path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/third/rst/rst_parser.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/third/rst/rst_parser.lua')
1 files changed, 1487 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/third/rst/rst_parser.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/third/rst/rst_parser.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6aeeb7d584a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/third/rst/rst_parser.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1487 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env texlua
+-- FILE: rst_parser.lua
+-- USAGE: refer to doc/documentation.rst
+-- AUTHOR: Philipp Gesang (Phg), <>
+-- VERSION: 0.3
+-- CHANGED: 2011-05-08 17:55:54+0200
+local rst
+local optional_setups
+thirddata = thirddata or { }
+thirddata.rst = { }
+thirddata.rst_helpers = { }
+local helpers = thirddata.rst_helpers
+if context then
+ --thirddata.rst_setups = optional_setups
+ environment.loadluafile("rst_helpers")
+ environment.loadluafile("rst_directives")
+ environment.loadluafile("rst_setups" )
+ environment.loadluafile("rst_context")
+ rst = rst_context
+ optional_setups = thirddata.rst_setups
+ --helpers = require "rst_helpers"
+ require "rst_helpers"
+ rst_directives = require "rst_directives"
+ optional_setups = require "rst_setups"
+ rst = require "rst_context"
+helpers.rst_debug = false
+local warn = function(str, ...)
+ if not helpers.rst_debug then return false end
+ local slen = #str + 3
+ str = "*["..str.."]"
+ for i,j in ipairs({...}) do
+ if 80 - i * 8 - slen < 0 then
+ local indent = ""
+ for i=1, slen do
+ indent = indent .. " "
+ end
+ str = str .. "\n" .. indent
+ end
+ str = str .. string.format(" |%6s", string.strip(tostring(j)))
+ end
+ io.write(str .. " |\n")
+ return 0
+local C, Cb, Cc, Cg, Cmt, Cp, Cs, Ct
+ = lpeg.C, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Ct
+local P, R, S, V, match
+ = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.match
+local utf = unicode.utf8
+local eol = P"\n"
+state = {}
+state.depth = 0
+state.bullets = {} -- mapping bullet forms to depth
+state.bullets.max = 0
+state.lastbullet = ""
+state.lastbullets = {}
+state.roman_cache = {} -- storing roman numerals that were already converted
+state.currentindent = "" -- used in definition lists and elsewhere
+state.previousindent = "" -- for literal blocks included in paragraphs to restore the paragraph indent
+state.currentwidth = 0 -- table layout
+state.currentlayout = {} -- table layout
+state.previousadorn = nil -- section underlining and overlining
+state.footnotes = {}
+state.footnotes.autonumber = 0
+state.footnotes.numbered = {}
+state.footnotes.labeled = {}
+state.footnotes.autolabel = {}
+state.footnotes.symbol = {}
+state.addme = {}
+ local first_adornment = ""
+ local valid_adornment = P{
+ [1] = "adorncheck",
+ adorncheck = V"check_first" * V"check_other"^1 * -P(1),
+ -- check_first = Cg(V"adornment_char", "first"), -- This *should* work but but due to some heavenly
+ -- intervention the governing rules of the universe
+ -- have been altered so as to annoy everybody
+ -- trying to deploy it.
+ check_first = Cmt(V"adornment_char", function(_,_, first)
+ first_adornment = first
+ return true
+ end)
+ ,
+ check_other = Cmt(V"adornment_char", function(_,_, char)
+ local prev = first_adornment
+ return char == prev
+ end)
+ ,
+ adornment_char = S[[!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~]] + P[[\\]],
+ }
+ state.valid_adornment = valid_adornment
+local enclosed_mapping = {
+ ["'"] = "'",
+ ['"'] = '"',
+ ["("] = ")",
+ ["["] = "]",
+ ["{"] = "}",
+ ["<"] = ">",
+local utfchar = P{ -- from l-lpeg.lua, modified to use as grammar
+ [1] = "utfchar",
+ utf8byte = R("\128\191"),
+ utf8one = R("\000\127"),
+ utf8two = R("\194\223") * V"utf8byte",
+ utf8three = R("\224\239") * V"utf8byte" * V"utf8byte",
+ utf8four = R("\240\244") * V"utf8byte" * V"utf8byte" * V"utf8byte",
+ utfchar = V"utf8one" + V"utf8two" + V"utf8three" + V"utf8four",
+local parser = P{
+ [1] = V"document",
+ document = V"blank_line"^0 * Cs(V"block"^1),
+-- Blocks
+ block = V"explicit_markup"
+ + Cs(V"section") / rst.escape
+ + V"target_block"
+ + V"literal_block"
+ + Cs(V"list") / rst.escape
+ + Cs(V"line_block") / rst.escape
+ + Cs(V"table_block") / rst.escape
+ + V"transition" --/ rst.escape
+ + V"comment_block"
+ + Cs(V"block_quote") / rst.escape
+ + Cs(V"paragraph") / rst.escape
+ ,
+-- Explicit markup block
+ explicit_markup_start = V"double_dot" * V"whitespace",
+ explicit_markup = V"footnote_block"
+ + V"directive_block"
+ + V"substitution_definition"
+ ,
+ explicit_markup_block = V"explicit_markup"^1
+ ,
+-- Directives block
