path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/pret-lua.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/pret-lua.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 319 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/pret-lua.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/pret-lua.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8803971f3eb..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/pret-lua.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['pret-lua'] = {
- version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to buff-ver.mkiv",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
--- this is not a real parser as we also want to typeset wrong output
--- and a real parser would choke on that
-local utf = unicode.utf8
-local utfcharacters, utfvalues = string.utfcharacters, string.utfvalues
-local utfbyte, utffind = utf.byte, utf.find
-local byte, sub, find, match = string.byte, string.sub, string.find, string.match
-local texsprint, texwrite = tex.sprint, tex.write
-local ctxcatcodes = tex.ctxcatcodes
-local visualizer = buffers.newvisualizer("lua")
-visualizer.identifiers = { }
--- borrowed from scite
--- depricated:
--- gcinfo unpack getfenv setfenv loadlib
--- table.maxn table.getn table.setn
--- math.log10 math.mod math.modf math.fmod
-visualizer.identifiers.core = {
- "and", "break", "do", "else", "elseif", "end", "false", "for", "function",
- "if", "in", "local", "nil", "not", "or", "repeat", "return", "then",
- "true", "until", "while"
-visualizer.identifiers.base = {
- "assert", "collectgarbage", "dofile", "error", "loadfile",
- "loadstring", "print", "rawget", "rawset", "require", "tonumber",
- "tostring", "type",
-visualizer.identifiers.five = {
- "_G", "getmetatable", "ipairs", "next", "pairs",
- "pcall", "rawequal", "setmetatable", "xpcall", "string", "table",
- "math", "coroutine", "io", "os", "debug", "load", "module", "select",
-visualizer.identifiers.libs = {
- -- coroutine
- "coroutine.create", "coroutine.resume", "coroutine.status", "coroutine.wrap",
- "coroutine.yield", "coroutine.running",
- -- package
- "package.cpath", "package.loaded", "package.loadlib", "package.path", "package.config",
- -- io
- "io.close", "io.flush", "io.input", "io.lines", "", "io.output",
- "", "io.tmpfile", "io.type", "io.write", "io.stdin", "io.stdout",
- "io.stderr", "io.popen",
- -- math
- "math.abs", "math.acos", "math.asin", "math.atan", "math.atan2", "math.ceil",
- "math.cos", "math.deg", "math.exp", "math.floor math.", "math.ldexp",
- "math.log", "math.max", "math.min", "math.pi", "math.pow",
- "math.rad", "math.random", "math.randomseed", "math.sin", "math.sqrt",
- "math.tan", "math.cosh", "math.sinh", "math.tanh",
- "math.huge",
- -- string
- "string.byte", "string.char", "string.dump", "string.find", "string.len",
- "string.lower", "string.rep", "string.sub", "string.upper", "string.format",
- "string.gfind", "string.gsub", "string.gmatch", "string.match", "string.reverse",
- -- table
- "table.concat", "table.foreach", "table.foreachi",
- "table.sort", "table.insert", "table.remove",
- "table.pack", "table.unpack",
- -- os
- "os.clock", "", "os.difftime", "os.execute", "os.exit", "os.getenv",
- "os.remove", "os.rename", "os.setlocale", "os.time", "os.tmpname",
- -- package
- "package.preload", "package.seeall",
- -- bit
- -- ... todo ...
-local known_words = { }
-for k,v in next, visualizer.identifiers do
- for _,w in next, v do
- known_words[w] = k
- end
-visualizer.styles = {
- core = "",
- base = "\\sl ",
- five = "\\sl ",
- libs = "\\sl ",
-local styles = visualizer.styles
-local colors = {
- "prettyone",
- "prettytwo",
- "prettythree",
- "prettyfour",
-local states = {
- ['"']=1, ["'"]=1, ["[["] = 1, ["]]"] = 1,
- ['+']=1, ['-']=1, ['*']=1, ['/']=1, ['%']=1, ['^']=1,
- ["("] = 3, [")"] = 3, ["["] = 3, ["]"] = 3,
- ['--']=4,
-local change_state, finish_state = buffers.change_state, buffers.finish_state
-local function flush_lua_word(state, word)
- if word then
- local id = known_words[word]
- if id then
- state = change_state(2,state)
- if styles[id] then
- texsprint(ctxcatcodes,styles[id])
- end
- texwrite(word)
- state = finish_state(state)
- else
- state = finish_state(state) -- ?
