path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex')
2 files changed, 483 insertions, 402 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/notes2bib/notes2bib.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/notes2bib/notes2bib.dtx
index d5bd184897b..2cbb0cafc5e 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/notes2bib/notes2bib.dtx
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/notes2bib/notes2bib.dtx
@@ -17,8 +17,20 @@
% This work consists of the source file notes2bib.dtx
% and the derived files notes2bb.ins,
-% notes2bib.sty and
-% notes2bib.pdf
+% notes2bib.sty,
+% notes2bib.pdf,
+% jawltxdoc.sty and
+% TDS-ready files:
+% The compressed file contains an unpacked
+% version of all of the files included here, and pre-compiled
+% documentation in PDF format. Simply decompress
+% notes2bib.tds.dtx in your local TeX directory, run your hash
+% program (texhash, initexmf --update-fndb, etc.) and everything
+% will be ready to go. The user documentation for the package is
+% called notes2bib-manual.pdf; the file notes2bib.pdf includes the
+% user manual and the fully-indexed source code.
% Unpacking:
% (a) If notes2bib.ins is present:
@@ -35,8 +47,6 @@
% makeindex -s notes2bib.idx
% makeindex -s -o notes2bib.gls notes2bib.glo
% pdflatex notes2bib.dtx
-% makeindex -s notes2bib.idx
-% makeindex -s -o notes2bib.gls notes2bib.glo
% pdflatex notes2bib.dtx
% (b) With write18 enabled:
% pdflatex notes2bib.dtx
@@ -45,14 +55,15 @@
% pdflatex notes2bib.dtx
% Installation:
-% Copy notes2bib.sty to a location searched by TeX, and
-% if required by your TeX installation, run the appropriate
-% command to build a hash of files (texhash, mpm --update-db,
+% Copy notes2bib.sty to a location searched by TeX, and if
+% required by your TeX installation, run the appropriate command
+% to build a hash of files (texhash, initexmf --update-fndb,
% etc.)
% Note:
% The jawltxdoc.sty file is not needed for installation,
-% only for building the documentation. It may be deleted.
+% only for building the documentation; it may be deleted
+% after producing the documentation (if necessary).
% This is all taken verbatim from Heiko Oberdiek's packages
@@ -79,28 +90,51 @@
\Msg{Generating notes2bib files:}
- \file{\jobname.sty}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{package}}
- \file{jawltxdoc.sty}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{jawltxdoc}}
+The notes2bib package --- Integrating notes into the
+ bibliography
+Maintained by Joseph Wright
+Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+The notes2bib package defines a new type of note, bibnote,
+which will always be added to the bibliography. The package
+allows footnotes and endnotes to be moved into the bibliography
+in the same way. The package can be used with natbib and
+biblatex as well as plain LaTeX citations. Both sorted and
+unsorted bibliography styles are supported.
% Will Robertson's trick
+\immediate\write18{bibtex8 --wolfgang \jobname}
\immediate\write18{makeindex -s -o \jobname.ind \jobname.idx}
\immediate\write18{makeindex -s -o \jobname.gls \jobname.glo}
-% The various formatting commands used in this file are collected
-% together in |jawltxdoc|.
@@ -108,7 +142,7 @@
% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
@@ -142,6 +176,8 @@
%\changes{v1.3}{2008/01/08}{All options now work anywhere in input}
%\changes{v1.3}{2008/01/08}{Fixed serious errors with \opt{head}
% and \opt{tail} implementation}
+%\changes{v1.4}{2008/06/21}{\eTeX\ made optional (again), with
+% control option to turn off use even if available}
@@ -160,6 +196,10 @@
% bibnotemark,bibnotetext,citenote}}
@@ -224,7 +264,7 @@
% \bibnote{Note for the first example}.
% By default, each bibnote is given an automatically-generated label.
-% However, \cs{bibnote} accepts an optional argument \meta{label},
+% However, \cs{bibnote} accepts an optional argument \meta{label},
% which can be used to over-ride this. This is particularly useful
% when a note will be referenced several times (The use of the
% \cs{citenote} command is covered in
@@ -263,79 +303,77 @@
% \currpkg will note that the large number of control macros have all
% been removed from v1.3.}
-% Almost all of the package options take literal text; those which do
-% not are true/false switches.
-% \item \opt{cite}: The csname of the macro used to cite bibnotes;
-% by default ``cite''.
-% \item \opt{endnotes}: Whether to convert endnotes into bibnotes;
-% takes a Boolean value.
-% \item \opt{field}: The \BibTeX\ database field name for notes.
-% \item \opt{footnotes}: Whether to convert footnotes into bibnotes;
-% takes a Boolean value, and does not affect the \cs{thanks}
-% macro.
-% \item \opt{keyhead}, \opt{keynone}, \opt{keytail}: Sorted \BibTeX\
-% styles can use the \texttt{key} field to sort citations; by
-% setting a prefix to the bibnote name, extra control over sorting
-% can be obtained.
-% \item \opt{log}: The amount of detail to add to the log; expects a
-% value from the list \opt{debug} (very detailed information),
-% \opt{verbose} (the same as \opt{debug}), \opt{normal},
-% \opt{errors} (errors only), \opt{none}.
-% \item \opt{name}: The name given to bibnote citations; by default,
-% this is followed by an automatically-generated number.
-% \item \opt{prefix}: The file-name prefix used for the \BibTeX\
-% database holding the notes.
-% \item \opt{presorthead}, \opt{presortnone}, \opt{presorttail}: For
-% \pkg{biblatex} users, the presort field can be used to control
-% sorting of the bibliography; these keys control the value used
-% depending on the setting of the \opt{sort} key.
-% \item \opt{record}: The name of the \BibTeX\ record type used to
-% store notes.
-% \item \opt{sort}: Controls the placement of notes relative to real
-% citations in the bibliography; expected a value \opt{none} (no
-% control of sorting, intended for unsorted bibliographies and
-% interspersed citations and notes), \opt{head} (notes appear
-% before real citations) and \opt{tail} (notes appear after real
-% citations).
-% The default options are:
-% \niibsetup{%
-% cite=cite,
-% endnotes=false,
-% field=note,
-% footnotes=false,
-% keyhead=aaa,
-% keynone={},
-% keytail=zzz,
-% log=normal,
-% name=Bibnote,
-% prefix=niib-,
-% presorthead=ml,
-% presortnone=mm,
-% presorttail=mn,
-% record=Misc,
-% sort=none}
+% Some options control the general behaviour of \currpkg in the body
+% of the \LaTeX\ source. The \opt{footnote} and \opt{endnotes}
+% options control whether \cs{footnote} and \cs{endnote} macros are
+% converted into bibnotes. Both are Boolean options, and are
+% \defaultopt{false} by default.
+% The citation command used by \currpkg to insert bibnotes. It
+% should be the name of a \LaTeX\ command (a ``csname''), and is set
+% to \defaultopt{cite} on loading \currpkg; this means that \cs{cite}
+% will be used as the citation command.
+% A number of options control the data added to the \BibTeX\
+% database. The \opt{field} and \opt{record} options control the type
+% of \BibTeX\ entry created by \currpkg. On loading, \opt{record} is
+% set to \defaultopt{Misc} an \opt{field} is set as
+% \defaultopt{note}. Depending on the \BibTeX\ style in use, better
+% choices may exist for these settings. The \opt{name} option is used
+% to automatically generate citation names. The option starts with
+% the value \defaultopt{Bibnote}, which may need to change for
+% author--year styles in particular.
+% The name of the database itself is controlled by the \opt{prefix}
+% option. This contains the ``marker'' used by \currpkg to attach to
+% the job name when creating the storage database. The default is
+% \defaultopt{niib-}.
-% The \opt{sort} option requires some comment. By default, \currpkg
-% places notes where cited into the \ext{aux} file, which means that
-% the order of citations and notes depends on the \ext{bst} file in
-% use. With an unsorted style, citations and notes will be mixed in
-% the order they appear in the \LaTeX\ source. The \opt{sort=head}
-% option will cause \currpkg to place notes before real citations.
-% This should work with sorted and unsorted \ext{bst} files, but
-% requires two \LaTeX\ runs \emph{before} a \BibTeX\ run in order to
-% work. The package warns if extra runs are needed. The
-% \opt{sort=tail} option places notes after citations; here, only one
-% \LaTeX\ run is needed.
+% Bibnotes can be created so that thy will be sorted before or after
+% normal citations. A list of values are recognised:
+% \defaultopt{none} (no control of sorting), \opt{head} (notes appear
+% before real citations) and \opt{tail} (notes appear after real
+% citations). The shortcut options \opt{head} and \opt{tail}
+% are also available.
+% A number of mechanisms are used to ensure correct sorting of
+% bibnotes. For normal \BibTeX\ users, the options \opt{keyhead},
+% \opt{keynone} and \opt{keytail} are used to control sorting. These
+% values are added to the start of the citation name in the
+% \texttt{key} field, which controls sorting. The default values are
+% \defaultopt{aaa}, nothing and \defaultopt{zzz}, respectively.
+% For \pkg{biblatex} users, control is made using the \opt{presort}
+% system made available there. The \currpkg options
+% \opt{presorthead}, \opt{presortnone} and \opt{presorttail} set up
+% the appropriate values; default values are \defaultopt{ml},
+% \defaultopt{mm} and \defaultopt{ml}, respectively.
-% The options \opt{head} and \opt{tail} are provided as shortcuts for
-% \opt{sort=head} and \opt{sort=tail}, respectively. The \opt{debug}
-% option is a shortcut for \opt{log=debug}. As the \opt{endnotes}
-% and \opt{footnotes} options take Boolean values, giving the option
-% name alone is the same as giving \opt{\meta{option}=true}.
+% The amount of detail to add to the log; expects a value from the
+% list \opt{debug} (very detailed information), \opt{verbose} (the
+% same as \opt{debug}), \defaultopt{normal}, \opt{errors} (errors
+% only), \opt{none} (what it says). As a shortcut, the \opt{debug}
+% option is provided as an alias to \opt{log=debug}.
+% The package has a single load-time only option, \opt{etex}. This
+% is a Boolean switch, and determines whether \eTeX\ extensions are
+% used if available. This is \defaultopt{true} by default; the
+% intension here is for testing when sending to publishers, \etc.,
+% where \eTeX\ may be an issue.
%\subsection{Output of notes}
% Bibnotes are only printed when a bibliography is created. This
@@ -397,7 +435,7 @@
% default \currpkg does not pad the automatically-created labels with
% zeros. To get the correct sort order, \cs{thebibnote} should be
% redefined.
% \makeatletter
% \renewcommand*{\thebibnote}{%
% \niib@name%
@@ -407,15 +445,8 @@
%\section{Package requirements}
-% \currpkg has certain requirements to run successfully; if these are
-% not met the package will abort loading.
-% \item \eTeX: The package uses the \eTeX\ \cs{unexpanded}
-% primitive, and so the extensions must be available.
-% \item \pkg{xkeyval}, v2.5 or later: Option handling uses
-% \pkg{xkeyval}, and the features used here are only available
-% from v2.5 of that package.
+% The package has only one requirement, \pkg{xkeyval} version 2.5 or
+% later. \eTeX\ is used if available, but is not a requirement.
%\section{Known issues}
% From v1.1, the method for writing notes to the \BibTeX\ database has
@@ -439,7 +470,10 @@
+% \printbibnotes
+% \PrintChanges
+% \PrintIndex}
%\section{The mechanism}
% The mechanism for positioning notes in the bibliography is somewhat
@@ -518,50 +552,22 @@
%\section{The package code}
%\subsection{Package setup code}
-% The package starts with the usual identification code.
%\changes{v1.1}{2007/09/29}{Removed use of \pkg{xspace}}
+% The package starts with the usual identification code and support
+% loading.
% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\niib@id$#1: #2.#3 #4 #5-#6-#7 #8 #9${%
+ #5/#6/#7\space v1.4\space}
- [2008/02/26 v1.3c Integrating notes into the bibliography]
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The package requires \eTeX, so before going any further, this is
-% tested. This code is taken more-or-less verbatim from
-% \pkg{biblatex}.
-%\changes{v1.1}{2007/09/29}{Require \eTeX\ extensions}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \@ifundefined{eTeXversion}
- {\PackageError{notes2bib}
- {Not running under e-TeX}
- {This package requires e-TeX. Try compiling the document
- with\MessageBreak `elatex' instead of `latex'. When using
- pdfTeX, try `pdfelatex'\MessageBreak instead of `pdflatex'}
- \endgroup\endinput}
- {\endgroup}
-% \end{macrocode}
-%\changes{v1.3a}{2008/01/09}{Require at least v2.5 of \pkg{xkeyval}}
-%\changes{v1.3a}{2008/01/09}{Require at least v1.3 of \pkg{etoolbox}}
-%\changes{v1.3c}{2008/02/26}{Dropped requirement for \pkg{etoolbox}}
-% The necessary support packages are loaded. The method used in
-% \pkg{biblatex} is used to check the date of the packages: \currpkg
-% bails out if the support packages are too old.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- {}
- {\PackageError{notes2bib}
- {xkeyval >= 2.5 required}
- {notes2bib requires the `xkeyval' package, version 2.5 or
- later.\MessageBreak The version loaded is:
- `\@nameuse{ver@etoolbox.sty}'.\MessageBreak
- This is a fatal error; the package will abort.}%
- \endinput}
+ [\niib@id$Id: notes2bib.dtx 11 2008-06-21 16:00:05Z joseph $
+ Integrating notes into the bibliography]
% \end{macrocode}
-%\changes{v1.3}{2008/01/08}{New macro}
-%\changes{v1.3}{2008/01/08}{New macro}
% Some private temporary macros are declared.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -640,9 +646,9 @@
% \end{macrocode}
-% A ``fill in the blanks'' choice key. In all
-% cases, \cs{niib@tempa} is used to hold the value given to the key,
-% so that \cs{ifx} testing can occur.
+% A ``fill in the blanks'' choice key. In all cases, \cs{niib@tempa}
+% is used to hold the value given to the key, so that \cs{ifx}
+% testing can occur.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -663,19 +669,14 @@
% provided. The run of strange tests are to prevent problems in
% arrays and the like.
% \begin{macrocode}
- \iffalse{\fi\ifnum0=`}\fi
- \setkeys[niib]{opt}{#1}%
- \ifnum0=`{\fi\iffalse}\fi}
% \end{macrocode}
% The \pkg{xkeyval} package option for logging is declared. This is
% then processed to set the switches correctly.
% \begin{macrocode}
+ {debug,verbose,normal,errors,none}
% \end{macrocode}
% A series of comparisons are made to assign the logging mode. The
% \opt{normal} option is not tested, as executing the option sets the
@@ -706,17 +707,12 @@
% \begin{macrocode}
{\niib@log@warn{Unrecognised value `#1' for option log}}
% \end{macrocode}
% A quick method to set \opt{log=debug}.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% The \opt{footnote} and \opt{endnote} options are declared here.
@@ -726,8 +722,6 @@
% \end{macrocode}
% Switches are needed for placing notes before and after normal
@@ -738,14 +732,10 @@
% \end{macrocode}
% This option controls the position of notes \latin{versus} normal
% citations. The \pkg{xkeyval} option replaces the earlier \opt{head}
% and \opt{tail} options, which are retained for backward
-% compatibility.\footnote{This may change in a future release; the
-% options \opt{head} and \opt{tail} are ``depreciated.''}
+% compatibility.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -760,11 +750,6 @@
{\niib@log@warn{Unrecognised value `#1' for option sort}}
% \end{macrocode}
% The back-compatibility code; unlike earlier versions, this will
% take whatever the \opt{sort}-type key is given.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -785,29 +770,16 @@
% \end{macrocode}
% The various internal control values are set up as command keys.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -823,7 +795,7 @@
@@ -847,16 +819,33 @@
+% The option to turn off \eTeX\ needs to ensure that the user does
+% not ask for \eTeX\ if it is not there. On the other hand, the
+% default is to use \eTeX\ if it is available.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{eTeXversion}
+ {}
+ {\global\niib@etextrue}
+ \define@key[niib]{opt}{etex}
+ {\niib@log@warn{Option `etex' only available
+ \MessageBreak when loading notes2bib}}}
+ \@ifundefined{eTeXversion}
+ {\ifniib@etex
+ \niib@log@warn{e-TeX unavailable}%
+ \global\niib@etexfalse
+ \fi}
+ {\ifniib@etex\else
+ \niib@log@inf{Use of e-TeX disabled}%
+ \fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
%\subsection{Footnote and endnote handling}
@@ -883,7 +872,7 @@
% If \pkg{endnotes} is loaded, then \cs{endnote} and friends have to
% be saved.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -941,7 +930,7 @@
% definitions is set up.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -955,7 +944,8 @@
- \niib@log@debug{Using endnotes package to handle endnotes}%
+ \niib@log@debug{Using endnotes package to handle
+ endnotes}%
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -1033,6 +1023,7 @@
% handling of optional arguments can be used.
% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\niib@next\niib@gobble
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -1044,7 +1035,7 @@
% command to print only notes is given. In the \pkg{biblatex} case,
% the best that can be done is to issue \cs{printbibliography}.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -1070,12 +1061,13 @@
- \niib@log@debug{Citation stack empty: nothing for\MessageBreak
- \noexpand\flushnotestack to do}%
+ \niib@log@debug{Citation stack empty: nothing for
+ \MessageBreak\noexpand\flushnotestack to do}%
\niib@log@debug{Flushing note citations to aux file}%
- \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\niibtailcite{\niib@stack}}%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{%
+ \string\niibtailcite{\niib@stack}}%
@@ -1086,9 +1078,9 @@
%\changes{v1.0a}{2007/09/03}{New macro}
%\changes{v1.1}{2007/09/29}{Macro made robust}
%\changes{v1.3}{2008/01/08}{Now a wrapper for \cs{niib@mark}}
-% Problems arise with \cs{cite} and the \opt{sort=tail} option. Rather
-% than overload \cs{cite} with all of the problems that can bring, a
-% new command is provided that can be guaranteed to work.
+% Problems arise with \cs{cite} and the \opt{sort=tail} option.
+% Rather than overload \cs{cite} with all of the problems that can
+% bring, a new command is provided that can be guaranteed to work.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -1101,12 +1093,12 @@
% should be called ``keysort,'' whereas otherwise it should be
% ``key.''
% \begin{macrocode}
{\niib@log@debug{Using field `keysort' for sorting key}%
- \newcommand*\niib@keyname{keysort}}
+ \newcommand*{\niib@keyname}{keysort}}
{\niib@log@debug{Using field `key' for sorting key}%
- \newcommand*\niib@keyname{key}}}
+ \newcommand*{\niib@keyname}{key}}}
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -1118,22 +1110,22 @@
% \begin{macrocode}
- \niib@presorthead%
+ \niib@presorthead
- \niib@presorttail%
+ \niib@presorttail
- \niib@presortnone%
+ \niib@presortnone
- \niib@keyhead%
+ \niib@keyhead
- \niib@keytail%
+ \niib@keytail
- \niib@keynone%
+ \niib@keynone
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -1144,9 +1136,9 @@
% needs to carry suitable information on its source.
% \begin{macrocode}
- This is an auxiliary file used by the `notes2bib' package.^^J%
- This file may safely be deleted. It will be recreated as
- required.^^J}
+ This is an auxiliary file used by the `notes2bib'
+ package.^^J This file may safely be deleted. It
+ will be recreated as required.^^J}
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -1158,13 +1150,13 @@
%\changes{v1.3}{2008/01/08}{Macro renamed from \cs{niib@stackup}}
% The various optional argument tricks above all use the same core
% code, which adds the mandatory argument of the citation to the
% stack. The stack is global (see also \cs{flushnotestack}).
% \begin{macrocode}
- \niib@log@debug{Adding citation #1\MessageBreak to `tail' stack}%
+ \niib@log@debug{Adding citation #1\MessageBreak to `tail'
+ stack}%
@@ -1173,7 +1165,6 @@
% \end{macrocode}
%\changes{v1.3}{2008/01/08}{Use \cs{niib@mark} for citation}
% Two steps are needed here, writing the text of the note to file
@@ -1181,8 +1172,8 @@
% \cs{niib@cite}).
% \begin{macrocode}
- \niib@text{#1}{#2}%
- \niib@mark[#1]}
+ \let\niib@next\niib@mark
+ \niib@text{#1}{#2}}
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -1193,7 +1184,6 @@
% \end{macrocode}
% Adding a citation to the \LaTeX\ file is handled here. When using
% the \opt{sort=head} option, the citation is written to the
% \ext{aux} file for sorting control. The normal citation command is
@@ -1213,7 +1203,6 @@
% \end{macrocode}
% When the \opt{sort=tail} option is active, citation is handled by
% another macro, so a switch is needed.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -1239,7 +1228,7 @@
% turning it off and setting up the restore system.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -1280,54 +1269,118 @@
% \end{macrocode}
-%\changes{v1.1}{2007/09/29}{Combined \cs{niib@text}
-% and \cs{niib@@text}}
-%\changes{v1.1}{2007/09/29}{Improved awareness of files switch}
-% The ``business end'' of writing the notes to file. This is a
-% \cs{long} macro, so no star is used for \cs{newcommand}.
+% To allow correct detection of following punctuation by
+% \cs{niib@mark}, it has to follow \cs{niib@text}. However, to
+% prevent category code issues, \cs{niib@text} can only take
+% \emph{one} argument. Hence, a ``follow-on'' macro is needed; this
+% is provided here. The no-op here has to gobble a square-bracketed
+% argument.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
-% If this is the first note, then a new output stream is needed,
-% otherwise it will already be open.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \@ifundefined{niib@out}{%
- \if@filesw
- \newwrite\niib@out%
- \gdef\niib@stream{\niib@prefix\jobname.bib}%
- \niib@log@debug{Creating BibTeX database file \MessageBreak
- \niib@stream\space to contain bibnotes}%
- \immediate\openout\niib@out\niib@stream\relax
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The new file starts with the message that it has been automatically
-% generated by \currpkg.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \immediate\write\niib@out{\niib@msg}%
- \fi}{}%
+% The \cs{niib@text} macro is the outer part of the writing system.
+% It does not absorb the text of note, as without \eTeX\ this is bad
+% news.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@bsphack
+ \@ifundefined{niib@out}
+ {\if@filesw
+ \newwrite\niib@out
+ \gdef\niib@stream{\niib@prefix\jobname.bib}%
+ \niib@log@debug{Creating BibTeX database file
+ \MessageBreak\niib@stream\space to contain bibnotes}%
+ \immediate\openout\niib@out\niib@stream\relax
+ \immediate\write\niib@out{\niib@msg}%
+ \fi}
+ {}%
+ \if@filesw
+ \expandafter\niib@write
+ \fi}
% \end{macrocode}
-% The new record is now written to file. The \cs{unexpanded} \eTeX\
-% primitive is used to avoid expansion of macros in the note text.
-% The only issue with this is the addition of spaces after command
-% names; this is the reason verbatim text cannot be used in bibnotes.
+% The \cs{niib@write} macro deals with writing data verbatim to the
+% \BibTeX\ file. When \eTeX\ is available, this is easy; the macro
+% absorbs the note text and uses \cs{unexpanded}.
% \begin{macrocode}
- \if@filesw
+ \newcommand*{\niib@write}[2]{%
\niib@log@debug{Writing bibnote #1 contents
- \MessageBreak---\MessageBreak#2\MessageBreak---\MessageBreak
- to BibTeX database}%
+ \MessageBreak---\MessageBreak#2\MessageBreak
+ ---\MessageBreak to BibTeX database}%
presort = \string{\niib@presort\string},^^J%
\niib@keyname\space= \string{\niib@key#1\string},^^J%
\niib@field\space= \string{\unexpanded{#2}\string}^^J%
- \fi}
+ \@esphack
+ \niib@next[#1]}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Life is more awkward when \eTeX\ is unavailable. The code here is
+% based on a suggestion by Ulrich Diez, with alterations to the
+% specifics needed here.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \newcommand*{\niib@write}[1]{%
+ \begingroup
+ \let\do\@makeother
+ \dospecials
+ \catcode`\{=1\relax
+ \catcode`\}=2\relax
+ \niib@write@{#1}}
% \end{macrocode}
+% Two support macros are needed if \eTeX\ is not available.
+% \cs{niib@write@} works with the category codes altered as above,
+% which means that text is written (essentially) verbatim to the
+% \BibTeX\ file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \long\def\niib@tempa##1{%
+ \def\niib@tempa{##1}%
+ \@onelevel@sanitize\niib@tempa\expandafter\endgroup
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\niib@tempa\expandafter{%
+ \niib@tempa}%
+ \niib@write@@{#1}}%
+ \catcode`\^^M=10\relax
+ \niib@tempa}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Writing to the file is a very slightly altered version of the
+% \eTeX\ version. In this case, the debugging data is given here,
+% after category code changes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \niib@log@debug{Writing bibnote #1 contents
+ \MessageBreak---\MessageBreak\niib@tempa\MessageBreak
+ ---\MessageBreak to BibTeX database}%
+ \immediate\write\niib@out{%
+ @\niib@record\string{#1,^^J%
+ presort = \string{\niib@presort\string},^^J%
+ \niib@keyname\space= \string{\niib@key#1\string},^^J%
+ \niib@field\space= \string{\niib@tempa\string}^^J%
+ \string}^^J}%
+ \@esphack
+ \niib@next[#1]}
+% \end{macrocode}
% To inform the user that a re-run of \LaTeX\ is needed, tracking is
% needed of any citations that have been moved to the start of the
@@ -1342,7 +1395,6 @@
%\changes{v1.3}{2008/01/08}{New macro}
% When using the \opt{sort=head} option, bibnotes need to appear in
% the \ext{aux} file before other citations. Other approaches cause
% all sorts of problems, so the suggestion of Michael Shell is
@@ -1369,12 +1421,10 @@
%\changes{v1.3b}{2008/01/16}{New macro}
%\changes{v1.3b}{2008/01/16}{New macro}
% To enable proper logging of citations when \opt{sort=tail}, a
% similar system to the above is employed without the \cs{nocite}
% part.
@@ -1390,7 +1440,6 @@
% \end{macrocode}
%\changes{v1.3}{2008/01/08}{New macro}
@@ -1427,11 +1476,12 @@
% things very differently, but this actually makes it much easier to
% patch for.
% \begin{macrocode}
- \@ifpackageloaded{biblatex}%
- {\expandafter\gappto\expandafter\blx@bibfiles\expandafter%
+ \@ifpackageloaded{biblatex}
+ {\expandafter\gappto\expandafter\blx@bibfiles\expandafter
- \niib@log@debug{Added bibnotes database to biblatex file list}}%
+ \niib@log@debug{Added bibnotes database to biblatex file
+ list}}%
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -1472,24 +1522,24 @@
% \begin{macrocode}
- \expandafter\ifx\expandafter\@empty\csname niib@#1list\endcsname%
- \@empty
- \expandafter\ifx\expandafter\@empty\csname niib@#1citelist%
- \endcsname\@empty
+ \expandafter\ifx\expandafter\@empty
+ \csname niib@#1list\endcsname\@empty
+ \expandafter\ifx\expandafter\@empty
+ \csname niib@#1citelist\endcsname\@empty
\niib@log@debug{No `#1' notes detected}%
\niib@log@debug{No `#1' notes found this run\MessageBreak
- but .aux files contained the `#1' requests:\MessageBreak
- \csname niib@#1citelist\endcsname}%
+ but .aux files contained the `#1' requests:
+ \MessageBreak\csname niib@#1citelist\endcsname}%
- \expandafter\ifx\expandafter\@empty\csname niib@#1citelist%
- \endcsname\@empty
+ \expandafter\ifx\expandafter\@empty
+ \csname niib@#1citelist\endcsname\@empty
- \niib@log@debug{No `#1' requests in .aux file\MessageBreak
- but `#1' notes in this run:\MessageBreak
- \csname niib@#1list\endcsname}%
+ \niib@log@debug{No `#1' requests in .aux file
+ \MessageBreak but `#1' notes in this run:
+ \MessageBreak\csname niib@#1list\endcsname}%
% \end{macrocode}
% If the package gets here, then there are some notes and some
@@ -1521,8 +1571,6 @@
%\changes{v1.3b}{2008/01/16}{Added ability to check for both
% \opt{sort=head} and \opt{sort=tail}}
% The business end of comparing the two lists. Two sweeps are made,
% to check that the lists match entirely.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -1536,9 +1584,9 @@
% \opt{sort=tail} citations, the expanded list is needed for the
% \cs{@for} loops.
% \begin{macrocode}
- \expandafter\edef\expandafter\niib@list\expandafter%
+ \expandafter\edef\expandafter\niib@list\expandafter
{\csname niib@#1list\endcsname}%
- \expandafter\edef\expandafter\niib@citelist\expandafter%
+ \expandafter\edef\expandafter\niib@citelist\expandafter
{\csname niib@#1citelist\endcsname}%
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -1563,14 +1611,12 @@
- \niib@log@debug{Note \niib@tempa\space is set to `#1' in
- .aux\MessageBreak file but is not a `#1' note}%
+ \niib@log@debug{Note \niib@tempa\space is set to `#1'
+ in .aux\MessageBreak file but is not a `#1' note}%
% \end{macrocode}
%\changes{v1.3b}{2008/01/16}{New macro}
% At the end of the document, any delayed citations are written to the
@@ -1581,39 +1627,34 @@
- \flushnotestack%
+ \flushnotestack
- {\immediate\closeout\niib@out%
+ {\immediate\closeout\niib@out
\niib@log@debug{Closed BibTeX database file\MessageBreak
% \end{macrocode}
-% Options are processed at the end of the package, to avoid any odd
-% issues arising with definition of macros.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \PrintChanges
-% \PrintIndex
% \Finale
@@ -1625,115 +1666,148 @@
+ \global\let\lst@intname\@empty
+ \ifcsname LaTeXcode#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\LaTeXcode
+ \csname LaTeXcode#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\LaTeXcodeend
+ \csname LaTeXcode#1end\endcsname
+ \else
+ \PackageError{jawltxdoc}
+ {Undefined example type `#1'}
+ \@ehd
+ \let\LaTeXcode\relax
+ \let\LaTeXcodeend\relax
+ \fi
+ \LaTeXcode}
+ {\lst@EndWriteFile
+ \LaTeXcodeend}
+ \setbox\lst@samplebox=\hbox\bgroup
+ \LaTeXcodefloat}
+ \egroup
+ \setlength\LaTeXwidth{\wd\lst@samplebox}%
- \setlength\rightmargin{0pt}
- }
- \item
- \setlength\LaTeXoutdent{-0.15\textwidth}
- \begin{minipage}[c]{\textwidth-\LaTeXwidth-\LaTeXoutdent-\LaTeXgap}
- \lst@sampleInput
- \end{minipage}%
- \hfill%
- \begin{minipage}[c]{\LaTeXwidth}%
- \hbox to\linewidth{\box\lst@samplebox\hss}%
- \end{minipage}%
- \end{list}
- \begin{list}{}{%
- \setlength\itemindent{0pt}
- \setlength\leftmargin{0pt}
- \setlength\rightmargin{0pt}
- }
- \item
- \begin{minipage}[c]{\LaTeXwidth}%
- \hbox to\linewidth{\box\lst@samplebox\hss}%
- \end{minipage}%
- \lst@sampleInput
- \end{list}
- \begin{list}{}{%
- \setlength\itemindent{0pt}
- \setlength\leftmargin{0pt}
- \setlength\rightmargin{0pt}
- }
- \item
- \lst@sampleInput
- \begin{minipage}[c]{\LaTeXwidth}%
- \hbox to\linewidth{\box\lst@samplebox\hss}%
- \end{minipage}%
- \end{list}
+ \setlength\rightmargin{0pt}}%
+ \item
+ \setlength\LaTeXoutdent{-0.15\textwidth}
+ \begin{minipage}[c]{%
+ \textwidth-\LaTeXwidth-\LaTeXoutdent-\LaTeXgap}
+ \LaTeXcodefloatend
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}[c]{\LaTeXwidth}%
+ \hbox to\linewidth{\box\lst@samplebox\hss}%
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \end{list}}
+ \egroup
+ \setlength\LaTeXwidth{\wd\lst@samplebox}%
- \setlength\rightmargin{0pt}
- }
- \item
- \begin{minipage}[c]{\LaTeXwidth}%
- \hbox to\linewidth{\box\lst@samplebox\hss}%
- \end{minipage}%
- \end{list}
- \let\typesetexample#1
- \global\let\lst@intname\@empty
- \setbox\lst@samplebox=\hbox\bgroup
- \setkeys{lst}{tabsize=4,gobble=3,breakindent=0pt,%
- basicstyle=\small\ttfamily,basewidth=0.51em,%
- keywordstyle=\color{blue}}
- \lst@BeginAlsoWriteFile{\LaTeXexamplefile}
- \lst@EndWriteFile\egroup
- \setlength\LaTeXwidth{\wd\lst@samplebox}
- \typesetexample%
+ \setlength\rightmargin{0pt}}%
+ \item
+ \begin{minipage}[c]{\LaTeXwidth}
+ \hbox to\linewidth{\box\lst@samplebox\hss}%
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \end{list}}
