path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/spec-fdf.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/spec-fdf.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3314 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/spec-fdf.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/spec-fdf.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 51da45ff7a6..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/spec-fdf.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3314 +0,0 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=spec-fdf,
-%D version=1998.05.18,
-%D title=\CONTEXT\ \PDF\ Macros,
-%D subtitle=Support Macros,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
-%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
-%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
-%C details.
-%D The name of this module is a bit strange but it started with fields
-%D so we keep the name.
-%D When dealing with resources, we share the resource dictionaries
-%D between all xforms. This is inefficent in the sense that when no
-%D resources are used, redundant entries take space, but on the other
-%D hand we save redundant dictionaries so it's a nice compromise. Maybe
-%D that in \LUATEX\ I will reimplement most of the code here anyway.
-%D We need to check if we can use \type {\driverreferenced}
-%D object in more places.
-%D Initialization of fields is tricky. If a field has no
-%D value, it is kind of not there. If ResetForm is used, the
-%D default is assigned, but pushbuttons are spoiled. Adding a
-%D \type {/MK} dictionary helps, but gives ugly down
-%D appearances (displaced with background). What a mess.
-%D Also, in order to get at least something, the \type {/AS}
-%D key should be provided.
-% to do : /IF << /SW /N >> == no scaling / clipping of widget
-%D \macros
-%D {PDFobjref}
-%D Just a shortcut.
-% Watch out, \def\PDFobjref#1{\purenumber#1 0 R} also works, but not when
-% #1 == \the\whatever
-\def\PDFobjref#1{\purenumber{#1} 0 R}
-%D \macros
-%D {PDFswapdir}
-\let\PDFswapdir\empty \def\PDFswapdir{\ifcase\inlinedirection\or\or-\fi}
-% the pdf spec changed cq. viewers started behaving differently / 5+
-\chardef\overcomePDFpage\plusone % page numbers/ beware: optimizers remove this one
-\chardef\overcomePDFpage\plustwo % page:number
-%chardef\overcomePDFpage\plusthree % pdftex page ref feature
-\ifx\pdfpageref\undefined \else \chardef\overcomePDFpage\plusthree \fi
-%D \macros
-%D {setPDFdestination}
-%D \PDF\ destinations should obey the specifications laid down
-%D in the \PDF\ reference manual. The next macro strips illegal
-%D characters from the destination name.
-%D The \ACROBAT\ programs are not bug free. By setting the next
-%D switches, we will at least try to prevent problems.
-\newif\ifovercomePDFbugs \overcomePDFbugsfalse % dest sort problem / 3-
-\newif\ifovercomePDFspace \overcomePDFspacetrue % dest sort problem / 3-
-\let\setPDFdestination\gobbleoneargument % a MK specific definition
-%D \macros
-%D {sanitizePDFstring}
-%D This macro at least tries to convert a arbitrary string
-%D into a sequence of characters valid for \PDF\ bookmarks and
-%D alike.
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFdestination,
-%D doPDFaction,
-%D doPDFannotation,
-%D doPDFannotationobject,
-%D doPDFdictionaryobject,
-%D doPDFarrayobject,
-%D doPDFaddtocatalog,
-%D doPDFaddtoinfo,
-%D doPDFpageattribute,
-%D doPDFpageresource,
-%D doPDFpagesattribute,
-%D doPDFbookmark,
-%D defaultobjectreference,
-%D doPDFgetobjectreference}
-%D This module deals with \PDF\ support, including fill||in
-%D forms. Before we present the largely unreadable bunch of
-%D macros, we introduce the here||not||defined low level
-%D interface macros. These must be provided by the special
-%D drivers \type{pdf} (\ACROBAT) and \type{tpd} (\PDFTEX).
-%D \starttyping
-%D \doPDFdestination #1 name
-%D \doPDFaction #1#2#3 width height action
-%D \doPDFannotation #1#2#3 width height data
-%D \doPDFannotationobject #1#2#3#4#5 class name width height data
-%D \doPDFdictionaryobject #1#2#3 class name data
-%D \doPDFarrayobject #1#2#3 class name data
-%D \doPDFaddtocatalog #1
-%D \doPDFaddtoinfo #1
-%D \doPDFpageattribute #1
-%D \doPDFpageresource #1
-%D \doPDFpagesattribute #1
-%D \doPDFbookmark #1#2#3#4#5 level n text page open
-%D \defaultobjectreference #1#2 class name
-%D \doPDFgetobjectreference #1#2#3 class name \PDFobjectreference
-%D \doPDFgetobjectpagereference #1#2#3 class name \PDFobjectreference
-%D \stoptyping
-%D The keywords reflect their use. For the moment we stick to
-%D keywords, because that way at we get an indication of what
-%D we're doing.
-%D Common:
-% \def\doPDFgetobjectreference#1#2#3%
-% {\def#3{..}}
- {\dogetobjectreferencepage{#1}{#2}#3%
- \ifx#3\empty\def#3{1}\fi}
- {\dogetobjectreferencepage{#1}{#2}#3%
- \ifx#3\empty
- \doPDFgetpagereference\realfolio#3%
- \else
- \doPDFgetpagereference#3#3% we assume that #3 gets expanded
- \fi}
-% \def\doPDFgetpagereference#1#2%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% {\def#2{...}}
-%D Due to the fact that \PDFTEX\ has a different concept of
-%D page attributes, we need:
-\let\doPDFresetpageresources \relax
- \doPDFresetpageattributes
- \doPDFresetpageresources
-\to \everyaftershipout
- \ifx\pdfliteral\undefined
- \def\PDFcode#1{\message{[ignored pdfliteral: #1]}}
- \else
- \let\PDFcode\pdfliteral
- \fi
-%D For special (\METAPOST) effects, we need to build
-%D resource dictionaries. Here is the framework.
- {\ifx\docuPDFextgstates\empty \else
- \ifnum\realpageno=\lastpage\relax
- %\doPDFreserveddictionaryobject{FDF}{docuextgstates}{\docuPDFextgstates}%
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{docuextgstates}{\docuPDFextgstates}%
- \fi
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{docuextgstates}\PDFobjectreference
- \doPDFpageresource{/ExtGState \PDFobjectreference}%
- \fi}
- \checkPDFextgstates
-\to \everyshipout
- {\xdef\docuPDFextgstates{\docuPDFextgstates\space#1}}
-%D Another special mechanism (needed for color separation):
- {\ifx\docuPDFcolorspaces\empty \else
- \ifnum\realpageno=\lastpage\relax
- %\doPDFreserveddictionaryobject{FDF}{colorspaces}{\docuPDFcolorspaces}%
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{colorspaces}{\docuPDFcolorspaces}%
- \fi
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{colorspaces}\PDFobjectreference
- \doPDFpageresource{/ColorSpace \PDFobjectreference}%
- \fi}
- \checkPDFcolorspaces
-\to \everyshipout
- {\xdef\docuPDFcolorspaces{\docuPDFcolorspaces\space#1}}
-%D And another one (used to be in spec-pdf)
- {\ifx\docuPDFshades\empty \else
- \ifnum\realpageno=\lastpage\relax
- %\doPDFreserveddictionaryobject{FDF}{docushades}{\docuPDFshades}%
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{docushades}{\docuPDFshades}%
- \fi
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{docushades}\PDFobjectreference
- \doPDFpageresource{/Shading \PDFobjectreference}%
- \fi}
- \checkPDFshades
-\to \everyshipout
- {\xdef\docuPDFshades{\docuPDFshades\space#1}}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFsetupscreen,doPDFsetupidentity}
-%D Opposite to \DVI\ drivers, \PDF\ ones must know which what
-%D page dimensions they are dealing. We also use the
-%D opportunity to launch full screen (1) or show bookmarks (2).
-\let\currentPDFpagemode \empty % document catalog
-\let\currentPDFviewerprefs\empty % document catalog
-\let\currentPDFcropbox \empty % page attributes
-\let\currentPDFbleedbox \empty % page attributes
-\let\currentPDFartbox \empty % page attributes
-\let\currentPDFtrimbox \empty % page attributes
-\def\doPDFsetupscreen#1#2#3#4#5#6% watch the extra argument
- {\bgroup
-% \!!widtha#4%
-% \advance\!!widtha#2%
-% \!!heighta-#5%
-% \!!heightb#1% extra argument
-% \advance\!!heightb -#3%
-% \advance\!!heighta \!!heightb
-% % sometimes whole values give better results
-% % \PointsToWholeBigPoints{#2}\left
-% % \PointsToWholeBigPoints\!!heighta\bottom
-% % \PointsToWholeBigPoints\!!widtha \width
-% % \PointsToWholeBigPoints\!!heightb\height
-% % but since pdf/x does not round when checking if
-% % the boxes fit inside the media box ...
-% \PointsToBigPoints{#2}\left
-% \PointsToBigPoints\!!heighta\bottom
-% \PointsToBigPoints\!!widtha \width
-% \PointsToBigPoints\!!heightb\height
-% \xdef\currentPDFcropboxspec
-% {[\left\space\bottom\space\width\space\height]}%
-% \global\let\currentPDFtrimboxspec\currentPDFcropboxspec
-% \xdef\currentPDFpagemode
-% {/PageMode \ifcase#6
-% /UseNone\or/FullScreen\or/UseOutlines\else/UseNone\fi}%
- \xdef\currentPDFpagemode
- {\ifnum#6=4
- /PageLayout /TwoColumnRight
- \else
- /PageMode \ifcase#6
- /UseNone\or/FullScreen\or/UseOutlines\else/UseNone\fi
- \fi}%
- \xdef\currentPDFviewerprefs % space after #6 needed, else \relax
- {\ifcase#6 \or\or\else /ViewerPreferences << /FitWindow true >>\fi}%
- \egroup}
-% not that good if we switch drivers
- {\doPDFaddtocatalog{\currentPDFpagemode\currentPDFviewerprefs}%
- \doPDFaddtocatalog{/Version \ifdim\PDFversion00\points>100\points 1.\fi\PDFversion}%
- \doPDFaddtoinfo{/Trapped /False}%
- \doPDFaddtoinfo{/ConTeXt.Version (\contextversion)}%
- \doPDFaddtoinfo{/ConTeXt.Time (\number\normalyear.\twodigits\normalmonth.\twodigits\normalday\space \twodigits\currenthour:\twodigits\currentminute)}%
- \doPDFaddtoinfo{/ConTeXt.Jobname (\jobname)}%
- \doPDFaddtoinfo{/ConTeXt.Url (}}
-\appendtoksonce % hack to prevent duplicates
- \addPDFdocumentinfo
-\to \everyfirstshipout
- \def\PDFversion{1.5}%
- \let\addPDFdocumentinfo\relax
-\to \everyresetspecials
-\def\doPDFsetupwhateverbox#1#2#3#4#5#6% watch the extra arguments
- {\bgroup
- \!!widtha \dimexpr#5+#3\relax
- \!!heightb\dimexpr#2-#4\relax
- \!!heighta\dimexpr\!!heightb-#6\relax
- % sometimes whole values give better results
- % \PointsToWholeBigPoints{#3}\left
- % \PointsToWholeBigPoints\!!heighta\bottom
- % \PointsToWholeBigPoints\!!widtha \width
- % \PointsToWholeBigPoints\!!heightb\height
- % but since pdf/x does not round when checking if
- % the boxes fit inside the media box ...
- \PointsToBigPoints{#3}\left
- \PointsToBigPoints\!!heighta\bottom
- \PointsToBigPoints\!!widtha \width
- \PointsToBigPoints\!!heightb\height
- \xdef#1{[\left\space\bottom\space\width\space\height]}%
- \egroup}
-\def\doPDFsetupartbox {\doPDFsetupwhateverbox\currentPDFartbox }
-\def\doPDFsetupcropbox {\doPDFsetupwhateverbox\currentPDFcropbox }
-\def\doPDFsetuptrimbox {\doPDFsetupwhateverbox\currentPDFtrimbox }
-\gdef\currentPDFtrimbox{\currentPDFcropbox} % default, needed for pdf/x
- {\doifsomething{#1}{\doPDFpageattribute{/#2Box #1}}}
- \flushPDFwhateverbox\currentPDFartbox {Art}%
- \flushPDFwhateverbox\currentPDFcropbox {Crop}%
- \flushPDFwhateverbox\currentPDFbleedbox{Bleed}%
- \flushPDFwhateverbox\currentPDFtrimbox {Trim}%
-\to \everyshipout
- {\bgroup
- \enablePDFdocencoding
- \edef\!!stringa{#5}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\empty \ifx\pdfdate\undefined\else
- \edef\!!stringa{D:\pdfdate}%
- \fi \fi
- \expanded{\doPDFaddtoinfo
- {/Title (#1)
- /Subject (#2)
- /Author (#3)
- /Creator (#4)
- /ModDate (\!!stringa)
- /ID (\jobname.\!!stringa) % needed for pdf/x
- /Keywords (#6)}}%
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFsetupopenaction,doPDFsetupcloseaction,
-%D doPDFsetupopenpageaction,doPDFsetupclosepageaction}
-%D Setting the open and close actions is kind of fuzzy
-%D because action chains are derived from the reference
-%D mechanism.
-%D Starting with version~5 viewers, when the open actions
-%D started yto give problems, for testing purposes we
-%D decided use indirect actions.
-% \definespecial\dosetupopenaction {\doPDFsetupopenaction}
-% \definespecial\dosetupcloseaction {\doPDFsetupcloseaction}
-% \definespecial\dosetupopenpageaction {\doPDFsetupopenpageaction}
-% \definespecial\dosetupclosepageaction{\doPDFsetupclosepageaction}
-%D We can safe a couple of references by moving this code
-%D to the specific drivers.
-%D The following code used to work okay, but as with any
-%D update of Acrobat Viewers, upward compatibility was
-%D just a dream.
