path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/amstex
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-% This is the sample paper for the AmSTeX SIAM style file, (amstex)siam.sty
-% for use with AmSTeX version 2.1 or later and amsppt.sty, version 2.1a.
-% RCS information: $Revision: 1.1 $, $Date: 93/01/25 15:33:19 $.
-\input amstex
-% Macro definitions for running heads and first page %
-\accepted\SIMAF %
-\firstpageno{10} %
-\lastpageno{12} %
-\issuevolume{1} %
-\issuenumber{2} %
-\issuemonth{February} %
-\placenumber{002} % place of paper in this issue %
-\issueyear{1988} %
-\shortauthor{Bradley J. Lucier and Douglas N. Arnold} %
-\shorttitle{A Sample Paper} %
-% Macros specific to this paper %
-\define\loner{{L^1(\Bbb R)}} %
-\define\linfr{{L^\infty(\Bbb R)}} %
-\define\bvr{{\roman{BV}(\Bbb R)}} %
-\define\TV{{\roman {TV}}} %
-\define\sdot{\,\cdot\,} %
-\AmSTeX\ SIAM STYLE\footnote[\boldkey*]{Unlikely to appear.}
-BRADLEY J. LUCIER\footnote[\dag]{Department of Mathematics, Purdue University,
-West Lafayette, Indiana 47907. Present address, somewhere on the beach
-The work of the first author was not supported by the
-Wolf Foundation.}\ and DOUGLAS N. ARNOLD\footnote[\ddag]{Department
-of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University,
-University Park, Pennsylvania 16802.}
-This sample paper illustrates many of the amstex
-macros as used with the \AmSTeX\ SIAM style file amstexsiam (version 2.0a).
-The \AmSTeX\ SIAM style file, which
-inputs and builds upon the amsppt style (version 2.1a or later)
-of Michael Spivak, gives authors easy
-access to most of the typographical constructions used in SIAM journals.
-It does not address the issues of the table of contents
-or tables, which must be set using more primitive \TeX\ macros.
-porous medium, interface curves
-\subhead 1. Introduction\endsubhead
-We are concerned with numerical approximations to the so-called
-porous-medium equation \cite{6},
- &u_t=\phi(u)_{xx},&&\qquad x\in\Bbb R,\quad t>0,\quad\phi(u)=u^m,\quad m>1,
- &u(x,0)=u_0(x),&&\qquad x\in\Bbb R.
-\tag 1.1
-We assume that the initial data $u_0(x)$ has bounded support, that
-$0\leq u_0\leq M$, and that $\phi(u_0)_x\in\bvr$.
-It is well known that a unique solution $u(x,t)$ of (1.1) exists,
-and that $u$ satisfies
- 0\leq u\leq M\text{ and }\TV\phi(u(\,\cdot\,,t))_x\leq\TV\phi(u_0)_x.
-\tag 1.2
-If the data has slightly more regularity, then this too is satisfied
-by the solution. Specifically, if $m$ is no greater than two and
-$u_0$ is Lipschitz continuous, then $u(\,\cdot\,,t)$ is also Lipschitz;
-if $m$ is greater than two and $(u_0^{m-1})_x\in\linfr$, then
-(see [3]). (This will follow from results presented here, also.)
-We also use the fact that the solution $u$ is H\"older continuous in $t$.
-\subhead 2. $\linfr$ error bounds\endsubhead
-After a simple definition, we state a theorem
-that expresses the error of approximations $u^h$ in
-terms of the weak truncation error $E$.
-\definition{Definition 2.1}\rm A {\it definition}
-is the same as a theorem set in roman
-type. In version 2 of the \AmSTeX\ style file for the SIAM journals,
-definitions are set with their own command.
-\proclaim{Theorem 2.1}
-Let $\{u^h\}$ be a family of approximate solutions satisfying
-the following conditions for $0\leq t\leq T${\rm:}
-\item For all $x\in\Bbb R$ and positive $t$, $0\leq u^h(x,t)\leq M${\rm;}
-\item Both $u$ and $u^h$ are H\"older--$\alpha$ in $x$
-for some $\alpha\in(0,1\wedge 1/(m-1))${\rm;} $u^h$ is right
-continuous in $t${\rm;}
-and $u^h$ is H\"older continuous in $t$ on
-strips $\Bbb R\times(t^n,t^{n+1})$, with the set $\{t^n\}$ having no
-limit points\/{\rm;} and
-\item There exists a positive function $\omega(h,\epsilon)$ such that\/{\rm:}
-whenever $\{w^\epsilon\}_{0<\epsilon\leq\epsilon_0}$ is a family of functions
-in $\bold X$ for which
-\item"(a)" there is a sequence of positive numbers $\epsilon$ tending
-to zero, such that for these values of
-$\epsilon$, $\|w^\epsilon\|_\infty\leq 1/\epsilon$,
-\item"(b)" for all positive
-$\epsilon$, $\|w_x^\epsilon(\sdot,t)\|_\loner\leq 1/\epsilon^2$, and
-\item"(c)" for all $\epsilon>0$,
-x\in\Bbb R\\0\leq t_1,t_2\leq T\endSb
-\dfrac{|w^\epsilon(x,t_2)-w^\epsilon(x,t_1)|}{|t_2-t_1|^p}\leq 1/\epsilon^2,
-where $p$ is some number not exceeding $1$,
-then\footnote{This is an obvious ploy, but we need a footnote.}
- $|E (u^h,w^\epsilon,T)|\leq\omega(h,\epsilon).$
-This is the fourth item in the outer roster.
-Then, there is a constant $C=C(m,M,T)$ such that
-\|u-u^h\|_{\infty,\Bbb R\times[0,T]}\leq C\biggl[
-\sup \biggl |\int_\Bbb R(u_0(x)-u^h(x,0)) w(x,0) \,dx\biggr|\\
-\tag 2.1
-where the supremum is taken over all $w\in\bold X$.
-We assume first that $Q$ is decreasing and consider the following cases:
-\case{Case\/ {\rm1:}
-$b'\geq 1/2$} We have $P(1/8)\geq\delta>0$ where $\delta$
-depends only on $d$, for otherwise by (3.7) applied to $P$ and $p=\infty$,
-$P$ could not attain the value $1$ at $x=1$. Similarly, for
-$m=(a'+b')/2$, $Q(m)\geq\delta'>0$ for some $\delta'$ depending only on $d$
-since otherwise $Q$ cannot attain the value $1$ at $x=a'$. Hence, for
-$|A(y)|\geq|m-1/8|\geq b'/4\geq\frac18\max(b',1)$ for
-$y\in[0,\delta'']$. On the other hand,
-$|A(y)|\leq \max(b',1)$ for all $y\in[0,1]$, so (4.2) follows for
-all $1\leq p\leq\infty$.
