path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 4709 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/dtk/dtk.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/dtk/dtk.dtx
deleted file mode 100644
index ef3248f0b1e..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/dtk/dtk.dtx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4618 +0,0 @@
-%% Time-stamp: "dtk.dtx 2006-08-11 18:18:53 CET Mittwoch RN/HjG/hv"
-%%^^A $Id: dtk.dtx,v 1.9b 2006/08/11 21:03:42 hv Exp hv $
-%% Purpose:
-%% LaTeX Class and Styles for ``Die TeXnische Komoedie''.
-%% Documentation:
-%% The documentation can be generated from the original file
-%% dtk.dtx with the doc style/package. LaTeX the file dtk.tex to
-%% get the full documentation in DVI format.
-%% Author: Gerd Neugebauer
-%% Mainzer Str. 8
-%% 56321 Rhens (Germany)
-%% Mail:
-%% Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Gerd Neugebauer
-%% Copyright (C) 1997-2006 DANTE, Deutschsprachige
-%% Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V.
-%% dtk.dtx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts
-%% responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for
-%% whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless
-%% he says so in writing.
-%% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
-%% dtk.dtx, provided this copyright notice is preserved and any
-%% modifications are indicated.
-%% This class is still under development and may be replaced with a
-%% new version which provides enhanced functionality.
-%% This package is still under development and may be replaced with
-%% a new version which provides enhanced functionality.
-% \title{A \LaTeX\ Class and Style for\\``Die \TeX{}nische
-% Kom{\"o}die''\thanks{This file documents \filename\ version
-% \fileversion\ as of \filedate.}}
-% \author{Gerd Neugebauer\\
-% Mainzer Str.\ 8\\
-% 56321 Rhens (Germany)\\
-% Net: \texttt{}}
-% \date{{\footnotesize Documentation date: \docdate}}
-% \maketitle
-% \changes{0.24}{1996/05/10}{First public release.}
-% \changes{0.25}{1996/05/27}{Towards the new layout}
-% \changes{0.26}{1996/05/27}{Towards the new layout}
-% \changes{0.27}{1996/05/27}{Towards the new layout}
-% \changes{0.28}{1996/05/27}{Towards the new layout}
-% \changes{0.29}{1996/06/21}{Logos improved. ContentsArt slightly modified.}
-% \changes{1.0}{1996/07/18}{The new layout is ready. (DTK 1/96 in print)}
-% \changes{1.1}{1996/09/13}{Fixing a minor problem with long titles.\\
-% double backslash in titles are now ignored in headlines and toc.}
-% \changes{1.3}{1997/02/08}{Ancient layout moved to a class option file.}
-% \changes{1.9-pre}{2005/02/04}{Merge changes due to RN made to
-% generated files back into DTX (HjG).}
-% \changes{1.9-pre}{2005/02/04}{M-x delete-trailing-whitespace (HjG).}
-% \changes{1.9-pre}{2005/03/23}{File userpackages.tex now generated (RN/HjG).}
-% \changes{1.9a}{2005/10/29}{added flushleft environment (RN/hv).}
-% \changes{1.9b}{2006/08/11}{added macro CTANurl (hv).}
-% \changes{1.10}{2007/08/28}{new dtx file created (hv).}
-% \DoNotIndex{\ ,\",\',\.,\[,\\,\],\^,\`,\~,\(,\),\,,\/,\-,\:,\=,\@,\~,\^}
-% \DoNotIndex{\@M,\@dottedtocline}
-% \DoNotIndex{\@gobble,\@gobbletwo,\@highpenalty,\@ifnextchar,\@ifstar}
-% \DoNotIndex{\@ifundefined,\@namedef,\@plus,\@pnumwidth,\@startsection}
-% \DoNotIndex{\@starttoc}
-% \DoNotIndex{\@tempboxa,\@tempcnta}
-% \DoNotIndex{\@tempdima,\@tempdimb,\@thefnmark,\@undefined}
-% \DoNotIndex{\@ixpt,\@vpt,\@vipt,\@viipt,\@viiipt}
-% \DoNotIndex{\@xpt,\@xipt,\@xiipt,\@xivpt,\@xviipt,\@xxpt,\@xxvpt}
-% \DoNotIndex{\AA,\AE,\AtBeginDocument}
-% \DoNotIndex{\CurrentOption,\DeclareOption,\H,\Huge,\L,\LARGE,\LaTeX,\Large}
-% \DoNotIndex{\LoadClass,\O,\OE,\OptionNotUsed,\PassOptionsToClass}
-% \DoNotIndex{\ProcessOptions,\ProvidesClass,\ProvidesPackage}
-% \DoNotIndex{\RequirePackage,\TeX}
-% \DoNotIndex{\aa,\addcontentsline,\addpenalty,\advance,\addvspace,\ae}
-% \DoNotIndex{\ast,\arabic}
-% \DoNotIndex{\b,\baselineskip,\begin,\begingroup,\bf,\bgroup,\egroup}
-% \DoNotIndex{\bigskip,\box,\bullet}
-% \DoNotIndex{\c,\cal,\catcode,\char,\chardef,\circ,\clearpage,\closein}
-% \DoNotIndex{\closeout,\clubpenalty,\count,\csname}
-% \DoNotIndex{\d,\def,\dimen,\diamond,\divide,\documentclass,\dp}
-% \DoNotIndex{\divide}
-% \DoNotIndex{\else,\em,\empty,\end,\endcsname,\endgroup,\endinput,\endlist}
-% \DoNotIndex{\expandafter,\fbox,\fi,\footskip,\framebox,\frenchspacing}
-% \DoNotIndex{\futurelet,\gdef,\global,\gobble}
-% \DoNotIndex{\hangafter,\hangindent,\hbox,\headheight,\headsep,\hfil}
-% \DoNotIndex{\hfill,\hrule,\hskip,\hspace,\hss,\ht,\huge,\ifcat,\ifcase}
-% \DoNotIndex{\ifeof,\ifdim,\ifnum,\ifx}
-% \DoNotIndex{\ignorespaces,\immediate,\index,\input,\it}
-% \DoNotIndex{\itemindent,\itemsep,\jobname,\kern,\l,\labelsep,\labelwidth}
-% \DoNotIndex{\large,\leavevmode,\leftmark,\leftskip,\let,\list}
-% \DoNotIndex{\llap,\long,\lower}
-% \DoNotIndex{\m@th,\makebox,\magstep,\makeindex,\markboth,\mbox,\medskip}
-% \DoNotIndex{\multiply}
-% \DoNotIndex{\newblock,\newcommand,\newcount,\newenvironment,\newfont}
-% \DoNotIndex{\newif,\newpage,\newread,\newwrite}
-% \DoNotIndex{\nobreak,\noindent,\normalsize,\null,\o,\oe}
-% \DoNotIndex{\openin,\openout,\or,\pagestyle,\par,\paragraph,\parbox}
-% \DoNotIndex{\parfillskip,\parindent,\parsep,\parskip,\partopsep}
-% \DoNotIndex{\penalty,\quad}
-% \DoNotIndex{\raggedbottom,\raise,\relax,\renewcommand,\renewenvironment}
-% \DoNotIndex{\repeat,\rightskip,\rm,\rule}
-% \DoNotIndex{\sbox,\sc,\scriptsize,\section,\selectfont,\setcounter}
-% \DoNotIndex{\settowidth,\sf,\sfcode,\sl}
-% \DoNotIndex{\sloppy,\small,\space,\ss,\string,\symbol}
-% \DoNotIndex{\t,\tenex,\textstyle,\the,\thepage,\thispagestyle,\time,\tiny}
-% \DoNotIndex{\topmargin,\topsep,\tt,\typeout}
-% \DoNotIndex{\u,\unitlength,\usecounter,\v,\varepsilon,\vbox}
-% \DoNotIndex{\vfill,\vsize,\vskip,\vspace,\vss}
-% \DoNotIndex{\wd,\widowpenalty,\write,\xdef,\z@}
-% \CheckSum{2624}
-%% \CharacterTable
-%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
-%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
-%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
-%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
-%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
-%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
-%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
-%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
-%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
-%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
-%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
-%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
-%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
-%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
-% \begin{abstract}
-% dtk.dtx provides a class and style file for typesetting ``Die
-% \TeX\-nische Ko\-m\"o\-die''---the communications of the German
-% \TeX{} Users Group DANTE e.V. This means that this class can be
-% used by article writers to typeset a single article as well as to
-% produce the complete journal.
-% The class and style file is written in a way that it can be used
-% both with \LaTeX\,2.09 and \LaTeXe. Thus it can be used by all
-% persons which are familiar with any flavor of \LaTeX.
-% The features of \LaTeXe\ are provided in the \LaTeX\,2.09 mode only
-% to a certain extend. Thus it might not be possible to typeset an
-% article prepared for \LaTeXe\ with \LaTeX\,2.09.
-% On the other side it is possible to process an article prepared
-% for \LaTeX\,2.09 with \LaTeXe{} (in native mode). This is justified
-% since \LaTeXe{} is the standard nowadays and \LaTeX\,2.09 should
-% cease to exists in the next decade.
-% \end{abstract}
-% \newpage
-% \tableofcontents
-% \newpage
-% \section{The History}
-% This documentclass/style is a complete reimplementation of a
-% predecesor style. This predecessor style was a modification of
-% the tugboat.sty which has been carried out mainly by Gabriele
-% Kruljac. Some improvements have been made in this style by
-% Joachim Schrod and Luzia Dietsche.
-% In 1995 the it appeared necessary to have a document class for the
-% production of ``Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie''. Up to this time the
-% communications of the German speaking \TeX{} users group had been
-% typeset with \LaTeX\,2.09 which was already outdated at this
-% time. In addition ideas for an improved layout had been collected
-% which should be incorporated into the new class.
-% Thus Gerd Neugebauer started to derive a new class by modifying
-% options and macros of the standard document class \texttt{article}.
-% At this time it was not unususal for many installations not to
-% provide the current \LaTeXe{} but still to have \LaTeX\,2.09
-% only. Thus one design decision was to have a document style as
-% well as a document class. The requirement was met by providing a
-% set of definitions which emulate some of the new features of
-% \LaTeX{} under the old releases.
-% The coding was done by Gerd Neugebauer but many influences of
-% others have found their way into the code. Even so nearly no code
-% has been taken from the predecessor style the layout has been
-% copied in the first release of dtk.dtx (1.0).
-% Into the next releases (1.1 to 1.3) many changes for the new
-% layout have been incorporated. Many suggestions of the editorial
-% board of ``Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie'' had been integrated.
-% Especially the following persons contributed during this process:
-% Luzia Dietsche, Bernd Raichle, Volker RW Schaa, Rainer Sch\"opf,
-% and Andreas Dafferner.
-% Over the years several additions and corrections have made it
-% into some additional packages which have been used for the
-% production of ``Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie''. Especially in 1999
-% the fonts have been changed from Computer Modern to EC. In 2000
-% the text area has been changed. Finally all changes have been
-% integrated into dtk.dtx. The contributions for this release came
-% from Bernd Raichle, Peter Willardt, Rolf Niepraschk, and Werner
-% Lemberg.
-% The 2002 edition of dtk.dtx includes some minor changes to
-% support the use besides the production of ``Die \TeX nische
-% Kom\"odie''. In addition the major change is that the
-% bibliography is typeset in ragged right.
-% \section{The User Interface}
-% The user interface can be divided into two parts. The first part
-% concerns the normal user who is writing a single article. The
-% second part concerns the user who composes a complete journal.
-% \subsection{The User Interface for Article Writers}
-% The user interface for ordinary users is mainly the interface as
-% it is provided by the documentclass article. In addition to the
-% normal commands the following macros and environments are defined:
-% \DescribeMacro{\address}
-% This macro is used to put the address of an author into the list of
-% authors. It should be given before the \verb|\maketitle| command. The
-% first argument is the first name of an author. The second argument is the
-% last name of the author. The third argument is it's address. Several
-% lines in the address are separated by \verb|\\|. Missing arguments should
-% be filled with \verb|\null|.
-% Several invocations of \verb|address| are possible. E.g. if the article
-% has been written by several authors. The address and the author can be
-% omitted completely --- e.g. for anonoymous letters to the editor. But
-% this should not be the normal case.
-% \DescribeEnv{abstract}
-% Each article should have be started with a short paragraph describing
-% what this article is about. This paragraph is called abstract. The
-% environment \verb|abstract| is meant for marking a paragraph as
-% abstract.
-% The following restrictions should be taken into account:
-% The sectioning commands are mapped to their star variants. This
-% means that the commands like \verb|\section| are not numbered. It
-% should not be tried to to put references to those commands.
-% The following logos are provided by this class and separately by
-% the package \verb|dtklogos| if not defined somewhere else. You
-% are strongly encouraged to use those macros to typeset the logos
-% instead of making your own.
-% \smallskip
-% \begin{tabular}{ll}
-% \texttt{\char'134AmSTeX} &\AmSTeX \\
-% \texttt{\char'134AmS} &\AmS \\
-% \texttt{\char'134BibTeX} &\BibTeX \\
-% \texttt{\char'134dante} &\dante \\
-% \texttt{\char'134Dante} &\Dante \\
-% \texttt{\char'134DTK} &\DTK \\
-% \texttt{\char'134eTeX} &\eTeX \\
-% \texttt{\char'134eV} &\eV \\
-% \texttt{\char'134emTeX} &\emTeX \\
-% \texttt{\char'134LAmSTeX} &\LAmSTeX \\
-% \texttt{\char'134LaTeXTeX} &\LaTeXTeX \\
-% \texttt{\char'134LaTeXe} &\LaTeXe \\
-% \texttt{\char'134LaTeX} &\LaTeX \\
-% \texttt{\char'134LyX} &\LyX \\
-% \texttt{\char'134METAFONT} &\MF \\
-% \texttt{\char'134METAPOST} &\MP \\
-% \texttt{\char'134MF} &\MF \\
-% \texttt{\char'134MP} &\MP \\
-% \texttt{\char'134MakeIndex}&\MakeIndex \\
-% \texttt{\char'134NFSS} &\NFSS \\
-% \texttt{\char'134NTS} &\NTS \\
-% \texttt{\char'134PS} &\PS \\
-% \texttt{\char'134PiCTeX} &\PiCTeX \\
-% \texttt{\char'134PubliCTeX}&\PubliCTeX \\
-% \texttt{\char'134TUG} &\TUG \\
-% \texttt{\char'134TeXXeT} &\TeXXeT \\
-% \texttt{\char'134TeXeT} &\TeXeT \\
-% \texttt{\char'134WinEdt} &\WinEdt \\
-% \texttt{\char'134WinEdtKK} &\WinEdtKK
-% \end{tabular}
-% \DescribeMacro{\footnote}
-% Footnotes are typeset in a special way. As a consequence of the
-% inplementation \TeX{} is not allowed to split footnotes across
-% several pages. Thus you have to keep your footnotes short. It is
-% bad style to pack the main body of text into footnotes (except
-% for critical editions).
