path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/x-mmp.mkiv
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/x-mmp.mkiv')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 497 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/x-mmp.mkiv b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/x-mmp.mkiv
deleted file mode 100644
index dff7ade58d8..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/x-mmp.mkiv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=x-mmp,
-%D version=2007.09.04,
-%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Modules,
-%D subtitle=Presentation MathML Renderer,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE}]
-%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
-%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
-%C details.
- do
- lxml.mml = lxml.mml or { }
- local texsprint = tex.sprint
- -- an alternative is to remap to private codes, where we can have
- -- different properties .. to be done
- local n_replacements = {
- -- [" "] = utf.char(0x2002), -- "&textspace;" -> tricky, no &; in mkiv
- ["."] = "{.}",
- [","] = "{,}",
- [" "] = "",
- }
- local o_replacements = {
- ["{"] = "\\mmlleftdelimiter\\lbrace",
- ["}"] = "\\mmlrightdelimiter\\rbrace",
- ["("] = "\\mmlleftdelimiter(",
- [")"] = "\\mmlrightdelimiter)",
- ["["] = "\\mmlleftdelimiter[",
- ["]"] = "\\mmlrightdelimiter]",
- ["<"] = "\\mmlleftdelimiter<",
- [">"] = "\\mmlrightdelimiter>",
- ["#"] = "\\mmlchar{35}",
- ["$"] = "\\mmlchar{36}",
- ["%"] = "\\mmlchar{37}",
- ["&"] = "\\mmlchar{38}",
- ["^"] = "\\mmlchar{94}{}", -- strange, sometimes luatex math see the char instead of \char
- ["_"] = "\\mmlchar{95}{}", -- so we need the {}
- ["~"] = "\\mmlchar{126}",
- [" "] = "",
- }
- local i_replacements = {
- ["sin"] = "\\mathopnolimits{sin}",
- ["cos"] = "\\mathopnolimits{cos}",
- ["abs"] = "\\mathopnolimits{abs}",
- ["arg"] = "\\mathopnolimits{arg}",
- ["codomain"] = "\\mathopnolimits{codomain}",
- ["curl"] = "\\mathopnolimits{curl}",
- ["determinant"] = "\\mathopnolimits{det}",
- ["divergence"] = "\\mathopnolimits{div}",
- ["domain"] = "\\mathopnolimits{domain}",
- ["gcd"] = "\\mathopnolimits{gcd}",
- ["grad"] = "\\mathopnolimits{grad}",
- ["identity"] = "\\mathopnolimits{id}",
- ["image"] = "\\mathopnolimits{image}",
- ["lcm"] = "\\mathopnolimits{lcm}",
- ["max"] = "\\mathopnolimits{max}",
- ["median"] = "\\mathopnolimits{median}",
- ["min"] = "\\mathopnolimits{min}",
- ["mode"] = "\\mathopnolimits{mode}",
- ["mod"] = "\\mathopnolimits{mod}",
- ["polar"] = "\\mathopnolimits{Polar}",
- ["exp"] = "\\mathopnolimits{exp}",
- ["ln"] = "\\mathopnolimits{ln}",
- ["log"] = "\\mathopnolimits{log}",
- ["sin"] = "\\mathopnolimits{sin}",
- ["arcsin"] = "\\mathopnolimits{arcsin}",
- ["sinh"] = "\\mathopnolimits{sinh}",
- ["arcsinh"] = "\\mathopnolimits{arcsinh}",
- ["cos"] = "\\mathopnolimits{cos}",
- ["arccos"] = "\\mathopnolimits{arccos}",
- ["cosh"] = "\\mathopnolimits{cosh}",
- ["arccosh"] = "\\mathopnolimits{arccosh}",
- ["tan"] = "\\mathopnolimits{tan}",
- ["arctan"] = "\\mathopnolimits{arctan}",
- ["tanh"] = "\\mathopnolimits{tanh}",
- ["arctanh"] = "\\mathopnolimits{arctanh}",
- ["cot"] = "\\mathopnolimits{cot}",
- ["arccot"] = "\\mathopnolimits{arccot}",
- ["coth"] = "\\mathopnolimits{coth}",
- ["arccoth"] = "\\mathopnolimits{arccoth}",
- ["csc"] = "\\mathopnolimits{csc}",
- ["arccsc"] = "\\mathopnolimits{arccsc}",
- ["csch"] = "\\mathopnolimits{csch}",
- ["arccsch"] = "\\mathopnolimits{arccsch}",
