% 1) J = Julian day number
+% 2) j = J + 32044
+% 3) g = j div 146097
+% 4) dg = j mod 146097
+% 5) c = (dg div 36524 + 1) * 3 div 4
+% 6) dc = dg - c * 36524
+% 7) b = dc div 1461
+% 8) db = dc mod 1461
+% 9) a = (db div 365 + 1) * 3 div 4
+% 10)da = db - a * 365
+% 11)y = g * 400 + c * 100 + b * 4 + a
+% 12)m = (da * 5 + 308) div 153 - 2
+% 13)d = da - (m + 4) * 153 div 5 + 122
+% 14)Y = y - 4800 + (m + 2) div 12
+% 15)M = (m + 2) mod 12 + 1
+% 16)D = d + 1
+% Example
+% \pgfcalendarjuliantodate{\mynumber}{\myyear}{\mymonth}{\myday}
+ {%
+ % 1) J = Julian day number
+ \count1=#1\relax%
+ % 2) j = J + 32044
+ \count2=\count1\relax%
+ \advance\count2 by 32044\relax%
+ % 3) g = j div 146097
+ \count3=\count2\relax%
+ \divide\count3 by 146097\relax%
+ % 4) dg = j mod 146097
+ \count4=\count3\relax%
+ \multiply\count4 by-146097\relax%
+ \advance\count4 by\count2\relax%
+ % 5) c = (dg div 36524 + 1) * 3 div 4
+ \count5=\count4\relax%
+ \divide\count5 by36524\relax%
+ \advance\count5 by1\relax%
+ \multiply\count5 by3\relax%
+ \divide\count5 by4\relax%
+ % 6) dc = dg - c * 36524
+ \count6=\count4\relax%
+ \count0=\count5\relax%
+ \multiply\count0 by-36524\relax%
+ \advance\count6 by\count0\relax%
+ % 7) b = dc div 1461
+ \count7=\count6\relax%
+ \divide\count7 by1461\relax%
+ % 8) db = dc mod 1461
+ \count8=\count7\relax%
+ \multiply\count8 by-1461\relax%
+ \advance\count8 by\count6\relax%
+ % 9) a = (db div 365 + 1) * 3 div 4
+ \count9=\count8\relax%
+ \divide\count9 by 365\relax%
+ \advance\count9 by 1\relax%
+ \multiply\count9 by3\relax%
+ \divide\count9 by4\relax%
+ % 10)da = db - a * 365
+ \count10=\count8\relax%
+ \count0=\count9\relax%
+ \multiply\count0 by-365\relax%
+ \advance\count10 by\count0\relax%
+ % 11)y = g * 400 + c * 100 + b * 4 + a
+ \count11=\count3\relax%
+ \multiply\count11 by400\relax%
+ \count0=\count5\relax%
+ \multiply\count0 by100\relax%
+ \advance\count11 by\count0\relax%
+ \count0=\count7\relax%
+ \multiply\count0 by4\relax%
+ \advance\count11 by\count0\relax%
+ \advance\count11 by\count9\relax%
+ % 12)m = (da * 5 + 308) div 153 - 2
+ \count12=\count10\relax%
+ \multiply\count12 by5\relax%
+ \advance\count12 by 308\relax%
+ \divide\count12 by 153\relax%
+ \advance\count12 by -2\relax%
+ % 13)d = - (m + 4) * 153 div 5 + 122 + da
+ \count13=\count12\relax%
+ \advance\count13 by 4\relax%
+ \multiply\count13 by153\relax%
+ \divide\count13 by5\relax%
+ \count13=-\count13\relax%
+ \advance\count13 by 122\relax%
+ \advance\count13 by \count10\relax%
+ % 14)Y = (m + 2) div 12 + y - 4800
+ \count14=\count12\relax%
+ \advance\count14 by 2\relax%
+ \divide\count14 by12\relax%
+ \advance\count14 by\count11\relax%
+ \advance\count14 by-4800\relax%
+ % 15)M = (m + 2) mod 12 + 1
+ \count15=\count12\relax%
+ \advance\count15 by2\relax%
+ \count0=\count15\relax%
+ \divide\count0 by12\relax%
+ \multiply\count0 by12\relax%
+ \advance\count15 by-\count0\relax%
+ \advance\count15 by1\relax%
+ % 16)D = d + 1
+ \count16=\count13%
+ \advance\count16by 1\relax%
+ %
+ \xdef\pgf@temp@year{\the\count14}%
+ \xdef\pgf@temp@month{\ifnum\count15<10 0\fi\the\count15}%
+ \xdef\pgf@temp@day{\ifnum\count16<10 0\fi\the\count16}%
+ }%
+ \let#2=\pgf@temp@year%
+ \let#3=\pgf@temp@month%
+ \let#4=\pgf@temp@day%
+% Returns the day of week as a number between 0 = Monday and 6 =
+% Sunday
+% #1 = a Julian day number
+% #2 = a counter into which the weekday should be put.