-% \subsection{Logical Markup}
-% One of the advantages of \LaTeX\ is the possiblity to use logical
-% markup. For this purpose several markup macros are provided.
-% Unfortunately the macros provided are not sufficient in several
-% situations. Thus this class provides some additional markup
-% macros to come closer to the ideal situation.
-% \DescribeMacro{\File}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting file names.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Package}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting package names.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Program}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting program names.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Command}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting command names.
-% For instance command names are relevant when talking about Unix
-% commands.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Macro}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting macro names.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Environment}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting environment names.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Email}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting email addresses.
-% \DescribeMacro{\CTANurl}
-% Use this macro instead of \verb+\url+ for references to the \CTAN.
-% It uses the \verb+\href+ and \verb+\nolinkurl+ from the package \Package{hyperref}.
-% An example for a reference is \verb+\CTANurl{graphics/pstricks/}+: \CTANurl{graphics/pstricks/}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Acronym}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting acronyms. It is
-% highly recommended to use this macro sparsingly
-% \subsection{The Interface for the Production of the Whole Journal}
-% The first thing one needs to know is that a complete journal
-% starts with a title page. This title page contains the volume,
-% the number and the date of publication. Since part of this
-% information is used later it is stored in macros.
-% \DescribeMacro{\DieTeXnischeKomoedie}
-% The macro \verb|\DieTeXnischeKomoedie| is provided for this purpose. It
-% takes three arguments. The first argument is the number. The second
-% argument is the annual set and the third argument is the publication
-% date.
-% \DescribeMacro{\CoverArt}
-% The macro \verb|\DieTeXnischeKomoedie| calls the macro \verb|\CoverArt|
-% to typeset the cover page. \verb|\CoverArt| gets the same three arguments
-% as the calling macro \verb|\DieTeXnischeKomoedie|. This macro is
-% responsible to fill the first page adequately. This maro might be
-% redefined to alter the layout of the journal.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Label}
-% The macro \verb|\label| has been redefined to be local for each
-% article. Thus it turned out to be necessary to allow assigning of
-% labels which are not restricted by this ``module system''. The
-% macro \verb|\Label| sets such a global label.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Ref}
-% The macro \verb|\ref| has been redefined to be local for each
-% article. The macro \verb|\Ref| references a global label set with
-% \verb|Label|.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Pageref}
-% The macro \verb|\pageref| has been redefined to be local for each
-% article. The macro \verb|\Pageref| references a global label set with
-% \verb|Label|.
-% \DescribeMacro{\NeedPackage}
-% Usually the article for the complete journal are stored in
-% different files. If an article requires a package it has to be
-% loaded in the preamble of the document. The macro
-% \verb|\NeedPackage| provides a means to specify the required
-% packages in the article files. Unfortunately \LaTeX{} does not
-% provide a way to load missing packages in the document itself
-% thus the only reasonable action for this macros is to issue a
-% warning message if a needed package is not found. Nevertheless
-% this helps finding potential problems.
-% \vfill\noindent\hrulefill%^^A---------------------------------------------
-% \emph{To be completed}
-% \noindent\hrulefill\vfill\null%^^A----------------------------------------
-% \subsection{The Interface for the Production of PDF Reprints}
-% A reprint of an article can be produced in PDF format. To
-% accomplish this the package \texttt{dtk-pdf} is provided. This
-% package makes provisions to produce an appropriate header and
-% typeset the address information at the end.
-% To use the package you can use a driver file with the following
-% structure:
-% \begin{quote}
-% \verb|\documentclass{dtk}|\\
-% \texttt{\textit{preamble for article}}\\
-% \verb|\usepackage{dtk-pdf}|\\
-% \verb|\renewcommand\Volume{|\texttt{\textit{volume}}\verb|}|\\
-% \verb|\renewcommand\Pages{|\texttt{\textit{pages}}\verb|}|\\
-% \verb|\begin{document}|\\
-% \verb|\input{|\texttt{\textit{tex\_file}}\verb|}|\\
-% \verb|\Address|\\
-% \verb|\end{document}|
-% \end{quote}
-% Here \texttt{\textit{preamble for article}} should be replaced by
-% the document preamble required for the production of the article.
-% \texttt{\textit{volume}} is the volume of ``Die \TeX nische
-% Kom\"odie'' in which the article has been published originally.
-% \texttt{\textit{pages}} is the range of pages on which is has
-% been published. Finally the article itself is included. This
-% assumes that the article---without preamble---is contained in a
-% file by its own.
-% \section{Notes on the Production of the Journal}
-% Several problems have to be solved for the production os the
-% whole journal. This section collects some of them and shows which
-% roads have been taken.
-% \subsection{References}
-% References are done in \LaTeX\ with \verb|\label| and
-% \verb|\ref|. Since several articles are collected in the
-% complete journal it may happen that the same label is used in
-% different articles. To avoid name clashes the definitions of
-% \verb|\label| and \verb|\ref| have been modified to prepend a
-% unique prefix.
-% To enable you to make references across articles the original
-% definitions of \verb|\label| and \verb|\ref| have been saved in
-% \verb|\Label| and \verb|\Ref| respectively.
-% \subsection{List of Authors}
-% The list of authors is collected for the whole journal. This list
-% is sorted alphabetically. To automate this process the names are
-% written to the index file and makeindex is used to perform the
-% sorting. Thus it is necessary for the complete journal to be run
-% through \LaTeX, makeindex, and \LaTeX\ again.
-% \subsection{Bibliography}
-% The bibliography is prepared with \BibTeX. Since several articles
-% are compiled we assume that the single articles are processed
-% separately before. During this processing \BibTeX\ can be used to
-% generate the appropriate bbl file.
-% Things are arranged to include the bbl file for the article in
-% question.
-% One problem is not solved. This is the uniqueness of the \BibTeX\
-% labels. Here manual invention is required.
-% \StopEventually{}
-% \newpage
-% \if@undefined\environment
-% \newenvironment{environment}[1]{}{}
-% \fi
-% \section{The Version Information}
-% The following lines define the version information for the class
-% and the pdf package file.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\def\DTKrcs$#1: #2 #3${#2}
-\xdef\fileversion{\DTKrcs$Revision: 1.10 $}
-\xdef\filedate{\DTKrcs$Date: 2007/08/28 18:17:42 $}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \section{The Documentation Driver}
-% The documentation driver changes dtk.dtx into a self-extracting
-% documentation. Thus it is possible to run \LaTeX{} on dtk.dtx to
-% produce the documentation.
-% The documentation can be adapted in a file named dtk.dcf
-% (documentation configuration). This file can contain instructions
-% for \verb|docstrip|. Especially useful might be the instruction
-% \verb|\OnlyDescription|
-% which supresses the generation of the implementation description.
-% \changes{1.3}{1997/01/27}{The documentation driver has been
-% integrated.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Modify the behaviour of \verb|ltxdoc|. Those settings can be
-% overwritten with local settings afterwards.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Local configurations can be made in \verb|dtk.dcf|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Define some logos.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Ready to read the dtx file.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% We want to see the change log.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% An index is highly desirable.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% That's it.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \section{The Implementation}
-% The implementation is mainly based on existing styles/classes. This file
-% contains only adaptions required to provide the logical markup
-% and the definitions to get the special layout of ``Die \TeX
-% nische Kom\"odie''.
-% \subsection{Basic Definitions}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Now we need a boolean to see if we are in the author version or
-% in the full version. The author version has several commands
-% disabled. The full version is turned on by giving the option
-% \verb|full| to the documentclass/style command.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% ???
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The boolean \verb|DTK@german@| is used to determine if the german
-% package should be loaded automatically. Usually it is turned on.
-% Under certain circumstances it might be necessary to load other
-% packages before the german package. Thus this variable can be set
-% via a package option.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Compatibility Definitions}
-% Since we want to use this style with \LaTeX\,2.09 and \LaTeXe{} we have
-% to define a common interface. For this purpose we use a subset of
-% the style writers interface already defined for \LaTeXe{} style
-% writers. Since some macros are not defined in \LaTeX\,2.09 we
-% implement them --- at least to the degree needed here.
-% Starting with release 1.4 the backward compatibility may not work
-% any longer. It will be eliminated in a future release.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\RequirePackage}
-% The macro \verb|RequirePackage| simply tries to load the appropriate
-% style file. The category code of \verb|@| is changed temporarily.
-% The old value is is saved in \verb|\DTK@cat| and restored at the end.
-% Optional arguments are not supported, yet.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \newcommand\RequirePackage[1]{
- \chardef\DTK@cat=\the\catcode`\@
- \catcode`\@=11
- \input{#1.sty}%
- \catcode`\@=\DTK@cat}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\LoadClass}
-% The concept of class and package files has not been so different in
-% \LaTeX\,2.09. Thus the same that has been said for \verb|\RequirePackage|
-% holds also for the macro \verb|\LoadClass|. Thus we just make it a
-% synonym.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \let\LoadClass=\RequirePackage
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\InputIfFileExists}
-% Now things get a little bit more complicated. To implement the
-% macro \verb|\InputIfFileExists| we try to open the file. If this
-% fails we assume that the file does not exist. The appropriate
-% action is performed in both cases.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \newcommand\InputIfFileExists[3]{%
- \openin\DTK@file #1
- \ifeof\DTK@file\closein\DTK@file #3%
- \else\closein\DTK@file #2\input{#1}%
- \fi}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\DeclareOption}
-% The options in \LaTeX\,2.09 are defined as special named
-% macros. This is emulated here. The star variant is simply mapped
-% to do nothing.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \newcommand\DeclareOption{\@ifstar{\@gobble}{\DTK@DeclareOption}}
- \newcommand\DTK@DeclareOption[2]{\@namedef{ds@#1}{#2}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\ProcessOptions}
-% In \LaTeX\,2.09 the options are processed automatically. Thus
-% this macro is simply a noop.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \let\ProcessOptions=\relax
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\OptionNotUsed}
-% This feature is not present in \LaTeX\,2.09. Thus the argument is
-% silently absorbed and the macro is simply a noop.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \let\OptionNotUsed=\gobble
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\ProvidesClass}
-% This declaration is used to type out the version information.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \def\ProvidesClass#1[#2]{\typeout{Document Style #1 #2}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% Just for fun we define some font switching commands. In fact the
-% behaviour in \LaTeXe{} is more complex. But I think these
-% definitions are enough to avoid errors.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \newcommand\emph[1]{{\em #1}\/}
- \newcommand\textbf[1]{{\bf #1}}
- \newcommand\textrm[1]{{\rm #1}}
- \newcommand\textsc[1]{{\sc #1}}
- \newcommand\textsf[1]{{\sf #1}}
- \newcommand\textsl[1]{{\sl #1\/}}
- \newcommand\textit[1]{{\it #1\/}}
- \newcommand\texttt[1]{{\tt #1}}
- \@ifundefined{fontshape}{\let\fontshape=\@gobble}{}
- \@ifundefined{selectfont}{\let\selectfont=\relax}{}
- \newcommand\providescommand[2]{\ifx#1\@undefined\newcommand#1{#2}\fi}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% We need a new handle to read files. This handle will be used to
-% implement \verb|\InputIfFileExists|. Since \verb|\newread| is
-% declared \verb|\outer| we have to allocate the new handle here. It is
-% just used in the \LaTeX\,2.09 mode.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Now we can continue without considering the \LaTeX{} dialect any
-% more. Any changes we make from now on are exclusivly based on the
-% interface defined above.
-% This is all we had to do to implement the compatibility mode. It might
-% turn out that more features are desirable. Those extensions are left to
-% future versions of this class, eh sorry, style.
-% \subsection{Initializations}
-% Now we can start to define the class. The version date is taken
-% from the macro \verb|\filedate|. This macro is defined at the
-% beginning of this file. The value is changed by the version
-% control system RCS.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/21}{File version added to class identifier.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\ProvidesClass{dtk}[\filedate\space\fileversion\space gene]
-% \end{macrocode}
-% ???
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% RN 2005-01-15, siehe `bibtopic.sty'.
- \if!\ifnum9<1#1!\else_\fi
- \expandafter\@firstoftwo
- \else
- \expandafter\@secondoftwo
- \fi
-% RN 2005-01-31
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The options to switch to other point sizes are disabled. Nobody
-% is supposed to use this class with another than the single design
-% size.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The options to switch the oneside and twoside settings are
-% disabled. Nobody is supposed to use this class with another than
-% the single design size.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% We define an internal style option ``full''. This loads
-% the multicolumn package from the Mainz distribution. It is only
-% needed to produce the full journal. Additionally several macros
-% are only defined in the full version. This makes sure that authors can
-% not play with too much internal macros.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The package option \verb|omitgerman| can be used to omit the
-% loading of the package \verb|german.sty|. This migth be necessary
-% if packages are required which have to be loaded before
-% \verb|german|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% In 1996 the layout of ``Die TeXnische Kom\"odie'' has been
-% changed. The option \verb|ancient| can be used to switch back to
-% the old layout.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% ???
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% RN 2005-01-16
- \DTK@Draft@true
- \DTK@lineno@true
- \PassOptionsToPackage{pagewise}{lineno}%
- \PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{book}%
-% RN 2005-01-30
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{lineno}}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{lineno}}
-% RN 2005-01-31
-% RN/HjG 2005-02-11
-% Ein grauenvoller Hack!
- %\def\Hugo{%
- \ifoddNumberedPage% eigtl. Even!!!
- \ifodd\c@page
- \@tempswatrue %C
- \else
- \@tempswafalse %D
- \fi
- \else
- \ifodd\c@page
- \@tempswafalse %A
- \else
- \@tempswatrue %B
- \fi
- \fi
- %}\Hugo
- %\@tempcnta=\c@page
- %\if@tempswa \advance\@tempcnta\@ne \fi
- \if@tempswa \advance\c@page\@ne \fi
- %\edef\thepage{\the\@tempcnta}%
- \thepage-\arabic{linenumber}}}
- \arabic{linenumber}}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% ??? Now done better!
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\iffalse% RN 2005-01-15
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/12}{Option for 2000 added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \changes{1.5}{2001/04/23}{Option for 2001 added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/10/04}{Option for 2002 added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The remaining options are handed down to the base class \verb|book|.
-% This works for \LaTeXe{} and is a noop for \LaTeX\,2.09.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% ??? This is the way \dots!
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \DTK@isnum{\CurrentOption}%
- {\edef\DTK@layout{\CurrentOption}}%
- {\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{book}}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Now we can process all options. Again this works for \LaTeXe{}
-% and is a noop for \LaTeX\,2.09 since the options are
-% automatically processed there.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Loading the Used Packages/Styles}
-% This class is a variation of the \verb|book| class. Thus
-% we load the base class. This loading is done with the macro from
-% the interface definition or the built-in \LaTeXe{} primitive.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% ???
