path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/patterns/mkiv/lang-bg.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/patterns/mkiv/lang-bg.lua')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 874 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/patterns/mkiv/lang-bg.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/patterns/mkiv/lang-bg.lua
index 7bcc691086b..46874dedb47 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/patterns/mkiv/lang-bg.lua
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/patterns/mkiv/lang-bg.lua
@@ -6,902 +6,97 @@ return {
- ["texcomment"]="% copyright: Copyright (C) 2000, 2004, 2017 by Anton Zinoviev <>\
+ ["texcomment"]="% copyright: Copyright (c) 1994-2008, Georgi Boshnakov\
% title: Bulgarian hyphenation patterns\
-% version: 21 October 2017\
+% version: 1.7, July 2008\
% language:\
% name: Bulgarian\
-% tag: bg\
+% code: bg\
% notice: >\
% This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.\
% See for more information.\
% authors:\
-% -\
-% name: Anton Zinoviev\
-% contact:\
+% -\
+% name: Georgi Boshnakov\
+% contact:\
% licence:\
+% - This file is available under any of these licences:\
+% -\
+% name: LPPL\
+% version: 1.0\
+% later_authorised: true\
+% url:\
+% -\
+% name: MIT\
+% url:\
% text: >\
-% This software may be used, modified, copied, distributed, and sold,\
-% both in source and binary form provided that the above copyright\
-% notice and these terms are retained. The name of the author may not\
-% be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software\
-% without prior permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDES \"AS IS\" AND\
+% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person\
+% obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation\
+% files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without\
+% restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,\
+% copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\
+% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the\
+% Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following\
+% conditions:\
+% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\
+% included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\
% hyphenmins:\
-% typesetting:\
+% for_typesetting:\
% left: 2\
% right: 2\
-% changes: See below\
+% changes:\
+% -\
+% date: 2008-06\
+% description: Changed encoding to UTF-8\
+% -\
+% date: 2006-05\
+% description: Added copyright notice\
+% -\
+% date: 2000-06\
+% description: Minor changes\
+% -\
+% date: 1994\
+% description: First version\
% ==========================================\
-% Copyright (C) 2000,2004,2017 by Anton Zinoviev <>\
+% Note: The original name of this file was 'bghyphsi.tex' which is\
+% part of the package 'bghyphen'. The package 'bghyphen' is now\
+% obsolete but it is still available on CTAN and currently (June 2008)\
+% gives the same hyphenation results.\
-% This software may be used, modified, copied, distributed, and sold,\
-% both in source and binary form provided that the above copyright\
-% notice and these terms are retained. The name of the author may not\
-% be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software\
-% without prior permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDES \"AS IS\" AND\
+% To make TeX use these patterns:\
-% Bulgarian hyphenation patterns\
+% (1) Make sure that the hyph-utf8 package is present in your TeX\
+% system.\
-% Generated by ./ --safe-morphology --standalone-tex\
+% (2) generate the necessary formats (TeX, LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, etc),\
+% instructing TeX to load 'loadhyph-bg.tex' for Bulgarian\
+% hyphenation.\
-% Both left and right hyphenmins should be set to 2.\
+% The LaTeX babel package sets \\lefthyphenmin and \\righthyphenmin to 2\
+% when the language is switched to Bulgarian. Developers who write\
+% support for Bulgarian outside LaTeX and/or babel need to take care\
+% of this.\
-% % Automated Bulgarian Hyphenation\
-% % Anton Zinoviev\
-% % 21 October 2017\
-% \
-% Principles of the Bulgarian hyphenation\
-% =======================================\
-% \
-% One specificity of the Bulgarian language is that the average length\
-% of the words is greater than in English. When typesetting a Bulgarian\
-% text, hyphenation is more important than when typesetting an English\
-% text. Knuth's algorithm for line-breaking is such that in most\
-% English paragraphs no hyphenation will be used. With a Bulgarian\
-% text, however, even the Knuth's algorithm will use hyphenation in most\
-% paragraphs. Hyphenation becomes an absolute necessity if we want to\
-% obtain nice, justified paragraphs when using a software with dumb\
-% line-breaking algorithm, such as LibreOffice.\
-% \
-% According to Decree 936 of the Council of Ministers promulgated on 27\
-% November 1950, the Institute for Bulgarian Language at the Bulgarian\
-% Academy of Sciences is authorised to publish the rules of the\
-% orthography of the Bulgarian language (within certain limits).\
-% \
-% Hyphenation rules between 1945 and 1983\
-% ---------------------------------------\
-% \
-% Between 1945 and 1983 Bulgarian used syllable hyphenation with two\
-% morphological exceptions: hyphenation is preferred between a prefix\
-% and a stem and at the boundary of compound words. The following were\
-% the rules governing the hyphenation:\
-% \
-% 1. One letter does not stay alone. Words of one syllable can not be\
-% hyphenated.\
-% 2. No hyphenation before or after ь.\
-% 3. In a sequence of vowels at least one vowel stays before the\
-% hyphen.\
-% 4. A single consonant between two vowels links with the second vowel.\
-% For example по-ле /po-le/, ра-бо-та /ra-bo-ta/.\
-% 5. In a sequence of consonants between two vowels, at least one\
-% consonant stays with the second vowel. For example те-сто /te-sto/\
-% or тес-то /tes-to/.[^b]\
-% 6. In a sequence of consonants between two vowels, if the first\
-% consonant is sonorant (й /y/, л /l/, м /m/, н /n/, р /r/), then it\
-% stays with the first vowel. For example гер-дан /ger-dan/, сен-ки\
-% /sen-ki/.\
-% 7. The hyphenation separates two successive equal consonants. For\
-% example времен-но /vremen-no/, пролет-та /prolet-ta/.\
-% 8. When the letters дж /dzh/ and дз /dz/ denote a single consonant,\
-% then they are not separated. For example боя-джия /boya-dzhiya/\
-% but not бояд-жия /boyad-zhiya/. When these letters denote two\
-% consonants, then the normal rules apply: над-живявам\
-% /nad-zhivyavam/.\
-% 9. Word prefixes may not be broken. Compound words are hyphenated\
-% either at the boundary of the components or the hyphenation rules\
-% are applied to each of the components separately. For example:\
-% пред-упреждавам /pred-uprezhdavam/ (not пре-дупреждавам\
-% /pre-duprezhdavam/), пред-известие /pred-izvestie/ (not\
-% пре-дизвестие /pre-dizvestie/), за-движвам /za-dvizhvam/ (not\
-% зад-вижвам /zad-vizhvam/), авто-клуб /avto-klub/ (not авток-луб\
-% /avtok-lub/), вакуум-апарат /vakuum-aparat/ (not вакуу-мапарат\
-% /vakuu-maparat/).\
-% \
-% In some rare cases the proper application of rule 9 depends on the\
-% semantics of the word. For example пре-дреша /pre-dresha/ 'change\
-% clothes' but пред-реша /pred-resha/ 'predetermine' or прес-пите\
-% /pres-pite/ 'the snow-drifts' but пре-спите /pre-spite/ 'sleep for a\
-% while/overnight'.\
-% \
-% [^b]: In several publications this rule is formulated with the\
-% additional restriction that the sequence of consonants begins with\
-% an obstruent. I believe this restriction is unintentional. It\
-% makes no sense to forbid a hyphenation of the form AB-A but to\
-% permit ABB-A (A denotes a vowel and B – a consonant).\
