path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/s-pre-22.tex
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-%D \module
-%D [ file=s-pre-22,
-%D version=2000.08.07,
-%D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File,
-%D subtitle=Presentation Environment 22,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
-%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
-%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
-%C details.
-%D This style was made on behalf of the \PDFTEX\ presentation
-%D at \TUG\ 2000. It cycled a summary of each talk, with name
-%D and title. When documenting this style, I changed
-%D reprocessing into pushing on layers.
-%D A \quote {problem} like this can be solved in several ways:
-%D \startitemize
-%D \item writing a lot of semi||complex \TEX\ code as shown
-%D \item keeping track of positions and draw everything on the
-%D page layer
-%D \item defining an overlay for each summary and changing the
-%D order when flushing
-%D \item maintaining a so called field stack
-%D \stopitemize
-%D We go for the first method. We assume that summaries are
-%D simple text snippets.
-\startmode[asintended] \setupbodyfont[lbr] \stopmode
-%D We use the whole page area.
- [S6][S6]
- [topspace=0cm,
- backspace=0cm,
- header=0pt,
- footer=0pt,
- width=middle,
- height=middle]
-%D We define a couple of matching colors and gray scales.
-%D Watch out, some are really meant to look dim.
- [state=start]
-\definecolor[PageColor] [s=.50]
-\definecolor[TextColor] [s=.80]
-\definecolor[DoneColor] [s=.65]
-\definecolor[TopColor] [r=.5,g=.6,b=.7]
-\definecolor[BotColor] [r=.6,g=.7,b=.5]
-\definecolor[DotColor] [r=.7,g=.5,b=.6]
-%D We will use foreground colors. Because these can interfere
-%D with the colors they overload, we can bets make sure that
-%D we don't have local colors.
- [state=start,
- color=,
- contrastcolor=]
-%D The presentation is supposed to cycle automatically.
- [option=max,
- delay=5]
-%D We will use random positioning of objects.
- [random=medium]
-%D We have two kind of graphics: the page background and
-%D the shape around the textual elements.
-\defineoverlay [shape] [\uniqueMPgraphic{shape}]
-\defineoverlay [page] [\reuseMPgraphic{page}]
- StartPage ;
- filldraw Page withcolor \MPcolor{PageColor} ;
- pickup pencircle scaled .375cm ;
- for i=1 upto 200 :
- drawdot center Page randomized (PaperWidth,PaperHeight)
- withcolor \MPcolor {DotColor} ;
- endfor ;
- StopPage ;
- path p ;
- p := unitsquare xyscaled(OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight) superellipsed .90 ;
- draw p withpen pencircle scaled .50cm withcolor \MPcolor{PageColor} ;
- fill p withcolor OverlayColor ;
- draw p withpen pencircle scaled .25cm withcolor OverlayLineColor ;
- currentpicture := currentpicture xysized(OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight) ;
-%D The resizing at the end is needed to get a nice inverted
-%D hyperlink when we click on it in a browser.
-%D Behind the page we put a forward button:
-\defineoverlay [forward] [\overlaybutton{forward}]
-%D The content will be managed by means of two layers.
-\definelayer [main] \defineoverlay [main] [\composedlayer{main}]
-\definelayer [temp] \defineoverlay [temp] [\composedlayer{temp}]
-%D The first layer will hold everything to be shown, while
-%D the second one gets the data we currently focus on.
-%D Therefore the first layer will not be flushed each page.
- [main]
- [state=repeat]
-%D All the overlays go onto the page area.
- [page]
- [background={page,forward,main,temp}]
-%D We have to collect all data before we typeset it. Each
-%D element will be typeset dim and bright. The dim
-%D alternatives will be collected on the main layer, but each
-%D bring one goes onto a box stack.
-%D The macros that take care of all this manipulations look
-%D more complicated than they actually are. We use a
-%D scratchbox to collect and inspect data. Also, because we
-%D typeset each element twice, we need to make sure that we use
-%D the same random seed for both.
