path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/eijkhout
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4 files changed, 734 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/eijkhout/CD_labeler.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/eijkhout/CD_labeler.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..989cd9a4a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/eijkhout/CD_labeler.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+% CD labeling macros, version 0.93, unreleased
+% Copyright Victor Eijkhout 2001
+% file name: CD_labeler.tex
+% uses: repeat.tex
+% Author:
+% Victor Eijkhout
+% Department of Computer Science
+% University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% For a copy of the GNU General Public License, write to the
+% Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+% 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA,
+% or find it on the net, for instance at
+% Use this file as follows:
+% \input CD_labeler
+% \CDLlabel{ <label content> }
+% where the <label content> is usually comprised of
+% one or more of the following:
+% \CDLbackground{ <picture material> }
+% \CDLunderhole{<setup>}{ <material printed below the hole> }
+% \CDLlowerhalf{<setup>}{ <material on the lower half of the label,
+% left of and below the hole> }
+% \CDLleft{<setup>}{ <material printed on the left side of the label> }
+% \CDLright{<setup>}{ <material printed on the right side of the label> }
+% (You can insert your own material, which gets processed in
+% horizontal mode. However, you'll have a hard time controlling
+% its elevation in the label.)
+% These commands can be given in any order, since basically
+% everything is printed on top of each other.
+% Make sure to put %-signs at line ends:
+% \CDLlabel{%
+% \CDLbackground{<stuff>}%
+% \CDLleft{<text>}%
+% }
+% The <setup> material contains such things as \baselineskip
+% settings. If you use a non-standard baselineskip, it is
+% *essential* that you put that declaration in the first
+% argument. Things such as font choices can go in the second.
+% With the material left and right of the label, you may want to
+% leave a few lines blank at the top. Here's how:
+% To leave some blank lines: \CDLblank{ <number of lines to skip> }
+% For guidance, a box is printed around the label. You can suppress
+% this by \CDLboxfalse.
+% Adjustable dimensions:
+% \CDLdiscsize (default 120mm, which is CD size)
+% \CDLinnerdiameter (default 40mm, the hole and ring around it)
+% \CDLedgemargin (default 4mm, stay away this much from the edge)
+% \CDLgutterwidth (default 0mm, keep this much space between
+% \CDLleft and \CDLright text)
+% Auxiliary commands:
+% \CDLraggedright suppress hyphenation and use ragged right margin
+% If you also use my DB_process macros, you can do things like
+% \CDLlabel{%
+% \CDLunderhole{\baselineskip8pt}{\smallfont \DBPtabfile{cd_file}}%
+% \CDLleft{\baselineskip22pt \rightskip0pt plus 1cm}%
+% {\CDLblank{3}\titlefont My favourite bedtime songs}%
+% \CDLright{\baselineskip8pt}{\CDLblank{7}\smallfont
+% \leftskip=1cm \rightskip=0pt plus 1cm
+% Compiled for his own
+% private use, by Victor Eijkhout, 1998}}
+% where the cd_file is dumped from your favourite database.
+% Share and enjoy!
+% revision history:
+% 0.9 first release, December 1998
+% 0.91 fixed documentation, use repeat.tex for loop macro,
+% copyright notice, bug in lower half macro, Feb 1999
+% 0.92 \CDLlabel made \long
+% \CDLinnerradius changed to \CDLinnerdiameter
+% fixed double subtracting of offset in \CDL{left,right},
+% and added empty line, suggestions by Yotam Medini. April 1999
+% 0.93 added \CDLragged{left,right} \CDLgutterwidth \CDLsquash.
+% Major improvement in \CDL{left,right}. February 2001.
