path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel/locale/ar/babel-ar-TN.ini
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel/locale/ar/babel-ar-TN.ini')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel/locale/ar/babel-ar-TN.ini b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel/locale/ar/babel-ar-TN.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e20b249938e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel/locale/ar/babel-ar-TN.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+; This file is part of babel. For further details see:
+; Data has been collected mainly from the following sources:
+; * babel language styles (license LPPL):
+; * polyglossia language styles (license LPPL)
+; * Common Locale Data Repository (license Unicode):
+charset = utf8
+version = 1.0
+date = 2022-06-02
+name.local = العربية
+name.english = Arabic
+name.babel = arabic-tunisia arabic-tn
+tag.bcp47 = ar-TN
+language.tag.bcp47 = ar
+tag.opentype = ARA
+region.local = تونس
+region.english = Tunisia
+region.tag.bcp47 = TN = Arabic
+script.tag.bcp47 = Arab
+script.tag.opentype = arab
+level = 1
+encodings =
+derivate = no
+preface = مدخل
+ref = المراجع
+abstract = ملخص
+bib = المصادر
+chapter = باب
+appendix = الملاحق
+contents = المحتويات
+listfigure = قائمة الأشكال
+listtable = قائمة الجداول
+index = الفهرس
+figure = شكل
+table = جدول
+part = القسم
+encl = المرفقات
+cc = نسخة ل‬
+headto = إلى
+page = صفحة
+see = راجع
+also = راجع أيضًا
+proof = برهان
+glossary = قاموس
+date.long = [d] [MMMM] [y]
+date.short = [d]‏/[M]‏/[y]
+months.wide.1 = جانفي
+months.wide.2 = فيفري
+months.wide.3 = مارس
+months.wide.4 = أفريل
+months.wide.5 = ماي
+months.wide.6 = جوان
+months.wide.7 = جويلية
+months.wide.8 = أوت
+months.wide.9 = سبتمبر
+months.wide.10 = أكتوبر
+months.wide.11 = نوفمبر
+months.wide.12 = ديسمبر
+months.narrow.1 = ج
+months.narrow.2 = ف
+months.narrow.3 = م
+months.narrow.4 = أ
+months.narrow.5 = م
+months.narrow.6 = ج
+months.narrow.7 = ج
+months.narrow.8 = أ
+months.narrow.9 = س
+months.narrow.10 = أ
+months.narrow.11 = ن
+months.narrow.12 = د
+days.wide.mon = الاثنين
+days.wide.tue = الثلاثاء = الأربعاء
+days.wide.thu = الخميس
+days.wide.fri = الجمعة
+days.wide.sat = السبت
+days.wide.sun = الأحد
+days.abbreviated.mon = الاثنين
+days.abbreviated.tue = الثلاثاء = الأربعاء
+days.abbreviated.thu = الخميس
+days.abbreviated.fri = الجمعة
+days.abbreviated.sat = السبت
+days.abbreviated.sun = الأحد
+days.narrow.mon = ن
+days.narrow.tue = ث = ر
+days.narrow.thu = خ
+days.narrow.fri = ج
+days.narrow.sat = س
+days.narrow.sun = ح = ص = م = ص = م = ص = م
+date.long = [d] [MMMM]، [y]
+months.wide.1 = محرم
+months.wide.2 = صفر
+months.wide.3 = ربيع الأول
+months.wide.4 = ربيع الآخر
+months.wide.5 = جمادى الأولى
+months.wide.6 = جمادى الآخرة
+months.wide.7 = رجب
+months.wide.8 = شعبان
+months.wide.9 = رمضان
+months.wide.10 = شوال
+months.wide.11 = ذو القعدة
+months.wide.12 = ذو الحجة
+months.narrow.1 = ١
+months.narrow.2 = ٢
+months.narrow.3 = ٣
+months.narrow.4 = ٤
+months.narrow.5 = ٥
+months.narrow.6 = ٦
+months.narrow.7 = ٧
+months.narrow.8 = ٨
+months.narrow.9 = ٩
+months.narrow.10 = ١٠
+months.narrow.11 = ١١
+months.narrow.12 = ١٢
+time.medium = [h]:[mm]:[ss] [a]
+time.short = [h]:[mm] [a]
+frenchspacing = yes
+hyphenrules =
+lefthyphenmin =
+righthyphenmin =
+hyphenchar =
+prehyphenchar =
+posthyphenchar =
+exhyphenchar =
+preexhyphenchar =
+postexhyphenchar =
+hyphenationmin =
+delimiters.quotes = ”“’‘
+auxiliary = [ـ\u200C\u200D\u200E\u200F پ چ ژ ڜ ڢ ڤ ڥ ٯ ڧ ڨ ک گ ی]
+exemplarCharacters = [\u064B \u064C \u064D \u064E \u064F \u0650 \u0651 \u0652 \u0670 ء أ ؤ إ ئ ا آ ب ة ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ى ي]
+index = [ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي]
+punctuation = [\\- ‐ ‑ – — ، ؛ \\: ! ؟ . … ' \" « » ( ) \\[ \\]]
+defaultNumberingSystem = latn
+digits.native = ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩
+minimumGroupingDigits = 1
+decimal = ,
+exponential = E
+group = .
+infinity = ∞
+list = ;
+minusSign = ‎-
+nan = ليس رقمًا
+perMille = ‰
+percentSign = ‎%‎
+plusSign = ‎+
+superscriptingExponent = ×
+abjad = ا ب ج د ه‍ و ز ح ط ي ك ل م ن س ع ف ص ق ر ش ت ث خ ذ ض ظ غ
+maghrebi.abjad = ا ب ج د ه‍ و ز ح ط ي ك ل م ن ص ع ف ض ق ر س ت ث خ ذ ظ غ ش
+kashida.plain.1.0 = { ()[يئهشسقفغعضصنمكلظطخحجثتب]()[ًٍَُِّ]*[يئهشسقفغعضصنمكلظطخحجثتباأإآوؤذدزرة] }
+kashida.plain.1.1 = { kashida = 500 }
+kashida.plain.2.0 = { ()ل()[ًٍَُِّ]*[اأإآ] }
+kashida.plain.2.1 = { kashida = 0 }