path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools')
5 files changed, 948 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/mkmap-ko.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/mkmap-ko.lua
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..3c0a91525c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/mkmap-ko.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env texlua
+-- '?' は 'Pro' 等に置換される(今のところ ko では不使用)
+local foundry = {
+ ['noEmbed'] = {
+ mr='!HYSMyeongJo-Medium',
+ gr='!HYGoThic-Medium',
+ mgr='!HYRGoThic-Medium',
+ {'n'},
+ },
+ ['adobe'] = {
+ noncid = false,
+ mr='AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium.otf',
+ gr='AdobeGothicStd-Bold.otf',
+ mgr='AdobeGothicStd-Bold.otf',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['baekmuk'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ mr='batang.ttf %!PS Baekmuk-Batang',
+ gr='dotum.ttf %!PS Baekmuk-Dotum',
+ mgr='gulim.ttf %!PS Baekmuk-Gulim',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['unfonts'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ mr='UnBatang.ttf',
+ gr='UnDotum.ttf',
+ mgr='UnDinaru.ttf',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['ms'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ mr=':0:batang.ttc %!PS Batang',
+ gr=':2:gulim.ttc %!PS Dotum',
+ mgr=':0:gulim.ttc %!PS Gulim',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['apple'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ mr='AppleMyungjo.ttf',
+ gr='AppleGothic.ttf',
+ mgr='AppleGothic.ttf',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['solaris'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ mr='h2mjsm.ttf %!PS Myeongjo',
+ gr='h2gtrm.ttf %!PS Gothic',
+ mgr='h2drrm.ttf %!PS RoundedGothic',
+ {''},
+ },
+local suffix = {
+ -- { '?' 置換, koEmbed 接尾辞, (ttc index mov)}
+ [''] = {'', ''}, -- 非 CID フォント用ダミー
+ ['n'] = {'!', ''}, -- 非埋め込みに使用
+ ['4'] = {'Pro', ''},
+ ['6'] = {'Pr6', '-pr6'},
+-- '#' は 'h', 'v' に置換される
+-- '@' は koEmbed の値に置換される
+local maps = {
+ ['uptex-ko-@'] = {
+ {'uphysmjm-#', 'UniKS-UTF16-#', 'mr'},
+ {'uphygt-#', 'UniKS-UTF16-#', 'gr'},
+ },
+ ['otf-ko-@'] = {
+ '% CID',
+ {'otf-ckmr-#', 'Identity-#', 'mr'},
+ {'otf-ckgr-#', 'Identity-#', 'gr'},
+ -- {'otf-ckmgr-#','Identity-#', 'mgr'},
+ '% Unicode',
+ {'otf-ukmr-#', 'UniKS-UCS2-#', 'mr'},
+ {'otf-ukgr-#', 'UniKS-UCS2-#', 'gr'},
+ -- {'otf-ukmgr-#','UniKS-UCS2-#', 'mgr'},
+ },
+local jis2004_flag = 'n'
+local gsub = string.gsub
+function string.explode(s, sep)
+ local t = {}
+ sep = sep or '\n'
+ string.gsub(s, "([^"..sep.."]*)"..sep, function(c) t[#t+1]=c end)
+ return t
+local function ret_suffix(fd, s, fa)
+ return suffix[s][1]
+local function replace_index(line, s)
+ local ttc_mov = suffix[s][3]
+ if ttc_mov then
+ local ttc_index, ttc_dir = line:match('#(%d)(.)')
+ if tonumber(ttc_index) then
+ return line:gsub('#..', ':' .. tostring(tonumber(ttc_index)+tonumber(ttc_dir .. ttc_mov)) .. ':')
+ end
+ end
+ return line
+local function make_one_line(o, fd, s)
+ if type(o) == 'string' then
+ return '\n' .. o .. '\n'
+ else
+ local fx = foundry[fd]
+ local fn = replace_index(gsub(fx[o[3]], '?', ret_suffix(fd,s,o[3])), s)
+ if fx.noncid and string.match(o[2],'Identity') then
+ if string.match(fn, '%!PS') then
+ fn = gsub(fn, ' %%!PS', '/AK12 %%!PS')
+ else
+ fn = fn .. '/AK12'
+ end
+ end
+ if string.match(o[1], '#') then -- 'H', 'V' 一括出力
+ return gsub(o[1], '#', 'h') .. '\t' .. gsub(o[2], '#', 'H') .. '\t' .. fn .. '\n'
+ .. gsub(o[1], '#', 'v') .. '\t' .. gsub(o[2], '#', 'V') .. '\t' .. fn .. '\n'
+ else
+ return o[1] .. '\t' .. o[2] .. '\t' .. fn .. '\n'
+ end
+ end
+for fd, v1 in pairs(foundry) do
+ for _,s in pairs(v1[1]) do
+ local dirname = fd .. suffix[s][2]
+ print('koEmbed: ' .. dirname)
+ -- Linux しか想定していない
+ os.execute('mkdir ' .. dirname .. ' &>/dev/null')
+ for mnx, mcont in pairs(maps) do
+ --if not string.match(mnx, '-04') or string.match(s, jis2004_flag) then
+ if not string.match(mnx, '-04') or not foundry[fd].noncid then
+ local mapbase = gsub(mnx, '@', dirname)
+ local f = .. '/' .. mapbase .. '.map', 'w+')
+ for _,x in ipairs(mcont) do
