path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/meta-ini.mkii
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/meta-ini.mkii b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/meta-ini.mkii
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index 00000000000..932b99bf85a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/meta-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1083 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=meta-ini,
+%D version=1999.07.10,
+%D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% currently the running color influences the mp graphic in
+% pdftex, but this will change [i.e. become optional]; one
+% problem is that pdf has no grouping with regards to the
+% color
+\writestatus{loading}{MetaPost Graphics / Initializations}
+\startmessages dutch library: metapost
+ title: metapost
+ 1: metapost bibliotheek -- wordt geladen
+\startmessages english library: metapost
+ title: metapost
+ 1: loading metapost library --
+\startmessages german library: metapost
+ title: metapost
+ 1: Lade metapost Bibliothek --
+\startmessages czech library: metapost
+ title: metapost
+ 1: loading metapost library --
+\startmessages italian library: metapost
+ title: metapost
+ 1: caricamento della libreria metapost --
+\startmessages norwegian library: metapost
+ title: metapost
+ 1: metapost bibliotek -- blir lest inn
+\startmessages romanian library: metapost
+ title: metapost
+ 1: se incarca biblioteca metapost --
+\startmessages french library: metapost
+ title: metapost
+ 1: chargement de la bibliothèque metapost --
+%D This module extends the functionality of the support module
+%D \type {supp-mps}, the module that is responsible for
+%D \METAPOST\ inclusion in \CONTEXT. Some basic macros will be
+%D extended. Since some support is depends on \METAPOST\
+%D macros. so let's first preload a few auxiliary \METAPOST\
+%D files.
+\maxnofMPgraphics = 4000 % metafun disables the 4K boundary
+\appendtoks \runMPgraphicsfalse \to \everyfastmode
+\appendtoks \insertMPgraphicsfalse \to \everyfastmode
+\appendtoks \flushMPgraphics \to \everygoodbye % \everylastshipout
+ if unknown context_tool: input mp-tool; fi;
+ if unknown context_spec: input mp-spec; fi;
+ if unknown context_grph: input mp-grph; fi;
+%D Since we want lables to follow the document settings, we
+%D also set the font related variables.
+\startMPinitializations % scale is not yet ok
+ defaultfont:="\truefontname{Regular}";
+ defaultscale:=\the\bodyfontsize/10pt;
+ \startMPinitializations % scale is not yet ok
+ defaultfont:="rm-lmtt10";
+ \stopMPinitializations
+%D In order to support fancy text features (like outline
+%D fonts), we set:
+ graphictextformat:="context";
+ graphictextdirective "\the\everyMPTEXgraphic";
+% \startMPextensions
+% textextdirective "\the\everyMPTEXgraphic";
+% \stopMPextensions
+%D A signal that we're in combines \CONTEXT||\METAFUN mode:
+ string contextversion;
+ contextversion:="\contextversion";
+%D Some safeguards:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \appendtoks \cleanupfeatures \to \everyMPgraphic
+%D \stoptyping
+%D No, we don't want that (else we loose UTF etc).
+%D Another one:
+\prependtoks \MPstaticgraphictrue \to \everyoverlay
+\prependtoks \MPstaticgraphictrue \to \everypagebody
+%D We save the number of graphics for the sake of \TEXEXEC.
