path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/bib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/bib')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 3769 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/bib/mkii/bibl-ams.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/bib/mkii/bibl-ams.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 6adddbf3fc0..00000000000
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@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
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-%D subtitle=Publications,
-%D author={Taco Hoekwater, Giuseppe Bilotta},
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={Public Domain}]
-%C Donated to the public domain. Use at your own risk
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@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=bibl-apa-de,
-%D version=2006.9.12,
-%D title=APA bibliography style,
-%D subtitle=Publications,
-%D author={Taco Hoekwater},
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={Public Domain}]
-%C Donated to the public domain. Use at your own risk
- [author,year]
- [\c!andtext={ und },
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-%D Some shortcuts.
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- { Nummer~}%
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- {\insertedition{, }{ Auflage. }{}}%
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- {\insertedition{, }{ Auflage. }{. }}%
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- {\insertedition{, }{ Auflage. }{}}%
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- {In \inserteditors{}%
- {, Herausgeber, }%
- {}%
- \bgroup\it}%
- {\egroup
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- {}%
- {}%
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- {}%
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- {In \inserteditors{}%
- {, Herausgeber, }%
- {}%
- \bgroup\it}%
- {\egroup
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- {}%
- {}%
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- {\bgroup\it}%
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- {}%
- {}%
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- {}%
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deleted file mode 100644
index 20216c9ba6c..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/bib/mkii/bibl-apa-fr.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=bibl-apa-fr,
-%D version=2005.12.15,
-%D title=APA fr bibliography style,
-%D subtitle=Publications,
-%D author={Renaud Aubin},
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={Public Domain}]
-%C Donated to the public domain. Use at your own risk
- [author,year]
- [\c!andtext={ et },
- \c!otherstext={ et al.},
- \c!pubsep={, },
- \c!lastpubsep={ et },
- \c!compress=\v!no,
- \c!inbetween={ },
- \c!left={(},
- \c!right={)}]
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- {\insertseries{ }{.}{} }%
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- {\insertchap{, }{}{}%
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- }%
- {}%
- {\insertvolume
- {, volume~}%
- {\insertseries
- { de~\bgroup\it}%
- {\egroup}
- {}}
- {}%
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- }%
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- { }%
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- {\insertedition{, }{ \'edition}{}%
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- { dans~\bgroup}%
- {\egroup. }%
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- }%
- {}%
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- { de~\bgroup\it}%
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- {}}
- {}%
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- }%
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- { }%
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- {}%
- {\insertedition{, }{ \'edition}{}%
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- {\insertedition{, }{ \'edition}{}%
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- {}%
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- {\insertedition{, }{ \'edition. }{}%
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- {, }
- { \'edition\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}
- {\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}}%
- {\insertedition
- {, }
- { \'edition\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}
- {\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}}}%
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- {Dans \inserteditors{}%
- {\unskip, editor\ifnum\getvalue{editor@num}> 1 s\fi, }%
- {}%
- \bgroup\it}%
- {\egroup
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- {}%
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- {}%
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- {\insertedition{, }{ \'edition}{}%
- \insertpubyear{, }{. }{}}%
- }%
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- }%
- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
- \insertauthors{}{\unskip. }{}%
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- \inserttitle
- {Dans \inserteditors{}%
- {\unskip, \'editeur\ifnum\getvalue{editor@num}> 1 s\fi, }%
- {}%
- \bgroup\it}%
- {\egroup
- \insertseries
- {\insertvolume{, num\'ero }{~dans }{ }}%
- {}%
- {}%
- \insertchap{\unskip, }{ }{ }%
- \insertpages
- {\unskip, pages~}
- {\insertcity{, }{}{}
- \insertpubyear{\unskip, }{. }{. }}%
- {\unskip
- \insertpubyear{\unskip, }{. }{. }}%
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- {}%
- {\insertpubname{, }{. }{. }}%
- {\insertpubname{}{. }{}}% was {, }{. }{}
- }%
- {Dans \insertcrossref{}{}{}%
- \insertchap{\unskip, }{ }{ }%
- \insertpages{\unskip, pages~}{. }{\unskip. }%
- }%
- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
- \inserteditors{}{\unskip, \'editeur%
- \ifnum\getvalue{editor@num}> 1 s\fi
- \ \global\editedbooktrue
- }{\insertthekey{}{ }{}}%
- \inserttitle
- {\bgroup\it}%
- {\egroup
- \insertseries
- {\insertvolume{, num\'ero }{~dans }{ }}%
- {}%
- {}%
- \insertchap{\unskip, }{ }{ }%
- \insertpages
- {\unskip, pages~}
- {\insertcity
- {, }
- {\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}
- {\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}}
- {\unskip
- \insertcity
- {, }
- {\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}
- {\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}}%
- \insertorganization
- {}%
- {\insertpubname{, }{. }{. }}%
- {\insertpubname{, }{. }{}}%
- }%
- {}%
- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
- \insertauthors{}{ }{}%
- \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}{}. }{}%
- \insertbibtype{}{, }{M\'emoire de master (DEA, DESS), }%
- \insertpublisher
- {}
- {, \insertpubyear{}{}{}}
- {\insertpubyear{}{}{}}%
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- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
- \insertauthors{}{ }{}%
- \inserttitle{\bgroup\it }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}{}. }{}%
- \insertbibtype{}{, }{Th\`ese de doctorat, }%
- \insertpublisher
- {}
- {, \insertpubyear{}{}{}}
- {\insertpubyear{}{}{}}%
- \insertpages{, }{p.}{.}%
- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
- \insertauthors{}{ }{\insertthekey{}{. }{}}%
- \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}. }{}%
- \insertpublisher
- {}
- {, \insertpubyear{}{}{}}
- {\insertpubyear{}{}{}}%
- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
- \insertauthors{}{ }{}%
- \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}{}. }{}%
- \insertbibtype{}{\insertvolume{ }{, }{, }}{Rapport technique, }%
- \insertpublisher
- {}
- {, \insertpubyear{}{}{}}
- {\insertpubyear{}{}{}}%
- \insertpages{, }{p.}{.}%
- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
- \insertauthors{}{ }{}%
- \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}{}. }{}%
- \insertpublisher
- {}
- {, \insertpubyear{}{.}{}}
- {\insertpubyear{}{.}{}}%
- \insertbibtype{ (}{)}{}%
- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
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index 8f2cbf34f50..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/bib/mkii/bibl-num.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=bibl-num,
-%D version=2006.07.01,
-%D title=Numeric bibliography style,
-%D subtitle=Publications,
-%D author={Taco Hoekwater},
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={Public Domain}]
-%C Donated to the public domain. Use at your own risk
- {\setvalue{@@pvdata#1}{#2\unskip\vadjust{\kern 6pt}}}
- [author,year]
- [\c!andtext={ and },
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- \c!inbetween={ },
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- \c!numbercommand=\withbrackets,
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- \c!author=\normalauthor,
- \c!namesep={, },
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- \c!authoretaltext={ et al.},
- \c!editoretaltext={ et al.},
- \c!artauthoretaltext={ et al.},
-%D \macros{insertchapter,insertpublisher}
-%D Some shortcuts.
-% ((#1(type\ |)chapter#2)|#3)
- {\insertchapter
- {#1\insertbibtype{}{\ }{chapter\ }}{#2}%
- {#3}}
- {\insertpubname
- {#1}{\insertcity
- {, }
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- {}{\insertcountry{, }{}{#2}}%
- {\insertcountry{#1}{#2}{#3}}}%
- }
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- {, }
- {\insertissue{(}{)}{}%
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- \insertpubyear{, }{}{}.}
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- \insertpubyear{, }{}{}.}%
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-% \newif\ifeditedbook
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- \ifnum\getvalue{editor@num}> 1 s\fi.%
- \ \global\editedbooktrue
- }{\insertthekey{}{\unskip. }{}}}%
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- {\bgroup\it }%
- {\/\egroup
- \ifeditedbook.%
- \global\editedbookfalse
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- { Number~}%
- {\insertseries
- { in~\bgroup}%
- {\egroup. }%
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- {\insertseries{ }{.}{} }%
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- }%
- {}%
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- {, volume~}%
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- { of~\bgroup\it}%
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- {}}
- {}%
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- }%
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- {}%
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- { in~\bgroup}%
- {\egroup. }%
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- {\insertseries{ }{.}{} }%
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- {}%
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- {}%
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- {\insertedition{, }{ edition}{}%
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- {}%
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- {\insertedition{, }{ edition. }{}%
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- {}%
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- {, }%
- {\insertedition
- {, }
- { edition\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}
- {\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}}%
- {\insertedition
- {, }
- { edition\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}
- {\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}}}%
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- {\unskip, editor\ifnum\getvalue{editor@num}> 1 s\fi, }%
- {}%
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- {\insertedition{, }{ edition}{}%
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- }%
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- }%
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- {\unskip, editor\ifnum\getvalue{editor@num}> 1 s\fi, }%
- {}%
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- {\egroup
- \insertseries
- {\insertvolume{, number }{~in }{ }}%
- {}%
- {}%
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- {\unskip
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- {}%
- {\insertpubname{, }{. }{. }}%
- {\insertpubname{}{. }{}}% was {, }{. }{}
- }%
- {In \insertcrossref{}{}{}%
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- \insertpages{\unskip, pages~}{. }{\unskip. }%
- }%
- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
- \inserteditors{}{\unskip, editor%
- \ifnum\getvalue{editor@num}> 1 s\fi.%
- \ \global\editedbooktrue
- }{\insertthekey{}{ }{}}%
- \inserttitle
- {\bgroup\it}%
- {\egroup
- \insertseries
- {\insertvolume{, number }{~in }{ }}%
- {}%
- {}%
- \insertchap{\unskip, }{ }{ }%
- \insertpages
- {\unskip, pages~}
- {\insertcity
- {, }
- {\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}
- {\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}}
- {\unskip
- \insertcity
- {, }
- {\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}
- {\insertpubyear{, }{. }{. }}}%
- \insertorganization
- {}%
- {\insertpubname{, }{. }{. }}%
- {\insertpubname{, }{. }{}}%
- }%
- {}%
- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
- \insertauthors{}{\unskip. }{}%
- \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}{}. }{}%
- \insertbibtype{}{, }{Master's thesis, }%
- \insertpublisher
- {}
- {, \insertpubyear{}{}{}}
- {\insertpubyear{}{}{}}%
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- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
- \insertauthors{}{\unskip. }{}%
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- \insertbibtype{}{, }{PhD thesis, }%
- \insertpublisher
- {}
- {, \insertpubyear{}{}{}}
- {\insertpubyear{}{}{}}%
- \insertpages{, }{p.}{.}%
- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
- \insertauthors{}{\unskip. }{\insertthekey{}{. }{}}%
- \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}. }{}%
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- {}
- {, \insertpubyear{}{}{}}
- {\insertpubyear{}{}{}}%
- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
- \insertauthors{}{\unskip. }{}%
- \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}{}. }{}%
- \insertbibtype{}{\insertvolume{ }{, }{, }}{Technical Report, }%
- \insertpublisher
- {}
- {, \insertpubyear{}{}{}}
- {\insertpubyear{}{}{}}%
- \insertpages{, }{p.}{.}%
- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
- \insertauthors{}{\unskip. }{}%
- \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}{}. }{}%
- \insertpublisher
- {}
- {, \insertpubyear{}{.}{}}
- {\insertpubyear{}{.}{}}%
- \insertbibtype{ (}{)}{}%
- \insertnote{ }{.}{}%
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deleted file mode 100644
index cc8e124a8ba..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/bib/mkii/bibl-ssa.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=bibl-apa,
-%D version=2004.7.16,
-%D title=APA bibliography style,
-%D subtitle=Publications,
-%D author={Taco Hoekwater},
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={Public Domain}]
-%C (Slightly modified to SSA-like 2005.3.24, David Wooten)
-%C Donated to the public domain. Use at your own risk
- [author,year]
- [\c!andtext={ and },
- \c!otherstext={ et al.},
- \c!pubsep={, },
- \c!lastpubsep={ and },
- \c!compress=\v!no,
- \c!inbetween={ },
- \c!left={(},
- \c!right={)}]
- [authoryear]
- [\c!andtext={ and },
- \c!otherstext={ et al.},
- \c!pubsep={, },
- \c!lastpubsep={ and },
- \c!compress=\v!yes,
- \c!inbetween={ },
- \c!left={(},
- \c!right={)}]
- [authoryears]
- [\c!andtext={ and },
- \c!otherstext={ et al.},
- \c!pubsep={, },
- \c!lastpubsep={ and },
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- \c!inbetween={, },
- \c!left={(},
- \c!right={)}]
- [key,serial,authornum,page,short,type,doi,url]
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- \c!inbetween={ },
- \c!left={[},
- \c!right={]}]
- [num]
- [\c!andtext={ and },
- \c!otherstext={ et al.},
- \c!pubsep={, },
- \c!lastpubsep={ and },
- \c!compress=\v!yes,
- \c!inbetween={--},
- \c!left={[},
- \c!right={]}]
- \c!sorttype=,
- \c!criterium=,
- \c!refcommand=authoryears,
- \c!numbering=\v!no,
- \c!autohang=\v!no]
- [\c!width=24pt,
- \c!artauthor=\toggledauthor, %TH
- \c!editor=\toggledauthor,
- \c!author=\toggledauthor,
- \c!namesep={, },
- \c!lastnamesep={ and },
- \c!finalnamesep={ and },
- \c!firstnamesep={, },
- \c!juniorsep={ },
- \c!vonsep={ },
- \c!surnamesep={, },
- \c!authoretallimit=5,
- \c!editoretallimit=5,
- \c!artauthoretallimit=5,
- \c!authoretaldisplay=5,
- \c!editoretaldisplay=5,
- \c!artauthoretaldisplay=5,
- \c!authoretaltext={ et al.},
- \c!editoretaltext={ et al.},
- \c!artauthoretaltext={ et al.},
-%D \macros {invertedauthor,normalauthor,toggledauthor}
-%D These are redefinitions of the core versions.
- {\bibdoif{#2}{#2\bibalternative\c!vonsep}%
- \uppercased{#3}\bibalternative\c!surnamesep
- \bibdoif{#5}{#5\bibalternative\c!juniorsep}%
- \bibdoif{#1}{#1\unskip}}
- {\bibdoif{#1}{#1}\bibdoif{#2}{#2 } \uppercased{#3}%
- \bibdoif{#5}{#5\unskip}}
-%D The \type{\scratchcounter} is incremented by \specialbibinsert
-%D before each author/editor is typeset, so the only thing that needs
-%D doing is testing its value to decide which of the two `standard'
-%D author formatting macros to call.
-%D The \type{\normalauthor} definition above is a bit altered/stripped
-%D down, because the 'glue items' like \type{firstnamesep} got in the
-%D way.
- {\relax
- \ifnum \scratchcounter > 1
- \normalauthor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
- \else
- \invertedauthor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
- \fi }
-%D Below, each \type{\setuppublicationlayout} macro's body will
-%D start by setting a global toggle to true, that controls whether
-%D or not the next \type{\insertartauthors},\type{\insertauthors}
-%D or \type{\inserteditors} has to store it's contents for comparison.
-%D All three are instances of the generic macro \type{\specialbibinsert}.
-%D The net result of this trick is that the first typeset block of
-%D names will be saved, regardless of whether they are book authors,
-%D article authors, or editors.
-%D save the normal meaning, because it will be redefined
-%D This is a typical call (use) of \type{\specialbibinsert}, for
-%D reference:
-%D \starttyping
-%D \specialbibinsert{author}{\author@num}{<before>}{<after>}{<not>}
-%D \stoptyping
- {\relax
- \ifsetstoredauthor
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- {\@EA\@EA\@EA\tempx \csname @@pb@#1\recurselevel\endcsname}%
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-%D \macros{insertchapter,insertpublisher}
-%D Some shortcuts.
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- %TH all items below do this as well ...
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- {}%
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