path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex')
3 files changed, 17300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/apacite/apacite.drv b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/apacite/apacite.drv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..383bcf7baa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/apacite/apacite.drv
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+%% This is file `apacite.drv',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% apacite.dtx (with options: `driver')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 1994-2007 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed
+%% elsewhere in this file.
+%% This file is part of the `apacite' package.
+%% -------------------------------------------
+%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in:
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% The `apacite' package consists of the files apacite.dtx and
+%% apacite.ins, and the following generated files:
+%% apacite.sty, apacite.bst, apacitex.bst, apa5ex.bib,
+%% apacite.drv, apacdoc.sty,
+%% english.apc, dutch.apc, finnish.apc, german.apc, ngerman.apc,
+%% greek.apc, norsk.apc, spanish.apc, swedish.apc.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Erik Meijer
+%% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the
+%% source files of the apacite package, i.e., apacite.dtx and
+%% apacite.ins. You may however distribute the apacite package without
+%% the generated files.
+%% You are allowed to make changes to this file, in order to generate
+%% the user's manual with your preferred settings (e.g., to choose
+%% whether or not to include the documented source code). Please
+%% do not change apacite.dtx for this purpose.
+ [2007/09/03 v4.00 apacite documentation driver file]
+%% The following line can be uncommented to test compatibility with TeX4ht.
+%% \usepackage{tex4ht}
+%% The following line is used for references to internet sources.
+%% It is not generally necessary for apacite, but used in the examples.
+%% The following lines can be uncommented to test compatibility with
+%% the mentioned other packages and test the language support of
+%% apacite.
+%% \usepackage[dvips,pagebackref]{hyperref}
+%% \usepackage[pdftex,pagebackref]{hyperref}
+%% \usepackage[english]{babel}% babel must be loaded before apacite
+%% \usepackage{german}
+%% Loading apacite with author index option.
+%% To include the detailed explanation of the coding, comment out
+%% the next line
+%% To produce a command index: add the following line for one run,
+%% then run makeindex -s apacite
+%% and reprocess, with or without this line (much faster without)
+% \EnableCrossrefs\CodelineIndex
+%% To produce a change history: add the following line for one run,
+%% then run makeindex -s -o apacite.gls apacite.glo
+%% and reprocess, with or without this line (faster without)
+% \RecordChanges
+\DisableCrossrefs %May stay; zapped by \EnableCrossrefs
+\CodelineNumbered %May stay
+%% For getting something useful out of greek.apc in the documentation.
+ \usepackage[iso-8859-7]{inputenc}}{}
+ \DocInput{apacite.dtx}
+%% End of file `apacite.drv'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/apacite/apacite.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/apacite/apacite.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2a2c665f398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/apacite/apacite.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,17010 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% Copyright (C) 1994-2007 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed
+% elsewhere in this file.
+% This file is part of the `apacite' package.
+% -------------------------------------------
+% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+% version. The latest version of this license is in:
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% The `apacite' package consists of the files apacite.dtx and
+% apacite.ins, and the following generated files:
+% apacite.sty, apacite.bst, apacitex.bst, apa5ex.bib,
+% apacite.drv, apacdoc.sty,
+% english.apc, dutch.apc, finnish.apc, german.apc, ngerman.apc,
+% greek.apc, norsk.apc, spanish.apc, swedish.apc.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Erik Meijer
+% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the
+% source files of the apacite package, i.e., apacite.dtx and
+% apacite.ins. You may however distribute the apacite package without
+% the generated files.
+% \fi
+% \CheckSum{4973}
+% \CharacterTable
+% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+% \iffalse
+ [2007/09/03 v4.00 apacite dtx file]
+%<bibdb>%% apa5ex.bib
+%<bibstyle>%% apacite.bst
+%<xbibstyle>%% apacitex.bst
+%^^A I have to find out how I can replace the hard-coded date+version with a command
+%^^A such that the value of the command is written to the file instead of the name.
+%<driver> [2007/09/03 v4.00 apacite documentation driver file]
+%<package> [2007/09/03 v4.00 APA citation]
+%<docpkg> [2007/09/03 v4.00 apacite documentation style]
+%<english> [2007/09/03 v4.00 apacite language file]
+%<dutch> [2007/09/03 v4.00 apacite language file]
+%<finnish> [2007/09/03 v4.00 apacite language file]
+%<german> [2007/09/03 v4.00 apacite language file]
+%<ngerman> [2007/09/03 v4.00 apacite language file]
+%<greek> [2007/09/03 v4.00 apacite language file]
+%<norsk> [2007/09/03 v4.00 apacite language file]
+%<spanish> [2007/09/03 v4.00 apacite language file]
+%<swedish> [2007/09/03 v4.00 apacite language file]
+%<bibdb>%% [2007/09/03 v4.00 bibliography database for apacite manual]
+%<bibstyle>%% [2007/09/03 v4.00 APA bibliography style]
+%<xbibstyle>%% [2007/09/03 v4.00 APA bibl. style with author index info]
+%^^A =============================================
+%^^A Here is the docstrip installation file
+%^^A It is written on first LaTeX run if it
+%^^A does not already exist
+%^^A =============================================
+%% This file will generate fast loadable files and documentation
+%% driver files from apacite.dtx when run through LaTeX.
+%% Copyright (C) 1994-2007 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed
+%% elsewhere in this file.
+%% This file is part of the `apacite' package.
+%% -------------------------------------------
+%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in:
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% The `apacite' package consists of the files apacite.dtx and
+%% apacite.ins, and the following generated files:
+%% apacite.sty, apacite.bst, apacitex.bst, apa5ex.bib,
+%% apacite.drv, apacdoc.sty,
+%% english.apc, dutch.apc, finnish.apc, german.apc, ngerman.apc,
+%% greek.apc, norsk.apc, spanish.apc, swedish.apc.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Erik Meijer
+%% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the
+%% source files of the apacite package, i.e., apacite.dtx and
+%% apacite.ins. You may however distribute the apacite package without
+%% the generated files.
+\input docstrip.tex
+This is a generated file.
+Copyright (C) 1994-2007 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed
+elsewhere in this file.
+This file is part of the `apacite' package.
+It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+version. The latest version of this license is in:
+and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+The `apacite' package consists of the files apacite.dtx and
+apacite.ins, and the following generated files:
+apacite.sty, apacite.bst, apacitex.bst, apa5ex.bib,
+apacite.drv, apacdoc.sty,
+english.apc, dutch.apc, finnish.apc, german.apc, ngerman.apc,
+greek.apc, norsk.apc, spanish.apc, swedish.apc.
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'
+The Current Maintainer of this work is Erik Meijer
+This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the
+source files of the apacite package, i.e., apacite.dtx and
+apacite.ins. You may however distribute the apacite package without
+the generated files.
+This is a generated file.
+Copyright (C) 1994-2007 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed
+elsewhere in this file.
+This file is part of the `apacite' package.
+It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+version. The latest version of this license is in:
+and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+The `apacite' package consists of the files apacite.dtx and
+apacite.ins, and the following generated files:
+apacite.sty, apacite.bst, apacitex.bst, apa5ex.bib,
+apacite.drv, apacdoc.sty,
+english.apc, dutch.apc, finnish.apc, german.apc, ngerman.apc,
+greek.apc, norsk.apc, spanish.apc, swedish.apc.
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'
+The Current Maintainer of this work is Erik Meijer
+This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the
+source files of the apacite package, i.e., apacite.dtx and
+apacite.ins. You may however distribute the apacite package without
+the generated files.
+You are allowed to make changes to this file, in order to generate
+the user's manual with your preferred settings (e.g., to choose
+whether or not to include the documented source code). Please
+do not change apacite.dtx for this purpose.
+ \MetaPrefix ^^J%
+ \MetaPrefix\space End of file `\outFileName'.%
+ \usepreamble\mainpreamble
+ \file{apacite.sty}{\from{apacite.dtx}{package}}
+ \file{apacdoc.sty}{\from{apacite.dtx}{docpkg}}
+ \file{english.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{english}}
+ \file{dutch.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{dutch}}
+ \file{finnish.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{finnish}}
+ \file{german.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{german}}
+ \file{ngerman.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{ngerman}}
+ \file{greek.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{greek}}
+ \file{norsk.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{norsk}}
+ \file{spanish.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{spanish}}
+ \file{swedish.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{swedish}}
+ \usepreamble\drvpreamble
+ \file{apacite.drv}{\from{apacite.dtx}{driver}}
+ \usepreamble\mainpreamble
+ \usepostamble\noendinputpostamble
+ \file{apa5ex.bib}{\from{apacite.dtx}{bibdb}}
+ \file{apacite.bst}{\from{apacite.dtx}{bibstyle}}
+ \file{apacitex.bst}{\from{apacite.dtx}{xbibstyle}}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the *}
+\Msg{* following files into a directory searched by TeX: *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* All *.apc, *.sty *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* and to move the following files into a directory *}
+\Msg{* searched by BibTeX: *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* All *.bib, *.bst *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation, run the following *}
+\Msg{* script (or something similar, depending on your *}
+\Msg{* operating system): *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *}
+\Msg{* bibtex apacite *}
+\Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *}
+\Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *}
+\Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *}
+\Msg{* makeindex -o apacite.and apacite.adx *}
+\Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *}
+\Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* See the README file for a brief explanation and *}
+\Msg{* the file apacite.drv for how to customize the *}
+\Msg{* manual (e.g., to include the documented source *}
+\Msg{* code. *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing! *}
+\Msg{* *}
+ \let\finishprematurely\relax
+ \typeout{**************************************************%
+ ********************}%
+ \typeout{*}%
+ \typeout{* To extract the package, style, and support files
+ of apacite,}%
+ \typeout{* run TeX on apacite.ins}%
+ \typeout{*}%
+ \typeout{* To (re)generate the apacite documentation, first
+ run TeX on}%
+ \typeout{* apacite.ins and then run LaTeX on apacite.drv
+ or apacite.dtx}%
+ \typeout{*}%
+ \typeout{**************************************************%
+ ********************^^J}%
+ \makeatletter
+ \edef\finishprematurely{\csname @@end\endcsname}%
+ \makeatother
+% \fi
+% \DoNotIndex{\begin,\CodelineIndex,\CodelineNumbered,\def,\DisableCrossrefs}
+% \DoNotIndex{\DocInput,\documentclass,\EnableCrossrefs,\end,\GetFileInfo}
+% \DoNotIndex{\NeedsTeXFormat,\OnlyDescription,\RecordChanges,\usepackage}
+% \DoNotIndex{\ProvidesClass,\ProvidesPackage,\ProvidesFile,\RequirePackage}
+% \DoNotIndex{\LoadClass,\PassOptionsToClass,\PassOptionsToPackage}
+% \DoNotIndex{\DeclareOption,\CurrentOption,\ProcessOptions,\ExecuteOptions}
+% \DoNotIndex{\AtEndOfClass,\AtEndOfPackage,\AtBeginDocument,\AtEndDocument}
+% \DoNotIndex{\InputIfFileExists,\IfFileExists,\ClassError,\PackageError}
+% \DoNotIndex{\ClassWarning,\PackageWarning,\ClassWarningNoLine}
+% \DoNotIndex{\PackageWarningNoLine,\ClassInfo,\PackageInfo,\MessageBreak}
+% \DoNotIndex{\space,\protect,\DeclareRobustCommand,\CheckCommand}
+% \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\renewcommand,\providecommand,\newenvironment}
+% \DoNotIndex{\renewenvironment,\newif,\newlength,\newcounter,\setlength}
+% \DoNotIndex{\setcounter,\if,\ifx,\ifcase,\ifnum,\ifdim,\else,\fi}
+% \DoNotIndex{\texttt,\textbf,\textrm,\textsl,\textsc,\reset@font}
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+% \DoNotIndex{\pupshape,\@iden,\@firstofone,\@unexpandable@protect}
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+% \DoNotIndex{\oldmarginparpush,\oldmarginparsep,\oldmarginparwidth}
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+% \DoNotIndex{\oldtopmargin,\oldvoffset,\onecolumn,\openout,\opt}
+% \DoNotIndex{\orig@printindex,\origbibDSM,\parskip,\Perl,\pfill}
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+% \DoNotIndex{\twocolumn,\undefined,\voffset,\vspace,\X,\Y}
+% \iffalse
+%% The following line can be uncommented to test compatibility with TeX4ht.
+%% \usepackage{tex4ht}
+%% The following line is used for references to internet sources.
+%% It is not generally necessary for apacite, but used in the examples.
+%% The following lines can be uncommented to test compatibility with
+%% the mentioned other packages and test the language support of
+%% apacite.
+%% \usepackage[dvips,pagebackref]{hyperref}
+%% \usepackage[pdftex,pagebackref]{hyperref}
+%% \usepackage[english]{babel}% babel must be loaded before apacite
+%% \usepackage{german}
+%% Loading apacite with author index option.
+%% To include the detailed explanation of the coding, comment out
+%% the next line
+%% To produce a command index: add the following line for one run,
+%% then run makeindex -s apacite
+%% and reprocess, with or without this line (much faster without)
+%<driver>% \EnableCrossrefs\CodelineIndex
+%% To produce a change history: add the following line for one run,
+%% then run makeindex -s -o apacite.gls apacite.glo
+%% and reprocess, with or without this line (faster without)
+%<driver>% \RecordChanges
+\DisableCrossrefs %May stay; zapped by \EnableCrossrefs
+\CodelineNumbered %May stay
+%% For getting something useful out of greek.apc in the documentation.
+ \usepackage[iso-8859-7]{inputenc}}{}
+ \DocInput{apacite.dtx}
+% \fi
+% ^^A (I have to find out how to get the following remark in the right
+% ^^A place in the documentation.)
+% ^^A The version numbers have been assigned afterwards; originally,
+% ^^A apacite had only release dates.
+% \changes{v1.0}{1994/11/30}{First public version}
+% \changes{v2.0}{2000/09/22}{Second packaged version, the result of
+% continuous updating over many years. Not officially released through
+% ctan because there was no update of the documentation, but this was
+% available through my homepage at the time. Many additions in terms
+% of customizability, and introduction of the author indexing
+% facilities, which were first used in my PhD thesis in 1998.}
+% \changes{v2.1}{2003/03/27}{First official release since 1994. Compared
+% to 2.0, this primarily solved some important compatibility problems
+% with other packages.}
+% \changes{v2.2}{2003/09/05}{Updated for the 5th edition of the APA
+% manual, up to date documentation and test document, reorganized the
+% material, and improved compatibility.}
+% \changes{v3.0}{2004/07/01}{Now adds initials if necessary to
+% distinguish first authors; now adds 2nd and later authors if necessary
+% to distinguish references; now truncates author list after 6th author
+% and editor list after 1st in reference list if there are more than 6
+% authors/editors; improved sorting for reference list; improved author
+% index support; added explicit support for reporting a meta-analysis.}
+% \changes{v3.1}{2005/06/01}{Introduces explicit non-English language
+% support, solves some compatibility problems.}
+% \changes{v3.2}{2005/06/08}{Fix of a small but annoying bug.}
+% \changes{v4.00}{2007/09/03}{Solved many compatibility issues; improved
+% and extended language support; more extensive customizability.}
+% \GetFileInfo{apacite.sty}
+% \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2}
+% \setlength{\IndexMin}{10cm}
+% ^^A Start documentation here.
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% Previously apacite.tex :
+% User's reference manual and test of the apacite package.
+% Written by Erik Meijer
+\title{The \pkg{apacite} package%
+ \thanks{This document describes \pkg{apacite} version~\fileversion{}
+ dated \filedate.}
+ \vspace{0.3\baselineskip}\\
+ \large Citation and reference list with \LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{}
+ according to the rules of the American Psychological Association}
+\author{Erik Meijer\\
+ \textsf{apacite at}
+% If ecmr (T1) font not available:
+ \noindent
+ This document describes and tests the \pkg{apacite} package
+ \APACversiondate{\filedate}. This is a package that can be used with
+ \LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} to generate citations and a reference list,
+ formatted according to the rules of the American Psychological Association.
+ Furthermore, \pkg{apacite} contains an option to (almost) automatically
+ generate an author index as well. The package can be customized in many
+ ways.
+The American Psychological Association (APA) is very strict about the style in
+which manuscripts submitted to its journals are written and formatted. The
+requirements of the APA are described in the \emph{Publication Manual of the
+American Psychological Association}, the latest version of which is the 5th
+edition \cite{APAManual}. In the sequel, this is simply called the \emph{APA
+The APA manual discusses how candidate authors should write their manuscripts:
+writing style, parts of a manuscript and their order, presentation of the
+results in the form of tables and figures, and so forth. Candidate authors
+should study this and adhere to this.
+The APA manual also gives specific rules about the formatting of a manuscript.
+This includes double spacing, a running head, the typographic style of section
+headings, the placement of tables and figures on separate pages at the end of
+the document, and so forth. \LaTeX{} users will recognize these as ``style''
+elements that should be defined in a package (\fname{.sty} file) or class
+(\fname{.cls} file). Their specific documents (\fname{.tex} file) should be
+largely style-independent. This idea of separating content and logical
+structure from specific formatting is one of the basic elements of \LaTeX{}
+An implementation of the formatting rules of the APA manual for use with
+\LaTeX{} is the \pkg{apa} class of Athanassios Protopapas. This handles all
+kinds of issues about general document formatting, title page, section
+headings, figures and tables, and so forth. Therefore, if you intend to submit
+a manuscript to an APA journal, I strongly recommend using the \pkg{apa}
+An important part of the APA style is the way citations and the reference list
+should be formatted. This takes 75 pages in the APA manual (pp.~207--281,
+excluding the references to legal materials). This part is not handled by the
+\pkg{apa} class, but by the \pkg{apacite} package. The \pkg{apa} class
+requires the \pkg{apacite} package, but \pkg{apacite} can be used without
+\pkg{apa}. The current document, for example, does not use the \pkg{apa}
+class, because I find it desirable that possible users can study the
+\pkg{apacite} package and its documentation without having to install several
+other classes and packages first. Therefore, the current document uses
+standard \LaTeX{} as much as possible.
+\subsection*{Some history}
+Before the advent of the first version of \pkg{apacite} in 1994, several
+authors have written \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} packages (\fname{.sty}) and \BibTeX{}
+style files (\fname{.bst}) with suggestive names as \pkg{apalike},
+\pkg{newapa}, and \pkg{theapa} to try to capture some of the requirements of
+the APA manual. A severe problem with the APA citations is that, if the number
+of authors is between three and five, inclusive, the first citation must
+include all authors, whereas subsequent citations should refer to the first
+author ``et al.''. This problem had been solved by the \pkg{newapa} and
+\pkg{theapa} packages.
+A lot of APA peculiarities, however, were not covered by these citation
+styles. Examples are:
+\item In the reference list, authors should be formatted with
+ their initials after their surnames. Editors, however,
+ should be formatted with their initials \emph{before} their
+ surnames if they are not in the author position.
+\item If the work referred to is a non-English-language source,
+ the English translation of the title should be given in
+ brackets after the title.
+\item Edition and volume of a book and the pages of an article
+ in that book should be gathered between a single pair
+ of parentheses.
+\item The publisher of a book and its address should be given as
+ ``address: publisher'', and not as ``publisher, address''.
+\item When the work used is a reprint or translation of an
+ earlier work, this should be mentioned in the reference
+ list. In text, the year must be given in the form
+ ``1923/1961''.
+\item There are several ``tricky'' things with brackets and
+ parentheses, for example, with the type of an article
+ (e.g., ``Letter to the editor'',
+ ``Review of the book \emph{The social life of information}'',
+ ``Abstract'', ``Special issue''). Furthermore, magazine and
+ newspaper articles are treated differently than journal
+ articles; papers presented at meetings must be treated
+ differently; translators of articles and books and chairs
+ of symposia must be introduced; an article can have editors
+ instead of authors (e.g., with a special issue); a PhD thesis
+ can be abstracted in \emph{Dissertation Abstracts International};
+ a (technical) report of some institution can be an (edited)
+ collection of articles.
+The \pkg{apacite} package is devised to get (much) closer to the APA rules
+than the abovementioned other packages and styles.
+The original version of the \fname{apacite.sty} \LaTeX{} package consisted for
+a large part of the citation part of \fname{theapa.sty}. The current version,
+however, has been changed and extended in many ways and can therefore not be
+considered a straightforward adaptation of \fname{theapa.sty} anymore,
+although it provides largely the same commands, such as \cmd{\citeA}, and
+peculiarities in the command definitions, such as the use of \verb+<...>+ for
+a prefix note and \verb+[...]+ for a postfix note.
+Although the \fname{apacite.bst} \BibTeX{} style started out as a slightly
+adapted version of \fname{theapa.bst}, the number of changes became so large
+and things became so unmanageable that I decided to write a completely new
+bibstyle, although using some small parts of the original. The
+\fname{apacite.bst} file can therefore not anymore be seen as an adaptation of
+\fname{theapa.bst}. Due to the complex rules of the APA manual, it has become
+a large file. In the original process of writing (back in 1994), the error
+You've exceeded BibTeX's wizard-defined function space
+was very hard to overcome. It appears that later versions of \BibTeX{} allowed
+much more space, because I have not received this message anymore in recent
+years, although the bibstyle has been expanded considerably. However, if you
+run an old \BibTeX{}, you may encounter this (and similar) error messages.
+In the ``dark years'' between 1994 and 2003, in which there was no official
+new version of \pkg{apacite}, I have been fixing small bugs, discovered either
+by me or by users who sent in their bug reports, and adding some small options
+that were easy to incorporate and that I found useful or that were requested
+by a user. Furthermore, in 1998, I spent considerable effort in adding an
+(almost) automatic author indexing option, first used for my PhD thesis
+In the first few months of 2003, I fixed a number of problems with the
+compatibility between \pkg{apacite} and some other important packages.
+Although I had been planning (or wishing, rather) to release a proper official
+update of \pkg{apacite} for some time, I had not done so, mainly because I had
+not yet taken the time to update the documentation. The compatibility issues
+were so severe, however, that I decided in March 2003 to release an
+intermediate update, which thus became the first official release since the
+original version. This version contained a lot of files with compatibility
+patches and tests. The main shortcomings of that version were the lack of
+up-to-date documentation and the lack of agreement with the latest version of
+the APA manual (5th ed., 2001).
+In September 2003, I finally released a complete, fully updated and
+significantly extended version of \pkg{apacite}, including extensive
+documentation. However, that version still was not able to format some
+citations correctly. The \APACversiondate{2004/07/01} version was a small
+improvement of the \APACversiondate{2003/09/05} version, but fixed the
+important inadequacies of previous versions.
+The \APACversiondate{2005/06/08} version introduced (limited) support of
+non-English languages. This is clearly a non-APA direction, because all
+APA publications are in English. However, many journals, universities,
+etc.\ in non-English speaking countries base their rules on the APA rules,
+and thus it may be useful to have the possibility to use \pkg{apacite}
+in combination with documents in non-English languages as well. This
+language feature has been further extended in the current version.
+See section~\ref{sec:compat-babel} for a description of the implementation
+of this feature.
+The most salient differences in the current version are the much improved
+compatibility with a large number of other packages (most notably
+\pkg{hyperref}) and the shift of many formatting decisions from \BibTeX\
+to \LaTeX, so that they are easier to change by the user.
+Apart from the language support and the facilities for customization, the
+current version of \pkg{apacite} is aimed at conforming with the 5th edition
+of the APA manual. It remains, however, imperfect, although the instances of
+incorrectly formatted cases will be rare. The problems can be solved by
+``tricking'' the style (e.g., by defining the \fieldname{number} field as
+``\verb+2, Serial No. 186+'' if the issue number and serial number of a
+journal are both important), but this makes the \fname{.bib} file less
+compatible with other styles. In the test examples in section~\ref{sec:xmpl}
+below, many tricks are used and discussed. Remaining problems, omissions, and
+things-to-be-done can be found in section~\ref{sec:todo}.
+\subsection*{Philosophy of \pkg{apacite}}
+As can be deduced from the discussion thus far, the first priority of
+\pkg{apacite} is to implement the rules of the APA manual with regard to
+citation and reference list as closely as possible. However, just like its
+predecessors, and actually expanding much beyond their realm,
+\pkg{apacite} offers many possibilities for customization as
+well. Many details of \pkg{apacite}, particularly punctuation and some fixed
+texts (e.g., ``Tech.\ Rep.'') can be changed easily by the user by redefining
+some commands in \LaTeX{}. Furthermore, \pkg{apacite} also offers several
+proper options to change some of its settings.
+Whether certain options or customizable aspects are implemented depends on two
+criteria: (1) Is it possible, easy (enough), and convenient to implement them
+without compromising the ability to adhere to the APA rules, and (2) Do I (EM)
+consider them important or useful enough to spend time to implement them.
+Actually, the decision process is the reverse of this: First, I decide whether
+I find it a relevant or useful option. If not, I will not implement it. If so,
+I will think about if and how I can implement it. If I have an idea for a
+solution that is practically feasible, I will pursue it. If I don't see a
+solution, if I think it will take me too much time, or if I think a solution
+will be inconvenient to other users, then I will not pursue it.
+\subsection*{New in this version}
+The changes since the \APACversiondate{2005/06/08} version are:
+\item \pkg{apacite} is now packaged in \fname{dtx}
+ (\pkg{doc}/\pkg{docstrip}) form, as is usual for \LaTeX{} packages.
+ However, this is still rudimentary and considerable work is still
+ needed to separate documentation from source code and to insert
+ the convenient margin par notes and index entries.
+\item The \pkg{apacite} manual-specific commands are now put in a separate
+ package file, \fname{apacdoc.sty}. Apart from specific commands and
+ settings that are only of interest for this manual, this contains
+ the definitions of commands that are considered too ad hoc,
+ ill-designed, or otherwise not generally useful, but that are
+ necessary to handle certain complicated references satisfactorily.
+ For the latter reason, these may be interesting for users who
+ encounter similar problems. See section~\ref{sec:apacdoc} for usage
+ instructions.
+\item Improved customizability of the reference list by replacing many
+ formatting decisions made by \fname{apacite.bst}, i.e., in the
+ \BibTeX{} stage, by \LaTeX{} commands in the \fname{.bbl} file;
+ see section~\ref{sec:custom-big-formatting}.
+ In this way, formatting can be changed by the user by redefining
+ the \LaTeX\ commands through \cmd{\renewcommand}. Hence, many new
+ formatting commands have been introduced in \LaTeX. The drawback
+ of this is that it is less easy to read the \fname{.bbl} file
+ and make small changes by editing this file.
+\item Added \pkgoption{indexpackage}, \pkgoption{noindexpackage}, and
+ \pkgoption{ltxemindex} options to be able to generate an author
+ index with or without the \pkg{index} package.
+\item Resolved many compatibility problems between \pkg{apacite} and
+ other packages, esp.\ \pkg{natbib}, \pkg{hyperref}, and several
+ packages that can be used to generate multiple bibliographies
+ (see section~\ref{sec:compat}). The \pkgoption{hyper} and
+ \pkgoption{nohyper} have thus become obsolete and now give
+ innocuous warnings.
+\item Added \pkgoption{includecorporate} and \pkgoption{suppresscorporate}
+ options that determine whether corporate authors are to be included
+ in the author index or not (with one of the indexing options,
+ of course). This works by using the \cmd{\bibcorporate} command
+ in the \fname{.bib} file. Also, if the author is the publisher as well,
+ the decision of how to indicate this in the reference list is now
+ deferred to the \LaTeX{} realm, so that the user can choose whether
+ to use the APA-dictated ``Author'' or the name of the publisher itself.
+\item Added \cmd{\citeauthorNP}, \cmd{\fullciteauthorNP}, and
+ \cmd{\shortciteauthorNP} commands, which are equivalent to the non-\verb+NP+
+ versions, except that they use the parenthetical ``and'' (`\&' by
+ default) between authors.
+\item The citation commands now allow spaces between the works cited:\\
+ \verb+\cite{Jones:1999, Smith:2001}+. This is more convenient
+ with word-wrapping text editors and corresponds to the implementation
+ of other citation packages, as well as standard \LaTeX.
+\item Explicit (and thus improved) support of the \entryname{manual}
+ reference type.
+\item The \fieldname{edition} and \fieldname{originaledition} fields can
+ now be supplied as numbers; the ``st'', ``nd'', ``rd'', and ``th''
+ suffixes are automatically inserted in this case. If it is not a
+ number (e.g., ``Rev.'' or ``2nd'', then the argument is copied
+ literally, as in previous versions.
+\item The location of a \entryname{lecture} can now be given in the
+ \fieldname{address} field and does not need to be included in the
+ \fieldname{howpublished} field anymore.
+\item Added support for the \fieldname{url} and \fieldname{lastchecked}
+ fields to improve references to websites. Also, the number of other
+ fields that are supported has been increased, most notably
+ \fieldname{howpublished} for \entryname{book}s and \fieldname{address}
+ for \entryname{lecture}s; see Table~\ref{tab:fieldref}. Defined
+ URL formatting styles for usage with the \pkg{url} package that
+ adhere to the APA rules in this regard (esp.\ line-breaking).
+\item Improved and extended language support (see section~\ref{sec:compat-babel}):
+ new added languages, thanks to \pkg{apacite} users, and extended
+ customizability. Additional commands that anticipate further
+ language-improvements are
+ \cmd{\BPBI}, \cmd{\BPBI}, \cmd{\APACmonth}, \cmd{\Bby}, \cmd{\BAuthor},
+ \cmd{\BAvailFrom}, \cmd{\BRetrieved}, and \cmd{\BMsgPostedTo}.
+ However, these commands have not been defined in the language
+ files yet.
+\item A few small changes to the examples from the APA manual
+ (section~\ref{sec:xmpl}), incorporating a few errata to
+ the APA manual published on the APA's web site.
+ Also, some improved tricks in the examples.
+ These primarily fix some problems with
+ the author index induced by earlier tricks.
+\item Some minor changes and bug fixes that most users will not notice.
+ One consequence is that the earlier \pkgoption{accentfix} and
+ \pkgoption{noaccentfix} options have become obsolete and now give
+ innocuous warnings.
+\section{Installation, package loading, and running \BibTeX{}}
+As of this version, \pkg{apacite} is distributed as a \fname{.dtx}
+file, like most \LaTeX{} packages. This file, \fname{apacite.dtx},
+is supplemented by a \fname{README} file, which gives a brief
+introduction and installation instructions, the user's manual
+in the file \fname{apacite.pdf} (which you are reading right now),
+and the installation file \fname{apacite.ins}. Strictly speaking,
+only the \fname{apacite.dtx} file is necessary, because the
+installation file is regenerated from it if it is not available,
+and the user's manual is generated by running \LaTeX{} on
+\fname{apacite.dtx}. But it is customary (and convenient for
+potential users) to include the other files as well.
+The \LaTeX{} packages, \BibTeX{} style files, and other files in the
+distribution are generated by running \LaTeX{} on \fname{apacite.ins}.
+This generates the following files:
+\item[\fname{apacite.sty}] The \LaTeX{} citation package. This must
+ be placed in a directory where \TeX{} can find it.
+\item[\fname{apacite.bst}] The \BibTeX{} reference list style. This
+ must be placed in a directory where \BibTeX{} can find it.
+\item[\fname{apacitex.bst}] The \BibTeX{} reference list style with
+ added author index support. This must also be placed in a directory
+ where \BibTeX{} can find it.
+\item[\fname{apa5ex.bib}] The file with bibliographic information
+ about the references used in the user's manual (i.e., the
+ current document). This is also useful for users to find out how
+ certain nontrivial problems can be solved. This can best be kept
+ in the same directory as \fname{apacite.dtx}.
+\item[\fname{apacite.drv}] Documentation driver. Run \LaTeX{} on this
+ file to regenerate the user's manual. This is the current document,
+ and can also be ontained by running \LaTeX{} on \fname{apacite.dtx},
+ but you can edit the file \fname{apacite.drv} to change some settings,
+ e.g., choose whether or not the documented source code must be
+ included in the manual or not. Please don't edit \fname{apacite.dtx}
+ itself. The file \fname{apacite.drv} can best be kept
+ in the same directory as \fname{apacite.dtx}.
+\item[\fname{*.apc}] Language-specific modifications of \pkg{apacite}.
+ See section~\ref{sec:compat-babel} for a discussion of these.
+ These must be placed in a directory where \LaTeX{} can find them.
+ The files that are currently supplied are \fname{english.apc},
+ \fname{dutch.apc}, \fname{finnish.apc}, \fname{german.apc},
+ \fname{ngerman.apc}, \fname{greek.apc}, \fname{norsk.apc},
+ \fname{spanish.apc}, and \fname{swedish.apc}.
+\item[\fname{apacdoc.sty}] A \LaTeX{} package that contains commands
+ and settings used in this user's manual. This can be placed in a
+ directory where \TeX{} can find it, but given that it is primarily
+ useful for processing the user's manual and not intended as a
+ package for wider usage, it can also be left in the same directory as
+ \fname{apacite.dtx}. See section~\ref{sec:apacdoc} for a further discussion
+ of this package.
+Previous versions of \pkg{apacite} provided the file \fname{apacite.tex},
+which contained the user's manual, but this is now included in
+\fname{apacite.dtx} and can be formatted by running \LaTeX{} on
+The \fname{apacite.sty} \LaTeX{} package is loaded by putting
+somewhere in your document between \cmd{\documentclass} and
+\verb+\begin{document}+, or putting
+in your own personal \LaTeX{} package (say, \fname{mysettings.sty})
+that is loaded by your document.
+To load the \fname{apacite.bst} or \fname{apacitex.bst} bibliography style in
+\BibTeX{}, put
+respectively, in your document before the \cmd{\bibliography} command. The
+position of the bibliography (reference list) is determined by the line
+where \opt{bibfiles} is a list of filenames with \fname{.bib} extension, which
+contain the bibliographic information that is used by \BibTeX{} to construct
+the reference list. Usually, the \cmd{\bibliographystyle} and
+\cmd{\bibliography} are kept together (immediately follow each other) in the
+document, although when you are using the \pkg{apa} document class,
+\pkg{apacite} is used by definition and you are not supposed to use the
+\cmd{\bibliographystyle} command yourself. See the documentation of the
+\pkg{apa} documentclass for details about this.
+If you use one of the author indexing options, the author index is put in
+the \LaTeX{} output by the line
+If you put this line in your document, but don't use one of the author
+indexing options, it will be ignored. For more on author indexing, see
+To get all parts in the final output, the following sequence of runs should
+typically be taken (when starting from scratch): (1) \LaTeX{}, (2) \BibTeX{},
+(3) \LaTeX{}, (4) \LaTeX{}, and, when author indexing is on, (5) \MakeIndex{},
+(6) \LaTeX{}, and (7) \LaTeX{}. The last one is to get the index in the table
+of contents. If the table of contents is on a regular page, i.e., an
+arabic-numbered page instead of a roman-numbered page in the front matter, it
+may even be necessary to run \MakeIndex{} another time, followed by \LaTeX{}
+once or twice. Occasionally, somewhere in the process, \LaTeX{} may complain
+about labels that may have changed, which requires even more additional
+\LaTeX{} runs at that stage. So the number of runs that are necessary to get
+everything right may become large.
+\section{Package options}
+The following options are recognized by \pkg{apacite}:
+\item[\pkgoption{BCAY}] \mbox{}\\
+ This is a technical option for backwards compatibility with old versions
+ (pre-\APACversiondate{2003/09/05}) of \pkg{apacite}. In those versions of
+ \pkg{apacite}, the \cmd{\BCAY} construction was used to pass relevant
+ citation information from the \fname{.bbl} file (\BibTeX{}'s output) to
+ \LaTeX{}. This was taken over from its immediate predecessor, Young U. Ryu's
+ \pkg{theapa}. However, \pkg{natbib} does not recognize the \cmd{\BCAY}
+ construction, but it does recognize the analogous \cmd{\citeauthoryear}
+ construction, which was also used by an earlier predecessor of
+ \pkg{apacite}, \pkg{newapa}. Therefore, \pkg{apacite} has reverted to
+ \cmd{\citeauthoryear} as well. This makes different versions of
+ \pkg{apacite} incompatible with each other, because it is not possible to
+ support both constructions at the same time. This option is used to fix
+ that: In the (unlikely) event that you \emph{must} use a \fname{.bbl} file
+ that is generated by an old version of \pkg{apacite}, you can turn this
+ option on.
+ The \pkgoption{index} option turns author indexing on. See
+ section~\ref{sec:autindex} for a discussion of the author indexing facility.
+ The \pkgoption{index} option should be used with the \fname{apacitex.bst}
+ \BibTeX{} style, although it does not give errors with \fname{apacite.bst},
+ but simply does not give author index entries, so then this option
+ typically does not have any effect (and an undesirable effect if
+ it does). The \pkgoption{indexpackage} and \pkgoption{noindexpackage}
+ select whether the author index entries should be generated according
+ to the method of the \pkg{index} package or using a more standard-\LaTeX{}
+ method.
+ By default, if the \pkgoption{index} option is requested, the
+ \pkgoption{indexpackage} option is turned on as well, consistent with
+ the behavior of previous versions of \pkg{apacite}.
+\item[\pkgoption{noindex}] \mbox{}\\
+ Turns author indexing off (the default). Typically used with
+ \fname{apacite.bst}, but can also be used with \fname{apacitex.bst}. In the
+ latter case, the author indexing commands are simply ignored. Therefore,
+ \fname{apacite.bst} is actually superfluous, but because author indexing
+ will be used rarely and \fname{apacitex.bst} is more likely to lead to errors
+ or incompatibilities, a ``clean'' (no author indexing) version,
+ \fname{apacite.bst}, is provided as well.
+\item[\pkgoption{suppresscorporate}] \mbox{}\\
+ Excludes corporate authors from the author index. The \cmd{\bibcorporate}
+ command must be used in the \fname{.bib} file to denote a corporate author;
+ see sections~\ref{subsec:fields}, \ref{subsec:labels}, and~\ref{sec:autindex}.
+\item[\pkgoption{includecorporate}] \mbox{}\\
+ Includes corporate authors in the author index, provided that an author index
+ is requested of course.
+\item[\pkgoption{ltxemindex}] \mbox{}\\
+ These options select the style of index formatting. They all imply the
+ \pkgoption{index} option. The first three of these imply the
+ \pkgoption{indexpackage} option, whereas the fourth implies
+ \pkgoption{noindexpackage}. See section~\ref{sec:autindex}.
+\item[\pkgoption{numberedbib}] \mbox{}\\
+ This option implies that the bibliography (reference list) is a numbered
+ section or chapter, e.g., ``6.~References'', instead of just ``References''.
+\item[\pkgoption{unnumberedbib}] \mbox{}\\
+ The reverse of \pkgoption{numberedbib}: The bibliography is an unnumbered
+ section or chapter. This is the default. However, it is possible that when
+ using the \pkg{apa} document class, then \pkgoption{numberedbib} works
+ better, because that class turns section numbering off anyway and it may be
+ that \pkg{apa}'s page headings work well if the reference list is a
+ \cmd{\section} and not if it is a \cmd{\section*}. I have not experimented
+ with this (yet), however.
+\item[\pkgoption{sectionbib}] \mbox{}\\
+ With this option, the bibliography is a section and not a chapter. Mainly
+ useful in combination with the \pkg{chapterbib} package. Therefore, it will
+ be discussed in more detail in section~\ref{sec:compat-chapterbib}.
+\item[\pkgoption{nosectionbib}] \mbox{}\\
+ With this option, the bibliography is a chapter, if the \cmd{\chapter}
+ command is defined. Otherwise, it is always a section. Again, see
+ section~\ref{sec:compat-chapterbib}.
+\item[\pkgoption{tocbib}] \mbox{}\\
+ This puts the bibliography in the table of contents, even if it is
+ unnumbered, provided of course that a table of contents is requested in the
+ document (by \cmd{\tableofcontents}). This is the default.
+\item[\pkgoption{notocbib}] \mbox{}\\
+ This does not put the bibliography in the table of contents if it is an
+ unnumbered section or chapter. If it's numbered, it is always in the table
+ of contents.
+\item[\pkgoption{bibnewpage}] \mbox{}\\
+ The bibliography is started on a new page. This is required by some journal
+ styles, including the APA manual. The \pkg{apa} class already contained this
+ in its \pkgoption{man} option, but now it has been made available directly
+ in \pkg{apacite}.
+\item[\pkgoption{nobibnewpage}] \mbox{}\\
+ The bibliography is not explicitly started on a new page, although if the
+ bibliography is a chapter, it will be started on a new page anyway, because
+ chapters are started on a new page. This is the default in \pkg{apacite} and
+ thus is the only time a non-APA setting is used as default instead of an
+ available APA setting. Therefore, to satisfy the APA rules, you have to
+ request the \pkgoption{bibnewpage} option explicitly.
+\section{The citation commands}
+In this section, the commands are described that can be used to cite a work.
+Their default behavior will be explained. In section~\ref{sec:custom},
+customization of this behavior will be discussed. Extensive examples are given
+in section~\ref{sec:xmpl}. Table~\ref{tab:basic-cite} gives a brief
+impression of the usage and results of the most common citation commands.
+\caption{Examples of usage of basic citation commands.}
+Command & Result \\
+\verb+\cite<e.g.,>[p.~11]{Jone01,Ross87}+ &
+ (e.g., Jones, 2001; Ross, 1987, p.~11) \\
+\verb+\citeNP<e.g.,>[p.~11]{Jone01,Ross87}+ &
+ e.g., Jones, 2001; Ross, 1987, p.~11 \\
+\verb+\citeA<e.g.,>[p.~11]{Jone01,Ross87}+ &
+ e.g., Jones (2001); Ross (1987, p.~11) \\
+\verb+\citeauthor<e.g.,>[p.~11]{Jone01,Ross87}+ &
+ e.g., Jones; Ross, p.~11 \\
+\verb+\citeyear<e.g.,>[p.~11]{Jone01,Ross87}+ &
+ (e.g., 2001; 1987, p.~11) \\
+\verb+\citeyearNP<e.g.,>[p.~11]{Jone01,Ross87}+ &
+ e.g., 2001; 1987, p.~11 \\
+If the \pkg{apacite} package is loaded, the following citation commands can be
+ \item[\cmdfour{cite}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}]
+ \item[\cmdfour{fullcite}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}]
+ \item[\cmdfour{shortcite}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \mbox{}\\
+ These three commands produce parenthetical citations of the
+ following form:
+ ``(\opt{prefix} \opt{Authors1}, \opt{Year1};
+ \opt{Authors2}, \opt{Year2}; \ldots; \opt{AuthorsN}, \opt{YearN},
+ \opt{postfix})''.
+ The command \cmd{\fullcite} uses the ``full'' author list, and
+ the \cmd{\shortcite} command uses the abbreviated author list.
+ The \cmd{\cite} command uses the ``full'' list the first time
+ a work is referenced and the ``short'' list the second and
+ subsequent times. In accordance with the APA manual, the
+ ``full'' list consists of all authors if their number is five
+ or less, and the first author suffixed with ``et al.{}''
+ if their number is six or more. Similarly, the ``short'' list
+ consists of all authors if their number is two or less and the
+ first author with ``et al.{}'' if their number is three or more.
+ There are some nuances for complicated situations. These will
+ be discussed in section~\ref{sec:xmpl}.
+ If the (full) author lists of subsequent citations within the
+ same citation command are the same, they are not repeated; only
+ the years of the later citations are given.
+ This holds for all analogous cases as well.
+ The prefix and postfix are optional. Thus, e.g.,
+ \cmdtwo{cite}{keys}, \cmdthree{cite}{postfix}{keys},
+ and \cmdthreepre{cite}{prefix}{keys} are also allowed.
+ This holds for all analogous cases as well.
+ \item[\cmdfour{citeNP}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}]
+ \item[\cmdfour{fullciteNP}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}]
+ \item[\cmdfour{shortciteNP}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \mbox{}\\
+ ``No parentheses'' versions of \cmd{\cite}, \cmd{\fullcite},
+ and \cmd{\shortcite}. They produce citations of the form
+ ``\opt{prefix} \opt{Authors1}, \opt{Year1};
+ \opt{Authors2}, \opt{Year2}; \ldots; \opt{AuthorsN}, \opt{YearN},
+ \opt{postfix}''. Can be used for complex citations within
+ parenthetical material, see the discussion of
+ \cmd{\citeyearNP} below.
+ \item[\cmdfour{citeA}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}]
+ \item[\cmdfour{fullciteA}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}]
+ \item[\cmdfour{shortciteA}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \mbox{}\\
+ These commands are similar to the commands without the
+ ``\verb+A+'' suffix. They produce in-text citations of the form
+ ``\opt{prefix} \opt{Authors1} (\opt{Year1}),
+ \opt{Authors2} (\opt{Year2}), \ldots,
+ \opt{AuthorsN} (\opt{YearN}, \opt{postfix})''.
+ Typically, the \opt{prefix} will be empty, because it is
+ part of the main text, and there typically will only be
+ one citation in \opt{keys} (unless the authors of
+ multiple citations are the same), because the authors'
+ names are also part of the main text. But it was easy
+ to provide the additional options, and this enhances
+ the similarity with the other citation commands, which
+ I found desirable.
+ \item[\cmdfour{citeauthor}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}]
+ \item[\cmdfour{fullciteauthor}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}]
+ \item[\cmdfour{shortciteauthor}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}]
+ \item[\cmdfour{citeauthorNP}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}]
+ \item[\cmdfour{fullciteauthorNP}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}]
+ \item[\cmdfour{shortciteauthorNP}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \mbox{}\\
+ These commands are similar to their \cmd{\cite}-type
+ counterparts, except that they produce citations of the form
+ ``\opt{prefix} \opt{Authors1}, \opt{Authors2}, \ldots,
+ \opt{AuthorsN}, \opt{postfix}''
+ (the years and parentheses are left out).
+ This is typically used in a paragraph when a proper
+ citation (incl.\ year) to the same work has already been
+ given in the paragraph.%
+ \footnote{Note that a paragraph is not
+ a section. Nor does it need to be declared as a
+ \cmd{\paragraph}. A reminder for Dutch readers:
+ ``section'' = ``paragraaf'' and ``paragraph'' = ``alinea''.}
+ In such a case, according to the APA manual, the year must not be
+ repeated for repeated references to the same work in the same
+ paragraph.
+ A second important application of these commands is
+ when some complex citations must be constructed, like
+ ``\citeauthor{4.05-1}'s \citeyear{4.05-1} theory'',
+ which makes combined use of \cmd{\citeauthor} and
+ \cmd{\citeyear}, see below.
+ Normally, I would expect only one citation per
+ \cmd{\citeauthor}-type command, and no \opt{prefix}
+ or \opt{postfix}.
+ The difference between the ``non-\verb+NP+'' versions and the
+ ``\verb+NP+'' versions is that the latter are intended to
+ be used parenthetically, like \cmd{\cite}, whereas the former
+ are intended to be used in the running text, like \cmd{\citeA}.
+ Neither of these generate the parentheses, though. Thus, the
+ only real difference is that the ``non-\verb+NP+'' versions
+ use ``and'' between authors and the ``\verb+NP+'' versions
+ use ``\&''.
+ Following the \cmd{\cite}--\cmd{\citeNP}--\cmd{\citeA} logic,
+ \cmd{\citeauthor} should actually be called \cmd{\citeauthorA}
+ and a \cmd{\citeauthor} command should be supplied that is the
+ same as the current \cmd{\citeauthorNP} but with parentheses
+ added. For historical reasons and some compatibility with
+ other citation packages, this is currently not the case. I may
+ try to invent a decent solution for a next release of
+ \pkg{apacite}.
+ \item[\cmdfour{citeyear}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \mbox{}\\
+ Produces citations of the form
+ ``(\opt{prefix} \opt{Year1}, \opt{Year2}, \ldots, \opt{YearN},
+ \opt{postfix})''.
+ See the discussion of \cmd{\citeauthor} above. Typically,
+ the \opt{prefix} would be empty and multiple citations
+ would only be used if they have the same authors.
+ \item[\cmdfour{citeyearNP}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \mbox{}\\
+ A ``no parentheses'' version of \cmd{\citeyear}.
+ Produces citations of the form
+ ``\opt{prefix} \opt{Year1}, \opt{Year2}, \ldots, \opt{YearN},
+ \opt{postfix}''. Can be used for complex citations within
+ parenthetical material, like
+ ``the work of \citeauthor{3.99-15} (\citeyearNP{3.99-15};
+ but see also \citeNP{3.99-16,3.99-17})'',
+ which also uses the \cmd{\citeNP} command.
+ \item[\cmdtwo{nocite}{keys}] \mbox{}\\
+ The entries are included in the bibliography without
+ being cited in text. This is standard \LaTeX.
+ Note that the APA manual normally does not allow this.
+ The only exception concerns works that are studied in a
+ meta-analysis, but for these the \cmd{\nocitemeta}
+ command should be used.
+ \item[\cmdtwo{nocitemeta}{keys}] \mbox{}\\
+ This is similar to \cmd{\nocite}. It is used to get the
+ list of works included in a meta-analysis in the
+ bibliography. This command has the additional effect that
+ the corresponding items in the bibliography are preceded
+ by an asterisk (\APACmetastar) and a remark explaining this
+ is inserted just before the bibliography, as required
+ by the APA manual.
+In order to format the examples from the APA manual correctly in
+section~\ref{sec:xmpl}, the \fname{apacdoc.sty} package defines the
+following additional citation
+commands: \cmd{\DSMcite}, \cmd{\biblecite}, and \cmd{\citesong}, and obvious
+variations with \verb+full+, \verb+short+, \verb+A+, and \verb+NP+. I
+have decided not to include these in \fname{apacite.sty}, primarily because
+I find it unattractive to introduce different types of citation commands for
+different types of citations. This also makes it more difficult to use the
+same document with another citation package. Perhaps I'll be able to provide,
+in a future version of \pkg{apacite}, more elegant solutions to the problems
+for which these commands were defined.
+See section~\ref{sec:apacdoc} for a description of the \fname{apacdoc.sty}
+package and some brief usage instructions.
+\section{Contents of the bibliography database file}
+The information that is used by \LaTeX/\BibTeX{} to generate
+the citations and reference list must be stored by the user in one
+or more files with the \fname{.bib} extension.
+A detailed overview of the contents of the \fname{.bib} file is
+given in \citeA[section~12.2]{KoDa04} and \citeA[section~13.2]{TLC2}.
+Roughly speaking, the
+\fname{.bib} file consists of a collection of \emph{entries}
+of the form
+Most entries describe a work that may be referenced, e.g., a book
+or article. There are, however, two exceptions: a \entryname{preamble}
+entry (with \opt{entryname} = \verb+preamble+) and a \entryname{string}
+entry (with \opt{entryname} = \verb+string+). There is typically
+at most one \entryname{preamble} entry. Its \opt{contents} consist of a
+string---according to \BibTeX, i.e., between double quotes (\verb+"+)
+or an additional pair of braces (\verb+{+ and \verb+}+). This
+string, which typically consists of \LaTeX{} commands like
+\verb+\newcommand{\SortNoop}[1]{}+, is literally included
+in the document before the bibliography. It can therefore be used
+to define commands that are used in the (other) entries of the
+\fname{.bib} file and that are not standard \LaTeX{}.
+A \entryname{string} entry is similar, but the contents are now not
+included in the document. Instead, the string is assigned to a kind of
+``variable'', the name of which may contain characters
+not usually associated with variable names, like colons and
+hyphens, see \citeA[p.~769]{TLC2}. An example of a
+\entryname{string} entry is
+@string{ JPSP = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology} }
+Then, if in a later entry, the journal is
+\emph{Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, you can format this
+ journal = JPSP,
+instead of the usual
+ journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology},
+This is not only convenient because it saves typing of common
+long journal names (and reduces the likelihood of typos), but it can
+also be used to define style-specific variations. For example, some
+styles abbreviate journal names, such as
+\emph{J.~Pers.\ Soc.\ Psych.}\hbox{} instead of
+\emph{Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}.
+You could then put the definitions of all full journal names
+in one \fname{.bib} file (\fname{fulljou.bib}, say) and the definitions
+of the abbreviated journal names in another (\fname{abbrjou.bib}, say).
+Suppose that the information about the referenced works is stored in a
+third file, say, \fname{myrefs.bib}, and that the ``NotAPA''
+style rules, implemented in the \fname{notapa.bst} \BibTeX{} style file,
+require the abbreviated journal names. Then you can use
+to obtain a reference list complying with the ``NotAPA'' rules. If
+you change your mind and decide to switch to using the rules of the
+APA manual, you only need to change the two lines above into
+(and additionally load the \fname{apacite.sty} \LaTeX{} package
+through \cmd{\usepackage}).
+The remaining entry types are types that correspond with the
+type of a referenced work, e.g., \entryname{book} or
+\entryname{article}. These entry types (reference types) are
+discussed in section~\ref{subsec:types} below.
+Such entries have the following structure:
+$\mbox{}\qquad$\opt{fieldname1}\verb+ = +\opt{value1}\verb+,+\\
+$\mbox{}\qquad$\opt{fieldname2}\verb+ = +\opt{value2}\verb+,+\\
+$\mbox{}\qquad$\opt{fieldnameN}\verb+ = +\opt{valueN}\verb+,+\\
+where \opt{key} corresponds to the key used in the citation
+commands and matches the entry with the citation (and should
+therefore be unique). The fieldnames are \verb+author+, \verb+year+,
+etc., which are described in section~\ref{subsec:fields} below.
+The values are strings, either defined previously by a
+\entryname{string} entry or explicitly indicated as such here
+by putting the relevant information between double quotes
+(\verb+"+) or a pair of braces (\verb+{+ and \verb+}+).
+To be able to obey the rules of the APA manual, \pkg{apacite}
+provides several fields and reference types that are not
+described in the standard \BibTeX{} documentation
+\cite<e.g.,>[chap.~13]{TLC2}. Furthermore,
+the meaning and usage of many fields and reference types that
+\emph{are} described there have been altered somewhat. Therefore,
+a complete description is given here.
+The symbol \LC{} will be used to indicate that the field or
+reference type is also described in \citeA[Appendix~B]{LaTeXbook},
+\citeA[chap.~12]{KoDa04}, or \citeA[chap.~13]{TLC2}, although, as
+mentioned above, the specific meaning of the item may have been
+\subsection{Types of references}
+In this section, the list of reference types that are recognized by
+\pkg{apacite} is given. An overview of which fields can be used for which
+reference type is given in Table~\ref{tab:fieldref}. If fields are not
+relevant, but you use them anyway in your \fname{.bib} file, they are ignored.
+The fields and their use are described in more detail in
+section~\ref{subsec:fields}, but here some specific issues will already be
+\caption{List of fields that are used by the various reference types
+ (blank = not used; \X{} = used;
+ \Y{} = used, but only for citations).}
+\makebox[0pt]{% some manipulation to squeeze the table onto the page
+ & \multicolumn{10}{c}{Reference type}\\
+ \cline{2-11}
+% Normally, I would use the sideways environment of the rotating
+% package to format this nicely, but I do not want to require
+% other packages to format this document, so I choose an uglier
+% solution here.
+ & article\\
+ & magazine & & & & &
+ & phdthesis
+ &
+ & manual\\
+ & newspaper & book & incollection & techreport & intechreport & lecture
+ & mastersthesis
+ & unpublished
+ & misc
+ & literal\\
+address & &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\
+annote & & & & & & & & & & \\
+author &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\
+booktitle & & &\X& &\X& & & & & \\
+chair & & & & & &\X& & & & \\
+chapter & & &\X& & & & & & & \\
+day &\X& &\X&\X&\X&\X& &\X&\X& \\
+edition & &\X&\X&\X&\X& &\X& &\X& \\
+editor &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& & &\X&\X& \\
+englishtitle &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\
+firstkey &\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y\\
+howpublished &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\
+institution & & & &\X&\X& & & & & \\
+journal &\X& & & & & &\X& & & \\
+key &\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y\\
+lastchecked &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\
+month &\X& &\X&\X&\X&\X& &\X&\X& \\
+note &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\
+number &\X&\X& &\X&\X& &\X&\X&\X& \\
+organization & & & & & & & &\X& & \\
+originaladdress &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\
+originalbooktitle &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\
+originaledition &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\
+originaleditor &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\
+originaljournal &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\
+originalnumber &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\
+originalpages &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\
+originalpublisher &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\
+originalvolume &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\
+originalyear &\X&\X&\X&\Y&\X&\Y&\X&\Y&\Y&\Y\\
+pages &\X& &\X& &\X& &\X& & & \\
+publisher & &\X&\X& & & & & &\X& \\
+school & & & & & & &\X& & & \\
+series & & & & & & & & & & \\
+symposium & & & & & &\X& & & & \\
+text & & & & & & & & & &\X\\
+title &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\
+translator &\X&\X&\X&\Y&\X&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y\\
+type &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\
+url &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\
+volume &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& &\X& &\X& \\
+year &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\Y\\
+The following entry types (reference types) are defined in \pkg{apacite}:
+ \item[\entryname{article}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ A journal article or comparable. If the
+ ``article'' referenced to is a special issue of a journal or
+ something else that has editors instead of authors, the
+ \fieldname{author} field should be empty and the \fieldname{editor}
+ field should be used for the editors. If the journal paginates
+ by issue instead of by volume, or when you are referring to a
+ whole special issue, the issue number should be given
+ in the \fieldname{number} field. In all other cases (including
+ referring to an article within a special issue), the
+ \fieldname{number} field must not be used. The \fieldname{type}
+ field can be used to denote the type of article, for example,
+ ``\verb+Letter to the editor+'', or
+ ``\verb+Review of the book \emph{Life in the middle}+''.
+ \item[\entryname{magazine}] \mbox{}\\
+ A magazine article. Unlike in early versions of \pkg{apacite},
+ this is now equivalent to \entryname{article}. However, with
+ an \entryname{article}, the \fieldname{month} and \fieldname{day}
+ fields should generally not be used, unless there is a compelling
+ reason to use them. For a magazine, the \fieldname{month}, and
+ \fieldname{day} (for weeklies) fields are commonly used.
+ \item[\entryname{newspaper}] \mbox{}\\
+ A newspaper article. This is similar to \entryname{article} and
+ \fieldname{magazine}, except that the pages are formatted a little
+ different, with ``pp.~23--49'' instead of just ``23--49''.
+ \item[\entryname{book}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ An entire book. The \fieldname{type} field can be used
+ to denote a specific type of item (so generally not strictly
+ a book), e.g., ``\verb+Brochure+''. Similarly, the
+ \fieldname{number} field can be used if this is considered
+ useful. (It is used in example 24 in the APA manual, see
+ below.) This seems quite rare to me, however. It should
+ certainly \emph{not} be used for ISBN numbers and the like.