+ \setkeys{lst}{tabsize=4,gobble=3,breakindent=0pt,
+ basicstyle=\small\ttfamily,basewidth=0.51em,
+ keywordstyle=\color{blue}}%
+ \lst@BeginAlsoWriteFile{\LaTeXexamplefile}}
- \small%
+ \small
\leavevmode \input{\LaTeXexamplefile}}%
- \MakePercentIgnore%
+ \MakePercentIgnore}
+ \global\let\lst@intname\@empty
+ \setbox\lst@samplebox=\hbox\bgroup
+ \setkeys{lst}{tabsize=4,gobble=3,breakindent=0pt,
+ basicstyle=\small\ttfamily,basewidth=0.51em,
+ keywordstyle=\color{black}}
+ \lst@BeginAlsoWriteFile{\LaTeXexamplefile}}
+ {\lst@EndWriteFile
+ \LaTeXcodeexampleend}
+ \leavevmode\@bsphack\begingroup\MakePrivateLetters
+ \Describe@Option}
+ \marginpar{\raggedleft\PrintDescribeEnv{#1}}%
+ \SpecialOptionIndex{#1}\@esphack\ignorespaces}
+ \index{#1\actualchar{\protect\ttfamily#1}
+ (option)\encapchar usage}%
+ \index{options:\levelchar#1\actualchar{\protect\ttfamily#1}%
+ \encapchar usage}\@esphack}
+ \DescribeOption{#1}%
+ \opt{#1=\meta{#2}}\xspace}
+ {\ttfamily[}%
+ \ifmmode \expandafter \nfss@text \fi
+ {%
+ \meta@font@select
+ \edef\meta@hyphen@restore{%
+ \hyphenchar\the\font\the\hyphenchar\font}%
+ \hyphenchar\font\m@ne
+ \language\l@nohyphenation
+ #1\/%
+ \meta@hyphen@restore
+ }%
+ {\ttfamily]}}
- {\latin{etc.}}
- \xspace}
+ {\latin{etc}.\xspace}}
- {\latin{e.g.}}
- \xspace}
+ {\latin{e.g}.\xspace}}
- {\latin{i.e.}}
- \xspace}
+ {\latin{i.e}.\xspace}}
+ \@ifnextchar.
+ {\latin{et~al.}}
+ {\latin{et~al}.\xspace}}
+ {\@latex@warning@no@line {Marginpar on page \thepage\space moved}}
+ {\relax}{}{}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/notes2bib/notes2bib.ins b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/notes2bib/notes2bib.ins
index 2eb1b04face..0c3f403213d 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/notes2bib/notes2bib.ins
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/notes2bib/notes2bib.ins
@@ -1,38 +1,45 @@
-%% This is file `notes2bib.ins',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% notes2bib.dtx (with options: `install')
-%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
-%% note2bib --- Integrating notes into the bibliography
-%% Maintained by Joseph Wright
-%% E-mail:
-%% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3 or later
-%% See
-%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
-\input docstrip.tex
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- note2bib --- Integrating notes into the bibliography
- Maintained by Joseph Wright
- E-mail:
- Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3 or later
- See
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-\Msg{Generating notes2bib files:}
- \file{\jobname.sty}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{package}}
- \file{jawltxdoc.sty}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{jawltxdoc}}
-%% End of file `notes2bib.ins'.
+%% This is file `notes2bib.ins',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% notes2bib.dtx (with options: `install')
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% note2bib --- Integrating notes into the bibliography
+%% Maintained by Joseph Wright
+%% E-mail:
+%% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3 or later
+%% See
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+\input docstrip.tex
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ note2bib --- Integrating notes into the bibliography
+ Maintained by Joseph Wright
+ E-mail:
+ Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3 or later
+ See
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------
+\Msg{Generating notes2bib files:}
+%% End of file `notes2bib.ins'.