- ["sec"] = "\\mathopnolimits{sec}",
- ["arcsec"] = "\\mathopnolimits{arcsec}",
- ["sech"] = "\\mathopnolimits{sech}",
- ["arcsech"] = "\\mathopnolimits{arcsech}",
- [" "] = "",
- ["false"] = "{\\mr false}",
- ["notanumber"] = "{\\mr NaN}",
- ["otherwise"] = "{\\mr otherwise}",
- ["true"] = "{\\mr true}",
- ["declare"] = "{\\mr declare}",
- ["as"] = "{\\mr as}",
- }
- function lxml.mml.prepare_number(id,pattern)
- local str = xml.content(,pattern) or ""
- texsprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,(str:gsub(".",n_replacements)))
- end
- function lxml.mml.prepare_operator(id,pattern)
- local str = xml.content(,pattern) or ""
- tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,(str:gsub(".",o_replacements)))
- end
- function lxml.mml.prepare_identifier(id,pattern)
- local str = xml.content(,pattern) or ""
- str = str:gsub("^%s*(.*)%s*$","%1")
- local rep = i_replacements[str]
- if rep then
- tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,rep)
- else
- tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,(str:gsub(".",i_replacements)))
- end
- end
- function lxml.mml.connect(id,pattern,separators) -- multiple separators
- local n = xml.count(id,pattern)
- if n == 0 then
- -- skip
- elseif n == 1 then
- lxml.all(id,pattern)
- else
- local t = { }
- for s in utf.gmatch(separators,"([^%s])") do
- t[#t+1] = s
- end
- for i=1,n do
- if i > 1 then
- texsprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,"{")
- texsprint(t[i] or t[#t] or "")
- texsprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,"}")
- end
- lxml.idx(id,pattern,i) -- kind of slow, some day ...
- end
- end
- end
- local function flush(e,tag,toggle)
- -- texsprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,(toggle and "^{") or "_{")
- if toggle then
- texsprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,"^{")
- else
- texsprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,"_{")
- end
- if tag == "none" then
- texsprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,"{}")
- else
- xml.sprint(e.dt)
- end
- if not toggle then
- texsprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,"}")
- else
- texsprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,"}{}")
- end
- return not toggle
- end
- function lxml.mml.multiscripts(id)
- local done, toggle = false, false
- id =
- -- for i=1,#id.dt do local e = id.dt[i] if type(e) == table then ...
- for r, d, k in xml.elements(id,"/*") do
- local e = d[k]
- local tag =
- if tag == "mprescripts" then
- texsprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,"{}")
- done = true
- elseif done then
- toggle = flush(e,tag,toggle)
- end
- end
- local done, toggle = false, false
- for r, d, k in xml.elements(id,"/*") do
- local e = d[k]
- local tag =
- if tag == "mprescripts" then
- break
- elseif done then
- toggle = flush(e,tag,toggle)
- else
- xml.sprint(e.dt)
- done = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
-% helpers
-% \let\myspecialnormalvert\myspecialstretchvert
-% \setupMMLappearance[scripts][\c!alternative=\v!a] {} rond base
-\mapXMLvalue{mmp}{normal} {\tf} \mapXMLvalue{mmp}{double-stuck} {\bf}
-\mapXMLvalue{mmp}{bolditalic} {\bi} \mapXMLvalue{mmp}{bold-italic} {\bi}
-\mapXMLvalue{mmp}{boldslanted}{\bs} \mapXMLvalue{mmp}{bold-slanted} {\bs}
-\mapXMLvalue{mmp}{boldnormal} {\bf} \mapXMLvalue{mmp}{bold} {\bf}
-\mapXMLvalue{mmp}{slanted} {\sl} \mapXMLvalue{mmp}{normalslanted}{\sl}
