path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/l-xml-edu.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/l-xml-edu.lua')
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/l-xml-edu.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/l-xml-edu.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5aba4604349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/l-xml-edu.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-xml-edu'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "this module is the basis for the lxml-* ones",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+<p>This module contains older code thatwe keep around for educational
+purposes. Here you find the find based xml and lpath parsers.</p>
+if false then
+ do
+ -- Loading 12 cont-*.xml and keys-*.xml files totaling to 2.62 MBytes takes 1.1 sec
+ -- on a windows vista laptop with dual core 7600 (2.3 Ghz), which is not that bad.
+ -- Of this half time is spent on doctype etc parsing.
+ local doctype_patterns = {
+ "<!DOCTYPE%s+(.-%s+PUBLIC%s+%b\"\"%s+%b\"\"%s+%b[])%s*>",
+ "<!DOCTYPE%s+(.-%s+PUBLIC%s+%b\"\"%s+%b\"\")%s*>",
+ "<!DOCTYPE%s+(.-%s+SYSTEM%s+%b\"\"%s+%b[])%s*>",
+ "<!DOCTYPE%s+(.-%s+SYSTEM%s+%b\"\")%s*>",
+ "<!DOCTYPE%s+(.-%s%b[])%s*>",
+ "<!DOCTYPE%s+(.-)%s*>"
+ }
+ -- We assume no "<" which is the lunatic part of the xml spec
+ -- especially since ">" is permitted; otherwise we need a char
+ -- by char parser ... more something for later ... normally
+ -- entities will be used anyway.
+ -- data = data:gsub(nothing done) is still a copy so we find first
+ local function prepare(data,text)
+ -- pack (for backward compatibility)
+ if type(data) == "table" then
+ data = table.concat(data,"")
+ end
+ -- CDATA
+ if data:find("<!%[CDATA%[") then
+ data = data:gsub("<!%[CDATA%[(.-)%]%]>", function(txt)
+ text[#text+1] = txt or ""
+ return string.format("<@cd@>%s</@cd@>",#text)
+ end)
+ end
+ if data:find("<!DOCTYPE ") then
+ data = data:gsub("^(.-)(<[^!?])", function(a,b)
+ if a:find("<!DOCTYPE ") then -- ?
+ for _,v in ipairs(doctype_patterns) do
+ a = a:gsub(v, function(d)
+ text[#text+1] = d or ""
+ return string.format("<@dt@>%s</@dt@>",#text)
+ end)
+ end
+ end
+ return a .. b
+ end,1)
+ end
+ -- comment / does not catch doctype
+ if data:find("<!%-%-") then
+ data = data:gsub("<!%-%-(.-)%-%->", function(txt)
+ text[#text+1] = txt or ""
+ return string.format("<@cm@>%s</@cm@>",#text)
+ end)
+ end
+ -- processing instructions / altijd 1
+ if data:find("<%?") then
+ data = data:gsub("<%?(.-)%?>", function(txt)
+ text[#text+1] = txt or ""
+ return string.format("<@pi@>%s</@pi@>",#text)
+ end)
+ end
+ return data, text
+ end
+ -- maybe we will move the @tg@ stuff to a dedicated key, say 'st'; this will speed up
+ -- serializing and testing
+ function xml.convert(data,no_root,collapse)
+ local crap = { }
+ data, crap = prepare(data, crap)
+ local nsremap = xml.xmlns
+ local remove = table.remove
+ local stack, top = {}, {}
+ local i, j, errorstr = 1, 1, nil
+ stack[#stack+1] = top
+ top.dt = { }
+ local dt = top.dt
+ local mt = { __tostring = xml.text }
+ local xmlns = { }
+ while true do
+ local ni, first, attributes, last, fulltag, resolved
+ ni, j, first, fulltag, attributes, last = data:find("<(/-)([^%s>/]+)%s*([^>]-)%s*(/-)>", j)
+ if not ni then break end
+ local namespace, tag = fulltag:match("^(.-):(.+)$")
+ if attributes ~= "" then
+ local t = {}
+ for ns, tag, _, value in attributes:gmatch("(.-):?(.+)=([\"\'])(.-)%3") do -- . was %w
+ if tag == "xmlns" then -- not ok yet
+ xmlns[#xmlns+1] = xml.resolvens(value)
+ t[tag] = value
+ elseif ns == "xmlns" then
+ xml.checkns(tag,value)
+ t["xmlns:" .. tag] = value
+ else
+ t[tag] = value
+ end
+ end
+ attributes = t
+ else
+ attributes = { }
+ end
+ if namespace then -- realtime remapping
+ resolved = nsremap[namespace] or namespace
+ else
+ namespace, tag = "", fulltag
+ resolved = xmlns[#xmlns]
+ end
+ local text = data:sub(i, ni-1)
+ if text == "" or (collapse and text:find("^%s*$")) then
+ -- no need for empty text nodes, beware, also packs <a>x y z</a>
+ -- so is not that useful unless used with empty elements
+ else
+ dt[#dt+1] = text
+ end
+ if first == "/" then
+ -- end tag
+ local toclose = remove(stack) -- remove top
+ top = stack[#stack]
+ if #stack < 1 then
+ errorstr = string.format("nothing to close with %s", tag)
+ break
+ elseif ~= tag then -- no namespace check
+ errorstr = string.format("unable to close %s with %s",, tag)
+ break
+ end
+ if tag:find("^@..@$") then
+ dt[1] = crap[tonumber(dt[1])] or ""
+ end
+ dt = top.dt
+ dt[#dt+1] = toclose
+ if attributes.xmlns then
+ remove(xmlns) -- ?