-\definespecial\dosetupopenaction {\doPDFaddtocatalog{/OpenAction <<\lastPDFaction>>}}
-\definespecial\dosetupcloseaction{\doPDFaddtocatalog{/CloseAction <<\lastPDFaction>>}}
-% todo: /AA << dictionary in catalog >>
-% \globalletempty\PDFdocumentclose
-% \globalletempty\PDFwillsave
-% \globalletempty\PDFdidsave
-% \globalletempty\PDFwillprint
-% \globalletempty\PDFdidprint
-% \definespecial\dosetupdocumentcloseaction {\global\let\PDFdocumentclose\lastPDFaction}
-% \definespecial\dosetupwillsaveaction {\global\let\PDFwillsave \lastPDFaction}
-% \definespecial\dosetupdidsaveaction {\global\let\PDFdidsave \lastPDFaction}
-% \definespecial\dosetupwillprintaction {\global\let\PDFwillprint \lastPDFaction}
-% \definespecial\dosetupdidprintaction {\global\let\PDFdidprint \lastPDFaction}
-% \def\checkPDFdocumentactions
-% {\iflocation
-% \doPDFpageattribute
-% {/AA <<\ifx\PDFdocumentclose\empty \else /DC <<\PDFdocumentclose>> \fi
-% \ifx\PDFwillsave \empty \else /WS <<\PDFwillsave >> \fi
-% \ifx\PDFdidsave \empty \else /DS <<\PDFdidsave >> \fi
-% \ifx\PDFwillprint \empty \else /WP <<\PDFwillprint >> \fi
-% \ifx\PDFdidprint \empty \else /DP <<\PDFdidprint >> \fi>>}%
-% % \globalletempty\PDFdocumentclose
-% % \globalletempty\PDFwillsave
-% % \globalletempty\PDFdidsave
-% % \globalletempty\PDFwillprint
-% % \globalletempty\PDFdidprint
-% \global\let\checkPDFdocumentactions\relax
-% \fi}
-% \appendtoksonce
-% \checkPDFdocumentactions
-% \to \everylastshipout
-% {\doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{local:openaction}\lastPDFaction
-% \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{local:openaction}\PDFobjectreference
-% \doPDFaddtocatalog{/OpenAction \PDFobjectreference}}
-% {\doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{local:closeaction}\lastPDFaction
-% \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{local:closeaction}\PDFobjectreference
-% \doPDFaddtocatalog{/CloseAction \PDFobjectreference}}
-\let\PDFopenpageaction \empty
-\definespecial\dosetupopenpageaction {\global\let\PDFopenpageaction \lastPDFaction}
- {\iflocation % important since direct -)
- \donefalse
- \ifx\PDFopenpageaction \empty\!!doneafalse\else\donetrue\!!doneatrue\fi
- \ifx\PDFclosepageaction\empty\!!donebfalse\else\donetrue\!!donebtrue\fi
- \ifdone
- \doPDFpageattribute
- {/AA <<\if!!donea/O <<\PDFopenpageaction >> \fi
- \if!!doneb/C <<\PDFclosepageaction>> \fi>>}%
- \fi
- \global\let\PDFopenpageaction \empty
- \global\let\PDFclosepageaction\empty
- \fi}
- \checkPDFpageactions
-\to \everyshipout
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFstartthisislocation}
-%D Next we define the macros that deal with hyperreferencing,
-%D graphic inclusion and general document features. These are
-%D the olderst ones. I won't comment much because one needs
-%D knowledge of \PDF\ itself, and explaning \PDF\ is beyond
-%D this documentation.
- {\bgroup
- \setPDFdestination{#1}%
- %\doifsomething{\PDFdestination}
- % {\doPDFdestination{\PDFdestination}}%
- \ifx\PDFdestination\empty \else
- \doPDFdestination{\PDFdestination}%
- \fi
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFstartgotolocation,
-%D doPDFstartgotorealpage,
-%D doPDFstartgotoJS}
-%D The goto macros use the switch \type{\ifsecondaryreference}
-%D to determine if actions should be linked.
-% \def\preparePDFlocationfile#1#2%
-% {\setreferencefilename#1\to#2%
-% \expanded{\doifnotinstring{.\locationfilesuffix}{#2}}
-% {\edef#2{#2.\locationfilesuffix}}}
-% \def\preparePDFlocationfile#1\to#2%
-% {\setreferencefilename#1\to#2%
-% \expanded{\doifnotinstring{.pdf}{#2}}{\edef#2{#2.pdf}}}
- {\bgroup
- \doifelsenothing{#3}
- {\setPDFdestination{#5}%
- \doifelsenothing\PDFdestination
- {\let\action\empty}
- {\doifelsenothing{#4}
- {\let\PDFfile\empty}
- {\expanded{\beforesplitstring#4}\at.\to\PDFfile
- \doifparentfileelse\PDFfile % {#4}
- {\let\PDFfile\empty}
- %{\setreferencefilename#4.\locationfilesuffix\to\PDFfile
- {\@EA\setreferencefilename\PDFfile.\locationfilesuffix\to\PDFfile
- \edef\PDFfile
- {R /F (\PDFfile)\ifgotonewwindow\space/NewWindow true \fi}}}%
- \edef\action%
- {/S /GoTo\PDFfile\space /D (\PDFdestination)}}}
- {\doifelsenothing{#4}
- {\let\PDFfile\empty
- \let\PDFdestination\empty}
- {\setreferencefilename/#4\to\PDFfile
- \setPDFdestination{#5}%
- \doifsomething\PDFdestination
- {\edef\PDFdestination{\URLhash\PDFdestination}}}%
- \edef\action{/S /URI /URI (#3\PDFfile\PDFdestination)}}%
- \ifx\action\empty\else
- \ifsecondaryreference
- \savesecondaryPDFreference\action
- \else
- \getsecondaryPDFreferences
- \doPDFaction{\PDFswapdir#1}{#2}{\action \secondaryPDFreferences}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \egroup}
-\def\PDFgotonewwindow{\ifgotonewwindow\space/NewWindow true \fi}
-% optimization in tpd driver
-% \edef\PDFdestination{(page:\the\scratchcounter)}%
-% ==>
-% \advance\scratchcounter 1
-% \edef\PDFdestination{[\pdfpageref \PDFobjref\scratchcounter\PDFpageviewwrd]}%
-% \doPDFgetpagedestination#1#2% pagenumber macro % % fuzzy hack
-\def\doPDFstartgotorealpage#1#2#3#4#5% watch the R append trick
- {\bgroup
- \doifelsenothing{#3}% #1 = url
- {\scratchcounter0#5\relax
- \ifnum\scratchcounter>0
- \doifelsenothing{#4}
- {\let\PDFfile\empty}
- {\expanded{\beforesplitstring#4}\at.\to\PDFfile
- \doifparentfileelse\PDFfile % {#4}
- {\let\PDFfile\empty}
- %{\setreferencefilename#4.\locationfilesuffix\to\PDFfile
- {\@EA\setreferencefilename\PDFfile.\locationfilesuffix\to\PDFfile
- \edef\PDFfile{R /F (\PDFfile)\PDFgotonewwindow}}}%
- \ifx\PDFfile\empty
- \ifcase\overcomePDFpage
- \or % pdf starts numbering at zero
- \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
- \edef\PDFdestination{[\the\scratchcounter\space\PDFpageviewwrd]}%
- \or % pdf starts numbering at zero
- \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
- \edef\PDFdestination{(page:\the\scratchcounter)}%
- \or % pdftex starts numbering at one
- \edef\PDFdestination{[\pdfpageref\scratchcounter\space0 R \PDFpageviewwrd]}%
- \fi
- \else % across files it's a page number / pdf starts numbering at zero
- \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
- \edef\PDFdestination{[\the\scratchcounter\space\PDFpageviewwrd]}%
- \fi
- \edef\action{/S /GoTo\PDFfile\space /D \PDFdestination}%
- \else
- \let\action\empty
- \fi}
- {\doifelsenothing{#4}
- {\let\PDFfile\empty}
- {\setreferencefilename/#4\to\PDFfile}%
- \edef\action{/S /URI /URI (#3\PDFfile)}}%
- \ifx\action\empty\else
- \ifsecondaryreference
- \savesecondaryPDFreference\action
- \else
- \getsecondaryPDFreferences
- \doPDFaction{\PDFswapdir#1}{#2}{\action \secondaryPDFreferences}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \egroup}
-\def\fakePDFpagedestination % as in pdf, we start numbering at zero
- {\iflocation \ifarrangingpages \ifnum\overcomePDFpage=\plustwo \else
- \ifnum\lastfakedPDFpage<\realpageno
- \bgroup
- \xdef\lastfakedPDFpage{\realfolio}%
- \advance\realpageno \minusone % is \expanded needed ?
- \expanded{\doPDFdestination{page:\realfolio}}%
- \egroup
- \fi
- \fi \fi \fi}
- \fakePDFpagedestination
-\to \everyshipout
- {\bgroup
- \doPSsanitizeJScode#3\to\sanitizedJScode
- \edef\action
- {/S /JavaScript /JS (\sanitizedJScode)}%
- \ifsecondaryreference
- \savesecondaryPDFreference\action
- \else
- \getsecondaryPDFreferences
- \doPDFaction{\PDFswapdir#1}{#2}{\action \secondaryPDFreferences}%
- \fi
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFstartexecutecommand}
-%D At the cost of much auxiliary placeholders, we can pretty
-%D fast convert the command asked for. This is how the \PDF\
-%D code looks like.
- {/Movie
- /T (\ifcase#1movie \else sound \fi\ifx\argumentA\empty#2\else\argumentA\fi)
- /Operation /\ifcase#3Play\or Stop\or Pause\or Resume\fi\space}
-\def\PDFexecutestartmovie {\PDFmoviecode0\currentmovie0}
-\def\PDFexecutestopmovie {\PDFmoviecode0\currentmovie1}
-\def\PDFexecutepausemovie {\PDFmoviecode0\currentmovie2}
-\def\PDFexecuteresumemovie {\PDFmoviecode0\currentmovie3}
-\def\PDFexecutestartsound {\PDFmoviecode1\currentsound0}
-\def\PDFexecutestopsound {\PDFmoviecode1\currentsound1}
-\def\PDFexecutepausesound {\PDFmoviecode1\currentsound2}
-\def\PDFexecuteresumesound {\PDFmoviecode1\currentsound3}
- {\doFDFiffieldset{#1}{/Field [\doFDFgetfieldset{#1}]}}
-% bit 3 = html
-% bit 6 = xml
-% bit 4 = get
-\ifx\PDFsubmitfiller\undefined \let\PDFsubmitfiller\empty \fi
-\chardef\PDFformmethod=1 % 0=GET 1=POST
-\def\PDFexecuteimportform {/Named /N /AcroForm:ImportFDF}
-\def\PDFexecuteexportform {/Named /N /AcroForm:ExportFDF}
-\def\PDFexecuteresetform {/ResetForm \PDFformcode\argumentA}
-\def\PDFexecutesubmitform {/SubmitForm \PDFformcode\argumentB
- /Flags \ifcase\submitoutputformat\space
- \PDFformflag{12} {4} % 0=unknown
- \or \PDFformflag{12} {4} % 1=HTML
- \or \PDFformflag {8} {0} % 2=FDF
- \or \PDFformflag{40}{32} % 3=XML
- \else \PDFformflag{12} {4} % ?=unknown
- \fi
- /F (\argumentA)\PDFsubmitfiller}
-% urifill permits url substitution
-\def\PDFexecutehide {/Hide /T (\argumentA) /H true}
-\def\PDFexecuteshow {/Hide /T (\argumentA) /H false}
-\def\PDFexecutefirst {/Named /N /FirstPage}
-\def\PDFexecuteprevious {/Named /N /PrevPage}
-\def\PDFexecutenext {/Named /N /NextPage}
-\def\PDFexecutelast {/Named /N /LastPage}
-\def\PDFexecutebackward {/Named /N /GoBack}
-\def\PDFexecuteforward {/Named /N /GoForward}
-\def\PDFexecuteprint {/Named /N /Print}
-\def\PDFexecuteexit {/Named /N /Quit}
-\def\PDFexecuteclose {/Named /N /Close}
-\def\PDFexecutesave {/Named /N /Save}
-\def\PDFexecutesavenamed {/Named /N /SaveAs}
-\def\PDFexecuteopennamed {/Named /N /Open}
-\def\PDFexecutehelp {/Named /N /HelpUserGuide}
-\def\PDFexecutetoggle {/Named /N /FullScreen}
-\def\PDFexecutesearch {/Named /N /Find}
-\def\PDFexecutesearchagain {/Named /N /FindAgain}
-\def\PDFexecutegotopage {/Named /N /GoToPage}
-\def\PDFexecutequery {/Named /N /AcroSrch:Query}
-\def\PDFexecutequeryagain {/Named /N /AcroSrch:NextHit}
-\def\PDFexecutefitwidth {/Named /N /FitWidth}
-\def\PDFexecutefitheight {/Named /N /FitHeight}
-\let\PDFobjectname \empty
- {\doifdefined{PDFexecute#3}
- {\bgroup
- \@EA\dogetcommalistelement\@EA1\@EA\from#4\to\argumentA
- \@EA\dogetcommalistelement\@EA2\@EA\from#4\to\argumentB
- \edef\argument{#4}%
- \edef\action%
- {/S \getvalue{PDFexecute#3}}%
- \ifsecondaryreference
- \savesecondaryPDFreference\action
- \else
- \getsecondaryPDFreferences
-% \ifx\PDFobjectclass\empty
-% \let\next\doPDFaction
-% \else
-% \edef\next{\doPDFactionobject{\PDFobjectclass}{\PDFobjectname}}%
-% \globalletempty\PDFobjectclass
-% \globalletempty\PDFobjectname
-% \fi
-% \next
- \doPDFaction{\PDFswapdir#1}{#2}{\action \secondaryPDFreferences}%
- \fi
- \egroup}}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFstartrunprogram}
-%D Running programs is possible, but is non that portable, and
-%D therefore dangerous.
-\def\doPDFstartrunprogram#1#2#3#4% new: #3 => #3#4
- {\bgroup
- %\edef\string{#3}%
- %\@EA\beforesplitstring\string\at{ }\to\program
- %\@EA\aftersplitstring \string\at{ }\to\parameters
- %\edef\action%
- % {/S /Launch /F (\program) /P (\parameters) /D (.)}%
- \edef\action
- {/S /Launch /F (#3) /P (#4) /D (.)}%
- \ifsecondaryreference
- \savesecondaryPDFreference\action
- \else
- \getsecondaryPDFreferences
- \doPDFaction{\PDFswapdir#1}{#2}{\action \secondaryPDFreferences}%
- \fi
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFstartgotoprofile}
-%D Far from perfect, but nevertheless present, is the profile
-%D handler. We want to misuse article threads for reder
-%D profiles.
-\def\doPDFstartgotoprofile#1#2#3% to be done: file
- {\bgroup
- \setPDFdestination{#3}%
- \doifsomething\PDFdestination
- {\edef\action
- {/S /Thread /D (\PDFdestination)}%
- \ifsecondaryreference
- \savesecondaryPDFreference\action
- \else
- \getsecondaryPDFreferences
- \doPDFaction{\PDFswapdir#1}{#2}{\action \secondaryPDFreferences}%
- \fi}%
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFsetpagetransition}
-%D This array holds a reasonable selection of transitions
-%D (watch out: \type{replace} is not in this list). Most of
-%D the transitions look awful anyway. By the way, \CONTEXT\ is
-%D able to select transitions randomly.
-% some day, when 1.5 is on linux and apple, we will add:
-% \def\pagetransitions
-% {{split,in,vertical},{split,in,horizontal},
-% {split,out,vertical},{split,out,horizontal},
-% {blinds,horizontal},{blinds,vertical},
-% {box,in},{box,out},
-% {wipe,east},{wipe,west},{wipe,north},{wipe,south},
-% dissolve,
-% {glitter,east},{glitter,south},
-% {fly,in,east},{fly,in,west},{fly,in,north},{fly,in,south},
-% {fly,out,east},{fly,out,west},{fly,out,north},{fly,out,south},
-% {push,east},{push,west},{push,north},{push,south},
-% {cover,east},{cover,west},{cover,north},{cover,south},
-% {uncover,east},{uncover,west},{uncover,north},{uncover,south},
-% fade}
- {{split,in,vertical},{split,in,horizontal},
- {split,out,vertical},{split,out,horizontal},
- {blinds,horizontal},{blinds,vertical},
- {box,in},{box,out},
- {wipe,east},{wipe,west},{wipe,north},{wipe,south},
- dissolve,
- {glitter,east},{glitter,south}}
-%D Again, we use macros as placeholders for \PDF\ key||value
-%D pairs.