-\case{Case\/ {\rm2:}
-$b'\leq 1/2$} We have $P(3/4)\leq\delta<1$ with $\delta$
-depending only on $d$ for otherwise (3.7) applied to $1-P$ and $p=\infty$
-would show that $P$ could not attain the value $0$ at $x=0$. It follows
-that $|A(y)|\geq 3/4-b'\geq 1/4$, $y\in[\delta,1]$, while $|A(y)|\leq 1$
-for all $y\in[0,1]$. Hence (4.2) follows for
-all $1\leq p\leq\infty$.
-We consider now when $Q$ is increasing. We can assume that $Q$ is not
-a translate of $P$, i.e\., we do not have $P(x)=Q(x+\delta)$ for some $\delta$,
-for then (4.2) follows trivially. In what follows, $C$ and $\delta$
-depend on $d$, and $C$ may depend on $p$. We consider the following cases:
-\case{Case\/ {\rm3:} $a'\geq 1/4$ and $b'\leq 100$}
-From (3.7) for $P$
-and $p=\infty$, it follows that $P(1/8)\geq\delta$ since otherwise $P$ cannot
-attain the value $1$ at $x=1$. Hence $|A(y)|\geq a'-1/8\geq1/8$ on
-$[0,\delta]$. On the other hand $|A(y)|\leq b'$ for all $y\in[0,1]$ and hence
-(4.2) follows for all $1\leq p\leq\infty$.
-Let $z$ be in $\bold X$. Because $E(u,\sdot,\sdot)\equiv0$,
-Equation (1.5) implies that
-\int_\Bbb R\Delta uz|^T_0dx=\int_0^T\int_\Bbb R
-\Delta u(z_t+\phi[u,u^h]z_{xx})\,dx\,dt-
-\tag 2.2
-where $\Delta u=u-u^h$ and
-Extend $\phi[u,u^h](\cdot,t)=\phi[u,u^h](\cdot,0)$ for negative $t$, and
-for $t>T$.
-Fix a point $x_0$ and a number $\epsilon>0$. Let $j_\epsilon$
-be a smooth function of $x$ with integral $1$ and support in
-and let $J_\delta$ be a smooth function of
-$x$ and $t$ with integral $1$ and support in
-$[-\delta,\delta]\times[-\delta,\delta]$; $\delta$ and $\epsilon$ are
-positive numbers to be specified later.
-We choose $z=z^{\epsilon\delta}$ to satisfy
- &z_t+(\delta+J_\delta*\phi[u,u^h])z_{xx}=0,\qquad x\in\Bbb R,\;0
-\leq t\leq T,\\
- &z(x,T)=j_\epsilon(x-x_0).
-\tag 2.3
-The conclusion of the theorem now follows from (2.1) and the fact that
-|j_\epsilon*\Delta u(x_0,t)-\Delta u(x_0,t)|\leq C\epsilon^\alpha,
-which follows from Assumption 2.
-\example{Example\/ {\rm 1}} This is an example of an example.
-\remark{Remark\/ {\rm 1}} Examples are set the same as definitions in
-some styles,
-and the same as proofs in others. What convention does this style follow?
-Sometimes you want to include a figure, as in Fig.~1.
-\def\Bif{{\bf if\/ }}\def\Bwhile{{\bf while\/ }}\def\Belse{{\bf else\/ }}
-\+\smc Tree Partition Algorithm \{\cr
-\+&Let stack size denote the number of nodes in the\cr
-\+&&subtrees stored temporarily on the local stack\cr
-\+&pop I from global stack\cr
-\+&set stack size := 0\cr
-\+&\Bwhile (stack size $\leq$ max size and stack size +
-I$\rightarrow$tree size $>$ 3 (max size)) \{\cr
-\+&&process I as an interior node\cr
-\+&&let min tree be the smaller of the subtrees of the two children of I\cr
-\+&&let max tree be the larger of the subtrees of the two children of I\cr
-\+&&\Bif (min tree$\rightarrow$tree size + stack size $>$ 3 (max size)) \{\cr
-\+&&&push min tree onto the global stack\cr
-\+&&\} \Belse \{\cr
-\+&&&push min tree onto the local stack\cr
-\+&&&set stack size := stack size + min tree$\rightarrow$tree size\cr
-\+&&set I := max tree\cr
-\+&\Bif (I$\rightarrow$tree size + stack size $>$ 3 (max size)) \{\cr
-\+&&push I onto the global stack\cr
-\+&\} \Belse \{\cr
-\+&&push I onto the local stack\cr
-\+&Process all subtrees on the local stack\cr
-\botcaption{Fig.~1} Tree partition algorithm Tree partition algorithm
-Tree partition algorithm Tree partition algorithm Tree partition algorithm
-Tree partition algorithm Tree partition algorithm.\endcaption
-We finish with a table of all SIAM journals.
-\topcaption{Table 1}{SIAM journal acronyms and titles}\endcaption
-\hbox to \hsize{\hrulefill}
-\hbox to \hsize{\hrulefill}
-\+&SINUM&SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis&\cr
-\+&SIREV&SIAM Review&\cr
-\+&SIMA&SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis&\cr
-\+&SIMAX&SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications&\cr
-\+&SICOMP&SIAM Journal on Computing&\cr
-\+&SISC&SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing&\cr
-\+&SIOPT&SIAM Journal on Optimization&\cr
-\+&SIAP&SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics&\cr
-\+&SICON&SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization&\cr
-\+&SIDMA&SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics&\cr
-\+&TVP&Theory of Probability and Its Applications&\cr
-\hbox to \hsize{\hrulefill}
- \no 1
- \by L. A. Caffarelli and A. Friedman
- \paper Regularity of the free boundary of a gas flow in an
- $n$-dimensional porous medium
- \jour Indiana Math. J.