+ f:write(make_one_line(x, fd, s))
+ end
+ f:close()
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/mkmap-sc.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/mkmap-sc.lua
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..0372b75714c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/mkmap-sc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env texlua
+-- '?' は 'Pro' 等に置換される(今のところ sc では不使用)
+local foundry = {
+ ['noEmbed'] = {
+ mr='!STSong-Light',
+ gr='!STHeiti-Regular',
+ {'n'},
+ },
+ ['adobe'] = {
+ noncid = false,
+ mr='AdobeSongStd-Light.otf',
+ gr='AdobeHeitiStd-Regular.otf',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['arphic'] = { -- gr がサンセリフになっていない
+ noncid = true,
+ mr='gbsn00lp.ttf %!PS BousungEG-Light-GB',
+ gr='gkai00mp.ttf %!PS GBZenKai-Medium',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['cjkunifonts'] = { -- gr がサンセリフになっていない
+ noncid = true,
+ mr=':0:uming.ttc %!PS UMingCN',
+ gr=':0:ukai.ttc %!PS UKaiCN',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['cjkunifonts-ttf'] = { -- gr がサンセリフになっていない
+ noncid = true,
+ mr='uming.ttf %!PS ShanHeiSun-Uni', -- (-Adobe-GB1)
+ gr='ukai.ttf %!PS ZenKai-Uni', -- (-Adobe-GB1)
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['fandol'] = {
+ noncid = false,
+ mr='FandolSong-Regular.otf',
+ gr='FandolHei-Regular.otf',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['ms'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ mr=':0:simsun.ttc %!PS SimSun',
+ gr='simhei.ttf %!PS SimHei',
+ {''},
+ },
+-- ['sinotype'] = { -- Adobe-GB1 cmap unavailable
+-- noncid = true,
+-- mr='STSong.ttf',
+-- gr='STHeiti.ttf',
+-- {''},
+-- },
+local suffix = {
+ -- { '?' 置換, scEmbed 接尾辞, (ttc index mov)}
+ [''] = {'', ''}, -- 非 CID フォント用ダミー
+ ['n'] = {'!', ''}, -- 非埋め込みに使用
+ ['4'] = {'Pro', ''},
+ ['6'] = {'Pr6', '-pr6'},
+-- '#' は 'h', 'v' に置換される
+-- '@' は scEmbed の値に置換される
+local maps = {
+ ['uptex-sc-@'] = {
+ {'upstsl-#', 'UniGB-UTF16-#', 'mr'},
+ {'upstht-#', 'UniGB-UTF16-#', 'gr'},
+ },
+ ['otf-sc-@'] = {
+ '% CID',
+ {'otf-ccmr-#', 'Identity-#', 'mr'},
+ {'otf-ccgr-#', 'Identity-#', 'gr'},
+ '% Unicode',
+ {'otf-ucmr-#', 'UniGB-UCS2-#', 'mr'},
+ {'otf-ucgr-#', 'UniGB-UCS2-#', 'gr'},
+ },
+local jis2004_flag = 'n'
+local gsub = string.gsub
+function string.explode(s, sep)
+ local t = {}
+ sep = sep or '\n'
+ string.gsub(s, "([^"..sep.."]*)"..sep, function(c) t[#t+1]=c end)
+ return t
+local function ret_suffix(fd, s, fa)
+ return suffix[s][1]
+local function replace_index(line, s)
+ local ttc_mov = suffix[s][3]
+ if ttc_mov then
+ local ttc_index, ttc_dir = line:match('#(%d)(.)')
+ if tonumber(ttc_index) then
+ return line:gsub('#..', ':' .. tostring(tonumber(ttc_index)+tonumber(ttc_dir .. ttc_mov)) .. ':')
+ end
+ end
+ return line
+local function make_one_line(o, fd, s)
+ if type(o) == 'string' then
+ return '\n' .. o .. '\n'
+ else
+ local fx = foundry[fd]
+ local fn = replace_index(gsub(fx[o[3]], '?', ret_suffix(fd,s,o[3])), s)
+ if fx.noncid and string.match(o[2],'Identity') then
+ if string.match(fn, '%!PS') then
+ fn = gsub(fn, ' %%!PS', '/AG14 %%!PS')
+ else
+ fn = fn .. '/AG14'
+ end
+ end
+ if string.match(o[1], '#') then -- 'H', 'V' 一括出力
+ return gsub(o[1], '#', 'h') .. '\t' .. gsub(o[2], '#', 'H') .. '\t' .. fn .. '\n'
+ .. gsub(o[1], '#', 'v') .. '\t' .. gsub(o[2], '#', 'V') .. '\t' .. fn .. '\n'
+ else
+ return o[1] .. '\t' .. o[2] .. '\t' .. fn .. '\n'
+ end
+ end
+for fd, v1 in pairs(foundry) do
+ for _,s in pairs(v1[1]) do
+ local dirname = fd .. suffix[s][2]
+ print('scEmbed: ' .. dirname)
+ -- Linux しか想定していない
+ os.execute('mkdir ' .. dirname .. ' &>/dev/null')
+ for mnx, mcont in pairs(maps) do
+ --if not string.match(mnx, '-04') or string.match(s, jis2004_flag) then
+ if not string.match(mnx, '-04') or not foundry[fd].noncid then
+ local mapbase = gsub(mnx, '@', dirname)
+ local f = .. '/' .. mapbase .. '.map', 'w+')
+ for _,x in ipairs(mcont) do
+ f:write(make_one_line(x, fd, s))
+ end
+ f:close()
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/mkmap-tc.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/mkmap-tc.lua