+%% Prevent multiple loading of this file
+\expandafter\ifx\csname CDLcount\endcsname\relax
+ \message{Loading CD labeler, version 0.92}%
+ \message{CD labeling macros already loaded ... }\endinput \fi
+\newtoks\CDLtoks \newbox\CDLbox
+\newdimen\CDLdiscsize \CDLdiscsize=120mm
+\newdimen\CDLinnerdiameter \CDLinnerdiameter=40mm
+\newdimen\CDLedgemargin \CDLedgemargin=4mm
+\newdimen\CDLgutterwidth \CDLgutterwidth=0mm
+\newif\ifCDLbox \CDLboxtrue
+%% Load auxiliary files: loop macro
+\input repeat.tex
+%% CDLlabel
+%% main routine, this draws an empty box, with any
+%% background and content supplied by the user
+%% in \CDLbackground and \CDL{left,right,underhole,overhole}
+ {\vbox{\ifCDLbox\hrule\fi
+ \hbox to \CDLdiscsize
+ {\hsize=\CDLdiscsize \ifCDLbox\vrule\fi
+ \ignorespaces #1\hss \ifCDLbox\vrule\fi}
+ \ifCDLbox\hrule\fi}}
+%% CDLbackground
+%% user macro
+%% place a dimensionless item, presumably a picture
+ \setbox\CDLbox=\vbox to 0pt{\hsize=0pt
+ \hbadness\maxdimen \vbadness\maxdimen #1}%
+ \wd\CDLbox=0pt \raise \CDLdiscsize\box\CDLbox}
+%% CDLlabelbox
+%% basic macro for shape macros below
+ \setbox\CDLbox=\vbox to \CDLdiscsize{\hsize=\CDLdiscsize
+ \hrule width \CDLdiscsize height 0pt depth 0pt \nointerlineskip
+ \vskip\CDLedgemargin
+ #1\vfil
+ }%
+ \wd\CDLbox=0pt \box\CDLbox \ignorespaces}
+%% Shapes macros: various loops of calling CDLline, and building
+%% up a \parshape. This is built around CDLline, which computes
+%% length and indents left/right of a line somewhere on the label.
+%% #1 is an option for setup: baselineskip and such
+ \vskip.5\CDLdiscsize
+ \CDLtoks={}%
+ \begingroup
+ \repeat \for{CDLcount} \from{0} \do {%
+ \count1=\CDLcount \advance\count1 by 1
+ \CDLline{\count1}\a\t\c
+ \CDLline\CDLcount\t\b\t
+ \if\CDLerror \expandafter\breakrepeat \fi
+ \dimen1=\c\relax \dimen2=\a\relax
+ \ifdim\b=0pt \multiply\dimen2 by 2 \fi
+ \edef\temp{\global\CDLtoks={\the\CDLtoks
+ \space\the\dimen1 \space\the\dimen2}}\temp
+ }%
+ \noindent \parshape \CDLcount \the\CDLtoks #2\par
+ \endgroup
+ }}
+ \vskip.5\CDLdiscsize \vskip.5\CDLinnerdiameter \vskip\baselineskip
+ \CDLtoks={}%
+ \begingroup
+ \count0=0
+ \repeat \for{CDLcount} \from{0} \do {%
+ \count1=\CDLcount \advance\count1 by 1
+ \CDLline{\count1}\a\t\c
+ \CDLline\CDLcount\t\b\t
+ \if\CDLerror \expandafter\breakrepeat \fi
+ \ifdim\b>0pt \advance\count0 by 1
+ \else \dimen1=\c\relax \dimen2=\a\relax
+ \multiply\dimen2 by 2
+ \edef\temp{\global\CDLtoks={\the\CDLtoks
+ \space\the\dimen1 \space\the\dimen2}}\temp
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \advance\CDLcount by -\count0
+ \noindent \parshape \CDLcount \the\CDLtoks #2\par
+ \endgroup
+ }}
+ \CDLtoks={}#1\relax
+ \begingroup
+ \repeat \for{CDLcount} \from{0} \do {%
+ \CDLline\CDLcount\a\b\c
+ \if\CDLerror \expandafter\breakrepeat \fi
+ % if we're not next to the hole, leave a gutter
+ \ifdim\b=0pt \dimen0=\a \advance\dimen0 by -\CDLgutterwidth
+ \edef\a{\the\dimen0 }\fi
+ \edef\temp{\CDLtoks={\c\space\a \space\the\CDLtoks \space \c\space\a}}\temp
+ }%
+ \noindent
+ \multiply\CDLcount by 2 \advance\CDLcount by 1
+ \parshape \CDLcount 0pt 0pt \the\CDLtoks \hfill\break #2\par
+ \endgroup
+ }}
+ \CDLtoks={}#1\relax
+ \begingroup
+ %\count0=\CDLdiscsize \divide\count0 by \baselineskip
+ %\message{Should fit \the\count0 lines}%
+ \repeat \for{CDLcount} \from{0} \do {%
