path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex')
3 files changed, 3686 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.drv b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.drv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..403bd0672c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.drv
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+%% This is file `tabu.drv',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% tabu.dtx (with options: `driver')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% tabu : 2010/10/27 v1.1 - tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% This work consists of the main source file tabu.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%% tabu.sty, tabu.pdf, tabu.ins
+%% tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
+%% Copyright (C) 2010 by Florent Chervet <>
+\def\thisinfo{Flexible \LaTeX{} tabulars (\FC)}
+\RequirePackage{amsopn,amsmath}% \DeclareMathOperator
+\RequirePackage[a]{esvect}% for vectors
+\csname endofdump\endcsname
+ pdftitle={tabu},
+ pdfsubject={a simple line parser for TeX},
+ pdfauthor={Florent CHERVET},
+ colorlinks,linkcolor=reflink,
+ pdfstartview={FitH},%pdfpagemode=UseOutLines,
+ pdfkeywords={tex, e-tex, latex, package, tabular, array, halign, tabularx, longtable, color, colortbl, alignment},
+ }
+ \DocInput{\thisfile.dtx}
+%% End of file `tabu.drv'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cb70b0226da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,3520 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% tabu : 2010/10/27 v1.1 - tabu: flexible LaTeX tabulars]
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+% version. The latest version of this license is in
+% This work consists of the main source file tabu.dtx
+% and the derived files
+% tabu.sty, tabu.pdf, tabu.ins
+% Unpacking:
+% (a) If tabu.ins is present:
+% etex tabu.ins
+% (b) Without tabu.ins:
+% etex tabu.dtx
+% (c) If you insist on using LaTeX
+% latex \let\install=y\input{tabu.dtx}
+% (quote the arguments according to the demands of your shell)
+% Documentation:
+% (pdf)latex tabu.dtx
+% Copyright (C) 2010 by Florent Chervet <>
+ \def\x{LaTeX2e}%
+\ifcase 0\ifx\install y1\fi\expandafter
+ \ifx\csname processbatchFile\endcsname\relax\else1\fi
+ \ifx\fmtname\x\else 1\fi\relax
+\else\csname fi\endcsname
+\input docstrip.tex
+\Msg{* Installation}
+\Msg{* Package: 2010/10/27 v1.1 - tabu: Flexible LaTeX tabulars}
+This is a generated file.
+tabu : 2010/10/27 v1.1 - tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+version. The latest version of this license is in
+This work consists of the main source file tabu.dtx
+and the derived files
+ tabu.sty, tabu.pdf, tabu.ins
+tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
+Copyright (C) 2010 by Florent Chervet <>
+ \file{tabu.ins}{\from{tabu.dtx}{install}}%
+ \file{tabu.sty}{\from{tabu.dtx}{package}}%
+ \file{tabu.drv}{\from{tabu.dtx}{driver}}%
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following}
+\Msg{* file into a directory searched by TeX:}
+\Msg{* tabu.sty}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file `tabu.dtx'}
+\Msg{* through LaTeX.}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing!}
+\def\thisinfo{Flexible \LaTeX{} tabulars (\FC)}
+\RequirePackage{amsopn,amsmath}% \DeclareMathOperator
+\RequirePackage[a]{esvect}% for vectors
+\csname endofdump\endcsname
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+ pdfsubject={a simple line parser for TeX},
+ pdfauthor={Florent CHERVET},
+ colorlinks,linkcolor=reflink,
+ pdfstartview={FitH},%pdfpagemode=UseOutLines,
+ pdfkeywords={tex, e-tex, latex, package, tabular, array, halign, tabularx, longtable, color, colortbl, alignment},
+ }
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+% \section(Implementation)[\mdseries\scshape\pmb{Implementation}]{Implementation} \label{sec:implementation}}
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+% \deffootnote{1em}{0pt}{\rlap{\textsuperscript{\thefootnotemark}}\kern1em}
+% \title{\vspace*{-28pt}\mdseries {\HUGE\bfseries\sffamily t\,a\,b\,u\,}}
+% \date{}
+% \author{\small\thisdate~--~version \thisversion}
+% \subtitle{\LARGE Flexible \LaTeX{} tabulars\endgraf {\small\FC}}
+% \maketitle
+% \makeatletter\begingroup\let\@thefnmark\@empty\let\@makefntext\@firstofone
+% \footnotetext{\noindent\parskip=0pt\scriptsize
+% This documentation is produced with the +DocStrip+ utility. Package \xpackage{tabu} is used with the \textt{linegoal} option.\topsep=0pt
+% \begin{tabbing}
+% \qquad\=\smex\=To get the documentation, \= run (thrice):\quad\= \texttt{pdflatex \thisfile.dtx} \\
+% \qquad\>\>To get the index, \> run:\>\texttt{makeindex -s \thisfile.idx} \\
+% \>\smex\>To get the package, \> run:\> \texttt{etex \thisfile.dtx}
+% \end{tabbing}§
+% The \xext{dtx} file is embedded into this pdf file thank to \xpackage{embedfile} by H. Oberdiek.}
+% \endgroup\makeatother
+% \deffootnote{1em}{0pt}{\rlap{\thefootnotemark.}\kern1em}
+% {\let\quotation\relax\vspace*{-1cm}%
+% \begin{abstract}\parskip\medskipamount\parindent0pt\lastlinefit0\leftskip1cm\rightskip\leftskip
+% This package defines a single environment \textt{tabu} to make all kinds of tabulars in text or in math mode
+% provided that they do not split across pages.
+% \textt{tabu} is more flexible that \textt{tabular}, \textt{tabular*}, \textt{tabularx}
+% and \textt{array} and extend the possibilities. All tabulars in this document were made
+% with the \textt{tabu} environment. Last (but not least) \textt{tabu} is more than compatible
+% with any package that provide commands to format tabulars.
+% Indeed, \thispackage{} \textbf{does not modify any of the macros of \xfile{array.sty}.} All
+% functionalities are obtained with only two modifications\footnote{\cs{prepnext@tok} and \cs{save@decl}.
+% See ``\nameref{sec:light package option}''.} which are loaded only inside
+% a \textt{tabu} environment.
+% \xpackage{tabu} requires \eTeX, the standard package \xfile{array.sty} and no other package.
+% \end{abstract}}
+% \makeatletter
+% \tocsetup{
+% dot=$\scriptscriptstyle\ldotp$,
+% dotsep=1mu,
+% title/bottom=6pt,
+% title=Contents\quad\leaders\vrule height3.1pt depth-3pt\hfill\null,
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+% }\makeatother
+% {%
+% \hypersetup{linkcolor=black}
+% \tableofcontents
+% }
+% \clearpage
+% \changefont{spread*=1.1}
+% \bottomtitles=.3\textwidth
+% \section{The \textt{tabu} environment}
+% \label{sec.tabu}
+% \subsection(tabu, tabu to, tabu spread){\textt{tabu}, \textt{tabu to} and \textt{tabu spread}}
+% {\let\red\relax
+% \begin{declcs}{begin}\M*{\red tabu}\M[pos]\M{tabular preamble} \\
+% \cs{begin}\M*{{\red tabu}} to \meta{dimen}\M[pos]\M{tabular preamble} \\
+% \cs{begin}\M*{{\red tabu}} spread \meta{dimen}\M[pos]\M{tabular preamble} \\
+% \end{declcs}}
+% The \textt{tabu} environment behaves exactly like \textt{tabular}: the preamble
+% is parsed by the macros in \xfile{array.sty} with no modification in the characters classes.
+% \textt{tabu} improves \textt{tabular} and \textt{array}:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item footnotes and index words are allowed inside \textt{tabu}
+% \item \textt X columns are also allowed, with an \emph{optional} parameter for the width-coefficient,
+% the alignment (\textt{l,r,c} or \textt{L,R,C} for \xpackage{ragged2e} settings) and the column
+% type (\textt{p,m,b}). \textt{tabu} has also a \emph{default target width} when used
+% with \textt X columns.
+% \item You are used to the \textt{tabular} environment in text mode, and \textt{array} in math mode,
+% but \textt{tabu} works in both modes and its name does not change... \textt X columns are also
+% possible in math mode; \xpackage{delarray} shortcuts for delimiters are available in both math and text modes.
+% \item a \textt{tabu} environment can contain another tabular of any kind: \textt{tabular}, \textt{tabular\stform*},
+% \textt{tabularx} or \textt{tabu} itself can be placed in any cell of a \textt{tabu}. Conversely,
+% \textt{tabu} can be placed in a \textt{tabular}, \textt{tabularx} \etc.
+% \item \textt{tabu} introduces optional parameters to columns specifications, providing facilities
+% for modifying columns of line widths, inserting verbatim text...
+% \item \textt{tabu} is more than compatible with \xpackage{arydshln} (for dashed and dotted lines)
+% and \xpackage{colortbl}: actually some corrections of those packages are loaded as soon as you
+% enter a \textt{tabu} environment. Compatibility with \xpackage{delarray}, \xpackage{hhline},
+% \xpackage{makecell}, \xpackage{booktabs}, \xpackage{siunitx}, \xpackage{dcolumn}, \xpackage{warpcol},
+% \etc\ is fine too.
+% When you are inside a \textt{tabu} environment, you can use \cs{raggedleft}, \cs{raggedright}
+% and \cs{centering} without special care about \cs{arraybackslash} and conversely \string\\\ has its
+% ``normal'' meaning inside a list of items that may appear in a \textt X column...
+% \end{itemize}
+% \bigskip
+% \declmargin \cs{begin}\M*{tabu} \textt{to}\meta{dimen} is like \textt{tabular\textasteriskcentered} but the inter-columns space is
+% given a stretchability of 1fil, in other words \textt{@\M*{\cs{extracolsep}\M*{0pt plus 1fil}}}
+% is inserted by default at the beginning of the tabular preamble, unless you specify another value for \cs{extracolsep}. Therefore
+% ``\textt{tabu to}'' fills in width the specified \meta{dimen}.
+% \bigskip
+% \declmargin \cs{begin}\M*{tabu} \textt{spread}\meta{dimen} does a tabular whose width is \meta{dimen} wider than its natural width.
+% \textt{@\M*{\cs{extracolsep}\M*{0pt plus 1fil}}} is inserted by default if \meta{dimen}$>0$.
+% \subsection{\textt{tabu X} columns}
+% \textt{tabu X} columns can be viewed as an enhancement of \xpackage{tabularx} \textt X columns:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item width coefficients can optionally be given to \textt X columns\\
+% ex.\, \textt{X[2.5]X[1]}\, is the same as\, \textt{X[2.5]X}\, and the same as\, \textt{X[5]X[2]} \\
+% This means that the first \textt X column will be two and a half wider than the second one or
+% that the first \textt X column width will be \sfrac{5}{7} of the whole tabular width. \\[.5\baselineskip]
+% \begin{tabu}{|X[c,2.5]|X[c]|} \firsthline \textt{X[2.5]} & \textt X \\ \hline\end{tabu}
+% \pagebreak
+% \item horizontal alignment specification is made easier with\, \textt{X[5,r]X[2,c]}\, for example. Vertical
+% alignment can be specified as well with\, \textt{X[5,r,m]X[2,p,c]}\, (commas are not required,
+% but \textt{X[2cm]} or \textt{X[4pc]} could be misunderstood -- not by \TeX{}: by you...).\\
+% \begin{tabu}{X[c]X[4c]c}
+% \rowfont{\bfseries\ttfamily} Modifier & Meaning & Default \\
+% \textt l, \textt c, \textt r, \textt j & left, centered, right, justified & \textt j \\
+% \textt p, \textt m, \textt b & \textt X column is converted into \textt p, \textt m or \textt b column & \textt p \\
+% \$ & \textt{X[\$]} is a shortcut for:\, \textt{>\M*{\$}X<\M*{\$}} & \\
+% \end{tabu}
+% \item \textt{tabu X} columns can be spanned with \cs{multicolum} without any restriction.
+% \item \textt{tabu X} columns can be used with ``\textt{tabu spread}'' for small tabulars.
+% \item \textt{tabu X} columns can contain any type of \textt{tabular}, \textt{tabular*}, \textt{tabularx} or \textt{tabu}
+% without special care about the syntax. \textt{tabu} can also be put inside \textt{tabular}, \textt{tabular*}
+% and \textt{tabularx}. As long as \textt{tabu} with \textt X columns has a \emph{default target}, nesting \textt{tabu}
+% with \textt X columns is easy. Furthermore, the default global alignment of a nested \textt{tabu} is \textt t
+% (for \textt{top}) while the default global alignment of a \textt{tabu} in a paragraph is \textt c (for \textt{centered}).
+% ^^AWhen nested inside another \textt{tabu}, \textt{tabu} takes care not to add duplicate margins around its cells...
+% \item The ``algorithm'' (or the arithmetic) to get the target width for \textt{tabu X} columns is the same as the one
+% used by \xpackage{tabularx}. \cs{hfuzz} is the ``tolerance'' for the whole tabular width. We use \eTeX{} \cs{dimexpr}
+% instead of \TeX{} primitives (with round/truncate bias correction).
+% \item Convergence to the target width is optimized: the \cs{halign} preamble is not re-built at each trial, but only expanded again,
+% until the target is reached. Though optimized, the process is the same as the one implemented for \textt{tabularx}
+% and in particular the content of the \textt{tabu} environment is collected as soon as a \textt{tabu X} column is found in the preamble.
+% This implies restrictions on catcode modifications and verbatim text inside a \textt{tabu} with \textt X columns.
+% \item If the width of the whole tabular is not specified with ``\textt{tabu to}'' it is considered to be \cs{linewidth}.
+% \nameref{subsec:linegoal package option} makes the default width equal to \cs{linegoal}. Compilation must then be done
+% with \hologo{pdfTeX} either in \textt{pdf} or \textt{dvi} mode, and package \xpackage{linegoal} is loaded.
+% Remember that \cs{linegoal} uses \xpackage{zref-savepos} and \cs{pdfsavepos}:
+% if the \textt{tabu} is not alone in its paragraph \ie if the target is not
+% \cs{linewidth}, then two compilations (or more) are required to get the correct target. \\
+% Default target for nested \textt{tabu} environments is always \cs{linewidth}, which is the column width inside \textt p,
+% \textt m, \textt b and \textt X columns.
+% \item As long as the \cs{halign} content is expanded more than once, protections against counters incrementation, whatsits (\emph{write})
+% index entries, footnotes \etc. are set up: the mechanism of \xpackage{tabularx} is reimplemented and enhanced for \textt{tabu X} columns.
+% \cs{tabuDisableCommands} can be used to neutralize the expansion of additional macros during the trials.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \subsubsection(X columns with tabu spread){X columns with ``\textt{tabu spread}''}
+% \textt{tabu X} columns can be used with ``\textt{tabu spread}'' to adjust the column widths of tabulars that contain
+% only small pieces of text. The question is: how to make a tabular the width of the line, with 6 columns; the columns 1, 2, 5 and 6
+% are of equal widths and the widths of columns 3 and 4 are only one half. As possible solution:
+% \begin{Verb*}
+% \begin{tabu} to\linewidth{|X[2]|X[2]|X|X|X[2]|X[2]|} \hline
+% 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\\hline
+% \end{tabu}
+% \end{Verb*}
+% \medskip
+% \begin{tabu} to\linewidth{|X[2]|X[2]|X|X|X[2]|X[2]|} \hline
+% 1 &2 &3 &4 &5 &6 \\\hline
+% \end{tabu}
+% \bigskip
+% But the text in each cell is very short: one single character, and you prefer the table to be tight,
+% but don't know the exact width of the whole:\pagebreak
+% \begin{Verb*}
+% \begin{tabu} spread 0pt{|X[2]|X[2]|X|X|X[2]|X[2]|} \hline
+% 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\\hline
+% \end{tabu}
+% \end{Verb*}
+% {\centering
+% \begin{tabu} spread0pt{|X[2]|X[2]|X|X|X[2]|X[2]|} \hline
+% 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\\hline
+% \end{tabu}\par}
+% \bigskip
+% But now it's definitely too narrow, then give it some more space:
+% \begin{Verb*}
+% \begin{tabu} spread 2in{|X[2]|X[2]|X|X|X[2]|X[2]|} \hline
+% 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\\hline
+% \end{tabu}
+% \end{Verb*}
+% {\centering
+% \begin{tabu} spread2in{|X[2]|X[2]|X|X|X[2]|X[2]|} \hline
+% 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\\hline
+% \end{tabu}\par}
+% \bigskip
+% \textt{tabu spread} is useless with long columns: the following tabular was made with this preamble:
+% \begin{Verb*}
+% \begin{tabu} spread 3cm{@{}X[9]X[4]|X|}
+% \end{Verb*}
+% {\footnotesize
+% \begin{tabu} spread 3cm{@{}X[9]>{\parskip=5pt}X[4]|X|}
+% "Like the air we breathe, Sherlock Holmes is everywhere.
+% His pipe-smoking, deer stalkered image peers at us from ads in Yellow Pages,
+% to signs for neighbourhood crime-watch; from billboards to the classroom;
+% from film and television to the public library, and now over the Internet.
+% He long ago transcended the boundaries of 19th Century London to become
+% an international best-seller and has been accepted as part
+% of British folklore. Holmes is alive to millions."
+% &
+% There the text was too long, and \textt{tabu spread} behaves as if you didn't give it a target.\par
+% The result of this example is the same as if one had written \cs{begin}\M*{tabu}\textt{to}\cs{linewidth}.
+% & \cellcolor{GhostWhite}\centering\rotatebox{-90}{\kern-1.4ex\bfseries Sherlock Holmes}
+% \\ \tabucline{1-2}
+% \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{And a \cs{multicolumn} cell, just to see} & \omit \\ \tabucline{1-2}
+% \end{tabu}}
+% In the preamble, \textt{@\M*{}} means that you remove the margin.
