path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/support/tlcockpit/src/main/scala/TLCockpit/ApplicationMain.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/support/tlcockpit/src/main/scala/TLCockpit/ApplicationMain.scala')
1 files changed, 482 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/support/tlcockpit/src/main/scala/TLCockpit/ApplicationMain.scala b/Master/texmf-dist/source/support/tlcockpit/src/main/scala/TLCockpit/ApplicationMain.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d7cad7021af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/support/tlcockpit/src/main/scala/TLCockpit/ApplicationMain.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+// TLCockpit
+// Copyright 2017 Norbert Preining
+// Licensed according to GPLv3+
+// Front end for tlmgr
+package TLCockpit
+import TeXLive.{TLPackage, TlmgrProcess}
+import scala.concurrent.Future
+import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
+import scalafx.geometry.HPos
+import scalafx.scene.control.Alert.AlertType
+// needed see
+import scalafx.scene.control.TableColumn._
+import scalafx.scene.control.Menu._
+import scalafx.Includes._
+import scalafx.application.{JFXApp, Platform}
+import scalafx.application.JFXApp.PrimaryStage
+import scalafx.geometry.Insets
+import scalafx.scene.Scene
+import scalafx.scene.layout._
+import scalafx.scene.control._
+import scalafx.event.ActionEvent
+import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer
+import scala.sys.process._
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+object ApplicationMain extends JFXApp {
+ // necessary action when Window is closed with X or some other operation
+ override def stopApp(): Unit = {
+ tlmgr.cleanup()
+ }
+ val pkgs = ArrayBuffer[TLPackage]()
+ val viewpkgs = ObservableBuffer[TLPackage]()
+ val outputfield = new TextArea {
+ editable = false
+ wrapText = true
+ }
+ val errorfield = new TextArea {
+ editable = false
+ wrapText = true
+ }
+ val update_self_button = new Button {
+ text = "Update self"
+ disable = true
+ onAction = (e: ActionEvent) => callback_update_self()
+ }
+ val update_all_button = new Button {
+ text = "Update all"
+ disable = true
+ onAction = (e: ActionEvent) => callback_update_all()
+ }
+ val outerrtabs = new TabPane {
+ minWidth = 400
+ tabs = Seq(
+ new Tab {
+ text = "Output"
+ closable = false
+ content = outputfield
+ },
+ new Tab {
+ text = "Error"
+ closable = false
+ content = errorfield
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ val outerrpane = new TitledPane {
+ text = "Debug"
+ collapsible = true
+ expanded = false
+ content = outerrtabs
+ }
+ val cmdline = new TextField()
+ val tlmgr = new TlmgrProcess((s:String) => outputfield.text = s,
+ (s:String) => {
+ errorfield.text = s
+ if (s != "") {
+ outerrpane.expanded = true
+ val selmod = outerrtabs.selectionModel()
+ }
+ })
+ def tlmgr_async_command(s: String, f: Array[String] => Unit): Unit = {
+ errorfield.text = ""
+ outputfield.text = ""
+ outerrpane.expanded = false
+ val foo = Future { tlmgr.send_command(s) }
+ foo onComplete {
+ case Success(ret) => f(ret)
+ case Failure(t) => println("An ERROR has occurred: " + t.getMessage)
+ }
+ }
+ def update_update_button_state(): Unit = {
+ update_all_button.disable = ! pkgs.foldLeft(false)(
+ (a,b) => a || (if ( == "texlive.infra") false else b.lrev.value.toInt > 0 && b.lrev.value.toInt < b.rrev.value.toInt)
+ )
