path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/m-oldnum.mkiv
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1 files changed, 416 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/m-oldnum.mkiv b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/m-oldnum.mkiv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..efc0af4721f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/m-oldnum.mkiv
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=m-oldnum, % was: supp-num
+%D version=1998.05.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Numbers,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% See end for transition to mkiv.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / Numbers}
+%D \macros
+%D {digits, setdigitmode, setdigitsign}
+%D Depending on the digit mode the command \type {\digits}
+%D normalizes number patterns depending on the language set.
+%D \starttyping
+%D This will never be a \digits{1.000.000} seller.
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or
+%D \starttyping
+%D I will never grow longer than \digits 1.86 \Meter.
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The different modes are shown in:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setdigitmode 1 \digits 12.345,90 \digits 12.345.000 \digits 1,23
+%D \setdigitmode 2 \digits 12.345,90 \digits 12.345.000 \digits 1,23
+%D \setdigitmode 3 \digits 12.345,90 \digits 12.345.000 \digits 1,23
+%D \setdigitmode 4 \digits 12.345,90 \digits 12.345.000 \digits 1,23
+%D \setdigitmode 5 \digits 12.345,90 \digits 12.345.000 \digits 1,23
+%D \setdigitmode 6 \digits 12.345,90 \digits 12.345.000 \digits 1,23
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+% This is typset as:
+% \startlines
+% \getbuffer
+% \stoplines
+%D The sign can be typeset as is or within the space of a
+%D digit.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setdigitsign 0 \digits +12.345,90
+%D \setdigitsign 1 \digits +12.345,90
+%D \setdigitsign 2 \digits +12.345,90
+%D \setdigitsign 3 \digits +12.345,90
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+% This is typset as:
+% \startlines
+% \getbuffer
+% \stoplines
+\chardef\digitoutputmode=1 % 0..6
+\chardef\digitsignmode =0 % 0..3
+%D The digit modes are:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item periods \& comma
+%D \item commas \& period
+%D \item thinmuskips \& comma
+%D \item thinmuskips \& period
+%D \item thickmuskips \& comma
+%D \item thickmuskips \& period
+%D \stopitemize
+\let\collecteddigits \empty \chardef\digitinputmode =1
+\let\saveddigits \empty \chardef\skipdigit =0
+\let\savedpowerdigits\empty \chardef\powerdigits =0
+%D The first stage of the \type {\digit} macro takes care of
+%D the grouped call, the other branch handles the fuzzy
+%D delimited calls.
+\ifdefined\mbox \else \let\mbox\hbox \fi
+ {\bgroup
+ \let~@%
+ \doifnextbgroupelse\dodigits{\doifnextcharelse\normalmathshift\domathdigits\grabdigit}}
+ {\grabdigit#1\relax}
+ {\mbox{\grabdigit#1\relax}} % adding $ $ goes wrong in tabulate
+ {\futurelet\next\scandigit}
+%D Watch the test for \type {\nextobeyedline}, because the
+%D endofline token can be \type {\def'd}, not \type {\let}'d,
+%D we need to do an indirect test (see \type {verb-ini.tex})
+%D for details. (This probably needs an update.)
+\ifx\normalmathshift\undefined \let\normalmathshift=$ \fi
+ {\ifx\next\blankspace
+ \let\next\handledigits
+ \else\ifx\next\nextobeyedline % the indirect one
+ \let\next\handledigits
+ \else\ifx\next\bgroup
+ \let\next\handledigits
+ \else\ifx\next\egroup
+ \let\next\handledigits
+ \else\ifx\next\normalmathshift
+ \let\next\handledigits
+ \else
+ \let\next\collectdigit
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \next}
+%D We store the power||of||ten (to be signaled by \type {^},
+%D \type {e} or~\type {E}) in a seperate macro so that we can
+%D typeset it in superscript. The space placeholders are
+%D replaced by a \type {@}.