+ \item[\entryname{incollection}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ An article in a (usually edited) book, or other kind of larger
+ work, except a report, for which the \entryname{intechreport}
+ entry is used. The \fieldname{booktitle} field contains the
+ title of the whole collection (book). The \fieldname{type}
+ field is currently used to denote the type of article, as
+ with the \entryname{article} reference type, although in some
+ cases, it may be more naturally to let the \fieldname{type}
+ field contain the type of the whole work (e.g., CD). Therefore,
+ I may change this somewhat in future versions of \pkg{apacite}.
+ \item[\entryname{techreport}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ A report. This may be a ``technical'' report such as published
+ by universities, or a report from government organizations or
+ private companies. The \fieldname{type} field can be used to
+ indicate what kind of report it is, e.g.,
+ ``\verb+College Board Rep.+'' or ``\verb+{DHHS} Publication+''.
+ If the \fieldname{type} field is missing, the default type
+ ``\verb+Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}+'' is used. (The \verb+\hbox{}+
+ ensures that \TeX{} does not view the period as the end of a
+ sentence, which would insert too much space.) If no type
+ description should
+ be given, \verb+\bibnotype+ should be used as the contents of
+ the \fieldname{type} field. The \fieldname{number} field can
+ be used to give the report number. The organization that
+ published the report should be given in the \fieldname{institution}
+ field.
+ \item[\entryname{intechreport}] \mbox{}\\
+ An article in a (usually edited) report. This is more or less
+ a combination of \entryname{incollection} and
+ \entryname{techreport}. It uses the same fields as the former
+ to describe the article itself, except \fieldname{type}, e.g.,
+ \fieldname{booktitle}, which is in this case the title of the
+ entire report,
+ and the same fields as the latter to describe the report.
+ In particular, the \fieldname{type}, \fieldname{number},
+ and \fieldname{institution} fields are used for the report.
+ \item[\entryname{lecture}] \mbox{}\\
+ A paper presented at a meeting. According to the APA manual,
+ the year and month should be given, but \pkg{apacite} also
+ uses the \fieldname{day} field when available.
+ The \fieldname{symposium} field can be used for the
+ name of the symposium and the \fieldname{chair} field for the chair of
+ the meeting. The \fieldname{howpublished} field should be used to
+ indicate the occasion at which the paper was presented if the
+ \fieldname{symposium} field is empty, e.g.,
+ ``\texttt{Paper presented at the meeting of the American
+ Professional Society on the Abuse of Children}''.
+ It can also be used to give additional information about
+ the symposium if the \fieldname{symposium} field is not empty.
+ \item[\entryname{phdthesis}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ A doctoral dissertation. The \fieldname{school} field is used
+ to denote the university for which the thesis was written.
+ The \fieldname{type} field can be used for the thesis type,
+ e.g., ``\verb+PhD thesis+''. If it is empty, the default type
+ is used, which is ``\verb+Unpublished doctoral dissertation+''
+ or ``\verb+Doctoral dissertation+'', depending on whether
+ the \fieldname{journal} field is empty or not.
+ If the thesis is abstracted in \emph{Dissertation Abstracts
+ International} or similar, then the \fieldname{journal},
+ \fieldname{volume}, \fieldname{number}, and \fieldname{pages} fields
+ can be used as with journal articles. The \fieldname{year} field
+ should denote the year of the ``journal''.
+ The \fieldname{originalyear} field should be used to denote the year
+ of the original thesis, even if it is the same as the year of the
+ abstract, provided that the original thesis is used, and not
+ the abstract. Then, the \fieldname{school} field should also
+ be used, and optionally the \fieldname{type} field. If only
+ the abstract is used, it should presumably be treated as a
+ journal article.
+ \item[\entryname{mastersthesis}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ This is equivalent to the \entryname{phdthesis} type, except that
+ the default ``unpublished'' and ``published'' \fieldname{type}s are
+ ``\verb+Unpublished master's thesis+'' and
+ ``\verb+Master's thesis+''.
+ \item[\entryname{unpublished}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ For unpublished manuscripts and similarly ``obscure'' material.
+ The \fieldname{howpublished} field will typically be used to
+ indicate what kind of work is referred to (e.g.,
+ ``\verb+Unpublished manuscript+''). The \fieldname{organization}
+ field can be used to denote the organization in which the document
+ was produced, e.g., ``\texttt{Johns Hopkins University, Center
+ for Social Organization of Schools}''. Note that the larger
+ organization should be given first and the department after that.
+ The address (city and state, etc., see the discussion of the
+ \fieldname{address} field in section~\ref{subsec:fields} below)
+ of the organization should be given in the \fieldname{address}
+ field, unless it is already mentioned in the name of the
+ organization. Presumably, if the organization is
+ ``\verb+University of Groningen+'', the city name ``Groningen''
+ should not be given in the \fieldname{address} field, but
+ the country ``The Netherlands'' should. When both the
+ \fieldname{organization} and the \fieldname{address} field
+ are available, \pkg{apacite} formats these as
+ ``organization, address''. This is different from the
+ usual ``address: publisher'' form. This behavior cannot
+ explicitly be deduced from the 5th edition, nor from the
+ 4th edition, of the APA manual, but the 3rd edition
+ \cite{APAManual3} gives an explicit example (example 53,
+ p.~131): \citeA{APA-3rd-ed-ex53}.
+ \item[\entryname{misc}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ For works that do not fit into the other categories, such as
+ motion pictures, cassette recordings, computer software, etc.
+ The \fieldname{type} field can be used to indicate the type
+ of work, and \pkg{apacite} recognizes a few specific types
+ that should be formatted a little differently, see the discussion
+ of the \fieldname{type} field below. If the \fieldname{address}
+ and \fieldname{publisher} fields are available, the address and
+ publisher part is formatted as with books. The \entryname{unpublished}
+ and \entryname{misc} types are very similar, but there are some
+ differences. For example, \entryname{unpublished} uses the
+ \entryname{organization} field and \entryname{misc} uses the
+ \fieldname{publisher} field, and this part is formatted differently.
+ Further, the \entryname{unpublished} type requires
+ \fieldname{author}, \fieldname{editor}, \fieldname{title}, or
+ \fieldname{type}, whereas with \fieldname{misc},
+ \fieldname{howpublished} takes the first position if these fields
+ are all empty. Finally, as briefly indicated above and discussed
+ in more detail below, \entryname{misc} recognizes some special
+ types in the \fieldname{type} field.
+ \item[\entryname{literal}] \mbox{}\\
+ If the other categories do not format the item correctly, this
+ category can be used. The \fieldname{text} field is copied literally
+ to the bibliography. The \fieldname{firstkey}, \fieldname{key},
+ \fieldname{year}, and possibly \fieldname{originalyear} and
+ \fieldname{translator} fields are necessary to get correct
+ in-text citations. However, I have never needed to use this
+ entry type and I think that \entryname{misc} should also
+ be able to format the entry correctly. Furthermore, the
+ correct placement of \entryname{literal} references in the
+ reference list (alphabetizing, sorting), may be problematic.
+ \item[\entryname{manual}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ This is treated as a \entryname{misc}, except that when the
+ \fieldname{type} field is empty, it is assumed to be a
+ \cmd{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}. See also the description of
+ the \fieldname{type} field below.
+ \item[\entryname{booklet}\LC]
+ \item[\entryname{inbook}\LC]
+ \item[\entryname{inproceedings}\LC]
+ \item[\entryname{proceedings}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ These categories are defined by all standard citation styles. They
+ are, however, not needed for the examples in the APA manual. For
+ compatibility, however, they are included and defined as follows:
+ \entryname{booklet} = \entryname{proceedings} =
+ \entryname{misc}; \entryname{inbook} = \entryname{inproceedings} =
+ \entryname{incollection}. \citeA[p.~230]{KoDa04} also mention
+ \entryname{conference} as being the same as \entryname{inproceedings};
+ for compatibility, this is now supported in \pkg{apacite}.
+The following fields can be used to describe a reference in the
+\fname{.bib} file:
+ \item[\fieldname{address}\LC] \mbox{}\\%
+ The address (usually the city and state or country) of the
+ publisher, school, institution, or organization that published
+ the item or at which the item was produced. The APA manual
+ requires that the state or territory of a U.S.-city must be given
+ in the official two-letter U.S. Postal Services form. Only for
+ a specific list of 17 specific cities that are ``well known
+ for publishing'' can (must) the state and/or country
+ description be omitted.
+ \item[\fieldname{annote}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ This is used in some annotated bibliography
+ styles. It is not used by \pkg{apacite}, but no warning
+ is given either. It is thus simply ignored.
+ \item[\fieldname{author}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The author(s) of the work. This may also be a corporate
+ author when applicable, but some specific measures must
+ then be taken to prevent the corporate name from being
+ interpreted as a first name and last name
+ (such as ``Association, A. P.''):
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{American Psychological Association}}},
+ It is important to surround the \cmd{\bibcorporate}\marg{Author}
+ by an additional pair of braces. Otherwise, \BibTeX{} sorts
+ the entry as if its name was ``Bibcorporate\marg{Author}''.
+ Section~\ref{sec:xmpl} contains more examples.
+ As discussed in the standard \BibTeX{} documentation,
+ multiple authors must be separated by the word \verb+and+,
+ and each author's name can either be given in the form
+ ``\opt{firstnames}\verb+ +\opt{lastnames}'' or
+ ``\opt{lastnames}\verb+, +\opt{firstnames}''. However,
+ ``von'' parts and ``junior'' parts complicate issues
+ a bit. See the examples and the discussion of them.
+ I would generally give the full first name(s) in the \fname{.bib}
+ file, even though the APA manual only requires initials,
+ because other styles require full first name(s) and
+ \pkg{apacite} abbreviates to initials automatically.
+ I have done this only occasionally with the examples,
+ because the APA manual only gives the initials.
+ Therefore, I have only provided first names with a few
+ examples for which I knew the authors' first names.
+ If there are more than 6 authors, the APA manual requires
+ that the first 6 should be named in the reference list,
+ followed by ``et al.''. Therefore, \pkg{apacite} uses
+ only the names of the first 6 authors, and inserts an
+ ``et al.\hbox{}'' when applicable. Therefore, in the \fname{.bib}
+ file, the first 6 (or more) authors may be given (separated by
+ ``\verb+and+''), followed by ``\verb+and others+''. This phrase
+ is recognized by \pkg{apacite}.
+ It is, however, better to give all authors in
+ the \fname{.bib} file, so that each style can select its
+ own truncation number.
+ \item[\fieldname{booktitle}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The title of the larger work, typically book, but sometimes
+ something else, like a report, in which the referenced item
+ (article) was published.
+ \item[\fieldname{chair}] \mbox{}\\
+ The chair(s) of a symposium or meeting. Used for lectures.
+ It is formatted the same way as editors.
+ \item[\fieldname{chapter}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The chapter number if the referenced item is a chapter in
+ a larger collection. Typically used if the referenced work
+ is a chapter in an internet document. If the collection is
+ a book, page numbers (in the \fieldname{pages} field)
+ should be used instead according to the APA rules.
+ \item[\fieldname{crossref}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The \pkg{apacite} package does not recognize this field,
+ because the APA manual does not discuss explicit
+ cross-referencing. If the referenced work is a chapter
+ (article) in an edited book, all relevant information
+ should be given in the reference list as part of the
+ information about the referenced chapter, not as, e.g.,
+ ``In Wainrib (1992)''. If several chapters from the
+ book edited by Wainrib are referenced, the same information
+ about this book is given with each referenced chapter,
+ and the work itself is not a separate entry in the reference
+ list (unless it is explicitly referred to).
+ However, the \fieldname{crossref} field
+ \emph{can} be used, as part of standard \BibTeX{} usage.
+ Missing fields for the referenced work are then copied from
+ the cross-referenced entry, which must come \emph{after}
+ the referring entry in the \fname{.bib} file. If you use
+ this, remember to put the title of the book (also) in the
+ \fieldname{booktitle} field, because the \fieldname{title}
+ field of the referring entry is not empty (it contains
+ the chapter title).
+ I have not tested cross-referencing in detail, so I do not
+ know whether it behaves well (i.e., complies with the implicit
+ or explicit APA rules) under various circumstances.
+ Therefore, I do not recommend using it without thorough
+ testing.
+ \item[\fieldname{day}] \mbox{}\\
+ The day of the month on which the referenced item was published,
+ produced, or presented. Mainly used for articles in daily or
+ weekly magazines or newspapers, for lectures (although the
+ APA manual only specifies the month), and electronic documents.
+ \item[\fieldname{edition}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The edition of the book or report. Traditionally, this is of the
+ form ``1st'', ``2nd'', ``3rd'', etc., or ``Rev.'' for a revised edition.
+ This form is still supported, but \pkg{apacite} now also supports
+ the form in which only the number is given: ``1'', ``2'', etc.
+ If \pkg{apacite} detects that only a number is given, it inserts
+ ``\cmd{\PrintCardinal}\marg{number}'' in the \fname{.bbl} file.
+ This \LaTeX{} function converts the number again to ``1st'', etc.
+ The advantage of this is that the same bibliography database can be
+ used for documents in different languages. At least in principle,
+ because language-specific versions of \cmd{\PrintCardinal} have
+ not yet been implemented in \pkg{apacite}.
+ \item[\fieldname{editor}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The editor(s) of a book, report, or special issue of a journal.
+ In the examples, this field is also ``misused'' for the
+ producer of a television series.
+ \item[\fieldname{englishtitle}] \mbox{}\\
+ The English translation of the title of an item with a non-English
+ title. The APA manual requires that if the referenced work has a
+ non-English title, an English translation should be given as well. For
+ an article in a journal with a non-English name or in a book with a
+ non-English title, the journal name or book title should not be
+ translated or put in this field, only the title of the referenced work
+ itself must be translated. Because, as of version
+ \APACversiondate{2005/06/01}, \pkg{apacite} contains some support of
+ other languages for the main document (see
+ section~\ref{sec:compat-babel}), this field needs rethinking, which
+ will be deferred to a future version (but, as always, suggestions
+ are welcome).
+ \item[\fieldname{firstkey}] \mbox{}\\
+ The \fieldname{firstkey} field, if not empty, is used as
+ ``author'' for the first citation to an item. Subsequent citations
+ then use the \fieldname{key} field. This can be used if there is
+ no author or editor field that can be used for citations, or in
+ certain cases with corporate authors, where the citation in the
+ text uses an abbreviation of the author's name for second and
+ subsequent citations, where the abbreviation is introduced in the
+ first citation. It can also be used to ``trick'' the system
+ in difficult cases. See also \fieldname{key}.
+ \item[\fieldname{howpublished}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ A description of how something was ``published''. For example,
+ ``Unpublished manuscript'' or ``Paper presented at the meeting
+ of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children''.
+ Also used for more retrieval information about electronic
+ documents, e.g., ``Retrieved November 19, 2000, from the
+ PsycARTICLES database'', or
+ howpublished = {Retrieved August 24, 2000, from Columbia University,
+ Institute for Learning Technologies Web site:
+ \url{
+ publications/papers/newwine1.html}\bibnodot{.}}
+ However, if the retrieval information consists only of a
+ date and/or a URL, it is better to use the \fieldname{lastchecked}
+ and \fieldname{url} fields for this and let \pkg{apacite}
+ format this information. See also the \fieldname{note} field
+ for an alternative to the \fieldname{howpublished} field.
+ \item[\fieldname{institution}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The institution, university, or company that published a
+ (technical) report.
+ \item[\fieldname{journal}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The journal, magazine, newspaper, etc.{} in which an
+ article, a review, or an abstract of a thesis was published.
+ \item[\fieldname{key}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ See \fieldname{firstkey}. The \fieldname{key} field, if not
+ empty, is used for second and subsequent citations, or all citations
+ if \fieldname{firstkey} is missing. If \fieldname{author} is
+ empty and \fieldname{editor} is empty or can not be used as
+ author (e.g., in \entryname{incollection}), the \fieldname{key}
+ field may be necessary to obtain a useful citation. This is
+ so, because the APA manual requires an abbreviation of the
+ title as in-text citation, and the abbreviation must be
+ sensible. In the current version, \pkg{apacite} uses the
+ whole title if \fieldname{firstkey} and \fieldname{key} are missing.
+ Therefore, if the title is considered too long to use in citations,
+ the user must provide an abbreviation in the \fieldname{key} field.
+ Furthermore, the user must then also define the formatting:
+ If the key is used for a difficult kind of author (e.g.,
+ corporate author), it should be formatted as an author,
+ i.e., in plain text, with names capitalized.
+ If the key is used for an abbreviation of an article
+ title, it should be in plain text, with major words capitalized
+ (unlike in the reference list), and between double quotes
+ (`` and ''; also unlike in the reference list).
+ If the key is used for an abbreviation of a book title, it
+ should be emphasized, with major words capitalized
+ (unlike in the reference list), but not between quotes.
+ In a field in the \fname{.bib} file that is also
+ used for the citations, such as the \fieldname{key} field,
+ formatting through, e.g.,
+ key = {{\itshape Text}},
+ key = {{\em Text\/}},
+ can be done (note the extra pair of braces!), but the
+ seemingly more logical variations
+ key = {\textit{Text}},
+ key = {{\textit{Text}}},
+ key = {\emph{Text}},
+ key = {{\emph{Text}}},
+ do not work.
+ However, it is generally preferable to use as less explicit
+ formatting in the \fname{.bib} files as possible, because this
+ decreases the possibilities of successfully using the
+ same \fname{.bib} file with other styles. The following works
+ excellent:
+ key = {{\APACcitebtitle{Text}}},
+ where the \cmd{\APACcitebtitle} macro recognizes that the argument
+ should be formatted as a booktitle (i.e., in italics according to the
+ APA rules). This macro, and its companion \cmd{\APACciteatitle} for
+ article title formatting, are used by \pkg{apacite} if the
+ \fieldname{firstkey} and \fieldname{key} fields are missing,
+ but can also be used by the user. Note that if you use such a
+ \fname{.bib} file with another style, you have to provide
+ definitions of these macros yourself (which can be copied from
+ the \pkg{apacite} source code).
+ \emph{Warning:} the \fieldname{key} field, which acts
+ as a kind of pseudo-author, should not be confused with the
+ (citation) \opt{key} that is used to match citations with
+ entries in a \fname{.bib} file.
+ \item[\fieldname{lastchecked}] \mbox{}\\
+ The date on which a web page was last visited. Only used in
+ combination with the \fieldname{url} field. Currently,
+ \pkg{apacite} does not contain language-specific code to
+ dissect this date, but copies its contents literally to the
+ \fname{.bbl} file. Hence, if you intend to use the same
+ bibliography database for documents in different languages,
+ you may have to use a self-defined command for this. You can
+ use the \pkg{apacite} commands \cmd{\APACrefYearMonthDay}
+ and \cmd{\APACmonth} as templates for this. I will probably
+ provide such a facility in a future version of \pkg{apacite}.
+ \item[\fieldname{month}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The month something was published. Mainly used for
+ magazine or newspaper articles, lectures, and electronic documents.
+ Use the month macros \verb+jan+, \verb+feb+, etc. These are
+ predefined strings in \fname{apacite.bst} and \fname{apacitex.bst},
+ reverting to \verb+{\APACmonth{01}}+'', etc., with \verb+winter+,
+ \verb+spring+, \verb+summer+, and \verb+fall+ being 13--16. The
+ \cmd{\APACmonth} command translates the numbers to the month or
+ season names. This system allows language-specific behavior at
+ the \LaTeX{} stage, although \cmd{\APACmonth} has not yet been
+ defined for non-English languages. This will be done in a future
+ version of \pkg{apacite}. For the moment, you can easily do this
+ yourself, using the default in \fname{apacite.sty} as a template.
+ If desired, the macros can be overridden by using lines like
+@string{jan = "januari"}
+ at the top of your \fname{.bib} file, but it seems better to redefine
+ the \cmd{\APACmonth} command in your \LaTeX{} document.
+ \item[\fieldname{note}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ A note. This puts additional information between parentheses
+ at the end of a reference list entry. In the examples from
+ the APA manual, it is used for NTIS No., ERIC No., and UMI No.,
+ and for notes about how to obtain the work
+ (``Available from \opt{organization}, \opt{full address}'').
+ If however, the work has been obtained from the internet
+ or from an ``aggregated database'', then the
+ \fieldname{howpublished} or \fieldname{url} field should be
+ used, because it should not be between parentheses then.
+ Finally, the \fieldname{note} field is used to give the
+ recording date (i.e., year) of a song when this is different
+ from the date (year) of copyright. The latter should be
+ put in the \fieldname{year} field.
+ Do not use the \fieldname{note} field to denote the original
+ publication of a reprint or translation, because the
+ \fieldname{originalyear} field must be used in those cases to
+ obtain the correct citation in the text \cite<e.g.,>{ex39}.
+ \item[\fieldname{number}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The number of a journal issue or a report. This can be quite
+ complex, for example, ``\verb+PRM~92-01+'', or
+ ``\verb+3, Pt.~2+'', or ``\verb+1, Serial No.~231+''.
+ These latter examples imply that the generality (language and
+ style independence) of the \fname{.bib} file is somewhat lost.
+ Furthermore, if the journal paginates by year and not by issue,
+ the issue number should not be mentioned at all (except when
+ referring to a whole special issue). Of course, \pkg{apacite}
+ does not know whether the journal paginates by issue or by year.
+ If the \fieldname{number} field is available, \pkg{apacite}
+ simply assumes that it should be included. It is the user's
+ responsibility to ensure that this is indeed the case.
+ \item[\fieldname{organization}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ Used for the \entryname{unpublished} reference type to denote
+ the organization in which the unpublished work was produced.
+ \item[\fieldname{originaladdress}]
+ \item[\fieldname{originalbooktitle}]
+ \item[\fieldname{originaledition}]
+ \item[\fieldname{originaleditor}]
+ \item[\fieldname{originaljournal}]
+ \item[\fieldname{originalnumber}]
+ \item[\fieldname{originalpages}]
+ \item[\fieldname{originalpublisher}]
+ \item[\fieldname{originalvolume}]
+ \item[\fieldname{originalyear}] \mbox{}\\
+ These (\fieldname{original*-}) fields have the same
+ meaning as their counterparts without the ``original'' prefix,
+ except that they refer to the book or journal in which the
+ work was originally published. This can be used in referring to
+ translations or reprints of articles in journals or books. If the
+ original work is a book or other ``standalone'' work,
+ only the \fieldname{originalyear} field should be used. If the
+ original work is a (PhD or Master's) thesis that is also abstracted
+ in \emph{Dissertation Abstracts International},
+ \emph{Masters Abstracts International}, or comparable, the
+ \fieldname{originalyear} field should be used to denote the year
+ of the dissertation and the \fieldname{year} field to
+ denote the year of publication of the abstract, even if they
+ are the same.
+ \item[\fieldname{pages}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The (inclusive) page numbers of the article that is referred to,
+ in the journal or book in which it was published. If a range of
+ pages is given (which is usually the case), an en-dash should
+ be used: ``\verb+29--43+''. Other styles sometimes allow a
+ single hyphen (``\verb+29-43+''), which is then automatically
+ formatted as an en-dash (``29--43''), rather than as a hyphen
+ (``29-43''), but I have encountered situations, such as software
+ manuals (LISREL) and reports for the U.S. Government, in which
+ the page number was of the form ``II-3'',
+ meaning page~3 of chapter~2. In such a situation, you may
+ get page numbers like ``II-1--II-15'', where the distinction
+ between a hyphen and an en-dash becomes important. Therefore,
+ \pkg{apacite} does not perform such automatic transformations.
+ \item[\fieldname{publisher}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The publisher of the item. Primarily used for books.
+ \item[\fieldname{school}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The school or university for which a PhD thesis or
+ master's thesis was written.
+ \item[\fieldname{series}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ Not used, although the APA manual has a rule for series.
+ If you refer to a volume in a series, the series title,
+ volume number, and volume title should be joined into
+ a two-part title , e.g., \emph{Handbook of child psychology:
+ Vol.~4. Socialization, personality, and social development},
+ see ex.~36. In \pkg{apacite} this whole part must be put in
+ the \fieldname{title} or \fieldname{booktitle} field
+ (whichever is appropriate).
+ For a long time, I have intended to support the
+ \fieldname{series} field to allow disentangling such
+ situations. However, in the end, I have decided not to
+ do this. The reason for this is that, according to my
+ interpretation, the meaning of ``series'' in the APA manual
+ is quite different from the meaning of the \fieldname{series}
+ field, as intended by Oren Patashnik (the author of \BibTeX{}
+ and the original style files). Many books are published in
+ some sort of series. For example, my book with Tom Wansbeek
+ \cite{WaMe00}, is vol.~37 in the \emph{Advanced Textbooks
+ in Economics} series, of which the series editors are
+ C.~J. Bliss and M.~D. Intriligator. The intention of the
+ \fieldname{series} field is to generate a reference list entry
+ like
+ \parsep=0pt%
+ \itemsep=0pt plus .3pt\relax%
+ \leftmargin=2.5em%
+ \itemindent=-2.5em}%
+Wansbeek, T., \& Meijer, E.
+\unskip\ \hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em
+\unskip\ \hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em
+\Bem{Measurement error and latent variables in econometrics}
+(Advanced Textbooks in Economics No.~37).
+\unskip\ \hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em
+Amsterdam: North-Holland.
+ In economics (and often in psychology, I guess), mentioning
+ the series usually does not add much relevant information,
+ and it is therefore typically omitted. I think this is how
+ the APA intends it as well. However, in computer science, it
+ is often very convenient, because certain series, like Springer's
+ \emph{Lecture Notes in Computer Science} (LNCS) have a certain
+ status of their own, and researchers know how to find volumes
+ in this series.
+ In my interpretation, the APA ``series'' refers to a single
+ multivolume work with separate editors for the constituent
+ volumes, but with a series editor who initiates the whole
+ series. In the example from the APA manual, the
+ \emph{Handbook of child psychology} is not a loose collection
+ of separate books by different authors, but a combined effort
+ managed by the series editor to give an overview of the field.
+ In this case, the series editor may be considered the primary
+ author and it makes sense to have the different volumes of the
+ series together in the reference list. With my book with
+ Tom Wansbeek, the series editors act more like journal editors,
+ and different volumes of the series are unrelated books that
+ do not need to be gathered together in the reference list.
+ It would make no sense to cite this book as
+ ``Bliss, Intriligator, Wansbeek, \& Meijer (2000)''.
+ Because in my interpretation, the usual meaning of the
+ \fieldname{series} field should not be included in the
+ reference list according to the APA rules, \pkg{apacite}
+ ignores the \fieldname{series} field. Perhaps I'll
+ implement the APA manual ``series'' rules by introducing
+ a \fieldname{volumetitle} field, but this will further reduce
+ compatibility with other citation styles.
+ \item[\fieldname{symposium}] \mbox{}\\
+ The name of the symposium or meeting at which a
+ lecture was given. This is typically used for the
+ construction ``In \opt{chair} (Chair), \opt{symposium}'',
+ see ex.~51. I have never used it myself, however,
+ I always use the ``Paper presented \dots'' form,
+ which puts this information in the \fieldname{howpublished}
+ field.
+ \item[\fieldname{text}] \mbox{}\\
+ Used for items of type \entryname{literal}. This field contains
+ the complete literal text to be used in the bibliography.
+ I've never used it.
+ \item[\fieldname{title}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The title of the work.
+ \item[\fieldname{translator}] \mbox{}\\
+ The translator of a book or article. This should
+ be formatted in the same way as \fieldname{author} and
+ \fieldname{editor}. If the \fieldname{translator} and
+ \fieldname{editor} fields are identical, they are
+ formatted as if there were only an editor, except that the
+ editor receives the suffix ``(Ed. \& Trans.)'' instead of
+ just ``(Ed.)'', or similarly if there is more than 1 editor.
+ \item[\fieldname{type}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The type of \entryname{phdthesis} (e.g.,
+ ``Doctoral dissertation''), type of \entryname{article}
+ (e.g., ``Letter to the editor''), type of \entryname{techreport}
+ (e.g., ``DHHS Publication''), type of \entryname{book}
+ (e.g., ``Brochure''), type of \entryname{misc}
+ (e.g., ``Cassette recording''), and so forth.
+ With a review (which is typically an \entryname{article}),
+ the \fieldname{type} field contains a lot of information
+ and formatting, e.g.:
+ type = {Review of the book {\APACcitebtitle{Life in the middle:
+ Psychological and social development in middle age}}},
+ where I used the \cmd{\APACcitebtitle} command introduced above in
+ the discussion of the \fieldname{key} field.
+ In one of the APA manual examples, I used the \fieldname{type}
+ field to give a description of the subject of an unpublished
+ raw data file (``Auditory response latencies in rat auditory
+ cortex''), leaving the \fieldname{title} field blank.
+ For most reference types, if the \fieldname{type} field
+ is missing, it is simply ignored and no type description
+ is given. For a \entryname{techreport}, however, if the
+ \fieldname{type} field is missing, the default type
+ (``Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}'') is inserted. In ex.~42 of the APA manual,
+ a report without a type description is given. To make it
+ possible to format a report successfully without a
+ type description, \pkg{apacite} recognizes
+ type = {\bibnotype},
+ indicating that there should be no type description.
+ Another special purpose use of the \fieldname{type}
+ field is for a computer program, software, programming
+ language and/or manual. These are put into a \entryname{misc}
+ entry, but unlike other \entryname{misc} types (such as
+ motion pictures) the titles of these types should not
+ be italicized. This is now recognized by \pkg{apacite}
+ in the following way: When referring to a computer program,
+ software, programming language and/or manual, you should
+ use the \entryname{misc} reference type with
+ one of the following commands in the \fieldname{type} field:\\
+ \cmd{\bibcomputerprogram},\\
+ \cmd{\bibcomputerprogrammanual},\\
+ \cmd{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual},\\
+ \cmd{\bibcomputersoftware},\\
+ \cmd{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual},\\
+ \cmd{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}, or\\
+ \cmd{\bibprogramminglanguage}.\\
+ Using any of these commands as type designator of a
+ \entryname{misc} entry ensures that the title is not italicized,
+ as required. The \entryname{manual} entry is now equal to
+ \entryname{misc} with default type \cmd{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}
+ if the \fieldname{type} field is empty.
+ Similarly, if you refer to a message that has been posted to
+ a newsgroup, internet forum, etc., you should use the
+ \entryname{misc} reference type with \cmd{\bibmessage} as
+ \fieldname{type} field.
+ \item[\fieldname{url}] \mbox{}\\
+ The web address of a web page. Used if the cited document (or
+ other work) is a web page or was obtained from a website.
+ \item[\fieldname{volume}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The volume or volumes of the referenced book(s) or
+ of the book in which the referenced article was published,
+ or the volume of the journal (magazine, newspaper, \ldots)
+ in which the referenced article was published.
+ \item[\fieldname{year}\LC] \mbox{}\\
+ The year in which the referenced item was published, or
+ if it was not published, the year in which it was written
+ or presented. For manuscripts or books that are accepted
+ for publication but have not yet been published, ``in press''
+ should be used according to the APA rules. The best way to do
+ this is to use the ``\cmd{\BIP}'' command, which can be redefined
+ by the user if the language or editorial style requires
+ something else than ``in press''. Furthermore, \cmd{\BIP}
+ is recognized by \pkg{apacite} and treated a little differently,
+ because for multiple ``in press'' references with the same
+ author(s), a hyphen (``-'') should be inserted between the
+ ``year'' (i.e., ``in press'') and the ``a'', ``b'', etc., that
+ follow it to distinguish the works, whereas this hyphen must
+ be omitted if the ``year'' is an ordinary year (1991a, 1991b).
+ If no date is explicitly given in (or on) the referenced work,
+ a ``n.d.'' (no date) should be given as year description.
+ For this, \pkg{apacite} supports the \cmd{\bibnodate}
+ command. This sometimes leads to different formatting as well,
+ e.g., by referencing a translation of a work of which there
+ is no original date. Then the \fieldname{originalyear}
+ field should be \cmd{\bibnodate} and the \fieldname{year} field
+ is then, e.g., \verb+1931+. If the \fieldname{translator}
+ field is not empty, the citation in the text is then formatted
+ as, e.g., ``\citeA{3.100-2}''.
+\subsection{Overriding the default sorting orders}
+Occasionally, it may be necessary to override \BibTeX's default sorting.
+For example, the way \BibTeX{} handles accents and other nonstandard
+characters, which is typically fine for documents in English, may
+not be acceptable for documents in other languages:
+``\verb+\"{u}+'' is treated as ``\verb+u+'', ``\verb+\ss+'' is treated as
+``\verb+ss+'', and ``\verb+\ae+'' is treated as ``\verb+ae+''.
+In non-English languages this sorting may not be appropriate and one
+may desire that ``\verb+\"{u}+'' is treated as ``\verb+ue+''.
+Numerous problems are caused by different conventions in different languages.
+Some examples are given in the documentation of the \textsf{amsrefs}
+package. Non-latin scripts (Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, etc.) may not be
+handled correctly as well. I am not able to judge this, nor does it seem
+to be a problem that must be solved in \textsf{apacite}. It has been
+announced that \BibTeX~1.0, when it will be released, will support
+non-English languages as well.
+An issue that occurs in English (APA) documents is that, according to
+the APA, numbers should be sorted as if they were spelled in words:
+``2003'' must be sorted as if it says ``\mbox{twothousandandthree}'';
+see example~4.04 in section~\ref{sec:xmpl} below.
+Overriding the default sorting order can be done by using the
+\cmd{\APACSortNoop} command in the \fname{.bib} file. This is a \LaTeX{}
+command provided by \pkg{apacite}. It has one mandatory argument, but it
+outputs nothing. However, \BibTeX{} does not know this and uses the
+contents of this command to sort the entry. For example,
+ author = {M{\"{u}}ller, Gerd},
+is sorted as ``\verb*+muller g+'', whereas
+ author = {{\APACSortNoop{Mueller}}M{\"{u}}ller, Gerd},
+is sorted as ``\verb*+muellermuller g+'', which typically results
+in the correct ordering. In the typeset document, both look like
+``M{\"{u}}ller''. Note that the extra pair of braces around the
+\cmd{\APACSortNoop} command are necessary to suggest to \BibTeX{}
+that it is an ``accent''. The specification
+ author = {\APACSortNoop{Mueller}M{\"{u}}ller, Gerd},
+is sorted as ``\verb*+apacsortnoopmuellermuller g+'', which is
+The description in the previous sections, with the exception of
+section~\ref{sec:options}, primarily discussed the default behavior of
+\pkg{apacite}. However, as mentioned in the introduction, in addition to the
+options, \pkg{apacite} offers many possibilities for customization. Most
+punctuation used in the citations and reference list are implemented through
+\LaTeX{} commands instead of explicit symbols. Consequently, the user can
+fine-tune the behavior of \pkg{apacite} by redefining these commands, through
+\cmd{\renewcommand} after \pkg{apacite} has been loaded. Analogously, most
+fixed texts, like ``Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}'' and ``Eds.\hbox{}'' are implemented
+through \LaTeX{} commands as well, and can similarly be changed by the user.
+The commands used by \pkg{apacite} are discussed in this section. Of course,
+the defaults are based on the rules of the APA manual.
+Some commands, predominantly punctuation, are used both in citations and in
+the reference list. If you want their definitions in citations to be different
+from their definitions in the reference list, you can simply redefine their
+definitions before starting the bibliography.
+\subsection{Punctuation and small formatting issues}
+The following punctuation commands are provided and used for
+the citations and reference list.
+ \item[\cmd{\BAstyle}] This defines the text style of the authors
+ (or whatever takes their place) for an in-text citation. It
+ defaults to nothing: The authors use the same fonts as the
+ text surrounding it. Introduced because some journals use
+ a different style. For example, \emph{Statistica Neerlandica}
+ uses small-caps, so for that journal, you would define
+ Do not use the \cmd{\textsc}-type commands, but \cmd{\scshape},
+ \cmd{\bfseries}, etc. The \cmd{\BAstyle} command is used for
+ the author-part by the citation commands
+ \cmd{\cite}, \cmd{\shortcite}, \cmd{\fullcite},
+ \cmd{\citeA}, \cmd{\shortciteA}, \cmd{\fullciteA},
+ \cmd{\citeNP}, \cmd{\shortciteNP}, and \cmd{\fullciteNP}.
+ \item[\cmd{\BAastyle}] This is the same as \cmd{\BAstyle}, except that
+ \cmd{\BAastyle} is used for \cmd{\citeauthor}, \cmd{\shortciteauthor},
+ and \cmd{\fullciteauthor}.
+ \item[\cmd{\BBOP}] Open parenthesis, used for parentheses opening
+ a citation, as in ``(Rao, 1973)'' or ``Rao (1973)'', and the
+ year in the reference list, as in ``Rao, C. R. (1973).''
+ Default is ``\verb+(+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BBCP}] The corresponding closing parenthesis.
+ Default is ``\verb+)+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BAP}] This command is inserted after the prefix and before
+ the first citation in a \cmd{\cite} command. It defaults to an
+ ordinary space.
+ \item[\cmd{\BBAA}] Last ``and'' between authors in a citation
+ between parentheses and in the reference list, as in
+ ``(Mooijaart \& Bentler, 1986)'' or ``Mooijaart, A., \&
+ Bentler, P. M. (1986).''. Default is ``\verb+\&+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BBAB}] Last ``and'' between authors in a citation in text,
+ as in ``Mooijaart and Bentler (1986)''. Default is ``\verb+and+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BBAY}] Punctuation between author(s) and year in a citation
+ between parentheses, as in ``(Rao, 1973)''. Default is ``\verb+, +''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BBYY}] \label{cmd:BBYY}
+ Punctuation between two subsequent years, if two works
+ by the same author(s) are referenced in a single citation command,
+ as in ``(Rao, 1965, 1973)'' or ``Rao (1965, 1973)''.
+ Default is ``\verb+, +''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BBC}] Punctuation between multiple cites, as in
+ ``(Rao, 1973; Mooijaart \& Bentler, 1986)''.
+ Default is ``\verb+; +''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BBN}] Punctuation before a note (postfix) after
+ a citation, as in ``(Rao, 1973, chap.~2)''.
+ Default is ``\verb+, +''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BBOQ}] Opening quote for an article title in the
+ reference list, as in
+ ``\flqq Random polynomial factor analysis.\frqq'' Default is
+ the empty string: no quotes used.
+ \item[\cmd{\BBCQ}] Closing quote for an article title in the
+ reference list. Default is the empty string.
+ (The \pkg{theapa} package required the closing period to be part
+ of the closing quote, but this has been
+ changed, because the period must be left out if title comments,
+ such as type, English translation of non-English title, or
+ translator follow the title.)
+ \item[\cmd{\BPBI}] Period between initials. Default is ``\verb+.~+'',
+ i.e., a period and a non-breaking space, as required by the APA
+ manual. However, many users prefer removing or reducing the space
+ and in some non-English speaking countries this is customary. This
+ can be achieved by redefining this command to, e.g., ``\verb+.+''
+ (no space) or ``\verb+.\,+'' (small space). This command cannot
+ be used to remove periods altogether, because there is still a
+ period at the end. I.e., redefining it as an empty string gives
+ awkward results like ``Bentler, PM., \& Mooijaart, A.''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BHBI}] Hyphen between initials. Introduced for analogy with
+ \cmd{\BPBI} and used for authors who have two or more first names
+ with a hyphen between them, e.g., Jean-Paul Sartre. Default is
+ ``\verb+.-+'', i.e., a period and a hyphen. Unlike \cmd{\BPBI},
+ I think this one will not be changed often, although \BibTeX{}
+ suppresses hyphens when it suppresses spaces between initials
+ as well, so there are people who have different preferences.
+ (Hence, \pkg{apacite} partly bypasses the standard \BibTeX{}
+ formatting functions to make this work.)
+ \item[\cmd{\BCBT}] Comma between authors in the reference section when
+ the number of authors is two, as in
+ ``Mooijaart, A., \& Bentler, P.~M. (1986).'' The comma
+ after the ``A.'' is this one. Default is ``\verb+,+''.
+ The APA manual requires it, but other styles leave out this
+ comma. In such a case, you would redefine this ``comma'' to
+ be the empty string:
+ \item[\cmd{\BCBL}] Comma before the last author (for 3 or more authors)
+ in a citation and in the reference section, as in ``(Gill, Murray,
+ \& Wright, 1981)'' or ``Gill, P.~E., Murray, W., \& Wright, M.~H.
+ (1981).'' Default is ``\verb+,+''. The APA manual requires it,
+ which is standard U.S. usage, but other styles, particularly
+ European, such as British English, leave out this comma. Again,
+ in such a case, you would redefine this ``comma'' to
+ be the empty string.
+ \item[\cmd{\BAnd}] This is the ``and'' that is used in the reference list
+ if someone is both editor and translator:
+ ``In J. Strachey (Ed. \& Trans),''. Default is ``\verb+\&+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\theBibCnt}] If there are multiple citations with the same
+ author and year, a letter should be added to the year to distinguish
+ the references. For example, one may refer to two or more articles
+ by J. Smith published in 1982. They should be referred to as
+ ``Smith (1982a)'', ``Smith (1982b)'', and so forth. To accomplish
+ this, the counter \verb+BibCnt+ is defined in \fname{apacite.sty}.
+ The \cmd{\theBibCnt} command defines how the value of \verb+BibCnt+
+ is formatted. The default is ``\verb+\alph{BibCnt}+''. To
+ emphasize (italicize) the ``a'', ``b'', etc., you can redefine
+ this as
+ (This presumably works better than ``\verb+\emph{\alph{BibCnt}}+''.)
+ To control this behavior, redefining the \cmd{\theBibCnt} command
+ should normally be sufficient. However, the complete formatting
+ commands are \cmd{\BCnt}, \cmd{\BCntIP}, and \cmd{\BCntND}. The
+ second of these is for ``in press'' works, which need an extra hyphen
+ between ``in press'' and the ``a'' and ``b'' suffixes. The third is
+ similar, for works without a date. Their default definitions
+ in \fname{apacite.sty} are
+ \item[\cmd{\APACciteatitle}] The formatting of the title of an
+ article (or similar work)
+ when used as a citation in the text when no author or editor
+ is available for that purpose. Its default definition
+ in \fname{apacite.sty} is
+ i.e., the title is put between double quotes.
+ \item[\cmd{\APACcitebtitle}] The formatting of the title of a book
+ (or other independent work)
+ when used as a citation in the text when no author or editor
+ is available for that purpose. Its default definition
+ in \fname{apacite.sty} is
+\newcommand{\APACcitebtitle}[1]{{\em #1\/}}
+ i.e., the title is emphasized (in italics) but not put between
+ double quotes.
+ \item[\cmd{\APACmetastar}] The asterisk that precedes an item in the
+ bibliography to denote that it is included in the meta-analysis.
+ The default value is ``\verb+\ensuremath{{}^\ast}+'', which
+ prints as ``\APACmetastar''.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibnewpage}] If the \pkgoption{bibnewpage} option
+ is chosen, this command is included before the bibliography.
+ Its default definition is \cmd{\clearpage}, but \fname{apa.cls}
+ uses a similar construction with its \pkgoption{man} option
+ through \cmd{\newpage}.
+ See \citeA[p.~215]{LaTeXbook} or \citeA[p.~37]{KoDa04} for the
+ differences between \cmd{\clearpage} and \cmd{\newpage}.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibliographytypesize}] This command is used before
+ the reference list, but after the section or chapter heading.
+ It is intended for the font size of the reference list:
+ For \citeA{WaMe00}, I defined it as \cmd{\small} (and even then
+ the reference list took up 34 pages). The default value is
+ \cmd{\normalsize}.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibleftmargin}] This gives the indentation of the second
+ and subsequent lines of a reference list entry, relative to the
+ usual left margin. It is not a proper command, but a
+ ``skip'' (rubber length), which means that it cannot be changed by
+ \cmd{\renewcommand}, but by \cmd{\setlength}. Its default
+ value is \verb+2.5em+.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibindent}] This gives the indentation of the first
+ line of a reference list entry, relative to the second line.
+ It is also a ``skip''. Its default value is \verb+-\bibleftmargin+,
+ which means that the first line starts at the original left margin,
+ and the second and subsequent lines are indented by 2.5em.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibitemsep}] This gives the vertical separation
+ between two reference list entries. It is also a ``skip'', with
+ default value ``\verb+\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax+'', i.e., 0pt,
+ but it may be stretched a little to fill the page nicely.
+ This is an old (Plain \TeX) style definition, I will probably
+ change that in a next version. If you want to change it,
+ e.g., to get a blank line between reference list entries,
+ you can use
+ \item[\cmd{\bibparsep}] This gives the vertical separation
+ between two paragraphs in the same reference list entry. Such a
+ situation does not occur in the default setup, so it is not
+ used, but it is conceivable that certain customizations lead
+ to its use. It is a ``skip'' with default value 0pt.
+There are many specific pieces of text that can be put into the reference
+list or a citation by \pkg{apacite}. Here, these pieces are called
+\emph{labels}. Almost all of these are to some extent language-specific, and
+sometimes style-specific even within the same language. Therefore, they are
+implemented through \LaTeX{} commands, so that users can easily change them.
+In this section, these commands and their purposes are described, and their
+(U.S.\ English) defaults are given. Section~\ref{sec:compat-babel} below will
+discuss how these commands are changed if another language is used.
+The following label commands are used:
+ \item[\cmd{\bibmessage}] This is the first of 9 specific type
+ commands that are recognized by \pkg{apacite}. If you
+ define the \fieldname{type} field of a \entryname{misc}
+ entry as ``\cmd{\bibmessage}'', the formatting of the
+ entry is changed (e.g., the title is not italicized),
+ see the discussion of the \fieldname{type} field in
+ section~\ref{subsec:fields} above. This one is used for
+ messages in newsgroups, internet forums, etc.
+ Default is ``\verb+Msg+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibcomputerprogram}]
+ Default is ``\verb+Computer program+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}]
+ Default is ``\verb+Computer program manual+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}]
+ Default is ``\verb+Computer program and manual+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibcomputersoftware}]
+ Default is ``\verb+Computer software+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}]
+ Default is ``\verb+Computer software manual+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}]
+ Default is ``\verb+Computer software and manual+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibprogramminglanguage}]
+ Default is ``\verb+Programming language+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibnotype}]
+ This one is a bit different from the previous 8. It is used for
+ \entryname{techreport} entries to indicate that the type specifier
+ should be suppressed. Its default value is the empty string, but this
+ will not have an effect on \pkg{apacite} behavior, because the type
+ specifier is suppressed anyway by \pkg{apacite}. However, by defining it
+ as the empty string, formatting may become better (i.e., closer to the
+ desired formatting) with other styles.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibnodate}] Used in the \fieldname{year} and
+ \fieldname{originalyear} fields to indicate that no
+ publication date has been given. Default value is ``\verb+n.d.\hbox{}+''.
+ The ``\verb+\hbox{}+'' ensures that \TeX{} does not treat
+ the last period as a sentence-ending period, after which
+ more space is inserted. This also applies to several other
+ labels discussed below.
+ \item[\cmd{\BOthers}] Used for ``others'' if the number of authors
+ or editors is too large, as in ``(Gill et al., 1981)''.
+ The default is ``\verb+et al.\hbox{}+''.
+ However, the definition contains a slight adaptation, because
+ in a previous version of \pkg{apacite}, there was a problem
+ implying that in some cases \BibTeX{} might put an extra period after
+ \cmd{\BOthers}, not recognizing that it already contains a period,
+ so that you would get ``et al.\hbox{}.'', which is undesirable.
+ It depends on the definition of \cmd{\BOthers} whether there should
+ be a period or not: If it is defined as ``\verb+et al.\hbox{}+'',
+ there should not be an additional period, but if it is defined
+ as, say, ``\verb+and others+'', then there should be an additional
+ period. But \BibTeX{} does not know what the (later) definition
+ of this command will be in \LaTeX{}. Therefore, the \cmd{\BOthers}
+ command is defined to have one argument. In \BibTeX,
+ \pkg{apacite} inserts \verb+\BOthers{.}+ in the output, so no
+ additional period is inserted by \BibTeX. By default, this
+ command is defined as ``\verb+et al.\hbox{}+'', and the argument is
+ simply ignored.
+ If you redefine the \cmd{\BOthers} command and need the additional
+ period, you can redefine it appropriately. However, in the current
+ version, the \cmd{\BOthers} command is distinguished from the
+ \cmd{\BOthersPeriod} command and I think the mentioned problems
+ do not occur anymore. Nevertheless, I have kept the definition of the
+ previous version. I may decide, after thorough testing, to change
+ this again in a next version.
+ There is still a complication, however. If you use a \cmd{\citeauthor}
+ at the end of a sentence, there may be a period too many, if
+ you end the sentence explicitly with it and \cmd{\BOthers} is
+ ``et al.\hbox{}''. On the other hand, if you omit the sentence-finishing
+ period but decide to redefine \cmd{\BOthers} to ``and others'',
+ the period is missing. Therefore, it seems wise not to end a sentence
+ with a \cmd{\citeauthor}, or you could define a command, e.g.,
+ \cmd{\finishsentence}, and insert it in an appropriate place.
+ Then, this command should be changed along with \cmd{\BOthers}.
+ \item[\cmd{\BOthersPeriod}] Also used for ``others'' if the number of
+ authors or editors is too large, as in
+ ``Gill, P. E., et al.\hbox{} (1981)''.
+ But this one is used for situations when it should always end with
+ a period. The default is ``\verb+et al.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibcorporate}] This command can be used in the \fieldname{author}
+ field (and \fieldname{editor} and \fieldname{translator}) to tell
+ \pkg{apacite} that the author is a corporate author. See
+ section~\ref{subsec:fields} for an example of its usage. In combination
+ with the \pkgoption{includecorporate} and \pkgoption{suppresscorporate}
+ options, it can be used to include or exclude corporate authors from
+ the author index. The usage as described above is structured as if
+ \cmd{\bibcorporate} has an argument, the corporate author name, but
+ by default, this argument simply would have to be copied to the output
+ without further processing. Therefore, in the actual implementation,
+ \cmd{\bibcorporate} does not have an argument and reduces to \cmd{\relax},
+ i.e., it does nothing in \LaTeX{} and exerts its influence at the
+ \BibTeX{} stage.
+ \item[\cmd{\BIP}] ``In press'', the string to be used as year for
+ in-press references. In the \fname{.bib} file, the \fieldname{year}
+ field should be ``\verb+\BIP+'', so that \pkg{apacite} can recognize
+ this and use appropriate formatting and sorting.
+ The default value is ``\verb+in press+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BIn}] Used for \entryname{incollection} and
+ \entryname{intechreport}, for ``In \opt{editor} (Ed.\hbox{}),
+ \opt{booktitle}'', and similar phrases. Default value is ``\verb+In+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BCHAP}] Used for \entryname{incollection} if the
+ \fieldname{pages} field is empty, to denote the chapter number
+ of the referenced work in the collection. Used primarily for
+ internet documents, where there are no page numbers.
+ Default value is ``\verb+chap.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BCHAPS}] Just like \cmd{\BCHAP}, but this one is used
+ if the \fieldname{chapter} field refers to more than 1 chapter.
+ Default value is ``\verb+chap.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BED}] Editor in reference list, as in
+ ``In P. R. Krishnaiah (Ed.\hbox{})''. Default is ``\verb+Ed.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BEDS}] Editors (more than one editor) in reference list,
+ as in ``In C.~R. Rao \& J.~K. Ghosh (Eds.\hbox{})''.
+ Default is ``\verb+Eds.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BTRANS}] Translator, as in ``(J. Strachey, Trans.\hbox{})''.
+ Default is ``\verb+Trans.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BTRANSS}] Translators. Default is ``\verb+Trans.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BTRANSL}] Translation. Used in a text citation when
+ referring to a translated work for which there is no date
+ for the original work. This is then formatted as
+ ``Aristotle (trans.\hbox{} 1931)''. Default is
+ ``\verb+trans.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BCHAIR}] Chair of a symposium, etc.
+ Default is ``\verb+Chair+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BCHAIRS}] Chairs. Default is ``\verb+Chairs+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BVOL}] Volume, as in ``Vol.\hbox{}~1''.
+ Default is ``\verb+Vol.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BVOLS}] Volumes, as in ``Vols.\hbox{} 1--4''.
+ Default is ``\verb+Vols.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BNUM}] Number, as in ``Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}
+ No.\hbox{}~12''.
+ Default is ``\verb+No.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BNUMS}] Numbers, as in ``Nos.\hbox{} 3--5''.
+ Default is ``\verb+Nos.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BEd}] Edition, as in ``2nd ed.\hbox{}''.
+ Default is ``\verb+ed.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BPG}] Page, default is ``\verb+p.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BPGS}] Pages, default is ``\verb+pp.\hbox{}+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BTR}] The (default) technical report type name, which can be
+ overridden by the \fieldname{type} field. Default is
+ ``\verb+Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}+''
+ \item[\cmd{\BPhD}] The (default) PhD thesis type name, which can be
+ overridden by the \fieldname{type} field. Default is
+ ``\texttt{Doctoral dissertation}''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BUPhD}] The (default) Unpublished PhD thesis type name,
+ which can be overridden by the \fieldname{type} field. Default is
+ ``\texttt{Unpublished doctoral dissertation}''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BMTh}] The (default) master's thesis type name, which can be
+ overridden by the \fieldname{type} field. Default is
+ ``\texttt{Master's thesis}''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BUMTh}] The (default) unpublished master's thesis type name,
+ which can be overridden by the \fieldname{type} field. Default is
+ ``\texttt{Unpublished master's thesis}''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BOWP}] ``Original work published'', default is
+ ``\texttt{Original work published}''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BREPR}] ``Reprinted from'', default is
+ ``\texttt{Reprinted from}''.
+ \item[\cmd{\Bby}] ``by'' in the construction
+ ``by P.~R. Krishnaiah, Ed.\hbox{}'' referring to the original
+ editor of a reprinted work. Default is ``\verb+by+''.
+ \item[\cmd{\BAuthor}] ``Author'' as a description of the publisher
+ if the author and publisher are the same. Default is
+ ``\verb+Author+''
+ \item[\cmd{\BAvailFrom}] ``Available from'', used if the \fieldname{url}
+ field is specified but the \fieldname{lastchecked} field is not.
+ Default is ``\verb+Available from\ +''. Note the extra space.
+ This construction allows customization by redefining this command
+ as being empty, thereby omitting the phrase altogether, without
+ undesirable extra space.
+ \item[\cmd{\BRetrieved}] ``Retrieved from'', used if both the
+ \fieldname{url} field and the \fieldname{lastchecked} field are
+ specified. It has one argumnt: the date, i.e., the contents of
+ the \fieldname{lastchecked} field. The default is
+ ``\verb+Retrieved {#1}, from\ +'', again with extra space.
+ \item[\cmd{\BMsgPostedTo}] Used for messages to newsgroups and the like.
+ Default is ``\verb+Message posted to\ +'', with space.
+ \item[\cmd{\refname}] Name of the reference list if it's a section.
+ (So it's the section name.) Default is ``\verb+References+''.
+ A problem with the current implementation is, that if you use
+ \pkg{babel}'s \cmd{\selectlanguage} command, then \cmd{\refname}
+ and \cmd{\bibname} are overwritten. Because \pkg{babel}'s
+ definitions of these commands are often (for various languages)
+ different from the names prescribed by the APA manual and analogous
+ bodies in other countries, it will often be necessary to redefine
+ \cmd{\refname} or \cmd{\bibname} if you have used
+ \cmd{\selectlanguage}. I hope to provide a fix in a next version
+ of \pkg{apacite}.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibname}] Name of the reference list if it's a chapter.
+ Default is ``\verb+References+''. See also \cmd{\refname}.
+ \item[\cmd{\bibliographyprenote}] This command is used before
+ the reference list, but after the section or chapter heading,
+ and immediately after \cmd{\bibliographytypesize}.
+ It is intended for an optional note just before the references
+ in the reference list. It defaults to nothing, but can be changed
+ to a list of commands (e.g., if some commands should be different
+ in the reference list than in the text) and/or some text.
+ \item[\cmd{\APACmetaprenote}] If a meta-analysis is reported, the
+ works included in the meta-analysis should in the bibliography be
+ preceded by an asterisk, see the description of \cmd{\APACmetastar}
+ above. This should then be explained in a note before the references.
+ This command contains the text of that note. Default is
+ ``\texttt{References marked with an asterisk indicate studies
+ included in the meta-analysis.}''.
+ \item[\cmd{\authorindexname}] Name (heading) of the author index.
+ Default is ``\verb+Author Index+''.
+\subsection{More drastic formatting changes to the reference list}
+In earlier versions of \pkg{apacite}, most of the formatting of the
+reference list is done in the \BibTeX{} stage, i.e., by the \fname{.bst}
+files. This corresponds with most other \BibTeX{} styles. This makes
+it difficult for users to customize the formatting of the reference
+list: They would have to make their own \fname{.bst} file, by adapting
+\fname{apacite.bst}. Certain small changes are relatively easy to make,
+but \BibTeX's ``bst'' language is not easy to understand for most users,
+and thus most desired changes, though seemingly small, may be too
+complicated to implement. Another drawback of this setup is that, each
+time I release a new version of \pkg{apacite}, users would have to make
+the same adaptations again. In the early days of \pkg{apacite}, wasting
+disk space was another drawback, but this is not important anymore.
+To overcome the most salient of these problems, \pkg{apacite} has always
+deferred some formatting choices to the \LaTeX{} stage, by using
+tailor-made formatting commands instead of explicit formatting,
+as discussed in sections~\ref{sec:custom-punct} and~\ref{subsec:labels}
+above. The amount of formatting thus handled has slightly grown over
+time, but still most choices were hard wired in the \BibTeX{} styles.