+ // TODO we should change pkgs to a Map with keys are the names + repository (for multi repo support)
+ // and the values are llrev/rrev or some combination
+ update_self_button.disable = ! pkgs.foldLeft(false)(
+ (a,b) => a || (if ( == "texlive.infra") b.lrev.value.toInt < b.rrev.value.toInt else false)
+ )
+ }
+ def callback_quit(): Unit = {
+ tlmgr.cleanup()
+ Platform.exit()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ }
+ def callback_load_update_info(s:String, strs: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ if (s == "remote") {
+ tlmgr_async_command("info --data name,localrev,remoterev,shortdesc", (s: Array[String]) => {
+ val newpkgs = ArrayBuffer[TLPackage]()
+ => {
+ val fields: Array[String] = line.split(",", -1)
+ val sd = fields(3)
+ val shortdesc = if (sd.isEmpty) "" else sd.substring(1).dropRight(1).replace("""\"""",""""""")
+ newpkgs += new TLPackage(fields(0), fields(1), fields(2), shortdesc)
+ })
+ pkgs.clear()
+ += _)
+ viewpkgs.clear()
+ += _)
+ // check for updates available
+ update_update_button_state()
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ def callback_load(s: String): Unit = {
+ tlmgr_async_command("load " + s, callback_load_update_info(s, _) )
+ }
+ def callback_run_text(s: String): Unit = {
+ tlmgr_async_command(s, (s: Array[String]) => {})
+ // tlmgr_command(s)
+ }
+ def callback_run_cmdline(): Unit = {
+ callback_run_text(cmdline.text.value)
+ }
+ def callback_list_collections(): Unit = {
+ tlmgr_async_command("info collections", foo => {
+ val foo: Array[String] = Array()
+ // println("got result from info collections: ")
+ //
+ outputfield.text = foo.mkString("\n")
+ errorfield.text = tlmgr.errorBuffer.toString
+ })
+ }
+ def not_implemented_info(): Unit = {
+ new Alert(AlertType.Warning) {
+ initOwner(stage)
+ title = "Warning"
+ headerText = "This functionality is not implemented by now!"
+ contentText = "Sorry for the inconveniences."
+ }.showAndWait()
+ }
+ def callback_run_external(s: String): Unit = {
+ val foo = Future { s.!! }
+ foo.onComplete {
+ case Success(ret) => outputfield.text = ret.mkString("\n")
+ case Failure(t) => println("An ERROR has occurred: " + t.getMessage)
+ }
+ }
+ def callback_about(): Unit = {
+ new Alert(AlertType.Information) {
+ initOwner(stage)
+ title = "About TLCockpit"
+ headerText = "TLCockpit version 0.2\nLicense: GPL3+"
+ contentText = "Brought to you by Norbert\nSources:"
+ }.showAndWait()
+ }
+ def callback_show_all() : Unit = {
+ viewpkgs.clear()
+ += _)
+ }
+ def callback_show_installed() : Unit = {
+ viewpkgs.clear()
+ => if (p.lrev.value.toInt > 0) viewpkgs += p)
+ }
+ def callback_show_updates(): Unit = {
+ val newpkgs = ArrayBuffer[TLPackage]()
+ =>
+ // TODO we are not dealing with not integer values by now!
+ if (p.lrev.value.toInt > 0 && p.lrev.value.toInt < p.rrev.value.toInt) {
+ newpkgs += p
+ }
+ )
+ viewpkgs.clear()
+ += _)
+ }
+ def callback_update_all() : Unit = {
+ tlmgr_async_command("update --all", s => {
+ update_update_button_state()
+ callback_show_all()
+ })
+ }
+ def callback_update_self() : Unit = {
+ // TODO
+ // should we restart tlmgr here - it might be necessary!!!
+ tlmgr_async_command("update --self", s => {
+ update_update_button_state()
+ callback_show_all()
+ })
+ }
+ def callback_show_pkg_info(pkg: String): Unit = {
+ // val pkginfo = tlmgr_command(s"info $pkg")
+ tlmgr_async_command(s"info $pkg", pkginfo => {
+ // need to call runLater to go back to main thread!