-\def\StartSummary% bottom bot-title top-title
- {\dodoublegroupempty\doStartSummary}
- {\doglobal\increment\CurrentSummary
- \setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{\strut#1}
- \getrandomseed\RandomSeed
- \setlayer[main]
- {\RandomSubtextBox{DoneColor}{BotColor}{BotColor}}
- \setrandomseed\RandomSeed
- \savebox{Subtext}{\CurrentSummary}
- {\RandomSubtextBox{TextColor}{BotColor}{black}}
- \setbox\scratchbox=\hbox \bgroup
- \setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{\bfb\setstrut\strut\quad#2\quad}%
- \SetAcceptableWidth
- \framed [offset=0pt,width=fit,frame=off,align=middle,strut=no]
- \bgroup \setupwhitespace[big]
- \doifsomething{#2}{\noindent\box\scratchbox\blank}}
- {\egroup \egroup
- \getrandomseed\RandomSeed
- \setlayer[main]
- {\RandomSummaryBox{DoneColor}{TopColor}{TopColor}}
- \setrandomseed\RandomSeed
- \savebox{Summary}{\CurrentSummary}
- {\RandomSummaryBox{TextColor}{TopColor}{black}}}
-%D A \type {\doStartSummary#1#2#3\StopSummary} could have been
-%D used too but this one is less sensitive for catcode changes
-%D (not that we expect problems like this in this kind of
-%D application).
-%D The width is either derived from the width ot the title or
-%D at random. The final width of the box is detemined by the
-%D content.
- {\scratchdimen=.5\makeupwidth
- \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>.5\makeupwidth
- \getrandomdimen\hsize{\wd\scratchbox}{.8\makeupwidth}%
- \else
- \getrandomdimen\hsize{.5\makeupwidth}{.7\makeupwidth}%
- \fi}
-%D The subtext box goes at the bottom, somewhere in the right
-%D corner.
- {\vbox to \makeupheight
- {\vfill
- \hbox to \makeupwidth
- {\hfill
- \button
- [offset=2ex,frame=off,background=shape,strut=no,
- backgroundcolor=#1,framecolor=#2,foregroundcolor=#3]
- {\copy\scratchbox}%
- [previouspage]%
- \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.5cm}{2.5cm}%
- \hskip\scratchdimen}
- \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.5cm}{1.5cm}
- \vskip \scratchdimen}}
-%D The main text goes in the top half of the page, not to
-%D far from the center. The last \type {\vskip} makes sure
-%D that we don't clash with the subtexts.
- {\vbox to \makeupheight
- {\getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.5cm}\makeupheight
- \vskip 0pt plus \scratchdimen
- \hbox to \makeupwidth
- {\getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.5cm}\makeupwidth
- \hskip 0pt plus \scratchdimen
- \button
- [offset=3ex,frame=off,background=shape,strut=no,
- backgroundcolor=#1,framecolor=#2,foregroundcolor=#3]
- {\copy\scratchbox}%
- [thispage]%
- \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.5cm}\makeupwidth
- \hskip 0pt plus \scratchdimen}
- \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.5cm}\makeupheight
- \vskip 0pt plus \scratchdimen
- \vskip.2\makeupheight}}
-%D Because we conly collect data, we hav eto make sure that at
-%D some moment it is processed and flushed. The following loop
-%D does this.
- {\dorecurse{\CurrentSummary}
- {\startstandardmakeup
- \setlayer[temp]{\foundbox{Summary}\recurselevel}
- \setlayer[temp]{\foundbox{Subtext}\recurselevel}
- \stopstandardmakeup}}
-%D We hook this macro into the \type {\stoptext} macro.
-\appendtoks \BuildPage \to \everystoptext
-%D We still need a title page.
- {\dodoublegroupempty\doTitlePage}
- {\ifsecondargument
- \MakeTitlePage{#1}{#2}
- \else\iffirstargument
- \MakeTitlePage{\currentdate}{#1}
- \else
- \MakeTitlePage{\currentdate}{Welcome}
- \fi\fi}
- {\StartSummary{#1}{#2}\StopSummary}
-%D For old times sake:
-%D The demo text.
-\TitlePage{Indeed}{The Title Page}
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
-\StartSummary{Beta and Gamma}{Another Title}
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
-\StartSummary{Delta}{Some Title}
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
-\StartSummary{Epsilon}{What A Title}
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
-\StartSummary{Zeta, Eta and Theta}{Eh, A Title}
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.
- A simple and not too long text just to show the topic.