+% Example:
+% \pgfcalendardatetojulian{2006-01-10}{\mycount}
+% \pgfcalendarjuliantoweekday{\mycount}{\myweekday}
+ {%
+ \pgfutil@tempcnta=#1\relax%
+ #2=\pgfutil@tempcnta%
+ \divide#2by7\relax%
+ \multiply#2by-7\relax%
+ \advance#2by\pgfutil@tempcnta\relax%
+ \expandafter%
+ }%
+ \expandafter#2\the#2\relax%
+% Converts a day of week into a weekday name (long or short)
+% #1 = a number representing a weekday (0=Monday)
+% Example:
+% \pgfcalendardatetojulian{2006-01-10}{\mycount}
+% \pgfcalendarjuliantoweekday{\mycount}{\myweekday}
+% October 1st, 2006 was a \pgfcalendarweekdayname{\myweekday}
+ \translate{\ifcase#1Monday\or Tuesday\or Wednesday\or Thursday\or Friday\or Saturday\or Sunday\fi}%
+ \translate{\ifcase#1Mon\or Tue\or Wed\or Thu\or Fri\or Sat\or Sun\fi}%
+% Converts a month of year number into a month name (long or short)
+% #1 = a number representing a month (1=January)
+% Example:
+% \pgfcalendarmonthname
+ \translate{\ifcase#1\or January\or February\or March\or April\or
+ May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or
+ November\or December\fi}%
+ \translate{\ifcase#1\or Jan\or Feb\or Mar\or Apr\or
+ May\or Jun\or Jul\or Aug\or Sep\or Oct\or
+ Nov\or Dec\fi}%
+% Macro for easy typesetting of days, etc.
+% #1 = kind selection
+% #2 = length and representation selection
+% Description:
+% Replaces the shorthand according to the following rules: The
+% first letter of the shorthand describes the kind of
+% shorthand. Possible kinds are:
+% d = day of current date (in an invocation of \pgfcalendar)
+% m = month of current date
+% y = year of current date
+% w = week day of current date
+% The second parameter determines how the kind is represented:
+% - = shortest possible numerical way (allowed only for d, m, y)
+% = = same, but always of the same length (padded with blanks as
+% needed, allowed only for d, m, y)
+% 0 = numerical representation for d and m padded with leading zeros.
+% t = textual representation (allowed only for d, m, w)
+% . = abbreviated textual representation (allowed only for d, m, w)
+% It is adivsed that you say, for example,
+% \let\%=\pgfcalendarshorthand.
+% With this setting, you can typeset an ISO-date by saying \%y0-\%m0-\%d0.
+% For another example, on 2007-02-09, which is a
+% Friday, you can write "\%wt, \%mt \%d-, \%y0" to get "Friday, February 9, 2007"
+\def\pgfcalendarshorthand#1#2{\csname pgfcalendar@shorthand@#1#2\endcsname}
+\expandafter\def\csname pgfcalendar@shorthand@d-\endcsname{%
+ {\pgfutil@tempcnta=\pgfcalendarcurrentday\relax\the\pgfutil@tempcnta}}
+\expandafter\def\csname pgfcalendar@shorthand@d=\endcsname{%
+ {\pgfutil@tempcnta=\pgfcalendarcurrentday\relax\ifnum\pgfutil@tempcnta<10\relax\setbox0=\hbox{1}\kern\wd0\relax\fi\the\pgfutil@tempcnta}}
+\expandafter\def\csname pgfcalendar@shorthand@d0\endcsname{%
+ \pgfcalendarcurrentday}
+\expandafter\def\csname pgfcalendar@shorthand@m-\endcsname{%
+ {\pgfutil@tempcnta=\pgfcalendarcurrentmonth\relax\the\pgfutil@tempcnta}}
+\expandafter\def\csname pgfcalendar@shorthand@m=\endcsname{%
+ {\pgfutil@tempcnta=\pgfcalendarcurrentmonth\relax\ifnum\pgfutil@tempcnta<10\relax\setbox0=\hbox{1}\kern\wd0\relax\fi\the\pgfutil@tempcnta}}
+\expandafter\def\csname pgfcalendar@shorthand@m0\endcsname{%
+ \pgfcalendarcurrentmonth}
+\expandafter\def\csname pgfcalendar@shorthand@y-\endcsname{%
+ \pgfcalendarcurrentyear}
+\expandafter\def\csname pgfcalendar@shorthand@y=\endcsname{%
+ \pgfcalendarcurrentyear}
+\expandafter\def\csname pgfcalendar@shorthand@y0\endcsname{%
+ \pgfcalendarcurrentyear}
+\expandafter\def\csname pgfcalendar@shorthand@w.\endcsname{%
+ \pgfcalendarweekdayshortname{\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday}}
+\expandafter\def\csname pgfcalendar@shorthand@wt\endcsname{%
+ \pgfcalendarweekdayname{\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday}}
+\expandafter\def\csname pgfcalendar@shorthand@m.\endcsname{%
+ \pgfcalendarmonthshortname{\pgfcalendarcurrentmonth}}
+\expandafter\def\csname pgfcalendar@shorthand@mt\endcsname{%
+ \pgfcalendarmonthname{\pgfcalendarcurrentmonth}}