path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source')
15 files changed, 0 insertions, 2579 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/apldef.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/apldef.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 66451a7dbce..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/apldef.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-% apldef.tex
-% Aarno Hohti/Okko Kanerva
-% University of Helsinki
-% Department of Mathematics
-% Hallituskatu 15
-% SF--00100 Helsinki
-% Finland
-% This file contains the definitions of the 2-letter control
-% sequences for using cmapl10.
-% cmapl10 was described in TUGboat 8 #3, November 1987.
-\def\RO{{\apl\char'014}} % rho
-\def\IO{{\apl\char'015}} % iota
-\def\BX{\lower.1ex\hbox{\apl\char'001}} % quad box (window etc.)
-\def\CE{{\apl\char'035}} % ceiling
-\def\FL{{\apl\char'034}} % floor
-\def\DE{{\apl\char'031}} % decode
-\def\EN{{\apl\char'030}} % encode
-\def\DL{{\apl\char'002}} % del
-\def\LD{{\apl\char'003}} % delta
-\def\NT{{\apl\char'026}} % not
-\def\LO{{\apl\char'017}} % circle
-\def\GO{{\apl\char'036}} % arrow right
-\def\OR{{\apl\char'010}} % logical or
-\def\DM{{\apl\char'011}} % diamond
-\def\LE{{\apl\char'012}} % less than or equal
-\def\GE{{\apl\char'013}} % greater than or equal
-\def\AB{{\apl\char'174}} % stile
-\def\LB{{\apl\char'173}} % left brace
-\def\RB{{\apl\char'175}} % right brace
-\def\DA{{\apl\char'037}} % arrow down
-\def\UA{{\apl\char'136}} % arrow up
-\def\EP{{\apl\char'006}} % epsilon
-\def\NE{{\apl\char'027}} % not equal
-\def\BL{{\apl\char'134}} % backslash
-\def\RU{{\apl\char'022}} % right U
-\def\LU{{\apl\char'023}} % left U
-\def\DU{{\apl\char'021}} % down U
-\def\UU{{\apl\char'020}} % up U
-\def\LK{{\apl\char'033}} % left tack
-\def\RK{{\apl\char'032}} % right tack
-\def\US{{\apl\char'024}} % underscore
-\def\NG{{\apl\char'025}} % high minus
-\def\DD{{\apl\char'007}} % dieresis
-\def\AM{{\apl\char'004}} % alpha
-\def\OM{{\apl\char'005}} % omega
-\def\SO{\raise.3ex\hbox{{\apl\char'016}}} % small circle
-% This macro is used for overstriking two characters
- #1\hskip-\charwidth#2}
-\def\TR{\overstrike{\LO}{\BL}} % transpose
-\def\RV{\overstrike{\LO}{\AB}} % reverse
-\def\CR{\overstrike{\LO}{-}} % column reverse
-\def\GD{\overstrike{\DL}{\AB}} % grade down
-\def\GU{\overstrike{\LD}{\AB}} % grade up
-\def\FM{\overstrike{\raise.1ex\hbox{{\apl\char'016}}}{\EN}} % format
-\def\XQ{\overstrike{\raise.1ex\hbox{{\apl\char'016}}}{\DE}} % execute
-\def\SS{\overstrike{\RU}{\US}} % subset
-\def\CO{\overstrike{\LU}{\US}} % contains
-\def\CB{\overstrike{\BL}{-}} % column backslash
-\def\CS{\overstrike{/}{-}} % column slash
-\def\IB{\overstrike{\EN}{\DE}} % I-beam
-\def\DQ{\overstrike{{\apl\char'045}}{\BX}} % divide quad
-\def\QQ{\overstrike{{\apl '}}{\BX}} % quote quad
-\def\PD{\overstrike{\DL}{\NT}} % protected del
-\def\NR{\overstrike{\OR}{\NT}} % nor
-\def\NN{\overstrike{{\apl\char'046}}{\NT}} % nand
-\def\LG{\overstrike{{\apl *}}{\LO}} % logarithm
-% underscored letters
-\def\ZA{\overstrike{{\apl A}}{\US}}
-\def\ZB{\overstrike{{\apl B}}{\US}}
-\def\ZC{\overstrike{{\apl C}}{\US}}
-\def\ZD{\overstrike{{\apl D}}{\US}}
-\def\ZE{\overstrike{{\apl E}}{\US}}
-\def\ZF{\overstrike{{\apl F}}{\US}}
-\def\ZG{\overstrike{{\apl G}}{\US}}
-\def\ZH{\overstrike{{\apl H}}{\US}}
-\def\ZI{\overstrike{{\apl I}}{\US}}
-\def\ZJ{\overstrike{{\apl J}}{\US}}
-\def\ZK{\overstrike{{\apl K}}{\US}}
-\def\ZL{\overstrike{{\apl L}}{\US}}
-\def\ZM{\overstrike{{\apl M}}{\US}}
-\def\ZN{\overstrike{{\apl N}}{\US}}
-\def\ZO{\overstrike{{\apl O}}{\US}}
-\def\ZP{\overstrike{{\apl P}}{\US}}
-\def\ZQ{\overstrike{{\apl Q}}{\US}}
-\def\ZR{\overstrike{{\apl R}}{\US}}
-\def\ZS{\overstrike{{\apl S}}{\US}}
-\def\ZT{\overstrike{{\apl T}}{\US}}
-\def\ZU{\overstrike{{\apl U}}{\US}}
-\def\ZV{\overstrike{{\apl V}}{\US}}
-\def\ZX{\overstrike{{\apl X}}{\US}}
-\def\ZY{\overstrike{{\apl Y}}{\US}}
-\def\ZW{\overstrike{{\apl W}}{\US}}
-\def\ZZ{\overstrike{{\apl Z}}{\US}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/aplstyle.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/aplstyle.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index b732bded0c4..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/aplstyle.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-% aplstyle.tex
-% A P L S T Y L E
-% A.Hohti/O.Kanerva University of Helsinki April 6 1987
-% APL symbols are represented by the Digital (VAX) APL replacement
-% symbols. The standard escape sequence is changed to "@" (at sign)
-% in accordance with the usage in Digital APL.
-\font\apl=cmapl10 % The APL font of typewriter type
-% The following macro switches the typewriter-like font
-% used within verbatim
- \message{Undefined font(?), replaced with cmtt10}
- \let\tt=\tentt
- \else
- \def\tt{\expandafter\csname#1\endcsname}\fi}
-\choosett{tentt} % default value
-\input aplverb % definitions for verbatim
-\input apldef % control sequences for the APL symbols
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/aplverb.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/aplverb.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index cac8e3acdbf..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/aplverb.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-% aplverb.tex = verbatim.tex
-% F|ljande macron anv{nds d} man vill f} ut \TeX-kommandon
-% i klartext. @text@ ger text i fonten \tt med alla kontroll-
-% tecken och dylika bevarade (\TeX\ f|rst}r sig endast p} kommandot
-% @ i denna mode). Man kan ocks} utnyttja \begintt ... \endtt f|r
-% att beskriva kommandon, d} {r ocks} \obeylines och \obeyspaces
-% aktiva. Om man vill anv{nda vissa \TeX-kommandon men vill
-% ocks} displaya n}got i en-kolumn-tabell-form kan man anv{nda
-% \begindisplay ...\cr ...\cr \enddisplay
-% Om du vill anv{nda \begintt...\endtt f|r text som inte
-% ryms p} en sida, kan du ocks} anv{nda \beginlines...\endlines.
-% Varje rad m}ste d} b|rjas och avslutas med kommandot @.
-\newskip\verbatimindent \verbatimindent=0cm
-\newskip\ttglue{\tt \global\ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em}
-\def\@{\char'100 }
- {\catcode`\^^M=5$$#1\halign\bgroup&\hskip\verbatimindent##\hfil\cr}}
-\def\ttverbatim{\begingroup \catcode`\\=\other \catcode`\{=\other
- \catcode`\}=\other \catcode`\$=\other \catcode`\&=\other
- \catcode`\#=\other \catcode`\%=\other \catcode`\~=\other
- \catcode`\_=\other \catcode`\^=\other\catcode`\*=\other\catcode`\==\other
- \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt}
-{\obeyspaces\gdef {\ }}
-\def\begintt{$$\let\par=\endgraf \ttverbatim \parskip=0pt
- \catcode`\@=0 \parindent=\verbatimindent \rightskip=-5pc \ttfinish}
-{\catcode`\@=0 @catcode`@\=\other % @ is temporary escape character
- @obeylines % end of line is active
- @gdef@ttfinish#1^^M#2\endtt{#1@vbox{#2}@endgroup$$}}
-{\obeylines\gdef@{\ttverbatim\spaceskip=\ttglue\let^^M=\ \let@=\endgroup}}
- \kern1pt\nobreak \obeylines \everypar{\strut}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/clean.pas b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/clean.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 611d434fe59..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/clean.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-% C L E A N . P A S
-% A sample Turbo Pascal (3.0) program for truncating downloaded pixel files
-% to the standard size assumed by some TeX-oriented programs (starting from
-% a file of type: File of Array[0..511] of Byte.