- \vol 29
- \yr 1980
- \pages 361--391
-\ref\no 2
- \by R. DeVore and B. Lucier
- \paper High order regularity for solutions of the inviscid Burgers equation
- \inbook Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems
-\procinfo Proceedings of an Advanced Research Workshop, Bordeaux,
-France, June 1988
- \bookinfo Lecture Notes in Mathematics
- \vol 1402
- \eds C. Carasso, P. Charrier, B. Hanouzet, and J.-L. Joly
- \yr 1989
- \publ Springer-Verlag
- \publaddr New York
- \pages 147--154
-\ref \no 3
- \bysame
- \paper Wavelets
- \jour Acta Numerica
- \yr 1992
- \ed A. Iserles
- \publ Cambridge University Press
- \publaddr New York
- \pages 1--56
-\ref \no 4
- \by R. A. DeVore and V. A. Popov
- \paper Interpolation spaces and non-linear approximation
- \inbook Function Spaces and Applications
- \bookinfo Lecture Notes in Mathematics
- \procinfo Proceedings of the US--Swedish Seminar held in Lund,
-Sweden, June 15--21, 1986
- \vol 1302
- \eds M. Cwikel, J. Peetre, Y. Sagher, and H. Wallin
- \publ Springer-Verlag
- \publaddr New York
- \yr 1988
- \pages 191--205
- \endref
-\ref \no 5
- \by R. A. DeVore and X. M. Yu
- \paper Nonlinear $n$-widths in Besov spaces
- \inbook Approximation Theory VI: Vol. 1
- \eds C. K. Chui, L. L. Schumaker, and J. D. Ward
- \publ Academic Press
- \publaddr New York
- \yr 1989
- \pages 203--206
- \lang In Russian
- \endref
- \no 6
- \by K. Hollig and M. Pilant
- \paper Regularity of the free boundary for the porous medium equation
- \paperinfo MRC Tech. Rep. 2742
- \no 7
- \by J. Jerome
- \book Approximation of Nonlinear Evolution Systems
- \publ Academic Press
- \publaddr New York
- \yr 1983
- \no 8
- \manyby R. J. LeVeque
- \paper Convergence of a large time step generalization of Godunov's method
- for conservation laws
- \jour Comm. Pure Appl. Math.
- \vol 37
- \yr 1984
- \pages 463--478
-\ref\no 9
- \by O. Rioul and M. Vetterli
- \paper Wavelets and signal processing
- \jour IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
- \vol 8
- \issue 4
- \yr 1991
- \toappear
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index 4ba461dc9dc..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/amstex/siam/amstexsi.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,634 +0,0 @@
-%% This is amstexsiam.sty, the AmS-TeX SIAM style file. This file
-%% should be accompanied by the sample paper, siamsamp.tex, and the
-%% documentation file, siamdoc.tex.
-%% This is version 2.1 of November 1995.
-%% Authors:
-%% Prof. Bradley Lucier
-%% Department of Mathematics
-%% 1395 Mathematical Sciences Building
-%% Purdue University
-%% West Lafayette, IN 47907-1395
-%% Prof. Douglas N. Arnold
-%% Department of Mathematics
-%% Penn State University
-%% University Park, PA 16802
-%% Copyright 1988, 1990, 1993, 1995 by Bradley Lucier. All rights reserved.
-%% You have permission to copy this file, to use it as input to other TeX
-%% files, and to modify it as necessary to allow it to run at your site.
-%% In the interest of maintaining a consistent revision history, if you
-%% make changes, additions, or deletions to this file, you must indicate
-%% how the changes affected the original file, so that the original file
-%% can be reconstructed if necessary.
-%% This is an official SIAM style file for AmSTeX, version 2.1. It
-%% requires amsppt.sty, version 2.1a. Later versions are probably
-%% acceptable. This style file has been used to produce papers for
-%% SIAM journals that have been totally acceptable to SIAM production
-%% editors.
-%% This style file is unsupported. To report bugs, suggest changes,
-%% or make other comments, contact the first named author.
-% RCS information: $Revision: 1.12 $, $Date: 95/11/20 13:11:59 $.
-\def\filedate{November 1995}
-\message{version \fileversion\space(\filedate):}
-% We save the catcode of @ before we call amsppt.sty, since amsppt.sty
-% redefines \filename.
- \catcode`\noexpand\@=\the\catcode`\@
- \expandafter\gdef\csname\filename\endcsname{%
- \fileversion\space(\filedate)}}
-\input amsppt.sty
-% Change the crucial dimensions. We use 20pt instead of 2 em for
-% the \parindent, because at one point we want to set it to the same thing
-% in \eightpoint, and 2 em in \eightrm is smaller than 2 em in \tenrm.
-% I removed every instance of em in this style file---it was used in the
-% setting of item numbers in rosters, and in the indentation of references.
-% I substituted 10 pts for it.
-\pagewidth{31 pc} \hcorrection{0.6666666 in}
-\pageheight{49.5 pc} \vcorrection{0.3333333 in}
-\topskip 12pt
-\parindent 20pt
-\parskip 0 pt
-% change the space above and below displayed equations to 6 + 3 pts.
-% SIAM style is 6 pts. I also added a call to \rm to override the
-% call to \eightrm in \eightpoint in case anyone ever wants to redefine the
-% text fonts for \eightpt
-\addto\tenpoint{\abovedisplayskip 6\p@ plus 3\p@
- \belowdisplayskip\abovedisplayskip
- \abovedisplayshortskip 0 \p@ plus 3\p@
- \belowdisplayshortskip\belowdisplayskip}
-\addto\eightpoint{\abovedisplayskip 6\p@ plus 3\p@
- \belowdisplayskip\abovedisplayskip
- \abovedisplayshortskip 0 \p@ plus 3\p@
- \belowdisplayshortskip\belowdisplayskip\rm}
-% various amsppt macros are not to be used in the amstexsiam style file
- \errmessage{Do not use \string#1 in the amstexsiam style; see the instructions.}}}
-\taboo@\thanks\taboo@\endthanks % use the title footnote.
-\taboo@\preaffil\taboo@\affil\taboo@\endaffil % use the author footnotes
-\taboo@\address\taboo@\endaddress % use the author footnotes
-\taboo@\predate\taboo@\date\taboo@\enddate % use the title footnote.
-\taboo@\email\taboo@\endemail % use the author footnotes
-% Changes to the topmatter. (Differences refer to amsppt.sty, version 2.1a)
-% We don't increase the line spacing in the title, we don't uppercase,
-% we record the depth of the last line for use in \endtopmatter.
- \vtop{\bgroup\tenpoint\bf\raggedcenter@
- #1\endgraf\global\titledepth@\prevdepth\egroup}\relaxnext@}
-% \author uses small caps, otherwise is like title.