-\def\PDFpagesplit {/S /Split }
-\def\PDFpageblinds {/S /Blinds }
-\def\PDFpagebox {/S /Box }
-\def\PDFpagewipe {/S /Wipe }
-\def\PDFpagedissolve {/S /Dissolve }
-\def\PDFpageglitter {/S /Glitter }
-\def\PDFpagereplace {/S /R }
-\def\PDFpagefly {/S /Fly } % 1.5
-\def\PDFpagepush {/S /Push } % 1.5
-\def\PDFpagecover {/S /Cover } % 1.5
-\def\PDFpageuncover {/S /Uncover } % 1.5
-\def\PDFpagefade {/S /Fade } % 1.5
-\def\PDFpagehorizontal {/Dm /H }
-\def\PDFpagevertical {/Dm /V }
-\def\PDFpagein {/M /I }
-\def\PDFpageout {/M /O }
-\def\PDFpageeast {/Di 0 }
-\def\PDFpagenorth {/Di 90 }
-\def\PDFpagewest {/Di 180 }
-\def\PDFpagesouth {/Di 270 }
- {\doifdefined{PDFpage#1}
- {\edef\PDFpagetransitions{\PDFpagetransitions\getvalue{PDFpage#1}}}}
- {\let\PDFpagetransitions\empty
- \processcommalist[#1]\dodoPDFsetpagetransition
- \doPDFpageattribute
- %{\ifnum#2>0 /Dur #2 \fi
- {\ifnum0<0#2 /Dur #2 \fi
- \ifx\PDFpagetransitions\empty\else/Trans <<\PDFpagetransitions>>\fi}}
-% \ifx\PDFpagetransitions\empty\else/Trans <</Type /Trans \PDFpagetransitions>>\fi}}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFinsertmov}
-%D Most of the annotations we use here are of type {\em
-%D link}, but here is another one: the {\em movie} annotation.
-%D The driver module must implement \type {setcurrentmovie}.
-%D Great: this will become an obsolete pdf feature; why did we have to
-%D keep up with the bugs ... and by the time acrobat gets better in
-%D handling it have to drop it.
- {\bgroup
- \xdef\currentmovie{\@@DriverImageLabel}%
- \PointsToBigPoints\@@DriverImageWidth \width
- \PointsToBigPoints\@@DriverImageHeight\height
- \let\pdf@@options\empty
- \let\pdf@@actions\empty
- \donefalse
- \expanded{\processallactionsinset[\@@DriverImageOptions]}
- [\v!controls=>\donetrue,
- \v!repeat=>\edef\pdf@@actions{\pdf@@actions /Mode /Repeat },
- \v!preview=>\edef\pdf@@options{\pdf@@options /Poster true }]%
- \edef\pdf@@actions{\pdf@@actions /ShowControls \ifdone true\else false\fi}%
- \doPDFannotation\@@DriverImageWidth\@@DriverImageHeight
- {/Subtype /Movie
- /Border [0 0 0]
- /T (movie \currentmovie)
- /Movie << /F (\@@DriverImageFile) /Aspect [\width\space\height] \pdf@@options >>
- /A << \pdf@@actions >>}%
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFinsertsoundtrack}
-%D In \PDF\ sounds can be embedded like movies.
-\ifx\everygoto\undefined \newtoks\everygoto \fi
- {\bgroup
- \xdef\currentsound{#2}%
- \let\pdf@@actions\empty
- \@EA\processallactionsinset\@EA
- [#3]
- [\v!repeat=>\edef\pdf@@actions{\pdf@@actions /Mode /Repeat }]%
- \collectdriverresource
- %\flushatshipout % since it can be buried in a chained box
- {\doPDFannotation{0pt}{0pt}
- {/Subtype /Movie
- /Border [0 0 0]
- /T (sound \currentsound)
- /Movie <</F (#1)>>%
- \ifx\pdf@@actions\empty\else/A << \pdf@@actions >>\fi}}%
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFattachfile}
- {}
- {0}
- {0 0 R}
- {\bgroup % title width height color symbol file
- \edefconvertedargument\PDFfile{#8}%
- % beware: the symbol may (indirectly) use the file
- % reference when typesetting the object number;
- \presetPDFsymbolappearance{#5}{#6}{#2}{#3}{#4}% sets width/height
- \startPDFsymbolappearance
- \doPDFembedfile\PDFfile{#7}{#8}%
- \doPDFgetembeddedfilereference\PDFfile\PDFobjectreference
- \setFDFlayer\@@DriverAttachmentLayer
- \doPDFannotation{\width}{\totalheight}
- {/Subtype /FileAttachment
- /FS \PDFobjectreference\space
- /Contents (#1)
- \PDFsymbol
- \FDFlayer
- \PDFattributes}%
- \stopPDFsymbolappearance
- \egroup}
-% semi-public
-\def\doPDFembedfile#1#2#3% symbolic name | filename | user name
- {\edefconvertedargument\PDFfile{#1}%
- \doifnotflagged{a:\PDFfile}%
- {\doPDFfilestreamobject{PDFEF}{\PDFfile}{#2}{#3}%
- \doglobal\setflag{a:\PDFfile}}}
- {\edefconvertedargument\PDFfile{#1}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFEF}\PDFfile#2}
- {\edefconvertedargument\PDFfile{#1}%
- \doPDFgetfilestreamreference\PDFfile#2} % == \doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFFS}\PDFfile#2
-\definespecial \doattachfile {\doPDFattachfile}
-% requested by Jens-Uwe Morawski: permits usage of pdftosrc
-% in viewers that don't support attachments:
-% \definesymbol
-% [ObjectNumber]
-% % [object number {\PDFattachmentnumber[xx]}] % named
-% [object number \PDFattachmentnumber] % current
-% \useattachment[test][xx][test.tex]
-% \setupattachments[symbol=ObjectNumber]
-% \attachment[test]
- {\dosingleargument\doPDFattachmentnumber}
- {\iffirstargument
- \doPDFfilestreamidentifier{#1}%
- \else
- \doPDFfilestreamidentifier\PDFfile
- \fi}
-%D \macros
-%D {...}
-%D Rather preliminary. We have to wait till the complete specs
-%D show up. As usual, we cannot really check it (Acrobat 6.0
-%D has a bug that inhibits us to make a test file). Half a day
-%D of testing made clear that trying to control the plugin fails
-%D in most cases (we need plugin specs -). We also miss a feature
-%D to let acrobat wait with proceeding (action processing) till
-%D the media clip is ready.
-% aiff audio/aiff
-% au audio/basic
-% avi video/avi
-% mid audio/midi
-% mov video/quicktime
-% mp3 audio/x-mp3 (mpeg)
-% mp4 audio/mp4
-% mp4 video/mp4
-% mpeg video/mpeg
-% smil application/smil
-% swf application/x-shockwave-flash
-% beware, this is preliminary code, should be improved
-\def\PDFexecutestartrendering {/Rendition /OP 0 \PDFrenderingspecs\argumentA}
-\def\PDFexecutestoprendering {/Rendition /OP 1 \PDFrenderingspecs\argumentA}
-\def\PDFexecutepauserendering {/Rendition /OP 2 \PDFrenderingspecs\argumentA}
-\def\PDFexecuteresumerendering {/Rendition /OP 3 \PDFrenderingspecs\argumentA}
-% todo : sub files
-% \doPDFembedfile{pier-39.png}{pier-39.png}{pier-39.png}%
-% \doPDFgetembeddedfilestreamreference{pier-39.png}\xPDFobjectreference
-% \edef\xxxx{/RF [(pier-39.png) \xPDFobjectreference]}%
-% todo: alternative renderings
-% object_1 -> <</Type /Rendition /S /MR /C << /Type /MediaClip ... >> >>
-% object_2 -> <</Type /Rendition /S /MR /C << /Type /MediaClip ... >> >>
-% rendering -> <</Type /Rendition /S /MS [objref_1 objref_2]>>
-% todo: embedded files (too buggy)
-% \let\PDFattribute\empty
-% % /D \PDFobjectreference
-% % test one, no error, but ignored
-% \doifinset\v!file{#4}
-% {\doPDFembedfile{#3}{#3}{#3}%
-% \doPDFgetembeddedfilestreamreference{#3}\PDFobjectreference
-% \edef\PDFattribute{/EF \PDFobjectreference}}%
-% % official, does not work either
-% \doifinset\v!file{#4}
-% {\doPDFembedfile{#3}{#3}{#3}%
-% \doPDFgetembeddedfilereference{#3}\PDFobjectreference}
-% % do we play the game as follows
-\definespecial\doinsertrendering#1#2#3#4% tag mime file options
- {\ifundefined{PDFMR:#1}%
- \doifinstringelse{://}{#3}\donetrue\donefalse % evt url as keyword
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{PDFMF}{#1}
- {/Type /Rendition
- /S /MR
- % does not work: /SP << /Type /MediaScreenParam /BE << /B [1 0 0] /O 0.5 >> >>
- /C << /Type /MediaClip
- /S /MCD
- /N (#1)
- /Alt [() (file not found)] % language id + message
- /D << /Type /Filespec
- /F (#3)
- \ifdone/FS /URL\fi >>
- /CT (#2) >>}%
- % common code
- \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{PDFMS}{#1}
- {\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFMS}{#1}\PDFobjectreferenceB}
- {\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFMU}{#1}\PDFobjectreferenceB}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFMF}{#1}\PDFobjectreferenceA
- \setxvalue{PDFMR:#1}% needed /AA actions in /Screen
- {/R \PDFobjectreferenceA
- /AN \PDFobjectreferenceB}%
- \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{PDFMS}{#1}\donothing
- {\dodoinsertrenderingwindow{PDFMU}{#1}\zeropoint\zeropoint{#4}}%
- \fi}
-\definespecial\doinsertrenderingobject#1#2#3#4% tag class objectname options
- {\ifundefined{PDFMR:#1}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{#2}{#3}\PDFobjectreference
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{PDFMF}{#1}
- {/Type /Rendition
- /S /MR
- /C << /Type /MediaClip
- /S /MCD
- /N (#1)
- /D \PDFobjectreference>>}%
- % common code
- \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{PDFMS}{#1}
- {\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFMS}{#1}\PDFobjectreferenceB}
- {\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFMU}{#1}\PDFobjectreferenceB}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFMF}{#1}\PDFobjectreferenceA
- \setxvalue{PDFMR:#1}% needed /AA actions in /Screen
- {/R \PDFobjectreferenceA
- /AN \PDFobjectreferenceB}%
- \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{PDFMS}{#1}\donothing
- {\dodoinsertrenderingwindow{PDFMU}{#1}\zeropoint\zeropoint{#4}}%
- \fi}
- {\dodoinsertrenderingwindow{PDFMS}}
- {\vbox to #4 \bgroup
- \checkPDFscreenactions{#2}{#5}%
- \doPDFgetobjectpagereference{PDFMF}{#2}\PDFobjectreferenceA
- \doPDFgetobjectreference {PDFMF}{#2}\PDFobjectreferenceB
- \vss
- \hbox to #3 \bgroup
- \doPDFannotationobject{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
- {/Subtype /Screen
- /P \PDFobjectreferenceA
- /A \PDFobjectreferenceB
- \PDFattributes
- /Border [0 0 0]}%
- \hss
- \egroup
- \egroup}
-\global\let\PDFrenderingopenpageaction \empty
- {\let\PDFattributes\empty
- \iflocation % important since direct -)
- % the action can either (already) be set by the window handler
- % or (normally when no window [i.e a zero dimensions one] is present) by keyword
- \doifinset\v!auto{#2}
- {% brrr, here instead of in navigation module, must move and become special
- % now two sided dependency
- \let\checkrendering\gobbleoneargument
- \ifx\PDFrenderingopenpageaction \empty
- \handlereferenceactions{\v!StartRendering{#1}}\dosetuprenderingopenpageaction
- \fi
- \ifx\PDFrenderingclosepageaction\empty
- \handlereferenceactions{\v!StopRendering {#1}}\dosetuprenderingclosepageaction
- \fi
- }%
- \donefalse
- \ifx\PDFrenderingopenpageaction \empty\!!doneafalse\else\donetrue\!!doneatrue\fi
- \ifx\PDFrenderingclosepageaction\empty\!!donebfalse\else\donetrue\!!donebtrue\fi
- \ifdone
- \edef\PDFattributes
- {/AA <<\if!!donea/PO <<\PDFrenderingopenpageaction >> \fi
- \if!!doneb/PC <<\PDFrenderingclosepageaction>> \fi>>}%
- \fi
- \global\let\PDFrenderingopenpageaction \empty
- \global\let\PDFrenderingclosepageaction\empty
- \fi}
-\definespecial\dosetuprenderingopenpageaction {\global\let\PDFrenderingopenpageaction \lastPDFaction}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFinsertbookmark}
-%D Well, here is the dreadfull bookmark, rather useless because
-%D only standard encoding is possible, no typography is done,
-%D and a maximum of 32~characters is advized.
-\def\doPDFinsertbookmark#1#2#3#4#5% level sublevels text page open=1
- {\bgroup
- % todo, unicode
- \sanitizePDFdocencoding#3\to\bookmarktext % uses scratchcounter
- \stripstring\bookmarktext
- %\sanitizePDFstring#3\to\bookmarktext
- \doPDFbookmark{#1}{#2}{\bookmarktext}{#4}{#5}%
- \egroup}
-%D The next section of this module is dedicated to form
-%D support. These macros are complicated by the fact that
-%D cloning is possible.
-%D \macros
-%D {FDFflag...,FDFplus...}
-%D The \type{/FT} key determines the type of field: text,
-%D button or choice. The latter two come in several disguises,
-%D which are set by flipping bits in the \type{/Ff}. Other bits
-%D are used to set states. Personally I hate this bitty way of
-%D doing things. The next six bit determine the field sub type:
-\def\FDFflagMultiLine {4096} % 13
-\def\FDFflagNoToggleToOff {16384} % 15
-\def\FDFflagRadio {32768} % 16
-\def\FDFflagPushButton {65536} % 17
-\def\FDFflagPopUp {131072} % 18
-\def\FDFflagEdit {262144} % 19
-% bugged anyway, so we need to drop it:
-\def\FDFflagRadiosInUnison {33554432} % 26
-%D A few more (pdf 1.4) flags, what the spell check one: for
-%D obscure reasons for Adobe downward compatibility means
-%D enabling features that harm old applications like testing.
