path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/luat-tmp.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/luat-tmp.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 408 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/luat-tmp.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/luat-tmp.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f3b06235378..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/luat-tmp.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-tmp'] = {
- version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to luat-lib.tex",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
-<p>This module deals with caching data. It sets up the paths and
-implements loaders and savers for tables. Best is to set the
-following variable. When not set, the usual paths will be
-checked. Personally I prefer the (users) temporary path.</p>
-<p>Currently we do no locking when we write files. This is no real
-problem because most caching involves fonts and the chance of them
-being written at the same time is small. We also need to extend
-luatools with a recache feature.</p>
-caches = caches or { }
-dir = dir or { }
-texmf = texmf or { }
-caches.path = caches.path or nil
-caches.base = caches.base or "luatex-cache"
-caches.more = caches.more or "context" = false -- true is faster but may need huge amounts of memory
-caches.trace = false
-caches.tree = false
-caches.paths = caches.paths or nil
-caches.force = false
-input.usecache = not toboolean(os.getenv("TEXMFSHARECACHE") or "false",true) -- true
-function caches.temp(instance)
- local function checkpath(cachepath)
- if not cachepath or cachepath == "" then
- return nil
- elseif lfs.attributes(cachepath,"mode") == "directory" then -- lfs.isdir(cachepath) then
- return cachepath
- elseif caches.force or io.ask(string.format("Should I create the cache path %s?",cachepath), "no", { "yes", "no" }) == "yes" then
- dir.mkdirs(cachepath)
- return (lfs.attributes(cachepath,"mode") == "directory") and cachepath
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- local cachepath = input.expanded_path_list(instance,"TEXMFCACHE")
- cachepath = cachepath and #cachepath > 0 and checkpath(cachepath[1])
- if not cachepath then
- cachepath = os.getenv("TEXMFCACHE") or os.getenv("HOME") or os.getenv("HOMEPATH") or os.getenv("TMP") or os.getenv("TEMP") or os.getenv("TMPDIR") or nil
- cachepath = checkpath(cachepath)
- end
- if not cachepath then
- print("\nfatal error: there is no valid cache path defined\n")
- os.exit()
- elseif lfs.attributes(cachepath,"mode") ~= "directory" then
- print(string.format("\nfatal error: cache path %s is not a directory\n",cachepath))
- os.exit()
- end
- function caches.temp(instance)
- return cachepath
- end
- return cachepath
-function caches.configpath(instance)
- return table.concat(instance.cnffiles,";")
-function caches.hashed(tree)
- return md5.hex((tree:lower()):gsub("[\\\/]+","/"))
-function caches.treehash(instance)
- local tree = caches.configpath(instance)
- if not tree or tree == "" then
- return false
- else
- return caches.hashed(tree)
- end
-function caches.setpath(instance,...)
- if not caches.path then
- if not caches.path then
- caches.path = caches.temp(instance)
- end
- caches.path = input.clean_path(caches.path) -- to be sure
- if lfs then
- caches.tree = caches.tree or caches.treehash(instance)
- if caches.tree then
- caches.path = dir.mkdirs(caches.path,caches.base,caches.more,caches.tree)
- else
- caches.path = dir.mkdirs(caches.path,caches.base,caches.more)
- end
- end
- end
- if not caches.path then
- caches.path = '.'
- end
- caches.path = input.clean_path(caches.path)
- if lfs and not table.is_empty({...}) then
- local pth = dir.mkdirs(caches.path,...)
- return pth
- end
- caches.path = dir.expand_name(caches.path)
- return caches.path
-function caches.definepath(instance,category,subcategory)
- return function()
- return caches.setpath(instance,category,subcategory)
- end
-function caches.setluanames(path,name)
- return path .. "/" .. name .. ".tma", path .. "/" .. name .. ".tmc"
-function caches.loaddata(path,name)
- local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(path,name)
- local loader = loadfile(tmcname) or loadfile(tmaname)
- if loader then
- return loader()
- else
- return false
- end
-function caches.is_writable(filepath,filename)
- local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(filepath,filename)
- return file.is_writable(tmaname)
-function caches.savedata(filepath,filename,data,raw) -- raw needed for file cache
- local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(filepath,filename)
- local reduce, simplify = true, true
- if raw then
- reduce, simplify = false, false
- end
- if then
- file.savedata(tmaname, table.serialize(data,'return',true,true))
- else
- table.tofile(tmaname, data,'return',true,true) -- maybe not the last true
- end
- utils.lua.compile(tmaname, tmcname, input.expand_var(texmf.instance,'PURGECACHE') == 't')
--- here we use the cache for format loading (texconfig.[formatname|jobname])
---~ if tex and texconfig and texconfig.formatname and texconfig.formatname == "" then
-if tex and texconfig and (not texconfig.formatname or texconfig.formatname == "") and texmf.instance then
- if not texconfig.luaname then texconfig.luaname = "cont-en.lua" end -- or luc
- texconfig.formatname = caches.setpath(texmf.instance,"formats") .. "/" .. texconfig.luaname:gsub("$",".fmt")
-<p>Once we found ourselves defining similar cache constructs
-several times, containers were introduced. Containers are used
