path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/plain/pdcmac/pdcfmt2.dtx
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-% pdcfmt2.dtx -- documentation & source for pdcfmt2.tex -*-tex-*-
-%%%@TeX-document-file {
-%%% title = "PDCFMT2 -- Formatting Macros",
-%%% filename = "$texmf/doc/plain/pdcmac/pdcfmt2.dtx",
-%%% version = "$Revision: 2.4 $",
-%%% package = "pdcmac 1.0",
-%%% date = "$Date: 1995/04/06 11:55:16 $",
-%%% author = "P. Damian Cugley",
-%%% email = "",
-%%% address = "Oxford University Computing Laboratory,"
-%%% Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK",
-%%% abstract = "This document describes and is the source code for
-%%% the TeX definitions file pdcfmt2.tex.
-%%% Running plain TeX on this file produces both the
-%%% definitions file and the printed documentation.",
-%%% copyright = "Copyright (c) 1991-1995 P. Damian Cugley",
-%%% copying = "This program is free software; you can redistribute
-%%% it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
-%%% General Public License as published by the Free
-%%% Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
-%%% or (at your option) any later version.",
-%%% notice = "This program is distributed in the hope that it will
-%%% be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-%%% implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
-%%% PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
-%%% License for more details.",
-%%% notice = "You should have received a copy of the GNU General
-%%% Public License along with this program; if not, write
-%%% to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave,
-%%% Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.",
-%%% codetable = "USASCII",
-%%% dependencies = "pdccode.tex"
-%{{{ pdcfmt2
-%{{{ preamble
-\input pdccode
-\rcs$Id: pdcfmt2.dtx,v 2.4 1995/04/06 11:55:16 pdc Exp $\endrcs
- \smallskip\hrule\nobreak\smallskip
- \dimen0=\hsize \advance\dimen0-1pc \divide\dimen0 2
- \halign to \hsize\bgroup\vtop{\tt\def~{\hfil\break} \def\\{\char`\\\relax} \hsize=\dimen0 ##}\tabskip=0pt plus 1fil&
- \vtop{\hsize=\dimen0 ##}\tabskip=0pt\cr
- \crcr\egroup
- \nobreak\smallskip\hrule\smallskip
-%}}} preamble
-%{{{ introduction
-\author{P. Damian Cugley}
-\title{PDCFMT2---Formatting Macros}
- This document describes |pdcfmt2.tex|, a collection of
- formatting macros for plain \TeX\ documents. For example, it
- defines commands for making bulleted lists, verbatim text, and
- generic headings. For longer documents, a higher-level `style
- file' like |pdccmdoc.tex| will define commands to start sections
- and generate a table of contents and so on.
- The definitions file and the printed documentation are both in
- |pdcfmt2.dtx|, a `documented \TeX\ macros' file\footnote*{The
- \LaTeX~2e distribution uses files with the `|dtx|' suffix for
- similar purposes.} which, when processed by plain \TeX,
- generates a fresh copy of |pdcfmt2.tex| in the current directory
- in addition to the |dvi| file. This ensures that the printed
- documentation and the code it describes are identical. The
- |dtx| file uses the macros in |pdccode.tex|.
- The name of the macros file ends in `-|2|' to prevent confusion
- with |pdcfmt.tex| version 1.1.10, with which it is slightly
- incompatible.
-%}}} introduction
-%{{{ File identification
-\section{File identification}
- Nowadays, macro files start with some comments identifying the
- file.
- \|\% pdcfmt2.tex \fileversion~\filedate~-- macros for formatting
- |
- |%%%@TeX-definition-file {
- |%%% filename = "$texmf/tex/plain/pdcmac/pdcfmt2.tex",
- \|\%\%\% version~~~~~~~~= "\fileversion",
- \|\%\%\% date~~~~~~~~~~~= "\filedate",
- |%%% package = "pdcmac 1.0",
- |%%% author = "P. Damian Cugley",
- |%%% email = "",
- |%%% address = "Oxford University Computing Laboratory,
- |%%% Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK",
- |%%% codetable = "USASCII",
- |%%% keywords = "TeX, plain TeX, macros",
- |%%% supported = "Maybe",
- |%%% abstract = "Formatting macros for plain TeX documents.
- |%%% This file was generated by running
- \|\%\%\%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~plain TeX on \jobname.dtx",
- |%%% copyright = "Copyright (c) 1991-1995 P. Damian Cugley",
- |%%% copying = "DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS FILE.
- \|\%\%\%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Distribute \jobname.dtx only as part of the
- |%%% package it came in.",
- |%%% dependencies = "",
- |%%% }
- |
- \|\\message\{\fileversion~<pdc \filedate>\}
- |
-%}}} getting started
-%{{{ internal
-\section{Internal definitions}
- Most internal control sequence names will start with `|FMT|'.
- Here are a few miscellaneous definitions used to save a token
- here or there.