-\def\FDFflagDoNotSpellCheck {4194304} % 23
-\def\FDFflagDoNotScroll {8388608} % 24
-%D The next bits (watch how strange the bits are organized)
-%D take care of the states:
-\def\FDFflagReadOnly {1} % 1
-\def\FDFflagRequired {2} % 2
-\def\FDFflagNoExport {4} % 3
-\def\FDFflagPassword {8192} % 14
-\def\FDFflagSort {524288} % 20
-\def\FDFflagFileSelect {1048576} % 21
-%D There is a second, again bitset oriented, \type{/F} flag:
-\def\FDFplusInvisible {1} % 1
-\def\FDFplusHidden {2} % 2
-\def\FDFplusPrintable {4} % 3
-%def\FDFplusNoView {32} % 6
-%def\FDFplusToggleNoView {256} % 9
-\def\FDFplusAutoView {256} % {288} % 6+9
-%D \macros
-%D {setFDFswitches}
-%D The non||type bits are mapped onto user||interface
-%D swithes, to be used later on:
-\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!readonly}=\FDFflagReadOnly
-\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!required}=\FDFflagRequired
-\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!protected}=\FDFflagPassword
-\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!sorted}=\FDFflagSort
-\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!unavailable}=\FDFflagNoExport
-\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!nocheck}=\FDFflagDoNotSpellCheck
-\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!fixed}=\FDFflagDoNotScroll
-\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!file}=\FDFflagFileSelect
-\letvalue {\@@FDFplus\v!hidden}=\FDFplusHidden
-\letvalue {\@@FDFplus\v!printable}=\FDFplusPrintable
-\letvalue {\@@FDFplus\v!auto}=\FDFplusAutoView
-%D A set of switches is collected into the flags we mentioned
-%D before by the next macro (we don't handle negations yet,
-%D but do take care of redundancy):
- {\bgroup
- \!!counta\zerocount
- \!!countb\zerocount
- \def\docommand##1%
- {\doifsomething{##1}
- {\advance\!!counta 0\getvalue{\@@FDFflag##1}%
- \setvalue{\@@FDFflag##1}{0}%
- \advance\!!countb 0\getvalue{\@@FDFplus##1}%
- \setvalue{\@@FDFplus##1}{0}}}%
- \processcommacommand[#1]\docommand
- \xdef\FDFflag{\the\!!counta}%
- \xdef\FDFplus{\the\!!countb}%
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {setFDFvalues}
-%D Menu items are passed as an array of \type{(string)}'s and
-%D the content of this array is build with:
-\let\FDFvalues \empty
-\let\FDFfirstvalues \empty
-\let\FDFkidlist \empty
-% Why do we need to tweak this mechanism each time acrobat updates ...
-% it would make sense to have version specific sections in pdf files
-% since my guess is that it never will be done right since each year
-% new programmers have new ideas about what is supposed to happen with
-% kids. So .. best is not to trust this feature esp not for radio
-% widgets. (new flags, different interpretation of AS etc etc)
-\def\setFDFvalues[#1][#2]% #1 = list (item=>value) #2 = default
- {\let\FDFvalues \empty
- %when radio opt works ok
- %\let\FDFfirstvalues \empty
- %\let\FDFsecondvalues\empty
- \let\FDFkidlist \empty
- %\let\FDFdefaultindex\!!zerocount
- %\let\FDFdefaultvalue\empty
- %\scratchcounter\zerocount
- \def\dodocommand##1=>##2=>##3\end
- {\addtocommalist{##1}\FDFkidlist
- %\edef\FDFfirstvalues{\FDFfirstvalues(##1)}%
- %\doif{##1}{#2}{\edef\FDFdefaultindex{\the\scratchcounter}}%
- %\advance\scratchcounter\plusone
- \doifelsenothing{##2}
- {\doif{##1}{#2}{\edef\FDFdefaultvalue{##1}}%
- %\edef\FDFsecondvalues{\FDFsecondvalues(##1)}%
- \edef\FDFvalues{\FDFvalues [(##1)(##1)] }}
- {\doif{##1}{#2}{\edef\FDFdefaultvalue{##2}}%
- %\edef\FDFsecondvalues{\FDFsecondvalues(##2)}%
- \edef\FDFvalues{\FDFvalues [(##2)(##1)] }}}% ! ##1 is shown
- \def\docommand##1%
- {\dodocommand##1=>=>\end}%
- \expanded{\processcommalist[#1]}\docommand}
-%D This macro accepts comma separated \type{visual=>result}
-%D pairs.
-%D \macros
-%D {setFDFalignment}
-%D Text and line fields can be entered and showed in three
-%D alternative alingments, indicated by a digit:
- {\processaction
- [#1]
- [ \v!left=>\edef\FDFalign{2}, % raggedleft
- \v!middle=>\edef\FDFalign{1}, % raggedcenter
- \v!right=>\edef\FDFalign{0}]} % raggedright
-%D \macros
-%D {setFDFattributes}
-%D The weak part of (at least version 2.1 \PDF) is that only
-%D default fonts are handled well. Another restriction is that
-%D the encoding vector must be the standard \PDF\ document one.
-%D Although the \PDF\ reference explictly states that one could
-%D use the normal text operators, leading is not yet handled.
-%D For the moment the current \CONTEXT\ font is mapped onto
-%D one best suitable default font. The color attribute is
-%D less problematic and is directly derived from the \CONTEXT\
-%D color.
-\def\FDFattributes{/Helv 12 Tf 0 g 14.4 TL}
-\def\FDFrm {TiRo} \def\FDFss {Helv} \def\FDFtt {Cour}
-\def\FDFrmtf{TiRo} \def\FDFsstf{Helv} \def\FDFtttf{Cour}
-\def\FDFrmbf{TiBo} \def\FDFssbf{HeBo} \def\FDFttbf{CoBo}
-\def\FDFrmit{TiIt} \def\FDFssit{HeOb} \def\FDFttit{CoOb}
-\def\FDFrmsl{TiIt} \def\FDFsssl{HeOb} \def\FDFttsl{CoOb}
-\def\FDFrmbi{TiBI} \def\FDFssbi{HeBO} \def\FDFttbi{CoBO}
-\def\FDFrmbs{TiBI} \def\FDFssbs{HeBO} \def\FDFttbs{CoBO}
-\def\setFDFattributes[#1,#2,#3,#4]% style, color, backgroundcolor, framecolor
- {\bgroup % nog interlinie: n TL
- \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
- \bgroup
- \doconvertfont{#1}{}%
- \PointsToBigPoints\bodyfontsize\size % x/xx, so better the actual size
- \doifdefinedelse{FDF\fontstyle\fontalternative}
- {\xdef\FDFattributes{\getvalue{FDF\fontstyle\fontalternative}}}
- {\doifdefinedelse{FDF\fontstyle}
- {\xdef\FDFattributes{\getvalue{FDF\fontstyle}}}
- {\xdef\FDFattributes{\FDFrm}}}%
- \doglobal\addtocommalist\FDFattributes\FDFusedfonts
- \xdef\FDFattributes% move up with "x.y Ts"
- {/\FDFattributes\space\size\space Tf\space\PDFcolor{#2}}%
- \doifelsenothing{#3}
- {\global\let\FDFsurroundings\empty}
- {\xdef\FDFsurroundings{/BG \FDFcolor{#3}}}%
- \doifsomething{#4}
- {\xdef\FDFsurroundings{\FDFsurroundings\space /BC \FDFcolor{#4}}}%
- \ifx\FDFsurroundings\empty \else
- \xdef\FDFsurroundings{/MK << \FDFsurroundings\space>>}%
- \fi
- \egroup
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {setFDFactions}
-%D Depending on the type of the field, one can assign
-%D \JAVASCRIPT\ code to a mouse event or keystroke. The next
-%D preparation macro shows what events are handled.
-% {\global\let\FDFactions\empty
-% \setFDFaction D#1% mousedown
-% \setFDFaction U#2% mouseup
-% \setFDFaction E#3% enterregion
-% \setFDFaction X#4% exitregion
-% \setFDFaction K#5% afterkeystroke
-% \setFDFaction F#6% formatresult
-% \setFDFaction V#7% validateresult
-% \setFDFaction C#8% calculatewhatever
-% \ifx\FDFactions\empty\else
-% \xdef\FDFactions{/AA << \FDFactions >>}% since 1.3 no longer inherited
-% \fi}
-%% {\setFDFaction A#2}% mouseup % changed for version 5
-% \def\setFDFactions[#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7,#8,%
-% {\global\let\FDFactions\empty
-% \setFDFaction D#1% mousedown
-% %\setFDFaction U#2% mouseup
-% \setFDFaction E#3% enterregion
-% \setFDFaction X#4% exitregion
-% \setFDFaction K#5% afterkeystroke
-% \setFDFaction F#6% formatresult
-% \setFDFaction V#7% validateresult
-% \setFDFaction C#8% calculatewhatever
-% \setFDFactionsmore#2,}
-% \def\setFDFactionsmore#1,#2,#3]%
-% {\setFDFaction{Fo}#2% focusin
-% \setFDFaction{Bl}#3% focusout % was I (now pdf ref manual explicitly talks about lowercase l)
-% \ifx\FDFactions\empty\else
-% \xdef\FDFactions{/AA << \FDFactions >>}% since 1.3 no longer inherited
-% \fi
-% \setFDFaction A#1}% mouseup
- {\global\let\FDFactions\empty
- \setFDFaction D#1% mousedown
- \setFDFaction U#2% mouseup
- \setFDFaction E#3% enterregion
- \setFDFaction X#4% exitregion
- \setFDFaction K#5% afterkeystroke
- \setFDFaction F#6% formatresult
- \setFDFaction V#7% validateresult
- \setFDFaction C#8% calculatewhatever
- \setFDFactionsmore}
- {\setFDFaction{Fo}#1% focusin
- \setFDFaction{Bl}#2% focusout % was I (now pdf ref manual explicitly talks about lowercase l)
- \ifx\FDFactions\empty\else
- \xdef\FDFactions{/AA << \FDFactions >>}% since 1.3 no longer inherited
- \fi}
-% todo, when new var scheme is implemented
-% \setFDFaction{PO}\@@DriverFieldPageOpen
-% \setFDFaction{PC}\@@DriverFieldPageClose
-% \setFDFaction{PV}\@@DriverFieldPageVisible
-% \setFDFaction{PI}\@@DriverFieldPageInVisible
-%D The event handler becomes something:
-%D \starttyping
-%D /AA << /D << /S ... >> ... /C << /S ... >>
-%D /A << /S /JavaScript /JS (...) >>
-%D \stoptyping
-% \def\setFDFaction#1#2%
-% {\bgroup
-% \global\let\sanitizedJScode\empty
-% \def\setFDFaction##1%
-% {\doifreferencefoundelse{##1}
-% {\doifelse{\currentreferencespecial}{JS} % filter non-js
-% {\presetJScode
-% \currentreferenceoperation
-% \currentreferencearguments
-% \doPSsanitizeJScode\JScode\to\JScode
-% \xdef\sanitizedJScode{\sanitizedJScode\space\JScode}}
-% {\illegalreference{##1}}}
-% {\unknownreference{##1}}}%
-% \@EA\processcommalist\@EA[#2]\setFDFaction % one level expansion
-% \ifx\sanitizedJScode\empty \else
-% \xdef\FDFactions%
-% {\FDFactions /#1 << /S /JavaScript /JS (\sanitizedJScode) >> }%
-% \fi
-% \egroup}
-% acrobat 5 supports other that JS actions too
- {\bgroup
- \def\docommand{\xdef\FDFactions{\FDFactions /#1 << \lastPDFaction >> }}%
- \@EA\handlereferenceactions\@EA{#2}\docommand % one level expansion
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {testFDFactions}
-%D This rather confusion prone series of script can be tested
-%D with:
-%D \starttyping
-%D \testFDFactions
-%D \stoptyping
-%D which simply redefined the previous macro to one that prints
-%D a message to the console.
- {\def\setFDFaction##1##2%
- {\doPSsanitizeJScode;console.println("executing:##1"); \to\sanitizedJScode
- \edef\FDFactions{\FDFactions /##1 << /S /JavaScript /JS (\sanitizedJScode) >> }}}
-%D \macros
-%D {doFDFregistercalculationset}
-%D There is at most one calculation order list, which defines
-%D the order in which fields are calculated.
- {\def\PDFcalculationset{#1}}
-%D \macros
-%D {registerFDFobject,everylastshipout}
-%D Officially one needs to embed some general datastructures
-%D that tell the viewer what fields are present in the file, as
-%D well as what resources they use. The next mechanism does that
-%D job automatically when one registers the field.
- {\ifbuildFDFdictionary
- \ifx\FDFcollection\empty\else
- \ifbuildFDFencodingvector
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{local:encodingvector}{\FDFencodingvector}%
- \fi
- \defineFDFfonts
- \doPDFarrayobject{FDF}{local:fields}{\FDFcollection}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{local:fields}\PDFobjectreference
- % The /NeedAppearances is pretty important because
- % otherwise Acrobat 5 blows up on cloned radio widgets
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{local:acroform}
- {/Fields \PDFobjectreference\space
- /NeedAppearances true
- \doFDFiffieldset\PDFcalculationset{/CO [\doFDFgetfieldset\PDFcalculationset]}
- /DR << /Font << \FDFfonts >> >>
- /DA (/Helv 10 Tf 0 g)}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{local:acroform}\PDFobjectreference
- \doPDFaddtocatalog
- {/AcroForm \PDFobjectreference}%
- \global\let\FDFcollection\empty
- \global\let\flushFDFnames\relax
- \fi
- \fi}
- {\ifbuildFDFdictionary
- \ifx\flushFDFnames\relax
- \writestatus{FDF}{second run needed for field list (#1)}%
- \fi
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{#1}\PDFobjectreference
- \xdef\FDFcollection{\FDFcollection\space\PDFobjectreference}%
- \fi}
-\appendtoksonce \flushFDFnames \to \everylastshipout % test \everybye / was \prependtoksonce
-%D \macros
-%D {defineFDFfonts,
-%D ifbuildFDFdictionary,
-%D ifbuildFDFencodingvector}
-%D Another datastruture concerns the fonts used. We only
-%D define the fonts we use.
-\newif\ifbuildFDFdictionary \buildFDFdictionarytrue
-\newif\ifbuildFDFencodingvector \buildFDFencodingvectortrue
- {\let\FDFfonts\empty
- \processcommacommand[\FDFusedfonts]\defineFDFfont}
- {\ifbuildFDFencodingvector
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{local:encodingvector}\PDFobjectreference
- \fi
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{local:#1}
- {/Type /Font
- /Subtype /Type1
- /Name /#1
- \ifbuildFDFencodingvector /Encoding \PDFobjectreference\space\fi
- /BaseFont /\getvalue{FDFname#1}}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{local:#1}\PDFobjectreference
- \edef\FDFfonts{\FDFfonts \space/#1 \PDFobjectreference}}
-%D Another list of constants:
-\def\FDFnameTiRo {Times-Roman}
-\def\FDFnameTiBo {Times-Bold}
-\def\FDFnameTiIt {Times-Italic}
-\def\FDFnameTiBI {Times-BoldItalic}
-\def\FDFnameHelv {Helvetica}
-\def\FDFnameHeBo {Helvetica-Bold}
-\def\FDFnameHeOb {Helvetica-Oblique}
-\def\FDFnameHeBO {Helvetica-BoldOblique}
-\def\FDFnameCour {Courier}
-\def\FDFnameCoBo {Courier-Bold}
-\def\FDFnameCoOb {Courier-Oblique}
-\def\FDFnameCoBO {Courier-BoldOblique}
-%D And a big one: (should be run time loaded (spec-run or
-%D so)).
- {/Type /Encoding
- /Differences
- [ 24 /breve /caron /circumflex /dotaccent /hungarumlaut /ogonek
- /ring /tilde
- 39 /quotesingle
- 96 /grave
- 128 /bullet /dagger /daggerdbl /ellipsis /emdash /endash /florin
- /fraction /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /minus /perthousand
- /quotedblbase /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quoteleft
- /quoteright /quotesinglbase /trademark /fi /fl /Lslash /OE
- /Scaron /Ydieresis /Zcaron /dotlessi /lslash /oe /scaron
- /zcaron
- 164 /currency
- 166 /brokenbar
- 168 /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine
- 172 /logicalnot /.notdef /registered /macron /degree /plusminus
- /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu
- 183 /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine
- 188 /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters 192 /Agrave /Aacute
- /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave
- /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex
- /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde
- /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex
- /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute
- /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave
- /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex
- /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde
- /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex
- /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis ]}
-%D \macros
-%D {currentFDFmode,currentFDFparent,currentFDFkids,currenrFDFroot}
-%D There are three more quasi global interfacing variables
-%D that need to be set.