-% \
-% Hyphenation rules between 1983 and 2012\
-% ---------------------------------------\
-% \
-% The Orthographic dictionary published by the Institute for Bulgarian\
-% language in 1983 introduced new hyphenation rules. The complexity of\
-% the previous rules was the main reason for the change. The new rules\
-% aimed at two objectives: simplicity and unambiguity.\
-% \
-% The new rules are:\
-% \
-% 1. A consonant between two vowels links with the second vowel. For\
-% example ви-со-чи-на /vi-so-chi-na/.\
-% 2. In a sequence of two or more consonants between two vowels, at\
-% least one consonant stays with first vowel and at least one with\
-% the second vowel. For example сес-тра /ses-tra/ and сест-ра\
-% /sest-ra/.\
-% 3. Two equal consonants are separated. For example плен-ник\
-% /plen-nik/.\
-% 4. In a sequence of two or more vowels, the first vowel stays before\
-% the hyphen. For example пре-одолея /pre-odoleya/ and прео-долея\
-% /preo-doleya/.\
-% 5. In a sequence of three or more vowels, the last vowel stays after\
-% the hyphen. For example мао-изъм /mao-izam/ but not маои-зъм\
-% /maoi-zam/.\
-% 6. The letter й /y/ between a vowel and a consonant stays with the\
-% vowel. For example май-ка /may-ka/.\
-% 7. When a sequence of two or more consonants follows й /y/ then at\
-% least one consonant links with й /y/. For example айс-берг\
-% /ays-berg/ (not ай-сберг /ay-sberg/).\
-% 8. The letter й /y/ between two vowels links with the second vowel.\
-% For example ма-йор /ma-yor/.\
-% 9. No hyphenation before or after ь.\
-% 10. When the letters дж /dzh/ denote a single consonant, then they are\
-% not separated. For example су-джук /su-dzhuk/ (not суд-жук\
-% /sud-zhuk/) but над-живея /nad-zhiveya/.\
-% 11. There must be at least one vowel before and after the hyphen.\
-% 12. One letter does not stay alone.\
-% \
-% The total disregard of the morphology by these rules leads to some\
-% strange results. For example пре-дизвестие /pre-dizvestie/ is\
-% permitted and пред-известие /pred-izvestie/ is forbidden, зад-вижвам\
-% /zad-vizhvam/ is permitted and за-движвам /za-dvizhvam/ is forbidden,\
-% авток-луб /avtok-lub/ is permitted and авто-клуб /avto-klub/ is\
-% forbidden, вакуу-мапарат /vakuu-maparat/ is permitted and\
-% вакуум-апарат /vakuum-aparat/ is forbidden. Because of this, the new\
-% rules were not universally accepted. The old rules are still\
-% mentioned in various places in Internet, they are included even in\
-% some grammar books published by the publishing houses of the Ministry\
-% of Education and of Sofia University. The software developers,\
-% however, soon came into love with the new hyphenation rules.\
-% \
-% Hyphenation rules after 2012\
-% ----------------------------\
-% \
-% In 2012 new rules came into force. There are two differences with\
-% respect to the previous rules:\
-% \
-% 1. Rule 5 of the previous rules is revoked. For example маои-зъм\
-% /maoi-zam/ becomes a valid hyphenation.\
-% 2. The new rules permit morphologically based hyphenation (however it\
-% is not obligatory). For example пред-известие /pred-izvestie/,\
-% за-движвам /za-dvizhvam/, авто-клуб /avto-klub/, вакуум-апарат\
-% /vakuum-aparat/ are valid hyphenations.\
-% \
-% Good hyphenation is a complex matter and it seems the linguists at the\
-% Institute for Bulgarian Language have recognised this. They no longer\
-% attempt to provide universal rules about everything. Instead, they\
-% provide some very permissible rules while the good application of\
-% these rules is leaved to the discretion and the experience of the\
-% printers and the developers of hyphenation software.\
-% \
-% It makes sense to use at least two different sets of hyphenation rules\
-% for Bulgarian. In most cases a more restrictive version should be\
-% used, one which attempts to eliminate the controversial cases of\
-% hyphenation. When typesetting a Bulgarian text in a narrow newspaper\
-% column, however, it will be appropriate to use more liberal\
-% hyphenation rules. It should be noted that one of the reasons for the\
-% hyphenation reform in 1983 was the desire to fix the chaotic\
-% hyphenation in the Bulgarian newspapers at that time.\
-% \
-% Computer implementations\
-% ========================\
-% \
-% Mathematical analysis of the Bulgarian hyphenation\
-% --------------------------------------------------\
-% \
-% The earliest mathematical analysis of the Bulgarian hyphenation rules\
-% belongs to Veska Noncheva.[^1] In 1988 she proposed a mathematical\
-% formalisation of the hyphenation rules in a table with 22 rows.[^2]\
-% \
-% [^1]: <>\
-% \
-% [^2]: Нончева В. Алгоритъм за автоматично пренасяне на думи в\
-% българския език. Математика и математическо\
-% образование. Сб. доклади на 17. ПК на СМБ. С., БАН, 1988, 479-482.\
-% \
-% In the same year Eugene Belogay[^3] proposed an alternative\
-% formalisation with only 9 rules.[^4] Belogay proved that his rules are\
-% consistent and that they form a minimal set. The rules of Belogay\
-% have negative character – every hyphenation which is not forbidden by\
-% a rule is possible hyphenation.\
-% \
-% [^3]: <>\
-% \
-% [^4]: Белогай Е. Алгоритъм за автоматично пренасяне на думи. Компютър\
-% за вас (1988) 3, 12-14.\
-% \
-% The following are the first 7 rules, as formulated by Belogay:\
-% \
-% 1. Б-А\
-% 2. А-ББ\
-% 3. Б-ТТ, ТТ-Б\
-% 4. ААА-Б\
-% 5. й-ББ\
-% 6. Б-ь\
-% 7. д-ж\
-% \
-% Here А denotes an arbitrary vowel letter, Б denotes an arbitrary\
-% consonant letter (including ь and й), ТТ denotes a sequence of two\
-% equal consonant letters and the letters й, ь, д and ж denote\
-% themselves. For example the rule \"Б-А\" says that we are not permitted\
-% to separate a consonant letter from immediately following vowel\
-% letter.\
-% \
-% The eighth rule of Belogay says that hyphenation is forbidden before\
-% the first and after the last vowel letter. The ninth rule of Belogay\
-% says that hyphenation is forbidden immediately after the first or\
-% immediately before the last letter of the word.\
-% \
-% Notice that is is very easy to translate the rules of Belogay in the\
-% form, required for the hyphenation algorithm of Knuth and Liang used\
-% in TeX.[^a] Let us remind that this algorithm matches the word with a\
-% set of string patterns in which the odd numbers say hyphenation is\
-% permitted in this position and even numbers say the hyphenation is\
-% forbidden. When two patterns give conflicting numbers for the same\
-% position, then the greater number wins.\
-% \
-% First, since the rules of Belogay are negative (they say where\
-% hyphenation is forbidden, not where it is permitted), we have to\
-% permit the hyphenation everywhere:\
-% \
-% 1. А1\
-% 2. Б1\
-% \
-% Then, the first seven rules of Belogay obtain the form:\
-% \
-% 1. Б2А\
-% 2. А2ББ\
-% 3. Б2ТТ ТТ2Б\
-% 4. ААА2Б\
-% 5. й2ББ\
-% 6. Б2ь\
-% 7. д2ж\
-% \
-% Since no Bulgarian word starts with more that four consonants and no\
-% Bulgarian word ends with more than three consonants, the eighth rule\
-% of Belogay can be translated in the following way:\
-% \
-% 1. .Б2\
-% 2. .ББ2\
-% 3. .БББ2\
-% 4. 2Б.\
-% 5. 2ББ.\
-% \
-% The ninth rule of Belogay means that left and right hyphen mins should\
-% be set to 2.\
-% \
-% The work of Eugene Belogay was not limited to merely a mathematical\
-% analysis of the Bulgarian hyphenation rules. In his paper he\
-% published a short algorithm in Pascal which implements these rules.\
-% It didn't take long for this algorithm to be used in various text\
-% processing software. The algorithm of Belogay was famous for many\
-% years. Even as late as 1997 in one book about TeX, the author didn't\
-% care to give any explanations but simply wrote about \"the algorithm of\
