path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/m-fonts-plugins.mkiv
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/m-fonts-plugins.mkiv')
1 files changed, 406 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/m-fonts-plugins.mkiv b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/m-fonts-plugins.mkiv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ecb3116945c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/m-fonts-plugins.mkiv
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=m-fonts-plugins,
+%D version=2016.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Fonts,
+%D subtitle=Font Engine Plugins,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D See source code for comments. I wrote this a follow up on a presentation by
+%D Kai Eigner, left it for a while, and sort of finalized it the last quarter of
+%D 2016. As I don't use this module, apart from maybe testing something, it is
+%D not guaranteed to work. Also, plugins can interfere with other functionality
+%D in \CONTEXT\ so don't expect too much support. The two modules mentioned
+%D below should work in the generic loader too. It's anyhow an illustration of
+%D how \type {ffi} can work be used in a practical application.
+\registerctxluafile{font-txt}{1.001} % generic text handler
+\registerctxluafile{font-phb}{1.001} % harfbuzz plugin
+ local function processlist(data)
+ local list = data.list
+ local timings = data.results
+ for i=1,#list do
+ local name = list[i]
+ local data = timings[name]
+ local none = data["context none"] or 0
+ local node = data["context node"] or 0
+ if node > 0.1 then
+ context.starttabulate { "|l|c|c|c|c|c|" }
+ context.NC() context.bold(name)
+ context.NC() context([[$t$]])
+ context.NC() context([[$t - t_{\hbox{\tx none}}$]])
+ context.NC() context([[$t - t_{\hbox{\tx node}}$]])
+ context.NC() context([[$t / t_{\hbox{\tx node}}$]])
+ context.NC() context([[$\frac{t - t_{\hbox{\txx none}}}{t_{\hbox{\txx node}} - t_{\hbox{\txx none}}}$]])
+ context.NC() context.NR()
+ context.TL()
+ for k, v in table.sortedhash(data) do
+ context.NC() context(k)
+ context.NC() context("%0.2f",v)
+ context.NC() context("%0.2f",v - none)
+ context.NC() context("%0.2f",v - node)
+ context.NC() context("%0.2f",v / node)
+ context.NC() if node ~= none then context("%0.2f",(v-none) / (node-none)) end
+ context.NC() context.NR()
+ end
+ context.stoptabulate()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ moduledata.plugins = {
+ processlist = processlist,
+ }
+\TestA \tufte \par
+\TestB \tufte \par
+\TestC \tufte \par
+\dorecurse {10} {%
+ \TestA Fluffy Test Font A
+ \TestB Fluffy Test Font B
+ \TestC Fluffy Test Font C
+\definedfont[Arabic*test at 14pt]
+\dorecurse {10} {
+ \khatt\space
+ \khatt\space
+ \khatt
+ \blank
+\definefont[TestA][Arabic*test at 14pt]
+\dorecurse {2} {
+ {\TestA\khatt\space\khatt\space\khatt}
+ {\TestL\lefttoright\tufte}
+ \blank
+ \dorecurse{10}{%
+ {\TestA وَ قَرْمِطْ بَيْنَ الْحُرُوفِ؛ فَإِنَّ}
+ {\TestL\lefttoright A snippet text that makes no sense.}
+ }
+ [test-none]
+ [mode=none]
+ [test-base]
+ [mode=base,
+ liga=yes,
+ kern=yes]
+ [test-node]
+ [mode=node,
+ script=auto,
+ autoscript=position,
+ autolanguage=position,
+ ccmp=yes,
+ liga=yes,
+ % rlig=yes,
+ % hlig=yes,
+ % dlig=yes,
+ clig=yes,
+ kern=yes,
+ mark=yes,
+ mkmk=yes,
+ curs=yes]
+ [test-text]
+ [mode=plug,
+ features=text]
+ [test-native]
+ [mode=plug,
+ features=harfbuzz,
+ %liga=yes,
+ %kern=yes,
+ shaper=native]
+ [test-uniscribe]
+ [mode=plug,
+ features=harfbuzz,
+ %liga=yes,
+ %kern=yes,
+ shaper=uniscribe]
+ [test-binary]
+ [mode=plug,
+ features=harfbuzz,
+ %liga=yes,
+ %kern=yes,
+ shaper=uniscribe,
+ method=binary]
+ [arabic-node]
+ [arabic]
+ [arabic-native]
+ [mode=plug,
+ features=harfbuzz,
+ % method=binary,
+ script=arab,language=dflt,
+% ccmp=yes,
+% init=yes,medi=yes,fina=yes,isol=yes,
+% liga=yes,dlig=yes,rlig=yes,clig=yes,calt=yes,
+% mark=yes,mkmk=yes,kern=yes,curs=yes,
+ shaper=native]
+ [arabic-uniscribe]
+ [mode=plug,
+ features=harfbuzz,
+ script=arab,language=dflt,ccmp=yes,
+ init=yes,medi=yes,fina=yes,isol=yes,
+ liga=yes,dlig=yes,rlig=yes,clig=yes,calt=yes,
+ mark=yes,mkmk=yes,kern=yes,curs=yes,
+ shaper=uniscribe]
+\starttexdefinition RunLatinTest #1#2#3#4#5
+ \start
+ \dontcomplain
+ \definefontfeature[test][test-#4]
+ \writestatus{warning}{#1 #3 #4 (1 initial run)}
+ \page