+ {\edef#1{#1\saveddigits#2}\let\saveddigits\empty}
+ {\ifx#1~%
+ \savedigit\collecteddigits @%
+ \else\if#1_% tricky as can be several catcodes ... will become lua code anyway
+ \savedigit\collecteddigits @%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1\relax
+ \let\grabdigit\handledigits
+ \else\ifcase\powerdigits
+ \if#1E%
+ \chardef\powerdigits\plusone
+ \else\if#1e%
+ \chardef\powerdigits\plusone
+ \else\if#1^%
+ \chardef\powerdigits\plusone
+ \else
+ \savedigit\collecteddigits#1%
+ %\doifnumberelse{#1}
+ % {\savedigit\collecteddigits#1}
+ % {\def\saveddigits{#1}}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \else
+ \savedigit\savedpowerdigits#1%
+ %\doifnumberelse{#1}
+ % {\savedigit\savedpowerdigits#1}
+ % {\def\saveddigits{#1}}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \grabdigit}
+ {%\ifcase\powerdigits
+ % \edef\collecteddigits{\collecteddigits\saveddigits}%
+ %\else
+ % \edef\savedpowerdigits{\savedpowerdigits\saveddigits}%
+ %\fi
+ \ifmmode
+ \handlemathdigits{\dohandledigits}%
+ \else
+ \dontleavehmode\hbox{\handletextdigits{\dohandledigits}}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D Although we could do with one pass, a second pass for
+%D handling the stored sequence is more readable.
+ \def\dohandledigits
+ {\mathcode`\,="002C \mathcode`\.="002E % pretty hard coded
+ \expandafter\handletokens\collecteddigits\with\scandigits
+ \ifcase\powerdigits\else\digitpowerseparator^{\savedpowerdigits}\fi}
+ \chardef\mathaxisfontid\zerocount
+ \def\dohandledigits
+ {\mathcode`\,="013B \mathcode`\.="013A % pretty hard coded
+ \expandafter\handletokens\collecteddigits\with\scandigits
+ \ifcase\powerdigits\else\digitpowerseparator^{\savedpowerdigits}\fi}
+ \chardef\mathaxisfontid\plustwo
+ {\ifcase\skipdigit\@EA\hbox\else\@EA\hphantom\fi\bgroup
+ \mathematics % brr, needed because of stored punctuation
+ {\ifnum\digitinputmode=#1\relax
+ \ifcase\digitoutputmode
+ \or .%
+ \or ,%
+ \or \mskip\thinmuskip
+ \or \mskip\thinmuskip
+ \or \mskip\thickmuskip
+ \or \mskip\thickmuskip
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifodd\digitoutputmode,\else.\fi
+ \fi}%
+ \egroup}
+%D The signs can be made smaller and sqeezed into the width
+%D of a digit. Watch the \type {\mathaxisheight} trickery (this
+%D font related register stored the math axis).
+% 0,=
+% 0,== second = results in delta(00,=)
+% 0,- is invalid, should be =
+% 0,-- is invalid, should be ==
+ {\digitsgn\zeroamount
+ \def\digitzeroamount
+ {\hphantom
+ {00\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{$\zeroamount$}%
+ \hskip-\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \let\digitzeroamount\empty}}
+ {\if#1.\digitsep1\else
+ \if#1,\digitsep2\else
+ \if#1@\digitnop \else
+ \if#1_\digitnop \else
+ \if#1/\digitsgn{\hphantom{+}}\chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \if#1-\ifcase\skipdigit\digitsgn-\else
+ \box\digitsepbox\digitzeroamount \fi\chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \if#1+\digitsgn+\chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \if#1=\box\digitsepbox\digitzeroamount \chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \if#1s\digitsgn{\hphantom{\positive}}\chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \if#1p\digitsgn\positive\chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \if#1m\digitsgn\negative\chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \if#1n\digitsgn\negative\chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \box\digitsepbox #1\chardef\skipdigit0\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+\newbox\digitsepbox \chardef\autodigitmode=1
+ {\ifcase\autodigitmode
+ \doscandigit#1%
+ \else
+ \setbox\digitsepbox\hbox{\doscandigit#1}%
+ \fi
+ \chardef\skipdigit0\relax}
+% strange, does not work
+% \def\digitnop
+% {\hphantom{\box\digitsepbox}%
+% \hphantom{0}\chardef\skipdigit1\relax}
+% while this works
+ {\hbox{\hphantom{\box\digitsepbox}}%
+ \hphantom{0}\chardef\skipdigit1\relax}
+% but this doesn't