-Program Clean_Up(Output,Input,Font_List_File);
-Name_Of_File =String[20];
-Name_Of_Font =String[20];
-Byte =0..255;
-Byte_Block =Array[0..511] Of Byte;
-Word =Array[0..3] Of Byte;
-Pxl_File:File of Byte_Block;
-Last_Blocks:Array[0..1023] Of Byte;
-New_Pxl_File:File Of Word;
- Begin
- Writeln('!==================================================!');
- Writeln('! The files to be repaired are assumed consist of !');
- Writeln('! blocks 512 bytes long. The repaired files consist!');
- Writeln('! of words. The names of files are supposed to be !');
- Writeln('! found from a separate file. !');
- Writeln('!==================================================!');
- End;
-PROCEDURE Initialize;
- Begin
- File_Id_Found:=False;
- Word_Pos:=0;
- End_Of_Block:=False;
- Bad_Pxl_File:=False;
- End;
-PROCEDURE Check_File_Id;
- Begin
- If Abs(Word_Value)<2000.0 Then
- Begin
- A:=Round(Word_Value);
- If (A=1001) Or (A=1002) Then File_Id_Found:=True;
- End;
- End;
- Begin
- If Not End_Of_Block Then
- Begin
- For I:=0 To 3 Do One_Word[3-I]:=Last_Blocks[1023-((4*Word_Pos)+I)];
- Word_Pos:=Word_Pos+1;
- If Word_Pos>255 Then End_Of_Block:=True;
- End;
- End;
- Begin
- Read_Next_Word;
- Word_Value:=One_Word[3]+256.0*(One_Word[2]+
- 256.0*(One_Word[1]+256.0*One_Word[0]));
- End;
-PROCEDURE Find_File_Id;
- Begin
- While (Not File_Id_Found) And (Not End_Of_Block) Do
- Begin
- Evaluate_Next_Word;
- Check_File_Id;
- End;
- If Not File_Id_Found Then
- Begin
- For K:=Length(Font_Name) To 30 Do Write('.');
- Writeln(' Bad Pxl File, File Not Repaired');
- Bad_Pxl_File:=True;
- End;
- End;
-PROCEDURE Rewrite_Pxl_File(Var Font_Name,File_Name:Name_Of_File);
- Begin
- Assign(Pxl_File,Font_Name);
- {$I-} Reset(Pxl_File) {$I+};
- IOR:=IOresult;
- If IOR<>0 Then Goto Report;
- Assign(New_Pxl_File,File_Name);
- Rewrite(New_Pxl_File);
- Seek(Pxl_File,0);
- For I:=0 To Filesize(Pxl_File)-3 Do
- Begin
- Read(Pxl_File,Block);
- For J:=0 To 127 Do
- Begin
- For K:=0 To 3 Do One_Word[K]:=Block[(4*J)+K];
- Write(New_Pxl_File,One_Word);
- End;
- End;
- Read(Pxl_File,Block);
- For I:=0 To 511 Do
- Last_Blocks[I]:=Block[I];
- Read(Pxl_File,Block);
- For I:=512 To 1023 Do
- Last_Blocks[I]:=Block[I-512];
- Find_File_ID;
- Word_Pos:=255-Word_Pos;
- If Not Bad_Pxl_File Then
- Begin
- For I:=0 To Word_Pos+1 Do
- Begin
- For K:=0 To 3 Do One_Word[K]:=Last_Blocks[(4*I)+K];
- Write(New_Pxl_File,One_Word);
- End;
- Report:Begin
- For I:=0 To 30-Length(Font_Name) Do Write('.');
- If IOR<>0 Then Writeln('File Not Found') Else
- Begin
- Writeln(New_File_Name);
- Close(New_Pxl_File);
- Close(Pxl_File);
- End;
- End;
- End;
- End;
- (*** M A I N P R O G R A M ***)
- Banner;
- Writeln;
- Writeln('Give The Name Of File Containing The List Of Pxl Files: ');
- Readln(File_Name);
- Assign(Font_List_File,File_Name);
- {$I-} Reset(Font_List_File) {$I+};
- IOR:=IOresult;
- If IOR<>0 Then Goto Report;
- While Not Eof(Font_List_File) Do
- Begin
- Initialize;
- Font_Name:='';
- While Not Eoln(Font_List_File) Do
- Begin
- Read(Font_List_File,Ch);
- Font_Name:=Font_Name+Ch;
- End;
- Readln(Font_List_File);
- Write(Font_Name);
- New_File_Name:=Copy(Font_Name,1,Pos('.',Font_Name)-1)+'.rxl';
- Rewrite_Pxl_File(Font_Name,New_File_Name);
- End;
- Writeln;
- Report: Begin
- If IOR<>0 Then Writeln('File Not Found!') Else
- Begin
- Writeln('............Done!...........');
- Close(Font_List_File);
- End;
- End;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/convert.pas b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/convert.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a5b6195051..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/convert.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-% C O N V E R T . P A S
-% This is a sample Turbo Pascal program for HeX-->Bin conversion useful
-% for a safe download of pixel files (Turbo Pascal 3.0)
-PROGRAM ASC_TO_BIN(Input,Output,Font_List_File);
- Byte = 0..255;
- Name_Of_File = String[20];
- Newfile:File Of Byte;
- Textfile,Font_List_File:Text;
- First_Hex,Second_Hex,Ch:Char;
- One_Byte:Byte;
- I:Integer;
- Font_Name,File_Name,New_File_Name:Name_Of_File;
- Begin
- Writeln('!=================================================!');
- Writeln('! The text files to be converted must have been !');
- Writeln('! originally obtained as follows: each byte is !');
- Writeln('! replaced by two hexadecimals, the first of which!');
- Writeln('! is Byte Div 16 and the second Byte Mod 16. The !');
- Writeln('! names of files are supposed to be found in a !');
- Writeln('! separate list file. !');
- Writeln('!=================================================!');
- End;
-FUNCTION Convert_Hex_To_Dec(X:Char):Integer;
- Begin
- If X In ['0'..'9'] Then Convert_Hex_To_Dec:=Ord(X)-48
- Else Convert_Hex_To_Dec:=Ord(X)-55;
- End;
-PROCEDURE Convert_File(Var File_Name,New_File_Name:Name_Of_File);
- Begin
- Assign(Textfile,File_Name);
- {$I-} Reset(Textfile) {$I+};
- If IOresult=0 Then
- Begin
- Assign(Newfile,New_File_Name);
- Rewrite(Newfile);
- While Not Eof(Textfile) Do
- Begin
- While Not Eoln(Textfile) Do
- Begin
- Read(Textfile,First_Hex);
- Read(Textfile,Second_Hex);
- A:=Convert_Hex_To_Dec(First_Hex);
- B:=Convert_Hex_To_Dec(Second_Hex);
- One_Byte:=(16*A)+B;
- If Eoln(Textfile) Then Readln(Textfile);
- Write(Newfile,One_Byte);
- End;
- End;
- For I:=0 To 30-Length(New_File_Name) Do Write('.');
- Writeln(New_File_Name,' written');
- Close(Textfile);
- Close(Newfile);
- End Else
- Writeln('This File Not Found!');
- End;
- (*** M A I N P R O G R A M ***)
- Banner;
- Writeln;
- Writeln('Give The Name Of File Containing The List Of Pxl Files: ');
- Readln(File_Name);
- Assign(Font_List_File,File_Name);
- {$I-} Reset(Font_List_File) {$I+};
- If IOresult=0 Then
- Begin
- Writeln;
- Writeln('... started converting ...');
- Writeln;
- While Not Eof(Font_List_File) Do
- Begin
- Font_Name:='';
- While Not Eoln(Font_List_File) Do
- Begin
- Read(Font_List_File,Ch);
- Font_Name:=Font_Name+Ch;
- End;
- Write(Font_Name);
- New_File_Name:=Copy(Font_Name,1,Pos('.',Font_Name)-1)+'.bxl';
- Readln(Font_List_File);
- Convert_File(Font_Name,New_File_Name);
- End;
- Writeln;
- Writeln('... conversion done ...');
- End Else
- Writeln('File List Not Found!');
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/fontnotes b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/fontnotes
deleted file mode 100644
index 967c6f33db2..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/fontnotes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- These files contain the necessary material for producing
-APL documents with TeX. It should be pointed out that as written
-in an article published in TUGboat, the system as such can be
-described as a straightforward solution to the problem of making
-nice documents containing APL code. Instead of trying to achieve
-a completed result, we tell the reader how to use existing MetaFont
-character descriptions as far as possible to provide an APL font
-of reasonably fine quality. Further development is left to the users.
-Combined with suitable TeX macros using Digital's mnemonics -- chosen
-because of the popularity of the interpreter among APL users
-(it is really the only one used at our site) -- the font can be used
-smoothly enough. Furthermore, if combined with an APL workspace
-providing functions for an automatic conversion of APL workspaces
-into TeX code, the system can be used to merge pre-existing
-APL code into documents without the pain of re-writing the code
-in Digital's 2-letter mnemonics.
- To produce pixel files from the MetaFont file CMAPL10.MF,
-you have to run MetaFont in your local machine. By typing METAFONT
-you should get the prompt symbol '*'. It may be necessary to use
-the form
-where XXXXXX is the global name of the directory where the basic
-CMMF definitions can be found.
-The following discussion will then get MetaFont to produce a generic
-font file CMAPL10.360GF:
- * \relax;
- * \mode = imagen;
- * \mag = 1.2;
- * input cmapl10
-Here \mode = imagen was used to get a pixel file for a laserprinter
-with the resolution 200 times 200 pixels per square inch. It is
-possible that the definition of 'imagen' is different at your local
-site; in the case of error ask the person who installed your local
-MetaFont. Notice that \mag = 1.2 is needed in case you want to get
-magnified pixels. The final pixel (because of the resolution 200)
-files will then be named CMAPL10.1800PXL (or whatever you choose
-to call them). If you want to produce 'small' pixel files for example
-for a screen previewer, use \mag = xxx with an appropriate constant xxx.
-(You can check the form of characters obtained on a teletype terminal
-by using the program GFTYPE.) Finally, you get a pixel file from
-CMAPL10.xxxGF by running the program GF(TO)PXL.EXE, which should be
-found together with MetaFont.
- Some people want to use their pixel files on a PC (the
-laserprinter is connected to a PC or for previewing purposes). In
-that case the pixel files must be downloaded from the host. We never
-use programs like Kermit for transferring the binary file but
-first convert it to hex form, load the file down as a text file and
-then convert it back. It is IMPORTANT to notice that pixel files in
-VAXes (say) are composed of 512 byte blocks. The pixel file itself
-is ended by the pixel_id, which is either 1001 (rasters are in word packed
-form) or 1002 (rasters are in byte packed form). Many programs running
-on PCs assume that the last 4 bytes of the pixel file really
-represent the pixel_id. Hence, the pixel files downloaded from the host
-should be CLEANed from garbage (the programs CONVERT and CLEAN are
-given for convenience and to fix the definition of what they should do).
- MetaFont also produces the file CMAPL10.TFM containing the
-metric information of the characters in the font. These are needed
-by TeX, and they can be downloaded as such (at least if you are
-using Micro-TeX or PCTeX).
- In order to use the mnemonics, the macros in APLSTYLE are
-needed. There are basically two ways of merging APL code. There are
-standard macros called VERBATIM, which enable the user to produce
-'typewriter-like' output. As APL is modelled on a typewriter style,
-too, it has been reasonable to extend VERBATIM to accept different
-typewriter-like fonts. The escape sequence \choosett enables you to
-choose the font you want to use. Thus, \choosett{tentt} swithces
-the standard font CMTT10 on, whereas \choosett{apl} chooses the font
-APL, defined in APLSTYLE by '\font\apl = cmapl10'. First, you can
-insert APL code into text lines. In this case you can call any
-APL symbol either by its 2-letter mnemonic (for example \BX produces the
-box symbol) if there is no symbol for it OR otherwise by its name
-surrounded by two @'s. (The @ character swithces into the current
-typewriter style.) Thus, @A_B@ produces 'A <-- B' in APL style, because
-'_' is the name of '<--' in Digital's mnemonics. Secondly, you can
-insert APL code in 'screenlike' mode. The code is to be delimited
-by the pair \begintt - \endtt. Example:
- @DL Z_ZNPLUS N;@BXIO % Here '@' replaces '\' as the escape
-[1] @BXIO_0 % character
-[2] Z_N@AB(@ION)@SO.+@ION
- @DL
-Please note that in this case the material between \begintt -- \endtt
-is considered by TeX as a vertical box that cannot be divided between
-pages. Thus, if you have a long APL function, it might produce
-a message of underfull vbox.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/ninesize.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/ninesize.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index a0260f07997..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/ninesize.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-% N I N E S I Z E . T E X (for convenience only)
-% This is a TeX macro for switching to nine point fonts. Taken
-% from the TeXbook, pages 413 - 415. (For special cases only)
- \textfont0=\ninerm
- \textfont1=\ninei
- \textfont2=\ninesy
- \textfont\itfam=\nineit \def\it{\fam\itfam\nineit}%
- \textfont\slfam=\ninesl \def\sl{\fam\slfam\ninesl}%
- \textfont\ttfam=\ninett \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\ninett}%
- \textfont\bffam=\ninebf \def\bf{\fam\bffam\ninebf}%
- \tt\tglue=.5em plus.25em minus .15em
- \normalbaselineskip=11pt
- \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height8pt depth3pt width0pt}%
- \let\sc=\sevenrm \let\big=\ninebig \normalbaselines\rm}%
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/problems.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/problems.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f47553ea37..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/problems.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-% Sample problems; solutions give examples on using APL style in TeX
-% Taken from the course ``Mathematics on the Computer'', Fall 87
-\magnification = \magstep1
-\advance\vsize by 3truecm
-\input mssymb % for some math symbols only! This is the new
- % symbol font for some standard and non-standard
- % mathematical symbols. It is only used here for
- % blackboard bold letters. If you dont have it,
- % just define \def\Bbb{} etc.