-to collect tables in memory and reuse them when possible based
-on (unique) hashes (to be provided by the calling function).</p>
-<p>Caching to disk is disabled by default. Version numbers are
-stored in the saved table which makes it possible to change the
-table structures without bothering about the disk cache.</p>
-<p>Examples of usage can be found in the font related code.</p>
-containers = { }
-containers.trace = false
-do -- local report
- local function report(container,tag,name)
- if caches.trace or containers.trace or container.trace then
-"%s cache",container.subcategory),string.format("%s: %s",tag,name or 'invalid'))
- end
- end
- local allocated = { }
- -- tracing
- function containers.define(category, subcategory, version, enabled)
- return function()
- if category and subcategory then
- local c = allocated[category]
- if not c then
- c = { }
- allocated[category] = c
- end
- local s = c[subcategory]
- if not s then
- s = {
- category = category,
- subcategory = subcategory,
- storage = { },
- enabled = enabled,
- version = version or 1.000,
- trace = false,
- path = caches.setpath(texmf.instance,category,subcategory),
- }
- c[subcategory] = s
- end
- return s
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- end
- function containers.is_usable(container, name)
- return container.enabled and caches.is_writable(container.path, name)
- end
- function containers.is_valid(container, name)
- if name and name ~= "" then
- local storage =[name]
- return storage and not table.is_empty(storage) and storage.cache_version == container.version
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function,name)
- if container.enabled and not[name] then
-[name] = caches.loaddata(container.path,name)
- if containers.is_valid(container,name) then
- report(container,"loaded",name)
- else
-[name] = nil
- end
- end
- if[name] then
- report(container,"reusing",name)
- end
- return[name]
- end
- function containers.write(container, name, data)
- if data then
- data.cache_version = container.version
- if container.enabled then
- local unique, shared = data.unique, data.shared
- data.unique, data.shared = nil, nil
- caches.savedata(container.path, name, data)
- report(container,"saved",name)
- data.unique, data.shared = unique, shared
- end
- report(container,"stored",name)
-[name] = data
- end
- return data
- end
- function containers.content(container,name)
- return[name]
- end
--- since we want to use the cache instead of the tree, we will now
--- reimplement the saver.
-local save_data = input.aux.save_data
-input.cachepath = nil
-function input.aux.save_data(instance, dataname, check)
- input.cachepath = input.cachepath or caches.definepath(instance,"trees")
- save_data(instance, dataname, check, function(cachename,dataname)
- if input.usecache then
- return file.join(input.cachepath(),caches.hashed(cachename))
- else
- return file.join(cachename,dataname)
- end
- end)
-local load_data = input.aux.load_data
-function input.aux.load_data(instance,pathname,dataname,filename)
- input.cachepath = input.cachepath or caches.definepath(instance,"trees")
- load_data(instance,pathname,dataname,filename,function(dataname,filename)
- if input.usecache then
- return file.join(input.cachepath(),caches.hashed(pathname))
- else
- if not filename or (filename == "") then
- filename = dataname
- end
- return file.join(pathname,filename)
- end
- end)
--- we will make a better format, maybe something xml or just text or lua
-input.automounted = input.automounted or { }
-function input.automount(instance,usecache)
- local mountpaths = input.simplified_list(input.expansion(instance,'TEXMFMOUNT'))
- if table.is_empty(mountpaths) and usecache then
- mountpaths = { caches.setpath(instance,"mount") }
- end
- if not table.is_empty(mountpaths) then
- input.starttiming(instance)
- for k, root in pairs(mountpaths) do
- local f ="/url.tmi")
- if f then
- for line in f:lines() do
- if line then
- if line:find("^[%%#%-]") then -- or %W
- -- skip
- elseif line:find("^zip://") then
- table.insert(input.automounted,line)
- input.usezipfile(instance,line)
- end
- end
- end
- f:close()
- end
- end
- input.stoptiming(instance)
- end
--- store info in format
- = { } = { } = 0 -- 500 = - 1 = false -- true = 0 = { }
--- (evaluate,message,names)
-[] = { ... }
-[] = name
-function -- we can prepend the string with "evaluate:"
- for _, t in ipairs( do
- for i, v in pairs(t) do
- if type(v) == "string" then
- t[i] = loadstring(v)()
- elseif type(v) == "table" then
- for _, vv in pairs(v) do
- if type(vv) == "string" then
- t[i] = loadstring(vv)()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for name, data in ipairs( do
- local evaluate, message, original, target = data[1], data[2], data[3] ,data[4]
- local name, initialize, finalize, code = nil, "", "", ""
- for str in target:gmatch("([^%.]+)") do
- if name then
- name = name .. "." .. str
- else
- name = str
- end
- initialize = string.format("%s %s = %s or {} ", initialize, name, name)
- end
- if evaluate then
- finalize = "" .. name .. ")"
- end
- = + 1
- if then
-'storage',string.format('saving %s in slot %s',message,
- code =
- initialize ..
- string.format("'storage','restoring %s from slot %s') ",message, ..
- table.serialize(original,name) ..
- finalize
- else
- code = initialize .. table.serialize(original,name) .. finalize
- end
- lua.bytecode[] = loadstring(code)
- end
-if lua.bytecode then -- from 0 upwards
- local i =
- while lua.bytecode[i] do
- lua.bytecode[i]()
- lua.bytecode[i] = nil
- i = i + 1
- end
- = i