path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/pret-mp.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/pret-mp.lua')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/pret-mp.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/pret-mp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..939065230a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/pret-mp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['pret-mp'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to buff-ver.tex",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local utf = unicode.utf8
+local utfcharacters, utfvalues = string.utfcharacters, string.utfvalues
+local utfbyte, utffind = utf.byte, utf.find
+local texsprint, texwrite = tex.sprint, tex.write
+local ctxcatcodes = tex.ctxcatcodes
+local visualizer = buffers.newvisualizer("mp")
+visualizer.identifiers = { }
+visualizer.identifiers.primitives = {
+ 'charcode', 'day', 'linecap', 'linejoin', 'miterlimit', 'month', 'pausing',
+ 'prologues', 'showstopping', 'time', 'tracingcapsules', 'tracingchoices',
+ 'tracingcommands', 'tracingequations', 'tracinglostchars',
+ 'tracingmacros', 'tracingonline', 'tracingoutput', 'tracingrestores',
+ 'tracingspecs', 'tracingstats', 'tracingtitles', 'truecorners',
+ 'warningcheck', 'year', 'mpprocset',
+ 'false', 'nullpicture', 'pencircle', 'true',
+ 'and', 'angle', 'arclength', 'arctime', 'ASCII', 'bluepart', 'boolean', 'bot',
+ 'char', 'color', 'cosd', 'cycle', 'decimal', 'directiontime', 'floor', 'fontsize',
+ 'greenpart', 'hex', 'infont', 'intersectiontimes', 'known', 'length', 'llcorner',
+ 'lrcorner', 'makepath', 'makepen', 'mexp', 'mlog', 'normaldeviate', 'not',
+ 'numeric', 'oct', 'odd', 'or', 'path', 'pair', 'pen', 'penoffset', 'picture', 'point',
+ 'postcontrol', 'precontrol', 'redpart', 'reverse', 'rotated', 'scaled',
+ 'shifted', 'sind', 'slanted', 'sqrt', 'str', 'string', 'subpath', 'substring',
+ 'transform', 'transformed', 'ulcorner', 'uniformdeviate', 'unknown',
+ 'urcorner', 'xpart', 'xscaled', 'xxpart', 'xypart', 'ypart', 'yscaled', 'yxpart',
+ 'yypart', 'zscaled',
+ 'addto', 'clip', 'input', 'interim', 'let', 'newinternal', 'save', 'setbounds',
+ 'shipout', 'show', 'showdependencies', 'showtoken', 'showvariable',
+ 'special',
+ 'begingroup', 'endgroup', 'of', 'curl', 'tension', 'and', 'controls',
+ 'reflectedabout', 'rotatedaround', 'interpath', 'on', 'off', 'beginfig',
+ 'endfig', 'def', 'vardef', 'enddef', 'epxr', 'suffix', 'text', 'primary', 'secondary',
+ 'tertiary', 'primarydef', 'secondarydef', 'tertiarydef', 'top', 'bottom',
+ 'ulft', 'urt', 'llft', 'lrt', 'randomseed', 'also', 'contour', 'doublepath',
+ 'withcolor', 'withpen', 'dashed', 'if', 'else', 'elseif', 'fi', 'for', 'endfor', 'forever', 'exitif',
+ 'forsuffixes', 'downto', 'upto', 'step', 'until',
+ 'charlist', 'extensible', 'fontdimen', 'headerbyte', 'kern', 'ligtable',
+ 'boundarychar', 'chardp', 'charext', 'charht', 'charic', 'charwd', 'designsize',
+ 'fontmaking', 'charexists',
+ 'cullit', 'currenttransform', 'gfcorners', 'grayfont', 'hround',
+ 'imagerules', 'lowres_fix', 'nodisplays', 'notransforms', 'openit',
+ 'displaying', 'currentwindow', 'screen_rows', 'screen_cols',
+ 'pixels_per_inch', 'cull', 'display', 'openwindow', 'numspecial',
+ 'totalweight', 'autorounding', 'fillin', 'proofing', 'tracingpens',
+ 'xoffset', 'chardx', 'granularity', 'smoothing', 'turningcheck', 'yoffset',
+ 'chardy', 'hppp', 'tracingedges', 'vppp',
+ 'extra_beginfig', 'extra_endfig', 'mpxbreak',
+ 'end', 'btex', 'etex', 'verbatimtex'
+visualizer.identifiers.plain = {
+ 'ahangle', 'ahlength', 'bboxmargin', 'defaultpen', 'defaultscale',
+ 'labeloffset', 'background', 'currentpen', 'currentpicture', 'cuttings',
+ 'defaultfont', 'extra_beginfig', 'extra_endfig',
+ 'beveled', 'black', 'blue', 'bp', 'butt', 'cc', 'cm', 'dd', 'ditto', 'down', 'epsilon',
+ 'evenly', 'fullcircle', 'green', 'halfcircle', 'identity', 'in', 'infinity', 'left',
+ 'mitered', 'mm', 'origin', 'pensquare', 'pt', 'quartercircle', 'red', 'right',
+ 'rounded', 'squared', 'unitsquare', 'up', 'white', 'withdots',
+ 'abs', 'bbox', 'ceiling', 'center', 'cutafter', 'cutbefore', 'dir',
+ 'directionpoint', 'div', 'dotprod', 'intersectionpoint', 'inverse', 'mod', 'lft',
+ 'round', 'rt', 'unitvector', 'whatever',
+ 'cutdraw', 'draw', 'drawarrow', 'drawdblarrow', 'fill', 'filldraw', 'drawdot',
+ 'loggingall', 'pickup', 'tracingall', 'tracingnone', 'undraw', 'unfill',
+ 'unfilldraw',