+ end
+ elseif last == "/" then
+ -- empty element tag
+ dt[#dt+1] = { ns = namespace, rn = resolved, tg = tag, dt = { }, at = attributes, __p__ = top }
+ setmetatable(top, mt)
+ else
+ -- begin tag
+ top = { ns = namespace, rn = resolved, tg = tag, dt = { }, at = attributes, __p__ = stack[#stack] }
+ setmetatable(top, mt)
+ dt = top.dt
+ stack[#stack+1] = top
+ end
+ i = j + 1
+ end
+ if not errorstr then
+ local text = data:sub(i)
+ if dt and not text:find("^%s*$") then
+ dt[#dt+1] = text
+ end
+ if #stack > 1 then
+ errorstr = string.format("unclosed %s", stack[#stack].tg)
+ end
+ end
+ if errorstr then
+ stack = { { tg = "error", dt = { errorstr } } }
+ setmetatable(stack, mt)
+ end
+ if no_root then
+ return stack[1]
+ else
+ local t = { ns = "", tg = '@rt@', dt = stack[1].dt }
+ setmetatable(t, mt)
+ for k,v in ipairs(t.dt) do
+ if type(v) == "table" and ~= "@pi@" and ~= "@dt@" and ~= "@cm@" then
+ t.ri = k -- rootindex
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --~ Y a/b
+ --~ Y /a/b
+ --~ Y a/*/b
+ --~ Y a//b
+ --~ Y child::
+ --~ Y .//
+ --~ Y ..
+ --~ N id("tag")
+ --~ Y parent::
+ --~ Y child::
+ --~ N preceding-sibling:: (same name)
+ --~ N following-sibling:: (same name)
+ --~ N preceding-sibling-of-self:: (same name)
+ --~ N following-sibling-or-self:: (same name)
+ --~ N ancestor::
+ --~ N descendent::
+ --~ N preceding::
+ --~ N following::
+ --~ N self::node()
+ --~ N node() == alles
+ --~ N a[position()=5]
+ --~ Y a[5]
+ --~ Y a[-5]
+ --~ N a[first()]
+ --~ N a[last()]
+ --~ Y a/(b|c|d)/e/f
+ --~ Y a/!(b|c|d)/e/f
+ --~ N (c/d|e)
+ --~ Y a/b[@bla]
+ --~ Y a/b[@bla='oeps']
+ --~ Y a/b[@bla=='oeps']
+ --~ Y a/b[@bla<>'oeps']
+ --~ Y a/b[@bla!='oeps']
+ --~ Y a/b/@bla
+ --~ Y a['string']
+ --~ Y ^/a/c (root)
+ --~ Y ^^/a/c (docroot)
+ --~ Y root::a/c (docroot)
+ --~ no wild card functions (yet)
+ --~ s = "/a//b/*/(c|d|e)/(f|g)/h[4]/h/child::i/j/(a/b)/p[-1]/q[4]/ancestor::q/r/../s/./t[@bla='true']/k"
+ -- // == /**/
+ -- / = ^ (root)
+ do
+ function analyze(str)
+ if not str then
+ return ""
+ else
+ local tmp, result, map, key = { }, { }, { }, str
+ str = str:gsub("(%b[])", function(s) tmp[#tmp+1] = s return '[['..#tmp..']]' end)
+ str = str:gsub("(%b())", function(s) tmp[#tmp+1] = s return '[['..#tmp..']]' end)
+ str = str:gsub("(%^+)([^/])", "%1/%2")
+ str = str:gsub("//+", "/**/")
+ str = str:gsub(".*root::", "^/")
+ str = str:gsub("child::", "")
+ str = str:gsub("parent::", "../")
+ str = str:gsub("self::", "./")
+ str = str:gsub("^/", "^/")
+ for s in str:gmatch("([^/]+)") do
+ s = s:gsub("%[%[(%d+)%]%]",function(n) return tmp[tonumber(n)] end)
+ result[#result+1] = s
+ end
+ return result
+ end
+ end
+ function compose(result)
+ if not result or #result == 0 then
+ -- wildcard
+ return true
+ elseif #result == 1 then
+ local r = result[1][1]
+ if r == "14" or r == "15" then
+ -- wildcard
+ return true
+ elseif r == "12" then
+ -- root
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ local map = { }
+ for r=1,#result do
+ local ri = result[r]
+ if ri == "." then
+ -- skip
+ elseif ri == ".." then
+ map[#map+1] = { 11 }
+ elseif ri == "^" then
+ map[#map+1] = { 12 }
+ elseif ri == "^^" then
+ map[#map+1] = { 13 }
+ elseif ri == "*" then
+ map[#map+1] = { 14 }
+ elseif ri == "**" then
+ map[#map+1] = { 15 }
+ else
+ local negate, m = ri:match("^(!*)%((.*)%)$") -- (a|b|c)
+ if m or ri:find('|') then
+ m = m or ri
+ if m:find("[%[%]%(%)/]") then -- []()/
+ -- error
+ else
+ local t = { (negate and #negate>0 and 25) or 21 }
+ for s in m:gmatch("([^|]+)") do
+ local ns, tg = s:match("^(.-):?([^:]+)$")
+ if ns == "*" then ns = true end
+ t[#t+1] = ns
+ t[#t+1] = tg
+ end
+ map[#map+1] = t
+ end
+ else
+ local s, f = ri:match("^(.-)%[%s*(.+)%s*%]$") --aaa[bbb]
+ if s and f then
+ local ns, tg = s:match("^(.-):?([^:]+)$")
+ local at, op, vl = f:match("^@(.-)([!=<>]?)([^!=<>]+)$") -- [@a=='b']
+ if ns == "*" then ns = true end
+ if vl then
+ if op and op ~= "" then
+ if op == '=' or op == '==' then
+ map[#map+1] = { 22, ns, tg, at, (vl:gsub("^([\'\"])(.*)%1$","%2")) }
+ elseif op == '<>' or op == '!=' then
+ map[#map+1] = { 23, ns, tg, at, (vl:gsub("^([\'\"])(.*)%1$","%2")) }
+ else
+ -- error
+ end
+ elseif vl ~= "" then -- [@whatever]
+ map[#map+1] = { 26, ns, tg, vl }
+ else
+ -- error
+ end
+ -- elseif f:find("^([%-%+%d]+)$") then -- [123]
+ elseif f:find("^([-+%d]+)$") then -- [123]
+ map[#map+1] = { 30, ns, tg, tonumber(f) }
+ else -- [whatever]
+ map[#map+1] = { 27, ns, tg, (f:gsub("^([\'\"])(.*)%1$","%2")) }
+ end
+ else
+ local pi = ri:match("^pi::(.-)$")
+ if pi then
+ map[#map+1] = { 40, pi }
+ else
+ local negate, ns, tg = ri:match("^(!-)(.-):?([^:]+)$")
+ map[#map+1] = { (negate and #negate>0 and 24) or 20, ns, tg }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- if we have a symbol, we can prepend that to the string, which is faster
+ local mm = map[1] or { }
+ local r = mm[1] or 0
+ if #map == 1 then
+ if r == 14 or r == 15 then
+ -- wildcard
+ return true
+ elseif r == 12 then
+ -- root
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ if r ~= 11 and r ~= 12 and r ~= 13 and r ~= 14 and r ~= 15 then
+ table.insert(map, 1, { 16 })
+ end
+ return map
+ end
+ cache = { }
+ function xml.lpath(pattern)
+ if type(pattern) == "string" then
+ local result = cache[pattern]
+ if not result then
+ result = compose(analyze(pattern))
+ cache[pattern] = result
+ end
+ if xml.trace_lpath then
+ xml.lshow(result)
+ end
+ return result
+ else
+ return pattern
+ end
+ end
+ end