path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ofs/ofs-ps.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ofs/ofs-ps.tex')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ofs/ofs-ps.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ofs/ofs-ps.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0d358ffca21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ofs/ofs-ps.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+% OFS: PS fonts + math encoding declaration for \def\fomenc{PS}
+% Apr. 2004 Petr Olsak
+\protectreading ofs-ps.tex % This is part of OFS package
+\mathencdef\PSmathchars {%
+ \fontmessage{\ofsmessageheader Math codes are set for PS encoding.}%
+ \mathcode`\,="602C
+ \mathcode`\.="002E
+ \mathchardef\ldotp="602E
+ \mathcode`\/="002F
+ \mathcode`\-="2\hex\symbfam 2D
+ \mathcode`\<="3\hex\symbfam 3C
+ \mathcode`\>="3\hex\symbfam 3E
+ \mathcode`\|="0\hex\symbfam 7C
+ %
+ \delcode`\<="\hex\symbfam E130A
+ \delcode`\>="\hex\symbfam F130B
+ \delcode`\|="\hex\symbfam 7C30C
+ %
+ \edef\langle{\delimiter"4\hex\symbfam E130A }%
+ \edef\rangle{\delimiter"5\hex\symbfam F130B }%
+ \edef\lbrace{\delimiter"4\hex\symbfam 7B308 }\let\{=\lbrace
+ \edef\vert {\delimiter"2\hex\symbfam 7C30C }\let\|=\vert
+ \edef\rbrace{\delimiter"5\hex\symbfam 7D309 }\let\}=\rbrace
+ % \bffam, \ttfam can be allocated with non-plain values
+ \def\lgroup{\delimiter"4\hex\bffam 2833A }% extensible ( with sharper tips
+ \def\rgroup{\delimiter"5\hex\bffam 2933B }% extensible ) with sharper tips
+ \def\bracevert{\delimiter"\hex\ttfam 7C33E }% the vertical bar that extends braces
+ %
+ \def\tmpa{8z}\ifx\fotenc\tmpa
+ \mathaccentdef \acute "7013
+ \mathaccentdef \bar "7016
+ \mathaccentdef \breve "7015
+ \mathaccentdef \check "7014
+ \mathaccentdef \ddot "707F
+ \mathaccentdef \dot "705F
+ \mathaccentdef \grave "7012
+ \mathaccentdef \hat "705E
+ \mathaccentdef \tilde "707E
+ \else
+ \mathaccentdef \acute "7001
+ \mathaccentdef \bar "7009
+ \mathaccentdef \breve "7008
+ \mathaccentdef \check "7007
+ \mathaccentdef \ddot "7004
+ \mathaccentdef \dot "700A
+ \mathaccentdef \grave "7000
+ \mathaccentdef \hat "7002
+ \mathaccentdef \tilde "7003
+ \fi
+ \let\vec=\overrightarrow % rightarrow accent is not present in Symbol
+ %
+ \mathchardef\alpha "0\hex\symbofam 61
+ \mathchardef\beta "0\hex\symbofam 62
+ \mathchardef\gamma "0\hex\symbofam 67
+ \mathchardef\delta "0\hex\symbofam 64
+ \mathchardef\epsilon "0\hex\symbofam 65
+ \mathchardef\zeta "0\hex\symbofam 7A
+ \mathchardef\eta "0\hex\symbofam 68
+ \mathchardef\theta "0\hex\symbofam 71
+ \mathchardef\iota "0\hex\symbofam 69
+ \mathchardef\kappa "0\hex\symbofam 6B
+ \mathchardef\lambda "0\hex\symbofam 6C
+ \mathchardef\mu "0\hex\symbofam 6D
+ \mathchardef\nu "0\hex\symbofam 6E
+ \mathchardef\xi "0\hex\symbofam 78