-% Belogay\" as something well known to the reader.[^5]\
-% \
-% [^a]: Liang, Franklin Mark. Word Hy-phen-a-tion by\
-% Com-put-er (Doctoral Dissertation). Stanford University, 1983\
-% \
-% [^5]: Василев В. Ултимативният ТеХ. Удоволствието да правим\
-% предпечатна подготовка сами. София, Интела, 1997, 36\
-% \
-% Bulgarian hyphenation in TeX\
-% ----------------------------\
-% \
-% One unfortunate design decision of Knuth was that the hyphenation\
-% algorithm of TeX applied the hyphenation patterns not to the input\
-% character codes but to the internal codes of the glyphs in the font.\
-% This created a problem for the Cyrillic languages because in TeX the\
-% Cyrillic fonts did not have standardised encoding. Perhaps this is\
-% one of the reasons why the earliest implementations of the Bulgarian\
-% hyphenation in TeX did not rely on the internal hyphenation algorithm\
-% of TeX. Instead, external tools were used to insert soft hyphens in\
-% all Bulgarian words. For example such a tool would replace the word\
-% сричкопренасяне /srichkoprenasyane/ with\
-% срич\\\\-коп\\\\-ре\\\\-на\\\\-ся\\\\-не /srich\\\\-kop\\\\-re\\\\-na\\\\-sya\\\\-ne/.\
-% The saying \"To every disadvantage there is a corresponding advantage\"\
-% is true – since Cyrillic and Latin letters use different character\
-% codes, an external tool could easily insert soft hyphens in all\
-% Bulgarian words while leaving the TeX commands intact.\
-% \
-% The earliest known attempt to use the hyphenation algorithm of TeX for\
-% Bulgarian was made by Ognyan Tonev in 1990.[^6] He described his work\
-% as \"a not very good translation of the rules. I work in this\
-% direction. But I don't have a 100% working complect of patterns. So,\
-% the copy I send to you[^7] is only a beta-version.\" The hyphenation\
-% patterns of Tonev don't work correctly and it seems he never completed\
-% his work.\
-% \
-% [^6]: The author of this text was unable to find current information\
-% about Ognyan Tonev in Internet. Apparently in 1990 he worked in\
-% the Center of Informatics and Computer Technology of the Bulgarian\
-% Academy of Sciences.\
-% \
-% [^7]: To Yannis Haralambous,\
-% <>\
-% \
-% The first usable Bulgarian hyphenation patterns for TeX were developed\
-% by Georgi Boshnakov[^8] in 1994. In order to solve the encoding\
-% problem, Boshnakov had developed TeX fonts supporting the MIK encoding\
-% (the prevalent encoding at that time in Bulgaria). This allowed him\
-% to introduce a fully working implementation only a few months after\
-% LaTeX2e became the official LaTeX version. Later Boshnakov modified\
-% his work with the Babel system. The hyphenation patterns of Boshnakov\
-% did their job well enough, so that for almost quarter a century after\
-% their initial creation, they remained the only Bulgarian hyphenation\
-% patterns in the standard distributions of TeX and CTAN.\
-% \
-% [^8]: <>\
-% \
-% There are some similarities between the patterns of Boshnakov and the\
-% patterns of Belogay. The following are the main differences.\
-% \
-% First, Boshnakov used an ingenious and more compact implementation of\
-% the second and the third rule. Instead of {А2ББ, Б2ТТ, ТТ2Б}, or\
-% 8×22×22+22×22+22×22=4840 patterns in total, Boshnakov has patterns of\
-% the form 2Б3Б2 and 4Т3Т4, or only 22×22=484 in total, with the same\
-% effect.\
-% \
-% The second main difference between the patterns of Boshnakov and the\
-% patterns of Belogay concerns the letter combination дж /dzh/. In\
-% Bulgarian this letter combination can denote either a single\
-% consonant, or a sequence of two consonants and the hyphenation rules\
-% change respectively. Unfortunately, it is impossible to know the\
-% meaning of дж /dzh/ without a vocabulary. The solution of Belogay was\
-% a cautious one – his rules do the hyphenation in a way which will be\
-% correct regardless of whether дж /dzh/ is a single consonant or a\
-% sequence of two consonant. On the other hand, the approach of\
-% Boshnakov is a bold one – since дж /dzh/ is more often a single\
-% consonant, his rules assume that it is always a single consonant. The\
-% number of the cases when this decision leads to bad hyphenations is\
-% insignificant in comparison with the cases in which we obtain improved\
-% hyphenation.\
-% \
-% The third main difference between the patterns of Boshnakov and the\
-% patterns of Belogay concerns the eighth rule – its implementation in\
-% the rules of Boshnakov is rather limited which leads to wrong\
-% hyphenations like бри-дж /bri-dzh/. A full implementation of this\
-% rule would require 11660 patterns in total and this would be too much\
-% for the computers in 1994.\
-% \
-% Later developments\
-% ------------------\
-% \
-% In 1995 Atanas Topalov defended a Masters thesis in the Faculty of\
-% Mathematics and Informatics at Sofia University titled \"Algorithms and\
-% software about text processing\".[^9] One of the main topics in his\
-% thesis was the Bulgarian hyphenation. Topalov criticised vehemently\
-% the official hyphenation rules and their total disregard of the\
-% morphology. He wrote:\
-% \
-% > If we look at the history of the problems of the hyphenation, we\
-% > will discover something very strange. Instead of the expected\
-% > involvement with the depths and aspiration for more admissible and\
-% > satisfactory style, we can find a growing tendency for\
-% > simplification. One unpleasant discovery is that the development of\
-% > the hyphenation software stays firmly on the principle \"let us do\
-% > the easiest thing\". The earliest works which have been studied are\
-% > from 1978. It turned out that they present the best approach\
-% > concerning the automated hyphenation. The authors have chosen the\
-% > most difficult but the most correct (from literary point of view)\
-% > method for hyphenation, namely the morphological approach.\
-% \
-% Topalov proposed his own hyphenation algorithm. The hyphenation it\
-% generated was smooth and easy to read. One obvious defect of the\
-% algorithm of Topalov was that it contradicted the official hyphenation\
-% rules at that time. One can argue, however, that his algorithm is\
-% compatible with the current hyphenation rules.\
-% \
-% [^9]: The thesis of Atanas Topalov can be accessed at the author's\
-% website <>\
-% \
-% In 1999 Svetla Koeva[^10] wrote a paper about the automated Bulgarian\
-% hyphenation.[^11] At that time she was a junior member of the\
-% Department of Computational Linguistics at the Institute for Bulgarian\
-% Language but now she is a director of the whole institute. The paper\
-% of Koeva contains a list of hyphenation patterns which can be used as\
-% a basis of automated hyphenation. In 2004 with the help of Stoyan\
-% Mihov[^12] the rules of Koeva were formalised with regular relations\
-% and rewriting rules. They were implemented in a software product\
-% named ItaEst which provided Bulgarian hyphenation and grammar checking\
-% for various software products of Microsoft and Apple.\
-% \
-% [^10]: <>\
-% \
-% [^11]: Коева, Светла. Правила за пренасяне на части от думите на нов\
-% ред. Български език. 1999/2000, 1, 84-86\
-% \
-% [^12]: <>\
-% \
-% The main differences between the hyphenation of Koeva and the official\
-% hyphenation rules effective after 2012 is that the separation of a\
-% long sequence of consonants between two vowels is done according to\
-% the rules valid before 1983. For example се-стра /se-stra/ and\
-% ай-сберг /ay-sberg/ are permitted. The main difference between the\
-% hyphenation of Koeva and the official hyphenation rules effective\
-% before 1983 is that the rules of Koeva disregard the morphology of the\
-% words. The following rule of Koeva is specific: in a sequence of two\
-% sonorant consonants between two vowels, we are permitted to separate\
-% the first vowel from the first consonant, for example материа-лна\
-% /materia-lna/.\
-% \
-% In 2000 Anton Zinoviev[^13] created new hyphenation patterns for TeX.\
-% He didn't know about the previous work of Boshnakov and he didn't\
-% bother to make his work available in the various TeX distributions and\
-% CTAN. His work was used mostly by the local Linux enthusiasts and the\
-% colleagues of Zinoviev. In 2001 Radostin Radnev[^14] created a free\
-% grammar dictionary of Bulgarian[^15] where he used the hyphenation\
-% patterns of Zinoviev. From there the work of Zinoviev propagated to\
-% OpenOffice, LibreOffice and various online dictionaries, including\
-% <> and <>.\
-% \
-% [^13]: The author of this text.\
-% \
-% [^14]: <>\
-% \
-% [^15]: <>\
-% \
-% The following are the main differences between the hyphenation of\
-% Zinoviev and the hyphenation of Boshnakov.\
-% \
-% First, the eighth rule of Belogay is fully implemented.\
-% \
-% Second, the rules of Zinoviev try to detect when the letters дж /dzh/\
-% (and дз /dz/) denote a single consonant and when they denote a\
-% sequence of two consonants. By default, however, Zinoviev (like\
-% Boshnakov) assumes that дж /dzh/ is a single consonant and hyphenates\
-% accordingly.\
-% \
-% Third, the rules of Zinoviev disable some cases of unpleasant\
-% hyphenations:\
-% \
-% 1. In a consonant sequence like тст /tst/, the two equal consonants т\
-% /t/ are separated. For example братст-во /bratst-vo/ is forbidden\
-% while братс-тво /brats-tvo/ and брат-ство /brat-stvo/ are\
-% permitted.\
-% 2. The hyphenation is forbidden after a sonorant consonant following\
-% an obstruent consonant. For example отм-ра /otm-ra/ is forbidden\
-% and от-мра /ot-mra/ is permitted.\
-% 3. The hyphenation separates two consecutive kindred voiced/voiceless\
-% consonants. For example субп-родукт /subp-roduct/ is forbidden and\
-% суб-продукт /sub-product/ is permitted.\
-% \
-% At the start of his work on the Bulgarian hyphenation, Zinoviev had\
-% the opportunity to discuss the hyphenation with Svetla Koeva. He\
-% remembers that some cases of unpleasant hyphenation were suggested to\
-% him by Koeva. Unfortunately, he hasn't taken notes so now he doesn't\
-% know which cases of unpleasant hyphenation have been suggested to him\
-% by Koeva and which are his own findings.\
-% \
-% The present work\
-% ================\
-% \
-% Motivation\
-% ----------\
-% \
-% The present work was carried out on the initiative of the leader of\
-% the Bulgarian localisation team of Mozilla, who contacted Zinoviev,\
-% Boshnakov and the maintainers of the TeX hyphenation patterns.[^17]\
-% This work pursues the following main objectives:\
-% \
-% 1. to update the hyphenation patterns in accordance with the current\
-% hyphenation rules;\
-% 2. to generate the hyphenation patterns by a publicly available\
-% script;\
-% 3. to make the hyphenation patterns customisable;\
-% 4. to provide documentation for the future developers.\
-% \
-% [^16]: <>\
-% \
-% [^17]: <>\
-% \
-% The current official hyphenating rules for Bulgarian are rather\
-% liberal. Very often, in a long sequence of consonants we are\
-% permitted to split the word at any position, for example аген-т-с-т-во\
-% /agen-t-s-t-vo/. This is prone to many unusual and unexpected results\
-% that interrupt the attention of the reader or deceive his expectations\
-% during the movement of his eyes to the next line. On the other hand,\
-% in order to produce nice justified paragraphs there is no need for so\
-% many hyphenation possibilities. It would be sufficient even if only\
-% one possible separation between any two syllables was permitted.\
-% \
-% Therefore, it makes sense to use a more restrictive version of the\
-% Bulgarian hyphenation, one which eliminates the controversial cases of\
-% hyphenation. Only when typesetting a Bulgarian text in a very narrow\
-% newspaper column it will be appropriate to use a more liberal version.\
-% It should be noted that some specialised English dictionaries also\
-% separate the word-division positions into two categories – preferred\
-% positions and less recommended positions.\
-% \
-% There are two methods to determine the optimal division within a\
-% sequence of consonants between two vowels:\
-% \
-% * we can hyphenate according to the syllables in the word or\
-% * we can hyphenate morphologically.\
-% \
-% Hyphenation according to the syllables in the word\
-% --------------------------------------------------\
-% \
-% Let us look at the properties of the Bulgarian syllables. All\
-% syllables have the following structure:\
-% \
-% > onset - nucleus - code\
-% \
-% The nucleus in Bulgarian is always a vowel. Both the onset and the\
-% code are (possibly empty) sequences of consonants.\
-% \
-% The Bulgarian syllables adhere to the Sonority Sequencing Principle.\
-% According to this principle, the consonants within the onset have\
-% raising sonority and the consonants within the code have decreasing\
-% sonority.\
-% \
-% Several grammar books agree that the following sonority scale is valid\
-% for Bulgarian:\
-% \
-% > voiceless obtrusive < voiced obtrusive < sonorant consonant < vowel\
-% \
-% According to the investigations of the author, the only exception to\
-% this law is due to the letter в /v/ which is a voiced obtrusive but it\
-% can be used also as a voiceless obtrusive. This exception is due to a\
-% spelling particularity of the Bulgarian language. Whenever the letter\
-% в /v/ seemingly violates the Sonority Sequencing Principle, in the\
-% spoken language this letter is read as ф /f/, that is as a voiceless\
-% obtrusive (for example the word отвсякъде /otvsyakade/ is read as\
-% отфсякъде /otfsyakade/).[^18]\
-% \
-% [^18]: No Primitive Slavonic word contains the phoneme ф /f/.\
-% Therefore, we can safely assume that in the Primitive Slavonic\
-% language the consonant ф /f/ was a positional variant of the consonant\
-% в /v/.\
-% \
-% The author has found that the sonorant consonants in Bulgarian have\
-% their own sonority scale:\
-% \
-% > м /m/ < н /n/ < л /l/ < р /r/ < й /y/\
-% \
-% Only a few words such as жанр /zhanr/ and химн /himn/ violate this\
-% scale. Such words are always loan-words and their pronunciation is\
-% somewhat problematic for the native Bulgarian speakers.\
-% \
-% In addition to the Sonority Sequencing Principle, the consonant\
-% clusters within the Bulgarian syllable adhere to the following\
-% additional principles:\
-% \
-% 1. Both in the onset and in the code, the labial and dorsal plosives\
-% precede the coronal plosives and affricates.\
-% 2. If the onset or the code contains two plosives or affricates, then\
-% there are no fricatives between them. Few words with the Latin\
-% root 'text' are exceptions: контекст /kontekst/.\
-% 3. If the onset or the code contains two fricatives other than в /v/,\
-% then there are no plosives or affricates between them.\
-% 4. If the onset or the code contains two plosives or affricates, then\
-% they both have equal sonority (both are voiced, or both are\
-% voiceless).\
-% 5. If the onset or the code contains two fricatives other than в /v/,\
-% then they both have equal sonority (both are voiced, or both are\
-% voiceless).\
-% 6. Neither the onset, nor the code may contain two labial plosives, or\
-% two coronal plosives or affricates or two dorsal plosives.\
-% 7. Neither the onset, nor the code may contain two equal consonants\
-% with the exception of в /v/ (for example втвърди /vtvardi/).[^19]\
-% \
-% [^19]: Actually, the letter в /v/ is not a real exception because in\
-% all such cases this letter denotes two different consonants – в /v/\
-% and ф /f/. Only in the Russian loan-word взвод /vzvod/ the two\
-% letters в /v/ denote a repeating consonant в /v/.\
-% \
-% From all these properties of the Bulgarian syllable we can deduce the\
-% following hyphenation rules:\
-% \
-% 1. In a sequence МК where М is a consonant with higher sonority than\
-% K, we are not permitted to hyphenate before М. Exception: when М\
-% is в /v/ and К is a voiceless consonant.\
-% 2. In a sequence КМ where М is a consonant with higher sonority than\
-% K, we are not permitted to hyphenate after М.\
-% 3. In a sequence KBT where K and T are plosives or affricates and B is\
-% fricative, we separate K from T.\
-% 4. In a sequence CKB where K is a plosive or affricate and C and B are\
-% fricatives other than в /v/, we separate C from B.\
-% 5. If in a consonant sequence a coronal plosive or affricate Т is\
-% followed by a labial or dorsal plosive К, then we separate Т from К.\
-% 6. If a consonant sequence contains two plosives or affricates, one\
-% voiced and one voiceless, then we separate them.\
-% 7. If a consonant sequence contains two fricatives other than в /v/,\
-% one voiced and one voiceless, then we separate them.\
-% 8. If a consonant sequence contains two labial plosives or two coronal\
-% plosives or affricates or two dorsal plosives then they are\
-% separated.\
-% 9. If a consonant sequence contains two equal consonants (not\
-% necessarily consecutive), then they are separated.\
-% \
-% With so many prohibitive rules, a question arises: if we apply all\
-% these rules, aren't we going to eliminate too many hyphenation\
-% possibilities? The answer is no. It can be demonstrated that between\
-% any two consecutive syllables at least one separation point will be\
-% permitted.\
-% \
-% \
-% Hyphenation according to the morphology\
-% ---------------------------------------\
-% \
-% Between 1983 and 2012 the official orthographic rules of the\
-% Bulgarian language forbade morphologically based hyphenation. After\
-% 2012 such hyphenation is permitted (but not obligatory).\
-% \
-% The most important case when it is very desirable to use\
-% morphologically based hyphenation is the case of the compound words.\
-% Divisions such as авток-луб /avtok-lub/ and вакуу-мапарат\
-% /vakuu-maparat/ are extremely irritating even if they are formally\
-% correct. Unfortunately, we do not have a vocabulary of the compound\
-% Bulgarian words that would permit us to produce rules for automated\
-% hyphenation. Therefore, the current Bulgarian hyphenation patterns do\
-% not attempt to apply morphological hyphenation to such words.\
-% \
-% Second in importance (but far more significant in terms of numbers) is\
-% the case with the word prefixes. While the eyes of the reader still\
-% look at the start of the word, the word is still unknown to him. At\
-% this point, it is very important not to deceive his expectations. For\
-% example, when the reader sees над- /nad-/ at the end of the line, he\
-% will expect that this is the prefix над- /nad-/ with semantics 'attain\
-% more than'. This expectation will be fooled if this wasn't really a\
-% prefix, but a deceiving (while formally correct) hyphenation of the\
-% word надремя /nadremya/ 'have dozed enough' where the real prefix is\
-% not над- /nad-/ but на- /na-/ with semantics 'achieve a state after\
-% accumulation'. Such hyphenation distracts the reader and makes the\
-% reading more difficult.\
-% \
-% Third in importance is the case with the word suffixes. With respect\
-% to the hyphenation rules we can divide the suffixes into three\
-% categories:\
-% \
-% 1. Suffixes starting with a vowel, for example -ар /-ar/. It is not\
-% appropriate to follow the morphology with such suffixes because\
-% this will contradict the whole hyphenation tradition of the\
-% Bulgarian language. For example крав-ар /krav-ar/ is unwarranted.\
-% 2. Suffixes starting with one consonant, for example -ка /-ka/.\
-% Usually with such suffixes the syllable boundary in the word\
-% coincides with morpheme boundary so no specific cares are\
-% necessary, for example кравар-ка /kravar-ka/. The exceptions are\
-% rare, for example: обек-тната /obek-tnata/ instead of обект-ната\
-% /obekt-nata/.\
-% 3. Suffixes starting with more than one consonant (-ски /-ski/, -ство\
-% /-stvo/). It is possible to use morphological hyphenation rules\
-% with such suffixes.\
-% \
-% Even if it is possible to use morphological hyphenation with the\
-% suffixes of the third category, it turns out, this is not as useful as\
-% it is with the case of the prefixes. When the eyes of the reader have\
-% reached this part of the word, the word is already more or less known\
-% to the reader. Therefore, at this point the morphological hyphenation\
-% does not provide any significant advantages in comparison to the\
-% simpler hyphenation based only on the syllables in the word. Consider\
-% for example the word геройс-тво /geroys-tvo/ with suffix -ство\
-% /-stvo/. When the reader sees геройс- /geroys-/ at the end of the\
-% line this will give him an early clue that the suffix of the word is\
-% -ство /-stvo/. Such non-morphological hyphenation does not deceive\
-% the expectations of the reader. On the contrary, it makes the reading\
-% easier because it gives clues to the reader about what follows on the\
-% next line.\
-% \
-% Because of these considerations, the current Bulgarian hyphenation\
-% patterns do not attempt to use morphological hyphenation with respect\
-% to the suffixes of the words. Though it would be useful to implement\
-% rules about the suffixes of the second cateogory. Hopefully, some\
-% future version will have such rules.\
-% \
-% Occasionally,[^20] a fourth morphological requirement is stated: that\
-% hyphenation should conform with the boundary between the word and the\
-% definitive articles -та /-ta/ and -те /-te/ (postfixed in Bulgarian).\
-% There is no need to pay attention to this rule because it seems to be\
-% satisfied by its own nature. The author has searched in a dictionary\
-% with over 860000 Bulgarian words for cases when the hyphenation rules\
-% would hyphenate badly with respect to the definitive article. He was\
-% unable to find even one such case with the hyphenation rules valid\
-% after 1983 and only about 10 cases with the rules valid before 1983\
-% (one of them is живопи-ста /zhivopi-sta/ instead of живопис-та\
-% /zhivopis-ta/).\
-% \
-% One unavoidable characteristic of any morphologically based automated\
-% hyphenation is that it can create wrong hyphenations. Because of\
-% this, one useful option is to use the morphology in a safe way – to\
-% use it in order to forbid bad hyphenations but to create no new\
-% hyphenation possibilities solely on the basis of the morphology.\
-% \
-% Take for example the word дозрея /dozreya/ 'ripen fully'. According\
-% to the phonological rules, we should hyphenate it as доз-рея\
-% /doz-reya/. According to the morphology, however, we should hyphenate\
-% as до-зрея /do-zreyq/ because this word is formed with the prefix до-\
-% /do-/ with semantics 'complete or supplement' and this semantics would\
-% be lost if the reader sees доз- /doz-/ at the end of the line.\
-% Therefore, there are three methods to hyphenate this word:\
-% \
-% 1. доз-рея /doz-reya/ when morphology is not used;\
-% 2. до-зрея /do-zreya/ when morphology is fully used;\
-% 3. дозрея /dozreya/ (no hyphenation) when morphology is used in a safe\
-% way.\
-% \
-% The option to use the morphology in a safe way is very attractive when\
-% the software uses a smart line-breaking algorithm which can produce\
-% good results even with less hyphenation possibilities. TeX is one\
-% such software. It should be noted that this option does not eliminate\
-% too many hyphenation possibilities because the morpheme boundaries\
-% most of the time are also syllable boundaries.\
-% \
-% [^20]: Правописен и правоговорен наръчник. Състав. Иван Хаджов,\
-% Цв. Минков; Ред. Ив. Хаджов и др. София, Бълг. кн., 1945\
-% \
-% The following are results of a statistics about the quality of the\
-% morphological rules (the number after the sign ± is the expected\
-% standard deviation of our estimations):\
-% \
-% With the option `--morphology`:\
-% \
-% * in 0.1% ±0.3% of the dictionary words the morphological patterns\
-% create very wrong hyphenation;\
-% * in 89.8% ±0.1% of the dictionary words the morphological patterns\
-% hyphenate identically with the case when no morphology patterns are\
-% used;\
-% * in 0.3% ±0.2% of the dictionary words the morphological patterns\
-% hyphenate differently in comparison to the case when no morphology\
-% patterns are used and the word is hyphenated in a way which\
-% contradicts the morphology;\
-% * in 0.6% ±0.1% of the dictionary words the morphological patterns\
-% hyphenate differently in comparison to the case when no morphology\
-% patterns are used and there is a possible hyphenation which is\
-% compatible with the word morphology but which is nevertheless\
-% forbidden by the morphology patterns.\
-% \
-% With the option `--safe-morphology`:\
-% \
-% * in 0% of the dictionary words the morphological patterns create very\
-% wrong hyphenation;\
-% * in 90.0% ±0.1% of the dictionary words the morphological patterns\
-% hyphenate identically with the case when no morphology patterns are\
-% used;\
-% * in 0.3% ±0.2% of the dictionary words the morphological patterns\
-% hyphenate differently in comparison to the case when no morphology\
-% patterns are used and the word is hyphenated in a way which\
-% contradicts the morphology;\
-% * in 0.6% ±0.1% of the dictionary words the morphological patterns\
-% hyphenate differently in comparison to the case when no morphology\
-% patterns are used and there is a possible hyphenation which is\
-% compatible both with the word morphology and with the syllable\
-% boundaries but which is nevertheless forbidden by the morphology\
-% patterns.\
-% \
-% Notice that the morphological patterns create a different hyphenation\
-% only in about 10% of the words. The following explanation can be\
-% given for this surprising fact. First, the natural evolution of the\
-% human languages tends to simplify the complex sequences of consonants.\
-% Therefore, no morpheme contains a complex sequence of consonants. And\
-% second, the Bulgarian orthography is morphological. This means that\
-% the morphemes are written according to their actual pronunciation,\
-% however the simplifications in the spoken languages which take place\
-% at the morpheme boundaries are not taken into account in the\
-% orthography. The independent operation of these two factors leads to\
-% the result that most of the time the morpheme boundaries coincide with\
-% the conventional syllable boundaries. The main exception to this is\
-% when a morpheme starts with a vowel, in this case its syllable will\
-% include one or more consonants of the preceeding morpheme. The second\
-% exception is when a morpheme ends with a vowel and the next morpheme\
-% starts with a sequence of two or more consonants.\
-% \
-% Usage of the script ``\
-% --------------------------------\
-% \
-% The `` is all-in-one script which can generate both\
-% documentation (this text) and Bulgarian hyphenation patterns. When\
-% given the option `--help` the script gives short usage instructions:\
-% \
-% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
-% --help\
-% Show this info\
-% [--doc-html | --doc-latex | --doc-txt]\
-% Print documentation in various formats\
-% [other options]\
-% Generate Bulgarian hyphenation patterns\
-% \
-% Options when generating hyphenation patterns:\
-% \
-% --standalone-tex\
-% Produce hyphenation patterns for TeX with \\patterns{ ... }.\
-% \
-% --no-hyphen-mins\
-% Hyphenation patterns which do not require hyphen mins.\
-% Otherwise: both left and right hyphen mins should be set to 2.\
-% \
-% --safe-dz\
-% Do not try to guess whether DZ is a single consonant or not.\
-% Only use hyphenation which will be correct in both cases.\
-% \
-% --permissible\
-% Permit any formally correct hyphenation, including unnatural\
-% divisions, such as studen-tstvo. Useful for educational tools\
-% or when typesetting Bulgarian text in a very short column.\
-% \
-% --morphology\
-% Apply morphology when hyphenating, for example: za-dvizhvam.\
-% May hyphenate incorrectly in some cases.\
-% \
-% --safe-morphology\
-% Apply morphology when hyphenating. Never hyphenates incorrectly\
-% but may prohibit some correct hyphenations.\
-% \
-% --no-morphology\
-% Disregard the morphology. Default.\
-% \
-% --1945\
-% Hyphenate according to the rules effective between 1945 and 1982\
-% \
-% --1983\
-% Hyphenate according to the rules effective between 1983 and 2011\
-% \
-% --2012\
-% Hyphenate according to the rules effective after 2012. Default.\
-% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
-% \
-% The following are the recommended ways to generate hyphenation\
-% patterns by this script:\
-% \
-% ` --standalone-tex --safe-morphology`\
-% : For TeX. Apply the morphology in a safe way when the software\
-% uses a smart line-breaking algorithm.\
-% \
-% ``\
-% : For most other software.\
-% \
-% ` --no-hyphen-mins`\
-% : The current versions of Mozilla (as of 2017) seem to ignore the\
-% hyphen mins in words that contain a dash.\
-% \
-% ` --morphology`\
-% : For professional typography with human proof-reader.\
-% \
-% ` --permissible`\
-% : For educational tools and online dictionaries which can show only one\
-% kind of hyphenation.\
-% \
-% Notice that some specialised English dictionaries separate the\
-% word-division positions into two categories – preferred positions and\
-% less recommended positions. It would be best if the Bulgarian online\
-% dictionaries could do the same. For example hyphen \"-\" can be used to\
-% display the preferred positions and dot \".\" – the less recommended\
-% positions. If a word-division position is permitted only by the\
-% patterns of ` --permissible`, then this position is less\
-% recommended.\
-% \
-% \
-% \\message{Bulgarian hyphenation patterns (options: --safe-morphology --standalone-tex, version 21 October 2017)}\
% ",
- ["characters"]="абвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъюя",