+% \subsubsection{Nesting \textt{tabu}{\texorpdf\small s} with \textt X columns}
+% This section should contain some examples but I've no time presently...
+% \subsection{Lines inside \textt{tabu}}
+% \subsubsection{First important remarks}
+% The features provided in this section are quite experimental: they are not generally taken for good typography.
+% You can use \xpackage{tabu} with package \xpackage{booktabs} for example, which provides properly designed
+% commands for horizontal rules in tabulars. \xpackage{arydshln} is pretty good too, but it modifies a huge
+% amount of macros of \xfile{array.sty}, something that \thispackage does not.
+% Lines in \textt{tabu} printed in this document are mostly made with \xpackage{booktabs}.
+% \subsubsection(Vertical lines){Vertical lines: \textt\textbar\ has an optional parameter}
+% Inside \textt{tabu} environment, the vertical line marker \textt\textbar\ has an \emph{optional} argument
+% which is the width of the vertical rule. The default width remains \cs{arrayrulewidth} of course.
+% The optional argument for \textt\textbar\ can also contain the name of a color.
+% color \emph{names} are only possible, not a color specification by the mean of a color model.
+% The width of the line if specified, must come before the color name (sorry for that, but I was tired
+% to parse parameters... as for \textt X columns, commas are optional).
+% Example:
+% {\tabcolsep=3pt
+% \begin{tabu}to\linewidth{@{}X[3mc]X[3m]X[6m]@{}} \toprule
+% \begin{tabu}{||[5pt]|c|c||[5pt]|}
+% Hello & World
+% \end{tabu}
+% &
+% The \textt{tabu} you see on left was made with the code displayed on the right.
+% &
+% \verbatim{
+% \begin{tabu}{||[5pt]|c|c||[5pt]|}^^@
+% Hello & World^^@
+% \end{tabu}}
+% \\ \midrule
+% \begin{tabu}{||[5pt,red]|c|c||[5pt blue]|}
+% Hello & World
+% \end{tabu}
+% &
+% The \textt{tabu} you see on left was made with the code displayed on the right.
+% &
+% \verbatim{
+% \begin{tabu}{||[5pt,red]|c|c||[5pt blue]|}^^@
+% Hello & World^^@
+% \end{tabu}}
+% \\ \bottomrule
+% \multicolumn{3}{r}{\scriptsize\lk The \cs{verbatim} command available inside \textt{tabu} with \textt X columns was used: guess in which cells...?}
+% \end{tabu}}
+% Note that it is always a good idea to protect the optional argument with braces: \M*[\M*{...}].
+% But it's not necessary because \thispackage takes care the \textt\textbar\ token to be rewritten
+% before any other column type (just after \stform* however, for obvious reasons). But if you
+% use the optional argument for the vertical line into a user-defined column type
+% (declared with \cs{newcolumntype} for example), you can get an error. In this case,
+% it is compulsory to protect the optional argument by braces. Finally, it's not very often
+% that a user-column type contains a vertical bar...
+% \subsubsection(Horizontal lines){More style for horizontal lines: \cs{tabucline}}
+% \begin{declcs}{tabucline}\M[style or spec.]\M*{start-end}\\
+% \end{declcs}
+% \cs{tabucline} is an attempt to give a versatile command to make horizontal lines:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item \cs{tabucline} is pretty good with vertical lines even if the thickness of the line grows up,
+% \item \cs{tabucline} takes care of \cs{extrarowheight},
+% \item \cs{tabucline} can make horizontal dashed lines, with a \xpackage{pgf}/\xpackage{TikZ} syntax:\\
+% \cs{tabucline}\M*[\meta{width} on\meta{dash} off\meta{gap}]\M*{\meta{first column}-\meta{last column}}
+% \item alternatively, you can give \cs{tabucline} a \cs{hbox} to make a leader with it: The \meta{\ttfamily spec.} must then
+% begin with \cs{hbox}, \cs{box} or \cs{copy},
+% \item finally you can give \cs{tabucline} a color \emph{name}, after the line specification.
+% \end{itemize}
+% Any parameter can be omitted. \tabulinestyle{tabucline=.4pt on2pt off1.5pt}
+% {\parskip=0pt\topsep=0pt
+% \begin{center}\def\margintext#1{\noalign{\vtop to0pt{\marginnote{\ttfamily\small #1}[-1.8ex]\vss}}}^^A
+% \begin{tabu}{|[1.5pt]|>{\ttfamily}X@{\hskip\tabcolsep}X[1.4]||[1.5pt]} \tabucline[\heavyrulewidth]- \savetabu{tabucline}
+% \cs{tabucline}\M*[1pt on 1.5pt off 2pt]\M*{1-4} & draws a horizontal dashed line of width \textt{1pt}. Dashes are
+% \textt{1.5pt} long and gap width is \textt{2pt}. The line is drawn
+% between columns 1 and 4. Here there are only 2 columns and the line
+% stops at column 2. \\ \tabucline[1pt on 1.5pt off 2pt]{1-4} \margintext{[1pt on 1.5pt off 2pt]}
+% \cs{tabucline}\M*[1.5pt]\M*{-} & draws a horizontal solid line of width \textt{1.5pt} between the first
+% and the last column. \\ \tabucline[1.5pt]{-} \margintext{[1.5pt]}
+% \cs{tabucline}\M*{2-} & draws a horizontal solid line of width \cs{arrayrulewidth} between the second
+% column and the last one.\\ \tabucline{2-} \margintext{default}
+% \cs{tabucline}\M*[on 2pt red]\M*{-5} & draws a horizontal dashed line between columns 1 and 5
+% of width \cs{arrayrulewidth}. Dashed are
+% \textt{2pt} long and gaps width is \textt{4pt} (the default).
+% \\ \tabucline[on 2pt red]{-5} \margintext{[on 2pt red]}
+% \end{tabu}
+% \end{center}}
+% \begin{declcs}{tabucline}\stform*\M[style or spec.]\M*{start-end}
+% \end{declcs}
+% For fine tuning, the star form \cs{tabucline}\stform* can be used to keep the vertical lines that might
+% cross the horizontal line. As a consequence, the content of special \textt @ of \textt ! columns
+% will interrupt the horizontal line either. This might be usefull when \cs{extrarowheight} is high.
+% Example:
+% {\makeatletter
+% \begin{tabu}{*3{X[mc]}}
+% \extrarowheight=8pt
+% \begin{tabu}{|[1pt]X|X|[1pt]} \tabucline-
+% Hello & world \\ \tabucline[1pt on 2pt off 2pt,blue]-
+% Hello & world \\ \tabucline-
+% \end{tabu}
+% &
+% \extrarowheight=8pt
+% \begin{tabu}{|[1pt]X|X|[1pt]} \tabucline*-
+% Hello & world \\ \tabucline*[1pt on 2pt off 2pt blue]- ^^A\tabucline*[3pt on 3pt off 3pt]-
+% Hello & world \\ \tabucline*-
+% \end{tabu}
+% &
+% \extrarowheight=8pt
+% \begin{tabu}{|[1pt]X|X|[1pt]} \firsthline
+% Hello & world \\ \hline
+% Hello & world \\ \lasthline
+% \end{tabu} \\
+% \extrarowheight=0pt
+% \cs{tabucline}
+% & \cs{tabucline}\stform*
+% & \cs{firsthline} and \cs{hline} and \cs{lasthline} \\
+% \multicolumn3c{In each table, \cs{extrarowheight} is equal to \textt{8 pt}.} \\
+% \end{tabu}}
+% \cs{tabuclines} tries to put the line in the middle, so that the text is centered in its cell. \enlargethispage\baselineskip
+% \cs{tabuclines}\stform* tries to take care of vertical lines.
+% Well this is not perfect: it works pretty well with simple vertical lines, but not really with double
+% lines, triple lines with colors etc... But it can help in simple cases...
+% \pagebreak
+% \begin{declcs}{tabulinestyle}\M{style=spec., style=spec., style=spec. ...}
+% \end{declcs}
+% This command defines a line style to be used in the first optional argument of \cs{tabucline}:
+% \begin{tabu}{@{}X[1.6,c]@{}X[c]@{}} \tabucline[\heavyrulewidth]- \tabucline[\hbox{$\scriptstyle\star$}]- \toprule
+% \rowfont[c]{\bfseries} Define the line style & Use the line style \\ \midrule
+% \cs{tabulinestyle}\M*{myline=0.4pt on 1.5pt off 1pt} & \cs{tabucline}\M*[myline]\M*{-} \\ \tabucline[\heavyrulewidth on 1pt off 2pt]-
+% \cs{tabulinestyle}\M*{myleader=\cs{hbox}\M*{\$\cs{scriptstyle}\cs{star}\$}} & \cs{tabucline}\M*[myleader]\M*{1-3} \\
+% \multicolumn{2}{c}{This way it is easy to change dashed lines into solid ones} \\ \bottomrule \tabucline[\hbox{$\scriptstyle\star$}]- \tabucline[\heavyrulewidth]-
+% \end{tabu}
+% \begin{tabu}{*{3}{X[cm]}}
+% \tabcolsep=2pt
+% \begin{tabu}{|l|l|} \tabucline[.4pt on 1pt off 3pt]{-}
+% \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Dashed or dotted} \\ \tabucline[1pt on2pt off1pt]{-}
+% And below & is the default \\ \tabucline[on 4pt]-
+% \end{tabu}
+% &
+% \tabcolsep=2pt
+% \begin{tabu}{|c|c|} \tabucline[.4pt off 2pt]{-}
+% Dash & Gap \\ \tabucline[10pt on2pt off 1pt]{1-1}
+% \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{This one was thick} \\ \tabucline[3pt]-
+% \end{tabu}
+% &
+% \tabcolsep=2pt
+% \begin{tabu}{|X[cm]|X[cm]|X[2cm]|} \tabucline[.4pt on6pt off 2pt]{-}
+% Dash & Gap... & ...or leader \\ \tabucline[\hbox{\small\kern1pt\ScissorRight\vrule width3.4pt depth-5pt height5.4pt\kern1pt\vrule width3.4pt depth-5pt height5.4pt\kern1pt}]-
+% \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Interesting ?} \\ \tabucline-
+% \end{tabu}
+% \end{tabu}
+% \enlargethispage{2\baselineskip}
+% \small
+% \hfil\Shapepar{\nutshape}{Now we stop it because things are becoming too ugly and go to have a look at \textt{tabu} in mathematical mode...}\hfil\null
+% \normalsize
+% \subsection{\textt{tabu} in math mode}
+% {
+% \extrarowheight=3pt
+% \begin{tabu} to\linewidth{X[1.5]X[r$]} \toprule
+% On the left, you can see the famous Maxwell-Lorentz equations for electromagnetic field in vacuum,
+% publicated in \oldstylenums{1873}.
+% &
+% \hfil\begin{tabu}({>{\Gape[8pt]\displaystyle}r>{\displaystyle}l}.
+% \Div\vv E &= \frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0} \\
+% \Div\vv B &= 0 \\
+% \Rot\vv E &= - \dpartial{\vv B} t \\
+% \Rot\vv B &= \mu_0 \vv j + \mu_0 \epsilon_0\, \dpartial{\vv E} t
+% \end{tabu}
+% \\ \bottomrule
+% \end{tabu}}
+% In this example, the big \textt{tabu} is: \cs{begin}\M*{tabu} to\cs{linewidth}\M*{X[1.5]X[r\$]}.
+% The nested \textt{tabu} (in math mode) uses \xpackage{delarray} shortcut: its preamble is:
+% \begin{Verb}
+% \begin{tabu}({>{\Gape[8pt]\displaystyle}r>{\displaystyle}l}.
+% \end{Verb}
+% You immediately see the interest for \textt{tabu} to have a default target.
+% \cs{Gape} is a \xpackage{makecell} macro to adjust the height and depth of the rows.
+% Horizontal rules are \xpackage{booktabs} \cs{toprule}, \cs{midrule} and \cs{bottomrule}.
+% \begin{tabu}{@{}*3{X[c]@{}}} \toprule \savetabu{math}
+% \rowfont{\bfseries} \textt{array} & \textt{tabu} & \textt{tabu spread 1em} \\ \midrule
+% $\begin{array}[t]|{cc}|
+% \alpha & \beta \\
+% \gamma & \delta
+% \end{array}$
+% &
+% $\begin{tabu}|{cc}|
+% \alpha & \beta \\
+% \gamma & \delta
+% \end{tabu}$
+% &
+% $\begin{tabu} spread 1em|{cc}|
+% \alpha & \beta \\
+% \gamma & \delta
+% \end{tabu}$
+% \\ \bottomrule
+% \end{tabu}
+% Here, vertical lines are made with \xpackage{delarray} shortcuts:\hfill
+% \verb+$\begin{tabu} spread 1em |{cc}|+
+% \begin{tabu}{\usetabu{math}}
+% \multicolumn2{@{}l}{Vertical lines inside the tabular preamble gives:}
+% &
+% $\begin{tabu} spread 1em[c]{|cc|}
+% \alpha & \beta \\
+% \gamma & \delta
+% \end{tabu}$
+% \end{tabu}
+% \bigskip
+% {\raggedleft\footnotesize\lk This was an example of \cs{savetabu}...\cs{usetabu} to keep the alignment.\par}
+% \subsection{Verbatim inside \textt{tabu} with \textt X columns}
+% The process of computing \textt X columns widths implies to make ``trials'': this means that
+% the tabular is first printed in internal mode, inside a box which is measured until the target
+% width is reached. Such trials require to collect the content of the \textt{tabu} environment.
+% Therefore, the category codes of the characters read in the environment are fixed, and \cs{verb}
+% commands are not allowed.
+% \begin{declcs}{verbatim}\M{general text}
+% \end{declcs}
+% To get round this limitation, \textt{tabu} provides the command \cs{verbatim} which allows to put
+% some pieces of verbatim text inside a \textt{tabu}: it is based on \eTeX{} \cs{scantokens} primitive
+% and is defined only inside the \textt{tabu} environment. \cs{verbatim} has some other limitations
+% you must know:
+% \begin{tabu}to\linewidth{>{\ttfamily\centering}p{3cm}p{\dimexpr\linewidth-3cm-4\tabcolsep}} \toprule
+% \verb+^^@+ &can be used to get a carriage return inside \cs{verbatim} \\
+% \verb+^+ &consequently \verb+^+ is a normal subscript character \\
+% \verb+{+ \verb+}+ &curly braces must be equilibrated \\
+% \% &The percent character\, \%\, is for commentaries: the content of the
+% environment is collected before \cs{verbatim} does its job, therefore commentaries are
+% removed...
+% \\\bottomrule
+% \end{tabu}
+% If you need more verbatim inside a \textt{tabu} environment:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item you should avoid the use of \textt X columns
+% \item or if you really want to use \textt X columns, you must save your verbatim text before the \textt{tabu},
+% for example with the \textt{SaveVerbatim} environment provided by the package \xpackage{fancyvrb}.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \subsection(Numbers in tabu){Printing numbers inside \textt{tabu} with \xpackage{numprint} and \xpackage{siunitx}}
+% \subsubsection{Just make it easy !}
+% \thispackage provides a \emph{facility} to print numbers inside columns. This facility is not
+% implemented to replace \xpackage{siunitx} \textt S and \textt s columns or \xpackage{numprint}
+% \textt n and \textt N columns or other packages that provide alignment such as \xpackage{warpcol},
+% \xpackage{dcolumn} or \xpackage{rccol}. It just make
+% easy to apply a macro you get already on each number in a column of a \textt{tabu}.
+% \cs{tabudecimal} has been developped mainly because it makes possible to align numbers inside \textt{tabu X} columns.
+% \begin{declcs}{tabudecimal}\M{user-macro}
+% \end{declcs}
+% \cs{tabudecimal} can be used in the preamble of a \textt{tabu} before a column specification.
+% The \meta{user-macro} is a macro with one parameter that have to be defined before.
+% \medskip
+% Example with \csbf{numprint}:
+% \begin{Verb*}
+% \def\usermacro#1{\numprint[\officialeuro]{\zap@space #1 \@empty}}
+% \nprounddigits{2} \npprintnull \npthousandsep{\,} \npunitseparator{~}
+% \end{Verb*}
+% \begin{SaveVerbatim}{tabudecimal}
+% \begin{tabu}{*2{>{\tabudecimal\usermacro}r}}
+% 12.324 &745.32 \\
+% 21.13 &0 \\
+% 213.3245 &12.342 \\
+% 322143.12 &324.325 \\
+% \end{tabu}
+% \end{SaveVerbatim}
+% \nprounddigits{2} \npprintnull \npthousandsep{\,} \npunitseparator{~}
+% \makeatletter \let\npunitcommand\@firstofone
+% \def\usermacro#1{\numprint[\officialeuro]{\zap@space #1 \@empty}}
+% \makeatother
+% \begin{tabu}{XX}
+% \multicolumn{2}{l}{\verbatim{\begin{tabu}{|[GreenYellow]*2{>{\tabudecimal\usermacro}X[r]|[GreenYellow]}}}} \\
+% \verbatim{
+% \rowfont[c]{\bf} January & February \\ ^^@
+% 12.324 & 745.32 \\ ^^@
+% 21.13 & 0 \\ ^^@
+% 213.3245 & 12.342 \\ ^^@
+% 2143.12 & 324.325 \\ ^^@
+% \end{tabu}}
+% &
+% \begin{tabu}{|[GreenYellow]*2{>{\tabudecimal\usermacro}X[r]|[GreenYellow]}c} \tabucline[1pt GreenYellow]-
+% \rowfont[c]\bf January &February & ...\\ \tabucline[1pt on2pt GreenYellow]-
+% 12.324 &745.32 & ... \\
+% 21.13 &0 & ... \\
+% 213.3245 &12.342 & ... \\
+% 2143.12 &324.325 & ... \\ \tabucline[1pt GreenYellow]-
+% \end{tabu}
+% \end{tabu}
+% \medbreak
+% Example with \csbf{SI}:
+% \begin{Verb*}
+% \def\usermacro#1{\SI[group-four-digits=true, % thousand separator
+% round-mode=places, % round numbers
+% round-precision=2, % with 2 decimal digits
+% round-integer-to-decimal=true, % add trailing 0 if necessary
+% per-mode=symbol]{#1}{\officialeuro\per\kilo\gram}}
+% \begin{tabu}spread 0pt{|[GreenYellow]*2{>{\tabudecimal \usermacro}X[r]|[GreenYellow]}} ....