+\def\thenofMPgraphics{\the\nofMPgraphics} % from supp-mps
+ \savecurrentvalue\totalnofMPgraphics\thenofMPgraphics
+\to \everybye
+%D \macros
+%D {setupMPvariables}
+%D When we build collections of \METAPOST\ graphics, like
+%D background and buttons, the need for passing settings
+%D arises. By (mis|)|using the local prefix that belongs to
+%D \type {\framed}, we get a rather natural interface to
+%D backgrounds. To prevent conflicts, we will use the \type
+%D {-} in \METAPOST\ specific variables, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupMPvariables[meta:button][size=20pt]
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupMPvariables}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getrawparameters[#1:][#2]% brr, todo: [\@@meta#1:]
+ \else
+ \getrawparameters[\@@meta][#1]%
+ \fi}
+% \def\MPvariable#1%
+% {\getvalue{\ifundefined{\@@framed\@@meta#1}\else\@@framed\fi\@@meta#1}}
+ {\csname
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\@@framed\@@meta#1\endcsname\relax\else\@@framed\fi\@@meta#1%
+ \endcsname}
+\beginETEX \ifcsname
+ {\csname
+ \ifcsname\@@framed\@@meta#1\endcsname\@@framed\fi\@@meta#1%
+ \endcsname}
+%D \macros
+%D {startuniqueMPgraphic, uniqueMPgraphic}
+%D This macros is probably of most use to myself, since I like
+%D to use graphics that adapt themselves. The next \METAPOST\
+%D kind of graphic is both unique and reused when possible.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineoverlay[example][\uniqueMPgraphic{test}]
+%D \startuniqueMPgraphic {test}
+%D draw unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;
+%D \stopuniqueMPgraphic
+%D \stoptyping
+%D For educational purposes, we show the original version
+%D first. This one used a rather simple method for determining
+%D the uniqueness.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\def\startuniqueMPgraphic#1#2\stopuniqueMPgraphic%
+%D {\setvalue{\@@MPG#1}%
+%D {\startreusableMPgraphic{\overlaystamp:#1}#2\stopreusableMPgraphic
+%D \reuseMPgraphic{\overlaystamp:#1}}}
+%D \def\uniqueMPgraphic#1%
+%D {\getvalue{\@@MPG#1}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%\def\overlaystamp % watch the \MPcolor, since colors can be redefined
+% {\overlaywidth:\overlayheight:\overlaydepth
+% :\MPcolor{\overlaycolor}:\MPcolor{\overlaylinecolor}}
+\def\overlaystamp % watch the \MPcolor, since colors can be redefined
+ {\overlaywidth:\overlayheight:\overlaydepth
+ :\MPcolor\overlaycolor:\MPcolor\overlaylinecolor}
+%D A better approach is to let additional variables play a role
+%D in determining the uniqueness. In the next macro, the
+%D second, optional, argument is used to guarantee the
+%D uniqueness, as well as prepare variables for passing them to
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startuniqueMPgraphic{meta:hash}{gap,angle,...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The calling macro also accepts a second argument. For
+%D convenient use in overlay definitions, we use \type {{}}
+%D instead of \type {[]}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \uniqueMPgraphic{meta:hash}{gap=10pt,angle=30}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \def\@@meta{#1:}%
+ \extendMPoverlaystamp{#2}% incl prepare
+ \ifundefined{\@@MPG\overlaystamp:#1}%
+ \enableincludeMPgraphics
+ \startMPgraphic#3\stopMPgraphic
+ \doifobjectssupportedelse\donothing\useMPboxfalse
+ \ifuseMPbox
+ \@EA\douseMPbox
+ \else
+ \@EA\nouseMPbox
+ \fi {\@@MPG\overlaystamp:#1}%
+ \fi
+ \getvalue{\@@MPG\overlaystamp:#1}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \dodoublegroupempty\dostartuniqueMPgraphic}
+ {\obeyMPlines
+ \dodostartuniqueMPgraphic}