+ % get \a=length \b=inner gap \c=outer gap
+ \CDLline\CDLcount\a\b\c
+ \if\CDLerror \expandafter\breakrepeat \fi
+ % if we're not next to the hole, leave a gutter
+ \ifdim\b=0pt \dimen0=\a \advance\dimen0 by -\CDLgutterwidth
+ \edef\a{\the\dimen0 }%
+ \else
+ \dimen0=\a \advance\dimen0 by -\baselineskip \edef\a{\the\dimen0 }%
+ \dimen0=\b \advance\dimen0 by \baselineskip \edef\b{\the\dimen0 }%
+ \fi
+ \dimen0=\CDLdiscsize \divide\dimen0 by 2
+ \advance\dimen0 by \b
+ \edef\temp{\CDLtoks={
+ \the\dimen0 \space\a \space\the\CDLtoks
+ \the\dimen0 \space\a}}\temp
+ }%
+ \noindent \multiply\CDLcount by 2 \advance\CDLcount by 1
+ \parshape \CDLcount 0pt 0pt \the\CDLtoks \hfill\break #2\par
+ \endgroup
+ }}
+ \CDLtoks={}#1\relax
+ \begingroup
+ \repeat \for{CDLcount} \from{1} \do {%
+ % get \a=length \b=inner gap \c=outer gap
+ \CDLline\CDLcount\a\b\c
+ \if\CDLerror \expandafter\breakrepeat \fi
+ % if we're not next to the hole, leave a gutter
+ \ifdim\b=0pt \dimen0=\a \advance\dimen0 by -\CDLgutterwidth
+ \edef\a{\the\dimen0 }\fi
+ \edef\temp{\CDLtoks={\c\space\a \space\the\CDLtoks}}\temp
+ }%
+ \CDLline0\a\b\c
+ \edef\temp{\CDLtoks={\the\CDLtoks \space \c\space\a \space \c\space\a}}\temp
+ \advance\CDLcount by 3
+ \edef\tempc{\the\CDLcount}%
+ \repeat \for{CDLcount} \from{0} \do {%
+ \count1=\CDLcount \advance\count1 by 1
+ \CDLline{\count1}\a\t\c
+ \CDLline\CDLcount\t\b\t
+ \if\CDLerror \expandafter\breakrepeat \fi
+ \dimen1=\c\relax \dimen2=\a\relax
+ \ifdim\b=0pt \multiply\dimen2 by 2 \fi
+ \edef\temp{\global\CDLtoks={\the\CDLtoks
+ \space\the\dimen1 \space\the\dimen2}}\temp
+ }%
+ \advance\CDLcount by \tempc
+ \noindent
+ \parshape \CDLcount 0pt 0pt \the\CDLtoks \hfill\break #2\par
+ \endgroup
+ }}
+ \ifnum\count0>0 \hfill\break \advance\count0 by -1
+ \expandafter\CDLblank\expandafter{\number\count0}\fi\endgroup}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Auxiliaries %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% \CDLraggedright & \CDLraggedleft
+ \rightskip=0pt plus .5\CDLdiscsize}
+ \leftskip=0pt plus .5\CDLdiscsize}
+\def\CDLsquash#1{{\setbox0\hbox{#1}\ht0=0pt \dp0=0pt \box0\relax}}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Interal macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% CDLline
+%% from #1 line number compute #2 length, #3 inner gap #4 outer gap
+ \begingroup \dimen0=\baselineskip
+ \multiply\dimen0 by #1\relax
+ \divide\CDLdiscsize by 2 \divide\CDLinnerdiameter by 2
+ \dimen1=\CDLdiscsize \advance\dimen1 by -\CDLedgemargin
+ \CDLcircle{\dimen1}{\dimen0}\blen
+ \if\CDLerror \aftergroup\CDLseterror \else
+ \CDLcircle\CDLinnerdiameter{\dimen0}\slen
+ \dimen0=\blen sp
+ \dimen2=\CDLdiscsize \advance\dimen2 by -\dimen0
+ \xdef#4{\the\dimen2}%
+ \if\CDLerror
+ \xdef#2{\the\dimen0}\gdef#3{0pt}%
+ \else
+ \dimen1=\slen sp\relax \advance\dimen0 by -\dimen1
+ \xdef#2{\the\dimen0}\xdef#3{\the\dimen1}%
+ \fi \fi
+ \endgroup}
+%% CDLcircle
+%% from #1=r #2=y compute #3=x so that x^2+y^2=r^2
+ \begingroup
+ \count2=#1\advance\count2 by #2\edef\a{\number\count2}%
+ \count3=#1\advance\count3 by -#2\edef\b{\number\count3}%
+ \ifnum\count3<0 \aftergroup\CDLseterror \else
+ \CDLsqrt\a\aa \CDLsqrt\b\bb
+ \count0=\aa \multiply\count0 by \bb
+ \xdef#3{\number\count0}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup}
+%% CDLsqrt
+%% #1 is dimension, #2 is receiving control sequence
