path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/publ-fnd.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/publ-fnd.lua')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/publ-fnd.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/publ-fnd.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..32d0c11beed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/publ-fnd.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['publ-fnd'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "this module part of publication support",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if not characters then
+ dofile(resolvers.findfile("char-def.lua"))
+ dofile(resolvers.findfile("char-utf.lua"))
+-- this tracker is only for real debugging and not for the average user
+local trace_match = false trackers.register("publications.match", function(v) trace_match = v end)
+local publications = publications
+local tonumber, next, type = tonumber, next, type
+local find = string.find
+local P, R, S, C, Cs, Cp, Cc, Carg, Ct, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Carg, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.V
+local lpegmatch, lpegpatterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns
+local concat = table.concat
+local formatters = string.formatters
+local lowercase = characters.lower
+local topattern = string.topattern
+publications = publications or { } -- for testing
+local report = logs.reporter("publications","match")
+local colon = P(":")
+local dash = P("-")
+local lparent = P("(")
+local rparent = P(")")
+local space = lpegpatterns.whitespace
+local utf8char = lpegpatterns.utf8character
+local valid = 1 - colon - space - lparent - rparent
+----- key = C(valid^1)
+local key = C(R("az","AZ")^1)
+local wildcard = C("*")
+local word = Cs(lpegpatterns.unquoted + lpegpatterns.argument + valid^1)
+local simple = C(valid^1)
+local number = C(valid^1)
+local key = C(R("az","AZ")^1)
+local contains = S(":~")
+local exact = P("=")
+local valid = (1 - space - lparent -rparent)^1
+local wildcard = P("*") / ".*"
+local single = P("?") / "."
+local dash = P("-") / "%."
+local percent = P("-") / "%%"
+local word = Cs(lpegpatterns.unquoted + lpegpatterns.argument + valid)
+local range = P("<") * space^0 * C((1-space)^1) * space^1 * C((1-space- P(">"))^1) * space^0 * P(">")
+local f_key_fld = formatters[" local kf_%s = get(entry,%q) \n if kf_%s then kf_%s = lower(kf_%s) end"]
+local f_key_set = formatters[" local ks_%s = get(entry,%q,categories)\n if ks_%s then ks_%s = lower(ks_%s) end"]
+local f_number_fld = formatters[" local nf_%s = tonumber(get(entry,%q))"]
+local f_number_set = formatters[" local ns_%s = tonumber(get(entry,%q,categories))"]
+local f_fld_exact = formatters["(kf_%s == %q)"]
+local f_set_exact = formatters["(ks_%s == %q)"]
+local f_fld_contains = formatters["(kf_%s and find(kf_%s,%q))"]
+local f_set_contains = formatters["(ks_%s and find(ks_%s,%q))"]
+local f_fld_between = formatters["(nf_%s and nf_%s >= %s and nf_%s <= %s)"]
+local f_set_between = formatters["(ns_%s and ns_%s >= %s and ns_%s <= %s)"]
+local f_all_match = formatters["anywhere(entry,%q)"]
+local function test_key_value(keys,where,key,first,last)
+ if not key or key == "" then
+ return "(false)"
+ elseif key == "*" then
+ last = "^.*" .. topattern(lowercase(last)) .. ".*$" -- todo: make an lpeg
+ return f_all_match(last)
+ elseif first == false then
+ -- exact
+ last = lowercase(last)
+ if where == "set" then
+ keys[key] = f_key_set(key,key,key,key,key)
+ return f_set_exact(key,last)
+ else
+ keys[key] = f_key_fld(key,key,key,key,key)
+ return f_fld_exact(key,last)
+ end
+ elseif first == true then
+ -- contains
+ last = "^.*" .. topattern(lowercase(last)) .. ".*$"
+ if where == "set" then
+ keys[key] = f_key_set(key,key,key,key,key)
+ return f_set_contains(key,key,last)
+ else
+ keys[key] = f_key_fld(key,key,key,key,key)
+ return f_fld_contains(key,key,last)
+ end
+ else
+ -- range
+ if where == "set" then
+ keys[key] = f_number_set(key,key)
+ return f_set_between(key,key,tonumber(first),key,tonumber(last))
+ else
+ keys[key] = f_number_fld(key,key)
+ return f_fld_between(key,key,tonumber(first),key,tonumber(last))
+ end
+ end
+local p_compare = P { "all",
+ all = (V("one") + V("operator") + V("nested") + C(" "))^1,
+ nested = C("(") * V("all") * C(")"), -- C really needed?