+ directive_block = V"directive"
+ --* (V"blank_line"^-1 * V"directive")^0
+ * V"end_block"
+ ,
+ directive = V"explicit_markup_start"
+ * C(((V"escaped_colon" + (1 - V"colon" - V"eol")) - V"substitution_text")^1)
+ * V"double_colon"
+ * (V"directive_block_multi" + V"directive_block_single")
+ / rst.directive
+ ,
+ directive_block_multi = C((1 - V"eol")^0) * V"eol"
+ * V"directive_indented_lines"
+ ,
+ directive_block_single = C((1 - V"eol")^1) * V"eol",
+-- Substitution definition block
+ substitution_definition = V"explicit_markup_start"
+ * V"substitution_text"
+ * V"whitespace"
+ * C((1 - V"colon" - V"space" - V"eol")^1) -- directive
+ * V"double_colon"
+ * Ct(V"data_directive_block")
+ * V"end_block"^-1
+ / rst.substitution_definition
+ ,
+ substitution_text = V"bar"
+ * C((1 - V"bar" - V"eol")^1)
+ * V"bar"
+ ,
+ data_directive_block = V"data_directive_block_long"
+ + V"data_directive_block_short"
+ ,
+ data_directive_block_short = C((1 - V"eol")^0) * V"eol",
+ data_directive_block_long = C((1 - V"eol")^0) * V"eol"
+ * V"directive_indented_lines"
+ ,
+ directive_indented_lines = V"directive_indented_first"
+ * V"directive_indented_other"^0
+ ,
+ directive_indented_first = Cmt(V"space"^1, function(s,i,indent)
+ warn("sub-i", #indent, i)
+ state.currentindent = indent
+ return true
+ end)
+ * C((1 - V"eol")^1) * V"eol"
+ ,
+ directive_indented_other = Cmt(V"space"^1, function(s,i,indent)
+ warn("sub-m", #state.currentindent <= #indent, #indent, #state.currentindent, i)
+ return #state.currentindent <= #indent
+ end)
+ * C((1 - V"eol")^1) * V"eol"
+ ,
+-- Explicit markup footnote block
+ footnote_block = V"footnote"^1 * V"end_block",
+ footnote = V"explicit_markup_start"
+ * (V"footnote_marker" + V"citation_reference_label")
+ * C(V"footnote_content")
+ * (V"blank_line" - V"end_block")^-1
+ / rst.footnote
+ ,
+ footnote_marker = V"lsquare" * C(V"footnote_label") * V"rsquare" * V"whitespace"^0
+ ,
+ citation_reference_label = V"lsquare" * C(V"letter" * (1 - V"rsquare")^1) * V"rsquare" * V"whitespace"^0,
+ footnote_label = V"digit"^1
+ + (V"gartenzaun" * V"letter"^1)
+ + V"gartenzaun"
+ + V"asterisk"
+ ,
+ footnote_content = V"footnote_long" -- single line
+ + V"footnote_simple"
+ ,
+ footnote_simple = (1 - V"eol")^1 * V"eol"
+ ,
+ footnote_long = (1 - V"eol")^1 * V"eol"
+ * V"footnote_body"
+ ,
+ footnote_body = V"fn_body_first"
+ * (V"fn_body_other" + V"fn_body_other_block")^0
+ ,
+ fn_body_first = Cmt(V"space"^1, function(s, i, indent)
+ warn("fn-in", true, #indent)
+ state.currentindent = indent
+ return true
+ end)
+ * (1 - V"eol")^1 * V"eol"
+ ,
+ fn_matchindent = Cmt(V"space"^1, function(s, i, indent)
+ local tc = state.currentindent
+ warn("fn-ma", tc == indent, #tc, #indent, i)
+ return tc == indent
+ end)
+ ,
+ fn_body_other = V"fn_body_other_regular"
+ * (V"blank_line" * V"fn_body_other_regular")^0
+ ,
+ fn_body_other_regular = V"fn_matchindent"
+ * (1 - V"eol")^1 * V"eol"
+ ,
+ -- TODO find a way to get those to work in footnotes!
+ fn_body_other_block = V"line_block"
+ + V"table_block"
+ + V"transition"
+ + V"block_quote"
+ + V"list"
+ ,
+-- Table block
+ table_block = V"simple_table"
+ + V"grid_table"
+ ,
+-- Simple tables
+ simple_table = Ct(V"st_first_row"
+ * V"st_other_rows")
+ * V"end_block"
+ / function (tab)
+ return rst.simple_table(helpers.table.simple(tab))
+ end
+ ,
+ st_first_row = V"st_setindent"
+ * C(V"st_setlayout")
+ * V"space"^0
+ * V"eol"
+ ,
+ st_setindent = Cmt(V"space"^0, function(s, i, indent)
+ warn("sta-i", "true", #indent, "set", i)
+ state.currentindent = indent
+ return true
+ end)
+ ,
+ st_matchindent = Cmt(V"space"^0, function(s, i, indent)
+ warn("sta-m", state.currentindent == indent, #indent, #state.currentindent, i)
+ return state.currentindent == indent
+ end)
+ ,
+ st_setlayout = Cmt((V"equals"^1) * (V"spaces" * V"equals"^1)^1, function(s, i, layout)
+ local tc = state.currentlayout
+ warn("sta-l", #layout, "set", "", i)
+ tc.raw = layout
+ tc.bounds = helpers.get_st_boundaries(layout)
+ return true
+ end)
+ ,
+ st_other_rows = (V"st_content"^1 * V"st_separator")^1,
+ st_content = V"blank_line"^-1
+ * C(V"st_matchlayout"),
+ st_matchlayout = -#V"st_separator" * Cmt((1 - V"eol")^1, function (s, i, content)
+ -- Don't check for matching indent but if the rest is
+ -- fine then the line should be sane. This allows
+ -- cells starting with spaces.
+ content = content:sub(#state.currentindent)
+ local tcb = state.currentlayout.bounds
+ local n = 1
+ local spaces_only = P" "^1
+ while n < #tcb.slices do
+ local from = tcb.slices[n] .stop
+ local to = tcb.slices[n+1].start
+ local between = spaces_only:match(content, from)
+ if not between then -- Cell spanning more than one row.