- ["data"]=".антиа4 .антиб4 .антив4 .антиг4 .антид4 .антие4 .антиж4 .антиз4 .антии4 .антий4 .антик4 .антил4 .антим4 .антин4 .антио4 .антип4 .антир4 .антис4 .антит4 .антиу4 .антиф4 .антих4 .антиц4 .антиш4 .антищ4 .антиъ4 .антию4 .антия4 .бб8 .бв8 .бг8 .бд8 .бж8 .бз8 .бк8 .бл8 .бм8 .бн8 .бп8 .бр8 .бс8 .бт8 .бф8 .бх8 .бц8 .бч8 .бш8 .бщ8 .вб8 .вбб8 .вбв8 .вбг8 .вбд8 .вбж8 .вбз8 .вбк8 .вбл8 .вбм8 .вбн8 .вбп8 .вбр8 .вбс8 .вбт8 .вбф8 .вбх8 .вбц8 .вбч8 .вбш8 .вбщ8 .вв8 .ввб8 .ввв8 .ввг8 .ввд8 .ввж8 .ввз8 .ввк8 .ввл8 .ввм8 .ввн8 .ввп8 .ввр8 .ввс8 .ввт8 .ввф8 .ввх8 .ввц8 .ввч8 .ввш8 .ввщ8 .вг8 .вгб8 .вгв8 .вгг8 .вгд8 .вгж8 .вгз8 .вгк8 .вгл8 .вгм8 .вгн8 .вгп8 .вгр8 .вгс8 .вгт8 .вгф8 .вгх8 .вгц8 .вгч8 .вгш8 .вгщ8 .вд8 .вдб8 .вдв8 .вдг8 .вдд8 .вдж8 .вдз8 .вдк8 .вдл8 .вдм8 .вдн8 .вдп8 .вдр8 .вдс8 .вдт8 .вдф8 .вдх8 .вдц8 .вдч8 .вдш8 .вдщ8 .вж8 .вжб8 .вжв8 .вжг8 .вжд8 .вжж8 .вжз8 .вжк8 .вжл8 .вжм8 .вжн8 .вжп8 .вжр8 .вжс8 .вжт8 .вжф8 .вжх8 .вжц8 .вжч8 .вжш8 .вжщ8 .вз8 .взб8 .взв8 .взг8 .взд8 .взж8 .взз8 .взк8 .взл8 .взм8 .взн8 .взп8 .взр8 .взс8 .взт8 .взф8 .взх8 .взц8 .взч8 .взш8 .взщ8 .вк8 .вкб8 .вкв8 .вкг8 .вкд8 .вкж8 .вкз8 .вкк8 .вкл8 .вкм8 .вкн8 .вкп8 .вкр8 .вкс8 .вкт8 .вкф8 .вкх8 .вкц8 .вкч8 .вкш8 .вкщ8 .вл8 .влб8 .влв8 .влг8 .влд8 .влж8 .влз8 .влк8 .влл8 .влм8 .влн8 .влп8 .влр8 .влс8 .влт8 .влф8 .влх8 .влц8 .влч8 .влш8 .влщ8 .вм8 .вмб8 .вмв8 .вмг8 .вмд8 .вмж8 .вмз8 .вмк8 .вмл8 .вмм8 .вмн8 .вмп8 .вмр8 .вмс8 .вмт8 .вмф8 .вмх8 .вмц8 .вмч8 .вмш8 .вмщ8 .вн8 .внб8 .внв8 .внг8 .внд8 .внж8 .внз8 .внк8 .внл8 .внм8 .внн8 .внп8 .внр8 .внс8 .внт8 .внф8 .внх8 .внц8 .внч8 .внш8 .внщ8 .вп8 .впб8 .впв8 .впг8 .впд8 .впж8 .впз8 .впк8 .впл8 .впм8 .впн8 .впп8 .впр8 .впс8 .впт8 .впф8 .впх8 .впц8 .впч8 .впш8 .впщ8 .вр8 .врб8 .врв8 .врг8 .врд8 .врж8 .врз8 .врк8 .врл8 .врм8 .врн8 .врп8 .врр8 .врс8 .врт8 .врф8 .врх8 .врц8 .врч8 .врш8 .врщ8 .вс8 .всб8 .всв8 .всг8 .всд8 .всж8 .всз8 .вск8 .всл8 .всм8 .всн8 .всп8 .вср8 .всс8 .вст8 .всф8 .всх8 .всц8 .всч8 .всш8 .всщ8 .вт8 .втб8 .втв8 .втг8 .втд8 .втж8 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2джл 2джм 2джн 4джп4 2джр 4джс 4джт4 4джф 4джх 4джц4 4джч4 4джш 2джщ 8дз. 4дзб4 2дзв 4дзг4 4дзд4 2дзж 4дзз 4дзк4 2дзл 2дзм 2дзн 4дзп4 2дзр 4дзс 4дзт4 4дзф 4дзх 4дзц4 4дзч4 4дзш 2дзщ дй4 4д3к4 8дк. 4дкб4 дкв4 4дкг4 4дкд4 дкж4 дкз4 4дкк4 дкл4 дкм4 дкн4 4дкп4 дкр4 дкс4 4дкт4 дкф4 дкх4 4дкц4 4дкч4 дкш4 дкщ4 2д3л4 8дл. 4длб4 4длг4 4длд4 4длк4 4длл 4длп4 4длт4 4длц4 4длч4 2д3м4 8дм. 4дмб4 4дмг4 4дмд4 4дмк4 4дмм 4дмп4 4дмт4 4дмц4 4дмч4 2д3н4 8дн. 4днб4 4днг4 4днд4 4днк4 4днн 4днп4 4днт4 4днц4 4днч4 4д3п4 8дп. 4дпб4 дпв4 4дпг4 4дпд4 дпж4 дпз4 4дпк4 дпл4 дпм4 дпн4 4дпп4 дпр4 дпс4 4дпт4 дпф4 дпх4 4дпц4 4дпч4 дпш4 дпщ4 2д3р4 8др. 4дрб4 4дрг4 4дрд4 4дрк4 4дрп4 4дрр 4дрт4 4дрц4 4дрч4 4д3с 8дс. 4дсб4 4дсг4 4дсд4 4дсж 4дсз 4дск4 4дсп4 4дсс 4дст4 4дсц4 4дсч4 4д3т4 8дт. 4дтб4 дтв4 4дтг4 4дтд4 дтж4 дтз4 4дтк4 дтл4 дтм4 дтн4 4дтп4 дтр4 дтс4 4дтт4 дтф4 дтх4 4дтц4 4дтч4 дтш4 дтщ4 4д3ф 8дф. 4дфб4 4дфв 4дфг4 4дфд4 4дфж 4дфз 4дфк4 4дфп4 4дфт4 4дфф 4дфц4 4дфч4 4д3х 8дх. 4дхб4 4дхг4 4дхд4 4дхж 4дхз 4дхк4 4дхп4 4дхт4 4дхх 4дхц4 4дхч4 4д3ц4 8дц. 4дцб4 дцв4 4дцг4 4дцд4 дцж4 дцз4 4дцк4 дцл4 дцм4 дцн4 4дцп4 дцр4 дцс4 4дцт4 дцф4 дцх4 4дцц4 4дцч4 дцш4 дцщ4 4д3ч4 8дч. 4дчб4 дчв4 4дчг4 4дчд4 дчж4 дчз4 4дчк4 дчл4 дчм4 дчн4 4дчп4 дчр4 дчс4 4дчт4 дчф4 дчх4 4дчц4 4дчч4 дчш4 дчщ4 4д3ш 8дш. 4дшб4 4дшг4 4дшд4 4дшж 4дшз 4дшк4 4дшп4 4дшт4 4дшц4 4дшч4 4дшш 4д3щ 8дщ. 4дщб4 4дщг4 4дщд4 4дщк4 4дщп4 4дщт4 4дщц4 4дщч4 4дщщ е1 2ж3б 8жб. 4жбб 4жбж4 4жбз4 4жбк 4жбп 4жбс4 4жбт 4жбф4 4жбх4 4жбц 4жбч 4жбш4 2ж3в 8жв. 4жвв 4жвж4 4жвс4 4жвф4 4жвх4 4жвш4 2ж3г 8жг. 4жгг 4жгж4 4жгз4 4жгк 4жгп 4жгс4 4жгт 4жгф4 4жгх4 4жгц 4жгч 4жгш4 2ж3д 8жд. 4ждб 4ждг 4ждд 4ждж4 4ждз4 4ждк 4ждп 4ждс4 4ждт 4ждф4 4ждх4 4ждц 4ждч 4ждш4 4ж3ж4 8жж. жжб4 жжв4 жжг4 жжд4 4жжж4 жжз4 жжк4 жжл4 жжм4 жжн4 жжп4 жжр4 4жжс4 жжт4 4жжф4 4жжх4 жжц4 жжч4 4жжш4 жжщ4 2ж3з 8жз. 4жзж4 4жзз 4жзс4 4жзф4 4жзх4 4жзш4 жй4 4ж3к 8жк. 4жкб 4жкг 4жкд 4жкж4 4жкз4 4жкк 4жкс4 4жкф4 4жкх4 4жкш4 2ж3л4 8жл. 4жлж4 4жлл 4жлс4 4жлф4 4жлх4 4жлш4 2ж3м4 8жм. 4жмж4 4жмм 4жмс4 4жмф4 4жмх4 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4пзг4 4пзд4 4пзз 4пзк4 4пзп4 4пзс 4пзт4 4пзф 4пзх 4пзц4 4пзч4 4пзш пй4 2п3к 8пк. 4пкб4 4пкг4 4пкд4 4пкк 4пкп4 2п3л4 8пл. 4плб4 4плг4 4плд4 4плл 4плп4 2п3м4 8пм. 4пмб4 4пмг4 4пмд4 4пмм 4пмп4 2п3н4 8пн. 4пнб4 4пнг4 4пнд4 4пнн 4пнп4 по2д3з 4п3п4 8пп. 4ппб4 ппв4 4ппг4 4ппд4 ппж4 ппз4 ппк4 ппл4 ппм4 ппн4 4ппп4 ппр4 ппс4 ппт4 ппф4 ппх4 ппц4 ппч4 ппш4 ппщ4 2п3р4 8пр. 4прб4 4прг4 4прд4 пре2д2ж пре2д3з 4прп4 4прр 2п3с 8пс. 4псб4 4псг4 4псд4 4псж 4псз 4пск4 4псп4 4псс 4пст4 4псц4 4псч4 2п3т 8пт. 4птб4 4птг4 4птд4 4птк 4птп4 4птт 4птц 4птч 2п3ф 8пф. 4пфб4 4пфв 4пфг4 4пфд4 4пфж 4пфз 4пфк4 4пфп4 4пфт4 4пфф 4пфц4 4пфч4 2п3х 8пх. 4пхб4 4пхг4 4пхд4 4пхж 4пхз 4пхк4 4пхп4 4пхт4 4пхх 4пхц4 4пхч4 2п3ц 8пц. 4пцб4 4пцг4 4пцд4 4пцк 4пцп4 4пцт 4пцц 4пцч 2п3ч 8пч. 4пчб4 4пчг4 4пчд4 4пчк 4пчп4 4пчт 4пчц 4пчч 2п3ш 8пш. 4пшб4 4пшг4 4пшд4 4пшж 4пшз 4пшк4 4пшп4 4пшт4 4пшц4 4пшч4 4пшш 2п3щ 8пщ. 4пщб4 4пщг4 4пщд4 4пщп4 4пщщ 4р3б 8рб. 4рбб 4рбк 4рбп 4рбр4 4рбт 4рбц 4рбч 4р3в 8рв. 4рвв 4рвр4 4рвф 4р3г 8рг. 4ргг 4ргк 4ргп 4ргр4 4ргт 4ргц 4ргч 4р3д 8рд. 4рдб 4рдг 4рдд 4рдк 4рдп 4рдр4 4рдт 4рдц 4рдч 4р3ж 8рж. 4ржж 4ржр4 4ржс 4ржф 4ржх 4ржш 4р3з 8рз. 4рзз 4рзр4 4рзс 4рзф 4рзх 4рзш 4р3к 8рк. 4ркб 4ркг 4ркд 4ркк 4ркр4 4р3л 8рл. 4рлл 4рлр4 4р3м 8рм. 4рмм 4рмр4 4р3н 8рн. 4рнн 4рнр4 4р3п 8рп. 4рпб 4рпг 4рпд 4рпп 4рпр4 4р3р4 8рр. ррб4 ррв4 ррг4 ррд4 ррж4 ррз4 ррк4 ррл4 ррм4 ррн4 ррп4 4ррр4 ррс4 ррт4 ррф4 ррх4 ррц4 ррч4 ррш4 ррщ4 4р3с 8рс. 4рсж 4рсз 4рср4 4рсс 4р3т 8рт. 4ртб 4ртг 4ртд 4ртк 4ртп 4ртр4 4ртт 4ртц 4ртч 4р3ф 8рф. 4рфв 4рфж 4рфз 4рфр4 4рфф 4р3х 8рх. 4рхж 4рхз 4рхр4 4рхх 4р3ц 8рц. 4рцб 4рцг 4рцд 4рцк 4рцп 4рцр4 4рцт 4рцц 4рцч 4р3ч 8рч. 4рчб 4рчг 4рчд 4рчк 4рчп 4рчр4 4рчт 4рчц 4рчч 4р3ш 8рш. 4ршж 4ршз 4ршр4 4ршш 4р3щ 8рщ. 4рщр4 4рщщ 2с3б4 8сб. 4сбб 4сбж4 4сбз4 4сбк 4сбп 4сбс4 4сбт 4сбф4 4сбх4 4сбц 4сбч 4сбш4 2с3в4 8св. 4свв 4свж4 4свз4 4свс4 4свф 2с3г4 8сг. 4сгг 4сгж4 4сгз4 4сгк 4сгп 4сгс4 4сгт 4сгф4 4сгх4 4сгц 4сгч 4сгш4 2с3д4 8сд. 4сдб 4сдг 4сдд 4сдж4 4сдз4 4сдк 4сдп 4сдс4 4сдт 4сдф4 4сдх4 4сдц 4сдч 4сдш4 4с3ж4 8сж. сжб4 сжв4 сжг4 сжд4 4сжж4 4сжз4 сжк4 сжл4 сжм4 сжн4 сжп4 сжр4 4сжс4 сжт4 4сжф4 4сжх4 сжц4 сжч4 4сжш4 сжщ4 4с3з4 8сз. сзб4 сзв4 сзг4 сзд4 4сзж4 4сзз4 сзк4 сзл4 сзм4 сзн4 сзп4 сзр4 4сзс4 сзт4 4сзф4 4сзх4 сзц4 сзч4 4сзш4 сзщ4 сй4 2с3к 8ск. 4скб 4скг 4скд 4скж4 4скз4 4скк 4скс4 4скф4 4скх4 4скш4 2с3л4 8сл. 4слж4 4слз4 4слл 4слс4 2с3м4 8см. 4смж4 4смз4 4смм 4смс4 2с3н4 8сн. 4снж4 4снз4 4снн 4снс4 2с3п 8сп. 4спб 4спг 4спд 4спж4 4спз4 4спп 4спс4 4спф4 4спх4 4спш4 2с3р4 8ср. 4срж4 4срз4 4срр 4срс4 4с3с4 8сс. ссб4 ссв4 ссг4 ссд4 4ссж4 4ссз4 сск4 ссл4 ссм4 ссн4 ссп4 сср4 4ссс4 сст4 ссф4 ссх4 ссц4 ссч4 ссш4 ссщ4 2с3т 8ст. 4стб 4стг 4стд 4стж4 4стз4 4стк 4стп 4стс4 4стт 4стф4 4стх4 4стц 4стч 4стш4 2с3ф 8сф. 4сфв 4сфж4 4сфз4 4сфс4 4сфф 2с3х 8сх. 4схж4 4схз4 4схс4 4схх 2с3ц 8сц. 4сцб 4сцг 4сцд 4сцж4 4сцз4 4сцк 4сцп 4сцс4 4сцт 4сцф4 4сцх4 4сцц 4сцч 4сцш4 2с3ч 8сч. 4счб 4счг 4счд 4счж4 4счз4 4счк 4счп 4счс4 4счт 4счф4 4счх4 4счц 4счч 4счш4 2с3ш 8сш. 4сшж4 4сшз4 4сшс4 4сшш 2с3щ 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фвс4 фвт4 4фвф4 фвх4 фвц4 фвч4 фвш4 фвщ4 2ф3г4 8фг. 4фгв4 4фгг 4фгж4 4фгз4 4фгк 4фгп 4фгс4 4фгт 4фгф4 4фгх4 4фгц 4фгч 4фгш4 2ф3д4 8фд. 4фдб 4фдв4 4фдг 4фдд 4фдж4 4фдз4 4фдк 4фдп 4фдс4 4фдт 4фдф4 4фдх4 4фдц 4фдч 4фдш4 4ф3ж4 8фж. фжб4 4фжв4 фжг4 фжд4 4фжж4 4фжз4 фжк4 фжл4 фжм4 фжн4 фжп4 фжр4 4фжс4 фжт4 4фжф4 4фжх4 фжц4 фжч4 4фжш4 фжщ4 4ф3з4 8фз. фзб4 4фзв4 фзг4 фзд4 4фзж4 4фзз4 фзк4 фзл4 фзм4 фзн4 фзп4 фзр4 4фзс4 фзт4 4фзф4 4фзх4 фзц4 фзч4 4фзш4 фзщ4 фй4 2ф3к 8фк. 4фкб 4фкв4 4фкг 4фкд 4фкж4 4фкз4 4фкк 4фкс4 4фкф4 4фкх4 4фкш4 2ф3л4 8фл. 4флв4 4флж4 4флз4 4флл 4флф4 2ф3м4 8фм. 4фмв4 4фмж4 4фмз4 4фмм 4фмф4 2ф3н4 8фн. 4фнв4 4фнж4 4фнз4 4фнн 4фнф4 2ф3п 8фп. 4фпб 4фпв4 4фпг 4фпд 4фпж4 4фпз4 4фпп 4фпс4 4фпф4 4фпх4 4фпш4 2ф3р4 8фр. 4фрв4 4фрж4 4фрз4 4фрр 4фрф4 2ф3с 8фс. 4фсв4 4фсж4 4фсз4 4фсс 4фсф4 2ф3т 8фт. 4фтб 4фтв4 4фтг 4фтд 4фтж4 4фтз4 4фтк 4фтп 4фтс4 4фтт 4фтф4 4фтх4 4фтц 4фтч 4фтш4 4ф3ф4 8фф. ффб4 4ффв4 ффг4 ффд4 4ффж4 4ффз4 ффк4 ффл4 ффм4 ффн4 ффп4 ффр4 ффс4 ффт4 4ффф4 ффх4 ффц4 ффч4 ффш4 ффщ4 2ф3х 8фх. 4фхв4 4фхж4 4фхз4 4фхф4 4фхх 2ф3ц 8фц. 4фцб 4фцв4 4фцг 4фцд 4фцж4 4фцз4 4фцк 4фцп 4фцс4 4фцт 4фцф4 4фцх4 4фцц 4фцч 4фцш4 2ф3ч 8фч. 4фчб 4фчв4 4фчг 4фчд 4фчж4 4фчз4 4фчк 4фчп 4фчс4 4фчт 4фчф4 4фчх4 4фчц 4фчч 4фчш4 2ф3ш 8фш. 4фшв4 4фшж4 4фшз4 4фшф4 4фшш 2ф3щ 8фщ. 4фщв4 4фщж4 4фщз4 4фщф4 4фщщ 2х3б4 8хб. 4хбб 4хбж4 4хбз4 4хбк 4хбп 4хбс4 4хбт 4хбф4 4хбх4 4хбц 4хбч 4хбш4 2х3в4 8хв. 4хвв 4хвж4 4хвз4 4хвф 4хвх4 2х3г4 8хг. 4хгг 4хгж4 4хгз4 4хгк 4хгп 4хгс4 4хгт 4хгф4 4хгх4 4хгц 4хгч 4хгш4 2х3д4 8хд. 4хдб 4хдг 4хдд 4хдж4 4хдз4 4хдк 4хдп 4хдс4 4хдт 4хдф4 4хдх4 4хдц 4хдч 4хдш4 4х3ж4 8хж. хжб4 хжв4 хжг4 хжд4 4хжж4 4хжз4 хжк4 хжл4 хжм4 хжн4 хжп4 хжр4 4хжс4 хжт4 4хжф4 4хжх4 хжц4 хжч4 4хжш4 хжщ4 4х3з4 8хз. хзб4 