+ operator = C("and")
+ + C("or")
+ + C("not"),
+ one = Carg(1)
+ * V("where")
+ * V("key")
+ * (V("how") * V("word") + V("range"))
+ / test_key_value,
+ key = key
+ + C("*"),
+ where = C("set") * P(":")
+ + Cc(""),
+ how = contains * Cc(true)
+ + exact * Cc(false),
+ word = word,
+ range = range,
+-- local p_combine = space^0 * (P(",")/" or ") * space^0
+-- local pattern = Cs((P("match")/"" * space^0 * p_compare + p_combine)^1)
+local comma = P(",")
+local p_spaces = space^0
+local p_combine = p_spaces * comma * p_spaces / " or "
+local p_expression = P("match")/"" * Cs(p_compare)
+ + Carg(1)
+ * Cc("")
+ * Cc("tag")
+ * Cc(false)
+ * (
+ P("tag") * p_spaces * P("(") * Cs((1-S(")")-space)^1) * p_spaces * P(")")
+ + p_spaces * Cs((1-space-comma)^1) * p_spaces
+ ) / test_key_value
+local pattern = Cs {
+ [1] = V(2) * (p_combine * V(2))^0,
+ [2] = p_expression,
+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
+function publications.anywhere(entry,str) -- helpers
+ for k, v in next, entry do
+ if find(lowercase(v),str) then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+-- todo: use an environment instead of
+-- table={
+-- { "match", "((kf_editor and find(kf_editor,\"^.*braslau.*$\")))" },
+-- { "hash", "foo1234" },
+-- { "tag", "bar5678" },
+-- }
+local f_template = formatters[ [[
+local find = string.find
+local lower = characters.lower
+local anywhere = publications.anywhere
+local get = publications.getfuzzy
+local specification = publications.currentspecification
+local categories = specification and specification.categories
+return function(entry)
+ return %s and true or false
+]] ]
+local function compile(dataset,expr)
+ local keys = { }
+ -- local expression = lpegmatch(pattern,expr,start,keys)
+ local expression = lpegmatch(pattern,expr,1,keys)
+ if trace_match then
+ report("compiling expression: %s",expr)
+ end
+ local definitions = { }
+ for k, v in next, keys do
+ definitions[#definitions+1] = v
+ end
+ if #definitions == 0 then
+ report("invalid expression: %s",expr)
+ elseif trace_match then
+ for i=1,#definitions do
+ report("% 3i : %s",i,definitions[i])
+ end
+ end
+ definitions = concat(definitions,"\n")
+ local code = f_template(definitions,expression)
+ if trace_match then
+ report("generated code: %s",code)
+ end
+ local finder = loadstring(code) -- use an environment
+ if type(finder) == "function" then
+ finder = finder()
+ if type(finder) == "function" then
+ return finder, code
+ end
+ end
+ report("invalid expression: %s",expr)
+ return false
+-- local function test(str)
+-- local keys = { }
+-- local definitions = { }
+-- local expression = lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,keys)
+-- for k, v in next, keys do
+-- definitions[#definitions+1] = v
+-- end
+-- definitions = concat(definitions,"\n")
+-- print(f_template(definitions,expression))
+-- end
+-- test("match(foo:bar and (foo:bar or foo:bar))")
+-- test("match(foo=bar and (foo=bar or foo=bar))")
+-- test("match(set:foo:bar),match(set:foo:bar)")
+-- test("match(set:foo=bar)")
+-- test("match(foo:{bar bar})")
+-- test("match(foo={bar bar})")
+-- test("match(set:foo:'bar bar')")
+-- test("match(set:foo='bar bar')")
+-- test("match(set:foo<1000 2000>)")
+-- test("match(set:foo<1000 2000>)")
+-- test("match(*:foo)")
+-- test("match(*:*)")
+local trigger = (P("match") + P("tag")) * p_spaces * P("(")
+local check = (1-trigger)^0 * trigger
+local function finder(dataset,expression)
+ local found = lpegmatch(check,expression) and compile(dataset,expression) or false
+ if found then
+ local okay, message = pcall(found,{})
+ if not okay then
+ found = false
+ report("error in match: %s",message)
+ end
+ end
+ return found
+-- finder("match(author:foo)")
+-- finder("match(author:foo and author:bar)")
+-- finder("match(author:foo or (author:bar and page:123))")
+-- finder("match(author:foo),match(author:foo)")
+publications.finder = finder
+ local find = finder(dataset,expression)
+ if find then
+ local ordered = dataset.ordered
+ local target = { }
+ for i=1,#ordered do
+ local entry = ordered[i]
+ if find(entry) then
+ local tag = entry.tag
+ if not target[tag] then
+ -- we always take the first
+ target[tag] = entry
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return target
+ else
+ return { } -- { dataset.luadata[expression] } -- ?
+ end
+-- local d = publications.datasets.default
+-- local d = publications.load {
+-- dataset = "default",
+-- filename = "t:/manuals/mkiv/hybrid/tugboat.bib"
+-- }
+-- inspect(,[[match(author:hagen)]]))
+-- inspect(,[[match(author:hagen and author:hoekwater and year:1990-2010)]]))
+-- inspect(,[[match(author:"Bogusław Jackowski")]]))
+-- inspect(,[[match(author:"Bogusław Jackowski" and (tonumber(field:year) or 0) > 2000)]]))
+-- inspect(,[[Hagen:TB19-3-304]]))