-\let\currentFDFmode =\fieldlonermode
-\let\currentFDFkids =\empty
-\let\currentFDFroot =\empty
-%D \macros
-%D {dosetfieldstatus}
-%D And here comes the special that deals with them.
- {\chardef\currentFDFmode #1%
- \edef\currentFDFparent {#2}%
- \edef\currentFDFkids {#3}%
- \edef\currentFDFroot {#4}}
-%D \macros
-%D {dosetuppageview}
-%D Because this command will seldom be called, we can permit
-%D slow action processing. We need three settings, one for
-%D direct \PDF\ inclusion, the other as \PDFTEX\ keyword, an
-%D a last one for form. All determine in what way the
-%D screen is adapted when going to a destination. Watch the
-%D space.
-\def\PDFpageview {/View [\PDFpageviewwrd] }
-\def\PDFpagexyzspec{0 0 0} % hack, pdftex does handle this
-\def\dosetuppageview#1% watch the v-h swapping here
- {\processaction
- [#1]
- [ \v!fit=>\def\PDFpageviewkey {fit}\def\PDFpageviewwrd{/Fit},
- \v!width=>\def\PDFpageviewkey {fith}\def\PDFpageviewwrd{/FitH},
- \v!height=>\def\PDFpageviewkey {fitv}\def\PDFpageviewwrd{/FitV},
- \v!minwidth=>\def\PDFpageviewkey{fitbh}\def\PDFpageviewwrd{/FitBH},
- \v!minheight=>\def\PDFpageviewkey{fitbv}\def\PDFpageviewwrd{/FitBV},
- \v!standard=>\def\PDFpageviewkey{xyz \PDFpagexyzspec}\def\PDFpageviewwrd{/XYZ \PDFpagexyzspec},
- \s!unknown=>\def\PDFpageviewkey {fit}\def\PDFpageviewwrd{/Fit}]%
- \edef\PDFpageview{/View [\PDFpageviewwrd]}}
-%D \macros
-%D {setFDFkids}
-%D Clones as well as radiofields (which themselves can have
-%D cloned components) need a list of kids. The next macro
-%D builds one.
-\def\setFDFkids[#1][#2]% tag commalist
- {\let\FDFkids\empty
- \def\docommand##1%
- {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{#1##1}\PDFobjectreference
- \edef\FDFkids{\FDFkids\PDFobjectreference\space}}%
- \@EA\processcommalist\@EA[#2]\docommand
- \ifx\FDFkids\empty\else\edef\FDFkids{/Kids [\FDFkids]}\fi
-% \edef\FDFkids{/Kids [\FDFkids]}%
- }
-%D \macros
-%D {doFDFpresetlinefield,doFDFpresettextfield,
-%D doFDFpresetchoicefield,doFDFpresetpopupfield,doFDFpresetcombofield,
-%D doFDFpresetpushfield,doFDFpresetcheckfield,
-%D doFDFpresetfield,doFDFpresetradiorecord}
-%D I would say: read the \PDF\ reference manual first and see
-%D what happens here next. Lucky us that they have so much in
-%D common.
- {\bgroup
- \setFDFlayer\@@DriverFieldLayer
- \setFDFswitches[#7]%
- \setFDFattributes[#6]%
- \setFDFalignment[#8]%
- \setFDFactions[#9]%
- \expanded{\escapePSstring#4}\to\FDFtext
- \ifcase\currentFDFmode
- \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{#1}{#2}{#3}
- {/Subtype /Widget /T (#1) /FT /Tx
- /MaxLen \ifcase0#5 1000 \else#5 \fi
- %/DV (#4) /V (#4) % value added
- /DV (\FDFtext) /V (\FDFtext) % value added
- /Ff \FDFflag\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- /DA (\FDFattributes)
- \FDFlayer\space
- \FDFsurroundings\space
- /Q \FDFalign\space
- \FDFactions}%
- \registerFDFobject{#1}%
- \or
- \setFDFkids[kids:][\currentFDFkids]%
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{#1}
- {/T (#1) /FT /Tx
- /MaxLen \ifcase0#5 1000 \else#5 \fi
- \FDFkids\space
- %/DV (#4) /V (#4) % value added
- /DV (\FDFtext) /V (\FDFtext) % value added
- /Ff \FDFflag\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- /DA (\FDFattributes)
- \FDFlayer\space
- \FDFsurroundings\space
- /Q \FDFalign\space
- \FDFactions}%
- \registerFDFobject{#1}%
- \or
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
- %\global\objectreferencingtrue
- \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
- {/Subtype /Widget
- /Parent \PDFobjectreference
- /Ff \FDFflag\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- /DA (\FDFattributes)
- \FDFlayer\space
- \FDFsurroundings\space
- /Q \FDFalign\space
- \FDFactions}%
- \or
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
- %\global\objectreferencingtrue
- \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
- {/Subtype /Widget
- /Parent \PDFobjectreference
- /F \FDFplus
- \FDFactions}%
- \fi
- \egroup}
- {\doFDFpresetlinefield{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{MultiLine,#7}{#8}{#9}}
- {\bgroup
- \setFDFlayer\@@DriverFieldLayer
- \setFDFswitches[#6]%
- \setFDFattributes[#5]%
- \setFDFvalues[#7][#4]%
- \setFDFactions[#8]%
- \ifcase\currentFDFmode
- \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{#1}{#2}{#3}
- {/Subtype /Widget
- /T (#1) /FT /Ch
- /DV (#4) /V (#4)
- /Ff \FDFflag\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- /DA (\FDFattributes)
- \FDFlayer\space
- \FDFsurroundings\space
- /Opt [\FDFvalues]
- \FDFactions}%
- \registerFDFobject{#1}%
- \or
- \setFDFkids[kids:][\currentFDFkids]%
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{#1}
- {/T (#1) /FT /Ch
- \FDFkids\space
- /DV (#4) /V (#4)
- /Ff \FDFflag\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- /DA (\FDFattributes)
- \FDFlayer\space
- \FDFsurroundings\space
- /Opt [\FDFvalues]
- \FDFactions}%
- \registerFDFobject{#1}%
- \or
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
- %\global\objectreferencingtrue
- \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
- {/Subtype /Widget
- /Parent \PDFobjectreference
- /Ff \FDFflag\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- /DA (\FDFattributes)
- \FDFlayer\space
- \FDFsurroundings\space
- \FDFactions}%
- \or
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
- %\global\objectreferencingtrue
- \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
- {/Subtype /Widget
- /Parent \PDFobjectreference
- /F \FDFplus
- \FDFactions}%
- \fi
- \egroup}
- {\doFDFpresetchoicefield{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{PopUp,#6}{#7}{#8}}
- {\doFDFpresetchoicefield{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{PopUp,Edit,#6}{#7}{#8}}
-\def\doFDFpresetpushcheckfield#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% in acro<5 (\FDFdefault)
- {\bgroup % in acro>5 /\FDFdefault
- \setFDFlayer\@@DriverFieldLayer
- \ifcase#8\relax\FDFvaluesfalse\else\FDFvaluestrue\fi
- \setFDFswitches[#5]%
- \setFDFactions[#7]%
- \doifelse{#4}{1}
- {\def\FDFdefault{On}}
- {\def\FDFdefault{Off}}%
- \ifcase\currentFDFmode
- \doFDFappearance{On}{#6}{#8}%
- \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{#1}{#2}{#3}
- {/Subtype /Widget /T (#1) /FT /Btn
- \ifFDFvalues
- /DV /\FDFdefault\space
- /V /\FDFdefault\space
- /AS /\FDFdefault\space
- \fi
- \FDFlayer
- /Ff \FDFflag\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- \FDFlayer\space
- \FDFappearance\space
-% /IF << /SW /N >> % strange, only works for stupid buttons
- \FDFactions}%
- \registerFDFobject{#1}%
- \or % no appearance and layer ?
- \setFDFkids[kids:][\currentFDFkids]%
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{#1}
- {/T (#1) /FT /Btn
- \FDFkids\space
- \ifFDFvalues
- /DV /\FDFdefault\space
- /V /\FDFdefault\space
- /AS /\FDFdefault\space
- \fi
- /Ff \FDFflag\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- \FDFactions}%
- \registerFDFobject{#1}%
- \or
- \doFDFappearance{On}{#6}{#8}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
- %\global\objectreferencingtrue
- \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
- {/Subtype /Widget
- /Parent \PDFobjectreference\space
- \ifFDFvalues
- /DV /\FDFdefault\space
- /V /\FDFdefault\space
- /AS /\FDFdefault\space
- \fi
- /Ff \FDFflag\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- \FDFlayer\space
- \FDFappearance\space
- \FDFactions}%
- \or
- \doFDFappearance{On}{#6}{#8}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
- %\global\objectreferencingtrue
- \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
- {/Subtype /Widget
- /Parent \PDFobjectreference\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- \ifFDFvalues
- /DV /\FDFdefault\space
- /V /\FDFdefault\space
- /AS /\FDFdefault\space
- \fi
- \FDFlayer\space
- \FDFappearance
- \FDFactions}%
- \fi
- \egroup}
- {\doFDFpresetpushcheckfield{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{PushButton,#5}{#6}{#7}{0}}
- {\doFDFpresetpushcheckfield{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{1}}
- {\bgroup
- \setFDFlayer\@@DriverFieldLayer
- \FDFvaluestrue
- \setFDFswitches[#5]%
- \setFDFactions[#8]%
- \doifelsenothing{#4}
- {\def\FDFdefault{Off}}
- {\def\FDFdefault{#4}}%
- \@EA\aftersplitstring\FDFdefault\at=>\to\FDFdefaultvalue
- \ifx\FDFdefaultvalue\empty\else\let\FDFdefault\FDFdefaultvalue\fi
- \ifcase\currentFDFmode
- \doFDFappearance{#1}{#7}{1}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{#6}\PDFobjectreference
- \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{#1}{#2}{#3}
- {/Subtype /Widget
- /Parent \PDFobjectreference\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- /AS /\FDFdefault\space
- \FDFlayer\space
- \FDFappearance\space
- \FDFactions}%
- \registerFDFobject{#1}%
- \or
- \setFDFkids[kids:][\currentFDFkids]%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{#6}\PDFobjectreference
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{#1}
- {/Parent \PDFobjectreference\space
- \FDFkids\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- \FDFactions}%
- \registerFDFobject{#1}%
- \or
- %\doFDFappearance{#1}{#7}{1}%
- \doFDFappearance{\currentFDFparent}{#7}{1}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
- %\global\objectreferencingtrue % nb
- \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
- {/Subtype /Widget
- /Parent \PDFobjectreference\space
- /AS /\FDFdefault\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- \FDFlayer\space
- \FDFappearance\space
- \FDFactions}%
- \or
- %\doFDFappearance{#1}{#7}{1}%
- \doFDFappearance{\currentFDFparent}{#7}{1}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
- %\global\objectreferencingtrue
- \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
- {/Subtype /Widget
- /Parent \PDFobjectreference\space
- /AS /\FDFdefault\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- \FDFlayer\space
- \FDFappearance\space
- \FDFactions}%
- \fi
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {setFDFstrings}
-%D This one creates a string array.
-% {\let\FDFstrings\empty
-% \def\docommand##1{\edef\FDFstrings{\FDFstrings(##1)}}%
-% \processcommacommand[#1]\docommand}
-% Beware, RadiosInUnison is really needed in the pre 1.5/6 time this
-% was the default but out of a sudden it's no longer the case. Also
-% the NoToggleToOff interferes with kids of kids and both it will
-% break older documents, i.e. so much for pdf as standard. With
-% features like widgets we can probably best wait till adobe tools
-% themselves support it because that's probably the moment that
-% functionality gets frozen/becomes definitive. Actually, acrobat
-% flattens the kids tree, so that's yet another situation. The
-% interesting thing is that it worked ok in acrobat 2/3 but got bugged
-% in later versions. [The rationale is in html compatibility, which
-% seems to be more important than compatibility of documents, which in
-% turn renders acrobat useless for forms.] Anyway, synchronization is
-% broken or not depending on the combination pdfversion/acrobatversion.
