path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/csplain/fonts/kp-math.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/csplain/fonts/kp-math.tex')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/csplain/fonts/kp-math.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/csplain/fonts/kp-math.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..74bf7a3775f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/csplain/fonts/kp-math.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+% This file loads KP math fonts by plainTeX macros
+% Petr Olsak, 2016
+ \bgroup\def\message#1{\egroup}\input tx-math % load macros + \mathchardefs
+\message{FONT: KP math fonts -
+ \string\mathchardef's prepared, 11 math families preloaded.}
+% Math modifiers:
+% \lightmath .... Light version of math
+% \widermath .... More amount of spaces between characters
+% \bfnmath ...... Normal \bf in math (by default is sans bf)
+% \sansmath ..... Sans serif math
+% \uprightmath .. Capital letters are upright
+% \bbcharss ..... Blackboard characters sans serif
+% \greekup ...... Lowercase greek upright
+% \partialup .... Upright partial derivations symbol
+% \narowiints ... Multiplied integrals narrower
+% \kpmathreset .. Returns to the default setting
+% Basic math selectors:
+% \normalmath ... Normal version
+% \boldmath ..... Bold version
+% Usage: [math-modifiers]\basic-math-selector
+% See the file kp-fonts.tex for text modifiers documentation.
+\def\kpmatwnoss{\ifx\kpmatss\empty \kpmatw\fi}
+\def\kpmatbbss{\ifx\kpmatss\empty \kpmatbbssx \else ss\fi}
+ \def\kpmatf{}\def\kpmatw{}\def\kpmatl{}\def\kpmatss{}\def\kpmatbbssx{}%
+ \def\kpmatssb{ss}\partialnormal \greeknormal \normaliints
+ \loadmathfamily 0 {jkp\kpmatss\kpmatl mn7t} % KP 7t
+ \loadmathfamily 1 {jkp\kpmatss\kpmatl mi\kpmatf\kpmatwnoss} % KP Math Italic
+ \loadmathfamily 2 {jkp\kpmatl sy\kpmatw} % KP Standard symbols
+ \loadmathfamily 3 {jkp\kpmatl ex} % KP extra symbols
+ \loadmathfamily 4 {jkpsya} % KP symbols from AMSTeX
+ \loadmathfamily 5 {jkp\kpmatbbss\kpmatl syb\kpmatw} % KP symbols from AMSTeX
+ \loadmathfamily 6 {jkp\kpmatl syc} % KP symbols from TX fonts
+ \loadmathfamily 7 {jkp\kpmatl exa} % KP extra symbols
+ \loadmathfamily 8 {jkp\kpmatss\kpmatl mia\kpmatwnoss} % fraktur, upright greek
+ \loadmathfamily 9 {jkp\kpmatl syd\kpmatw} % script
+ \loadmathfamily 10 {jkp\kpmatssb bn7t} % (sans serif) bold
+ \loadmathfamily 11 {jkp\kpmatssb bmi\kpmatf} % (sans serif) bold slanted
+ \setkpsumsw
+ \loadmathfamily 0 {jkp\kpmatss\kpmatl bn7t} % KP 7t
+ \loadmathfamily 1 {jkp\kpmatss\kpmatl bmi\kpmatf\kpmatwnoss} % KP Math Italic
+ \loadmathfamily 2 {jkp\kpmatl bsy\kpmatw} % KP Standard symbols
+ \loadmathfamily 3 {jkp\kpmatl bex} % KP extra symbols
+ \loadmathfamily 4 {jkpbsya} % KP symbols from AMSTeX
+ \loadmathfamily 5 {jkp\kpmatbbss\kpmatl bsyb\kpmatw} % KP symbols from AMSTeX
+ \loadmathfamily 6 {jkp\kpmatl bsyc} % KP symbols from TX fonts
+ \loadmathfamily 7 {jkp\kpmatl bexa} % KP extra symbols
+ \loadmathfamily 8 {jkp\kpmatss\kpmatl bmia\kpmatwnoss} % fraktur, upright greek
+ \loadmathfamily 9 {jkp\kpmatl bsyd\kpmatw} % script
+ \loadmathfamily 10 {jkp\kpmatssb bn7t} % sans serif bold
+ \loadmathfamily 11 {jkp\kpmatssb bmi\kpmatf} % sans serif bold slanted
+ \setkpsumsw
+ \ismacro\kpmatss{ss}\iftrue
+ \mathchardef\sum="13B4 \mathchardef\prod="13B5 \mathchardef\coprod="13C4
+ \else
+ \mathchardef\sum="1350 \mathchardef\prod="1351 \mathchardef\coprod="1360