+ -- pass
+ warn("sta-c", "span", from, to, i)
+ elseif not (between >= to) then
+ warn("sta-c", "false", from, to, i)
+ return false
+ end
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ warn("sta-c", "true", #tcb.slices, "", i)
+ return true
+ end)
+ * V"eol"
+ ,
+ st_separator = V"st_matchindent"
+ * C(V"st_normal_sep" + V"st_colspan_sep")
+ * V"eol"
+ ,
+ st_normal_sep = Cmt((V"equals"^1) * (V"spaces" * V"equals"^1)^1, function(s, i, layout)
+ warn("sta-s", state.currentlayout.raw == layout, #layout, #state.currentlayout.raw, i)
+ return state.currentlayout.raw == layout
+ end)
+ ,
+ st_colspan_sep = Cmt(V"dash"^1 * (V"spaces" * V"dash"^1)^0, function(s, i, layout)
+ local tcb = state.currentlayout.bounds
+ local this = helpers.get_st_boundaries (layout)
+ local start_valid = false
+ for start, _ in next, this.starts do
+ if tcb.starts[start] then
+ start_valid = true
+ local stop_valid = false
+ for stop, _ in next, this.stops do
+ if tcb.stops[stop] then -- bingo
+ stop_valid = true
+ end
+ end
+ if not stop_valid then
+ warn("sta-x", stop_valid, #layout, #state.currentlayout.raw, i)
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ warn("sta-x", start_valid, #layout, #state.currentlayout.raw, i)
+ return start_valid
+ end)
+ ,
+-- Grid tables
+ grid_table = Ct(V"gt_first_row"
+ * V"gt_other_rows")
+ * V"blank_line"^1
+ / function(tab)
+ return rst.grid_table(helpers.table.create(tab))
+ end
+ ,
+ gt_first_row = V"gt_setindent"
+ * C(V"gt_sethorizontal")
+ * V"eol"
+ ,
+ gt_setindent = Cmt(V"space"^0, function(s, i, indent)
+ warn("tab-i", true, #indent, "set", i)
+ state.currentindent = indent
+ return true
+ end)
+ ,
+ gt_layoutmarkers = V"table_intersection" + V"table_hline" + V"table_header_hline",
+ gt_sethorizontal = Cmt(V"gt_layoutmarkers"^3, function (s, i, width)
+ warn("tab-h", "width", "true", #width, "set", i)
+ state.currentwidth = #width
+ return true
+ end)
+ ,
+ gt_other_rows = V"gt_head"^-1
+ * V"gt_body"
+ ,
+ gt_matchindent = Cmt(V"space"^0, function (s, i, this)
+ local matchme = state.currentindent
+ warn("tab-m", "indent", #this == #matchme, #this, #matchme, i)
+ return #this == #matchme
+ end)
+ ,
+ gt_cell = (V"gt_content_cell" + V"gt_line_cell")
+ * (V"table_intersection" + V"table_vline")
+ ,
+ gt_content_cell = ((1 - V"table_vline" - V"table_intersection" - V"eol")^1),
+ gt_line_cell = V"table_hline"^1,
+ gt_contentrow = V"gt_matchindent"
+ * C((V"table_intersection" + V"table_vline")
+ * V"gt_cell"^1)
+ * V"whitespace"^-1 * V"eol"
+ ,
+ gt_body = ((V"gt_contentrow" - V"gt_bodysep")^1 * V"gt_bodysep")^1,
+ gt_bodysep = V"gt_matchindent"
+ * C(Cmt(V"table_intersection"
+ * (V"table_hline"^1 * V"table_intersection")^1, function(s, i, separator)
+ local matchme = state.currentwidth
+ warn("tab-m", "body", #separator == matchme, #separator, matchme, i)
+ return #separator == matchme
+ end))
+ * V"whitespace"^-1 * V"eol"
+ ,
+ gt_head = V"gt_contentrow"^1
+ * V"gt_headsep"
+ ,
+ gt_headsep = V"gt_matchindent"
+ * C(Cmt(V"table_intersection"
+ * (V"table_header_hline"^1 * V"table_intersection")^1, function(s, i, separator)
+ local matchme = state.currentwidth
+ warn("tab-s", "head", #separator == matchme, #separator, matchme, i)
+ return #separator == matchme
+ end))
+ * V"whitespace"^-1 * V"eol"
+ ,
+-- Block quotes
+ block_quote = Ct(Cs(V"block_quote_first"
+ * V"block_quote_other"^0
+ * (V"blank_line" * V"block_quote_other"^1)^0)
+ * (V"blank_line"
+ * Cs(V"block_quote_attri"))^-1)
+ * V"end_block"
+ / rst.block_quote
+ ,
+ block_quote_first = Cmt(V"space"^1, function (s, i, indent)
+ warn("bkq-i", #indent, "", indent, "", i)
+ state.currentindent = indent
+ return true
+ end) / ""
+ * -V"attrib_dash"
+ * (1 - V"eol")^1
+ * V"eol"
+ ,
+ block_quote_other = Cmt(V"space"^1, function (s, i, indent)
+ warn("bkq-m", #indent, #state.currentindent,
+ indent, state.currentindent, i)
+ return state.currentindent == indent
+ end) / ""
+ * -V"attrib_dash"
+ * (1 - V"eol")^1
+ * V"eol"
+ ,
+ block_quote_attri = V"block_quote_attri_first"
+ * V"block_quote_attri_other"^0,
+ block_quote_attri_first = Cmt(V"space"^1 * V"attrib_dash" * V"space", function (s, i, indent)
+ local t = state
+ warn("bqa-i", utf.len(indent), #t.currentindent,
+ indent, t.currentindent, i)
+ local ret = indent:match(" *") == t.currentindent
+ t.currentindent = ret and indent or t.currentindent
+ return ret
+ end) / ""
+ * (1 - V"eol")^1
+ * V"eol"
+ ,
+ block_quote_attri_other = Cmt(V"space"^1, function (s, i, indent)