-\input aplstyle
-\font\sans = amss10
-\font\sltt = amsltt10
-\def\header{{\sans Sample problems 9.\ 10.\ 1987}}
-% some of them come from Sims' ``Abstract Algebra, A Computational Approach''
-\def\APL{{\sltt APL}}
-\tolerance = 300
-\vskip 2cm
-\item{1.} Let $N>1$ be an integer. Show that each of the following
- matrices represents a binary operation on
- $S(N)$ (we set locally \BX@IO_0@.) Which of them are
- associative, which commutative?
- \medskip
- \itemitem{a)} @(@\IO@N)@\SO@.@\CE\IO@N@
- \itemitem{b)} \AB@(@\IO@N)@\SO@.-@\IO@N@
- \itemitem{c)} @N@\AB@(@\IO@N)@\SO@.+@\IO@N@
- \itemitem{d)} @N@\AB@(@\IO@N)@\SO@.#@\IO@N@
- \medskip
-\item{} Here @x@\CE@y@ is $\max(x,y)$, @x@\AB@y@ is
- $y\bmod x$ and \AB@x@ is the absolute value of $x$.
-\item{2.} Write an \APL\ function @GPOWER@ that computes for a group
- @G@ (global variable) the $n$-th power of a given element $x$.
- (If $S(M)$ is a representation vector of @G@, then
- @GPOWER@ is a map $S(M)\times \Bbb Z\to S(M)$. Simply
- use iteration.)
-\item{3.} (Continuing problem 2.) A faster algorithm is obtained by
- decomposing $x^n$ into its 2--base form
- $x^n = x^{i_0}\times x^{2i_1}\times
- x^{4i_2}\times ... \times x^{{2^k}i_k}$, where $i_j\in\{0,1\}$. Show
- that the complexity of this algorithm is $O(\log_2(n))$.
- (Show that the number of necessary multiplications does
- not exceed $2\log_2(n)$). How would you write the corresponding
- function in \APL? (Note that the binary representation of $n$
- can be obtained by applying iteratively the procedure $n\bmod 2$.)
-\item{4.} Write an \APL\ function @GTSGP@ that computes for a given group @G@
- (global variable) the subgroup generated by a given subset $A$. The
- function @GTSGP@ has one argument (the vector @A@) and returns
- a subset of the set $S(N)$ (as a vector). (Extend the set @A@
- by the group operation until @A@ becomes closed with respect
- to the operation.)
-\item{5.} Write an \APL\ function @INV@ that returns for a group @G@
- the vector of inverse elements as a vector $S(N)\to S(N)$ so
- that the index of the inverse of $x_i$ is @(INV G)[I]@.
-\item{6.} Let $(G,\theta)$ be a group and let $A$ be a subset of $G$. Program
- the following algorithm in \APL\ to find the subgroup @H@
- generated by @A@. Compare the perfomance of this algorithm
- with the algorithm in Problem 4.
- \medskip
- \itemitem{a)} put $H$ and $Y$ equal to $\{e\}$.
- \itemitem{b)} let $Y$ be $YA\smallsetminus H$.
- \itemitem{c)} if $Y=\emptyset$, stop.
- \itemitem{d)} put $H$ equal to $H\cup Y$ and
- go to (b).
- \medskip
-\item{} ($e$ is the neutral element and $YA\smallsetminus H$
- is the set--theoretical difference of $YA$ and $H$.
- The product $YA$ is the set $\{y\theta a: y\in Y, a\in A\}$.)
-\item{7.} Write an \APL\ function @PROD@ that returns for given groups
- $(G_1,\theta_1)$ ja $(G_2,\theta_2)$ the {\sl direct product}
- $(G_1\times G_2,\theta_1\times\theta_2)$ as a group table.
- (The binary operation in the product is $(x,y)\theta_1\times\theta_2
- (z,w) = (x\theta_1 z,y\theta_2 w)$).
-% Solutions to above sample exercises
-%\advance\vsize by 3truecm
-\vskip 1cm
-As the index of the neutral element we use the index origin \BX@IO@ which
-usually has the value @0@. Then $S(N)=
-\{0,\dots,N-1\}$, given by the vector \IO@N@.
-An example on groups are the cyclic groups $({\bf Z}_n,+)$
-the group tables of which are generated by the \APL\ function @ZNPLUS@:
-[1] @BXIO_0
-[2] Z_N@AB(@ION)@SO.+@ION
- @DL
-\item{1.} The matrices represent binary operations of $S(N)$,
- since they are $N\times N$-matrices with elements from
- $S(N)$. They are all associative and also commutative except for
- the case (b). This can be seen by the function @TEST@:
-[3] Z_(&/&/&/B[B;]=B[;B]),&/&/B=@TRB
- @DL
-[1] " G GLOBAL
-[2] P_@BXIO @DM I_0
-[3] TEST:@GO(N<I_I+1)/0
-[4] P_G[P;X]
-[5] @GOTEST
- @DL
-[1] " G GLOBAL
-[2] P_@BXIO
-[3] NEXTJ:@GO(0=N,IJ_2@ABN)/0,SQX
-[4] P_G[P;X]
-[5] SQX:X_G[X;X]
-[6] N_(N-IJ)%2
- @DL
-\item{} A comment: if $i_j=0$, then the power is not increased,
- but the square $x^{2^{j+1}}=(x^{2^j})^2$ is computed.
- The number of iterations is $k$; $n = i_0+i_12+\cdots+i_k2^k \ge 2^k$,
- when $i_k \not= 0$, and hence $k \le \log_2(n)$.
- Thus, the complexity is $O(\log_2(n))$.
-[2] Z_,A
-[3] TEST:@GO(&/&/G[Z;Z]@EPZ)/FOUND
-[4] Z_Z UNION G[Z;Z]
-[5] @GOTEST
-[6] FOUND:Z_Z[@GUZ]
- @DL
-[1] V_(,A),,B
-[2] @BXIO_1
-[3] Z_,CLEAN((@ROV),1)@ROV
- @DL
-The auxiliary function @CLEAN@ was given earlier.
-[2] (@BXIO=,G)/,(@ROG)@ROG[@BXIO;]
- @DL
-[2] H_Y_@BXIO
-[3] B:@GO(0=@ROY_(,G[Y;A])MINUS H)/0
-[4] H_H UNION Y
-[5] @GOB
- @DL
-[1] Z_(@NTA@EPB)/A
- @DL
-\item{7.} If the elements of $G_i$ have been indexed by the interval
- $[0,n_i-1]$, the elements of $G_1\times G_2$ become indexed
- in a natural way by the elements of the Cartesian product
- $[0,n_1-1]\times[0,n_2-1]$. With the bijection
- $(i,j) \mapsto in_2+j:[0,n_1-1]\times[0,n_2-1]
- \longrightarrow[0,n_1n_2-1]$
- (the inverse $k\mapsto((k-(k \bmod n_2))/n_2,k \bmod n_2)$
- selects the quotient and remainder in the division by $n_2$)
- we get $[0,n_1n_2-1]$ as the index set.
-[1] N_(N1_(@ROG1)[1])#N2_(@ROG2)[1] @DM I_@BXIO_0
-[2] G_(N,N)@RO0
-[3] JLOOP:J_0
-[4] CORE:G[I;J]_(G1[(I-IREM)%N2;(J-JREM)%N2]#N2)+G2[IREM_N2@ABI;JREM_N2@ABJ]
-[5] @GO(N>J_J+1)/CORE
-[6] @GO(N>I_I+1)/JLOOP
- @DL
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10
- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11
- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12
- 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13
- 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14
- 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15
- 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
- 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
- 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
-10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
-13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
-14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
-15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
-16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
-17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
-18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/readme b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/readme
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e429b26a5d..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/readme
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Thank you for your letter of 27 February. The original purpose
-of our APL font and macros was to solve the immediate problem
-of writing documents with APL code. Therefore, they are free for
-anyone who finds them useful. Some people have requested the font
-and we have sent them the files appended below (with CMAPL10 and
-two conversion programs for downloading pixel files, not given here).
-Further, we have nothing against giving our net address to the
-users because it would be useful to hear about extensions made
-to the system.
-The files APLDEF.TEX and TUGBOAT.TEX are identical with the second
-versions sent to you (via BITNET) except for minimal changes (there
-are some corrections and extensions in APLDEF.TEX, and in
-TUGBOAT.TEX one APL line was corrected.) We think the files are
-in a "final" form (at least we are not planning any changes).
-Our original purpose was to publish the second version, but the only
-difference was really the removal of the tilde space character (this
-resulted in more complex 1-character macros, but the user cannot
-see any difference; moreover, TeX runs only about 14% slower). Thus,
-we feel that there is no reason to publish a list of errata in
-TUGboat, because any user would inevitably have to use the new
-version (the old one has not been released).
-We are adding a file containing sample examples on the use of the
-APL mnemonics.
-Aarno Hohti
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/readme.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d939552a3d..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-Thank you for your letter of 27 February. The original purpose
-of our APL font and macros was to solve the immediate problem
-of writing documents with APL code. Therefore, they are free for
-anyone who finds them useful. Some people have requested the font
-and we have sent them the files appended below (with CMAPL10 and
-two conversion programs for downloading pixel files, not given here).
-Further, we have nothing against giving our net address to the
-users because it would be useful to hear about extensions made
-to the system.
-The files APLDEF.TEX and TUGBOAT.TEX are identical with the second
-versions sent to you (via BITNET) except for minimal changes (there
-are some corrections and extensions in APLDEF.TEX, and in
-TUGBOAT.TEX one APL line was corrected.) We think the files are
-in a "final" form (at least we are not planning any changes).
-Our original purpose was to publish the second version, but the only
-difference was really the removal of the tilde space character (this
-resulted in more complex 1-character macros, but the user cannot
-see any difference; moreover, TeX runs only about 14% slower). Thus,
-we feel that there is no reason to publish a list of errata in
-TUGboat, because any user would inevitably have to use the new
-version (the old one has not been released).
-We are adding a file containing sample examples on the use of the
-APL mnemonics.
-Aarno Hohti
-% R E A D M E . T X T
- These files contain the necessary material for producing
-APL documents with TeX. It should be pointed out that as written
-in an article published in TUGboat, the system as such can be
-described as a straightforward solution to the problem of making
-nice documents containing APL code. Instead of trying to achieve
-a completed result, we tell the reader how to use existing MetaFont
-character descriptions as far as possible to provide an APL font
-of reasonably fine quality. Further development is left to the users.
