path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
index 0a0f71266b7..da284ba5ead 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
@@ -28,19 +28,27 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['cldf-ini'] = {
-- the the differences between the lua and luajit hashers can lead to quite a slowdown
-- in some cases.
-local tex = tex
+-- context(lpeg.match(lpeg.patterns.texescape,"${}"))
+-- context(string.formatters["%!tex!"]("${}"))
+-- context("%!tex!","${}")
-context = context or { }
-local context = context
-local format, gsub, validstring, stripstring = string.format, string.gsub, string.valid, string.strip
-local next, type, tostring, tonumber, setmetatable, unpack, select = next, type, tostring, tonumber, setmetatable, unpack, select
+local format, validstring, stripstring = string.format, string.valid, string.strip
+local next, type, tostring, tonumber, setmetatable, unpack, select, rawset = next, type, tostring, tonumber, setmetatable, unpack, select, rawset
local insert, remove, concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat
local lpegmatch, lpegC, lpegS, lpegP, lpegV, lpegCc, lpegCs, patterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.C, lpeg.S, lpeg.P, lpeg.V, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.patterns
-local formatters = string.formatters -- using formatteds is slower in this case
+local formatters = string.formatters -- using formatters is slower in this case
+context = context or { }
+commands = commands or { }
+interfaces = interfaces or { }
+local context = context
+local commands = commands
+local interfaces = interfaces
local loaddata = io.loaddata
+local tex = tex
local texsprint = tex.sprint
local texprint = tex.print
local texwrite = tex.write
@@ -83,7 +91,7 @@ local storefunction, flushfunction
local storenode, flushnode
local registerfunction, unregisterfunction, reservefunction, knownfunctions, callfunctiononce
-if luafunctions then
+-- if luafunctions then
local freed, nofused, noffreed = { }, 0, 0 -- maybe use the number of @@trialtypesetting
@@ -144,26 +152,123 @@ if luafunctions then
- registerfunction = function(f)
- if type(f) == "string" then
- f = loadstring(f)
+ -- registerfunction = function(f)
+ -- if type(f) == "string" then
+ -- f = loadstring(f)
+ -- end
+ -- if type(f) ~= "function" then
+ -- f = function() report_cld("invalid function %A",f) end
+ -- end
+ -- if noffreed > 0 then
+ -- local n = freed[noffreed]
+ -- freed[noffreed] = nil
+ -- noffreed = noffreed - 1
+ -- luafunctions[n] = f
+ -- return n
+ -- else
+ -- nofused = nofused + 1
+ -- luafunctions[nofused] = f
+ -- return nofused
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ storage.storedfunctions = storage.storedfunctions or { }
+ local storedfunctions = storage.storedfunctions
+ local initex = environment.initex
+ storage.register("storage/storedfunctions", storedfunctions, "storage.storedfunctions")
+ local f_resolve = nil
+ local p_resolve = ((1-lpegP("."))^1 / function(s) f_resolve = f_resolve[s] end * lpegP(".")^0)^1
+ function resolvestoredfunction(str)
+ f_resolve = global
+ lpegmatch(p_resolve,str)
+ return f_resolve
+ end
+ local function expose(slot,f,...) -- so we can register yet undefined functions
+ local func = resolvestoredfunction(f)
+ if not func then
+ func = function() report_cld("beware: unknown function %i called: %s",slot,f) end
- if type(f) ~= "function" then
- f = function() report_cld("invalid function %A",f) end
+ luafunctions[slot] = func
+ return func(...)
+ end
+ if initex then
+ -- todo: log stored functions
+ else
+ local slots = table.sortedkeys(storedfunctions)
+ local last = #slots
+ if last > 0 then
+ -- we restore the references
+ for i=1,last do
+ local slot = slots[i]
+ local data = storedfunctions[slot]
+ luafunctions[slot] = function(...)
+ return expose(slot,data,...)
+ end
+ end
+ -- we now know how many are defined
+ nofused = slots[last]
+ -- normally there are no holes in the list yet
+ for i=1,nofused do
+ if not luafunctions[i] then
+ noffreed = noffreed + 1
+ freed[noffreed] = i
+ end
+ end
+ -- report_cld("%s registered functions, %s freed slots",last,noffreed)
+ end
+ registerfunction = function(f,direct) -- either f=code or f=namespace,direct=name
+ local slot, func
if noffreed > 0 then
- local n = freed[noffreed]
+ slot = freed[noffreed]
freed[noffreed] = nil
noffreed = noffreed - 1
- luafunctions[n] = f
- return n
nofused = nofused + 1
- luafunctions[nofused] = f
- return nofused
+ slot = nofused
+ end
+ if direct then
+ if initex then
+ func = function(...)
+ expose(slot,f,...)
+ end
+ if initex then
+ storedfunctions[slot] = f
+ end
+ else
+ func = resolvestoredfunction(f)
+ end
+ if type(func) ~= "function" then
+ func = function() report_cld("invalid resolve %A",f) end
+ end
+ elseif type(f) == "string" then
+ func = loadstring(f)
+ if type(func) ~= "function" then
+ func = function() report_cld("invalid code %A",f) end
+ end
+ elseif type(f) == "function" then
+ func = f
+ else
+ func = function() report_cld("invalid function %A",f) end
+ luafunctions[slot] = func
+ return slot
+ -- do
+ -- commands.test = function(str) report_cld("test function: %s", str) end
+ -- if initex then
+ -- registerfunction("commands.test") -- number 1
+ -- end
+ -- luafunctions[1]("okay")
+ -- end
unregisterfunction = function(slot)
if luafunctions[slot] then
noffreed = noffreed + 1
@@ -197,92 +302,121 @@ if luafunctions then
knownfunctions = luafunctions
+ -- The next hack is a convenient way to define scanners at the Lua end and
+ -- get them available at the TeX end. There is some dirty magic needed to
+ -- prevent overload during format loading.
- local luafunctions, noffunctions = { }, 0
- local luanodes, nofnodes = { }, 0
+ -- = function() context("[%s]",tokens.scanners.string()) end : \scan_foo
- usedstack = function()
- return noffunctions + nofnodes, 0
- end
+ interfaces.storedscanners = interfaces.storedscanners or { }
+ local storedscanners = interfaces.storedscanners
- flushfunction = function(n)
- local sn = luafunctions[n]
- if not sn then
- report_cld("data with id %a cannot be found on stack",n)
- elseif not sn() and texgetcount("@@trialtypesetting") == 0 then -- @@trialtypesetting is private!
- luafunctions[n] = nil
- end
- end
- storefunction = function(ti)
- noffunctions = noffunctions + 1
- luafunctions[noffunctions] = ti
- return noffunctions
- end
- -- freefunction = function(n)
- -- luafunctions[n] = nil
- -- end
+ storage.register("interfaces/storedscanners", storedscanners, "interfaces.storedscanners")
- flushnode = function(n)
- local sn = luanodes[n]
- if not sn then
- report_cld("data with id %a cannot be found on stack",n)
- elseif texgetcount("@@trialtypesetting") == 0 then -- @@trialtypesetting is private!
- writenode(sn)
- luanodes[n] = nil
+ local interfacescanners = table.setmetatablenewindex(function(t,k,v)
+ if storedscanners[k] then
+ -- report_cld("warning: scanner %a is already set",k)
+ -- os.exit()
+ -- \scan_<k> is already in the format
+ -- report_cld("using interface scanner: %s",k)
- writenode(copynodelist(sn))
+ -- todo: allocate slot here and pass it
+ storedscanners[k] = true
+ -- report_cld("installing interface scanner: %s",k)
+ context("\\installctxscanner{clf_%s}{interfaces.scanners.%s}",k,k)
- end
+ rawset(t,k,v)
+ end)
- storenode = function(ti)
- nofnodes = nofnodes + 1
- luanodes[nofnodes] = ti
- return nofnodes
- end
- _cldf_ = flushfunction -- global
- _cldn_ = flushnode -- global
- -- _cldl_ = function(n) return luafunctions[n]() end -- luafunctions(n)
- _cldl_ = luafunctions
- registerfunction = function(f)
- if type(f) == "string" then
- f = loadstring(f)
- end
- if type(f) ~= "function" then
- f = function() report_cld("invalid function %A",f) end
- end
- noffunctions = noffunctions + 1
- luafunctions[noffunctions] = f
- return noffunctions
- end
+ interfaces.scanners = interfacescanners
- unregisterfunction = function(slot)
- if luafunctions[slot] then
- luafunctions[slot] = nil
- else
- report_cld("invalid function slot %A",slot)
- end
- end
- reservefunction = function()
- noffunctions = noffunctions + 1
- return noffunctions
- end
- callfunctiononce = function(slot)
- luafunctions[slot](slot)
- luafunctions[slot] = nil
- end
- table.setmetatablecall(luafunctions,function(t,n) return luafunctions[n](n) end)
- knownfunctions = luafunctions
+-- else -- by now this is obsolete
+-- local luafunctions, noffunctions = { }, 0
+-- local luanodes, nofnodes = { }, 0
+-- usedstack = function()
+-- return noffunctions + nofnodes, 0
+-- end
+-- flushfunction = function(n)
+-- local sn = luafunctions[n]
+-- if not sn then
+-- report_cld("data with id %a cannot be found on stack",n)
+-- elseif not sn() and texgetcount("@@trialtypesetting") == 0 then -- @@trialtypesetting is private!
+-- luafunctions[n] = nil
+-- end
+-- end
+-- storefunction = function(ti)
+-- noffunctions = noffunctions + 1
+-- luafunctions[noffunctions] = ti
+-- return noffunctions
+-- end
+-- -- freefunction = function(n)
+-- -- luafunctions[n] = nil
+-- -- end
+-- flushnode = function(n)
+-- local sn = luanodes[n]
+-- if not sn then
+-- report_cld("data with id %a cannot be found on stack",n)
+-- elseif texgetcount("@@trialtypesetting") == 0 then -- @@trialtypesetting is private!
+-- writenode(sn)
+-- luanodes[n] = nil
+-- else
+-- writenode(copynodelist(sn))
+-- end
+-- end
+-- storenode = function(ti)
+-- nofnodes = nofnodes + 1
+-- luanodes[nofnodes] = ti
+-- return nofnodes
+-- end
+-- _cldf_ = flushfunction -- global
+-- _cldn_ = flushnode -- global
+-- -- _cldl_ = function(n) return luafunctions[n]() end -- luafunctions(n)
+-- _cldl_ = luafunctions
+-- registerfunction = function(f)
+-- if type(f) == "string" then
+-- f = loadstring(f)
+-- end
+-- if type(f) ~= "function" then
+-- f = function() report_cld("invalid function %A",f) end
+-- end
+-- noffunctions = noffunctions + 1
+-- luafunctions[noffunctions] = f
+-- return noffunctions
+-- end
+-- unregisterfunction = function(slot)
+-- if luafunctions[slot] then
+-- luafunctions[slot] = nil
+-- else
+-- report_cld("invalid function slot %A",slot)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- reservefunction = function()
+-- noffunctions = noffunctions + 1
+-- return noffunctions
+-- end
+-- callfunctiononce = function(slot)
+-- luafunctions[slot](slot)
+-- luafunctions[slot] = nil
+-- end
+-- table.setmetatablecall(luafunctions,function(t,n) return luafunctions[n](n) end)
+-- knownfunctions = luafunctions
+-- end
context.registerfunction = registerfunction
context.unregisterfunction = unregisterfunction
@@ -291,8 +425,31 @@ context.knownfunctions = knownfunctions
context.callfunctiononce = callfunctiononce _cldo_ = callfunctiononce
context.storenode = storenode -- private helper
-function commands.ctxfunction(code)
- context(registerfunction(code))
+function commands.ctxfunction(code,namespace)
+ context(registerfunction(code,namespace))
+function commands.ctxscanner(name,code,namespace)
+ local n = registerfunction(code,namespace)
+ if storedscanners[name] then
+ storedscanners[name] = n
+ end
+ context(n)
+local function dummy() end
+function commands.ctxresetter(name)
+ return function()
+ if storedscanners[name] then
+ rawset(interfacescanners,name,dummy)
+ context.resetctxscanner("clf_" .. name)
+ end
+ end
+function context.trialtypesetting()
+ return texgetcount("@@trialtypesetting") ~= 0
-- local f_cldo = formatters["_cldo_(%i)"]