+ Platform.runLater {
+ val dialog = new Dialog() {
+ initOwner(stage)
+ title = s"Package Information for $pkg"
+ headerText = s"Package Information for $pkg"
+ resizable = true
+ }
+ dialog.dialogPane().buttonTypes = Seq(ButtonType.OK)
+ val grid = new GridPane() {
+ hgap = 10
+ vgap = 10
+ padding = Insets(20)
+ }
+ var crow = 0
+ pkginfo.foreach((line: String) => {
+ val keyval = line.split(":", 2).map(_.trim)
+ if (keyval.length == 2) {
+ val keylabel = new Label(keyval(0))
+ val vallabel = new Label(keyval(1))
+ vallabel.wrapText = true
+ grid.add(keylabel, 0, crow)
+ grid.add(vallabel, 1, crow)
+ crow += 1
+ }
+ })
+ grid.columnConstraints = Seq(new ColumnConstraints(100, 150, 200), new ColumnConstraints(100, 300, 5000, Priority.Always, new HPos(HPos.Left), true))
+ dialog.dialogPane().content = grid
+ dialog.width = 500
+ dialog.showAndWait()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ var testmode = false
+ if (parameters.unnamed.nonEmpty) {
+ if (parameters.unnamed.head == "-test" || parameters.unnamed.head == "--test") {
+ println("Testing mode enabled, not actually calling tlmgr!")
+ testmode = true
+ }
+ }
+ if (!testmode) {
+ tlmgr.start_process()
+ // wait until we got a prompt
+ val foo: Array[String] = tlmgr.get_output_till_prompt()
+ // println("current output: ")
+ //
+ }
+ stage = new PrimaryStage {
+ title = "TLCockpit"
+ scene = new Scene {
+ root = {
+ val topBox = new MenuBar {
+ useSystemMenuBar = true
+ menus.add(new Menu("TLCockpit") {
+ items = List(
+ new MenuItem("Load default (from tlpdb) repository") {
+ onAction = (ae: ActionEvent) => callback_load("remote")
+ },
+ new MenuItem("Load standard net repository") {
+ onAction = (ae: ActionEvent) => not_implemented_info()
+ disable = true
+ },
+ new MenuItem("Load other repository ...") {
+ onAction = (ae: ActionEvent) => not_implemented_info()
+ disable = true
+ },
+ new SeparatorMenuItem,
+ new MenuItem("Exit") {
+ onAction = (ae: ActionEvent) => callback_quit()
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ menus.add(new Menu("Options") {
+ items = List(
+ new MenuItem("General ...") { disable = true; onAction = (ae) => not_implemented_info() },
+ new MenuItem("Paper ...") { disable = true; onAction = (ae) => not_implemented_info() },
+ new MenuItem("Platforms ...") { disable = true; onAction = (ae) => not_implemented_info() },
+ new SeparatorMenuItem,
+ new CheckMenuItem("Expert options") { disable = true },
+ new CheckMenuItem("Enable debugging options") { disable = true },
+ new CheckMenuItem("Disable auto-install of new packages") { disable = true },
+ new CheckMenuItem("Disable auto-removal of server-deleted packages") { disable = true }
+ )
+ })
+ menus.add(new Menu("Actions") {
+ items = List(
+ new MenuItem("Update filename database ...") { onAction = (ae) => callback_run_external("mktexlsr") },
+ new MenuItem("Rebuild all formats ...") { onAction = (ae) => callback_run_external("fmtutil --sys --all") },
+ new MenuItem("Update font map database ...") { onAction = (ae) => callback_run_external("updmap --sys") },
+ new MenuItem("Restore packages from backup ...") { disable = true; onAction = (ae) => not_implemented_info() },
+ new MenuItem("Handle symlinks in system dirs ...") { disable = true; onAction = (ae) => not_implemented_info() },
+ new SeparatorMenuItem,
+ new MenuItem("Remove TeX Live ...") { disable = true; onAction = (ae) => not_implemented_info() }
+ )
+ })
+ menus.add(new Menu("Help") {
+ items = List(