-\mapXMLvalue{mmp}{italic} {\it} \mapXMLvalue{mmp}{normalitalic} {\it}
-\mapXMLvalue{mmp}{fraktur} {\bf} \mapXMLvalue{mmp}{bold-fraktur} {\bf}
-\mapXMLvalue{mmp}{script} {\tf} \mapXMLvalue{mmp}{bold-script} {\bf}
- {\XMLval{mmp}{\xmlatt{#1}{fontweight}\xmlatt{#1}{fontstyle}}{}}
- {\XMLval{mmp}{\xmlatt{#1}{mathvariant}}{}}
- {\doifelsenothing{\xmlatt{#1}{color}} \firstofoneargument {\color[\xmlatt{#1}{color}]}}
- {\doifelsenothing{\xmlatt{#1}{background}}
- {\firstofoneargument}
- {\inframed
- [\c!frame=\v!off,
- \c!background=\v!color,
- \c!backgroundcolor=\xmlatt{#1}{background}]}}
- {\doMMPpbackground{#1}{\doMMPpcolor{#1}{\setMMLptextstyle{#1}\ignorespaces#2\removeunwantedspaces}}}
-\def\doMMLfiller#1% bugged
- {\pushmacro\doMMLfiller
- \let\doMMLfiller\gobbleoneargument
- \gdef\dodoMMLfiller{\disablefiller\mathematics{#1}}%
- \hbox
- {\def\normalorfiller##1##2%
- {\gdef\dodoMMLfiller{\enablefiller#1}%
- \let\normalorfiller\gobbletwoarguments}%
- $#1$}%
- \popmacro\doMMLfiller}
-% setups
-% \defineXMLentity[_] {{\_{}}}
-% \defineXMLentity[^] {{\^{}}}
-% \defineXMLentity[_] {\string_}
-% \defineXMLentity[^] {\normalorfiller\hat\widehat}
-\startsetups mml:semantics % todo: width=ex/ex/pt
- \xmlflush{#1}
-% \startxmlsetups mml:mi % todo: mathvariant mathsize mathcolor mathbackground
-% \edef\MMPidentifier{\xmlstripped{#1}{*}}
-% \doifXMLentityelse{\detokenize\expandafter{\MMPidentifier}} {
-% \getXMLentity\MMPidentifier
-% } {
-% \MMPidentifier
-% }
-% \stopxmlsetups
-\startxmlsetups mml:mi % todo: mathvariant mathsize mathcolor mathbackground
- \ctxlua{lxml.mml.prepare_identifier("#1","*")}
-\startxmlsetups mml:mn % todo: mathvariant mathsize mathcolor mathbackground
- \begingroup
- \mr \ctxlua{lxml.mml.prepare_number("#1","*")}%
- \endgroup
-% hbox will make . and , behave ok, see rep patterns above as alternative
-% \startxmlsetups mml:mn % todo: mathvariant mathsize mathcolor mathbackground
-% \mathop{\hbox{\mr \ctxlua{lxml.mml.prepare_number("#1","*")}}}% we need . and , properly spaced
-% \stopxmlsetups
-% \startxmlsetups mml:mo
-% \edef\MMPoperator{\ctxlua{lxml.mml.prepare_operator("#1","*")}}
-% \doifXMLentityelse{\detokenize\expandafter{\MMPoperator}} {
-% \getXMLentity\MMPoperator
-% } {
-% \MMPoperator
-% }
-% \stopxmlsetups
-% also ok:
-\startxmlsetups mml:mo
- \ctxlua{lxml.mml.prepare_operator("#1","*")}
-\startxmlsetups mml:mrow
- \begingroup
- \ifcase\xmlcount{#1}{/mml:mo}\relax
- \xmlflush{#1}
- \else % no \let
- \def\MMLleft {\left }
- \def\MMLright{\right}
- \enabledelimiter
- \checkdelimiters{\xmlall{#1}{/mml:mo}}
- \fakeleftdelimiter
- \xmlflush{#1}
- \fakerightdelimiter
- \disabledelimiter
- \fi
- \endgroup
-\startxmlsetups mml:mstyle
- \begingroup
- \setMMLpmathstyle{#1}
- \xmlflush{#1}
- \endgroup
-\startxmlsetups mml:ms
- \xmlattdef{#1}{lquot}{"}
- \doMMPpsometext{#1}{\xmlflush{#1}}
- \xmlattdef{#1}{rquot}{"}
-\startxmlsetups mml:mtext
- \hbox \bgroup \tf % else encoding problems, we can make mr an option
- \doMMPpsometext{#1}{\xmlflush{#1}}
- \egroup
-\startxmlsetups mml:merror
- \hbox{$\displaystyle\xmlflush{#1}$}
-\startxmlsetups mml:mphantom
- \phantom{{}\xmlflush{#1}{}}
-\startxmlsetups mml:mpadded
- \xmlflush{#1}
-\startxmlsetups mml:mfenced % {} around separator is needed for spacing
- \edef\MMPopen {\xmlatt{#1}{open}}
- \edef\MMPclose {\xmlatt{#1}{close}}
- \edef\MMPseparators{\xmlatt{#1}{separators}}
- \ifx\MMPseparators\empty \def\MMPseparators{,}\fi
- \doifelsenothing \MMPopen {
- \left.