+% \end{Verb*}
+% \def\usermacro#1{\SI[group-four-digits=true,
+% round-mode=places,
+% round-precision=2,
+% round-integer-to-decimal=true,
+% per-mode=symbol]{#1}{\officialeuro\per\kilo\gram}}
+% \begin{tabu}{*2{X}}
+% \begin{tabu}spread 0pt{|[GreenYellow]*2{>{\tabudecimal\usermacro}X[r]|[GreenYellow]}c} \tabucline[1pt GreenYellow]-
+% \rowfont[c]\bf January &February &... \\\tabucline[1pt on2pt GreenYellow]-
+% 12.324 &745.32 &... \\
+% 21.13 &0 &... \\
+% 213.3245 &12.342 &... \\
+% 2143.12 &324.325 &... \\\tabucline[1pt GreenYellow]-
+% \end{tabu}
+% &
+% As you can see, the columns widths are exactly the same, whatever their content.
+% \end{tabu}
+% \subsubsection{You should know how it works...}
+% Yes you should know how it works to avoid problems. \textt{tabu} has a small scanner
+% based on \cs{futurelet} to grab all numbers, blank spaces, commas and dots $+$ and $-$ sign
+% and also the letter \textt e and \textt E for exponants.
+% The scanner stops as soon as something else than a number, blank space, comma, dot, $+$, $-$, \textt e, \textt E
+% is found, and even if it is a macro that contains a number.
+% This explains why there is \cs{zap@space} in the definition of \cs{usermacro}: because the scanner
+% scans blank spaces and because \cs{numprint} does not allow blank spaces in its mandatory argument,
+% quite strangely...
+% \subsection{\texorpdf\xpackage{delarray} shortcuts}
+% When you enclose your tabular with math delimiters using \xpackage{delarray} shortcuts,
+% \xpackage{tabu} tries to reach its target for the whole: the tabular and the delimiter(s).
+% You can see the difference:
+% {\centering
+% \extrarowheight=8pt
+% \begin{tabu}to .6\linewidth{X[m]} \toprule
+% \extrarowheight=0pt
+% \begin{tabu}({X})
+% This is \textt{tabu} with \xpackage{delarray} shortcut for parenthesis around
+% \end{tabu}
+% \\ \tabucline[1pt on2pt blue]-
+% \extrarowheight=0pt
+% \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[t]({X})
+% This is \textt{tabularx} with \xpackage{delarray} shortcut for parenthesis around
+% \end{tabularx}
+% \\ \tabucline[1pt on2pt blue]-
+% \extrarowheight=0pt
+% \begin{tabu}\{{X}\}
+% This is \textt{tabu} with \xpackage{delarray} shortcut for curly brackets around
+% \end{tabu}
+% \\ \tabucline[1pt on2pt blue]-
+% \extrarowheight=0pt
+% \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[t]\{{X}\}
+% This is \textt{tabularx} with \xpackage{delarray} shortcut for curly brackets around
+% \end{tabularx}
+% \\ \tabucline-
+% \end{tabu}\par}
+% With \textt{overfull hboxes (15.8pt and 16.1pt too wide)} for \textt{tabularx}.
+% \section(save the tabu preamble){Save the \textt{tabu} preamble and \textt X columns widths: \cs{savetabu}, \cs{usetabu}}
+% \begin{declcs}{savetabu}\M{user-name}
+% \end{declcs}
+% The command \cs{savetabu} can be used at the end of any line of a \textt{tabu} environment to save the
+% target width (or the spread), the columns specifications (tabular preamble) and the widths of
+% \textt{tabu X} columns (if there is any).
+% This possibility allows to easily make tabulars which share exactly the same shape
+% throughout your document. This can also be used as a kind of \textt{tabbing} environment
+% which is able to remember the tabs positions.
+% If the \meta{user-name} has been used before, an info is displayed in the \xext{log} file and the
+% previous settings are overwritten.
+% \begin{declcs}{usetabu}\M{user-name}
+% \end{declcs}
+% \cs{usetabu} is the complement of \cs{savetabu}: it can be used in the \textt{tabu}
+% preamble instead of the usual columns specifications
+% to restore any previous settings saved with \cs{savetabu}.
+% The \meta{user-name} must exist otherwise, you get an error.
+% \cs{usetabu} locally restores:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item the preamble,
+% \item the target width of the \textt{tabu} in points: the saved target width does not contain
+% any control sequence: it is fixed and stored in points,
+% \item the width of \textt{tabu X} columns: those widths are not calculated any more, and \textt{X}
+% columns are directly transformed into \textt p, \textt m or \textt b columns.
+% \item \cs{tabcolsep} (or \cs{arraycolsep} in math mode)
+% \item \cs{arrayrulewidth}, \cs{doublerulesep}, \cs{extrarowheight} and \cs{extratabsurround}
+% \end{itemize}
+% Example:
+% \begin{Verb*}
+% \extrarowheight=5pt\tabcolsep=12pt
+% \begin{tabu}to .7\linewidth{|XXX|X[c]|} ($db(\savetabu)){mytabu} \tabucline*[on1pt]-
+% This & is & tabu & package \\ \tabucline*[on1pt]-
+% \end{tabu}
+% \begin{tabu}{($db(\usetabu)){mytabu}} \tabucline*[on1pt]-
+% \multicolumn3{|c}{This is tabu} & package \\ \tabucline*[on1pt]-
+% \end{tabu}
+% \end{Verb*}
+% \begin{center}
+% \tabulinestyle{myline=on1pt}\extrarowheight=5pt\tabcolsep=12pt
+% \begin{tabu}to .7\linewidth{|XXX|X[c]|} \savetabu{mytabu} \tabucline*[myline]-
+% This & is & tabu & package \\ \tabucline*[myline]-
+% \end{tabu}
+% \begin{tabu}{\usetabu{mytabu}} \tabucline*[myline]-
+% \multicolumn3{|c|}{This is tabu} & package \\ \tabucline*[myline]-
+% \end{tabu}
+% \end{center}
+% If one day you use \textt{tabu}, you will have the idea to restore a \textt{tabu} while modifying its target,
+% or adding new columns... \cs{savetabu} and \cs{usetabu} have not been thought for this purpose, and you may
+% have unexpected results. \cs{usetabu} is a help to get several tabulars of exactly the same shape, same target,
+% same preamble.
+% \section(row font and alignment){Change the font and the alignment in one row: \cs{rowfont}}
+% \begin{declcs}{rowfont}\M[alignment]\M*{font specification}
+% \end{declcs}
+% Inside a \textt{tabu} environment, you can modify the font for each cell in a row.
+% \cs{rowfont} has priority over column font specification, exactly like \cs{rowcolor} (package \xpackage{colortbl})
+% has priority over \cs{columncolor}.
+% The alignment of each cell in one row can also be changed to: \topsep=0pt
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabu}{>{\ttfamily}r@{\,$=$\,}lc>{\ttfamily}r}
+% l &left &{\qquad\smaller or\, for \xpackage{ragged2e} settings: } &L \\
+% c &center & &C \\
+% r &right & &R \\
+% j &justify & &J \\
+% \end{tabu}
+% \end{center}
+% Any other value for the optional \meta{alignment} parameter is silently ignored. If \xpackage{ragged2e} is not loaded,
+% \textt L\, \textt R\, \textt C\, and\, \textt J\, are synonymous with the lowercase equivalent.
+% \section(Differences: tabu, tabular, tabularx){Differences between \textt{tabu}, \textt{tabular} and \textt{tabularx}}
+% \subsection{Paragraph indentation}
+% \textt{tabu} takes care of paragraph indentation when it is used with \textt X columns and its default target,
+% no matter if it has been loaded or not with the \textt{linegoal} option.
+% Example with \LaTeX{} default: \cs{parindent} $=20$pt.
+% {\parindent=20pt \makeatletter\let\tabudefaulttarget\linewidth\makeatother
+% \begin{tabu}{|[GreenYellow]X|[GreenYellow]} \tabucline[GreenYellow]-
+% This is \textt{tabu} with its default target in an indented paragraph. \\ \tabucline[GreenYellow]-
+% \end{tabu}
+% \noindent\begin{tabu}{|[GreenYellow]X|[GreenYellow]}\tabucline[GreenYellow]-
+% This is \textt{tabu} with its default target, preceded by \cs{noindent} \\ \tabucline[GreenYellow]-
+% \end{tabu}
+% \begin{tabularx}\linewidth{|X|} \hline
+% This is \textt{tabularx} with target: \cs{linewidth} in an indented paragraph. \\ \hline
+% \end{tabularx}
+% \noindent\begin{tabularx}\linewidth{|X|} \hline
+% This is \textt{tabularx} with target: \cs{linewidth}, preceded by \cs{noindent} \\ \hline
+% \end{tabularx}}
+% \subsection{Custom environments}
+% Unlike \textt{tabularx}, it is possible to define your own environment using \textt{tabu}:
+% \begin{Verb}
+% \newenvironment{foo}
+% {\begin{tabu}{X[1.2]|[1pt gray]X}}
+% {\end{tabu}}
+% \end{Verb}
+% \newenvironment{footabu}
+% {\begin{tabu}{@{}X[1.2]|[1pt,gray]X@{}}}
+% {\end{tabu}}
+% \begin{footabu}
+% \textt{tabu} environment, even when \textt X columns are used, may appear
+% in the definition of your custom tabular environment.
+% &
+% You can also use the commands \cs{savetabu} and \cs{usetabu} for this purpose.
+% \end{footabu}
+% \subsection{Inversion of tokens}
+% \label{subsec:inversion of tokens}
+% \begin{SaveVerbatim}{tempVerb}
+% \begin{tabular}{|>{\bfseries}>{ before }l<{ one }<{ two }|}
+% cell content
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{SaveVerbatim}
+% When you typeset the following \textt{tabular}:
+% \UseVerbatim{tempVerb}
+% \begin{tabu}to .9\linewidth{XX} \savetabu{tabbing}
+% You get the following result:
+% &
+% \begin{tabular}{|>{\bfseries}>{ before }l<{ one }<{ two }|}
+% cell content
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{tabu}
+% \smex The word \emph{before} is not bold, and \textitbf{two} comes before \textitbf{one}.
+% The reason is explained in the documentation of \xfile{array.sty}, and is related
+% to the \textt{array} environment in math mode when using \cs{newcolumntype}.
+% This rather strange inversion of tokens may be justified in math mode (otherwise, errors may occur)
+% but not in text mode in our opinion. Inside a \textt{tabu} environment, when not in math mode,
+% the tokens are not reversed and you get the intuitively expected result:
+% \begin{tabu}{\usetabu{tabbing}}
+% &
+% \begin{tabu}{|>{\bfseries}>{ before }l<{ one }<{ two }|}
+% cell content
+% \end{tabu}
+% \end{tabu}
+% In math mode however, tokens are in the reverse order in the \textt{tabu} environment
+% like they are in the \textt{array} environment.
+% \subsection(Improved rewrite process){Improved process for rewritting columns}
+% In the following example, you get an error with \textt{tabular} and no error with \textt{tabu}.
+% With \textt{tabular}, and \xpackage{siunitx} \textt S column, the rewritting process is as follow:
+% \begin{SaveVerbatim}{siunitx}
+% \documentclass{minimal}
+% \usepackage{numprint,siunitx,xcolor}
+% \usepackage{tabu}
+% \begin{document}
+% \begin{tabular}{*2{S[color=green]}}
+% 123,45
+% \end{tabular}
+% \begin{tabu}{*2{S[color=green]}}
+% 123,45
+% \end{tabu}
+% \end{document}
+% \end{SaveVerbatim}
+% \begin{tabu}{@{}X[m]X[m1.2]@{}}
+% \UseVerbatim{siunitx}
+% &
+% Inside \textt{tabular}:
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*),topsep=\parskip,itemsep=.5\parskip]
+% \item Rewrite \textt S: not found because inside \M*{...}
+% \item Rewrite \stform*
+% \item Rewrite \textt n column defined by package \xpackage{numprint} \\
+% Then the \textt `n' in \textt{gree\textcolor{red}n} is rewritten \smex problem
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \vskip1ex
+% Inside \textt{tabu}:
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*),itemsep=.5\parskip,topsep=\parskip,parsep=\parskip]
+% \item Rewrite \stform*
+% \item Rewrite \textt\textbar\ (there is none here)
+% \interitem \textt{\scshape go back}
+% \item Rewrite \stform*
+% \item Rewrite \textt\textbar\
+% \item Rewrite \textt S
+% \item Rewrite \textt n \smex not found because \textt S rewritten before, according to \xpackage{siunitx} definition.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \end{tabu}
+% The process of rewritting columns is usually longer inside \textt{tabu} than inside \textt{tabular},
+% but conversely \textt{tabu} with \textt X columns is optimised compared to \textt{tabularx},
+% because the preamble is built only once, not rebuilt before each trial as \textt{tabularx} does...
+% The process of rewritting is very sensitiv to the order in which columns are actually rewritten.
+% Therefore, if it possible to define a new column type using the \textt X token for use with \textt{tabu}:\nobreak
+% \begin{Verb*}
+% \newcolumntype{C}{X[c]}
+% \end{Verb*}
+% it is not recommanded no nest such constructions like:
+% \begin{Verb*}
+% \newcolumntype{Q}{>{\color{green}}C}
+% \end{Verb*}
+% In fact, a problem may arise in nested \textt{tabu}{\small s} if such a \textt Q column type
+% is defined before the \textt C column type...
+% Well, just avoid to nest new column type definitions !
+% \section{The package options}
+% \subsection(The debugshow option){The \textt{debugshow} package option}
+% \begin{declcs}{tracingtabu}
+% \end{declcs}
+% With the package option \textt{debugshow}, \xpackage{tabu} will report the widths it computes
+% at each attempt to read the target, when \textt X columns are used.
+% The control sequence \cs{tracingtabu} has the same effect as the \textt{debugshow} option.
+% Typical information in the \xext{log} file:
+% {\ttfamily \noindent \tabcolsep=2pt
+% \begin{tabu}{cr*{3}{>{\centering}X[2]}>{\centering}X>{\centering}X[2]}
+% \rowfont[c]{}
+% (tabu) &Try &tabu X &tabu Width &Target &Coefs &Update \\
+% (tabu) &1) &386.67296pt &797.34592pt &386.67296pt &2.0pt &-205.33649pt \\
+% (tabu) &2) &181.33647pt &386.67294pt &386.67296pt &2.0pt &0.00002pt \\
+% (tabu) &2) & \multicolumn{5}{l}{\ \ Target Reached (hfuzz=0.1pt) **************** }\\
+% \end{tabu}}
+% What does it mean? \def\pt#1{$#1$\textt{pt}}
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*),topsep=0pt,itemsep=\parskip,parsep=0pt]
+% \item The first attempt was performed with \textt{X}$=$\pt{386.67296} \\
+% The \textt{tabu} width (\pt{797.34592}) exceeded the target by \pt{410.67296}. \\
+% Thus \textt X has been updated: \pt{410.67296} $/2=$ \pt{205.33649} and then:\\
+% \null\quad\textt X $=$ \pt{386.67296} $-$ \pt{205.33649} $=$ \pt{181.33647}
+% \item The second attempt lead to a \textt{tabu} width of \pt{386.67294}: the target is reached. \\
+% The final width of each \textt X column is the product of \textt{tabu X} by its width coefficient.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \subsection(The linegoal option){The \textt{linegoal} package option}
+% \label{subsec:linegoal package option}
+% With the \textt{linegoal} option, the default target for \textt{tabu} with \textt{X} columns is
+% \cs{linegoal} instead of \cs{linewidth}.
+% The \xpackage{linegoal} package must be loaded and compilation must be done with \hologo{pdfTeX},
+% otherwise, a warning is displayed and the \textt{linegoal} option has no effect: the default
+% target remains \cs{linewidth}. \cs{linegoal} works with \hologo{pdfTeX} in \textt{pdf} mode
+% \textbf{and in} \textt{dvi} mode.
+% If for some reason, you wish to turn down the \textt{linegoal} option in your document,
+% you can say (in a group for example):
+% \verb+\let\tabudefaulttarget=\linewidth+
+% \subsection(The delarray option){The \textt{delarray} package option}
+% \textt{delarray} option has the single effect to load \xfile{delarray.sty} for delimiters shortcuts
+% around \textt{tabu}. Delimiters shortcuts work both in math and text mode.
+% \subsection(The light option){The \textt{light} package option}
+% \label{sec:light package option}
+% When you enter a \textt{tabu} environment, two macros amongst the smallest possible of \xfile{array.sty}
+% are modified:
+% these are \cs{prepnext@tok}, which is expanded while \cs{@mkpream} builds the \cs{halign} preamble
+% and \cs{save@decl} to avoid inversion of tokens in text mode (see \nameref{subsec:inversion of tokens}).
+% Modification of \cs{prepnext@tok} is loaded only inside the \textt{tabu} environment, while
+% the modification of \cs{save@decl} is loaded only inside the group in which \cs{@mkpream} works: this is
+% very very local to \textt{tabu} and cannot interfere with any other tabular !
+% \cs{prepnext@tok} could have been loaded inside the \cs{@mkpream} group as well, but then \cs{rowfont}
+% would not have worked inside \textt{array} or \textt{tabular} nested into a \textt{tabu}. Thus the choice.