+In the current version of \pkg{apacite}, a big step has been made in
+transferring these choices to the \LaTeX{} domain. Hence, a much
+larger set of commands, with wider-ranging scope, has been defined,
+and considerably fewer choices are made at the \BibTeX{} stage. For
+example, \fname{apacite.bst} now inserts
+ \marg{journal}%
+ \marg{volume}%
+ \marg{number}%
+ \marg{pages}%
+ }
+in the \fname{.bbl} file for an \entryname{article} entry, and
+the actual formatting of this information is defined in
+\fname{apacite.sty}. If all four components are available, the
+default (APA manual) formatting of this looks like
+\mbox{\Bem{Acta Paedopsychiatrica},
+ \Bem{38}(9),
+ {229--231}}
+but by redefining this command, users can change this, e.g., to
+\mbox{\Bem{Acta Paedopsychiatrica}
+ \textbf{38}, No.~9:
+ {229--231}}
+The advantage of this is that users can fairly easily construct a
+customized style by redefining only a few commands in \LaTeX, by
+using \cmd{\renewcommand}. Users will generally find it much easier
+to do this than adapt the \fname{.bst} files. Furthermore, only
+the affected commands need to be redefined, so that, when a new
+version of \pkg{apacite} becomes available, all the new features
+can be used---with the exception of the redefined commands, of
+course---without having to adapt everything again. The drawback
+is that the \fname{.bbl} file becomes less readable and more
+difficult to adapt: Previously, it was easy to make ad-hoc changes
+by editing the \fname{.bbl} file, but this has now become more
+difficult. However, I intend to make this facility more user-friendly
+in the future, e.g., by introducing options in the \LaTeX{} package
+(say, \pkgoption{boldvolume}) or by introducing user-friendly
+commands that accomplish the same (say, \cmd{\boldvolume}), so that
+the advantages will clearly outweigh the disadvantages for the vast
+majority of users.
+Some packages (\pkg{amsrefs} and \pkg{biblatex} are the ones I am
+aware of) handle the formatting of the reference list completely
+in the \LaTeX{} domain, using \BibTeX{} only for sorting the reference
+list. The current version of \pkg{apacite} does not go that far;
+there are still certain choices that are hardwired in the \BibTeX{}
+code. Examples are the ordering of the various blocks (most notably
+the position of the year; some styles have this at the end) and the
+formatting of names. It is doubtful whether \pkg{apacite} will follow
+the path toward the end, like these other packages. Some formatting
+choices are closely connected with sorting of entries (e.g., by title
+if there is no author; this assumes that the title then takes the
+author position) or other cross-entry relations (such as adding
+`a' and `b' suffixes to the year). Therefore, it does not seem
+useful to disconnect these choices by handing them over to \LaTeX.
+The following commands are currently implemented to format the reference
+list. If you want to customize them, you can study the source code in
+the file \pkg{apacite.sty}, copy it to you own package file, and adapt
+the code as desired.
+\cmd{\APACmonth} & Month name (as function of a number) \\
+\cmd{\APACrefYear} & Year in the reference list \\
+\cmd{\APACrefYearMonthDay} & Year + month + day \\
+\cmd{\APACrefatitle} & Title (article style, default upright) \\
+\cmd{\APACrefbtitle} & Title (book style, default italicized) \\
+\cmd{\APACrefaetitle} & English translation of title (article) \\
+\cmd{\APACrefbetitle} & English translation of title (book) \\
+\cmd{\APACjournalVolNumPages} & Journal, volume, number, and pages \\
+\cmd{\APACaddressPublisher} & Address and publisher \\
+\cmd{\APACaddressInstitution} & Address and institution (for technical reports) \\
+\cmd{\APACaddressPublisherEqAuth} & Address and publisher if the publisher is the author \\
+\cmd{\APACaddressInstitutionEqAuth} & Address and institution if the latter is the author \\
+\cmd{\APAChowpublished} & \fieldname{howpublished} field \\
+\cmd{\APACorigED} & Original editor for reprints and translations \\
+\cmd{\APACorigEDS} & Ditto, multiple editors \\
+\cmd{\APACrefnote} & Formatting of \fieldname{note} field \\
+\cmd{\APACorigyearnote} & Original year + optional note \\
+\cmd{\APACorigjournalnote} & Original journal (+ volume, number, pages) + optional note \\
+\cmd{\APACorigbooknote} & Formatting of ``original'' information if the original is a book \\
+\cmd{\APACbVolEdTR} & Technical report information \\
+\cmd{\APACbVolEdTRpgs} & Ditto, for \entryname{intechreport}
+In addition, the following environments are used:
+\envirname{APACrefURL} & Formatting of \fieldname{url} field \\
+\envirname{APACrefURLmsg} & Formatting of \fieldname{url} field for messages
+It is likely that these lists will be expanded in future versions of
+\section{Language support}
+The APA is, of course, American, and therefore the rules in the APA manual
+are also based on the (U.S.) English language. Because \pkg{apacite} was
+primarily designed to implement the APA rules, and because I write all
+my scientific work in English, \pkg{apacite} originally did not contain
+explicit support for other languages. However, most language-specific
+elements have been implemented in the form of \LaTeX{} commands, so that
+users could define their own \LaTeX{} package in which these elements were
+changed. The labels discussed in section~\ref{subsec:labels} above are the
+most important part of this.
+Furthermore, when writing in a non-English language, the \pkg{babel} package
+will usually be loaded. The \pkg{babel} package is an extensive package that
+facilitates using \LaTeX{} for documents in languages other than English.
+There have been some compatibility problems between \pkg{babel} and
+\pkg{apacite}, and therefore since 2003 \pkg{apacite} contained some
+explicit code to overcome the compatibility problems. I think this works
+well, provided that \pkg{apacite} is loaded \emph{after} \pkg{babel}.
+Thus, although \pkg{apacite} did not support non-English languages
+explicitly, it did facilitate them. Supporting non-English languages is
+not a main objective of \pkg{apacite}, because it is not needed for
+the APA. Nevertheless, it potentially is a useful addition. Many journals in
+non-English languages and universities in countries where other languages
+are spoken base their rules on the APA manual. Therefore, it is
+efficient if, with a few adaptations, \pkg{apacite} can also be used in
+these circumstances. For this reason, and based on user requests,
+\pkg{apacite} has contained some explicit language support since June 2005.
+The unpacked \pkg{apacite} distribution contains files that have names
+according to the construction \opt{language}\fname{.apc}, i.e.,
+\fname{english.apc}, \fname{dutch.apc}, etc.
+These files define the language-specific modifications of \pkg{apacite},
+mainly translations of terms like ``and'', ``Ed.\hbox{}'', etc. They have been
+written by \pkg{apacite} users who are (native) speakers of the languages
+involved. If the \pkg{babel}, \pkg{german}, or \pkg{ngerman} package is
+loaded, \pkg{apacite} is able to determine the language of the document that
+is processed. Then the corresponding \fname{.apc} file, when available, is
+read. In this way, language-specific elements are changed to the relevant
+language. This is done fully automatically, the user does not have to do
+anything explicitly. However, sometimes an \fname{.apc} file makes some
+assumptions (such as \fname{greek.apc}, which assumes ISO-8859-7 encoding)
+or makes some choices that are nontrivial. Therefore, look at the source
+code of the \fname{.apc} file (or in the Implementation section of this
+manual if you have generated this manual with the \cmd{\AlsoImplementation}
+option) if you obtain unexpected results. These files contain some brief
+documentation of the specific issues relevant for the language at hand.
+The list with available \fname{.apc} files has been given in
+section~\ref{sec:usage}. One file is defined for each ``language'', which can
+be used for several ``dialects'' (in \pkg{babel} terminology). For example,
+\fname{english.apc} is also used if the language is ``american''. See the
+documentation of the \pkg{babel} and \pkg{(n)german} packages for a list of
+dialects of the language files supplied. If an \fname{.apc} file is not
+available for the language you need, you can use one of the supplied ones as a
+template and write your own. If you send it to me, I can include it in a next
+version of \pkg{apacite}.
+Note, however, that this form of language support is still very limited.
+There are many aspects that are not yet covered, like different forms of
+dates (month-day vs.\ day-month). As is clear from this manual, some
+facilities for expanded language support have been implemented in
+\pkg{apacite}, but this has often not yet been applied in the \fname{.apc}
+files. Thus, future versions of \pkg{apacite} need to improve on this.
+The \pkg{babelbib} package offers very sophisticated support of
+different languages. Perhaps some of the features that it offers are
+useful additions to \pkg{apacite} as well, and this these may be included
+in a future version of \pkg{apacite}.
+Generally speaking, I would want \pkg{apacite} to be compatible with other
+packages, of course. However, what does compatibility mean? It can mean
+various things:
+\item \label{compat1}%
+ The same \fname{.bib} file can be used with
+ different \BibTeX{} styles and \LaTeX{} citation packages;
+\item \label{compat2}%
+ The same citation commands as other citation packages;
+\item \label{compat3}%
+ Another \LaTeX{} citation package can be used with a
+ \fname{.bbl} file that is generated by the \pkg{apacite}
+ \BibTeX{} style;
+\item \label{compat4}%
+ The \pkg{apacite} \LaTeX{} citation package can be used with a
+ \fname{.bbl} file that is generated by another \BibTeX{} style;
+\item \label{compat5}%
+ The \pkg{apacite} \LaTeX{} citation package can be loaded at the
+ same time as other packages without errors or undesirable
+ side-effects.
+Because of the complicated rules of the APA manual, it is not always possible
+to achieve all kinds of compatibility with all other packages. Later in this
+section, I will discuss compatibility issues with other packages with which
+known incompatibility problems exist or have existed. A first example of this,
+the \pkg{babel} package, has already been mentioned above in
+Point~\ref{compat1} is the most important. If you have to write a completely
+different \fname{.bib} file for different citation styles, there does not seem
+to be an advantage in using \BibTeX{}. You might as well write the reference
+list explicitly in \LaTeX{} then. However, not even this point can be achieved
+completely, although the vast majority of the items will be the same for
+different styles. But there remain a number of choices that are style-specific
+and that lead to differences in the \fname{.bib} file. Examples from the APA
+manual are:
+\item If a referenced book is volume~III according to its title
+ page, this should be referenced as Vol.~3 according to the
+ APA manual rules, but that may not be the case with other
+ styles;
+\item Journal names are abbreviated by some styles, but not
+ according to the APA manual rules;
+\item Publisher names should be abbreviated according to the
+ APA manual, e.g., ``John Wiley \& Sons'' becomes ``Wiley''.
+ Other styles do not do this;
+\item The issue number of a journal should only be given if
+ the journal starts each issue with page~1, not if page
+ numbers of different issues in the same volume are consecutive.
+ Other styles may require the issue number in all cases;
+\item Page ranges are given as ``341--351'' in APA style, whereas
+ other styles use ``341--51'';
+\item The APA rules require a capital after a colon (`\verb+:+'),
+ so that subtitles start with a capital as well. Other styles
+ may not do this;
+\item The APA has specific rules about the address: For a U.S. city,
+ the state (or territory) should be given as a 2-letter code
+ from the U.S. Postal Services, and the province and country
+ should be given if it is a non-U.S. city, unless it is one of
+ the 17 (U.S. and non-U.S.) cities that are ``well-known for
+ publishing''. Then, only the city should be mentioned. There
+ are similar exceptions if the name of the state (and sometimes
+ even city) is already mentioned in the university name and
+ the university acts as publisher;
+\item Yearbooks like \emph{Annual Review of Psychology} should be treated
+ as journals according to the APA rules, whereas other styles
+ treat these as books;
+\item The additional fields (such as \fieldname{translator} and the
+ \fieldname{original*}-fields) that are used by \pkg{apacite} but are
+ not defined in other \BibTeX{} styles are of course
+ \pkg{apacite}-specific.
+Some of these problems can be handled relatively elegantly. For example,
+the user could use a command like ``\verb+\RomanVol{3}+'' in the
+\fieldname{volume} field. Then, the user could define a counter,
+\verb+RomanVolcounter+, say, in \LaTeX{} and then define
+\cmd{\RomanVol} (similar to \cmd{\BCnt} discussed earlier) as
+ \setcounter{RomanVolcounter}{#1}\theRomanVolcounter}
+where \cmd{\theRomanVolcounter} is defined as \verb+\arabic{RomanVolcounter}+
+if \pkg{apacite} is loaded and as \verb+\Roman{RomanVolcounter}+ if another
+package is loaded that desires this. The example with style-specific
+\fname{.bib} files that contain the definitions of journal-strings was already
+given in section~\ref{sec:bib} above. However, many users will not go through
+all this trouble, and not all problems can be solved in this way. So we have
+to realize that not all entries in the \fname{.bib} file will be suitable for
+all citation styles. On the other hand, most citation styles and journals are
+not as critical as APA journals and many styles in psychology and other social
+sciences (including economics) are very similar, so a \fname{.bib} file that
+is tailor-made for \pkg{apacite} is likely to be suitable enough for the
+styles of most relevant alternative journals.
+Point~\ref{compat2} above is currently not fulfilled. The \pkg{apacite}
+citation commands are directly based on those of its immediate predecessor,
+\pkg{theapa}. But the use of `\verb+<+' and `\verb+>+' for prefixes is not
+used by other packages. The influential \pkg{natbib} package uses \cmd{\citep}
+and \cmd{\citet} instead of \cmd{\cite} and \cmd{\citeA}, and uses many more
+alternative commands, see section~\ref{sec:compat-natbib} below. The
+\pkg{chicago} package uses \cmd{\citeA} instead of \cmd{\citeauthor}, many
+``numerical'' citation styles only recognize \cmd{\cite}, and so forth. As
+discussed below, I now consider \pkg{natbib} as the standard with which other
+packages should comply. Therefore, future versions of \pkg{apacite} will
+support the \pkg{natbib} citation commands, but the current version does not
+do that.
+I think that points~\ref{compat3} and~\ref{compat4} are not that important. It
+seems to me that there is not much wrong with defining a style through a
+combination of a \fname{.sty} and \fname{.bst} file, each requiring the other
+to work. However, given the possibilities and philosophy of the \pkg{natbib}
+package, it would be desirable that \fname{natbib.sty} can be used with
+\fname{apacite.bst}. As discussed below, this works, although it requires
+\fname{apacite.sty} to be loaded as well, before \fname{natbib.sty}.
+Point~\ref{compat5} is very important, especially with other packages that are
+complementary to \pkg{apacite} in some sense. It would be very annoying having
+to choose between using \pkg{babel} and \pkg{apacite}, or between
+\pkg{hyperref} and \pkg{apacite}, etc. These packages serve totally different
+purposes, cannot usefully be compared, and are more valuable when they can be
+used jointly. The rest of this section addresses this issue for a number of
+packages with which compatibility problems are known to exist or have existed.
+The \pkg{natbib} package is a general purpose citation package that is
+intended to work with a broad range of \BibTeX{} (and non-\BibTeX{}) styles
+that generate the bibliography. The \pkg{natbib} package is quite advanced and
+can be used to switch easily between completely different citation styles.
+Furthermore, the apparent popularity of \pkg{natbib} has inspired writers of
+packages that would otherwise be incompatible with \pkg{natbib} to write code
+to resolve these incompatibilities. I will mention some of these packages
+I consider \pkg{natbib} as the \emph{de facto} standard with which
+other packages should be compatible. Unfortunately, \pkg{apacite} is still
+not entirely compatible with \pkg{natbib}. The main incompatibility is that
+different citation commands are used, so that it is not possible to use the
+same document with \pkg{natbib} or \pkg{apacite}.
+\pkg{apacite}, building on its predecessors, uses \cmd{\cite} for
+parenthetical citations and \cmd{\citeA} for in-text citations, whereas
+\pkg{natbib} uses \cmd{\citep} and \cmd{\citet} for these purposes. Moreover,
+text that should precede the citation is entered between \verb+<+ and \verb+>+
+marks and text that should follow the citation is entered between square
+brackets (\verb+[+ and \verb+]+, i.e., a standard \LaTeX{} optional argument)
+in \pkg{apacite}, whereas \pkg{natbib} uses \emph{two} optional arguments
+between brackets. If there is one optional argument, \pkg{natbib} interprets
+this as text following the citation (just like \pkg{apacite}). If there is
+text that should precede the citation, but not text that should follow the
+citation, two optional arguments must be used in \pkg{natbib}, the second
+being empty.
+Furthermore, both packages have defined some alternative citation commands,
+such as \cmd{\citeNP} (\pkg{apacite}) and \cmd{\citealp} (\pkg{natbib}), some
+of which serve the same purpose and could therefore be mapped onto each other
+easily, but some others have no equivalent in the other package.
+A partial conversion table, listing the main \pkg{apacite} commands and their
+(closest) \pkg{natbib} equivalent is given in Table~\ref{tab:APAnatConv}. The
+APA requirement and \pkg{apacite} behavior of listing the full author list for
+the first citation (if there are at most 5 authors) and the short author list
+in subsequent citations is accomplished by loading \pkg{natbib} with the
+\pkgoption{longnamesfirst} option. This is assumed in the table. An example of
+better APA-like behavior of \pkg{natbib} is that, by using the
+\pkgoption{sort} option, \pkg{natbib} is able to sort the references within
+the same citation command, as required by the APA manual, whereas
+\pkg{apacite} does not have this option yet.
+\caption{Partial conversion table of the main \pkg{apacite}
+ citation commands and their (closest) \pkg{natbib} equivalents.}
+\pkg{apacite} & $\mbox{}\qquad\qquad\mbox{}$ & \pkg{natbib} \\
+\cmd{\cite} & & \cmd{\citep} \\
+\cmd{\citeNP} & & \cmd{\citealp} \\
+\cmd{\citeA} & & \cmd{\citet} \\
+\cmd{\citeauthor} & & \cmd{\citeauthor} \\
+\cmd{\citeauthorNP} & & \cmd{\citeauthor} \\
+\cmd{\fullcite} & & \cmd{\citep*} \\
+\cmd{\fullciteNP} & & \cmd{\citealp*} \\
+\cmd{\fullciteA} & & \cmd{\citet*} \\
+\cmd{\fullciteauthor} & & \cmd{\citeauthor*} \\
+\cmd{\fullciteauthorNP} & & \cmd{\citeauthor*} \\
+\cmd{\shortcite} & & \cmdtwo{shortcites}{keys}\cmd{\citep} \\
+\cmd{\shortciteNP} & & \cmdtwo{shortcites}{keys}\cmd{\citealp} \\
+\cmd{\shortciteA} & & \cmdtwo{shortcites}{keys}\cmd{\citet} \\
+\cmd{\shortciteauthor} & & \cmdtwo{shortcites}{keys}\cmd{\citeauthor} \\
+\cmd{\shortciteauthorNP} & & \cmdtwo{shortcites}{keys}\cmd{\citeauthor} \\
+\cmd{\citeyear} & & \cmd{\citeyearpar} \\
+\cmd{\citeyearNP} & & \cmd{\citeyear} \\
+\cmd{\nocite} & & \cmd{\nocite} \\
+Many labeling and punctuation commands are also different but similar between
+\pkg{natbib} and \pkg{apacite}. I haven't studied the \pkg{natbib} commands
+in detail, but will do so in the future. It is my intention to add
+\pkg{natbib}-compatible commands to apacite in the future, so that the same
+document can be processed either with \pkg{natbib} or with \pkg{apacite}.
+When you want to use \pkg{natbib} for citation and \pkg{apacite} for the
+reference list, you still need to load the \LaTeX{} package \fname{apacite.sty}
+(with \cmd{\usepackage}), because of the commands that are included in the
+\BibTeX{} output (as defined in section~\ref{sec:custom} above). The
+\fname{apacite.sty} file must be loaded \emph{before} \fname{natbib.sty},
+otherwise you will get lots of error messages. I may try to fix that for
+a future version of \pkg{apacite}.
+Using \pkg{natbib} for the citations has some advantages over using
+\pkg{apacite} for the citations. Apart from the abovementioned sorting
+of citations within a single citation command, these are mainly
+\pkg{natbib}'s better compatibility with some other important packages,
+although many compatibility problems with \pkg{apacite} have now been
+However, \pkg{natbib} does not fully comply with the APA rules.
+Known incompatibilities between \pkg{natbib} and the APA rules are: (1)
+Multiple adjacent citations with the same author and year are formatted
+as ``Johnson, 1991a,b'' by \pkg{natbib}, whereas the APA manual requires
+this to be ``Johnson, 1991a, 1991b''; (2) The APA manual requires ``and''
+between authors to be ``and'' in text and ``\&'' in parenthetical citation,
+but \pkg{natbib} does not make this distinction.
+I could change the \fname{apacite.bst} and \fname{apacitex.bst} \BibTeX{}
+style files so that \pkg{natbib} would be ``fooled'' and the first
+problem would be resolved. However, this has the drawback of imposing APA
+style citations when you request \pkg{natbib} style citations, and you
+may actually want the behavior mentioned above. I am only able to provide
+one of these possibilities. It would be better to add an option to
+\pkg{natbib} with which the desired behavior can be chosen. Thus, you
+could try to put pressure on the author of \pkg{natbib} to achieve this.
+Alternatively, I might attempt to provide an option to \pkg{apacite}
+in the future that controls this behavior of \pkg{natbib}.
+The second incompatibility between \pkg{natbib} and the APA rules mentioned
+above occurs because \pkg{apacite} uses the re-definable \cmd{\BBA}
+command for this usage of ``and''. The \pkg{natbib} citation commands
+do not redefine \cmd{\BBA}, so you can choose only one of these, or you
+must redefine \cmd{\BBA} explicitly before each citation.
+\subsection{\pkg{hyperref}, \pkg{backref}, and \pkg{url}}
+The \pkg{hyperref} package turns (\mbox{cross-}) references into hypertext
+links. This can be used in conjunction with a program such as \latextohtml{}
+to compose \fname{.html} files with clickable links, to internet pages or
+within the same document, or it can be used to create a \fname{.pdf} document
+with clickable crossreferences. Evidently, citations are also references.
+Therefore, the \pkg{hyperref} package transforms these into hypertext links as
+well, and needs to redefine the citation commands and reference list commands
+in order to do so. These redefinitions have caused severe incompatibility
+problems between \pkg{apacite} and \pkg{hyperref} in the past. Previous
+versions of \pkg{apacite} contained an experimental \pkgoption{hyper}
+option that solved some problems, but left others. In the current version
+of \pkg{apacite}, the incompatibility problems have been solved, and
+the \pkgoption{hyper} and \pkgoption{nohyper} options are now obsolete.
+However, some of the ``dirty tricks'' I needed for complicated examples
+in section~\ref{sec:xmpl} still conflict with \pkg{hyperref}. You will
+probably not encounter these problems very often, but if you do these can
+be easily solved by editing the \fname{.bbl} file instead of using
+dangerous tricks; see also section~\ref{sec:autindex} below.
+The \pkg{backref} package adds to each entry in the bibliography a list
+of pages (or sections) on which it is referenced. Hence, it serves as
+an alternative to an author index, in which not the entries themselves
+are backreferenced, but the authors of these entries, see
+section~\ref{sec:autindex}. Note that \pkg{natbib} offers yet another
+possibility, viz.\ the citations in the standard index, or a separate
+citation index, see the \pkg{natbib} documentation. In my opinion,
+the \pkg{backref} way of indexing the page numbers of the citations
+is more logical. Moreover, it is more condensed as well.
+Obviously, the \pkg{backref} package has to change the citation commands
+and reference list to be able to do its backreferencing.
+Because \pkg{apacite} redefines these as well, they are conflicting
+to some degree. A similar compatibility problem between \pkg{backref}
+and \pkg{natbib} was noticed by the author of \pkg{backref}. Therefore,
+\pkg{backref} contains some code to make it compatible with \pkg{natbib}.
+This code has been adapted for \pkg{apacite} and incorporated in
+\pkg{apacite}. Thus, \pkg{backref} as a standalone package has been made
+compatible with \pkg{apacite}. The drawback of this solution is that if
+changes are made in the \pkg{backref} package, this may result in new
+incompatibilities with \pkg{apacite} unless \pkg{apacite} is changed as
+well. Whether, and if so, when, this will occur will be a question for
+the future.
+Apart from being a standalone package, \pkg{backref} can also be
+combined with \pkg{hyperref}. It is then not loaded separately,
+but through the \pkgoption{backref} or \pkgoption{pagebackref}
+option of the \pkg{hyperref} package. In this case, the backreferences
+become hypertext links. See the discussion of the \pkg{hyperref}
+package above.
+The \pkg{url} package provides the \cmd{\url} command for formatting URLs,
+i.e., web addresses. It is typically loaded if \pkg{hyperref} is also
+loaded, but it is very useful on its own as well. There are no
+compatibility problems with \pkg{apacite} and it is not required when
+using \pkg{apacite}. However, if you use the \fieldname{url} field,
+\pkg{apacite} puts it into a \cmd{\url} command. If the \pkg{url}
+command is not defined by another package, \pkg{apacite} provides a
+crude definition, so that no errors are generated. But the formatting
+thus obtained usually does not satisfy the APA rules about formatting,
+especially its rules about line breaking within a URL. The default
+line breaking rules of the \pkg{url} package are fairly close to the
+APA rules, but there are some differences. Therefore, \pkg{apacite}
+provides several URL-styles that adhere to the APA line breaking
+rules, supplemented by the additional suggestions in
+The only difference between the URL styles defined by \pkg{apacite}
+is which font family they use: \verb+APACtt+ uses \cmd{\ttfamily},
+\verb+APACsf+ uses \cmd{\sffamily}, \verb+APACrm+ uses \cmd{\rmfamily},
+and \verb+APACsame+ does not define a font family, and thus uses the
+font family that is active at the start of the URL. \verb+APACtt+ is
+selected by default, but you can select another URL style by inserting
+the command \cmd{\urlstyle}\marg{style} in your document, after
+\verb+\begin{document}+. See the documentation of the \pkg{url}
+package for more details.
+\subsection{Multiple bibliographies}
+The \pkg{chapterbib} package allows separate bibliographies for separate
+chapters of a book, or, technically, separate \cmd{\include}d files. To work
+properly, it needs some small changes to the citation package, which are
+clearly described in the \pkg{chapterbib} documentation. These changes have
+been incorporated in \pkg{apacite}, and therefore \pkg{apacite} is compatible
+with \pkg{chapterbib}.
+It is generally advisable not to use the \pkgoption{sectionbib} option of
+\pkg{chapterbib}, because this redefines \cmd{\thebibliography}, which
+interferes with the redefinition by \pkg{apacite}. You can use the
+\pkgoption{sectionbib} option of \pkg{apacite} to accomplish that the
+bibliography or bibliographies are sections, rather than chapters.
+Moreover, \pkg{apacite} is configured such that it takes a section as default
+if it is in the main matter (signified by \cmd{\mainmatter}) of the document.
+In the back matter (\cmd{\backmatter}) the bibliography is put in a chapter.
+This is also the case if \cmd{\chapter} is defined but \cmd{\mainmatter} not.
+(Is this possible? Perhaps for reports?) Consequently, the
+\pkgoption{sectionbib} option is only useful in specific circumstances. The
+\pkgoption{nosectionbib} forces the bibliography to be a chapter, provided
+\cmd{\chapter} is defined. (I figured a \pkgoption{chapterbib} option would be
+a bit confusing, so I stuck with \pkgoption{nosectionbib}.)
+The \pkg{bibunits} package is an alternative to \pkg{chapterbib}. It allows a
+greater flexibility in choosing the scope of a bibliography (chapter, section,
+or arbitrarily defined part of the document). In previous versions, there
+have been some compatibility problems between \pkg{apacite} and \pkg{bibunits},
+but these have now been solved.
+The \pkg{multibib} and \pkg{multibbl} packages support using multiple
+bibliographies simultaneously. Thus, one can cite entries from multiple
+bibliographies in the same part of the document. This may be useful of one
+wants thematically different bibliographies or separate bibliographies for
+references in different scripts (e.g., Latin and Greek). These packages
+accomplish this by introducing different citation commands for the different
+bibliographies. \pkg{apacite} contains compatibility code such that these
+packages can be used jointly with \pkg{apacite}.
+The \pkg{bibtopic} package offers a similar functionality, but instead of
+using separate citation commands, it requires the user to keep the references
+in different \fname{.bib} files, so that there is one bibliography per
+\fname{.bib} file. \pkg{apacite} contains a little bit of compatibility code,
+which largely seems to work, but ``and'' between authors is always ``\&'', even
+in \cmd{\citeA}. I hope to fix this in a future version of \pkg{apacite}.
+Another package that offers similar functionality is \pkg{splitbib}. This
+uses neither different citation commands, nor separate \fname{.bib} files.
+rather, it requires the user to declare the ``category'' of each cited
+reference, typically at the beginning of the document. Again, \pkg{apacite}
+contains compatibility code such that simultaneous redefinitions of some
+of the citation and reference list commands do not conflict.
+A few caveats must be mentioned here. First, simultaneous bibliographies
+only work well if it is guaranteed that there are no ambiguities in the
+reference lists. With a single bibliography, ambiguities are resolved at the
+\BibTeX{} stage by adding initials to ambiguous first author names,
+adding additional authors before (or instead of) ``et al.\hbox{}'' to
+ambiguous multiple-author lists, and adding ``a'' and ``b'' suffixed to
+the year for references to different documents with the same authors published
+in the same year. Because, with the exception of \pkg{splitbib}, these
+packages require multiple \BibTeX{} runs on separate selections of references,
+\fname{apacite.bst} can only resolve ambiguities within the same bibliography.
+When there are cross-bibliography ambiguities, these are not resolved. It
+seems like these packages are primarily intended to work with numbered
+citation styles, or otherwise labeled citation styles, so that unique
+cross-bibliography numbers or labels can be generated at the \LaTeX{} stage.
+Second, I wrote the compatibility code in early 2006 (sorry about the long
+delay for this release) and have only superficially tested it recently.
+It seems to work, apart from minor details, but there may be problems I am
+not aware of. Please let me know if you encounter such problems. Then I'll
+try to fix them or at the least mention them in the next version of the
+manual. In particular, I believe that usage of \cmd{\nocitemeta} is not
+prefectly integrated yet: You may get the ``References marked\dots'' message
+even if the relevant bibliography does not contain marked references,
+or references that are \cmd{\nocitemeta}'d for one bibliography but not
+for another are marked for both. I don't think the \cmd{\nocitemeta}
+command is used much, so I would be surprised if anybody encountered
+such problems, but please let me know if you do. Then I'll try to fix them.
+Third, the compatibility code for all of these packages either follows
+instructions given in those packages, or brutally redefines part of the
+code of those packages. If these packages change, this may mean that
+new compatibility problems are created, or that improved features of
+these packages are not available when combined with \pkg{apacite}. I do
+not have the time to regularly check for updates of these packages and
+then study changes and/or test compatibility again. Instead, I only take
+action when a user notifies me of a problem, or I coincidentally find out
+myself. Therefore, again, please let me know if you encounter problems.
+\subsection{Programs for conversion to html, rtf, etc.}
+There are several programs that convert \LaTeX{} files to other types
+of files, most notably \fname{html} and \fname{rtf}. This may, for example,
+be useful if you want to publish your document on the internet or if you
+are requested to send a ``Word'' file to a journal. I have received reports
+that \latextohtml{} and \LaTeXrtf{} do not handle documents that use
+\pkg{apacite} well. Therefore, I have studied these programs. This section
+contains my observations. Note that these are quite old and not updated, and
+it is quite likely that the software mentioned in this section has been
+altered (improved) considerably. Therefore, the information may be outdated.
+Please let me know if there are major changes that I should be aware of.
+\latextohtml{} is a \Perl{} program that converts a \LaTeX{} input
+file into one or more \fname{.html} files, so that a document that is prepared
+with \LaTeX{} can be used as a (user-friendly) internet document. For papers,
+lecture notes, and transparencies of classes, I always convert the
+\fname{.dvi} file output by \LaTeX{} to a \fname{.pdf} file (through the
+\pkg{dvipdfm} program), which can be read by most people, e.g., using the
+\pkg{Adobe Reader} program or browser plug-in. I find \fname{.pdf} files
+more convenient, because I can download a whole paper or presentation
+with a single click and then print it and read it when and where I desire,
+whereas typical examples of conversions to \fname{.html} use many
+\fname{.html} files, which can only be conveniently read from the computer
+screen when and where you're connected to the internet. Nevertheless, I can
+imagine that someone would like to convert a document to \fname{.html}, e.g.,
+because it loads faster and reads easier from the screen, because for some
+documents most people will have to use only a small part and can easier browse
+or search through it, or just because you want to make a home page and do not
+want to learn the html-language.
+Similarly, \LaTeXrtf{} is a standalone program that converts a \LaTeX{}
+document to \fname{.rtf} format, which can be read by most word processors.
+This may be convenient if you (a \LaTeX{} user) want to share a document with
+someone who does not work with \LaTeX{}, or as mentioned above, if you are
+required to send a ``Word'' file to a journal.
+Both \latextohtml{} and \LaTeXrtf{} implement \LaTeX{} macros etc.\ in
+another programming language (\latextohtml{}: \Perl{}; \LaTeXrtf{}: C) and
+process the \fname{.tex} files directly. This design implies that the
+conversion program must know the definitions of all \LaTeX{} macros that
+are used. A drawback of this design is that essentially the same code has
+to be written in different programming languages (\LaTeX{} macros for the
+\fname{.sty} file, \Perl{} for \latextohtml{}, and C for \LaTeXrtf{}), but
+typically with some adaptations specific for the application at hand.
+With \LaTeXrtf{}, the \LaTeX{} macros that it is able to process are included
+in the C source code that is compiled. Consequently, no user additions are
+possible in principle. However, the source code is freely available, so if you
+define a \LaTeX{} macro, you could adapt \LaTeXrtf{}'s source code and
+recompile \LaTeXrtf{}. It is obvious that this is very inconvenient,
+especially if \LaTeX{} macros are defined differently for different styles or
+if they are defined differently in different parts of the same document.
+Version~1.9.15 and higher of \LaTeXrtf{} contains some support for
+\pkg{apacite}, but lags a few versions of \pkg{apacite} behind and thus
+doesn't work with recent versions of \pkg{apacite}. Moreover, even if this
+would be fixed, e.g., because I (or you) send patches to the \LaTeXrtf{}
+authors, this wouldn't do justice to the flexibility of \pkg{apacite}, i.e.,
+its customization options.
+In contrast with this, \latextohtml{} allows the possibility to supply
+external \Perl{} scripts. If \latextohtml{} encounters a
+\cmdtwo{usepackage}{package} command in the document, it attempts to read the
+corresponding \opt{package}\fname{.perl} \Perl{} script. \latextohtml{} is
+shipped with many such \Perl{} scripts. There is not one for \pkg{apacite},
+but there is one for \pkg{natbib}, which could possibly be adapted for
+\pkg{apacite}. Alternatively, you could use the \pkg{natbib} citation commands
+and use the \pkg{natbib} package, which should work. This will become more
+straightforward when, in a future version, \pkg{apacite} also supports the
+\pkg{natbib} citation commands. Then the \fname{natbib.perl} script may
+possibly be copied to \fname{apacite.perl} without having to adapt much.
+However, I have never studied \Perl{}, and I do not particularly like the
+idea of having to learn that language for this purpose, so it is not very
+likely that in the near future \latextohtml{} will work well with
+Note, however, that the design with the \Perl{} scripts has the advantage
+that, if you customize the usage of \pkg{apacite} by writing your own
+\fname{.sty} file that renews the definitions of some macros, you can also
+supply a corresponding \Perl{} script, so that your customizations are
+An alternative to both \latextohtml{} and \LaTeXrtf{} is \TeXht{}. This is
+a collection of programs and style files that convert \LaTeX{} to
+various formats, such as html, xml, and OpenOffice format. If you have
+OpenOffice, the latter can be used to convert to Word (or rtf) format.
+The principle of \TeXht{} is to let \LaTeX{} do most of the formatting and
+processing of commands, and do the conversion at low-level \TeX{} commands.
+In this way, all newly defined commands and user-defined changes are
+automatically supported. This even carries over to redefinitions of macros
+in the middle of a document. However, for some specific purposes, there are
+some additional things that must be arranged. Therefore, \TeXht{} contains a
+large list of \fname{.4ht} files that are necessary to support various
+\LaTeX{} packages. One of these is the \fname{apacite.4ht} file. The main
+purpose of this file is to make citations into hyperlinks to the corresponding
+entries in the reference list. Currently, this only works partially, but
+the citation text itself is formatted correctly, so this is only a
+relatively minor inconvenience. But, of course, it would be better if this
+would work perfectly. Perhaps I'll study the problems in the future and
+solve this for a future version (although, technically, it is a \TeXht{}
+problem and not an \pkg{apacite} problem).
+The choice of which converter to use will typically not (only) depend on how
+good it works in conjunction with \pkg{apacite}. Furthermore, apart from the
+converters mentioned above, there are several additional converters that I
+haven't studied at all. I will only study them if I receive reports about
+incompatibility and even then it is far from certain that I will be willing or
+able to fix the problems. It would be very demanding if I would have to define
+the \pkg{apacite} commands in a large number of programming languages for a
+large number of different converters. Because I prefer the design of \TeXht{}
+and because this converter seems to work best at the moment, I will give a
+bit more attention to this one.
+\section{Generating an author index}
+The \pkg{apacite} package contains an option to (almost) automatically
+generate an author index. This is done by using the \fname{apacitex.bst}
+\BibTeX{} style file instead of \fname{apacite.bst} and loading the
+\fname{apacite.sty} \LaTeX{} package with the \pkgoption{index} option,
+either explicitly or implicitlt through one of the \pkgoption{stdindex},
+\pkgoption{tocindex}, \pkgoption{emindex}, or \pkgoption{ltxemindex} options.
+In previous versions of \pkg{apacite}, the \pkgoption{index} option
+automatically loaded the \pkg{index} package for multiple indexes, so that
+you can have a subject index as well as an author index. However,
+the current document uses the standard \pkg{ltxdoc} class for documenting
+\LaTeX{} packages, and this class uses another method for supporting
+multiple indexes, which appears incompatible with the \pkg{index} package.
+I have yet been unable to resolve these compatibility problems and,
+therefore, have implemented another way to generate an author index in
+addition to other indexes. This uses the same principles as \pkg{ltxdoc}
+and thus does work for this user's manual. As a consequence,
+\pkg{apacite} now offers options that generate the author index either
+with the \pkg{index} package or without it.
+The \pkgoption{indexpackage} option implies that author indexing is done
+according to the \pkg{index}-scheme, whereas the \pkgoption{noindexpackage}
+uses the \pkg{ltxdoc}-based scheme. These options are ignored if the
+\pkgoption{index} option of \pkg{apacite} is not requested. When the
+\pkgoption{index} option is requested, the \pkgoption{indexpackage} option
+loads the \pkg{index} package. This is the default unless it is disabled
+by using either the \pkgoption{noindexpackage} option or the
+\pkgoption{ltxemindex} option.
+Obviously, the \pkg{index} package must be available in a directory that
+is read by \LaTeX{} if the \pkgoption{indexpackage} option is requested,
+either explicitly or implicitly. If a subject index is desired, it must be
+defined by the user, it is not defined by \pkg{apacite}. See the manual of
+the \pkg{index} package on how to do this. A default author index \emph{is}
+defined by \pkg{apacite}. The author index is then requested by putting
+at the point in the \LaTeX{} document where the index is supposed to appear.
+To include the author index in the processed document, the following sequence
+must be followed: First, \LaTeX{}, which puts citation entries in the
+\fname{.aux} file. Second, \BibTeX{}, which generates the bibliography in the
+\fname{.bbl} file. Third, \LaTeX{} (at least) twice, which puts index entries
+in a \fname{.adx} file, Fourth, \MakeIndex{}, which uses the \fname{.adx} file
+as input and puts the formatted index in a \fname{.and} file, which can be
+processed by \LaTeX{}. So, if the main document is \fname{filename.tex}, then
+\MakeIndex{} must be called as follows:
+makeindex -o filename.and filename.adx
+although the command with which the \MakeIndex{} program must be called may on
+some systems be slightly different, e.g., \fname{makeinde} or
+\fname{makeindx}. Furthermore, several additional options may be chosen on the
+\MakeIndex{} command line. Fifth, run \LaTeX{} again, which (finally) includes
+the formatted author index in the \fname{.dvi} file.
+The \pkg{apacite} package provides some options to change the appearance of
+the index somewhat. With (only) the \pkgoption{index} option, the indexing
+facility is turned on, but the \envirname{theindex} environment is not explicitly
+(re)defined by \pkg{apacite}. This means that this environment is defined just
+like in standard \LaTeX{}, or the \pkg{index} package, or some other package
+that be loaded that redefines this environment.
+The \pkgoption{stdindex} option explicitly uses the definition of the
+\envirname{theindex} environment that is defined in the \pkg{index} package
+[1995/09/28 v4.1beta Improved index support (dmj)].
+With this definition, the index does not appear in the table of contents. With
+the \pkgoption{tocindex} option, this definition is augmented with a table of
+contents entry. With the \pkgoption{emindex} option, there are some alternative
+definitions. It writes a table of contents entry as well, but the index itself
+is now set in two columns using the \pkg{multicol} package instead of the
+\cmd{\twocolumn} command, the text of the index is set in small type, and the
+page head is not put in uppercase. The \pkgoption{ltxemindex} option uses
+the same style as the \pkgoption{emindex} option, except that it does not
+load the \pkg{index} package and is thus tailored to a somewhat different
+indexing method.
+When a table of contents entry is desired, another additional \LaTeX{} run is
+required to obtain the table of contents with the author index included. In
+exceptional cases, the extra line in de table of contents may cause the text
+to be moved as well, so that it may be necessary to run \MakeIndex{} a second
+time, followed by yet one or two more \LaTeX{} runs.
+The definitions of the index discussed apply to all indexes in the document,
+so to, e.g., the subject index as well as the author index. This may be
+undesirable, and therefore future versions of \pkg{apacite} may contain
+options or commands to switch index styles. In fact, this is done in the
+current document (if you generate it with \cmd{\AlsoImplementation}),
+using the \cmd{\APACdocindex} command defined in \fname{apacdoc.sty}.
+In the absence of explicit options, if you want a different index style,
+either for all indexes in your document or only for some indexes, you can
+define such a style using the \cmd{\renewenvironment} command in the
+appropriate place. See the standard \LaTeX{} documentation for this
+command. You can use the source code of the \pkg{index} package, or
+the \pkg{apacite} source code for that matter, as a template.
+Finally, some elements of the formatting of the index itself can be changed
+by using (and/or writing) an \fname{.ist} file containing the preferred
+options. \MakeIndex{} should then be called with the filename of this index
+style file after a ``\verb+-s+'' option on the command line, so, e.g.,
+makeindex -s -o filename.and filename.adx
+The \MakeIndex{} documentation discusses the possible options that can be put
+into the \fname{.ist} file.
+As discussed in sections~\ref{sec:options}, \ref{subsec:fields}, and
+\ref{subsec:labels}, the \pkgoption{suppresscorporate} and
+\pkgoption{includecorporate} options can be used to either
+excludes corporate authors from the author index or include them in it.
+The \cmd{\bibcorporate} command must be used in the \fname{.bib} file
+to denote a corporate author.
+For some of the examples from the APA manual, I had to use quite advanced
+\LaTeX{} tricks to obtain the correct formatting in the text, the reference
+list, and the author index; see section~\ref{sec:xmpl} below. This will
+typically not be necessary in practice. In the unlikely event that you
+encounter similar difficult cases, it will usually be sufficient to use
+a relatively simple trick in the \fname{.bib} file. In rare situations,
+this may still give incorrect formatting, most likely in the author index.
+Somewhat less rare is the situation when there is such a problematic case
+but you also want to use the \pkg{hyperref} package. The tricks I used
+conflict with \pkg{hyperref}.
+An easy solution to incorrect formatting and/or sorting in the author index is
+to edit the \fname{.bbl} file manually. This should be done at a time when
+\BibTeX{} will not have to be run again. Otherwise, the changes would be
+overwritten by the next \BibTeX{} run. This editing of the \fname{.bbl} file
+is not in the \TeX-spirit, but in my experience---I used it for two books
+with lots of references \cite{meijer1998,WaMe00}, with a previous version of
+\pkg{apacite} that caused a fair amount of problematic cases---this takes very
+little time, usually only minutes (compare that with the time spent on writing
+a book, or with the time that would be necessary to manually make an author
+The connection between the \fname{.bbl} file and the author index is through
+\cmd{\AX} commands that are entered by \fname{apacitex.bst} in the
+\fname{.bbl} file. These are responsible for the author indexing facilities.
+By looking at the contents of the \fname{.bbl} file, some changes that lead to
+correct formatting are immediately obvious. For example, the entry for Bender
+is generated by the following lines:
+\AX{bender jdirector
+@Bender, J\BPBI
+ {\protect\bibliteral{(Director)}\protect\indexskipbracenodot}.}%
+It is immediately clear that this can be changed to
+\AX{bender j
+@Bender, J.}%
+Then, this author will be formatted correctly in the author index,
+and conflicts with \pkg{hyperref} are resolved.
+Note that \pkg{apacite} uses the \opt{key}\verb+@+\opt{visual} form of
+indexing. This form is used in \MakeIndex{} to distinguish between the actual
+representation in the index and the place where it should occur. The \opt{key}
+is used by \MakeIndex{} to sort the entry, but the entry actually appearing in
+the index is \opt{visual}. In the \opt{key} part as formatted by
+\pkg{apacite}, all names are in lower case letters and all accents and
+punctuation are removed. Furthermore, \pkg{apacite} inserts \emph{two} spaces
+between surname and initials, and to \MakeIndex{}, two spaces are different
+from one space. Spaces between surnames are removed, as well as spaces between
+initials. Finally, note that \pkg{apacite} always inserts a new line before
+the ``\verb+@+''. This is to avoid bad line breaks by \BibTeX. To \MakeIndex,
+this means that each citation \opt{key} ends with a space.
+The author index of the current document does not contain entries for the authors
+Shocked and Goodenough as cited in section~\ref{sec:xmpl}, although it does for
+the reference list part. The reason for this is that the \fieldname{key} field was
+used for the citations. If you use the \fieldname{key} (and \fieldname{firstkey})
+field and you want the authors in the author index as well, you have to include
+the index command \cmd{\AX} explicitly. For example, the \fieldname{key} field
+for Michelle Shocked is
+ key = {{\protect\bibsong{Shocked}{1992}{Over the
+ Waterfall}{track~5}}},
+and if we change this into
+ key = {{\protect\bibsong{Shocked\AX{shocked m
+ @Shocked, M.}}{1992}{Over the Waterfall}{track~5}}},
+then citations to her are included in the author index.
+For corporate authors, the \cmd{\corporateAX} command is used instead of the
+\cmd{\AX} command. Depending on whether the \pkgoption{suppresscorporate}
+option or the \pkgoption{includecorporate} option is requested, either explicitly
+or implicitly, \cmd{\corporateAX} either swallows its argument or is equivalent
+to \cmd{AX}. To make sure that this ends up correctly in the author index,
+it is important that this command as entered in the \fieldname{key} and/or
+\fieldname{firstkey} field is exactly as output by \fname{apacite.bst} for
+the \fieldname{author} field. The easiest way to accomplish this is to start
+with \fieldname{key} and/or \fieldname{firstkey} fields that do not have
+the \cmd{\corporateAX} command yet. Then, run \LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} and
+extract the correct \cmd{\corporateAX} command from the \fname{.bbl} file
+and insert this in the \fieldname{key} and/or \fieldname{firstkey} fields.
+Rerun \BibTeX{} and after that proceed as usual. For example, the following
+is an excerpt from an entry for one of the examples from section~3.96 in the
+APA manual:
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{National Institute of Mental Health}}},
+ firstkey = {{National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH]}},
+ key = {{NIMH}},
+If I run \LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} on the current document, the \fname{.bbl}
+file contains the lines
+@{\bibcorporate{National Institute of Mental Health}}}%
+Note the \cmd{\bibcorporate} command and the additional braces. If these
+are left out,
+ firstkey = {{National Institute of Mental Health
+ [NIMH]}\corporateAX{nationalinstituteofmentalhealth
+ @{National Institute of Mental Health}}},
+ key = {{NIMH}\corporateAX{nationalinstituteofmentalhealth
+ @{National Institute of Mental Health}}},
+then this organization gets two separate entries in the author index, which
+is incorrect. Instead, if we copy them literally,
+ firstkey = {{National Institute of Mental Health
+ [NIMH]}\corporateAX{nationalinstituteofmentalhealth
+ @{\bibcorporate{National Institute of Mental Health}}}},
+ key = {{NIMH}\corporateAX{nationalinstituteofmentalhealth
+ @{\bibcorporate{National Institute of Mental Health}}}},
+then evrything is as desired. The additional spaces before the ``\verb+@+''
+sign make no difference, but percentage signs should not be included in
+the \fname{.bib} file at the end of lines to hide a line break (as in
+\LaTeX{}), because \BibTeX{} does not recognize the percentage sign as
+a comment. Rather, it includes it in the \fname{.bbl} file and sometimes
+puts additional code behind it, which would then not be read by \LaTeX{}
+because \LaTeX{} does interpret the percent sign as a comment. This
+behavior has now become less likely, because \pkg{apacite} inserts
+numerous line breaks in the \fname{.bbl} file to avoid this problem and,
+more importantly, line breaks inserted by \BibTeX{} at undesired
+locations (e.g., in the middle of a command name or in the argument of
+a \cmd{url} command), but is still a possibility.
+Section~\ref{sec:xmpl} below cites all examples from the APA manual.
+This is a test of \pkg{apacite} and a proof that it does what it's
+supposed to do---format citations and reference lists complying with
+the APA rules. However, the APA manual discusses many nonstandard
+issues and several of them need nonstandard treatment. Some of these
+can only be formatted by what I call ``tricking'' the system. This
+has been done by defining several \LaTeX{} commands that are too
+specifically tailored for a certain reference, or ad hoc in other
+ways, or more generally experimental and not well tested, and likely
+to lead to more (compatibility) errors. Therefore,
+I do not consider these commands suitable for inclusion in the
+\pkg{apacite} package proper, i.e., the file \fname{apacite.sty}.
+They are not important enough for that, and thus you would rarely need
+them, and for most of them I anticipated (or hoped) at one point that
+better solutions would be available in the future. Thus, it seemed
+quite likely that major changes in these commands would be made,
+and I didn't want to feel obliged to keep supporting them for backwards
+compatibility. Rather, I considered these as illustrations of the
+power of \LaTeX{} and templates that users can base their own tricks
+upon. Accordingly, these commands were defined in the preamble of
+previous versions of the user's manual, which used to be the file
+I still largely feel the same way about these commands, although
+I'm not convinced anymore that within reasonable time I will come up
+with elegant solutions that make them obsolete. Nevertheless, I still
+make improvements in this direction, and the support of the
+\fieldname{url} and \fieldname{lastchecked} fields in his version of
+\pkg{apacite} is an example of this.
+With the restructuring of the distribution in a \fname{.dtx} file,
+I have reconsidered the position of these commands, and have decided
+to put them in a supplementary package file, \fname{apacdoc.sty}. As
+this name indicates, it is a package that is intended to be used
+for the \pkg{apacite} documentation (i.e., the current document).
+It contains several commands and settings (like page margins) that
+are not interesting outside this document. However, as mentioned
+above, I needed many of the commands defined in this file for the
+examples in section~\ref{sec:xmpl}. Thus, you might encounter
+similar situations as well, and these commands may be useful for you.
+Because most of the commands in \fname{apacdoc.sty} will not be
+useful for you (or may even interfere with your document), and
+because the settings defined in it will most likely not be what you
+want, it is generally not a good idea to load this file with
+\cmd{\usepackage} to use the commands that are useful to you.
+Instead, if you want to use them, you can copy their definitions
+to the top of your own document or personal style file (say,
+\fname{mysettings.sty}, study their behavior, and perhaps improve
+them. This reflects the ``illustration'' or ``template'' nature
+of these commands.
+Accordingly, this section briefly mentions the commands that may
+be useful outside the context of the current document. Thorough
+documentation is outside the scope of this manual; their definitions
+can be studied in the source code of \fname{apacdoc.sty}, and their
+usage is illustrated in section~\ref{sec:xmpl}. I will mildly
+support them, though: If you want to use them, you can ask me
+questions, but I will not put as much effort in fixing possible
+problems as I do with proper \pkg{apacite} issues.
+The list below mentions (some of) the numbered examples in
+section~\ref{sec:xmpl} in which the commands are used.
+\item[\cmd{\shortbibleciteNP}] \mbox{}\\
+Citing the Bible. One mandatory argument: relevant chapter and verse, e.g.,
+\verb+\biblecite{1~Cor.\ 13:1}+ (ex.~3.100-3).
+\item[\cmd{\bibleversion}] \mbox{}\\
+Defines the version of the Bible used:
+\verb+\bibleversion{Revised Standard Version}+. Use this before using
+the bible citing commands, typically in the preamble of your document.
+Note that the Bible is not included in the reference list. You can use
+these commands as templates for references to other ``classic'' works.
+See ex.~3.100-3.
+\item[\cmd{\shortcitesongNP}] \mbox{}\\
+These cite a song as required by the APA (except for the relative
+placement of closing quotes and comma). See ex.~69.
+\item[\cmd{\bibsong}] \mbox{}\\
+For \cmd{\citesong} and its siblings, the \fieldname{key} field
+(and possibly \fieldname{firstkey}) should contain the relevant
+information in the form of a protected \cmd{\bibsong} command:
+ key = {{\protect\bibsong{author}{year}{song title}{track info}}},
+See ex.~69.
+\item[\cmd{\bibInstring}] \mbox{}\\
+This command has one argument. The macro changes the definition of
+the macro \cmd{\BIn} to the argument and then immediately changes
+the definition back to the old definition. So it makes a one-time
+change. Used to change ``In'' a book to ``On'' a CD for citing songs.
+See ex.~69.
+\item[\cmd{\BOn}] \mbox{}\\
+``On'', for citing songs ``On'' a CD. See ex.~69.
+\item[\cmd{\DSMshortciteNP}] \mbox{}\\
+Commands to cite the DSM. See ex.~29. Can also be used for other
+``named'' works. \pkg{natbib} offers a similar functionality
+through the definition of an \emph{alias}, but I think that to
+get this working in the way the APA wants (i.e., the alias is not
+used for the first citation, but only for second and subsequent
+citations), it cannot be directly used. But the technical
+implementation of its functionality may form a useful basis
+for a better (more elegant) solution for this type of citation.
+\item[\cmd{\bibDSM}] \mbox{}\\
+For \cmd{\DSMcite} and its siblings, the \fieldname{key} field
+(and possibly \fieldname{firstkey}) should contain the relevant
+\cmd{\bibDSM} command:
+ key = {{\bibDSM{American Psychiatric Association}{Diagnostic
+ and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders}{4th
+ ed.\hbox{}}{DSM-IV}}},
+See ex.~29.
+\item[\cmd{\DSMshorttitle}] \mbox{}\\
+These four commands extract the four elements of a \cmd{\bibDSM}
+command. They are used in the \cmd{\DSMcite} command and its
+siblings, but may occasionally be useful by themselves.
+\item[\cmd{\bibliteral}] \mbox{}\\
+This command is used in some of the examples in
+section~\ref{sec:xmpl} to put some literal text into the
+reference list that would otherwise be abbreviated to a
+single ``initial'' at the \BibTeX{} stage. For example, in
+ex.~4.08, the authors are ``Bulatao, E. (with Winford, C.~A.)'',
+where ``(with Winford, C.~A.)'' is inserted by wrapping it
+in a \cmd{\bibliteral} command, which itself is wrapped in
+an additional pair of braces, so that \BibTeX{} treats it a
+a complicated ``accent'' and the argument as a complicated
+single character. This text should not be put in the author
+index, and therefore some manipulation through redefining
+the meaning of this command before and after the reference
+list is used to suppress this text, as well as an additional
+period, there. Used in examples 4.08, 65, 66, 68, and 70.
+\item[\cmd{\bibinitial}] \mbox{}\\
+This command is similar to \cmd{\bibliteral}. It is used in
+one example (ex.~67), where the ``author'' is a ``(Producer)'',
+but the initial of the author is put in the text because there
+is another author with the same surname (Miller). This
+causes problems not encountered in the examples where
+\cmd{\bibliteral} is used, and after a lot of trial and error,
+the current definition of \cmd{\bibinitial} was developed
+to format this particular author correctly in text, reference
+list, and author index. It looks like this is an improved
+version of the \cmd{\bibliteral} command, so perhaps in the
+next release I'll use \cmd{\bibinitial} for all the examples
+in which now \cmd{\bibliteral} is used.
+\item[\cmd{\bibreftext}] \mbox{}\\
+This command takes two arguments. By default, it ignores the
+first and inserts the second in the output. In this manual,
+it is redefined before the reference list to ignore its
+second argument and insert the first argument in the output.
+This is used in ex.~17, where the year in the in-text
+citation should be ``1992/1993'', whereas in the reference
+list, it should be 1992 (and the 1993 is listed elsewhere).
+For reprints and translations, this is handled automatically
+by \pkg{apacite} if you use the \fieldname{original*} fields,
+but this one is different.
+\item[\cmd{\Dutchvon}] \mbox{}\\
+This command is equivalent to \cmd{\bibreftext}, but is used
+for a different situation, and therefore, depending on
+language, subtle style differences, and other preferences,
+you might want to change the definition of one but not of
+the other. This one illustrates how the Dutch way to treat
+``von'' parts of surnames can be handled. It is discussed
+in ex.~B-2, although it is not actually used in the examples,
+because the Dutch way to treat ``von'' parts is not APA
+\item[\cmd{\SwapArgs}] \mbox{}\\
+This command takes two arguments and swaps their order. This
+is useful if you cite a work whose title, (corporate) author,
+or other element starts with an article that should be
+disregarded for ordering. \pkg{apacite} disregards ``a'',
+``an'', and ``the'' in the sorting of titles, but these are
+obviously English. For French, you could say
+ title = {\SwapArgs{Marseillaise}{La }},
+which is thus alphabetized under M. (Not used in the examples.)
+\item[\cmd{\swallownext}] \mbox{}\\
+Eats up the next character. Dangerous but sometimes useful.
+Used in the definitions of some of the following commands.
+\item[\cmd{\swallowdot}] \mbox{}\\
+Eats up the next character, but only if it's a dot (`.').
+Used in the definitions of some of the following commands.
+\item[\cmd{\bibnodot}] \mbox{}\\
+Used as \verb+\bibnodot{.}+. Eats the period, but prevents \BibTeX{}
+from adding one. Used in examples 78, 79, 87, 91, and 95.
+This is likely to be useful for many users, and is stable, so it
+may be upgraded to \fname{apacite.sty} in the next release of
+\pkg{apacite}. The only thing against this is that it is used in
+highly unelegant manual formatting of a fairly large piece of the
+description of a reference to a website in a
+\fieldname{howpublished} field. I'd prefer to avoid this, but that
+would require either adding another idiosyncratic field or even
+less elegant trickery in the \fname{.bib} file.