- \vtop{\bgroup\eightpoint\smc\raggedcenter@
- #1\endgraf\global\authordepth@\prevdepth\egroup}\relaxnext@}
-% Abstract: don't change the left and right skips, do indent,
-% don't put the thing in displayed math, change the
-% font from small cap to bold for "Abstract". Remember the depth of
-% the last line in abstract for \endtopmatter.
- \def\abstract{\let\abstract\savedef@
- \setbox\abstractbox@\vtop\bgroup
- \def\envir@end{\endabstract}
- \def\usualspace{\enspace}\eightpoint\indent
- \frills@{{\bf Abstract.\enspace}}}%
- \nofrillscheck\abstract}
-% Add keywords and subject classifications just like the abstract.
- \def\keywords{\let\keywords\savedef@
- \setbox\keywordsbox@\vtop\bgroup
- \def\envir@end{\endkeywords}
- \def\usualspace{\enspace}\eightpoint\indent
- \frills@{{\bf Key words.\enspace}}}%
- \nofrillscheck\keywords}
- \def\subjclass{\let\subjclass\savedef@
- \setbox\subjclassbox@\vtop\bgroup
- \def\envir@end{\endsubjclass}
- \def\usualspace{\enspace}\eightpoint\indent
- \frills@{{\bf AMS subject classifications.\enspace}}}%
- \nofrillscheck\subjclass}
-% Amazingly enough, we get the spacing perfectly correct; however, if
-% any one part of the topmatter should need to cross a page boundary,
-% then we are in trouble, since we leave each part of the topmatter in a
-% \vbox, and things will have to be set by hand. (amsppt.sty has the same
-% problem if the abstract should cross a page boundary.)
-% After adding each part of the topmatter
-% we change \prevdepth to reflect the depth of the last line of each part.
- \add@missing\endkeywords\add@missing\endsubjclass
- \pretitle
- \begingroup % to localize variant topskip
- \topskip 3pc\advance\topskip by -\ht\titlebox@
- \null\unvbox\titlebox@
- \prevdepth\titledepth@
- \endgroup
- \preauthor
- \ifvoid\authorbox@\else
- \baselineskip 18 pt\advance\baselineskip by -\ht\authorbox@
- \null\unvbox\authorbox@\prevdepth\authordepth@\fi
- \preabstract
- \ifvoid\abstractbox@\else
- \baselineskip 24 pt\advance\baselineskip by -\ht\abstractbox@
- \null\unvbox\abstractbox@\prevdepth\abstractdepth@\fi
- \prekeywords
- \ifvoid\keywordsbox@\else
- \baselineskip 20 pt\advance\baselineskip by -\ht\keywordsbox@
- \null\unvbox\keywordsbox@\prevdepth\keywordsdepth@\fi
- \presubjclass
- \ifvoid\subjclassbox@\else
- \baselineskip 20 pt\advance\baselineskip by -\ht\subjclassbox@
- \null\unvbox\subjclassbox@\prevdepth\subjclassdepth@\fi
- \ifvoid\tocbox@\else\vskip1.5pcplus.5pc\unvbox\tocbox@\fi
- \prepaper
- \vskip 8 pt % The first line of the paper body will be set with 12 pt
- % baselines, so this extra 8 points will make it 20 pts total.
- \tenpoint\relax
-% Simplify it, since we don't add a lot of things at the end of the
-% document like amsppt does.
-\outer\def\enddocument{\par% \par will do a runaway check for \endref
- \add@missing\endRefs
- \add@missing\endroster \add@missing\endproclaim
- \add@missing\enddefinition
- \add@missing\enddemo \add@missing\endremark \add@missing\endexample
- \vfill\supereject\end}
-% We add a thin space between the footnotemark and the footnotetext.
-% We also undo \raggedcenter@ inside the foonote.
- \parindent20pt\spaceskip0\p@\xspaceskip0\p@\pretolerance100%
- \tolerance200\exhyphenpenalty50\hyphenpenalty50}
- {\interlinepenalty\interfootnotelinepenalty
- \floatingpenalty\@MM\leavevmode{#1}\,\footstrut
- \ignorespaces#2\unskip\lower\dp\strutbox
- \vbox to\dp\strutbox{}}}
-% The skip before a heading is 6 pts, no stretchiness
-\subheadskip 6 pt
-% the amsppt monograph style has the same indentation rules as the SIAM
-% style.
-% Proclaims use small caps.
-% Now we have to change a lot of things because Spivak put \medskipamounts
-% before and after proclaims, etc. Perhaps he should have defined and used
-% \varskipamount@ like varindent@ and then we would have had to change only
-% one line. (Hint, hint!) To keep things simple, I just changed the
-% \medskipamounts to 0pt in the following, even though it doesn't make
-% total sense to do so.
-% Next line needed since it was previously defined outer.
- \let\savedef@\proclaim \let\proclaim\relax
- \add@missing\endroster \add@missing\enddefinition
- \add@missing\endproclaim \envir@stack\endproclaim
- \def\proclaim##1{\restoredef@\proclaim
- \penaltyandskip@{-100}{0pt}\varindent@
- \def\usualspace{{\proclaimheadfont@\enspace}}\proclaimheadfont@
- \ignorespaces##1\unskip\frills@{.\enspace}%
- \it\ignorespaces}%
- \nofrillscheck\proclaim}
-\def\endproclaim{\revert@envir\endproclaim \par\rm
- \penaltyandskip@{55}{0pt}}
-\def\remark{\let\savedef@\remark \let\remark\relax
- \add@missing\endroster \add@missing\endproclaim
- \envir@stack\endremark
- \def\remark##1{\restoredef@\remark
- \penaltyandskip@\z@{0pt}
- {\def\usualspace{{\remarkheadfont@\enspace}}%
- \varindent@\remarkheadfont@\ignorespaces##1\unskip
- \frills@{.\enspace}}\rm
- \ignorespaces}\nofrillscheck\remark}
-\def\definition{\let\savedef@\definition \let\definition\relax
- \add@missing\endproclaim \add@missing\endroster
- \add@missing\enddefinition \envir@stack\enddefinition
- \def\definition##1{\restoredef@\definition
- \penaltyandskip@{-100}{0pt}
- {\def\usualspace{{\proclaimheadfont@\enspace}}%
- \varindent@\proclaimheadfont@\ignorespaces##1\unskip
- \frills@{.\proclaimheadfont@\enspace}}%
- \rm \ignorespaces}%
- \nofrillscheck\definition}
-\def\enddemo{\par\revert@envir\enddemo \endremark}
-% Examples are set the same as remarks in the SIAM style.