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% RN 2005-01-30
- \RequirePackage{lineno}\linenumbers
- \RequirePackage{color}%
- \linenumbersep=.8ex
- \def\linenumberfont{\normalfont\scriptsize\sffamily\bfseries}%
- \definecolor{DTK@lineno@color}{cmyk}{0.26,0,0.76,0}% SpringGreen
- \def\thelinenumber{%
- \begingroup
- \fboxsep=.3ex\fcolorbox{black}{DTK@lineno@color}{%
- \DTK@@thelinenumber}%
- \endgroup}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The T1 font encoding is used.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/12}{T1 font encoding enabled.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% ???
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% RN 2005-01-15
-% RN/HjG 2005-03-23
- \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc}
- {\let\flushleft\FlushLeft\let\endflushleft\endFlushLeft}{}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% For old issues of the journal the OT1 font encoding is used
-% instead.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The package ``\texttt{ngerman}'' is used since this class is
-% intended to be used by german users mainly. As one result the
-% language is set to german as default. On the other side some
-% parameters are modified to get a layout according to german
-% habits. E.g. fench spacing is activated.
-% There are some known problems when (n)german.sty is used. Therefore
-% it might turn out necessary to load (n)german.sty after other
-% packages have been loaded. For this purpose the option
-% |omitgerman| can be used. To ensure proper operation of dtk it is
-% necesary to call the macro \verb|\DTKgerman| after the style
-% (n)german has been loaded.
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/03}{The package ngerman is used to support
-% the current orthography.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\typeout{*** Warning: Loading of (n)german has been omitted. You have to
- load it manually.}
-\typeout{*** Don't forget to use the macro \string\DTKgerman\space
- afterwards.}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The package ``\texttt{multicol}'' is used in the full version. Thus
-% we only load it if the option \verb|full| has been given.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/06}{Packages graphicx and color are required.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% RN 2005-01-22
-% Mindestens `multicol' wird auch im Autormodus gebraucht, falls dort
-% ein Index erstellt wird. Vermutlich "graphicx,color" ("xcolor"?) auch
-% so allemeing\"ultig, dass es vorgezogen werden sollte!
-% \RequirePackage{multicol}
- \RequirePackage{graphicx,color}
-% RN 2005-01-22
- \errorcontextlines=100\relax
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\NeedPackage}
-% \changes{1.3}{1997/01/29}{Macro added.}
-% This macro can be used to declare in a single article which
-% packages are required. At this places it is too late to load
-% them if they are not loaded already. In stead a fat message is
-% presented which warns the user of potential problems.
-% This macro takes a single argument which is the name of
-% \emph{one} package. Multiple packages and versions are not
-% supported (yet).
-% This macro is copied and modified from an \LaTeX2\ (june 1996)
-% internal. It seems as \LaTeXe\ defines a control sequences for
-% each package which is loaded. This mechanism is exploited.
-% Since older versions of \LaTeX\ do not support this mechanism
-% warning are reported even so everything is ok.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \expandafter\ifx\csname ver@#1.sty\endcsname\relax
- \typeout{***}%
- \typeout{***}%
- \typeout{*** The required package `#1' seems not to be loaded.}%
- \typeout{*** I try to stumble along as good as I can.}%
- \typeout{*** Expect some undefined macros or other errors.}%
- \typeout{***}%
- \typeout{***}%
- \fi}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{Layout Parameters}
-% The layout can be influenced by a large number of
-% parameters. Thus the design decisions have been made transparent
-% (to a certain degree at least). These options are not meant to be
-% changed except when a new layout is being designed and implemented.
-% The size of the paper is A5. Thus the paper dimensions are defined
-% appropriately.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\paperwidth = 148.5mm
-\paperheight = 210mm
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/06}{New page dimensions for 1/2000.}
-% The height is set to 471\,pt; the width is 342pt.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\textheight = 471pt
-\textwidth = 333pt
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The height is set to 484\,pt = 170.10654\,mm; the
-% width is 342\,pt = 120.19925\,mm. This is slightly larger than in the
-% predecessor style.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\textheight = 484pt
-\textwidth = 342pt
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The page is flushed left. A left margin of one inch is the default
-% on any properly installed printer. Any adjustment of the
-% printable area on the page is left to the output driver.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\oddsidemargin = 0pt
-\evensidemargin = \oddsidemargin\oddsidemargin -35.89157pt
-\evensidemargin -17.70235pt
-\topmargin -55.66684pt
-%\topmargin = 0pt% RN 2005-01-16
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The head line needs some space. In fact this depends on some
-% configurable macros. Nevertheless we take the old values and
-% leave it to a user to change those values if required.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\headheight = 17pt
-\headsep = 17pt
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\headheight = 14pt
-\headsep = 12pt
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The foot line needs some space. The same remarks given above
-% apply here too.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\footskip = 24pt
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\footskip = 21pt
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Paragraphs are not indented but separated by additional lead
-% only. This lead may expand a little bit but it may not
-% shrink. (Since the whole journal is typeset with raggedbottom it
-% is not clear to me if this makes sense at all)
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\parskip = 0.5\baselineskip \advance\parskip by 0pt plus 2pt
-\parindent = 0pt
-% \end{macrocode}
-% To reduce the probability that a float requires a complete page
-% we increase the allowed fraction which can be occupied by floats
-% at the top and the bottom of the page. Additionally we reduce the
-% fraction required for text.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/21}{columnsep reduced to 5pt}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\columnsep = 5pt
-\columnsep = 10pt
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \changes{1.5}{2001/04/24}{emergencystretch set to 1.5em.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\emergencystretch = 1.5em
-\emergencystretch = 0pt
-% \end{macrocode}
-% As promised before we disable vertical adjustment of pages. This
-% seems to be a good strategy to avoid ragged apearance by too much
-% space between paragraphs.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% To avoid a bad layout we adjust some parameters. Thus we try to
-% avoid widows and clubs.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\clubpenalty = 10000
-\widowpenalty = 10000
-% \end{macrocode}
-% ???
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% RN 2005-01-16 ???
- \ClassWarning{dtk}{Command `\string\marginpar' not expected}%
- \DTK@orig@marginpar}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\DTKgerman}
-% We will change some of the captions names used within \LaTeX{}. To avoid
-% that the package ``\texttt{german}'' undoes our efforts we anchor the
-% changes in the \verb|\captionsgerman| macro. To do so we have to save the
-% old meaning in an internal name.
-% \changes{1.5}{2001/04/24}{Method for ngerman added}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \let\DTK@captionsgerman=\captionsgerman
- \let\captionsgerman=\DTK@captionsgerman
- \@ifundefined{l@ngerman}{}{\selectlanguage{ngerman}}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \let\DTK@captionsgerman=\captionsgerman
- \let\captionsgerman=\DTK@captionsgerman
- \selectlanguage{german}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\DTK@captionsgerman}
-% Now we can redefine the captions command. First of all we use the
-% old definition. Thus we avoid duplicating the whole definition
-% and maybe getting in trouble with some future version.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \DTK@captionsgerman
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\refname}
-% Just in case that an article contains a list of references we
-% define the title for this section.
-% Well, in fact we assume that the \LaTeX{} used is not too
-% ancient. Otherwise this will not work properly.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \gdef\refname{Literatur}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\bibname}
-% Ok. And now the same trick for the title of the bibliography.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \gdef\bibname{Literatur}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\contentsname}
-% The headline for the table of contents is defined appropriately.
-% \verb|\volume| contains the number of the current volume. This
-% number is set by the macro producing the front page.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \gdef\contentsname{Inhalt Heft \Volume}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% Now we are done. We just have to make sure that the new values
-% are activated by calling the new captions macros.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% If the option german has been loaded automatically then we have
-% to modify the captions at once. Otherwise the user is responsible
-% to call \verb|\DTKgerman| after the package german has been loaded.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \DTKgerman
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \DTKgerman
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\addressname}
-% The heading for the list of authors is defined in this macro.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\journalname}
-% The name of the journal is stored in this macro. This should make
-% it easier to use this class for other purposes than typesetting
-% ``Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie''. It is not the primary intention to
-% support this but some attempts have been made to use this class
-% for other publications.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/12}{Macro introduced.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\journalname{Die \TeX nische Kom{\"o}die}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\volume}
-% The number of the current volume is stored in this macro. The
-% value is automatically set with the macro
-% \verb|\DieTeXnischeKomoedie|. Since this macro is usually only
-% used in the full version we provide a reasonable default.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/12}{Current date and time added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\volume{\Volume\ --- Entwurf \today\
- \begingroup
- \count1=\time\divide\count1 60
- \count2=\count1 \multiply\count2 -60 \advance\count2\time
- \ifnum\count1<10 0\fi\the\count1:\ifnum\count2<10 0\fi\the\count2
- \endgroup
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% ???
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% RN 2005-01-17
- \newcommand*\DTK@today{}%
- \begingroup
- \count@\time
- \divide\count@ 60\relax
- \count2=-\count@
- \multiply\count2 60\relax
- \advance\count2 \time
- %% \loggingall %% Wuduh!
- \xdef\DTK@today{%
- \the\year-\two@digits{\the\month}-\two@digits{\the\day}% %!!! \the
- %\protect~% Warum geht das nicht?
- \noexpand\noexpand~%
- %% Wuduh! 2 \noexpand noetig? Weil \number\the 2mal zuschlaegt?
- %% Ohne \the langt 1 \noexpand!
- \two@digits{\the\count@}:\two@digits{\the\count2}}%
- %%\show\DTK@today
- \endgroup
- \ifDTK@Draft@
- \def\DTK@corr@version{\fbox{Korrekturversion:~\DTK@today}}%
- \AtEndOfClass{%
- \let\ps@empty=\ps@plain
- \let\ps@part=\ps@plain}%
- \else
- \let\@LN\@gobbletwo% Wegen .aux-Datei von vorherigem lineno-Lauf
- \let\@LN@col\@gobble
- \fi
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\footmark}
-% This macro contains the text of the running foot.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\footmark{\journalname\ \volume}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\ChapterFont}
-% This macro contains the font changing command issued before
-% typesetting a chapter title.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\SectionFont}
-% This macro contains the font changing command issued before
-% typesetting the section heading.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\SubsectionFont}
-% This macro contains the font changing command issued before
-% typesetting the subsection heading.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\SubsubsectionFont}
-% This macro contains the font changing command issued before
-% typesetting the subsubsection heading and below.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\AuthorFont}
-% This macro contains the font changing command issued before
-% typeseting the author of an article.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\TitleFont}
-% This macro contains the font changing command issued before
-% typeseting the title of an article.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\HeadFont}
-% This macro contains the font changing command issued before
-% typeseting the running head line.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\FootFont}
-% This macro contains the font changing command issued before
-% typeseting the running foot line.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\PagenoFont}
-% This macro contains the font changing command issued before
-% typeseting the page number.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\NewpageThreshold}
-% The macro \verb|\NewpageThreshold| is used to determine how much
-% space is needed on a page to start a new article. If less space
-% is left then the next article is started on the next page.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\HeadRuleDepth}
-% This macro contains the depth of the line between the running
-% head and the main body of text.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\FootRuleDepth}
-% This macro contains the depth of the line between the running
-% foot and the main body of text.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\ContentsParSkip}
-% This macro contains the \verb|parskip| used for the table of
-% contents.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{Size Changing Commands and Mathematics}
-% The size changing commands \verb|\small| and \verb|\footnotesize|
-% redefine also \verb|\@listi|. This effect has to be undone.
-% \begin{macro}{\DTK@math}
-% This macro modifies the relavant parameters for typesetting
-% mathematics.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \abovedisplayskip = 4pt plus 2pt minus 1pt
- \belowdisplayskip = \abovedisplayskip
- \abovedisplayshortskip = 2pt plus 2pt
- \belowdisplayshortskip = \abovedisplayshortskip
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\@normalsize}
-% This is an internal size changing command. We save the old
-% definition in \verb|\DTK@@normalsize| and redefine it. After the
-% old definition is used some sizes are changed to a smaller value.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \DTK@@normalsize
- \DTK@math
- \let\@listi=\@listI}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\normalsize}
-% This is a size changing command. We save the old
-% definition in the macro \verb|\DTK@normalsize| and redefine
-% it. After the old definition is used some sizes are changed to a
-% smaller value.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \DTK@normalsize
- \DTK@math
- \let\@listi=\@listI}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\small}
-% This is a size changing command. We save the old
-% definition in \verb|\DTK@small| and redefine it. After the
-% old definition is used some sizes are changed to a smaller value.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \DTK@small
- \DTK@math
- \let\@listi=\@listI}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\footnotesize}
-% This is a size changing command. We save the old
-% definition in the macro \verb|\DTK@footnotesize| and redefine
-% it. After the old definition is used some sizes are changed to a
-% smaller value.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \DTK@footnotesize
- \DTK@math
- \let\@listi=\@listI}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\Path}
-% \changes{1.3}{1997/01/28}{Macro added.}
-% This macro can be used to typeset paths to network sources like
-% ftp directories or URLs as well as email addresses. The argument
-% is typeset in a teletype font. Underscores and tildes are treated
-% as ordinary characters. Linebreaking is enabled after certain
-% special characters without inserting a hyphen.
-% Unfortunately this macro is fragile.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- ^catcode`^/=13
- ^catcode`^\=13
- ^catcode`^:=13
- ^catcode`^~=12
- ^catcode`^$=12 %$
- ^catcode`^_=12
- ^catcode`^#=12
- ^let/=^Path@SepI
- ^let\=^Path@SepII
- ^let:=^Path@SepIII
- ^@Path}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{Logical Markup}
-% One of the advantages of \LaTeX\ is the possiblity to use logical
-% markup. For this purpose several markup macros are provided.
-% Unfortunately the macros provided are not sufficient in several
-% situations. Thus this class provides some additional markup
-% macros to come closer to the ideal situation.
-% \begin{macro}{\File}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting file names.
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/04}{macro added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\Package}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting package names.
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/04}{macro added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\Program}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting program names.
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/04}{macro added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\Command}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting command names.
-% For instance command names are relevant when talking about Unix
-% commands.
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/04}{macro added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\Macro}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting macro names.
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/04}{macro added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\Environment}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting environment names.
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/04}{macro added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\Email}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting email addresses.
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/04}{macro added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\CTANurl}
-%% hv 2006-08-11
-% Use this macro instead of \verb+\url+ for references to the \CTAN.
-% It uses the \verb+\href+ and \verb+\nolinkurl+ from the package \Package{hyperref}
-% or alternative the \Package{url} and an empty \Command{href}, if hyprref isn't loaded.
-% An example for a reference is \verb+\CTANurl{graphics/pstricks/}+: \CTANurl{graphics/pstricks/}
- \href{}{\nolinkurl{CTAN:#1}}%
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\Acronym}
-% This macro is intended to be used for typesetting acronyms. It is
-% highly recommended to use this macro sparsingly
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/04}{macro added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{List Making Environments}
-% The list making environments \verb|description|, \verb|itemize|,
-% and \verb|enumerate| are adapted to use less vertical space. This
-% is mainly done by resetting \verb|\parsep|, \verb|\itemsep|, and
-% \verb|\topsep|.