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..6634a2ac848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/mkmap-tc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env texlua
+-- '?' は 'Pro' 等に置換される(今のところ tc では不使用)
+local foundry = {
+ ['noEmbed'] = {
+ mr='!MSung-Light',
+ gr='!MHei-Medium',
+ {'n'},
+ },
+ ['adobe'] = {
+ noncid = false,
+ mr='AdobeMingStd-Light.otf',
+ gr='AdobeFanHeitiStd-Bold.otf',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['arphic'] = { -- gr がサンセリフになっていない
+ noncid = true,
+ mr='bsmi00lp.ttf %!PS ShanHeiSun-Light',
+ gr='bkai00mp.ttf %!PS ZenKai-Medium',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['cjkunifonts'] = { -- gr がサンセリフになっていない
+ noncid = true,
+ mr=':2:uming.ttc %!PS UMingTW',
+ gr=':2:ukai.ttc %!PS UKaiTW',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['cjkunifonts-ttf'] = { -- gr がサンセリフになっていない
+ noncid = true,
+ mr='uming.ttf %!PS ShanHeiSun-Uni',
+ gr='ukai.ttf %!PS ZenKai-Uni',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['ms'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ mr=':0:mingliu.ttc %!PS MingLiU',
+ gr='MSMHei.ttf %!PS MicrosoftMHei', -- ほかに見当たらなかったので
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['dynacomware'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ mr='LiSongPro.ttf',
+ gr='LiHeiPro.ttf',
+ {''},
+ },
+local suffix = {
+ -- { '?' 置換, tcEmbed 接尾辞, (ttc index mov)}
+ [''] = {'', ''}, -- 非 CID フォント用ダミー
+ ['n'] = {'!', ''}, -- 非埋め込みに使用
+ ['4'] = {'Pro', ''},
+ ['6'] = {'Pr6', '-pr6'},
+-- '#' は 'h', 'v' に置換される
+-- '@' は tcEmbed の値に置換される
+local maps = {
+ ['uptex-tc-@'] = {
+ {'upmsl-#', 'UniCNS-UTF16-#', 'mr'},
+ {'upmhm-#', 'UniCNS-UTF16-#', 'gr'},
+ },
+ ['otf-tc-@'] = {
+ '% CID',
+ {'otf-ctmr-#', 'Identity-#', 'mr'},
+ {'otf-ctgr-#', 'Identity-#', 'gr'},
+ '% Unicode',
+ {'otf-utmr-#', 'UniCNS-UCS2-#', 'mr'},
+ {'otf-utgr-#', 'UniCNS-UCS2-#', 'gr'},
+ },
+local jis2004_flag = 'n'
+local gsub = string.gsub
+function string.explode(s, sep)
+ local t = {}
+ sep = sep or '\n'
+ string.gsub(s, "([^"..sep.."]*)"..sep, function(c) t[#t+1]=c end)
+ return t
+local function ret_suffix(fd, s, fa)
+ return suffix[s][1]
+local function replace_index(line, s)
+ local ttc_mov = suffix[s][3]
+ if ttc_mov then
+ local ttc_index, ttc_dir = line:match('#(%d)(.)')
+ if tonumber(ttc_index) then
+ return line:gsub('#..', ':' .. tostring(tonumber(ttc_index)+tonumber(ttc_dir .. ttc_mov)) .. ':')
+ end
+ end
+ return line
+local function make_one_line(o, fd, s)
+ if type(o) == 'string' then
+ return '\n' .. o .. '\n'
+ else
+ local fx = foundry[fd]
+ local fn = replace_index(gsub(fx[o[3]], '?', ret_suffix(fd,s,o[3])), s)
+ if fx.noncid and string.match(o[2],'Identity') then
+ if string.match(fn, '%!PS') then
+ fn = gsub(fn, ' %%!PS', '/AC14 %%!PS')
+ else
+ fn = fn .. '/AC14'
+ end
+ end
+ if string.match(o[1], '#') then -- 'H', 'V' 一括出力
+ return gsub(o[1], '#', 'h') .. '\t' .. gsub(o[2], '#', 'H') .. '\t' .. fn .. '\n'
+ .. gsub(o[1], '#', 'v') .. '\t' .. gsub(o[2], '#', 'V') .. '\t' .. fn .. '\n'
+ else
+ return o[1] .. '\t' .. o[2] .. '\t' .. fn .. '\n'
+ end
+ end
+for fd, v1 in pairs(foundry) do
+ for _,s in pairs(v1[1]) do
+ local dirname = fd .. suffix[s][2]
+ print('tcEmbed: ' .. dirname)
+ -- Linux しか想定していない
+ os.execute('mkdir ' .. dirname .. ' &>/dev/null')
+ for mnx, mcont in pairs(maps) do
+ --if not string.match(mnx, '-04') or string.match(s, jis2004_flag) then
+ if not string.match(mnx, '-04') or not foundry[fd].noncid then
+ local mapbase = gsub(mnx, '@', dirname)
+ local f = .. '/' .. mapbase .. '.map', 'w+')
+ for _,x in ipairs(mcont) do
+ f:write(make_one_line(x, fd, s))
+ end
+ f:close()
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/mkmap.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/mkmap.lua
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..03ab2710f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/mkmap.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env texlua
+-- 90 字形と 04 字形が別ファイルに分かれているフォントセットの場合は
+-- * ml, mr, ... に 90 字形フォント
+-- * mln, mrn, ... に 04 字形フォント
+-- を登録し,separate = true とする.それ以外のフォントは ml, mr, ... のほうに登録しておけばよい.
+-- PSName がファイル名と異なる場合は %!PS も必要.
+-- CID フォントでない場合は noncid = true とする.
+-- '?' は 'Pro' 等に置換される
+local foundry = {
+ ['noEmbed'] = {
+ ml='!Ryumin-Light',
+ mr='!Ryumin-Light',
+ mb='!Ryumin-Light,Bold',
+ gr='!GothicBBB-Medium',
+ gru='!GothicBBB-Medium',
+ gb='!GothicBBB-Medium,Bold',
+ ge='!GothicBBB-Medium,Bold',
+ mgr='!GothicBBB-Medium',
+ {'n'},
+ },
+ ['ms'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ ml=':0:msmincho.ttc %!PS MS-Mincho',
+ mr=':0:msmincho.ttc %!PS MS-Mincho',
+ mb=':0:msmincho.ttc %!PS MS-Mincho',
+ gr=':0:msgothic.ttc %!PS MS-Gothic',
+ gru=':0:msgothic.ttc %!PS MS-Gothic',
+ gb=':0:msgothic.ttc %!PS MS-Gothic',
+ ge=':0:msgothic.ttc %!PS MS-Gothic',
+ mgr=':0:msgothic.ttc %!PS MS-Gothic',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['ms-osx'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ ml='MS-Mincho.ttf',
+ mr='MS-Mincho.ttf',
+ mb='MS-Mincho.ttf',
+ gr='MS-Gothic.ttf',
+ gru='MS-Gothic.ttf',
+ gb='MS-Gothic.ttf',
+ ge='MS-Gothic.ttf',
+ mgr='MS-Gothic.ttf',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['yu-win'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ ml='yuminl.ttf %!PS YuMincho-Light',
+ mr='yumin.ttf %!PS YuMincho-Regular',
+ mb='yumindb.ttf %!PS YuMincho-DemiBold',
+ gr='yugothic.ttf %!PS YuGothic-Regular',
+ gru='yugothic.ttf %!PS YuGothic-Regular',
+ gb='yugothib.ttf %!PS YuGothic-Bold',
+ ge='yugothib.ttf %!PS YuGothic-Bold',
+ mgr='yugothib.ttf %!PS YuGothic-Bold',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['yu-win10'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ ml='yuminl.ttf %!PS YuMincho-Light',
+ mr='yumin.ttf %!PS YuMincho-Regular',
+ mb='yumindb.ttf %!PS YuMincho-DemiBold',
+ gr=':0:YuGothR.ttc %!PS YuGothic-Regular',
+ gru=':0:YuGothM.ttc %!PS YuGothic-Medium',
+ gb=':0:YuGothB.ttc %!PS YuGothic-Bold',
+ ge=':0:YuGothB.ttc %!PS YuGothic-Bold',
+ mgr=':0:YuGothB.ttc %!PS YuGothic-Bold',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['yu-osx'] = {
+ noncid = false,
+ ml='YuMin-Medium.otf',
+ mr='YuMin-Medium.otf',
+ mb='YuMin-Demibold.otf',
+ gr='YuGo-Medium.otf',
+ gru='YuGo-Medium.otf',
+ gb='YuGo-Bold.otf',
+ ge='YuGo-Bold.otf',
+ mgr='YuGo-Bold.otf',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['ipa'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ ml='ipam.ttf %!PS IPAMincho',
+ mr='ipam.ttf %!PS IPAMincho',
+ mb='ipam.ttf %!PS IPAMincho',
+ gr='ipag.ttf %!PS IPAGothic',
+ gru='ipag.ttf %!PS IPAGothic',
+ gb='ipag.ttf %!PS IPAGothic',
+ ge='ipag.ttf %!PS IPAGothic',
+ mgr='ipag.ttf %!PS IPAGothic',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['ipaex'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ ml='ipaexm.ttf %!PS IPAexMincho',
+ mr='ipaexm.ttf %!PS IPAexMincho',
+ mb='ipaexm.ttf %!PS IPAexMincho',
+ gr='ipaexg.ttf %!PS IPAexGothic',
+ gru='ipaexg.ttf %!PS IPAexGothic',
+ gb='ipaexg.ttf %!PS IPAexGothic',
+ ge='ipaexg.ttf %!PS IPAexGothic',
+ mgr='ipaexg.ttf %!PS IPAexGothic',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['moga-mobo'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ separate = true,
+ ml=':3:mogam.ttc %!PS Moga90Mincho-Regular',
+ mr=':3:mogam.ttc %!PS Moga90Mincho-Regular',
+ mb=':2:mogamb.ttc %!PS Moga90Mincho-Bold',
+ gr=':2:mogag.ttc %!PS Moga90Gothic-Regular',
+ gru=':2:mogag.ttc %!PS Moga90Gothic-Regular',
+ gb=':2:mogagb.ttc %!PS Moga90Gothic-Bold',
+ ge=':2:mogagb.ttc %!PS Moga90Gothic-Bold',
+ mgr=':2:mobog.ttc %!PS Mobo90Gothic-Regular',
+ mln=':0:mogam.ttc %!PS MogaMincho-Regular',
+ mrn=':0:mogam.ttc %!PS MogaMincho-Regular',
+ mbn=':0:mogamb.ttc %!PS MogaMincho-Bold',
+ grn=':0:mogag.ttc %!PS MogaGothic-Regular',
+ grun=':0:mogag.ttc %!PS MogaGothic-Regular',
+ gbn=':0:mogagb.ttc %!PS MogaGothic-Bold',
+ gen=':0:mogagb.ttc %!PS MogaGothic-Bold',
+ mgrn=':0:mobog.ttc %!PS MoboGothic-Regular',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['moga-mobo-ex'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ separate = true,
+ ml=':4:mogam.ttc %!PS MogaEx90Mincho-Regular',
+ mr=':4:mogam.ttc %!PS MogaEx90Mincho-Regular',
+ mb=':3:mogamb.ttc %!PS MogaEx90Mincho-Bold',
+ gr=':3:mogag.ttc %!PS MogaEx90Gothic-Regular',
+ gru=':3:mogag.ttc %!PS MogaEx90Gothic-Regular',
+ gb=':3:mogagb.ttc %!PS MogaEx90Gothic-Bold',
+ ge=':3:mogagb.ttc %!PS MogaEx90Gothic-Bold',
+ mgr=':3:mobog.ttc %!PS MoboEx90Gothic-Regular',
+ mln=':1:mogam.ttc %!PS MogaExMincho-Regular',
+ mrn=':1:mogam.ttc %!PS MogaExMincho-Regular',
+ mbn=':1:mogamb.ttc %!PS MogaExMincho-Bold',
+ grn=':1:mogag.ttc %!PS MogaExGothic-Regular',
+ grun=':1:mogag.ttc %!PS MogaExGothic-Regular',
+ gbn=':1:mogagb.ttc %!PS MogaExGothic-Bold',
+ gen=':1:mogagb.ttc %!PS MogaExGothic-Bold',
+ mgrn=':1:mobog.ttc %!PS MoboExGothic-Regular',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['ume'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ ml='ume-tmo3.ttf %!PS Ume-Mincho',
+ mr='ume-tmo3.ttf %!PS Ume-Mincho',
+ mb='ume-tmo3.ttf %!PS Ume-Mincho',
+ gr='ume-tgo4.ttf %!PS Ume-Gothic',
+ gru='ume-tgo5.ttf %!PS Ume-Gothic-O5',
+ gb='ume-tgo5.ttf %!PS Ume-Gothic-O5',
+ ge='ume-tgo5.ttf %!PS Ume-Gothic-O5',
+ mgr='ume-tgo4.ttf %!PS Ume-Gothic',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['canon'] = {
+ noncid = true,
+ ml=':0:FGCCHMW3.TTC %!PS FGHeiseiMincho-W3',
+ mr=':0:FGCCHMW3.TTC %!PS FGHeiseiMincho-W3',
+ mb=':0:FGCCHMW5.TTC %!PS FGHeiseiMincho-W5',
+ gr=':0:FGCCHGW5.TTC %!PS FGHeiseiKakuGothic-W5',
+ gru=':0:FGCCHGW7.TTC %!PS FGHeiseiKakuGothic-W7',
+ gb=':0:FGCCHGW7.TTC %!PS FGHeiseiKakuGothic-W7',
+ ge=':0:FGCCHGW9.TTC %!PS FGHeiseiKakuGothic-W9',
+ mgr=':0:FGCCARGM.TTC %!PS FGMaruGothicCa-M',
+ {''},
+ },
+ ['kozuka'] = {
+ ml='KozMin?-Light.otf',
+ mr='KozMin?-Regular.otf',
+ mb='KozMin?-Bold.otf',
+ gr='KozGo?-Regular.otf',
+ gru='KozGo?-Medium.otf',
+ gb='KozGo?-Bold.otf',
+ ge='KozGo?-Heavy.otf',
+ mgr='KozGo?-Heavy.otf',
+ {'4','6','6n'}, -- Pro, Pr6 and Pr6N
+ },
+ ['morisawa'] = {
+ ml='A-OTF-Ryumin?-Light.otf %!PS Ryumin?-Light',
+ mr='A-OTF-Ryumin?-Light.otf %!PS Ryumin?-Light',
+ mb='A-OTF-FutoMinA101?-Bold.otf %!PS FutoMinA101?-Bold',
+ gr='A-OTF-GothicBBB?-Medium.otf %!PS GothicBBB?-Medium',
+ gru='A-OTF-GothicBBB?-Medium.otf %!PS GothicBBB?-Medium',
+ gb='A-OTF-FutoGoB101?-Bold.otf %!PS FutoGoB101?-Bold',
+ ge='A-OTF-MidashiGo?-MB31.otf %!PS MidashiGo?-MB31',
+ mgr='A-OTF-Jun101?-Light.otf %!PS Jun101?-Light',
+ {'4'}, -- Pro
+ },
+ ['morisawa-pr6n'] = {
+ ml='A-OTF-Ryumin?-Light.otf %!PS Ryumin?-Light',
+ mr='A-OTF-Ryumin?-Light.otf %!PS Ryumin?-Light',
+ mb='A-OTF-FutoMinA101?-Bold.otf %!PS FutoMinA101?-Bold',
+ gr='A-OTF-GothicBBB?-Medium.otf %!PS GothicBBB?-Medium',
+ gru='A-OTF-GothicBBB?-Medium.otf %!PS GothicBBB?-Medium',
+ gb='A-OTF-FutoGoB101?-Bold.otf %!PS FutoGoB101?-Bold',
+ ge='A-OTF-MidashiGo?-MB31.otf %!PS MidashiGo?-MB31',
+ mgr='A-OTF-ShinMGo?-Light.otf %!PS ShinMGo?-Light',
+ {'6nm'}, -- Pr6N
+ },
+ ['hiragino'] = {
+ ml='HiraMin?-W2.otf', -- OSX にはない
+ mr='HiraMin?-W3.otf',
+ mb='HiraMin?-W6.otf',
+ gr='HiraKaku?-W3.otf',
+ gru='HiraKaku?-W6.otf',
+ gb='HiraKaku?-W6.otf',
+ ge='HiraKaku?-W8.otf',
+ mgr='HiraMaru?-W4.otf',
+ {'X','Xn'}, -- Pro and ProN
+ },
+ ['hiragino-elcapitan'] = {
+ ml= '#1-HiraginoSerif-W3.ttc %!PS HiraMin?-W3', -- ここは OTC を使おう
+ mr= '#1-HiraginoSerif-W3.ttc %!PS HiraMin?-W3',
+ mb= '#1-HiraginoSerif-W6.ttc %!PS HiraMin?-W6',
+ gr= '#3-HiraginoSans-W3.ttc %!PS HiraKaku?-W3',
+ gru='#3-HiraginoSans-W6.ttc %!PS HiraKaku?-W6',
+ gb= '#3-HiraginoSans-W6.ttc %!PS HiraKaku?-W6',
+ ge= '#2+HiraginoSans-W8.ttc %!PS HiraKaku?-W8',
+ mgr='#0+HiraginoSansR-W4.ttc %!PS HiraMaru?-W4',
+ {'X','Xn'}, -- Pro and ProN
+ },
+ ['toppanbunkyu-sierra'] = {
+ ml= 'ToppanBunkyuMincho-Regular.otf %!PS ToppanBunkyuMinchoPr6N-Regular',
+ mr= 'ToppanBunkyuMincho-Regular.otf %!PS ToppanBunkyuMinchoPr6N-Regular',
+ mb= 'ToppanBunkyuMidashiMincho-ExtraBold.otf %!PS ToppanBunkyuMidashiMinchoStdN-ExtraBold',
+ gr= ':1:ToppanBunkyuGothic.ttc %!PS ToppanBunkyuGothicPr6N-Regular',
+ gru=':0:ToppanBunkyuGothic.ttc %!PS ToppanBunkyuGothicPr6N-DB',
+ gb= ':0:ToppanBunkyuGothic.ttc %!PS ToppanBunkyuGothicPr6N-DB',
+ ge= 'ToppanBunkyuMidashiGothic-ExtraBold.otf %!PS ToppanBunkyuMidashiGothicStdN-ExtraBold',
+ mgr=':1:ToppanBunkyuGothic.ttc %!PS ToppanBunkyuGothicPr6N-Regular',
+ {''},
+ },
+local suffix = {
+ -- { '?' 置換, kanjiEmbed 接尾辞, (ttc index mov)}
+ [''] = {'', ''}, -- 非 CID フォント用ダミー
+ ['n'] = {'!', ''}, -- 非埋め込みに使用
+ ['4'] = {'Pro', ''},
+ ['6'] = {'Pr6', '-pr6'},
+ ['X'] = {'Pro', '', '0'}, -- ヒラギノ
+ ['Xn'] = {'ProN', '-pron', '1'}, -- ヒラギノ
+ ['6n'] = {'Pr6N','-pr6n'},
+ ['6nm'] = {'Pr6N',''}, -- モリサワ Pr6N
+-- '#' は 'h', 'v' に置換される
+-- '@' は kanjiEmbed の値に置換される
+local maps = {
+ ['ptex-@'] = { -- pTeX 90JIS
+ {'rml', 'H', 'mr'},
+ {'rmlv', 'V', 'mr'},
+ {'gbm', 'H', 'gru'},
+ {'gbmv', 'V', 'gru'},
+ },
+ ['ptex-@-04'] = { -- pTeX JIS04
+ {'rml', '2004-H', 'mrn'},
+ {'rmlv', '2004-V', 'mrn'},
+ {'gbm', '2004-H', 'grun'},
+ {'gbmv', '2004-V', 'grun'},
+ },
+ ['uptex-@'] = { -- upTeX 90JIS
+ {'urml', 'UniJIS-UTF16-H', 'mr'},
+ {'urmlv', 'UniJIS-UTF16-V', 'mr'},
+ {'ugbm', 'UniJIS-UTF16-H', 'gru'},
+ {'ugbmv', 'UniJIS-UTF16-V', 'gru'},
+ {'uprml-#', 'UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'mr'},
+ {'upgbm-#', 'UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'gru'},
+ {'uprml-hq','UniJIS-UCS2-H', 'mr'},
+ {'upgbm-hq','UniJIS-UCS2-H', 'gru'},
+ },
+ ['uptex-@-04'] = { -- upTeX JIS04
+ {'urml', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-H', 'mrn'},
+ {'urmlv', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-V', 'mrn'},
+ {'ugbm', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-H', 'grun'},
+ {'ugbmv', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-V', 'grun'},
+ {'uprml-#', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'mrn'},
+ {'upgbm-#', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'grun'},
+ {'uprml-hq','UniJIS-UCS2-H', 'mrn'},
+ {'upgbm-hq','UniJIS-UCS2-H', 'grun'},
+ },
+ ['otf-@'] = {
+ '% TEXT, 90JIS',
+ {'hminl-#', '#', 'ml'},
+ {'hminr-#', '#', 'mr'},
+ {'hminb-#', '#', 'mb'},
+ {'hgothr-#', '#', 'gr'},
+ {'hgothb-#', '#', 'gb'},
+ {'hgotheb-#','#', 'ge'},
+ {'hmgothr-#','#', 'mgr'},
+ '% TEXT, JIS04',
+ {'hminln-#', '#', 'mln'},
+ {'hminrn-#', '#', 'mrn'},
+ {'hminbn-#', '#', 'mbn'},
+ {'hgothrn-#', '#', 'grn'},
+ {'hgothbn-#', '#', 'gbn'},
+ {'hgothebn-#','#', 'gen'},
+ {'hmgothrn-#','#', 'mgrn'},
+ '% CID',
+ {'otf-cjml-#', 'Identity-#', 'mln'},
+ {'otf-cjmr-#', 'Identity-#', 'mrn'},
+ {'otf-cjmb-#', 'Identity-#', 'mbn'},
+ {'otf-cjgr-#', 'Identity-#', 'grn'},
+ {'otf-cjgb-#', 'Identity-#', 'gbn'},
+ {'otf-cjge-#', 'Identity-#', 'gen'},
+ {'otf-cjmgr-#','Identity-#', 'mgrn'},
+ '% Unicode 90JIS',
+ {'otf-ujml-#', 'UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'ml'},
+ {'otf-ujmr-#', 'UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'mr'},
+ {'otf-ujmb-#', 'UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'mb'},
+ {'otf-ujgr-#', 'UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'gr'},
+ {'otf-ujgb-#', 'UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'gb'},
+ {'otf-ujge-#', 'UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'ge'},
+ {'otf-ujmgr-#','UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'mgr'},
+ '% Unicode JIS04',
+ {'otf-ujmln-#', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'mln'},
+ {'otf-ujmrn-#', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'mrn'},
+ {'otf-ujmbn-#', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'mbn'},
+ {'otf-ujgrn-#', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'grn'},
+ {'otf-ujgbn-#', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'gbn'},
+ {'otf-ujgen-#', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'gen'},
+ {'otf-ujmgrn-#','UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'mgrn'},
+ },
+ ['otf-up-@'] = {
+ '% TEXT, 90JIS',
+ {'uphminl-#', 'UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'ml'},
+ {'uphminr-#', 'UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'mr'},
+ {'uphminb-#', 'UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'mb'},
+ {'uphgothr-#', 'UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'gr'},
+ {'uphgothb-#', 'UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'gb'},
+ {'uphgotheb-#','UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'ge'},
+ {'uphmgothr-#','UniJIS-UTF16-#', 'mgr'},
+ '% TEXT, JIS04',
+ {'uphminln-#', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'mln'},
+ {'uphminrn-#', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'mrn'},
+ {'uphminbn-#', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'mbn'},
+ {'uphgothrn-#', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'grn'},
+ {'uphgothbn-#', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'gbn'},
+ {'uphgothebn-#','UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'gen'},
+ {'uphmgothrn-#','UniJIS2004-UTF16-#', 'mgrn'},
+ },
+local jis2004_flag = 'n'
+local gsub = string.gsub
+function string.explode(s, sep)
+ local t = {}
+ sep = sep or '\n'
+ string.gsub(s, "([^"..sep.."]*)"..sep, function(c) t[#t+1]=c end)
+ return t
+local function ret_suffix(fd, s, fa)
+ if fd=='kozuka' and s=='6' then
+ return 'ProVI' -- 小塚だけ特別
+ elseif fd:match('hiragino') then
+ if string.match(s, jis2004_flag) then
+ return (fa=='ge' or fa=='gen') and 'StdN' or suffix[s][1]
+ else
+ return (fa=='ge' or fa=='gen') and 'Std' or suffix[s][1]
+ end
+ -- ヒラギノ角ゴ W8 は StdN/Std しかない
+ else
+ return suffix[s][1]
+ end
+local function replace_index(line, s)
+ local ttc_mov = suffix[s][3]
+ if ttc_mov then
+ local ttc_index, ttc_dir = line:match('#(%d)(.)')
+ if tonumber(ttc_index) then
+ return line:gsub('#..', ':' .. tostring(tonumber(ttc_index)+tonumber(ttc_dir .. ttc_mov)) .. ':')
+ end
+ end
+ return line
+local function make_one_line(o, fd, s)
+ if type(o) == 'string' then
+ return '\n' .. o .. '\n'
+ else
+ local fx = foundry[fd]
+ local fn = replace_index(gsub(fx[o[3]], '?', ret_suffix(fd,s,o[3])), s)
+ if fx.noncid and string.match(o[2],'Identity') then
+ if string.match(fn, '%!PS') then
+ fn = gsub(fn, ' %%!PS', '/AJ16 %%!PS')
+ else
+ fn = fn .. '/AJ16'
+ end
+ end
+ if string.match(o[1], '#') then -- 'H', 'V' 一括出力
+ return gsub(o[1], '#', 'h') .. '\t' .. gsub(o[2], '#', 'H') .. '\t' .. fn .. '\n'
+ .. gsub(o[1], '#', 'v') .. '\t' .. gsub(o[2], '#', 'V') .. '\t' .. fn .. '\n'
+ else
+ return o[1] .. '\t' .. o[2] .. '\t' .. fn .. '\n'
+ end
+ end
+for fd, v1 in pairs(foundry) do
+ -- separate でないときは mln などのデータベースを省略してあるので ml などからコピー
+ if not foundry[fd].separate then
+ foundry[fd].mln = foundry[fd].ml
+ foundry[fd].mrn = foundry[fd].mr
+ foundry[fd].mbn = foundry[fd].mb
+ foundry[fd].grn = foundry[fd].gr
+ foundry[fd].grun = foundry[fd].gru
+ foundry[fd].gbn = foundry[fd].gb
+ foundry[fd].gen = foundry[fd].ge
+ foundry[fd].mgrn = foundry[fd].mgr
+ end
+ for _,s in pairs(v1[1]) do
+ local dirname = fd .. suffix[s][2]
+ print('kanjiEmbed: ' .. dirname)
+ -- Linux しか想定していない
+ os.execute('mkdir ' .. dirname .. ' &>/dev/null')
+ for mnx, mcont in pairs(maps) do
+ --if not string.match(mnx, '-04') or string.match(s, jis2004_flag) then
+ -- フォントが OpenType (CID) の場合は、すべての map を作る
+ -- フォントが TrueType の場合は、基本的に -04 以外の map を作る
+ -- ただし TrueType でも separate なときは -04 も作る
+ if not string.match(mnx, '-04') or not foundry[fd].noncid or foundry[fd].separate then
+ local mapbase = gsub(mnx, '@', dirname)
+ local f = .. '/' .. mapbase .. '.map', 'w+')
+ for _,x in ipairs(mcont) do
+ f:write(make_one_line(x, fd, s))
+ end
+ if string.match(mapbase,'otf%-hiragino') then
+ print(' hiraprop: ' .. mapbase)
+ local v2 = string.explode([[
+% hiraprop
+hiramin-w3-h Identity-H $mr
+hiramin-w6-h Identity-H $mb
+hirakaku-w3-h Identity-H $gr
+hirakaku-w6-h Identity-H $gb
+hiramaru-w4-h Identity-H $mgr
+hiramin-w3-v Identity-V $mr
+hiramin-w6-v Identity-V $mb
+hirakaku-w3-v Identity-V $gr
+hirakaku-w6-v Identity-V $gb
+hiramaru-w4-v Identity-V $mgr
+ for i,v in pairs(v2) do
+ v = (v:gsub ('$(%w+)', foundry[fd])):gsub('?', ret_suffix(fd,s,''))
+ v2[i] = replace_index(v, s)
+ end
+ f:write(table.concat(v2, '\n'))
+ end
+ f:close()
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..60fe0b4f5ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/ptex-fontmaps/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# copied from luatexja project and adapted
+VER=${VER:-`date +%Y%m%d.0`}
+echo "Making Release $VER. Ctrl-C to cancel."
+read REPLY
+if test -d "$TEMP/$PROJECT-$VER"; then
+ echo "Warning: the directory '$TEMP/$PROJECT-$VER' is found:"
+ echo
+ echo
+ echo -n "I'm going to remove this directory. Continue? yes/No"
+ echo
+ read REPLY <&2
+ case $REPLY in
+ y*|Y*) rm -rf $TEMP/$PROJECT-$VER;;
+ *) echo "Aborted."; exit 1;;
+ esac
+git commit -m "Release $VER" --allow-empty
+git archive --format=tar --prefix=$PROJECT-$VER/ HEAD | (cd $TEMP && tar xf -)
+git --no-pager log --date=short --format='%ad %aN <%ae>%n%n%x09* %s%d [%h]%n' > $TEMP/$PROJECT-$VER/ChangeLog
+cat ChangeLog.pre-git >> $TEMP/$PROJECT-$VER/ChangeLog
+cd $TEMP
+rm -rf $PROJECT-$VER-orig
+# remove tl-update stuff that is only here temporarily
+rm -rf $PROJECT-$VER/tl-updates
+rm -f .gitignore
+for i in README script/ script/ ; do
+ perl -pi.bak -e "s/\\\$VER\\\$/$VER/g" $i
+ rm -f ${i}.bak
+cd ..
+diff -urN $PROJECT-$VER-orig $PROJECT-$VER
+tar zcf $DIR/$PROJECT-$VER.tar.gz $PROJECT-$VER
+echo You should execute
+echo " git push && git tag $VER && git push origin $VER"
+echo Informations for submitting CTAN:
+echo " CONTRIBUTION: ptex-fontmaps"
+echo " SUMMARY: Font maps and configuration tools for Japanese/Chinese/Korean fonts with (u)ptex"
+echo " DIRECTORY: language/japanese/ptex-fontmaps"
+echo " LICENSE: free/other-free"
+echo " FILE: $DIR/$PROJECT-$VER.tar.gz"