-Combined with suitable TeX macros using Digital's mnemonics -- chosen
-because of the popularity of the interpreter among APL users
-(it is really the only one used at our site) -- the font can be used
-smoothly enough. Furthermore, if combined with an APL workspace
-providing functions for an automatic conversion of APL workspaces
-into TeX code, the system can be used to merge pre-existing
-APL code into documents without the pain of re-writing the code
-in Digital's 2-letter mnemonics.
- To produce pixel files from the MetaFont file CMAPL10.MF,
-you have to run MetaFont in your local machine. By typing METAFONT
-you should get the prompt symbol '*'. It may be necessary to use
-the form
-where XXXXXX is the global name of the directory where the basic
-CMMF definitions can be found.
-The following discussion will then get MetaFont to produce a generic
-font file CMAPL10.360GF:
- * \relax;
- * \mode = imagen;
- * \mag = 1.2;
- * input cmapl10
-Here \mode = imagen was used to get a pixel file for a laserprinter
-with the resolution 200 times 200 pixels per square inch. It is
-possible that the definition of 'imagen' is different at your local
-site; in the case of error ask the person who installed your local
-MetaFont. Notice that \mag = 1.2 is needed in case you want to get
-magnified pixels. The final pixel (because of the resolution 200)
-files will then be named CMAPL10.1800PXL (or whatever you choose
-to call them). If you want to produce 'small' pixel files for example
-for a screen previewer, use \mag = xxx with an appropriate constant xxx.
-(You can check the form of characters obtained on a teletype terminal
-by using the program GFTYPE.) Finally, you get a pixel file from
-CMAPL10.xxxGF by running the program GF(TO)PXL.EXE, which should be
-found together with MetaFont.
- Some people want to use their pixel files on a PC (the
-laserprinter is connected to a PC or for previewing purposes). In
-that case the pixel files must be downloaded from the host. We never
-use programs like Kermit for transferring the binary file but
-first convert it to hex form, load the file down as a text file and
-then convert it back. It is IMPORTANT to notice that pixel files in
-VAXes (say) are composed of 512 byte blocks. The pixel file itself
-is ended by the pixel_id, which is either 1001 (rasters are in word packed
-form) or 1002 (rasters are in byte packed form). Some programs running
-on PCs assume that the last 4 bytes of the pixel file really
-represent the pixel_id. Hence, the pixel files downloaded from the host
-should be CLEANed from garbage (the programs CONVERT and CLEAN are
-given for convenience and to fix the definition of what they should do).
- MetaFont also produces the file CMAPL10.TFM containing the
-metric information of the characters in the font. These are needed
-by TeX, and they can be downloaded as such (at least if you are
-using Micro-TeX or PCTeX).
- In order to use the mnemonics, the macros in APLSTYLE are
-needed. There are basically two ways of merging APL code. There are
-standard macros called VERBATIM, which enable the user to produce
-'typewriter-like' output. As APL is modelled on a typewriter style,
-too, it has been reasonable to extend VERBATIM to accept different
-typewriter-like fonts. The escape sequence \choosett enables you to
-choose the font you want to use. Thus, \choosett{tentt} swithces
-the standard font CMTT10 on, whereas \choosett{apl} chooses the font
-APL, defined in APLSTYLE by '\font\apl = cmapl10'. First, you can
-insert APL code into text lines. In this case you can call any
-APL symbol either by its 2-letter mnemonic (for example \BX produces the
-box symbol) if there is no symbol for it OR otherwise by its name
-surrounded by two @'s. (The @ character swithces into the current
-typewriter style.) Thus, @A_B@ produces 'A <-- B' in APL style, because
-'_' is the name of '<--' in Digital's mnemonics. Secondly, you can
-insert APL code in 'screenlike' mode. The code is to be delimited
-by the pair \begintt - \endtt. Example:
- @DL Z_ZNPLUS N;@BXIO % Here '@' replaces '\' as the escape
-[1] @BXIO_0 % character
-[2] Z_N@AB(@ION)@SO.+@ION
- @DL
-Please note that in this case the material between \begintt -- \endtt
-is considered by TeX as a vertical box that cannot be divided between
-pages. Thus, if you have a long APL function, it might produce
-a message of underfull vbox.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/sample.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/sample.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 85481d7c943..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/sample.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-% S A M P L E . T E X
-% Sample problems; solutions give examples on using APL style in TeX
-% Taken from the course ``Mathematics on the Computer'', Fall 87
-\magnification = \magstep1
-\advance\vsize by 3truecm
-\input mssymb % for some math symbols only! This is the new
- % symbol font for some standard and non-standard
- % mathematical symbols. It is only used here for
- % blackboard bold letters. If you dont have it,
- % just define \def\Bbb{} etc.
-\input aplstyle
-\font\sans = amss10
-\font\sltt = amsltt10
-\def\header{{\sans Sample problems 9.\ 10.\ 1987}}
-% some of them come from Sims' ``Abstract Algebra, A Computational Approach''
-\def\APL{{\sltt APL}}
-\tolerance = 300
-\vskip 2cm
-\item{1.} Let $N>1$ be an integer. Show that each of the following
- matrices represents a binary operation on
- $S(N)$ (we set locally \BX@IO_0@.) Which of them are
- associative, which commutative?
- \medskip
- \itemitem{a)} @(@\IO@N)@\SO@.@\CE\IO@N@
- \itemitem{b)} \AB@(@\IO@N)@\SO@.-@\IO@N@
- \itemitem{c)} @N@\AB@(@\IO@N)@\SO@.+@\IO@N@
- \itemitem{d)} @N@\AB@(@\IO@N)@\SO@.#@\IO@N@
- \medskip
-\item{} Here @x@\CE@y@ is $\max(x,y)$, @x@\AB@y@ is
- $y\bmod x$ and \AB@x@ is the absolute value of $x$.
-\item{2.} Write an \APL\ function @GPOWER@ that computes for a group
- @G@ (global variable) the $n$-th power of a given element $x$.
- (If $S(M)$ is a representation vector of @G@, then
- @GPOWER@ is a map $S(M)\times \Bbb Z\to S(M)$. Simply
- use iteration.)
-\item{3.} (Continuing problem 2.) A faster algorithm is obtained by
- decomposing $x^n$ into its 2--base form
- $x^n = x^{i_0}\times x^{2i_1}\times
- x^{4i_2}\times ... \times x^{{2^k}i_k}$, where $i_j\in\{0,1\}$. Show
- that the complexity of this algorithm is $O(\log_2(n))$.
- (Show that the number of necessary multiplications does
- not exceed $2\log_2(n)$). How would you write the corresponding
- function in \APL? (Note that the binary representation of $n$
- can be obtained by applying iteratively the procedure $n\bmod 2$.)
-\item{4.} Write an \APL\ function @GTSGP@ that computes for a given group @G@
- (global variable) the subgroup generated by a given subset $A$. The
- function @GTSGP@ has one argument (the vector @A@) and returns
- a subset of the set $S(N)$ (as a vector). (Extend the set @A@
- by the group operation until @A@ becomes closed with respect
- to the operation.)
-\item{5.} Write an \APL\ function @INV@ that returns for a group @G@
- the vector of inverse elements as a vector $S(N)\to S(N)$ so
- that the index of the inverse of $x_i$ is @(INV G)[I]@.
-\item{6.} Let $(G,\theta)$ be a group and let $A$ be a subset of $G$. Program
- the following algorithm in \APL\ to find the subgroup @H@
- generated by @A@. Compare the perfomance of this algorithm
- with the algorithm in Problem 4.
- \medskip
- \itemitem{a)} put $H$ and $Y$ equal to $\{e\}$.
- \itemitem{b)} let $Y$ be $YA\smallsetminus H$.
- \itemitem{c)} if $Y=\emptyset$, stop.
- \itemitem{d)} put $H$ equal to $H\cup Y$ and
- go to (b).
- \medskip
-\item{} ($e$ is the neutral element and $YA\smallsetminus H$
- is the set--theoretical difference of $YA$ and $H$.
- The product $YA$ is the set $\{y\theta a: y\in Y, a\in A\}$.)
-\item{7.} Write an \APL\ function @PROD@ that returns for given groups
- $(G_1,\theta_1)$ ja $(G_2,\theta_2)$ the {\sl direct product}
- $(G_1\times G_2,\theta_1\times\theta_2)$ as a group table.
- (The binary operation in the product is $(x,y)\theta_1\times\theta_2
- (z,w) = (x\theta_1 z,y\theta_2 w)$).
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/solutions.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/solutions.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 85e37305451..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/solutions.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-% Solutions to above sample exercises
-%\advance\vsize by 3truecm
-\vskip 1cm
-As the index of the neutral element we use the index origin \BX@IO@ which
-usually has the value @0@. Then $S(N)=
-\{0,\dots,N-1\}$, given by the vector \IO@N@.
-An example on groups are the cyclic groups $({\bf Z}_n,+)$
-the group tables of which are generated by the \APL\ function @ZNPLUS@:
-[1] @BXIO_0
-[2] Z_N@AB(@ION)@SO.+@ION
- @DL
-\item{1.} The matrices represent binary operations of $S(N)$,
- since they are $N\times N$-matrices with elements from
- $S(N)$. They are all associative and also commutative except for
- the case (b). This can be seen by the function @TEST@:
-[3] Z_(&/&/&/B[B;]=B[;B]),&/&/B=@TRB
- @DL
-[1] " G GLOBAL
-[2] P_@BXIO @DM I_0
-[3] TEST:@GO(N<I_I+1)/0
-[4] P_G[P;X]
-[5] @GOTEST
- @DL
-[1] " G GLOBAL
-[2] P_@BXIO
-[3] NEXTJ:@GO(0=N,IJ_2@ABN)/0,SQX
-[4] P_G[P;X]
-[5] SQX:X_G[X;X]
-[6] N_(N-IJ)%2
- @DL
-\item{} A comment: if $i_j=0$, then the power is not increased,
- but the square $x^{2^{j+1}}=(x^{2^j})^2$ is computed.
- The number of iterations is $k$; $n = i_0+i_12+\cdots+i_k2^k \ge 2^k$,
- when $i_k \not= 0$, and hence $k \le \log_2(n)$.
- Thus, the complexity is $O(\log_2(n))$.
-[2] Z_,A
-[3] TEST:@GO(&/&/G[Z;Z]@EPZ)/FOUND
-[4] Z_Z UNION G[Z;Z]
-[5] @GOTEST
-[6] FOUND:Z_Z[@GUZ]
- @DL
-[1] V_(,A),,B
-[2] @BXIO_1
-[3] Z_,CLEAN((@ROV),1)@ROV
- @DL
-The auxiliary function @CLEAN@ was given earlier.