+% \def\digitnop
+% {\hphantom{\box\digitsepbox0}%
+% \chardef\skipdigit1\relax}
+ {\ifcase\digitsignmode#1\else
+ \hbox
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{0}%
+ \scratchdimen\mathaxisheight\textfont\mathaxisfontid
+ \def\digitsgn##1##2%
+ {\advance\scratchdimen-\mathaxisheight##1\mathaxisfontid
+ \raise\scratchdimen
+ \hbox to \wd\scratchbox{\hss$##2#1$\hss}}%
+ \ifcase\digitsignmode\or
+ \digitsgn\textfont \textstyle \or
+ \digitsgn\scriptfont \scriptstyle \or
+ \digitsgn\scriptscriptfont\scriptscriptstyle\fi}%
+ \fi}
+\ifx\undefined\zeroamount \def\zeroamount{-} \fi
+\ifx\undefined\positive \def\positive {+} \fi
+\ifx\undefined\negative \def\negative {-} \fi
+%D The digit parser handles a bunch of special characters as
+%D well as different formats. We strongly suggest you to use
+%D the grouped call.
+%D \starttabulate[|l|l|l|]
+%D \NC \type{.} \NC , . \NC comma or period \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{,} \NC , . \NC comma or period \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{@} \NC \NC invisible space \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{_} \NC \NC invisible space \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{/} \NC \NC invisible sign \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{-} \NC $-$ \NC minus sign \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{+} \NC $+$ \NC plus sign \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{s} \NC \NC invisible high sign \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{p} \NC $\positive$ \NC high plus sign \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{m} \NC $\negative$ \NC high minus sign \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{n} \NC $\negative$ \NC high minus (negative) sign \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{=} \NC $\zeroamount$ \NC zero padding \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D These triggers are used in the following examples.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \digits 12
+%D \digits{~~~.~~~.~~~.68.712,34}
+%D \digits ~~~.~~~.~~~.68.712,34
+%D \digits ___.___.111.68.712,34
+%D \digits,34
+%D \digits 12.345,90
+%D \digits 12.345.000
+%D \digits 12,34
+%D \digits{392.857.230.68.712,34}
+%D {\digits1234}
+%D \digits{1234}
+%D \digits 1234\relax
+%D $\digits 123.222,00$
+%D \digits 123.222,00
+%D \digits 123.222,==
+%D \digits 123.222,00^10
+%D \digits 123.222,00e10
+%D \digits /123.222,00e-12
+%D \digits -123.222,00e-12
+%D \digits +123.222,00e-12
+%D \digits n123.222,00e-12
+%D \digits s123.222,00e-12
+%D \digits p123.222,00e-12
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+% \startlines
+% \getbuffer
+% \stoplines
+%D \macros
+%D {Digits}
+%D We also permit:
+%D These macros are complicated by the fact that we also
+%D have to support cases like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D {\digits1234}
+%D \digits{1234}
+%D \digits 1234\whatever
+%D $\digits 123.222,00$
+%D \digits 123.222,00.
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The latter case shows us that trailing non digits are to
+%D be passed untreated.
+%D Another interesting case is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \digits 123.222,00^10
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The separator is defined as:
+% \def\digitpowerseparator%
+% {\cdot10} % {\times10}
+ {\ifx\collecteddigits\empty\else\cdot\fi10}
+%D \macros
+%D {digittemplate}
+%D Users can specify the way they enter those digits by saying
+%D something like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \digittemplate 12.000.000,00 % \digittemplate .,
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\digittemplate #1 %
+ {\chardef\digitinputmode\zerocount
+ \handletokens#1\with\scandigittemplate}
+ {\if #1.\ifcase\digitinputmode\chardef\digitinputmode\plusone \fi% period
+ \else\if#1,\ifcase\digitinputmode\chardef\digitinputmode\plustwo \fi% comma
+ \fi\fi}
+\protect \endinput