+\item[\cmd{\bibskipbracenodot}] \mbox{}\\
+Suppresses the period after a subsequent closing brace. Quickly leads
+to errors because it uses very low level \TeX{} code that (locally)
+changes some fundamental settings. This is used in some examples
+(65, 68) where \cmd{\bibliteral} is used to insert a description
+of a first ``author'', such as ``(Producer)''. This is
+interpreted by \BibTeX{} as a complicated one-letter first
+name, and thus it adds a period to make it into an initial.
+This period is the one that's eaten by this command.
+Used in examples 65 and 68.
+\item[\cmd{\indexskipbracenodot}] \mbox{}\\
+This serves the same purpose as \cmd{\bibskipbracenodot}, and it
+uses the same code, but whereas \cmd{\bibskipbracenodot} is
+activated for the reference list, \cmd{\indexskipbracenodot}
+is only activated for the author index. This has technical
+reasons and it does not work under all circumstances. Used in
+examples 4.08-3, 65, 66, and 68.
+\item[\cmd{\bibeditortype}] \mbox{}\\
+This has one argument. The macro changes the definitions of the macros
+\cmd{\BED} and \cmd{\BEDS} to the argument and then immediately
+changes the definitions back to their old definitions. So it makes a
+one-time change. This is used when there is someone in an ``editor-type''
+role, but with another designation, such as ``producer'' or ``director''.
+Ex.\ 36, 67, and 68.
+\item[\cmd{\renewbibeditortype}] \mbox{}\\
+The above-mentioned definition of \cmd{\bibeditortype} is only relevant
+in the reference list: In the citations in the text and in the author
+index, the command should do nothing. Therefore, the command is
+initially defined as ``nothing''. The definition discussed above is
+initialized by \cmd{\renewbibeditortype}. This command is executed
+just before the reference list in the current document. (After the
+reference list, \cmd{\bibeditortype} becomes ``nothing'' again.)
+\item[\cmd{\BAbstractRetrieved}] \mbox{}\\
+This command is similar to \cmd{\BRetrieved}, except that it
+inserts ``Abstract retrieved'' instead of ``Retrieved''. Used in
+examples 82 and 83.
+\item[\cmd{\BmakeAbstractRetrieved}] \mbox{}\\
+This command functions much like \cmd{\bibeditortype}: It replaces
+the next instance of \cmd{\BRetrieved} by \cmd{\BAbstractRetrieved}.
+Used in examples 82 and 83.
+\item[\cmd{\noedition}] \mbox{}\\
+Suppresses the ``ed.'' (or ``\cmd{\BEd}'', rather) of an
+\fieldname{edition}. Used in examples 92 and 94 to format a
+string like ``Version~4'' as an \fieldname{edition}.
+\item[\cmd{\APACmanBeforeBib}] \mbox{}\\
+Illustrates how some of the commands defined above are used in practice:
+This command is given just before the \cmd{\bibliography} command, and
+redefines some of the commands above, so that their meaning
+is different in the reference list from their meaning in the main text.
+Similar commands: \cmd{\APACmanBeforeIndex}, \cmd{\APACmanAfterIndex}.
+\section{Known problems and todo-list}
+With any kind of software, there is usually a list with known problems (bugs)
+and desirable future work (to-do), and \pkg{apacite} is no exception. These
+subjects will be discussed in this section.
+A class of problems was already discussed in section~\ref{sec:compat} above.
+This concerns the incompatibility of the \fname{.bib} file with other citation
+styles, through \pkg{apacite}-specific fields, APA-specific contents of
+fields, or through special tricks. These lead to correctly formatted
+references in APA style, but may cause problems with using the \fname{.bib}
+file with other styles (in case APA journals reject your article~\ldots). As
+discussed there, however, this problem is unavoidable and presumably not a
+very big problem to most users.
+An incomplete list of other known problems and things that I would
+like to do with \pkg{apacite} follows below. Several items of this list
+are the direct result of the tricks I had to use for the examples in
+section~\ref{sec:xmpl} below.
+\item Sort entries within a single citation command. The \pkg{natbib}
+ package already offers this option.
+\item Swap (optionally) the order of closing quotes and various other
+ punctuation marks (\verb+.,;!?+) in a citation, for articles where
+ there is no named author and the title (between quotes) takes the
+ role of the author.
+\item If a work is authored by someone, ``with'' someone else: This
+ currently must be tricked in a nonelegant way. Perhaps I (or you)
+ can think of a better solution.
+\item Support nonstandard types of authors, like ``Director'' and
+ ``Series Ed.\hbox{}''. This currently must be tricked in a
+ nonelegant way. Perhaps I (or you) can think of a better solution.
+\item Give explicit support for citation to the Bible and other
+ ``classic'' works and the \emph{DSM}.
+\item Give explicit support for music recordings in \entryname{incollection}
+ entries.
+\item Perhaps study referencing legal materials (Appendix~D of the APA
+ manual). This is actually not high on my priority list. Perhaps
+ you can use the \pkg{camel} package if you do this often.
+\item Define \BibTeX{} macros or strings for commonly encountered
+ journals (at least the APA journals).
+\item Support \pkg{natbib} citation commands (\cmd{\citet}, \cmd{\citep},
+ etc.).
+\item Improve and extend language support. Most importantly, make sure that
+ all the \fname{.apc} files support all the new commands with possibly
+ language-specific code.
+\item Continue with transferring reference list formatting code from
+ \BibTeX{} to \LaTeX.
+\item Add options and/or commands for easier customization of reference
+ list and author index.
+\item Introduce options for the \BibTeX{} part, e.g., index vs.\ noindex (so
+ that \fname{apacitex.bst} becomes superfluous); full first names
+ instead of only initials, or perhaps options for putting initials
+ in front of (2nd and later) author names; unsorted reference lists
+ or lists sorted chronologically (forward or reverse; for CVs); etc.
+\item Improve the source code documentation, esp.\ the formatting,
+ indexing, and cross-referencing. (You only see this if you regenerate
+ this manual with the \cmd{\AlsoImplementation} flag set.)
+\item The APA has recently (June 2007) published the 24-page electronic
+ document \APACcitebtitle{APA Style Guide to Electronic References},
+ see \url{} I will
+ probably purchase this and study it, and incorporate my findings
+ in the next version of \pkg{apacite}.
+Quite likely, other problems will come up when using the current version of
+\pkg{apacite}, but at least I got it working on the APA manual examples, see
+section~\ref{sec:xmpl} below. I have lots of ideas for improvements,
+extensions, options, etc., but not much time to devote to it. Therefore, it is
+difficult to give a good estimate of when I will release a new update.
+However, in the meantime, if you have questions, remarks, suggestions, or bug
+reports, you can e-mail them to me.
+\section{Examples of the APA manual}
+In this section, the \pkg{apacite} package is tested by citing the examples of
+the APA manual (5th ed., pp.~207--281), and some additional references for
+additional purposes.
+The following list gives the examples from chapter~3 of the APA manual, with
+section number. For these and all later examples, whenever I thought it
+necessary or desirable, I added some comments. These are indicated by the \EM{}
+symbol. Especially for later examples (from chap.~4), the comments frequently
+pertain to the corresponding reference list entry.
+\item[3.94] \citeA{3.94-1} compared reaction times\\
+ In a recent study of reaction times \cite{3.94-1}\\
+ In \citeyearNP{3.94-1} \citeauthor{3.94-1} compared
+ reaction times\\
+ In a recent study of reaction times, \citeA{3.94-1}
+ described the method\ldots. \citeauthor{3.94-1} also found
+\item[3.95] \citeA{3.95-1} found\\
+ \citeA{3.95-1} found\\
+ \citeauthor{3.95-1} found\\
+ \fullcite{3.95-2} and \fullcite{3.95-3}\\
+ \citeA{3.95-2} and \citeA{3.95-3}\\
+ \EM It seems that if ``et al.\hbox{}'' would refer to one additional
+ author, then this author is named instead of the ``et al.\hbox{}''
+ clause.\\
+ \citeA{3.95-4} and \citeA{3.95-5}\\
+ as \citeA{3.95-6} demonstrated\\
+ \EM The comma after ``Nightlinger'' in the reference list
+ does not look right, but is explicitly required by the APA.
+ Of course, with people as authors,
+ one almost always has initials (although I have seen
+ an example of an econometrician who only had
+ one name), so this problem is not likely to occur.
+ With nicknames (``screen names'' as they are called in the
+ APA manual below ex. 85) in messages to newsgroups, initials
+ are typically missing, but then there is usually (always?)
+ only one author, so the problem does not exist either.
+ The problem can, however, come up when there are two authors,
+ the first of which is a corporate author, or with artists,
+ e.g., the song ``Into the Groove'' is written by
+ Madonna and Stephen Bray. \\
+ as has been shown \cite{3.95-7}
+\item[3.96] \cite{3.96-1}\\
+ \cite{3.96-1}\\
+ \cite{3.96-2}\\
+ \EM If the \fieldname{firstkey} field is different for different
+ references
+ and the \fieldname{key} field is the same, then, analogous
+ to the use of extra authors in 3.95 above, \pkg{apacite}
+ uses the \fieldname{firstkey} field for all citations:\\
+ \citeA{3.96-3}, \citeA{3.96-4}, \citeA{3.96-5}, \citeA{3.96-6};\\
+ \citeA{3.96-3}, \citeA{3.96-4}, \citeA{3.96-5}, \citeA{3.96-6}.\\
+ Although this is a constructed example, these organizations
+ really exist. The ``Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond''
+ is the Royal Dutch Chess Association and the
+ ``Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaatsbond'' is the Royal Dutch
+ Skating Association. Both are abbreviated to KNSB and
+ presumably, both publish an annual report each year.
+ Furthermore, in these examples, I copied the contents of the
+ \fieldname{author} field to the \fieldname{publisher} field.
+ \pkg{apacite} recognizes this and puts the APA-requirement
+ ``Author'' as publisher description in the reference list.
+ Other styles may prefer the full publisher name again.
+\item[3.97] on free care \cite{3.97-1}\\
+ \EM The order of the
+ closing quotes and the comma is different from the
+ APA manual. I think this one is more logical, although the
+ APA manual's is the conventional one, presumably for
+ aesthetic reasons. I hope to implement this in a future
+ version.\\
+ the book \citeA{3.97-2}\\
+ \cite{3.97-3}\\
+ \EM If two articles both have no author and the title and
+ the year are the same, a's and b's should be used:
+ \citeA{3.97-4}, \citeA{3.97-5}, and \citeA{3.97-6}.
+ The latter two entries are correctly sorted by month,
+ through the way the month macros are defined in
+ the \fname{.bst} files.
+\item[3.98] \citeA{3.98-1} and \citeA{3.98-2} also found\\
+ \citeA{3.98-3} and \citeA{3.98-4} studied
+\item[3.99] Past research \cite{3.99-1,3.99-2}\\
+ Past research \cite{3.99-3,3.99-4,3.99-5}\\
+ Several studies
+ \cite{3.99-6,3.99-7,3.99-8,3.99-9,3.99-10,3.99-11}\\
+ Several studies \cite{3.99-12,3.99-13,3.99-14}\\
+ \EM \pkg{apacite} does not (yet?) sort the cited
+ references in the text (of course it does for the reference
+ list), as required by the APA manual.\\
+ (\citeNP{3.99-15}; see also \citeNP{3.99-16,3.99-17})\\
+ \EM Note that I had to use \cmd{\citeNP} here.
+\item[3.100] \cite{3.100-1}\\
+ \EM This is not an example, but a rule in the text.
+ The ``\bibnodate'' is handled by the \cmd{\bibnodate}
+ macro. It is not clear whether it is really meant that the
+ in-text form is \citeauthor{3.100-1}, \citeyearNP{3.100-1}
+ or the more logically consistent \citeA{3.100-1}.
+ The former can (currently) only be accomplished by using
+ \cmd{\citeauthor} and \cmd{\citeyearNP} explicitly,
+ whereas the latter is simply obtained by \cmd{\citeA}.\\
+ \cite{3.100-1b}\\
+ \EM Again, this is not an example, but a rule in the text.\\
+ \cite{3.100-2}\\
+ \citeA{3.100-3}\\
+ \EM For citations to the bible, I used \cmd{\biblecite} and
+ several obvious variations on it, as discussed in
+ section~\ref{sec:apacdoc}:\\
+ \cmd{\bibleciteA}, first cite: \bibleciteA{1 Cor.\ 13:1}\\
+ \cmd{\bibleciteA}, second cite: \bibleciteA{1 Cor.\ 13:1}\\
+ \cmd{\biblecite}, first cite: \fullbiblecite{1 Cor.\ 13:1}\\
+ \cmd{\biblecite}, second cite: \biblecite{1 Cor.\ 13:1}\\
+ (\cmd{\bibleciteNP}, first cite:
+ \fullbibleciteNP{1 Cor.\ 13:1} and some text surrounding it)\\
+ (\cmd{\bibleciteNP}, second cite:
+ \bibleciteNP{1 Cor.\ 13:1} and some text surrounding it)\\
+ \EM Here, there probably should be a comma if it's the first
+ cite and not a comma when it's a later cite. A difficult one.\\
+ \EM Ancient Greek and Roman works should be treated similarly,
+ i.e., not be listed in the reference list. But it seems to me
+ that title and/or author must be given in the text as well.
+ Maybe I will try to construct a tentative example of this in
+ a future release.
+\item[3.101] \cite[p.~332]{3.101-1}\\
+ \cite[chap.~3]{3.101-2}\\
+ \EM If you like, you can use the \pkg{apacite}-defined
+ abbreviation commands \verb+\BPG+ and \verb+\BCHAP+.\\
+ \cite[\P~5]{3.101-3}\\
+ \cite[Conclusion section, para.~1]{3.101-4}
+\item[3.102] \EM Personal communication is not really citation and should
+ be done manually:\\
+ T.~K. Lutes (personal communication, April 18, 2001)\\
+ (V.-G. Nguyen, personal communication, September 28, 1998)
+\item[3.103] \cite<see Table~2 of>[for complete data]{3.103-1}
+Chapter~4 of the APA manual deals with the reference list
+and only mentions some in-text citation issues in passing.
+Therefore, the rest mainly requires a lot of moving back and forth
+between the reference list and this part. I start with the
+more general part, sections 4.01--4.15, presented similar to
+the sections from chapter~3 as presented above.
+\item[4.04] \EM First, some examples mentioned in the text:\\
+ \citeA{4.04-t1},
+ \citeA{4.04-t2},
+ \citeA{4.04-t3},
+ \citeA{4.04-t4},
+ \citeA{4.04-t5},
+ \citeA{4.04-t6},
+ \citeA{4.04-t7},
+ \citeA{4.04-t8},
+ \citeA{4.04-t9}\\
+ \EM The APA manual states that prefixes must be treated
+ according to the rules of the language of origin. These rules
+ can differ a lot between languages (and countries) and it
+ is impossible to know all these rules. The APA manual gives two
+ examples, one in which ``De Vries'' is treated as the surname,
+ and one in which ``Helmholtz'' is the surname and ``von'' is
+ the ``von'' part of the name.
+ In the former case, the author is referred to as, say, ``De Vries
+ (1999)'' in text and ``De Vries, J. (1999).'', alphabetized under
+ ``D'' in the reference list. In the second example, the author is
+ referred to as, say, ``Helmholtz (1870)'' and listed in the
+ reference list as ``Helmholtz, H. L. F. von. (1870).'',
+ alphabetized under ``H''. To get this right, the author must be
+ defined as
+ author = {H. L. F. von Helmholtz},
+ or
+ author = {von Helmholtz, H. L. F.},
+ then \BibTeX{} will assign the correct parts to the first names,
+ ``von''-part, and last name. The seemingly logical
+ author = {Helmholtz, H. L. F. von},
+ will not be formatted correctly, because ``von'' is now
+ considered to be part of the first names and therefore
+ abbreviated to ``v.''.
+ Below, under example B-2, I will further discuss some
+ issues about ``von'' parts.
+ \EM The APA manual requires that numerals are alphabetized
+ as if they were spelled out. This is not done by \pkg{apacite},
+ so when applicable should be done by the user, e.g.\ by using
+ the \cmd{\APACSortNoop} command as discussed in
+ section~\ref{subsec:sort}. I give one fictitious example
+ \cite{4.04-t10}.
+ \citeA{4.04-1}\\
+ \citeA{4.04-2}\\
+ \citeA{4.04-3}\\
+ \citeA{4.04-4}\\
+ \citeA{4.04-5}\\
+ \citeA{4.04-6}\\
+ \citeA{4.04-7}\\
+ \citeA{4.04-8}\\
+ \citeA{4.04-9}\\
+ \citeA{4.04-10}\\
+ \citeA{4.04-11}\\
+ \citeA{4.04-12}\\
+ \EM As stated in the APA manual, an exception to the rule
+ of sorting by title if author and year are the same occurs
+ when the works are identified as a series. Then ordering
+ the parts of the series sequentially can be done using the
+ \cmd{\APACSortNoop} command.\\
+ \EM Here, it says that only ``A'' and ``The'' are excluded
+ from the sorting (if they are the initial words), but I
+ assume they mean ``An'' as well. This is how it is
+ implemented in \pkg{apacite}.
+ \citeA{4.04-13}\\
+ \citeA{4.04-14}\\
+ \EM I have not (yet?) studied referencing legal materials.
+ In the first version of \pkg{apacite}, I defined a
+ \entryname{literal} type, so that the users can
+ literally format such entries themselves. This is still
+ available. However, I think that if you need to refer to
+ legal cases, you can find a way to use the
+ \entryname{misc} type to get it right. I might study this
+ and give examples in a next version of \pkg{apacite}.
+\item[4.05] \citeA{4.05-1}\\
+ \nocitemeta{4.05-2}\citeA{4.05-2}\\
+ \EM Here I used the \cmd{\nocitemeta} command to let
+ \pkg{apacite} know that a meta-analysis is reported and this
+ work is included in it. As you can see, you can still cite
+ the work by using the normal citation commands such as
+ \cmd{\citeA}.
+\item[4.08] \citeA{4.08-1}\\
+ \citeA{4.08-2}\\
+ \citeA{4.08-3}\\
+ \EM To obtain the ``(with \dots)'' description in the
+ reference list, I used the \cmd{\bibliteral} command.
+ Furthermore, to get this formatted correctly in the author
+ index, I used the \cmd{\indexskipbracenodot} command to
+ suppress an additional period. These commands are described
+ in section~\ref{sec:apacdoc}.
+ To \BibTeX{}, the \cmd{\bibliteral} construction is a complicated
+ accented character, which is the second initial of the author.
+ Consequently, this does not work properly with styles that put
+ the initials \emph{before} the surnames, and care must be
+ exercised with ``junior'' parts (see ex.~70). Furthermore,
+ this construction must be put between a pair of
+ braces in order for \BibTeX{} to treat it as an accented letter,
+ instead of abbreviating it.
+\item[4.09] \citeA{4.09-1}
+\item[4.10] \citeA{4.10-1}\\
+ \citeA{4.10-2}
+\item[4.11] \citeA{4.11-1}\\
+ \citeA{4.11-2}\\
+ \EM Note that in the \fname{.bib} file, the ``junior'' part comes
+ directly after the surname and a comma, with the initials
+ after the ``junior'' part, whereas in the formatted
+ reference list, the more logical order \opt{surname},
+ \opt{initials}, \opt{junior}, is used.
+\item[4.12] \citeA{4.12-1}
+\item[4.13] \citeA{4.13-1}\\
+ \EM ``For substantial reference works with a large editorial
+ board, naming the lead editor followed by \texttt{et al.} is
+ acceptable''. This is now implemented in \pkg{apacite} as
+ follows: If there are 7 or more editors, only the first one
+ is named, followed by ``et al.\hbox{}'' \cite{4.13-2}.
+\item[4.15] \citeA{4.15-1}\\
+ \EM Here I used the new \fieldname{url} and
+ \fieldname{lastchecked} fields.\\
+ \citeA{4.15-2}
+The rest is from section~4.16, the examples section. The section number
+is omitted, but A--I are used instead for the unnumbered examples. For
+the numbered examples, only the number is given.
+The following enumerated list gives the example number, and
+the two basic in-text citation commands, both in a full and
+short form, of the examples.
+\item[A-1] \cite{A-1} \\ \cite{A-1} \\ \fullciteA{A-1} \\ \citeA{A-1}
+\item \cite{ex1} \\ \cite{ex1} \\ \fullciteA{ex1} \\ \citeA{ex1}
+\item \cite{ex2} \\ \cite{ex2} \\ \fullciteA{ex2} \\ \citeA{ex2}
+\item \cite{ex3} \\ \cite{ex3} \\ \fullciteA{ex3} \\ \citeA{ex3}
+\item \cite{ex4} \\ \cite{ex4} \\ \fullciteA{ex4} \\ \citeA{ex4}\\
+ \cite{ex4-2} \\ \cite{ex4-2} \\ \fullciteA{ex4-2} \\ \citeA{ex4-2}\\
+ \EM Note that the list of authors can be finished with
+ ``\verb+and others+'' if there are more than 6 authors, or
+ all authors can be given, in which case \pkg{apacite} truncates
+ the list after the first~6. For compatibility with other styles,
+ the latter is preferable.
+\item \cite{ex5} \\ \cite{ex5} \\ \fullciteA{ex5} \\ \citeA{ex5}
+\item \cite{ex6} \\ \cite{ex6} \\ \fullciteA{ex6} \\ \citeA{ex6}
+\item \cite{ex7} \\ \cite{ex7} \\ \fullciteA{ex7} \\ \citeA{ex7}\\
+ \EM Here, I used
+ month = spring,
+ using the new \verb+spring+ macro defined in the \fname{.bst} files.
+\item \cite{ex8} \\ \cite{ex8} \\ \fullciteA{ex8} \\ \citeA{ex8}\\
+ \EM Here, again, the order of the closing quotes and the
+ following comma should be reversed according to the APA rules.\\
+ \EM The \fieldname{month} field is formatted as
+ month = aug # "/" # sep,
+ which uses the month macros and \BibTeX's concatenation
+ operator `\verb+#+'.
+\item \cite{ex9} \\ \cite{ex9} \\ \fullciteA{ex9} \\ \citeA{ex9}\\
+ \EM Here, again, the order of the closing quotes and the
+ following comma should be reversed according to the APA rules.
+\item \cite{ex10} \\ \cite{ex10}\\ \fullciteA{ex10}\\ \citeA{ex10}
+\item \cite{ex11} \\ \cite{ex11}\\ \fullciteA{ex11}\\ \citeA{ex11}\\
+ \EM Apparently, a weekly newspaper is not a magazine and should
+ therefore include ``p.\hbox{}'' or ``pp.\hbox{}'' in front of
+ the page
+ number(s), whereas a magazine article should not. I do not
+ understand the distinction very well and find it not very
+ useful as well, but will adhere to it. It means that the
+ \entryname{newspaper} type gets the ``pp.\hbox{}'', whereas
+ \entryname{magazine} and \entryname{article}, which are now
+ identical, do not.
+\item \cite{ex12} \\ \cite{ex12}\\ \fullciteA{ex12}\\ \citeA{ex12}\\
+ \EM Here, \verb+\emph{DSM-IV}+ must be entered without an extra
+ pair of braces in the title field; see ex.~73 for the intricacies
+ of braces and \verb+\emph+ in the title field.
+\item \cite{ex13} \\ \cite{ex13}\\ \fullciteA{ex13}\\ \citeA{ex13}\\
+ \EM Here, the \fieldname{number} field is \verb+1, Serial No.~231+.
+\item \cite{ex14} \\ \cite{ex14}\\ \fullciteA{ex14}\\ \citeA{ex14}\\
+ \EM Here, the \fieldname{number} field is \verb+3, Pt.~2+.
+\item \cite{ex15} \\ \cite{ex15}\\ \fullciteA{ex15}\\ \citeA{ex15}
+\item \cite{ex16} \\ \cite{ex16}\\ \fullciteA{ex16}\\ \citeA{ex16}
+\item \cite{ex17} \\ \cite{ex17}\\ \fullciteA{ex17}\\ \citeA{ex17}\\
+ \EM This case is the opposite of the more common situation where a
+ reprint is cited and an original publication year is given. I could
+ implement similar code to handle this case (and I may if I get requests
+ to do this), but for the moment, I decided to trick the system: I
+ used the \cmd{\bibreftext} command mentioned in
+ section~\ref{sec:apacdoc}. It must be called with two
+ arguments. Initially, it places the second argument in the text, but
+ just before the bibliography, its definition is changed so that the
+ first argument is placed in the reference list. By defining
+ year = {{\protect\bibreftext{1992}{1992/1993}}},
+ in the \fname{.bib} file, the year is ``1992'' in the reference
+ list and ``1992/1993'' in the text citations. The \cmd{\protect}
+ is necessary to make sure that the \cmd{\bibreftext} macro is not
+ written out in the label-part of the bibliography, because then
+ only ``1992'' would appear in the text reference. The additional
+ pair of braces are necessary to make sure that the entry
+ is alphabetized correctly. When these are omitted, the entry
+ is alphabetized under the ``P'' of ``protect''. Of course, the
+ latter is only important if the reference list contains
+ multiple works by the same author(s), but the same phenomenon
+ is encountered when the \fieldname{author} or \fieldname{editor}
+ field starts with a command, or when there is no author or editor
+ and the \fieldname{title} field starts with a command, as in
+ the entry \citeA{4.04-t10} introduced in 4.04 above.
+ Of course, you can save yourself a lot of trouble by
+ obtaining the original article and citing that.
+\item \cite{ex18} \\ \cite{ex18}\\ \fullciteA{ex18}\\ \citeA{ex18}\\
+ \EM Here, the \fieldname{number} field is \verb+Suppl.~2+.
+\item \cite{ex19} \\ \cite{ex19}\\ \fullciteA{ex19}\\ \citeA{ex19}\\
+ \EM Other styles treat the \emph{Annual Review} as a book
+ (\emph{Sociological Methodology} is an even stronger example),
+ so this is a point where the \fname{.bib} file becomes
+ highly incompatible between styles. This cannot be avoided.
+\item \cite{ex20} \\ \cite{ex20}\\ \fullciteA{ex20}\\ \citeA{ex20}\\
+ \EM Here, the \fieldname{englishtitle} field is used for the
+ English translation of the German title. To get the German
+ capitalization of the title right, the capitalized words must
+ be protected by an additional pair of braces.
+\item \cite{ex21} \\ \cite{ex21}\\ \fullciteA{ex21}\\ \citeA{ex21}\\
+ \EM Apparently, a translator and original publication date
+ do not have to be mentioned here.
+\item Seidenberg and McClelland's study \cite<as cited in>{ex22}\\
+ %\cite{ex22} \\ \cite{ex22}\\ \fullciteA{ex22}\\ \citeA{ex22}\\
+ \EM The APA website (\url{})
+ mentions that the year should generally also be mentioned,
+ making it a complete cite, except that there is no reference
+ list entry. In my opinion, it would be better to list the
+ complete original work in the reference list as well, in case
+ readers do have access to the original work, but not to the
+ secondary source. But this is not the APA rule. \\
+ \EM You may like to have the authors of the unlisted reference
+ in the author index as well. Use the \cmd{\AX} command for
+ this, as explained in section~\ref{sec:autindex}.
+\item[B-1] \cite{B-1} \\ \cite{B-1} \\ \fullciteA{B-1} \\ \citeA{B-1}
+\item \cite{ex23} \\ \cite{ex23}\\ \fullciteA{ex23}\\ \citeA{ex23}\\
+ \EM Here, and in several other references, I put \verb+\hbox{}+
+ after the ``\verb+Jr.+'', so that \TeX{} does not consider the
+ period as a sentence-ending period.\\
+ \EM \pkg{apacite} now supports only an integer value (``\verb+3+'')
+ in the \fieldname{edition} field, and transforms this to
+ ``3rd''.
+\item \cite{ex24} \\ \cite{ex24}\\ \fullciteA{ex24}\\ \citeA{ex24}\\
+ \EM The APA manual gives a number, which would not ordinarily be
+ done with proper books and which suggests that it could also
+ be treated as a report. In that case, the default
+ ``Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}''
+ description should be left out, however. This can be accomplished
+ by defining
+ type = {\bibnotype},
+ which flags that the type must be left out, see ex.~42.
+ However, for books, it now works fine leaving the \fieldname{type}
+ field empty and giving the number in the \fieldname{number} field.
+\item \cite{ex25} \\ \cite{ex25}\\ \fullciteA{ex25}\\ \citeA{ex25}\\
+ \EM According to the note after ex.~25 in the APA manual,
+ an edited book with ``just one'' author should list
+ the editor (and translator, when available) after the
+ title, just like the translator. An example of this is
+ \citeA{ex25-t1}. (Should the original years of publication
+ be used here?)
+ However, what does ``just one author'' mean here? Does it mean that if
+ there are 2 authors and 1 or more editors, the editors should
+ not be mentioned, or the authors should not be mentioned?
+ Presumably, it means the following:
+ In the default case, an edited book consists of several chapters,
+ with different chapters written by different authors. In this case,
+ the reference to the whole book lists only the editor(s).
+ If every chapter is written by the same author, and there are 1
+ or more editors, their condition holds. I think that if all
+ chapters are written by the same $n$ ($\geq 2$) authors, it should
+ also be treated in this way, i.e., with the authors in the
+ author position and the editor behind the title. A difficult
+ case would appear if the book were a collection of works of, say,
+ 2 authors, with some chapters written by one and some by the
+ other, and some jointly, as in \citeA{ex25-t2}. These choices have
+ to be made by the user, however, \pkg{apacite} will format author,
+ editor, and translator, whenever available.
+\item \cite{ex26} \\ \cite{ex26}\\ \fullciteA{ex26}\\ \citeA{ex26}\\
+ \EM According to section~3.97, the title should be in italics.
+ In this example, in the citation, it is not given in italics,
+ but this must be an error, because they do give it in italics
+ on p.~219 (but give no date there).
+\item \cite{ex27} \\ \cite{ex27}\\ \fullciteA{ex27}\\ \citeA{ex27}\\
+ \EM Here, the \fieldname{edition} field has value
+ ``\verb+Rev.\hbox{}+'' and \pkg{apacite} handles this
+ noninteger value correctly as well.
+\item \cite{ex28} \\ \cite{ex28}\\ \fullciteA{ex28}\\ \citeA{ex28}\\
+ \EM Use the en-dash (``\verb+--+'') and not simply a hyphen
+ (``\verb+-+''), because the latter is not considered to mean
+ ``to'' by \pkg{apacite} (cf.\hbox{} ``Vol.~A-1'').
+\item \EM As mentioned in section~\ref{sec:apacdoc}, \fname{apacdoc.sty}
+ provides the \cmd{\DSMcite} macro and some related
+ alternatives to get the \emph{DSM} references right. On rereading
+ the description in the APA manual, I discovered that previous
+ versions of \pkg{apacite} did not format the first citation
+ correctly, although the description is a bit ambiguous as to
+ how exactly the first citation should be formatted. Therefore,
+ I looked at a recent issue of
+ \emph{Journal of Abnormal Psychology}, \emph{116}(3); and
+ \emph{Psychological Assessment}, \emph{19}(2). These show
+ some slight variations, some of which have good reasons, but
+ others seem arbitrary. In all articles I looked at, the first
+ citation was an in-text citation, and the following form was
+ the most frequently used, and thus implemented in
+ \fname{apacdoc.sty}:\\
+ \cmd{\DSMciteA}, first citation: \DSMciteA{ex29} \\
+ \EM The following citations then only use the abbreviated title:\\
+ \cmd{\DSMciteA}, second citation: \DSMciteA{ex29} \\
+ \EM Because I haven't found a parenthetical first cite, I
+ have to use some logic and common sense to define it:\\
+ \cmd{\DSMcite}, first citation: \DSMfullcite{ex29} \\
+ \EM Subsequent parenthetical cites are formatted as\\
+ \cmd{\DSMcite}, second citation: \DSMcite{ex29} \\
+ \EM Finally, here are ``\verb+NP+'' versions of them:\\
+ \cmd{\DSMciteNP}, first citation: \DSMfullciteNP{ex29} \\
+ \cmd{\DSMciteNP}, second citation: \DSMciteNP{ex29} \\
+ To use these citation commands, you have to provide a
+ \fieldname{key} field that contains a \cmd{\bibDSM}
+ command:
+ key = {{\bibDSM{American Psychiatric Association}{Diagnostic
+ and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders}{4th
+ ed.\hbox{}}{DSM-IV}}},
+ As is evident from this example, the four arguments are
+ author, full title, edition, short title. Thus, because
+ all this information is provided in the \fname{.bib}
+ entry (and not preprogrammed in \pkg{apacite}), it is
+ conceivable that this command is useful for other types
+ of works as well. The generality is a bit limited, though,
+ because all four arguments must be available and have
+ meaningful content (i.e., should not be empty). But it
+ is relatively straightforward to write your own specialized
+ citation commands, based on the \cmd{\DSMcite} code,
+ which do not require all parts to be available.
+ However, the \cmd{\DSM*} macros are still very rough. Multiple
+ citations are not handled well, so only one work should
+ be cited with such a macro. Furthermore, the pre- and
+ postfixes (through \verb+<...>+ and \verb+[...]+) are not
+ available. Note also that the edition should be spelled
+ out as ``\verb+4th ed.\hbox{}+''. When I experimented with
+ just ``\verb+4+'', trying to use the \cmd{\PrintCardinal}
+ function, things went terribly wrong. Even if I put
+ \verb+\PrintCardinal{4}+ in the \fieldname{key} field, it
+ didn't work. Finally, the ``ed.\hbox{}'' must be added
+ to allow reference to the ``3rd ed., rev.\hbox{}'' and the
+ ``4th ed., text rev.\hbox{}'' as well.
+ \EM In some of the articles I studied, ordinary citations
+ were used, esp.\ when page numbers were given in
+ parenthetical cites. Thus, you can also use\\
+ \verb+\cite[p.~25]{ex29}+: \cite[p.~25]{ex29}
+\item \cite{ex30} \\ \cite{ex30}\\ \fullciteA{ex30}\\ \citeA{ex30}\\
+ \EM Here, ``6th ed.'' comes before ``Vols.\ 1--20'', so it is
+ Vols.\ 1--20 of the 6th edition. Pre-[2003/09/05] versions
+ of \pkg{apacite} placed volumes before editions,
+ which is appropriate when different volumes of a series
+ are not updated jointly, so that you may have the 3rd edition
+ of Vol.~2, but only the 1st edition of Vol.~6. Should you
+ want this, you have to trick the system by putting both
+ elements in the \fieldname{edition} field:
+ edition = {\BVOLS\ 1--20, 6th},
+ and leaving the \fieldname{volume} field empty.\\
+ \EM Does the remark about large editorial boards mean that the
+ APA intended to add ``et al.\hbox{}'' here? Anyway, here is an
+ example of such a situation: \citeA{ex30-2}.
+\item \cite{ex31} \\ \cite{ex31}\\ \fullciteA{ex31}\\ \citeA{ex31}
+\item \cite{ex32} \\ \cite{ex32}\\ \fullciteA{ex32}\\ \citeA{ex32}
+\item \cite{ex33} \\ \cite{ex33}\\ \fullciteA{ex33}\\ \citeA{ex33}\\
+ \EM This illustrates that a \fieldname{type} field can be used
+ with a \entryname{book} entry.
+\item[B-2] \cite{B-2} \\ \cite{B-2} \\ \fullciteA{B-2} \\ \citeA{B-2} \\
+ \EM This is a suitable point to discuss ``von'' parts further.
+ One of the editors in the current example is called
+ P. van den Broek. I am Dutch and I recognize this as a Dutch
+ name, so let's assume that this person is Dutch. Let us now
+ consider the situation that this person is the (only) author.
+ Then according to the Dutch rules, this person would be listed in the
+ reference list as ``Broek, P. van den. (1992)'' and listed under ``B'',
+ but referred to in the text as ``Van den Broek (1992)'', including
+ the ``von'' part and capitalizing the first letter. When an
+ initial precedes the ``von'' part (e.g., when there are two
+ primary authors with this surname, but with different initials),
+ then this person would be referred to in the text as
+ ``P. van den Broek (1992)'', including the ``von'' part, but now
+ in lower case. The Dutch rules are very difficult to do right in
+ \BibTeX{}/\LaTeX{} and they conflict with the rules for other
+ languages, and presumably with the rules of the APA, which would
+ require this person to be alphabetized under ``V'', at least.
+ For the current editor position, there is no big problem with
+ the APA rules. The ``von'' part can really be put in the ``von''
+ part as recognized by \BibTeX{}, which I did, or it can be enclosed
+ in braces, making the whole last name one part. Either will come
+ out right and the editor will not be referred to in the text
+ anyway. With styles that put the initials behind the surname,
+ it will only work right when put in the ``von'' part. In the
+ author position, however, things are different. Then this author
+ could be formatted as
+ author = {Van {\lowercase{D}}en Broek, P.},
+ where the \verb+{\lowercase{D}}+ construction is used to prevent
+ \BibTeX{} from interpreting it as a ``von'' part, or
+ author = {Van{\ }den{\ }Broek, P.},
+ author = {{Van den Broek}, P.},
+ which in most situations gives the correct version according to the
+ Dutch rules with the correct alphabetizing according to the APA
+ rules. Only in situations when the initial would appear
+ \emph{before} the surname (when there are other authors with the
+ same surname or when using other styles), this would lead to
+ unwanted results.
+ If you really want to alphabetize according to the Dutch rules
+ (which is \emph{not} APA in my interpretation), you can use the
+ following trick. \fname{apacdoc.sty} defines a macro \cmd{\Dutchvon}
+ with two arguments, which is equivalent to the \cmd{\bibreftext}
+ macro discussed in ex.~17 above. That is, in the beginning
+ of the document, it is defined as echoing its second argument,
+ and just before the reference list, it is redefined to echo
+ its first argument. Then define the author as
+ author = {van den {\protect\Dutchvon{Broek}{Van den Broek}}, P.},
+ which, combined with the \pkg{apacite} formatting implies
+ that in text, ``Van den Broek'' is used, whereas the author
+ is alphabetized under ``B'' in the reference list, and listed
+ as ``Broek, P. van den''. Of course, we could simply have
+ used \cmd{\bibreftext} again, but that was used to cover a
+ completely different situation, and I can easily imagine that
+ when switching to another citation style, the former application
+ (i.e., 1992/1993) must be kept, but the ``von'' part is handled
+ differently, so that \cmd{\Dutchvon} must be redefined.
+ Based on this example, users should be able to define their
+ own tricks for similar peculiarities.
+ Finally, note that in Belgium, where many people
+ speak Dutch as well, it is customary to alphabetize under ``V''
+ anyway (``Van Damme'').
+\item \cite{ex34} \\ \cite{ex34}\\ \fullciteA{ex34}\\ \citeA{ex34}
+\item \cite{ex35} \\ \cite{ex35}\\ \fullciteA{ex35}\\ \citeA{ex35}\\
+ \EM The series title, volume number, and volume title are all
+ put into the \fieldname{booktitle} field.
+\item \cite{ex36} \\ \cite{ex36}\\ \fullciteA{ex36}\\ \citeA{ex36}\\
+ \EM Again, the series title, volume number, and volume title are
+ all put into the \fieldname{booktitle} field.\\
+ \EM I had to use some tricks to get the Series and Volume Editors'
+ descriptions right. The ``(Series Ed.\hbox{})'' is according to
+ \BibTeX{} part of the last name of the first editor,
+ and I used the \cmd{\bibeditortype} macro from
+ \fname{apacdoc.sty} to get the volume editor right.
+ See section~\ref{subsec:fields} for my interpretation of
+ APA's usage of the term ``series''.
+\item \cite{ex37} \\ \cite{ex37}\\ \fullciteA{ex37}\\ \citeA{ex37}\\
+ \EM Note that ``Van'' in the first editor's surname is
+ capitalized here, as in the APA manual. In the original Dutch,
+ this would be in lower case.
+\item \cite{ex38} \\ \cite{ex38}\\ \fullciteA{ex38}\\ \citeA{ex38}
+\item \cite{ex39} \\ \cite{ex39}\\ \fullciteA{ex39}\\ \citeA{ex39}\\
+ \EM Here, it is stated that the translator's name should be put
+ after the editor's name when both are different, but in ex.~40,
+ the translators are put after the title, before the editors.
+ Apparently, if the book is a collection of works by one
+ author(-group), edited and translated, then the translator
+ should come after the editor, but if different chapters
+ are translated by different translators, or perhaps not all
+ are translated works, then the translator should come after
+ the title. Of course, \pkg{apacite} has no way of knowing this.
+ In the current implementation, for an \entryname{incollection},
+ if the editor and translator are the same, they are formatted as
+ in this example, whereas if they are different, they are treated
+ as in ex.~40 below. I think this will be satisfactory in
+ most cases. If you really want the translator after the editor
+ when they are different, you can trick the system in a way
+ similar to ex.~36.
+\item \cite{ex40} \\ \cite{ex40}\\ \fullciteA{ex40}\\ \citeA{ex40}\\
+ \EM See my comments to ex.~39 above.
+ A test of the \fieldname{originaljournal} formatting:
+ \citeA{ex40-t1}.
+\item[C-1] \cite{C-1} \\ \cite{C-1} \\ \fullciteA{C-1} \\ \citeA{C-1}\\
+ \EM The APA manual initially formats the number with an
+ en-dash: ``91--5''. When it discusses the number separately,
+ however (p.~256), it uses a single hyphen: ``91-5''. Logically,
+ the latter makes more sense to me (and is generally used in
+ other numbers in the APA manual as well), so that's what I
+ did here. Moreover, if the en-dash would be entered as
+ ``\verb+--+'' in the \fieldname{number} field, \pkg{apacite}
+ would interpret this as ``to'' and insert ``Nos.\hbox{}''
+ instead of ``No.\hbox{}''. Thus, if you want the en-dash,
+ you have to put this in the \fname{.bib} file in a different
+ way, e.g., using the \cmd{\textendash} command.
+\item \cite{ex41} \\ \cite{ex41}\\ \fullciteA{ex41}\\ \citeA{ex41}
+\item \cite{ex42} \\ \cite{ex42}\\ \fullciteA{ex42}\\ \citeA{ex42}\\
+ \EM I used the \cmd{\bibnotype} command to suppress the default
+ ``(Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{})'' description. Actually, I don't think
+ there is anything wrong with calling a report a report, be it
+ ``technical'' by default, or by specifying
+ type = {Report},
+ except that it's not done so in this specific example in the
+ APA manual. But there does not seem to be a rule against it.
+ \EM The NTIS information is put in a \fieldname{note} field.
+\item \cite{ex43} \\ \cite{ex43}\\ \fullciteA{ex43}\\ \citeA{ex43}\\
+ \EM The ERIC number is given in the \fieldname{note} field.
+\item \cite{ex44} \\ \cite{ex44}\\ \fullciteA{ex44}\\ \citeA{ex44}
+\item \cite{ex45} \\ \cite{ex45}\\ \fullciteA{ex45}\\ \citeA{ex45}
+\item \cite{ex46} \\ \cite{ex46}\\ \fullciteA{ex46}\\ \citeA{ex46}\\
+ \EM Note that in the example in the APA manual, ``Western Australia''
+ \emph{is} mentioned in the publisher location, whereas their rule
+ explicitly states that this should not be the case in this
+ situation, and they stress that again below the example.
+ Therefore, I did not mention ``Western Australia'' in the
+ \fieldname{publisher} field.
+\item \cite{ex47} \\ \cite{ex47}\\ \fullciteA{ex47}\\ \citeA{ex47}
+\item \cite{ex48} \\ \cite{ex48}\\ \fullciteA{ex48}\\ \citeA{ex48}
+\item \cite{ex49} \\ \cite{ex49}\\ \fullciteA{ex49}\\ \citeA{ex49}
+\item \cite{ex50} \\ \cite{ex50}\\ \fullciteA{ex50}\\ \citeA{ex50}
+\item \cite{ex51} \\ \cite{ex51}\\ \fullciteA{ex51}\\ \citeA{ex51}\\
+ \EM As of this version of \pkg{apacite}, the location of a
+ \entryname{lecture} can be given in the \fieldname{address}
+ field.
+\item \cite{ex52} \\ \cite{ex52}\\ \fullciteA{ex52}\\ \citeA{ex52}
+\item \cite{ex53} \\ \cite{ex53}\\ \fullciteA{ex53}\\ \citeA{ex53}
+\item \cite{ex54} \\ \cite{ex54}\\ \fullciteA{ex54}\\ \citeA{ex54}
+\item \cite{ex55} \\ \cite{ex55}\\ \fullciteA{ex55}\\ \citeA{ex55}\\
+ \EM It seems logical to suppress the original year in the
+ citation if it's the same as the year of the abstract, cf.\
+ the comment to ex.~17 in the APA manual (p.~245).
+ \EM According to example 54 and the text below it, an ``A''
+ or ``B'' should be added to the volume number of \emph{DAI}
+ of this entry, presumably an ``A'', but because they did not
+ give one, I left it out as well.
+\item \cite{ex56} \\ \cite{ex56}\\ \fullciteA{ex56}\\ \citeA{ex56}
+\item \cite{ex57} \\ \cite{ex57}\\ \fullciteA{ex57}\\ \citeA{ex57}\\
+ \EM In ex.~59, the city should not be mentioned because it is
+ already mentioned in the name of the university. Here, the
+ city \emph{is} mentioned again, which seems contradictory.
+ This is all in the \fname{.bib} file; \pkg{apacite} uses
+ whatever is given there, so this is not a formatting problem
+ for \pkg{apacite} itself.
+\item \cite{ex58} \\ \cite{ex58}\\ \fullciteA{ex58}\\ \citeA{ex58}
+\item \cite{ex59} \\ \cite{ex59}\\ \fullciteA{ex59}\\ \citeA{ex59}\\
+ \EM See ex.~57 for the city issue.
+\item \cite{ex60} \\ \cite{ex60}\\ \fullciteA{ex60}\\ \citeA{ex60}
+\item \cite{ex61} \\ \cite{ex61}\\ \fullciteA{ex61}\\ \citeA{ex61}\\
+ \EM The description of the data goes into the
+ \fieldname{type} field. It may be more logical to put it
+ in the \fieldname{title} field, with some trickery to indicate
+ that it's a description and not a title, but putting it in the
+ \fieldname{type} field already ensures that it's formatted
+ correctly, so I think I'm gonna be lazy on this one. The same
+ applies more or less to reviews (G-1, 63, 64), although there
+ it is logical to put at least ``Review'' in the \fieldname{type}
+ field, so as we're already there, we might as well make it
+ complete.
+\item \cite{ex62} \\ \cite{ex62}\\ \fullciteA{ex62}\\ \citeA{ex62}\\
+ \EM ``Available from'' an address should be spelled out in the
+ \fieldname{note} field, to get the parentheses. ``Available
+ from'' a website is without parentheses, see ex.~95.
+\item[G-1] \cite{G-1} \\ \cite{G-1} \\ \fullciteA{G-1} \\ \citeA{G-1}\\
+ \EM See my comments to ex.~61 above about the logic of the
+ \fieldname{type} field. For a review, the \fieldname{type}
+ field must contain the message that it is a review of a
+ \emph{book} (or motion picture, or whatever it is a review of)
+ and give the title of the reviewed work in italics, which must
+ be manually formatted, e.g., by using the \cmd{\APACcitebtitle}
+ macro. The author of the reviewed work should apparently not be
+ mentioned.
+\item \cite{ex63} \\ \cite{ex63}\\ \fullciteA{ex63}\\ \citeA{ex63}
+\item \cite{ex64} \\ \cite{ex64}\\ \fullciteA{ex64}\\ \citeA{ex64} \\
+ \EM Here, the title of the motion picture,
+ \APACcitebtitle{Discovering Psychology}, is capitalized,
+ whereas this was not done with book titles in ex.~G-1 and 63.
+ I don't know whether this is an error or an implicit rule,
+ but this formatting must be done in the \fname{.bib} file,
+ so it's up to the user to do this as desired.
+\item \EM The rules for movies, television series, etc.\ do not appeal
+ very much to me, although they are not nearly as bad as those
+ for music recordings (ex.~69 and further, see below). My
+ primary objection is that when referring to movies and TV series,
+ the title is the most important characteristic. The director
+ may be a good second in some cases, but producers and writers are
+ almost always unknown to the general public and not relevant
+ when referring to them. You talk about the movie \emph{Jaws}
+ and not about Spielberg (1975) or whoever wrote the script.
+ Recognizing the primary creative input or authorship may be
+ politically correct, but not particularly informative.
+ However, you may think that my objections are mainly
+ driven by the difficulties of trying to format the entries
+ in \BibTeX{}. Anyway, here are my attempts to implement
+ the APA rules.\\
+ \cite{ex65-1} \\ \cite{ex65-1}\\ \fullciteA{ex65-1}\\ \citeA{ex65-1} \\
+ \EM I find ``United States'' a somewhat uninformative address.
+ \cite{ex65-2} \\ \cite{ex65-2}\\ \fullciteA{ex65-2}\\ \citeA{ex65-2} \\
+ \EM Note again that this and the following ``Available from''
+ must be between
+ parentheses (accomplished by putting it in the \fieldname{note} field),
+ whereas ``Available from'' some web site must not be between
+ parentheses, cf.\ ex.~95.
+ \EM In these examples, I used the \cmd{\bibliteral},
+ \cmd{\bibskipbracenodot}, and \cmd{\indexskipbracenodot} commands
+ from \fname{apacdoc.sty}.\\
+ \cite{ex65-3} \\ \cite{ex65-3}\\ \fullciteA{ex65-3}\\ \citeA{ex65-3}\\
+ \EM Here, I simply let ``(Producer)'' be part of the author name,
+ but because of this addendum, the entry is not sorted correctly
+ in the reference list: It should be before \citeA{APAManual},
+ but because of the addendum, the authors are different to \BibTeX{}
+ and this one comes after \citeA{APAManual}. The ordering can be
+ corrected by using the \cmd{\APACSortNoop} command as discussed in
+ section~\ref{subsec:sort}. However, the authors of these entries will
+ still be different. If it's important that they are the same (e.g.,
+ for the author index), the \fname{.bbl} file should be edited manually.
+ This seems an extremely rare event, though.
+\item \cite{ex66} \\ \cite{ex66}\\ \fullciteA{ex66}\\ \citeA{ex66} \\
+ \EM Here, I used the same tricks as in ex.~65.
+\item \cite{ex67} \\ \cite{ex67}\\ \fullciteA{ex67}\\ \citeA{ex67} \\
+ \EM I used several tricks introduced before: the \cmd{\bibeditortype}
+ (cf.\ ex.~36) construction to be able to use ``(Producer)'' in
+ the editor position instead of ``(Ed.\hbox{})'', and the ones used
+ in the previous examples. Because there is another Miller as well,
+ the initial is given here. To make sure that \BibTeX{} thinks
+ that there is only one initial, but the ``(Producer)'' is formatted
+ correctly, the name is defined as follows:
+ editor = {Miller, {\bibinitial{R\bibeditortype{Producer}}}},
+ using the \cmd{\bibinitial} and \cmd{\bibeditortype} commands from
+ \fname{apacdoc.sty}.
+ It is then formatted correctly both in the text and in the reference
+ list if \cmd{\bibeditortype} is defined to swallow its argument
+ in the text, and redefined prior to the bibliography. After the
+ bibliography (before the index), it has to be redefined again
+ to swallow its argument.
+\item \cite{ex68} \\ \cite{ex68}\\ \fullciteA{ex68}\\ \citeA{ex68}\\
+ \EM Again, I used several tricks that were also used in the previous
+ examples.
+\item \EM The rules for music recordings do not make any sense, and they
+ are not entirely clear as well. It would seem to me that
+ most pop, rock, and other ``light'' music songs are almost always
+ attributed to the performing artist. You can usually read who the
+ composer and lyricist of the song are on the inlay-details
+ of the CD, but if you want the reader to refer to ``My Way'',
+ the reader will easier find it (in a CD store or on the
+ internet, for example) under ``Frank Sinatra'' than under
+ the composer's name (whoever that may be). Furthermore, the
+ year of release of the CD (or other medium) seems more relevant
+ in referring to the CD than the year of copyright of the
+ specific song, or the recording date.
+ For classical music, things are different. Then, the writer (composer)
+ is often more important than the performing artist, although
+ the percentage of people who know who wrote the lyrics for
+ Mozart's operas may not be high. Furthermore, it may be
+ time-consuming and not very relevant for most authors and
+ readers to find the year in which a certain piece was written,
+ although strictly speaking, we should use the ``date of copyright'',
+ which is not relevant for a lot of classical music.
+ However, when referring to Beethoven's 9th symphony, say, it will
+ typically not be very informative to refer to a specific recording on a
+ specific CD, unless that specific recording is the subject of interest,
+ but then it would seem that the ``performing artist'' (conductor or
+ orchestra) should take the role of ``author''. For example, when
+ comparing a performance of this symphony conducted in 1975 by Masur with
+ a performance of this symphony conducted in 1990 by Bernstein (assuming
+ this exists), it does not seem logical to compare ``9th Symphony''
+ (Beethoven, 1823a, tracks~1--4) with ``9th Symphony'' (Beethoven, 1823b,
+ tracks~1--4), but more logical to compare Masur (1975) with
+ Bernstein (1990).
+ Finally, it seems a bit strange that the track number should be
+ mentioned in text, but not in the reference list.
+ Again, you may think that my objections are mainly
+ driven by the difficulties of trying to format the entries
+ in \BibTeX. Nevertheless, here are my attempts to implement
+ the APA rules, using variations of the \cmd{\citesong}
+ command, defined in \fname{apacdoc.sty}:\\
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \cmd{\citeAsong}: & \citeAsong{ex69-1} \\
+ \cmd{\citesong}: & \citesong{ex69-1} \\
+ \cmd{\citesongNP}: & \citesongNP{ex69-1}\\
+ \cmd{\citeAsong}: & \citeAsong{ex69-2} \\
+ \cmd{\citesong}: & \citesong{ex69-2} \\
+ \cmd{\citesongNP}: & \citesongNP{ex69-2}
+ \end{tabular}\\
+ \EM The \fieldname{key} field contains the relevant
+ information in the form of a protected \cmd{\bibsong} command:
+ key = {{\protect\bibsong{author}{year}{song title}{track info}}},
+ Furthermore, I used some tricks to get the reference list
+ entry right. I used the \entryname{incollection} type as
+ a basis, with the CD title in the \fieldname{booktitle} field.
+ At first sight, it seems natural to define
+ type = {CD},
+ but with an \entryname{incollection}, the \fieldname{type}
+ field is put after the title, not after the book title.
+ I may change this for music-types (CD, record, etc.),
+ but this is currently not yet implemented. This means that the
+ ``[CD]'' description must be put in the \fieldname{booktitle}
+ field, after the CD title and with explicit formatting
+ commands:
+ booktitle = {Arkansas Traveler {\upshape[\uppercase{CD}]}},
+ On the other hand, we can now use the \fieldname{type}
+ field to put the recording artists in for the second example:
+ type = {Recorded by G. Bok, A. Mayo, \& E. Trickett},
+ We have to change the ``In'' string to ``On''
+ (``In'' a book versus ``On'' a CD). This is done with a
+ macro similar to the \cmd{\bibeditortype} macro discussed
+ in ex.~36. In this case, the macro is \cmd{\bibInstring},
+ defined in \fname{apacdoc.sty},
+ which has one argument. The macro changes the definition of
+ the macro \cmd{\BIn} to the argument and then immediately changes
+ the definition back to the old definition. So it makes a one-time
+ change. Of course, the \cmd{\bibInstring} macro only works
+ if it is executed \emph{before} the \cmd{\BIn} macro. The latter
+ macro comes before the \fieldname{booktitle}, so
+ \cmd{\bibInstring} must be added to a field that comes before
+ that. I put it in the \fieldname{title} field:
+ title = {Over the Waterfall{\bibInstring{\BOn}}},
+ where \cmd{\BOn} is defined by default as ``\BOn''.
+ Finally, the recording date of the second example (1990) must
+ be put in the \fieldname{note} field.
+ If you want an author index, you would want the authors of
+ these works in the index as well. Because of the usage of the
+ \fieldname{key} field, this is not automatically done for the
+ citations. The \cmd{\AX} command has to be inserted explicitly,
+ see section~\ref{sec:autindex} above.
+ Note that this is all trickery within the \LaTeX{} domain
+ and the \fname{.bib} file, i.e., the user-definable and
+ user-customizable area.
+\item \cite{ex70} \\ \cite{ex70}\\ \fullciteA{ex70}\\ \citeA{ex70}
+\item \cite{ex71-1} \\ \cite{ex71-1}\\ \fullciteA{ex71-1}\\ \citeA{ex71-1} \\
+ \cite{ex71-2} \\ \cite{ex71-2}\\ \fullciteA{ex71-2}\\ \citeA{ex71-2} \\
+ \EM In contrast with earlier versions of \pkg{apacite}, in which
+ the ``Retrieved \dots'' message had to be formatted in the
+ \fieldname{howpublished} field, this is now formatted
+ automatically by using the \fieldname{url} and
+ \fieldname{lastchecked} fields.
+\item \cite{ex72} \\ \cite{ex72}\\ \fullciteA{ex72}\\ \citeA{ex72}
+\item \cite{ex73} \\ \cite{ex73}\\ \fullciteA{ex73}\\ \citeA{ex73} \\
+ \EM Note that the APA manual breaks a line \emph{after} a
+ period instead of before, against their own rules. Furthermore,
+ the APA manual uses a typeface in which `1' (one) and `l' (ell)
+ are not distinguishable. This requires some guessing of the
+ correct URLs. I think that this conflicts with their own stress
+ on accuracy w.r.t.\ URLs.
+ \EM Note the subtle use of braces to get \emph{Homo sapiens}
+ correctly formatted: The capital in \verb+\emph{Homo}+
+ is retained by \BibTeX, whereas the capital in
+ \verb+{\emph{Sapiens}}+ is changed into a lower case letter
+ by \BibTeX, because of the extra pair of braces.
+\item \cite{ex74} \\ \cite{ex74}\\ \fullciteA{ex74}\\ \citeA{ex74}
+\item \cite{ex75} \\ \cite{ex75}\\ \fullciteA{ex75}\\ \citeA{ex75}\\
+ \EM Note that \BibTeX{} does not consider a question mark
+ or an exclamation point as the end of the title and the beginning
+ of the subtitle. Hence, if there is a subtitle after it, the
+ capitalization of its first word is not retained (unlike
+ after a colon), so we have to protect it using braces in the
+ \fname{.bib} file.