-% The environments \verb|itemize| and \verb|enumerate| use the
-% macros \verb|@listi|, \verb|@listii|, etc. Thus it is sufficient
-% to redefine those macros.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \leftmargin = \leftmargini
- \parsep = \parskip
- \topsep = 0pt plus 2pt
- \itemsep = 0pt plus 2pt}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \leftmargin = \leftmarginii
- \labelwidth = \leftmarginii
- \advance \labelwidth by-\labelsep
- \parsep = \parskip
- \topsep = 0pt plus 2pt
- \itemsep = 0pt plus 2pt}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \leftmargin = \leftmarginiii
- \labelwidth = \leftmarginiii
- \advance \labelwidth by-\labelsep
- \partopsep = 1pt plus 0pt minus 1pt
- \parsep = \parskip
- \topsep = 0pt plus 2pt
- \itemsep = 0pt plus 2pt}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% We activate the defaults.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% For some reason \verb|@listi| is redefined in \verb|small| and
-% \verb|\footnotesize|. Thus we have to take care to undo the
-% changes made there. For this purpose we save the old definitions
-% and restore the intended meaning of \verb|\@listi| after calling
-% the old macro.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\renewcommand\labelitemii{\bf --}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{environment}{description}
-% To get things smaller we completely redefine the description
-% environment. Nevertheless we make use of the old label formatting
-% macro.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \begin{list}{}{%
- \labelwidth = 0pt
- \itemindent = -\leftmargin
- \parsep = \parskip
- \topsep = 0pt plus 2pt
- \itemsep = 0pt plus 2pt
- \let\makelabel=\descriptionlabel}%
- }{\end{list}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{environment}
-% \begin{macro}{descriptionlabel}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \hspace\labelsep{\normalsize\it #1}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\renewcommand\descriptionlabel[1]{\hspace\labelsep \bf #1}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{environment}{quotation}
-% Since the whole journal does not use parindent we make the
-% quotation environment the same as the quote environment.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \list{}{\rightmargin\leftmargin}%
- \item\relax
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \list{}{\listparindent 1.5em
- \itemindent\listparindent
- \rightmargin\leftmargin\parsep \z@ plus\p@}%
- \item\relax
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{environment}
-% \begin{environment}{roll}
-% We add a new type of list making environment. The \verb|roll|
-% does not indent per default but just typesets the argument of the
-% \verb|\item| macro in boldface. It has one optional argument
-% which can be used to specify the amount of indentation desired.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- {\@ifnextchar[{\r@ll}{\r@ll[0pt]}}%
- {\end{list}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \labelwidth = #1
- \leftmargin = \labelwidth
- \itemsep = .3ex
- \let\makelabel=\rolllabel}%
- }
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{environment}
-% Typeset the label of a \verb|roll| environment.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\rolllabel[1]{\hspace\labelsep \textbf{#1}\hfill}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{environment}{example}
-% We provide an environment for typesetting example code.
-% It is typeset in a smaller font with an indentation left and right.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{environment}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}{\protect\numberline{\csname
- the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}\begingroup
- \@parboxrestore
- \small
- \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par
- \endgroup}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Sectioning Commands}
-% The counter \verb|secnumdepth| determines which sectional units
-% are decorated with a number. Since we don't want sections and
-% everything below to be numbered we set this counter to 0.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% All but the first article are separated by additional vertical
-% space from the preceding text. Thus we define a new boolean
-% variable to determine which article is the first one in a chapter.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\part}
-% This definition is used in the author version, where \verb|\part|
-% should not be used. An error message is issued instead.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \renewcommand\part{%
- \typeout{*** Parts can not be used in single articles.}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% A part is aligned to the next full page. A special page style is
-% used on a first page of a part. The macro \verb|\part| has one
-% ordinary argument which constitutes the main title of the part.
-% This argument can be preceeded by an optional argument---enclosed
-% in brackets. This first optional argument is used as the running
-% head. If it is missing the main title is used instead.
-% The main argument can be followed by another optional argument.
-% This second optional argument is the subtitle of the part.
-% If none is given then the empty default is used instead.
-% The second optional argument is an enhancement compared to the
-% original definition of parts in \LaTeX.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \renewcommand\part{%
- \clearpage
- \thispagestyle{part}%
- \FirstArticletrue
- \Advance@Label@Prefix
- \@ifstar{\part@star{chapter}}{\part@star{part}}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\part@star}
-% If the next character is a \verb|[| then the part macro has an
-% optional argument.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \@ifnextchar[{\part@optional{#1}}{\part@normal{#1}}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\part@optional}
-% This macro treats the case that the part macro has an optional
-% argument. This optional argument is used in the running head and
-% the table of contents.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \markboth{#2}{#2}%
- \addcontentsline{toc}{#1}{#2}%
- \@ifnextchar[{\part@subtitle{#3}}{\part@nosubtitle{#3}}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\part@normal}
-% This macro treats the case that the part has no optional
-% argument. In this case the title itself is used in the head and
-% in the table of contents.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \markboth{#2}{#2}%
- \addcontentsline{toc}{#1}{#2}%
- \@ifnextchar[{\part@subtitle{#2}}{\part@nosubtitle{#2}}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\part@subtitle}
-% This macro treats the case that the part has an optional
-% argument for a subtitle.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\part@nosubtitle}
-% This macro treats the case that the part has no optional
-% argument for a subtitle.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\TopArt}
-% This macro is used to generate the layout of the beginning of a
-% part. It takes two arguments. The first argument is the title of
-% the part and the second argument is its subtitle. If the subtitle
-% is not empty then it is started by \verb|\\|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}\parskip=0pt\parindent=0pt
- \null\vspace{18pt}\par\raggedright\large\sf
- {\huge\sf #1}\\[-.5ex]\rule{\textwidth}{\TopArtRule}%
- \vspace{2pt} #2
- \end{minipage}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \begingroup
- \unitlength = 1pt
- \@tempcnta = \textwidth
- \divide\@tempcnta by \unitlength
- \framebox(\@tempcnta,38){\parbox{.95\textwidth}{%
- \begin{center}{\large\bf #1}#2 \end{center}}}
- \endgroup}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\chapter}
-% In the author version of this class no chapters are allowed. They
-% are activated when the option \verb|full| is given to the
-% class/style. Otherwise an error message is printed.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \renewcommand\chapter{%
- \typeout{*** Chapters can not be used in single articles.}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The appearance of a chapter is the same as the appearance of a
-% section. Additionally a line is added to the table of contents
-% and the headline is set appropriately.
-% Since we want to deal with optional arguments and star variants
-% things are becoming a little bit more complicated. I don't know
-% if it is worth the effort. Maybe nobody will ever use this
-% feature anyhow.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \renewcommand\chapter{%
- \@ifnextchar*{\chapter@star}{%
- \@ifnextchar[{\chapter@optional}{\chapter@normal}}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Ignore any number of stars. Well this may be to harsh but I think
-% this is enough.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Provide a default for the optional argument.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Now do the whole job.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \typeout{#1}%
- \Advance@Label@Prefix
- \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#1}%
- \markboth{#1}{#1}%
- \FirstArticletrue
- \@startsection{chapter}{0}{\z@}{-1ex plus-1ex minus
- -.2ex}{.5ex plus.2ex}{\ChapterFont}*%
- }
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\section}
-% The section is redefined to use less vertical space than the
-% original definition.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- -2ex plus-1ex minus-.2ex}{.5ex plus.2ex}{\SectionFont}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- -1ex plus-1ex minus-.2ex}{.5ex plus.2ex}{\SectionFont}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\subsection}
-% The subsection is redefined to use less vertical space than the
-% original definition.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- -2ex plus-1ex minus-.2ex}{0.75ex plus.2ex}{\SubsectionFont}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- -1ex plus-1ex minus-.2ex}{0.75ex plus.2ex}{\SubsectionFont}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\subsubsection}
-% The subsubsection is redefined to use less vertical space than
-% the original definition.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- -2ex plus-1ex minus-.2ex}{0.75ex plus.2ex}{\SubsubsectionFont}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- -1ex plus-1ex minus-.2ex}{0.75ex plus.2ex}{\SubsubsectionFont}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\paragraph}
-% The paragraph is redefined to use less vertical space than the
-% original definition.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- 0ex plus1ex minus.2ex}{-.5ex}{\SubsubsectionFont}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- 1ex plus1ex minus.2ex}{-.5ex}{\SubsubsectionFont}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\subparagraph}
-% The subparagraph is redefined to use less vertical space than the
-% original definition.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- {\parindent}{0ex plus1ex minus.2ex}{-.5ex}{\SubsubsectionFont}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- {\parindent}{1ex plus1ex minus.2ex}{-.5ex}{\SubsubsectionFont}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{The Article Layout}
-% \begin{macro}{\keywords}
-% The macro \verb|keywords| is intended for the user to specify
-% keywords for the article. It is not used for the article itself
-% but for the reprint and the \BibTeX\ file of all articles.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\maketitle}
-% The title of an article is typeset together with the author
-% information. If it is the first article in this chapter then
-% additional vertical space is added.
-% The title is added to the table of contents and the headline is
-% adjusted appropriately.
-% The macro \verb|\NewpageThreshold| is used to determine how much
-% space is needed aon a page to start a new article. If less space
-% is left then the next article is started on the next page.
-% Now we can start to typeset the head of an article and perform
-% all tasks required in this situation.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% If we are not in a complete journal then we use a different page style
-% for the first page. Thus it is possible to use this class to typeset
-% preprints and get a better layout of the first page.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \ifDTK@Author@ \thispagestyle{part}\fi
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Now we have to ensure that there is enough space left on this page to
-% start a new article. If there isn't enough space we start the article on
-% the next page.
-% \changes{1.5}{2001/04/25}{Bugfix: constant replaced by macro.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \ifdim\DTKtitle@skip>0pt\vspace{\DTKtitle@skip}\fi
- \begingroup
- \dimen0=\vsize
- \advance\dimen0 by -\pagetotal
- \ifdim\dimen0<\NewpageThreshold
- \newpage
- \global\FirstArticletrue
- \fi
- \endgroup
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The namespace for labels has to be switched. This is done by
-% calling the macro \verb|\Advance@Label@Prefix|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \Advance@Label@Prefix
-% \end{macrocode}
-% We encapsulate the title and author information in a minipage to avoid a
-% pagebreak in beween (maybe not necessary). Then we draw a line to
-% separate the article from the previous one. The line is required if the
-% boolean variable \verb|FirstArticle| is true. This variable is set
-% afterwards.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \begingroup
- \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
- \ifFirstArticle
- \global\FirstArticlefalse
- \vskip 3pt
- \else
- \DTKtitle@sep
- \fi
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \setcounter{footnote}0
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Now we insert the title and the author. The title is also put into the
-% table of contents. The running head is adjusted.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \@flushglue=0pt plus .3\textwidth\relax
- \raggedright
- \TitleFont
- \spaceskip=\fontdimen2\font\relax
- \xspaceskip=\fontdimen7\font\relax
- \@title
- \ifx\@author\@empty\else
- \bigskip\par
- \AuthorFont\@author
- \fi
- \end{minipage}%
- \@thanks
- \let\thanks\@gobble
- \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\@title}%
- \markboth{\@title}{\@title}%
- \endgroup
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Finally we rest certain values and insert some space to the beginning of
-% the article.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \let\@title=\@empty
- \let\@author=\@empty
- \let\@thanks=\@empty
- \setcounter{figure}0
- \setcounter{table}0
- \setcounter{equation}0
-% \setcounter{footnote}0
- \medskip\par}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\DTKtitle@skip}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\DTKtitle@sep}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\DTKtitle@sep{\vspace{32pt plus 8pt minus 16pt}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \vskip 14pt plus 8pt minus 12pt}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% Several authors are separated by \verb|\and|. Here is a first
-% approximation to deal with this case.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\renewcommand\and{, }
-% \end{macrocode}
-% We provide default values for the author, the title and the
-% footnote of the title. All of them are empty.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{environment}{abstract}
-% The abstract is typeset in a smaller font indented left and right.
-% The use of the quote environment ensures that the abstract can be
-% broken at the end of the line.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \begin{quote}\small
- }{%
- \end{quote}\medskip\par}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{environment}
-% \subsection{Numbering}
-% The numbering is done on a global basis. No chapter numbers are
-% prepended. Especially since none are used at all. This is just
-% like in the article class.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Labels}
-% Labels have to be used on an per article basis for this purpose
-% we use a macro to hold the prefix for the labels. This prefix is
-% prepended whenever something is done with the labels.
-% The prefix is constructed from a numeric counter. This counter is% allocated and initialized. Maybe I could live without this
-% counter but this way the labels look nicer (if you ever see them).
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\Advance@Label@Prefix}
-% This macro is expanded whenever a new module is entered. It has
-% to take care that a new and unique prefix string for the labels
-% is generated and stored in the macro \verb|\Label@Prefix|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \advance\DTL@label 1
- \xdef\Label@Prefix{module \the\DTL@label:}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% The label prefix has to be initalized. The easiest way to perform
-% this task is touse the macro defined above.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Sometimes it is desirable to use labels in the old
-% sense. I.e. without the module system. For this purpose we keep
-% the old definitions of the macros \verb|\ref|, \verb|\label|, and
-% \verb|\pageref| under the new names \verb|\Ref|, \verb|\Label|, and
-% \verb|\Pageref| respectivly.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\ref}
-% The module prefix is prepended before the original \verb|\ref|
-% macros is used.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\label}
-% The module prefix is prepended before the original \verb|\label|
-% macros is used.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\pageref}
-% The module prefix is prepended before the original \verb|\pageref|
-% macros is used.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{Bibliography}
-% \begin{macro}{\thebibliography}
-% Instead of using a \verb|\chapter*| to start a bibliography we
-% use a \verb|\section*|. Thus the bibliography should not appear
-% in the table of contents.
-% \changes{1.8}{2002/04/01}{typeset raggedright.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \section*{\refname}%
- \list{[\arabic{enumi}]}{%
- \settowidth\labelwidth{[#1]}%
- \leftmargin\labelwidth
- \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
- \usecounter{enumi}}
- \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}
- \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000
- \sfcode`\.=1000\relax\DTK@bibliography@rightskip}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\DTK@bibliography@rightskip}
-% \changes{1.8}{2002/04/01}{macro added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\DTK@bibliography@rightskip{\rightskip=0pt plus 2em}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\DTK@bibliography}
-% This macro is used to overwrite the macro \verb|\bibliography|
-% when the complete journal is typeset.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \InputIfFileExists{#1.bbl}{}{\typeout{--- File #1.bbl not found.}}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \changes{1.3}{1997/01/28}{Forcing the bibstyle.}
-% We switch to the default bib style.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Footnotes}
-% This is just my personal taste. I have incorporated my
-% fnblock.sty. This style option arranges things in a way that
-% footnotes do not go beneath the footnotemarks. In addition they
-% can be indented at the right side.