+ {\long\setgvalue{\@@MPG#1}{\handleuniqueMPgraphic{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\dodoublegroupempty\douniqueMPgraphic}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \setupMPvariables[#1][#2]%
+ \getvalue{\@@MPG#1}{}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+\let\stopuniqueMPcode \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \def\@@meta{#1:}%
+ \prepareMPvariables{#2}%
+ \enableincludeMPgraphics
+ \startMPgraphic#3\stopMPgraphic
+ \ifMPrun \else % see mfun-004 : processing buffer
+ \loadMPgraphic{\MPgraphicfile.\the\currentMPgraphic}{}%
+ \placeMPgraphic
+ \fi
+ \deallocateMPslot\currentMPgraphic
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \dodoublegroupempty\dostartuseMPgraphic}
+ {\obeyMPlines
+ \dodostartuseMPgraphic}
+ {\long\setgvalue{\@@MPG#1}{\handleuseMPgraphic{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+\long\def\startusableMPgraphic % redundant but handy
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \dodoublegroupempty\dostartusableMPgraphic}
+\long\def\dostartusableMPgraphic % redundant but handy
+ {\obeyMPlines
+ \dodostartusableMPgraphic}
+ {\long\setgvalue{\@@MPG#1}{\handleuseMPgraphic{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \def\@@meta{#1:}%
+ \prepareMPvariables{#2}%
+ \enableincludeMPgraphics
+ \startMPgraphic#3\stopMPgraphic
+ \doifobjectssupportedelse\donothing\useMPboxfalse
+ \ifuseMPbox
+ \@EA\douseMPbox
+ \else
+ \@EA\nouseMPbox
+ \fi {\@@MPG#1}%
+ \getvalue{\@@MPG#1}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \dodoublegroupempty\dostartreusableMPgraphic}
+ {\obeyMPlines
+ \dodostartreusableMPgraphic}
+ {\long\setgvalue{\@@MPG#1}{\handlereusableMPgraphic{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\dodoublegroupempty\douseMPgraphic}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \setupMPvariables[#1][#2]%
+ \getvalue{\@@MPG#1}{}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+\let\stopuseMPcode \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+\let\stopusableMPcode \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+\let\stopreusableMPcode \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+\let\stopuniqueMPcode \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+ {\let\handleuseMPgraphic \thirdofthreearguments
+ \let\handlereusableMPgraphic\thirdofthreearguments}
+% todo: each code/page/buffer a var class
+%D \macros
+%D {startuniqueMPpagegraphic,uniqueMPpagegraphic}
+%D Experimental.
+\def\MPpageprefix{\doifoddpageelse oe:}
+ {\MPpageprefix\overlaywidth:\overlayheight:\overlaydepth
+ :\MPcolor\overlaycolor:\MPcolor\overlaylinecolor}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \dodoublegroupempty\dostartuniqueMPpagegraphic}
+ {\obeyMPlines
+ \dodostartuniqueMPpagegraphic}
+ {\long\setgvalue{\@@MPG o:#1}{\handleuniqueMPgraphic{o:#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \long\setgvalue{\@@MPG e:#1}{\handleuniqueMPgraphic{e:#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\dodoublegroupempty\douniqueMPpagegraphic}
+% \def\douniqueMPpagegraphic#1#2%
+% {\blabelgroup
+% \let\overlaystamp\overlaypagestamp
+% \setupMPvariables[#1][#2]%
+% \getvalue{\@@MPG\MPpageprefix#1}{}%
+% \elabelgroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \let\overlaystamp\overlaypagestamp
+ \setupMPvariables[\MPpageprefix#1][#2]% prefix is new here
+ \getvalue{\@@MPG\MPpageprefix#1}{}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+%D One way of defining a stamp is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\extendMPoverlaystamp#1%
+%D {\def\docommand##1%
+%D {\edef\overlaystamp{\overlaystamp:\MPvariable{##1}}}%
+%D \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Since we need to feed \METAPOST\ with expanded dimensions,
+%D we introduce a dedicated expansion engine.
+ {\ifundefined{\@@framed\@@meta#1}%
+ \doprepareMPvariable{\@@meta#1}%
+ \else
+ \doprepareMPvariable{\@@framed\@@meta#1}%
+ \fi}
+% \startlines
+% \def\xxx{\lineheight} \doprepareMPvariable{xxx} \xxx
+% \def\xxx{2pt} \doprepareMPvariable{xxx} \xxx
+% \def\xxx{2} \doprepareMPvariable{xxx} \xxx
+% \def\xxx{\scratchcounter} \doprepareMPvariable{xxx} \xxx
+% \def\xxx{red} \doprepareMPvariable{xxx} \xxx
+% \def\xxx{0.4} \doprepareMPvariable{xxx} \xxx
+% \stoplines
+ {\edef\theMPvariable{\getvalue{#1}}%
+ \doifelsenothing\theMPvariable
+ {\setevalue{#1}{\MPcolor{black}}}
+ {\defconvertedcommand\ascii\theMPvariable % otherwise problems
+ \doifcolorelse \ascii % with 2\bodyfontsize
+ {\setevalue{#1}{\MPcolor\theMPvariable}}
+ {% can be aux macro
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\scratchdimen\theMPvariable sp}%
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox=\zeropoint
+ % \scratchcounter\theMPvariable
+ % \setevalue{#1}{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ % also accepts 0.number :
+ \setevalue{#1}{\number\theMPvariable}%
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\theMPvariable
+ \setevalue{#1}{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \fi}}}
+%D We redefine \type {\extendMPoverlaystamp} to preprocess
+%D variables using \type {\prepareMPvariable}.
+ {\prepareMPvariable{#1}%
+ \edef\overlaystamp{\overlaystamp:\MPvariable{#1}}}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\doextendMPoverlaystamp}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\prepareMPvariable}
+%D \macros
+%D {MPdatafile}
+%D We redefine a macro from \type {supp-mps.tex}:
+ {\bufferprefix mpd-\the\currentMPgraphic.mpd}
+%D \macros
+%D {MPrunfile}
+%D This one is more abstract and does not assume knowledge
+%D of buffer prefixes.
+ {\bufferprefix mprun.#1}
+%D \macros
+%D {getMPdata}
+%D When we collect graphics in one file, we run into
+%D troubles, since \METAPOST\ has a built in limit (of 4)
+%D on the number of files it can handle. It's therefore
+%D better to collect all data in one file and filter it.
+ boolean collapse_data; collapse_data:=true;
+ def data_mpd_file = "\MPdataMPDfile" enddef ;
+ def data_mpo_file = "\MPdataMPOfile" enddef ;
+ def data_mpy_file = "\MPdataMPYfile" enddef ;
+ {\long\def\MPdata##1##2{\ifnum##1=\currentMPgraphic\relax##2\fi}%
+ \startreadingfile
+ \startnointerference
+ \readlocfile\MPdataMPDfile\donothing\donothing
+ \stopnointerference
+ \stopreadingfile}
+%D We have to enable this mechanism with:
+%D For the moment, the next one is a private macro:
+ {\dosingleempty\doprocessMPbuffer}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\doprocessMPbuffer[\jobname]}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setnormalcatcodes
+ \obeyMPlines
+ %\let\par\empty % oeps, this makes dvi mode graphics hang when not found
+ \!!toksa\emptytoks
+ \def\copyMPbufferline{\expandafter\appendtoks\fileline\to\!!toksa}%
+ \def\dodoprocessMPbuffer##1%
+ {\doprocessfile\scratchread{\TEXbufferfile{##1}}\copyMPbufferline}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dodoprocessMPbuffer
+ \@EA\startMPcode\the\!!toksa\stopMPcode % more efficient
+ \egroup}}
+ {\dosingleempty\dorunMPbuffer}
+\def\dorunMPbuffer[#1]% processing only
+ {{\MPruntrue\doprocessMPbuffer[#1]}}
+%D \macros
+%D {startMPenvironment, resetMPenvironment}
+%D In order to synchronize the main \TEX\ run and the runs
+%D local to \METAPOST, environments can be passed.
+ \newtoks\everyMPTEXgraphic
+%D A more general way of passing environments is:
+\def\startMPenvironment % second arg gobbles spaces, so that reset gives \emptytoks
+ {\bgroup
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@space
+ \dodoubleempty\dostartMPenvironment}
+ {\egroup
+ \doif{#1}\s!reset\resetMPenvironment % reset mp toks
+ \doif{#1}\v!global{#3}% % use in main doc too
+ \doif{#1}+{#3}% % use in main doc too
+ \defconvertedargument\ascii{#3}%
+ \expandafter\appendtoks\ascii\to\everyMPTEXgraphic}
+ {\everyMPTEXgraphic\emptytoks % = is really needed !
+ \startMPenvironment
+ \global\loadfontfileoncetrue
+ \stopMPenvironment}
+ {\expanded{\startMPenvironment\noexpand\readfile{\TEXbufferfile{\jobname}}{}{}}\stopMPenvironment}
+% \useMPenvironmentbuffer[mp] % what was this?
+%D This command takes \type {[reset]} as optional
+%D argument.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startMPenvironment
+%D \setupbodyfont[pos,14.4pt]
+%D \stopMPenvironment
+%D \startMPcode
+%D draw btex \sl Hans Hagen etex scaled 5 ;
+%D \stopMPcode
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The \type {\resetMPenvironment} is a quick way to erase
+%D the token list.
+%D You should be aware of independencies. For instance, if you use a font
+%D in a graphic that is not used in the main document, you need to load the
+%D typescript at the outer level (either directly or by using the global
+%D option).
+%D \starttyping
+%D \usetypescript[palatino][texnansi]
+%D \startMPenvironment
+%D \usetypescript[palatino][texnansi]
+%D \enableregime[utf]
+%D \setupbodyfont[palatino]
+%D \stopMPenvironment
+%D \startMPpage
+%D draw btex aap‒noot coördinatie – één etex ;
+%D \stopMPpage
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We don't want spurious files, do we?
+% {%\ifx\bufferprefix\empty \else
+% \immediate\openout\MPwrite\
+% \immediate\write\MPwrite{end.}%
+% \immediate\closeout\MPwrite
+% }%\fi}
+% strange :
+% \def\initializeMPgraphicfile
+% {\bgroup
+% \doinitializeMPgraphicfile
+% \MPruntrue
+% \doinitializeMPgraphicfile
+% \egroup}
+% \def\doinitializeMPgraphicfile
+% {\immediate\openout\scratchwrite\
+% \immediate\write\scratchwrite{end.}%
+% \immediate\closeout\scratchwrite}
+ {\immediate\openout\scratchwrite\
+ \immediate\write\scratchwrite{end.}%
+ \immediate\closeout\scratchwrite}
+ {\bgroup
+ \initializeMPgraphicfile
+ \ifx\bufferprefix\empty\else
+ \let\bufferprefix\empty
+ \initializeMPgraphicfile
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D Loading specific \METAPOST\ related definitions is
+%D accomplished by:
+ {\ifundefined{\c!file\f!metapostprefix#1}%
+ \letvalueempty{\c!file\f!metapostprefix#1}%
+ \makeshortfilename[\truefilename{\f!metapostprefix#1}]%
+ \startreadingfile
+ \readsysfile\shortfilename{\showmessage\m!metapost1{#1}}\donothing
+ \stopreadingfile
+ \fi}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\douseMPlibrary}
+%D \macros
+%D {setMPtext, MPtext, MPstring, MPbetex}
+%D To be documented:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setMPtext{identifier}{text}
+%D \MPtext {identifier}
+%D \MPstring{identifier}
+%D \MPbetex {identifier}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\long\def\checkMPTEXgraphic##1{\global\MPTEXgraphictrue}}
+\def\setMPtext#1#2% todo : #1 must be made : safe
+ {%\forceMPTEXgraphic
+ \defconvertedargument\ascii{#2}%
+ \dodoglobal\letvalue{\@@MPT#1}\ascii}
+% \def\MPtext #1{\getvalue{\@@MPT#1}}
+% \def\MPstring #1{"\getvalue{\@@MPT#1}"}
+% \def\MPbetex #1{btex \getvalue{\@@MPT#1} etex}
+\def\MPtext #1{\executeifdefined{\@@MPT#1}\empty}
+\def\MPstring #1{"\executeifdefined{\@@MPT#1}\empty"}
+\def\MPbetex #1{btex \executeifdefined{\@@MPT#1}\empty\space etex}
+%D Unfortunately \METAPOST\ does not have \CMYK\ support
+%D built in, but by means of specials we can supply the
+%D information needed to handle them naturaly.
+\newif\ifMPcmykcolors \MPcmykcolorstrue
+\newif\ifMPspotcolors \MPspotcolorstrue
+ cmykcolors:=\ifMPcmykcolors true\else false\fi;
+ spotcolors:=\ifMPspotcolors true\else false\fi;
+%D In order to communicate conveniently with the \TEX\
+%D engine, we introduce some typesetting variables.
+% todo : backgroundoffsets
+ color OverlayColor,OverlayLineColor;
+ OverlayWidth:=\overlaywidth;
+ OverlayHeight:=\overlayheight;
+ OverlayDepth:=\overlayheight;
+ OverlayColor:=\MPcolor{\overlaycolor};
+ OverlayLineWidth:=\overlaylinewidth;
+ OverlayLineColor:=\MPcolor{\overlaylinecolor};
+ %
+ BaseLineSkip:=\the\baselineskip;
+ LineHeight:=\the\baselineskip;
+ BodyFontSize:=\the\bodyfontsize;
+ %
+ TopSkip:=\the\topskip;
+ StrutHeight:=\strutheight;
+ StrutDepth:=\strutdepth;
+ %
+ CurrentWidth:=\the\hsize;
+ CurrentHeight:=\the\vsize;
+ %
+ EmWidth:=\the\emwidth;
+ ExHeight:=\the\exheight;
+ %
+ PageNumber:=\the\pageno;
+ RealPageNumber:=\the\realpageno;
+ LastPageNumber:= \lastpage;
+ \disablediscretionaries
+ \disablecompoundcharacters
+ \expanded{\definecolor[currentcolor][\currentcolorname]}%
+\to \everyMPgraphic
+ \baselineskip1\baselineskip
+ \lineheight 1\lineheight
+ \topskip 1\topskip
+\to \everyMPgraphic
+%D Alas, the prologue settings differ per driver.
+\ifx\undefined\MPprologues \def\MPprologues{0} \fi
+ prologues:=\MPprologues;
+ mpprocset:=1;
+ \def\MPprologues{0}%
+ \def\MPOSTdriver{dvips}%
+\to \everyresetspecials
+%D \macros
+%D {PDFMPformoffset}
+%D In \PDF, forms are clipped and therefore we have to take
+%D precautions to get this right. Since this is related to
+%D objects, we use the same offset as used there.
+%D \macros
+%D {insertMPfile}
+%D Bypassing the special driver and figure mechanism is not
+%D that nice but saves upto 5\% time in embedding \METAPOST\
+%D graphics by using the low level \PDF\ converter directly,
+%D given of course that we use \PDFTEX. As a result we need to
+%D fool around with the object trigger.
+%D First we present the reasonable fast alternative that we
+%D happily used for some time.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\insertMPfile#1#2%
+%D {\ifx\undefined\externalfigure
+%D \message{[insert file #1 here]}%
+%D \else
+%D \bgroup
+%D \the\everyinsertMPfile
+%D \externalfigure
+%D [#1]
+%D [\c!type=\c!mps,\c!object=\v!no,%
+%D \c!symbol=\v!yes,\c!reset=\v!yes,%
+%D \c!maxwidth=,\c!maxheight=,%
+%D \c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=,%
+%D #2]%
+%D \egroup
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D However, on a 1 Gig Pentium, the next alternative saves
+%D us 20 seconds run time for the 300 page \METAFUN\ manual:
+\def\insertMPfile#1#2% in context #2 is empty
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}{\doinsertMPfile{#1}}{\insertMPfileARG{#1}{#2}}}
+\def\includeMPasEPS#1% untested !!
+ {\bgroup
+ \message{[MP as EPS #1]}%
+ \the\everyinsertMPfile
+ \dogetEPSboundingbox{#1}\!!widtha\!!heighta\!!widthb\!!heightb
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \!!heightb
+ {\vfill
+ \let \@@DriverImageType \c!mps
+ \def \@@DriverImageFile {#1}%
+ \edef\@@DriverImageWidth {\the\!!widthb }%
+ \edef\@@DriverImageHeight{\the\!!heightb}%
+ \doinsertfile}%
+ \wd\scratchbox\!!widthb
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \the\everyinsertMPfile
+ \ifinobject \else \chardef\makeMPintoPDFobject\plustwo \fi % when needed
+ \convertMPtoPDF{#1}{1}{1}% no \plusone !
+ \egroup}
+%D So, using a low level approach (thereby avoiding the slower
+%D figure analysis macros) pays off. This kind of
+%D optimizations are a bit tricky since we must make sure that
+%D special resources end up in the (PDF) files. Because the
+%D \METAPOST\ to \PDF\ can handle objects itself, it is not
+%D that complicated.
+%D We hook a couple of initializations into the graphic
+%D macros.
+ \let\figuretypes\c!mps
+ \runutilityfilefalse
+ \consultutilityfilefalse
+\to \everyinsertMPfile
+%D One more: (still needed?)
+ def initialize_form_numbers =
+ do_initialize_numbers;
+ enddef;
+ HSize:=\the\hsize ;
+ VSize:=\the\vsize ;
+ vardef ForegroundBox =
+ unitsquare xysized(HSize,VSize)
+ enddef ;
+ vardef PageFraction =
+ if \lastpage>1: (\realfolio-1)/(\lastpage-1) else: 1 fi
+ enddef ;
+%D And some more. These are not really needed since we
+%D don't use the normal figure inclusion macros any longer.
+ \externalfigurepostprocessors\emptytoks % safeguard
+\to \everyinsertMPfile
+%D We also take care of disabling fancy figure features, that
+%D can terribly interfere when dealing with symbols,
+%D background graphics and running (postponed) graphics.
+%D You won't believe me if I tell you what funny side effects
+%D can occur. One took me over a day to uncover when
+%D processing the screen version of the \METAFUN\ manual.
+%D For my eyes only:
+%D \macros
+%D {startMPcolor}
+%D The following time consuming method uses \METAPOST\ to
+%D calculate a color. This enables a match between colors
+%D resulting from a complex calculation (e.g. for a title
+%D page) and those in the text.
+% \startuseMPgraphic{somecolors}
+% color c[] ; c[1] := .7[red,green] ; c[2] := .7[blue,yellow] ;
+% \stopuseMPgraphic
+% \startMPcolor[shade-1][t=.2,a=1]
+% \includeMPgraphic{somecolors} ; fill fullcircle withcolor c[1] ;
+% \stopMPcolor
+% \startMPcolor[shade-2][t=.2,a=1]
+% \includeMPgraphic{somecolors} ; fill fullcircle withcolor c[2] ;
+% \stopMPcolor
+% \blackrule[width=\hsize,height=4cm,color=shade-1]
+% \blackrule[width=\hsize,height=4cm,color=shade-2]
+ {\dodoubleempty\dostartMPcolor}
+\long\def\dostartMPcolor[#1][#2]#3\stopMPcolor % slow but sometimes handy
+ {\startnointerference
+ \def\handleMPgraycolor{\expanded{\defineglobalcolor[#1][s=\!MPgMPa1,#2]}}%
+ \def\handleMPrgbcolor {\expanded{\defineglobalcolor[#1][r=\!MPgMPa1,g=\!MPgMPa2,b=\!MPgMPa3,#2]}}%
+ \def\handleMPcmykcolor{\expanded{\defineglobalcolor[#1][c=\!MPgMPa1,m=\!MPgMPa2,y=\!MPgMPa3,k=\!MPgMPa4,#2]}}%
+ \startMPcode#3\stopMPcode
