path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/support/tlcockpit/src/main/scala/TLCockpit/OptionsDialog.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/support/tlcockpit/src/main/scala/TLCockpit/OptionsDialog.scala')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/support/tlcockpit/src/main/scala/TLCockpit/OptionsDialog.scala b/Master/texmf-dist/source/support/tlcockpit/src/main/scala/TLCockpit/OptionsDialog.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ca7228da7ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/support/tlcockpit/src/main/scala/TLCockpit/OptionsDialog.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+package TLCockpit
+import TLCockpit.ApplicationMain.{not_implemented_info, stage}
+import TeXLive.{OsTools, TLOption, TLPaperConf}
+import scalafx.Includes._
+import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer
+import scalafx.event.ActionEvent
+import scalafx.geometry.{HPos, Insets}
+import scalafx.scene.Node
+import scalafx.scene.control._
+import scalafx.scene.layout._
+class OptionsDialog(opts: List[TLOption]) {
+ case class Result(selected: Map[String,String])
+ val dialog = new Dialog[Result]() {
+ initOwner(stage)
+ title = s"General options"
+ headerText = s"General options"
+ resizable = true
+ }
+ dialog.dialogPane().buttonTypes = Seq(ButtonType.OK, ButtonType.Cancel)
+ val grid = new GridPane() {
+ hgap = 10
+ vgap = 10
+ padding = Insets(20)
+ }
+ var crow = 0
+ val optsMap = => (, p)).toMap
+ val orderOpts = Seq("location", "create_formats", "install_srcfiles", "install_docfiles",
+ "backupdir", "autobackup") ++ {
+ if (OsTools.isWindows) Seq("desktop_integration", "file_assocs", "w32_multi_user")
+ else Seq("sys_bin", "sys_info", "sys_man")
+ }
+ val changedValues = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String]()
+ val nodes = nm => {
+ val tlopt = optsMap(nm) // this is dangerous in case we change the names in TLPDB!
+ grid.add(new Label(tlopt.description), 0, crow)
+ val value = tlopt.value.getOrElse(tlopt.default)
+ val nd: Node = if (tlopt.format.startsWith("b"))
+ new CheckBox() {
+ selected = if (value == "1") true else false
+ selected.onChange( (_,_,newVal) => { changedValues(nm) = if (newVal) "1" else "0" })
+ }
+ else if (tlopt.format.startsWith("n")) {
+ // parse additional specs
+ if (tlopt.format.startsWith("n:")) {
+ var nrSpec = tlopt.format.substring(2)
+ var splits: Array[String] = nrSpec.split("""\.\.""")
+ val start: Int = splits(0).toInt
+ val end: Option[Int] = if (splits.length > 1) Some(splits(1).toInt) else None
+ new Spinner[Int](start, end.getOrElse(50), value.toInt) {
+ value.onChange( (_,_,newVal) => { changedValues(nm) = newVal.toString })
+ if (nm == "autobackup")
+ tooltip = new Tooltip("-1 ... arbitrary many backups\n0 ... no backups\notherwise number of backups")
+ }
+ } else {
+ new Spinner[Int](-50, 50, value.toInt) {
+ value.onChange( (_,_,newVal) => { changedValues(nm) = newVal.toString })
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (tlopt.format == "p")
+ new TextField() {
+ text = value
+ text.onChange( (_,_,newVal) => { changedValues(nm) = newVal })
+ }
+ else if (tlopt.format == "u") {
+ val locs = value.split(' ')
+ val locsmap = if (locs.length == 1) Map[String,String](("main", value))
+ else => {
+ val uu = p.split('#')
+ (uu(1), uu(0))
+ }).toMap
+ val buttonStr = if (locs.length == 1) value else "Multiple repository"
+ new Button(buttonStr) {
+ onAction = (event: ActionEvent) => {
+ val dg = new LocationDialog(locsmap)
+ dg.showAndWait() match {
+ case Some(newlocs) =>
+ if (newlocs.toList.length == 1) {
+ changedValues(nm) = newlocs("main")
+ this.text = newlocs("main")
+ } else {
+ changedValues(nm) = => p._2 + "#" + p._1).mkString(" ")
+ this.text = "Multiple repository"
+ }
+ case None =>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ new Label("Unknown setting")
+ grid.add(nd, 1, crow)
+ crow += 1
+ (, nd)
+ }).toMap
+ grid.columnConstraints = Seq(new ColumnConstraints(300, 300, 500), new ColumnConstraints(200, 200, 5000, Priority.Always, new HPos(HPos.Left), true))
+ dialog.dialogPane().content = grid
+ dialog.width = 500
+ dialog.height = 1500
+ dialog.resultConverter = dialogButton =>
+ if (dialogButton == ButtonType.OK) {
+ // TODO we could check that the values actually have changed
+ Result(changedValues.toMap)
+ } else
+ null
+ def showAndWait(): Option[Map[String,String]] = {
+ val result = dialog.showAndWait()
+ result match {
+ case Some(Result(foo)) =>
+ // println("Got resutl " + foo)
+ Some(foo)
+ case Some(foo) =>
+ // println("Got strange result " + foo)
+ None
+ case None =>
+ None
+ }
+ }