+ new MenuItem("Manual") { disable = true; onAction = (ae) => not_implemented_info() },
+ new MenuItem("About") { onAction = (ae) => callback_about() },
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ val centerBox = new VBox {
+ padding = Insets(10)
+ children = List(
+ new TitledPane {
+ text = "Actions"
+ collapsible = false
+ content = new VBox {
+ spacing = 10
+ children = List(
+ new HBox {
+ spacing = 10
+ children = List(
+ cmdline,
+ new Button {
+ text = "Go"
+ onAction = (event: ActionEvent) => callback_run_cmdline()
+ },
+ new Button {
+ text = "Load repository";
+ onAction = (event: ActionEvent) => callback_load("remote")
+ }
+ )
+ },
+ new HBox {
+ spacing = 10
+ children = List(
+ new Button {
+ text = "Show updates"
+ onAction = (e: ActionEvent) => callback_show_updates()
+ },
+ new Button {
+ text = "Show installed"
+ onAction = (e: ActionEvent) => callback_show_installed()
+ },
+ new Button {
+ text = "Show all"
+ onAction = (e: ActionEvent) => callback_show_all()
+ },
+ update_self_button,
+ update_all_button
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ outerrpane,
+ {
+ val col1 = new TableColumn[TLPackage, String] {
+ text = "Package"
+ cellValueFactory = {
+ }
+ prefWidth = 150
+ }
+ val col2 = new TableColumn[TLPackage, String] {
+ text = "Local rev"
+ cellValueFactory = {
+ _.value.lrev
+ }
+ prefWidth = 100
+ }
+ val col3 = new TableColumn[TLPackage, String] {
+ text = "Remote rev"
+ cellValueFactory = {
+ _.value.rrev
+ }
+ prefWidth = 100
+ }
+ val col4 = new TableColumn[TLPackage, String] {
+ text = "Description"
+ cellValueFactory = {
+ _.value.shortdesc
+ }
+ prefWidth = 300
+ }
+ val table = new TableView[TLPackage](viewpkgs) {
+ columns ++= List(col1,col2,col3,col4)
+ }
+ col4.prefWidth.bind(table.width - col1.width - col2.width - col3.width)
+ table.prefHeight = 300
+ table.vgrow = Priority.Always
+ table.rowFactory = { _ =>
+ val row = new TableRow[TLPackage] {}
+ val ctm = new ContextMenu(
+ new MenuItem("Info") { onAction = (ae) => callback_show_pkg_info( },
+ new MenuItem("Install") {
+ onAction = (ae) => callback_run_text("install " +
+ },
+ new MenuItem("Remove") {
+ onAction = (ae) => callback_run_text("remove " +
+ },
+ new MenuItem("Update") {
+ onAction = (ae) => callback_run_text("update " +
+ }
+ )
+ row.contextMenu = ctm
+ row
+ }
+ table
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ /* val bottomBox = new HBox {
+ padding = Insets(10)
+ spacing = 10
+ children = List(
+ new Button {
+ text = "Quit"
+ onAction = (event: ActionEvent) => callback_quit()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ */
+ new BorderPane {
+ // padding = Insets(20)
+ top = topBox
+ // left = leftBox
+ center = centerBox
+ // bottom = bottomBox
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val startalert = new Alert(AlertType.Information)
+ startalert.setTitle("Loading package database ...")
+ startalert.setContentText("Loading package database, this might take a while. Please wait!")
+ // load the initial set of packages
+ var pkglines: Array[String] = Array()
+ tlmgr_async_command("info --only-installed --data name,localrev,shortdesc", (s: Array[String]) => {
+ => {
+ val fields: Array[String] = line.split(",", -1)
+ val sd = if (fields(2).isEmpty) "" else fields(2).substring(1).dropRight(1).replace("""\"""",""""""")
+ pkgs += new TLPackage(fields(0), fields(1), "0", sd)
+ })
+ viewpkgs.clear()
+ += _)
+ Platform.runLater { startalert.close() }
+ })
+} // object ApplicationMain
+// vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab : //