path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/core-mat.tex
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1 files changed, 1615 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/core-mat.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/core-mat.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..10f8d16f34a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/core-mat.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1615 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-mat,
+%D version=1998.12.07,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Math Fundamentals,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% engels maken
+\writestatus{loading}{Context Core Macros / Math Fundamentals}
+ {\ifmmode
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+% force text mode, will be overloaded later
+\ifx\text\undefined \let\text\hbox \fi
+% does not work at all
+% \def\setlastlinewidth
+% {\resetlastlinewidth
+% \ifmmode\else\ifhmode\else\ifoptimizedisplayspacing
+% \bgroup
+% \forgetdisplayskips
+% $$\global\lastlinewidth\predisplaysize$$
+% \vskip-\baselineskip
+% \egroup
+% \fi\fi\fi}
+% test \par \dorecurse{10}{test } \moveformula \startformula test \stopformula test \endgraf
+% test \par \dorecurse{10}{test } \startformula test \stopformula test \endgraf
+% \dorecurse{30}{\bpar \dorecurse\recurselevel{test } \epar \startformula formula \stopformula}
+ {\resetlastlinewidth
+ \ifoptimizedisplayspacing\ifmmode\else\ifhmode
+ \bgroup
+ \forgetdisplayskips
+ \displaywidowpenalty\widowpenalty % brrr, else widowpenalty does not work
+ \everymath \emptytoks
+ \everydisplay\emptytoks
+ $$\strut\global\lastlinewidth\predisplaysize$$
+ \vskip-\lineheight
+ \vskip\zeropoint
+ \egroup
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\global\lastlinewidth\zeropoint\relax}
+% not here: \appendtoks \setlastlinewidth \to \everyendofpar
+%D moved from main-001
+%\newevery \everymath \EveryMath
+\abovedisplayskip = \zeropoint
+\abovedisplayshortskip = \zeropoint % evt. 0pt minus 3pt
+\belowdisplayskip = \zeropoint
+\belowdisplayshortskip = \zeropoint % evt. 0pt minus 3pt
+\predisplaypenalty = \zerocount
+\postdisplaypenalty = \zerocount % -5000 gaat mis, zie penalty bij \paragraaf
+% we don't use the skip's
+\def\displayskipsize#1#2% obsolete
+ {\ifdim\ctxparskip>\zeropoint
+ #1\ctxparskip\!!plus#2\ctxparskip\!!minus#2\ctxparskip\relax
+ \else
+ #1\lineheight\!!plus#2\lineheight\!!minus#2\lineheight\relax
+ \fi}
+\def\displayskipfactor {1.0} % obsolete
+\def\displayshortskipfactor {0.8} % obsolete
+\def\displayskipgluefactor {0.3} % obsolete
+\def\displayshortskipgluefactor {0.2} % obsolete
+\def\abovedisplayskipsize% obsolete
+ {\displayskipsize\displayskipfactor\displayskipgluefactor}
+\def\belowdisplayskipsize% obsolete
+ {\displayskipsize\displayskipfactor\displayskipgluefactor}
+\def\abovedisplayshortskipsize% obsolete
+ {\displayskipsize\displayshortskipfactor\displayshortskipgluefactor}
+\def\belowdisplayshortskipsize% obsolete
+ {\displayskipsize\displayshortskipfactor\displayshortskipgluefactor}
+\def\setdisplayskip#1#2#3% obsolete
+ {#1=#2\relax
+ \advance#1 -\parskip
+ \advance#1 -#3\relax}
+\def\setdisplayskips % obsolete
+ {\setdisplayskip\abovedisplayskip \abovedisplayskipsize \zeropoint
+ \setdisplayskip\belowdisplayskip \belowdisplayskipsize \zeropoint
+ \setdisplayskip\abovedisplayshortskip\abovedisplayshortskipsize\baselineskip
+ \setdisplayskip\belowdisplayshortskip\belowdisplayshortskipsize\baselineskip}
+% so far for unused stuff
+\def\forgetdisplayskips % to do
+ {\abovedisplayskip \zeropoint
+ \belowdisplayskip \zeropoint
+ \abovedisplayshortskip\zeropoint
+ \belowdisplayshortskip\zeropoint}
+\definenumber % \definelabel
+ [\v!formula]
+ [\c!text=\v!formula,
+ \c!way=\@@fmway,
+ \c!blockway=\@@fmblockway,
+ \c!location=\v!intext]
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??fm]}
+\def\dododoformulanumber#1#2#3#4% (#1,#2)=outer(ref,sub) (#3,#4)=inner(ref,sub)
+ {\hbox\bgroup
+ \ifconditional\handleformulanumber
+ \ifconditional\incrementformulanumber
+ \incrementnumber[\v!formula]%
+ \fi
+ \makesectionnumber[\v!formula]%
+ \setbox0\hbox{\ignorespaces#2\unskip}%
+ \ifdim\wd0>\zeropoint
+ \edef\hetsubnummer{#2}%
+ \else
+ \let\hetsubnummer\empty
+ \fi
+ \doifsomething{#1}{\rawreference{\s!for}{#1}{\hetnummer\hetsubnummer}}%
+ \setbox0\hbox{\ignorespaces#4\unskip}%
+ \ifdim\wd0>\zeropoint
+ \edef\hetsubnummer{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \doifsomething{#3}{\rawreference\s!for{#3}{\hetnummer\hetsubnummer}}%
+ \rm % nodig ?
+ \@@fmnumbercommand
+ {\dostartattributes\??fm\c!numberstyle\c!numbercolor
+ \strut
+ \@@fmleft
+ \preparethenumber\??fm\hetnummer\preparednumber
+ \labeltexts\v!formula
+ {\ignorespaces\preparednumber\ignorespaces\hetsubnummer\unskip}%
+ \@@fmright
+ \dostopattributes}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\doquadruplegroupempty\dododoformulanumber{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodoformulanumber}
+\setvalue{\e!stop \v!formula}{\dostopformula}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinieerformule}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\copyparameters
+ [\??fm#1][\??fm]
+ [\c!spacebefore,\c!spaceafter,\c!grid,
+ \c!leftmargin,\c!rightmargin,\c!margin,
+ \c!indentnext,\c!alternative,
+ \c!strut,\c!align,\c!distance]%
+ \setupformulas[#1][#2]%
+ \setvalue{\e!start#1\v!formula}{\dostartformula{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop #1\v!formula}{\dostopformula}}}
+\newtoks \everysetupformulas \relax % we need a hook for extensions in modules
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupformulas}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??fm#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??fm][#1]%
+ \fi
+ \the\everysetupformulas}
+ {\csname\??fm\currentformula#1\endcsname}
+ [\c!way=\@@nrway,
+ \c!blockway=,
+ \c!sectionnumber=\@@nrsectionnumber,
+ \c!location=\v!right,
+ \c!left=(,
+ \c!right=),
+ \c!spacebefore=,
+ \c!spaceafter=\@@fmspacebefore,
+ \c!leftmargin=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!rightmargin=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!margin=,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!no,
+ \c!alternative=\s!default,
+ \c!align=,
+ \c!strut=\v!no,
+ \c!separator=\@@koseparator,
+ \c!distance=1em]
+\def\currentformula {}
+\def\predisplaysizethreshhold{2em} % was 3em
+\def\leftdisplayskip {\leftskip}
+\def\rightdisplayskip {\rightskip}
+\def\leftdisplaymargin {\formulaparameter\c!leftmargin}
+\def\rightdisplaymargin {\formulaparameter\c!rightmargin}
+ {\doifnot{\formulaparameter\c!spacebefore}\v!none{\blank[\formulaparameter\c!spacebefore]}}
+ {\doifnot{\formulaparameter\c!spaceafter }\v!none{\blank[\formulaparameter\c!spaceafter ]}}
+ {\predisplaysize#1\relax
+ \ifdim\predisplaysize<\maxdimen
+ \ifdim\predisplaysize>\zeropoint
+ \advance\predisplaysize \predisplaysizethreshhold
+ \fi
+ \advance\predisplaysize \displayindent % needed ?
+ \ifdim\predisplaysize>\hsize
+ \predisplaysize\hsize
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \predisplaysize\zeropoint
+ \fi}
+ {\displayindent\leftdisplayskip
+ \advance\displayindent\leftdisplaymargin
+ \displaywidth\hsize
+ \ifdim\hangindent>\zeropoint
+ \advance\displayindent\hangindent
+ \else
+ \advance\displaywidth\hangindent
+ \fi
+ \advance\displaywidth-\displayindent
+ \advance\displaywidth-\rightdisplayskip
+ \advance\displaywidth-\rightdisplaymargin}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodostartformula[#1]}
+% hm, invoke otr in hmode in order to move skips to mvl, could be an option
+\def\dodostartformula[#1][#2]% setting leftskip adaption is slow !
+ {% todo: test first
+ %
+ % \ifdim\lastskip>\zeropoint
+ % \resetlastlinewidth % else problems with in between stuff without \epar
+ % \fi
+ \bgroup
+ \formulaparskip\parskip
+ \formulastrutdp\strutdepth
+ \formulastrutht\strutheight
+ \switchtoformulabodyfont[#2]%
+ \parskip\formulaparskip
+ \def\currentformula{#1}%
+ \doifsomething{\formulaparameter\c!margin}% so we test first
+ {\dosetleftskipadaption{\formulaparameter\c!margin}%
+ \edef\leftdisplaymargin{\the\leftskipadaption}}% overloaded
+ \long\def\dostartformula##1{\bgroup\let\dostopformula\egroup}%
+ \freezedimenmacro\leftdisplayskip
+ \freezedimenmacro\rightdisplayskip
+ \freezedimenmacro\leftdisplaymargin
+ \freezedimenmacro\rightdisplaymargin
+ \freezedimenmacro\predisplaysizethreshhold
+ \forgetdisplayskips
+ \let\setdisplayskips\relax
+ \ifoptimizedisplayspacing
+ \ifdim\lastlinewidth>\zeropoint
+ \abovedisplayshortskip-\strutht\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \resetlastlinewidth
+ \fi
+ \getvalue{\e!start\formulaparameter\c!alternative\v!formula}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \switchtoformulabodyfont[#1]%
+ % not : \def\doformula[##1]##2{\mathematics{##2}}%
+ \mathematics{#2}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\doplaceformulanumber
+ \getvalue{\e!stop\formulaparameter\c!alternative\v!formula}%
+ \resetlastlinewidth
+ \nonoindentation
+ \dochecknextindentation{\??fm\currentformula}%
+ \egroup}
+% \def\startdisplaymath
+% {\ifgridsnapping
+% \beforedisplayspace
+% \snapmathtogrid\vbox
+% \bgroup
+% \informulatrue
+% %\forgetall % breaks side floats
+% \else
+% \bgroup
+% \informulatrue
+% %\forgetall % otherwise backgrounds fail
+% \ifdim\lastskip<\zeropoint\else
+% \par
+% \ifvmode \ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint\relax
+% \vskip-\parskip
+% \fi \fi
+% \fi
+% \doif\displaygridcorrection{-\v!boven}{\kern-\strutht}% new, currently only option/default
+% \beforedisplayspace
+% \par
+% \ifvmode
+% \verticalstrut
+% \vskip-\struttotal
+% \vskip-\baselineskip
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% $$\setdisplaydimensions
+% \setpredisplaysize\lastlinewidth
+% \startinnermath}
+% \def\stopdisplaymath
+% {\stopinnermath
+% $$%
+% \ifgridsnapping
+% \egroup
+% \afterdisplayspace
+% \else
+% \par\ifvmode\ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint\vskip-\parskip\fi\fi
+% \afterdisplayspace
+% \egroup
+% \fi
+% \globallet\displaylinecorrection\empty
+% \gdef\displaygridcorrection{\displaygridsnapping}}
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \beforedisplayspace
+ \snapmathtogrid\vbox
+ \bgroup
+ \informulatrue
+ %\forgetall % breaks side floats
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ \parskip\formulaparskip % ! !
+ \informulatrue
+ %\forgetall % otherwise backgrounds fail
+ \ifdim\lastskip<\zeropoint\else
+ \par
+ \ifvmode \ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint\relax
+ \whitespace \vskip-\parskip % kind of forces and cancels again
+ \fi \fi
+ \fi
+ \doif\displaygridcorrection{-\v!top}{\kern-\strutht}% new, currently only option/default
+ \beforedisplayspace
+ \par
+ \ifvmode
+ \verticalstrut
+ \vskip-\struttotal
+ \vskip-\baselineskip
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ $$\setdisplaydimensions
+ \setpredisplaysize\lastlinewidth
+ \startinnermath}
+ {\stopinnermath
+ $$%
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \egroup
+ \afterdisplayspace
+ \else
+ \par\ifvmode\ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint\whitespace\vskip-\parskip\fi\fi
+ \afterdisplayspace
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \globallet\displaylinecorrection\empty
+ \gdef\displaygridcorrection{\displaygridsnapping}}
+\newif\ifclipdisplaymath \clipdisplaymathtrue
+\def\snapmathtogrid % to do \dp
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\bgroup
+ \donefalse
+ \ifclipdisplaymath
+ \ifdim\nextboxht<\displaymathclipfactor\lineheight
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \nextboxht\lineheight
+ \else
+ \getnoflines\nextboxht
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox to \noflines\lineheight
+ {\vfill\flushnextbox\vfill}%
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\lower\strutdepth\flushnextbox}%
+ \fi
+ \snaptogrid[\displaygridcorrection]\hbox{\flushnextbox}%
+ \egroup}}
+ {\dosingleempty\domoveformula}
+% \def\domoveformula[#1]% brr gaat mogelijk fout
+% {\ifgridsnapping
+% \iffirstargument
+% \xdef\displaygridcorrection{#1}%
+% \else
+% \gdef\displaygridcorrection{-\v!boven}% handy with short preline
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \gdef\displaygridcorrection{\displaygridsnapping}%
+% \fi}
+\def\domoveformula[#1]% brr gaat mogelijk fout
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \xdef\displaygridcorrection{#1}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\displaygridcorrection{-\v!top}% handy with short preline
+ \fi
+ \globallet\displaylinecorrection\displaygridcorrection}
+\let\stopinnermath \empty
+ {\dotripleargument\dodefineformulaalternative}
+ {\setvalue{\e!start#1\v!formula}{#2}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop #1\v!formula}{#3}}
+% sp = single line paragraph sd = single line display
+% mp = multi line paragraph md = multy line display
+\defineformulaalternative[multi] [\startdisplaymath][\stopdisplaymath]
+ [sp]
+ [\c!spacebefore=\v!none,\c!spaceafter=\v!none,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!no,
+ \c!alternative=single]
+ [sd]
+ [\c!spacebefore=\v!none,\c!spaceafter=\v!none,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!yes,
+ \c!alternative=single]
+ [mp]
+ [\c!indentnext=\v!no,
+ \c!alternative=multi]
+ [md]
+ [\c!indentnext=\v!yes,
+ \c!alternative=multi]
+% in m-math
+% \defineformulaalternative[multi][\begindmath][\enddmath]
+% \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+% \plaatsformule {a} $$ \fakespacingformula $$
+% \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+% \plaatsformule {b} \startformule \fakespacingformula \stopformule
+% \plaatsformule {b} \startformule \fakespacingformula \stopformule
+% \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+% \plaatsformule {c} \startmdformule \fakespacingformula \stopmdformule
+% \plaatsformule {c} \startmdformule \fakespacingformula \stopmdformule
+% \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+% \plaatsformule {d} \startmpformule \fakespacingformula \stopmpformule
+% \plaatsformule {d} \startmpformule \fakespacingformula \stopmpformule
+% \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+% \plaatsformule {e} \startsdformule \fakespacingformula \stopsdformule
+% \plaatsformule {e} \startsdformule \fakespacingformula \stopsdformule
+% \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+% \plaatsformule {f} \startspformule \fakespacingformula \stopspformule
+% \plaatsformule {f} \startspformule \fakespacingformula \stopspformule
+% \fakewords{20}{40}
+% \convertcommand\next\to\ascii \getfirstcharacter\ascii
+% \ifx\firstcharacter\letterbackslash % a \cs
+ {\settrue\incrementformulanumber
+ \dodoubleempty\doplaceformula}
+ {\setfalse\incrementformulanumber
+ \dodoubleempty\doplaceformula}
+\def\doplaceformula[#1][#2]% #2 = dummy, gobbles spaces
+ {\def\redoplaatsformule
+ {\bgroup\def\dostartformula####1{\relax}%
+ \ifx\next\bgroup
+ \@EA\moreplaatsformule % [ref]{}
+ \else
+ \expandafter\convertargument\e!start\to\asciiA
+ \expandafter\convertargument\next \to\asciiB
+ \ExpandBothAfter\doifincsnameelse\asciiA\asciiB
+ {\egroup \@EA\dodoplaceformula}% [ref]\start
+ {\egroup \@EA\dispplaatsformule}% [ref]$$
+ \fi[#1]{}}%
+ \futurelet\next\redoplaatsformule}
+\long\def\moreplaatsformule[#1]#2#3#4% #2 dummy #4 gobbles spaces
+ {\def\redoplaatsformule
+ {\expandafter\convertargument\e!start\to\asciiA
+ \expandafter\convertargument\next \to\asciiB
+ \ExpandBothAfter\doifincsnameelse\asciiA\asciiB
+ {\egroup \dodoplaceformula}% [ref]\start
+ {\egroup \dispplaatsformule}% [ref]$$
+ [#1]{#3}}%
+ \futurelet\next\redoplaatsformule#4}
+ {\dodoplaceformula[#1]{#2}\dostartformula{}#3\dostopformula}
+\def\dodoplaceformula[#1]#2% messy, needs a clean up
+ {\doifelse{#1}{-}
+ {\setfalse\handleformulanumber}
+ {\doifelse{#2}{-}
+ {\setfalse\handleformulanumber}
+ {\settrue\handleformulanumber}}%
+ \ifconditional\handleformulanumber
+ \def\formulanumber
+ {%\global\let\subformulanumber\doformulanumber % no, bug
+ \doformulanumber[#1][#2]}%
+ \def\subformulanumber
+ {\setfalse\incrementformulanumber
+ \formulanumber}%
+ \gdef\doplaceformulanumber
+ {\global\let\doplaceformulanumber\empty
+ \doifelse\@@fmlocation\v!left
+ {\normalleqno{\doformulanumber[#1][#2][]{}}}
+ {\normalreqno{\doformulanumber[#1][#2][]{}}}}%
+ \else
+ \def\formulanumber{\doformulanumber[#1][#2]}%
+ \global\let\subformulanumber\doformulanumber
+ \global\let\doplaceformulanumber\empty
+ \fi}
+%D We need a hook into the plain math alignment macros
+%D \starttyping
+%D \displaylines
+%D \eqalignno
+%D \eqalignno
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Otherwise we get a missing \type {$$} error reported.