-[2] (@BXIO=,G)/,(@ROG)@ROG[@BXIO;]
- @DL
-[2] H_Y_@BXIO
-[3] B:@GO(0=@ROY_(,G[Y;A])MINUS H)/0
-[4] H_H UNION Y
-[5] @GOB
- @DL
-[1] Z_(@NTA@EPB)/A
- @DL
-\item{7.} If the elements of $G_i$ have been indexed by the interval
- $[0,n_i-1]$, the elements of $G_1\times G_2$ become indexed
- in a natural way by the elements of the Cartesian product
- $[0,n_1-1]\times[0,n_2-1]$. With the bijection
- $(i,j) \mapsto in_2+j:[0,n_1-1]\times[0,n_2-1]
- \longrightarrow[0,n_1n_2-1]$
- (the inverse $k\mapsto((k-(k \bmod n_2))/n_2,k \bmod n_2)$
- selects the quotient and remainder in the division by $n_2$)
- we get $[0,n_1n_2-1]$ as the index set.
-[1] N_(N1_(@ROG1)[1])#N2_(@ROG2)[1] @DM I_@BXIO_0
-[2] G_(N,N)@RO0
-[3] JLOOP:J_0
-[4] CORE:G[I;J]_(G1[(I-IREM)%N2;(J-JREM)%N2]#N2)+G2[IREM_N2@ABI;JREM_N2@ABJ]
-[5] @GO(N>J_J+1)/CORE
-[6] @GO(N>I_I+1)/JLOOP
- @DL
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10
- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11
- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12
- 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13
- 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14
- 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15
- 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
- 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
- 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
-10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
-13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
-14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
-15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
-16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
-17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
-18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/tugboat.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/tugboat.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 87b1461a1cc..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/tugboat.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-% T U G B O A T . T E X
-% A TeX file for the paper on APL-TeX (new version, not published)
-% A.Hohti/O.Kanerva (University of Helsinki) April 1987
-% Version of August 26, 1987 at 15:00
-\input aplstyle % the file containing the APL definitions
-\magnification=\magstep1 % for weak eyes!
-\font\bigbf=ambx10 % for titles
-\font\sltt=amsltt10 % for file contents inside text
-\font\manual=manfnt at 10pt % for major METAFONT logo
-\font\minual=manfnt at 9pt % for minor METAFONT logo
-\input ninesize % abstract, references
-\def\METAFONT{{\manual META}\-{\manual FONT}}
-\def\metafont{{\minual META}\-{\minual FONT}}
-% stylistic definitions
-\def\section#1{\vskip0pt plus .1\vsize
- \penalty-250\vskip0pt plus-.1\vsize\bigskip
- \noindent{\bf #1.\ }\nobreak\message{#1}}
- \vbox{\hsize=4.75truein{\ninepoint \noindent ABSTRACT.\enspace#1}}}}}
-\def\APL{{\sl APL}}
-% this definition is from the TeXbook, Ex. 21.3 :
-\def\boxit#1{\vbox{\hrule \hbox{\vrule \kern2pt
- \vbox{\kern2pt#1\kern2pt}\kern2pt\vrule}\hrule}}
-% A macro for making references and blocks.
-% \refskip has to be set by the user! Otherwise \parindent is
-% used, in accordance with \item.
-\def\ref#1:#2.-#3\par{\ninepoint % switch to nine point fonts
-\advance\refcount by 1
-\advance\plusindent by -\refindent\tempindent=\parindent %
-\parindent=0pt\par\hangindent\extraindent %
- [\number\refcount]\hskip\plusindent #1:{\sl#2},#3
- \centerline{\bigbf GENERATING AN \APL\ FONT}
- \centerline{\sl Aarno Hohti and Okko Kanerva}
- \centerline{\sl University of Helsinki}
-\abstract{The \APL\ language is well known for its peculiar
- symbols which have inhibited the use of this language
- in many programming environments. Making \APL\
- documents of good quality has been difficult and
- expensive. We describe here a simple way how to
- use \metafont\ to generate an \APL\ font for \TeX\
- by using existing font definitions as far as possible.}
-This note describes an interesting exercise in using
-\METAFONT\ to produce new typefaces by combining letters
-from standard fonts. As we know, the \APL\ language [6] of
-Kenneth Iverson has never gained the popularity it deserves
-which is largely due to its strange symbol set. Indeed,
-true \APL\ users require a special keyboard to support
-the nonstandard but powerful operator symbols. Moreover,
-putting \APL\ into print has always been a problem, and
-modern low cost computerized typesetting programs do
-not usually support \APL\ style. \TeX\ can be used to
-produce high quality printouts for technical text,
-and it would be desirable to have a possibility to
-mix in \APL\ code. The companion program of
-\TeX ---\METAFONT ---provides a full means for a simple generation
-of an \APL\ font for \TeX, and the purpose of this
-note is to inform other people about the result we
-have obtained at the University of Helsinki. Let us note
-that there are at least three other \APL\ fonts available
-for small computer environments. Indeed, the newsletter
-\APL\ {\it Quote Quad\/}\footnote{*}{{\ninepoint Newsletter of SIGAPL,
-the Special Interest Group for \APL. {\it Quote Quad\/} has the same
-status in the world of \APL\ as TUGboat in \TeX{nical} world.}}
-is produced by using TROFF, and there
-exists a Postscript \APL\ font for the Apple Laserwriter [5] and
-another font for the TEXT typesetting system [2].
-Consider the following usual kind of function definition in \APL:
- [1] S_I_0
- [2] @GO(N<I_I+1)/0
- [3] S_S+I*2
- [4] @GO2
- [5] @DL
-\choosett{sltt}% %@@@@
-How to write in this code, providing that we have a suitable
-font? The \APL\ font should represent the screen
-output style of \APL\ code and obey the same laws of spacing.
-Hence, it should be a typewriter-like typeface with fixed
-spacing; the same approach for representing \TeX\ input was
-adopted by Knuth in the {\TeX}book.
-The {\it verbatim\/} macros have often been used for importing
-screen or paper outputs into \TeX\ documents; some people
-misuse them for an easy construction of tables etc. In
-{\sltt verbatim}, the typewriter mode is entered by the control
-sequence @\begintt@---that mode is ended by
-@\endtt@. In the same vein, we could enter
-the \APL\ mode by the control sequence @\beginapl@,
-and to end it by @\endapl@. However, it is more convenient to
-augment {\sltt verbatim\/} with {\sltt aplstyle\/} so that
-it can be used with several different typewriter-like fonts.
-(The {\it verbatim\/} macros can be found in the {\TeX}book,
-p.\ 421.) Since {\sltt\char'100\/}
-(the {\it at sign}) is used as the escape character inside {\it verbatim\/}
-mode, our \TeX\ code might (and in fact does) look as follows:
-\def\endsym{\char'134{endtt}} % just for using \endtt after \begintt
- % without actually ending anything
- \choosett{apl}
- \begintt
- [1] S_I_0
- [2] @@GO(N<I_I+1)/0
- [3] S_S+I*2
- [4] @@GO2
- [5] @@DL
- @endsym
-\choosett{sltt}% %@@@@
-The control sequences @\DL@ and @\GO@ are not chosen arbitrarily
-but follow the conventions used in Digital's VAX \APL\ interpreter [1].
-As terminals usually do not support the \APL\ character set, an
-alternative representation by two-letter mnemonics is provided by the
-interpreter. For the most part we have adopted these mnemonics also for our
-\APL\ font. Hence, as an additional bonus the user should find it
-easy to combine his or her \APL\ code with normal \TeX\ code. Thus,
-it is not necessary for a VAX \APL\ user to retype the definitions
-of \APL\ functions in order to be able to use them in documents.
-He or she only has to replace every {\it period\/} used as an
-escape character in Digital's interpreter, by {\sltt\char'100}.
-(There is another syntactical difference between Digital's interpreter
-and \TeX's {\it verbatim\/} mode: for the interpreter
-the third ordinary character after an escape character
-does no longer belong to the escape sequence while \TeX\ admits
-arbitrarily long control sequences. We take care of this
-by changing certain {\it catcodes\/} temporarily.)
-\section{The \APL\ font table}
-\APL\ symbols are divided into two classes: the primitive symbols
-and those obtained by overstriking two primitive ones. The overstrikes
-are traditionally obtained by typing the first symbol, by using
-backspace to go back one space and then typing the second symbol
-{\sl over\/} the first one. However, in modern \APL\ keyboards these
-double symbols are assigned to non-alphanumeric keys (for example,
-to keys under the {\sltt ALT\/} key). We decided to include only the
-primitive \APL\ symbols in the font table; this enabled us to include
-also the lower-case letters, following modern conventions. (The original
-\APL\ letters were restricted to capitals.) The comment symbol
-@"@ is the only exception since it is keyed in as a double quote.
-Our font is a fixed size typeface with strongly slanted letters.
-Moreover, we have followed the style of best books in \APL:
-all symbols should be drawn with a thin pen to get a touch of
-a typewriter. (This point is clearly witnessed, for example, in [5].)
-The places of some symbols are determined by the \TeX\ font tables.
-For example, the hash sign {\sltt\char'043\/} is used for the
-multiplication sign in VAX \APL, and hence the corresponding symbol
-has the the same octal code (043) as the hash sign in \TeX.
-The font table has the following form: %@@@@
-% table begins
-% This macro comes from TUGboat (I (AH) do not remember which number),
-% unsuitable parts are commented out.
-{\baselineskip=0pt \lineskip=0pt
-\setbox9=\hbox{\sl 0}
-\def\spike{\hbox to 0pt{\vbox to \ht9{}}}
-\def\cell#1{\hbox to 1\vu{\hfill\char'#1\hfill}\vrule}
-\def\label#1{\vbox to \ht8{\vfill\hbox to 35pt{\hfill\sl '#10\hskip1em%
- }\vfill}\vrule}
-\def\seprow{\def\m{\hskip 1\vu{}\vrule height 2pt}\hbox{\m\m\m\m\m\m\m\m}}
- \cell{#10}\cell{#11}\cell{#12}\cell{#13}%
- \cell{#14}\cell{#15}\cell{#16}\cell{#17}\hfill%
- }\seprow\hrule}\hbox{\label{#1}\box8}}
-\def\lcol#1{\hbox to 1\vu{\hfill{\sl #1}\hfill}\hskip .4pt}
- \chw{#11}
- \chw{#12}
- \chw{#13}
- \chw{#14}
- \chw{#15}
- \chw{#16}
- \chw{#17}}}
- \colw{#11}
- \colw{#12}
- \colw{#13}
- \colw{#14}
- \colw{#15}
- \colw{#16}
- \colw{#17}}}
-\def\getw{\setbox0=\vbox{\setw0\setw1\hbox to \wd9{}\hbox to 1em{}}%
- \vu=1.625\wd0}
- \apl\getw\bigskip % changed from \null\vfill to \bigskip
- \centerline{\vbox{%\hbox{\hskip35pt{\sl cmapl10}\hfill}
-% \vskip20pt
- \hbox{\hskip35pt\lcol0\lcol1\lcol2\lcol3\lcol4\lcol5\lcol6\lcol7}
- \vskip 4pt
- \hbox{\hskip35pt\vbox{\hrule width 8\vu}\vbox{\hrule width 3.6pt}}
- \cellrow{00}\cellrow{01}\cellrow{02}\cellrow{03}
- \cellrow{04}\cellrow{05}\cellrow{06}\cellrow{07}
- \cellrow{10}\cellrow{11}\cellrow{12}\cellrow{13}
- \cellrow{14}\cellrow{15}\cellrow{16}\cellrow{17}}}} % removed \vfill
-% % from the end
-% table ends
-\section{The necessary \METAFONT\ files}
-The whole process started when the first author had a paper
-containing \APL\ symbols and was disappointed with the
-quality of the symbols available on the typewriter. Moreover,
-the secretary who had typed the text had forgot a couple
-of lines in the middle of the paper, and the correction of
-such mistakes seemed to be very clumsy in comparison with
-modern typesetting. Then he decided (together with the second
-author) to remedy the situation by creating an \APL\ font for
-\TeX\ he was using for other kinds of document. Many of the
-\APL\ symbols needed were contained in standard fonts; for example,
-{\it diamond\/} can be found in {\it cmsy10}. For alphanumeric
-characters one could use {\it cmsltt10}. The simplest try for
-a solution of the problem would be to write a list of definitions
-that pick symbols from appropriate fonts. However, this brute force
-method does not really work since these symbols come from
-very different typefaces and, moreover, do not provide a fixed
-typeface. Hence, we decided to find an easy way of producing
-an \APL\ font by using \METAFONT.