- I will often use |\toksa| to create definitions containing
- characters with unusual catcodes. The idiom is
- |\begingroup| \<assignments> |\toksa={\endgroup|\cr
- \quad\<definitions>\cr
- |} \the\toksa|\cr
- When |\toksa| is expanded, it closes the group (undoing the
- \<assignments>) but then scans the \<definition> using the
- catcodes set by \<assignments>. (In extreme cases, the
- definition of |\toksa| might be enclosed in |\uppercase|, to get
- strange characters into a definiton.)
- The advantage of this idiom over using |\gdef| in a group is
- that the definitions need not be global. Avoiding global
- assignments makes it more likely that the document will be
- embeddable in other documents.
- Using |\toksa| instead of |\toks0| is more robust when using
- |\uppercase|, because digits are be given |\uccode| values by
- |maamac.tex|.
- |\toksdef\toksa=0
- |\chardef\other=12
-%}}} internal
-%{{{ verbatim text
-\section{Verbatim text}
- `Verbatim' text means text designed to match the ASCII
- characters in the manuscript file as closely as possible. It
- kis most often used in computer manuals, where commands typed to
- a computer or the contents of text files are to be presented.
- Within verbatim text, most of \TeX's special characters are
- temporarily disabled.
-\subsec{Lists of active chararcters}
- The verbatim text macros need to know if any characters have
- been made special apart from the usual ones. This command tells
- the verbatim macros that |#1| is an active char; in addition to
- setting its catcode, this makes sure that the character will be
- re-catcoded appropriately when in verbatim mode. |#1| should be
- a something that will work after `|`|'; usually this means a
- one-character control sequence.
- |\def\declareactivechar#1{%
- | \toksa\expandafter{\verbatimplains\do#1}%
- | \edef\verbatimplains{\the\toksa }%
- | \catcode`#1\active
- |}
- Two list macros in the style of |\dospecials| are defined. The
- first is for characters that must be set to catcode~12, such as
- `|\|', `|{|', `|}|', `|_|', `|$|', `|#|', `|&|', and `|%|'. The
- other is for a few characters that are given catcode~13, such as
- `|`|', `|'|', `|~|', `|^|' and SP.
- |\def\verbatimplains{\do\\\do\{\do\}\do\_\do\$\do\#\do\&\do\%}
- |\def\verbatimactives{\do\-\do\`\do\'\do\~\do\^\do\ }
- |\chardef\other=12
-\subsec{Setting up verbatim mode}
- This is a macro common to various verbatim text modes. The
- default spacing of whatever font is used, without any
- adjustments of spacefactor for punctuation. The characters
- `|`|', `|'|', `|~|', and `|^|' are produce slightly lowered
- glyphs.
- |\newtoks\everyverbatim
- |\bgroup \catcode`\-=13\catcode`\^=13 \catcode`\'=13 \catcode`\`=13 \toksa={\egroup
- | \def\setupverbatim{%
- | \frenchspacing
- | \spaceskip0pt \xspaceskip0pt % use spacing of font
- | \def\do##1{\catcode\lq##112 }\verbatimplains
- | \def\do##1{\catcode\lq##1\active }\verbatimactives
- | \let`\ttlq \let'\ttrq
- | \let~\tttilde \let^\ttcircum \let-\ttminus
- | \the\everyverbatim
- | }
- |}\the\toksa
- Here are the definitions for the munged glyphs. These are only
- necessary in CM Typewriter; when using a PostScript font,
- different definitions would be necessary.
- The names `rq' and `lq' are based on the use of |\lq| and |\rq|
- in plain \TeX. An alternative definition for |\ttrq| would be
- |\chardef\ttrq="0D|, producing `{\tt\char"0D }'.
- |\def\ttlq{\lower0.125ex \hbox{\char18 }}
- |\def\ttrq{\lower0.125ex \hbox{\char19 }}
- |\def\tttilde{\lower0.5ex \hbox{\char`\~ }}
- |\def\ttcircum{\lower0.5ex \hbox{\char`\^ }}
- |\def\ttminus{-}
- This makes the difference between |`'^~| and
- {\tt`'\char`\^\char`\~}.
- The macro |\ttminus| is included because it is needed for
- PostScript font support.
-\subsec{Defining a self-matching character for verbatim text}
- A macro for defining a self-matching verbatim character (I~got
- the idea of a macro for declaring verbatim characters from the
- \LaTeX~2e documentation macros). |#1| must be a one-character
- control sequence. If it isn't active already, then
- |\declareactivechar| is applied to it first.
- |\def\defverbatim#1{%
- | \ifcat\noexpand#1\noexpand~\else \declareactivechar#1 \fi
- | \begingroup \uccode`\~=`#1 \uppercase{\toksa={\endgroup
- | \def~{%
- | \leavevmode
- | \begingroup \tt \setupverbatim
- | \catcode`#1\active \let~\endgroup
- | }%
- | }}\the\toksa
- |}
- Note that there must be a font called |\tt| for it to switch to.
- (The catcode of |#1| is set to 13 after calling |\setupverbatim|
- because |#1| will be included in |\verbatimplains|.)
- Finally, we define vertical bar as the conventional
- self-matching verbatim-mode character.