+ {\let\normalleqno\relax \let\leqno\relax
+ \let\normalreqno\relax \let\eqno \relax
+ \let\doplaceformulanumber\relax}
+%D Here we implement a basic math alignment mechanism. Numbers
+%D are also handled. The macros \type {\startinnermath} and
+%D \type {\stopinnermath} can be overloaded in specialized
+%D modules.
+ {\getvalue{\e!start\??fm\formulaparameter\c!align}}
+ {\getvalue{\e!stop \??fm\formulaparameter\c!align}}
+ {\doif{\formulaparameter\c!strut}\v!yes\strut}
+ {\setvalue{\e!start\??fm#1}{#2}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop \??fm#1}{#3}}
+ {\iftracemath\ruledhbox\else\hbox\fi}
+ {\hsize\displaywidth
+ \global\let\@eqno \empty \def\eqno {\gdef\@eqno }%
+ \global\let\@leqno\empty \def\leqno{\gdef\@leqno}%
+ % added
+ \let\normalreqno\eqno
+ \let\normalleqno\leqno
+ % added
+ \doplaceformulanumber
+ \mathhbox to \displaywidth\bgroup
+ \mathinnerstrut
+ $\displaystyle
+ \ifx\@leqno\empty\else \ifcase#2
+ \rlap{\@leqno}%
+ \else
+ \@leqno\hskip\formulaparameter\c!distance
+ \fi \fi
+ #1}
+ {$#1%
+ \ifx\@eqno\empty\else \ifcase#2
+ \llap{\@eqno}%
+ \else
+ \hskip\formulaparameter\c!distance\@eqno
+ \fi \fi
+ \egroup}
+\defineinnermathhandler\v!left {\startmathbox\hfill0}{\stopmathbox\empty1}
+%D [The examples below are in english and don't process in the
+%D documentation style, which will be english some day.]
+%D Normally a formula is centered, but in case you want to
+%D align it left or right, you can set up formulas to behave
+%D that way. Normally a formula will adapt is left indentation
+%D to the environment:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+%D \startitemize
+%D \item \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+%D \placeformula \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \item \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+%D \stopitemize
+%D \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D % \getbuffer
+%D In the next examples we explicitly align formulas to the
+%D left (\type {\raggedleft}), center and right (\type
+%D {\raggedright}):
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupformulas[align=left]
+%D \startformula\fakeformula\stopformula
+%D \setupformulas[align=middle]
+%D \startformula\fakeformula\stopformula
+%D \setupformulas[align=right]
+%D \startformula\fakeformula\stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Or in print:
+%D % {\getbuffer}
+%D With formula numbers these formulas look as follows:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupformulas[align=left]
+%D \placeformula \startformula\fakeformula\stopformula
+%D \setupformulas[align=middle]
+%D \placeformula \startformula\fakeformula\stopformula
+%D \setupformulas[align=right]
+%D \placeformula \startformula\fakeformula\stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D % {\getbuffer}
+%D This was keyed in as:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D When tracing is turned on (\type {\tracemathtrue}) you can
+%D visualize the bounding box of the formula,
+%D % {\tracemathtrue\getbuffer}
+%D As you can see, the dimensions are the natural ones, but if
+%D needed you can force a normalized line:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupformulas[strut=yes]
+%D \placeformula \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This time we get a more spacy result.
+%D % {\tracemathtrue\getbuffer}
+%D We will now show a couple of more settings and combinations
+%D of settings. In centered formulas, the number takes no space
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupformulas[align=middle]
+%D \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \placeformula \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer % {\tracemathtrue\getbuffer}
+%D You can influence the placement of the whole box with the
+%D parameters \type {leftmargin} and \type {rightmargin}.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupformulas[align=right,leftmargin=3em]
+%D \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \placeformula \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \setupformulas[align=left,rightmargin=1em]
+%D \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \placeformula \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer % {\tracemathtrue\getbuffer}
+%D You can also inherit the margin from the environment.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupformulas[align=right,margin=standard]
+%D \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \placeformula \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer % {\tracemathtrue\getbuffer}
+%D The distance between the formula and the number is only
+%D applied when the formula is left or right aligned.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupformulas[align=left,distance=2em]
+%D \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \placeformula \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer % {\tracemathtrue\getbuffer}
+%D \macros
+%D {big..}
+%D Because they are related to the bodyfontsize, we redefine
+%D some \PLAIN\ macros.
+ {{\hbox{$\left#2\vbox\!!to#1\bodyfontsize{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\big {\@@dobig{0.85}}
+\def\Big {\@@dobig{1.15}}
+%D \macros
+%D {bordermatrix}
+%D We already redefined \type {\bordermatrix} in \type
+%D {font-ini}.
+%D \macros
+%D {setuptextformulas}
+%D This command sets up in||line math. Most features deals
+%D with grid snapping and are experimental.
