path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/luat-sto.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/luat-sto.lua')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/luat-sto.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/luat-sto.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b04d655c29d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkiv/luat-sto.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-sto'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- we could nil some function in the productionrun
+local type, next, setmetatable, getmetatable, collectgarbage = type, next, setmetatable, getmetatable, collectgarbage
+local gmatch, format = string.gmatch, string.format
+local serialize, concat, sortedhash = table.serialize, table.concat, table.sortedhash
+local bytecode = lua.bytecode
+local strippedloadstring = utilities.lua.strippedloadstring
+local formatters = string.formatters
+local trace_storage = false
+local report_storage = logs.reporter("system","storage")
+storage = storage or { }
+local storage = storage
+local data = { } = data
+storage.min = 0 -- 500
+storage.max = storage.min - 1
+storage.noftables = storage.noftables or 0
+storage.nofmodules = storage.nofmodules or 0
+storage.mark =
+storage.allocate =
+storage.marked =
+storage.strip = false
+directives.register("system.compile.strip", function(v) storage.strip = v end)
+function storage.register(...)
+ local t = { ... }
+ local d = t[2]
+ if d then
+ storage.mark(d)
+ else
+ report_storage("fatal error: invalid storage %a",t[1])
+ os.exit()
+ end
+ data[#data+1] = t
+ return t
+local n = 0 -- is that one used ?
+if environment.initex then
+ -- local function dump()
+ -- local max = storage.max
+ -- for i=1,#data do
+ -- local d = data[i]
+ -- local message, original, target = d[1], d[2] ,d[3]
+ -- local c, code, name = 0, { }, nil
+ -- -- we have a nice definer for this
+ -- for str in gmatch(target,"([^%.]+)") do
+ -- if name then
+ -- name = name .. "." .. str
+ -- else
+ -- name = str
+ -- end
+ -- c = c + 1 ; code[c] = formatters["%s = %s or { }"](name,name)
+ -- end
+ -- max = max + 1
+ -- if trace_storage then
+ -- c = c + 1 ; code[c] = formatters["print('restoring %s from slot %s')"](message,max)
+ -- end
+ -- c = c + 1 ; code[c] = serialize(original,name)
+ -- if trace_storage then
+ -- report_storage('saving %a in slot %a, size %s',message,max,#code[c])
+ -- end
+ -- -- we don't need tracing in such tables
+ -- bytecode[max] = strippedloadstring(concat(code,"\n"),storage.strip,format("slot %s (%s)",max,name))
+ -- collectgarbage("step")
+ -- end
+ -- storage.max = max
+ -- end
+ local function dump()
+ local max = storage.max
+ local strip = storage.strip
+ for i=1,#data do
+ max = max + 1
+ local tabledata = data[i]
+ local message = tabledata[1]
+ local original = tabledata[2]
+ local target = tabledata[3]
+ local definition = utilities.tables.definetable(target,false,true)
+ local comment = formatters["restoring %s from slot %s"](message,max)
+ if trace_storage then
+ comment = formatters["print('%s')"](comment)
+ else
+ comment = formatters["-- %s"](comment)
+ end
+ local dumped = serialize(original,target)
+ if trace_storage then
+ report_storage('saving %a in slot %a, size %s',message,max,#dumped)
+ end
+ -- we don't need tracing in such tables
+ dumped = concat({ definition, comment, dumped },"\n")
+ bytecode[max] = strippedloadstring(dumped,strip,formatters["slot %s (%s)"](max,name))
+ collectgarbage("step")
+ end
+ storage.max = max
+ end
+ lua.registerfinalizer(dump,"dump storage")
+-- to be tested with otf caching:
+function lua.collectgarbage(threshold)
+ local current = collectgarbage("count")
+ local threshold = threshold or 256 * 1024
+ while true do
+ collectgarbage("collect")
+ local previous = collectgarbage("count")
+ if current - previous < threshold then
+ break
+ else
+ current = previous
+ end
+ end
+-- -- we also need to count at generation time (nicer for message)
+-- if lua.bytecode then -- from 0 upwards
+-- local i, b = storage.min, lua.bytecode
+-- while b[i] do
+-- storage.noftables = i
+-- b[i]()
+-- b[i] = nil
+-- i = i + 1
+-- end
+-- end
+statistics.register("stored bytecode data", function()
+ local nofmodules = (storage.nofmodules > 0 and storage.nofmodules) or (status.luabytecodes - lua.firstbytecode - 1)
+ local nofdumps = (storage.noftables > 0 and storage.noftables ) or storage.max-storage.min + 1
+ local tofmodules = storage.tofmodules or 0
+ local tofdumps = storage.toftables or 0
+ if environment.initex then
+ local luautilities = utilities.lua
+ return format("%s modules, %s tables, %s chunks, %s chunks stripped (%s bytes)",
+ nofmodules,
+ nofdumps,
+ nofmodules + nofdumps,
+ luautilities.nofstrippedchunks or 0,
+ luautilities.nofstrippedbytes or 0
+ )
+ else
+ return format("%s modules (%0.3f sec), %s tables (%0.3f sec), %s chunks (%0.3f sec)",
+ nofmodules, tofmodules,
+ nofdumps, tofdumps,
+ nofmodules + nofdumps, tofmodules + tofdumps
+ )
+ end
+if lua.bytedata then
+ storage.register("lua/bytedata",lua.bytedata,"lua.bytedata")
+-- Because the storage mechanism assumes tables, we define a table for storing
+-- (non table) values.
+storage.shared = storage.shared or { }
+storage.register("storage/shared", storage.shared, "storage.shared")
+local mark = storage.mark
+if string.patterns then mark(string.patterns) end
+if string.formatters then mark(string.formatters) end
+if lpeg.patterns then mark(lpeg.patterns) end
+if os.env then mark(os.env) end
+if number.dimenfactors then mark(number.dimenfactors) end
+if libraries then for k,v in next, libraries do mark(v) end end