-% Both indentation at both sides can be configured with the
-% following two macros:
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\@makefntext}
-% And now we make the footnote to behave as desired.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/06}{Don't let footnote line and footnote
-% text be broken across pages. Fix problem with footnotemarks.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \@nobreaktrue
- \begin{list}{}{%
- \rightmargin=0pt%
- \parsep=0.333\baselineskip plus 2pt
- \leftmargin=\DTK@fnleftmargin}
- \item\mbox{}%
- \llap{\@textsuperscript{\normalfont\@thefnmark}\kern1pt}%
- #1%
- \end{list}}
-\long\def\@makefntext#1{\parindent 1em\noindent
- \hbox to 1.8em{\hss$\m@th^{\@thefnmark}$}#1}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\@textsuperscript}
-% Define \verb|\@textsuperscript| for older LaTeX(2e) versions.
-% The macros has been copied from ``latex.ltx'' <1999/12/01>.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/12}{Macro introduced to fix problems with
-% footnotes in minipages.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \def\@textsuperscript#1{%
- {\m@th\ensuremath{^{\mbox{\fontsize\sf@size\z@#1}}}}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\footnoterule}
-% The rule separating main text and footnotes is defined.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \kern-3\p@
- \hrule\@width0.333\columnwidth
- \kern2.6\p@}
- \hrule width .4\columnwidth
- \kern 2.6\p@}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{Defining Page Styles}
-% \subsubsection{The Page Style ``plain''}
-% The page style plain provides a head line and a foot line. The
-% page number is printed in the outer corner of the head line. The
-% inner part of the head line contains the title of the current
-% article.
-% The foot line contains the name and number of the current journal
-% flushed towards the inner border of the page.
-% The head line and the footline are separated by a bar from the
-% main body of text.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \let\@mkboth=\@gobbletwo
- \let\chaptermark=\@gobble
- \let\sectionmark=\@gobble
- \let\subsectionmark=\@gobble
- \def\@oddhead{\vbox{\hbox to \textwidth{%
- \let\\=\relax
- \HeadFont \rightmark \hfil\PagenoFont\thepage}\kern 3pt
- \ifdim\HeadRuleDepth>0pt \hrule depth\HeadRuleDepth\fi}}%
- \def\@evenhead{\vbox{\hbox to \textwidth{%
- \let\\=\relax
- \PagenoFont \thepage\hfil\HeadFont \leftmark}\kern 3pt
- \ifdim\HeadRuleDepth>0pt \hrule depth\HeadRuleDepth\fi}}%
-\iffalse% RN 2005-01-17
- \def\@oddfoot{\vbox{%
- \ifdim\FootRuleDepth>0pt \hrule depth\FootRuleDepth \fi
- \kern 5pt \hbox to \textwidth{\FootFont \footmark\hfil\null}}}%
- \def\@evenfoot{\vbox{%
- \ifdim\FootRuleDepth>0pt \hrule depth\FootRuleDepth \fi
- \kern 5pt \hbox to \textwidth{\null\hfil\FootFont \footmark}}}%
- \def\@oddfoot{\vbox{%
- \ifdim\FootRuleDepth>0pt \hrule depth\FootRuleDepth \fi
- \kern 5pt \hbox to \textwidth{%
- \FootFont \footmark\hfil\DTK@corr@version\null}}}%
- \def\@evenfoot{\vbox{%
- \ifdim\FootRuleDepth>0pt \hrule depth\FootRuleDepth \fi
- \kern 5pt \hbox to \textwidth{%
- \null\FootFont\DTK@corr@version\hfil \footmark}}}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsubsection{The Page Style ``headings''}
-% The page style headings is an alias to the page style plain.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/09/05}{definition for pagestyle headings added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsubsection{The Page Style ``part''}
-% The page style \verb|part| contains the same foot as the page style
-% \verb|plain|. The head line is empty.
-% This style is used when a new part is started. It can be
-% configured by redefining the macros \verb|FootRuleDepth|,
-% \verb|\FootFont|, and \verb|\PagenoFont|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \let\@mkboth=\@gobbletwo
- \let\chaptermark=\@gobble
- \let\sectionmark=\@gobble
- \let\subsectionmark=\@gobble
- \let\@oddhead=\@empty
- \let\@evenhead=\@empty
-\iffalse% RN 2005-01-17
- \def\@oddfoot{\vbox{%
- \ifdim\FootRuleDepth>0pt \hrule depth\FootRuleDepth \fi
- \kern 5pt \hbox to \textwidth{\FootFont \footmark\hfil\null}}}%
- \def\@evenfoot{\vbox{%
- \ifdim\FootRuleDepth>0pt \hrule depth\FootRuleDepth \fi
- \kern 5pt \hbox to \textwidth{\null\hfil\FootFont \footmark}}}%
- \def\@oddfoot{\vbox{%
- \ifdim\FootRuleDepth>0pt \hrule depth\FootRuleDepth \fi
- \kern 5pt \hbox to \textwidth{%
- \FootFont \footmark\hfil\DTK@corr@version\null}}}%
- \def\@evenfoot{\vbox{%
- \ifdim\FootRuleDepth>0pt \hrule depth\FootRuleDepth \fi
- \kern 5pt \hbox to \textwidth{%
- \null\FootFont \DTK@corr@version\hfil\footmark}}}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The default page style is plain. This has been set by the book
-% style before. If we want our changes to take effect we have to
-% reinitialize the page style.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{The Layout of the Titlepage}
-% \begin{macro}{\DieTeXnischeKomoedie}
-% This macro produces the title page. It has three arguments. The
-% first argument is the number of the volume. This value is also
-% stored in the macro \verb|\volume| for later use. The second
-% argument is the number of the year and the third argument is the
-% date when this volume is released. The date is given as month and
-% year.
-% The appearance of the cover page is determined by the macro
-% \verb|\CoverArt|. This can be redefined to get a different cover
-% page.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \AtEndOfClass{%\show\DTK@jobname
- \InputIfFileExists{\DTK@jobname.inf}{%
- \renewcommand\volume{\Volume}}{}}%
- \newcommand\DieTeXnischeKomoedie[3]{%
- \thispagestyle{empty}%
- \gdef\Volume{#1}%
- \xdef\volume{\Volume}%???
- \gdef\DTKedition{#2}%
- \gdef\DTKdate{#3}%
- \immediate\openout\@unused \jobname.inf\relax
- \immediate\write\@unused{%
- \string\gdef\string\Volume{#1}^^J%
- \string\gdef\string\DTKedition{#2}^^J%
- \string\gdef\string\DTKdate{#3}%
- }%
- \immediate\closeout\@unused
- \iffalse% RN 2005-02-20; unnoetig, da localer \jobname usw.
- \global\let\bibliography=\DTK@bibliography
- \global\let\bibliographystyle=\@gobble
- \fi
- \CoverArt{#1}{#2}{#3}%
- \newpage}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\CoverArt}
-% This macro implements the layout of the cover page of
-% DTK. It can be redefined to get a different layout.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/06}{Special effects via the packages
-% graphicx and color instead of PostScript specials.}
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/02}{Correction of the size of the number on
-% the title page for volumes after 1999.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newfont\CoverTitleFont{cmr17 scaled \magstep 5}
-\newfont\CoverNumberFont{cmr17 scaled 3583}
- \ifx\CoverTitleFont\@undefined
- \newfont\CoverTitleFont{ecrm1700 scaled \magstep 5}
- \fi
- \ifx\CoverNumberFont\@undefined
- \newfont\CoverNumberFont{ecrm1700 scaled 2986}
- \fi
- \vspace*{-34pt}\hfill
- \setbox\@tempboxa=\hbox to \textheight{\null\hfill\CoverTitleFont
- \journalname\hfill\null}%
- \@tempdimb=\ht\@tempboxa
- \advance\@tempdimb by\dp\@tempboxa
- \hbox to\@tempdimb{%
- \vbox to\wd\@tempboxa{%
- \vskip\wd\@tempboxa
- \vss\rotatebox{90}{\box\@tempboxa}}\hss} \ %
- \rule{\CoverArt@barwidth}{\textheight}
- \begin{minipage}[b]{.7\textwidth}\raggedright
- \rule{1em}{0pt}%
- \dimen2=\textwidth\advance\dimen2-1em
- \parbox{\dimen2}{\CoverArt@font
- Deutschsprachige\\
- Anwendervereinigung
- \TeX\ \eV}\\[1ex]
- \dimen3=\textwidth\advance\dimen3-\CoverArt@gap
- \hfill\rule{\dimen3}{\CoverArt@linewidth}%
- \\[-\baselineskip]\null\hspace{1em}%
- {\CoverArt@small\cover@sub{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
- \\[-\baselineskip]\rule{0pt}{.617647\textheight}%
- \CoverNumberFont
- \null\hfill
- \makebox(0,0)[br]{%
- \textcolor{CoverArt@grey}{%
- \CoverArt@strip@no #1;\hspace{1pt}%
- }}%
- \end{minipage}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{cover@sub}
-% Internal macro for typesetting the volume information on the
-% cover--front and back matter.
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/31/12}{Extracted to allow configuration for
-% "`Die \TeX nichen Kontakte"'}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- #2. Jahrgang\quad Heft #1\quad #3%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{CoverArt@grey}
-% Define the color for the number on the cover.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/06}{Color definition via color.sty}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \definecolor{CoverArt@grey}{gray}{.8}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\CoverArt@strip@no}
-% Extract the relevant part from the number of the issue.
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/02}{Correction of the macro to deal with
-% four digit numbers instead of striping two digits. This is used
-% since the year 2000.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- #1\raisebox{0.35ex}{\CoverTitleFont/}#4#5}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\CoverArt@linewidth}
-% This macro determines the thickness of the horizontal rule
-% separating the publisher from the edition information.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\CoverArt@barwidth}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\CoverArt@font}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\CoverArt@small}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\CoverArt@gap}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsubsection{Redefinitions}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \ifx\CoverTitleFont\@undefined
- \newfont\CoverTitleFont{cmr17 scaled \magstep 5}%
- \fi
- \begin{center}
- {\LARGE DANTE\\[14pt]
- \Large Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ \eV}%
- \\\rule{\textwidth}{2pt}\par\vfill
- \CoverTitleFont Die
- \\[22pt] \TeX nische
- \\[22pt] Kom{\"o}die
- \par\vfill\rule{\textwidth}{2pt}\\[4pt]\large
- Heft #1\hfill #2.\ Jahrgang\hfill #3
- \normalsize
- \end{center}\vspace*{28.5pt}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Special code for 2007 layout}
-% \changes{1.9-pre}{2005/01/15}{Class option for 2005 added. (RN)}
-% By now, the material is inserted all in one huge chunk.
-% Some parts of this material probably should be moved to other places
-% in the DTX file, where they belong.\\
-% \mbox{(HjG 2005-02-04)}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- [2007/08/28 v0.1 dtk class option (hv)]
- \ifx\CoverTitleFont\@undefined
- %\newfont\CoverTitleFont{ecrm1700 scaled \magstep 5}
- %\newfont\CoverTitleFont{lmr12 scaled 2938}
- \DeclareFixedFont\CoverTitleFont{\encodingdefault}{\rmdefault}{m}{n}{41.26}%
- \fi
- \ifx\CoverNumberFont\@undefined
- %\newfont\CoverNumberFont{ecrm1700 scaled 2986}
- \DeclareFixedFont\CoverNumberFont{\encodingdefault}{\rmdefault}{m}{n}{51.66}%
- \fi
- \vspace*{-34pt}\hfill
- \setbox\@tempboxa=\hbox to \textheight{\null\hfill\CoverTitleFont
- Die \journalname\hfill\null}%
- \@tempdimb=\ht\@tempboxa
- \advance\@tempdimb by\dp\@tempboxa
- \hbox to\@tempdimb{%
- \vbox to\wd\@tempboxa{%
- \vskip\wd\@tempboxa
- \vss\rotatebox{90}{\box\@tempboxa}}\hss} \
- \rule{\CoverArt@barwidth}{\textheight}
- \begin{minipage}[b]{.7\textwidth}\raggedright
- \rule{1em}{0pt}%
- \dimen2=\textwidth\advance\dimen2-1em
- \parbox{\dimen2}{\CoverArt@font
- {\Huge\DANTE}\\
- Deutschsprachige\\
- Anwendervereinigung
- \TeX\ \eV}\\[1ex]
- \dimen3=\textwidth\advance\dimen3-\CoverArt@gap
- \hfill\rule{\dimen3}{\CoverArt@linewidth}%
- \\[-\baselineskip]\null\hspace{1em}%
- {\CoverArt@small\cover@sub{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
- \\[-\baselineskip]\rule{0pt}{.617647\textheight}%
- \CoverNumberFont
- \null\hfill
- \makebox(0,0)[br]{%
- \textcolor{CoverArt@grey}{%
- \CoverArt@strip@no #1;\hspace{1pt}%
- }}% Warum verwendet `\CoverArt@strip@no' \CoverTitleFont? RN
- \end{minipage}%
- \leavevmode\bgroup %
- \def\lst@boxpos{b}%
- \lsthk@PreSet\lstset{flexiblecolumns,basicstyle=\mdseries\ttfamily\normalsize,backgroundcolor={},
- breaklines=false,keywordstyle=\mdseries\ttfamily\normalsize}%
- \lsthk@TextStyle
- \@ifnextchar\bgroup{\afterassignment\lst@InlineG \let\@let@token}%
- \lstinline@}
- \href{}{\nolinkurl{CTAN:#1}}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{List of Addresses}
-% Addresses can be given anywhere throughout the whole
-% document. The address together with the page where it has been
-% given is stored in the index.
-% The list of addresses is handled by the index mechanism of
-% \LaTeX. I (safely) assume that nobody has the desire to make an
-% index for a journal.
-% \begin{macro}{\address}
-% The address macro takes three arguments. The first argument is the
-% first name the second is the last name and the third is the
-% address where several lines can be included which are separated
-% by \verb|\\|.
-% The macro can be e.g. as follows:\\
-% \verb|\address{Gerd}{Neugebauer}%|\\
-% \verb| {Mainzer Str. 8\\56321 Rhens}|
-% The address is given to \verb|\index| to be stored in the .idx
-% file. This file is sorted and reformatted to produce the sorted
-% list of addresses.
-% The problem was to get the correct (German) ordering. For this
-% purpose the \TeX{} macros which are (normally) part of a name
-% have to be expanded properly. Unfortunately plain expansion may
-% leave braces which confuse makeindex. To get rid of these braces
-% we have to scan the tokens and transfer those tokens that are not
-% braces.
-% We use one big assumption. We assume that a name does not contain
-% a dollar sign. Well, it is rather unusual that mathematics is
-% part of a name.