- \DN@####1####2{\remark####1{####2}\envir@stack\endexample
- \ignorespaces}%
- \else
- \DN@####1{\remark{####1}\envir@stack\endexample\ignorespaces}%
- \fi
- \next@}%
-\def\endexample{\par\revert@envir\endexample \endremark}
-% We will add a \case ... \endcase macro
- \DN@####1####2{\remark####1{####2}\envir@stack\endcase
- \ignorespaces}%
- \else
- \DN@####1{\remark{####1}\envir@stack\endcase\ignorespaces}%
- \fi
- \next@}%
-\def\endcase{\par\revert@envir\endcase \endremark}
-% Remarks, proofs, etc. have the first word in italic.
-% Redefine \qed
- \hbox{\hskip25\p@ minus 10 \p@\hbox{\vrule width .6\p@\vbox{\hrule width 4\p@
- height .6\p@\vskip 6.2\p@\hrule width 4\p@ height .6\p@}\unskip\vrule
- width .6\p@}\hskip\p@}}
-% We should deal somewhat with table and figure legends. Unfortunately,
-% they differ in several key respects from the amsppt style. Tables have
-% "Table 1" in small caps centered on first line of caption, table
-% description centered in italics on following lines. Legend has "Fig. 1."
-% in smc followed by description in italic.
- \eightpoint{\dimen@\hsize \advance\dimen@-\captionwidth@
- \it\raggedcenter@ \advance\leftskip.5\dimen@ \rightskip\leftskip
- {\captionfont@#1}%
- \if\notempty{#2}\\\ignorespaces#2\fi
- \endgraf}\nobreak\smallskip}
- \nobreak\medskip
- \eightpoint\setboxz@h{\captionfont@#1\if\notempty{#2}.\enspace\it#2\fi}%
- {\dimen@\hsize \advance\dimen@-\captionwidth@
- \leftskip.5\dimen@ \rightskip\leftskip
- \noindent \ifdim\wdz@<\captionwidth@
- \hfil{\captionfont@#1}\if\notempty{#2}.\enspace\it#2\fi\hfil
- \else
- \par{\captionfont@#1}%
- \if\notempty{#2}.\enspace\it#2\fi\endgraf\fi}}
- \def\captionwidth##1{\captionwidth@##1\relax}%
- \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup} % start a \vbox
-% We remove the smallskip before rosters and change them to not use hang
-% indents.
- \envir@stack\endroster
- \global\advance\rosteritemindent@ by 20 pt
- \edef\leftskip@{\leftskip\the\leftskip}%
- \relaxnext@
- \rostercount@\z@
- \def\item{\FN@\rosteritem@}%
- \DN@{\ifx\next\runinitem\let\next@\nextii@\else
- \let\next@\nextiii@\fi\next@}%
- \DNii@\runinitem%
- {\unskip%
- \DN@{\ifx\next[\let\next@\nextii@\else
- \ifx\next"\let\next@\nextiii@\else\let\next@\nextiv@\fi\fi\next@}%
- \DNii@[####1]{\rostercount@####1\relax
- \enspace\therosteritem{\number\rostercount@}~\ignorespaces}%
- \def\nextiii@"####1"{\enspace{\rm####1}~\ignorespaces}%
- \def\nextiv@{\enspace\therosteritem1\rostercount@\@ne~}%
- \par@\firstitem@false%
- \FN@\next@}%
- \def\nextiii@{\par\par@
- \penalty\@m
- \firstitem@true}
- \FN@\next@}
- \else\par\vskip-\parskip\fi
- \leftskip\rosteritemindent@\noindent
- \DNii@[##1]{\rostercount@##1\relax\itembox@}%
- \def\nextiii@"##1"{\def\therosteritem@{\rm##1}\itembox@}%
- \def\nextiv@{\advance\rostercount@\@ne\itembox@}%
- \def\therosteritem@{\therosteritem{\number\rostercount@}}%
- \ifx\next[\let\next@\nextii@\else\ifx\next"\let\next@\nextiii@\else
- \let\next@\nextiv@\fi\fi\next@}
-% We change itembox to do what it should
-\def\itembox@{\hskip\parindent\hbox to \rosteritemwd{\hss\kern\z@\therosteritem@\enspace}\ignorespaces}
-% We change the default roster indent to 20 pt (from 16), and remove the
-% "\global\rosteritemwd16pt" from \endroster. This allows us to use
-% nested rosters in an easy way.
- \global\advance\rosteritemindent@ by -20 pt
- \leftskip@\penalty-50
- \DN@{\ifx\next\Runinitem\let\next@\relax\else\nextRunin@false
- \let\item\plainitem@\ifx\next\par\DN@\par{\everypar
- \expandafter{\the\everypartoks@}}\else\DN@{\noindent\everypar
- \expandafter{\the\everypartoks@}}\fi\fi\next@}\FN@\next@}
-% References:
-% We change the word "REFERENCES" to 8 pt roman, and add 28 pt skip
-% and a \goodbreak above "REFERENCES" and 8 pt skip and \nobreak below.
-\outer\def\Refs{\add@missing\endroster \add@missing\endproclaim
- \let\savedef@\Refs \let\Refs\relax % because of \outer-ness
- \def\Refs##1{\restoredef@\Refs
- \goodbreak\vskip 28 pt
- \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\refsfont@\rm
- \ignorespaces##1\unskip\hfil}\nobreak
- \vskip 8pt
- \begingroup\def\envir@end{\endRefs}\refsfont@\sfcode`\.\@m
- }%
- \nofrillscheck{\csname Refs\expandafter\endcsname
- \frills@{{REFERENCES}}}}
-% Author names are in small caps.
-% When we redefine \by, we have to re`let' \manyby.
-% Removed the \thinspace between the rule and the comma, raised
-% it by a point, and made it .2 pts thick.
-\def\bysame{\by\hbox to 30pt{\leaders\hrule height 1.2pt depth -1pt\hfill}}
-% \ed and \eds are kind of funny; the \edbox@ is used as the \bybox@
-% if there is no \bybox@; the instructions will have to say to use
-% \ed or \eds after \by in each reference.
-% Paper names are in italics.
-% The volume number is always roman in the SIAM style.
-% The SIAM style does not use "no." before the issue, or v. before
-% the volume, even in a book.
-% second and following lines in references are indented 20 pt more than first.