+ \stopnointerference}
+%D New:
+\definelayerpreset % no dx,dy - else nasty non-mp placement
+ [mp]
+ [\c!y=-\MPury bp,
+ \c!x=\MPllx bp,
+ \c!method=\v!fit]
+ [mp]
+ [\c!preset=mp]
+%D Usage:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineproperty[one][layer][state=start]
+%D \defineproperty[two][layer][state=stop]
+%D \startuseMPgraphic{step-1}
+%D fill fullcircle scaled 10cm withcolor red ;
+%D \stopuseMPgraphic
+%D \startuseMPgraphic{step-2}
+%D fill fullcircle scaled 5cm withcolor green ;
+%D \stopuseMPgraphic
+%D \setlayer[mp]{\property[one]{\useMPgraphic{step-1}}}
+%D \setlayer[mp]{\property[two]{\useMPgraphic{step-2}}}
+%D \ruledhbox{\flushlayer[mp]}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Reusing graphics is also possible (now):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startreusableMPgraphic{axis}
+%D tickstep := 1cm ; ticklength := 2mm ;
+%D drawticks unitsquare xscaled 4cm yscaled 3cm shifted (-1cm,-1cm) ;
+%D tickstep := tickstep/2 ; ticklength := ticklength/2 ;
+%D drawticks unitsquare xscaled 4cm yscaled 3cm shifted (-1cm,-1cm) ;
+%D \stopreusableMPgraphic
+%D \startuseMPgraphic{demo}
+%D drawpoint "1cm,1.5cm" ;
+%D \stopuseMPgraphic
+%D \definelayer[mp][preset=mp]
+%D \setlayer[mp]{\reuseMPgraphic{axis}}
+%D \setlayer[mp]{\useMPgraphic{demo}}
+%D \ruledhbox{\flushlayer[mp]}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {startstaticMPfigure,useMPstaticfigure}
+%D Static figures are processed only when there has been
+%D something changed. Here is Aditya Mahajan's testcase:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startstaticMPfigure{circle}
+%D fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withcolor blue;
+%D \stopstaticMPfigure
+%D \startstaticMPfigure{axis}
+%D drawarrow (0,0)--(2cm,0) ;
+%D drawarrow (0,0)--(0,2cm) ;
+%D label.llft(textext("(0,0)") ,origin) ;
+%D \stopstaticMPfigure
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+ {\dodoubleempty\externalfigure[\jobname-#1.pdf]}
+ {\begingroup
+ \obeyMPlines
+ \dostartstaticMPfigure}
+ {\startstaticMPgraphic{\jobname-#1}#2\stopstaticMPgraphic
+ \endgroup}
+% faster, but more tricky
+% \def\startstaticMPfigure
+% {\doifmodeelse{*\v!first}
+% {\begingroup
+% \obeyMPlines
+% \dostartstaticMPfigure}
+% {\gobbleuntil\stopstaticMPfigure}}
+% \def\dostartstaticMPfigure#1#2\stopstaticMPfigure
+% {\startMPstaticgraphic{\jobname-#1}#2\stopMPstaticgraphic
+% % dirty trick, don't register, so no second main run of texexec:
+% \global\advance\nofMPgraphics \minusone
+% \endgroup}}
+%D New:
+% \appendtoks \closeMPgraphicfiles \to \everystoptext
+%D New:
+\newconditional\manyMPspecials % when set to true, > 1000 specials can be used
+\settrue \manyMPspecials % per 1/4/2006
+ _special_div_ := 1000\ifconditional\manyMPspecials0\fi ;
+\to \MPextensions
+%D Needed (will become default):
+ \resetlanguagespecifics
+\to \everyMPgraphic
+% Done.
+\protect \endinput
+%D Experimental:
+ \ifrunMPgraphics \ifcase\systemcommandmode \or
+ \runMPgraphicsfalse
+ \fi \fi
+\to \everyjob
+% also:
+% linecap := rounded ;
+% linejoin := rounded ;
+% drawoptions () ;