+ \fi
+ \ismacro\kpmatw{w}\iftrue
+ \thinmuskip=3mu \medmuskip=4mu plus 1.5mu minus 3mu \thickmuskip=5mu plus 4mu
+ \else
+ \thinmuskip=2mu \medmuskip=3mu plus 1.5mu minus 3mu \thickmuskip=4mu plus 3mu
+ \fi
+\def\greekup{\let\alpha \upalpha \let\beta \upbeta \let\gamma \upgamma
+ \let\delta \updelta \let\epsilon \upepsilon \let\zeta \upzeta
+ \let\eta \upeta \let\theta \uptheta \let\iota \upiota \let\kappa \upkappa
+ \let\lambda \uplambda \let\mu \upmu \let\nu \upnu \let\xi \upxi
+ \let\pi \uppi \let\rho \uprho \let\sigma \upsigma \let\tau \uptau
+ \let\upsilon \upupsilon \let\phi \upphi \let\chi \upchi \let\psi \uppsi
+ \let\omega \upomega \let\varepsilon \upvarepsilon \let\vartheta \upvartheta
+ \let\varpi \upvarpi \let\varrho \upvarrho \let\varsigma \upvarsigma
+ \let\varphi \upvarphi
+\def\greeknormal{\mathchardef\alpha="010B \mathchardef\beta="010C
+ \mathchardef\gamma="010D \mathchardef\delta="010E \mathchardef\epsilon="010F
+ \mathchardef\zeta="0110 \mathchardef\eta="0111 \mathchardef\theta="0112
+ \mathchardef\iota="0113 \mathchardef\kappa="0114 \mathchardef\lambda="0115
+ \mathchardef\mu="0116 \mathchardef\nu="0117 \mathchardef\xi="0118
+ \mathchardef\pi="0119 \mathchardef\rho="011A \mathchardef\sigma="011B
+ \mathchardef\tau="011C \mathchardef\upsilon="011D \mathchardef\phi="011E
+ \mathchardef\chi="011F \mathchardef\psi="0120 \mathchardef\omega="0121
+ \mathchardef\varepsilon="0122 \mathchardef\vartheta="0123
+ \mathchardef\varpi="0124 \mathchardef\varrho="0125
+ \mathchardef\varsigma="0126 \mathchardef\varphi="0127
+\def\partialup {\mathchardef\partial="0180 }
+\def\partialnormal {\mathchardef\partial="0140 }
+\def\narrowiints{\ifnum\oiintop="1\txexafam 08 \narrowiintsA+\fi}
+\def\normaliints{\ifnum\oiintop="1\txexafam 08 \else \narrowiintsA-\fi}
+ \narrowiintsB #1\oiintop \iintop \iiintop \iiiintop \idotsintop \oiiintop \oiintctrclockwiseop
+ \varoiintclockwiseop \oiiintctrclockwiseop \varoiiintclockwiseop \oiintclockwiseop
+ \varoiintctrclockwiseop \oiiintclockwiseop \varoiiintctrclockwiseop \sqiintop \sqiiintop
+ \variintop \variiintop \variiiintop \varidotsintop \relax \count0=\tmp\relax
+\def\narrowiintsB#1#2{\ifx#2\relax \else
+ \count0=#2\advance\count0 by#1100 \mathchardef#2=\count0
+ \expandafter\narrowiintsB\expandafter#1\fi
+\mathchardef \varintop "1\txexafam 54
+\mathchardef \variintop "1\txexafam 56
+\mathchardef \variiintop "1\txexafam 58
+\mathchardef \variiiintop "1\txexafam 5A
+\mathchardef \varidotsintop "1\txexafam 5C
+\def\varint {\varintop\nolimits}
+\def\variint {\variintop\nolimits}
+\def\variiint {\variiintop\nolimits}
+\def\variiiint {\variiiintop\nolimits}
+\def\varidotsint {\varidotsintop\nolimits}
+\mathchardef \varemptyset "02A0
+\def\widearc{\mathaccent"0386 }
+\def\widearcarrow{\mathaccent"038C }
+\def\wideparen{\mathaccent"0392 }
+ ^{\vbox to0pt{\kern-.2ex\hbox{\the\textfont0\char"17}\vss}}}%
+\mathchardef\bracext "0\txexafam 20
+ \braceld\mkern-1mu\cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-.5mu\bracext\mkern-.5mu$}\hfill\mkern-1mu
+ \braceru\bracelu
+ \mkern-1mu\cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-.5mu\bracext\mkern-.5mu$}\hfill\mkern-1mu\bracerd$%
+ \bracelu\mkern-1mu\cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-.5mu\bracext\mkern-.5mu$}\hfill\mkern-1mu
+ \bracerd\braceld
+ \mkern-1mu\cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-.5mu\bracext\mkern-.5mu$}\hfill\mkern-1mu\braceru$%