-As the starting point, we took the font {\it cmtex10}. This is a
-fixed typeface for an extended typewriter-like font including
-some Greek characters and mathematical symbols. The \METAFONT\ file
-for this font, {\sltt\/} contains (as usual) a preamble
-that assigns values to several global variables, and the command
-{\sltt generate textset;\/}. Now the {\sl driver\/} file {\sltt\/} %@@@@
-contains the commands {\sltt mode\_setup;font\_setup;\/} %@@@@
-(establishing the values of the variables for this font) and several
-input files from which the \METAFONT\ descriptions of the characters are to
-be found. Since some of these files treat the characters by name and
-since some of the definitions have to be changed (and some dropped),
-we considered it advisable to discard the driver file and to collect
-the separate \METAFONT\ files, together with the preamble, to form a
-large single file {\sltt}. The {\sltt .mf\/} character files
-needed for {\sltt\/} are the following:
-$$\vbox{\halign{{\sltt#}\hfil && \quad #\hfil\cr
- greekl & ({\it rho, omega, alpha}) \cr
- italms & ({\it iota}) \cr
- romand & (roman digits) \cr
- punct & (punctuation symbols) \cr
- romanp & \cr
- symbol & (math symbols) \cr
- sym & \cr
- romanu & (uppercase letters) \cr
- romanl & (lowercase letters) \cr
-The first thing to do is to put {\sltt font\_identifier:="CMAPL";\/} %@@@@
-and to set {\sltt slant:=0;\/} in the preamble. Many definitions can %@@@@
-be copied verbatim from the {\sltt .mf\/} files, but some of them
-need changes. The Greek {\it iota}, as given in {\sltt},
-is strange to \APL\ style; we use instead the {\it dotless i\/}
-from {\sltt}. Moreover, we used the symbol {\it elt\/}
-(element) from {\sltt\/} instead of the Greek {\it epsilon}.
-The symbols {\it del\/} and {\it delta\/} are
-taken from {\sltt\/} (where their names are {\it large triangle\/}
-and {\it large inverted triangle}). However, they are too sturdy
-and too short to be placed in a proper \APL\ font. Further, {\it del\/}
-must be lifted up so that it is vertically aligned with other
-symbols. The modifications are very easy to do, and the modified %@@@@ , by ,and
-definition is shown below.
- % sqrt48 was changed to 6.25 since the del symbol in APL has
- % a narrower top than the original reversed triangle symbol
- % rule.nib has been changed to light_rule.nib
- % bot y3=-d-o has been changed to bot y3=0
- % top y1=h-d has been changed to top y1=h+2o
- @null
- cmchar "Del";
- beginchar(oct"002",16u#,asc_height#,0);
- adjust_fit(0,0); pickup light_rule.nib;
- top y1=h+2o; y2=y1; bot y3=0;
- .5[x1,x2]=x3=good.x .5w; w:=r:=2x3; lft x1=hround(.5w-u*6.25);
- draw z1--z2--z3--cycle; % stroke
- labels(1,2,3); endchar;
-As can be seen from this example, pen strokes were made thinner.
-Actually only one symbol was directly missing---this is the {\it quad
-box}. However, it can be obtained from the above by adding one control point:
- cmchar "Quad";
- beginchar(oct"001",16u#,body_height#,0);
- adjust_fit(0,0); pickup light_rule.nib;
- bot y1=0; y2=y1; top y3=h+2o; y4=y3;
- .5[x1,x2]=x5=good.x .5w; w:=r:=2x5;
- % The quad box is slightly wider than Del
- lft x1=hround(.5w-u*7);
- x3=x1; x4=x2;
- draw z1--z2--z4--z3--cycle; % box
- labels(1,2,3,4); endchar;
-After taking care of special symbols, the letters can be treated
-by finding a suitable value for {\it tilt ratio\/} (slant). Indeed,
-\APL\ letters are {\sl very\/} slanted. We suggest the value
-1/5 for this font (the font {\it cmsl10\/} uses 1/6). One should
-remember to give the command {\sltt font\_setup;\/} after setting {\sltt slant\/} %@@@@
-to 1/5.
-\choosett{sltt}% %@@@@
-Finally, one has to make the {\it verbatim\/} macros
-suitable for \APL\ style. Since {\it verbatim\/} might be
-used for several different fonts in one document, we decided
-to include a control sequence @\choosett@.
- \def\ifundefined#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax}
- \newif\ifapl \def\aplname{apl}
- \outer\def\choosett#1{\ifundefined{#1}%
- \message{Undefined font(?), replaced with cmtt10}%
- \let\tt=\tentt
- \else
- \def\tt{\expandafter\csname#1\endcsname}%
- \def\ttname{#1}%
- \ifx\ttname\aplname\apltrue\else\aplfalse\fi\fi}
-(The control sequence @\ifundefined@ comes from the \TeX{book}, p.\ 308.)
-With the help of @\choosett@, the standard @verbatim@ macros can be used
-with the single change that @\ifapl@, then the @\catcode@ of @A@,\dots,@Z@
-is @\other@ (12) instead of 11 for {\it letter}. Under \APL\ mode \TeX\
-will then recognize our single-letter control sequences defined, e.g., by
- \def\A#1{\if#1B{\apl\char'174}\else % stile
- \if#1M{\apl\char'004}\fi\fi} % alpha .
-Unfortunately, we have redefined the standard @\L@, @\O@, @\P@ and @\S@.
-The \APL\ symbols not in the font table are obtained---as usual---by
-overstriking two table symbols.
- \newbox\firstchar\newskip\charwidth
- \def\overstrike#1#2{\setbox\firstchar=\hbox{#1}\charwidth=\wd\firstchar
- #1\hskip-\charwidth#2}
-For example, the {\it grade up\/} and {\it grade down\/} symbols
-\G U\ and \G D\ are obtained by striking the {\it stile\/} symbol
-@|@ over \L D\ and \D L, respectively.
- \def\G#1{\if#1U{\overstrike{\LD}{\AB}}\else % grade up
- \if#1D{\overstrike{\DL}{\AB}}\fi\fi} % grade down
-Now let us take another example on \APL. The input
- \choosett{apl} % in case some other choice is in force
- \setbox0=\vbox{\hsize=5.7truein
- \begintt
- [0] Z_A1 PROD A2;A;I;V
- [3] I_@@ROA1
- [4] Z_A1@@SO.#A2
- [5] LOOP:V_@@ROZ @@DM V[(@@ROI)+1]_V[1]
- [6] V_@@ROZ_Z,[(@@ROI)+1]V@@RO0
- [7] A_(1+-@@IOV[1])@@SO.#((@@NT(@@IO@@ROV)@@EP(1,(@@ROI)+1))/V)@@RO1
- [8] Z_+/[1]A@@RV[(@@ROI)+1]Z
- [9] ((@@RO@@ROZ)>@@ROI)/LOOP
- @endsym
- }
- $$\boxit{\boxit{\box0}}$$
- \centerline{\sevenrm An APL function for polynomial multiplication}
-gives the output
- [0] Z_A1 PROD A2;A;I;V
- [3] I_@ROA1
- [4] Z_A1@SO.#A2
- [5] LOOP:V_@ROZ @DM V[(@ROI)+1]_V[1]
- [6] V_@ROZ_Z,[(@ROI)+1]V@RO0
- [7] A_(1+-@IOV[1])@SO.#((@NT(@IO@ROV)@EP(1,(@ROI)+1))/V)@RO1
- [8] Z_+/[1]A@RV[(@ROI)+1]Z
- [9] ((@RO@ROZ)>@ROI)/LOOP
- }
-\centerline{\sevenrm An APL function for polynomial multiplication}
-\section{User extension}
-A modern user of a computerized typesetting facility will probably
-ask if it is possible to extend or modify fonts coming with the
-system. As with [5], where the font has an {\it analytic\/} and a
-{\it bitmapped\/} variant, we can distinguish between the need of modifying
-{\it cmapl10\/} via \METAFONT\ and modification of the pixel files.
-\APL\ symbols of various ``blackness'' or ``thickness'' may be desirable.
-Indeed, in [3] the user input is written with boldface \APL\ symbols
-and the answers from the interpreter with thin ones. Furthermore,
-certain screen previewers use specific small size pixel files, and
-do not support the \APL\ font.
-The modification of the font by changing the values of some global
-variables in the preamble of the \METAFONT\ file is easy and can be
-done by following how it is done in standard fonts such as
-{\it cmbx10\/} etc. This is the recommended way, too. However, if
-\METAFONT\ is not available, then one must attack the pixel files.
-For direct hand editing, we use a program that converts a pixel
-file into a (bitmapped) text file acceptable to any standard screen
-editor, and another program reading the edited file back into
-a \TeX\ pixel file. Scaling fonts down to a desired size can be
-done in a similar (but automatic) manner; this facility is needed
-by a previewer (written by the first author) not using runtime
-\ref Digital Equipment Corporation: VAX-11 \APL\ Reference Manual.-
- 1983.
-\ref Feldberg, Ian: TEXT: Publication-Quality Characters Come
- to \APL\ Graphics.- Proceedings of the 1986 \APL\ Conference,
- SIGAPL, pp.\ 306--313.
-\ref Gilman, Leonard, and Allen J.\ Rose: \APL, An Interactive
- Approach.- John Wiley \& Sons, Inc., 1984.
-\ref Grenander, Ulf: Mathematical Experiments on the Computer.-
- Academic Press, 1982.
-\ref Howland, John E.: Typesetting \APL\ Using a Macintosh.-
- Proceedings of the 1986 \APL\ Conference, SIGAPL, pp.\ 301--305.
-\ref Iverson, Kenneth: A Programming Language.- Wiley, New York, 1962.