- } {
- \left\MMPopen
- }
- \ctxlua{lxml.mml.connect("#1","/*","\MMPseparators")}%
- \doifelsenothing \MMPclose {
- \right.
- } {
- \right\MMPclose
- }
-\startxmlsetups mml:menclose % notation=.....
- % we will implement this when we need it
- \xmlflush{#1}
-\startxmlsetups mml:msqrt
- \sqrt{\xmlflush{#1}}
-\startxmlsetups mml:mroot
- \root{\xmlindex{#1}{*}{1}}\of{\xmlindex{#1}{*}{2}}
-\startsetups mml:mfrac % dodo: handle linethickness in lua + unit
- \begingroup
- \edef\MMPlinethickness{\xmlatt{#1}{linethickness}}
- \ifx\MMPlinethickness\empty
- \doifelse{\xmlatt{#1}{bevelled}}{true} {
- \xmlindex{#1}{/*}{1}
- \mathpunct{\kern-.2ex\left.\middle/\right.\kern-.25ex}
- \xmlindex{#1}{/*}{2}
- } {
- \frac{\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{1}}{\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{2}}
- }
- \else
- \processaction
- [\MMPlinethickness]
- [ thin=>\scratchdimen=.2pt,
- medium=>\scratchdimen=.4pt,
- thick=>\scratchdimen=.8pt,
- unknown=>\setdimensionwithunit\scratchdimen{\MMPlinethickness}{pt}]
- {
- {\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{1}}
- \above\scratchdimen
- {\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{2}}
- }
- \fi
- \endgroup
-\startsetups mml:mspace % todo: width=ex/ex/pt
- \hskip.5em\relax
-% {} around first component is essential!
-\startsetups mml:msub
- {\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{1}}_{\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{2}}
-\startsetups mml:msup
- {\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{1}}^{\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{2}}
-\startsetups mml:msubsup
- {\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{1}}_{\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{2}}^{\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{3}}
-\startsetups mml:mover
- \mathop {
- \edef\mmlovertoken{\xmlraw{#1}{/mml:mo[position()==2]}}
- \doifelse{\utfmathclass\mmlovertoken}{accent} {
- \utfmathcommand\mmlovertoken{\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{1}}
- } {
- \vbox {
- \m@th\ialign {
- \hss##\hss\crcr
- \noalign{\kern3\p@}%
- \disabledelimiter\doMMLfiller{
- \xmlindex{#1}{/*}{2}
- }\crcr
- \noalign{\kern3\p@\nointerlineskip}%
- \disabledelimiter\doMMLfiller{
- \xmlindex{#1}{/*}{1}
- }\crcr
- }
- }
- }
- }
- \limits
-\startsetups mml:munder
- \mathop {
- \vtop {
- \m@th\ialign{
- \hss##\hss\crcr
- \disabledelimiter\doMMLfiller{\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{1}}\crcr
- \noalign{\kern3\p@\nointerlineskip}%
- \disabledelimiter\doMMLfiller{\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{2}}\crcr
- \noalign{\kern3\p@}
- }
- }
- }
- \limits
-\startsetups mml:munderover
- \edef\mmlunderovertoken{\xmlraw{#1}{/mml:mo[position()==1]}}
-% \doifelse{\utfmathclass\mmlunderovertoken}{limop} {
-% \utfmathcommand\mmlunderovertoken
-% } {
-% \xmlindex{#1}{/*}{1}
-% {
- \utfmathcommanddefault\mmlunderovertoken{xmlindex}{{#1}{/*}{1}}
- _{\disablefiller\disabledelimiter\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{2}}
- ^{\disablefiller\disabledelimiter\xmlindex{#1}{/*}{3}}
-\startxmlsetups mml:mlabeledtr
- \bTR \xmlall{#1}{/mml:mtd} \eTR
-\startxmlsetups mml:mtr
- \bTR \xmlall{#1}{/mml:mtd} \eTR
-\startxmlsetups mml:mtd
- \bTD$\MMLhack\xmlall{#1}{/*}\relax$\eTD
-\startxmlsetups mml:mtable
- \vcenter \bgroup
- \bTABLE[\c!frame=\v!off]
- \xmlall{#1}{/mml:mtr|mml:mlabeledtr}
- \egroup
-\startxmlsetups mml:mmultiscripts
- \ctxlua{lxml.mml.multiscripts("#1")}
-\protect \endinput