+ \startluacode
+ collectgarbage("collect")
+ \stopluacode
+ \title{#1 #3 #4}
+ \start
+ \getbuffer[#5-definitions]
+ \showfontkerns
+ \showmakeup[discretionary]
+ \enabletrackers[fonts.plugins.hb.colors]%
+ \testfeatureonce{1}{
+ \getbuffer[#5-text]
+ }
+ \stop
+ \page
+ \startluacode
+ collectgarbage("collect")
+ \stopluacode
+ \ifnum#2>1\relax
+ \writestatus{warning}{#1 #3 #4 (#2 timing runs)}
+ \start
+ \getbuffer[#5-definitions]
+ \testfeatureonce{#2}{
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\getbuffer[#5-text]}
+ }
+ \stop
+ \writestatus{warning}{done}
+ \fi
+ \startluacode
+ document.collected_timings.timings["#5"].results["#1"]["#3 #4"] = \elapsedtime\space
+ collectgarbage("collect")
+ \stopluacode
+ \stop
+\starttexdefinition RunArabicTest #1#2#3#4#5
+ \start
+ \dontcomplain
+ \definefontsynonym[Arabic][#1]
+ \definefontfeature[test][arabic-#4]
+ \writestatus{warning}{#1 #3 #4 #5 (1 initial run)}
+ \page
+ \startluacode
+ collectgarbage("collect")
+ \stopluacode
+ \title{#1 #3 #4}
+ \start
+ \getbuffer[#5-definitions]
+ \enabletrackers[fonts.plugins.hb.colors]%
+ \testfeatureonce{1}{
+ \setupalign[flushleft] % easier to compare
+ \getbuffer[#5-text]
+ }
+ \par
+ \stop
+ \page
+ \ifnum#2>1\relax
+ \writestatus{warning}{#1 #3 #4 #5 (#2 timing runs)}
+ \start
+ \getbuffer[#5-definitions]
+ \testfeatureonce{#2}{
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\getbuffer[#5-text]}
+ }
+ \stop
+ \writestatus{warning}{done}
+ \fi
+ \startluacode
+ document.collected_timings.timings["#5"].results["#1"]["#3 #4"] = \elapsedtime\space
+ collectgarbage("collect")
+ \stopluacode
+ \stop
+ local processlist = moduledata.plugins.processlist
+ local data = {
+ timings = { },
+ engine = jit and "luajittex" or "luatex",
+ }
+ document.collected_timings = data
+ -- LATIN
+ local list = {
+ "modern",
+ "pagella",
+ "dejavu",
+ "cambria",
+ "ebgaramond",
+ "lucidaot"
+ }
+ data.timings["latin"] = {
+ list = list,
+ results = table.setmetatableindex("table"),
+ }
+ for i=1,#list do
+ local name = list[i]
+ context.setupbodyfont { name }
+ context.RunLatinTest (name, 100, "context", "none", "latin")
+ context.RunLatinTest (name, 100, "context", "base", "latin")
+ context.RunLatinTest (name, 100, "context", "node", "latin")
+ context.RunLatinTest (name, 100, "harfbuzz", "native", "latin")
+ -- context.RunLatinTest (name, 100, "harfbuzz", "uniscribe", "latin")
+ -- context.RunLatinTest (name, 1, "context", "text", "latin")
+ -- context.RunLatinTest (name, 1, "harfbuzz", "binary", "latin")
+ end
+ context(function()
+ context.title((jit and "luajittex" or "luatex") .. " latin")
+ processlist(data.timings["latin"])
+ end)
+ local list = {
+ "arabtype"
+ }
+ data.timings["arabic"] = {
+ list = list,
+ results = table.setmetatableindex("table")
+ }
+ for i=1,#list do
+ local name = list[i]
+ context.setupbodyfont { name }
+ context.RunArabicTest (name, 100, "context", "none", "arabic")
+ context.RunArabicTest (name, 100, "context", "base", "arabic")
+ context.RunArabicTest (name, 100, "context", "node", "arabic")
+ context.RunArabicTest (name, 100, "harfbuzz", "native", "arabic")
+ -- context.RunArabicTest (name, 100, "harfbuzz", "uniscribe", "arabic")
+ -- context.RunArabicTest (name, 1, "context", "text", "arabic")
+ -- context.RunArabicTest (name, 1, "harfbuzz", "binary", "arabic")
+ end
+ context(function()
+ context.title((jit and "luajittex" or "luatex") .. " arabic")
+ processlist(data.timings["arabic"])
+ end)
+ -- MIXED
+ local list = {
+ "arabtype"
+ }
+ data.timings["mixed"] = {
+ list = list,
+ results = table.setmetatableindex("table")
+ }
+ for i=1,#list do
+ local name = list[i]
+ context.setupbodyfont { name }
+ context.RunArabicTest (name, 100, "context", "none", "mixed")
+ context.RunArabicTest (name, 100, "context", "base", "mixed")
+ context.RunArabicTest (name, 100, "context", "node", "mixed")
+ context.RunArabicTest (name, 100, "harfbuzz", "native", "mixed")
+ -- context.RunArabicTest (name, 100, "harfbuzz", "uniscribe", "mixed")
+ -- context.RunArabicTest (name, 1, "context", "text", "mixed")
+ -- context.RunArabicTest (name, 1, "harfbuzz", "binary", "mixed")
+ end
+ context(function()
+ context.title((jit and "luajittex" or "luatex") .. " mixed")
+ processlist(data.timings["mixed"])
+ end)
+ context(function()
+"m-fonts-plugins-timings-" .. (jit and "luajittex" or "luatex") .. ".lua",data)
+ end)