+\item \cite{ex76} \\ \cite{ex76}\\ \fullciteA{ex76}\\ \citeA{ex76}
+\item \cite{ex77} \\ \cite{ex77}\\ \fullciteA{ex77}\\ \citeA{ex77}
+\item \cite{ex78} \\ \cite{ex78}\\ \fullciteA{ex78}\\ \citeA{ex78}\\
+ \EM For this example, the source is not simply the URL, but
+ with the qualification ``Columbia University, Institute for
+ Learning Technologies Web site:''. This means that we cannot
+ simply use the \fieldname{lastchecked} and \fieldname{url}
+ fields, but must revert to the way I proposed to format
+ references to electronic sources in previous versions of
+ \pkg{apacite}: by putting all the information in a
+ \fieldname{howpublished} field. This includes explicitly using
+ the \cmd{\url} command and adding ``\verb+\bibnodot{.}+''
+ immediately after the URL. The \cmd{\bibnodot} command,
+ defined in \fname{apacdoc.sty}, swallows the period, so that
+ there is no period after the URL in the reference list, thus
+ complying with the APA rules. This also applies to examples
+ 79, 87, 91, and 95, and all the examples that do not list
+ a specific URL, but only a description, like
+ ``the PsycARTICLES database'' (ex.~88).
+\item \cite{ex79} \\ \cite{ex79}\\ \fullciteA{ex79}\\ \citeA{ex79}
+\item \cite{ex80} \\ \cite{ex80}\\ \fullciteA{ex80}\\ \citeA{ex80}
+\item \cite{ex81} \\ \cite{ex81}\\ \fullciteA{ex81}\\ \citeA{ex81}
+\item \cite{ex82} \\ \cite{ex82}\\ \fullciteA{ex82}\\ \citeA{ex82}\\
+ \EM Here and in ex.~83, I used the \cmd{\BAbstractRetrieved}
+ and \cmd{\BmakeAbstractRetrieved} commands defined in
+ \fname{apacdoc.sty} to replace ``Retrieved'' by
+ ``Abstract retrieved''.
+\item \cite{ex83} \\ \cite{ex83}\\ \fullciteA{ex83}\\ \citeA{ex83} \\
+\item \cite{ex84} \\ \cite{ex84}\\ \fullciteA{ex84}\\ \citeA{ex84}
+\item \cite{ex85} \\ \cite{ex85}\\ \fullciteA{ex85}\\ \citeA{ex85} \\
+ \EM When referring to a message to a newsgroup, internet forum, etc.,
+ use the \entryname{misc} type. Then define
+ type = {\bibmessage},
+ and use the \fieldname{number} field when relevant. The URL
+ of the message is given in the \fieldname{url} field. Then
+ the entry is formatted
+ correctly: If the message has a number, say 1, it reverts to
+ ``\verb+[\bibmessage~1]+'', i.e., ``[Msg~1]'' with the default
+ definition of \cmd{\bibmessage}. If there is no number, the
+ type identifier is omitted (because it is mentioned as
+ ``Message posted to [\dots]'' anyway). In both cases,
+ the title is formatted as an article title, i.e., not
+ italicized.
+\item \cite{ex86} \\ \cite{ex86}\\ \fullciteA{ex86}\\ \citeA{ex86}
+\item \cite{ex87} \\ \cite{ex87}\\ \fullciteA{ex87}\\ \citeA{ex87}
+\item \cite{ex88} \\ \cite{ex88}\\ \fullciteA{ex88}\\ \citeA{ex88}
+\item \cite{ex89} \\ \cite{ex89}\\ \fullciteA{ex89}\\ \citeA{ex89}
+\item \cite{ex90} \\ \cite{ex90}\\ \fullciteA{ex90}\\ \citeA{ex90} \\
+ \EM Here, ``de Ridder'' may well be a Dutch name. If the APA
+ manual is serious about its rule to format names as they
+ should according to the rule of the country of origin,
+ this name should then be formatted as ``De Ridder''.
+\item \cite{ex91} \\ \cite{ex91}\\ \fullciteA{ex91}\\ \citeA{ex91}
+\item \cite{ex92} \\ \cite{ex92}\\ \fullciteA{ex92}\\ \citeA{ex92}\\
+ \EM From ex.~94 below, I deduce that the version information
+ should be treated as an edition and not as part of the title.
+ Therefore, in this example and ex.~94, the version is formatted
+ in the \fieldname{edition} field:
+ edition = {Version~4.0\noedition\ignorespaces},
+ using the \cmd{\noedition} command from \fname{apacdoc.sty},
+ which temporarily redefines \cmd{\BEd} to do nothing, and
+ \cmd{\ignorespaces}, which eats up the space that is ordinarily
+ present between the edition number and the ``ed.\hbox{}'' string.
+\item \cite{ex93} \\ \cite{ex93}\\ \fullciteA{ex93}\\ \citeA{ex93}\\
+ \EM To test the \entryname{manual} entry: \citeA{ex93-t1}.
+\item \cite{ex94} \\ \cite{ex94}\\ \fullciteA{ex94}\\ \citeA{ex94}\\
+ \EM The example in the APA manual does not list a date, not even
+ a ``n.d.\hbox{}''. Given the logic of the APA manual, this seems
+ an error to me, so I added a ``\cmd{\bibnodate}'' in the
+ \fieldname{year} field, which becomes ``\bibnodate'' in the
+ output. If it would really be the rule to omit the year, then
+ it is not clear when a year must be omitted and when not, or
+ replaced by ``n.d.\hbox{}''. Furthermore, formatting in both
+ the \fname{.sty} file and the \fname{.bst} file would have to
+ be adapted to anticipate a missing year. Currently, I assume
+ that there should always be something that acts like a date
+ (a year, an ``in press'', or a ``n.d.\hbox{}'').
+ \EM See ex.~92 for the treatment of the version.
+\item \cite{ex95} \\ \cite{ex95}\\ \fullciteA{ex95}\\ \citeA{ex95}\\
+ \EM Note that here, unlike ex.~44 and ex.~91,
+ ``U.S.'' is omitted before ``Department of Health and Human
+ Services''.
+% Change History
+% Redefine commands that should be different in the bibliography.
+% Request apacite or apacitex bibliography style
+% depending on whether an index option was requested or not.
+% Include the bibliography
+% Again redefine commands.
+% Include the author index if the index option is on.
+% Again redefine commands.
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \clearpage
+% \APACcodePageLayout
+% \section{Implementation}
+% The following sections describe the source code of the various
+% constituent parts of \pkg{apacite}.
+% \section{\LaTeX\ package (\fname{apacite.sty})}
+% This is the \LaTeX\ package part of \pkg{apacite}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% apacite.sty : citation and reference list according to APA manual
+%% Written by Erik Meijer
+%% Contains code adapted from
+%% index.sty [1995/09/28 v4.1beta Improved index support (dmj)],
+%% hyperref.dtx [6.71, 2000/10/04],
+%% babel.def [2001/03/01, v3.7h],
+%% backref.dtx [1.20, 2002/06/09],
+%% ltbibl.dtx [2004/02/15 v1.1q LaTeX Kernel (Bibliography)],
+%% bibtopic.dtx [2002/08/22 v1.0k],
+%% multibib.dtx [2004/01/28 v1.3 Multiple bibliographies for one document.],
+%% multibbl.dtx [2004/07/27 v1.1],
+%% amsrefs.dtx [2004/06/30 v2.0]
+%% ltidxglo.dtx [1996/01/20 v1.1e LaTeX Kernel (Index and Glossary)]
+%% doc.dtx [2004/02/09 v2.1b Standard LaTeX documentation package (FMi)]
+%% and code (used with permission) provided by:
+%% Stefan Bj\"ork.
+%%% Default. The ``old'' version
+%%% \def\@year@\BCAY#1#2#3{#3}
+%%% cannot exist jointly with this, so has to be moved to an option.
+\DeclareOption{BCAY}{% kept for compatibility with old versions
+ \def\@year@\BCAY#1#2#3{#3}%
+%%%%%% No Author Index option %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% The \if is necessary because packages can not be required here, so
+% we must handle the consequences of the index and noindex options
+% later.
+%%%%%% End No Author Index option %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%% Author Index option %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%% End Author Index option %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%% Include Corporate Authors in index? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Use an \if here, the real definitions are handled within the
+% index options.
+%%%%%% End Corporate Author options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%% Use index package or standard LaTeX index? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Use an \if here, the real definitions are handled within the
+% index options.
+%%%%%% End index package options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%% Modifications of Author Index %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% Standard index: from the index package
+ %%
+ %% Index style as defined in the index package
+ %% [1995/09/28 v4.1beta Improved index support (dmj)],
+ %% which is the same code as in (v3.02, 15 September 1993),
+ %% i.e., without table of contents entry.
+ %%
+ \ExecuteOptions{index}%
+ %%
+ %% This option requires the index package
+ \ExecuteOptions{indexpackage}%
+ %%
+ \AtEndOfPackage{%
+ \@ifclassloaded{article}{%
+ \renewenvironment{theindex}{%
+ \edef\indexname{\the\@nameuse{idxtitle@\@indextype}}%
+ \if@twocolumn
+ \@restonecolfalse
+ \else
+ \@restonecoltrue
+ \fi
+ \columnseprule \z@
+ \columnsep 35\p@
+ \twocolumn[%
+ \section*{\indexname}%
+ \ifx\index@prologue\@empty\else
+ \index@prologue
+ \bigskip
+ \fi
+ ]%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\indexname}%
+ {\MakeUppercase\indexname}%
+ \thispagestyle{plain}%
+ \parindent\z@
+ \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
+ \let\item\@idxitem
+ }{%
+ \if@restonecol
+ \onecolumn
+ \else
+ \clearpage
+ \fi
+ }
+ }{%
+ \renewenvironment{theindex}{%
+ \edef\indexname{\the\@nameuse{idxtitle@\@indextype}}%
+ \if@twocolumn
+ \@restonecolfalse
+ \else
+ \@restonecoltrue
+ \fi
+ \columnseprule \z@
+ \columnsep 35\p@
+ \twocolumn[%
+ \@makeschapterhead{\indexname}%
+ \ifx\index@prologue\@empty\else
+ \index@prologue
+ \bigskip
+ \fi
+ ]%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\indexname}%
+ {\MakeUppercase\indexname}%
+ \thispagestyle{plain}%
+ \parindent\z@
+ \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
+ \let\item\@idxitem
+ }{%
+ \if@restonecol
+ \onecolumn
+ \else
+ \clearpage
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ %%
+ %% Index style as with the stdindex option, but with an
+ %% added table of contents entry.
+ %%
+ \ExecuteOptions{index}%
+ %%
+ %% This option requires the index package
+ \ExecuteOptions{indexpackage}%
+ %%
+ \AtEndOfPackage{%
+ \@ifclassloaded{article}{%
+ \renewenvironment{theindex}{%
+ \edef\indexname{\the\@nameuse{idxtitle@\@indextype}}%
+ \if@twocolumn
+ \@restonecolfalse
+ \else
+ \@restonecoltrue
+ \fi
+ \columnseprule \z@
+ \columnsep 35\p@
+ \twocolumn[%
+ \section*{\indexname}%
+ \ifx\index@prologue\@empty\else
+ \index@prologue
+ \bigskip
+ \fi
+ ]%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\indexname}%
+ {\MakeUppercase\indexname}%
+ %
+ % the following line added by EM
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\indexname}%
+ %
+ \thispagestyle{plain}%
+ \parindent\z@
+ \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
+ \let\item\@idxitem
+ }{%
+ \if@restonecol
+ \onecolumn
+ \else
+ \clearpage
+ \fi
+ }
+ }{%
+ \renewenvironment{theindex}{%
+ \edef\indexname{\the\@nameuse{idxtitle@\@indextype}}%
+ \if@twocolumn
+ \@restonecolfalse
+ \else
+ \@restonecoltrue
+ \fi
+ \columnseprule \z@
+ \columnsep 35\p@
+ \twocolumn[%
+ \@makeschapterhead{\indexname}%
+ \ifx\index@prologue\@empty\else
+ \index@prologue
+ \bigskip
+ \fi
+ ]%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\indexname}%
+ {\MakeUppercase\indexname}%
+ %
+ % the following line added by EM
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\indexname}%
+ %
+ \thispagestyle{plain}%
+ \parindent\z@
+ \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
+ \let\item\@idxitem
+ }{%
+ \if@restonecol
+ \onecolumn
+ \else
+ \clearpage
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ %%
+ %% My (EM) own favorite index style. Maybe you like it too.
+ %%
+ \ExecuteOptions{index}%
+ %%
+ %% This option requires the index package
+ \ExecuteOptions{indexpackage}%
+ %%
+ \AtEndOfPackage{%
+ %%
+ %% Redefine theindex such that automatically a chapter or section
+ %% title is generated, with a corresponding table of contents
+ %% entry. theindex is now in multicol environment.
+ %%
+ \RequirePackage{multicol}
+ \renewenvironment{theindex}{%
+ \edef\@indexname{\the\@nameuse{idxtitle@\@indextype}}%
+ \@ifundefined{chapter}%
+ {\section*{\@indexname}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\@indexname}%
+ }%
+ {\chapter*{\@indexname}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\@indexname}%
+ }%
+ \@mkboth{{\@indexname}}{{\@indexname}}% do we need this?
+ \parindent\z@
+ \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
+ \let\item\@idxitem
+ \setlength{\columnsep}{2em}
+ \small
+ \begin{multicols}{2}
+ \raggedright
+ }%
+ {\end{multicols}\normalsize
+ }%
+ }%
+ %%
+ %% Variation on emindex, without the `index' package
+ %%
+ \ExecuteOptions{index}%
+ %%
+ %% This option drops the index package
+ \ExecuteOptions{noindexpackage}%
+ %%
+ \AtEndOfPackage{%
+ %%
+ %% Redefine theindex such that automatically a chapter or section
+ %% title is generated, with a corresponding table of contents
+ %% entry. theindex is now in multicol environment.
+ %%
+ \RequirePackage{multicol}
+ \renewenvironment{theindex}{%
+ % The index naming scheme of the `index' package is also absent,
+ % therefore try to guess an index name.
+ \@ifundefined{currentindexname}{%
+ \@ifundefined{indexname}{%
+ \edef\@indexname{Index}%
+ }{\edef\@indexname{\indexname}}%
+ }{\edef\@indexname{\currentindexname}}%
+ \@ifundefined{chapter}%
+ {\section*{\@indexname}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\@indexname}%
+ }%
+ {\chapter*{\@indexname}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\@indexname}%
+ }%
+ \@mkboth{{\@indexname}}{{\@indexname}}% do we need this?
+ \def\pfill{\relax{}}%
+ \parindent\z@
+ \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
+ \let\item\@idxitem
+ \setlength{\columnsep}{2em}
+ \small
+ \begin{multicols}{2}
+ \raggedright
+ }%
+ {\end{multicols}\normalsize
+ }%
+ }%
+%%%%%% End Modifications of Author Index %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%% Some options for the bibliography %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % The bibliography is a section or chapter with a number (e.g.,
+ % section 6 or chapter 10). I think this does not work (i.e., it is
+ % still unnumbered) when the section/chapter is in the backmatter.
+ %
+ \@numberedbibtrue
+ %
+ % The bibliography is a section or chapter without a number (i.e.,
+ % a section* or chapter*). This is the default.
+ %
+ \@numberedbibfalse
+ %
+ % The bibliography is a section. Typically used with the chapterbib
+ % package, then each chapter has a bibliography section. The
+ % nosectionbib option makes the bibliography a chapter (if chapters
+ % are defined). If none of these options are requested, apacite tries
+ % to guess the most logical choice. The bibliography is a section if
+ % chapters are not defined or if we are in the ``mainmatter'' of a
+ % document. Otherwise, it is a chapter.
+ %
+ \@ifundefined{@sectionbibtrue}{\newif\if@sectionbib}{}%
+ %
+ \@sectionbibtrue
+ %
+ % The bibliography is a chapter if chapters are defined
+ % (otherwise, it is always a section). See the description
+ % of the sectionbib option above for its usage.
+ %
+ \@ifundefined{@sectionbibfalse}{\newif\if@sectionbib}{}%
+ %
+ \@sectionbibfalse
+ %
+ % The bibliography in the table of contents, even if it's
+ % unnumbered. This is the default.
+ %
+ \@tocbibtrue
+ %
+ % The bibliography not in the table of contents if it's
+ % unnumbered. (Will be ignored if it's numbered.)
+ %
+ \@tocbibfalse
+ %
+ % The bibliography is started on a new page if it's a section.
+ % (Will be ignored if it's a chapter.)
+ %
+ \def\@bibnewpage{\bibnewpage}
+ %
+ % The bibliography is started on the same page if it's a section.
+ % (Will be ignored if it's a chapter.)
+ %
+ \let\@bibnewpage\relax
+%%%%%% End options for the bibliography %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%% Obsolete hyperref compatibility options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% (For compatibility with previous versions of apacite.)
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{apacite}{Obsolete option `hyper' ignored}%
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{apacite}{Obsolete option `nohyper' ignored}%
+%%%%%% End obsolete hyperref compatibility options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%% Obsolete accentfix options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% (For compatibility with previous versions of apacite.)
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{apacite}{Obsolete option `accentfix' ignored}%
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{apacite}{Obsolete option `noaccentfix' ignored}%
+%%%%%% End obsolete accentfix options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%% Execute default options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ nobibnewpage,suppresscorporate}
+%%%%%% Execute user-requested options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%% Define author indexing stuff when requested
+\newcommand{\authorindexname}{Author Index}
+ %
+ % Author index requested.
+ %
+ \if@APAC@index@package
+ %
+ % Load \pkg{index} package.
+ \RequirePackage{index}[1995/09/28]
+ %
+ % Define Author Index.
+ % This may be changed in the preamble of the
+ % document (or in a user-provided package)
+ % by a \renewindex command.
+ %
+ \newindex{autx}{adx}{and}{\authorindexname}
+ %
+ % Author indexing command
+ %
+ \DeclareRobustCommand{\AX}[1]{%
+ \if@filesw{%
+ \protected@write\@auxout{}{%
+ \string\protected@write\string\tf@autx{}{%
+ \string\string\string
+ \indexentry{\string#1|hyperpage}{\thepage}}}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \else
+ %
+ % Without \pkg{index} package (experimental).
+ % A bit of code adapted from ltidxglo.dtx
+ \newwrite\@AXfile
+ \immediate\openout\@AXfile=\jobname.adx
+ \typeout
+ {Writing author index file \jobname.adx }%
+ %
+ \DeclareRobustCommand{\AX}[1]{%
+ \protected@write\@AXfile{}%
+ {\string\indexentry{\string#1}{\thepage}}%
+ }%
+ %
+ % Some code adapted from doc.dtx
+ \def\PrintAX{\edef\currentindexname{\authorindexname}%
+ \@input@{\jobname.and}%
+ \global\let\PrintAX\@empty
+ }%
+ %
+ % Do some hacking to make sure both \printindex and \printindex[autx] are defined
+ % As yet untested.
+ \AtBeginDocument{%
+ % Make sure \printindex is defined.
+ \@ifundefined{printindex}{\makeindex}{}%
+ % Now, redefine \printindex to accommodate both \printindex and \printindex[autx]
+ \let\orig@printindex\printindex
+ \def\printindex{\@ifnextchar[{\APAC@printindex}{%
+ \orig@printindex}}%
+ %
+ \def\APAC@printindex[autx]{\PrintAX}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ %
+ % Index corporate authors?
+ \if@APAC@include@corporate
+ % Include corporate authors in index.
+ \let\corporateAX\AX
+ \else
+ % Swallow argument (do not index).
+ \let\corporateAX\@gobble
+ \fi
+ %
+ %
+ % No author index.
+ %
+ % Wait till \begin{document} for checking whether another
+ % package is loaded that defines \printindex.
+ %
+ \AtBeginDocument{%
+ \@ifundefined{printindex}%
+ {%% \printindex not defined. Define \printindex so that it
+ % suppresses the indexes.
+ \def\printindex{\@ifnextchar[{\check@printindex}{%
+ \check@printindex[]}}%
+ %
+ \def\check@printindex[#1]{\relax }%
+ }%
+ {% \printindex defined, so save its definition.
+ \let\orig@printindex\printindex
+ %
+ % Redefine \printindex so that it suppresses the author index
+ % but does not change other indexes.
+ % 1. If there is no optional argument, use the original
+ % definition.
+ \def\printindex{\@ifnextchar[{\check@printindex}{\orig@printindex}}%
+ %
+ % 2. If there is an optional argument, check whether it is
+ % equal to `autx'. If so, suppress this (author) index.
+ % If not, use the original definition.
+ \def\check@printindex[#1]{%
+ % Use a clumsy way to check whether #1 = autx
+ % but seemingly more elegant ways somehow didn't work.
+ \expandafter\def\csname APAC@#1\endcsname{DUMMY}%
+ \@ifundefined{APAC@autx}%
+ {\orig@printindex[#1]}%
+ {\let\APAC@autx\@undefined}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ %
+ % Empty author indexing commands
+ %
+ \let\AX\@gobble
+ \let\corporateAX\@gobble
+ %
+%%%%%% Chapterbib compatibility %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% From the instructions of the chapterbib package.
+%%%%%% End Chapterbib compatibility %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries.
+%%% These are recognized by apacite.bst.
+\newcommand{\bibcomputerprogram}{Computer program}
+\newcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{Computer program manual}
+\newcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Computer program and manual}
+\newcommand{\bibcomputersoftware}{Computer software}
+\newcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{Computer software manual}
+\newcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Computer software and manual}
+\newcommand{\bibprogramminglanguage}{Programming language}
+%%% Command for corporate authors.
+%%% This is recognized by apacite.bst.
+%%% The following commands are recognized by apacite.bst.
+%%% They denote that the publication date is unknown,
+%%% and that the type should be left empty (for @techreport, where
+%%% ``Tech. Rep.'' is the default type if the field is left empty).
+% cite punctuations %
+% text style of authors in-text citation
+% (\cite, \shortcite, \fullcite,
+% \citeA, \shortciteA, \fullciteA,
+% \citeNP, \shortciteNP, \fullciteNP)
+% text style of authors in-text citation
+% (\citeauthor, \shortciteauthor, \fullciteauthor)
+\newcommand{\BBOP}{(} % open parenthesis
+\newcommand{\BBCP}{)} % closing parenthesis
+\newcommand{\BAP}{ } % after prefix, before first citation
+\newcommand{\BBAA}{\&} % between authors in parentheses and ref. sec.
+\newcommand{\BBAB}{and} % between authors in text
+\newcommand{\BBAY}{, } % between author(s) and year
+\newcommand{\BBYY}{, } % between years of multiple citations with same author
+\newcommand{\BBC}{; } % between cites
+\newcommand{\BBN}{, } % before note
+\newcommand{\BBOQ}{} % open quote for article title
+\newcommand{\BBCQ}{} % closing quote for article title
+\newcommand{\BCBT}{,} % comma between authors in ref. sec
+ % when no. of authors = 2
+\newcommand{\BCBL}{,} % comma before last author
+\newcommand{\BAnd}{\&} % for ``Ed. \& Trans.'' in ref. list
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\BPBI}{.~}% Period between initials
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\BHBI}{.-}% Hyphen between initials
+\newcommand{\APACciteatitle}[1]{``#1''}% Format as article title in text
+\newcommand{\APACcitebtitle}[1]{{\em #1\/}}% Format as book title in text
+\newcommand{\APACSortNoop}[1]{} % Can be used to change the sorting order:
+ % When put between a pair of braces at the
+ % front of a field, the entry is sorted on
+ % the argument of this command, but the
+ % argument is never displayed.
+% Two commands that are used to trick natbib.
+% For multiple citations with same author-year.
+% (Kruskal, 1964a, 1964b)
+% The \protect is necessary when natbib is used.
+% In press, no date.
+% The \mbox prevents a line break at the hyphen.
+% Labels, mostly for reference list %
+% ``others'', the argument contains a dot to suppress an additional one
+% in the reference list. Here and in other cases, the \hbox{} ensures that
+% TeX does not mistake the abbreviation period for a sentence-ending period.
+\newcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}
+% ``others'', the argument contains a dot to suppress an additional one
+% in the reference list. The difference with \BOthers is that, if another
+% string is used to define \BOthers, this one should always finish with a
+% period and the previous one not necessarily (e.g., if explicit ``others''
+% is used).
+\newcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}
+\newcommand{\BIP}{in press} % used as year for in-press citations
+\newcommand{\BIn}{In} % for ``In '' editor...
+\newcommand{\Bby}{by} % for ``by '' editor... (in reprints)
+\newcommand{\BCHAP}{chap.\hbox{}} % chapter
+\newcommand{\BCHAPS}{chap.\hbox{}} % chapters
+\newcommand{\BED}{Ed.\hbox{}} % editor
+\newcommand{\BEDS}{Eds.\hbox{}} % editors
+\newcommand{\BTRANS}{Trans.\hbox{}} % translator
+\newcommand{\BTRANSS}{Trans.\hbox{}} % translators
+\newcommand{\BTRANSL}{trans.\hbox{}} % translation, for the year field
+\newcommand{\BCHAIR}{Chair} % chair of symposium
+\newcommand{\BCHAIRS}{Chairs} % chairs
+\newcommand{\BVOL}{Vol.\hbox{}} % volume
+\newcommand{\BVOLS}{Vols.\hbox{}} % volumes
+\newcommand{\BNUM}{No.\hbox{}} % number
+\newcommand{\BNUMS}{Nos.\hbox{}} % numbers
+\newcommand{\BEd}{ed.\hbox{}} % edition
+\newcommand{\BPG}{p.\hbox{}} % page
+\newcommand{\BPGS}{pp.\hbox{}} % pages
+\newcommand{\BTR}{Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}} % (default) technical report type name
+\newcommand{\BPhD}{Doctoral dissertation}% (default) PhD thesis type name
+% (default) unpublished PhD thesis type name
+\newcommand{\BUPhD}{Unpublished doctoral dissertation}
+\newcommand{\BMTh}{Master's thesis} % (default) master's thesis type name
+% (default) unpublished master's thesis type name
+\newcommand{\BUMTh}{Unpublished master's thesis}
+\newcommand{\BAuthor}{Author} % Used if publisher = author
+\newcommand{\BOWP}{Original work published}
+\newcommand{\BREPR}{Reprinted from}
+\newcommand{\BAvailFrom}{Available from\ }% Websites; note the space.
+\newcommand{\BRetrieved}[1]{Retrieved {#1}, from\ }% Websites; note the space.
+\newcommand{\BMsgPostedTo}{Message posted to\ }% Messages; note the space.
+\def\refname{References}% Name of ref. list if it's a section.
+\def\bibname{References}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter.
+% An optional note just before the references in the reference list.
+% Defaults to nothing, but can be changed to a list of commands
+% (e.g., if author formatting should be different in the reference
+% list) and/or text (e.g., for an explanatory note).
+% Prenote used just before the references in the reference list
+% when a meta-analysis is reported.
+ References marked with an asterisk indicate studies
+ included in the meta-analysis.}
+% The star that's put in front of the entries used in the meta-analysis
+% Load language dependent sections from an external file.
+% (Based on code by Stefan Bj\"ork, 2004/12/25.)
+ %
+ % Both babel and (n)german use \iflanguage to check the main
+ % language. They both also use \languagename, but that gives
+ % more problems with dialects. E.g., if \languagename = austrian
+ % then \iflanguage{german}{Yes}{No} gives Yes. This allows us
+ % to provide only .apc files for the language class without
+ % complicated code to check whether a certain dialect is used.
+ %
+ % Check whether \iflanguage is defined. If not, no language support
+ % is offered.
+ %
+ \@ifundefined{iflanguage}%
+ {\relax }%
+ {% %
+ % My teTeX under Cygwin automatically loads babel with
+ % default language "nohyphenation", so this language should
+ % revert to doing nothing. Strangely enough \iflanguage
+ % does not work correctly, so I'll use a trick. (Some trial
+ % and error, because babel.dtx states that there must be
+ % a '\string ' before the 'nohyphenation', but apparently in
+ % this situation it's the other way around.)
+ %
+ \edef\APAC@tmp{nohyphenation}%
+ \ifx\languagename\APAC@tmp
+ \else
+ \InputIfFileExists{\languagename.apc}{}{%
+ %
+ % \languagename.apc does not exist; try whether the current
+ % language is a dialect of one of the known languages. This
+ % is not perfect, because languages for which no hyphenation
+ % patterns have been found revert to the default language,
+ % so that the wrong language file may be loaded here in that
+ % case.
+ %
+ % Define a modification of \iflanguage that executes the "true"
+ % code if the language is defined and equal to the current
+ % language and does nothing otherwise. (Just \iflanguage gives
+ % an error if the language is not loaded.)
+ %
+ \def\APAC@iflang##1##2{%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname l@##1\endcsname\relax
+ \else
+ \ifnum\csname l@##1\endcsname=\language
+ {##2}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }%
+ % Define language support file. The \def instead of a direct \input
+ % is done to provide a mechanism to check whether a language file
+ % has been defined.
+ %
+ \APAC@iflang{dutch}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{dutch.apc}}%
+ \APAC@iflang{finnish}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{finnish.apc}}%
+ \APAC@iflang{german}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{german.apc}}%
+ \APAC@iflang{ngerman}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{ngerman.apc}}%
+ \APAC@iflang{greek}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{greek.apc}}%
+ \APAC@iflang{norsk}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{norsk.apc}}%
+ \APAC@iflang{spanish}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{spanish.apc}}%
+ \APAC@iflang{swedish}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{swedish.apc}}%
+ %
+ % The default English as last one.
+ \APAC@iflang{english}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{english.apc}}%
+ %
+ \@ifundefined{APAC@apcfile}{%
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{apacite}{%
+ No suitable language definition file (\languagename.apc) found}%
+ }{%
+ \InputIfFileExists{\APAC@apcfile}{}{%
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{apacite}{%
+ Language definition file \APAC@apcfile\space not found}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \let\APAC@apcfile\@undefined
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \let\APAC@tmp\@undefined
+ }%
+ \let\APAC@iflang\@undefined
+% Bibliography style parameters.
+\def\bibnewpage{\clearpage}% apa.cls uses \newpage, change with \renewcommand
+%%% declare four parameters
+%%% and give them default values
+\bibitemsep\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
+% To force another order (in Part 1, Part 2 cases)
+% Actually, this is the same as \SortNoop used in the examples,
+% so I do not discuss this in the documentation. It should
+% not be considered part of apacite, but I keep it for backwards
+% compatibility.
+% Replacement of the chapterbib `\@extra@b@citeb' command. This one
+% accumulates all kinds of `extra' flags to accommodate multiple
+% bibliographies of various packages (chapterbib, bibunits).
+% label-bibitem %
+ \def\BBA{\BBAA}%
+ % For compatibility with chapterbib, bibunits, backref, and hyperref.
+ % Adapted from natbib.dtx.
+ \item[\hyper@natanchorstart{#2\APAC@extra@b@citeb}%
+ \@biblabel{#1}%
+ \hyper@natanchorend]%
+ \if@filesw{%
+ \def\BBA{\string\BBA}%
+ \let\protect\noexpand
+ % bibunits redefines \bibcite through \AtBeginDocument
+ % in a way that is incompatible with apacite's definition.
+ % The simplest way to get things working automatically
+ % seems to be introducing the parallel \APACbibcite command.
+ % This should also solve many other compatibility problems.
+ \immediate\write\@newciteauxhandle{\string\bibcite{#2}{#1}}%
+ \immediate\write\@newciteauxhandle{\string\APACbibcite{#2}{#1}}%
+ \def\BBA{\BBAA}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces
+% Year is separately handled by \Y@<citation key>
+ \global\expandafter
+ \def\csname b@#1\APAC@extra@binfo\endcsname{#2}% names
+ \global\expandafter
+ \def\csname Y@#1\APAC@extra@binfo\endcsname{\@year@#2}% year
+% We don't need this one anymore, but other packages may use it.
+%% COMMENTS FROM hyperref.dtx:
+%% Package |babel| redefines \cmd{\bibcite} with
+%% macro \cmd{\bbl@cite@choice}. It needs to be overwritten
+%% to avoid the warning ``Label(s) may have changed.''.
+%% Here, a slightly adapted version of the code mentioned above is inserted.
+%% The other \bibcite-restoring compatibility code above does something
+%% similar, but does not do the job correctly if babel is loaded (why?).
+%% Clearly, this only works if babel is loaded before apacite, but
+%% putting it in a \AtBeginDocument does not work well.
+ \g@addto@macro\bbl@cite@choice{%
+ \let\bibcite\APACbibcite
+ }%
+ \@ifpackageloaded{bibtopic}{%
+ %
+ % Somewhat rudely disable this command to prevent an undesired
+ % error message of bibtopic.
+ \renewcommand*\bt@change@thb{\relax}%
+ }{%
+ %
+ % These bibtopic hooks are included in the thebibliography
+ % environment, so bibtopic should work correctly. If bibtopic is
+ % not loaded, they should do nothing.
+ \providecommand{\bt@beg@thb@hook}{\relax}
+ \providecommand{\bt@end@thb@hook}{\relax}
+ }%
+% Store the default apacite definitions.
+ \let\APACstd@cite\cite
+ \let\APACstd@nocite\nocite
+ \let\APACstd@lbibitem\@lbibitem
+% Default definition.
+ \@ifpackageloaded{bibunits}{%
+ % To mimic chapterbib behavior (with flags etc.).
+ \def\APAC@bu{%
+ \ifx\cite\std@cite
+ % Outside a bibunit; the `@APACbu' strings are intended to
+ % minimize the possibility of wrong matches, such as
+ % \b@ex11 = ex11 from the global aux
+ % or
+ % \b@ex11 = ex1 from bibunit 1,
+ % and the last `@' is similarly intended to avoid confusion
+ % if both bibunits and chapterbib are loaded (`11@1' = 11th
+ % bibunit, 1st chapterbib unit; `1@11' = 1st bibunit, 11th
+ % chapterbib unit). It seems unlikely that both packages would
+ % be used at the same time, but safety first.
+ @APACbu0@%
+ \else
+ % Within a bibunit: use bibunit number to distinguish the bibunits.
+ @APACbu\the\@bibunitauxcnt @%
+ \fi
+ }%%
+ % Standard apacite definition of \cite and \nocite commands.
+ \let\std@cite\APACstd@cite
+ % This is mainly necessary to avoid incorrect `Citation undefined'
+ % warnings.
+ \let\std@nocite\APACstd@nocite
+ % Restore apacite definition of \bibitem, mainly because of the
+ % \@newciteauxhandle instead of \@auxout.
+ \def\std@lbibitem[#1]#2{%
+ \let\@APACtemp@auxout\@newciteauxhandle
+ \let\@newciteauxhandle\@bibunitaux
+ \APACstd@lbibitem[#1]{#2}%
+ \let\@newciteauxhandle\@APACtemp@auxout
+ }%%
+ % To make sure everything works whether bibunits is loaded
+ % before or after apacite.
+ \let\@lbibitem\std@lbibitem
+ %
+ }{}%
+% Almost all of multibbl's code is redefined here, mainly because
+% apacite needs to distinguish which citation refers to which
+% bibliography, so that flags can be correctly set whether a citation
+% is the first citation to the work in from the specific bibliography
+% and correctly includes the meta-analysis flags with the various
+% bibliographies.
+% Default flag definition if multibbl is not loaded.
+ \@ifpackageloaded{multibbl}{%
+ % To mimic chapterbib behavior (with flags etc.).
+ \def\APAC@def@curr@aux#1{\def\APAC@curr@aux{@APACaux@#1@}}%
+ % Ditto. This puts the \bibcite commands in #1.aux instead
+ % of in the main aux file, so that the flags can be differentiated.
+ % This also means that the aux file has to be read by LaTeX
+ % before it is overwritten.
+ \def\newbibliography#1{%
+ \APAC@def@curr@aux{#1}%
+ \@input@{#1.aux}%
+ \begingroup
+ \if@filesw
+ \expandafter\newwrite\csname #1@auxfile\endcsname
+ \expandafter\immediate\openout
+ \csname #1@auxfile\endcsname #1.aux\relax
+ \typeout{Writing auxiliary file #1.aux }%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ }%%
+ % Add the flag to the bibliography.
+ \let\APAC@mbbl@bibliography\bibliography
+ \def\bibliography#1#2#3{%
+ \APAC@def@curr@aux{#1}%
+ \let\@APACtemp@auxout\@newciteauxhandle
+ \def\@APACtemp{\csname #1@auxfile\endcsname}%
+ \let\@newciteauxhandle\@APACtemp
+ \APAC@mbbl@bibliography{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \let\@newciteauxhandle\@APACtemp@auxout
+ }%%
+ % Add an extra argument to \@@cite.
+ \let\@orig@@cite\@@cite
+ \def\@@cite<#1>[#2]#3#4{%
+ \nocite{#3}{#4}%
+ \let\@temp@nocite\nocite
+ \let\nocite\@gobble
+ %
+ \APAC@def@curr@aux{#3}%
+ \@orig@@cite<#1>[#2]{#4}%
+ %
+ \let\nocite\@temp@nocite
+ \let\@temp@nocite\@undefined
+ }%%
+ %
+ % Add an extra argument to \nocite.
+ \let\@orig@nocite\nocite
+ \def\nocite#1#2{%
+ % Define a flag.
+ \APAC@def@curr@aux{#1}%
+ %
+ % No flag-setting in \nocite: a no-cite is not a cite,
+ % so a subsequent cite may be the first cite.
+ \@bsphack
+ \ifx\@onlypreamble\document
+ % Since we are after \begin{document} we can do the citations:
+ \@for\@citeb:=#2\do{%
+ \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}%
+ % \@newciteauxhandle for compatibility with multibib
+ % #1@auxfile for compatibility with multibbl
+ \@ifundefined{#1@auxfile}{%
+ \if@filesw
+ \immediate\write\@newciteauxhandle{\string\citation{\@citeb}}%
+ \fi
+ }{\if@filesw
+ \expandafter\immediate%
+ \write\csname #1@auxfile\endcsname{\string\citation{\@citeb}}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ %
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}{%
+ \edef\B@my@dummy{*}%
+ \ifx\@citeb\B@my@dummy
+ \else
+ \G@refundefinedtrue
+ \@latex@warning{Citation `\@citeb' undefined}%
+ \fi
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ \else
+ % apacite has no compatibility problems, because it does not work
+ % with LaTeX 2.09 anyway, so we can do the following, suggested
+ % in ltbibl.dtx:
+ \AtBeginDocument{\nocite{#1}{#2}}%
+ \fi
+ \@esphack
+ %
+ % For compatibility with multibib.
+ \@restore@auxhandle
+ }%%
+ %
+ % Add an extra argument to \nocitemeta.
+ \let\@orig@@nocitemeta\nocitemeta
+ \def\nocitemeta#1#2{%
+ \nocite{#1}{#2}%
+ \let\@temp@nocite\nocite
+ \let\nocite\@gobble
+ %
+ \@orig@@nocitemeta{#2}%
+ %
+ \let\nocite\@temp@nocite
+ \let\@temp@nocite\@undefined
+ }%
+ }{}%
+% From instructions in multibib.dtx.
+% List of citation commands
+ cite,fullcite,shortcite,citeNP,fullciteNP,shortciteNP,%
+ citeA,fullciteA,shortciteA,citeauthor,fullciteauthor,shortciteauthor,%
+ citeauthorNP,fullciteauthorNP,shortciteauthorNP,%
+ citeyear,citeyearNP,nocite,nocitemeta%
+ \@ifundefined{newcites}{\global\let\@restore@auxhandle\relax}{}%
+ \@ifpackageloaded{splitbib}{%
+ % Presumably, this doesn't hurt without splitbib as well.
+ \def\citeauthoryear{\string\citeauthoryear}%
+ }{}%
+ \@ifpackageloaded{natbib}{%
+ %
+ % Redefine a natbib command. This may be ethically dubious, but
+ % without it, natbib simply cannot handle apacite-generated .bbl
+ % files. The only reason I can think of why both apacite.sty
+ % and natbib would be loaded is exactly the situation when you
+ % want to use natbib for the citations and apacite for the reference
+ % list. In this situation you would load apacite.sty, not for the
+ % citation commands, but for the punctuation commands and labels
+ % defined by apacite. In this situation, the redefinition below
+ % is necessary and therefore I do this here.
+ %
+ \def\NAT@parse@date#1#2#3#4#5#6@@{%
+ \def\NAT@year{{#1}}\def\NAT@exlab{{#2}}%
+ }%
+ %
+ % natbib redefines \thebibliography, which interferes a little
+ % with our purposes. Therefore, add some patches.
+ %
+ \let\@oldbibpreamble\bibpreamble
+ \def\bibpreamble{% This goes wrong if \bibpreamble is redefined
+ % later on, i.e., by the user, but I haven't thought
+ % of a better hack yet.
+ \@oldbibpreamble%
+ \bibliographytypesize%
+ \bibliographyprenote%
+ \@ifundefined{APAC@metaprenote@\APAC@extra@b@citeb}%
+ {}% skip
+ {\csname APAC@metaprenote@\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}%
+ }%
+ \let\@old@endthebibliography\endthebibliography
+ \def\endthebibliography{\@old@endthebibliography%
+ \normalsize}%
+ }{}%
+% The code here is adapted from hyperref, natbib, and their respective
+% documentation, to make use of their interoperability.
+ \@ifundefined{NAT@parse}{%
+ \def\NAT@parse{This is a fake natbib command to fool hyperref.}}{}%
+ \@ifundefined{hyper@natlinkstart}{%
+ \let\hyper@natlinkstart\@gobble}{}%
+ \@ifundefined{hyper@natlinkend}{%
+ \let\hyper@natlinkend\relax}{}%
+ \@ifundefined{hyper@natanchorstart}{%
+ \let\hyper@natanchorstart\@gobble}{}%
+ \@ifundefined{hyper@natanchorend}{%
+ \let\hyper@natanchorend\relax}{}%
+ \@ifundefined{hyperpage}{%
+ \def\hyperpage#1{#1}}{}%
+% Remove spaces from hyperlinks (hyperref keeps them, even if they
+% are removed from the visible output, so you'd get awkward results
+% like \href{http://my .link}{}.
+ \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{%
+ % The next should always be true, but just to be sure...
+ \@ifpackageloaded{url}{%
+ % Is obeyspaces option requested? If not, then...
+ \ifx\@empty\Url@ObeySp\@empty
+ % remove spaces from hyperlinks.
+ \def\url@#1{\def\@tmp@arg{\string#1}%
+ \HyPsd@Subst{ }{}{\@tmp@arg}%
+ \hyper@linkurl{\Hurl{#1}}{\@tmp@arg}}%
+ \fi
+ }{}%
+ }{}}
+%% A bit of code that makes life a little easier
+%% (adapted from amsrefs.dtx).
+ \@ifpackageloaded{backref}{%
+ % Make sure that \ifBR@verbose is defined.
+ \@ifundefined{ifBR@verbose}{%
+ \let\ifBR@verbose\iffalse
+ \let\fi\fi}{}%
+ % A backcite command that makes the code of other commands better
+ % readable.
+ \def\back@cite#1{%
+ \ifBR@verbose
+ \PackageInfo{backref}{back cite \string`#1\string'}%
+ \fi
+ \Hy@backout{#1\APAC@extra@b@citeb}%
+ }%%
+ % Adaptation of the \bibitem command so that backref does not
+ % scan the whole entry. The placement of the backrefs is explicitly
+ % done through \PrintBackRefs.
+ \def\APACrestorebibitem{%
+ \def\BR@@lbibitem[##1]##2{%
+ \BRorg@bibitem[{##1}]{##2}%
+ \def\CurrentBib{##2\APAC@extra@b@citeb}%
+ }%%
+ }%
+ % Printing the backrefs: revert to the standard backrefs macro.
+ \def\PrintBackRefs#1{\BR@backref{#1}}%
+ }{%%%
+ % backref not loaded.
+ \let\back@cite\@gobble
+ \let\PrintBackRefs\@gobble
+ }%
+ \BRorg@bibitem[#1]{#2}#3%
+ \BR@backref{#2}%
+% Setting catcode of `#'; mainly useful in case the bibliography
+% contains url's containing `#' symbols. Analogous to \makeatother and
+% \makeatletter.
+% Undocumented! [EM, 2007/08/30]
+% APA requires breaking of url's AFTER a slash or BEFORE a dot.
+% In particular, there should not be a break between "http:" and "//".
+% url.sty also defines many other (punctuation) symbols at which a
+% break may occur. APA does not mention this, but it seems in the spirit
+% of the APA manual
+ \@ifpackageloaded{url}{%
+ % To circumvent an ``undefined'' error
+ \@ifundefined{Url@force@Tilde}{\def\Url@force@Tilde{\relax}}{}%
+ %
+ % The original dot. (Simply using `.' causes an infinite loop.
+ % This command is used below, so that encoding-issues can be resolved
+ % easier by redefining \Url@APACdot.)
+ \def\Url@APACdot{\mathchar"2E }%
+ \def\Url@APACcomma{\mathchar"2C }%
+ \def\Url@APACquestionmark{\mathchar"3F }%
+ \def\Url@APACexclamation{\mathchar"21 }%
+ \def\Url@APAChyphen{\mathchar"2D }%
+ \def\Url@APACunderscore{\_}%
+ %
+ % APA-definitions.
+ \def\APACurlBreaks{%
+ % Remove dot and slash from ordinary breaks.
+ \def\UrlBreaks{\do\@\do\\\do\|\do\;\do\>\do\]\do\)\do\'\do+\do\=\do\#}%
+ % Add slash to big breaks, so that http:// is broken after the second
+ % slash instead of after the colon.
+ \def\UrlBigBreaks{\do\/\do\:\do@url@hyp}%
+ % These are the default ones. Repeat them to get a complete style and
+ % we don't have to rely on what is the default (which might change).
+ \def\UrlNoBreaks{\do\(\do\[\do\{\do\<}%
+ \def\UrlOrds{\do\*\do\~\do\'\do\"}%
+ % Define a dot as an empty binary relation (after which a break may
+ % occur) followed by a dot-symbol (after which no break may occur).
+ % The Chicago Manual of Style requests the same treatment of
+ % a couple of other punctuation marks, different from url.sty's
+ % default behavior.
+ \def\UrlSpecials{%
+ \do\.{\mathbin{}\Url@APACdot }\do\,{\mathbin{}\Url@APACcomma }%
+ \do\-{\mathbin{}\Url@APAChyphen }%
+ \do\?{\mathbin{}\Url@APACquestionmark }%
+ \do\!{\mathbin{}\Url@APACexclamation }%
+ \do\_{\mathbin{}\Url@APACunderscore }%
+ \do\ {\Url@space}\do\%{\Url@percent}\do\^^M{\Url@space}%
+ \Url@force@Tilde}% package option may force faked text-ascii-tilde
+ }%%
+ % Change underscore for when a non-tt font is used.
+ \def\Url@OTnonTT{\do\<{\langle}\do\>{\mathbin{\rangle}}\do
+ \_{\mathbin{}\_}\do\|{\mid}\do\{{\lbrace}\do\}{\mathbin{\rbrace}}\do
+ \\{\mathbin{\backslash}}\UrlTildeSpecial}
+ % Now define four APA url-styles, based on the standard styles in
+ % url.sty.
+ \def\url@APACttstyle{\def\UrlFont{\ttfamily}\APACurlBreaks }%
+ \def\url@APACrmstyle{\def\UrlFont{\rmfamily}\APACurlBreaks }%
+ \def\url@APACsfstyle{\def\UrlFont{\sffamily}\APACurlBreaks }%
+ \def\url@APACsamestyle{\def\UrlFont{}\APACurlBreaks }%
+ %
+ % Use APACtt-style by default.
+ \urlstyle{APACtt}%
+ }{}%
+% In case \url is undefined, define a very simple version.
+ \@ifundefined{url}{%
+ \def\url#1{\texttt{#1}}%
+ }{}%
+% First citation in multi-citation.
+% Two flags to denote whether only author or year must be cited or both.
+% \cite<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% \fullcite<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% \shortcite<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% writes \citation{keys} on .aux
+% produces (prefix Authors1, Year1; Authors2, Year2; ..., postfix)
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}%
+ \def\@BBOP{\BBOP}% % open parenthesis
+ \def\@BBCP{\BBCP}% % close parenthesis
+ \@ifnextchar<% % >
+ {\@cite}%
+ {\@cite<>}%
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}%
+ \def\@BBOP{\BBOP}% % open parenthesis
+ \def\@BBCP{\BBCP}% % close parenthesis
+ \@ifnextchar<% % >
+ {\@cite}%
+ {\@cite<>}%
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}%
+ \def\@BBOP{\BBOP}% % open parenthesis
+ \def\@BBCP{\BBCP}% % close parenthesis
+ \@ifnextchar<% % >
+ {\@cite}%
+ {\@cite<>}%
+% \citeNP<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% \fullciteNP<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% \shortciteNP<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% writes \citation{keys} on .aux
+% produces prefix Authors1, Year1; Authors2, Year2; ..., postfix
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}%
+ \def\@BBOP{}% % open parenthesis
+ \def\@BBCP{}% % close parenthesis
+ \@ifnextchar<%% >
+ {\@cite}%
+ {\@cite<>}%
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}%
+ \def\@BBOP{}% % open parenthesis
+ \def\@BBCP{}% % close parenthesis
+ \@ifnextchar<%% >
+ {\@cite}%
+ {\@cite<>}%
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}%
+ \def\@BBOP{}% % open parenthesis
+ \def\@BBCP{}% % close parenthesis
+ \@ifnextchar<%% >
+ {\@cite}%
+ {\@cite<>}%
+% second layer of \cite command
+ %
+ % definition of some parameters
+ %
+ \def\@BAP{\BAP}% % after precitation [=#1] before first citation
+ \def\@BBA{\BBAA}% % `and' between authors
+ \def\@BBAY{\BBAY}% % between author and year
+ \def\@BAY{}% % after year
+ \def\@BBY{\BBYY}% % between years of multiple citations with same author
+ \def\@BBC{\BBC}% % between cites
+ \def\@BBN{\BBN}% % after last citation before note/postcitation [=#2]
+ \def\@BAstyle{\BAstyle}% text style of authors
+ \@A@citetrue% % cite authors
+ \@Y@citetrue% % cite years
+ \@ifnextchar[% % ]
+ {\@@cite<#1>}%
+ {\@@cite<#1>[]}%
+% \citeA<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% \fullciteA<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% \shortciteA<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% writes \citation{keys} on .aux
+% produces prefix Authors1 (Year1), ..., AuthorN (YearN, postfix)
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}%
+ \@ifnextchar<% %>
+ {\@citeA}%
+ {\@citeA<>}%
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}%
+ \@ifnextchar<% %>
+ {\@citeA}%
+ {\@citeA<>}%
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}%
+ \@ifnextchar<% %>
+ {\@citeA}%
+ {\@citeA<>}%
+% second layer of \citeA command
+ %
+ % definition of some parameters
+ %
+ \def\@BBOP{}% % open parenthesis.
+ \def\@BAP{\BAP}% % after precitation [=#1] before first citation
+ \def\@BBA{\BBAB}% % `and' between authors
+ \def\@BBAY{ \BBOP}%% between author and year
+ \def\@BAY{\BBCP}% % after year
+ \def\@BBY{\BBYY}% % between years of multiple citations with same author
+ \def\@BBC{\BBC}% % between cites
+ \def\@BBN{\BBN}% % after last citation before note/postcitation [=#2]
+ \def\@BBCP{}% % close parenthesis
+ \def\@BAstyle{\BAstyle}% text style of authors
+ \@A@citetrue% % cite authors
+ \@Y@citetrue% % cite years
+ \@ifnextchar[% % ]
+ {\@@cite<#1>}%
+ {\@@cite<#1>[]}%
+% \citeauthor<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% \fullciteauthor<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% \shortciteauthor<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% writes \citation{keys} on .aux
+% produces prefix Authors1, ..., AuthorsN, postfix
+% \citeauthorNP<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% \fullciteauthorNP<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% \shortciteauthorNP<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% does the same, but for a parenthetical citation
+% (the difference being `\&' instead of `and' between authors)
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}%
+ \@ifnextchar<% %>
+ {\@citeauthor}%
+ {\@citeauthor<>}%
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}%
+ \@ifnextchar<% %>
+ {\@citeauthor}%
+ {\@citeauthor<>}%
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}%
+ \@ifnextchar<% %>
+ {\@citeauthor}%
+ {\@citeauthor<>}%
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}%
+ \@ifnextchar<% %>
+ {\@citeauthorNP}%
+ {\@citeauthorNP<>}%
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}%
+ \@ifnextchar<% %>
+ {\@citeauthorNP}%
+ {\@citeauthorNP<>}%
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}%
+ \@ifnextchar<% %>
+ {\@citeauthorNP}%
+ {\@citeauthorNP<>}%
+% second layer of \citeauthor and \citeauthorNP commands
+ %
+ % definition of some parameters
+ %
+ \def\@BBOP{}% % open parenthesis
+ \def\@BAP{\BAP}% % after precitation [=#1] before first citation
+ \def\@BBA{\BBAB}% % `and' between authors
+ \def\@BBAY{}% % between author and year
+ \def\@BAY{}% % after year
+ \def\@BBY{}% % between years of multiple citations with same author
+ \def\@BBC{\BBC}% % between cites
+ \def\@BBN{\BBN}% % after last citation before note/postcitation [=#2]
+ \def\@BBCP{}% % close parenthesis
+ \def\@BAstyle{\BAastyle}% text style of authors
+ \@A@citetrue% % cite authors
+ \@Y@citefalse% % do not cite years
+ \@ifnextchar[% % ]
+ {\@@cite<#1>}%
+ {\@@cite<#1>[]}%
+ %
+ % definition of some parameters
+ %
+ \def\@BBOP{}% % open parenthesis
+ \def\@BAP{\BAP}% % after precitation [=#1] before first citation
+ \def\@BBA{\BBAA}% % `and' between authors
+ \def\@BBAY{}% % between author and year
+ \def\@BAY{}% % after year
+ \def\@BBY{}% % between years of multiple citations with same author
+ \def\@BBC{\BBC}% % between cites
+ \def\@BBN{\BBN}% % after last citation before note/postcitation [=#2]
+ \def\@BBCP{}% % close parenthesis
+ \def\@BAstyle{\BAastyle}% text style of authors
+ \@A@citetrue% % cite authors
+ \@Y@citefalse% % do not cite years
+ \@ifnextchar[% % ]
+ {\@@cite<#1>}%
+ {\@@cite<#1>[]}%
+% \citeyear<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% writes \citation{keys} on .aux
+% produces (prefix Year1, ..., YearN, postfix)
+% \citeyearNP<prefix>[postfix]{keys}
+% writes \citation{keys} on .aux
+% produces prefix Year1, ..., YearN, postfix
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}%
+ \def\@BBOP{\BBOP}% % open parenthesis
+ \def\@BBCP{\BBCP}% % close parenthesis
+ \@ifnextchar<% % >
+ {\@citeyear}%
+ {\@citeyear<>}%
+ \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions
+ \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}%
+ \def\@BBOP{}% % open parenthesis
+ \def\@BBCP{}% % close parenthesis
+ \@ifnextchar<% % >
+ {\@citeyear}%
+ {\@citeyear<>}%
+% second layer of \citeyear command
+ %
+ % definition of some parameters
+ %
+ \def\@BAP{\BAP}% % after precitation [=#1] before first citation
+ \def\@BBA{}% % `and' between authors
+ \def\@BBAY{}% % between author and year
+ \def\@BAY{}% % after year
+ \def\@BBY{\BBYY}% % between years of multiple citations with same author
+ \def\@BBC{\BBC}% % between cites
+ \def\@BBN{\BBN}% % after last citation before note/postcitation [=#2]
+ \def\@BAstyle{}% % text style of authors
+ \@A@citefalse% % do not cite authors
+ \@Y@citetrue% % cite years
+ \@ifnextchar[% % ]
+ {\@@cite<#1>}%
+ {\@@cite<#1>[]}%
+%% The core citation routines
+%% The following commands must have been defined:
+%% \@BBOP open parenthesis
+%% \@BAP after precitation [=#1] before first citation
+%% \@BBA `and' between authors
+%% \@BBAY between author and year
+%% \@BAY after year
+%% \@BBY between years of multiple citations with same author
+%% \@BBC between cites
+%% \@BBN after last citation before note/postcitation [=#2]
+%% \@BBCP close parenthesis
+%% \@BAstyle formatting style of authors (e. g., \scshape)
+%%% Code to be executed if current author(s) equal previous
+ \if@F@cite%
+ \@F@citefalse%
+ \else%
+ \if@Y@cite%
+ {\@BBY}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \if@Y@cite%
+ \hyper@natlinkstart{#1}%
+ {\csname Y@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}%
+ \hyper@natlinkend
+ \fi%
+%%% Code to be executed if current author(s) do not equal previous
+ \if@F@cite%
+ \@F@citefalse%
+ \else%
+ \if@Y@cite%
+ {\@BAY}%
+ \fi%
+ {\@BBC}%
+ \fi%
+ \edef\@cite@undefined{?}%
+ \def\BBA{\@BBA}%
+ \if@A@cite%
+ \hyper@natlinkstart{#1}%
+ {\csname b@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}%
+ \hyper@natlinkend
+ \if@Y@cite%
+ {\@BBAY}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \if@Y@cite%
+ \hyper@natlinkstart{#1}%
+ {\csname Y@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}%
+ \hyper@natlinkend
+ \fi%
+ \let\BBA\relax%
+ %
+ % Write citation(s) to .aux file(s)
+ %
+ \nocite{#3}%
+ %
+ % the previous cite, for multiple citations with same author
+ %
+ \edef\@citeP{}%
+ %
+ % open parenthesis and pre-note
+ % The \mbox is to avoid hyperref problems if a \citeA follows an \item.
+ \mbox{\@BBOP}%
+ \ifx\@empty#1\@empty
+ \else%
+ {\ignorespaces #1\@BAP}%
+ \fi%
+ %
+ % loop over citation entries
+ %
+ \@for\@citeb:=#3\do{%
+ % Removes a possible space before the citation key, so that
+ % e.g. \cite{key1, key2} can be done.
+ \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}%
+ % For backref.
+ \back@cite{\@citeb}%
+ %
+ % check whether citation is defined
+ %
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}%
+ {\expandafter\def\csname b@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname{?}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname Y@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname{?}%
+ % The following is now handled by \nocite
+ %\G@refundefinedtrue
+ %\@latex@warning{Citation `\@citeb' undefined}%
+ }%%
+ % If citation is defined:
+ % check whether flag is set that identifies that
+ % this is not the first citation to the work
+ % if flag is not set, it will be set to DUMMY
+ % if this is the first citation to the work,
+ % the full citation is used; else the short version
+ % is used
+ %
+ {\@ifundefined{flag@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}%
+ {\global\expandafter
+ \def\csname flag@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname{DUMMY}%
+ \def\BCA##1##2{{\@BAstyle ##1}}%
+ }%
+ {\def\BCA##1##2{{\@BAstyle ##2}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ % Check whether current author(s) is (are) equivalent
+ % to previous. If so, only year is cited in text
+ % and a \@BBY (probably comma and space) is inserted between
+ % the two years.
+ %
+ % The \protected@edef fixes the problem with authors with accents
+ % (e.g., J{\"{o}}reskog). Previous versions of apacite solved this
+ % less elegantly (accentfix option). This fix provided by Robert Schlicht.
+ % See also the new definition of \@citeP below.
+ \protected@edef\B@my@dummy{\csname b@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\@citeP\B@my@dummy%
+ \@ifauthorsequalc@de{\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}%
+ \else%
+ \@ifauthorsunequalc@de{\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}%
+ \fi%
+ % define previous citation-author as current
+ %
+ \protected@edef\@citeP{\csname b@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}%
+ %
+ \let\BCA\relax%
+ }%%
+ % end loop over citation entries
+ % add note [=#2] and closing parenthesis
+ %
+ \ifx\@empty#2\@empty
+ \else%
+ {\@BBN #2}%
+ \fi%
+ \if@Y@cite%
+ {\@BAY}%
+ \fi%
+ {\@BBCP}%
+ %
+ % define first citation true for next \@@cite
+ %
+ \@F@citetrue %
+% \nocite{key} : entry in reference list, not in text
+% This is a little different from \@@cite with
+% \@A@citefalse and \@Y@citefalse
+% because of the `*' variant (cite all entries in bibfile)
+ % No flag-setting in \nocite: a no-cite is not a cite,
+ % so a subsequent cite may be the first cite.
+ \@bsphack
+ \ifx\@onlypreamble\document
+ % Since we are after \begin{document} we can do the citations:
+ \@for\@citeb:=#1\do{%
+ \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}%
+ % \@newciteauxhandle for compatibility with multibib
+ \if@filesw
+ \immediate\write\@newciteauxhandle{\string\citation{\@citeb}}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}{%
+ \edef\B@my@dummy{*}%
+ \ifx\@citeb\B@my@dummy
+ \else
+ \G@refundefinedtrue
+ \@latex@warning{Citation `\@citeb' undefined}%
+ \fi
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ \else
+ % apacite has no compatibility problems, because it does not work
+ % with LaTeX 2.09 anyway, so we can do the following, suggested
+ % in ltbibl.dtx:
+ \AtBeginDocument{\nocite{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \@esphack
+ %
+ % For compatibility with multibib.
+ \@restore@auxhandle
+% \nocitemeta{key} : entry in reference list, not in text,
+% for entries that are used in a meta-analysis.
+ \nocite{#1}%
+ \@bsphack%
+ \expandafter\global\expandafter\def
+ \csname APAC@metaprenote@\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname{%
+ \APACmetaprenote}%
+ %
+ \@for\@citeb:=#1\do{%
+ \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}%
+ % Define meta-analysis flag for current item
+ \@ifundefined{flagmeta@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}%
+ {\global\expandafter
+ \def\csname flagmeta@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname{DUMMY}%
+ }%
+ {}%
+ }%
+ \@esphack%
+% \APACinsertmetastar{key}: insert an asterisk before the names in the
+% reference list for entries that are used in a meta-analysis.
+ \@for\@citeb:=#1\do{%
+ \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}%
+ \@ifundefined{flagmeta@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}%
+ {}% skip
+ {{\APACmetastar}}%
+ }%
+% No labels in the bibliography.
+ \@bibnewpage% start a new page if desired
+ \if@numberedbib%
+ \section{\refname}% e.g., 6. References
+ \else%
+ \section*{\refname}% e.g., References
+ \if@tocbib%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\refname}%
+ \fi%
+ \@ifundefined{chapter}
+ {\@mkboth{{\refname}}{{\refname}}}% do we need this? yep. why?
+ {\markright{{\refname}}}% do we need this? yep. why?
+ %
+ \fi%
+ % here no \@bibnewpage, because it is assumed that
+ % the \chapter starts a new page
+ \if@numberedbib%
+ \chapter{\bibname}% e.g., 6. References
+ \else%
+ \chapter*{\bibname}% e.g., References
+ \if@tocbib%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\bibname}%
+ \fi%
+ \@mkboth{{\bibname}}{{\bibname}}% do we need this? yep. why?
+ %
+ \fi%
+ %
+ % Start the bibliography section or chapter
+ %
+ \@ifundefined{chapter}%
+ {\st@rtbibsection}%
+% else: chapter is defined
+ {\@ifundefined{@sectionbibtrue}% we have to guess
+ {\@ifundefined{@mainmatterfalse}% check if mainmatter exists
+ {\st@rtbibchapter}%
+% else: mainmatter is defined
+ {\if@mainmatter%
+ \st@rtbibsection% typically, a chapter-specific bibliogr.
+ \else%
+ \st@rtbibchapter% a bibliography at the end
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ }%
+ {% an explicit option has been chosen
+ %
+ \if@sectionbib%
+ \st@rtbibsection% bibliography is a section
+ \else%
+ \st@rtbibchapter% bibliography is a chapter
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ }%
+ %
+ \bibliographytypesize% e.g., to put the bibliography in \small type
+ \bibliographyprenote% some explanatory note before the references
+ %
+ \@ifundefined{APAC@metaprenote@\APAC@extra@b@citeb}%
+ {}% skip
+ {\csname APAC@metaprenote@\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}%
+ %
+ \list{\relax}{\labelsep=0em%
+% \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
+ \parsep=\bibparsep%
+ \itemsep=\bibitemsep%
+ \leftmargin=\bibleftmargin%
+ \itemindent=\bibindent}% changed to cope with 4th ed.
+ \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}%
+ \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000
+ \sfcode`\.=1000\relax
+ % For compatibility with bibtopic.
+ \bt@beg@thb@hook
+ % To overrule backref.
+ \APACrestorebibitem
+ % For compatibility with bibtopic.
+ \bt@end@thb@hook
+ %
+ \def\@noitemerr{%
+ \@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}%
+ }%
+ \endlist\normalsize
+% Dates
+ % Should never be empty.
+ {\BBOP}{#1}{\BBCP}%
+\newcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or January\or February\or March\or
+ April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or
+ November\or December\or Winter\or Spring\or Summer\or Fall\else
+ {#1}\fi}
+% This command should be replaced by a language-dependent one.
+ % year (+ addendum)
+ {\BBOP}{#1}%
+ % month
+ \ifx\@empty#2\@empty
+ \else
+ \unskip, {#2}%
+ \fi
+ % day
+ \ifx\@empty#3\@empty
+ \else
+ \unskip\ {#3}%
+ \fi
+ {\BBCP}%
+% Titles
+% Arguments: #1 = capitalized title, #2 = not capitalized title
+% Article title (roman, not capitalized)
+% Book title (italic, not capitalized)
+% English translation of foreign article title (bracketed, roman, not capitalized)
+% English translation of foreign book title (bracketed, roman, not capitalized)
+% I copied the following couple of functions literally from
+% amsrefs.dtx (\PrintEdition ff.) and made only one slight
+% adaptation: removing \editiontext.
+% Perhaps I can make this more language-neutral, but I think
+% separate functions are needed for different languages.
+% \PrintCardinal{2} gives `2nd' etc.
+% If the argument is not an integer number, it is copied literally
+% to the output. (At least, apparently, because I do not really
+% understand how it works.)
+ \afterassignment\print@cardinal
+ \count@ 0#1\relax\@nil
+ \ifx\relax#1\relax
+ \ifnum\count@>\z@
+ \CardinalNumeric\count@
+ \else
+ ??th%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum \count@>\z@ \number\count@ \fi
+ #1#2\relax
+ \fi
+ \number#1\relax
+ \if
+ \ifnum#1<14
+ \ifnum#1>\thr@@ T\else F\fi
+ \else
+ F%
+ \fi
+ T%
+ th%
+ \else
+ \@xp\keep@last@digit\@xp#1\number#1\relax
+ \ifcase#1th\or st\or nd\or rd\else th\fi
+ \fi
+ \ifx\relax#2%
+ \@xp\@gobbletwo
+ \else
+ #1=#2\relax
+ \fi
+ \keep@last@digit#1%
+% Journal, volume, number, pages
+% (#1 = journal, #2 = volume, #3 = number, #4 = formatted pages)
+ % journal
+ \Bem{#1}%
+ % volume
+ \ifx\@empty#2\@empty
+ \else
+ \unskip, \Bem{#2}%
+ \fi
+ % issue number
+ \ifx\@empty#3\@empty
+ \else
+ \unskip({#3})%
+ \fi
+ % pages
+ \ifx\@empty#4\@empty
+ \else
+ \unskip, {#4}%
+ \fi
+% Addres and publisher/institution
+% (#1 = address, #2 = publisher)
+ \ifx\@empty#1\@empty
+ % publisher
+ \ifx\@empty#2\@empty
+ \else
+ {#2}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \else
+ % address
+ {#1}%
+ % publisher
+ \ifx\@empty#2\@empty
+ \else
+ \unskip: {#2}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \fi
+% Addres and publisher/institution if the latter is also the author.
+% (#1 = address, #2 = publisher)
+ \ifx\@empty#1\@empty
+ % Publisher. This cannot be empty, because it is equal to the author.
+ {\BAuthor{}}%
+ %
+ \else
+ % Address and publisher. These are not empty.
+ {#1\unskip: \BAuthor{}}%
+ %
+ \fi
+% Howpublished.
+% \APAChowpublished is only inserted in the .bbl file if the
+% argument is nonempty. Because we don't want any special formatting,
+% and \def\APAChowpublished#1{#1} leads to problems with hash marks
+% in url's that may be present in howpublished, we simply pretend
+% that \APAChowpublished does not have an argument and does nothing.
+% URL formatting
+ \ifx\@empty#1\@empty
+ \BAvailFrom
+ \else
+ \BRetrieved{#1}%
+ \fi
+% URLs of messages
+ \BMsgPostedTo
+% Original editor(s) for reprints and translations.
+ \ifx\@empty#1\@empty
+ \else
+ % ``by E. D. Itor (Ed.)''
+ \Bby\ {#1}, \BED{}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@empty#1\@empty
+ \else
+ % ``by E. D. Itor \& A. N. Other (Eds.)''
+ \Bby\ {#1}, \BEDS{}%
+ \fi
+% Various note formatting functions.
+% Only note
+ \ifx\@empty#1\@empty
+ \else
+ ({#1})%
+ \fi
+% Original year + optional note.
+% Arguments: #1 = year, #2 = note.
+ \ifx\@empty#1\@empty
+ % Original year empty: format note.
+ \APACrefnote{#2}%
+ \else
+ % Check for \bibnodate. I think the following command does not check
+ % whether #1 = `\bibnodate', but expands them, but that should
+ % also be OK and saves a lot of juggling with \expandafter commands.
+ \ifx\bibnodate#1\@empty
+ % Original year unknown: format (only) note.
+ \APACrefnote{#2}%
+ \else
+ % Original year has been given: ``Original work published''.
+ (\BOWP{} {#1}%
+ % Note
+ \ifx\@empty#2\@empty
+ \else
+ \unskip; {#2}%
+ \fi
+ % Final parenthesis.
+ )%%
+ %
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% Original journal + optional note
+% Arguments: #1 = year, #2 = journal, #3 = volume, #4 = issue number,
+% #5 = formatted pages, #6 = note.
+ % "(Reprinted from " (note the space)
+ (\BREPR{} %
+ % Journal (should not be empty)
+ \Bem{#2}%
+ % Year
+ \ifx\@empty#1\@empty
+ \else
+ \unskip, {#1}%
+ \fi
+ % Volume
+ \ifx\@empty#3\@empty
+ \else
+ \unskip, \Bem{#3}%
+ \fi
+ % Issue number
+ \ifx\@empty#4\@empty
+ \else
+ \unskip{[#4]}%
+ \fi
+ % Pages
+ \ifx\@empty#5\@empty
+ \else
+ \unskip, {#5}%
+ \fi
+ % Note
+ \ifx\@empty#6\@empty
+ \else
+ \unskip; {#6}%
+ \fi
+ % Final parenthesis.
+ )%%
+ %
+% An auxiliary function: make a comma-separated output list of the
+% input, recognizing empty arguments. Must be called with one
+% argument, and the argument contains a comma-separated list of elements.
+% The elements of this should generally be enclosed in braces.
+ % Commas should only be inserted if both sides are nonempty.
+ \def\@comma@space{\unskip, }%
+ \let\@connect@string\relax
+ % Loop over elements.
+ \@for\@element@:=#1\do{%
+ \ifx\@empty\@element@%
+ \else
+ % Not empty: insert connect string (nothing for the first
+ % nonempty element, a comma and space afterwards).
+ \@connect@string\@element@%
+ \let\@connect@string\@comma@space
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \let\@connect@string\@undefined
+ \let\@comma@space\@undefined
+% Original book + optional note.
+% Arguments:
+% #1 = year, #2 = formatted editor, #3 = formatted title,
+% #4 = formatted edition, #5 = formatted volume, #6 = formatted pages,
+% #7 = address, #8 = publisher, #9 = note.
+ %
+ % "(Reprinted from " (note the space)
+ (\BREPR{} %
+ %
+ % Title, edition, volume, pages, editor, year, address: publisher
+ % These should not all be empty, but this is not checked here
+ % (because it's done in the .bst file).
+ \@connect@with@commas{%
+ {#3},{#4},{#5},{#6},{#2},{#1},{\APACaddressPublisher{#7}{#8}}%
+ }%%
+ %
+ % Add optional note.
+ \ifx\@empty#9\@empty
+ \else
+ ; #9%
+ \fi
+ %
+ % Final parenthesis.
+ )%%
+ %
+% Formatting of Technical Report information.
+% Volume, edition, type, number.
+% Arguments: #1 = formatted edition + volume,
+% #2 = formatted technical report type + number
+ \ifx\@empty#1\@empty
+ \ifx\@empty#2\@empty
+ \else
+ % (Technical Report No.\ <no>)
+ {(#2)}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % (2nd ed., Vol.~1
+ ({#1}%
+ \ifx\@empty#2\@empty
+ \else
+ % ; Technical Report No.\ <no>
+ \unskip; {#2}%
+ \fi
+ % Final parenthesis.
+ )%%
+ \fi
+% Volume, edition, type, number, pages (for @intechreport).
+% Arguments: #1 = formatted edition + volume,
+% #2 = formatted technical report type + number, #3 = formatted pages.
+ \ifx\@empty#1\@empty
+ \ifx\@empty#2\@empty
+ \ifx\@empty#3\@empty
+ \else
+ % (pp. 10--30)
+ {(#3)}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % (Technical Report No.\ <no>, pp. 10--30)
+ (\@connect@with@commas{{#2},{#3}})%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % (2nd ed., Vol.~1
+ ({#1}%
+ \ifx\@empty#2\@empty
+ \ifx\@empty#3\@empty
+ \else
+ % ; pp. 10--30
+ \unskip; {#3}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % ; Technical Report No.\ <no>, pp. 10--30
+ \unskip; \@connect@with@commas{{#2},{#3}}%
+ \fi
+ % Final parenthesis.
+ )%%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \section{Documentation package (\fname{apacdoc.sty})}
+% The \pkg{apacdoc} package is written for generating the \pkg{apacite}
+% user's manual. But it also contains a few commands that are too
+% experimental or otherwise unsuitable to be included in \fname{apacite.sty},
+% but which are necessary to format some examples from the APA manual
+% correctly. As such, these commands may be useful for users if they
+% encounter similar citation problems. In such a case, it is probably
+% better to copy the definitions of the desired commands to the top
+% of your \fname{.tex} document (before \verb+\begin{document}+) or
+% to a tailor-made \fname{.sty} file, rather than loading the \pkg{apacdoc}
+% package.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% apacdoc.sty : Style package that is used for the apacite documentation.
+%% Written by Erik Meijer
+% Generate Author Index?
+% Echo argument literally. Can be used to define a certain author type
+% (``Producer'') in a place where \BibTeX{} expects a first name.
+% Using this command between a pair of braces makes sure that the text
+% is not abbreviated into an initial.
+%% This is the result of lots of trial and error. If I change something
+%% in another part, I typically have to change something here as well.
+%% The \space is necessary because in the current setup, an additional
+%% space is inserted in the bibliography, and MakeIndex is space-sensitive.
+% If the argument is a period (`.'), \BibTeX{} puts no period after it.
+% For ``On cdtitle [CD]'' etc., to be used instead of ``In''.
+% Reverse order. Can be used for various reasons.
+% The following macro is esp. useful if the year field must be different
+% in text and in reference list. E.g., if 1992/1993 in text and 1992
+% in reference list. Then year can be defined as \bibreftext{1992}{1992/1993}.
+% The definition below displays only the second argument (``text'').
+% Just before the reference list, this can then be changed to
+% display only the first argument (``ref'').
+% The same command, but now intended for Dutch-style ``von'' parts.
+% The following macro changes the definitions of the macros \BED and \BEDS
+% to the argument and then immediately changes the definitions back to their
+% old definitions. So it makes a one-time change. Can be used to use
+% ``Producer'' instead of ``Ed.'' etc.
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\bibeditortype}[1]{\relax }%
+ \def\oldBED{}%
+ \def\oldBEDS{}%
+ \DeclareRobustCommand{\bibeditortype}[1]{%
+ \global\let\oldBED\BED
+ \global\let\oldBEDS\BEDS
+ \global\def\BED{##1\global\let\BED\oldBED \global\let\BEDS\oldBEDS}%
+ \global\def\BEDS{##1\global\let\BED\oldBED \global\let\BEDS\oldBEDS}%
+ }%
+% The following macro changes the definition of the macro \BIn to the
+% argument and then immediately changes the definition back to the old
+% definition. So it makes a one-time change. Can be used to use ``On''
+% instead of ``In'' for a CD-track.
+ \global\let\oldBIn\BIn
+ \global\def\BIn{#1\global\let\BIn\oldBIn}%
+% The following macros are used to change ``Retrieved'' into
+% ``Abstract retrieved''. They use the same principle as \renewbibeditortype.
+\global\def\BAbstractRetrieved#1{Abstract retrieved {#1}, from\ }%
+ \global\def\oldBRetrieved{}%
+ \global\let\oldBRetrieved\BRetrieved
+ \global\def\BRetrieved##1{%
+ \BAbstractRetrieved{##1}%
+ \global\let\BRetrieved\oldBRetrieved%
+ }%
+% Suppress ``ed.'' to format ``Version 4.0'' in an edition field.
+ \global\def\oldBEd{}%
+ \global\let\oldBEd\BEd
+ \global\def\BEd{%
+ \unskip
+ \global\let\BEd\oldBEd
+ }%
+% The \bibskipbracenodot macro suppresses the period after a following closing
+% brace. It does not work entirely well at the moment. In particular, it
+% works differently in an \AX macro in text and an \AX macro in the
+% reference list. This has something to do with robust vs. fragile macros
+% and/or expansion of the macro. I have experimented a lot with many
+% variations, but don't seem to get it right. I don't understand these
+% issues well yet.
+ \@ifnextchar.%
+ {\swallownext}%
+ {\relax}%
+% When the above does not work, \bibskipbracenodot should reduce to nothing.
+% This is the current definition. Just before the bibliography, it is
+% redefined.
+ % Redefine commands that should be different in the bibliography.
+ \renewcommand{\bibreftext}[2]{##1}%
+ \renewcommand{\Dutchvon}[2]{##1}%
+ \renewbibeditortype
+ \global\let\oldbibskipbracenodot\bibskipbracenodot
+ \global\def\bibskipbracenodot{\aftergroup\swallowdot}%
+ \global\let\oldbibliteral\bibliteral
+ \renewcommand{\bibliteral}[1]{##1}%
+ \global\let\oldbibinitial\bibinitial
+ \renewcommand{\bibinitial}[1]{##1}%
+% Dirty trick: request apacitex.bst if apacite is loaded with one of the
+% index options, and request apacite.bst otherwise.
+ \if@APAC@index
+ apacitex% with index option
+ \else
+ apacite% without index option
+ \fi
+ \clearpage
+ % Redefine commands that should be different in the author index.
+ \renewcommand{\bibeditortype}[1]{}%
+ \renewcommand{\bibliteral}[1]{\unskip}%
+ \global\let\indexskipbracenodot\bibskipbracenodot
+ % Revert to old definitions of commands.
+ \global\let\bibskipbracenodot\oldbibskipbracenodot
+ \global\def\indexskipbracenodot{\noexpand\indexskipbracenodot}%
+ \APACdocindex
+% Redefine some indexing-related commands from doc.sty and ltxdoc.cls
+% Unfortunately, I couldn't get the code index and change history
+% working with the index package, so I have to tweak everything so
+% that the apacite manual does not use the index package (which is
+% loaded by apacite when an index option is requested).
+ \IndexPrologue{\clearpage\section*{{Code Index}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Code Index}%
+ \markboth{{Code Index}}{{Code Index}}%
+ Numbers written in italic refer to the page
+ where the corresponding entry is described;
+ numbers underlined refer to the
+ \ifcodeline@index
+ code line of the
+ \fi
+ definition; numbers in roman refer to the
+ \ifcodeline@index
+ code lines
+ \else
+ pages
+ \fi
+ where the entry is used.
+ }%
+ \GlossaryPrologue{\section{{Change History}}%
+ \markboth{{Change History}}{{Change History}}%
+ }%
+% From doc.dtx
+ \ifhave@multicol
+ \renewenvironment{theindex}
+ {\begin{multicols}\c@IndexColumns[\index@prologue][\IndexMin]%
+ \IndexParms \let\item\@idxitem \ignorespaces}%
+ {\end{multicols}}
+ \else
+ \typeout{Can't find multicol.sty -- will use normal index layout if
+ necessary.}
+ \def\theindex{\@restonecoltrue\if@twocolumn\@restonecolfalse\fi
+ \columnseprule \z@ \columnsep 35\p@
+ \twocolumn[\index@prologue]%
+ \IndexParms \let\item\@idxitem \ignorespaces}
+ \def\endtheindex{\if@restonecol\onecolumn\else\clearpage\fi}
+ \fi
+% The APA manual gives some rules how the Bible and other classic
+% works should be cited. These rules are not implemented in standard
+% apacite, so I provide a workaround here.
+%%% To define which Bible version you used.
+\def\@bibleversion{Revised Standard Version}
+ % If this is the first citation, add bible version.
+ {\@ifundefined{flag@bible}%
+ {\fullbibleciteA{#1}}%
+ {\shortbibleciteA{#1}}%
+ }%
+ % Insert relevant chapter and verse.
+ {#1}%
+ { \BBOP\@bibleversion\BBCP}%
+ % Flag that bible has been cited.
+ {\global\expandafter\def\csname flag@bible\endcsname{DUMMY}}%
+ % Insert relevant chapter and verse.
+ {#1}%
+ % Flag that bible has been cited (is this appropriate?).
+ {\global\expandafter\def\csname flag@bible\endcsname{DUMMY}}%
+ % If this is the first citation, add bible version.
+ {\@ifundefined{flag@bible}%
+ {\fullbiblecite{#1}}%
+ {\shortbiblecite{#1}}%
+ }%
+ % Open parenthesis.
+ {\BBOP}%
+ % Insert relevant chapter and verse.
+ {#1}%
+ % Add bible version.
+ {\BBAY{} \@bibleversion}%
+ % Close parenthesis.
+ {\BBCP}%
+ % Flag that bible has been cited.
+ {\global\expandafter\def\csname flag@bible\endcsname{DUMMY}}%
+ % Open parenthesis.
+ {\BBOP}%
+ % Insert relevant chapter and verse.
+ {#1}%
+ % Close parenthesis.
+ {\BBCP}%
+ % Flag that bible has been cited (is this appropriate?).
+ {\global\expandafter\def\csname flag@bible\endcsname{DUMMY}}%
+ % If this is the first citation, add bible version.
+ {\@ifundefined{flag@bible}%
+ {\fullbibleciteNP{#1}}%
+ {\shortbibleciteNP{#1}}%
+ }%
+ % Insert relevant chapter and verse.
+ {#1}%
+ % Add bible version.
+ {\BBAY{} \@bibleversion}%
+ % Flag that bible has been cited.
+ {\global\expandafter\def\csname flag@bible\endcsname{DUMMY}}%
+ % Insert relevant chapter and verse.
+ {#1}%
+ % Flag that bible has been cited (is this appropriate?).
+ {\global\expandafter\def\csname flag@bible\endcsname{DUMMY}}%
+% The APA manual gives some rules how songs should be cited. These
+% rules require some tweaking of standard apacite. This is done here.
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{%
+ \APACciteatitle{##3} {\BBOP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}{\BBCP}%
+ }%
+ \citeauthor{#1}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{%
+ \APACciteatitle{##3} {\BBOP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}{\BBCP}%
+ }%
+ \fullciteauthor{#1}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{%
+ \APACciteatitle{##3} {\BBOP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}{\BBCP}%
+ }%
+ \shortciteauthor{#1}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{%
+ {\BBOP}\APACciteatitle{##3},{\BAP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}{\BBCP}%
+ }%
+ \citeauthor{#1}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{%
+ {\BBOP}\APACciteatitle{##3},{\BAP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}{\BBCP}%
+ }%
+ \fullciteauthor{#1}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{%
+ {\BBOP}\APACciteatitle{##3},{\BAP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}{\BBCP}%
+ }%
+ \shortciteauthor{#1}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{%
+ \APACciteatitle{##3},{\BAP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}%
+ }%
+ \citeauthor{#1}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{%
+ \APACciteatitle{##3},{\BAP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}%
+ }%
+ \fullciteauthor{#1}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{%
+ \APACciteatitle{##3},{\BAP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}%
+ }%
+ \shortciteauthor{#1}%
+ \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}%
+% The APA manual gives some rules how the DSM should be cited, which
+% is a bit different from ordinary citations. These rules are not
+% implemented in standard apacite, so I provide a workaround here.
+% author, title, edition, abbreviated title
+% Default prints author, so you get something decent if
+% an ordinary cite is used.
+ \def\bibDSM##1##2##3##4{##1}%
+ \citeauthor{#1}%
+ \let\bibDSM\origbibDSM
+ \def\bibDSM##1##2##3##4{##2}%
+ \citeauthor{#1}%
+ \let\bibDSM\origbibDSM
+ \def\bibDSM##1##2##3##4{##4}%
+ \citeauthor{#1}%
+ \let\bibDSM\origbibDSM
+ \def\bibDSM##1##2##3##4{##3}%
+ \citeauthor{#1}%
+ \let\bibDSM\origbibDSM
+ \@for\@citeb:=#1\do{%
+ % Removes a possible space before the citation key
+ \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}%
+ % Is this the first citation?
+ \@ifundefined{flag@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}%
+ {\DSMfullciteA{#1}}%
+ {\DSMshortciteA{#1}}%
+ }%
+ % \emph{Full Title} (edition; \emph{Short Title}; author, year)
+ \APACcitebtitle{\DSMfulltitle{#1}}
+ \DSMedition{#1};
+ \APACcitebtitle{\DSMshorttitle{#1}};
+ \citeNP{#1}%
+ % \emph{Short Title}
+ \APACcitebtitle{\DSMshorttitle{#1}}%
+ \@for\@citeb:=#1\do{%
+ % Removes a possible space before the citation key
+ \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}%
+ % Is this the first citation?
+ \@ifundefined{flag@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}%
+ {\DSMfullcite{#1}}%
+ {\DSMshortcite{#1}}%
+ }%
+ % (\emph{Full Title}, edition; \emph{Short Title}; author, year)
+ \APACcitebtitle{\DSMfulltitle{#1}},
+ \DSMedition{#1};
+ \APACcitebtitle{\DSMshorttitle{#1}};
+ \citeNP{#1}%
+ % (\emph{Short Title})
+ \BBOP\APACcitebtitle{\DSMshorttitle{#1}}\BBCP
+ \@for\@citeb:=#1\do{%
+ % Removes a possible space before the citation key
+ \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}%
+ % Is this the first citation?
+ \@ifundefined{flag@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}%
+ {\DSMfullciteNP{#1}}%
+ {\DSMshortciteNP{#1}}%
+ }%
+ % (\emph{Full Title}, edition; \emph{Short Title}; author, year)
+ \APACcitebtitle{\DSMfulltitle{#1}},
+ \DSMedition{#1};
+ \APACcitebtitle{\DSMshorttitle{#1}};
+ \citeNP{#1}%
+ % (\emph{Short Title})
+ \APACcitebtitle{\DSMshorttitle{#1}}%
+% \newcommand{\DSMciteA}[1]{%
+% \@for\@citec:=#1\do{%
+% % Check whether citation is defined.
+% \@ifundefined{flag@\@citec\@extra@b@citeb}%
+% {\citeA{\@citec}}%
+% {\citeauthor{\@citec}}%
+% }%
+% }
+% \newcommand{\DSMfullciteA}[1]{%
+% \fullciteA{#1}%
+% }
+% \newcommand{\DSMshortciteA}[1]{%
+% \shortciteauthor{#1}%
+% }
+% \newcommand{\DSMcite}[1]{%
+% {\BBOP}%
+% \@for\@citec:=#1\do{%
+% % Check whether citation is defined.
+% \@ifundefined{flag@\@citec\@extra@b@citeb}%
+% {\citeNP{\@citec}}%
+% {\citeauthor{\@citec}}%
+% }%
+% {\BBCP}%
+% }
+% \newcommand{\DSMfullcite}[1]{%
+% \fullcite{#1}%
+% }
+% \newcommand{\DSMshortcite}[1]{%
+% {\BBOP}\shortciteauthor{#1}{\BBCP}%
+% }
+% \newcommand{\DSMciteNP}[1]{%
+% \@for\@citec:=#1\do{%
+% % Check whether citation is defined.
+% \@ifundefined{flag@\@citec\@extra@b@citeb}%
+% {\citeNP{\@citec}}%
+% {\citeauthor{\@citec}}%
+% }
+% }
+% \newcommand{\DSMfullciteNP}[1]{%
+% \fullciteNP{#1}%
+% }
+% \newcommand{\DSMshortciteNP}[1]{%
+% \shortciteauthor{#1}%
+% }
+% These are some commands that are used in this document, but are
+% presumably not especially relevant for users.
+ \def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
+ T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}% copied from bibtex.web
+\newcommand{\latextohtml}{\textup{\LaTeX2\texttt{HTML}}}% from html.sty
+% My comments accompanying the examples.
+% The date of a version of apacite. Makes it easy to search the document
+% for these dates. The \relax is a safety measure (probably not needed),
+% which ensures that the square brackets are never interpreted as an
+% optional argument.
+\newcommand{\APACversiondate}[1]{\relax [#1]}
+\newcommand{\LC}{\mbox{${}^{\dag}$}}% \LaTeX{} Companion
+\newcommand{\X}{\ensuremath{\times}}% for one table
+\newcommand{\Y}{\ensuremath{c}}% for one table
+\newcommand{\pkg}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% package name
+\newcommand{\fname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% file name
+\newcommand{\fieldname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% field name
+\newcommand{\entryname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% entry type name
+\newcommand{\pkgoption}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% package option
+\newcommand{\envirname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% environment name
+ \@ifundefined{cmd}{%
+ \newcommand{\cmd}[1]{\texttt{\string#1}}% command, incl. `\'
+ }{}%
+% Some trickery with backslashes and @ signs.
+\newcommand{\bs}{{\ttfamily \@backslashchar}}% backslash
+\newcommand{\opt}[1]{$\langle${\itshape #1}$\rangle$}% generic text
+% For \nocite{keys}:
+ \texttt{\}}}}%
+% For \cite[post]{keys}:
+ \texttt{]\{}\opt{#3}%
+ \texttt{\}}}}%
+% For \cite<pre>{keys}:
+ \texttt{>\{}\opt{#3}%
+ \texttt{\}}}}%
+% For \usepackage[options]{apacite}:
+ \texttt{]\{#3\}}}}%
+% For all \cite<pre>[post]{keys} variants:
+ \texttt{>[}\opt{#3}%
+ \texttt{]\{}\opt{#4}%
+ \texttt{\}}}}%
+% It is not clear where and how the \flqq command is defined, so provide
+% an escape if it is not available. Use definitions from fguill.sty,
+% included here to avoid requiring a package that may not be available.
+ \@ifundefined{flqq}{%
+ \newcommand{\flqq}{%
+ {\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont\symbol{19}}}%
+ \newcommand{\frqq}{%
+ {\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont\symbol{20}}}%
+ }{}%
+ \renewcommand{\flqq}{\raisebox{2.5pt}{\tiny{\ensuremath{\mathord{<\!\!<}}}}}%
+ \renewcommand{\frqq}{\raisebox{2.5pt}{\tiny{\ensuremath{\mathord{>\!\!>}}}}}%
+ \normalsize
+ \let\oldhoffset\hoffset
+ \let\oldvoffset\voffset
+ \let\oldoddsidemargin\oddsidemargin
+ \let\oldevensidemargin\evensidemargin
+ \let\oldtopmargin\topmargin
+ \let\oldheadheight\headheight
+ \let\oldheadsep\headsep
+ \let\oldtextheight\textheight
+ \let\oldfootskip\footskip
+ \let\oldtextwidth\textwidth
+ \let\oldlinewidth\linewidth
+ \let\oldmarginparsep\marginparsep
+ \let\oldmarginparwidth\marginparwidth
+ \let\oldmarginparpush\marginparpush
+ \setlength{\hoffset}{-1in} % top-left reference point is
+ \setlength{\voffset}{-1in} % the top-left corner of the page
+ \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{1.3in}
+ \setlength{\evensidemargin}{1.3in}
+ \setlength{\topmargin}{1.35in}
+ %\setlength{\headheight}{\baselineskip}
+ \setlength{\headheight}{0.12in}
+ \setlength{\headsep}{0.24in}
+ \setlength{\textheight}{7.9in}
+ \setlength{\footskip}{30pt}
+ \setlength{\textwidth}{5.9in}
+ \setlength{\linewidth}{\textwidth}
+ \setlength{\marginparsep}{0pt}
+ \setlength{\marginparwidth}{0pt}
+ \setlength{\marginparpush}{0pt}
+ \let\hoffset\oldhoffset
+ \let\oddsidemargin\oldoddsidemargin
+ \let\evensidemargin\oldevensidemargin
+ \let\textwidth\oldtextwidth
+ \let\linewidth\oldlinewidth
+ \let\marginparsep\oldmarginparsep
+ \let\marginparwidth\oldmarginparwidth
+ \let\marginparpush\oldmarginparpush
+% Start with doc page layout
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \section{Language definition files}
+% This section describes the code for the language-specific files
+% supplied with \pkg{apacite}.
+% \subsection{\fname{english.apc}}
+% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
+% for the English language and its ``dialects'' in \pkg{babel}
+% terminology.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% english.apc - english version of apacite elements
+%% Written by Erik Meijer
+%% Changes since the [2005/06/01] version:
+%% - Uncommented all the \renewcommand's, so that the file can be
+%% \input to override previous definitions.
+%% - Replaced `.{}' by `.\hbox{}', with the same goal (but now it works)
+%% of tricking TeX to make sure the abbreviation period is not
+%% interpreted as a sentence-ending period.
+%% - Inserted many percent signs to make sure no undesired space is
+%% put into the document when this file is read.
+%%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries.
+%%% These commands are recognized by apacite.bst.
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogram}{Computer program}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{Computer program manual}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Computer program and manual}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftware}{Computer software}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{Computer software manual}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Computer software and manual}%
+\renewcommand{\bibprogramminglanguage}{Programming language}%
+%%% Other labels
+\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{n.d.\hbox{}}% % ``no date''
+\renewcommand{\BBAB}{and}% % between authors in text
+\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%
+\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%
+\renewcommand{\BIP}{in press}% % used as year for in-press citations
+\renewcommand{\BIn}{In}% % for ``In '' editor...
+\renewcommand{\Bby}{by}% % for ``by '' editor... (in reprints)
+\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{chap.\hbox{}}% % chapter
+\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{chap.\hbox{}}% % chapters
+\renewcommand{\BED}{Ed.\hbox{}}% % editor
+\renewcommand{\BEDS}{Eds.\hbox{}}% % editors
+\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{Trans.\hbox{}}% % translator
+\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{Trans.\hbox{}}% % translators
+\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{trans.\hbox{}}% % translation, for the year field
+\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{Chair}% % chair of symposium
+\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{Chairs}% % chairs
+\renewcommand{\BVOL}{Vol.\hbox{}}% % volume
+\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{Vols.\hbox{}}% % volumes
+\renewcommand{\BNUM}{No.\hbox{}}% % number
+\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{Nos.\hbox{}}% % numbers
+\renewcommand{\BEd}{ed.\hbox{}}% % edition
+\renewcommand{\BPG}{p.\hbox{}}% % page
+\renewcommand{\BPGS}{pp.\hbox{}}% % pages
+\renewcommand{\BTR}{Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}}% % (default) technical report type name
+\renewcommand{\BPhD}{Doctoral dissertation}% (default) PhD thesis type name
+\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Unpublished doctoral dissertation}%
+\renewcommand{\BMTh}{Master's thesis}% (default) master's thesis type name
+\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Unpublished master's thesis}%
+\renewcommand{\BAuthor}{Author}% Used if publisher = author
+\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Original work published}%
+\renewcommand{\BREPR}{Reprinted from}%
+%%% The name (heading) of the Reference List
+\renewcommand{\refname}{References}% Name of ref. list if it's a section.
+\renewcommand{\bibname}{References}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter.
+ References marked with an asterisk indicate studies
+ included in the meta-analysis.}%
+%%% The name (heading) of the Author Index
+\renewcommand{\authorindexname}{Author Index}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{\fname{dutch.apc}}
+% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
+% for the Dutch language. The \pkg{babel} package considers Afrikaans
+% as a ``dialect'' of Dutch, but my limited knowledge of Afrikaans
+% suggests that most words are spelt differently (though are phonetically
+% similar), and many other words are simply different. So I doubt if this
+% file can be directly applied to Afrikaans.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% dutch.apc - dutch translation of apacite elements
+%% Written by Erik Meijer
+%% For compiling the translated elements, the following sources were
+%% used:
+%% (1) Instructions for Dutch psychology journal "De Psycholoog"
+%% (indicated below as "[DP]"):
+%% Uitgebreide richtlijnen voor het aanleveren van kopij [Extensive
+%% guidelines for the submission of manuscripts]. (2001).
+%% Retreived January 3, 2005, from
+%% (2) Instructions for Dutch psychology journal "Nederlands Tijdschrift
+%% voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden"
+%% (indicated below as "[NTPG]"):
+%% Aanwijzingen voor auteurs [Directions for authors]. (2004).
+%% Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden,
+%% 59, inside back cover.
+%% (3) Instructions (pp. 404-410) from the following well-known book
+%% (indicated below as "[SW]"):
+%% Renkema, J. (2002). Schrijfwijzer [Writing indicator] (4th ed.).
+%% Den Haag, The Netherlands: Sdu.
+%% These three all state that their rules are adapted from the APA manual.
+%% For translations that are not explicitly mentioned in these sources,
+%% I used the extensive reference list from the following article:
+%% (4) Schrooten, M. G. S., & Smulders, F. T. Y. (2004). Een experimentele
+%% kijk op angst: Aandacht en automatisme in de verwerking van
+%% bedreigende stimuli
+%% [Anxiety from an experimental point of view: Attention and
+%% automaticity in the processing of threatening stimuli].
+%% Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden,
+%% 59, 135-149.
+%% Finally, I consulted the following dictionary:
+%% (5) Groot woordenboek Engels-Nederlands [Large dictionary English-Dutch]
+%% (2nd ed.). (1989). Utrecht, The Netherlands: Van Dale.
+%%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries.
+%%% These commands are recognized by apacite.bst.
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{Handleiding van computerprogramma}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Computerprogramma en handleiding}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{Handleiding van computersoftware}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Computersoftware en handleiding}%
+%%% Other labels
+\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{z.~j.\hbox{}}% [SW] (``zonder jaartal'')
+\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}% % [DP]
+\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}% % [DP]
+%% NTPG requires the following, SW allows both variants:
+%\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{e.~a.\hbox{}}% % [NTPG]
+%\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{e.~a.\hbox{}}% % [NTPG]
+\renewcommand{\BIP}{te verschijnen}% % [SW]
+%% Editor(s) is almost impossible to get right in Dutch, because SW
+%% and DP require the translation of ``editor(s)'' to be dependent on
+%% the language in which the referenced work is written:
+%% ``Red.'' (or ``red.'') for referenced works in Dutch
+%% ``Ed.''/``Eds.'' for referenced works in English
+%% ``Hrsg.'' for referenced works in German
+%% ``edt.'' for referenced works in French
+%% NTPG does not give an explicit rule for this, but only an example
+%% in which an English work is referenced and ``Ed.'' is used.
+%% For the moment, I think it makes most sense to give the Dutch versions here:
+\renewcommand{\BED}{red.\hbox{}}% % [DP] (SW gives ``Red.'')
+\renewcommand{\BEDS}{red.\hbox{}}% % [DP] (SW gives ``Red.'')
+%% Translators should not be mentioned according to DP.
+%% NTPG does not explain how to format this.
+%% SW gives a completely different format: ``Vertaald door: ''
+%% followed by the name of the translator, or if the translator is unknown:
+%% ``Vertaling van: '' followed by the original title.
+%% This is much too complicated, so I'll choose a simple alternative:
+% [SW]. NTPG gives an example with ``Vol.'' but this is presumably
+% dependent on the language of the referenced work as well.
+\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{Dl.\hbox{}}% % [SW]
+\renewcommand{\BNUM}{nr.\hbox{}}% % [SW]
+\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{nr.\hbox{}}% % [SW]
+\renewcommand{\BEd}{dr.\hbox{}}% % [SW]
+\renewcommand{\BPGS}{pp.\hbox{}}% % [SW]. [DP] gives ``p.'', [NTPG] both.
+% Literally translating ``Tech.'' as ``Technisch'' does not make sense.
+% Schrooten & Smulders use ``dissertatie''
+\renewcommand{\BPhD}{Academisch proefschrift}%
+% There is no Dutch ``DAI'' and the distinction between ``published'' and
+% ``unpublished'' would generally be interpreted as ``published as a book
+% with an official publisher'' vs. ``privately published''. All PhD theses
+% in the Netherlands are required to be published with an ISBN number.
+% Therefore, it is better in my view to keep the same term here.
+\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Academisch proefschrift}%
+% Again, there is no official forum to publish abstracts of master's theses,
+% but, unlike PhD theses, they are (generally) unpublished.
+% The term used here refers to the Dutch educational system until ca. 2003.
+% Since ca. 2004, universities are gradually converting to a bachelor -
+% master system, so it's likely that this term will have to be adapted
+% in the near future.
+% [DP]. They also require the original title after the originalyear.
+\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Oorspronkelijke editie}%
+\renewcommand{\BREPR}{Overgenomen uit}%
+% SW gives the following general names:
+% ``Literatuuropgave'' [literally approx. ``Literature specification'']
+% ``Literatuurlijst'' [literally ``Literature list'']
+% For more specific applications, SW gives the following names:
+% ``Bibliografie'' [``Bibliography'', ``a more or less complete survey
+% of publications in a certain area'']
+% ``Geraadpleegde literatuur'' [``Consulted literature'']
+% ``Aangehaalde literatuur'' [``Referenced literature'']
+\renewcommand{\refname}{Literatuur}% [DP & NTPG]
+\renewcommand{\bibname}{Literatuur}% [DP & NTPG]
+ Met een asterisk gemarkeerde referenties betreffen studies die in de
+ meta-analyse zijn gebruikt.}%
+\renewcommand{\BCBT}{}% [DP & SW]. NTPG uses the US/APA comma.
+\renewcommand{\BCBL}{}% [DP & SW]. NTPG uses the US/APA comma.
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{\fname{finnish.apc}}
+% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
+% for the Finnish language.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% finnish.apc - finnish version of apacite elements
+%% Reference: Appendix E from book
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Kansallinen luetteloinnin ohjausryhm\"a. (2006). Monografioiden
+%% kuvailu, Suomalaiset luettelointis\"a\"ann\"ot. Helsinki: BTJ
+%% Kirjastopalvelu.
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Written by Kari Pyykk\"o
+%%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries.
+%%% These commands are recognized by apacite.bst.
+% Msg
+% Computer program
+% Computer program manual
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{Tietokoneohjelman k\"asikirja}%
+% Computer program and manual
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Tietokoneohjelma ja k\"asikirja}%
+% Computer software
+% Computer software manual
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{Ohjelmiston k\"asikirja}%
+% Computer software and manual
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Ohjelmisto ja k\"asikirja}%
+% Programming language
+%%% Other labels
+% n.d.
+\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{s.a.\hbox{}}% % ``no date'', ``sine anno''
+% and
+\renewcommand{\BBAB}{ja}% % between authors in text
+% et al.
+\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}% ``others'', the argument contains a
+ % dot to suppress an additional one
+ % in the reference list
+% et al.
+\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%
+ % ``others'', the argument contains
+ % a dot to suppress an additional one
+ % in the reference list. The difference
+ % with \BOthers is that, if another
+ % string is used to define \BOthers,
+ % this one should always finish with a
+ % period and the previous one not
+ % necessarily (e.g., if explicit
+ % ``others'' is used).
+% in press
+\renewcommand{\BIP}{painossa}% % used as year for in-press citations
+% In
+\renewcommand{\BIn}{Teoksessa}% % for ``In '' editor...
+% chap.
+\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{luku{}}% % chapter
+% chap.
+\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{luvut{}}% % chapters
+% Ed.
+\renewcommand{\BED}{toim.\hbox{}}% % editor
+% Eds.
+\renewcommand{\BEDS}{toim.\hbox{}}% % editors
+% Trans.
+\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{k\"a\"ant.\hbox{}}% translator
+% Trans.
+\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{k\"a\"ant.\hbox{}}% translators
+% trans.
+\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{k\"a\"an.\hbox{}}% translation, for the year field
+% Chair
+\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{pj.\hbox{}}% % chair of symposium
+% Chairs
+\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{pj.\hbox{}}% % chairs
+% Vol.
+\renewcommand{\BVOL}{osa}% % volume
+% Vols.
+\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{osat}% % volumes
+% No.
+\renewcommand{\BNUM}{nro}% % number
+% Nos.
+\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{nro}% % numbers
+% ed.
+\renewcommand{\BEd}{p.\hbox{}}% % edition
+% p.
+\renewcommand{\BPG}{s.\hbox{}}% % page
+% pp.
+\renewcommand{\BPGS}{s.\hbox{}}% % pages
+% Tech.\ Rep.
+\renewcommand{\BTR}{Tekn.\ rap.\hbox{}}% (default) technical report type name
+% Doctoral dissertation
+\renewcommand{\BPhD}{V\"ait\"oskirja}% (default) PhD thesis type name
+% Unpublished doctoral dissertation
+\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Julkaisematon v\"ait\"oskirja}%
+ % (default) unpublished PhD thesis
+ % type name
+% Master's thesis
+\renewcommand{\BMTh}{Pro gradu -tutkielma}%
+ % (default) master's thesis type name
+% Unpublished master's thesis
+\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Julkaisematon pro gradu -tutkielma}%
+ % (default) unpublished
+ % master's thesis type name
+% Original work published
+\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Alkuaan julk.\hbox{}}%
+% Reprinted from
+\renewcommand{\BREPR}{Uudelleen julk.\hbox{}}%
+%%% The name (heading) of the Reference List
+\renewcommand{\refname}{Viitteet}% Name of ref. list if it's a section.
+\renewcommand{\bibname}{Viitteet}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter.
+% Prenote used just before the references in the reference list
+% when a meta-analysis is reported.
+% References marked with an asterisk indicate studies included in the
+% meta-analysis.
+ \refname merkitty t\"ahtimerkeill\"a osoittaen opintojen
+ sis\"altymist\"a meta-analyysiin.}%
+%%% The name (heading) of the Author Index
+% Author Index
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{\fname{german.apc} and \fname{ngerman.apc}}
+% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
+% for the German language. There is the traditional orthography (`german')
+% and the new orthography (`ngerman'), which are treated as completely
+% different languages by \pkg{babel} (unlike, e.g., the two Norwegian
+% languages), which presumably has technical reasons. We start with `german'.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% german.apc - Deutsche Uebersetzung der Apacite-Elemente
+%% Written by Andreas Poege.
+%%% Deutsche Anpassung der Interpunktion und Formatierung
+%\renewcommand{\BAstyle}{\scshape}%% Formatierung (Schriftart) Autoren (bei \cite usw, \citeA usw
+ % \citeNP)
+%\renewcommand{\BAastyle}{\scshape}% Formatierung (Schriftart) Autoren (bei \citeauthor usw.
+%\renewcommand{\BBOP}{(}% % Einleitende Klammer (default "(")
+%\renewcommand{\BBCP}{)}% % Abschliessende Klammer (default ")")
+%\renewcommand{\BAP}{}% % Zeichen zw. Prefix und Zitat (default Leerzeichen)
+%\renewcommand{\BBAA}{\&}% % Zwischen Autoren in Klammern (default "\&")
+\renewcommand{\BBAB}{und}% % Zwischen Autoren im Text
+\renewcommand{\BBAY}{, }% % Zwischen Autoren und Jahr(en) (default ",")
+%\renewcommand{\BBC}{;{}}% % Zwischen Autoren (mehrere Zitate) (default ";")
+%\renewcommand{\BBN}{,{}}% % Zwischen Zitat und Postfix (default ",")
+%\renewcommand{\BBOQ}{}% % Einleitung v. Titel v. Artikel (default "")
+%\renewcommand{\BBCQ}{}% % Abschluss v. Titel. von Artikel (default "")
+\renewcommand{\BCBT}{}% % Zwischen 2 Autoren (zus. zu "&", default ",")
+\renewcommand{\BCBL}{}% % Zwischen 3 o. mehr Autoren (zus. zu "&", default ",")
+%\renewcommand{\BAnd}{}% % Zwischen Hg. und Uebers., falls gleich (default "\&")
+% Formatierung des Zusatzes bei Werken vom selben Autor aus
+% einem Jahr (default "\alph{BibCnt}")
+% Zitation eines Titels (Artikel o. ae.) ohne Autor o. Hg.
+% (default in Anführungszeichen)
+% Zitation eines Titels (Buch o. ae.) ohne Autor o. Hg.
+% (default ist \emph)
+% Auszeichnung eines Werkes im Lit.verz. wenn in Metaanalyse
+% (default "*")
+% Verhalten von "\bibnewpage" (default "\clearpage")
+% Zwischen Jahren, wenn ein Author und mehrere Jahre
+% (default "\BBAY")
+%\renewcommand{\BBYY}{, }%
+%%% Formatierung des Literaturverzeichnisses
+% Schriftgröße Literaturverz. (default "\normalsize")
+%\setlength{\bibleftmargin}{2.5em}% % Einzug beim Lit.verz. 2. Zeile (default "2.5em")
+%\setlength{\bibindent}{-\bibleftmargin}% Einzug beim Lit.verz. 1. Zeile (default "-\bibleftmargin")
+%\setlength{\bibitemsep}{\baselineskip}%% vert. Abstand zwischen Einträgen im Lit.verz. (default "0pt")
+%%% Befehle für die speziellen @misc-Einträge.
+%%% Diese Befehle werden von apacite.bst berücksichtigt.
+\renewcommand{\bibmessage}{Msg.\hbox{}}% Für misc-Literaturtyp bei type, Newsgroup-, Internet-Messages
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Computerprogramm und Handbuch}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Software und Handbuch}%
+%%% Weitere Labels
+% Bei Techreport, falls type-Ang. unterdrückt werden soll (default " ")
+%\renewcommand{\bibnotype}{ }%
+% "`und andere"', das Argument beinhaltet einen Punkt, um einen weiteren im
+% Literaturverzeichnis zu unterdruecken
+\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%
+% "`und andere"', das Argument beinhaltet einen Punkt, um einen weiteren im
+% Literaturverzeichnis zu unterdruecken.
+\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%
+\renewcommand{\BIP}{in Druck}% % Jahresangabe bei im Druck bef. Werken
+\renewcommand{\BIn}{In}% % fuer "`In"' Herausgeber...
+\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{Kap.\hbox{}}% % Kapitel
+\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{Kap.\hbox{}}% % Kapitel
+\renewcommand{\BED}{Hg.\hbox{}}% % Herausgeber(in)
+\renewcommand{\BEDS}{Hg.\hbox{}}% % Herausgeber(innen)
+\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{\"Ubers.\hbox{}}%% Uebersetzer(in)
+\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{\"Ubers.\hbox{}}% Uebersetzer(innen)
+\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{\"Ubers.\hbox{}}% Uebersetzung (bei der Jahresangabe)
+\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{Chair}% % Chair (bei Konferenzen)
+\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{Chairs}% % Chairs (bei Konferenzen)
+\renewcommand{\BVOL}{Bd.\hbox{}}% % Band
+\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{Bde.\hbox{}}% % Baende
+\renewcommand{\BNUM}{Nr.\hbox{}}% % Nummer
+\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{Nr.\hbox{}}% % Nummern
+\renewcommand{\BEd}{Aufl.\hbox{}}% % Auflage
+\renewcommand{\BPG}{S.\hbox{}}% % Seite
+\renewcommand{\BPGS}{S.\hbox{}}% % Seiten
+\renewcommand{\BTR}{Bericht}% % (default) Bezeichnung fuer "`technical report"'
+\renewcommand{\BPhD}{Dissertation}% % (default) Bezeichnung fuer Dissertation
+% (default) Bezeichnung fuer unveroeffentlichte Dissertation
+\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Unver\"offentlichte Dissertation}%
+% (default) Bezeichnung für Abschlussarbeit
+% (default) Bezeichnung für unveroeffentlichte Abschlussarbeit
+\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Unver\"offentlichte Diplomarbeit}%
+\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Originalausgabe}% % Originalausgabe
+\renewcommand{\BREPR}{Nachdruck von}% % Nachdruck von
+\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{o.\,J.\hbox{}}% "`ohne Jahresangabe"'
+%%% Bezeichnung (heading) des Literaturverzeichnisses
+% Bezeichnung für das Literaturverzeichnis, falls Section
+% Bezeichnung für das Literaturverzeichnis, falls Chapter
+%%% Kommando zwischen "Literaturverzeichnis" und den Eintraegen direkt
+%%% nach \bibliographytypesize
+%\renewcommand{\bibliographyprenote}{}% default nichts
+%%% Bemerkung vor Literaturangeaben, falls eine Metaanalyse angegeben wurde
+\renewcommand{\APACmetaprenote}{Literaturangaben mit Stern kennzeichnen
+ Studien der Metaanalyse.}%
+%%% Bezeichnung (heading) des Autorenverzeichnisses
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now, the file for the new orthography. Apparently, \fname{german.apc}
+% can also be used for the new orthography, so this is a very brief one:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% ngerman.apc - german translation of apacite elements (new orthography)
+%% Written by Erik Meijer, based on instructions of Andreas Poege.
+%% According to Andreas Poege, his file german.apc can also be used
+%% for the new orthography, so I'll just do this:
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{\fname{greek.apc}}
+% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
+% for the Greek language.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% greek.apc - Greek version of apacite elements
+%% Greek translations by Athanassios Protopapas and Ioannis Dimakos
+%% The Greek strings are in ISO-8859-7 encoding.
+%%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries.
+%%% These commands are recognized by apacite.bst.
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{Åã÷åéñßäéï ëïãéóìéêïý}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Ëïãéóìéêü êáé åã÷åéñßäéï}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{Åã÷åéñßäéï ëïãéóìéêïý}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Ëïãéóìéêü êáé åã÷åéñßäéï}%
+\renewcommand{\bibprogramminglanguage}{Ãëþóóá ðñïãñáììáôéóìïý}%
+%%% Other labels
+\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{÷ùñßò çìåñïìçíßá}% ``no date''
+\renewcommand{\BBAB}{êáé}% % between authors in text
+% ``others'', the argument contains a dot to suppress an additional one
+% in the reference list
+\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{ê.\ óõí.\hbox{}}%
+% ``others'', the argument contains a dot to suppress an additional one
+% in the reference list. The difference with \BOthers is that, if another
+% string is used to define \BOthers, this one should always finish with a
+% period and the previous one not necessarily (e.g., if explicit
+% ``others'' is used).
+\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{ê.\ óõí.\hbox{}}%
+\renewcommand{\BIP}{õðü Ýêäïóç}% % used as year for in-press citations
+\renewcommand{\BIn}{Óôï}% % for ``In '' editor...
+\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{êåö.\hbox{}}% % chapter
+\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{êåö.\hbox{}}% % chapters
+\renewcommand{\BED}{Åðéì.\hbox{}}% % editor
+\renewcommand{\BEDS}{Åðéì.\hbox{}}% % editors
+\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{Ìôö.\hbox{}}% % translator
+\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{Ìôö.\hbox{}}% % translators
+\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{ìôö.\hbox{}}% % translation, for the year field
+\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{Ðñüåäñïò}% % chair of symposium
+\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{Ðñüåäñïé}% % chairs
+\renewcommand{\BVOL}{ô.\hbox{}}% % volume
+\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{ô.\hbox{}}% % volumes
+\renewcommand{\BNUM}{áñ.\hbox{}}% % number
+\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{áñ.\hbox{}}% % numbers
+\renewcommand{\BEd}{Ýêä.\hbox{}}% % edition
+\renewcommand{\BPG}{óåë.\hbox{}}% % page
+\renewcommand{\BPGS}{óåë.\hbox{}}% % pages
+\renewcommand{\BTR}{Ôå÷.\ Ýêè.\hbox{}}% % (default) technical report type name
+\renewcommand{\BPhD}{ÄéäáêôïñéêÞ äéáôñéâÞ}% (default) PhD thesis type name
+% (default) unpublished PhD thesis type name
+\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Áäçìïóßåõôç äéäáêôïñéêÞ äéáôñéâÞ}%
+% (default) master's thesis type name
+\renewcommand{\BMTh}{Ìåôáðôõ÷éáêÞ äéðëùìáôéêÞ åñãáóßá}%
+% (default) unpublished master's thesis type name
+\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Áäçìïóßåõôç ìåôáðôõ÷éáêÞ äéðëùìáôéêÞ åñãáóßá}%
+\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Ðñþôç Ýêäïóç ðñùôïôýðïõ}%
+\renewcommand{\BREPR}{Áíáôýðùóç áðü}%
+%%% The name (heading) of the Reference List
+\renewcommand{\refname}{Âéâëéïãñáößá}% Name of ref. list if it's a section.
