path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/modules/common/s-pre-04.tex
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1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/modules/common/s-pre-04.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/modules/common/s-pre-04.tex
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+%D \module
+%D [ file=s-pre-04,
+%D version=1998.09.06,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File,
+%D subtitle=Presentation Environment 4,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D \macros
+%D {setupbodyfont}
+%D This is just another environment for typesetting interactive
+%D presentations. I wrote this module on behalf of a course I
+%D gave for the United Kingdom \TeX\ users group.
+%D \macros
+%D {setupcolors,definecolor}
+%D I started using dark blue for the navigational elements. In
+%D that context, dark red is a logical choice for the contrast
+%D color. While playing around with the navigational elements
+%D I decided to use the not so dominant color yellow for the
+%D status bar.
+%D A few days before I wrote this style, the recent acquisition
+%D of Mondriaans last painting by the Dutch governement was a
+%D hot topic in the dutch news scenary. Therefore I decided to
+%D replace the rather dull title page by something more
+%D colorful, in mondriaan colors, but far more random than any
+%D of his paintings. For consistence we remap the already
+%D defined primary colors.
+\setupcolors [state=start]
+\definecolor [NoneColor] [s=.6]
+\definecolor [GotoColor] [b=.6] \definecolor[blue] [GotoColor]
+\definecolor [ExitColor] [r=.6] \definecolor[red] [ExitColor]
+\definecolor [JumpColor] [s=.6]
+\definecolor [UserColor] [g=.6] \definecolor[green] [UserColor]
+\definecolor [StepColor] [r=.6,g=.6] \definecolor[yellow][StepColor]
+\definecolor [PageColor] [s=.80] \definecolor[gray] [PageColor]
+\definecolor [TextColor] [s=.90]
+%D \macros
+%D {setuppapersize}
+%D As usual, we take a screen oriented paper size:
+ [S6][S6]
+%D \macros
+%D {setuplayout,setupinteractionscreen}
+%D The layout definition fits into this $600\times450$ point
+%D area, but the dimensions are somewhat diffused by the text
+%D background offset.
+ [width=530pt,
+ height=400pt,
+ header=0pt,
+ footer=0pt,
+ backspace=15pt,
+ topspace=15pt,
+ bottomdistance=15pt,
+ bottom=10pt,
+ margin=0pt,
+ rightedgedistance=15pt,
+ rightedge=30pt]
+ [option=max]
+%D \macros
+%D {setupbackgrounds}
+%D Both the page and the text area have a gray background.
+%D The \type {[text,text]} area also has an offset. Later we
+%D will see that we have to compensate for that in the
+%D navigational areas.
+ [page]
+ [background=color,
+ backgroundcolor=PageColor]
+ [text][text]
+ [background=color,
+ backgroundcolor=TextColor,
+ backgroundoffset=5pt]
+%D \macros
+%D {setupinteraction}
+%D For convenient navigation, we turn on interaction.
+ [state=start,
+ menu=on,
+ color=UserColor,
+ contrastcolor=NoneColor]
+%D \macros
+%D {setupsubpagenumber}
+%D When navigating the document, we keep the title page out
+%D of sight, therefore we use sub page numbers.
+ [state=start,
+ way=bytext]
+%D \macros
+%D {setupinteractionmenu}
+%D There is only one interaction menu, located in the right
+%D edge of the screen. Both offsets enlarge the edge by the
+%D same amount as the text background offset.
+ [right]
+ [state=start,
+ frame=off,
+ strut=no,
+ offset=0pt,
+ inbetween=,
+ bottomoffset=-5pt,
+ topoffset=-5pt]
+%D \macros
+%D {startinteractionmenu}
+%D The menu itself is not that spectacular. We use the
+%D start||stop alternative for setting the content. The macro
+%D \type {\interactioncolor} expands into either the
+%D interaction color or the contrast color, the latter only
+%D when no jump is possible.
+ \setupinteraction[color=GotoColor]
+ \but [previoussubpage] \Triangle {90}\framedwidth\interactioncolor \\
+ \vskip10pt
+ \but [nextsubpage] \Triangle{270}\framedwidth\interactioncolor \\
+ \vfill
+ \but [PreviousJump] \Triangle{180}\framedwidth{NoneColor} \\
+ \vskip-5pt
+ \but [NextJump] \Triangle {0}\framedwidth{NoneColor} \\
+%D \macros
+%D {setupinteractionbar}
+%D The interaction bar at the bottom is also larger than the
+%D normal width of the bottom area.
+ [alternative=f,
+ width=\textwidth,
+ height=\bottomheight,
+ distance=10pt,
+ color=NoneColor,
+ contrastcolor=StepColor]
+%D \macros
+%D {setupbottomtexts}
+%D The bar is centered in the middle.
+ [\interactionbar]
+%D We can exit viewing with a close button, located on the
+%D rightmost bottom area.
+ {\button
+ [width=\rightedgewidth,height=\bottomheight,offset=overlay,
+ background=color,backgroundcolor=ExitColor,frame=off]
+ {}%
+ [CloseDocument]}
+ [edge][][\CloseButton]
+%D \macros
+%D {definesymbol,setupitemize}
+%D Because some prominent things are rectangular or triangular,
+%D we prefer some different symbols in itemizations:
+%D \macros
+%D {TitlePage,defineoverlay,button,setupalign,
+%D setupbackgrounds,setupinteraction,setupinteractionbar,
+%D startstandardmakeup,switchtobodyfont,setupinterlinespace}
+%D Now the main layout and navigational definitions are
+%D done, it makes sense to define and tune some structuring
+%D commands. First we build the titlepage.
+\defineoverlay [TitleGraphic] [\useMPgraphic{title}]
+\defineoverlay [NextPage] [\overlaybutton{nextpage}]
+ {\setupbackgrounds[page][background={color,TitleGraphic,NextPage}]
+ \setupbackgrounds[text][text][background=]
+ \setupinteraction[menu=off]
+ \setupinteractionbar[state=stop]
+ \startstandardmakeup
+ \switchtobodyfont[24pt]
+ \bfd\setupinterlinespace
+ \setupalign[middle]
+ \vfil
+ \let\\=\vfil}
+ {\vfil\vfil\vfil
+ \stopstandardmakeup
+ \setupinteraction[menu=on]
+ \setupinteractionbar[state=start]
+ \setupbackgrounds[page][background=color]
+ \setupbackgrounds[text][text][background=color]
+ \setupsubpagenumber[reset]}
+ {\StartTitlePage#1\StopTitlePage}
+%D \macros
+%D {Topic, Nopic, Subject,
+%D definehead, setuphead}
+%D We use \type {\Topic} and \type {\Subject} instead of
+%D chapters and sections. The \type {\Nopic} alternative is
+%D meant for internal use.
+\definehead [Topic] [chapter]
+\definehead [Nopic] [title]
+\definehead [Subject] [section]
+ [Topic, Nopic]
+ [after={\blank[3*medium]},
+ number=no,
+ style=\tfb,
+ page=yes,
+ alternative=middle]
+ [Subject]
+ [after=\blank,
+ number=no,
+ page=yes,
+ continue=no,
+ style=\tfa]
+%D \macros
+%D {Topics, Subjects,
+%D setuplist, placelist, startcolumns}
+%D This style is meant for the more large presentations, and
+%D therefore provided for a list of topics as well as local
+%D lists of subjects. When many topics are introduces, the
+%D list is typeset in columns.
+ [Topic,Subject]
+ [alternative=g,
+ interaction=all,
+ before=,
+ after=]
+ [Topic]
+ [criterium=all]
+ {\determinelistcharacteristics[Topic]
+ \ifnum\utilitylistlength>0
+ \Nopic[Topics]{#1}
+ \ifnum\utilitylistlength>12
+ \startcolumns
+ \placelist[Topic]
+ \stopcolumns
+ \else
+ \placelist[Topic]
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\placelist[Subject]}
+%D Last we define the overlays. Look at the way colors are
+%D linked into the macros.
+ def triangle (expr wid, rot, col) =
+ x1 := x3 := y1 := 0 ; x2 := y3 := wid ; y2 := .5y3 ;
+ fill (z1--z2--z3--cycle) rotated rot withcolor col ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture xysized (wid,wid) ;
+ enddef ;
+ [triangle]
+ [width=1cm,
+ rotation=0,
+ color=black]
+ triangle(\MPvar{width},\MPvar{rotation},\MPvar{color}) ;
+ {\uniqueMPgraphic{triangle}{rotation=#1,width=#2,color=#3}}
+\startuseMPgraphic{title} % can be simplified with "randomized"
+ color c ; path p ;
+ for i=1 upto 250 :
+ x0 := uniformdeviate \overlaywidth ;
+ y0 := uniformdeviate \overlayheight ;
+ sx := uniformdeviate 20 ;
+ sy := uniformdeviate 20 ;
+ cc := round(uniformdeviate 2) ;
+ if cc=0 : c := \MPcolor{GotoColor} fi ;
+ if cc=1 : c := \MPcolor{ExitColor} fi ;
+ if cc=2 : c := \MPcolor{StepColor} fi ;
+ qq := round(uniformdeviate 1) ;
+ if qq=0 :
+ p := unitsquare xscaled sx yscaled sy ;
+ else :
+ rr := round(uniformdeviate 3) * 90 ;
+ x1 := x3 := y1 := 0 ; x2 := y3 := sx; y2 := .5y3 ;
+ p := (z1--z2--z3--cycle) rotated rr ;
+ fi ;
+ fill p shifted z0 withcolor c ;
+ endfor ;
+%D The (rather silly) demo section.
+\TitlePage{Title Page\\pre-colorfull}
+\Topics{Some Nice Quotes}
+\Topic{A Few}
+\Subject{Knuth} \input knuth
+\Subject{Tufte} \input tufte
+\Topic{Some More}
+\Subject{Zapf} \input zapf
+\Subject{Bryson} \input bryson