path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/SpringElectricalHu2006.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/SpringElectricalHu2006.lua')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/SpringElectricalHu2006.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/SpringElectricalHu2006.lua
index a7230eb1f6d..9fa709a8053 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/SpringElectricalHu2006.lua
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/force/SpringElectricalHu2006.lua
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ local declare = require("").declare
declare {
key = "spring electrical Hu 2006 layout",
algorithm = SpringElectricalHu2006,
preconditions = {
connected = true,
loop_free = true,
@@ -32,20 +32,20 @@ declare {
old_graph_model = true,
- summary = [["
- Implementation of a spring electrical graph drawing algorithm based on
- a paper by Hu.
- "]],
- documentation = [["
- \begin{itemize}
- \item
- Y. Hu.
- \newblock Efficient, high-quality force-directed graph drawing.
- \newblock \emph{The Mathematica Journal}, 2006.
- \end{itemize}
- There are some modifications compared to the original algorithm,
- see the Diploma thesis of Pohlmann for details.
+ summary = [["
+ Implementation of a spring electrical graph drawing algorithm based on
+ a paper by Hu.
+ "]],
+ documentation = [["
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item
+ Y. Hu.
+ \newblock Efficient, high-quality force-directed graph drawing.
+ \newblock \emph{The Mathematica Journal}, 2006.
+ \end{itemize}
+ There are some modifications compared to the original algorithm,
+ see the Diploma thesis of Pohlmann for details.
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:run()
-- Setup properties
local options = self.digraph.options
self.iterations = options['iterations']
self.cooling_factor = options['cooling factor']
self.initial_step_length = options['initial step length']
@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:run()
self.approximate_repulsive_forces = options['approximate remote forces']
self.repulsive_force_order = options['electric force order']
self.coarsen = options['coarsen']
self.downsize_ratio = options['downsize ratio']
self.minimum_graph_size = options['minimum coarsening size']
-- Adjust types
self.downsize_ratio = math.max(0, math.min(1, self.downsize_ratio))
self.graph_size = #self.graph.nodes
@@ -103,24 +103,24 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:run()
node.weight = 1
-- initialize edge weights
for _,edge in ipairs(self.graph.edges) do
edge.weight = 1
-- initialize the coarse graph data structure. note that the algorithm
- -- is the same regardless whether coarsening is used, except that the
+ -- is the same regardless whether coarsening is used, except that the
-- number of coarsening steps without coarsening is 0
local coarse_graph =
-- check if the multilevel approach should be used
if self.coarsen then
- -- coarsen the graph repeatedly until only minimum_graph_size nodes
- -- are left or until the size of the coarse graph was not reduced by
+ -- coarsen the graph repeatedly until only minimum_graph_size nodes
+ -- are left or until the size of the coarse graph was not reduced by
-- at least the downsize ratio configured by the user
- while coarse_graph:getSize() > self.minimum_graph_size
- and coarse_graph:getRatio() <= (1 - self.downsize_ratio)
+ while coarse_graph:getSize() > self.minimum_graph_size
+ and coarse_graph:getRatio() <= (1 - self.downsize_ratio)
@@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ end
function SpringElectricalHu2006:computeInitialLayout(graph, spring_length)
- -- TODO how can supernodes and fixed nodes go hand in hand?
- -- maybe fix the supernode if at least one of its subnodes is
+ -- TODO how can supernodes and fixed nodes go hand in hand?
+ -- maybe fix the supernode if at least one of its subnodes is
-- fixated?
-- fixate all nodes that have a 'desired at' option. this will set the
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:computeInitialLayout(graph, spring_length)
if not graph.nodes[1].fixed and not graph.nodes[2].fixed then
-- both nodes can be moved, so we assume node 1 is fixed at (0,0)
graph.nodes[1].pos.x = 0
- graph.nodes[1].pos.y = 0
+ graph.nodes[1].pos.y = 0
-- position the loose node relative to the fixed node, with
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:computeInitialLayout(graph, spring_length)
-- use a random positioning technique
- local function positioning_func(n)
+ local function positioning_func(n)
local radius = 3 * spring_length * self.graph_density * math.sqrt(self.graph_size) / 2
return lib.random(-radius, radius)
@@ -228,8 +228,8 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:computeInitialLayout(graph, spring_length)
-- compute initial layout based on the random positioning technique
for _,node in ipairs(graph.nodes) do
if not node.fixed then
- node.pos.x = positioning_func(1)
- node.pos.y = positioning_func(2)
+ node.pos.x = positioning_func(1)
+ node.pos.y = positioning_func(2)
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:computeForceLayout(graph, spring_length, step_up
-- adjust the initial step length automatically if desired by the user
local step_length = self.initial_step_length == 0 and spring_length or self.initial_step_length
-- convergence criteria etc.