+\renewcommand{\bibname}{Âéâëéïãñáößá}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter.
+% Prenote used just before the references in the reference list
+% when a meta-analysis is reported.
+% References marked with an asterisk indicate studies
+% included in the meta-analysis.}
+%%% The name (heading) of the Author Index
+\renewcommand{\authorindexname}{ÅõñåôÞñéï óõããñáöÝùí}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{\fname{norsk.apc}}
+% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
+% for both Norwegian languages (Bokm{\aa}l and Nynorsk). In \pkg{babel}'s
+% setup, `norsk' is Bokm{\aa}l and `nynorsk' is a dialect of `norsk'.
+% This does not seem to reflect the relation between these languages
+% very well, but for compatibility with \pkg{babel} we use the same
+% file stricture, i.e., \fname{norsk.apc} defines both languages.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% norsk.apc - Norwegian Bokmal & Nynorsk versions of apacite elements.
+%% Version 1.0.
+%% Written by Karl Ove Hufthammer.
+%% Note: To be in line with Norwegian rules of punctuation
+%% a comma is never used before '&' or 'and', and there
+%% is no space between initials. The macro for these
+%% modifications can be found at the end of this file.
+%% Remove them to use a more 'APA-like' style.
+%% There are no official Norwegian translations of APA.
+%% Some ideas for this translation have been taken from the following sources:
+%%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries.
+%%% These commands are recognized by apacite.bst.
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{dataprogram og brukerh\aa{}ndbok}
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{programvare og brukerh\aa{}ndbok}
+%%% Other labels
+\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{u.d.\hbox{}} % ``no date''
+\renewcommand{\BBAB}{og} % between authors in text
+\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}} % ``others'', the argument contains a
+ % dot to suppress an additional one
+ % in the reference list
+\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}% ``others'', the argument contains
+ % a dot to suppress an additional one
+ % in the reference list. The difference
+ % with \BOthers is that, if another
+ % string is used to define \BOthers,
+ % this one should always finish with a
+ % period and the previous one not
+ % necessarily (e.g., if explicit
+ % ``others'' is used).
+\renewcommand{\BIP}{under publisering} % used as year for in-press citations
+\renewcommand{\BIn}{I} % for ``In '' editor...
+\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{kap.\hbox{}} % chapter
+\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{kap.\hbox{}} % chapters
+\renewcommand{\BED}{red.\hbox{}} % editor
+\renewcommand{\BEDS}{red.\hbox{}} % editors
+\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{oms.\hbox{}} % translator
+\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{oms.\hbox{}} % translators
+\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{oms.\hbox{}} % translation, for the year field
+\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{ordstyrer} % chair of symposium
+\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{ordstyrere} % chairs
+\renewcommand{\BVOL}{vol.\hbox{}} % volume
+\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{vol.\hbox{}} % volumes
+\renewcommand{\BNUM}{nr.\hbox{}} % number
+\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{nr.\hbox{}} % numbers
+\renewcommand{\BEd}{utg.\hbox{}} % edition
+\renewcommand{\BPG}{s.\hbox{}} % page
+\renewcommand{\BPGS}{s.\hbox{}} % pages
+\renewcommand{\BTR}{Teknisk rapport} % (default) technical report type name
+\renewcommand{\BPhD}{Akademisk avhandling}
+ % (default) PhD thesis type name
+\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Upublisert akademisk avhandling}
+ % (default) unpublished PhD thesis
+ % type name
+\renewcommand{\BMTh}{Masteroppgave}% (default) master's thesis type name
+\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Upublisert masteroppgave}%
+ % (default) unpublished
+ % master's thesis type name
+\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Original publisert}
+\renewcommand{\BREPR}{Opptrykk fra}
+%%% The name (heading) of the Reference List
+\renewcommand{\refname}{Referanser}% Name of ref. list if it's a section.
+\renewcommand{\bibname}{Referanser}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter.
+% Prenote used just before the references in the reference list
+% when a meta-analysis is reported.
+Referanser merket med en stjerne viser til studier som er med i metaanalysen.}
+%%% The name (heading) of the Author Index
+\renewcommand{\BCBT}{} % No comma before & when we have two authors.
+\renewcommand{\BCBL}{} % No comma before & when we have three or more authors.
+\renewcommand{\BPBI}{.} % Period between initials. No space.
+% Differences between norsk (bokmal) and nynorsk.
+\edef\APACnynorsk{\string nynorsk}
+ \renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{dataprogramhandbok}
+ \renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{dataprogram og brukarhandbok}
+ \renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{programvarehandbok}
+ \renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{programvare og brukarhandbok}
+ \renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{ordstyrar} % chair of symposium
+ \renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{ordstyrarar} % chairs
+ \renewcommand{\BMTh}{Masteroppg\aa{}ve}% (default) master's thesis type name
+ \renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Upublisert masteroppg\aa{}ve}%
+ \renewcommand{\BREPR}{Opptrykk fr\aa{}}
+ \renewcommand{\refname}{Referansar}% Name of ref. list if it's a section.
+ \renewcommand{\bibname}{Referansar}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter.
+ \renewcommand{\APACmetaprenote}{%
+ Referansar merkte med ei stjerne viser til studiar som er med i metaanalysen.}
+ \renewcommand{\authorindexname}{Forfattarregister}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{\fname{spanish.apc}}
+% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
+% for the Spanish language.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% spanish.apc - Versión española de elementos en apacite
+%% Escrito por Jorge López Puga
+%%% Comandos para tipos específicos de entradas @misc.
+%%% Estos comandos son reconocidos por apacite.bst.
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogram}{Programa informático}
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{Manual de programa informático}
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Programa informático y manual}
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftware}{Software informático}
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{Manual de software informático}
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Manual y software informático}
+\renewcommand{\bibprogramminglanguage}{Lenguaje de programación}
+%%% Otras etiquetas
+%\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{n.d.\hbox{}} % ``no date''
+\renewcommand{\BBAB}{y} % Entre autores en el texto
+\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{y cols.\hbox{}} % ``y colaboradores'', El argumento contiene un punto, por tanto, %evita poner uno adicional en la lista de referencias. No obstante %algunas revistas aceptan "et al." que es lo que aparece por defecto
+%\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{y cols.\hbox{}}% ``others'', the argument contains
+ % a dot to suppress an additional one
+ % in the reference list. The difference
+ % with \BOthers is that, if another
+ % string is used to define \BOthers,
+ % this one should always finish with a
+ % period and the previous one not
+ % necessarily (e.g., if explicit
+ % ``others'' is used).
+\renewcommand{\BBAA}{y} % Letra que va entre los autores en las referencias (por defecto "\&")
+\renewcommand{\BIP}{en prensa} % Usado como año para citas "en prensa"
+\renewcommand{\BIn}{En} % Para ``En '' editor...
+\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{cap.\hbox{}} % capítulo
+\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{caps.\hbox{}} % capítulos
+%\renewcommand{\BED}{Ed.\hbox{}} % editor
+%\renewcommand{\BEDS}{Eds.\hbox{}} % editors
+\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{Traduc.\hbox{}} % traductor
+\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{Traducs.\hbox{}} % traductores
+\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{traduc.\hbox{}} % traducción, para el campo año
+%\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{Chair} % chair of symposium
+%\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{Chairs} % chairs
+%\renewcommand{\BVOL}{Vol.\hbox{}} % volume
+%\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{Vols.\hbox{}} % volumes
+%\renewcommand{\BNUM}{No.\hbox{}} % number
+%\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{Nos.\hbox{}} % numbers
+%\renewcommand{\BEd}{ed.\hbox{}} % edition
+%\renewcommand{\BPG}{p.\hbox{}} % page
+%\renewcommand{\BPGS}{pp.\hbox{}} % pages
+%\renewcommand{\BTR}{Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}} % (default) technical report type name
+\renewcommand{\BPhD}{Tesis Doctoral}
+ % (por defecto) PhD thesis type name
+\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Tesis doctoral no publicada}
+ % (por defecto) unpublished PhD thesis
+ % type name
+\renewcommand{\BMTh}{Tesis de master}% (por defecto) master's thesis type name
+\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Tesis de master no publicada}%
+ % (por defecto) unpublished
+ % master's thesis type name
+\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Trabajo original publicado en}
+\renewcommand{\BREPR}{Reimpresión de}
+%%% El nombre (del encabezado) de la Lista Referencias
+\renewcommand{\refname}{Referencias}% Nombbre de la lista de ref. si es una sección.
+\renewcommand{\bibname}{Referencias}% Nomber de la lista de refs. si es un capítulo.
+ %Nota previa usada justo antes de la lista de referencias si un meta-análisis es usado.
+ Las referencias marcadas con un asterisco indican estudios incluidos en el meta-análisis.}
+%%% El nombre (del encabezado) del Índice de Autores.
+\renewcommand{\authorindexname}{Índice de Autores}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{\fname{swedish.apc}}
+% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
+% for the Swedish language.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% swedish.apc - swedish translation of apacite elements
+%% Written by Stefan Bjork.
+%% Small adaptations by Erik Meijer
+%% $Revision: 1.3 $
+%% Translation of APA elements into swedish is not obvious. Ideas of
+%% which terms to use have been taken from the following sources:
+%% Eriksson, M. G. (2001). Att skriva litteraturreferenser enligt
+%% Harvard-systemet. Retreived December 9, 2004, from:
+%% Jonsson, Mattias. (n.d.). Lathund for referensskrivning. Retreived
+%% December 9, 2004, from:
+%% Referensskrivning. (1994). Retreived December 9, 2004, from
+%% Gothenburg University Web site:
+%% Punctuations
+%% Labels
+\renewcommand{\BIP}{under tryckning}%
+\renewcommand{\BTR}{teknisk rapport}%
+\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{opublicerad diss.\hbox{}}%
+\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{opublicerad examensuppsats}%
+\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Original publicerat}%
+\renewcommand{\BREPR}{\AA{}terutgivning fr\aa{}n}%
+ Referenser markerade med stj\"arna avser studier inkluderade i
+ meta-analys.}%
+%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries.
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{handbok till datorprogram}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{datorprogram och handbok}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{handbok till mjukvara}%
+\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{datorprogram och handbok}%
+%% Publication date unknown
+%% Author Index
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \section{Bibliography database (\fname{apa5ex.bib})}
+% This file includes the reference entries of all examples in the
+% APA manual, which are all formatted in the \pkg{apacite} reference
+% manual. As such, it shows how ordinary and (especially) difficult
+% items can be formatted.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% apa5ex.bib: References from the 5th edition of the Publication Manual
+%% of the APA, plus a few additional references
+%% Written by Erik Meijer
+%% Entry labels are section number of the APA manual (5th ed.)
+%% plus a sequence number within the section.
+ author = {Walker},
+ year = {2000},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Wasserstein and Zappulla and Rosen and Gerstman and Rock},
+ year = {1994},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Bradley and Ramirez and Soo},
+ year = {1994},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Bradley and Soo and Ramirez and Brown},
+ year = {1994},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Kosslyn and Koenig and Barrett and Cave and Tang and Gabrieli},
+ year = {1996},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Kosslyn and Koenig and Gabrieli and Tang and Marsolek and Daly},
+ year = {1996},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Nightlinger and Littlewood},
+ year = {1993},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {J{\"{o}}reskog, K[arl] G. and S{\"{o}}rbom, D[ag]},
+ year = {1989},
+ title = {{LISREL} 7: {A} Guide to the Program and Applications},
+ edition = {2},
+ address = {Chicago},
+ publisher = {SPSS}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{National Institute of Mental Health}}},
+ firstkey = {{National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH]}},
+ key = {{NIMH}},
+ year = {1999},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{University of Pittsburgh}}},
+ year = {1993},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond}}},
+ firstkey = {{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond [KNSB]}},
+ key = {{KNSB}},
+ year = {2002},
+ title = {Jaarverslag 2002},
+ englishtitle = {Annual Report 2002},
+ address = {Amsterdam},
+ publisher = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond}}},
+ note = {Fake entry to study sorting and citing of references with
+ same key, but with different firstkey.}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond}}},
+ firstkey = {{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond [KNSB]}},
+ key = {{KNSB}},
+ year = {2003},
+ title = {Jaarverslag 2003},
+ englishtitle = {Annual Report 2003},
+ address = {Amsterdam},
+ publisher = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond}}},
+ note = {Fake entry to study sorting and citing of references with
+ same key, but with different firstkey.}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaatsbond}}},
+ firstkey = {{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaatsbond [KNSB]}},
+ key = {{KNSB}},
+ year = {2002},
+ title = {Jaarverslag 2002},
+ englishtitle = {Annual Report 2002},
+ address = {Amsterdam},
+ publisher = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaatsbond}}},
+ note = {Fake entry to study sorting and citing of references with
+ same key, but with different firstkey.}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaatsbond}}},
+ firstkey = {{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaatsbond [KNSB]}},
+ key = {{KNSB}},
+ year = {2003},
+ title = {Jaarverslag 2003},
+ englishtitle = {Annual Report 2003},
+ address = {Amsterdam},
+ publisher = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaatsbond}}},
+ note = {Fake entry to study sorting and citing of references with
+ same key, but with different firstkey.}
+ key = {{\APACciteatitle{Study Finds}}},
+ year = {1982},
+ month = apr,
+ title = {Study Finds Free Care Used More},
+ journal = {{APA} Monitor},
+ pages = {14}
+ year = {1979},
+ title = {College Bound Seniors},
+ address = {Princeton, NJ},
+ publisher = {College Board Publications}
+ author = {Anonymous},
+ year = {1998},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ year = {2002},
+ month = mar,
+ day = {3},
+ title = {Editorial},
+ journal = {The Edited Newspaper},
+ pages = {2},
+ note = {Fake entry to study sorting and citing of references without
+ author, but with the same title.}
+ year = {2003},
+ month = feb,
+ day = {12},
+ title = {Editorial},
+ journal = {The Edited Newspaper},
+ pages = {2},
+ note = {Fake entry to study sorting and citing of references without
+ author, but with the same title.}
+ year = {2003},
+ month = jan,
+ day = {24},
+ title = {Editorial},
+ journal = {The Edited Newspaper},
+ pages = {2},
+ note = {Fake entry to study sorting and citing of references without
+ author, but with the same title.}
+ author = {Luce, R. Duncan},
+ year = {1959},
+ title = {Individual Choice Behavior},
+ address = {New York},
+ publisher = {Wiley}
+ author = {Luce, P. A.},
+ year = {1986},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Goldberg, J. M. and Neff},
+ year = {1961},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Goldberg, M. E. and Wurtz},
+ year = {1972},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Edeline and Weinberger},
+ year = {1991},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Edeline and Weinberger},
+ year = {1993},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Gogel},
+ year = {1984},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Gogel},
+ year = {1990},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Gogel},
+ year = {\BIP},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Johnson},
+ year = {1991},
+ title = {Aaa}
+ author = {Johnson},
+ year = {1991},
+ title = {Bbb}
+ author = {Johnson},
+ year = {1991},
+ title = {Ccc}
+ author = {Singh},
+ year = {1983},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Singh},
+ year = {\BIP},
+ title = {Aaa}
+ author = {Singh},
+ year = {\BIP},
+ title = {Bbb}
+ author = {Balda},
+ year = {1980},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Kamil},
+ year = {1988},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Pepperberg and Funk},
+ year = {1990},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Minor},
+ year = {2001},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Adams},
+ year = {1999},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Storandt},
+ year = {1997},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Author},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ type = {Unknown},
+ note = {no example, but rule given in text}
+ author = {Author},
+ year = {2003 version},
+ type = {Unknown},
+ note = {no example, but rule given in text}
+ author = {Aristotle},
+ year = {1931},
+ title = {Unknown},
+ translator = {Someone},
+ originalyear = {\bibnodate}
+ author = {James},
+ year = {1983},
+ title = {Unknown},
+ originalyear = {1890}
+ author = {Cheek and Buss},
+ year = {1981},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Shimamura},
+ year = {1989},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Myers},
+ year = {2000},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Beutler},
+ year = {2000},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Hashtroudi and Chrosniak and Schwartz},
+ year = {1991},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Brown, J. R.},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Browning, A. R.},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {MacArthur},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {McAllister},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {MacNeil},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {M'Carthy},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {DeBase},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {De Vries, J.},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {von Helmholtz, H. L. F.},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ year = {2003},
+ title = {{\APACSortNoop{Two-Thousand and Three}}2003 Hottest Summer Ever},
+ journal = {Journal of Meteorology},
+ note = {This is a fake entry, used for didactical purposes.}
+ author = {Hewlett, L. S.},
+ year = {1996},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Hewlett, L. S.},
+ year = {1999},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Alleyne, R. L.},
+ year = {2001},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Alleyne, R. L. and Evans, A. J.},
+ year = {1999},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Gosling, J. R. and Jerald, K. and Belfar, S. F.},
+ year = {2000},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Gosling, J. R. and Tevlin, D. F.},
+ year = {1996},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Hayward, D. and Firsching, A. and Brown, J.},
+ year = {1999},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Hayward, D. and Firsching, A. and Smigel, J.},
+ year = {1999},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Cabading, J. R. and Wright, K.},
+ year = {2000},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Cabading, J. R. and Wright, K.},
+ year = {2001},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Baheti, J. R.},
+ year = {2001},
+ title = {Control {\ldots}}
+ author = {Baheti, J. R.},
+ year = {2001},
+ title = {Roles of {\ldots}}
+ author = {Mathur, A. L. and Wallston, J.},
+ year = {1999},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Mathur, S. E. and Ahlers, R. J.},
+ year = {1998},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Bandura, A. J.},
+ year = {1977},
+ title = {Social Learning Theory},
+ address = {Englewood Cliffs, NJ},
+ publisher = {Prentice Hall}
+ author = {Bretschneider, J. G. and McCoy, N. L.},
+ year = {1968},
+ title = {Sexual Interest and Behavior in Healthy
+ 80- to 102-Year-Olds},
+ journal = {Archives of Sexual Behavior},
+ volume = {14},
+ pages = {343--350}
+ author = {Kernis, M. H. and Cornell, D. P. and Sun, C.-R.
+ and Berry, A. and Harlow, T.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {There's More to Self-Esteem than Whether it is High
+ or Low: {T}he Importance of Stability of Self-Esteem},
+ journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology},
+ volume = {65},
+ pages = {1190--1204}
+ editor = {Robinson, D. N.},
+ year = {1992},
+ title = {Social Discourse and Moral Judgment},
+ address = {San Diego, CA},
+ publisher = {Academic Press}
+ author = {Bulatao, E. {\protect\bibliteral{(with
+ Winford, C.~A.)}\protect\indexskipbracenodot}},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ type = {Unknown}
+ author = {Fowers, B. J. and Olson, D. H.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {{ENRICH} {Marital} {Satisfaction} {Scale}:
+ {A} Brief Research and Clinical Tool},
+ journal = {Journal of Family Psychology},
+ volume = {7},
+ pages = {176--185}
+ author = {Deutsch, F. M. and Lussier, J. B. and Servis, L. J.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Husbands At Home: Predictors of Paternal Participation
+ in Childcare and Housework},
+ journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology},
+ volume = {65},
+ pages = {1154--1166}
+ author = {O'Neil, J. M. and Egan, J.},
+ year = {1992},
+ title = {Men's and Women's Gender Role Journeys:
+ Metaphor for Healing, Transition, and Transformation},
+ editor = {Wainrib, B. R.},
+ booktitle = {Gender Issues Across the Life Cycle},
+ pages = {107--123},
+ address = {New York},
+ publisher = {Springer}
+ author = {Buss, D. M. and Schmitt, D. P.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Sexual Strategies Theory: An Evolutionary Perspective
+ on Human Mating},
+ journal = {Psychological Review},
+ volume = {100},
+ pages = {204--232}
+ author = {Henry, III, W. A.},
+ year = {1990},
+ month = apr,
+ day = {9},
+ title = {Beyond the Melting Pot},
+ journal = {Time},
+ volume = {135},
+ pages = {28--31}
+ author = {Saxe, G. B.},
+ year = {1991},
+ title = {Cultural and Cognitive Development: Studies in
+ Mathematical Understanding},
+ address = {Hillsdale, NJ},
+ publisher = {Erlbaum}
+ author = {Baker, F. M. and Lightfoot, O. B.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Psychiatric Care of Ethnic Elders},
+ editor = {Gaw, A. C.},
+ booktitle = {Culture, Ethnicity, and Mental Illness},
+ pages = {517--552},
+ address = {Washington, DC},
+ publisher = {American Psychiatric Press}
+ author = {Merikle, Philip M.},
+ year = {2000},
+ title = {Subliminal Perception},
+ editor = {Kazdin, Alan E. and Blanchard, Edward B. and
+ Bootzin, Richard R. and Bower, Gordon and
+ Close Conoley, Jane and Deaux, Kay and Fox, Ronald E. and
+ Harmon, Lenore W. and Howell, William C. and
+ Marsella, Anthony J. and Price, Richard H. and
+ Roediger, III, Henry L. and Rosenthal, Robert and
+ Schmitt, Neal W. and Singer, Jerome L. and Squire, Larry R. and
+ Zahn-Waxler, Carolyn},
+ booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Psychology},
+ volume = {7},
+ pages = {497--499},
+ address = {New York},
+ publisher = {Oxford University Press}
+ key = {{\APACcitebtitle{Electronic Reference Formats}}},
+ title = {Electronic Reference Formats Recommended by the
+ {American} {Psychological} {Association}},
+ year = {2000},
+ month = oct,
+ day = {12},
+ lastchecked = {October 23, 2000},
+ URL = {}
+ author = {Eid, M. and Langeheine, R.},
+ year = {1999},
+ title = {The Measurement of Consistency and Occasion Specificity
+ with Latent Class Models: A New Model and its
+ Application to the Measurement of Affect},
+ journal = {Psychological Methods},
+ volume = {4},
+ pages = {100--116},
+ howpublished = {Retrieved November 19, 2000, from the PsycARTICLES database}
+% The rest is from section 4.16. Section number is omitted,
+% but A-I are used instead. For the numbered examples, these
+% letters are also omitted in favor of ``ex''.
+ author = {Herman, L. M. and Kuczaj, III, S. A. and Holder, M. D.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Responses to Anomalous Gestural Sequences by a
+ Language-Trained Dolphin: {E}vidence for Processing
+ of Semantic Relations and Syntactic Information},
+ journal = {Journal of Experimental Psychology: General},
+ volume = {122},
+ pages = {184--194}
+ author = {Mellers, B. A.},
+ year = {2000},
+ title = {Choice and the Relative Pleasure of Consequences},
+ journal = {Psychological Bulletin},
+ volume = {126},
+ pages = {910--924}
+ author = {Klimoski, R. and Palmer, S.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {The {ADA} and the Hiring Process in Organizations},
+ journal = {Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research},
+ volume = {45},
+ number = {2},
+ pages = {10--36}
+ author = {Saywitz, K. J. and Mannarino, A. P. and Berliner, L.
+ and Cohen, J. A.},
+ year = {2000},
+ title = {Treatment for Sexually Abused Children and Adolescents},
+ journal = {American Psychologist},
+ volume = {55},
+ pages = {1040--1049}
+ author = {Wolchik, S. A. and West, S. G. and Sandler, I. N. and
+ Tein, J. and Coatsworth, D. and Lengua, L. and others},
+ year = {2000},
+ title = {An Experimental Evaluation of Theory-Based Mother and
+ Mother-Child Programs for Children of Divorce},
+ journal = {Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology},
+ volume = {68},
+ pages = {843--856}
+ author = {Swait, Joffre and Adamowicz, Wiktor and Hanemann, Michael
+ and Diederich, Adele and Krosnick, Jon and Layton, David
+ and Provencher, William and Schkade, David and Tourangeau, Roger},
+ year = {2002},
+ title = {Context Dependence and Aggregation
+ in Disaggregate Choice Analysis},
+ journal = {Marketing Letters},
+ volume = {13},
+ pages = {195--205}
+ author = {Zuckerman, M. and Kieffer, S. C.},
+ year = {\BIP},
+ title = {Race Differences in Face-ism: {D}oes Facial Prominence
+ Imply Dominance?},
+ journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}
+ author = {Kandel, E. R. and Squire, L. R.},
+ year = {2000},
+ month = nov,
+ day = {10},
+ title = {Neuroscience: {B}reaking Down Scientific Barriers to the
+ Study of Brain and Mind},
+ journal = {Science},
+ volume = {290},
+ pages = {1113--1120}
+ author = {Brown, L. S.},
+ year = {1993},
+ month = spring,
+ title = {Antidomination Training as a Central Component of
+ Diversity in Clinical Psychology Education},
+ journal = {The Clinical Psychologist},
+ volume = {46},
+ pages = {83--87}
+ year = {1993},
+ month = aug # "/" # sep,
+ title = {The New Health-Care Lexicon},
+ journal = {Copy Editor},
+ volume = {4},
+ pages = {1--2}
+ key = {{\APACciteatitle{New Drug}}},
+ year = {1993},
+ month = jul,
+ day = {15},
+ title = {New Drug Appears to Sharply Cut Risk of Death from
+ Heart Failure},
+ journal = {The Washington Post},
+ pages = {A12}
+ author = {Schwartz, J.},
+ year = {1993},
+ month = sep,
+ day = {30},
+ title = {Obesity Affects Economic, Social Status},
+ journal = {The Washington Post},
+ pages = {A1, A4}
+ author = {Berkowitz, A. D.},
+ year = {2000},
+ month = nov,
+ day = {24},
+ title = {How to Tackle the Problem of Student Drinking},
+ type = {Letter to the editor},
+ journal = {The Chronicle of Higher Education},
+ pages = {B20}
+ editor = {Barlow, D. H.},
+ year = {1991},
+ title = {Diagnoses, Dimensions, and \emph{DSM-IV}:
+ The Science of Classification},
+ type = {Special issue},
+ journal = {Journal of Abnormal Psychology},
+ volume = {100},
+ number = {3}
+ author = {Harris, P. L. and Kavanaugh, R. D.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Young Children's Understanding of Pretense},
+ journal = {Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development},
+ volume = {58},
+ number = {1, Serial No.~231},
+ author = {Battig, W. F. and Montague, W. E.},
+ year = {1969},
+ title = {Category Norms for Verbal Items in 56 Categories:
+ A Replication and Extension of the {Connecticut}
+ Category Norms},
+ journal = {Journal of Experimental Psychology Monographs},
+ volume = {80},
+ number = {3, Pt.~2}
+ author = {Ganster, D. C. and Schaubroeck, J. and Sime, W. E.
+ and Mayes, B. T.},
+ year = {1991},
+ title = {The Nomological Validity of the {Type}~{A} Personality
+ Among Employed Adults},
+ type = {Monograph},
+ journal = {Journal of Applied Psychology},
+ volume = {76},
+ pages = {143--168}
+ author = {Woolf, N. J. and Young, S. L. and Fanselow, M. S. and
+ Butcher, L. L.},
+ year = {1991},
+ title = {{MAP}-2 Expression in Cholinoceptive Pyramidal Cells
+ of Rodent Cortex and Hippocampus is Altered by
+ {Pavlovian} Conditioning},
+ type = {Abstract},
+ journal = {Society for Neuroscience Abstracts},
+ volume = {17},
+ pages = {480}
+ author = {Nakazato, K. and Shimonaka, Y. and Homma, A.},
+ year = {{\protect\bibreftext{1992}{1992/1993}}},
+ title = {Cognitive Functions of Centenarians: The {Tokyo}
+ {Metropolitan} {Centenarian} {Study}},
+ journal = {Japanese Journal of Developmental Psychology},
+ volume = {3},
+ pages = {9--16},
+ howpublished = {Abstract obtained from
+ {\APACcitebtitle{PsycSCAN: Neuropsychology}},
+ 1993, \emph{2}, Abstract No.~604}
+ author = {Regier, A. A. and Narrow, W. E. and Rae, D. S.},
+ year = {1990},
+ title = {The Epidemiology of Anxiety Disorders: The Epidemiologic
+ Catchment Area ({ECA}) Experience},
+ journal = {Journal of Psychiatric Research},
+ volume = {24},
+ number = {Suppl.~2},
+ pages = {3--14}
+ author = {Fiske, S. T.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Social Cognition and Social Perception},
+ journal = {Annual Review of Psychology},
+ volume = {44},
+ pages = {155--194}
+ author = {Ising, M.},
+ year = {2000},
+ title = {Intensit{\"{a}}tsabh{\"{a}}ngigkeit evozierter {Potenzial} im
+ {EEG}: Sind impulsive {Personen} {Augmenter} oder
+ {Reducer}?},
+ englishtitle = {Intensity Dependence in Event-Related {EEG} Potentials:
+ Are Impulsive Individuals Augmenters or Reducers?},
+ journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"{u}}r Differentielle und Diagnostische
+ Psychologie},
+ volume = {21},
+ pages = {208--217}
+ author = {Stutte, H.},
+ year = {1972},
+ title = {Transcultural Child Psychiatry},
+ journal = {Acta Paedopsychiatrica},
+ volume = {38},
+ number = {9},
+ pages = {229--231}
+ author = {Coltheart, M. and Curtis, B. and Atkins, P. and Haller, M.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Models of Reading Aloud: Dual-Route and
+ Parallel-Distributed-Processing Approaches},
+ journal = {Psychological Review},
+ volume = {100},
+ pages = {589--608}
+ author = {Beck, C. A. J. and Sales, B. D.},
+ year = {2001},
+ title = {Family Mediation: Facts, Myths, and Future Prospects},
+ address = {Washington, DC},
+ publisher = {American Psychological Association}
+ author = {Mitchell, T. R. and Larson, Jr.\hbox{}, J. R.},
+ year = {1987},
+ title = {People in Organizations: An Introduction to
+ Organizational Behavior},
+ edition = {3},
+ address = {New York},
+ publisher = {McGraw-Hill}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{Australian Bureau of Statistics}}},
+ year = {1991},
+ title = {Estimated Resident Population by Age and Sex in
+ Statistical Local Areas, {New} {South} {Wales},
+ {June} 1990},
+ number = {3209.1},
+ address = {Canberra, Australian Capital Territory},
+ publisher = {{\bibcorporate{Australian Bureau of Statistics}}}
+ editor = {Gibbs, J. T. and Huang, L. N.},
+ year = {1991},
+ title = {Children of Color: Psychological Interventions with
+ Minority Youth},
+ address = {San Francisco},
+ publisher = {Jossey-Bass}
+ author = {Vygotsky, L. S.},
+ year = {1978},
+ title = {Mind in Society: {T}he Development of Higher Mental
+ Processes},
+ editor = {Rice, Edgar},
+ translator = {Rice, Edgar},
+ address = {Cambridge, MA},
+ publisher = {Harvard University Press},
+ originalyear = {1930, 1933, 1935}
+ author = {J{\"{o}}reskog, Karl G. and S{\"{o}}rbom, Dag},
+ year = {1979},
+ title = {Advances in Factor Analysis
+ and Structural Equation Models},
+ editor = {Magidson, Jay},
+ address = {Cambridge, MA},
+ publisher = {Abt Books}
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Merriam-{Webster}'s Collegiate Dictionary},
+ edition = {10},
+ address = {Springfield, MA},
+ publisher = {Merriam-Webster}
+ author = {Rosenthal, R.},
+ year = {1987},
+ title = {Meta-Analytic Procedures for Social Research},
+ edition = {Rev.\hbox{}},
+ address = {Newbury Park, CA},
+ publisher = {Sage}
+ editor = {Koch, S.},
+ year = {1959--1963},
+ title = {Psychology: {A} Study of Science},
+ volume = {1--6},
+ address = {New York},
+ publisher = {McGraw-Hill}
+ key = {{\bibDSM{American Psychiatric
+ Association}{Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
+ of Mental Disorders}{4th ed.\hbox{}}{DSM-IV}}},
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{American Psychiatric Association}}},
+ year = {1994},
+ title = {Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders},
+ edition = {4},
+ address = {Washington, DC},
+ publisher = {{\bibcorporate{American Psychiatric Association}}}
+ editor = {Sadie, S.},
+ year = {1980},
+ title = {The New {G}rove Dictionary of Music and Musicians},
+ edition = {6},
+ volume = {1--20},
+ address = {London},
+ publisher = {Macmillan}
+ editor = {Kazdin, Alan E. and Blanchard, Edward B. and
+ Bootzin, Richard R. and Bower, Gordon and
+ Close Conoley, Jane and Deaux, Kay and Fox, Ronald E. and
+ Harmon, Lenore W. and Howell, William C. and
+ Marsella, Anthony J. and Price, Richard H. and
+ Roediger, III, Henry L. and Rosenthal, Robert and
+ Schmitt, Neal W. and Singer, Jerome L. and Squire, Larry R. and
+ Zahn-Waxler, Carolyn},
+ year = {2000},
+ title = {Encyclopedia of Psychology},
+ address = {New York},
+ publisher = {Oxford University Press}
+ author = {Piaget, J. and Inhelder, B.},
+ year = {1951},
+ title = {La Gen{\`{e}}se de l'Id{\'{e}}e de Hasard chez l'Enfant},
+ englishtitle = {The Origin of the Idea of Chance in the Child},
+ address = {Paris},
+ publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France}
+ author = {Laplace, P.-S.},
+ year = {1951},
+ title = {A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities},
+ translator = {Truscott, F. W. and Emory, F. L.},
+ address = {New York},
+ publisher = {Dover},
+ originalyear = {1814}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{Research and Training Center on
+ Independent Living}}},
+ firstkey = {{Research and Training Center on Independent Living [RTCIL]}},
+ key = {RTCIL},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Guidelines for Reporting and Writing About People
+ with Disabilities},
+ edition = {4},
+ type = {Brochure},
+ address = {Lawrence, KS},
+ publisher = {{\bibcorporate{Research and Training Center on
+ Independent Living}}}
+ author = {Massaro, D.},
+ year = {1992},
+ title = {Broadening the Domain of the Fuzzy Logical Model of Perception},
+ editor = {Pick, Jr.\hbox{}, H. L. and van den Broek, P. and Knill, D. C.},
+ booktitle = {Cognition: Conceptual and Methodological Issues},
+ pages = {51--84},
+ address = {Washington, DC},
+ publisher = {American Psychological Association}
+ author = {Bjork, R. A.},
+ year = {1989},
+ title = {Retrieval Inhibition as an Adaptive Mechanism in Human Memory},
+ editor = {Roediger, III, H. L. and Craik, F. I. M.},
+ booktitle = {Varieties of Memory \& Consciousness},
+ pages = {309--330},
+ address = {Hillsdale, NJ},
+ publisher = {Erlbaum}
+ author = {Auerbach, J. S.},
+ year = {\BIP},
+ title = {The Origins of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality
+ Disorder: A Theoretical and Empirical Reformulation},
+ editor = {Masling, J. M. and Bornstein, R. F.},
+ booktitle = {Empirical Studies of Psychoanalytic Theories:
+ {Vol}.~4. {Psychoanalytic} Perspectives on Psychopathology},
+ address = {Washington, DC},
+ publisher = {American Psychological Association}
+ author = {Maccoby, E. E. and Martin, J.},
+ year = {1983},
+ title = {Socialization in the Context of the Family:
+ Parent-Child Interaction},
+ editor = {Mussen (Series Ed.\hbox{}), P. H. and
+ Hetherington{\bibeditortype{Vol.\ Ed.\hbox{}}}, E. M.},
+ booktitle = {Handbook of Child Psychology:
+ {Vol}.~4. {Socialization}, Personality, and Social Development},
+ edition = {4},
+ pages = {1--101},
+ address = {New York},
+ publisher = {Wiley}
+ author = {Davydov, V. V.},
+ year = {1972},
+ title = {De Introductie van het Begrip Grootheid in de Eerste
+ Klas van de Basisschool: Een Experimenteel Onderzoek},
+ englishtitle = {The Introduction of the Concept of Quantity in the
+ First Grade of the Primary School: An Experimental Study},
+ editor = {Van Parreren, C. F. and Carpay, J. A. M.},
+ booktitle = {Sovjetpsychologen aan het Woord},
+ pages = {227--289},
+ address = {Groningen, The Netherlands},
+ publisher = {Wolters-Noordhoff}
+ author = {Bergmann, P. G.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Relativity},
+ booktitle = {The New Encyclopaedia {Britannica}},
+ volume = {26},
+ pages = {501--508},
+ address = {Chicago},
+ publisher = {Encyclopaedia Britannica}
+ author = {Freud, Sigmund},
+ year = {1961},
+ title = {The Ego and the Id},
+ editor = {Strachey, J.},
+ translator = {Strachey, J.},
+ booktitle = {The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological
+ Works of {Sigmund} {Freud}},
+ volume = {19},
+ pages = {3--66},
+ address = {London},
+ publisher = {Hogarth Press},
+ originalyear = {1923}
+ author = {Piaget, J.},
+ year = {1988},
+ title = {Extracts from {Piaget}'s Theory},
+ translator = {Gellerier, G. and Langer, J.},
+ editor = {Richardson, K. and Sheldon, S.},
+ booktitle = {Cognitive Development to Adolescence: A Reader},
+ pages = {3--18},
+ address = {Hillsdale, NJ},
+ publisher = {Erlbaum},
+ originalbooktitle = {Manual of Child Psychology},
+ originalpages = {703--732},
+ originaleditor = {Mussen, P. H.},
+ originalyear = {1970},
+ originaladdress = {New York},
+ originalpublisher = {Wiley}
+ author = {Browne, M[ichael] W.},
+ year = {1977},
+ title = {Generalized Least Squares Estimators in the Analysis
+ of Covariance Structures},
+ editor = {Aigner, D[ennis] J. and Goldberger, A[rthur] S.},
+ booktitle = {Latent Variables in Socio-Economic Models},
+ pages = {205--226},
+ address = {Amsterdam},
+ publisher = {North Holland},
+ originalyear = {1974},
+ originaljournal = {South African Statistical Journal},
+ originalvolume = {8},
+ originalpages = {1--24},
+ author = {Mazzeo, J. and Druesne, B. and Raffeld, P. C.
+ and Checketts, K. T. and Muhlstein, A.},
+ year = {1991},
+ title = {Comparability of Computer and Paper-and-Pencil Scores
+ for Two {CLEP} General Examinations},
+ type = {College Board Rep.},
+ number = {91-5},
+ address = {Princeton, NJ},
+ institution = {Educational Testing Service}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{National Institute of Mental Health}}},
+ firstkey = {{National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH]}},
+ key = {{NIMH}},
+ year = {1990},
+ title = {Clinical Training in Serious Mental Illness},
+ type = {{DHHS} Publication},
+ number = {ADM 90-1679},
+ address = {Washington, DC},
+ institution = {U.S. Government Printing Office}
+ author = {Osgood, D. W. and Wilson, J. K.},
+ year = {1990},
+ title = {Covariation of Adolescent Health Problems},
+ type = {\bibnotype},
+ address = {Lincoln},
+ institution = {University of Nebraska},
+ note = {NTIS No.\hbox{} PB~91-154~377/AS}
+ author = {Mead, J. V.},
+ year = {1992},
+ title = {Looking at Old Photographs: Investigating the Teacher
+ Tales that Novice Teachers Bring with Them},
+ type = {Report},
+ number = {NCRTL-RR-92-4},
+ address = {East Lansing, MI},
+ institution = {National Center for Research on Teacher Learning},
+ note = {ERIC Document Reproduction Service No.\hbox{} ED346082}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{U.S. Department of Health and
+ Human Services}}},
+ firstkey = {{U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [DHHS]}},
+ key = {{DHHS}},
+ year = {1992},
+ title = {Pressure Ulcers in Adults: Prediction and Prevention},
+ type = {AHCPR Publication},
+ number = {92-0047},
+ address = {Rockville, MD},
+ institution = {{\bibcorporate{U.S. Department of Health and
+ Human Services}}}
+ author = {Matthews, K. A.},
+ year = {1985},
+ title = {Assessment of {Type}~{A} Behavior, Anger, and Hostility
+ in Epidemiologic Studies of Cardiovascular Disease},
+ editor = {Ostfield, A. M. and Eaker, E. D.},
+ booktitle = {Measuring Psychological Variables in Epidemiologic Studies
+ of Cardiovascular Disease},
+ type = {NIH Publication},
+ number = {85-2270},
+ pages = {153--183},
+ address = {Washington, DC},
+ institution = {U.S. Department of Health and Human Services}
+ author = {Broadhurst, R. G. and Maller, R. A.},
+ year = {1991},
+ title = {Sex Offending and Recidivism},
+ number = {3},
+ address = {Nedlands},
+ institution = {University of Western Australia, Crime Research Centre}
+ editor = {Shuker, R. and Openshaw, R. and Soler, J.},
+ year = {1990},
+ title = {Youth, Media, and Moral Panic in {New} {Zealand}:
+ From Hooligans to Video Nasties},
+ type = {Delta Research Monograph},
+ number = {11},
+ address = {Palmerston North, New Zealand},
+ institution = {Massey University, Department of Education}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{Employee Benefit Research Institute}}},
+ firstkey = {{Employee Benefit Research Institute [EBRI]}},
+ key = {{EBRI}},
+ year = {1992},
+ month = feb,
+ title = {Sources of Health Insurance and Characteristics of the
+ Uninsured},
+ type = {Issue Brief},
+ number = {123},
+ address = {Washington, DC},
+ institution = {{\bibcorporate{Employee Benefit Research Institute}}}
+ author = {Deci, E. L. and Ryan, R. M.},
+ year = {1991},
+ title = {A Motivational Approach to Self:
+ Integration in Personality},
+ editor = {Dienstbier, R.},
+ booktitle = {Nebraska {Symposium} on {Motivation}: Vol.~38.
+ {Perspectives} on Motivation},
+ pages = {237--288},
+ address = {Lincoln},
+ publisher = {University of Nebraska Press}
+ author = {Cynx, J. and Williams, H. and Nottebohm, F.},
+ year = {1992},
+ title = {Hemispheric Differences in Avian Song Discrimination},
+ journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA},
+ volume = {89},
+ pages = {1372--1375}
+ author = {Lichstein, K. L. and Johnson, R. S. and Womack, T. D.
+ and Dean, J. E. and Childers, C. K.},
+ year = {1990},
+ month = jun,
+ title = {Relaxation Therapy for Polypharmacy Use in Elderly
+ Insomniacs and Noninsomniacs},
+ chair = {Rosenthal, T. L.},
+ symposium = {Reducing Medication in Geriatric Populations},
+ howpublished = {Symposium conducted at the meeting of the First
+ International Congress of Behavioral Medicine},
+ address = {Uppsala, Sweden}
+ author = {Lanktree, C. and Briere, J.},
+ year = {1991},
+ month = jan,
+ title = {Early Data on the {Trauma} {Symptom} {Checklist}
+ for {Children} ({TSC-C})},
+ howpublished = {Paper presented at the meeting of the American
+ Professional Society on the Abuse of Children},
+ address = {San Diego, CA}
+ author = {Ruby, J. and Fulton, C.},
+ year = {1993},
+ month = jun,
+ title = {Beyond Redlining: Editing Software that Works},
+ howpublished = {Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the
+ Society for Scholarly Publishing},
+ address = {Washington, DC}
+ author = {Bower, D. L.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Employee Assistant Programs Supervisory Referrals:
+ Characteristics of Referring and Nonreferring
+ Supervisors},
+ journal = {Dissertation Abstracts International},
+ volume = {54},
+ number = {01},
+ pages = {534B},
+ note = {UMI No.~9315947}
+ author = {Ross, D. F.},
+ year = {1990},
+ title = {Unconscious Transference and Mistaken Identity: When
+ a Witness Misidentifies a Familiar but Innocent Person
+ from a Lineup},
+ school = {Cornell University},
+ originalyear = {1990},
+ journal = {Dissertation Abstracts International},
+ volume = {51},
+ pages = {417}
+ author = {Wilfley, D. E.},
+ year = {1989},
+ title = {Interpersonal Analyses of Bulimia: Normalweight
+ and Obese},
+ school = {University of Missouri},
+ address = {Columbia}
+ author = {Almeida, D. M.},
+ year = {1990},
+ title = {Fathers' Participation in Family Work: Consequences
+ for Fathers' Stress and Father--Child Relations},
+ school = {University of Victoria},
+ address = {Victoria, British Columbia, Canada}
+ author = {Stinson, C. and Milbrath, C. and Reidbord, S. and Bucci, W.},
+ year = {1992},
+ title = {Thematic Segmentation of Psychotherapy Transcripts for
+ Convergent Analyses},
+ howpublished = {Unpublished manuscript}
+ author = {D{\'{e}}pret, E. F. and Fiske, S. T.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Perceiving the Powerful: Intriguing Individuals Versus
+ Threatening Groups},
+ howpublished = {Unpublished manuscript},
+ organization = {University of Massachusetts at Amherst}
+ author = {McIntosh, D. N.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Religion as Schema, with Implications for the Relation
+ Between Religion and Coping},
+ howpublished = {Manuscript submitted for publication}
+ author = {Bordi, F. and LeDoux, J. E.},
+ year = {1993},
+ type = {Auditory response latencies in rat auditory cortex},
+ howpublished = {Unpublished raw data}
+ editor = {Klombers, N.},
+ year = {1993},
+ month = spring,
+ title = {{ADAA} {Reporter}},
+ note = {Available from the Anxiety Disorders Association of
+ America, 6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 513,
+ Rockville, MD 20852}
+ author = {Mroczek, D. K.},
+ year = {2000},
+ title = {The Emerging Study of Midlife},
+ type = {Review of the book {\APACcitebtitle{Life in the middle:
+ Psychological and social development in middle age}}},
+ journal = {Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books},
+ volume = {45},
+ pages = {482--485}
+ author = {Schatz, B. R.},
+ year = {2000},
+ title = {Learning by Text or Context?},
+ type = {Review of the book
+ {\APACcitebtitle{The social life of information}}},
+ journal = {Science},
+ volume = {290},
+ pages = {1304}
+ author = {Kraus, S. J.},
+ year = {1992},
+ title = {Visions of Psychology: A Videotext of Classic Studies},
+ type = {Review of the motion picture
+ {\APACcitebtitle{Discovering Psychology}}},
+ journal = {Contemporary Psychology},
+ volume = {37},
+ pages = {1146--1147}
+ author = {Scorsese, M. {\protect\bibliteral{(Producer)}\protect\bibskipbracenodot}
+ and Lonergan, K.
+ {\protect\bibliteral{(Writer/Director)}\protect\indexskipbracenodot}},
+ year = {2000},
+ title = {You Can Count On Me},
+ type = {Motion picture},
+ address = {United States},
+ publisher = {Paramount Pictures}
+ author = {Harrison, J. {\protect\bibliteral{(Producer)}\protect\bibskipbracenodot}
+ and Schmiechen, R.
+ {\protect\bibliteral{(Director)}\protect\indexskipbracenodot}},
+ year = {1992},
+ title = {Changing Our Minds: The Story of {Evelyn} {Hooker}},
+ type = {Motion picture},
+ note = {Available from Changing Our Minds, Inc., 170 West End
+ Avenue, Suite 25R, New York, NY 10023}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{American Psychological Association (Producer)}}},
+ firstkey = {{American Psychological Association [APA]}},
+ key = {{APA}},
+ year = {2000},
+ title = {Responding Therapeutically to Patient Expressions of
+ Sexual Attraction: A Stimulus Training Tape},
+ type = {Motion picture},
+ note = {Available from the American Psychological Association,
+ 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242}
+ author = {Crystal, L. {\protect\bibliteral{(Executive
+ Producer)}\protect\indexskipbracenodot}},
+ year = {1993},
+ month = oct,
+ day = {11},
+ title = {The {MacNeil}/{Lehrer} News Hour},
+ type = {Television broadcast},
+ address = {New York and Washington, DC},
+ publisher = {Public Broadcasting Service}
+ editor = {Miller, {\bibinitial{R\bibeditortype{Producer}}}},
+ year = {1989},
+ title = {The Mind},
+ type = {Television series},
+ address = {New York},
+ publisher = {WNET}
+ author = {Hall, B. {\protect\bibliteral{(Writer)}\protect\bibskipbracenodot}
+ and Bender, J.
+ {\protect\bibliteral{(Director)}\protect\indexskipbracenodot}},
+ year = {1991},
+ title = {The Rules of the Game},
+ type = {Television series episode},
+ editor = {Sander{\bibeditortype{Producer}}, J.},
+ booktitle = {I'll Fly Away},
+ address = {New York},
+ publisher = {New York Broadcasting Company}
+ key = {{\protect\bibsong{Shocked}{1992}{Over the
+ Waterfall}{track~5}}},
+ author = {Shocked, Michelle},
+ year = {1992},
+ title = {Over the Waterfall{\bibInstring{\BOn}}},
+ booktitle = {Arkansas Traveler {\upshape[\uppercase{CD}]}},
+ address = {New York},
+ publisher = {PolyGram Music}
+ key = {{\protect\bibsong{Goodenough}{1982}{Tails
+ and Trotters}{track~5}}},
+ author = {Goodenough, J. B.},
+ year = {1982},
+ title = {Tails and Trotters{\bibInstring{\BOn}}},
+ type = {Recorded by G. Bok, A. Mayo, \& E. Trickett},
+ booktitle = {And So Will We Yet {\upshape[\uppercase{CD}]}},
+ address = {Sharon, CT},
+ publisher = {Folk-Legacy Records},
+ note = {1990}
+ author = {Costa, Jr.\hbox{} {\protect\bibliteral{(Speaker)}}, P. T.},
+ year = {1988},
+ title = {Personality, Continuity, and Changes of Adult Life},
+ type = {Cassette Recording},
+ number = {207-433-88A-B},
+ address = {Washington, DC},
+ publisher = {American Psychological Association}
+ author = {VandenBos, G. and Knapp, S. and Doe, J.},
+ year = {2001},
+ title = {Role of Reference Elements in the Selection of Resources
+ by Psychology Undergraduates},
+ type = {Electronic version},
+ journal = {Journal of Bibliographic Research},
+ volume = {5},
+ pages = {117--123}
+ author = {VandenBos, G. and Knapp, S. and Doe, J.},
+ year = {2001},
+ title = {Role of Reference Elements in the Selection of Resources
+ by Psychology Undergraduates},
+ journal = {Journal of Bibliographic Research},
+ volume = {5},
+ pages = {117--123},
+ lastchecked = {October 13, 2001},
+ url = {}
+ author = {Fredrickson, B. L.},
+ year = {2000},
+ month = mar,
+ day = {7},
+ title = {Cultivating Positive Emotions to Optimize Health
+ and Well-Being},
+ journal = {Prevention \& Treatment},
+ volume = {3},
+ pages = {Article 0001a},
+ lastchecked = {November 20, 2000},
+ url = {}
+ author = {Crow, T. J.},
+ year = {2000},
+ title = {Did \emph{Homo} {\emph{Sapiens}} Speciate on the
+ {\emph{Y}} Chromosome?},
+ journal = {Psycoloquy},
+ volume = {11},
+ lastchecked = {March 25, 2001},
+ url = {
+ 2000.volume.11/psyc.00.11.001.
+ language-sex-chromosomes.1.crow}
+ author = {Glueckauf, R. L. and Whitton, J. and Baxter, J. and Kain, J.
+ and Vogelgesang, S. and Hudson, M. and others},
+ year = {1998},
+ month = jul,
+ title = {Videocounseling for Families of Rural Teens with
+ Epilepsy---{P}roject Update},
+ journal = {Telehealth News},
+ volume = {2},
+ number = {2},
+ lastchecked = {June 6, 2000},
+ url = {}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{Greater New Milford (Ct) Area Healthy
+ Community 2000,
+ Task Force on Teen and Adolescent Issues}}},
+ firstkey = {{Greater New Milford (Ct) Area Healthy Community 2000,
+ Task Force on Teen and Adolescent Issues [TFTAI]}},
+ key = {{TFTAI}},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ title = {Who Has Time for a Family Meal? {You} Do!},
+ lastchecked = {October 5, 2000},
+ url = {}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{Benton Foundation}}},
+ year = {1998},
+ month = jul,
+ day = {7},
+ title = {Barriers to Closing the Gap},
+ booktitle = {Losing Ground Bit by Bit: Low-Income Communities in the
+ Information Age},
+ chapter = {2},
+ lastchecked = {August 18, 2001},
+ url = {},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ title = {{GVU}'s 8th {WWW} User Survey},
+ lastchecked = {August 8, 2000},
+ url = {}
+ author = {Chou, L. and McClintock, R. and Moretti, F. and Nix, D. H.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Technology and Education: New Wine in New Bottles:
+ Choosing Pasts and Imagining Educational Futures},
+ howpublished = {Retrieved August 24, 2000, from Columbia University,
+ Institute for Learning Technologies Web site:
+ \url{
+ publications/papers/newwine1.html}\bibnodot{.}}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{University of California, San Francisco,
+ Institute for Health and Aging}}},
+ firstkey = {{University of California, San Francisco, Institute for
+ Health and Aging [UCSF-IHA]}},
+ key = {{UCSF-IHA}},
+ year = {1996},
+ month = nov,
+ title = {Chronic Care in {A}merica: {A} 21st Century Challenge},
+ howpublished = {Retrieved September 9, 2000, from the Robert Wood Johnson
+ Foundation Web site:
+ \url{}\bibnodot{.}}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{United States Sentencing Commission}}},
+ firstkey = {{United States Sentencing Commission [USSC]}},
+ key = {{USSC}},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ title = {{\APACSortNoop{Nineteen Ninety-Seven}}1997 Sourcebook of
+ Federal Sentencing Statistics},
+ lastchecked = {December 8, 1999},
+ url = {}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{Canarie, Inc.}}},
+ year = {1997},
+ month = sep,
+ day = {27},
+ title = {Towards a {Canadian} Health {IWAY}: Vision, Opportunities
+ and Future Steps},
+ lastchecked = {November 8, 2000},
+ url = {
+ health/healthvision.doc}
+ author = {Kruschke, J. K. and Bradley, A. L.},
+ year = {1995},
+ title = {Extensions to the Delta Rule of Associative Learning},
+ type = {Indiana University Cognitive Science Research Report},
+ number = {14\BmakeAbstractRetrieved},
+ lastchecked = {October 21, 2000},
+ url = {},
+ author = {Cutler, L. D. and Fr{\"{o}}lich, B. and Hanrahan, P.},
+ year = {1997},
+ month = jan,
+ day = {16},
+ title = {Two-Handed Direct Manipulation on the Responsive
+ Workbench},
+ howpublished = {Paper presented at the 1997 Symposium on Interactive 3D
+ Graphics\BmakeAbstractRetrieved},
+ lastchecked = {June 12, 2000},
+ url = {},
+ author = {Tan, G. and Lewandowsky, S.},
+ year = {1996},
+ title = {A Comparison of Operator Trust in Humans Versus Machines},
+ howpublished = {Paper presented at the CybErg 96 virtual conference},
+ lastchecked = {May 16, 2000},
+ url = {
+ centre/outline.cgi/frame?dir=tan},
+ author = {Chalmers, D.},
+ year = {2000},
+ month = nov,
+ day = {17},
+ title = {Seeing with Sound},
+ type = {\bibmessage},
+ number = {1},
+ url = {news://sci.psychology.consciousness}
+ author = {Simons, D. J.},
+ year = {2000},
+ month = jul,
+ day = {14},
+ title = {News Resources for Visual Cognition},
+ type = {\bibmessage},
+ number = {31},
+ url = {}
+ author = {Hammond, T.},
+ year = {2000},
+ month = nov,
+ day = {20},
+ title = {{YAHC}: {Handle} {Parameters}, {DOI} {Genres}, etc.},
+ type = {\bibmessage},
+ howpublished = {Message posted to Ref-Links electronic mailing list,
+ archived at \url{
+ ref-link/msg00088.html}\bibnodot{.}}
+ author = {Borman, W. C. and Hanson, M. A. and Oppler, S. H. and
+ Pulakos, E. D. and White, L. A.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {Role of Early Supervisory Experience in Supervisor Performance},
+ journal = {Journal of Applied Psychology},
+ volume = {78},
+ pages = {443--449},
+ howpublished = {Retrieved October 23, 2000, from the PsycARTICLES database}
+ author = {Hilts, P. J.},
+ year = {1999},
+ month = feb,
+ day = {16},
+ title = {In Forecasting Their Emotions, Most People Flunk Out},
+ journal = {New York Times},
+ lastchecked = {November 21, 2000},
+ url = {}
+ author = {Fournier, M. and {\lowercase{D}}e Ridder, D. and Bensing, J.},
+ year = {1999},
+ title = {Optimism and Adaptation to Multiple Sclerosis: What Does
+ Optimism Mean?},
+ journal = {Journal of Behavioral Medicine},
+ volume = {22},
+ pages = {303--326},
+ howpublished = {Abstract retrieved October 23, 2000, from PsycINFO database}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{U.S. General Accounting Office}}},
+ year = {1997},
+ month = feb,
+ title = {Telemedicine: Federal Strategy is Needed to Guide Investments},
+ type = {Publication},
+ number = {GAO/NSAID/HEHS-97-67},
+ howpublished = {Retrieved September 15, 2000, from General Accounting Office
+ Reports Online via GPO Access:
+ \url{
+ aces160.shtml?/gao/index.html}\bibnodot{.}}
+ author = {Miller, M. E.},
+ year = {1993},
+ title = {The {Interactive} {Tester}},
+ edition = {Version~4.0\noedition\ignorespaces},
+ type = {\bibcomputersoftware},
+ address = {Westminster, CA},
+ publisher = {Psytek Services}
+ author = {Schwarzer, R.},
+ year = {1989},
+ title = {Statistics Software for Meta-Analysis},
+ type = {\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual},
+ lastchecked = {March 23, 2001},
+ url = {}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{R Development Core Team}}},
+ year = {2004},
+ title = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
+ address = {Vienna, Austria},
+ publisher = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
+ url = {}
+ key = {{\APACcitebtitle{National Health Interview Survey}}},
+ title = {National {Health} {Interview} {Survey}---{Current} Health
+ Topics: 1991---{Longitudinal} Study of Aging},
+ edition = {Version~4\noedition\ignorespaces},
+ type = {Data file},
+ year = {\bibnodate},
+ address = {Hyattsville, MD},
+ publisher = {National Center for Health Statistics}
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{Department of Health and Human Services,
+ National Center for Health Statistics}}},
+ firstkey = {{Department of Health and Human Services,
+ National Center for Health Statistics [DHHS-NCHS]}},
+ key = {{DHHS-NCHS}},
+ year = {1991},
+ title = {National {Health} {Provider} {Inventory}: Home Health
+ Agencies and Hospices, 1991},
+ type = {Data file},
+ howpublished = {Available from National Technical Information Service
+ Web site, \url{}\bibnodot{.}}
+% Additional references.