- \begingroup \def\envir@end{\endref}%
- \advance\refindentwd 20 pt\noindent\hangindent\refindentwd
- \advance\refindentwd-20 pt
- \def\par{\add@missing\endref}%
- \global\let\nofrills@list\empty
- \refbreaks
- \procpaper@false \book@false
- \def\curbox{\z@}\setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup
-% We change the reference styles for keys and numbers to be the same;
-% the number contained in square brackets followed by an enspace.
- \if#1A\relax \def\keyformat##1{\hfil[##1]\enspace}%
- \else\if#1B\relax
- \def\keyformat##1{\aftergroup\kern
- \aftergroup-\aftergroup\refindentwd}%
- \refindentwd\parindent
- \else\if#1C\relax
- \def\keyformat##1{\hfil[##1]\enspace}%
- \fi\fi\fi}% end of \uppercase
-% Here I am at a loss. The early, inscrutable part of endref@ is, of
-% course, from amsppt 2.1a, so see amsppt.doc for the documentation.
-% The latter part (Case 1: etc.), just tries to put things into
-% their correct place with their correct spacing and surrounding punctuation
-% and words (ed., etc.). The changes from amsppt to siam are too numerous to
-% list; again, compare this code to amsppt.doc
- \keyhook@
- \def\nofrillscheck##1{%
- \def\do####1{\ifx##1####1\let\frills@\eat@\fi}%
- \let\frills@\identity@ \nofrills@list}%
- \ifvoid\bybox@
- \ifvoid\edbox@
- \else\setbox\bybox@\hbox{\unhbox\edbox@\breakcheck
- \nofrillscheck\edbox@\frills@{\smc, \edtext}\refbreak@}\fi
- \fi
- \ifvoid\keybox@\else\hbox to\refindentwd{%
- \keyformat{\unhbox\keybox@}}\fi
- \commaunbox@\morerefbox@
- \ppunbox@\empty\empty\bybox@\empty
- \ifbook@ % Case 1: \book etc.
- \commaunbox@\bookbox@
- \commaunbox@\procinfobox@
- \commaunbox@\bookinfobox@
- \ppunbox@\empty\space\volbox@\empty
- \ppunbox@,\space\edbox@{, \edtext}%
- \commaunbox@\publbox@ \commaunbox@\publaddrbox@
- \commaunbox@\yrbox@
- \else
- \commaunbox@\paperbox@ \commaunbox@\paperinfobox@
- \ifprocpaper@ % Case 2: \paper ... \inbook
- \ppunbox@,{ in }\bookbox@\empty
- \commaunbox@\procinfobox@
- \commaunbox@\bookinfobox@
- \ppunbox@\empty\space\volbox@\empty
- \ppunbox@,\space\edbox@{, \edtext}%
- \commaunbox@\publbox@ \commaunbox@\publaddrbox@
- \commaunbox@\yrbox@
- \else % Case 3: \paper ... \jour
- \commaunbox@\jourbox@
- \commaunbox@\volbox@
- \commaunbox@\issuebox@
- \ppunbox@\empty{ (}\yrbox@)%
- \commaunbox@\publbox@ \commaunbox@\publaddrbox@
- \fi
- \fi
- \ppunbox@,{ \pagestext~}\pagesbox@\empty
- \commaunbox@\finalinfobox@
- \commaunbox@\miscnotebox@
- \finalpunct\ppunbox@\empty{ (}\langbox@)%
- \defaultreftexts
-% \iffirstpage@ is defined in amsppt; we make sure it is true.
-% We want to avoid people setting papers with the SIAM slug by default.
-% We introduce a new macro \accepted that will set a flag to do this.
-% The new output@, taken almost verbatim from amstexsiam, version 1.*;
-% I changed \oddhead and \evenhead to \shorttitle and \shortauthor---users
-% shouldn't really have to check whether the title is on odd or even pages.
- \vbox{\ifaccepted@\global\pageno=\firstpageno@\vbox to 2 pc
- {\baselineskip=8pt\vss
- \hbox to \hsize{\sixrm\journalname@\hfill{\textfont\tw@\sixsy
- \copyright}\ \issueyear@\ Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}
- \hbox to \hsize{\sixrm Vol.~\issuevolume@, No.~\issuenumber@,
- pp.~\firstpageno@--\lastpageno@, \issuemonth@\ \issueyear@\hfill
- \placenumber@}\vskip-\prevdepth\vskip 8 pt}\else\vbox
- {\vrule height 2 pc width 0 pt}\fi\nointerlineskip
- \vbox to\vsize
- {\boxmaxdepth=\maxdepth \pagecontents}\nointerlineskip\vbox to 16 pt{\vss
- \hbox to \hsize{\eightpoint\hfill\number\pageno\hfill}}}%
- \else
- \shipout\vbox{\vbox to 2 pc{\baselineskip=12pt
- \vss\ifodd\pageno
- \hbox to \hsize{\tenpoint\relaxnext@\phantom{\number\pageno}\hfil
- {\smc\frenchspacing{\shorttitle@}}\hfil\number\pageno}
- \else
- \hbox to \hsize{\tenpoint\number\pageno\hfil{\smc\frenchspacing{\shortauthor@}}\hfil\relaxnext@
- \phantom{\number\pageno}}\fi\vskip-\prevdepth\vskip 12 pt}\nointerlineskip%
- \vbox to\vsize
- {\boxmaxdepth=\maxdepth \pagecontents}}% changed to resemble TeXBook, p255 PCD
- \fi
- \global\advance\pageno\@ne
- \ifnum\outputpenalty>-\@MM\else\dosupereject\fi}
-\def\SIMAF{\journalname{{\sixrm SIAM J. M{\fiverm ATH.} F{\fiverm OOL.}}}}% for sample paper
-\def\SIAP{\journalname{{\sixrm SIAM J. A{\fiverm PPL.} M{\fiverm ATH.}}}}
-\def\SICOMP{\journalname{{\sixrm SIAM J. C{\fiverm OMPUT.}}}}
-\def\SICON{\journalname{{\sixrm SIAM J. C{\fiverm ONTROL} {\fiverm AND} O{\fiverm PTIMIZATION}}}}
-\def\SIDMA{\journalname{{\sixrm SIAM J. D{\fiverm ISC.} M{\fiverm ATH.}}}}
-\def\SIMA{\journalname{{\sixrm SIAM J. M{\fiverm ATH.} A{\fiverm NAL.}}}}
-\def\SIMAX{\journalname{{\sixrm SIAM J. M{\fiverm ATRIX} A{\fiverm NAL.} A{\fiverm PPL.}}}}
-\def\SINUM{\journalname{{\sixrm SIAM J. N{\fiverm UMER.} A{\fiverm NAL.}}}}
-\def\SIOPT{\journalname{{\sixrm SIAM J. O{\fiverm PTIMIZATION}}}}
-\def\SISC{\journalname{{\sixrm SIAM J. S{\fiverm CI.} C{\fiverm OMPUT.}}}}
-\def\SIREV{\journalname{{\sixrm SIAM R{\fiverm EVIEW}}}}
-%\def\TVP{\journalname{{Theory of Probability and its Applications}}}
-% but the slug is so different for this journal that I won't include it.