- }
-\section{The address}
-\hskip\refskip University of Helsinki
-\hskip\refskip Department of Mathematics
-\hskip\refskip Hallituskatu 15
-\hskip\refskip SF--00100 HELSINKI
-\hskip\refskip FINLAND
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/tugboat2.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/tugboat2.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 05a6398b724..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/tugboat2.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
-% T U G B O A T . T E X
-% A TeX file for the paper on APL-TeX (new version, not published)
-% A.Hohti/O.Kanerva (University of Helsinki) April 1987
-% Version of August 26, 1987 at 15:00
-\input aplstyle % the file containing the APL definitions
-\magnification=\magstep1 % for weak eyes!
-\font\bigbf=ambx10 % for titles
-\font\sltt=amsltt10 % for file contents inside text
-\font\manual=manfnt at 10pt % for major METAFONT logo
-\font\minual=manfnt at 9pt % for minor METAFONT logo
-\input ninesize % abstract, references
-\def\METAFONT{{\manual META}\-{\manual FONT}}
-\def\metafont{{\minual META}\-{\minual FONT}}
-% stylistic definitions
-\def\section#1{\vskip0pt plus .1\vsize
- \penalty-250\vskip0pt plus-.1\vsize\bigskip
- \noindent{\bf #1.\ }\nobreak\message{#1}}
- \vbox{\hsize=4.75truein{\ninepoint \noindent ABSTRACT.\enspace#1}}}}}
-\def\APL{{\sl APL}}
-% this definition is from the TeXbook, Ex. 21.3 :
-\def\boxit#1{\vbox{\hrule \hbox{\vrule \kern2pt
- \vbox{\kern2pt#1\kern2pt}\kern2pt\vrule}\hrule}}
-% A macro for making references and blocks.
-% \refskip has to be set by the user! Otherwise \parindent is
-% used, in accordance with \item.
-\def\ref#1:#2.-#3\par{\ninepoint % switch to nine point fonts
-\advance\refcount by 1
-\advance\plusindent by -\refindent\tempindent=\parindent %
-\parindent=0pt\par\hangindent\extraindent %
- [\number\refcount]\hskip\plusindent #1:{\sl#2},#3
- \centerline{\bigbf GENERATING AN \APL\ FONT}
- \centerline{\sl Aarno Hohti and Okko Kanerva}
- \centerline{\sl University of Helsinki}
-\abstract{The \APL\ language is well known for its peculiar
- symbols which have inhibited the use of this language
- in many programming environments. Making \APL\
- documents of good quality has been difficult and
- expensive. We describe here a simple way how to
- use \metafont\ to generate an \APL\ font for \TeX\
- by using existing font definitions as far as possible.}
-This note describes an interesting exercise in using
-\METAFONT\ to produce new typefaces by combining letters
-from standard fonts. As we know, the \APL\ language [6] of
-Kenneth Iverson has never gained the popularity it deserves
-which is largely due to its strange symbol set. Indeed,
-true \APL\ users require a special keyboard to support
-the nonstandard but powerful operator symbols. Moreover,
-putting \APL\ into print has always been a problem, and
-modern low cost computerized typesetting programs do
-not usually support \APL\ style. \TeX\ can be used to
-produce high quality printouts for technical text,
-and it would be desirable to have a possibility to
-mix in \APL\ code. The companion program of
-\TeX ---\METAFONT ---provides a full means for a simple generation
-of an \APL\ font for \TeX, and the purpose of this
-note is to inform other people about the result we
-have obtained at the University of Helsinki. Let us note
-that there are at least three other \APL\ fonts available
-for small computer environments. Indeed, the newsletter
-\APL\ {\it Quote Quad\/}\footnote{*}{{\ninepoint Newsletter of SIGAPL,
-the Special Interest Group for \APL. {\it Quote Quad\/} has the same
-status in the world of \APL\ as TUGboat in \TeX{nical} world.}}
-is produced by using TROFF, and there
-exists a Postscript \APL\ font for the Apple Laserwriter [5] and
-another font for the TEXT typesetting system [2].
-Consider the following usual kind of function definition in \APL:
- [1] S_I_0
- [2] @GO(N<I_I+1)/0
- [3] S_S+I*2
- [4] @GO2
- [5] @DL
-\choosett{sltt}% %@@@@
-How to write in this code, providing that we have a suitable
-font? The \APL\ font should represent the screen
-output style of \APL\ code and obey the same laws of spacing.
-Hence, it should be a typewriter-like typeface with fixed
-spacing; the same approach for representing \TeX\ input was
-adopted by Knuth in the {\TeX}book.
-The {\it verbatim\/} macros have often been used for importing
-screen or paper outputs into \TeX\ documents; some people
-misuse them for an easy construction of tables etc. In
-{\sltt verbatim}, the typewriter mode is entered by the control
-sequence @\begintt@---that mode is ended by
-@\endtt@. In the same vein, we could enter
-the \APL\ mode by the control sequence @\beginapl@,
-and to end it by @\endapl@. However, it is more convenient to
-augment {\sltt verbatim\/} with {\sltt aplstyle\/} so that
-it can be used with several different typewriter-like fonts.
-(The {\it verbatim\/} macros can be found in the {\TeX}book,
-p.\ 421.) Since {\sltt\char'100\/}
-(the {\it at sign}) is used as the escape character inside {\it verbatim\/}
-mode, our \TeX\ code might (and in fact does) look as follows:
-\def\endsym{\char'134{endtt}} % just for using \endtt after \begintt
- % without actually ending anything
- \choosett{apl}
- \begintt
- [1] S_I_0
- [2] @@GO(N<I_I+1)/0
- [3] S_S+I*2
- [4] @@GO2
- [5] @@DL
- @endsym
-\choosett{sltt}% %@@@@
-The control sequences @\DL@ and @\GO@ are not chosen arbitrarily
-but follow the conventions used in Digital's VAX \APL\ interpreter [1].
-As terminals usually do not support the \APL\ character set, an
-alternative representation by two-letter mnemonics is provided by the
-interpreter. For the most part we have adopted these mnemonics also for our
-\APL\ font. Hence, as an additional bonus the user should find it
-easy to combine his or her \APL\ code with normal \TeX\ code. Thus,
-it is not necessary for a VAX \APL\ user to retype the definitions
-of \APL\ functions in order to be able to use them in documents.
-He or she only has to replace every {\it period\/} used as an
-escape character in Digital's interpreter, by {\sltt\char'100}.
-(There is another syntactical difference between Digital's interpreter
-and \TeX's {\it verbatim\/} mode: for the interpreter
-the third ordinary character after an escape character
-does no longer belong to the escape sequence while \TeX\ admits
-arbitrarily long control sequences. We take care of this
-by changing certain {\it catcodes\/} temporarily.)
-\section{The \APL\ font table}
-\APL\ symbols are divided into two classes: the primitive symbols
-and those obtained by overstriking two primitive ones. The overstrikes
-are traditionally obtained by typing the first symbol, by using
-backspace to go back one space and then typing the second symbol
-{\sl over\/} the first one. However, in modern \APL\ keyboards these
-double symbols are assigned to non-alphanumeric keys (for example,
-to keys under the {\sltt ALT\/} key). We decided to include only the
-primitive \APL\ symbols in the font table; this enabled us to include
-also the lower-case letters, following modern conventions. (The original
-\APL\ letters were restricted to capitals.) The comment symbol
-@"@ is the only exception since it is keyed in as a double quote.
-Our font is a fixed size typeface with strongly slanted letters.
-Moreover, we have followed the style of best books in \APL:
-all symbols should be drawn with a thin pen to get a touch of
-a typewriter. (This point is clearly witnessed, for example, in [5].)
-The places of some symbols are determined by the \TeX\ font tables.
-For example, the hash sign {\sltt\char'043\/} is used for the
-multiplication sign in VAX \APL, and hence the corresponding symbol
-has the the same octal code (043) as the hash sign in \TeX.
-The font table has the following form: %@@@@
-% table begins
-% This macro comes from TUGboat (I (AH) do not remember which number),
-% unsuitable parts are commented out.
-{\baselineskip=0pt \lineskip=0pt
-\setbox9=\hbox{\sl 0}
-\def\spike{\hbox to 0pt{\vbox to \ht9{}}}
-\def\cell#1{\hbox to 1\vu{\hfill\char'#1\hfill}\vrule}
-\def\label#1{\vbox to \ht8{\vfill\hbox to 35pt{\hfill\sl '#10\hskip1em%
- }\vfill}\vrule}
-\def\seprow{\def\m{\hskip 1\vu{}\vrule height 2pt}\hbox{\m\m\m\m\m\m\m\m}}
- \cell{#10}\cell{#11}\cell{#12}\cell{#13}%
- \cell{#14}\cell{#15}\cell{#16}\cell{#17}\hfill%
- }\seprow\hrule}\hbox{\label{#1}\box8}}
-\def\lcol#1{\hbox to 1\vu{\hfill{\sl #1}\hfill}\hskip .4pt}
- \chw{#11}
- \chw{#12}
- \chw{#13}
- \chw{#14}
- \chw{#15}
- \chw{#16}
- \chw{#17}}}
- \colw{#11}
- \colw{#12}
- \colw{#13}
- \colw{#14}
- \colw{#15}
- \colw{#16}
- \colw{#17}}}
-\def\getw{\setbox0=\vbox{\setw0\setw1\hbox to \wd9{}\hbox to 1em{}}%
- \vu=1.625\wd0}
- \apl\getw\bigskip % changed from \null\vfill to \bigskip
- \centerline{\vbox{%\hbox{\hskip35pt{\sl cmapl10}\hfill}
-% \vskip20pt
- \hbox{\hskip35pt\lcol0\lcol1\lcol2\lcol3\lcol4\lcol5\lcol6\lcol7}
- \vskip 4pt
- \hbox{\hskip35pt\vbox{\hrule width 8\vu}\vbox{\hrule width 3.6pt}}
- \cellrow{00}\cellrow{01}\cellrow{02}\cellrow{03}
- \cellrow{04}\cellrow{05}\cellrow{06}\cellrow{07}
- \cellrow{10}\cellrow{11}\cellrow{12}\cellrow{13}
- \cellrow{14}\cellrow{15}\cellrow{16}\cellrow{17}}}} % removed \vfill
-% % from the end
-% table ends
-\section{The necessary \METAFONT\ files}
-The whole process started when the first author had a paper
-containing \APL\ symbols and was disappointed with the
-quality of the symbols available on the typewriter. Moreover,
-the secretary who had typed the text had forgot a couple
-of lines in the middle of the paper, and the correction of
-such mistakes seemed to be very clumsy in comparison with
-modern typesetting. Then he decided (together with the second
-author) to remedy the situation by creating an \APL\ font for
-\TeX\ he was using for other kinds of document. Many of the
-\APL\ symbols needed were contained in standard fonts; for example,
-{\it diamond\/} can be found in {\it cmsy10}. For alphanumeric
-characters one could use {\it cmsltt10}. The simplest try for
-a solution of the problem would be to write a list of definitions
-that pick symbols from appropriate fonts. However, this brute force
-method does not really work since these symbols come from
-very different typefaces and, moreover, do not provide a fixed
-typeface. Hence, we decided to find an easy way of producing
-an \APL\ font by using \METAFONT.