- {\bgroup
- % < pdf 1.5 (1.5 was broken)
- % \setFDFswitches[Radio,NoToggleToOff,RadiosInUnison,#3]%
- % > pdf 1.5
- \setFDFswitches[Radio,RadiosInUnison,#3]%
- % older, else fatal error
- % \setFDFkids[#4][]%
- % newer
- \setFDFvalues[#4][#2]% inits kidlist
- \expanded{\setFDFkids[][\FDFkidlist]}%
- %
- \setFDFactions[#5]%
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{#1}
- {%/Subtype /Widget
- /FT /Btn /T (#1) /Rect [0 0 0 0]
- % used to be this
- % /V (#2)
- % then this
- % /DV (#2)
- % since this bomded in 5
- % /V (#2)
- % and now finally this works
- /H /N
- % /opt is buggy in 5.05, only works once, sigh
- %\ifx\FDFfirstvalues\FDFsecondvalues
- /V /#2
- %\else
- % /V /\FDFdefaultindex\space
- % /Opt [\FDFsecondvalues]
- %\fi
- /Ff \FDFflag\space
- /F \FDFplus\space
- \FDFkids\space
- \FDFactions}%
- \egroup}
-%D At the cost of some more references, we can save bytes,
-%D by sharing appearance dictionaries. This code needs more
-%D documentation. Surprise:
- {\ifx#2\empty\else
- \dogetcommacommandelement1\from#2\to\commalistelement
- \ifx\commalistelement\empty\else
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{SYM}\commalistelement\PDFobjectreference
- \edef\N{\ifFDFvalues\N /#1 \fi\PDFobjectreference\space}%
- \fi
- \dogetcommacommandelement2\from#2\to\commalistelement
- \ifx\commalistelement\empty\else
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{SYM}\commalistelement\PDFobjectreference
- \edef\R{\ifFDFvalues\R /#1 \fi\PDFobjectreference\space}%
- \fi
- \dogetcommacommandelement3\from#2\to\commalistelement
- \ifx\commalistelement\empty\else
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{SYM}\commalistelement\PDFobjectreference
- \edef\D{\ifFDFvalues\D /#1 \fi\PDFobjectreference\space}%
- \def\FDFappearance{/H /P }%
- \fi
- \fi}
- {\ifx#1\empty\else
- \dogetcommacommandelement3\from#1\to\commalistelement
- \ifx\commalistelement\empty\else
- \def\FDFappearance{/H /P }%
- \fi
- \fi}
- {\ifcase#3\relax % push only field
- \edef\yes{#2}%
- \let\no\empty
- \else % on / off field
- \dogetcommacommandelement1\from#2,\to\yes
- \dogetcommacommandelement2\from#2,\to\no
- \fi
- \def\FDFappearance{/H /N}%
- \doifobjectfoundelse{FDF}{ap:#1:\yes:\no}
- {\redoFDFappearance\yes
- \redoFDFappearance\no}
- {\presetobject{FDF}{ap:#1:\yes:\no}% funny hack
- \let\N\empty\let\R\empty\let\D\empty
- \dodoFDFappearance{#1}\yes
- \dodoFDFappearance{Off}\no
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{ap:#1:\yes:\no}
- {\ifx\N\empty\else/N \ifFDFvalues<<\N>>\else\N\fi\fi
- \ifx\R\empty\else/R \ifFDFvalues<<\R>>\else\R\fi\fi
- \ifx\D\empty\else/D \ifFDFvalues<<\D>>\else\D\fi\fi}}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{ap:#1:\yes:\no}\PDFobjectreference
- \edef\FDFappearance{\FDFappearance /AP \PDFobjectreference}}
-% {\dogetcommacommandelement1\from#1,\to\commalistelement
-% \dogetcommacommandelement1\from\commalistelement\to\commalistelement
-% \doifelse{\commalistelement}{#2} % kan ook met \ifx
-% {\def\FDFdefault{On}}{\def\FDFdefault{Off}}}
- {\doifelse{#2}{1}{\def\FDFdefault{On}}{\def\FDFdefault{Off}}}
-%D Layer support:
-\def\setFDFlayer#1% todo : \ifx\PDFobjectreference\noPDFobjectreference ipv found
- {\letempty\FDFlayer
- \doifsomething{#1}%
- {\checkproperty[#1]% == \dodocheckproperty\@@DriverFieldLayer
- \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{PDLN}{#1}
- {\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDLN}{#1}\!!stringa % we need to avoid a clash with other macros
- \edef\FDFlayer{/OC \!!stringa}}%
- \donothing}}
-%D The three appearances {\em normal}, \type{roll over} and
-%D \type{push down} are passed as comma separated triplets,
-%D that is, the second argument can look like:
-%D \starttyping
-%D {yes,ok,fine},{no,rubish,awful}
-%D \stoptyping
-%D \macros
-%D {doFDFdefinefieldset,doFDFgetfieldset,doFDFiffieldset}
-%D Field sets, the ones we use in submitting and resetting
-%D fields, are implemented using the next low level specials:
-%D \starttyping
-%D \doFDFdefinefieldset{TAG}{name,name,...}
-%D \doFDFgetfieldset{TAG}
-%D \doFDFiffieldset{TAG}{sequence}
-%D \stoptyping
-\def\doFDFdefinefieldset#1#2% tag commalist
- {\let\FDFfieldset\empty
- \def\docommand##1%
- {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{##1}\PDFobjectreference
- \edef\FDFfieldset{\FDFfieldset\PDFobjectreference\space}}%
- \processcommacommand[#2]\docommand % nb: command
- \setevalue{FDF:set:#1}{\FDFfieldset}}
- {\getvalue{FDF:set:#1}}
- {\ifundefined{FDF:set:#1}\else#2\fi}
-%D In the goto specials we took care of secondary references.
-%D Here we define the macros used.
- {\global\let\secondaryPDFreferences\empty}
-\doPDFresetgotowhereever % just to be sure
-% we can (in etex) share more by testing on this
- %{\setxvalue{PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences}{#1}}
- {\@EA\xdef\csname PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences\endcsname{#1}}
-\def\savesecondaryPDFreference % #1 == \action
- {\global\@EA\let\csname PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences\endcsname}
-% {\ifcase\nofsecondaryreferences\else
-% %\doifdefined{PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences}
-% \xdef\secondaryPDFreferences%
-% {/Next << \csname PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences\endcsname\space
-% \secondaryPDFreferences >>}%
-% \global\advance\nofsecondaryreferences \minusone
-% \expandafter\getsecondaryPDFreferences
-% \fi}
-% test should happen in core-ref
-\beginETEX \ifcsname
- {\ifcase\nofsecondaryreferences\else
- \ifcsname PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences\endcsname
- \xdef\secondaryPDFreferences
- {/Next << \csname PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences\endcsname\space
- \secondaryPDFreferences >>}%
- \fi
- \global\advance\nofsecondaryreferences \minusone
- \expandafter\getsecondaryPDFreferences
- \fi}
- {\ifcase\nofsecondaryreferences\else
- \@EA\ifx\csname PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences\endcsname\relax\else
- \xdef\secondaryPDFreferences
- {/Next << \csname PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences\endcsname\space
- \secondaryPDFreferences >>}%
- \fi
- \global\advance\nofsecondaryreferences \minusone
- \expandafter\getsecondaryPDFreferences
- \fi}
-%D \macros
-%D {loadFDFfields, showFDFfields,
-%D getFDFfield, setFDFfield}
-%D Once filled in, we can export or submit the field in the
-%D \FDF\ file format. Such a file can be loaded by
-%D \starttyping
-%D \loadFDFfields{fiel-ini}
-%D \stoptyping
-%D or inspected by
-%D \starttyping
-%D \showFDFfields{fiel-ini}
-%D \stoptyping
-%D After both commands, one can use
-%D \starttyping
-%D \getFDFfield{name}
-%D \setFDFfield{name}{value}
-%D \stoptyping
-%D to inspect and overrule the data.
-%D By default \CONTEXT\ calls the perl script \type{fdf2tex}.
-%D This script reads the \type{fdf} file and produces a file
-%D named \type{filename.fdt}. If one disables the call to this
-%D script, by saying:
-%D \starttyping
-%D \runFDFconverterfalse
-%D \stoptyping
-%D or when \CONTEXT\ cannot find the \type{fdt} file, it tries
-%D to interpret the \type{fdf} file directly. Both mechanisms
-%D are rather crude.
-\newif\ifrunFDFconverter \runFDFconvertertrue
-%D The \PERL\ script produces a file formatted as:
-%D \starttyping
-%D \beginFDFobject
-%D \beginFDFdata
-%D \beginFDFfields
-%D \FDFfield[name=,value=]
-%D \endFDFfields
-%D \endFDFdata
-%D \endFDFobject
-%D \stoptyping
-%D One reason for using key value pairs is that we cannot be
-%D sure or the order in which the name and value are given
-%D (actually the reverse).
-\def\PERLloadFDFfields#1% will become obsolete soon
- {\bgroup
- \global\let\allFDFfields\empty
- \ifrunFDFconverter
- \executesystemcommand{fdf2tex #1}%
- \let\beginFDFobject\relax \let\endFDFobject\relax
- \let\beginFDFdata \relax \let\endFDFdata \relax
- \let\beginFDFfields\relax \let\endFDFfields\relax
- \def\FDFfield[##1]%
- {\getparameters[FDF][##1]%
- \doglobal\addtocommalist\FDFname\allFDFfields
- \global\setFDFfield{\FDFname}{\FDFvalue}}%
- \ReadFile{#1.fdt}%
- \fi
- \egroup}
-%D The next macro does the same job, but now in the \TEX\ way
-%D of doing things. Easy eh? Will become obsolete!
-\gdef\TEXloadFDFfields#1% will become obsolete due to XFDF
- {\bgroup
- \setbox0=\hbox
- {\global\let\allFDFfields\empty
- \scratchcounter=0
- \escapechar=-1
- \catcode`\/=\@@escape
- \catcode`\(=\@@begingroup
- \catcode`\)=\@@endgroup
- \catcode`\%=\@@letter
- \let/A =\relax \let/AS =\relax \let/Kids=\relax \let/Fields=\relax
- \let/F =\relax \let/ID =\relax \let/SetF=\relax \let/setFf =\relax
- \let/Ff=\relax \let/Opt=\relax \let/ClrF=\relax \let/ClrFf =\relax
- \let/AP=\relax \let/FDF=\relax \let/Root=\relax
- \def/T##1{\check\Title{##1}}
- \def/V{\bgroup\catcode`\/=\@@other\futurelet\next/doV}
- \def/doV{\ifx\next\normalslash\@EA/doVb\else\@EA/doVa\fi}
- \def/doVa##1{\egroup\check\Value{##1}}
- \def/doVb##1##2 {\egroup\check\Value{##2}} % watch the space
- \def\check##1##2%
- {\def##1{##2}
- \advance\scratchcounter\plusone\relax
- \ifodd\scratchcounter \else
- \defconvertedcommand\asciia\Title
- \global\setFDFfield{\asciia}{\Value}
- \doglobal\addtocommalist\Title\allFDFfields
- \fi}
- \ReadFile{#1.fdf}}%
- \egroup}
-%D Whatever mechanism is used, the next macros can be used to
-%D fetch the values.
-\def\getFDFfield #1{\getvalue {FDFfield::#1}}
-%D Of course the fields are only present when the file is
-%D loaded.
- {\PERLloadFDFfields{#1}%
- \ifx\allFDFfields\empty
- \TEXloadFDFfields{#1}%
- \fi}
- {\bgroup
- \loadFDFfields{#1}
- \def\docommand##1{\par##1 = \getFDFfield{##1}\par}%
- \processcommacommand[\allFDFfields]\docommand
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {sanitizePDFencoding,sanitizePDFdocencoding}
-%D We already dealt with the encoding vector. Conversion from
-%D \TEX\ \ASCII\ encoding to the other one, is accomplished by
-%D the next few macros. Wach out: we don't group here.
-%D This will be reimplemented using the mapping mechanism.
-% \def\enablePDFdocencoding
-% {\reducetocoding[pdfdoc]\simplifycommands}
- {\enablecoding[pdfdoc]%
- \enablelanguagespecifics[\currentlanguage]% redundant ?
- \simplifycommands}
- {\enablePDFcrlf
- \enablePDFdocencoding
- %\honorunexpanded % otherwise problems with "e etc in de
- \edef#2{#1}}
- {\def\\{\string\r}%
- \def\par{\\\\}%
- \def\endgraf{\\\\}%
- \catcode`\^^M=\@@active%
- \let^^M=\\}
-%D A bit out of place, but useful:
- \enablePDFdocencoding
- \enablePDFcrlf
-\to \everysetfield
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFinsertcomment}
-%D An example its use is the next special, one that deals with
-%D text annotations.
-% starting point (keep this)
-% \long\def\doPDFinsertcomment#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8%
-% {\bgroup % title width height color open symbol collect data
-% \doifelsenothing{#1}
-% {\let\PDFidentifier\empty}
-% {\def\PDFidentifier{/T (#1)}}%
-% \doifelsenothing{#4}
-% {\let\PDFattributes\empty}
-% {\def\PDFattributes{/C \FDFcolor{#4}}}%
-% \doifundefinedelse{PDFsymbol#6}
-% {\let\PDFsymbol\empty}
-% {\def\PDFsymbol{/Name \getvalue{PDFsymbol#6} }}%
-% \sanitizePDFencoding#8\to\PDFdata
-% \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to #3
-% {\vfill
-% \doPDFannotation{#2}{#3}
-% {/Subtype /Text
-% \ifcase#5 \else/Open true\fi
-% /Contents \ifPDFunicode <\PDFdata> \else(\PDFdata) \fi
-% \PDFsymbol
-% \PDFidentifier
-% \PDFattributes}}%
-% \wd\scratchbox\zeropoint
-% \ht\scratchbox\zeropoint
-% \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
-% \box\scratchbox
-% \egroup}
-\newif\ifPDFpopupcomments \PDFpopupcommentstrue
- {\box\PDFsymbolbox}
-\long\def\doPDFinsertcomment#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% % \@@DriverCommentLayer set otherwise
- {\bgroup % title width height color open symbol collect data
- \presetPDFsymbolappearance{#4}{#6}{#2}{#3}\!!zeropoint% sets width/height
-% \doifelsenothing{#1}
-% {\let\PDFidentifier\empty}
-% {\def\PDFidentifier{/T (#1)}}%
- \doifelsenothing{#1}
- {\let\PDFidentifier\empty}
- {\sanitizePDFencoding#1\to\PDFcommenttitle
- \def\PDFidentifier{/T \ifPDFunicode <\PDFcommenttitle>\else (\PDFcommenttitle)\fi}}%
- \sanitizePDFencoding#8\to\PDFdata
- \setFDFlayer\@@DriverCommentLayer
- \startPDFsymbolappearance
- \ifPDFpopupcomments
- \doglobal\increment\nofFDFcomments
- \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{FDF}{c:\nofFDFcomments}
- {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{c:\nofFDFcomments}\PDFobjectreference
- \donetrue}
- \donefalse
- \ifdone
- \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
- {\doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{c::\nofFDFcomments}{#2}{#3}% text window, size does not work
- {/Subtype /Popup
- /Parent \PDFobjectreference}}%
- \ifcase#7\relax
- \vbox to \height{\forgetall\vskip#3\box\scratchbox\vss}%
- \else % incredible trial and error hack
- % it's quite a mess, the annot width cannot be set, well, it can
- % but the appearance and text sizes get mixed up
-% \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \height{\forgetall\vskip#3\box\scratchbox\vss}%
-% \global\setbox\PDFsymbolbox\vbox
-% {\hsize#2%
-% \forgetall
-% \vsmash{\box\PDFsymbolbox}
-% \box\scratchbox}%
- % this may change when acrobat gets less bugged
- \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to #3{\forgetall\vss\box\scratchbox}%
- \wd\scratchbox#2%
- \global\setbox\PDFsymbolbox\vbox
- {\startoverlay{\box\PDFsymbolbox}{\box\scratchbox}\stopoverlay}%
- \fi
- \fi
- % generic
- \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{FDF}{c::\nofFDFcomments}
- {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{c::\nofFDFcomments}\PDFobjectreference
- \donetrue}
- \donefalse
- \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{c:\nofFDFcomments}{\width}{\height}
- {/Subtype /Text
- \ifcase#5 \else/Open true\fi
- % pdftex (efficient)
- % \ifdone /Popup \PDFobjref\pdflastannot\fi
- % generic (less efficient)
- \ifdone /Popup \PDFobjectreference\fi
- /Contents \ifPDFunicode <\PDFdata> \else(\PDFdata) \fi
- \PDFidentifier
- \FDFlayer
- \PDFsymbol
- \PDFattributes}%
- \else
- \doPDFannotation{#2}{#3}
- {/Subtype /Text
- \ifcase#5 \else/Open true\fi
- /Contents \ifPDFunicode <\PDFdata> \else(\PDFdata) \fi
- \FDFlayer
- \PDFsymbol
- \PDFidentifier
- \PDFattributes}%
- \fi
- \stopPDFsymbolappearance
- \egroup}
-% symbols with a reasonable default of 18/24 pt
-\def\PDFsymbolNew {/Insert}
-\def\PDFsymbolBalloon {/Comment}
-\def\PDFsymbolAddition {/NewParagraph}
-\def\PDFsymbolHelp {/Help}
-\def\PDFsymbolParagraph {/Paragraph}
-\def\PDFsymbolKey {/Key }
-\def\PDFsymbolGraph {/Graph}
-\def\PDFsymbolPaperclip {/Paperclip}
-\def\PDFsymbolTag {/Tag}
- {\setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \totalheight \bgroup \vfill}
- {\egroup
- \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\lower\depth\box\scratchbox}%
- \wd\scratchbox\width
- \ht\scratchbox\height
- \dp\scratchbox\depth
- \box\scratchbox}
-\def\presetPDFsymbolappearance#1#2#3#4#5% symbol color width height depth
- {\doifelsenothing{#1}
- {\let\PDFattributes\empty}
- {\def\PDFattributes{/C \FDFcolor{#1}}}%
- \scratchdimen#3\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen}%
- \scratchdimen#4\edef\height{\the\scratchdimen}%
- \scratchdimen#5\edef\depth {\the\scratchdimen}%
- \advance\scratchdimen\height\edef\totalheight{\the\scratchdimen}%
- \doifelsenothing{#2}
- {\let\PDFsymbol\empty}
- {\ifundefined{PDFsymbol#2}%
- \getfromcommacommand[#2][1]\let\PDFsymbolnormalsymbol\commalistelement
- \getfromcommacommand[#2][2]\let\PDFsymboldownsymbol \commalistelement
- \doifsymboldefinedelse\PDFsymbolnormalsymbol
- {\doifsymboldefinedelse\PDFsymboldownsymbol
- {\dopresetPDFsymbolappearance
- \PDFsymbolnormalsymbol\PDFsymboldownsymbol}
- {\dopresetPDFsymbolappearance
- \PDFsymbolnormalsymbol\PDFsymbolnormalsymbol}}
- {\doifsymboldefinedelse\PDFsymboldownsymbol
- {\dopresetPDFsymbolappearance
- \PDFsymboldownsymbol\PDFsymboldownsymbol}
- {\let\PDFsymbol\empty}}%
- \else
- \def\PDFsymbol{/Name \getvalue{PDFsymbol#2} }%
- \fi}}
- {\dopresetfieldsymbol{#1}%
- \dopresetfieldsymbol{#2}%
- \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\symbol[#1]}%
- \edef\width {\the\wd\scratchbox}%
- \edef\height{\the\ht\scratchbox}%
- \edef\depth {\the\dp\scratchbox}%
- \scratchdimen\height \advance\scratchdimen\depth
- \edef\totalheight{\the\scratchdimen}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{SYM}{#1}\FDFsymbolNappearance
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{SYM}{#2}\FDFsymbolDappearance
- \edef\PDFsymbol
- {/AP <</N \FDFsymbolNappearance /D \FDFsymbolDappearance>>}}
-%D Hooked into \CONTEXT, this special supports
-%D \starttyping
-%D \startcomment
-%D hello beautiful\\world
-%D \stopcomment
-%D \startcomment[hello]
-%D de \'e\'erste keer
-%D the f\'irst time
-%D \stopcommen
-%D \startcommentaar[hallo][color=green,width=4cm,height=3cm]
-%D first
-%D second
-%D \stopcommentaar
-%D \stoptyping
-%D So, special characters, forced linebreaks using \type{\\}
-%D and \type{\par} are handled in the appropriate way.