- texwrite(word)
- end
- else
- state = finish_state(state)
- end
- return state
-local incomment, inlongstring = false, false
-function visualizer.reset()
- incomment, inlongstring = false, false -- needs to be hooked into flusher
--- we will also provide a proper parser based pretty printer although normaly
--- a pretty printer should handle faulty code too (educational purposes)
-local function written(state,c,i)
- if c == " " then
- state = finish_state(state)
- texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\obs")
- elseif c == "\t" then
- state = finish_state(state)
- texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\obs")
- if buffers.visualizers.enabletab then
- texsprint(ctxcatcodes,rep("\\obs ",i%buffers.visualizers.tablength))
- end
- else
- texwrite(c)
- end
- return state, 0
-function visualizer.flush_line(str, nested)
- local state, instr, inesc, word = 0, false, false, nil
- buffers.currentcolors = colors
- local code, comment = match(str,"^(.-)%-%-%[%[(.*)$")
- if comment then
- -- process the code and then flush the comment
- elseif incomment then
- comment, code = match(str,"^(.-)%]%](.*)$")
- if comment then
- -- flush the comment and then process the code
- for c in utfcharacters(comment) do
- if c == " " then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\obs") else texwrite(c) end
- end
- state = change_state(states['--'], state)
- texwrite("]]")
- state = finish_state(state)
- incomment = false
- else
- for c in utfcharacters(str) do
- if c == " " then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\obs") else texwrite(c) end
- end
- end
- comment = nil
- else
- code = str
- end
- if code and code ~= "" then
- local pre, post = match(code,"^(.-)%-%-(.*)$")
- if pre then
- code = pre
- end
- local p, s, i = nil, nil, 0
- for c in utfcharacters(code) do
- i = i + 1
- if instr then
- if p then
- texwrite(p)
- p = nil
- end
- if c == s then
- if inesc then
- texwrite(c)
- inesc = false
- else
- state = change_state(states[c],state)
- instr = false
- texwrite(c)
- state = finish_state(state)
- end
- s = nil
- else
- if c == "\\" then
- inesc = not inesc
- else
- inesc = false
- end
- state, i = written(state,c,i)
- end
- elseif c == "[" then
- if word then
- texwrite(word)
- word = nil
- end
- if p == "[" then
- inlongstring = true
- state = change_state(states["[["],state)
- texwrite(p,c)
- state = finish_state(state)
- p = nil
- else
- if p then
- state, i = written(state,p,i)
- end
- p = c
- end
- elseif c == "]" then
- if word then
- texwrite(word)
- word = nil
- end
- if p == "]" then
- inlongstring = false
- state = change_state(states["]]"],state)
- texwrite(p,c)
- state = finish_state(state)
- p = nil
- else
- if p then
- state, i = written(state,p,i)
- end
- p = c
- end
- else
- if p then
- state = change_state(states[p],state)
- texwrite(p)
- state = finish_state(state)
- p = nil
- end
- if c == " " or c == "\t" then
- if word then
- state = flush_lua_word(state,word)
- word = nil
- end
- state, i = written(state,c,i)
- elseif inlongstring then
- state, i = written(state,c,i)
- elseif c == '"' or c == "'" then
-if word then
- state = flush_lua_word(state,word)
- word = nil
- instr = true
- state = change_state(states[c],state)
- state, i = written(state,c,i)
- state = finish_state(state)
- s = c
- elseif find(c,"^[%a]$") then
- state = finish_state(state)
- if word then word = word .. c else word = c end
- elseif word and (#word > 1) and find(c,"^[%d%.%_]$") then
- if word then word = word .. c else word = c end
- else
- state = flush_lua_word(state,word)
- word = nil
- state = change_state(states[c],state)
- texwrite(c)
- instr = (c == '"')
- end
- end
- end
- if p then
- texwrite(p)
- -- state, i = written(state,p,i)
- p = nil
- end
- state = flush_lua_word(state,word)
- if post then
- state = change_state(states['--'], state)
- texwrite("--")
- state = finish_state(state)
- for c in utfcharacters(post) do
- state, i = written(state,c,i)
- end
- end
- end
- if comment then
- incomment = true
- state = change_state(states['--'], state)
- texwrite("[[")
- state = finish_state(state)
- -- texwrite(comment) -- maybe also split and
- for c in utfcharacters(comment) do
- state, i = written(state,c,i)
- end
- end
- state = finish_state(state)