path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/third/vim/2context.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/third/vim/2context.vim')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/third/vim/2context.vim b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/third/vim/2context.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ef238121a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/third/vim/2context.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+"D \module
+"D [ file=2context.vim,
+"D version=2007.01.03,
+"D title=ViM to \CONTEXT,
+"D subtitle=Use ViM to generate code listing,
+"D author=Mojca Miklavec \& Aditya Mahajan,
+"D email=adityam at umich dot edu,
+"D date=\currentdate,
+"D copyright=Public Domain]
+"D This file is based on \filename{2html.vim}. It uses ViM systax highlighting
+"D to generate a \CONTEXT\ file which is parsed using \filename{t-vimsyntax}
+"D module.
+"D We use \filename{.tmp} extension so that the file is purged by
+"D \filename{ctxtools}
+if expand("%") == ""
+ new vimsyntax.tmp
+ new %-vimsyntax.tmp
+"D We are right now in the new buffer.
+set modifiable
+%d "This empties the buffer.
+wincmd p
+"D Loop over all lines in the original text.
+"D Use contextstartline and contextstopline if they are set.
+if exists("contextstartline")
+ let s:lnum = contextstartline
+ if !(s:lnum >= 1 && s:lnum <= line("$"))
+ let s:lnum = 1
+ endif
+ let s:lnum = 1
+if exists("contextstopline")
+ let s:end = contextstopline
+ if !(s:end >= s:lnum && s:end <= line("$"))
+ let s:end = line("$")
+ endif
+ let s:end = line("$")
+let s:buffer_lnum = 1
+while s:lnum <= s:end
+"D Get the current line
+ let s:line = getline(s:lnum)
+ let s:len = strlen(s:line)
+ let s:new = ""
+"D Loop over each character in the line
+ let s:col = 1
+ while s:col <= s:len
+ let s:startcol = s:col " The start column for processing text
+ let s:id = synID (s:lnum, s:col, 1)
+ let s:col = s:col + 1
+"D Speed loop (it's small - that's the trick)
+"D Go along till we find a change in synID
+ while s:col <= s:len && s:id == synID(s:lnum, s:col, 1)
+ let s:col = s:col + 1
+ endwhile
+"D Output the text with the same synID, with class set to {s:id_name}
+ let s:id = synIDtrans (s:id)
+ let s:id_name = synIDattr (s:id, "name", "gui")
+ let s:temp = strpart(s:line, s:startcol - 1, s:col - s:startcol)
+"D Remove line endings (on unix machines reading windows files)
+ let s:temp = substitute(s:temp, '\r*$', '', '')
+"D It might have happened that that one has been the last item in a row, so
+"D we don't need to print in in that case
+ if strlen(s:temp) > 0
+"D We need to get rid of the characters that can cause trouble in \CONTEXT.
+"D The funny \type{||||||||||} and \type{$$$$$$$$$} characters should never
+"D appear in {\em normal} \TEX\ file. As a side||effect, this script can not
+"D pretty print itself.
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '\\', '||||||||||\\letterbackslash$$$$$$$$$$', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '{', '||||||||||\\letteropenbrace$$$$$$$$$$', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '}', '||||||||||\\letterclosebrace$$$$$$$$$$', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '||||||||||' , '{' , 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$' , '}' , 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '&', '{\\letterampersand}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '<', '{\\letterless}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '>', '{\\lettermore}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '#', '{\\letterhash}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '"', '{\\letterdoublequote}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, "'", '{\\lettersinglequote}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '\$', '{\\letterdollar}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '%', '{\\letterpercent}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '\^', '{\\letterhat}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '_', '{\\letterunderscore}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '|', '{\\letterbar}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '\~', '{\\lettertilde}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '/', '{\\letterslash}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '?', '{\\letterquestionmark}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '!', '{\\letterexclamationmark}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, '@', '{\\letterat}', 'g')
+ let s:temp = substitute( s:temp, ':', '{\\lettercolon}', 'g')
+ let s:new = s:new . '\s[' . s:id_name . ']{' . s:temp . '}'
+ endif
+" Why will we ever enter this loop
+" if s:col > s:len
+" break
+" endif
+ endwhile
+"D Expand tabs
+ let s:pad = 0
+ let s:start = 0
+ let s:idx = stridx(s:line, "\t")
+ while s:idx >= 0
+ let s:i = &ts - ((s:start + s:pad + s:idx) % &ts)
+" let s:new = substitute(s:new, '\t', strpart(s:expandedtab, 0, s:i), '')
+ let s:new = substitute(s:new, '\t', '\\tab{' . s:i . '}', '')
+ let s:pad = s:pad + s:i - 1
+ let s:start = s:start + s:idx + 1
+ let s:idx = stridx(strpart(s:line, s:start), "\t")
+ endwhile
+"D Go back and paste the current line
+ wincmd p
+ call append (s:buffer_lnum-1, s:new)
+ wincmd p
+"D Increment line numbers
+ let s:lnum = s:lnum + 1
+ let s:buffer_lnum = s:buffer_lnum + 1
+wincmd p
+"D We have a spurious line in the end. So we remove it.