- |\defverbatim\|
- Both |\defverbatim| and |\defineactivechar| have local scope.
-\subsec{List a file verbatim}
- This does something similar to the |lines| environment (see
- below), except here an external file is read in verbatim (see
- {\it\TeX book} Appendix~D, Section~3). The
- |\startlinenumbering| macro may be put in the |\everylisting|
- token register to create a listing with numbered lines.
- |\newtoks\everylisting
- |\def\listfile#1{
- | \medskip
- | \begingroup
- | \parindent=0pt \parskip=0pt
- | \def\par{\null\endgraf}\obeylines
- | \setupverbatim \maketabstab
- | \tt \the\everylisting
- | \input#1
- | \endgroup
- | \medskip\noindent\ignorespaces
- |}
- This macro redefines character |^^I| (horizontal tab) to produce
- the equivalent of eight spaces. This isn't quite the same as
- what HTs are used for with UNIX files, but it works adequately
- if all your tabs are at the start of the line (i.e., if tabs are
- used only for indentation, not to make tables).
- |{\catcode`\^^I=\active
- | \gdef\maketabstab{\catcode`\^^I\active \def^^I{\hskip 4em}}
- |}
-%}}} verbatim text
-%{{{ everypar
-\section{Everypar hacks}
- The following may be set by higher-level macros to change the
- apearance of the next paragraph.
- If the flag |\ifnoindent| is set, then the indentation of the
- next paragraph will be removed (by deleting the box added by
- \TeX's |\indent| primitive). Thus |\noindenttrue| works like
- |\noindent|, except that there may be blank lines between
- |\noindenttrue| and the paragraph it affects.
- |\newif\ifnoindent
- This flag is reset globally once it has had its effect.
- If the box |\parbox| is non-void, then its value is typeset in
- the left margin of the next paragraph. (At present this does an
- implicit |\noindenttrue| but later versions may allow the next
- paragraph to be indented.) The righthand edge of the parbox
- will be distance |\parboxsep| from the left edge of the text
- area.
- |\newbox\parbox
- |\newdimen\parboxsep \parboxsep=1pc
-\subsec{Setting \cs{everypar}}
- |\everypar={%
- | \ifvoid\parbox
- | \ifnoindent {\setbox0=\lastbox}\global\noindentfalse \fi
- | \else
- | {\setbox0=\lastbox}\global\noindentfalse
- | \dp\parbox=0pt
- | \hbox to 0pt{\hss \box\parbox \hskip\parboxsep}%
- | \fi
- |}
-%}}} everypar
-%{{{ environment intrinsics
-\section{Environment infrastructure}
- An environment is a structure used to typeset textual elements
- consisting of several \TeX\ paragraphs (usually embedded within
- one conceptual paragraph). It is a concept like \LaTeX\
- environments, but with the syntax changed to be more
- plain-\TeX-like.
- Since environments have one argument that may span many lines in
- the file we use more verbose brackets than |{|--|}| to make it
- easier to spot where they begin and end. This is a structure in
- a document looking like this:
- $$
- |\|\<name>\<args>\cr
- \quad\dots\cr
- |\end|\<name>\cr
- $$
- A new environment is defined by defining macros called
- |\|\<name> and |\end|\<name>. Within the |\|\<name> and
- |\end|\<name> macros, calls to |\beginthe| and |\endthe| are
- used to check that environments are nested properly.
- |\def\beginthe#1{%
- | \begingroup\def\PDCFMTblockname{#1}%
- |}
- |\def\endthe#1{%
- | \def\tmp{#1}%
- | \ifx\tmp\PDCFMTblockname
- | \endgroup
- | \else
- | \errmessage{You should have said \string\endthe{\blockname}}%
- | \fi
- |}
-\subsec{A generic end-of-environment macro}
- This macro does a |\smallskip| (if there is not already a larger
- skip on the current list), and sets the `noindent' flag so that
- the following \TeX\ paragraph is not indented.
- |\def\PDCFMTendenv#1{
- | \smallskip
- | \endthe{#1}
- | \global\noindenttrue
- |}
- Where an environment describes text that should be indented,
- usually |\parindent| should be used (for consistency). If
- |\parindent| is zero we still want to indent the text, and we
- use |\envindent| to describe how much to indent it by.
- |\newdimen\envindent \envindent=1pc
- |\def\PDCFMTindent{%
- | \ifdim\parindent>0pt
- | \parindent
- | \else
- | \envindent
- | \fi
- |}
-%}}} environment intrinsics
-%{{{ quotations
- This is a simple environment, with the left margin indented and
- the first paragraph in the quotetd text not indented.
- It is ... who said~
- \\quotation~
- \indent Shookum hip rallo dyne.~
- \\endquotation~
- Indeed, it burgle gurgler.
- It is interesting to remember the words of
- Spencone Tipeth, who said
- \smallskip\leftskip\parindent \noindent
- Shookum hip rallo
- dyne.\smallskip\leftskip0pt \noindent Indeed, it burgle gurgler.
-The token
- register |\everyquotation| might be used to arrange for all
- quotations to be in smaller type with
- $$\hbox{|\everyquotation={\smallfonts}|}$$
- |\newtoks\everyquotation
- |\def\quotation{
- | \smallskip
- | \beginthe{quotation}
- | \advance\leftskip\PDCFMTindent
- | \noindenttrue
- | \the\everyquotation
- |}
- |\def\endquotation{\PDCFMTendenv{quotation}}
- The differences from using |{\narrower|\dots|\par}| (apart from
- how it looks in the source file) include (a)~the right margin
- isn't indented; (b)~it indents by |\envindent| if there is no
- |\parindent| and (c)~it is preceeded and followed by a
- smallskip.
-%}}} quotations
-%{{{ textlists (bullets + numbered)
-\section{Textlists---bulleted or numbered lists}
- Here's a generic list-of-items environment, used to implemented
- bulleted and numbered lists. Each item is started with the
- convenient |\\| macro (and so may contain more than one
- paragraph). It is called a `textlist' to distinguish it from
- other meanings of the word `list'. Usually textlists will be
- generated with higher-level macros like |\bullets| and
- |\numbered|.
-\subsec{A generic textlist environment}
- The token register |\everytextlist| is expanded at the start
- of every textlist. The level of nesting is recorded in
- |\textlistdepth| (a to-level list is depth~0, a list inside
- that is depth~1, and so on). The flag |\ifnumbered| controls
- whether items are numbered (using |\numberfordepth|) or
- bulleted (using |\bulletfordepth|).
- |\newtoks\everytextlist
- |\newif\ifnumbered
- |\newcount\textlistdepth \textlistdepth=-1
- |\newcount\textlistcount
- |\def\textlist{%
- | \par
- | \beginthe{textlist}
- | \advance\textlistdepth 1
- | \textlistcount0
- | \def\\{
- | \smallskip\noindent
- | \advance\textlistcount1
- | \llap{%
- | \ifnumbered
- | \numberfordepth\textlistdepth\textlistcount
- | \else
- | \bulletfordepth\textlistdepth
- | \fi\enspace}%
- | \ignorespaces
- | }
- | \advance\leftskip\PDCFMTindent
- | \the\everytextlist
- |}
- |\def\endtextlist{\PDCFMTendenv{textlist}}
-\subsec{Bulleted lists}
- This describes a bulleted list, where each paragraph is indented
- and preceeded by a mark in the margin.
- I would like to make...~\\bullets~\\\\ this point; and~\\\\ that
- point~\\endbullets~And so on and so forth.
-& I would like to make the following very important and relevant
- itemized points:\smallskip\item{$\bullet$}this point;
- and\smallskip\item{$\bullet$}that
- point\smallskip\noindent And so on and so forth.
-Bullets environments may
- be nested, in which case different marks are used. The sign is
- chosen with |\bulletfordepth|.
- |\newtoks\everybullets
- |\def\bullets{\textlist \numberedfalse \the\everybullets}
- |\let\endbullets=\endtextlist
- |\def\bulletfordepth#1{%
- | \ifcase#1 $\bullet$\or --\or $\circ$\else $\cdot$\fi
- |}
-\subsec{Numbered lists}
- The numbered list is similar. The style of numbering changes
- with the listing depth; you can change this by redefining
- |\numberfordepth|.
- $$
-\centerline{\vbox{\halign{#\hfil&\qquad\hfil# &&\hfil# \cr
- Depth 0&1.&2.&3.&\dots\cr
- Depth 1&(1)&(2)&(3)&\dots\cr
- Depth 2&({\it a\/})&({\it b\/})&({\it c\/})&\dots\cr
- Depth 3+&(i)&(ii)&(iii)&\dots\cr
- $$
- There is also a token regieter |\everynumbered| for any extra
- customization. This is read after |\everytextlist|.
- |\newtoks\everynumbered
- |\def\numbered{\textlist \numberedtrue \the\everynumbered}
- |\let\endnumbered=\endtextlist
- |\def\numberfordepth#1#2{%
- | \ifcase#1 \n{\number#2}.\or (\n{\number#2})\or
- | ({\it\alphabetletter#2\/})\else (\romannumeral#2)\fi
- |}
- It turns out that sometimes it is useful to be able to impose a
- format on numbers generated by formatting macros. For example,
- I~occasionally find it useful to force all numbers to be
- generated in maths mode. To do this, all numbers generated by
- macros are enclosed in |\n{|--|}|. By default, |\n| is
- equivalent to |\relax|.
- |\let\n\relax
-\subsec{Picking a letter of the alphabet}
- This macro behaves as much like the primitives |\number| and
- |\romannumeral| as it can: it expands entirely within \TeX's
- mouth, and so may be used in |\edef|s and the like. It produces
- |???| or |!!!| if its argument is not in the range 1--26.
- The macro is defined so as to reduce the number of tokesn to be
- skipped when |#1| is less than 6.
- |\def\alphabetletter#1{%
- | \ifcase#1 ??? \or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\else
- | \xxxalphabetletter#1\fi
- |}
- |\def\xxxalphabetletter#1{%
- | \ifcase#1 \or\or\or\or\or\or f\or g\or h\or i\or j\or
- | k\or l\or m\or n\or o\or p\or q\or r\or s\or t\or u\or
- | v\or w\or x\or y\or z\else !!!\fi
- |}
-%}}} textlists (bullets + numbered)
-%{{{ tagged list
-\section{Tagged lists}
- In other words, description lists. Each paragraph starts with
- the `tag' set either in the left margin or sticking in to the
- current line if it is too long to fit. The tag for each
- paragraph is introduced with `|\\|\arg{\<text>}'.
- The maximum width of tag labels (including the 1\thinspace en
- space that goes between label and text) in is stored in
- |\tagmaxwidth|. If there is not room, then the label is run on
- in to the paragraph and separated from the text by a quad space.
- |\newdimen\tagmaxwidth
- As well as giving a new definition to the |\\| macro, the
- |\tagged| command mast choose a value for |\tagmaxwidth|. If
- there is a large left margin (signalled by giving |\leftmargin|
- a positive value) then tags will go in there; otherwise the text
- will be indented and the amount of indentation used as the
- maximum label width.
- |\newtoks\everytagged
- |\def\tagged{%
- | \par
- | \beginthe{tagged}
- | \let\\\TAG
- | \ifdim\leftmargin=0pt
- | \tagmaxwidth\PDCFMTindent
- | \else
- | \tagmaxwidth\leftmargin
- | \fi
- | \the\everytagged
- | \ifdim\tagmaxwidth>\leftmargin
- | \leftskip\tagmaxwidth \advance\leftskip-\leftmargin
- | \fi
- |}
- |\def\endtagged{\PDCFMTendenv{tagged}}
- The adjustment to |\leftmargin| comes after scanning
- |\everytagged| so that it is possible to adjust |\tagmaxwidth|
- inside |\everytagged|.
- Trickery with |\futurelet| and |\aftergroup| (like that used in
- plain \TeX's |\footnote| command) is used to allow catcode
- changes in \<text> to work. This allows macros that generate
- `verbatim' text to work.
- |\newtoks\everytag
- |\def\TAG{%
- | \smallskip\noindent
- | \setbox0=\hbox\bgroup % matched by \TAGfinish
- | \the\everytag\ignorespaces
- | \futurelet\next\TAGtest
- |}
- |\def\TAGtest{%
- | \ifcat\bgroup\noexpand\next
- | \let\next\TAGgotbrace
- | \else
- | \let\next\TAGnobrace
- | \fi \next
- |}
- |\def\TAGgotbrace{%
- | \bgroup\aftergroup\TAGfinish
- | \let\next
- |}
- |\def\TAGnobrace#1{%
- | #1\TAGfinish
- |}
- |\def\TAGfinish{%
- | \unskip\hskip0.5em\egroup % matches \TAG
- | \ifdim \wd0 < \tagmaxwidth
- | \wd0=\tagmaxwidth
- | \llap{\box0}%
- | \else
- | \hskip-\tagmaxwidth
- | \unhbox0 \unskip\quad
- | \fi
- | \ignorespaces
- |}
- It might be interesting to generalize these macros so that new
- macros with an argument scanned this way may be created more
- easily.
-%}}} tagged list
-%{{{ lines
-\section{Lines environment (for program listings etc)}
- In the |lines| environment, each line in the manuscript file
- becomes a new paragraph (i.e., a separate line on the printed
- page). A |%| at the end of a line may be used to split a file
- line in to several logical lines. In addition, the |lines|
- environment is bracketed by horizontal rules. The effect is
- similar to that produced by the |\beginlines|--|\endlines|
- macros in {\it\TeX book} Appendix~E.
- |\newtoks\everylines
- |\def\lines{
- | \par
- | \beginthe{lines}
- | \nobreak\smallskip\hrule\nobreak\smallskip
- | \obeylines
- | \parindent=0pt \parskip=0pt
- | \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil
- | \the\everylines
- | \nobreak
- |}
- |\def\endlines{
- | \nobreak\smallskip
- | \endthe{lines}
- | \hrule\smallskip
- | \global\noindenttrue
- |}
- For longer listings it may be nice to have the lines numbered
- for later reference. The following two macros may be put in
- |\everylines| to enable line numbering---the first starts from~1
- in each listing environment, the other continues the numbering
- from where it left off.
- The line number is kept in |\linenumber| (which may be adjusted
- by the user). Only every 5th line is numbered. The number of
- lines until the next printed one is held in |\PDCFMTcount|.
- Both these are always set globally (which means lines
- environments cannot be nested!).
- |\newcount\linenumber
- |\newcount\PDCFMTcount
- |\def\startlinenumbering{%
- | \global\linenumber=0 \global\PDCFMTcount=5
- | \everypar{\numberthisline}%
- |}
- |\def\continuelinenumbering{%
- | \everypar{\numberthisline}%
- |}
- The |\numberthisline| macro is invoked at the beginning of every
- paragraph. It increments |\linenumber|, and writes the line
- number of every fifth line in the right margin. By default it
- uses the same font as used in subscripts; this can be changed by
- changing the token register |\everylinenum|.