-% The better solution would be a future version of makeindex which
-% is able to cope with those problems (wait and pray:-)
-% \changes{1.5}{2001/06/05}{Some magic for doublequote}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \begingroup
- \def\"##1{\@ifundefined{detex@@##1}{##1}%
- {\csname detex@@##1\endcsname}}%
- \ifcat a\noexpand"\else\let"=\"\fi
- \def\ss{ss}%
- \let\'=\relax
- \let\`=\relax
- \let\^=\relax
- \let\.=\relax
- \let\==\relax
- \let\d=\relax
- \let\b=\relax
- \let\c=\relax
- \let\v=\relax
- \let\H=\relax
- \let\t=\relax
- \let\u=\relax
- \let\~=\relax
- \def\o{o}%
- \def\O{O}%
- \def\aa{aa}%
- \def\AA{Aa}%
- \def\l{l}%
- \def\L{L}%
- \def\ae{ae}%
- \def\AE{Ae}%
- \def\oe{oe}%
- \def\OE{Oe}%
- \def\TeX{TeX}%
- \def\LaTeX{LaTeX}%
- \def\LaTeXe{LaTeX2e}%
- \let\null=\relax
- \xdef\@ddress{#2, #1}%
- \endgroup
- \begingroup
- \def\\{\string\\}%
- \ifcat a\noexpand"\else\def\"{\string"}\fi
- \def"{\string"}%
- \def\null{}%
- \expandafter\@strip\@ddress$%$
- \iffalse% RN 2005-01-15
- \index{\STRIP@*#1 #2!#3}%
- \else
- \glossary{\STRIP@*#1 #2!#3}%
- \fi
- \endgroup
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% For the removing of \TeX\ macros in addresses we need some
-% definitions to perform the mapping.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \futurelet\strip@CHAR\strip@II}
- \ifx\strip@CHAR\strip@end
- \let\strip@next=\relax
- \else\ifx\strip@CHAR\strip@grp
- \strip@I #1$%$
- \let\strip@next=\strip@I
- \else\ifcat\strip@CHAR A
- \xdef\STRIP@{\STRIP@#1}%
- \else\ifcat\strip@CHAR.
- \xdef\STRIP@{\STRIP@#1}%
- \else\ifcat\strip@CHAR\space
- \xdef\STRIP@{\STRIP@ #1}%
- \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
- \strip@next}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{environment}{theaddresses}
-% The addresses are collected in an environment Addresses. This
-% environment is used to customize the layout of this list.
-% \changes{1.5}{2001/04/08}{raggedright added.}
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/03}{boxing of address items and raggedbottom added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \chapter{\addressname}\Label{addresses}
- \begingroup
- \columnsep=10pt
- \addresssize
- \def\addressitem##1##2##3{%
- \par
- \parbox{\columnwidth}{
- \textbf{##1}\hfill[\ignorespaces ##3]%
- \\ ##2}}
- \begin{multicols}{2}%
- \raggedbottom
- \raggedright
- \end{multicols}%
- \endgroup
- }
-\newcommand\addresssize{\footnotesize\parskip=6pt plus 2pt minus 3pt}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% For older issues another definition has been used.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{environment}
-% \begin{macro}{\listofaddresses}
-% This macro reads the index file which is assumed to contain the
-% properly formatted list of authors. If this file does not exist
-% then a warning is printed.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \newcommand\listofaddresses{%
- \typeout{*** listofaddresses not supported in articles.}}
- \let\makeaddresses\relax% RN 2005-01-15
- \iffalse% RN 2005-01-15
- \newcommand\listofaddresses{%
- \InputIfFileExists{\jobname.ind}{}{%
- \typeout{No file \jobname.ind.}%
- \typeout{Use the following command to create it:\space\space
- makeindex -s \jobname}%
- \typeout{\space}}%
- }
- \else
- \newcommand\listofaddresses{%
- \InputIfFileExists{\jobname.gls}{}{%
- \typeout{No file \jobname.gls.}%
- \typeout{Use the following command to create it:^^J%
- \@spaces makeindex -s -o \jobname.gls \jobname.glo}%
- \typeout{\space}}%
- }
- \let\makeaddresses\makeglossary
- \fi
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{The Table of Contents}
-% \begin{macro}{\tableofcontents}
-% The table of contents should appear as a page of it's own. It
-% should have an appropriate headline if it is long
-% enough. Otherwise the first page has no headline and no page
-% number.
-% \begin{macro}{\tableofcontents}
-% This macro produces the table of contents. It is not availlable
-% for single articles
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \renewcommand\tableofcontents{%
- \typeout{*** tabelofcontents not supported in articles.}}
- \renewcommand\tableofcontents{%
- \clearpage
- \thispagestyle{empty}%
- \markboth{\contentsname}{\contentsname}%
- \ContentsArt
- \begingroup
- \parskip=\ContentsParSkip
- \let\\=\relax
- \TOC@configure
- \@starttoc{toc}
- \endgroup
- }
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\TOC@configure}
-% This macro can be used to redefine properties of the table of
-% contents.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\ContentsArt}
-% This macro is used to typeset the head of the table of contents.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \vspace*{-\headheight}\vspace*{-\headsep}\vspace*{-2pt}
- \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
- \Huge \journalname\\[2pt]%
- \rule{\textwidth}{2pt}\\[2pt]%
- \null\hfill
- \CoverArt@small
- \cover@sub{\volume}{\DTKedition}{\DTKdate}
- \end{minipage}\vspace{16pt minus 8pt}\par
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \renewcommand\ContentsArt{\part@nosubtitle{\contentsname}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- {<5><6><7><8><9><10><10.95><12>
- <14.4><17.28><20.74><24.88> ecrb10
- }{}
- {<5><6><7><8><9><10><10.95><12>
- <14.4><17.28><20.74><24.88> cmbdx10
- }{}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The lines contained in the table of contents are determined by
-% the counter \verb|tocdepth|. The counter defines a level above
-% which the lines are suppressed in the table of contents.
-% We are only interested in chapters and parts. Chapters have level
-% 0 and parts have level -1. Thus we set \verb|tocdepth| to 0.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The layout of the lines in the table of contents is determined by
-% the macros \verb|\l@|{\em type}. Some of them are redefined next.
-% \begin{macro}{\l@part}
-% This macro determines the layout of the line in the table of
-% contents for parts. It simply imitates the layout of chapters
-% without additional space.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/12}{Definition modified.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \addpenalty{-\@highpenalty}%
- \addvspace{0.5em plus 0pt}% space above part line
- \@tempdima 1.5em
- \begingroup
- \bf
- \advance\leftskip\@tempdima
- \hskip -\leftskip
- #1\par
- \penalty\@highpenalty
- \endgroup
- \addvspace{0.2em}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% For older issues another definition has been used.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \addpenalty{-\@highpenalty}%
- \addvspace{0.5em plus 0pt}% space above part line
- \@tempdima 1.5em
- \begingroup
- \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
- \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
- \bf
- \leavevmode
- \advance\leftskip\@tempdima
- \hskip -\leftskip
- #1\nobreak\hfil \nobreak\hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
- \penalty\@highpenalty
- \endgroup}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\l@chapter}
-% This macro determines the layout of the line in the table of
-% contents for chapters. It simply imitates the layout of
-% sections.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/12}{Definition modified.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \begingroup
- \vskip \z@ \@plus.2\p@
- \@afterindenttrue
- \interlinepenalty\@M
- \@tempdima 1.5em\relax % number width
- \@tempdimb 2.5em\relax % indent
- \advance\leftskip \@tempdimb
- \advance\rightskip \@tempdimb
-% \advance\leftskip \@tempdima
- \noindent\hskip -\leftskip
-% \hbox to\@tempdimb{\hbox to\@tempdima{\hss #2}\hss}%
- \hbox to\@tempdimb{#2\hss}%
- #1\par
- \endgroup}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% For older issues another definition has been used.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% For backward compatibility modes we have defined class options.
-% If an old layout is requested via a class option then we have to
-% load now the appropriate class option file.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\iffalse% RN 2005-01-15
-\@ifundefined{DTK@layout}{}{\input dtk\DTK@layout.clo}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% ??? New stuff !!!
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% RN 2005-01-15
-% Reicht eigentlich nicht; die Fonts selbst müssen auch
-% vorhanden sein...
- \RequirePackage{eurosans}
-% ==>
-% ==>
-% (unzip eurofont.exe...)
-% RN 2005-02-12
- %%%\AtBeginDocument{\let\texteuro\euro}
- \AtBeginDocument{%
- \DeclareTextCommandDefault{\texteuro}{\euro}}% ???
- % Das kann jeder.
- \let\DTK@texteuro\texteuro
- \AtBeginDocument{%
- \renewcommand*\texteuro{\textsf{\DTK@texteuro}}}
-% From: `graphics.cfg'
-% Send papersize information to the output driver
- \chardef\x=0 %
- % check pdfTeX
- \@ifundefined{pdfoutput}{}{%
- \ifcase\pdfoutput
- \else
- \chardef\x=1 %
- \fi
- }%
- % check VTeX
- \@ifundefined{OpMode}{}{%
- \chardef\x=2 %
- }%
- % default case
- \AtBeginDvi{\special{papersize=\the\paperwidth,\the\paperheight}}%
- % pdfTeX is running in pdf mode
- \pdfpagewidth\paperwidth\pdfpageheight\paperheight
- % VTeX is running
- \mediawidth\paperwidth\mediaheight\paperheight
-% RN 2005-01-15
-% Solange die lmodern-Schreibmaschinenschrift fehlerhaft ist
-% (nicht "monospaced"), nehmen wird das EC-Äquivalent. RN
- \begingroup% vielleicht noch intelligenter...
- \ttfamily
- \@tempdima\fontdimen3\font
- \advance\@tempdima\fontdimen4\font
- \ifdim\@tempdima>\z@
- \edef\@tempa{\ttdefault}\gdef\ttdefault{cmtt}%
- \ClassWarning{dtk}{%
- Font `\@tempa' is bad, changed to '\ttdefault'}%
- \fi
- \endgroup
-% RN 2005-01-22
-% RN 2005-01-22
-% Muss evtl. noch verbessert werden?
- {\begin{multicols}{2}[\section{\indexname}\vspace{-.5\baselineskip}]%
- \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
- \columnseprule \z@
- \columnsep=10pt
- \raggedbottom\raggedright
- \let\item\@idxitem}
- {\end{multicols}}
-\renewcommand\@idxitem{\par\hangindent 40\p@}
-\renewcommand\subitem{\@idxitem \hspace*{20\p@}}
-\renewcommand\subsubitem{\@idxitem \hspace*{30\p@}}
-%\renewcommand\indexspace{\par \vskip 10\p@ \@plus5\p@ \@minus3\p@\relax}
-\renewcommand\indexspace{\par \vskip 6\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus1\p@\relax}
-% 2005-02-11
- \g@addto@macro\DTK@embedded@documentclasshook}
-%%% \filename@parse{\protect#1}\edef\DTK@local@jobname{\filename@base}%???
-% \filename@parse{\DTK@local@jobname}%
-% \edef\DTK@local@jobname{\filename@base}%
- \edef\jobname{\DTK@local@jobname}%
- \g@addto@macro\DTK@embedded@begindocumenthook}
- \g@addto@macro\DTK@embedded@enddocumenthook}
-% RN 2005-01-22
- \edef\DTK@jobname{komoedie}
- \edef\DTK@jobname{\jobname}
-% Wie `\input', lädt aber auch komplette Dokumente. RN
- \begingroup
-% RN/HjG 2005-03-23
- \filename@parse{#1}%
- \edef\DTK@local@jobname{\filename@base}%
- \@ifundefined{filename@ext}%
- {\IfFileExists{\DTK@local@jobname.ltx}%
- {\edef\DTK@local@inputname{\DTK@local@jobname.ltx}}%
- {\edef\DTK@local@inputname{\DTK@local@jobname.tex}}%
- }%
- {\edef\DTK@local@inputname{#1}}%
- \renewcommand*\documentclass[2][]{%
- %%\edef\jobname{\DTK@local@jobname}%
- %%%\let\DTK@PSforPDF\PSforPDF
- %\renewcommand\PSforPDF[2][]{}%
- %%%\let\PSforPDF\@gobble
- \DTK@embedded@documentclasshook
- \DTK@eat@version}%
- \renewcommand*\usepackage[2][]{%
- \@ifnextchar[%]
- {\DTK@usepackage{##1}{##2}}%
- {\DTK@usepackage{##1}{##2}[]}%
- }%
- \def\DTK@usepackage##1##2[##3]{%
- \edef\@tempb{\zap@space##2 \@empty}%
- \@for\@tempa:=\@tempb\do{\def\@tempb{inputenc}%
- \ifx\@tempa\@tempb
- \edef\@tempa{##1}%
- \ifx\@tempa\@empty\else\inputencoding{##1}\fi
- \else
- \ifx\@tempa\@empty\else\NeedPackage{\@tempa}%
- \RecordPackage{##1}\@tempa{##3}\DTK@local@inputname
- \fi
- \fi}}%
- \let\pagestyle\@gobble
- \let\thispagestyle\@gobble
- \let\nocite\@gobble
- \let\listfiles\relax
- \let\nofiles\relax
- \renewcommand*\AtBeginDocument[1]{%
- \typeout{\string\AtBeginDocument\space ignored!}}
- \renewcommand*\AtEndDocument[1]{%
- \typeout{\string\AtEndDocument\space ignored!}}
- \renewenvironment*{document}%
- %%%{\let\PSforPDF\DTK@PSforPDF}%
- %%%{\endinput}%
- {\DTK@embedded@begindocumenthook}%
- {\DTK@embedded@enddocumenthook}%
-% RN 2005-02-19, now moved!
-% \filename@parse{#1}%
-% \@ifundefined{filename@ext}%
-% {\InputIfFileExists{#1.ltx}{}{\input{#1}}}{\input{#1}}%
- \input{\DTK@local@inputname}%
-% end
- \endgroup
- %%%\edef\DTK@jobname{\jobname}%
- %%%\edef\PfP@container{\DTK@jobname-pics.pdf}%
- \ifDTK@Author@\else
- \listfiles
- \InputIfFileExists{userpackages.tex}%
- {\typeout{*************************************^^J%
- * File `userpackages.tex' used.^^J%
- *************************************}%
- \newcommand*\RecordPackage[4]{}%
- % warum gibt es kein \@gobblethree? ist jetzt egal!
- }%
- {%
- \immediate\openout\User@Packages userpackages.tex\relax
- \begingroup \catcode`\~=\active \let~=\space
- \immediate\write\User@Packages{%
- \@percentchar\space userpackages.tex^^J%
- \@percentchar\space generated by `\jobname'^^J%
- \@percentchar\space \DTK@today}%
- \endgroup
- \AtEndDocument{%
- \immediate\closeout\User@Packages\relax}%
- \newcommand*\RecordPackage[4]{%
- \immediate\write\User@Packages{%
- \string\usepackage[##1]{##2}[##3] %
- \@percentchar\space From file: ##4}}%
- }%
- \fi
- % RN 2005-03-21
- \@ifpackageloaded{lineno}{%
- \ifDTK@Draft@\else
- \nolinenumbers
- \fi
- }{}
-% RN 2005-01-22
-\def\indexname{Stichwortverzeichnis}% Besser woanders?