-As the starting point, we took the font {\it cmtex10}. This is a
-fixed typeface for an extended typewriter-like font including
-some Greek characters and mathematical symbols. The \METAFONT\ file
-for this font, {\sltt\/} contains (as usual) a preamble
-that assigns values to several global variables, and the command
-{\sltt generate textset;\/}. Now the {\sl driver\/} file {\sltt\/} %@@@@
-contains the commands {\sltt mode\_setup;font\_setup;\/} %@@@@
-(establishing the values of the variables for this font) and several
-input files from which the \METAFONT\ descriptions of the characters are to
-be found. Since some of these files treat the characters by name and
-since some of the definitions have to be changed (and some dropped),
-we considered it advisable to discard the driver file and to collect
-the separate \METAFONT\ files, together with the preamble, to form a
-large single file {\sltt}. The {\sltt .mf\/} character files
-needed for {\sltt\/} are the following:
-$$\vbox{\halign{{\sltt#}\hfil && \quad #\hfil\cr
- greekl & ({\it rho, omega, alpha}) \cr
- italms & ({\it iota}) \cr
- romand & (roman digits) \cr
- punct & (punctuation symbols) \cr
- romanp & \cr
- symbol & (math symbols) \cr
- sym & \cr
- romanu & (uppercase letters) \cr
- romanl & (lowercase letters) \cr
-The first thing to do is to put {\sltt font\_identifier:="CMAPL";\/} %@@@@
-and to set {\sltt slant:=0;\/} in the preamble. Many definitions can %@@@@
-be copied verbatim from the {\sltt .mf\/} files, but some of them
-need changes. The Greek {\it iota}, as given in {\sltt},
-is strange to \APL\ style; we use instead the {\it dotless i\/}
-from {\sltt}. Moreover, we used the symbol {\it elt\/}
-(element) from {\sltt\/} instead of the Greek {\it epsilon}.
-The symbols {\it del\/} and {\it delta\/} are
-taken from {\sltt\/} (where their names are {\it large triangle\/}
-and {\it large inverted triangle}). However, they are too sturdy
-and too short to be placed in a proper \APL\ font. Further, {\it del\/}
-must be lifted up so that it is vertically aligned with other
-symbols. The modifications are very easy to do, and the modified %@@@@ , by ,and
-definition is shown below.
- % sqrt48 was changed to 6.25 since the del symbol in APL has
- % a narrower top than the original reversed triangle symbol
- % rule.nib has been changed to light_rule.nib
- % bot y3=-d-o has been changed to bot y3=0
- % top y1=h-d has been changed to top y1=h+2o
- @null
- cmchar "Del";
- beginchar(oct"002",16u#,asc_height#,0);
- adjust_fit(0,0); pickup light_rule.nib;
- top y1=h+2o; y2=y1; bot y3=0;
- .5[x1,x2]=x3=good.x .5w; w:=r:=2x3; lft x1=hround(.5w-u*6.25);
- draw z1--z2--z3--cycle; % stroke
- labels(1,2,3); endchar;
-As can be seen from this example, pen strokes were made thinner.
-Actually only one symbol was directly missing---this is the {\it quad
-box}. However, it can be obtained from the above by adding one control point:
- cmchar "Quad";
- beginchar(oct"001",16u#,body_height#,0);
- adjust_fit(0,0); pickup light_rule.nib;
- bot y1=0; y2=y1; top y3=h+2o; y4=y3;
- .5[x1,x2]=x5=good.x .5w; w:=r:=2x5;
- % The quad box is slightly wider than Del
- lft x1=hround(.5w-u*7);
- x3=x1; x4=x2;
- draw z1--z2--z4--z3--cycle; % box
- labels(1,2,3,4); endchar;
-After taking care of special symbols, the letters can be treated
-by finding a suitable value for {\it tilt ratio\/} (slant). Indeed,
-\APL\ letters are {\sl very\/} slanted. We suggest the value
-1/5 for this font (the font {\it cmsl10\/} uses 1/6). One should
-remember to give the command {\sltt font\_setup;\/} after setting {\sltt slant\/} %@@@@
-to 1/5.
-\choosett{sltt}% %@@@@
-Finally, one has to make the {\it verbatim\/} macros
-suitable for \APL\ style. Since {\it verbatim\/} might be
-used for several different fonts in one document, we decided
-to include a control sequence @\choosett@.
- \def\ifundefined#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax}
- \newif\ifapl \def\aplname{apl}
- \outer\def\choosett#1{\ifundefined{#1}%
- \message{Undefined font(?), replaced with cmtt10}%
- \let\tt=\tentt
- \else
- \def\tt{\expandafter\csname#1\endcsname}%
- \def\ttname{#1}%
- \ifx\ttname\aplname\apltrue\else\aplfalse\fi\fi}
-(The control sequence @\ifundefined@ comes from the \TeX{book}, p.\ 308.)
-With the help of @\choosett@, the standard @verbatim@ macros can be used
-with the single change that @\ifapl@, then the @\catcode@ of @A@,\dots,@Z@
-is @\other@ (12) instead of 11 for {\it letter}. Under \APL\ mode \TeX\
-will then recognize our single-letter control sequences defined, e.g., by
- \def\A#1{\if#1B{\apl\char'174}\else % stile
- \if#1M{\apl\char'004}\fi\fi} % alpha .
-Unfortunately, we have redefined the standard @\L@, @\O@, @\P@ and @\S@.
-The \APL\ symbols not in the font table are obtained---as usual---by
-overstriking two table symbols.
- \newbox\firstchar\newskip\charwidth
- \def\overstrike#1#2{\setbox\firstchar=\hbox{#1}\charwidth=\wd\firstchar
- #1\hskip-\charwidth#2}
-For example, the {\it grade up\/} and {\it grade down\/} symbols
-\G U\ and \G D\ are obtained by striking the {\it stile\/} symbol
-@|@ over \L D\ and \D L, respectively.
- \def\G#1{\if#1U{\overstrike{\LD}{\AB}}\else % grade up
- \if#1D{\overstrike{\DL}{\AB}}\fi\fi} % grade down
-Now let us take another example on \APL. The input
- \choosett{apl} % in case some other choice is in force
- \setbox0=\vbox{\hsize=5.7truein
- \begintt
- [0] Z_A1 PROD A2;A;I;V
- [3] I_@@ROA1
- [4] Z_A1@@SO.#A2
- [5] LOOP:V_@@ROZ @@DM V[(@@ROI)+1]-1
- [6] V_@@ROZ_Z,[(@@ROI)+1]V@@RO0
- [7] A_(1+-@@IOV[1])@@SO.#((@@NT(@@IO@@ROV)@@EP(1,(@@ROI)+1))/V)@@RO1
- [8] Z_+/[1]A@@RV[(@@ROI)+1]Z
- [9] ((@@RO@@ROZ)>@@ROI)/LOOP
- @endsym
- }
- $$\boxit{\boxit{\box0}}$$
- \centerline{\sevenrm An APL function for polynomial multiplication}
-gives the output
- [0] Z_A1 PROD A2;A;I;V
- [3] I_@ROA1
- [4] Z_A1@SO.#A2
- [5] LOOP:V_@ROZ @DM V[(@ROI)+1]-1
- [6] V_@ROZ_Z,[(@ROI)+1]V@RO0
- [7] A_(1+-@IOV[1])@SO.#((@NT(@IO@ROV)@EP(1,(@ROI)+1))/V)@RO1
- [8] Z_+/[1]A@RV[(@ROI)+1]Z
- [9] ((@RO@ROZ)>@ROI)/LOOP
- }
-\centerline{\sevenrm An APL function for polynomial multiplication}
-\section{User extension}
-A modern user of a computerized typesetting facility will probably
-ask if it is possible to extend or modify fonts coming with the
-system. As with [5], where the font has an {\it analytic\/} and a
-{\it bitmapped\/} variant, we can distinguish between the need of modifying
-{\it cmapl10\/} via \METAFONT\ and modification of the pixel files.
-\APL\ symbols of various ``blackness'' or ``thickness'' may be desirable.
-Indeed, in [3] the user input is written with boldface \APL\ symbols
-and the answers from the interpreter with thin ones. Furthermore,
-certain screen previewers use specific small size pixel files, and
-do not support the \APL\ font.
-The modification of the font by changing the values of some global
-variables in the preamble of the \METAFONT\ file is easy and can be
-done by following how it is done in standard fonts such as
-{\it cmbx10\/} etc. This is the recommended way, too. However, if
-\METAFONT\ is not available, then one must attack the pixel files.
-For direct hand editing, we use a program that converts a pixel
-file into a (bitmapped) text file acceptable to any standard screen
-editor, and another program reading the edited file back into
-a \TeX\ pixel file. Scaling fonts down to a desired size can be
-done in a similar (but automatic) manner; this facility is needed
-by a previewer (written by the first author) not using runtime
-\ref Digital Equipment Corporation: VAX-11 \APL\ Reference Manual.-
- 1983.
-\ref Feldberg, Ian: TEXT: Publication-Quality Characters Come
- to \APL\ Graphics.- Proceedings of the 1986 \APL\ Conference,
- SIGAPL, pp.\ 306--313.
-\ref Gilman, Leonard, and Allen J.\ Rose: \APL, An Interactive
- Approach.- John Wiley \& Sons, Inc., 1984.
-\ref Grenander, Ulf: Mathematical Experiments on the Computer.-
- Academic Press, 1982.
-\ref Howland, John E.: Typesetting \APL\ Using a Macintosh.-
- Proceedings of the 1986 \APL\ Conference, SIGAPL, pp.\ 301--305.
-\ref Iverson, Kenneth: A Programming Language.- Wiley, New York, 1962.
- }
-\section{The address}
-\hskip\refskip University of Helsinki
-\hskip\refskip Department of Mathematics
-\hskip\refskip Hallituskatu 15
-\hskip\refskip SF--00100 HELSINKI
-\hskip\refskip FINLAND
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/versatim.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/versatim.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index c2ff320a7e5..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/apl/versatim.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-% V E R S A T I M . T E X
-\newskip\verbatimindent \verbatimindent=0cm
-\newskip\ttglue{\tt \global\ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em}
-\def\@{\char'100 }
- {\catcode`\^^M=5$$#1\halign\bgroup&\hskip\verbatimindent##\hfil\cr}}
-\def\ttverbatim{\begingroup \catcode`\\=\other \catcode`\{=\other
- \catcode`\}=\other \catcode`\$=\other \catcode`\&=\other
- \catcode`\#=\other \catcode`\%=\other \catcode`\~=\other
- \catcode`\_=\other \catcode`\^=\other\catcode`\*=\other\catcode`\==\other
- \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt}
-{\obeyspaces\gdef {\ }}
-\def\begintt{$$\let\par=\endgraf \ttverbatim \parskip=0pt
- \catcode`\@=0 \parindent=\verbatimindent \rightskip=-5pc \ttfinish}
-{\catcode`\@=0 @catcode`@\=\other % @ is temporary escape character
- @obeylines % end of line is active
- @gdef@ttfinish#1^^M#2\endtt{#1@vbox{#2}@endgroup$$}}
-{\obeylines\gdef@{\ttverbatim\spaceskip=\ttglue\let^^M=\ \let@=\endgroup}}
- \kern1pt\nobreak \obeylines \everypar{\strut}}