+ 'buildcycle', 'dashpattern', 'decr', 'dotlabel', 'dotlabels', 'drawoptions',
+ 'incr', 'label', 'labels', 'max', 'min', 'thelabel', 'z',
+ 'beginchar', 'blacker', 'capsule_end', 'change_width',
+ 'define_blacker_pixels', 'define_corrected_pixels',
+ 'define_good_x_pixels', 'define_good_y_pixels',
+ 'define_horizontal_corrected_pixels', 'define_pixels',
+ 'define_whole_blacker_pixels', 'define_whole_pixels',
+ 'define_whole_vertical_blacker_pixels',
+ 'define_whole_vertical_pixels', 'endchar', 'extra_beginchar',
+ 'extra_endchar', 'extra_setup', 'font_coding_scheme',
+ 'font_extra_space'
+visualizer.identifiers.metafun = {
+ 'unitcircle', 'fulldiamond', 'unitdiamond',
+ 'halfcircle', 'quartercircle',
+ 'llcircle', 'lrcircle', 'urcircle', 'ulcircle',
+ 'tcircle', 'bcircle', 'lcircle', 'rcircle',
+ 'lltriangle', 'lrtriangle', 'urtriangle', 'ultriangle',
+ 'smoothed', 'cornered', 'superellipsed', 'randomized', 'squeezed',
+ 'punked', 'curved', 'unspiked', 'simplified', 'blownup', 'stretched',
+ 'paralled', 'enlonged', 'shortened',
+ 'enlarged', 'leftenlarged', 'topenlarged', 'rightenlarged', 'bottomenlarged',
+ 'llenlarged', 'lrenlarged', 'urenlarged', 'ulenlarged',
+ 'llmoved', 'lrmoved', 'urmoved', 'ulmoved',
+ 'boundingbox', 'innerboundingbox', 'outerboundingbox',
+ 'bottomboundary', 'leftboundary', 'topboundary', 'rightboundary',
+ 'xsized', 'ysized', 'xysized',
+ 'cmyk', 'transparent', 'withshade', 'spotcolor',
+ 'drawfill', 'undrawfill',
+ 'inverted', 'uncolored', 'softened', 'grayed',
+ 'textext', 'graphictext',
+ 'loadfigure', 'externalfigure'
+visualizer.styles = {
+ primitives = "",
+ plain = "\\sl",
+ metafun = "\\sl",
+local styles = visualizer.styles
+-- btex .. etex
+local colors = {
+ "prettyone",
+ "prettytwo",
+ "prettythree",
+ "prettyfour",
+local states = {
+ [';']=1, ['$']=1, ['@']=1, ['#']=1,
+ ['\\']=2,
+ ['(']=3, [')']=3, ['[']=3, [']']=3, [':']=3, ['=']=3, ['<']=3, ['>']=3, ['"']=3,
+ ['-']=4, ['+']=4, ['/']=4, ['*']=4, ['|']=4, ['`']=4, ['!']=4, ['?']=4, ['^']=4, ['&']=4, ['%']=4,
+ ['%']=4, ['.']=4, [',']=4
+local known_words = { }
+for k,v in pairs(visualizer.identifiers) do
+ for _,w in pairs(v) do
+ known_words[w] = k
+ end
+local change_state, finish_state = buffers.change_state, buffers.finish_state
+local function flush_mp_word(state, word, intex)
+ if word then
+ if intex then
+ if word == 'etex' then
+ state = change_state(2,state)
+ texwrite(word)
+ state = finish_state(state)
+ return state, false
+ else
+ texwrite(word)
+ return state, true
+ end
+ else
+ local id = known_words[word]
+ if id then
+ state = change_state(2,state)
+ if styles[id] then
+ texsprint(ctxcatcodes,styles[id])
+ end
+ texwrite(word)
+ state = finish_state(state)
+ return state, (word == 'btex') or (word == 'verbatimtex')
+ else
+ state = finish_state(state)
+ texwrite(word)
+ return state, intex
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ state = finish_state(state)
+ return state, intex
+ end
+-- todo: split string in code and comment, and escape comment fast
+-- could be generic
+-- to be considered: visualizer => table [result, instr, incomment, word]
+function visualizer.flush_line(str,nested)
+ local state, word, instr, intex, incomment = 0, nil, false, false, false
+ buffers.currentcolors = colors
+ for c in utfcharacters(str) do
+ if c == " " then
+ state, intex = flush_mp_word(state, word, intex)
+ word = nil
+ texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\obs")
+ elseif incomment then
+ texwrite(c)
+ elseif c == '%' then
+ state = change_state(states[c], state)
+ incomment = true
+ texwrite(c)
+ state = finish_state(state)
+ elseif instr then
+ if c == '"' then
+ state = change_state(states[c],state)
+ instr = false
+ texwrite(c)
+ state = finish_state(state)
+ else
+ texwrite(c)
+ end
+ elseif intex then
+ if utffind(c,"^[%a]$") then
+ if word then word = word .. c else word = c end
+ else
+ state, intex = flush_mp_word(state, word, intex)
+ word = nil
+ if intex then
+ texwrite(c)
+ else
+ state = change_state(states[c], state)
+ texwrite(c)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif utffind(c,"^[%a]$") then
+ state = finish_state(state)
+ if word then word = word .. c else word = c end
+ else
+ state, intex = flush_mp_word(state, word, intex)
+ word = nil
+ state = change_state(states[c], state)
+ texwrite(c)
+ state = finish_state(state)
+ instr = (c == '"')
+ end
+ end
+ state, intex = flush_mp_word(state, word, intex)
+ state = finish_state(state)