+ \count1=#1\relax
+ \repeat \do {
+ \count2=#1\relax \divide\count2 by \count1
+ \advance\count2 by \count1 \divide\count2 by 2
+ \ifnum\count2<\count1 \count1=\count2
+ \else \expandafter\breakrepeat \fi}
+ \xdef#2{\the\count1}\endgroup}
+%% Error handling
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/eijkhout/CD_labeler_test.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/eijkhout/CD_labeler_test.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a261f5f36f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/eijkhout/CD_labeler_test.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% This file tests Victor Eijkhout's CD_labeler.tex
+\input CD_labeler
+\def\hr{b\hrulefill e\break}
+\def\fivehr{\hr \hr \hr \hr \hr}
+ \CDLleft{\baselineskip8pt}{\tenhr\tenhr\tenhr\tenhr}
+ \CDLright{\baselineskip8pt}{\tenhr\tenhr\tenhr\tenhr}
+ }
+ \CDLleft{\baselineskip8.4pt}{\tenhr\fivehr\hr\hr\hr}
+ \CDLlowerhalf{\baselineskip8.4pt}{\tenhr\tenhr}}
+ \CDLunderhole{\baselineskip8.4pt}{\tenhr\hr}
+ }
+% \CDLleftandunder{\baselineskip8.4pt}{\tenhr\tenhr}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/eijkhout/DB_process.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/eijkhout/DB_process.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f43078e950e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/eijkhout/DB_process.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+% DataBase processing macros, version 0.91, December 2000
+% Copyright Victor Eijkhout 2000
+% file name: DB_process.tex
+% Author:
+% Victor Eijkhout
+% Department of Computer Science
+% University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% For a copy of the GNU General Public License, write to the
+% Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+% 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA,
+% or find it on the net, for instance at
+% Use this file as follows:
+% \input DB_process
+% \def\DBPprintline#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9%
+% { < do whatever you want with the argument > }
+% \DBPtabfile{ <input file> } or \DBPcommafile{ <input file> }
+% The user macro \DBPprintline is applied to the max 9 arguments
+% of each database line. You need to define the macro with 9 arguments;
+% if the database has less than 9 fields, empty arguments are passed.
+% The input records are counted, and the counter is available as \DBPno.
+% To print this, you have to do \number\DBPno or somesuch.
+% revision history:
+% 0.9 first release, December 1998
+% 0.91 documentation update, use repeat.tex for loop macro,
+% copyright notice, better handling of 'fragile' material
+%% prevent multiple loading of this file
+\expandafter\ifx\csname DBPfile\endcsname\relax
+ \message{Loading DataBase Processing macros ... }%
+ \message{DataBase Processing macros already loaded ... }\endinput \fi
+%% Allocations
+\newread\DBPfile \newcount\DBPitem \newtoks\DBPtoks
+%% Load auxiliary files: loop macro
+\input repeat.tex
+%% a default printline macro
+\def\DBPprintline#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{\number\DBPno: #1\par}
+%% general parsing macros
+ \repeat \for{DBPno} \do {\read\DBPfile to \DBPinput
+ \ifx\DBPinput\DBPtestc \expandafter\breakrepeat \fi
+ \DBPitem=1\relax \DBPtoks=\expandafter{\DBPinput}%
+ \edef\DBPtemp{\noexpand\DBPparseline\the\DBPtoks
+ \DBPdelim DBP\DBPdelim}\DBPtemp