- |\newtoks\everylinenum \everylinenum{\the\scriptfont0 }
- |\def\numberthisline{%
- | \strut
- | \global\advance\linenumber1 \global\advance\PDCFMTcount-1
- | \ifnum\PDCFMTcount>0 \else
- | \global\advance\PDCFMTcount 5
- | \rlap{\the\everylinenum \kern\hsize\kern1em \the\linenumber}%
- | \fi
- |}%
- Within the lines environment it can be useful to indicate where
- lines have been skipped. This macro also adjusts the
- |\linenumber| macro.
- |\def\linesskipped#1{%
- | \strut \hskip20pt $\vdots$ \hskip20pt
- | {\rm(\it #1 lines omitted\rm)}\par
- | \advance\linenumber#1\relax
- |}
-%}}} lines
-%{{{ display, table
-\section{Displays, Tables -- wrapper about \cs{halign}}
- The |display| environment does a generic (meaning not
- necessarily mathematical) display, in a manner similar to the
- |\begindisplay|--|\enddisplay| macros in {\it\TeX book}
- Appendix~E. As with Knuth's macro, assignments may follow on
- the same line as |\display|, and |\cr| and |&| may be used to
- split the display into rows and columns.
- |\outer\def\display{\obeylines\startdisplay}
- |\bgroup\obeylines \toksa={\egroup %
- | \def\startdisplay#1^^M{%
- | \catcode`\^^M=5 $$ #1 % matched by \enddisplay
- | \displayindent\PDCFMTindent %
- | \halign\bgroup##\hfil&&\quad##\hfil\cr %
- | } %
- |}\the\toksa %
- |\def\enddisplay{\crcr\egroup$$}
- The |table| environment is similar, ecept that what follows
- |\table| is an arbitrary |\halign| specification.
- |\def\table{%
- | $$ % matching $$ is in \endtable
- | \displayindent\PDCFMTindent
- | \halign \bgroup
- |}
- |\let\endtable=\enddisplay
- Both the {\tt table} and {\tt display} environments must go
- within paragraphs. That is, there should not be blank lines
- before |\table|, or after |\endtable| unless the table ends the
- paragraph.
-%}}} display, table
-%{{{ ebnf
- BNF is Bakus-Naur Formalism; EBNF is Extended BNF. The same
- environment does either format. The style I~happen to like, has
- non-terminal sumbols written like \<this>, and terminal symbols
- enclosed in `--'. Optional text is enclosed in brackets (I~like
- to put spaces between the brackets and the enclosed text for
- clarity) and repeatable text in braces.
- In the manuscript file, each production is a separate paragraph.
- The macro |\>| goes between the left hand side and right hand
- side of a production; by default, it expands to `$::=$'.
- Alternatives are separated by |\\|; by default this expands to a
- bar `$\mid$'. If the terminal symbols happen to be keyboard
- characters, use the verbatim text character {\tt\char`\|} which
- adds quotation marks around the text it produces. For example,
- the following expression
- $$
- \hbox{\<foo>\enspace$::=$\enspace`|f|' `|o|' `|o|' $\mid$
- \<bar> [ \<mumble> `{\bf munge}' ].}
- $$
- may be produced with
- $$
- \defverbatim\~
- \hbox{~\<foo> \> |f| |o| |o| \\ \<bar> [ \<mumble> `{\bf munge}' ].~}
- $$
- Braces are produced with |\{| and |\}|.
- |\newtoks\everybnf
- |\def\bnf{
- | \nobreak\smallskip
- | \beginthe{bnf}
- | \advance\leftskip2\parindent \parindent=-\parindent
- | \parskip0pt plus 1pt
- | \rightskip=1\rightskip plus 3em
- | \def\\{$\mid$}
- | \def\>{\unskip\enspace$::=$\enspace\ignorespaces}
- | \def|{`\begingroup\tt\setupverbatim\catcode`\|=13
- | \def|{\endgroup'}}
- | \def\{{$\lbrace$} \def\}{$\rbrace$}
- | \the\everybnf
- |}
- |\def\endbnf{
- | \smallskip
- | \endthe{bnf}
- | \global\noindenttrue
- |}
- The macro |\<| is based on the one in Appendix~E of the {\it\TeX
- book}. For example, |\<foo>| produces `\<foo>'.
- |\def\<#1>{\leavevmode\hbox{$\langle${\it#1\/}$\rangle$}}
- The difference is that the name is in italics: \<name> not
- $\langle$name$\rangle$.
- This macro is not intened for be used to generate character
- names like Return and Tab; I suggest just saying `Return' and
- `Tab' for these.
- There is a style of RFC-822 email addresses written in the form
- `\/|Damian Cugley <>|'. I suggest that when
- presenting email addresses in printed documents this be rendered
- as something like `\/{\rm Damian Cugley (||)}'.