-% From amstexsiam version 1.*
-\def\footnoterule{\hrule width 36 pt height .2 pt\vskip 2.8\p@}
-\skip\footins=12 pt plus 18 pt minus 6 pt
-% We use \key in references by default, with a two digit key width.
-% Centered tags on splits seems to be the default.
-% The multlinegap@ is 0pt for the SIAM style.
-% Every paper will have at least one bold footnotemark (in the title),
-% so we load bold.
-% Start in 10 pt text.
-% Reset the catcode of @ and reset amstexsiam.sty to be the version number.
-\csname amstexsiam.sty\endcsname
-% Make sure that we endinput here so following lines are not interpreted
-% by TeX
-%% End of file `amstexsiam.sty'
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/amstex/siam/siamdoc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/amstex/siam/siamdoc.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d96c542f77..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/amstex/siam/siamdoc.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-%% This is siamdoc.tex, the documentation file for the AmSTeX SIAM
-%% style file. This file should be accompanied by the style file
-%% itself, amstexsiam.sty, and the sample paper, siamsample.tex.
-%% This is version 2.1 of March 1995.
-%% Authors:
-%% Prof. Bradley Lucier
-%% Department of Mathematics
-%% 1395 Mathematical Sciences Building
-%% Purdue University
-%% West Lafayette, IN 47907-1395
-%% Prof. Douglas N. Arnold
-%% Department of Mathematics
-%% Penn State University
-%% University Park, PA 16802
-%% This file should be typeset with Plain TeX, not AmS-TeX or LaTeX.
-% RCS information: $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 95/03/03 13:00:26 $
-\W@{^^JTypeset this file with plain TeX, not AmSTeX.^^J}\end\fi
-{\catcode`\|=0 \catcode`\\=12 % | is temporary escape character
- |obeylines|gdef|doverbatim^^M#1\endverbatim{#1|endgroup}}
-\def\setupverbatim{\tentt \obeylines \uncatcodespecials \obeyspaces}
-{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ } % let active space = control space
-{\catcode`\^^M=13 \gdef\gobblecr{\ifnextchar
-{\catcode`\ =\active\gdef\vobeyspaces{\catcode`\ \active \let \xobeysp}}
- \def\xobeysp{\leavevmode{} }
-\begingroup \catcode `|=0 \catcode `[= 1
-\catcode`]=2 \catcode `\{=12 \catcode `\}=12
-\catcode`\\=12 |gdef|@xverbatim#1\end{verbatim}[#1|end[verbatim]]
-\def\v{\begingroup \tt \uncatcodespecials
-\def\sverb#1{\def\tempa ##1#1{##1\endgroup}\tempa}
-\def\averb{\obeyspaces \frenchspacing \sverb}
-\font\textfontii = cmsy10
-\font\eightpt = cmr8
-\def\heading#1{\medskip\noindent{\bf #1.\ }}
-\def\AmSTeX{{\textfontii A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox
- {\textfontii M}\kern-.125em{\textfontii S}-\TeX}
-\def\qed{\ifhmode\unskip\nobreak\fi\ifmmode\ifinner\else\hskip5 pt \fi\fi
- \hbox{\hskip25 pt \hbox{\vrule width .2 pt \vbox{\hrule width 4 pt
- height .2 pt \vskip 6.2 pt \hrule width 4 pt height .2 pt }\unskip\vrule
- width .2 pt }\hskip 0pt }}
-\centerline{\bf USING THE \AmSTeX\ SIAM STYLE FILE}
-{\eightpt\centerline{BRADLEY J. LUCIER and DOUGLAS N. ARNOLD}}
-The \AmSTeX\ SIAM style file, amstexsiam.sty, is intended to help
-authors to produce a paper that is typographically acceptable for
-publication in a SIAM journal. Beginning with version 2,
-amstexsiam.sty inputs amsppt.sty and then makes modifications as
-necessary. Version 2 of amstexsiam.sty works with version 2.1 of
-\AmSTeX\ and version 2.1a of amsppt.sty, and should work with latter
-versions. This brief guide assumes familiarity with \AmSTeX\ and
-amsppt, as documented in {\it The Joy of \TeX\ } by Michael Spivak.
-Most of the points introduced below are illustrated in the nonsense
-paper {\it A sample paper, with a rather long title, to illustrate the
-\AmSTeX\ SIAM style}.
-\heading{Publication information} When the paper has been accepted,
-10 lines similar to these should be place immediately
-after the \v"documentsyle" line:
-\shortauthor{Bradley J. Lucier and Douglas N. Arnold}
-\shorttitle{A Sample Paper}
-The \v"\accepted" macro should be followed by a control sequence taken
-from the following table indicating the specific journal.
-\+& \v"\SINUM"&SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis&\cr
-\+& \v"\SIREV"&SIAM Review&\cr
-\+& \v"\SIMA"&SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis&\cr
-\+& \v"\SIMAX"&SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications&\cr
-\+& \v"\SICOMP"&SIAM Journal on Computing&\cr
-\+& \v"\SISC"&SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing&\cr
-\+& \v"\SIOPT"&SIAM Journal on Optimization&\cr
-\+& \v"\SIAP"&SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics&\cr
-\+& \v"\SICON"&SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization&\cr
-\+& \v"\SIDMA"&SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics&\cr
-The next lines give information for the publication data printed at the
-top of the first page of the paper and for the running heads. This
-information consists of the first page number of the article, the last
-page number of the article, the journal name, the issue volume, the
-issue number, the month of appearance, the year of appearance, the
-place of the paper in the issue, the head for even pages (the
-author(s)'s name(s) shortened if necessary to fit on the headline), and
-the head for odd pages (the title shortened if necessary). If the
-\v"\accepted" macro is not present, the publication information will be
-ignored except for \v"\shortauthor" and \v"\shorttitle", which may be
-used for page headers.