хзв4 хзг4 хзд4 4хзж4 4хзз4 хзк4 хзл4 хзм4 хзн4 хзп4 хзр4 4хзс4 хзт4 4хзф4 4хзх4 хзц4 хзч4 4хзш4 хзщ4 хй4 2х3к 8хк. 4хкб 4хкг 4хкд 4хкж4 4хкз4 4хкк 4хкс4 4хкф4 4хкх4 4хкш4 2х3л4 8хл. 4хлж4 4хлз4 4хлл 4хлх4 2х3м4 8хм. 4хмж4 4хмз4 4хмм 4хмх4 2х3н4 8хн. 4хнж4 4хнз4 4хнн 4хнх4 2х3п 8хп. 4хпб 4хпг 4хпд 4хпж4 4хпз4 4хпп 4хпс4 4хпф4 4хпх4 4хпш4 2х3р4 8хр. 4хрж4 4хрз4 4хрр 4хрх4 2х3с 8хс. 4хсж4 4хсз4 4хсс 4хсх4 2х3т 8хт. 4хтб 4хтг 4хтд 4хтж4 4хтз4 4хтк 4хтп 4хтс4 4хтт 4хтф4 4хтх4 4хтц 4хтч 4хтш4 2х3ф 8хф. 4хфв 4хфж4 4хфз4 4хфф 4хфх4 4х3х4 8хх. ххб4 ххв4 ххг4 ххд4 4ххж4 4ххз4 ххк4 ххл4 ххм4 ххн4 ххп4 ххр4 ххс4 ххт4 ххф4 4ххх4 ххц4 ххч4 ххш4 ххщ4 2х3ц 8хц. 4хцб 4хцг 4хцд 4хцж4 4хцз4 4хцк 4хцп 4хцс4 4хцт 4хцф4 4хцх4 4хцц 4хцч 4хцш4 2х3ч 8хч. 4хчб 4хчг 4хчд 4хчж4 4хчз4 4хчк 4хчп 4хчс4 4хчт 4хчф4 4хчх4 4хчц 4хчч 4хчш4 2х3ш 8хш. 4хшж4 4хшз4 4хшх4 4хшш 2х3щ 8хщ. 4хщж4 4хщз4 4хщх4 4хщщ 4ц3б4 8цб. 4цбб4 цбв4 4цбг4 4цбд4 цбж4 цбз4 4цбк4 цбл4 цбм4 цбн4 4цбп4 цбр4 цбс4 4цбт4 цбф4 цбх4 4цбц4 4цбч4 цбш4 цбщ4 2ц3в4 8цв. 4цвб4 4цвв 4цвг4 4цвд4 4цвк4 4цвп4 4цвт4 4цвф 4цвц4 4цвч4 4ц3г4 8цг. 4цгб4 цгв4 4цгг4 4цгд4 цгж4 цгз4 4цгк4 цгл4 цгм4 цгн4 4цгп4 цгр4 цгс4 4цгт4 цгф4 цгх4 4цгц4 4цгч4 цгш4 цгщ4 4ц3д4 8цд. 4цдб4 цдв4 4цдг4 4цдд4 цдж4 цдз4 4цдк4 цдл4 цдм4 цдн4 4цдп4 цдр4 цдс4 4цдт4 цдф4 цдх4 4цдц4 4цдч4 цдш4 цдщ4 2ц3ж4 8цж. 4цжб4 4цжг4 4цжд4 4цжж 4цжк4 4цжп4 4цжс 4цжт4 4цжф 4цжх 4цжц4 4цжч4 4цжш 2ц3з4 8цз. 4цзб4 4цзг4 4цзд4 4цзз 4цзк4 4цзп4 4цзс 4цзт4 4цзф 4цзх 4цзц4 4цзч4 4цзш цй4 4ц3к4 8цк. 4цкб4 цкв4 4цкг4 4цкд4 цкж4 цкз4 4цкк4 цкл4 цкм4 цкн4 4цкп4 цкр4 цкс4 4цкт4 цкф4 цкх4 4цкц4 4цкч4 цкш4 цкщ4 2ц3л4 8цл. 4цлб4 4цлг4 4цлд4 4цлк4 4цлл 4цлп4 4цлт4 4цлц4 4цлч4 2ц3м4 8цм. 4цмб4 4цмг4 4цмд4 4цмк4 4цмм 4цмп4 4цмт4 4цмц4 4цмч4 2ц3н4 8цн. 4цнб4 4цнг4 4цнд4 4цнк4 4цнн 4цнп4 4цнт4 4цнц4 4цнч4 4ц3п4 8цп. 4цпб4 цпв4 4цпг4 4цпд4 цпж4 цпз4 4цпк4 цпл4 цпм4 цпн4 4цпп4 цпр4 цпс4 4цпт4 цпф4 цпх4 4цпц4 4цпч4 цпш4 цпщ4 2ц3р4 8цр. 4црб4 4црг4 4црд4 4црк4 4црп4 4црр 4црт4 4црц4 4црч4 2ц3с 8цс. 4цсб4 4цсг4 4цсд4 4цсж 4цсз 4цск4 4цсп4 4цсс 4цст4 4цсц4 4цсч4 4ц3т4 8цт. 4цтб4 цтв4 4цтг4 4цтд4 цтж4 цтз4 4цтк4 цтл4 цтм4 цтн4 4цтп4 цтр4 цтс4 4цтт4 цтф4 цтх4 4цтц4 4цтч4 цтш4 цтщ4 2ц3ф 8цф. 4цфб4 4цфв 4цфг4 4цфд4 4цфж 4цфз 4цфк4 4цфп4 4цфт4 4цфф 4цфц4 4цфч4 2ц3х 8цх. 4цхб4 4цхг4 4цхд4 4цхж 4цхз 4цхк4 4цхп4 4цхт4 4цхх 4цхц4 4цхч4 4ц3ц4 8цц. 4ццб4 ццв4 4ццг4 4ццд4 ццж4 ццз4 4ццк4 ццл4 ццм4 ццн4 4ццп4 ццр4 ццс4 4ццт4 ццф4 ццх4 4ццц4 4ццч4 ццш4 ццщ4 4ц3ч4 8цч. 4цчб4 цчв4 4цчг4 4цчд4 цчж4 цчз4 4цчк4 цчл4 цчм4 цчн4 4цчп4 цчр4 цчс4 4цчт4 цчф4 цчх4 4цчц4 4цчч4 цчш4 цчщ4 2ц3ш 8цш. 4цшб4 4цшг4 4цшд4 4цшж 4цшз 4цшк4 4цшп4 4цшт4 4цшц4 4цшч4 4цшш 2ц3щ 8цщ. 4цщб4 4цщг4 4цщд4 4цщк4 4цщп4 4цщт4 4цщц4 4цщч4 4цщщ 4ч3б4 8чб. 4чбб4 чбв4 4чбг4 4чбд4 чбж4 чбз4 4чбк4 чбл4 чбм4 чбн4 4чбп4 чбр4 чбс4 4чбт4 чбф4 чбх4 4чбц4 4чбч4 чбш4 чбщ4 2ч3в4 8чв. 4чвб4 4чвв 4чвг4 4чвд4 4чвк4 4чвп4 4чвт4 4чвф 4чвц4 4чвч4 4ч3г4 8чг. 4чгб4 чгв4 4чгг4 4чгд4 чгж4 чгз4 4чгк4 чгл4 чгм4 чгн4 4чгп4 чгр4 чгс4 4чгт4 чгф4 чгх4 4чгц4 4чгч4 чгш4 чгщ4 4ч3д4 8чд. 4чдб4 чдв4 4чдг4 4чдд4 чдж4 чдз4 4чдк4 чдл4 чдм4 чдн4 4чдп4 чдр4 чдс4 4чдт4 чдф4 чдх4 4чдц4 4чдч4 чдш4 чдщ4 2ч3ж4 8чж. 4чжб4 4чжг4 4чжд4 4чжж 4чжк4 4чжп4 4чжс 4чжт4 4чжф 4чжх 4чжц4 4чжч4 4чжш 2ч3з4 8чз. 4чзб4 4чзг4 4чзд4 4чзз 4чзк4 4чзп4 4чзс 4чзт4 4чзф 4чзх 4чзц4 4чзч4 4чзш чй4 4ч3к4 8чк. 4чкб4 чкв4 4чкг4 4чкд4 чкж4 чкз4 4чкк4 чкл4 чкм4 чкн4 4чкп4 чкр4 чкс4 4чкт4 чкф4 чкх4 4чкц4 4чкч4 чкш4 чкщ4 2ч3л4 8чл. 4члб4 4члг4 4члд4 4члк4 4члл 4члп4 4члт4 4члц4 4члч4 2ч3м4 8чм. 4чмб4 4чмг4 4чмд4 4чмк4 4чмм 4чмп4 4чмт4 4чмц4 4чмч4 2ч3н4 8чн. 4чнб4 4чнг4 4чнд4 4чнк4 4чнн 4чнп4 4чнт4 4чнц4 4чнч4 4ч3п4 8чп. 4чпб4 чпв4 4чпг4 4чпд4 чпж4 чпз4 4чпк4 чпл4 чпм4 чпн4 4чпп4 чпр4 чпс4 4чпт4 чпф4 чпх4 4чпц4 4чпч4 чпш4 чпщ4 2ч3р4 8чр. 4чрб4 4чрг4 4чрд4 4чрк4 4чрп4 4чрр 4чрт4 4чрц4 4чрч4 2ч3с 8чс. 4чсб4 4чсг4 4чсд4 4чсж 4чсз 4чск4 4чсп4 4чсс 4чст4 4чсц4 4чсч4 4ч3т4 8чт. 4чтб4 чтв4 4чтг4 4чтд4 чтж4 чтз4 4чтк4 чтл4 чтм4 чтн4 4чтп4 чтр4 чтс4 4чтт4 чтф4 чтх4 4чтц4 4чтч4 чтш4 чтщ4 2ч3ф 8чф. 4чфб4 4чфв 4чфг4 4чфд4 4чфж 4чфз 4чфк4 4чфп4 4чфт4 4чфф 4чфц4 4чфч4 2ч3х 8чх. 4чхб4 4чхг4 4чхд4 4чхж 4чхз 4чхк4 4чхп4 4чхт4 4чхх 4чхц4 4чхч4 4ч3ц4 8чц. 4чцб4 чцв4 4чцг4 4чцд4 чцж4 чцз4 4чцк4 чцл4 чцм4 чцн4 4чцп4 чцр4 чцс4 4чцт4 чцф4 чцх4 4чцц4 4чцч4 чцш4 чцщ4 4ч3ч4 8чч. 4ччб4 ччв4 4ччг4 4ччд4 ччж4 ччз4 4ччк4 ччл4 ччм4 ччн4 4ччп4 ччр4 ччс4 4ччт4 ччф4 ччх4 4ччц4 4ччч4 ччш4 ччщ4 2ч3ш 8чш. 4чшб4 4чшг4 4чшд4 4чшж 4чшз 4чшк4 4чшп4 4чшт4 4чшц4 4чшч4 4чшш 2ч3щ 8чщ. 4чщб4 4чщг4 4чщд4 4чщк4 4чщп4 4чщт4 4чщц4 4чщч4 4чщщ 2ш3б4 8шб. 4шбб 4шбж4 4шбз4 4шбк 4шбп 4шбс4 4шбт 4шбф4 4шбх4 4шбц 4шбч 4шбш4 2ш3в4 8шв. 4швв 4швж4 4швз4 4швф 4швш4 2ш3г4 8шг. 4шгг 4шгж4 4шгз4 4шгк 4шгп 4шгс4 4шгт 4шгф4 4шгх4 4шгц 4шгч 4шгш4 2ш3д4 8шд. 4шдб 4шдг 4шдд 4шдж4 4шдз4 4шдк 4шдп 4шдс4 4шдт 4шдф4 4шдх4 4шдц 4шдч 4шдш4 4ш3ж4 8шж. шжб4 шжв4 шжг4 шжд4 4шжж4 4шжз4 шжк4 шжл4 шжм4 шжн4 шжп4 шжр4 4шжс4 шжт4 4шжф4 4шжх4 шжц4 шжч4 4шжш4 шжщ4 4ш3з4 8шз. шзб4 шзв4 шзг4 шзд4 4шзж4 4шзз4 шзк4 шзл4 шзм4 шзн4 шзп4 шзр4 4шзс4 шзт4 4шзф4 4шзх4 шзц4 шзч4 4шзш4 шзщ4 шй4 2ш3к 8шк. 4шкб 4шкг 4шкд 4шкж4 4шкз4 4шкк 4шкс4 4шкф4 4шкх4 4шкш4 2ш3л4 8шл. 4шлж4 4шлз4 4шлл 4шлш4 2ш3м4 8шм. 4шмж4 4шмз4 4шмм 4шмш4 2ш3н4 8шн. 4шнж4 4шнз4 4шнн 4шнш4 2ш3п 8шп. 4шпб 4шпг 4шпд 4шпж4 4шпз4 4шпп 4шпс4 4шпф4 4шпх4 4шпш4 2ш3р4 8шр. 4шрж4 4шрз4 4шрр 4шрш4 2ш3с 8шс. 4шсж4 4шсз4 4шсс 4шсш4 2ш3т 8шт. 4штб 4штг 4штд 4штж4 4штз4 4штк 4штп 4штс4 4штт 4штф4 4штх4 4штц 4штч 4штш4 2ш3ф 8шф. 4шфв 4шфж4 4шфз4 4шфф 4шфш4 2ш3х 8шх. 4шхж4 4шхз4 4шхх 4шхш4 2ш3ц 8шц. 4шцб 4шцг 4шцд 4шцж4 4шцз4 4шцк 4шцп 4шцс4 4шцт 4шцф4 4шцх4 4шцц 4шцч 4шцш4 2ш3ч 8шч. 4шчб 4шчг 4шчд 4шчж4 4шчз4 4шчк 4шчп 4шчс4 4шчт 4шчф4 4шчх4 4шчц 4шчч 4шчш4 4ш3ш4 8шш. шшб4 шшв4 шшг4 шшд4 4шшж4 4шшз4 шшк4 шшл4 шшм4 шшн4 шшп4 шшр4 шшс4 шшт4 шшф4 шшх4 шшц4 шшч4 4шшш4 шшщ4 2ш3щ 8шщ. 4шщж4 4шщз4 4шщш4 4шщщ 2щ3б4 8щб. 4щбб 4щбк 4щбп 4щбт 4щбц 4щбч 4щбщ4 2щ3в4 8щв. 4щвв 4щвф 4щвщ4 2щ3г4 8щг. 4щгг 4щгк 4щгп 4щгт 4щгц 4щгч 4щгщ4 2щ3д4 8щд. 4щдб 4щдг 4щдд 4щдк 4щдп 4щдт 4щдц 4щдч 4щдщ4 2щ3ж4 8щж. 4щжж 4щжс 4щжф 4щжх 4щжш 4щжщ4 2щ3з4 8щз. 4щзз 4щзс 4щзф 4щзх 4щзш 4щзщ4 щй4 2щ3к 8щк. 4щкб 4щкг 4щкд 4щкк 4щкщ4 2щ3л4 8щл. 4щлл 4щлщ4 2щ3м4 8щм. 4щмм 4щмщ4 2щ3н4 8щн. 4щнн 4щнщ4 2щ3п 8щп. 4щпб 4щпг 4щпд 4щпп 4щпщ4 2щ3р4 8щр. 4щрр 4щрщ4 2щ3с 8щс. 4щсж 4щсз 4щсс 4щсщ4 2щ3т 8щт. 4щтб 4щтг 4щтд 4щтк 4щтп 4щтт 4щтц 4щтч 4щтщ4 2щ3ф 8щф. 4щфв 4щфж 4щфз 4щфф 4щфщ4 2щ3х 8щх. 4щхж 4щхз 4щхх 4щхщ4 2щ3ц 8щц. 4щцб 4щцг 4щцд 4щцк 4щцп 4щцт 4щцц 4щцч 4щцщ4 2щ3ч 8щч. 4щчб 4щчг 4щчд 4щчк 4щчп 4щчт 4щчц 4щчч 4щчщ4 2щ3ш 8щш. 4щшж 4щшз 4щшш 4щшщ4 4щ3щ4 8щщ. щщб4 щщв4 щщг4 щщд4 щщж4 щщз4 щщк4 щщл4 щщм4 щщн4 щщп4 щщр4 щщс4 щщт4 щщф4 щщх4 щщц4 щщч4 щщш4 4щщщ4 ъ1 ю1 я1",
+ ["characters"]="абвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъьюя",
+ ["data"]="1а1 1б1 1в1 1г1 1д1 1е1 1ж1 1з1 1и1 1й1 1к1 1л1 1м1 1н1 1о1 1п1 1р1 1с1 1т1 1у1 1ф1 1х1 1ц1 1ч1 1ш1 1щ1 1ъ1 0ь0 1ю1 1я1 б4а б4е б4и б4о б4у б4ъ б4ю б4я в4а в4е в4и в4о в4у в4ъ в4ю в4я г4а г4е г4и г4о г4у г4ъ г4ю г4я д4а д4е д4и д4о д4у д4ъ д4ю д4я ж4а ж4е ж4и ж4о ж4у ж4ъ ж4ю ж4я з4а з4е з4и з4о з4у з4ъ з4ю з4я й4а й4е й4и й4о й4у й4ъ й4ю й4я к4а к4е к4и к4о к4у к4ъ к4ю к4я л4а л4е л4и л4о л4у л4ъ л4ю л4я м4а м4е м4и м4о м4у м4ъ м4ю м4я н4а н4е н4и н4о н4у н4ъ н4ю н4я п4а п4е п4и п4о п4у п4ъ п4ю п4я р4а р4е р4и р4о р4у р4ъ р4ю р4я с4а с4е с4и с4о с4у с4ъ с4ю с4я т4а т4е т4и т4о т4у т4ъ т4ю т4я ф4а ф4е ф4и ф4о ф4у ф4ъ ф4ю ф4я х4а х4е х4и х4о х4у х4ъ х4ю х4я ц4а ц4е ц4и ц4о ц4у ц4ъ ц4ю ц4я ч4а ч4е ч4и ч4о ч4у ч4ъ ч4ю ч4я ш4а ш4е ш4и ш4о ш4у ш4ъ ш4ю ш4я щ4а щ4е щ4и щ4о щ4у щ4ъ щ4ю щ4я ь4а ь4е ь4и ь4о ь4у ь4ъ ь4ю ь4я 4б3б4 2б3в2 2б3г2 2б3д2 2б3ж2 2б3з2 2б3й2 2б3к2 2б3л2 2б3м2 2б3н2 2б3п2 2б3р2 2б3с2 2б3т2 2б3ф2 2б3х2 2б3ц2 2б3ч2 2б3ш2 2б3щ2 2в3б2 4в3в4 2в3г2 2в3д2 2в3ж2 2в3з2 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