+ warn("bqa-m", #indent, utf.len(state.currentindent),
+ indent, state.currentindent, i)
+ return utf.len(state.currentindent) == #indent
+ end) / ""
+ * (1 - V"eol")^1
+ * V"eol"
+ ,
+-- Line blocks
+ line_block = Cs(V"line_block_first"
+ * (V"line_block_other"
+ + V"line_block_empty")^1)
+ --* V"blank_line"
+ * V"end_block"
+ / rst.line_block
+ ,
+ line_block_marker = V"space"^0 * V"bar" * V"space",
+ line_block_empty_marker = V"space"^0 * V"bar" * V"space"^0 * V"eol",
+ line_block_first = Cmt(V"line_block_marker", function(s, i, marker)
+ warn("lbk-i", #marker, "", marker, "", i)
+ state.currentindent = marker
+ return true
+ end) / ""
+ * V"line_block_line"
+ ,
+ line_block_empty = Cmt(V"line_block_empty_marker", function(s, i, marker)
+ warn("lbk-e", #marker, #state.currentindent, marker, state.currentindent, i)
+ marker = marker:gsub("|.*", "| ")
+ return state.currentindent == marker
+ end) / ""
+ / rst.line_block_empty
+ ,
+ line_block_other = Cmt(V"line_block_marker", function(s, i, marker)
+ warn("lbk-m", #marker, #state.currentindent, marker, state.currentindent, i)
+ return state.currentindent == marker
+ end) / ""
+ * V"line_block_line"
+ ,
+ line_block_line = Cs((1 - V"eol")^1
+ * V"line_block_cont"^0
+ * V"eol")
+ / rst.line_block_line
+ ,
+ line_block_cont = (V"eol" - V"line_block_marker")
+ * Cmt(V"space"^1, function(s, i, spaces)
+ warn("lbk-c", #spaces, #state.currentindent, spaces, state.currentindent, i)
+ return #spaces >= #state.currentindent
+ end) / ""
+ * (1 - V"eol")^1
+ ,
+-- Literal blocks
+ literal_block = V"literal_block_marker"
+ * Cs(V"literal_block_lines")
+ * V"end_block"
+ / rst.literal_block,
+ literal_block_marker = V"double_colon" * V"whitespace"^0 * V"eol" * V"blank_line",
+ literal_block_lines = V"unquoted_literal_block_lines"
+ + V"quoted_literal_block_lines",
+ unquoted_literal_block_lines = V"literal_block_first"
+ * (V"blank_line"^-1 * V"literal_block_other")^0
+ ,
+ quoted_literal_block_lines = V"quoted_literal_block_first"
+ * (V"blank_line"^-1 * V"quoted_literal_block_other")^0
+ ,
+ literal_block_first = Cmt(V"space"^1, function (s, i, indent)
+ warn("lbk-f", #indent, "", "", i)
+ if not indent or
+ indent == "" then
+ return false
+ end
+ if state.currentindent and #state.currentindent < #indent then
+ state.currentindent = state.currentindent .. " "
+ return true
+ else
+ state.currentindent = " "
+ return true
+ end
+ end)
+ * V"rest_of_line"
+ * V"eol",
+ literal_block_other = Cmt(V"space"^1, function (s, i, indent)
+ warn("lbk-m",
+ #indent,
+ #state.currentindent,
+ #indent >= #state.currentindent,
+ i)
+ return #indent >= #state.currentindent
+ end)
+ * V"rest_of_line"
+ * V"eol",
+ quoted_literal_block_first = Cmt(V"adornment_char", function (s, i, indent)
+ warn("lbk-f", #indent, "", "", i)
+ if not indent or
+ indent == "" then
+ return false
+ end
+ state.currentindent = indent
+ return true
+ end)
+ * V"rest_of_line"
+ * V"eol",
+ quoted_literal_block_other = Cmt(V"adornment_char", function (s, i, indent)
+ warn("lbk-m",
+ #indent,
+ #state.currentindent,
+ #indent >= #state.currentindent,
+ i)
+ return #indent >= #state.currentindent
+ end)
+ * V"rest_of_line"
+ * V"eol",
+-- Lists
+ list = (V"option_list"
+ + V"bullet_list"
+ + V"definition_list"
+ + V"field_list")
+ - V"explicit_markup_start"
+ ,
+-- Option lists
+ option_list = Cs((V"option_list_item"
+ * V"blank_line"^-1)^1)
+ /rst.option_list,
+ option_list_item = Ct(C(V"option_group")
+ * Cs(V"option_description"))
+ / rst.option_item,
+ option_description = V"option_desc_next"
+ + V"option_desc_more"
+ + V"option_desc_single",
+ option_desc_single = V"space"^2
+ --* V"rest_of_line"
+ * (1 - V"eol")^1
+ * V"eol",
+ option_desc_more = V"space"^2
+ * (1 - V"eol")^1
+ * V"eol"
+ * V"indented_lines"
+ * (V"blank_line" * V"indented_lines")^0,
+ option_desc_next = V"eol"
+ * V"indented_lines"
+ * (V"blank_line" * V"indented_lines")^0,
+ option_group = V"option"
+ * (V"comma" * V"space" * V"option")^0,
+ option = (V"option_posixlong"
+ + V"option_posixshort"
+ + V"option_dos_vms")
+ * V"option_arg"^-1,
+ option_arg = (V"equals" + V"space")
+ * ((V"letter" * (V"letter" + V"digit")^1)
+ + (V"angle_left" * (1 - V"angle_right")^1 * V"angle_right")),
+ option_posixshort = V"dash" * (V"letter" + V"digit"),
+ option_posixlong = V"double_dash"
+ * V"letter"
+ * (V"letter" + V"digit" + V"dash")^1,
+ option_dos_vms = V"slash"
+ * V"letter"^1,
+-- Field lists (for bibliographies etc.)