-% RN 2005-01-23
- \InputIfFileExists{\DTK@jobname.ind}{}{%
- \typeout{No file \DTK@jobname.ind.}%
- \typeout{Use the following command to create it:^^J%
- \@spaces makeindex -s -o \DTK@jobname.ind \DTK@jobname.idx}%
- \typeout{\space}}%
-% RN 2005-01-22
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Now the class is complete.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \section{The Package dtklogos}
-% This section contains some useful abbreviations. They are mainly
-% some kind of logos.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/27}{Logos moved to a separate package.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\ProvidesPackage{dtklogos}[\filedate\space\fileversion\space gene]
-% \end{macrocode}
-% First we have to determine which kind of \LaTeX{} is running. We use
-% the existence of the macro \verb|\documentclass| to see if we have a
-% \LaTeXe. This macro should not be defined in \LaTeX\,2.09.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The following hack is from Bernd Raichle.
-% For \LaTeX\,2.09 (with or without NFSS) we need something like
-% the \verb|\smaller| from the obsolete ``smaller.sty'' to emulate
-% SmallCaps for (nearly) all types of fonts. For SmallCaps it is
-% required to reduce further than for \verb|\smaller|. Thus we make
-% a new definition for \verb|\logo@smaller| which is oriented at
-% the ``math sizes'' (here: \verb|\scriptfont<fam>|) which is
-% defined in \LaTeXe.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\expandafter\ifx\csname selectfont\endcsname\relax
-% \end{macrocode}
-% For OFSS a hack is needed to switch back to Family/Series/Shape.
-% For this purpose we ``abuse'' the ``math group/fam'' which is
-% changed similar to the macros from the file ``lfonts.tex''.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \newcommand{\logo@sm@ller}{\relax
- \expandafter\logo@sm@ll@r\expandafter{\the\fam}}
- \newcommand{\logo@sm@ll@r}[1]{%
- % \ifx\@currsize\tiny \tiny\fi
- \ifx\@currsize\scriptsize \tiny\fi
- \ifx\@currsize\footnotesize \tiny\fi
- \ifx\@currsize\small \scriptsize\fi
- \ifx\@currsize\normalsize \scriptsize\fi
- \ifx\@currsize\large \footnotesize\fi
- \ifx\@currsize\Large \normalsize\fi
- \ifx\@currsize\LARGE \large\fi
- \ifx\@currsize\huge \Large\fi
- \ifx\@currsize\Huge \huge\fi
- \ifcase#1\relax\rm\or\mit\or\cal\or\tenex % not sure about the tenex
- \or\it\or\sl\or\bf\or\tt\or\sf\or\sc\or\ly\fi}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% With NFSS (for \LaTeX\,2.09) we can change the size indepenently
-% from the other font properties. Thus things are easier.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \newcommand{\logo@sm@ller}{%
- \relax\@nomath\logo@smaller
- \ifx\f@size\@vpt \else
- \ifx\f@size\@vipt \fontsize\@vpt{6pt}\fi
- \ifx\f@size\@viipt \fontsize\@vpt{6pt}\fi
- \ifx\f@size\@viiipt \fontsize\@vipt{7pt}\fi
- \ifx\f@size\@ixpt \fontsize\@vipt{7pt}\fi
- \ifx\f@size\@xpt \fontsize\@viipt{8pt}\fi
- \ifx\f@size\@xipt \fontsize\@viiipt{9.5pt}\fi
- \ifx\f@size\@xiipt \fontsize\@viiipt{9.5pt}\fi
- \ifx\f@size\@xivpt \fontsize\@xpt{12pt}\fi
- \ifx\f@size\@xviipt \fontsize\@xiipt{14pt}\fi
- \ifx\f@size\@xxpt \fontsize\@xivpt{18pt}\fi
- \ifx\f@size\@xxvpt \fontsize\@xxpt{25pt}\fi
- \selectfont
- \fi}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The first versions of NFSS have used the macro name \verb|\size|
-% instead of \verb|\fontsize|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \@ifundefined{fontsize}{\let\fontsize=\size}{}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Macros from texnames.sty}
-% The following macros are taken from the file {\tt texnames.sty}
-% version \verb|1.09| from \verb|<16 March 1993>| by Nelson
-% H.\,F.~Beebe. I have simply included the definitions here to avoid
-% additional files to be distributed with dtk.dtx. The original
-% documentation has been wrapped into the doc format. And here it goes:
-% In the following, we first give the ``official'' definition,
-% then follow it with spelling variants. Alternate definitions
-% are discarded in favor of the official one. Each family is
-% separated by a line like the following one.
-% \begin{macro}{\TeX}
-% Only change from plain.tex is the \verb|\spacefactor| assignment
-% (suggested by Phil Taylor), so that \TeX\ at the end of a
-% sentence isn't treated as an abbreviation.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \spacefactor1000 }
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\AmS}
-% From the AMS tex/ams/amslatex/fontsel/nfssinst.tex file:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \(\cal A\)\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox
- {\(\cal M\)}\kern-.125em{\(\cal S\)}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\XeTeX}
-% The new TeX\ program
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\AmSLaTeX}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\AmSTeX}
-% Mike Spivak's amstex/amstex.tex 1.1d [26-Aug-1988] has\\
-% \verb|\def\AmSTeX{{\textfontii A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox|\\
-% \verb| {\textfontii M}\kern-.125em{\textfontii S}-\TeX}|\\
-% and 2.1 [05-Apr-1991] has an equivalent definition.
-% AmSTeX's \verb|\textfontii| is exactly the same as \verb|\cal|, which
-% all \TeX variants understand.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- $\cal A$\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}%
- \kern-.125em$\cal S$-\TeX}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\AMSTEX}
-% Leslie Lamport's latex/tmanual.tex [10-Jul-1984] (an early
-% draft of the book) defines it in uppercase with the standard
-% definition.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\AMSTEX}
-% Barbara Beeton's latex/deproc.sty [24-Apr-1986] and inputs/tugbot.sty
-% [11-Jan-1988] uses this spelling, but the definition\\
-% \verb|\leavevmode\hbox{$\cal A\kern-.2em\lower.376ex \hbox{$\cal|\\
-% \verb|M$}\kern-.2em\cal S$-\TeX}|
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\BibTeX}
-% The definitions of \verb|\BibTeX| and \verb|\SLiTeX| in Leslie Lamport's
-% latex/local.tex lower the E by 0.7ex, while \TeX in plain.tex lowers
-% it by 0.5ex. Oren Patashnik's bibtex/btxdoc.tex and bibtex/btxhak.tex
-% [08-Feb-1988] and bibtex/bibtex.web 0.99c [xx-Feb-1988] use this same
-% name and definition, but Oren said using \TeX here is ok. (Curiously,
-% \LaTeX itself does not define macros for any \TeX ware except \LaTeX and
-% \TeX!)
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \newcommand{\BibTeX}{\protect\pBibTeX}
- \newcommand{\pBibTeX}{B\kern-.05em%
- \hbox{\logo@smaller I\kern-.025emB}\kern-.08em%
- \-\TeX}
- \DeclareRobustCommand{\BibTeX}{B\kern-.05em%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The following hack comes from the definition of the macro \LaTeX\
-% cf.~file ``ltlogos.dtx'' from the \LaTeXe\ distribution. der
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \hbox{$\m@th$% %% force math size calculations
- \csname S@\f@size\endcsname
- \fontsize\sf@size\z@
- \math@fontsfalse\selectfont
- I\kern-.025emB}%
- \kern-.08em%
- \-\TeX}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\BIBTeX}
-% Leslie Lamport uses this spelling in latex.tex, but not as a
-% macro. We include it for consistency with AMSTeX.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\BIBTEX}
-% Leslie Lamport's latex/slides.tex [05-Jun-1984],
-% latex/tmanual.tex [10-Jul-1984] (an early draft of the book),
-% and latex/lerrata.tex [23-Jul-1985] have this spelling, but the
-% definition \verb|BIB\kern-.1em\TeX|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\LAMSTeX}
-% From 1.08 [24-Oct-1990].
-% \begin{macrocode}
- L\raise.42ex\hbox{\kern-.3em\the\scriptfont2 A}%
- \kern-.2em\lower.376ex\hbox{\the\textfont2 M}%
- \kern-.125em {\the\textfont2 S}-\TeX}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\LamSTeX}
-% This is just a variant of the macro above.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\LAmSTeX}
-% This variant seems likely to appear:
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\LaTeX}
-% The definition from latex.tex (\LaTeX{} VERSION 2.09 $<$14 January
-% 1991$>$) and bibtex.web 0.99c [xx-Feb-1988] lowers the E slightly
-% more than \TeX, but consistency seems more desirable. See
-% comments at \BibTeX. Different definitions are given by
-% latex/deproc.sty [24-Apr-1986], amstex/man.sty [15-Dec-1986]
-% inputs/tugbot.sty [11-Jan-1988], and latex/ 1.08
-% [24-Oct-1990].
-% \begin{macrocode}
- L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sc a}\kern-.15em\TeX}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\LATEX}
-% latex/slides.tex [05-Jun-1984] and latex/lerrata.tex [23-Jul-1985]
-% have this spelling, but different definitions
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\LaTeXTeX}
-% This logo is invented in \verb|dtk.cls| to denote either \TeX{} or
-% \LaTeX.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \newcommand\LaTeXTeX{(\kern-.15emL\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sc
- a}\kern-.3em)\kern-.15em\TeX}%
- \DeclareRobustCommand{\LaTeXTeX}{(\kern-.15emL\kern-.36em%
- {\sbox\z@ T%
- \vbox to\ht0{\hbox{$\m@th$%
- \csname S@\f@size\endcsname
- \fontsize\sf@size\z@
- \math@fontsfalse\selectfont
- A}%
- \vss}%
- }\kern-.2em)%
- \kern-.15em%
- \TeX}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\MF}
-% Don Knuth's mf.web 2.7 [xx-Sep-1990] and Barbara Beeton's
-% latex/deproc.sty [24-Apr-1986] use an equivalent of this definition.
-% The font is variously named \verb|\logo|, \verb|\manfnt|, and
-% \verb|\mf|. plain.tex
-% preloads \verb|\manfnt|. manfnt has the letters A, E, F, M, N, O, T in
-% various sizes plus extra symbols for Don Knuth's books Computers and
-% Typesetting, and Concrete Mathematics, while logo10 has only those
-% letters in one size. AmSTeX uses \verb|\logo| in amsppt.sty and
-% imappt.sty, so we should avoid it, and uses
-% \verb|\mf| for \verb|{\smc Metafont}|. We therefore use
-% \verb|\manfnt| here, defining it if necessary. QUESTION: should
-% we use manfnt, or logo10?
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \ifx\manfnt\@undefined
- \font\manfnt=logo10
- \fi
- \ifx\manfntsl\@undefined
- \font\manfntsl=logosl10
- \fi
- \newcommand\MF{\begingroup
- \ifdim\fontdimen1\font>0pt \let\manfnt=\manfntsl \fi
- {\manfnt META}\-{\manfnt FONT}\endgroup\spacefactor1000 }%
- \newcommand\MP{\begingroup
- \ifdim\fontdimen1\font>0pt \let\manfnt=\manfntsl \fi
- {\manfnt META}\-{\manfnt POST}\endgroup\spacefactor1000 }%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The following improved definitions are taken from mflogo by Ulrik
-% Vieth.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \DeclareFontFamily{U}{logo}{}
- \DeclareFontShape{U}{logo}{m}{n}{
- <8> <9> gen * logo
- <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> logo10
- }{}
- \DeclareFontShape{U}{logo}{m}{it}{
- <8> <9> gen * logosl
- <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> logosl10
- }{}
- \DeclareFontShape{U}{logo}{m}{sl}{
- <-> ssub * logo/m/it
- }{}
- \DeclareFontShape{U}{logo}{sbc}{n}{
- <8> <9> sub * logo/m/n
- <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> logobf10
- }{}
- \DeclareFontShape{U}{logo}{b}{n}{
- <8> <9> sub * logo/m/n
- <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> logod10
- }{}
- \DeclareFontShape{U}{logo}{bx}{n}{
- <-> ssub * logo/b/n
- }{}
- \DeclareRobustCommand\logofamily{%
- \not@math@alphabet\logofamily\relax
- \fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{logo}\selectfont}
- \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textlogo}{\logofamily}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/06}{Hyphenation of meta-font and meta-post only.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \newcommand\MF{\mbox{\textlogo{META}}\-\mbox{\textlogo{FONT}}\@}
- \newcommand\MP{\mbox{\textlogo{META}}\-\mbox{\textlogo{POST}}\@}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\METAFONT}
-% I cannot find any ``official'' uses of this alternate, but it
-% seems likely that people will use it.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\METAPOST}
-% In analogy to \verb|METAFONT|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\SLITEX}
-% Leslie Lamport's latex/slides.tex [05-Jun-1984]. His
-% latex/lerrata.tex [23-Jul-1985] and latex/tmanual.tex
-% [10-Jul-1984] (an early draft of the book) define it as
-% SLI\TeX! The \LaTeX\ User's Guide and Reference Manual (1986)
-% appears to use small caps, and possibly kerning, for Sli.
-% I need to ask Leslie to suggest a preferred definition.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- S\kern-.065em L\kern-.18em\raise.32ex\hbox{i}%
- \kern-.03em\TeX}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\SLiTeX}
-% latex/local.tex (sample Local Guide) [27-Oct-1988] uses
-% this name, but defines it as\\
-% \verb|{\rm S\kern-.06em{\sc l\kern-.035emi}\kern-.06em T\kern|\\
-% \verb| -.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}|\\
-% with an extra-low E, and kerned Sli in small caps. Is this
-% what the \LaTeX\ User's Guide and Reference Manual (1986) used?
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\SliTeX}
-% latex/slitex.tex [08-Jun-1988] uses SliTeX in typeouts,
-% but not as a macro -- what a way to confuse the user.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\SLITeX}
-% I cannot find a use of this one, but it seems a likely
-% candidate anyway, and is consistent with AMSTeX and BIBTeX.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{Additional Macros}
-% Some additional logos showed up during the years they are
-% collected in this section.
-% \begin{macro}{\NTS}
-% This one comes from a communication with Bernd Raichle.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \(\cal N\mkern -4mu\lower .5ex\hbox{$\cal T$}\mkern -2mu S\)}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\MakeIndex}
-% This one comes from a communication with Bernd Raichle based on
-% makeindex.tex -- released 17 February 1987 by Leslie Lamport.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\emTeX}
-% \changes{1.3}{1997/02/03}{logo added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\PublicTeX}
-% \changes{1.3}{1997/02/03}{logo added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\TeXXeT}
-% This one comes from the sources of web2c.
-% \changes{1.2}{1996/12/15}{logo added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \TeX--X\kern-.125em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.1667emT}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\TeXeT}
-% This one comes from the sources of web2c.
-% \changes{1.2}{1996/12/15}{logo added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \TeX-X\kern-.125em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.1667emT}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\WinEdt}
-% This one comes from Volker RW Schaa.
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/02}{logos added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\WinEdtKK}
-% This one comes from Volker RW Schaa.
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/02}{logos added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\LyX}
-% This one comes from an article by Laura E. Jackson and Herbert Vo\ss.
-% \changes{1.7}{2001/11/02}{logo added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\exTeX}
-% This one comes from the \exTeX\ team
-% \changes{1.9}{2003/11/03}{logo added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \textrm{% das Logo grundsätzlich serifenbehaftet
- \ensuremath{\textstyle\varepsilon_{\kern-0.15em\mathcal{X}}}%
- \kern-.15em\TeX
- }%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{Additional Macros for Acronyms}
-% The following macros are maily form the predecessor style
-% file. Some new ones have been added.
-% \begin{macro}{\eV}
-% The abbreviation for e.V\kern-.18em.\ is defined in
-% this macro. The kerning of the letters is corrected manually.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \providecommand\eV{e.V\kern-.18em\@ifnextchar.{}{.}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Disclaimer: I have not invented this macro. It has been defined
-% this way in the predecessor style.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \renewcommand\eV{e.\kern-.18emV\kern-.18em\@ifnextchar.{}{.}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\dante}
-% The ``official logo'' for DANTE e.V\kern-.18em.\ is defined.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\providecommand\dante{DANTE \eV}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\Dante}
-% The long name of DANTE.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX~\eV}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\DTK}
-% The long name of this booklet, eh journal.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\providecommand\DTK{Die \TeX\-ni\-sche Ko\-m{\"o}\-die}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\LaTeXe}
-% If \verb|\LaTeXe| is not defined then define it. Since this macro
-% is so essential we just want to be sure that it exists.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \LaTeX{}\kern.05em2$_{\textstyle\varepsilon}$}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\PS}
-% We define the logo for Post\-Script.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\PiC}
-% For some reason this is not defined in texnames.sty. Since it has
-% been in the predecessor of this style it is also defined here.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\PiCTeX}
-% Now the previous macro is combined with \TeX.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\TUG}
-% The \TeX{} Users Group.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\providecommand\TUG{\TeX{} Users Group}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\TUGboat}
-% The communications of the \TeX{} Users Group.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\TUB}
-% The communications of the \TeX{} Users Group.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\TTN}
-% The communications of the \TeX{} Users Group
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\providecommand\TTN{\textsl{\TeX{} and TUG NEWS}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\NFSS}
-% The New Font Selection Scheme.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\NTS}
-% I don't know where this one comes from.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/06}{NTS logo added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \hbox{$\cal N\kern-0.35em\lower0.5ex\hbox{$\cal T$}\kern-0.2emS$}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\eTeX}
-% I don't know where this one comes from.
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/06}{eTeX logo added.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\ExTeX}
-% ^^A das Logo grundsätzlich serifenbehaftet
-% This logo will generally sport serifs.
-% \changes{1.9-pre}{2005/01/15}{ExTeX logo added. (RN)}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\providecommand*{\ExTeX}{% RN 2005-01-15
- \textrm{% das Logo grundsätzlich serifenbehaftet
- \ensuremath{\textstyle\varepsilon_{\kern-0.15em\mathcal{X}}}%
- \kern-.15em\TeX
- }%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\DANTE}
-% The ``official logo'' for DANTE is defined, using special fonts.
-% \changes{1.9-pre}{2005/01/15}{DANTE logo with special fonts added. (RN)}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\IfFileExists{ot1dante.fd}% RN 2005-01-15
- \providecommand*\DANTE[1][]{%
- \begingroup
- \usefont{OT1}{dante}{m}{n}\selectfont DANTE%
- \endgroup
- }
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\ConTeXt}
-% \begin{macro}{\conTeXt}
-% This one has been missing for a long time!
-% \changes{1.9-pre}{2005/01/17}{ConTeXt logos added. (RN)}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\providecommand*\ConTeXt{Con\TeX t}
-\providecommand*\conTeXt{con\TeX t}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\Than}
-% Makes life easier \ldots
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\providecommand\Thanh{H\`an Th\^e\protect\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{\relax}}} Th\`anh}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\MiKTeX}
-% \begin{macro}{\MikTeX}
-% Yet another logo \dots
-% \changes{1.9-pre}{2005/01/17}{MiKTeX logo added. (RN)}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-%^^A ??? 2005-02-11
-% \section{The Package dtk-pdf for PDF Reprints}
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/12}{Packet dtk-pdf integrated.}
-% The following section contains the package which is used to
-% produce the PDF files for the WWW.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% A lot of packages are required to get things right.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\ProvidesPackage{dtk-pdf}[\filedate\space\fileversion\space gene]
-% \end{macrocode}
-% A lot of packages are required to get things right.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Configure the \verb|hyperref| package appropriately.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Slightly adjust the page on the paper.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\Volume}
-% This macro contains the number of the volume in which the current
-% article has been published.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\Pages}
-% This macro contains the numbers of the pages on which the
-% curtrent article has been published originally.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\volume}
-% This macro is redefined to show appropriate information.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\renewcommand\volume{\Volume\ -- Nachdruck}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\titlemark}
-% This macro is used in some old articles. Nowadays it simply has
-% to eat up one following argument.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcount\AdNo \AdNo=0
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\Address}
-% This macro is used to typeset all adresses.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \begin{multicols}2 \count255=0\relax
- \loop\csname Address\the\count255\endcsname\advance\count255 1
- \ifnum\count255<\AdNo \repeat
- \end{multicols}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \expandafter\gdef\csname Address\the\AdNo\endcsname
- {\par\parbox{.45\textwidth}{\footnotesize\raggedright
- #1 #2 \\#3}}\advance\AdNo1\relax}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Store the address of DANTE as first address in the list.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \href{}{Postfach 10\,18\,40\\
- 69008 Heidelberg\\
- \texttt{}}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\m@ketitle}
-% Save the meaning of \verb|\maketitle| to extend it.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\maketitle}
-% The macro is redefined to typeset the head of the single article.
-% Th information for the author and the title are stored in the PDF
-% information fields aswell. This may lead to problems if they
-% contain certain macros.
-% \changes{1.5}{2001/10/21}{Mapping of certain macros}
-% \changes{1.8}{2003/06/22}{Making thanks void when processing the
-% head of a reprint}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \thispagestyle{empty}%
- \newlength{\l@@x}\settowidth{\l@@x}{\Large\DTK}%
- \advance\l@@x3em\quad
- \href{}{%
- \rotatebox{90}{\hspace*{1.5em}\Large\DTK}}
- \rule{.9pt}{\l@@x}\quad
- %
- \begin{minipage}[b]{.75\textwidth}\parskip=1ex
- {\raggedleft\large
- \href{}{DANTE\\
- Deutschsprachige\\
- Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V.}\medskip\par
- }%
- {\let\thanks\@gobble
- \ifx\@author\empty\else\@author: \fi
- \ifx\@title\empty\else\emph{\@title}, \fi
- }
- \DTK\ \Volume, S.\ \Pages.\medskip
- \scriptsize Reproduktion oder Nutzung dieses Beitrags durch
- konventionelle, elektronische oder beliebige andere Verfahren ist
- nur im nicht-kommerziellen Rahmen gestattet. Verwendungen in
- gr"o"serem Umfang bitte zur Information bei \dante{} melden. F\"ur
- kommerzielle Nutzung ist die Zustimmung der Autoren einzuholen.
- \DTK\ ist die Mitgliedszeitschrift von \Dante. Einzelne Hefte
- k\"onnen von Mitgliedern bei der Gesch\"aftsstelle von \Dante\
- erworben werden. Mitglieder erhalten \DTK\ im Rahmen ihrer
- Mitgliedschaft.
- \end{minipage}
- \begingroup
- \def\LaTeX{LaTeX}%
- \def\BibTeX{BibTeX}%
- \def\TeX{TeX}%
- \def\LyX{LyX}%
- \hypersetup{%
- pdftitle=\@title,
- pdfauthor=\@author,
- pdfkeywords={\DTK@keywords},
- pdfsubject={\volume},
- pdfstartview={FitBH}
- }%
- \endgroup
- \m@ketitle
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\textcentigrade}
-% This macro is defined for backward compatibility.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \verb|\guillemotleft|/\verb|\guillemotright| from the polish
-% version of the ``computer modern''.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \DeclareFontEncoding{OT4}{}{}%
- \DeclareFontEncoding{TS1}{}{}%
- \DeclareFontSubstitution{OT4}{cmr}{m}{n}%
- \DeclareTextCommand{\guillemotleft}{\encodingdefault}{%
- {\fontencoding{OT4}\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont\char174}}%
- \DeclareTextCommand{\guillemotright}{\encodingdefault}{%
- {\fontencoding{OT4}\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont\char175}}%
- \DeclareTextCommand{\guilsinglleft}{\encodingdefault}{%
- {\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont\char14}}%
- \DeclareTextCommand{\guilsinglright}{\encodingdefault}{%
- {\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont\char15}}%
- \DeclareTextCommand{\textperthousand}{\encodingdefault}{%
- {\fontencoding{TS1}\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont\char135}}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Old versions of \LaTeX\ used to define \verb|\footheight|. Some
-% articles try to redefine this length. Nowadays it is simply
-% ignored.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Now the packet is complete.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \section{The Index Style}
-% \changes{1.4}{2000/08/27}{Index file integrated into the dtx file.}
-% \changes{1.9-pre}{2005/01/15}{Addresses are now collected via
-% glossary instead of index (RN).}
-% \changes{1.9-pre}{2005/01/15}{Add keyword \cmd{\glossaryentry} (RN).}
-% The index style is used to sort the authors of the journal for
-% the list of all authors. Makeindex is used for this purpose. Here
-% we have to define the appropriate configuration file.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-actual '*'
-preamble "\\begin{theaddresses}"
-postamble "\n\\end{theaddresses}\n"
-item_0 "\n \\addressitem{"
-item_2 "}{"
-item_x1 "}{"
-item_x2 "}{"
-delim_0 "}{"
-delim_1 "}{"
-delim_2 "}{"
-delim_t "}"
-group_skip ""
-quote '$'
-keyword "\\glossaryentry"
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \section{The Index Style}
-% ???
-% \begin{macrocode}
-%% This is file `',
-%% The idea is from Ingo Kloeckl, Latex2e:
-%% Herbert Voss 000726
-%% This is a MAKEINDEX style file which should be used to
-%% generate the formatted change history for use with the doc
-%% package. The TeX commands used below are defined in
-%% doc.sty. The commands for MAKEINDEX like `level'
-%% `item_x1' are described in `` Makeindex, A General
-%% Purpose, Formatter-Independent Index Processor'' by
-%% Pehong Chen.
-headings_flag 1 % headings yes
-heading_prefix "{\\SectionFont "%
-heading_suffix "}\n" % newline
-quote '"'
-%%level '>'
- "\\begin{theindex}\n"
- "\\par\\leavevmode\\hangindent10pt\\makebox[10pt][l]{--}"
- "\\par\\leavevmode\\hangindent10pt\\makebox[10pt][l]{--}"
- "\\par\\leavevmode\\hangindent10pt\\makebox[10pt][l]{--}"
- "\\par\\leavevmode\\hangindent20pt\\makebox[20pt][l]{-- -- }"
- "\\par\\leavevmode\\hangindent20pt\\makebox[20pt][l]{-- -- }"
- "\\par\\leavevmode\\hangindent20pt\\makebox[20pt][l]{-- -- }"
-%% End of file `'.
-% \end{macrocode}
-% That's all.
-% \Finale
-% Local Variables:
-% mode: latex
-% TeX-master: t
-% End:
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/dtk/dtk.ins b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/dtk/dtk.ins
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d8b200d3b1..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/dtk/dtk.ins
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-%% Time-stamp: "dtk.ins 2007-08-28 21:43:35 hv"
-%% Driver file to extract the dtx style and class files.
-%% Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Gerd Neugebauer
-%% Copyright (C) 1997-2005 DANTE, Deutschsprachige
-%% Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V.
-%% dtk.ins is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts
-%% responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for
-%% whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless
-%% he says so in writing.
-%% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
-%% dtk.ins, provided this copyright notice is preserved and any
-%% modifications are indicated.
-%% Run this file through TeX or LaTeX to extract the files.
-%% You need the docstrip package as distributed with LaTeX2e.
-%% It is also available as seperate package from any CTAN site.
-%% $Id: dtk.ins,v 1.6 2007/08/28 20:57:17 hv Exp $
-\input docstrip.tex
-% style file still useful?
- \file{dtk.sty}{\from{dtk.dtx}{class}}
- \file{dtk.cls}{\from{dtk.dtx}{class}}
-% \file{dtk95.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{1995}}
-% \file{dtk96.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{1996}}
-% \file{dtk97.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{1997}}
-% \file{dtk98.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{1998}}
-% \file{dtk99.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{1999}}
-% \file{dtk00.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{2000}}
-% \file{dtk01.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{2001}}
-% \file{dtk02.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{2002}}
-% \file{dtk03.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{2003}}
-% \file{dtk04.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{2004}}
-% \file{dtk05.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{2005}}
-% \file{dtk06.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{2006}}
- \file{dtk07.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{2006|2007}}
-% \file{dtk08.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{2008}}
-% \file{dtk09.clo}{\from{dtk.dtx}{2009}}
- \file{dtklogos.sty}{\from{dtk.dtx}{logos}}
- \file{dtk-pdf.sty}{\from{dtk.dtx}{pdf}}
- }
-% warum ohne Prae-/Postambel?
-% Makeindex vertraegt doch % als Kommentarzeichen -- oder?
- \file{}{\from{dtk.dtx}{idx}}
- \file{}{\from{dtk.dtx}{adr}}
- }
-\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following}
-\Msg{* files into a directory searched by (La)TeX:}
-\Msg{* \space\space dtk.cls dtk.sty}
-%\Msg{* \space\space dtk95.clo dtk96.clo dtk97.clo dtk98.clo dtk99.clo}
-%\Msg{* \space\space dtk00.clo dtk01.clo dtk02.clo dtk03.clo} % dtk04.clo
-\Msg{* \space\space dtk07.clo} % dtk06.clo dtk07.clo dtk08.clo dtk09.clo
-\Msg{* \space\space dtklogos.sty dtk-pdf.sty}
-\Msg{* and the following file into a directory searched by makeindex:}
-\Msg{* \space\space}
-\Msg{* Additionally copy the following file to a directory searched}
-\Msg{* by BibTeX:}
-\Msg{* \space\space dtk.bst}
-\Msg{* To produce the documentation run dtk.dtx through LaTeX,}
-\Msg{* makeindex, and LaTeX twice again.}
-\Msg{* Happy TeXing}