-\heading{Top matter} The {\it only}\/ constructions allowed between
-\v"\topmatter" and \v"\endtopmatter" are, in order, \v"\title" $\dots$ \v"\endtitle",
-\v"\author" $\dots$ \v"\endauthor", \v"\abstract" $\dots$ \v"\endabstract",
-\v"\keywords" $\dots$ \v"\endkeywords", and
-\v"\subjclass" $\dots$ \v"\endsubjclass". (For special situations,
-\v"\pretitle", \v"\preauthor", \v"\preabstract", \v"\prekeywords",
-\v"\presubjclass", and \v"\prepaper" can also be defined; see {\it The
-Joy of \TeX\/}).
-\heading{Title} Use \v"\title" and \v"\endtitle". Type the title in
-all caps. The title may have a footnote (at final publication time
-there will be a footnote indicating when the paper was received). The
-footnote mark should be a bold asterisk obtained with
-\v"\footnote[\boldkey*]{Text of footnote.}". All math should be typed using
-\v"\boldkey" and \v"\boldsymbol" to get bold italic Roman and Greek letters
-and symbols; see {\it The Joy of \TeX\/}.
-\heading{Author} Use \v"\author" and \v"\endauthor". Type the author's
-name in all caps. For multiple authors include the word ``and'' in
-lowercase before the name of the last author. For three or more
-authors follow each author's names except the last with a comma. Give
-the affiliation of each author in a footnote attached to the author's
-name (before the following comma, if any). (Do {\it not} use the
-\v"\affil" or \v"\address" macros.) Statements acknowledging support
-should be contained in the same footnote. The order of footnote
-symbols in these footnotes is dagger (\dag\thinspace =\thinspace
-\v"\dag"), double-dagger (\ddag\thinspace =\thinspace \v"\ddag"),
-section-marker (\S\thinspace = \thinspace\v"\S"), paragraph-marker
-(\P\thinspace = \thinspace\v"\P").
-\heading{Abstract} Use \v"\abstract" and \v"\endabstract".
-\heading{Keywords} Use \v"\keywords" and \v"\endkeywords". Keywords are separated with commas but not followed by any punctuation.
-\heading{Subject classifications} Use \v"\subjclass" and
-\v"\endsubjclass". Subject classifications are separated with commas
-but not followed by any punctuation.
-\heading{Footnotes} Use \v"\footnote". Except for the topmatter, discussed
-above, use numbered footnotes.
-\heading{Headings} Use \v"\subheading" without ending punctuation. The
-argument usually begins with the section number followed by a period
-and then the section name with only the first word capitalized. Very
-long papers could use \v"\heading" and \v"\subheading". If
-\v"\heading" is used, start heading name with a section mark
-(\S\thinspace =\thinspace\v"\S") and the section number followed by a
-period and the section title with the first letter of each major word
-capitalized. All math should be typed using
-\v"\boldkey" and \v"\boldsymbol" to get bold italic Roman and Greek letters
-and symbols; see {\it The Joy of \TeX\/}.
-\heading{Equation numbers} Use \v"\tag".
-\heading{Proclamations} Use \v"\proclaim" $\dots$ \v"\endproclaim"
-for theorems, lemmas, corollaries, claims, propositions, etc. Use
-\v"\demo" $\dots$ \v"\enddemo" for proofs, \v"\remark" $\dots$ \v"\endremark"
-for remarks,
-\v"\definition" $\dots$ \v"\enddefinition" for definitions,
-\v"\example" $\dots$ \v"\endexample" for examples, and \v"\case" $\dots$ \v"\endcase"
-for cases. In each construction the
-opening control sequence (\v"\proclaim", \v"\demo", $\dots$ ) takes
-a single argument with no closing punctuation as in \v"\proclaim{Theorem 2.3}"
-or \v"\demo{Proof}". If remarks, examples, or cases are to be numbered,
-you must explicitly change to roman type for the number:
-\v"\remark{Remark \rom{3}}".
-\heading{Punctuation} All vertical punctuation symbols, i.e.,~), (, :, ;,
-?, !, ], and [, and numbers are to be set on roman type, even if in italic
-text (e.g.,~in proclaims or in the headings of demos, remarks, etc.). One
-can do this with, for example, the \v"\rom" macro, as \v"{\it Assume that
-\rom{(1.1)} holds.}" or \v"{\it Fermat's Last Theorem is true \rom(this is new\rom).}", which yield {\it Assume that
-{\rm (1.1)} holds.} and {\it Fermat's Last Theorem is true {\rm(}this is new\/{\rm)}.}
-\heading{End-of-proof mark}The symbol signalling the end of a proof
-is an open box, shown at the end of this paragraph. It is obtained
-with \v"\qed". Appropriate white space will be supplied
-\heading{Lists and sublists} Use \v"\roster" $\dots$ \v"\endroster".
-Rosters use default labels of the form (1), (2), etc. Subrosters are
-permitted. Each subroster {\it must}\/ be enclosed in a separate pair
-of braces.
-\heading{References} Enclose the reference section with \v"\Refs"
-$\dots$ \v"\endRefs". References are set just as described in {\it The
-Joy of \TeX.} Authors' names must be entered as first and possibly
-middle initial, each followed by a period and a space, followed by the
-last name. Only the first letter of the last name is capitalized.
-Use \v"\by" before either \v"\ed" or \v"\eds".
-\heading{Figures and tables} There is only rudimentary support for
-figures and tables in the style file. Use
-\v"\topinsert" $\dots$ \v"\endinsert" or
-\v"\midinsert" $\dots$ \v"\endinsert" to surround a figure, including the
-caption at the end as, for example, \v"\botcaption{Fig.~1} This is a
-figure caption.\endcaption". Use \v"\topinsert" $\dots$ \v"\endinsert"
-or \v"\midinsert" $\dots$ \v"\endinsert"to surround the table, including
-the caption at the start as, for example, \v"\topcaption{Table 1}This
-line describes the table\endcaption".
-Place rules above and below column headings and at the
-end of the table using \v"\hbox to \hsize{\hrulefill}".
-\heading{Table of contents} No special macros are provided to set
-a table of contents. You can try the macros described in {\it The Joy of
-\TeX\/}. Otherwise, follow these
-guidelines. Switch to eight point type (\v"\eightpoint").
-Center the word ``CONTENTS'' in caps. Capitalize only the first word
-of entries. Runover lines align with the start of entries.
-Place the section number flush left with one em to section title,
-spaced dots from end of entry to page number, and two ems between the
-dots and page number. Leave 18--20 points of vertical space, baseline
-to baseline, to the text above and below.