+\newevery \everysetuptextformulas \relax
+ {\dosingleempty\dosetuptextformulas}
+ {\getparameters[\??mt][#1]%
+ \the\everysetuptextformulas}
+%D \macros
+%D {super, sub}
+%D \TEX\ uses \type{^} and \type{_} for entering super- and
+%D subscript mode. We want however a bit more control than
+%D normally provided, and therefore provide \type {\super}
+%D and \type{sub}.
+\newevery\everysupersub \EverySuperSub
+\appendtoks \advance\supersubmode \plusone \to \everysupersub
+% \def\dodosuper#1{\normalsuper{\the\everysupersub#1}}
+% \def\dodosuber#1{\normalsuber{\the\everysupersub#1}}
+% \def\dosuper{\ifx\next\bgroup\expandafter\dodosuper\else\normalsuper\fi}
+% \def\dosuber{\ifx\next\bgroup\expandafter\dodosuber\else\normalsuber\fi}
+% \def\super{\futurelet\next\dosuper}
+% \def\suber{\futurelet\next\dosuber}
+% \def\super#1{\normalsuper{\the\everysupersub#1}}
+% \def\suber#1{\normalsuber{\the\everysupersub#1}}
+ \gridsupsubstyle
+\to \everysupersub
+ \doifelse\@@mtsize\v!small
+ {\let\gridsupsubstyle \scriptscriptstyle
+ \let\gridsupsubbodyfont \setsmallbodyfont}%
+ {\let\gridsupsubstyle \scriptstyle
+ \let\gridsupsubbodyfont \relax}%
+\to \everysetuptextformulas
+ [\c!size=\v!normal]
+ {\begingroup
+ \setbox\nextbox\iftracegridsnapping\ruledhbox\else\hbox\fi
+ {\gridsupsubbodyfont
+ $\strut^{\the\everysupersub#1}_{\the\everysupersub#2}$}%
+ \nextboxht\strutheight
+ \nextboxdp\strutdepth
+ \flushnextbox
+ \endgroup}
+ {\ifconditional\crazymathsnapping
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \@EAEAEA\dogridsupsub
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\normalsupsub
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\normalsupsub
+ \fi}
+ {^{\the\everysupersub#1}_{\the\everysupersub#2}}
+ \let\gridsupsubstyle \relax
+ \let\gridsupsubbodyfont\relax
+ \let\gridsupsub \normalsupsub
+\to \everydisplay
+%\def\super#1{\gridsupsub{#1}{}} %
+%\def\suber#1{\gridsupsub{}{#1}} %
+% \let\sup\super % math char
+% \let\sub\suber
+% test set:
+% \startbuffer
+% \sform{x\frac{1}{2}}
+% \sform{x\sup{\frac{1}{2}} + x\sup{2} + 2}
+% \sform{x\supsub{\frac{1}{2}}{\frac{1}{2}} + x\sup{2} + 2}
+% \stopbuffer
+% \typebuffer
+% \startlines
+% \getbuffer
+% \stoplines
+% \startbuffer
+% $x\frac{1}{2}$
+% $x\sup{\frac{1}{2}} + x^2 + 2$
+% $x\supsub{\frac{1}{2}}{\frac{1}{2}} + x^2 + 2$
+% \stopbuffer
+% \typebuffer
+% \start
+% \enablesupersub
+% \enableautomath
+% \startlines
+% \getbuffer
+% \stoplines
+% \stop
+%D \macros
+%D {enablesupersub,enablesimplesupersub}
+%D We can let \type {^} and \type {_} act like \type {\super}
+%D and \type {\sub} by saying \type {\enablesupersub}.
+ {\catcode`\^=\@@active
+ \def^{\ifmmode\expandafter\super\else\expandafter\normalsuper\fi}%
+ \catcode`\_=\@@active
+ \def_{\ifmmode\expandafter\suber\else\expandafter\normalsuber\fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {enableautomath}
+%D The next one can be dangerous, but handy in controlled
+%D situations.
+\bgroup \catcode`\$=\active
+ {\catcode`\$=\active
+ \def$##1${\snappedinlineformula{##1}}}
+% \gdef\enableautomath
+% {\catcode`\$=\active
+% \def${\doifnextcharelse$\doautodmath\doautoimath}%
+% \def\doautoimath##1${\snappedinlineformula{##1}}%
+% \def\doautodmath$##1$${\startformula##1\stopformula}}
+%D \macros
+%D {...}
+%D New and experimental: snapping big inline math!
+\newconditional\halfcrazymathlines % \settrue\halfcrazymathlines
+\newconditional\crazymathsnapping % \settrue\crazymathsnapping
+% \appendtoks
+% \doifelse\@@mtgrid\v!ja
+% {\settrue \crazymathsnapping }{\setfalse\crazymathsnapping}%
+% \doifelse\@@mtstap\v!halveregel
+% {\settrue \halfcrazymathlines}{\setfalse\halfcrazymathlines}%
+% \to \everysetuptextformulas
+ \doifelse\@@mtgrid\v!yes \settrue\setfalse\crazymathsnapping
+ \doifelse\@@mtstep\v!halfline\settrue\setfalse\halfcrazymathlines
+\to \everysetuptextformulas
+ [\c!grid=\v!yes,
+ \c!step=\v!line]
+\let\lastcrazymathline \!!zeropoint
+\let\lastcrazymathpage \!!zerocount
+\let\lastcrazymathprelines \!!zerocount
+ {\nextboxht\strutheight
+ \nextboxdp\strutdepth
+ \hbox{\iftracegridsnapping\ruledhbox\fi{\flushnextbox}}}
+% possible pdftex bug:
+% \dorecurse{100}{gest \vadjust {\strut} \par} \page
+% \dorecurse{100}{gest \vadjust pre {\strut} \par} \page
+% duplicate depth compensation with pre
+ {\dosingleempty\dosnappedinlineformula}
+%D \starttabulate[|Tl|l|]
+%D \NC - \NC half lines \NC \NR
+%D \NC + \NC full lines \NC \NR
+%D \NC = \NC force \NC \NR
+%D \NC < \NC force, minus pre \NC \NR
+%D \NC > \NC force, minus post \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+ {\ifvmode\dontleavehmode\fi % tricky
+ \strut % prevents funny space at line break
+ \begingroup % interesting: \bgroup can make \vadjust disappear
+ \ifconditional\crazymathsnapping
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \ifx\pdftexversion\undefined
+ \donefalse
+ \else
+ \checktextbackgrounds % we need pos tracking, to be made less redundant
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi
+ \!!doneafalse % forced or not auto
+ \!!donebfalse % too heigh
+ \!!donecfalse % too low
+ \!!donedfalse % less before
+ \!!doneefalse % less after
+ \ifdone
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{$#2$}%
+ \iftracegridsnapping
+ \setbox\nextbox\ruledhbox
+ {\incolortrue\localcolortrue
+ \backgroundline[gray]{\showstruts\strut\flushnextbox}}%
+ \fi
+ \def\docommando##1%
+ {\doif{##1}-{\settrue \halfcrazymathlines}%
+ \doif{##1}+{\setfalse\halfcrazymathlines}%
+ \doif{##1}={\!!doneatrue}%
+ \doif{##1}<{\!!donedtrue}%
+ \doif{##1}>{\!!doneetrue}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommando
+ \if!!donec \else
+ \setfalse\halfcrazymathlines
+ \fi
+ \if!!donec
+ \setfalse\halfcrazymathlines
+ \fi
+ \donefalse
+ \if!!donea
+ \donetrue
+\scratchdimen \nextboxht
+\advance\scratchdimen .5\lineheight
+\scratchdimen \nextboxdp
+\advance\scratchdimen .5\lineheight
+ \else\ifdim\nextboxht>\strutht
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifdim\nextboxdp>\strutdp
+ \donetrue
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \ifconditional\autocrazymathsnapping \else \if!!donea \else
+ % don't compensate, just snap to strut
+ \donefalse
+ % signal for next else, snap line to strut
+ \!!doneatrue
+ \fi \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ % analyze height
+ \scratchdimen\inlinemathmargin
+ \advance\scratchdimen \strutht
+ \ifdim\nextboxht<\scratchdimen \else \!!donebtrue \fi
+ % analyze depth
+ \scratchdimen\inlinemathmargin
+ \advance\scratchdimen \strutdp
+ \ifdim\nextboxdp<\scratchdimen \else \!!donectrue \fi
+ % analyzed or forced
+ \ifdone
+ \global\advance\crazymathhack\plusone
+ \donefalse
+ \ifnum\MPp\crazymathtag=\lastcrazymathpage\relax
+ \ifdim\MPy\crazymathtag=\lastcrazymathline\relax
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\MPp\crazymathtag=\zerocount \donefalse \fi
+ \ifdim\MPy\crazymathtag=\zeropoint \donefalse \fi
+ \ifdone
+ % same page and same line
+ \else
+ \global\let\lastcrazymathprelines \!!zerocount
+ \global\let\lastcrazymathpostlines\!!zerocount
+ \xdef\lastcrazymathpage{\MPp\crazymathtag}%
+ \xdef\lastcrazymathline{\MPy\crazymathtag}%
+ \fi
+ \if!!doneb
+ % \getrawnoflines\nextboxht
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxht
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutht
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \if!!doned \advance\noflines\minusone \fi
+ \scratchcounter\noflines
+ \advance\noflines-\lastcrazymathprelines\relax
+ \ifnum\noflines>\zerocount
+ \xdef\lastcrazymathprelines{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ \ifconditional\halfcrazymathlines
+ \advance\scratchdimen-.5\lineheight
+ \fi
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdepth
+ \setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \wd\scratchbox2\bodyfontsize
+ \ht\scratchbox\scratchdimen
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdepth
+ %%% top correction code (see below)
+ \normalvadjust pre
+ {%\allowbreak % sometimes breaks spacing
+ \forgetall
+ \crazymathindent
+ \iftracegridsnapping
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\incolortrue\localcolortrue\green
+ \ruledhbox{\box\scratchbox}}%
+ \fi
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \endgraf
+ \nobreak}%
+ \else\ifnum\scratchcounter>\zerocount
+ \normalvadjust pre
+ {\nobreak}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \if!!donec
+ % \getrawnoflines\nextboxdp
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxdp
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdp
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \if!!donee \advance\noflines\minusone \fi
+ \scratchcounter\noflines
+ \advance\noflines-\lastcrazymathpostlines\relax
+ \ifnum\noflines>\zerocount
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifnum\lastcrazymathpostlines=\zerocount
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \xdef\lastcrazymathpostlines{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \ifnum\lastcrazymathpostlines=\zerocount
+ \global\let\lastcrazymathpostlines\!!plusone
+ \fi
+ \hbox{\setposition\crazymathtag\flushcrazymathbox}%
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen+\strutheight
+\ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint \else
+ \scratchdimen=\strutheight % todo : test for half lines
+ \ifconditional\halfcrazymathlines
+ \advance\scratchdimen-.5\lineheight
+ \fi
+ \setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \wd\scratchbox2\bodyfontsize
+ \ht\scratchbox\scratchdimen
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdepth
+ \normalvadjust
+ {\forgetall
+ \crazymathindent
+ \iftracegridsnapping
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\incolortrue\localcolortrue\blue
+ \ruledhbox{\box\scratchbox}}%
+ \fi
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \endgraf
+ % precaution: else we stick below the text bottom
+ \ifconditional\halfcrazymathlines
+ \allowbreak
+ \else
+ \vskip-\lineheight
+ \vskip \lineheight
+ \fi}%
+ \else
+ \hbox{\setposition\crazymathtag\flushcrazymathbox}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \flushcrazymathbox
+ \fi
+ \else\if!!donea
+ \flushcrazymathbox
+ \else
+ \mathematics{#2}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \endgroup}
+%%% top correction code
+%%% correct for fuzzy top of page situations
+% \scratchdimen\lastcrazymathprelines\lineheight
+% \advance\scratchdimen\MPy\crazymathtag
+% \advance\scratchdimen\lineheight
+% \advance\scratchdimen\topskip
+% \advance\scratchdimen-\strutheight
+% \dimen0=\MPy\crazytexttag
+% \advance\dimen0 \MPh\crazytexttag
+% \advance\scratchdimen-\dimen0\relax
+% % do we need correction at all
+% \ifdim\scratchdimen>\strutdepth\relax
+% \donefalse
+% \else\ifdim\scratchdimen<\zeropoint
+% \donefalse
+% \else
+% \donetrue
+% \fi\fi
+% % analysis done
+% \donefalse
+% \ifdone
+% \edef\crazymathcorrection{\the\scratchdimen}%
+% \advance\scratchdimen-\dp\scratchbox
+% \dp\scratchbox-\scratchdimen
+% \else
+% \let\crazymathcorrection\zeropoint
+% \fi
+%%% keep the previous code
+% test set:
+% \startbuffer
+% Crazy math \gform {1+x} or \gform {\dorecurse {100} {1+} 1 =
+% 101} and even gore crazy \gform {2^{2^2}_{1_1}}
+% again\dorecurse {20} { and again} \gform {\sqrt {\frac
+% {x^{5^5}} {\frac {1} {2}}}} even gore\dorecurse {50} { and
+% gore} \tform {\dorecurse {12} {\gform {\sqrt {\frac
+% {x^{5^5}} {3}}}+\gform {\sqrt {\frac {x^{5^5}} {\frac {1}
+% {2}}}}+}x=10}\dorecurse{20} { super crazy math}: \tform
+% {\dorecurse {30} {\gform {\sqrt {\frac {x^{5^5}} {3}}}+
+% \gform {\sqrt {\frac {x^{5^5}} {\frac {1} {2}}}}+ }x = 10},
+% and we're\dorecurse {20} { done}!
+% \stopbuffer
+% \setupcolors[state=start] \setuppapersize[S6][S6]
+% \showgrid \tracegridsnappingtrue \showstruts
+% \starttext
+% \setuplayout[grid=yes,lines=15]\getbuffer \page
+% \setuplayout[grid=yes,lines=16]\getbuffer \page
+% \setuplayout[grid=yes,lines=17]\getbuffer \page
+% \setuplayout[grid=yes,lines=18]\getbuffer \page
+% \setuplayout[grid=yes,lines=19]\getbuffer \page
+% \stoptext
+% test
+% \startregels
+% \gform[<]{35 \cdot p^{\frac{3}{4}} = 70}
+% \gform{12{,}4 \cdot d^3 = 200}
+% \gform{a \cdot x^b}.
+% \gform{12x^6 \cdot \negative 3x^4}
+% \gform{\frac{12x^6}{\negative 3x^4}}
+% \gform{(4x^2)^3}
+% \gform{4x \sqrt{x} \cdot 3x^2}
+% \gform{\frac{2x^4}{4x \sqrt{x}}}
+% \gform{y = a \cdot x^b}.
+% \gform{y_1 = \frac{15x^2}{x}}
+% \gform{y_2 = x \cdot \sqrt{x}}
+% \gform{y_3 = \frac{6x^3}{x^2}}
+% \gform[<]{y_4 = \left(2x^2\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}}
+% \gform{y_1 = \frac{4x^5}{x^2}}
+% \gform{y_2 = 4 \cdot \sqrt{x}}
+% \gform{y_3 = 4x^3}
+% \gform{y_4 = \frac{100x}{\sqrt{x}}}
+% \gform[<]{y_5 = 4 \cdot x^{\frac{1}{2}}}
+% \gform{y_6 = \frac{1}{2} x \cdot 4x^2}
+% \gform{y_7 = 2 \cdot x^3}
+% \gform{y_8 = 100 \cdot x^{\frac{1}{2}}}
+% \gform{4x^8 \cdot 8x^3}
+% \gform{\frac{4x^8}{8x^3}}
+% \gform{\left(\negative3x^4\right)^3}
+% \gform{x^3 \sqrt{x} \cdot 3x^2}
+% \gform{\frac{6x^3}{x^2 \sqrt{x}}}
+% \gform{\frac{6}{2x^4}}
+% \gform{\frac{1}{3x^6}}
+% \gform{\frac{12x^8}{4x^{10}}}
+% \gform{\frac{4}{\sqrt{x}}}
+% \gform{\frac{1}{2x \sqrt{x}}}
+% \gform{\frac{2{,}25}{p} = 0{,}35}
+% \gform{4{,}50 + \frac{300}{k} = 4{,}70}
+% \gform{\frac{1200}{k+12} - 42 = 6}
+% \stopregels
+%D \macros
+%D {restoremathstyle}
+%D We can pick up the current math style by calling \type
+%D {\restoremathstyle}.
+ {\ifmmode
+ \ifcase\supersubmode
+ \textstyle
+ \or
+ \scriptstyle
+ \else
+ \scriptscriptstyle
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {mathstyle}
+%D If one want to be sure that something is typeset in the
+%D appropriate style, \type {\mathstyle} can be used:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \mathstyle{something}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\mathchoice
+ {\displaystyle #1}%
+ {\textstyle #1}%
+ {\scriptstyle #1}%
+ {\scriptscriptstyle#1}}
+%D Something similar can be used in the (re|)|definition
+%D of \type {\text}. This version is a variation on the one
+%D in the math module (see \type{m-math} and|/|or \type
+%D {m-newmat}).
+ {\mathortext\domathtext\hbox}
+ {\mathchoice
+ {\dodomathtext\displaystyle\textface {#1}}%
+ {\dodomathtext\textstyle \textface {#1}}%
+ {\dodomathtext\textstyle \scriptface {#1}}%
+ {\dodomathtext\textstyle \scriptscriptface{#1}}}
+\def\dodomathtext#1#2#3% no \everymath !
+ %{\hbox{\everymath{#1}\switchtobodyfont [#2]#3}} % 15 sec
+ {\hbox{\everymath{#1}\setcurrentfontbody{#2}#3}} % 3 sec (no math)
+%D Because we may overload \type {\text} in other (structuring)
+%D macros, we say:
+\appendtoks \let\text\mathtext \to \everymathematics
+%D \macros
+%D {frac, xfrac, xxfrac}
+%D This is another one Tobias asked for. It replaces the
+%D primitive \type {\over}. We also take the opportunity to
+%D handle math style restoring, which makes sure units and
+%D chemicals come out ok.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\frac#1#2%
+%D {\relax
+%D \ifmmode
+%D {{\mathstyle{#1}}\over{\mathstyle{#2}}}%
+%D \else
+%D $\frac{#1}{#2}$%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Better is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\frac#1#2%
+%D {\relax\mathematics{{{\mathstyle{#1}}\over{\mathstyle{#2}}}}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The \type {\frac} macro kind of replaces the awkward \type
+%D {\over} primitive. Say that we have the following formulas:
+%D \startbuffer[sample]
+%D test $\frac {1}{2}$ test $$1 + \frac {1}{2} = 1.5$$
+%D test $\xfrac {1}{2}$ test $$1 + \xfrac {1}{2} = 1.5$$
+%D test $\xxfrac{1}{2}$ test $$1 + \xxfrac{1}{2} = 1.5$$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[sample]
+%D With the most straightforward definitions, we get:
+%D \startbuffer[code]
+%D \def\dofrac#1#2#3{\relax\mathematics{{{#1{#2}}\over{#1{#3}}}}}
+%D \def\frac {\dofrac\mathstyle}
+%D \def\xfrac {\dofrac\scriptstyle}
+%D \def\xxfrac{\dofrac\scriptscriptstyle}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[code] \getbuffer[code,sample]
+%D Since this does not work well, we can try:
+%D \startbuffer[code]
+%D \def\xfrac #1#2{\hbox{$\dofrac\scriptstyle {#1}{#2}$}}
+%D \def\xxfrac#1#2{\hbox{$\dofrac\scriptscriptstyle{#1}{#2}$}}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[code] \getbuffer[code,sample]
+%D This for sure looks better than:
+%D \startbuffer[code]
+%D \def\xfrac #1#2{{\scriptstyle \dofrac\relax{#1}{#2}}}
+%D \def\xxfrac#1#2{{\scriptscriptstyle\dofrac\relax{#1}{#2}}}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[code] \getbuffer[code,sample]
+%D So we stick to the next definitions (watch the local
+%D overloading of \type {\xfrac}).
+\def\frac {\dofrac\mathstyle}
+\def\xfrac #1#2{\begingroup
+ \let\xfrac\xxfrac
+ \dofrac\scriptstyle{#1}{#2}%
+ \endgroup}
+ \dofrac\scriptscriptstyle{#1}{#2}%
+ \endgroup}
+%D The \type {xx} variant looks still ugly, so maybe it's
+%D best to say:
+ \dofrac\scriptscriptstyle
+ {#1}{\raise.25ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle#2$}}%
+ \endgroup}
+%D Something low level for scientific calculator notation:
+ {#1\times10^{#2}}
+%D The next macro, \type {\ch}, is \PPCHTEX\ aware. In
+%D formulas one can therefore best use \type {\ch} instead of
+%D \type {\chemical}, especially in fractions.
+ \let\mathstyle\relax
+ {\ifx\@@chemicalletter\undefined
+ \mathstyle{\rm#1}%
+ \else
+ \dosetsubscripts
+ \mathstyle{\@@chemicalletter{#1}}%
+ \doresetsubscripts
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {/}
+%D Just to be sure, we restore the behavior of some typical
+%D math characters.
+\catcode`\/=\@@other \global \let\normalforwardslash/
+\catcode`\/=\@@active \doglobal\appendtoks\let/\normalforwardslash\to\everymathematics
+%D These macros were first needed by Frits Spijker (also
+%D known as Gajes) for typesetting the minus sign that is
+%D keyed into scientific calculators.
+% This is the first alternative, which works okay for the
+% minus, but less for the plus.
+% \def\dodoraisedmathord#1#2#3%
+% {\mathord{{#2\raise.#1ex\hbox{#2#3}}}}
+% \def\doraisedmathord#1%
+% {\mathchoice
+% {\dodoraisedmathord5\tf #1}%
+% {\dodoraisedmathord5\tf #1}%
+% {\dodoraisedmathord4\tfx #1}%
+% {\dodoraisedmathord3\tfxx#1}}
+% \def\negative{\doraisedmathord-}
+% \def\positive{\doraisedmathord+}
+% So, now we use the monospaced signs, that we also
+% define as symbol, so that they can be overloaded.
+ {\mathord{{#2\raise.#1ex\hbox{#2\symbol[#3]}}}}
+ {\mathchoice
+ {\dodoraisedmathord5\tf {#1}}%
+ {\dodoraisedmathord5\tf {#1}}%
+ {\dodoraisedmathord4\tx {#1}}%
+ {\dodoraisedmathord3\txx{#1}}}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{0}%
+ \mathord{\hbox to \wd\scratchbox{\hss#1\symbol[#2]\hss}}}
+ {\mathchoice
+ {\dodonumbermathord\tf {#1}}%
+ {\dodonumbermathord\tf {#1}}%
+ {\dodonumbermathord\tx {#1}}%
+ {\dodonumbermathord\txx{#1}}}
+\definesymbol[positive] [\getglyph{Mono}{+}]
+\definesymbol[negative] [\getglyph{Mono}{-}]
+\def\negative {\doraisedmathord{negative}}
+\def\positive {\doraisedmathord{positive}}
+%D How negative such a symbol looks is demonstrated in:
+%D $\negative 10^{\negative 10^{\negative 10}}$.
+ [\c!way=\@@nrway,
+ \c!blockway=,
+ \c!sectionnumber=\@@nrsectionnumber,
+ \c!location=\v!right,
+ \c!left=(,
+ \c!right=),
+ \c!numberstyle=,
+ \c!numbercolor=,
+ \c!numbercommand=,
+ \c!spacebefore=\v!big,
+ \c!spaceafter=\@@fmspacebefore,
+ \c!grid=]
+\protect \endinput