-%}}} ebnf
-%{{{ headings
- Here are some macros for making headings for sections of a
- document. There are two styles of layout supported by these
- heading macros: the usual style~$N$, with headings above the
- first paragraph of the section, and the `tab-indexed' style~$T$,
- with headings in the left margin, aligned with the first line of
- the paragraph.
-\subsec{The left margin parameter}
- For style~$T$ headings, this is the size of the extra margin at
- the left side of the page (so $({\it hoffset}+1\,{\rm in})-{\it
- leftmargin}$ is the margin between the left edge of headings and
- the edge of the paper). Set this parameter to $0\pt$ for
- style~$N$.
- |\newdimen\leftmargin
-\subsec{Headings that don't start a new page}
- This macro is intended to be used by higher-level macro with
- names like |\section|, which take care of numbering section
- headings and so on.
- $$
- \hbox{\tt\cs{doheading}\arg{\<skip>}\arg{\<style>}%
- \arg{\<coda>}\arg{\<text>}}
- $$
- Where \<skip> is the skip to put before the heading (for
- example, a \<dimendef token> like like |\medskipamount| or
- |\bigskipamount|, or a \<dimen> enclosed in braces); \<style> is
- tokens to insert before the \<text> (such as assignments that
- select the font); \<coda> is tokens that follow the \<text>
- (which might produce a rule under the heading, for example;
- usually this is empty); and \<text> is the text of the heading
- supplied by the user.
- |\newskip\headingtemp
- |\def\doheading#1#2#3#4{
- | \ifdim\lastskip<#1\relax \removelastskip \vskip#1\relax \fi
- | \ifdim \leftmargin>0pt
- If the left margin is greater than zero then we generaten a
- style~$T$ heading. This is done by putting the text in
- |\parbox|, which will be used by the |\everypar|.
- | \global\setbox\parbox=\vtop{%
- | \hsize=\leftmargin \advance\hsize-\parboxsep
- | \parindent=0pt
- | \leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt plus 3em
- | \hyphenpenalty=10000 \exhyphenpenalty=5000
- | \strut#2#4#3
- | }
- | \else
- Otherwise we typeset the heading as a separate paragraph.
- | \begingroup
- | \parindent=0pt \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil
- | \leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt plus0.25\hsize
- | \hyphenpenalty=10000 \exhyphenpenalty=5000
- | \strut#2#4#3
- | \global\headingtemp=\baselineskip
- | \par
- | \endgroup
- The vertical space between the heading and the following text is
- calculated from the difference in baselineskips between the
- fonts used in the heading and those used in body text, plus $\it
- smallskipamount$.
- | \advance\headingtemp-\baselineskip
- | \ifdim\headingtemp>0pt \nobreak \vskip 1.0\headingtemp \fi
- | \smallskip
- | \noindenttrue
- | \fi
- |}
-\subsec{Headings that start a new page}
- Major divisions of a book start on a nw page. The parameters to
- the macro are similar to those for |\doheading|:
- $$
- \hbox{\tt\cs{newpageheading}\arg{\<skip>}\arg{\<style>}%
- \arg{\<coda>}\arg{\<text>}}
- $$
- Where here the \<skip> is the extra space at the top of the page.
- |\def\newpageheading#1#2#3#4{
- | \vfill\supereject % ensure no insertions still floating
- | \null\vskip#1\relax
- | \moveleft\leftmargin\vbox{
- | \advance\hsize\leftmargin
- | \parindent=0pt \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil
- | \leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt plus0.25\hsize
- | \hyphenpenalty=10000 \exhyphenpenalty=5000
- | #2\strut#4#3
- | \global\headingtemp=\baselineskip
- | \par
- | }
- | \advance\headingtemp-\baselineskip
- | \advance\headingtemp\smallskipamount
- | \vskip \headingtemp
- | \noindenttrue
- | \def\tmp{#4}
- | \message{*\expandafter\TOCtrim\meaning\tmp. }
- |}
-%}}} headings
-%{{{ footnotes
- We define a new command |\note| that replaces use of the
- |\footnote| command. This takes one parameter---the text of the
- footnote---and supplies automatically-numbered footnote markers.
- The |\newcount| command implicitly sets the counter to~0.
- |\newcount\notecount
- |\def\note{%
- | \global\advance\notecount+1
- | \footnote{\number\notecount}%
- |}
- We add a parameter for the indentation of footnote paragraphs.
- |\newdimen\footnoteparindent
- |\footnoteparindent=\parindent
- Now we modify the definition of |\footnote| in plain~\TeX\ (see
- TeXbook p.\thinspace363). It has the same function as
- plain~\TeX's |\footnote|, but uses extra parameters
- (|\everyfootnote|, |\footnotetextmark|), and handles the case
- ${\it parindent}=0\pt$.