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFovalbox}
-%D For drawing ovals we use quite raw \PDF\ code. The next
-%D implementation does not differ that much from the one
-%D implemented in the \POSTSCRIPT\ driver.
- {\dimen2=#1%
- \advance\dimen2 #2\relax
- \PointsToBigPoints{\dimen2}#3}
-\def\doPDFovalbox#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% todo: \scratchdimen/\scatchbox
- {\bgroup
- \dimen0=#4\divide\dimen0 \plustwo
- \doPDFovalcalc{0pt}{+\dimen0}\xmin
- \doPDFovalcalc{#1}{-\dimen0}\xmax
- \doPDFovalcalc{#2}{-\dimen0}\ymax
- \doPDFovalcalc{-#3}{+\dimen0}\ymin
- \advance\dimen0 by #5%
- \doPDFovalcalc{0pt}{+\dimen0}\xxmin
- \doPDFovalcalc{#1}{-\dimen0}\xxmax
- \doPDFovalcalc{#2}{-\dimen0}\yymax
- \doPDFovalcalc{-#3}{+\dimen0}\yymin
- \doPDFovalcalc{#4}{\zeropoint}\stroke
- \doPDFovalcalc{#5}{\zeropoint}\radius
- \edef\dostroke{#6}%
- \edef\dofill{#7}%
- \edef\mode{\number#8 \space}%
- % no \ifcase, else \relax in pdfcode
- \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
- {\ifnum\dostroke\dofill>\zerocount
- \ifPDFstrokecolor\else\ifnum\dostroke=\plusone
- \writestatus\m!colors{pdf stroke color will fail}\wait
- \fi\fi
- \PDFcode
- {q
- \stroke\space w
- \ifcase\mode
- \xxmin\space \ymin \space m
- \xxmax\space \ymin \space l
- \xmax \space \ymin \space \xmax \space \yymin\space y
- \xmax \space \yymax\space l
- \xmax \space \ymax \space \xxmax\space \ymax \space y
- \xxmin\space \ymax \space l
- \xmin \space \ymax \space \xmin \space \yymax\space y
- \xmin \space \yymin\space l
- \xmin \space \ymin \space \xxmin\space \ymin \space y
- h
- \or % 1
- \xxmin\space \ymin \space m
- \xxmax\space \ymin \space l
- \xmax \space \ymin \space \xmax \space \yymin\space y
- \xmax \space \ymax \space l
- \xmin \space \ymax \space l
- \xmin \space \yymin\space l
- \xmin \space \ymin \space \xxmin\space \ymin \space y
- h
- \or % 2
- \xxmin\space \ymin \space m
- \xmax \space \ymin \space l
- \xmax \space \ymax \space l
- \xxmin\space \ymax \space l
- \xmin \space \ymax \space \xmin \space \yymax\space y
- \xmin \space \yymin\space l
- \xmin \space \ymin \space \xxmin\space \ymin \space y
- h
- \or % 3
- \xmin \space \ymin \space m
- \xmax \space \ymin \space l
- \xmax \space \yymax\space l
- \xmax \space \ymax \space \xxmax\space \ymax \space y
- \xxmin\space \ymax \space l
- \xmin \space \ymax \space \xmin \space \yymax\space y
- \xmin \space \ymin \space l
- h
- \or % 4
- \xmin \space \ymin \space m
- \xxmax\space \ymin \space l
- \xmax \space \ymin \space \xmax \space \yymin\space y
- \xmax \space \yymax\space l
- \xmax \space \ymax \space \xxmax\space \ymax \space y
- \xmin \space \ymax \space l
- \xmin \space \ymin\space l
- h
- \or % 5
- \xmin \space \ymin \space m
- \xmax \space \ymin \space l
- \xmax \space \yymax\space l
- \xmax \space \ymax \space \xxmax\space \ymax \space y
- \xmin \space \ymax \space l
- \xmin \space \ymin \space l
- h
- \or % 6
- \xmin \space \ymin \space m
- \xxmax\space \ymin \space l
- \xmax \space \ymin \space \xmax \space \yymin\space y
- \xmax \space \ymax \space l
- \xmin \space \ymax \space l
- \xmin \space \ymin \space l
- h
- \or
- \xxmin\space \ymin \space m
- \xmax \space \ymin \space l
- \xmax \space \ymax \space l
- \xmin \space \ymax \space l
- \xmin \space \yymin\space l
- \xmin \space \ymin \space \xxmin\space \ymin \space y
- h
- \or
- \xmin \space \ymin \space m
- \xmax \space \ymin \space l
- \xmax \space \ymax \space l
- \xxmin\space \ymax \space l
- \xmin \space \ymax \space \xmin \space \yymax\space y
- \xmin \space \ymin \space l
- h
- \or % 9 top open
- \xmin \space \ymax \space m
- \xmin \space \yymin\space l
- \xmin \space \ymin \space \xxmin\space \ymin \space y
- \xxmax\space \ymin \space l
- \xmax \space \ymin \space \xmax \space \yymin\space y
- \xmax \space \ymax \space l
- \or % 10 right open
- \xmax \space \ymax \space m
- \xxmin\space \ymax \space l
- \xmin \space \ymax \space \xmin \space \yymax\space y
- \xmin \space \yymin\space l
- \xmin \space \ymin \space \xxmin\space \ymin \space y
- \xmax\space \ymin \space l
- \or % 11 bottom open
- \xmax \space \ymin \space m
- \xmax \space \yymax\space l
- \xmax \space \ymax \space \xxmax \space \ymax\space y
- \xxmin\space \ymax \space l
- \xmin \space \ymax \space \xmin \space \yymax\space y
- \xmin \space \ymin \space l
- \or % 12 left open
- \xmin \space \ymax \space m
- \xxmax\space \ymax \space l
- \xmax \space \ymax \space \xmax \space \yymax\space y
- \xmax \space \yymin\space l
- \xmax \space \ymin \space \xxmax\space \ymin \space y
- \xmin \space \ymin \space l
- \or % 13
- \xmin \space \ymax \space m
- \xxmax\space \ymax \space l
- \xmax \space \ymax \space \xmax \space \yymax\space y
- \xmax\space \ymin \space l
- \or % 14
- \xmax \space \ymax \space m
- \xmax \space \yymin\space l
- \xmax \space \ymin \space \xxmax\space \ymin \space y
- \xmin \space \ymin \space l
- \or % 15
- \xmax \space \ymin \space m
- \xxmin\space \ymin \space l
- \xmin \space \ymin \space \xmin \space \yymin\space y
- \xmin \space \ymax \space l
- \or % 16
- \xmin \space \ymin \space m
- \xmin \space \yymax\space l
- \xmin \space \ymax \space \xxmin\space \ymax \space y
- \xmax \space \ymax \space l
- \or % 17
- \xxmax\space \ymax \space m
- \xmax \space \ymax \space \xmax \space \yymax\space y
- \or % 18
- \xmax \space \yymin\space m
- \xmax \space \ymin \space \xxmax\space \ymin \space y
- \or % 19
- \xxmin\space \ymin \space m
- \xmin \space \ymin \space \xmin \space \yymin\space y
- \or % 20
- \xmin \space \yymax\space m
- \xmin \space \ymax \space \xxmin\space \ymax \space y
- \or % 21
- \xxmax\space \ymax \space m
- \xmax \space \ymax \space \xmax \space \yymax\space y
- \xmin \space \yymax\space m
- \xmin \space \ymax \space \xxmin\space \ymax \space y
- \or % 22
- \xxmax\space \ymax \space m
- \xmax \space \ymax \space \xmax \space \yymax\space y
- \xmax \space \yymin\space m
- \xmax \space \ymin \space \xxmax\space \ymin \space y
- \or % 23
- \xmax \space \yymin\space m
- \xmax \space \ymin \space \xxmax\space \ymin \space y
- \xxmin\space \ymin \space m
- \xmin \space \ymin \space \xmin \space \yymin\space y
- \or % 24
- \xxmin\space \ymin \space m
- \xmin \space \ymin \space \xmin \space \yymin\space y
- \xmin \space \yymax\space m
- \xmin \space \ymax \space \xxmin\space \ymax \space y
- \or % 25
- \xxmax\space \ymax \space m
- \xmax \space \ymax \space \xmax \space \yymax\space y
- \xmax \space \yymin\space m
- \xmax \space \ymin \space \xxmax\space \ymin \space y
- \xxmin\space \ymin \space m
- \xmin \space \ymin \space \xmin \space \yymin\space y
- \xmin \space \yymax\space m
- \xmin \space \ymax \space \xxmin\space \ymax \space y
- \or % 26
- \xmax \space \yymin\space m
- \xmax \space \ymin \space \xxmax\space \ymin \space y
- \xmin \space \yymax\space m
- \xmin \space \ymax \space \xxmin\space \ymax \space y
- \or % 27
- \xxmax\space \ymax \space m
- \xmax \space \ymax \space \xmax \space \yymax\space y
- \xxmin\space \ymin \space m
- \xmin \space \ymin \space \xmin \space \yymin\space y
- \or % 28
- \fi
- \ifnum\mode>8
- S
- \else
- \ifnum\dostroke=\plusone S \fi
- \ifnum\dofill =\plusone f \fi
- \fi
- Q}%
- \fi}%
- \wd\scratchbox#1\ht\scratchbox#2\dp\scratchbox#3\box\scratchbox
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFstartgraymode,doPDFstopgraymode,
-%D doPDFstartrgbcolormode,doPDFstartcmykcolormode,doPDFstartgraycolormode,
-%D doPDFstopcolormode}
-%D In \PDF\ there are two color states, one for strokes and one
-%D for fills. This means that we have to set the color in a
-%D rather redundant looking way. Unfortunately this makes the
-%D \PDF\ file much larger than needed. We can save few bytes
-%D by not setting the stroke color. Due to zip compression we
-%D only save a few percent.
-% \newif\ifPDFstrokecolor \PDFstrokecolortrue
-% {\PDFdirectcode{#1 g\ifPDFstrokecolor\space#1 G\fi}}
- {\PDFcode{#1 g\ifPDFstrokecolor\space#1 G\fi}}
-% {\PDFdirectcode{0 g\ifPDFstrokecolor\space0 G\fi}}
- {\PDFcode{0 g\ifPDFstrokecolor\space0 G\fi}}
-% {\PDFdirectcode{#1 #2 #3 rg\ifPDFstrokecolor\space#1 #2 #3 RG\fi}}
- {\PDFcode{#1 #2 #3 rg\ifPDFstrokecolor\space#1 #2 #3 RG\fi}}
-% {\PDFdirectcode{#1 #2 #3 #4 k\ifPDFstrokecolor\space#1 #2 #3 #4 K\fi}}
- {\PDFcode{#1 #2 #3 #4 k\ifPDFstrokecolor\space#1 #2 #3 #4 K\fi}}
-% {\PDFdirectcode{#1 g\ifPDFstrokecolor\space#1 G\fi}}
- {\PDFcode{#1 g\ifPDFstrokecolor\space#1 G\fi}}
-\def\doPDFstartspotcolormode#1#2% redefining spotcolors is not possible anyway
- {\ifundefined{pdf:scs:#2}%
- \bgroup
- \getcommacommandsize[#2]%
- \ifcase\commalistsize\or
- \setxvalue{pdf:scs:#2}{#2 SCN #2 scn}% \setxvalue{pdf:scs:#2}{#2 SC #2 sc}%
- \else
- \let\PDFspotcolorspecs\empty
- \def\dospotcolorcommand##1{\edef\PDFspotcolorspecs{\PDFspotcolorspecs##1\space}}%
- \processcommacommand[#2]\dospotcolorcommand
- \setxvalue{pdf:scs:#2}{\PDFspotcolorspecs SCN \PDFspotcolorspecs scn}%
- \fi
- \egroup
- \fi
-% \PDFdirectcode{/#1 cs /#1 CS \PDFgetspotcolorspec{#2}}}
- \PDFcode{/#1 cs /#1 CS \PDFgetspotcolorspec{#2}}}
- {\executeifdefined{pdf:scs:#1}\empty} % better no default than one with too less args
-% {\PDFdirectcode{/None CS 1 SC /None cs 1 sc}}
- {\PDFcode{/None CS 1 SC /None cs 1 sc}}
-% {\PDFdirectcode{0 g\ifPDFstrokecolor\space0 G\fi}}
- {\PDFcode{0 g\ifPDFstrokecolor\space0 G\fi}}
-%D We need to register the spot colors and their fallbacks.
-% we cannot use /DeviceN since GS <=7.21 breaks on it
-% and Jaws does not handle it at all {[/DeviceN [/All|/None]
-% /Device#2 \PDFobjref\pdflastobj]} so we use separation
-% colors that work and print ok
-\def\doPDFregistersomespotcolor#1#2#3#4% implemented in the driver
- {\writestatus\m!systems{missing spot color definition}\wait}
-\def\doPDFregisternonecolor % internal command
- {\doPDFregistergrayspotcolor{None}{1}%
- \globallet\doPDFregisternonecolor\relax}
-\def\doPDFregisterspotcolorname#1#2% implemented in the driver
- {}
-\def\dodoPDFregisterrgbspotcolor#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% name noffractions names p's r g b
- {\doPDFregistersomespotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{RGB}{0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0}%
- {\ifcase#2\or dup #5 mul exch dup #6 mul exch #7 mul\else#5 #6 #7\fi}}
-\def\dodoPDFregistercmykspotcolor#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% name noffractions names p's c m y k
- {\doPDFregistersomespotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{CMYK}{0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0}%
- {\ifcase#2\or dup #5 mul exch dup #6 mul exch dup #7 mul exch #8 mul\else #5 #6 #7 #8\fi}}
-\def\dodoPDFregistergrayspotcolor#1#2#3#4#5% name noffractions names p's s
- {\doPDFregistersomespotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{Gray}{0.0 1.0}%
- {\ifcase#2\or #5 mul\else #5\fi}}
-% \let\doPDFregisterrgbspotcolor \dodoPDFregisterrgbspotcolor
-% \let\doPDFregistercmykspotcolor\dodoPDFregistercmykspotcolor
-% \let\doPDFregistergrayspotcolor\dodoPDFregistergrayspotcolor
-\def\doPDFregisterrgbspotcolor#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% name noffractions names p's r g b
- {\ifRGBsupported
- \dodoPDFregisterrgbspotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}%
- \else
- \edef\@@cl@@r{#5}\edef\@@cl@@g{#6}\edef\@@cl@@b{#7}%
- \ifCMYKsupported
- \convertRGBtoCMYK\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b
- \dodoPDFregistercmykspotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k
- \else
- \convertRGBtoGRAY\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b
- \dodoPDFregistergrayspotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\@@cl@@s
- \fi
- \fi}
-\def\doPDFregistercmykspotcolor#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% name noffractions names p's c m y k
- {\ifCMYKsupported
- \dodoPDFregistercmykspotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}%
- \else
- \edef\@@cl@@c{#5}\edef\@@cl@@m{#6}\edef\@@cl@@y{#7}\edef\@@cl@@k{#8}%
- \ifRGBsupported
- \convertCMYKtoRGB\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k
- \dodoPDFregisterrgbspotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b
- \else
- \convertCMYKtoGRAY\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k
- \dodoPDFregistergrayspotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\@@cl@@s
- \fi
- \fi}
-%D New and very experimental.
-\def\doPDFregistercmykindexcolor#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% name noffractions names p's c m y k
- {\doPDFregistersomeindexcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{CMYK}{0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0}%
- {dup #5 mul exch dup #6 mul exch dup #7 mul exch #8 mul}}
-\def\doPDFregisterrgbindexcolor#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% name noffractions names p's r g b
- {\doPDFregistersomeindexcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{RGB}{0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0}%
- {dup #5 mul exch dup #6 mul exch #7 mul}}
-\def\doPDFregistergrayindexcolor#1#2#3#4#5% name noffractions names p's s
- {\doPDFregistersomeindexcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{Gray}{0.0 1.0}%
- {pop}}
-\let\checkpredefinedcolor\predefineindexcolor % we need an index in order to negate bitmaps
-\def\doPDFregisterfigurecolor#1% always an index color
- {\dogetobjectreference
- {\internalspotcolorname{#1}}
- \PDFimagecolorreference}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFstartrotation,doPDFstoprotation}
-%D Rotating some text can be accomplished by setting the first
-%D four elements of the transform matrix. We only support some
-%D fixed angles. The \type{q}'s take care of grouping.
-% The original:
-% \def\doPDFstartrotation#1%
-% {\PDFcode{q}%
-% \processaction
-% [#1]
-% [ 90=>\PDFcode{ 0 1 -1 0 0 0 cm},
-% 180=>\PDFcode{-1 0 0 -1 0 0 cm},
-% 270=>\PDFcode{ 0 -1 1 0 0 0 cm},
-% 360=>\PDFcode{ 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm}]}
-% We cannot directly pass an angle, but have to calculate
-% factors (rx and ry). As in the \METAPOST\ to \PDF\
-% converter module we need to compensate the deformation
-% by setting (sx and sy).
-% Optimized but bigger:
-% \def\doPDFstartrotation#1%
-% {\PDFcode{q}%
-% \processaction
-% [#1]
-% [ 0=>\PDFcode{ 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm},
-% 90=>\PDFcode{ 0 1 -1 0 0 0 cm},
-% 180=>\PDFcode{-1 0 0 -1 0 0 cm},
-% 270=>\PDFcode{ 0 -1 1 0 0 0 cm},
-% 360=>\PDFcode{ 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm},
-% #1=>%\calculatecos{#1}% already calculated in core macro
-% %\calculatesin{#1}% already calculated in core macro
-% \edef\cos{\calculatedcos{#1}}%
-% \edef\sin{\calculatedsin{#1}}%
-% \PDFcode{\cos \space % cos
-% \sin \space % sin
-% \negated\sin\space % -sin
-% \cos \space % cos
-% 0 0 cm}]}
-% Since the sine and cosine values are preset and rounded we
-% can use the next alternative without running into inaccuracies.
-\def\doPDFstartrotation#1% grouped
- {\calculatecos{#1}% already calculated in core macro
- \calculatesin{#1}% already calculated in core macro
- \edef\cos{\calculatedcos{#1}}%
- \edef\sin{\calculatedsin{#1}}%
- \PDFcode{q \cos\space\sin\space\negated\sin\space\cos\space0 0 cm}}
- {\PDFcode{Q}}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFstartscaling,doPDFstopscaling}
-%D Scaling is rather straightforward:
-\def\doPDFstartscaling#1#2% the test is needed because acrobat is bugged!
- {\PDFcode{q \ifdim#1\points=\zeropoint\@@PDFzeroscale\else#1\fi\space 0 0
- \ifdim#2\points=\zeropoint\@@PDFzeroscale\else#2\fi\space 0 0 cm}}
-% \def\doPDFstartscaling#1#2% the test is needed because acrobat is bugged!
-% {\PDFcode{q\ifdim#1\points=\zeropoint\else\ifdim#2\points=\zeropoint\else
-% \space#1\space 0 0 #2\space 0 0 cm\fi\fi}}
- {\PDFcode{Q}}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFstartmirroring,doPDFstopmirroring}
-%D Mirroring is implemented in a similar way:
- {\PDFcode{-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm}}
- {\PDFcode{-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm}}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFstartnegative,doPDFstopnegative}
-%D When producing output for an image setter, sometimes negative
-%D output is needed.
- {\ifx\initializePDFnegative\undefined\else
- \initializePDFnegative
-% \PDFdirectcode{/GSnegative gs}%
- \PDFcode{/GSnegative gs}%
- \fi}
- {\ifx\initializePDFnegative\undefined\else
- \initializePDFnegative
-% \PDFdirectcode{/GSpositive gs}%
- \PDFcode{/GSpositive gs}%
- \fi}
-%D \macros
-%D {doPDFstartoverprint,doPDFstopoverprint}
-%D Some printers like overprint more than knockout.
- {\ifx\initializePDFoverprint\undefined\else
- \initializePDFoverprint
-% \PDFdirectcode{/GSoverprint gs}%
- \PDFcode{/GSoverprint gs}%
- \fi}
- {\ifx\initializePDFoverprint\undefined\else
- \initializePDFoverprint
-% \PDFdirectcode{/GSknockout gs}%
- \PDFcode{/GSknockout gs}% wrong
- \fi}
-%D Transparency support:
-\def\PDFtransparancydictionary#1#2#3% type fraction extras
- {<</Type /ExtGState
- /ca #2 /CA #2
- /BM /\ifcase#1 Normal\or Normal\or Multiply\or Screen\or
- Overlay\or SoftLight\or HardLight\or ColorDodge\or
- ColorBurn\or Darken\or Lighten\or Difference\or
- Exclusion\else Compatible\fi
- #3>>}
- {\presetPDFtransparency{#1}{#2}%
- \PDFcode{\PDFtransparencyidentifier\space gs }}
- {\PDFcode{/Tr0 gs }}
- {\ifPDFtransparencysupported
- \global\let\doPDFstarttransparency\dodoPDFstarttransparency
- \global\let\doPDFstoptransparency \dodoPDFstoptransparency
- \initializetransparency
- \expandafter\doPDFstarttransparency
- \else
- \expandafter\gobbletwoarguments
- \fi}
-% \let\doPDFstoptransparency\relax
-% This is tricky: because a text stream is handled before
-% the page body is built, we can run into stops that will
-% match an outer start; however, the stop is needed in case
-% of a text color: [text color text] [other color text] on a
-% first page combined with color splitting will go wrong if
-% we stick to the relaxing method.
- {\ifPDFtransparencysupported
- \initializetransparency
- \dodoPDFstoptransparency
- \fi}
-%D These use:
-\let\PDFtransparencyresetreference \empty
-\let\PDFtransparencyreference \empty
-\let\presetPDFtransparency \gobbletwoarguments
-%D New trickery:
-\definespecial\dostopgraphicgroup {\PDFcode{Q}}
-%D Even newer trickery:
-\definespecial\dostartviewerlayer {\doPDFstartlayer}
-\definespecial\dostopviewerlayer {\doPDFstoplayer}
-% \def\doPDFstartlayer#1{\PDFdirectcode{/OC /#1 BDC}}
-% \def\doPDFstoplayer {\PDFdirectcode {EMC}}
-\def\doPDFstartlayer#1{\PDFcode{/OC /#1 BDC}}
-\def\doPDFstoplayer {\PDFcode {EMC}}
-% resource -> prop -> mc's -> OCG|OCMD (nested)
-% ocg:
-% /Intent/Design
-% ocmd
-% /P /AllOn
-% kan zelf ocmd bevatten
-\def\doPDFdefinelayer#1#2#3#4#5% tag title visible type printable
-% {\driverreferenced \doPDFdictionaryobject{PDLN}{#1}
- {\doPDFdictionaryobject{PDLN}{#1}
- {/Type /OCG
- \ifcase#4 \or
- /Intent /Design % disable layer hiding by user
- \fi
- \ifnum#5=\zerocount
- /Usage << /Print << /PrintState /OFF >> >> % printable or not
- \fi
- /Name (#2)}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{PDLN}{#1}\PDFobjectreference
- \xdef\PDFtextlayers{\PDFtextlayers\space\PDFobjectreference}%
- \doifelse{#3}\v!start
- {\xdef\PDFvidelayers{\PDFvidelayers\space\PDFobjectreference}}%
- {\xdef\PDFhidelayers{\PDFhidelayers\space\PDFobjectreference}}%
- %\driverreferenced \doPDFdictionaryobject{PDLD}{#1}
- \doPDFdictionaryobject{PDLD}{#1}
- {/Type /OCMD
- /OCGs [\PDFobjectreference]}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{PDLD}{#1}\PDFobjectreference
- \xdef\PDFpagelayers{\PDFpagelayers\space /#1 \PDFobjectreference}}
- {\ifx\PDFtextlayers\empty \else
- \driverreferenced \doPDFarrayobject{PDF}{textlayers}{\PDFtextlayers}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{PDF}{textlayers}\!!stringa
- \ifx\PDFvidelayers\empty
- \def\!!stringb{[null]}%
- \else
- \driverreferenced \doPDFarrayobject{PDF}{videlayers}{\PDFvidelayers}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{PDF}{videlayers}\!!stringb
- \fi
- \ifx\PDFhidelayers\empty
- \def\!!stringc{[null]}%
- \else
- \driverreferenced \doPDFarrayobject{PDF}{hidelayers}{\PDFhidelayers}%
- \doPDFgetobjectreference{PDF}{hidelayers}\!!stringc
- \fi
- \doPDFaddtocatalog
- {/OCProperties
- << % display in menu
- /D << /Order \!!stringa
- /ON \!!stringb
- /OFF \!!stringc >>
- % used properties
- /OCGs \!!stringa >>}%
- \globallet\flushPDFtextlayers\relax
- \fi}
- {\ifx\PDFpagelayers\empty \else
- \doPDFpageresource{/Properties <<\PDFpagelayers>>}%
- \fi}
-\prependtoksonce \flushPDFpagelayers \to \everyshipout
-\prependtoksonce \flushPDFtextlayers \to \everylastshipout
-\def\PDFexecutehidelayer {/SetOCGState /State [/OFF \PDFlayeractionlist]}
-\def\PDFexecutevidelayer {/SetOCGState /State [/ON \PDFlayeractionlist]}
-\def\PDFexecutetogglelayer {/SetOCGState /State [/Toggle \PDFlayeractionlist]}
- {\bgroup
- \globallet\PDFlayeractionlist\empty
- \def\docommand##1%
- {\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDLN}{##1}\PDFobjectreference
- \xdef\PDFlayeractionlist{\PDFlayeractionlist\space\PDFobjectreference}}%
- \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
- \egroup}
-%D Something rather pdf dependent:
-% #1 => 1=fill 2=stroke 3=strokedfill 4=invisible
-% #2 => linewidth
-% #3 => spacing (beware, one needs to set the hsize as well)
- {\ifdim#2>\zeropoint
- \PointsToBigPoints{#2}\ascii
-% \PDFdirectcode{\ascii\space w}%
- \PDFcode{\ascii\space w}%
- \fi
- \ifdim#3\points=\onepoint\else
- \scratchdimen#3\points
-% \PDFdirectcode{\withoutpt{\the\scratchdimen}\space Tc}%
- \PDFcode{\withoutpt{\the\scratchdimen}\space Tc}%
- \fi
-% \PDFdirectcode{\purenumber#1 Tr}}
- \PDFcode{\purenumber#1 Tr}}
-% {\PDFdirectcode{1 w 0 Tc 0 Tr}}
- {\PDFcode{1 w 0 Tc 0 Tr}}
-%D Handy for the \METAPOST\ to \PDF\ converter:
-\newevery \everyPDFximage \relax
-\newevery \everyPDFxform \relax
- \collectPDFresources
- \global\let\currentPDFresources\collectedPDFresources
-\to \everyPDFxform
-\def\collectPDFresources % suboptimal
- {\doifobjectreferencefoundelse{FDF}{docushades} % redundant, we have an reserved object now
- {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{docushades}\PDFobjectreference
- \xdef\collectedPDFresources{\collectedPDFresources/Shading \PDFobjectreference}}\donothing
- \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{FDF}{docuextgstates}
- {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{docuextgstates}\PDFobjectreference
- \xdef\collectedPDFresources{\collectedPDFresources/ExtGState \PDFobjectreference}}\donothing
- \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{FDF}{colorspaces}
- {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{colorspaces}\PDFobjectreference
- \xdef\collectedPDFresources{\collectedPDFresources/ColorSpace \PDFobjectreference}}\donothing
- \global\let\collectPDFresources\relax}
-%D And that was all.
-\ifx\fullytransparentcolor\undefined \else
- \def\fullytransparentcolor
- {\doPDFregisternonecolor
- \doPDFstartnonecolormode}
- \let\doPDFstarttransparency\gobbletwoarguments
- \let\doPDFstoptransparency\relax
-\protect \endinput