+ field_list = Cs(V"field"
+ * (V"blank_line"^-1 * V"field")^0)
+ * V"end_block"
+ / rst.field_list,
+ field = Ct(V"field_marker"
+ * V"field_body")
+ / rst.field,
+ field_marker = V"colon"
+ * C(V"field_name")
+ * V"colon",
+ field_name = (V"escaped_colon" + (1 - V"colon"))^1,
+ field_body = V"field_single" + V"field_multi",
+ field_single = C((1 -V"eol")^1) * V"eol",
+ field_multi = C((1 - V"eol")^0 * V"eol"
+ * V"indented_lines"^-1),
+-- Definition lists
+ definition_list = Ct((V"definition_item" - V"comment")
+ * (V"blank_line" * V"definition_item")^0)
+ * V"end_block"
+ / rst.deflist
+ ,
+ definition_item = Ct(C(V"definition_term")
+ * V"definition_classifiers"
+ * V"eol"
+ * Ct(V"definition_def"))
+ ,
+ definition_term = #(1 - V"space" - V"field_marker")
+ * (1 - V"eol" - V"definition_classifier_separator")^1
+ ,
+ definition_classifier_separator = V"space" * V"colon" * V"space",
+ definition_classifiers = V"definition_classifier"^0,
+ definition_classifier = V"definition_classifier_separator"
+ * C((1 - V"eol" - V"definition_classifier_separator")^1)
+ ,
+ definition_def = C(V"definition_firstpar") * C(V"definition_par")^0
+ ,
+ definition_indent = Cmt(V"space"^1, function(s, i, indent)
+ warn("def-i", #indent, #state.currentindent, indent == state.currentindent, i)
+ state.currentindent = indent
+ return true
+ end),
+ definition_firstpar = V"definition_parinit"
+ * (V"definition_parline" - V"blank_line")^0
+ ,
+ definition_par = V"blank_line"
+ * (V"definition_parline" - V"blank_line")^1
+ ,
+ definition_parinit = V"definition_indent"
+ * (1 - V"eol")^1
+ * V"eol"
+ ,
+ definition_parline = V"definition_match"
+ * (1 - V"eol")^1
+ * V"eol"
+ ,
+ definition_match = Cmt(V"space"^1, function (s, i, this)
+ warn("def-m", #this, #state.currentindent, this == state.currentindent, i)
+ return this == state.currentindent
+ end),
+-- Bullet lists and enumerations
+ -- the next rule handles enumerations as well
+ bullet_list = V"bullet_init"
+ * (V"blank_line"^-1 * (V"bullet_list" + V"bullet_continue"))^1
+ * V"bullet_stop"
+ * Cmt(Cc(nil), function (s, i)
+ local t = state
+ warn("close", t.depth)
+ t.bullets[t.depth] = nil -- “pop”
+ t.depth = t.depth - 1
+ t.lastbullet = t.lastbullets[t.depth]
+ return true
+ end),
+ bullet_stop = V"end_block" / rst.stopitemize,
+ bullet_init = Ct(C(V"bullet_first") * V"bullet_itemrest")
+ / rst.bullet_item
+ ,
+ bullet_first = #Cmt(V"bullet_indent", function (s, i, bullet)
+ local t = state
+ local oldbullet = t.bullets[t.depth]
+ local n_spaces = match(P" "^0, bullet)
+ warn("first",
+ t.depth,
+ (t.depth == 0 and n_spaces >= 1) or
+ (t.depth > 0 and n_spaces > 1),
+ bullet,
+ oldbullet,
+ helpers.list.conversion(bullet))
+ if t.depth == 0 and n_spaces >= 1 then -- first level
+ t.depth = 1 -- “push”
+ t.bullets[1] = bullet
+ t.lastbullet = bullet
+ t.bullets.max = t.bullets.max < t.depth and t.depth or t.bullets.max
+ return true
+ elseif t.depth > 0 and n_spaces > 1 then -- sublist (of sublist)^0
+ if n_spaces >= utf.len(oldbullet) then
+ t.lastbullets[t.depth] = t.lastbullet
+ t.depth = t.depth + 1
+ t.bullets[t.depth] = bullet
+ t.lastbullet = bullet
+ t.bullets.max = t.bullets.max < t.depth and t.depth or t.bullets.max
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end)
+ * V"bullet_indent"
+ / rst.startitemize
+ ,
+ bullet_indent = V"space"^0 * V"bullet_expr" * V"space"^1,
+ bullet_cont = Cmt(V"bullet_indent", function (s, i, bullet)
+ local t = state
+ local conversion = helpers.list.conversion
+ warn("conti",
+ t.depth,
+ bullet == t.bullets[t.depth],
+ bullet,
+ t.bullets[t.depth],
+ t.lastbullets[t.depth],
+ conversion(t.lastbullet),
+ conversion(bullet)
+ )
+ if utf.len(t.bullets[t.depth]) ~= utf.len(bullet) then
+ return false
+ elseif not conversion(bullet) and t.bullets[t.depth] == bullet then
+ return true
+ elseif conversion(t.lastbullet) == conversion(bullet) then -- same type
+ local autoconv = conversion(bullet) == "auto"
+ local greater = helpers.list.greater (bullet, t.lastbullet)
+ t.lastbullet = bullet
+ return autoconv or successor or greater
+ end
+ end),
+ bullet_continue = Ct(C(V"bullet_cont") * V"bullet_itemrest")
+ /rst.bullet_item
+ ,
+ bullet_itemrest = C(V"bullet_rest" -- first line
+ * ((V"bullet_match" * V"bullet_rest")^0 -- any successive lines
+ * (V"blank_line"
+ * (V"bullet_match" * (V"bullet_rest" - V"bullet_indent"))^1)^0))
+ ,
+ -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ -- otherwise matches bullet_first
+ bullet_rest = (1 - V"eol")^1 * V"eol", -- rest of one line
+ bullet_next = V"space"^1
+ ,
+ bullet_match = Cmt(V"bullet_next", function (s, i, this)
+ local t = state
+ warn("match",
+ t.depth,
+ string.len(this) == utf.len(t.bullets[t.depth]),
+ utf.len(t.bullets[t.depth]), string.len(this) )
+ return string.len(this) == utf.len(t.bullets[t.depth])
+ end)
+ ,
+ bullet_expr = V"bullet_char"
+ + (P"(" * V"number_char" * P")")
+ + (V"number_char" * P")")
+ + (V"number_char" * V"dot") * #V"space"
+ + (V"number_char" * #V"space")
+ ,
+ number_char = V"roman_numeral"
+ + V"Roman_numeral"
+ + P"#"
+ + V"digit"^1
+ + R"AZ"
+ + R"az"
+ ,
+-- Transitions
+ transition_line = C(V"adornment_char"^4),
+ transition = V"transition_line" * V"eol"
+ * V"end_block"
+ / rst.transition
+ ,
+-- Sectioning
+ section_adorn = V"adornment_char"^1,
+ section = ((V"section_text" * V"section_once")
+ + (V"section_before" * V"section_text" * V"section_after"))
+ / rst.section
+ * (V"end_block" + V"blank_line")
+ ,
+ -- The whitespace handling after the overline is necessary because headings
+ -- without overline aren't allowed to be indented.
+ section_before = C(Cmt(V"section_adorn", function(s,i, adorn)
+ state.previousadorn = adorn
+ warn ("sec-f", state.valid_adornment:match(adorn), adorn:sub(1,2) .. "...", "", i)
+ if state.valid_adornment:match(adorn) then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+ end))
+ * V"whitespace"^0
+ * V"eol"
+ * V"whitespace"^0
+ ,
+ section_text = C((1 - V"space" - V"eol") * (1 - V"eol")^1) * V"eol",
+ section_after = C(Cmt(V"section_adorn", function(s,i, adorn)
+ local tests = false
+ tests = state.valid_adornment:match(adorn) and true
+ if state.previousadorn then
+ tests = tests and adorn == state.previousadorn
+ end
+ warn ("sec-o", tests, adorn:sub(1,2) .. "…", "", i)
+ state.previousadorn = nil
+ return tests
+ end))
+ * V"whitespace"^0
+ ,
+ section_once = C(Cmt(V"section_adorn", function(s,i, adorn)
+ local tests = false
+ tests = state.valid_adornment:match(adorn) and true
+ warn ("sec-o", tests, adorn:sub(1,2) .. "…", "", i)
+ state.previousadorn = nil
+ return tests
+ end))
+ * V"whitespace"^0
+ ,
+-- Target Blocks
+ tname_normal = C((V"escaped_colon" + 1 - V"colon")^1)
+ * V"colon",
+ tname_bareia = C(V"bareia"
+ * (1 - V"eol" - V"bareia")^1
+ * V"bareia")
+ * V"colon",
+ target_name = V"double_dot"
+ * V"space"
+ * V"underscore"
+ * (V"tname_bareia" + V"tname_normal"),
+ target_firstindent = V"eol" * Cg(V"space"^1, "indent"),
+ target_nextindent = V"eol" * C(V"space"^1),
+ target_indentmatch = Cmt(V"target_nextindent" -- I ♡ LPEG!
+ * Cb("indent"), function (s, i, a, b)
+ return a == b
+ end),
+ target_link = ( V"space"^0 * V"target_firstindent"
+ * Ct(C(1 - V"whitespace" - V"eol")^1
+ * (V"target_indentmatch"
+ * C(1 - V"whitespace" - V"eol")^1)^0)
+ * V"eol" * #(1 - V"whitespace" - "eol")) / rst.joinindented
+ + C((1 - V"eol")^1) * V"eol" * #(V"double_dot" + V"double_underscore" + V"eol")
+ + (1 - V"end_block")^0 * Cc(""),
+ target = Ct((V"target_name" * (V"space"^0 * V"eol" * V"target_name")^0)
+ * V"space"^0
+ * V"target_link")
+ /,
+ anonymous_prefix = (V"double_dot" * V"space" * V"double_underscore" * V"colon")
+ + (V"double_underscore")
+ ,
+ anonymous_target = V"anonymous_prefix"
+ * V"space"^0
+ * Ct(Cc"" * V"target_link")
+ /
+ ,
+ target_block = (V"anonymous_target" + V"target")^1
+ * V"end_block",
+-- Paragraphs * Inline Markup
+ paragraph = Ct(V"par_first"
+ * V"par_other"^0) / rst.paragraph
+ * V"end_block"
+ * V"reset_depth"
+ ,
+ par_first = V"par_setindent" * C((1 - V"literal_block_shorthand" - V"eol")^1) * V"eol",
+ par_other = V"par_matchindent"
+ * C((1 - V"literal_block_shorthand" - V"eol")^1)
+ * (V"included_literal_block" + V"eol")
+ ,
+ par_setindent = Cmt(V"space"^0, function (s, i, indent)
+ warn("par-i", #indent, "", "", i)
+ state.previousindent = state.currentindent
+ state.currentindent = indent
+ return true
+ end),
+ par_matchindent = Cmt(V"space"^0, function (s, i, indent)
+ warn("par-m", state.currentindent == indent, #indent, #state.currentindent, i)
+ return state.currentindent == indent
+ end),
+ link_standalone = C(V"uri")
+ / rst.link_standalone,
+ reference = Cs(V"_reference")
+ / rst.reference,
+ _reference = (1 - V"underscore" - V"spacing" - V"eol" - V"punctuation" - V"groupchars")^1 * V"underscore",
+ included_literal_block = V"literal_block_shorthand"
+ * V"literal_block_markerless"
+ * Cmt(Cp(), function (s, i, _)
+ warn("par-s", "", #state.previousindent, #state.currentindent, i)
+ state.currentindent = state.previousindent
+ return true
+ end)
+ ,
+ literal_block_shorthand = Cs(((V"colon" * V"space" * V"double_colon")
+ + V"double_colon")
+ * V"whitespace"^0
+ * V"eol"
+ * V"blank_line")
+ -- The \unskip is necessary because the lines of a
+ -- paragraph get concatenated from a table with a
+ -- space as separator. And the literal block is
+ -- treated as one such line, hence it would be
+ -- preceded by a space. As the ":" character
+ -- always follows a non-space this should be a
+ -- safe, albeit unpleasant, hack. If you don't
+ -- agree then file a bug report and I'll look into
+ -- it.
+ / "\\\\unskip:"
+ ,
+ literal_block_markerless = Cs(V"literal_block_lines"
+ * (V"blank_line"^1 * V"literal_block_lines")^0)
+ * V"blank_line"
+ / rst.included_literal_block
+ ,
+ -- This is needed because lpeg.Cmt() patterns are evaluated even
+ -- if they are part of a larger pattern that doesn’t match. The
+ -- result is that they confuse the nesting.
+ -- Resetting the current nesting depth at every end of block
+ -- should be safe because this pattern always matches last.
+ reset_depth = Cmt(Cc("nothing") / "", function (s,i, something)
+ state.depth = 0
+ return true
+ end)
+ ,
+-- Comments
+ comment_block = V"comment"^1
+ * V"end_block"
+ ,
+ comment = V"double_dot" / ""
+ * (V"block_comment" + V"line_comment")
+ ,
+ block_comment = V"eol"
+ * Cs(V"indented_lines")
+ / rst.block_comment,
+ line_comment = V"whitespace"^1
+ * Cs((1 - V"eol")^0 * V"eol")
+ / rst.line_comment
+ ,
+-- Generic indented block
+ indented_lines = V"indented_first"
+ * (V"indented_other"^0
+ * (V"blank_line" * V"indented_other"^1)^0)
+ ,
+ indented_first = Cmt(V"space"^1, function (s, i, indent)
+ warn("idt-f", indent, i)
+ state.currentindent = indent
+ return true
+ end)
+ * (1 - V"eol")^1
+ * V"eol",
+ indented_other = Cmt(V"space"^1, function (s, i, indent)
+ warn("idt-m", #indent, #state.currentindent, #indent == #state.currentindent, i)
+ return indent == state.currentindent
+ end)
+ * (1 - V"eol")^1
+ * V"eol",
+-- Urls
+ uri = V"url_protocol" * V"url_domain" * (V"slash" * V"url_path")^0,
+ url_protocol = (P"http" + P"ftp" + P"shttp" + P"sftp") * P"://",
+ url_domain_char = 1 - V"dot" - V"spacing" - V"eol" - V"punctuation",
+ url_domain = V"url_domain_char"^1 * (V"dot" * V"url_domain_char"^1)^0,
+ url_path_char = R("az", "AZ", "09") + S"-_.!~*'()",
+ url_path = V"slash" * (V"url_path_char"^1 * V"slash"^-1)^1,
+-- Terminal Symbols and Low-Level Elements
+ word = (1 - V"punctuation" - V"end_block" - V"spacing" - V"eol")^1, -- TODO : no punctuation (later)
+ asterisk = P"*",
+ double_asterisk = V"asterisk" * V"asterisk",
+ bareia = P"`",
+ double_bareia = V"bareia" * V"bareia",
+ escaped_bareia = (Cs(V"backslash") / "" * V"bareia") + 1,
+ slash = P"/",
+ doubleslash = V"slash" * V"slash",
+ backslash = P"\\",
+ bar = P"|",
+ groupchars = S"()[]{}",
+ --- Punctuation
+ -- Some of the following are used for markup as well as for punctuation.
+ comma = P",",
+ colon = P":",
+ double_colon = V"colon" * V"colon",
+ escaped_colon = V"backslash" * V"colon",
+ dot = P".",
+ period = V"dot",
+ double_dot = V"dot" * V"dot",
+ interpunct = P"·",
+ underscore = P"_",
+ double_underscore = V"underscore" * V"underscore",
+ dash = P"-",
+ double_dash = V"dash" * V"dash",
+ triple_dash = V"double_dash" * V"dash",
+ emdash = P"—",
+ attrib_dash = V"triple_dash" + V"double_dash" + V"emdash", -- begins quote attribution blocks
+ dashes = V"dash" + P"‒" + P"–" + V"emdash" + P"―",
+ hyphen = P"‐",
+ semicolon = P";",
+ questionmark = P"?",
+ exclamationmark = P"!",
+ inverted_exclamationmark = P"¡",
+ inverted_questionmark = P"¿",
+ interrobang = P"‽",
+ apostrophe = P"’" + P"'",
+ --brackets = P"[ ], (",, { }, ⟨ ⟩ )
+ lsquare = P"[",
+ rsquare = P"]",
+ ellipsis = P"…" + P"...",
+ guillemets = P"«" + P"»",
+ quotationmarks= P"‘" + P"’" + P"“" + P"”",
+ solidus= P"⁄",
+ punctuation = V"apostrophe"
+ + V"colon"
+ + V"comma"
+ + V"dashes"
+ + V"dot"
+ + V"ellipsis"
+ + V"exclamationmark"
+ + V"guillemets"
+ + V"hyphen"
+ + V"interpunct"
+ + V"interrobang"
+ + V"questionmark"
+ + V"quotationmarks"
+ + V"semicolon"
+ + V"slash"
+ + V"solidus"
+ + V"underscore"
+ ,
+ -- These are treated separately as the might begin a paragraph (sigh!).
+ inverted_punctuation = V"inverted_exclamationmark"
+ + V"inverted_questionmark",
+ -- End punctuation
+ letter = R"az" + R"AZ",
+ equals = P"=",
+ space = P" ",
+ spaces = V"space"^1,
+ whitespace = (P" " + Cs(P"\t") / " " + Cs(S"\v") / " "),
+ spacing = V"whitespace"^1,
+ blank_line = V"space"^0 * V"eol",
+ rest_of_line = (1 - V"eol")^1,
+ eol = P"\n",
+ eof = V"eol"^0 * -P(1),
+ end_block = V"blank_line"^1
+ + V"eof"
+ + (V"whitespace"^0 * V"eol"
+ * (V"whitespace"^0 * V"eol")^0 * V"eof")
+ ,
+ -- diverse markup character sets
+ delimiters = P"‐" + P"‑" + P"‒" + P"–" + V"emdash" + V"space", -- inline markup
+ adornment_char = S[[!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~]] + P[[\\]], -- headings
+ bullet_char = S"*+-" + P"•" + P"‣" + P"⁃", -- bullet lists
+ argument_char = V"double_dash" * V"dash" * V"slash", -- option lists
+ digit = R"09",
+ roman_numeral = S"ivxlcdm"^1,
+ Roman_numeral = S"IVXLCDM"^1,
+ inline_delimiter = P"**" + P"``" + S"*`",
+ angle_left = P"<",
+ angle_right = P">",
+ enclosed_open = S[['"([{<]],
+ enclosed_close = S[['")]}>]],
+ gartenzaun = P"#",
+ table_intersection = P"+",
+ table_hline = V"dash",
+ table_vline = V"bar",
+ table_header_hline = P"=",
+local function load_file (name)
+ f = assert(, "r"), "Not a file!")
+ if not f then return 1 end
+ local tmp = f:read("*all")
+ f:close()
+ return tmp
+local function save_file (name, data)
+ f = assert(, "w"), "Could not open file "" for writing! Check its permissions")
+ if not f then return 1 end
+ f:write(data)
+ f:close()
+ return 0
+local function get_setups (inline)
+ local optional_setups = optional_setups -- might expect lots of calls
+ local setups = [[
+%{ Setups }%
+% General %
+\setupbodyfontenvironment [default] [em=italic]
+\sethyphenatedurlafter {:=/-}
+\doifundefined{startparagraph}{% -->mkii
+ \enableregime[utf]
+ \let\startparagraph\relax
+ \let\stopparagraph\endgraf
+ for item, _ in next, state.addme do
+ local f = optional_setups[item]
+ setups = f and setups .. f() or setups
+ end
+ setups = setups .. [[
+%{ Main }%
+ if not inline then
+ setups = setups .. "\n\\starttext"
+ end
+ return setups
+local function main()
+ local testdata = load_file(arg[1])
+ if testdata == 1 then return 1 end
+ local processeddata = parser:match(testdata)
+ local setups = get_setups()
+ processeddata = setups .. processeddata .. [[
+%{ End of Document }%
+% vim:ft=context:tw=65:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=2:set expandtab
+ if processeddata then
+ save_file(arg[2], processeddata)
+ else
+ return 1
+ end
+ return 0
+ local Cs, P = lpeg.Cs, lpeg.P
+ local percent = P"\%"
+ local eol = P"\n"
+ local comment = percent * (1 - eol)^0 * eol / "\n"
+ strip_comments = Cs((comment + 1)^0)
+function thirddata.rst.do_rst_file(fname)
+ local rst_parser = parser
+ local raw_data = load_file(fname)
+ local processed = rst_parser:match(raw_data)
+ local setups = get_setups(false)
+ local tmp_file = tex.jobname .. "–rst_temporary.tex.tmp"
+ if processed then
+ processed = strip_comments:match(setups..processed.."\n\\stoptext\n")
+ save_file (tmp_file,processed)
+ context.input("./"..tmp_file)
+ end
+function thirddata.rst.do_rst_snippet(txt)
+ local processed = parser:match(txt)
+ local setups = get_setups(true)
+ local tmp_file = tex.jobname .. "–rst_temporary.tex.tmp"
+ if processed then
+ warn("·cs·",txt)
+ processed = strip_comments:match(setups..processed)
+ save_file (tmp_file,processed)
+ context.input("./"..tmp_file)
+ else
+ warn("·cs·",txt)
+ context.par()
+ context("{\\bf context-rst could not process snippet.\\par}")
+ context.type(txt)
+ context.par()
+ end
+if not context then
+ return main()