- |\newtoks\everyfootnote
- |\catcode`\@=11
- |\def\footnote#1{\let\@sf\empty
- | \ifhmode\edef\@sf{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\/\fi
- | \footnotetextmark{#1}\@sf\vfootnote{#1}}
- |\def\vfootnote#1{\insert\footins\bgroup % matched by \@foot
- | \interlinepenalty=\interfootnotelinepenalty
- | \parindent=\footnoteparindent
- | \leftskip=0pt
- | \the\everyfootnote
- | \splittopskip=\ht\strutbox \splitmaxdepth=\dp\strutbox
- | \floatingpenalty=20000
- | \indent\footstrut
- | \ifdim\parindent>1em
- | \llap{\footnotenotemark{#1}\enspace}%
- | \else
- | \footnotenotemark{#1}\enspace
- | \fi
- | \futurelet\next\fo@t
- |}
- |\def\@foot{\smallskip\egroup}
- |\catcode`\@=12
- These two parameters control the formatting of the footnote
- marker in the text and in the note itself. They take one
- parameter, a \<number>. The default definitions simply use a
- superscript in maths mode.
- |\def\footnotetextmark#1{$^{#1}$}
- |\def\footnotenotemark#1{$^{#1}$}
-%}}} footnotes
-%{{{ in-paragraph commands
-\section{Miscellaneous in-paragraph commands}
-\subsec{Writing the current date}
-\def\today{\n{\number\day} \monthname\month\ \n{\number\year}}
- \ifcase#1\or
- January\or February\or March\or April\or
- May\or June\or July\or August\or
- September\or October\or November\or December%
- \fi
- We define a macro |\today| that prints today's date. I used to
- have the option of the abbreviated date but decided this was an
- unnecessary complication. The format `\today' is usual
- in non-American countries, and is recommended by {\it Hart's
- Rules}\footnote*{Horace Hart, {\it Hart's Rules for Compositors
- and Readers at the University Press, Oxford}, 39th~ed.,
- completely revised (Oxford University Press, 1990),
- p.\thinspace19.} and Strunk \&
- White.\footnote\dag{William Strunk jun., and E.~B. White, {\it
- The Elements of Style}, 3rd~ed.\ (Macmillan, 1979),
- p.\thinspace3. The American format is given first but followed
- by the observation that the day--month--year format is `an
- excellent way to write that date; the figures are separated by a
- word, and are, for that reason, quickly grasped'.}
- |\def\today{\n{\number\day} \monthname\month\ \n{\number\year}}
- |\def\monthname#1{%
- | \ifcase#1\or
- | January\or February\or March\or April\or
- | May\or June\or July\or August\or
- | September\or October\or November\or December%
- | \fi
- |}
- Redefine the |\monthname| macro if you want different names for
- the months.
- \ifnum#1<10 0\fi \number#1%
- Here's a definition for the date in ISO~8601/BS~4795
- format,\footnote\ddag{{\it The Oxford Writers' Dictionary}
- (Oxford University Press, 1990), under `date'. I~have not read
- the relevant standards.} which puts the year first, giving
- `\isodate':
- |\def\isodate{\n{\number\year}--\twodigits\month--\twodigits\day}
- |\def\twodigits#1{%
- | \ifnum#1<10 0\fi \number#1%
- |}
-\subsec{Raising things}
- The |\flushtop| macro prints its argument in a box raised so
- that the its top is aligned with the top of a letter X in the
- current font.
- |\def\flushtop#1{%
- | \leavevmode
- | \begingroup
- | \setbox0\hbox{#1}\setbox2\hbox{X}%
- | \dimen0\ht2 \advance\dimen0-\ht0
- | \raise\dimen0\box0
- | \endgroup
- |}
- This allows us to define a fairly generic version of the \LaTeX\
- logo:
- |\def\La{L\negthinspace\flushtop{a}}
- |\def\LaTeX{\La\TeX}
- I have not given a definition for the \LaTeX~2e logo, since
- I~think that `|\LaTeX~2e|' (or `|\LaTeX2e|' if you prefer) is
- adequate, whereas Addison--Wesley think it should be `|\LaTeX|
- |\kern0.05em| |2$| |_{\textstyle| |\varepsilon}| |$|' in regular
- text and something involving bold maths in boldface. SImilarly,
- I do not include macros for Bib\TeX, Sli\TeX, AMS-\TeX, and so
- on; the |texlogos.sty| file from the Eplain package has
- definitions for these.
- \vphantom{t}\smash{#1}}}
- Here's a variation which raises a scriptstyle letter so that
- its {\it x}-height matches the cap-height of the body text,
- thus making `M\superiorletter{\b c\kern0.1ex }Donald' and
- `1\superiorletter{\b a}', `1\superiorletter{\b o}',
- `1\superiorletter{er}', `2\superiorletter{\`eme}',
- `1\superiorletter{st}', `2\superiorletter{nd}',
- `3\superiorletter{rd}' and `659\superiorletter{th}' (which I
- prefer to $659^{\rm th}$).
- |\def\superiorletter#1{%
- | \flushtop{\the\scriptfont\fam \vphantom{x}\smash{#1}}%
- |}
- |\def\Mc{M\flushtop{\the\scriptfont\fam \b{c}}}
-%}}} in-paragraph commands
-%}}} pdcfmt2
-%Local variables:
-%fill-prefix: " "
-%fold-folded-p: t