+ }}
+ \def\DBPtesta{#1}\def\DBPtestb{DBP}%
+ \ifx\DBPtesta\DBPtestb
+ \edef\DBPtemp{\noexpand\DBPprintline
+ {\csarg\the{DBPtoks1}}%
+ {\csarg\the{DBPtoks2}}%
+ {\csarg\the{DBPtoks3}}%
+ {\csarg\the{DBPtoks4}}%
+ {\csarg\the{DBPtoks5}}%
+ {\csarg\the{DBPtoks6}}%
+ {\csarg\the{DBPtoks7}}%
+ {\csarg\the{DBPtoks8}}%
+ {\csarg\the{DBPtoks9}}%
+ }\DBPtemp
+ \csarg\relax{DBPtoks1}{}%
+ \csarg\relax{DBPtoks2}{}%
+ \csarg\relax{DBPtoks3}{}%
+ \csarg\relax{DBPtoks4}{}%
+ \csarg\relax{DBPtoks5}{}%
+ \csarg\relax{DBPtoks6}{}%
+ \csarg\relax{DBPtoks7}{}%
+ \csarg\relax{DBPtoks8}{}%
+ \csarg\relax{DBPtoks9}{}%
+ \else \ifnum\DBPitem<10\relax
+ \csname DBPtoks\number\DBPitem\endcsname={#1}%
+ \else \message{DB Processor: can not handle >9 items/line}%
+ \fi
+ \advance\DBPitem by 1
+ \expandafter#2\fi}
+%% macros for comma-delimited
+ \openin\DBPfile=#1\relax
+ \let\DBPparseline=\DBPcommaline
+ \def\DBPdelim{,}%
+ \DBPparsefile}
+%% macros for tab-delimited
+\begingroup \catcode9=12
+ \openin\DBPfile=#1\relax
+ \begingroup
+ \catcode9=12 \let\DBPparseline=\DBPtabline
+ \def\DBPdelim{^^I}%
+ \DBPparsefile
+ \endgroup}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/eijkhout/repeat.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/eijkhout/repeat.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6d149e15ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/eijkhout/repeat.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+% Repeat loop macro, version 0.92, December 2000
+% Copyright Victor Eijkhout 2000
+% file name: repeat.tex
+% Author:
+% Victor Eijkhout
+% Department of Computer Science
+% University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% For a copy of the GNU General Public License, write to the
+% Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+% 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA,
+% or find it on the net, for instance at
+% General loop macro:
+% \repeat
+% \for{<var>} \from{<start>} \by{<step>} \to{<end>} \downto{<end>}
+% \until{<cond>} \while{<cond>}
+% \do { <loop body> }
+% where all control sequences in between \repeat and \do are optional.
+% The space after each argument is mandatory!
+% (This implies that you will have to write "\from\i" as "\from{\i}".)
+% var: characters to form a control sequence;
+% after \for{index} you can access the loop counter as \index.
+% This is a count register; to print it use \number\index.
+% start,step,end: integers with obvious relations to the loop counter;
+% start and step have a default value of 1
+% cond: (sequence of commands ending in) any TeX \if... test.
+% Count down instead of up with \downto; the increment given in \by
+% is always positive, and is added or subtracted accordingly.
+% Tests: \until is evaluated at the end of the loop body; \while
+% at the beginning of the loop body.
+% Exit from middle of loop: \breakrepeat
+% use this at any place in the loop; in case of a conditional, use
+% \ifsomething ... \expandafter \breakrepeat \fi
+% There are some examples at the end of this file, after the \endinput line.
+% Technical details:
+% The loop body is not executed in a group: the braces are those
+% of a token list.
+% The `for' variable is \let to a \count register.
+% revision history:
+% 0.9 first release, January 1999
+% 0.91 documentation update,
+% csarg-like control sequences made REP...
+% counter update made global in case the body issues grouping,
+% copyright notice, February 1999
+% 0.92 installed trace switches, eliminated unwanted space caused by
+% "\for{ijk} \do{...}"
+%% Prevent multiple loading of this file
+\expandafter\ifx\csname REPdepth\endcsname\relax
+ \message{Loading loop macro, version 0.92}%
+\else \endinput \fi
+%% Auxiliary stuff
+\def\REPcsrom#1{\csname #1\romannumeral\REPdepth\endcsname}
+% \csname#3\romannumeral\REPdepth\endcsname}
+\let\endrepeat\relax \def\csprotect{}
+% Trace switches may later be defined by PAC_utils
+\let\REPtraceinit\relax \let\REPtraceexit\relax
+%% Main repeat macro
+%% - go to next level and allocate unique counter/toks if this is the
+%% first time we visit this level
+%% - setup: gather bounds and termination conditions
+%% - scoop up body in token list; after the assignment define and
+%% execute body
+ \REPtraceinit % exit in \breakrepeat
+ \advance\REPdepth by 1\relax
+ \REPcsargrom\ifx{REPcount}\relax
+ \REPcsargrom{\csname newcount\expandafter\endcsname}{REPcount}%
+ \REPcsargrom{\csname newtoks\expandafter\endcsname}{REPtoks}%
+ \REPcsargrom{\csname newtoks\expandafter\endcsname}{REPwtest}%
+ \REPcsargrom{\csname newtoks\expandafter\endcsname}{REPutest}%
+ \fi \REPzero \def\REPsign{}\def\REPcomp{>}\REPsetup{#1}%
+ \edef\REPtmp
+ {\def\REPcsargrom\noexpand{REPrepeat}{\REPcsargrom\noexpand{REPbody}}}\REPtmp
+ \afterassignment\REPdxbody\REPcsrom{REPtoks}}
+%% Define and execute loop body
+%% This is done with an \edef to construct the actual sequence
+ \REPcsargrom\the{REPwtest}%
+ \noexpand\the\REPcsargrom\noexpand{REPtoks}%
+ \REPcsargrom\the{REPutest}%
+ \global\REPcsargrom\advance{REPcount} by \REPsign\REPcsrom{REPinc}\relax%
+ \noexpand\endrepeat
+ \REPcsargrom\noexpand{REPrepeat}}%
+ \REPcsrom{REPbody}}
+%% Stop test
+%% In order to stop, issue a
+%% \breakrepeat which scoops up the rest of the body and exits
+ \advance\REPdepth by -1 \REPtraceexit
+ }
+%% Setup
+%% gather bounds and termination conditions
+ \begingroup
+ \def\for##1 {\edef\REPtmp{%
+ \global\let\REPcsarg\noexpand{##1}\REPcsrom{REPcount}}\REPtmp}%
+ \def\from##1 {\REPcsargrom\global{REPcount}##1\relax}%
+ \def\to##1 {\edef\REPtmp{\global\REPcsargrom\noexpand{REPwtest}=
+ {\REPcsargrom\the{REPwtest}%
+ \noexpand\ifnum\REPcsargrom\noexpand{REPcount}\REPcomp##1\relax
+ \noexpand\expandafter \noexpand\breakrepeat \noexpand\fi}}\REPtmp}%
+ \def\downto##1 {\gdef\REPsign{-}\gdef\REPcomp{<}\to{##1}}%
+ \def\by##1 {\ifnum##1<0 \message{REPEAT: increment has to be >0}%
+ \REPcsargrom\gdef{REPinc}{-##1}\else
+ \REPcsargrom\gdef{REPinc}{##1}\fi}
+ \def\until##1 {\edef\REPtmp{\global\REPcsargrom\noexpand{REPutest}=
+ {\noexpand##1\relax
+ \noexpand\expandafter \noexpand\breakrepeat \noexpand\fi}}\REPtmp}%
+ \def\while##1 {\edef\REPtmp{\global\REPcsargrom\noexpand{REPwtest}=
+ {\noexpand##1\relax \noexpand\else
+ \noexpand\expandafter \noexpand\breakrepeat \noexpand\fi}}\REPtmp}%
+ \from{1} \by{1} #1%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\REPcsrom{REPtoks}{}\REPcsrom{REPutest}{}\REPcsrom{REPwtest}{}%
+ \REPcsargrom\def{REPbody}{}}
+\repeat \for{i} \by{2} \do {
+ \ifnum\i=13 \expandafter\breakrepeat \fi
+ \message{doing \number\i}
+\repeat \for{iii} \to{8} \do {}
+\message{After loop: \number\iii}
+\repeat \for{i} \from{10} \by{2} \downto{0} \do {
+ \message{countdown \number\i}
+\repeat \for{x} \while{\ifnum\x<7} \do {
+ \message{going \number\x}
+\repeat \to{3} \do {
+ \message{hello there!}
+\repeat \for{j}
+ \until{\tmpcount\j \divide\tmpcount by 37 \noexpand\ifnum\tmpcount=1}
+ \do {
+ \message{testing \number\j}
+\repeat \for{i} \by{2} \to{10} \do
+ {\repeat \for{j} \from{\i} \by{3} \to{18} \do
+ {\message{(\number\i.\number\j)}
+ }}
+% infinite loop
+%\repeat \do {}