+ \mathchardef\pi "0\hex\symbofam 70
+ \mathchardef\rho "0\hex\symbofam 72
+ \mathchardef\sigma "0\hex\symbofam 73
+ \mathchardef\tau "0\hex\symbofam 74
+ \mathchardef\upsilon "0\hex\symbofam 75
+ \mathchardef\phi "0\hex\symbofam 66
+ \mathchardef\chi "0\hex\symbofam 63
+ \mathchardef\psi "0\hex\symbofam 79
+ \mathchardef\omega "0\hex\symbofam 77
+ \let\varepsilon \epsilon
+ \let\vartheta \theta
+ \mathchardef\varpi "0\hex\symbofam 76
+ \let\varrho \rho
+ \let\varsigma \sigma
+ \let\varphi \phi
+ \mathchardef\Gamma "0\hex\symbfam 47
+ \mathchardef\Delta "0\hex\symbfam 44
+ \mathchardef\Theta "0\hex\symbfam 51
+ \mathchardef\Lambda "0\hex\symbfam 4C
+ \mathchardef\Xi "0\hex\symbfam 58
+ \mathchardef\Pi "0\hex\symbfam 50
+ \mathchardef\Sigma "0\hex\symbfam 53
+ \mathchardef\Upsilon "0\hex\symbfam A1
+ \mathchardef\Phi "0\hex\symbfam 46
+ \mathchardef\Psi "0\hex\symbfam 59
+ \mathchardef\Omega "0\hex\symbfam 57
+ %
+ \mathchardef\aleph "0\hex\symbfam C0
+ \def\tmpa{8z}\ifx\fotenc\tmpa
+ \mathchardef\imath "0110
+ \else
+ \mathchardef\imath "0169
+ \fi
+ \mathchardef\Re "0\hex\symbfam C2
+ \mathchardef\Im "0\hex\symbfam C1
+ \mathchardef\partial "0\hex\symbfam B6
+ \mathchardef\infty "0\hex\symbfam A5
+ \mathchardef\emptyset "0\hex\symbfam C6
+ \mathchardef\nabla "0\hex\symbfam D1
+ \mathchardef\bot "0\hex\symbfam 5E
+ \mathchardef\forall "0\hex\symbfam 22
+ \mathchardef\exists "0\hex\symbfam 24
+ \mathchardef\neg "0\hex\symbfam D8 \let\lnot \neg
+ \mathchardef\clubsuit "0\hex\symbfam A7
+ \mathchardef\diamondsuit "0\hex\symbfam A8
+ \mathchardef\heartsuit "0\hex\symbfam A9
+ \mathchardef\spadesuit "0\hex\symbfam AA
+ %
+ \mathchardef\intopinternal "1\hex\symbfam F2
+ \mathchardef\prodinternal "1\hex\symbfam D5
+ \mathchardef\suminternal "1\hex\symbfam E5
+ %
+ \def\intop {\mathop{\let\oriop=\intopinternal
+ \mathpalette\setop{\char"F2}\kern.06em}}%
+ \def\prod {\mathop{\let\oriop=\prodinternal
+ \mathpalette\setop{\char"F2}}}%
+ \def\sum {\mathop{\let\oriop=\suminternal
+ \mathpalette\setop{\char"E5}}}%
+ \def\setop ##1##2{\ifx##1\displaystyle % Bigger \int, \prod, \sum
+ \vcenter{\hbox{\bigsymbofont##2}}% % in \displaystyle
+ \else ##1\oriop\fi}
+ %
+ \mathchardef\wedge "2\hex\symbfam D9 \let\land \wedge
+ \mathchardef\vee "2\hex\symbfam DA \let\lor \vee
+ \mathchardef\cap "2\hex\symbfam C7
+ \mathchardef\cup "2\hex\symbfam C8
+ \def\tmpa{8z}\ifx\fotenc\tmpa
+ \mathchardef\ddagger "2082
+ \mathchardef\dagger "2081
+ \fi
+ \mathchardef\bullet "2\hex\symbfam B7
+ \mathchardef\div "2\hex\symbfam B8
+ \mathchardef\oslash "2\hex\symbfam C6
+ \mathchardef\otimes "2\hex\symbfam C4
+ \mathchardef\oplus "2\hex\symbfam C5
+ \mathchardef\pm "2\hex\symbfam B1
+ \mathchardef\cdot "2\hex\symbfam D7
+ \mathchardef\ast "2\hex\symbfam 2A
+ \mathchardef\times "2\hex\symbfam B4
+ \let\star \ast
+ %
+ \mathchardef\propto "3\hex\symbfam B5
+ \mathchardef\mid "3\hex\symbfam EF
+ \mathchardef\Leftrightarrow "3\hex\symbfam DB
+ \mathchardef\Leftarrow "3\hex\symbfam DC
+ \mathchardef\Rightarrow "3\hex\symbfam DE
+ \mathchardef\neq "3\hex\symbfam B9 \let\ne \neq
+ \mathchardef\leq "3\hex\symbfam A3 \let\le \leq
+ \mathchardef\geq "3\hex\symbfam B3 \let\ge \geq
+ \mathchardef\approx "3\hex\symbfam BB
+ \mathchardef\supset "3\hex\symbfam C9
+ \mathchardef\subset "3\hex\symbfam CC
+ \mathchardef\supseteq "3\hex\symbfam CA
+ \mathchardef\subseteq "3\hex\symbfam CD
+ \mathchardef\in "3\hex\symbfam CE
+ \mathchardef\ni "3\hex\symbfam 27 \let\owns \ni
+ \mathchardef\leftrightarrow "3\hex\symbfam AB
+ \mathchardef\leftarrow "3\hex\symbfam AC \let\gets \leftarrow
+ \mathchardef\rightarrow "3\hex\symbfam AE \let\to \rightarrow
+ \mathchardef\sim "3\hex\symbfam 7E
+ \mathchardef\simeq "3\hex\symbfam 40
+ \mathchardef\perp "3\hex\symbfam 5E
+ \mathchardef\equiv "3\hex\symbfam BA
+ %
+ \def\longrightarrow{\mathrel{\smash{\mathchar"200}}\joinrel\mathchar"3221 }%
+ \def\longleftarrow{\mathchar"3220\joinrel\mathrel{\smash{\mathchar"200}}}%
+ \def\Longrightarrow{\mathrel{\pickmathfont{cmr8z}=}\joinrel\mathchar"3229 }%
+ \def\Longleftarrow{\mathchar"3228\joinrel\mathrel{\pickmathfont{cmr8z}=}}%
+ \def\mapsto{\mapstochar\mathchar"3221 }%
+ \def\longleftrightarrow{\mathchar"3220\joinrel\mathchar"3221 }%
+ \def\Longleftrightarrow{\mathchar"3228\joinrel\mathchar"3229 }%
+ \def\rightarrowfill{$\mathsurround0pt\smash{\mathchar"200}\mkern-7mu%
+ \cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\smash{\mathchar"200}\mkern-2mu$}\hfill
+ \mkern-7mu\mathchar"221$}%
+ \def\leftarrowfill{$\mathsurround0pt\mathchar"220\mkern-7mu%
+ \cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\smash{\mathchar"200}\mkern-2mu$}\hfill
+ \mkern-7mu\smash{\mathchar"200}$}%
+ %
+ % The following characters are not present im psyr:
+ %
+ \def\jmath{{\pickmathfont{cmmi}{\char"7C}}}%
+ \def\ell{{\pickmathfont{cmmi}{\char"60}}}%
+ \def\wp{{\pickmathfont{cmmi}{\char"7D}}}%
+ \def\flat{{\pickmathfont{cmmi}{\char"5B}}}%
+ \def\natural{{\pickmathfont{cmmi}{\char"5C}}}%
+ \let\sharp \natural
+ \def\triangleleft{\mathbin{\pickmathfont{cmmi}{\char"2F}}}%
+ \def\triangleright{\mathbin{\pickmathfont{cmmi}{\char"2E}}}%
+ \def\smile{\mathrel{\pickmathfont{cmmi}{\char"5E}}}%
+ \def\frown{\mathrel{\pickmathfont{cmmi}{\char"5F}}}%
+ \def\leftharpoonup{\mathrel{\pickmathfont{cmmi}{\char"28}}}%
+ \def\leftharpoondown{\mathrel{\pickmathfont{cmmi}{\char"29}}}%
+ \def\rightharpoonup{\mathrel{\pickmathfont{cmmi}{\char"2A}}}%
+ \def\rightharpoondown{\mathrel{\pickmathfont{cmmi}{\char"2B}}}%
+ %
+ \def\mathcharsback{\mathencread ofs-cm;}%