+% As you see, these modifications do no modify \textt{tabular}, \textt{tabular*}, \textt{tabularx}, \textt{longtable}
+% \etc \etc \etc
+% If for some reason you prefer the original macros of \xfile{array.sty}, then you can load \thispackage with
+% the ``\textt{light}'' option.
+% As a consequence: \cs{rowfont} and \cs{tabucline} will not be available, and vertical lines \texttt\textbar\
+% will not have an optional argument for their widths and color. However, \textt{tabu X} columns will work normally.
+% \section(Corrections){Corrections of some bugs (available only inside \textt{tabu})}
+% \subsection(delarray compatibility){Correction for colortbl and arydshln: compatibility with delarray}
+% Both \xpackage{colortbl} and \xpackage{arydshln} forget the control sequence \cs{@arrayright} in their implementation,
+% quite strangely because both of them take care of \cs{@arrayleft}.
+% Those control sequences are used by the \xpackage{delarray} package to put parenthesis or bracket around the array.
+% \subsection(arydshln @ columns){Correction for arydshln: \texttbf @ columns}
+% A bug in \cs{adl@xarraydashrule}: \textt{!-arg} columns (class 1) and \textt{@-arg} columns (class 5) should be treated
+% the same wat as far as rules are concerned.
+% With this correction, the \textbf{known problem number 1} in \xpackage{arydshln} documentation is solved.
+% \vskip2cm
+% \begin{SaveVerbatim}[commandchars=$(),gobble=1]{myVerb}
+% ($db(\definecolorseries)){serie}{rgb}{last}{Goldenrod}{DarkSeaGreen}
+% ($db(\resetcolorseries))[3]{serie}
+% \begin{($dr$underline(parse lines))}{($dg(\color{serie!!+}``#1''\par))}
+% This is a nice little package
+% and I really don't know
+% What to do with it !
+% May be tomorrow...
+% \end{($dr$underline(parse lines))}
+% \end{SaveVerbatim}
+% \StopEventually{
+% }
+% \subsection{Identification, requirements and options}
+% The package namespace is \textttbf{\macrocodecolor tabu@}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ProvidesPackage{tabu}[2010/10/28 v1.1 - flexible LaTeX tabulars (FC)]
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Then minimal catcode acertaining for loading \thispackage in good conditions:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\tabu@AtEnd{%
+ \tabu@AtEnd
+ \catcode#1 \the\catcode#1\relax
+ }%
+ \catcode#1 #2\relax
+}% \TMP@EnsureCode
+\TMP@EnsureCode{33}{12} % !
+\TMP@EnsureCode{124}{12}% |
+\TMP@EnsureCode{0}{12}% ^^@
+\TMP@EnsureCode{36}{3}% $ = math shift
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\tracingtabu (debugshow option)}
+% \cs{tracingtabu} is the same as option \textt{debugshow}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{linegoal (package option)}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \AtEndOfPackage{\RequirePackage{linegoal}[2010/10/31]}%
+ \def\tabudefaulttarget{\linegoal}% \linegoal is \linewidth if not pdfTeX
+}% linegoal option
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{delarray (package option)}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \AtEndOfPackage{\RequirePackage{delarray}}%
+}% delarray option
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\light (package option)}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \AtEndOfPackage{%
+ \let\tabu@prepnext@tok \prepnext@tok
+ \let\tabu@save@decl \save@decl
+ \let\tabu@rowfont \tabu@norowfont
+ \let\tabucline \tabu@nocline
+ \let\tabu@firstcline \relax
+ \let\tabu@lines \relax
+ }
+}% light option
+ {\string\rowfont\space is not available with option `light'}\@ehd}
+ {\string\tabucline\space is not available with option `light'}\@ehd}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% At Begin Document, we check if a \textt X column has already been defined (\xpackage{tabularx})
+% and if not, we define a new column type \textt X.
+% Then a fix for \xpackage{arydshln} and \xpackage{colortbl} comptability with \xpackage{delarray} shortcuts
+% available inside \textt{tabu}: requirement for this fix is checked by \cs{tabu@fix@arrayright}.
+% Finally the switch \cs{iftabu@colortbl} is set.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{NC@rewrite@X}{\newcolumntype{X}{}}{}% new column X if not exists
+ \expandafter\in@\expandafter\@arrayright\expandafter{\endarray}%
+ \ifin@ \let\tabu@endarray\endarray
+ \else \tabu@fix@arrayright \fi % <fix for colortbl & arydshln (delarray)>
+ \@ifpackageloaded{colortbl} \tabu@colortbltrue \tabu@colortblfalse
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Some constants}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@cnt}
+% Used in in \cs{tabu@arith} (the number of trials) and \cs{tabu@prepnext@tok} (for \cs{rowfont}).
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@nbcols}
+% A counter that save the number of columns of the \textt{tabu}.
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@X@cols}
+% Used only when \textt{tabu X} columns are used with ``\textt{tabu spread}''.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@target}
+% Stores the \textt{tabu} target (either ``\textt{to}'' or ``\textt{spread}'').
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@spreadtarget}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@naturalX}
+% Used only when \textt{tabu X} columns are used with ``\textt{tabu spread}''.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabucolX}
+% The dimen corresponding to the preamble token \textt{X[1]}: the standard width of \textt X columns.
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@X@sum}
+% Stores the sum of all width coefficients for \textt X columns.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\iftabu@measuring}
+% This switch is set to \textt{true} by \cs{tabu@arith} if the trial did not reached the target.
+% It is also temporarily set to true when the first \textt X column is encountered in the \textt{tabu} preamble,
+% at the time \cs{@mkpream} scans it to built the \cs{halign} preamble. The first \textt X column found
+% actually triggers some special setup to be expanded before \cs{halign} (see the flow chart...)
+% \begin{macro}{\iftabu@spread}
+% A switch whether ``\textt{tabu spread}'' is used or not.
+% \begin{macro}{\iftabu@nested}
+% A swith set at the entry in \textt{tabu} environment: true if \textt{tabu} is nested inside another \textt{tabu}.
+% \begin{macro}{\iftabu@firstcline}
+% A switch to adapt \cs{tabucline} automatically if it comes first in the \textt{tabu} (similar to \cs{firsthline}).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@box}
+% Stores the whole \textt{tabu} when an attempt to adjust \textt X columns is performed.
+% It is also used by \cs{tabucline} to save the \cs{@arstrutbox} when inserting a horizontal line.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@gobblespace}
+% A macro which is needed when scanning tokens with \cs{futurelet}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\tabu@gobblespace#1 {#1}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@NC@rewrite@X}
+% This is the rewrite macro for \textt{tabu X} columns.
+% Such a column has an optional argument: the width coefficient for the \textt{tabu X} column
+% whose default value is 1, and may be some alignments parameters.
+% The coefficient is used in the expression: \textt{p\M*{\cs{dimexpr}\meta{coef}\cs{tabucolX}}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter \NC@find \tabucolX@spec}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% The next part of the definition (\cs{tabu@rewrite@X}) can be found page \pageref{tabu X column definition}.
+% \begin{macro}{\usetabu (new column type)}
+% \cs{usetabu} is defined as a new column type. \cs{NC@rewrite@\string\usetabu} is expanded
+% where \cs{@mkpream} does its job.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\expandafter\def\csname NC@rewrite@\string\usetabu\endcsname#1{%
+ \ifx\\#1\\\tabu@saveerr{}\else
+ \@ifundefined{tabu@saved@\string#1}
+ {\tabu@saveerr{#1}}
+ {\let\tabu@rewrite@X \tabu@rewrite@Xrestore
+ \def\tabu@temp{\xdef\tabu@usetabu{%
+ \col@sep \the\col@sep\relax
+ \arrayrulewidth \the\arrayrulewidth\relax
+ \@tempdima \ht\@arstrutbox \advance\@tempdima -\extrarowheight
+ \extrarowheight \the\extrarowheight\relax
+ \advance\@tempdima \extrarowheight
+ \ht\@arstrutbox \@tempdima
+ \extratabsurround \the\extratabsurround\relax
+ \doublerulesep \the\doublerulesep\relax}}%
+ \aftergroup \tabu@usetabu
+ \csname tabu@saved@\string#1\expandafter\endcsname}%
+ \fi
+}% \NC@rewrite@\usetabu
+\expandafter\def\csname NC@find@\string\usetabu\endcsname#1\usetabu{\NC@{#1}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@rewritefirst (new column type)}
+% This new column type is not really a column type! It is always added to a \textt{tabu} preamble
+% in order to do some setup before any other column is rewritten by \cs{@mkpream}.
+% Thus, \cs{NC@do}\cs{tabu@rewritefirst} is added \textbf{at the beginning of} \cs{NC@list}
+% at the entry of a (not nested) \textt{tabu} environment.
+% This ``column type'' sets up the new column type \cs{tabu@rewritelast} which is added to
+% \textbf{at the end of} \cs{NC@list}, and defines the token \texttt X to be rewritten by
+% \cs{tabu@NC@rewrite@X} (in case \xpackage{tabularx} is used with \thispackage, this modification
+% of the \textt X column occurs only inside the group where \cs{@mkpream} does its job).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\expandafter\def\csname NC@rewrite@\string\tabu@rewritefirst\endcsname{%
+ \ifx\tabu@lines\relax
+ \NC@list\expandafter{\expandafter\NC@do \expandafter\usetabu
+ \NC@do X\NC@do\tabu@rewritelast}%
+ \else
+ \NC@list\expandafter{\expandafter\NC@do \expandafter\usetabu
+ \expandafter\NC@do \expandafter|\tabu@NC@list
+ \NC@do X\NC@do\tabu@rewritelast}%
+ \tabu@lines % defines NC@rewrite@| for tabu only (inside @mkpream group)
+ \fi
+ \let\save@decl \tabu@save@decl % inversion of tokens in text mode
+ \let\NC@rewrite@X \tabu@NC@rewrite@X
+ \aftergroup \tabu@global@temp
+ \aftergroup \tabu@firstcline
+ \NC@find \tabu@rewritelast
+}% NC@rewrite@\tabu@rewritefirst
+\expandafter\def\csname NC@find@\string\tabu@rewritefirst\endcsname
+ #1\tabu@rewritefirst{\NC@{#1}}
+ \edef\tabu@NC@list{\the\NC@list}%
+ \NC@list{\NC@do \tabu@rewritefirst \NC@do *}%
+}% \tabu@rewritefirst
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@rewritelast (new column type)}
+% This new column type is rewritten after \textt X columns, because it is declared by
+% when the column \cs{tabu@rewritefirst} is actually rewritten. In the case where \cs{tabu@target}
+% is $>0$ (either because of ``\textt{tabu to}'' or ``\textt{tabu spread}'' has been called)
+% and if there is no \textt X column, then \textt{@\M*{\cs{extracolsep}\cs{@flushglue}}} is added
+% at the beginning of the preamble.
+% To avoid duplicate margin in the \textt{tabu} we have to test the next token in the preamble.
+% If the next token is \textt\textbar\ or \textt !\ then no margin must be added and
+% \textt{@\M*{\cs{extracolsep}\cs{@flushglue}}} can be inserted at the beginning of the preamble.
+% Otherwise, we must insert \textt{!\M*{\cs{extracolsep}\cs{@flushglue}}} in order to keep the margin.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\expandafter\def\csname NC@rewrite@\string\tabu@rewritelast\endcsname{%
+ \global\NC@list\expandafter{\tabu@NC@list}%
+ \futurelet \tabu@temp \tabu@rewritelast
+}% \NC@rewrite@\tabu@rewritelast
+\expandafter\def\csname NC@find@\string\tabu@rewritelast\endcsname
+ #1\tabu@rewritelast{\NC@{#1}}
+ \ifx \@halignto\relax \let\tabu@temp \@empty
+ \else
+ \let\@halignto \tabu@halignto
+ \ifdim \tabu@target=\z@ \let\tabu@temp \@empty
+ \else
+ \if |\noexpand\tabu@temp \def\tabu@temp{@{\extracolsep\@flushglue}}\else
+ \if !\noexpand\tabu@temp \def\tabu@temp{@{\extracolsep\@flushglue}}\else
+ \def\tabu@temp{!{\extracolsep\@flushglue}}\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\NC@find \tabu@temp
+}% \tabu@rewritelast
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@everycr@tok}
+% \begin{macro}{\iftabu@colortbl}
+% This token is used to store and restore the content of \cs{everycr} when \cs{rowfont} is used.
+% The switch \cs{iftabu@colortbl} is used by \cs{rowfont} when modifying the alignment, because
+% \xpackage{colortbl} changes the glue put inside the \cs{halign} preamble to make standard alignments.
+% This switch is set At Begin Document.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@nowrite}
+% A trick to fobidd \cs{write} when a trial is done on the \cs{halign}.
+% (Copied from D. Carlisle's \xpackage{tabularx} code.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\tabu@nowrite{% cancels a \write command (tabularx method)
+ \begingroup
+ \def\let{\afterassignment\endgroup\toks@}%
+ \afterassignment\let\count@
+}% \tabu@nowrite
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@phantomline}
+% This macro inserts a phantom line in front of a \textt{tabu}.
+% This is necessary when you use \cs{usetabu} with \textt{tabu X} column,
+% with a single line containing \cs{multicolumn}...
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \global\everycr{}%
+ \global\setbox\tabu@box\box\@arstrutbox
+ \toks@{}\count@\@ne
+ \@whilenum\count@<\tabu@nbcols\do{\advance\count@\@ne
+ \toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@&}}%
+ \toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@
+ \cr\noalign{\global\setbox\@arstrutbox\box\tabu@box}}%
+ \expandafter}\the\toks@
+}% \tabu@phantomline
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{\cs{tabu} and \cs{endtabu}}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu}
+% \cs{tabu} is the command of the environment.
+% \begin{macro}{\endtabu}
+% \cs{endtabu} is \cs{endtabular} or \cs{endarray} in math mode.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifmmode \def\endtabu{\endarray}%
+ \else \def\endtabu{\endtabular}\fi
+ \tabu@setup \tabu@settarget
+}% \tabu
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@setup}
+% This macro sets the \textt{tabu X} column definition at the beginning of the \textt{tabu} environment.
+% Incidentally, \cs{tabu@X} (number of \textt{tabu X} columns) and \cs{tabu@X@sum} (sum of the width-coefs) are reset to $0$.
+% The current value of \cs{hfuzz} is stored in \cs{tabu@hfuzz}, with a minimum of $0.1 pt$.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\adl@xarraydashrule \tabu@adl@xarraydashrule % <fix> arydshln
+ \let\adl@act@endpbox \tabu@adl@act@endpbox % <fix> arydshln
+ \let\adl@act@@endpbox \tabu@adl@act@endpbox % <fix> arydshln
+ \let\endarray \tabu@endarray % <fix> colortbl & arydshln (delarray)
+ \let\tabu@global@temp \@empty \let\tabu@global@X \@empty
+ \ifx\verbatim \tabu@sanitizetext
+ \tabu@nestedtrue
+ \def\tabu@aligndefault{t}\def\tabudefaulttarget{\linewidth}%
+ \else \tabu@nestedfalse
+ \def\tabu@aligndefault{c}%
+ \ifdim\parindent>\z@ \ifx\linewidth\tabudefaulttarget
+ \everypar\expandafter{% % correction for indentation
+ \the\everypar\everypar\expandafter{\the\everypar}%
+ \setbox\z@=\lastbox
+ \ifdim\wd\z@>\z@ \advance\linewidth -\wd\z@\fi
+ \box\z@
+ }%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \let\@footnotetext \tabu@footnotetext
+ \let\@xfootnotenext\tabu@xfootnotetext
+ \iftabu@nested\else
+ \global\tabu@footnotes{}%
+ \aftergroup\the\aftergroup\tabu@footnotes
+ \fi
+ \let\centering \tabu@centering
+ \let\raggedright \tabu@raggedright
+ \let\raggedleft \tabu@raggedleft
+ \let\@trivlist \tabu@trivlist %<restore \\=\@centercr inside lists>
+ \let\tabudecimal \tabu@tabudecimal
+ \let\verbatim \tabu@sanitizetext
+ \let\fbox \tabu@fbox
+ \let\prepnext@tok \tabu@prepnext@tok % <for rowfont and tabucline>
+ \let\rowfont \tabu@rowfont
+ \tabu@spreadfalse \tabu@measuringfalse
+ \edef\tabu@hfuzz{\ifdim\hfuzz<.1\p@ .1\p@\else\the\hfuzz\fi}%
+ \tabu@rewritefirst
+}% \tabu@setup
+\def\tabu@save@decl{% no inversion on tokens when not in math mode
+ \ifcat$\d@llarend
+ \toks\count@\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\@nextchar \the\toks\count@}%
+ \else
+ \toks\count@\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\the\expandafter\toks\expandafter\count@\@nextchar}%
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@save@decl
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@settarget}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@begin}
+% The macro sets \cs{tabu@target} (a dimen) to the value specified for ``\textt{tabu to}'' or ``\textt{tabu spread}''.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\tabu@settarget{\futurelet\@let@token \tabu@sett@rget}
+ \ifcase \ifx \bgroup\@let@token 0\else
+ \ifx [\@let@token 0\else
+ \ifx \@sptoken\@let@token 1\else
+ \if t\@let@token 2\else
+ \if s\@let@token 3\else
+ \m@ne\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\relax
+ \expandafter\tabu@begin
+ \or \expandafter\tabu@gobblespace\expandafter\tabu@settarget
+ \or \expandafter\tabu@to
+ \or \expandafter\tabu@spread
+ \else\expandafter\tabu@begin
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@sett@rget
+\def\tabu@to to{\def\@halignto{to}\tabu@gettarget}
+\def\tabu@spread spread{\tabu@spreadtrue\def\@halignto{spread}\tabu@gettarget}
+ \edef\@halignto{\ifdim\tabu@target>\z@ \@halignto\the\tabu@target\fi}%
+ \let\tabu@halignto \@halignto
+ \expandafter\@testopt\expandafter\tabu@@begin \tabu@aligndefault #1\@nil
+}% \tabu@begin
+ \edef\tabu@align{#1}%
+ \edef\tabu@saved{%
+ \ifmmode \col@sep \the\arraycolsep
+ \else \col@sep \the\tabcolsep \fi\relax
+ \arrayrulewidth \the\arrayrulewidth\relax
+ \extrarowheight \the\extrarowheight\relax
+ \extratabsurround \the\extratabsurround\relax
+ \doublerulesep \the\doublerulesep\relax}%
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\tabu@saved\expandafter{\tabu@saved
+ \tabu@temp \edef\tabu@halignto{to\the\tabu@target}\NC@find #3}%
+ \ifmmode \expandafter\array
+ \else \expandafter\tabular
+ \fi [{#1}]#2{\tabu@rewritefirst #3}%
+}% \tabu@@begin
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@footnotes}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\@tempa{\the\tabu@footnotes
+ \noexpand\footnotetext [\the\csname c@\@mpfn\endcsname]}%
+ \global\tabu@footnotes\expandafter{\@tempa{#1}}}%
+ \global\tabu@footnotes\expandafter{\the\tabu@footnotes
+ \footnotetext[{#1}]{#2}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Flow chart of expansion} ^^A\enlargethispage{\baselineskip}
+% \subsubsection(case: tabu, tabu to and tabu spread){General case: tabu, tabu to and tabu spread}
+% {
+% \hskip-\evensidemargin
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[yscale=.4,xscale=.6,framed,
+% start chain, every join/.style={->,thin,black,solid},node distance=.5cm and .5cm,
+% every node/.style={black}]
+% \node [on chain,draw] (begintabu) at (0,0) {\cs{begin}\M*{tabu}} node [anchor=west] at (begintabu.east) {(\cs{begingroup})}
+% node [on chain=going below,join] (tabu) {\cs{tabu}}
+% node [on chain=going right,join] (tabudesc) {$\begin{tabu}\{{>{$}l<{$}}.
+% defines \cs{@halignto} and sets \cs{tabu@target} \\
+% load \cs{NC@rewrite@X} for \textt{tabu} \textt X columns \\
+% load special setup (\xpackage{arydshln} fixes, \cs{rowfont}, \cs{centering} etc)
+% \end{tabu}$}
+% node [on chain=going below,join] (tabu@begin) {\cs{tabu@begin}}
+% node [on chain] (tabu@begindesc) {$\begin{tabu}\{{>{$}l<{$}}.
+% if \cs{tabu@target} $> 0$ then prepare \\
+% \textt{@\M*{\cs{extracolsep}\M*{\cs{@flushglue}}}}
+% \end{tabu}$};
+% \chainin (tabu@begin)
+% node [on chain=going below] (H) {}
+% node [on chain=going below,join=with tabu@begin] (toarray) {\cs{tabular} or \cs{array} if in math mode};
+% \draw [densely dotted,gray,very thick] (begintabu.west |- H) -- (tabu@begindesc.east |- H) coordinate (H);
+% \path [fill=AliceBlue] (begintabu.north -| H) rectangle ($(H)+(1,0)$) coordinate (bluebox)
+% node [midway,rotate=-90] {\large\thispackage};
+% { [start chain=array]
+% \node [on chain] at (begintabu |- toarray) [yshift=-2.5cm] (@array) {\cs{@array}};
+% \draw [->] (toarray.west) -| (@array);
+% \node [on chain=going right,join,fill=GhostWhite,draw=gray,dashed] (@arraydesc)
+% {\begin{tabu}\{{l}.
+% creates the \cs{@arstrutbox} \\
+% \cs{begingroup} \\
+% \quad \cs{@mkpream}: parse the preamble to create \cs{@preamble} \\
+% \quad \cs{xdef} \cs{@preamble} macro \\
+% \cs{endgroup}\\
+% \cs{@arrayleft}\\
+% \cs{vtop} or \cs{vbox} or \cs{vcenter} \cs{bgroup} ... \cs{halign}\{ preamble...
+% \end{tabu}}
+% node [on chain=going below] (H) {};
+% }
+% { [start chain=endtabu]
+% \node [on chain] (end{tabu}) at (begintabu |- H) {\cs{end}\M*{tabu}}
+% node [on chain=going below,join] (endtabu) {\cs{endtabu}}
+% node [on chain=going right,join] (endtabular) {\cs{endtabular}}
+% node [on chain=going right,join] (endarray) {\cs{endarray}}
+% node [on chain=going right,join] (endarraydesc) {\begin{tabu}\{{l}. end of \cs{halign} \\ end of \cs{vtop}, \cs{vbox} or \cs{vcenter}\end{tabu}};
+% \chainin (endtabular)
+% node [on chain=going below,node distance=.7cm] (H) {};
+% \node at (H -| endarraydesc.west) [anchor=west] (endtabulardesc) {\begin{tabu}\{{l}. end of math group \\ end of \cs{hbox}\end{tabu}};
+% \draw [->] (endtabular) |- (endtabulardesc) node [near end,above] {\small if in text mode};
+% \draw [->] (endtabu.north east) to [bend left,looseness=.5] node [midway,above] {\small if in math mode} (endarray.north);
+% \node at (endtabulardesc.south -| begintabu) [yshift=-.5cm] (endgroup) {\cs{endgroup}} node at (endgroup.east) [anchor=west] {end of envir};
+% \draw [->] (endtabu) -- (endgroup);
+% }
+% \path [fill=LightGoldenrodYellow] (bluebox) rectangle ($(endtabulardesc.south -| bluebox)-(1,0)$)
+% node [midway,rotate=-90] {\large\xpackage{array}};
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% }
+% \subsubsection(tabu to with X column){\textt{tabu to} with \textt X column}
+% The important part of the job is made inside the dashed box above: \cs{@mkpream}
+% expands the columns definitions, which can be user defined. Hopefully, it does its
+% job inside a group, therefore a user-column can set a macro to be expanded
+% \cs{aftergroup}. This implementation allows much modifications in the tabular preparation,
+% without any change in the macros of \xfile{array.sty}.
+% When a \textt{tabu X} column is found in the preamble by \cs{@mkpream}, \textt{tabu} changes his strategy: the macro
+% \cs{tabu@prep@TRIAL} is set to be expanded \cs{aftergroup} that is, just after the preamble (\cs{@preamble}) has been built.
+% This macro does some setup for \textt{tabu} trials to reach the target with variable \textt X column widths and gobbles
+% everything until the next \cs{bgroup} which corresponds to the \cs{vtop}, \cs{vbox} or \cs{vcenter} for the whole tabular.
+% This part of \cs{@array} is stored into \cs{tabu@Xfinish} to be expanded after the last trial gave satisfaction
+% to reach the \textt{tabu} target. Then \cs{tabu@collect} is expanded to find the end of the \textt{tabu} environment,
+% temporarily storing the environment content into a token register.
+% The last part of \cs{@array} until \cs{halign} is expanded inside a \cs{vbox}
+% which is stored into the box register \cs{tabu@box} for measuring purpose. \cs{halign} ends by \cs{endarray}
+% which stops the \cs{tabu@box} as well, and then \cs{tabu@arith} is expanded to compute the gap between the
+% width of \cs{tabu@box} and the target, and \cs{tabucolX} (the dimension that correspond to \textt{X[1]})
+% is updated accordingly.
+% The trials are ``protected'' by\, \M*{\cs{ifnum}0=`}\cs{fi}\, : they occur in a group that will be closed
+% at the very begining of \cs{tabu@Xfinish}, when the final tabular will be printed actually.
+% This protection is absolutely necessary to be able to collect
+% the environment body in the case of nested \textt{tabu} with \textt X columns. This is related to \TeX{}
+% mechanism of expansion inside \cs{halign} (\TeX{} stops reading when it encounters a \& \textt{alignment tab character}
+% and goes backward expanding anything that were not expanded before).
+% {\hskip-1cm
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[yscale=.4,xscale=.6,framed,
+% start chain=going below,node distance=.3cm and .5cm,
+% every join/.style={->,thin,black,solid},every node/.style={black}]
+% \node [on chain] (begingroup) at (0,0) {\cs{begingroup}}
+% node [on chain=going right] (@mkpream) {\cs{@mkpream}}
+% node [on chain,join] {Finds a \textt X column}
+% node [on chain,join] {rewrite \textt X column}
+% {[start branch] node [on chain] {\begin{tabu}\{{l}. Parse the optional parameter for \textt X\\ Set \cs{aftergroup}\cs{tabu@prep@TRIAL}\end{tabu}}
+% }
+% node [on chain,join] {... \cs{@mkpream} ...}
+% {[start branch] node [on chain,join] {builds the \cs{halign} preamble}}
+% node [on chain,join] {\cs{xdef}\cs{@preamble}}
+% node [on chain,join] (endgroup) {\cs{endgroup}}
+% node [on chain] (H) {};
+% \node (tabu@prep@TRIAL) at (begingroup |- H) {\cs{tabu@prep@TRIAL}};
+% \draw [->] (endgroup.west) -| (tabu@prep@TRIAL.north) node [midway,left] {\ssmall\begin{tabu}{c} triggered by\\ \cs{aftergroup}\end{tabu}};
+% \chainin (tabu@prep@TRIAL);
+% { [start branch] \node [on chain,join] {\cs{tabu@setup@TRIAL}}
+% node [on chain,join] {\begin{tabu}\{{l}.
+% Neutralisation of \cs{write} \\
+% Protection for: \begin{tabu}{!{\textbullet}l}
+% footnotes \\ counters \\ index
+% \end{tabu}
+% \end{tabu}};
+% }
+% \node [on chain] (H) {}
+% node [on chain,join=with tabu@prep@TRIAL] (tabu@arrayleft@measure) {\cs{tabu@arrayleft@measure}}
+% node [on chain=going right,join] {\begin{tabu}\{{l}. prepares \cs{tabu@Xfinish} \\ Collect the \textt{tabu} body\end{tabu}}
+% node [on chain,join] (tabu@TRIAL) {\cs{tabu@TRIAL}}
+% {[start branch] node [on chain,join] {\begin{tabu}{l} Expands \cs{halign} into a \cs{vbox} \end{tabu}}
+% }
+% node [on chain,join] {\cs{tabu@endTRIAL}}
+% {[start branch] node [on chain,join] {\cs{endarray}}
+% }
+% node [on chain,join] (tabu@arith) {\begin{tabu}{c} \cs{tabu@arith}\\ \cs{wd}\M*{tabu}$-$\cs{tabu@target} $<$ \cs{hfuzz} ?\end{tabu}}
+% node [on chain=going right,node distance=1cm] (tabu@Xfinish) {\cs{tabu@Xfinish}};
+% \draw (tabu@arith) [->] -- (tabu@Xfinish) node [midway,above,blue] {Yes};
+% \draw [->] (tabu@arith.west) |- (tabu@TRIAL) node (No) [very near start,left] {{\small\begin{tabu}.{r}\} Updates \\ \cs{tabucolX}\end{tabu}} \textcolor{red}{No}};
+% \end{tikzpicture}}
+% \subsubsection(tabu spread with X column){\textt{tabu spread} with \textt X column}
+% In the case of ``\textt{tabu spread}'' with \textt X columns, the process is the same
+% as the one described for ``\textt{tabu to}'' with \textt X columns. However, the first
+% trial is different because we have first to measure the \emph{natural width} of the
+% tabular.
+% The process is the following:
+% \begin{itemize}[label=\small\textbullet]
+% \item \cs{tabu@target} is first set to \cs{linewidth} (or \cs{linegoal} with the \textt{linegoal} package option).
+% \item The \textt X column corresponds to a \cs{vbox} with \cs{hsize} fixed to \cs{tabu@target}.
+% \item Inside this \cs{vbox} the cell content is written into a \cs{hbox} whose width is limited to \cs{tabu@target}.
+% This \cs{hbox} is captured into the box register \cs{tabu@box}.
+% \item At the end of the cell, the \cs{badness} of the \cs{hbox} is checked:
+% \begin{itemize}[label=\textendash,leftmargin=*]
+% \item if the \cs{badness} is $> 1000$ then the text is too long and ``\textt{tabu spread}''
+% is useless: \textt{tabu to \cs{tabu@target}} give the same result.
+% \item Otherwise, we get the natural width of the cell content by: \\
+% \cs{setbox} \cs{tabu@box} \cs{hbox} \M*{\cs{unhbox} \cs{tabu@box}}
+% \end{itemize}
+% \item At the end of the first trial, \cs{tabu@spreadarith} checks if:
+% $$ \text{width(tabular)} + \text{spread} < \cs{linewidth} \text{ (or \cs{linegoal})}$$
+% \begin{itemize}[label=\textendash,leftmargin=*]
+% \item if not, then \textt{tabu to}\cs{tabu@target} give the same result
+% \item Otherwise, the target for \textt{tabu to} will be:
+% $$\hskip-\leftmargin
+% \text{width(tabular)} + \text{spread} - \sum_i \text{natural widths X}_i
+% +\underbrace{\text{Max}_i\left(\dfrac{\text{natural width X}_i}{\text{coef}_i}\right)\times \sum_i\text{coef}_i}
+% _{\text{\begin{tabu}{c} minimal natural width that can be obtained \\ with the given coefs\end{tabu}}}
+% $$
+% \end{itemize}
+% And the next trial will be done as if the user called ``\textt{tabu to}'' with this target.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \subsection{tabu X column definition}
+% \label{tabu X column definition}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@rewrite@X}
+% This macro is expanded by \cs{@mkpream} in case a \textt X column is found.
+% \cs{tabu@X@sum} (a dimen) store the sum of the width coefficients. For the first \textt{X column} found in the
+% preamble, a special setup occurs:
+% \begin{itemize}[itemsep=0pt,topsep=0pt,leftmargin=*]
+% \item the default target (either \cs{linewidth} or \cs{linegoal} if available) is set
+% if it has not been specified by the user.
+% \item \cs{@halignto} is \cs{let} to \cs{relax} to avoid its expansion in \cs{xdef}\cs{@preamble} just after \cs{@mkpream}.
+% Indeed as long as we have to measure the natural width of the tabular, \cs{@halign} must be empty for trial steps.
+% \item The rest of the setup is made \cs{aftergroup} (\ie after \cs{xdef}\cs{@preamble} which occurs inside a group) by \cs{tabu@prep@TRIAL}.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \iftabu@spread \tabu@rewrite@Xspread
+ \else \tabu@rewrite@Xto
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@rewrite@X
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@rewrite@Xnested}
+% This macro replaces \cs{tabu@rewrite@X} when \textt{tabu} makes a trial for \textt X columns.
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@rewrite@Xrestore}
+% This macro replaces \cs{tabu@rewrite@X} in the case of \cs{usetabu}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \iftabu@measuring \else \tabu@measuringtrue \aftergroup\tabu@usetabuX \fi}%
+ \tabu@everycr\expandafter{\the\tabu@everycr\tabu@phantomline}%
+}% \tabu@usetabuX
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@rewrite@Xto}
+% The setup for trial is not the same in case of ``\textt{tabu to}'' and ``\textt{tabu spread}''.
+% The important thing is:\, \cs{aftergroup}\cs{tabu@prep@TRIAL}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \iftabu@measuring % not the first X column found in preamble
+ \xdef\tabu@global@X {\tabu@global@X
+ \advance\tabu@X@sum \the\tabu@X@sum\relax}%
+ \else % first X column found in preamble
+ \tabu@measuringtrue
+ \ifdim\tabu@target=\z@
+ \setlength \tabu@target \tabudefaulttarget
+ \fi
+ \xdef\tabu@global@X{%
+ \tabu@X@sum \the\tabu@X@sum\relax
+ \tabu@target \the\tabu@target\relax}%
+ \let \@halignto \relax
+ \aftergroup \tabu@prep@TRIAL
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@rewrite@Xto
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@rewrite@Xspread}
+% This macro is used instead of \cs{tabu@rewrite@Xto} for \textt X columns with ``\textt{tabu spread}''.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\tabu@rewrite@Xspread{% tabu spread with X columns: we need to store each coef
+ \iftabu@measuring % not the first X column found in preamble
+ \advance\tabu@X@cols \@ne
+ \expandafter\let\csname tabu@X\the\tabu@X@cols\endcsname \relax
+ \xdef\tabu@global@X {\tabu@global@X
+ \advance\tabu@X@cols\@ne
+ \advance\tabu@X@sum \the\tabu@X@sum\relax
+ \def\csname tabu@X\the\tabu@X@cols\endcsname{\strip@pt\tabu@X@sum}}%
+ \else % first X column found in preamble
+ \tabu@measuringtrue
+ \tabu@X@cols \@ne \tabu@spreadtarget=\tabu@target
+ \setlength \tabu@target \tabudefaulttarget
+ \expandafter\let\csname tabu@X\the\tabu@X@cols\endcsname \relax
+ \xdef\tabu@global@X {%
+ \tabu@X@cols \@ne
+ \tabu@X@sum \the\tabu@X@sum\relax
+ \tabu@target \the\tabu@target\relax
+ \tabu@spreadtarget \the\tabu@spreadtarget\relax
+ \def\csname tabu@X\the\tabu@X@cols\endcsname{\strip@pt\tabu@X@sum}}%
+ \let\@halignto \relax
+ \aftergroup \tabu@prep@TRIAL
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@rewrite@Xspread
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@Xarg}
+% A tedious (and fastidious) macro to parse the optional argument of \textt X columns. The aim is to built
+% \cs{tabucolX@spec} which expands to the column specification:
+% {\centering \textt{>\M*{alignment} p \emph{or} m \emph{or} b \M*{\cs{dimexpr} coef \cs{tabucolX}\cs{relax}}}\par}
+% After that \xfile{array.sty} make it easy:\, \cs{expandafter}\cs{NC@find}\cs{tabucolX@spec}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\\#1\\% <shortcut when no option>
+ \tabu@X@sum \p@
+ \def\tabucolX@spec{p{\tabucolX}}%
+ \edef\tabu@temp{p{\the\tabucolX}}% <required for \usetabu>
+ \else
+ \tabu@X@sum \z@
+ \let\tabucolX@align \@empty
+ \let\tabucolX@spec \@empty
+ \let\tabu@Xmath \relax
+ \tabu@Xparse {}#1\relax\@nnil
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@Xarg
+ \ifcase \ifx \@nnil\@let@token \z@ \else
+ \ifx \relax\@let@token \m@ne\else
+ \if ,\@let@token \m@ne\else
+ \if p\@let@token 1\else
+ \if m\@let@token 2\else
+ \if b\@let@token 3\else
+ \if l\@let@token 4\else
+ \if c\@let@token 5\else
+ \if r\@let@token 6\else
+ \if .\@let@token 7\else
+ \ifx \@sptoken\@let@token 8\else
+ \if L\@let@token 9\else
+ \if C\@let@token 10\else
+ \if R\@let@token 11\else
+ \ifcat $\@let@token 12\else
+ 13\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\relax
+ \tabucolX@do \expandafter\remove@to@nnil
+ \or \tabu@Xcolspec{p}%
+ \or \tabu@Xcolspec{m}%
+ \or \tabu@Xcolspec{b}%
+ \or \tabu@Xalign{>{\raggedright}}%
+ \or \tabu@Xalign{>{\centering}}%
+ \or \tabu@Xalign{>{\raggedleft}}%
+ \or \expandafter\tabu@Xcoef
+ \or \expandafter\tabu@Xparsespace
+ \or \tabu@Xalign{>{\RaggedRight}}%
+ \or \tabu@Xalign{>{\Centering}}%
+ \or \tabu@Xalign{>{\RaggedLeft}}%
+ \or \let\tabu@Xmath=$\expandafter\tabu@Xparse
+ \or \tabu@Xcoef{}%
+ \else \expandafter\tabu@Xparse
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@Xtest
+ \ifx \tabucolX@align\@empty \else \PackageWarning{tabu}
+ {Duplicate horizontal alignment specification}\fi
+ \def\tabucolX@align{#1}\expandafter\tabu@Xparse
+}% \tabu@Xalign
+ \ifx\tabucolX@spec\@empty\else \PackageWarning{tabu}
+ {Duplicate vertical alignment specification}\fi
+ \def\tabucolX@spec{#1}\expandafter\tabu@Xparse
+}% \tabu@Xcolspec
+ \afterassignment\tabu@Xc@ef \tabu@cnt
+}% \tabu@Xcoef
+ \advance\tabu@X@sum \@tempa\the\tabu@cnt\p@
+ \tabu@Xparse{}%
+}% \tabu@Xc@ef
+ \ifx\tabucolX@spec\@empty \def\tabucolX@spec{p}\fi
+ \ifdim \tabu@X@sum=\z@ \tabu@X@sum \p@\fi
+ \begingroup
+ \ifx \tabu@Xmath\relax
+ \edef\tabucolX@spec##1{\tabucolX@spec{##1}}%
+ \else
+ \edef\tabucolX@spec##1{>{$}\tabucolX@spec{##1}<{$}}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\tabu@temp{\dimexpr\strip@pt\tabu@X@sum \tabucolX \relax}%
+ \toks@\expandafter{\tabucolX@align}%
+ \edef\x{%
+ \def\noexpand\tabu@temp{\the\toks@ \tabucolX@spec{\the\tabu@temp}}%
+ \def\noexpand\tabucolX@spec{\the\toks@ \tabucolX@spec{\tabu@temp}}%
+ }\expandafter\endgroup\x
+}% \tabucolX@do
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection(Before trials){Before trials to reach the target}
+% \subsubsection{Trial setup after \cs{@mkpream}}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@prep@TRIAL}
+% \cs{@mkpream} does its job inside a semi-simple group. At the end, \cs{@preamble} is expanded with \cs{xdef}, and
+% the group is left: this triggers the expansion of \cs{tabu@prep@TRIAL} set \cs{aftergroup} by the first \textt X column
+% encountered in the preamble.
+% We \cs{let} \cs{@halignto} to \cs{@empty}: it's a measurement, and put some protections. A group is opened with
+% the famous \M*{\cs{ifnum}0=`}\cs{fi} and control is given to \cs{tabu@arrayleft@measure}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\tabu@savedpreamble \@preamble
+ \def\savetabu {\tabu@saveX}%
+ {\ifnum0=`}\fi
+ \tabu@setup@TRIAL
+ \iftabu@spread % first trial only
+ \advance\tabu@X@cols \@ne
+ \expandafter\let\csname tabu@X\the\tabu@X@cols\endcsname \@undefined
+ \tabu@X@cols \z@ \tabu@naturalX \z@ \tabucolX \z@
+ \let\tabu@naturalX@max \z@
+ \let\tabu@naturalX@min \z@
+ \let\tabu@startpboxORI \@startpbox
+ \let\@startpbox \tabu@spread@startpbox
+ \else
+ \tabucolX = \tabu@target
+ \fi
+ \tabu@cnt \z@ % number of trials
+ \def\tabu@lasttry{\m@ne\p@}%
+ \tabu@arrayleft@measure
+}% \tabu@prep@TRIAL
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\tabu@rewrite@X \tabu@rewrite@Xnested
+ \def\tabudefaulttarget{\linewidth}%
+ \def\@elt##1{\global\value{##1}\the\value{##1}\relax}%
+ \xdef\tabu@global@X {\cl@@ckpt}\let\@elt \relax
+ \hbadness\@M \hfuzz\maxdimen
+ \let\hbadness \@tempcnta
+ \let\hfuzz \@tempdima
+ \let\write \tabu@nowrite
+ \let\@footnotetext\@gobble
+ \let\tabu@saveX \@gobble
+ \tabu@TRIAL@hook
+}% \tabu@setup@TRIAL
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabuDisableCommands}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@arrayleft@measure}
+% Measuring the whole tabular occurs just before \cs{@arrayleft}.
+% Hence the name of the macro: \cs{tabu@arrayleft@measure}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\tabu@Xfinish{\ifnum0=`{\fi}\tabu@global@X
+ \let\@halignto\tabu@halignto \tabu@firstclinetrue #1\bgroup}%
+ \toks@{\let\@preamble\tabu@savedpreamble}% <required for multicolumn>
+ \tabu@collect
+}% \tabu@arrayleft@measure
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection(Collecting the tabu body){Collecting the \textt{tabu} body: required for \texttbf X columns}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@collect}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@collectbody}
+% The mechanism is the same as \hologo{AmS}-\cs{collect@body} (also defined in \xfile{environ.sty}).
+% The content of the tabular is captured inside \cs{toks@}, expanded by \cs{tabu@TRIAL}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\tabu@stack{\tabu@pushbegins #1\begin\end\expandafter\@gobble\tabu@stack}%
+ \ifx\tabu@stack\@empty
+ \toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@#1}\def\tabu@endenvir{\end{#2}}%
+ \expandafter\tabu@TRIAL
+ \else
+ \toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@#1\end{#2}}%
+ \expandafter\tabu@collectbody
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@collectbody
+\long\def\tabu@pushbegins#1\begin#2{\ifx\end#2\else b\expandafter\tabu@pushbegins\fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Measuring the \textt{tabu}}
+% \subsubsection{One trial after another}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@TRIAL}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@endTRIAL}
+% \cs{halign} is temporarily expanded inside a \cs{vbox} which is captured in \cs{tabu@box}.
+% At the end of the trial, we call \cs{tabu@arith} to compute the widths. \cs{tabu@arith} exits
+% leaving \cs{iftabu@measuring} equal to \cs{iftrue}: a further trial is necessary, or equal to
+% \cs{iffalse}: the target is reached, \cs{tabu@Xfinish} can print the \textt{tabu} in a last
+% expansion of \cs{halign}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\tabu@TRIAL{\setbox\tabu@box \hbox\bgroup $\@arrayleft\vbox\bgroup \the\toks@
+ \tabu@endTRIAL}% constant
+ \iftabu@spread \tabu@spreadfalse
+ \let\@startpbox \tabu@startpboxORI
+ \tabu@spreadarith % <only once>
+ \else \tabu@arith
+ \fi
+ \iftabu@measuring \tabu@measuringfalse
+ \expandafter \tabu@TRIAL % <continue trials>
+ \else
+ \toks@\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+ \the\expandafter\toks@ \tabu@endenvir}%
+ \expandafter \tabu@Xfinish \the\toks@ % <we are then!>
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@endTRIAL
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{The arithmetic of \textt X columns}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@arith}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@spreadarith}
+% Algorithms.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \advance\tabu@cnt \@ne
+ \ifdim \tabu@lasttry=\wd\tabu@box
+ \tabu@message{\tabu@header Reached minimum width. Backing up}%
+ \else
+ \edef\tabu@lasttry{\the\wd\tabu@box}%
+ \tabu@message{\tabu@message@arith}%
+ \ifdim \dimexpr \wd \tabu@box - \tabu@target <\tabu@hfuzz
+ \tabu@message{\tabu@message@reached}%
+ \xdef\tabu@global@X {\tabu@target\the\tabu@target\relax \tabu@global@X
+ \tabucolX \the\tabucolX\relax}%
+ \else
+ \advance\tabucolX -\dimexpr(\wd\tabu@box-\tabu@target-\tabu@X@sum/65536)
+ *65536/\tabu@X@sum\relax
+ \ifdim \tabucolX<\z@
+ {\let\write\tabu@write\PackageWarning{tabu}
+ {X Columns too narrow (table too wide)\MessageBreak}}%
+ \tabucolX=1em%
+ \else \tabu@measuringtrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@arith
+ \tabu@naturalX \tabu@naturalX@max\relax
+ \tabucolX \tabu@naturalX@min\relax
+ \tabu@message{\tabu@message@spread}%
+ \ifdim \dimexpr \wd\tabu@box + \tabu@spreadtarget <\tabu@target
+ \advance\tabu@spreadtarget \dimexpr\wd\tabu@box-\tabu@naturalX+\tabucolX\relax
+ \ifdim \tabu@spreadtarget <\tabu@target
+ \tabu@target = \tabu@spreadtarget
+ \fi
+ \tabu@message{\expandafter\tabu@msg@align \the\tabu@target {}{}{}{}{}\@@}%
+ \tabu@message{\ifdim \tabu@spreadtarget>\tabu@target
+ (tabu) default target used.\fi}%
+ \else
+ \tabu@message{\expandafter\tabu@msg@align \the\tabu@target { }{}{}{}{}\@@}
+ \tabu@message{(tabu)\ifdim\wd\tabu@box<\tabu@target spread too large\else
+ tabu spread is useless here\fi,
+ default target used.}%
+ \fi
+ \xdef\tabu@halignto {to\the\tabu@target}%
+ \tabucolX \tabu@target
+ \tabu@measuringtrue
+}% \tabu@spreadarith
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection(\xext{log} report){Reporting in the \xext{log} file (\textt{debugshow option})}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@message@arith}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\tabu@msg@align \the\tabucolX { }{ }{ }{ }{}\@@
+ \expandafter\tabu@msg@align \the\wd\tabu@box { }{ }{ }{ }{}\@@
+ \expandafter\tabu@msg@align \the\tabu@target { }{ }{ }{ }{}\@@
+ \expandafter\tabu@msg@align \the\tabu@X@sum {}{}{}{}{}\@@
+ \expandafter\tabu@msg@align \the\dimexpr(\tabu@target-\wd\tabu@box)
+ *65536/\tabu@X@sum\relax {}{}{}{}{}\@@}
+ \expandafter\tabu@msg@align \the\tabu@spreadtarget {}{}{}{}{}\@@
+ \expandafter\tabu@msg@align \the\wd\tabu@box {}{}{}{}{}\@@
+ \expandafter\tabu@msg@align \the\tabucolX {}{}{}{}{}\@@
+ \expandafter\tabu@msg@align \expandafter-\the\tabu@naturalX {}{}{}{}{}\@@}
+ \expandafter\tabu@msg@align \the\tabucolX { }{ }{ }{ }{}\@@
+ ******** Reached Target : hfuzz=\tabu@hfuzz\space ********^^J}
+ \def\tabu@msg@align##1.##2##3##4##5##6##7##8##9\@@{%
+ \ifnum##1<10 #1#1#1\else
+ \ifnum##1<100 #1#1\else
+ \ifnum##1<\@m #1\fi\fi\fi
+ ##1.##2##3##4##5##6##7##8#1}%
+ \def\tabu@header{%
+ \ifnum\tabu@cnt=\@ne (tabu)
+ Try#1#1#1#1tabu X#1#1#1#1#1#1tabu Width#1#1#1#1#1Target%
+ #1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1Coefs#1#1#1#1#1#1#1Update^^J\fi
+ (tabu) \ifnum\tabu@cnt<10 #1\fi\the\tabu@cnt)#1#1}%
+ \def\tabu@spreadheader{%
+ (tabu) Try#1#1#1#1Spread#1#1#1tabu Width#1#1#1#1#1Min Nat.#1#1#1#1Nat.X%
+ #1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1New Target^^J%
+ (tabu)spread}%
+}\do{ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection(Natural width measure){Measuring the natural width for \textt{tabu spread}}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@spread@startpbox}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@spread@endhbox}
+% When ``\textt{tabu spread}'' is used with \textt X columns, the first trial must
+% measure the natural width of the columns. Therefore, the \cs{vbox}, \cs{vtop} or \cs{vcenter}
+% corresponding to the \textt X columns definitions are temporarily changed into \cs{hbox}. More
+% precisely, the natural width is measured with \cs{vbox}\M*{\cs{hbox}\M*{...}}.
+% For the furthur trials, the standard scheme for \textt X column is used.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \in@{\tabucolX}{#1}%
+ \ifin@
+ \let\vss\relax\let\vfil\vss\let\vfill\vss\let\vskip\@tempskipa
+ \hbox to\tabu@target\bgroup\aftergroup\tabu@spread@endhbox\hfil
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@gobble\tabu@startpboxORI{#1}% \@gobble \bgroup
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@spread@startpbox
+ \ifnum\badness>\@M %<text does not fit>
+ \global\tabu@naturalX \tabu@target
+ \else
+ \setbox\tabu@box\lastbox
+ \setbox\tabu@box\hbox{\unhbox\tabu@box}%
+ \global\advance\tabu@X@cols \@ne
+ \ifcsname tabu@X\the\tabu@X@cols\endcsname
+ \global\advance\tabu@naturalX \wd\tabu@box
+ \else
+ \global\tabu@X@cols \@ne
+ \global\tabu@naturalX \wd\tabu@box
+ \fi
+ \ifdim \tabu@naturalX@max<\tabu@naturalX
+ \xdef\tabu@naturalX@max{\the\tabu@naturalX}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim \tabu@naturalX@min<\dimexpr \wd\tabu@box * \tabu@X@sum /
+ (65536*\csname tabu@X\the\tabu@X@cols\endcsname)\relax
+ \xdef\tabu@naturalX@min{\the\dimexpr \wd\tabu@box * \tabu@X@sum /
+ (65536*\csname tabu@X\the\tabu@X@cols\endcsname)\relax}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \box\tabu@box
+ \egroup % end of \vtop (measure)
+}% \tabu@spread@endhbox
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Numbers in \textt{tabu}}
+% \subsubsection{\cs{tabudecimal}}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabudecimal}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\tabu@decimal{#1}\@temptokena{}%
+ \let\tabu@getdecimal@ \tabu@getdecimal@ignorespaces
+ \tabu@scandecimal
+}% \tabudecimal
+\def\tabu@scandecimal{\futurelet \tabu@temp \tabu@getdecimal@}
+ \ifcase 0\ifx\tabu@temp\ignorespaces\else
+ \ifx\tabu@temp\@sptoken1\else
+ 2\fi\fi\relax
+ \let\tabu@getdecimal@ \tabu@getdecimal
+ \expandafter\tabu@skipdecimal
+ \or \expandafter\tabu@gobblespace\expandafter\tabu@scandecimal
+ \else \expandafter\tabu@skipdecimal
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@getdecimal@ignorespaces
+\def\tabu@get@decimal#1{\@temptokena\expandafter{\the\@temptokena #1}%
+ \tabu@scandecimal}
+ \def\tabu@get@decimalspace#1{%
+ \@temptokena\expandafter{\the\@temptokena #1}\tabu@scandecimal}%
+}\do{ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@getdecimal}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcase 0\ifx 0\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx 1\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx 2\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx 3\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx 4\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx 5\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx 6\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx 7\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx 8\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx 9\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx .\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx ,\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx -\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx +\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx e\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx E\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx\tabu@cellleft\tabu@temp1\else
+ \ifx\ignorespaces\tabu@temp1\else
+ \ifx\@sptoken\tabu@temp2\else
+ 3\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\relax
+ \expandafter\tabu@get@decimal
+ \or \expandafter\tabu@skipdecimal
+ \or \expandafter\tabu@get@decimalspace
+ \else\expandafter\tabu@printdecimal
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@getdecimal
+ \edef\tabu@temp{\the\@temptokena}%
+ \ifx\tabu@temp\@empty\else
+ \ifx\tabu@temp\space\else
+ \expandafter\tabu@decimal\expandafter{\the\@temptokena}%
+ \fi\fi
+}% \tabu@printdecimal
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection(Lines inside tabu){Lines inside \textt{tabu}}
+% \subsubsection{Vertical lines}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabuvline@rewrite}
+% \textt\textbar\ is defined as a new column type (only inside \textt{tabu}) in order to add an optional argument:
+% the width of the rule.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter \NC@find \tabu@temp}
+\def\tabu@vline#1{\vrule width#1}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabuvline@arg}
+% A tedious (and fastidious) macro to parse the optional argument of \textt\textbar\ vertical lines...
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\\#1\\% <shortcut when no option>
+ \def\tabu@temp{!{\tabu@vline\arrayrulewidth}}%
+ \else \futurelet \tabu@temp \tabuvline@argi #1\p@\p@\@nnil \tabuvline@argiii
+ \fi
+}% \tabuvline@arg
+ \let\tabu@color \@empty
+ \ifcat A\noexpand\tabu@temp
+ \@tempdima\arrayrulewidth
+ \expandafter\tabu@getlinecolor
+ \else \expandafter\tabuvline@argii
+ \fi
+}% \tabuvline@argi
+ \tabu@maybecolor \@tempdima #1 \@nnil
+}% \tabuvline@argii
+ \edef\tabu@temp{!{\color@begingroup\tabu@color
+ \noexpand\tabu@vline{\the\@tempdima}\color@endgroup}}%
+}% \tabuvline@argiii
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@lines}
+% This macro is used in \cs{tabu@setup} to ``mount'' the character \textt\textbar\ as a column type.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\expandafter\let\csname NC@find@|\endcsname\relax
+\expandafter\let\csname NC@rewrite@|\endcsname\relax
+ \let\csname NC@find@|\endcsname \noexpand\tabuvlines@find
+ \let\csname NC@rewrite@|\endcsname \noexpand\tabuvline@rewrite
+}% \tabu@vline
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Horizontal lines: \cs{tabucline}}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@firstcline}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \tabu@firstclinetrue
+ \let\tabu@everycr\everycr
+ \def\tabu@restoreeverycr{\let\everycr\tabu@everycr}%
+ \def\everycr{\afterassignment\tabu@restoreeverycr\@temptokena}% <for ialign>
+ \tabu@everycr{\noalign{%
+ \global\tabu@everycr{\noalign{%
+ \global\tabu@everycr{}\global\tabu@firstclinefalse}}%
+ \global\let\everycr\tabu@everycr}}%
+}% \tabu@firstcline
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabucline}
+% \cs{tabucline}\M[style or spec.]\M*{start-end}
+% \cs{tabucline} appears only at the end of a line: this is the place where we can insert a \cs{noalign} group.
+% We built a new line to be inserted inside the \textt{tabu}: this new line which contains the rule or leaders,
+% is stored into \cs{toks@} (inside the \cs{noalign} group). When leaving the group \cs{toks@} is expanded.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\tabu@linedash{4pt}% <default value>
+\def\tabu@dashgap{4pt}% <default value>
+ {\@tempswatrue\tabu@cline}
+ {\@tempswafalse\tabu@cline}}%
+ \tabu@startstop{#2}\tabu@getlinespec{#1}\@multicnt\@ne
+ \ifnum\tabu@start>\tabu@stop \the\toks@
+ \else\ifx\tabu@xleaders\relax\the\toks@
+ \else
+ \toks@{\ifnum0=`{\fi}\noalign{\global\setbox\tabu@box \box\@arstrutbox}}%
+ \iftabu@firstcline\if\tabu@align t\vskip-\ht\@arstrutbox\fi\fi
+ \@whilenum\@multicnt<\tabu@start\do{\advance\@multicnt\@ne
+ \toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@ &}}%
+ \loop
+ \toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@ \omit }%
+ \ifcase 0\if@tempswa\else\ifnum \@multicnt>\tabu@start 1\fi\fi\relax
+ \expandafter \tabu@add \csname tabu@tok@\the\@multicnt L\endcsname \@nil
+ \fi
+ \ifcase 0\if@tempswa\else\ifnum \@multicnt<\tabu@stop 1\fi\fi\relax
+ \toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@ \color@begingroup}%
+ \toks@\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\the
+ \expandafter\toks@ \tabu@xleaders \color@endgroup}%
+ \fi
+ \ifcase 0\if@tempswa\else\ifnum \@multicnt<\tabu@stop 1\fi\fi %
+ \expandafter \tabu@add \csname tabu@tok@\the\@multicnt R\endcsname \@nil
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\@multicnt<\tabu@stop
+ \advance\@multicnt\@ne
+ \if@tempswa \toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@ &}%
+ \else \toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@ \span}\fi
+ \repeat
+ \@whilenum\@multicnt<\tabu@nbcols\do{\advance\@multicnt\@ne
+ \toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@ &}}%
+ \toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@ \cr \noalign{%
+ \global\tabu@firstclinefalse \global\setbox\@arstrutbox \box\tabu@box}}%
+ \the\toks@
+ \fi\fi
+}% \tabucline
+\def\tabu@add #1\@nil{\toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@ #1\ifmmode$\fi}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@startstop}
+% This macro parses the mandatory argument of \cs{tabucline}: start-column and end-column of the \textt{cline}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\tabu@startstop#1{\tabu@start@stop #1\relax 1-\tabu@nbcols\@nnil}
+\def\tabu@start@stop #1-#2\@nnil{%
+ \countdef\tabu@start100\countdef\tabu@stop101 % <inside noalign group>
+ \@defaultunits \tabu@start \number0#1\relax\@nnil
+ \@defaultunits \tabu@stop \number0#2\relax\@nnil
+ \ifnum\tabu@start>\tabu@nbcols\tabu@start=\tabu@nbcols\else
+ \ifnum\tabu@start>\z@\else \tabu@start=\@ne \fi\fi
+ \ifnum\tabu@stop>\tabu@nbcols \tabu@stop\tabu@nbcols \else
+ \ifnum\tabu@stop>\z@\else \tabu@stop=\tabu@nbcols \fi\fi
+}% \tabu@start@stop
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@getlinespec}
+% This macro parses the optional argument of \cs{tabucline} and check if it's a line specification
+% (then \cs{tabu@getline} is expanded) or a \cs{leaders} specification (then \cs{tabu@leaders} is expanded).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\tabu@getlinespec#1{\let\tabu@xleaders \relax
+ \@defaultunits \let\@tempa=#1 \relax\@nnil
+ \ifx\@tempa\relax \let\tabu@xleaders \tabu@defaultleaders\else
+ \ifx\@tempa\hbox \tabu@defleaders{#1}\else
+ \ifx\@tempa\box \tabu@defleaders{#1}\else
+ \ifx\@tempa\copy \tabu@defleaders{#1}\else
+ \ifcsname tabu@line@style@\string#1\endcsname
+ \csname tabu@line@style@\string#1\endcsname
+ \else \tabu@getline{#1\p@ on0pt off0pt}\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+}% \tabu@getlinespec
+ \def\tabu@xleaders{\xleaders\hbox{\lower.5\extrarowheight#1}\tabu@leaderfill}}
+ {Undefined line syle: #1
+ \MessageBreak Using default line style instead}%
+ \let\tabu@xleaders \tabu@defaultleaders
+}% \tabucline@warn
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@getline}
+% This macro parses the optional argument of \cs{tabucline} (or the one of \cs{tabulinestyle})
+% and extract the thickness, the dash an gap specified. Default values assignments are done either.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\tabu@getline#1{\tabu@lineon #1 \@nil on\tabu@linedash \p@ \@nil\@nnil{#1}}
+\def\tabu@maybecolor{\ifx\tabu@color\@empty \afterassignment\tabu@colortest
+ \else \@defaultunits\fi}
+\def\tabu@lineon #1on#2\@nil#3\@nnil#4{%
+ \let\tabu@color \@empty
+ \@defaultunits \let\@tempa=#1 \relax\@nnil
+ \ifcase 0\ifx o\@tempa 1\else\ifcat A\noexpand\@tempa 2\fi\fi\relax
+ \tabu@maybecolor \@tempdima #1\arrayrulewidth \p@\@nnil
+ \tabu@maybecolor \@tempdimb #2\p@ \@nnil
+ \tabu@lineoff #1 on#2 off\tabu@dashgap \p@ \@nnil
+ \or\@tempdima \arrayrulewidth
+ \tabu@maybecolor \@tempdimb #2\p@ \@nnil
+ \tabu@lineoff #1 on#2 off\tabu@dashgap \p@ \@nnil
+ \else
+ \tabu@maybecolor \@tempdima \arrayrulewidth #1\p@\@nnil
+ \ifx\tabu@color\@empty \tabucline@warn{#4}\else
+ \@tempdimb \z@
+ \tabu@lineoff off0pt \p@\@nnil \fi
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@lineon
+\def\tabu@lineoff #1off#2\@nnil{%
+ \tabu@maybecolor \@tempdimc #2\p@ \@nnil
+ \ifdim \@tempdimb=\z@
+ \ifdim \@tempdimc>\z@ \@tempdimb \tabu@dashgap\relax\fi\fi
+ \ifdim \@tempdimc=\z@
+ \ifdim \@tempdimb>\z@ \@tempdimc \tabu@linedash\relax\fi\fi
+ \ifdim \@tempdima<\z@ \else
+ \ifdim \@tempdimb<\z@ \else
+ \ifdim \@tempdimc<\z@ \else
+ \edef \tabu@xleaders{\tabu@color\xleaders
+ \ifdim\@tempdimc>\z@
+ \hbox\bgroup \kern\the\dimexpr\@tempdimc/2\relax\fi
+ \noexpand\iftabu@firstcline
+ \vrule depth\the\@tempdima
+ \ifdim\@tempdimb>\z@ width\the\@tempdimb\fi
+ \noexpand\else
+ \vrule height\dimexpr-\extrarowheight+\the\@tempdima
+ depth\extrarowheight
+ \ifdim\@tempdimb>\z@ width\the\@tempdimb\fi
+ \noexpand\fi
+ \ifdim\@tempdimc>\z@
+ \kern\the\dimexpr\@tempdimc/2\egroup\fi
+ \tabu@leaderfill}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+}% \tabu@lineoff
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@colortest}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcase 0\if ,\noexpand\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx\relax\tabu@temp\else
+ \ifx \@sptoken\tabu@temp1\else
+ \ifcat A\noexpand\tabu@temp2\else
+ 3\fi\fi\fi\fi\relax
+ \def\tabu@next##1{\futurelet\tabu@temp\tabu@linecolor}%
+ \or\def\tabu@next{\tabu@gobblespace{\futurelet\tabu@temp\tabu@linecolor}}%
+ \or\let\tabu@next\tabu@getlinecolor
+ \else\expandafter\remove@to@nnil
+ \fi \tabu@next
+}% \tabu@linecolor
+ \edef\@tempa{\zap@space #1 \@empty}%
+ \ifcsname\string\color@\@tempa\endcsname
+ \edef\tabu@color{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\color{\@tempa}}% \set@color
+ \fi\remove@to@nnil
+}% \tabu@getlinecolor
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabulinestyle}
+% \cs{tabulinestyle}\M*{style=spec.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup \tabu@getlinespec {#2}\expandafter\gdef
+ \csname tabu@line@style@\string#1\expandafter\endcsname
+ \expandafter{\expandafter\def\expandafter\tabu@xleaders
+ \expandafter{\tabu@xleaders}}%
+ \endgroup
+}% \tabu@linestyle
+\expandafter\def \csname tabu@line@style@\endcsname {%
+ \let\tabu@xleaders \tabu@defaultleaders}%
+ \iftabu@firstcline
+ \vrule depth \arrayrulewidth
+ \else
+ \vrule height\dimexpr-\extrarowheight+\arrayrulewidth
+ depth \extrarowheight
+ \fi
+ \tabu@leaderfill}
+\let\tabu@leaderfill \hfil
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection(Verbatim with X columns){Verbatim inside \textt{tabu} with \textt X columns}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@sanitizetext}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\catcode32=13\let =\ \catcode`\^^@=13\def^^@{\par}\endlinechar\m@ne}%
+ \tabu@verb #1\tabu@s@nitizetext}
+ \everyeof{\noexpand}\scantokens{#1}\endgroup}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{\cs{savetabu}}
+% \begin{macro}{\savetabu}
+% When this command is called by the user, the \textt{tabu} preamble and target are globally
+% stored into a macro \cs{tabu@saved@\meta{user-name}}.
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@saveX}
+% \cs{tabu@saveX} replaces \cs{savetabu} inside a \textt{tabu} with \textt X columns.
+% The \textt X columns widths have to be stored, that is, the value in points of \cs{tabucolX}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\\#1\\\tabu@savewarn{}{The tabu will not be saved}\else
+ \@ifundefined{tabu@save@\string#1}{}{\tabu@savewarn{#1}{Overwritting}}%
+ {\toks@\expandafter{\tabu@saved}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname tabu@saved@\string#1\endcsname{%
+ \tabu@target\the\tabu@target\relax
+ \the\toks@}}%
+ \fi}%
+}% \savetabu
+% \end{macrocode}%
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\\#1\\\tabu@savewarn{}{The tabu will not be saved}\else
+ \@ifundefined{tabu@saved@\string#1}{}{\tabu@savewarn{#1}{Overwritting}}%
+ {\toks@\expandafter{\tabu@saved}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname tabu@saved@\string#1\endcsname{%
+ \tabucolX\the\tabucolX\relax
+ \tabu@target\the\tabu@target\relax
+ \the\toks@}}%
+ \fi}%
+}% \tabu@saveX
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@savewarn}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@saveerr}
+% Info for overwritting when \cs{savetabu} is used.
+% Error if \cs{usetabu} is called with an unknown argument.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {User-name `#1' already used for \string\savetabu
+ \MessageBreak #2}}%
+ {User-name `#1' is unknown for \string\usetabu
+ \MessageBreak I cannot restore an unknown preamble!}\@ehd}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection(\cs{rowfont}){\csbf{rowfont}}
+% \subsubsection(Font and alignment){Setting font and alignment specification}
+% \begin{macro}{\rowfont}
+% \cs{rowfont} uses the control sequences \cs{tabu@celllalign}, \cs{tabu@cellleft}, \cs{tabu@cellright}\linebreak
+% and \cs{tabu@cellralign} which have been placed on purpose into the user-defined tokens inserted
+% in any preamble by the \xpackage{array} package.
+% \cs{tabu@celllalign} and \cs{tabu@cellralign} are used to modify the alignment. If the optional
+% \M[alignment] parameter of \cs{rowfont} is not specified, then those control sequence expand
+% to \cs{@empty}.
+% \cs{tabu@cellleft} contains the font-modification information.
+% Placement of those control sequences into the user-tokens that are inserted in the preamble
+% by the \xpackage{array} package is explained below under the macro \cs{tabu@prepnext@tok}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \global\tabu@everycr@tok=\everycr
+ \global\let\tabu@@cellleft \tabu@cellleft
+ \global\let\tabu@@cellright \tabu@cellright
+ \gdef\tabu@cellfont{#2}%
+ \ifcsname tabu@cell@#1\endcsname % row alignment
+ \csname tabu@cell@#1\endcsname \fi
+ \toks@\expandafter {\tabu@cellleft\tabu@cellfont}% inside \noalign group ok
+ \xdef\tabu@cellleft {\the\toks@}%
+ \global\everycr\expandafter {\the\everycr\tabu@rowfont@reset}%
+ \ifnum0=`{\fi}% end of noalign group
+}% \rowfont
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@rowfont@reset}
+% This macro resets \cs{tabu@celllalign},\, \cs{tabu@cellleft},\, \cs{tabu@cellright},\, \cs{tabu@cellralign}\, and\,
+% \cs{everycr} to the value they had before the expansion of \cs{rowfont}.
+% It expands when a new row is inserted into the tabular or array.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \noalign{%
+ \global\let\tabu@cellleft \tabu@@cellleft
+ \global\let\tabu@cellright \tabu@@cellright
+ \global\let\tabu@cellfont \@empty
+ \global\let\tabu@celllalign \@empty
+ \global\let\tabu@cellralign \@empty
+ \global\everycr=\tabu@everycr@tok
+ \global\tabu@everycr@tok{}%
+ }%
+}% \tabu@rowfont@reset
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection(Tokens preparation){Preparing stuff to be able to use \cs{rowfont}}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@prepnext@tok}
+% \cs{tabu@prepnext@tok} will replace \cs{prepnext@tok} (in \xfile{array.sty}): its purpose is to add
+% the control sequences \cs{tabu@celllalign},\, \cs{tabu@cellleft},\, \cs{tabu@cellright}\, and\, \cs{tabu@cellralign}\,
+% at the right position in the ``preamble'' for \cs{halign}. Those control sequences are not inserted directly
+% into the preamble, but by the means of the user-tokens placed there by the \xpackage{array} package.
+% The package \xpackage{array} defines a macro \cs{prenext@tok} to initialize each user-token
+% inserted at both side of each ``normal'' column. For ``special`' \textttbf @ and \texttbf ! columns,
+% there is only one token.
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \node (L) at (1,1) {$\underbrace{\hbox{>\M*{\cs{bfseries}\cs{color}\M*{red}}}}$}
+% node [anchor=west] (r) at (L.east) {\raise.5ex\hbox{\larger r}}
+% node [anchor=west] (R) at (r.east) {$\underbrace{\hbox{<\M*{\cs{color}\M*{black}\cs ,\cs\$}}}$}
+% node [anchor=center] at (L.south) {\cs{toks}<$i$>}
+% node [anchor=center] at (R.south) {\cs{toks}<$i+1$>};
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{center}
+% When a column is inserted in the tabular preamble (\cs{@preamble}), the \TeX{} counter \cs{count@}
+% is equal to $i+1$ (\ie the right token) and the counter \cs{@tempcnta} is equal to $i$ (\ie the left token).
+% If the column is special (\ie \texttbf @ or \texttbf !) \cs{@tempcnta} is not updated.
+% Thus, when a new token is ``prepared'' by \cs{prepnext@tok}:
+% \begin{description}[leftmargin=1cm]
+% \item[either: $\mathbf{i=}$\cs{count@}$\,=$\cs{@tempcnta}]: the token to prepare (\ie \cs{toks}$<i+1>$)
+% is the right one of a ``normal'' column. The switch \cs{iftabu@cellright} is set to \textt{true}. \\
+% The \emph{previous} token (\cs{toks}$<i>=$\cs{toks}\cs{count@}) is necessarily the left one of this ``normal'' column:
+% we prepend \cs{tabu@celllalign} and append \cs{tabu@cellleft} to this token (\cs{toks}$<i>$).
+% This token is finished and will not change afterwards.
+% \item[or: $\mathbf{i=}$\cs{count@}$\,=$\cs{@tempcnta}$+1$]: the token to prepare (\cs{toks}$<i+1>$) is either the left one of a normal column,
+% or the single one of a special\, \texttbf @ or \texttbf !\, column.\\
+% If the switch \cs{iftabu@cellright} is true, then the \emph{previous} token \cs{toks}$<i>$ is the right one of the last inserted column
+% (which was a ``normal'' column, thus):, \cs{tabu@cellright}\cs{tabu@cellralign}\, is appended to it, and the switch
+% \cs{ittabu@cellright} is reset to \texttt{false}.
+% May be \cs{prepnext@tok} will be expanded again (by \cs{save@decl}): if it happens,
+% then again\, \cs{count@}$\,=$\cs{@tempcnta}$+1$\, (same case) but \cs{iftabu@cellright} is \textt{false} and nothing is changed.
+% \item[else:] The token to prepare (which is \cs{toks}$<i+1>=$\cs{toks}\cs{count@}$+1$), cannot be the right one of a ``normal'' column:
+% \cs{iftabu@cellright} is set to \textt{false}. \\
+% The fact that\, $\vert$\cs{count@}$-$\cs{@tempcnta}$\vert>1$\, tells us that the previous token \cs{toks}$<i>$
+% is necessarily the single one of a ``special''\, \texttbf @ or \texttbf !\, column. We don't modify this token, as
+% long as \emph{special columns are always inserted as is}:\, \cs{rowcolor} has no effect on special
+% columns, nor\, \cs{rowfont}.
+% \end{description}
+% Thereafter, the original initialisation sequence occurs: \cs{advance}\cs{count@}\textt{ by}\cs{@ne} and initialize the token
+% to prepare (\cs{toks}\cs{count@}$\,=$\cs{toks}$<i+1>$) to an empty one.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\AtBeginDocument{\let\array@prepnext@tok \prepnext@tok }% original definition
+ \ifnum \count@<\z@ % <first initialisation>
+ \@tempcnta \@M % <not initialized by array.sty>
+ \tabu@nbcols\z@
+ \gdef\tabu@global@temp{\tabu@nbcols\z@}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname tabu@tok@1L\endcsname \relax
+ \tabu@cellrightfalse
+ \else
+ \ifcase \numexpr \count@-\@tempcnta \relax % (case 0): prev. token is left
+ \advance \tabu@nbcols\@ne
+ \ifnum \tabu@nbcols>\@ne
+ \expandafter\let\csname tabu@tok@\the\tabu@nbcols L\endcsname \relax
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\let\csname tabu@tok@\the\tabu@nbcols R\endcsname \relax
+ \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\tabu@global@temp\expandafter{%
+ \tabu@global@temp \advance\tabu@nbcols\@ne}%
+ \iftabu@cellright % before-previous token is right and is finished
+ \tabu@cellrightfalse % <only once>
+ \tabu@savetok R\tabu@preptokenright
+ \fi
+ \tabu@savetok L\tabu@preptokenleft
+ \or % (case 1) previous token is right
+ \tabu@savetok R\tabu@cellrighttrue
+ \else % special column: do not change the token
+ \ifnum \tabu@nbcols>\z@ %special column: always on the right of normal one
+ \else % unless this is the very first column (\tabu@nbcols=0)
+ \advance\tabu@nbcols\@ne \tabu@savetok L\advance\tabu@nbcols\m@ne
+ \fi
+ \iftabu@cellright % before-previous token is right
+ \tabu@cellrightfalse
+ \tabu@savetok R\tabu@preptokenright
+ \fi
+ \fi % \ifcase
+ \fi
+ \array@prepnext@tok
+}% \tabu@prepnext@tok
+ \advance \count@ \m@ne
+ \toks\count@\expandafter {\the\toks\count@ \tabu@cellright \tabu@cellralign}%
+ \advance \count@ \@ne
+}% \tabu@preptokenright
+\def\tabu@preptokenleft{\toks\count@\expandafter {\expandafter\tabu@celllalign
+ \the\toks\count@ \tabu@cellleft}%
+}% \tabu@preptokenleft
+ \expandafter\tabu@savet@k\csname tabu@tok@\the\tabu@nbcols #1\endcsname
+}% \tabu@savetok
+ \@temptokena\toks\count@
+ \ifx#1\relax\else \@temptokena\expandafter\expandafter
+ \expandafter{\expandafter#1\the\@temptokena}%
+ \fi
+ \@temptokena\expandafter{\expandafter\def\expandafter#1\expandafter{%
+ \the\@temptokena}}%
+ \toks@\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\tabu@global@temp
+ \the\@temptokena}%
+ \xdef\tabu@global@temp{\the\toks@}%
+ \expandafter\endgroup \the\@temptokena
+}% \tabu@savetok
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection(Glue neutralisation){Neutralisation of glues and alignment modification}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@cellleft}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@celllalign}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@cellright}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@cellralign}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@cellfont}
+% First initialisation to \cs{@empty}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\tabu@celllalign{\tabu@cellleft}% row font spec. applies to pre-column material
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@cell@l}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@cell@c}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@cell@r}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@cell@j}
+% Setup macros to modify the alignment. The skips inserted to make the standard alignment
+% specified in the \textt{tabular} preamble are not the same with standard \xpackage{array} tabulars
+% and \xpackage{colortbl} tabulars, hence the switch \cs{iftabu@colortbl}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\tabu@cell@l{% force alignment to left
+ \gdef\tabu@celllalign{\tabu@removehfil
+ \raggedright\arraybackslash
+ \tabu@cellleft}%
+ \gdef\tabu@cellralign{\tabu@flush1\tabu@ignorehfil}%
+ \toks@\expandafter{\tabu@cellleft\raggedright\arraybackslash}% local
+ \xdef\tabu@cellleft{\the\toks@}%
+}% \tabu@cell@l
+\def\tabu@cell@c{% force alignment to center
+ \gdef\tabu@celllalign{\tabu@removehfil
+ \centering\arraybackslash
+ \tabu@flush{.5}\tabu@cellleft}%
+ \gdef\tabu@cellralign{\tabu@flush{.5}\tabu@ignorehfil}%
+ \toks@\expandafter{\tabu@cellleft\centering\arraybackslash}% local
+ \xdef\tabu@cellleft{\the\toks@}%
+}% \tabu@cell@c
+\def\tabu@cell@r{% force alignment to right
+ \gdef\tabu@celllalign{\tabu@removehfil
+ \raggedleft\arraybackslash
+ \tabu@flush1\tabu@cellleft}%
+ \gdef\tabu@cellralign{\tabu@ignorehfil}%
+ \toks@\expandafter{\tabu@cellleft\raggedleft\arraybackslash}% local
+ \xdef\tabu@cellleft{\the\toks@}%
+}% \tabu@cell@r
+\def\tabu@cell@j{% force justification (for p, m, b columns)
+ \gdef\tabu@celllalign{\tabu@justify\tabu@cellleft}%
+ \global\let\tabu@cellralign\@empty
+ \toks@\expandafter{\tabu@cellleft\tabu@justify}% local (noalign grp)
+ \xdef\tabu@cellleft{\the\toks@}%
+}% \tabu@cell@j
+ \leftskip\z@skip \@rightskip\leftskip \rightskip\@rightskip
+ \parfillskip\@flushglue
+}% \tabu@justify
+%% ragged2e settings
+\def\tabu@cell@L{% force alignment to left (ragged2e)
+ \gdef\tabu@celllalign{\tabu@removehfil
+ \RaggedRight\arraybackslash
+ \tabu@cellleft}%
+ \gdef\tabu@cellralign{\tabu@flush1\tabu@ignorehfil}%
+ \toks@\expandafter{\tabu@cellleft\RaggedRight\arraybackslash}%
+ \xdef\tabu@cellleft{\the\toks@}%
+}% \tabu@cell@L
+\def\tabu@cell@C{% force alignment to center (ragged2e)
+ \gdef\tabu@celllalign{\tabu@removehfil
+ \Centering\arraybackslash
+ \tabu@flush{.5}\tabu@cellleft}%
+ \gdef\tabu@cellralign{\tabu@flush{.5}\tabu@ignorehfil}%
+ \toks@\expandafter{\tabu@cellleft\Centering\arraybackslash}%
+ \xdef\tabu@cellleft{\the\toks@}%
+}% \tabu@cell@C
+\def\tabu@cell@R{% force alignment to right (ragged2e)
+ \gdef\tabu@celllalign{\tabu@removehfil
+ \RaggedLeft\arraybackslash
+ \tabu@flush1\tabu@cellleft}%
+ \gdef\tabu@cellralign{\tabu@ignorehfil}%
+ \toks@\expandafter{\tabu@cellleft\RaggedLeft\arraybackslash}%
+ \xdef\tabu@cellleft{\the\toks@}%
+}% \tabu@cell@R
+\def\tabu@cell@J{% force justification (ragged2e)
+ \gdef\tabu@celllallign{\justifying\arraybackslash\tabu@cellleft}%
+ \global\let\tabu@cellralign\@empty
+ \toks@\expandafter{\tabu@cellleft\justifying\arraybackslash}%
+ \xdef\tabu@cellleft{\the\toks@}%
+}% \tabu@cell@J
+ \iftabu@colortbl % colortbl uses \hfill rather than \hfil
+ \hskip \ifnum\currentgrouptype>13 \stretch{#1}%
+ \else\ifdim#1pt<1pt \tabu@cellskip
+ \else \stretch{#1}
+ \fi\fi \relax
+ \else % array.sty
+ \ifnum \currentgrouptype>13\relax
+ \hfil \hskip1sp
+ \fi
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@flush
+ \@ifpackageloaded{ragged2e}
+ {}
+ {\let\tabu@cell@L \tabu@cell@l
+ \let\tabu@cell@R \tabu@cell@r
+ \let\tabu@cell@C \tabu@cell@c
+ \let\tabu@cell@J \tabu@cell@j
+ }%
+}% AtBeginDocument
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@removehfil}
+% \cs{tabu@removehfil} removes (eventually) the infinite stretchable glue inserted
+% \emph{before} the cell (in the preamble of \cs{halign}) to make the column alignment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \iftabu@colortbl
+ \unkern \tabu@cellskip = \lastskip
+ \ifnum\gluestretchorder\tabu@cellskip = \tw@ \hskip-\tabu@cellskip
+ \else \tabu@cellskip = \z@skip
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim\lastskip=1sp\unskip\fi
+ \ifnum\gluestretchorder\lastskip = \@ne
+ \hfilneg % \hfilneg for array.sty but not for colortbl...
+ \fi
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@removehfil
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tabu@ignorehfil}
+% \cs{tabu@ignorehfil} removes (eventually) the infinite stretchable glue inserted
+% \emph{after} the cell (in the preamble of \cs{halign}) to make the column alignment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \aftergroup\tabu@nohfil
+}% \tabu@ignorehfil
+\def\tabu@nohfil{% \hfil -> do nothing + restore original \hfil
+ \def\hfil{\let\hfil\tabu@hfil}% local to (alignment template) group
+}% \tabu@nohfil
+ \@ifpackageloaded{colortbl}
+ {%
+ \def\tabu@nohfil{%
+ \def\hfil{\let\hfil\tabu@hfil}% local to (alignment template) group
+ \def\hfill{\let\hfill\tabu@hfill}% (colortbl uses \hfill) pfff...
+ \def\hskip##1\relax{\let\hskip\tabu@hskip}}% local
+ }% @ifpackageloaded colortbl
+ {}%
+}% AtBeginDocument
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Utilities}
+% \subsubsection{tabu \cs{fbox}}
+% \cs{tabu@fbox} works exactly like \LaTeX{} \cs{fbox} but allows the syntax: \cs{fbox}\cs{bgroup}...\cs{egroup}
+% suitable for use inside tabular columns. \cs{fbox} is \cs{let} to \cs{tabu@fbox} at the entry inside a \textt{tabu}
+% environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \leavevmode
+ \let\color@bgroup\bgroup
+ \def\color@egroup{\endgraf\egroup}%
+ \afterassignment\tabu@begin@fbox
+ \setbox\@tempboxa \hbox
+}% \tabu@fbox
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{\cs{centering}, \cs{raggedright}, \cs{raggedleft}}
+% Inside \textt{tabu} environment, no need to add \cs{arraybackslash} after these commands.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \centering\arraybackslash}
+ \raggedleft\arraybackslash}
+ \raggedright\arraybackslash}
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\\\expandafter\@centercr\@trivlist}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Corrections}
+% \subsubsection(delarray compatibility fix){delarray comptability fix for \xpackage{colortbl} and \xpackage{arydshln}}
+% Both \xpackage{colortbl} and \xpackage{arydshln} forgot the control sequence \cs{@arrayright}
+% which must be expanded by \cs{endarray}. Originally defined for \xpackage{delarray}, this control
+% sequence is used by \textt{tabu} environments when \textt{tabu X} columns are present in the preamble.
+% Here is the fix. We test if \cs{endarray} contains \cs{@arrayright} before modifying the control sequence,
+% in case \xpackage{colortbl} and/or \xpackage{arydshln} modify their implementation.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifpackageloaded{arydshln}
+ {%
+ \@ifpackageloaded{colortbl}
+ {%% colortbl + arydshln
+ \def\tabu@endarray{%
+ \adl@endarray \egroup \adl@arrayrestore \CT@end \egroup %<original>
+ \@arrayright % <FC>
+ \gdef\@preamble{}% <FC>
+ }}% \endarray
+ {%% arydshln / no colortbl
+ \def\tabu@endarray{%
+ \adl@endarray \egroup \adl@arrayrestore \egroup %<original>
+ \@arrayright % <FC>
+ \gdef\@preamble{}% <FC>
+ }}% \endarray
+ }%
+ {%
+ \@ifpackageloaded{colortbl}
+ {%% colortbl / no arydshln
+ \def\tabu@endarray{%
+ \crcr \egroup \egroup
+ \@arrayright % <FC>
+ \gdef\@preamble{}\CT@end
+ }}%
+ {\PackageWarning{tabu}
+ {\string\@arrayright\space is missing from the
+ \MessageBreak definition of \string\endarray.
+ \MessageBreak Comptability with delarray.sty is broken.}}%
+ }%
+}% \tabu@fix@arrayright
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{arydshln @ columns}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\@lastchclass=\adl@class@start\else
+ \ifnum\@lastchclass=\@ne\else
+ \ifnum\@lastchclass=5 \else % <FC> @-arg (class 5) and !-arg (class 1)
+ \adl@leftrulefalse \fi\fi % must be treated the same
+ \fi
+ \ifadl@zwvrule\else \ifadl@inactive\else
+ \@addtopreamble{\vrule\@width\arrayrulewidth
+ \@height\z@ \@depth\z@}\fi \fi
+ \ifadl@leftrule
+ \@addtopreamble{\adl@vlineL{\CT@arc@}{\adl@dashgapcolor}%
+ {\number#1}#3}%
+ \else \@addtopreamble{\adl@vlineR{\CT@arc@}{\adl@dashgapcolor}%
+ {\number#2}#3}
+ \fi
+}% \tabu@adl@xarraydashrule
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{arydshln and empty \textt p columns}
+% \xpackage{arydshln} redefines \cs{@endpbox} for \textt p columns. The definition is stored in \cs{adl@act@endpbox}.
+% Here it is:
+% \begin{Verb*}
+% \unskip \ifhmode \nobreak
+% \vrule\@width\z@\@height\z@\@depth\dp\@arstrutbox
+% \fi
+% \egroup \adl@colhtdp \box\adl@box \hfil
+% \end{Verb*}
+% The \cs{vrule} inserted is exactly what package \xpackage{array} calls: \cs{@finalstrut}\cs{@arstrutbox}.
+% However, just like in \xfile{array.sty}, this array-\textt{strut} should be inserted inconditionnally,
+% and \cs{ifhmode} applies only to \cs{nobreak} (misplaced \cs{fi} in \xpackage{arydshln} definition).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \unskip \ifhmode \nobreak \fi \@finalstrut \@arstrutbox
+ \egroup
+ \adl@colhtdp \box\adl@box \hfil
+}% \tabu@adl@act@endpbox
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \restoregeometry
+% \bookmarksetup{bold*}
+% \begin{History}
+% \begin{Version}{2010/10/28 v1.0}
+% \item First version.
+% \end{Version}
+% \end{History}
+% \PrintIndex
+% \Finale \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.ins b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.ins
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..73047d8b35b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tabu/tabu.ins
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+%% This is file `tabu.ins',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% tabu.dtx (with options: `install')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% tabu : 2010/10/27 v1.1 - tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% This work consists of the main source file tabu.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%% tabu.sty, tabu.pdf, tabu.ins
+%% tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
+%% Copyright (C) 2010 by Florent Chervet <>
+\input docstrip.tex
+\Msg{* Installation}
+\Msg{* Package: 2010/10/27 v1.1 - tabu: Flexible LaTeX tabulars}
+This is a generated file.
+tabu : 2010/10/27 v1.1 - tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+version. The latest version of this license is in
+This work consists of the main source file tabu.dtx
+and the derived files
+ tabu.sty, tabu.pdf, tabu.ins
+tabu : Flexible LaTeX tabulars
+Copyright (C) 2010 by Florent Chervet <>
+ \file{tabu.ins}{\from{tabu.dtx}{install}}%
+ \file{tabu.sty}{\from{tabu.dtx}{package}}%
+ \file{tabu.drv}{\from{tabu.dtx}{driver}}%
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following}
+\Msg{* file into a directory searched by TeX:}
+\Msg{* tabu.sty}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file `tabu.dtx'}
+\Msg{* through LaTeX.}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing!}
+%% End of file `tabu.ins'.