local converged = false
local energy = math.huge
@@ -293,114 +293,6 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:computeForceLayout(graph, spring_length, step_up
for _,v in ipairs(graph.nodes) do
if not v.fixed then
- -- vector for the displacement of v
- local d =
- -- compute repulsive forces
- if self.approximate_repulsive_forces then
- -- determine the cells that have a repulsive influence on v
- local cells = quadtree:findInteractionCells(v, barnes_hut_criterion)
- -- compute the repulsive force between these cells and v
- for _,cell in ipairs(cells) do
- -- check if the cell is a leaf
- if #cell.subcells == 0 then
- -- compute the forces between the node and all particles in the cell
- for _,particle in ipairs(cell.particles) do
- local real_particles = lib.copy(particle.subparticles)
- table.insert(real_particles, particle)
- for _,real_particle in ipairs(real_particles) do
- local delta = real_particle.pos:minus(v.pos)
- -- enforce a small virtual distance if the node and the cell's
- -- center of mass are located at (almost) the same position
- if delta:norm() < 0.1 then
- delta:update(function (n, value) return 0.1 + lib.random() * 0.1 end)
- end
- -- compute the repulsive force vector
- local repulsive_force = approximated_repulsive_force(delta:norm(), real_particle.mass)
- local force = delta:normalized():timesScalar(repulsive_force)
- -- move the node v accordingly
- d = d:plus(force)
- end
- end
- else
- -- compute the distance between the node and the cell's center of mass
- local delta = cell.center_of_mass:minus(v.pos)
- -- enforce a small virtual distance if the node and the cell's
- -- center of mass are located at (almost) the same position
- if delta:norm() < 0.1 then
- delta:update(function (n, value) return 0.1 + lib.random() * 0.1 end)
- end
- -- compute the repulsive force vector
- local repulsive_force = approximated_repulsive_force(delta:norm(), cell.mass)
- local force = delta:normalized():timesScalar(repulsive_force)
- -- move the node v accordingly
- d = d:plus(force)
- end
- end
- else
- for _,u in ipairs(graph.nodes) do
- if v ~= u then
- -- compute the distance between u and v
- local delta = u.pos:minus(v.pos)
- -- enforce a small virtual distance if the nodes are
- -- located at (almost) the same position
- if delta:norm() < 0.1 then
- delta:update(function (n, value) return 0.1 + lib.random() * 0.1 end)
- end
- -- compute the repulsive force vector
- local repulsive_force = accurate_repulsive_force(delta:norm(), u.weight)
- local force = delta:normalized():timesScalar(repulsive_force)
- -- move the node v accordingly
- d = d:plus(force)
- end
- end
- end
- -- compute attractive forces between v and its neighbors
- for _,edge in ipairs(v.edges) do
- local u = edge:getNeighbour(v)
- -- compute the distance between u and v
- local delta = u.pos:minus(v.pos)
- -- enforce a small virtual distance if the nodes are
- -- located at (almost) the same position
- if delta:norm() < 0.1 then
- delta:update(function (n, value) return 0.1 + lib.random() * 0.1 end)
- end
- -- compute the spring force vector between u and v
- local attr_force = attractive_force(delta:norm())
- local force = delta:normalized():timesScalar(attr_force)
- -- move the node v accordingly
- d = d:plus(force)
- end
- -- really move the node now
- -- TODO note how all nodes are moved by the same amount (step_length)
- -- while Walshaw multiplies the normalized force with min(step_length,
- -- d:norm()). could that improve this algorithm even further?
- v.pos = v.pos:plus(d:normalized():timesScalar(step_length))
- -- TODO Hu doesn't mention this but the energy of a particle is
- -- typically considered as the product of its mass and the square of
- -- its forces. This means we should probably take the weight of
- -- the node v into the equation, doesn't it?
- --
- -- update the energy function
- energy = energy + math.pow(d:norm(), 2)
-- vector for the displacement of v
local d =
@@ -424,7 +316,7 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:computeForceLayout(graph, spring_length, step_up
-- enforce a small virtual distance if the node and the cell's
-- center of mass are located at (almost) the same position
if delta:norm() < 0.1 then
- delta:update(function (n, value) return 0.1 + lib.random() * 0.1 end)
+ delta:update(function (n, value) return 0.1 + math.random() * 0.1 end)
-- compute the repulsive force vector
@@ -442,7 +334,7 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:computeForceLayout(graph, spring_length, step_up
-- enforce a small virtual distance if the node and the cell's
-- center of mass are located at (almost) the same position
if delta:norm() < 0.1 then
- delta:update(function (n, value) return 0.1 + lib.random() * 0.1 end)
+ delta:update(function (n, value) return 0.1 + math.random() * 0.1 end)
-- compute the repulsive force vector
@@ -462,7 +354,7 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:computeForceLayout(graph, spring_length, step_up
-- enforce a small virtual distance if the nodes are
-- located at (almost) the same position
if delta:norm() < 0.1 then
- delta:update(function (n, value) return 0.1 + lib.random() * 0.1 end)
+ delta:update(function (n, value) return 0.1 + math.random() * 0.1 end)
-- compute the repulsive force vector
@@ -485,7 +377,7 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:computeForceLayout(graph, spring_length, step_up
-- enforce a small virtual distance if the nodes are
-- located at (almost) the same position
if delta:norm() < 0.1 then
- delta:update(function (n, value) return 0.1 + lib.random() * 0.1 end)
+ delta:update(function (n, value) return 0.1 + math.random() * 0.1 end)
-- compute the spring force vector between u and v
@@ -521,9 +413,9 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:computeForceLayout(graph, spring_length, step_up
local delta = x.pos:minus(old_positions[x])
max_movement = math.max(delta:norm(), max_movement)
- -- the algorithm will converge if the maximum movement is below a
- -- threshold depending on the spring length and the convergence
+ -- the algorithm will converge if the maximum movement is below a
+ -- threshold depending on the spring length and the convergence
-- tolerance
if max_movement < spring_length * self.convergence_tolerance then
converged = true
@@ -580,7 +472,7 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:buildQuadtree(graph)
-- larger than the minimum position
if min_pos:equals(max_pos) then
max_pos = max_pos:plus(, function (n)
- return 0.1 + lib.random() * 0.1
+ return 0.1 + math.random() * 0.1
@@ -592,8 +484,8 @@ function SpringElectricalHu2006:buildQuadtree(graph)
-- create the quadtree
quadtree =, min_pos.y,
- max_pos.x - min_pos.x,
- max_pos.y - min_pos.y)
+ max_pos.x - min_pos.x,
+ max_pos.y - min_pos.y)
-- insert nodes into the quadtree
for _,node in ipairs(graph.nodes) do