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{American Psychological Association}}},
+ firstkey = {{American Psychological Association [APA]}},
+ key = {{APA}},
+ year = {1984},
+ title = {Publication Manual of the {American} {Psychological}
+ {Association}},
+ edition = {3},
+ address = {Washington, DC},
+ publisher = {{\bibcorporate{American Psychological Association}}},
+ note = {with revisions},
+ author = {{\bibcorporate{American Psychological Association}}},
+ firstkey = {{American Psychological Association [APA]}},
+ key = {{APA}},
+ year = {2001},
+ title = {Publication Manual of the {American} {Psychological}
+ {Association}},
+ edition = {5},
+ address = {Washington, DC},
+ publisher = {{\bibcorporate{American Psychological Association}}},
+ title = {The {Chicago} Manual of Style},
+ edition = {15},
+ year = {2003},
+ address = {Chicago},
+ publisher = {The University of Chicago Press},
+ author = {Lamport, Leslie},
+ year = {1994},
+ title = {{\APACSortNoop{LaTeX}}{\LaTeX}: A Document Preparation System.
+ {User}'s Guide and Reference Manual},
+ edition = {2},
+ address = {Reading, MA},
+ publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
+ author = {Kopka, Helmut and Daly, Patrick W.},
+ year = {2004},
+ title = {Guide To {\APACSortNoop{LaTeX}}{\LaTeX}},
+ edition = {4},
+ address = {Boston, MA},
+ publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
+ author = {Mittelbach, Frank and Goossens, Michel},
+ year = {2004},
+ title = {The {\APACSortNoop{LaTeX}}{\LaTeX} Companion},
+ edition = {2},
+ address = {Boston, MA},
+ publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
+ author = {Meijer, Erik},
+ year = {1998},
+ title = {Structural Equation Models for Nonnormal Data},
+ address = {Leiden, The Netherlands},
+ publisher = {DSWO Press},
+ author = {Wansbeek, Tom and Meijer, Erik},
+ year = {2000},
+ title = {Measurement Error and Latent Variables in Econometrics},
+ address = {Amsterdam},
+ publisher = {North-Holland},
+ author = {Gottfredson, G. D.},
+ year = {1978},
+ title = {Why Don't Vocational Interests Predict Job
+ Satisfaction Better Than They Do?},
+ howpublished = {Unpublished manuscript},
+ organization = {Johns Hopkins University, Center for Social
+ Organization of Schools},
+ address = {Baltimore},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \section{\BibTeX\ style (\fname{apacite.bst}, \fname{apacitex.bst})}
+% The program in \BibTeX's language that formats the reference list.
+% These two files are almost identical, but \fname{apacitex.bst}
+% generates information that can be used to generate an author index
+% as well.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<bibstyle>%% apacite.bst : reference list according to APA manual
+%<xbibstyle>%% apacitex.bst : reference list according to APA manual
+%<xbibstyle>%% with author indexing information
+%% Written by Erik Meijer
+FUNCTION {identify.apacite.version}
+{ % Put identifying string in the .blg file
+%<bibstyle> "apacite.bst"
+%<xbibstyle> "apacitex.bst"
+%<bibstyle> " [2007/09/03 v4.00 APA bibliography style]"
+%<xbibstyle> " [2007/09/03 v4.00 APA bibl. style with author index info]"
+ * top$
+% ENTRY %
+ { address
+ annote % not used
+ author
+ booktitle % for articles in books
+ chair % for lectures
+ chapter % for incollection, esp. internet documents
+ day
+ edition
+ editor
+ englishtitle % english translation of title in other language
+ firstkey % key for first citation
+ howpublished
+ institution % for technical reports
+ journal
+ key % key for second and later citations, or all
+ % citations if firstkey is missing
+ lastchecked % for URL's
+ month
+ note
+ number % number of journal or report
+ organization % for unpublished
+ %
+ % for reprints, translations, etc.
+ %
+ originaladdress
+ originalbooktitle
+ originaledition
+ originaleditor
+ originaljournal
+ originalnumber
+ originalpages
+ originalpublisher
+ originalvolume
+ originalyear
+ %
+ % back to normal
+ %
+ pages
+ publisher
+ school % for theses
+ series % not used
+ symposium % for lectures
+ text % for literals
+ title
+ translator % translator of book (or article)
+ type % type of phdthesis (e.g., Doctoral dissertation)
+ % or type of article (e.g., Letter to the editor)
+ % etc.
+ url
+ volume
+ year
+ }
+ { title.number % for sorting titles
+ cite.initials % dummy (0-1) indicating whether or not
+ % initials of the 1st author must
+ % be used for citing
+ cite.num.names.full % number of names to be cited for full and
+ cite.num.names.short % short cite
+ % For a, b, c, etc. after year
+ % in multiple citations with same author-year
+ }
+ { year.label % For sorting entries by year
+ author.year.sort.label % For sorting entries and checking whether
+ % initials should be added, how many authors
+ % should be cited and whether a, b, etc.
+ % after year is necessary
+ title.sort.label % for sorting titles
+ type.2 % Replacement for type with misc entries and
+ % entries that revert to misc.
+ }
+INTEGERS { len pos name.max old.number numnames numnames.old
+ nameptr lastname format.num.names cite.initials.old
+ cite.num.names.old forward
+ multiresult dot brace.level
+ }
+STRINGS { s t u old.label field
+ aut1f aut1s aut1f.old aut1s.old
+ aut2 aut2.old
+ aut3 aut3.old
+ aut4 aut4.old
+ aut5 aut5.old
+ aut6 aut6.old
+ year.label.old
+ }
+% A small function for testing purposes.
+FUNCTION {test} { #0 }
+% A small function that indicates whether index entries must be
+% generated. This is the only line that is different between
+% apacite.bst and apacitex.bst
+%<bibstyle>FUNCTION {make.index} { #0 }
+%<xbibstyle>FUNCTION {make.index} { #1 }
+% Use numbers now, along with a LaTeX function, which translates
+% them into words. This allows language-specific deviations.
+MACRO {jan} {"{\APACmonth{01}}"}
+MACRO {feb} {"{\APACmonth{02}}"}
+MACRO {mar} {"{\APACmonth{03}}"}
+MACRO {apr} {"{\APACmonth{04}}"}
+MACRO {may} {"{\APACmonth{05}}"}
+MACRO {jun} {"{\APACmonth{06}}"}
+MACRO {jul} {"{\APACmonth{07}}"}
+MACRO {aug} {"{\APACmonth{08}}"}
+MACRO {sep} {"{\APACmonth{09}}"}
+MACRO {oct} {"{\APACmonth{10}}"}
+MACRO {nov} {"{\APACmonth{11}}"}
+MACRO {dec} {"{\APACmonth{12}}"}
+MACRO {winter} {"{\APACmonth{13}}"}
+MACRO {spring} {"{\APACmonth{14}}"}
+MACRO {summer} {"{\APACmonth{15}}"}
+MACRO {fall} {"{\APACmonth{16}}"}
+% Logical 'not':
+% If the first element on the stack is A then this function
+% does the following:
+% push { #0 }
+% push { #1 }
+% So now the first 3 elements of the stack are
+% { #1 } { #0 } A
+% The first 3 are popped and subjected to 'if':
+% If A > 0 then { #0 } is executed, else { #1 } is executed:
+% if A > 0
+% then 0
+% else 1
+% So consider integers as logicals, where 1 = true and 0 = false,
+% then this does
+% (if A then false else true)
+% which is a logical 'not'.
+{ { #0 }
+ { #1 }
+ if$
+% Logical 'and':
+% If the first 2 elements on the stack are A B
+% then this function does the following:
+% push 'skip$
+% push { pop$ #0 }
+% So now first 4 elements are
+% { pop$ #0 } 'skip$ A B
+% The first 3 are popped and subjected to 'if' (B is on top of
+% the stack):
+% If A > 0 then 'skip$ is executed, else { pop$ #0 } is executed:
+% if A > 0
+% then (B stays on top of stack)
+% else (B is popped and #0 is pushed)
+% So consider integers as logicals, where 1 = true and 0 = false,
+% then this does
+% (if A then B else false)
+% which is a logical 'and'.
+{ 'skip$
+ { pop$ #0 }
+ if$
+% Logical 'or':
+% If the first 2 elements on the stack are A B
+% then this function does the following:
+% push { pop$ #1 }
+% push 'skip$
+% So now first 4 elements are
+% 'skip$ { pop$ #1 } A B
+% The first 3 are popped and subjected to 'if' (B is on top of
+% the stack):
+% If A > 0 then { pop$ #1 } is executed, else 'skip$ is executed:
+% if A > 0
+% then (B is popped and #1 is pushed)
+% else (B stays on top of stack)
+% So consider integers as logicals, where 1 = true and 0 = false,
+% then this does
+% (if A then true else B)
+% which is a logical 'or'.
+{ { pop$ #1 }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ % issues warning if field is empty
+ % call with
+ % "field" field warning.if.empty
+ % Note that the first field must be between quotes
+ % because it is the fieldname for use in the warning message.
+ %
+FUNCTION {warning.if.empty}
+{ empty$
+ { "No " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$ }
+ { pop$ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % issues warning if title, type, and howpublished are empty
+ %
+FUNCTION {check.relevant.fields}
+{ title empty$
+ type empty$ and
+ howpublished empty$ and
+ { "No title, type, and howpublished in " cite$ * warning$ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ %
+ % delivers 1 if (both editor and translator
+ % not empty and not equal to each other)
+ % 0 if (editor or translator empty) or
+ % (editor = translator)
+ %
+{ translator empty$
+ { #0 }
+ { editor empty$
+ { #0 }
+ { translator editor =
+ { #0 }
+ { #1 }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% Convert integer to string, assume that integer < 100,000
+{ duplicate$ #10 <
+ { "0000" swap$$ * }
+ { duplicate$ #100 <
+ { "000" swap$$ * }
+ { duplicate$ #1000 <
+ { "00" swap$$ * }
+ { duplicate$ #10000 <
+ { "0" swap$$ * }
+ {$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% Delivers 1 if possibly editor in author position
+% 2 if editor not in author position
+% 3 if not applicable: use key
+% 0 if unknown type
+FUNCTION {ref.type}
+{ type$ "article" =
+ type$ "magazine" =
+ type$ "newspaper" =
+ type$ "book" =
+ type$ "techreport" =
+ type$ "unpublished" =
+ type$ "misc" =
+ type$ "booklet" =
+ type$ "manual" =
+ type$ "proceedings" =
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ { #1 }
+ { type$ "incollection" =
+ type$ "phdthesis" =
+ type$ "mastersthesis" =
+ type$ "lecture" =
+ type$ "inbook" =
+ type$ "inproceedings" =
+ type$ "conference" =
+ type$ "intechreport" =
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ { #2 }
+ { type$ "literal" =
+ { #3 }
+ { #0 }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% Delivers 1 if title is formatted as an "article"-type,
+% 0 otherwise
+FUNCTION {is.atype}
+{ type$ "article" =
+ type$ "magazine" =
+ type$ "newspaper" =
+ type$ "incollection" =
+ type$ "inbook" =
+ type$ "inproceedings" =
+ type$ "conference" =
+ type$ "intechreport" =
+ type$ "manual" =
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ { #1 }
+ { journal empty$ not
+ %
+ type$ "phdthesis" =
+ type$ "mastersthesis" =
+ or
+ %
+ and
+ { #1 }
+ { type$ "misc" =
+ type empty$ not and
+ { type "\bibmessage" =
+ type "\bibcomputerprogram" =
+ type "\bibcomputerprogrammanual" =
+ type "\bibcomputerprogramandmanual" =
+ type "\bibcomputersoftware" =
+ type "\bibcomputersoftwaremanual" =
+ type "\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual" =
+ type "\bibprogramminglanguage" =
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ or
+ { #1 }
+ { #0 }
+ if$
+ }
+ { #0 }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % connects two strings with connect string
+ % if one of them empty, then connect string
+ % is left out
+ %
+ % call with S1 S2 connectstring connect.check
+ %
+FUNCTION {connect.check}
+{ 'u :=
+ %
+ % if S2 = ""
+ %
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ %
+ % then remove S2
+ %
+ { pop$
+ %
+ % S1 is on top of stack.
+ % if it is empty, it is replaced by the empty string ""
+ %
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "" }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ %
+ % else swap S1 and S2 so that S1 can be checked
+ %
+ { swap$
+ %
+ % if S1 is empty, remove S1 so that S2 is left on the
+ % stack and is the result is given
+ %
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ }
+ %
+ % now the real work starts:
+ % push the connect string "C"
+ % so that top of stack is "C" "S1" "S2"
+ % concatenate, so that top of stack is
+ % "S1+C" "S2"
+ %
+ { u *
+ %
+ % swap and concatenate
+ %
+ swap$ *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % connects two strings with space ("\ ")
+ % if length of second is 4 or larger,
+ % connects them with non-breaking space ("tie", "~")
+ % if length of second smaller than 4
+ %
+ % call with S1 S2
+ % result: "S1\ S2" or "S1~S2"
+ %
+{ duplicate$ text.length$ #4 <
+ { "~" }
+ { "\ " }
+ if$
+ swap$ * *
+ %
+ % connects two strings with comma (", ")
+ % if one of them is empty, the comma is left out
+ %
+ % call with S1 S2 connect.with.comma.check
+ % result: "S1, S2"
+ %
+FUNCTION {connect.with.comma.check}
+{ ", " connect.check }
+ %
+ % connects two strings with semicolon ("; ")
+ % if one of them is empty, semicolon is left out
+ %
+ % call with S1 S2 connect.with.semicolon.check
+ % result: "S1; S2"
+ %
+FUNCTION {connect.with.semicolon.check}
+{ "; " connect.check }
+ %
+ % connects two strings with colon (": ")
+ % if one of them is empty, colon is left out
+ %
+ % call with S1 S2 connect.with.colon.check
+ % result: "S1: S2"
+ %
+FUNCTION {connect.with.colon.check}
+{ ": " connect.check }
+ %
+ % connects two strings with space ("\ ")
+ %
+ % call with S1 S2
+ % result: "S1\ S2"
+ %
+{ "\ " connect.check }
+ %
+ % encloses string in pre- and postfix string
+ % call with
+ % prefix postfix S enclose.check
+ % delivers empty string if S empty
+ %
+FUNCTION {enclose.check}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ pop$ pop$
+ ""
+ }
+ { swap$ * * }
+ if$
+ %
+ % emphasizes top of stack
+ % call with
+ % "string" emphasize.check
+ %
+FUNCTION {emphasize.check}
+{ "\Bem{" swap$
+ "}" swap$
+ enclose.check
+ %
+ % brackets top of stack
+ % call with
+ % "string" bracket
+ %
+FUNCTION {bracket.check}
+{ "[" swap$
+ "]" swap$
+ enclose.check
+ %
+ % parenthesizes top of stack
+ % call with
+ % "string" parenthesize
+ %
+FUNCTION {parenthesize.check}
+{ "(" swap$
+ ")" swap$
+ enclose.check
+ %
+ % checks whether argument is "multiresult":
+ % whether it contains '-', '+', or ',' characters
+ % used with pages to check whether pp. or p. must be used
+ %
+FUNCTION {multi.result.check}
+{ 't :=
+ #0 'multiresult :=
+ %
+ % while (not multiresult) and (length(t) > 1) do
+ %
+ { multiresult not
+ t text.length$ #1 >
+ and
+ }
+ %
+ % if t(1-2) = "--" or t(1) = "+" or ","
+ % then multiresult = 1
+ % else t = t(2-last)
+ %
+ { t #1 #2 substring$ 's :=
+ "--" s =
+ { #1 'multiresult := }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$ 's :=
+ "+" s =
+ "," s =
+ or
+ { #1 'multiresult := }
+ { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+ multiresult
+ %
+ % Checks whether an author is a corporate author, i.e.,
+ % whether the field starts with "{\bibcorporate".
+ % Call with
+ % field is.bibcorporate
+ %
+FUNCTION {is.bibcorporate}
+{ #1 #14 substring$ "{\bibcorporate" = }
+% Remove non-alphanumeric characters
+% and change to lower case .
+FUNCTION {sortify}
+{ purify$
+ "l"$
+% Remove spaces from a string. Used for sorting.
+% Call with
+% string remove.spaces
+% E.g.,
+% "fine old day" remove.spaces
+% gives "fineoldday" .
+FUNCTION {remove.spaces}
+{ % Remove spaces from string.
+ % Works best if string only contains alphanumeric characters and spaces.
+ 's := % The original string
+ s text.length$ 'len := % Its length (no. of characters)
+ "" 't := % Initialize the transformed string
+ #0 'pos :=
+ %
+ % while (pos < len) do
+ %
+ { pos len < }
+ { pos #1 + 'pos :=
+ s pos #1 substring$ 'u :=
+ %
+ % u is the pos-th character in s
+ % If it is a space, move to next character,
+ % else copy character to output.
+ %
+ u " " =
+ 'skip$
+ { t u * 't := }
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+ %
+ % Now push the result back on the stack
+ t
+ %
+ % starting new block by writing what's left on the stack,
+ % starting a new line and adding some extra space or
+ % whatever is more defined in \newblock
+ %
+FUNCTION {output.end.block}
+{ write$
+ newline$
+ %
+ % starting new block by writing what's left on the stack,
+ % starting a new line and adding some extra space or
+ % whatever is more defined in \newblock
+ %
+{ output.end.block
+ "\newblock" write$
+ newline$
+ %
+ % starting new block by writing what's left on the stack,
+ % starting a new line and adding some extra space or
+ % whatever is more defined in \newblock
+ %
+{ add.period$
+% Starting new block assuming that stack is empty.
+% Starting a new line and adding some extra space or
+% whatever is more defined in \newblock
+{ newline$
+ "\unskip\ " write$ newline$
+ "\newblock " write$ newline$
+ %
+ % finish current entry
+ % by writing what's left on the stack and starting a new line
+ %
+FUNCTION {fin.entry}
+{ output.end.block
+ "\PrintBackRefs{\CurrentBib}" write$ newline$
+ test
+ { "\vspace{\baselineskip}" write$ newline$ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+% TITLE %
+FUNCTION {} { "{ll{}}{ f{}}{ vv{}}{ jj{}}" }
+FUNCTION {} { "{ll}" }
+FUNCTION {} { "{f{\BPBI }.~~}{vv }{ll}{ jj}" }
+FUNCTION {} { "{ll}{, f{\BPBI }.}{ vv}{, jj}" }
+FUNCTION {} { "{f{\BPBI }.~~}{vv }{ll}{ jj}" }
+FUNCTION {} { "{ll}{, f{\BPBI }.}{ vv}{, jj}" }
+% Check whether initials must be added (1).
+% Initialization.
+FUNCTION {init.initials}
+{ "yyyyy" 'aut1f.old :=
+ "yyyyy" 'aut1s.old :=
+ #0 'cite.initials.old :=
+% Check whether initials must be added (2).
+% Update when author, editor, and key fields are not used.
+% Call with
+% field
+{ 'field :=
+ field 'aut1f.old :=
+ field 'aut1s.old :=
+ #0 'cite.initials.old :=
+% Check whether initials must be added (3).
+FUNCTION {check.add.initials.aut}
+{ %
+ % If last name is equal to previous last name
+ % but initials are different, then initials should
+ % be cited. If initials are also the same, initials
+ % should be cited if that is the case for the previous
+ % author .
+ %
+ aut1s aut1s.old =
+ { aut1f aut1f.old =
+ { cite.initials.old 'cite.initials := }
+ { #1 'cite.initials :=
+ aut1f 'aut1f.old :=
+ aut1s 'aut1s.old :=
+ cite.initials 'cite.initials.old :=
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Different last name.
+ aut1f 'aut1f.old :=
+ aut1s 'aut1s.old :=
+ cite.initials 'cite.initials.old :=
+ }
+ if$
+% Check whether initials must be added (4).
+% Call with
+% field check.add.initials.field
+FUNCTION {check.add.initials.field}
+{ 'field :=
+ field #1$ 'aut1f :=
+ field #1$ 'aut1s :=
+ %
+ % Now do the actual work
+ %
+ check.add.initials.aut
+% Check whether initials must be added (4).
+FUNCTION {check.add.initials}
+{ %
+ % Check whether author or editor or other field acts as author.
+ % Initials are only relevant with author or editor.
+ %
+ firstkey empty$ not
+ { key empty$ not
+ { %
+ % Both key and firstkey are nonempty.
+ % Then, key is treated as last name of first author,
+ % and firstkey is treated as last name + initials of
+ % first author .
+ %
+ firstkey sortify remove.spaces 'aut1f :=
+ key sortify remove.spaces 'aut1s :=
+ check.add.initials.aut
+ }
+ { firstkey sortify remove.spaces }
+ if$
+ }
+ { key empty$ not
+ { key sortify remove.spaces }
+ { %
+ % No key or firstkey, so find out which field
+ % to use as author.
+ %
+ % Check reference type:
+ % if result is 1 then possibly editor acts as author
+ % 2 then editor does not act as author
+ % 3 then key should have been used
+ % 0 then unknown reference type
+ ref.type #2 =
+ { %
+ % Format first author with and without initials
+ author empty$
+ { title.sort.label }
+ { author check.add.initials.field }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Format first author with and without initials
+ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { title.sort.label }
+ { editor check.add.initials.field }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author check.add.initials.field }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% Compute tentative number of names that must be cited (1).
+% Call with
+% field tentative.cite.num.names.field
+FUNCTION {tentative.cite.num.names.field}
+{ 'field :=
+ field num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ numnames #3 <
+ { %
+ % 1 or 2 names: always cite all of them.
+ numnames 'cite.num.names.full :=
+ numnames 'cite.num.names.short :=
+ }
+ { numnames #6 <
+ { %
+ % 3-5 names: cite all of them the first time,
+ % only the first name later times
+ numnames 'cite.num.names.full :=
+ #1 'cite.num.names.short :=
+ }
+ { %
+ % 6 or more names: cite only the first name
+ #1 'cite.num.names.full :=
+ #1 'cite.num.names.short :=
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% Compute tentative number of names that must be cited (2).
+FUNCTION {tentative.cite.num.names}
+{ %
+ % Check whether author or editor or other field acts as author.
+ % Number of names is only relevant with author or editor.
+ %
+ firstkey empty$ not
+ {
+ #1 'cite.num.names.full :=
+ #1 'cite.num.names.short :=
+ }
+ { key empty$ not
+ {
+ #1 'cite.num.names.full :=
+ #1 'cite.num.names.short :=
+ }
+ { %
+ % No key or firstkey, so find out which field
+ % to use as author.
+ %
+ % Check reference type:
+ % if result is 1 then possibly editor acts as author
+ % 2 then editor does not act as author
+ % 3 then key should have been used
+ % 0 then unknown reference type
+ ref.type #2 =
+ { %
+ % Format first author with and without initials
+ author empty$
+ {
+ #1 'cite.num.names.full :=
+ #1 'cite.num.names.short :=
+ }
+ { author tentative.cite.num.names.field }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Format first author with and without initials
+ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ {
+ #1 'cite.num.names.full :=
+ #1 'cite.num.names.short :=
+ }
+ { editor tentative.cite.num.names.field }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author tentative.cite.num.names.field }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% Initialize "number of names to be cited" before
+% looping over entries.
+FUNCTION {init.cite.num.names}
+{ #0 'cite.num.names.old :=
+ #0 'numnames.old :=
+ "yyyy" 'year.label.old :=
+ #0 ' :=
+ "" 'aut1f.old :=
+ "" 'aut2.old :=
+ "" 'aut3.old :=
+ "" 'aut4.old :=
+ "" 'aut5.old :=
+ "" 'aut6.old :=
+% Update "number of names to be cited" .
+FUNCTION {update.cite.num.names}
+{ cite.num.names.short 'cite.num.names.old :=
+ numnames 'numnames.old :=
+ year.label 'year.label.old :=
+ ' :=
+ aut1f 'aut1f.old :=
+ aut2 'aut2.old :=
+ aut3 'aut3.old :=
+ aut4 'aut4.old :=
+ aut5 'aut5.old :=
+ aut6 'aut6.old :=
+% Format (maximally) 6 authors for comparison issues
+% to determine number of authors that must be cited.
+% It is assumed that the 'field' and 'numnames' variables
+% have already been defined.
+FUNCTION {format.6.authors}
+{ %
+ % First author: with initials.
+ %
+ field #1$ 'aut1f :=
+ %
+ % Second and later authors: without initials.
+ %
+ numnames #1 >
+ name.max #1 >
+ and
+ { %
+ % 2nd author
+ field #2$ 'aut2 :=
+ %
+ numnames #2 >
+ name.max #2 >
+ and
+ { %
+ % 3nd author
+ field #3$ 'aut3 :=
+ %
+ numnames #3 >
+ name.max #3 >
+ and
+ { %
+ % 4th author
+ field #4$ 'aut4 :=
+ %
+ numnames #4 >
+ name.max #4 >
+ and
+ { %
+ % 5th author
+ field #5$ 'aut5 :=
+ %
+ numnames #5 >
+ name.max #5 >
+ and
+ { %
+ % 6th author
+ field #6$ 'aut6 :=
+ }
+ { %
+ % 5 authors: 6 is empty
+ %
+ "" 'aut6 :=
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % 4 authors: 5-6 are empty
+ %
+ "" 'aut5 :=
+ "" 'aut6 :=
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % 3 authors: 4-6 are empty
+ %
+ "" 'aut4 :=
+ "" 'aut5 :=
+ "" 'aut6 :=
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % 2 authors: 3-6 are empty
+ %
+ "" 'aut3 :=
+ "" 'aut4 :=
+ "" 'aut5 :=
+ "" 'aut6 :=
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Only 1 author: 2-6 are empty
+ %
+ "" 'aut2 :=
+ "" 'aut3 :=
+ "" 'aut4 :=
+ "" 'aut5 :=
+ "" 'aut6 :=
+ }
+ if$
+% Compute definitive number of names that must be cited
+% and whether a's or b's must be added to year (1).
+% a's or b's are necessary: update variable
+ forward #1 =
+ { %
+ % Moving forward: this number must be 1 higher than
+ % previous.
+ %
+ #0 >
+ { #1 + ' := }
+ { #2 ' := }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Moving backward: this number must be 1 lower than
+ % previous.
+ %
+ #1 - ' :=
+ }
+ if$
+% Compute definitive number of names that must be cited
+% and whether a's or b's must be added to year (1).
+% Current and/or previous entry has 1 or 2 authors
+% or editors acting as authors and they are published in the
+% same year. The number of authors does not need to be changed
+% in this case, but a's or b's may be necessary.
+FUNCTION {definitive.cite.num.names.1.or.2}
+{ %
+ numnames numnames.old =
+ { %
+ % Same number of names: ambiguity could arise. Check whether current
+ % and previous have the same author(s).
+ %
+ aut1f aut1f.old =
+ { %
+ % Same first author: if the second author is also the same or if
+ % there is only one author, a's and b's should be added.
+ %
+ aut2 aut2.old =
+ numnames #2 =
+ and
+ %
+ numnames #1 =
+ or
+ { %
+ % Same author(s): add to year.
+ %
+ }
+ { %
+ % Different second author: no ambiguity possible.
+ %
+ skip$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Different first author: no ambiguity possible.
+ %
+ skip$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Different number of names: no ambiguity possible.
+ %
+ skip$
+ }
+ if$
+% Compute definitive number of names that must be cited
+% and whether a's or b's must be added to year (2).
+% Both current and previous entries have 3 or more authors
+% or editors acting as authors and they are published in the
+% same year.
+FUNCTION {definitive.cite.num.names.3.or.more}
+{ %
+ % Check whether current and previous have the same first author.
+ %
+ aut1f aut1f.old =
+ { %
+ % Same first author: check second author
+ %
+ aut2 aut2.old =
+ { %
+ % Same 1st & 2nd author: check 3rd.
+ %
+ aut3 aut3.old =
+ { %
+ % Same 1st-3rd authors: check 4th.
+ %
+ numnames.old #3 =
+ { numnames #3 =
+ { %
+ % Both current and previous have 3 authors, which are
+ % the same, so both have identical author-year
+ % combinations, so ambiguity should be resolved by
+ % a's and b's. Check whether more authors were
+ % necessary for previous one.
+ %
+ cite.num.names.short cite.num.names.old <
+ { cite.num.names.old
+ 'cite.num.names.short :=
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Previous has 3 authors, current has more, with same
+ % first 3, so at least 4 must be used for current to
+ % make a difference.
+ %
+ cite.num.names.short #4 <
+ { #4 'cite.num.names.short := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { numnames #3 =
+ { %
+ % Current has 3 authors, previous has more, with same
+ % first 3, so all 3 of current must be used.
+ %
+ numnames 'cite.num.names.short :=
+ }
+ { %
+ % Same 1st-3rd author and both current and previous
+ % have at least 4 authors: check 4th.
+ %
+ aut4 aut4.old =
+ { %
+ % Same 1st-4th authors: check 5th.
+ %
+ numnames.old #4 =
+ { numnames #4 =
+ { %
+ % Both current and previous have 4 authors,
+ % which are the same, so both have
+ % identical author-year combinations, so
+ % ambiguity should be resolved by a's and
+ % b's. Check whether more authors were
+ % necessary for previous one.
+ %
+ cite.num.names.short cite.num.names.old <
+ { cite.num.names.old
+ 'cite.num.names.short :=
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Previous has 4 authors, current has more,
+ % with same first 4, so at least 5 must be
+ % used for current to make a difference.
+ %
+ cite.num.names.short #5 <
+ { #5 'cite.num.names.short := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { numnames #4 =
+ { %
+ % Current has 4 authors, previous has more,
+ % with same first 4, so all 4 of current
+ % must be used.
+ %
+ numnames 'cite.num.names.short :=
+ }
+ { %
+ % Same 1st-4th author and both current and
+ % previous have at least 5 authors: check
+ % 5th.
+ %
+ aut5 aut5.old =
+ { %
+ % Same 1st-5th authors: check 6th.
+ %
+ numnames.old #5 =
+ { numnames #5 =
+ { %
+ % Both current and previous
+ % have 5 authors, which are the
+ % same, so both have identical
+ % author-year combinations, so
+ % ambiguity should be resolved
+ % by a's and b's. Check whether
+ % more authors were necessary
+ % for previous one.
+ %
+ cite.num.names.short
+ cite.num.names.old <
+ { cite.num.names.old
+ 'cite.num.names.short :=
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Previous has 5 authors,
+ % current has more, with same
+ % first 5, so at least 6 must
+ % be used for current to make
+ % a difference.
+ %
+ cite.num.names.short #6 <
+ { #6 'cite.num.names.short := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { numnames #5 =
+ { %
+ % Current has 5 authors,
+ % previous has more, with same
+ % first 5, so all 5 of current
+ % must be used.
+ %
+ numnames 'cite.num.names.short :=
+ }
+ { %
+ % Same 1st-5th author and both
+ % current and previous have at
+ % least 6 authors. If one has
+ % 6 authors and the other has
+ % more or the 6th is different,
+ % 6 should be used (which is
+ % the maximum).
+ %
+ numnames #6 >
+ numnames.old #6 =
+ and
+ %
+ numnames #6 =
+ numnames.old #6 >
+ and
+ %
+ or
+ %
+ aut6 aut6.old =
+ not
+ %
+ or
+ { #6 cite.num.names.short <
+ { #6
+ 'cite.num.names.short
+ :=
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % The first 6 authors are
+ % the same and either both
+ % have 6 or both have more.
+ % So for all practical
+ % purposes they have
+ % identical author-year
+ % combination, so ambiguity
+ % should be resolved by a's
+ % and b's. Check whether
+ % more authors were
+ % necessary for previous
+ % one.
+ %
+ cite.num.names.short
+ cite.num.names.old
+ <
+ { cite.num.names.old
+ 'cite.num.names.short
+ :=
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Different 4th author: citing 4 authors is
+ % sufficient for this comparison.
+ %
+ cite.num.names.short #4 <
+ { #4 'cite.num.names.short := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Different 3rd author: citing 3 authors is sufficient for this
+ % comparison.
+ %
+ cite.num.names.short #3 <
+ { #3 'cite.num.names.short := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Different 2nd author: citing 2 authors is sufficient for this
+ % comparison.
+ %
+ cite.num.names.short #2 <
+ { #2 'cite.num.names.short := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Different first author: no ambiguity, move to next entry.
+ %
+ skip$
+ }
+ if$
+% Compute definitive number of names that must be cited
+% and whether a's or b's must be added to year (3).
+% Current entry has an author or editor acting as author.
+% Call with
+% field definitive.cite.num.names.field
+% What should we do with explicit "others"? Is now ignored.
+% If this causes ambiguity that could be resolved, the user
+% should have added additional author names.
+FUNCTION {definitive.cite.num.names.field}
+{ 'field :=
+ field num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ %
+ % Format authors
+ %
+ format.6.authors
+ %
+ % Now compare authors with authors of previous entry.
+ %
+ cite.num.names.short numnames.old >
+ { %
+ % The previous entry has less authors than already defined
+ % necessary to be cited. No ambiguity is possible and we're ready.
+ %
+ skip$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Both previous and current entry have at least one author .
+ %
+ year.label year.label.old =
+ { %
+ % Same year label: possibly ambiguous citation.
+ %
+ % First check: current and/or previous have 1 or
+ % 2 authors.
+ %
+ numnames #3 <
+ numnames.old #3 <
+ or
+ %
+ { definitive.cite.num.names.1.or.2 }
+ { definitive.cite.num.names.3.or.more }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Different year label: everything's fine,
+ % move to next entry.
+ %
+ skip$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % If during the previous process the name maximum is exceeded
+ % (which was not checked), correct this. NOTE: If the name
+ % maximum is smaller than 6, this could lead to ambiguous
+ % citations if, e.g., the year and the first 5 authors are
+ % the same, but the 6th author is different.
+ %
+ cite.num.names.short name.max >
+ { name.max 'cite.num.names.short := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ %
+ % For a "full" cite, the number of names should always be at least
+ % as large as for a "short" cite.
+ %
+ cite.num.names.full cite.num.names.short <
+ { cite.num.names.short 'cite.num.names.full := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ %
+ % Update "old" variables for next entry.
+ %
+ update.cite.num.names
+% Compute definitive number of names that must be cited (4)
+% and especially whether a's and b's should be added.
+% This function is for the situation when author or editor
+% are not used and firstkey, key, or something else is
+% used to cite the referenced work.
+% Call with
+% formatted.field
+{ %
+ % The formatted field that acts as author is on top
+ % of the stack.
+ 'aut1f :=
+ "" 'aut2 :=
+ "" 'aut3 :=
+ "" 'aut4 :=
+ "" 'aut5 :=
+ "" 'aut6 :=
+ #1 'numnames :=
+ %
+ year.label year.label.old =
+ { %
+ % Same year label: possibly ambiguous citation.
+ %
+ definitive.cite.num.names.1.or.2
+ }
+ { %
+ % Different year label: everything's fine,
+ % move to next entry.
+ %
+ skip$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % Update "old" variables for next entry.
+ %
+ update.cite.num.names
+% Compute definitive number of names that must be cited (5).
+FUNCTION {definitive.cite.num.names}
+{ %
+ % Check whether author or editor or other field acts as author.
+ % Number of names is only relevant with author or editor.
+ %
+ firstkey empty$ not
+ { firstkey sortify remove.spaces }
+ { key empty$ not
+ { key sortify remove.spaces }
+ { %
+ % No key or firstkey, so find out which field
+ % to use as author.
+ %
+ % Check reference type:
+ % if result is 1 then possibly editor acts as author
+ % 2 then editor does not act as author
+ % 3 then key should have been used
+ % 0 then unknown reference type
+ ref.type #2 =
+ { %
+ % Format first author with and without initials
+ author empty$
+ { title.sort.label }
+ { author definitive.cite.num.names.field }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % Format first author with and without initials
+ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { title.sort.label }
+ { editor definitive.cite.num.names.field }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author definitive.cite.num.names.field }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% Make a tentative year sorting label (without `a' and `b').
+FUNCTION {make.tentative.year.sort.label}
+{ %
+ % Implicit or explicit ``no date'' is put at the front
+ % (the year zero; years B.C. will imply complications)
+ % because these are possibly old works.
+ % ``In press'' is put at the end.
+ %
+ year empty$
+ { "0000" 'year.label := }
+ { year "\bibnodate" =
+ year "n.d." =
+ or
+ { "0000" 'year.label := }
+ { year "\BIP" =
+ { "9999" 'year.label := }
+ { % It is not checked whether the year field
+ % makes sense.
+ year sortify remove.spaces 'year.label :=
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % Push year sort label on the stack
+ year.label
+% Give month and day when available.
+{ month empty$
+ { "" }
+ { month sortify remove.spaces
+ %
+ % Add the day when available.
+ day empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { "/" *
+ day sortify remove.spaces *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% Make tentative sort label with names in field on top of
+% the stack.
+% Call with
+% field
+% where 'field' is the field that takes the author-role.
+{ %
+ % Author or editor-acting-as-author available.
+ % => Make tentative "short cite with initials" author
+ % label (L1) of one of the forms
+ % "Last1 F1"
+ % "Last1 F1 Last2"
+ % "Last1 F1 zzzz" ("zzzz" representing et al.)
+ % => If more than 2 'authors': make label (L2) for 2nd-6th authors
+ % of one of the forms
+ % "Last2 Last3"
+ % "Last2 Last3 Last4"
+ % "Last2 Last3 Last4 Last5"
+ % "Last2 Last3 Last4 Last5 Last6"
+ % "Last2 Last3 Last4 Last5 Last6 zzzz"
+ %
+ % Then format year label (L3) of one of the forms:
+ % "0000" (missing year or explicit 'no date')
+ % "9999" ('in press')
+ % year (otherwise; don't use originalyear here yet)
+ %
+ % From earlier sorting of titles, we have title number. Convert
+ % to string, which gives title label (L4) .
+ %
+ % Then tentative sorting label (author.year.sort.label) is a
+ % concatenation of
+ % L1
+ % " "
+ % L3
+ % " "
+ % L2
+ % " "
+ % L4
+ %
+ % The name field is on top of the stack.
+ 'field :=
+ %
+ % numnames is the total number of names contained in field
+ field num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ %
+ % Format first author
+ field #1$
+ %
+ % Format the second author if there are two, or else "zzzz" = et al.
+ numnames #1 =
+ 'skip$
+ { numnames #2 =
+ { %
+ % Two authors: format second author
+ field #2 "{ll{}}"$ 's :=
+ s "others" =
+ { " zzzz" * } % Add "et al."-substitute
+ { " " * s * } % Add second author
+ if$
+ }
+ { " zzzz" * } % 3 or more authors: add "et al."-substitute
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ " " * % Add spaces
+ make.tentative.year.sort.label * % Add year (L3).
+ " " * % Add spaces
+ %
+ % Now build up L2 if applicable
+ numnames #3 <
+ 'skip$
+ { %
+ % Treat last author slightly differently
+ numnames name.max >
+ { name.max 'lastname :=
+ " zzzz" % Push "et al."-substitute on stack
+ }
+ { numnames 'lastname :=
+ "" % Push empty string on stack
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % Names 2 to "last" - 1
+ "" % Push empty string on stack
+ #2 'nameptr :=
+ { nameptr lastname < }
+ { % Add name no. nameptr
+ field nameptr "{ll{}}"$ *
+ " " *
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ }
+ while$
+ %
+ % "Last" author
+ field lastname "{ll{}}"$ 's :=
+ s "others" =
+ { "zzzz" * } % Add "et al."-substitute
+ { s * } % Add last author
+ if$
+ %
+ swap$ * % Add the previously formatted empty string or
+ % "et al."-substitute if there are many authors.
+ * % Add L2 to the earlier labels.
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ " " * % Add spaces
+ title.number * % Add sorted title number (L4).
+ sortify % Clean up and convert to lowercase
+ " " * % Add spaces
+ * % Add month and day when available
+ 'author.year.sort.label := % Assign result to sort label.
+% Called by make.tentative.sort.label to make tentative
+% sort label if key or firstkey is available or author and
+% editor are empty or unusable.
+% Call with
+% field make.field.year.sort.label
+% where 'field' is the field that takes the author-role,
+% perhaps already subjected to removing articles from the
+% beginning.
+FUNCTION {make.field.year.sort.label}
+{ %
+ % 'field' acts as first author (L1), subsequent authors
+ % are empty (L2).
+ %
+ % Then format year label (L3) of one of the forms:
+ % "0000" (missing year or explicit 'no date')
+ % "9999" ('in press')
+ % year (otherwise; don't use originalyear here yet)
+ %
+ % From earlier sorting of titles, we have title number. Convert
+ % to string, which gives title label (L4) .
+ %
+ % Then tentative sorting label (author.year.sort.label) is a
+ % concatenation of
+ % L1
+ % " "
+ % L3
+ % " "
+ % L2
+ % " "
+ % L4
+ %
+ % 'field' is on top of the stack. It is already supposed to be cleaned
+ % (i.e., sortified and space-removed), so this is already L1.
+ " " * % Add spaces to L1
+ make.tentative.year.sort.label * % Add year (L3).
+ " " * % Add spaces
+ " " * % L2 is empty, add spaces
+ title.number * % Add sorted title number (L4).
+ sortify % Clean up and convert to lowercase
+ " " * % Add spaces
+ * % Add month and day when available
+ 'author.year.sort.label := % Assign result to sort label.
+% Called by make.tentative.sort.label to make tentative
+% sort label if key or firstkey are not available and
+% author or editor may be used
+{ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { %
+ % Use what has previously been stored in title.sort.label
+ % as author substitute .
+ title.sort.label make.field.year.sort.label
+ }
+ { editor }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author }
+ if$
+% Called by make.tentative.sort.label to make tentative
+% sort label if key or firstkey are not available and
+% author (but not editor) may be used
+{ author empty$
+ { %
+ % Use what has previously been stored in title.sort.label
+ % as author substitute .
+ title.sort.label make.field.year.sort.label
+ }
+ { author }
+ if$
+% Make tentative label for citing and sorting and do some
+% preprocessing.
+FUNCTION {make.tentative.sort.label}
+{ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ % General strategy:
+ %
+ % Ordinary situation: author or editor-acting-as-author
+ % available.
+ % => Make tentative "short cite with initials" author
+ % label (L1) of one of the forms
+ % "Last1 F1"
+ % "Last1 F1 Last2"
+ % "Last1 F1 zzzz" ("zzzz" representing et al.)
+ % => If more than 2 'authors': make label (L2) for 2nd-6th authors
+ % of one of the forms
+ % "Last2 Last3"
+ % "Last2 Last3 Last4"
+ % "Last2 Last3 Last4 Last5"
+ % "Last2 Last3 Last4 Last5 Last6"
+ % "Last2 Last3 Last4 Last5 Last6 zzzz"
+ % When key is available (overrules author and editor fields):
+ % => L1 = key, L2 = ""
+ % No author, editor, and key: define title or substitute as key
+ % and format as key.
+ %
+ % Then format year label (L3) of one of the forms:
+ % "0000" (missing year or explicit 'no date')
+ % "9999" ('in press')
+ % year (otherwise; don't use originalyear here yet)
+ %
+ % From earlier sorting of titles, we have title number. Convert
+ % to string, which gives title label (L4) .
+ %
+ % Then tentative sorting label (author.year.sort.label) is a
+ % concatenation of
+ % L1
+ % " "
+ % L3
+ % " "
+ % L2
+ % " "
+ % L4
+ %
+ % This can then be sorted, from which it can be derived
+ % whether initials are necessary, how many names must
+ % be used for short and full citations, and whether "a"'s and
+ % "b"'s etc. are necessary behind the year labels.
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ % key and firstkey overrule author information
+ %
+ firstkey empty$ not
+ { key empty$ not
+ { %
+ % Both key and firstkey available:
+ % for sorting and checking initials, treat key as last
+ % name and firstkey as initials.
+ %
+ key sortify remove.spaces
+ " " *
+ firstkey sortify remove.spaces *
+ make.field.year.sort.label
+ }
+ { firstkey sortify remove.spaces make.field.year.sort.label }
+ if$
+ }
+ { key empty$ not
+ { key sortify remove.spaces make.field.year.sort.label }
+ { %
+ % No key or firstkey, so find out which field
+ % to use as author.
+ %
+ % Check reference type:
+ % if result is 1 then possibly editor acts as author
+ % 2 then editor does not act as author
+ % 3 then key should have been used
+ % 0 then unknown reference type
+ ref.type
+ duplicate$ #1 =
+ { pop$
+ }
+ { duplicate$ #2 =
+ { pop$
+ }
+ { #3 =
+ { "no key in " cite$ * warning$
+ }
+ { }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ author.year.sort.label 'sort.key$ :=
+% Make final sort label with names in field on top of
+% the stack.
+% Call with
+% field
+% where 'field' is the field that takes the author-role.
+{ %
+ % Author or editor-acting-as-author available.
+ % => Make author-with-initials label (L1) of one of the forms
+ % "Last1 F1 Last2 F2 ... LastN FN"
+ % "Last1 F1 Last2 F2 ... Last6 F6 zzzz"
+ % (where N <= 6 is the total number of authors, and
+ % "zzzz" represents et al. if there are more than 6 authors)
+ % No author, editor, and key: define title or substitute as sort key.
+ %
+ % The name field is on top of the stack.
+ 'field :=
+ %
+ % numnames is the total number of names contained in field
+ field num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ %
+ % If there are more than 6 authors, only 6 are mentioned.
+ numnames name.max >
+ { name.max 'format.num.names := }
+ { numnames 'format.num.names := }
+ if$
+ % Initialize stack with empty string
+ ""
+ %
+ % Cycle over authors.
+ #1 'nameptr :=
+ { nameptr format.num.names < }
+ { % Format author and add spaces
+ field nameptr$ *
+ " " *
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ }
+ while$
+ % Format last author that must be formatted
+ field nameptr$ *
+ % Add et al. if necessary
+ nameptr numnames <
+ { " zzzz" * }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ sortify % Clean up and change case
+ " " * % Add spaces
+ year.label * % Add year
+ " " * % Add spaces
+ title.number * % Add sorted title number
+ " " * % Add spaces
+ * % Add month and day when available
+ 'author.year.sort.label := % Assign result to sort label.
+% Called to make definitive sort label if author and
+% editor are empty or unusable.
+% Call with
+% field make.definitive.field.year.sort.label
+% where 'field' is the field that takes the author-role,
+% perhaps already subjected to removing articles from the
+% beginning.
+FUNCTION {make.definitive.field.year.sort.label}
+{ %
+ % 'field' acts as author (L1).
+ %
+ % Then format year label (L2) of one of the forms:
+ % "0000" (missing year or explicit `no date')
+ % "9999" (`in press')
+ % year (otherwise; don't use originalyear here yet)
+ %
+ % From earlier sorting of titles, we have title number. Convert
+ % to string, which gives title label (L3) .
+ %
+ % Then tentative sorting label (author.year.sort.label) is a
+ % concatenation of
+ % L1
+ % " "
+ % L2
+ % " "
+ % L3
+ %
+ % 'field' is on top of the stack. It is already supposed to be cleaned
+ % (i.e., sortified and space-removed), so this is already L1.
+ " " * % Add spaces
+ year.label * % Add year
+ " " * % Add spaces
+ title.number * % Add sorted title number
+ " " * % Add spaces
+ * % Add month and day when available
+ 'author.year.sort.label := % Assign result to sort label.
+% Called by if author or editor
+% may be used.
+{ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { %
+ % Use what has previously been stored in title.sort.label
+ % as author substitute .
+ title.sort.label make.definitive.field.year.sort.label
+ }
+ { editor }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author }
+ if$
+% Called by if author but not editor
+% may be used.
+{ author empty$
+ { %
+ % Use what has previously been stored in title.sort.label
+ % as author substitute .
+ title.sort.label make.definitive.field.year.sort.label
+ }
+ { author }
+ if$
+% Make final sort key .
+{ %
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ % General strategy:
+ %
+ % Ordinary situation: author or editor-acting-as-author
+ % available.
+ % => Make author-with-initials label (L1) of one of the forms
+ % "Last1 F1 Last2 F2 ... LastN FN"
+ % "Last1 F1 Last2 F2 ... Last6 F6 zzzz"
+ % (where N <= 6 is the total number of authors, and
+ % "zzzz" represents et al. if there are more than 6 authors)
+ % No author, editor, and key: define title or substitute as sort key.
+ %
+ % Then format year label (L2) of one of the forms:
+ % "0000" (missing year or explicit `no date')
+ % "9999" (`in press')
+ % year (otherwise; don't use originalyear here yet)
+ % Add "/"month"/"day to the latter when available.
+ %
+ % From earlier sorting of titles, we have title number. Convert
+ % to string, which gives title label (L3) .
+ %
+ % Then final sorting label (author.year.sort.label) is a
+ % concatenation of
+ % L1
+ % " "
+ % L2
+ % " "
+ % L3
+ %
+ % This can then be sorted.
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %
+ %
+ % Find out which field
+ % to use as author.
+ %
+ % Check reference type:
+ % if result is 1 then possibly editor acts as author
+ % 2 then editor does not act as author
+ % 3 then key should have been used
+ % 0 then unknown reference type
+ ref.type #2 =
+ { }
+ { }
+ if$
+ %
+ author.year.sort.label 'sort.key$ :=
+% Remove first N characters of string if they are equal to
+% teststring .
+% Call with
+% teststring N string chop.word
+% E.g.,
+% "A " #2 "A fine old day" chop.word
+% gives "fine old day"
+% and
+% "A " #2 "The fine old day" chop.word
+% gives "The fine old day".
+FUNCTION {chop.word}
+{ 's :=
+ 'len :=
+ s #1 len substring$ =
+ { s len #1 + global.max$ substring$ }
+ { s }
+ if$
+% Remove "a ", "an ", and "the " from beginning of string.
+% Call with
+% string chop.articles
+FUNCTION {chop.articles}
+{ 's :=
+ "a " #2
+ "an " #3
+ "the " #4
+ s
+ chop.word
+ chop.word
+ chop.word
+% Format title and other non-name/date entries for sort key.
+% Call with
+% field format.sort.title
+% Make sure that field is not empty, this is not checked here!
+FUNCTION {format.sort.title}
+{ %
+ % Remove non-alphanumeric characters and change to lower case .
+ sortify
+ %
+ % Remove "a ", "an ", and "the " from the front .
+ chop.articles #1 entry.max$ substring$
+% Make title sorting label or substitute.
+FUNCTION {make.sort.title}
+{ title empty$
+ { text empty$
+ { type empty$
+ { howpublished empty$
+ { note empty$
+ { url empty$
+ { " " }
+ { url format.sort.title }
+ if$
+ }
+ { note format.sort.title }
+ if$
+ }
+ { howpublished format.sort.title }
+ if$
+ }
+ { type format.sort.title }
+ if$
+ }
+ { text format.sort.title }
+ if$
+ }
+ { title format.sort.title }
+ if$
+ remove.spaces
+ 'title.sort.label :=
+ title.sort.label 'sort.key$ :=
+% Make title number: rank number of sorted title .
+FUNCTION {make.title.number}
+{ title.sort.label old.label =
+ { %
+ % A tie: old and new label are the same .
+ old.number 'title.number :=
+ }
+ { %
+ % The usual situation: titles are different.
+ old.number #1 + 'title.number :=
+ title.number 'old.number :=
+ title.sort.label 'old.label :=
+ }
+ if$
+% In order to support removal of spaces between the initials,
+% we have to split the formatting of the constituent parts,
+% because something like "{ll}{, f{\BPBI }.}{ vv}{, jj}" removes
+% the hyphens between initials as well.
+FUNCTION {} { "{ll}" }
+FUNCTION {} { "{f.}" }
+FUNCTION {} { "{vv }{ll}{ jj}" }
+FUNCTION {} { "{ vv}{, jj}" }
+FUNCTION {} { "{vv }{ll}{, jj}{, ff}" }
+% text.length$ views "special characters" as 1, whereas
+% substring$ looks at the number of actual characters.
+% So
+% "{\TeX}" text.length$ = 1
+% "{TeX}" text.length$ = 3
+% but
+% "{\TeX}" #4 #2 substring$ = "eX"
+% "{TeX}" #4 #2 substring$ = "X}"
+% Therefore, it is convenient to have a string length function
+% that uses the same numbering as substring$:
+% "{\TeX}" string.length = 6
+% "{TeX}" string.length = 5
+FUNCTION {string.length}
+{ #0 'pos :=
+ % If the next character exists, i.e., is not empty,
+ % add 1 to the string length.
+ % We cannot use empty$ because " " empty$ is true.
+ { duplicate$ pos #1 + #1 substring$ "" = not }
+ { pos #1 + 'pos := }
+ while$
+ pop$ pos
+% Replace ". " and ".~" with "\BPBI " (period between initials)
+% and ".-" with "\BHBI " (hyphen between initials)
+% but only at brace level 0.
+FUNCTION {transform.spaces.and.hyphens}
+{ 's := % The original string
+ s string.length 'len := % Its length (no. of characters)
+ "" 't := % Initialize the transformed string
+ #1 'pos :=
+ #0 'brace.level :=
+ %
+ % while (pos < len) do
+ %
+ { pos len < }
+ { % First, check whether we are at brace level 0
+ brace.level #0 =
+ {
+ % At least two characters left: check for ". ", ".~", and ".-".
+ % If so, replace and shift two positions.
+ s pos #2 substring$ ". " =
+ s pos #2 substring$ ".~" = or
+ { t "\BPBI " * 't :=
+ pos #2 + 'pos :=
+ }
+ { s pos #2 substring$ ".-" =
+ { t "\BHBI " * 't :=
+ pos #2 + 'pos :=
+ }
+ { % neither is true, copy one character and shift one position
+ t s pos #1 substring$ * 't :=
+ % Check whether we need to increase brace level.
+ % Note that this is not sophisticated: it does not capture
+ % \{, \verb+}+, etc.
+ % Note also that unbalanced braces cause problems.
+ s pos #1 substring$ "{" =
+ { brace.level #1 + 'brace.level := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ pos #1 + 'pos :=
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { % Not at brace level 0: copy result literally
+ t s pos #1 substring$ * 't :=
+ % Check whether we need to increase or decrease brace level.
+ % Note that this is not sophisticated: it does not capture
+ % \{, \verb+}+, etc.
+ s pos #1 substring$ "{" =
+ { brace.level #1 + 'brace.level := }
+ { s pos #1 substring$ "}" =
+ { brace.level #1 - 'brace.level := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ pos #1 + 'pos :=
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+ %
+ pos len =
+ { % Last character, copy
+ t s pos #1 substring$ * 't :=
+ }
+ { % pos = len + 1, so s ends with ". " or ".-"
+ % This should not have happened, but make the best out of it.
+ % Push last two characters of s on the stack, i.e., ". " or ".-".
+ s len #1 - #2 substring$
+ % Remove "\BPBI " or "\BHBI " from t
+ t text.length$ 'len := % Length of t (no. of characters)
+ t #1 len #6 - substring$
+ % Concatenate and assign to t
+ swap$ * 't :=
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % Now push the result back on the stack
+ t
+% Format only the initials of a name, retaining hyphens, but
+% removing spaces between first names. So "Jean Pierre" becomes "J.P."
+% and "Jean-Pierre" becomes "J.-P.".
+FUNCTION {format.initials.with.hyphen}
+{ % Format initials.
+ % Call with
+ % field authornumber format.initials.with.hyphen
+ % e.g.
+ % author #1 format.initials.with.hyphen
+ % Instead of field, a string may also be used.
+ %
+ % First, format initials in the default way, retaining spaces
+ % and hyphens.
+ transform.spaces.and.hyphens
+{ % Format a name with,
+ % as part of more complicated things.
+ % Call with
+ % field authornumber
+ % e.g.
+ % author #1
+ % Instead of field, a string may also be used.
+{ % Format a name with,
+ % for citing or as part of more complicated things.
+ % Call with
+ % field authornumber
+ % e.g.
+ % author #1
+ % Instead of field, a string may also be used.
+{ % Format a name with,
+ % for citing or as part of more complicated things.
+ % Call with
+ % field authornumber
+ % e.g.
+ % author #1
+ % Instead of field, a string may also be used.
+{ % Format a name for citing with initials.
+ % Call with
+ % field authornumber
+ % e.g.
+ % author #1
+ % Instead of field, a string may also be used.
+ %
+ % First, extract the complete name, format it in the canonical form,
+ % and push on the stack.
+ %
+ % Format the initials and push on the stack.
+ duplicate$ #1 format.initials.with.hyphen
+ %
+ % Format the von-last-junior part and push on the stack.
+ swap$ #1
+ %
+ % Connect with "~" hyphen (if they're both non-empty).
+ "~" connect.check
+{ % Format an author name for the reference list.
+ % Call with
+ % field authornumber
+ % e.g.
+ % author #1
+ % Instead of field, a string may also be used.
+ %
+ % First, extract the complete name, format it in the canonical form,
+ % and push on the stack.
+ %
+ % Make two copies of the name, format the last name and push on the stack.
+ duplicate$ duplicate$ #1
+ %
+ % Format the initials and push on the stack.
+ swap$ #1 format.initials.with.hyphen
+ %
+ % Connect with last name.
+ connect.with.comma.check
+ %
+ % Format the von-junior part and connect with initials.
+ swap$ #1 "" connect.check
+{ % Format a name for the reference list as an editor.
+ % Call with
+ % field authornumber
+ % e.g.
+ % author #1
+ % Instead of field, a string may also be used.
+ %
+{ % Format an author name for the index.
+ % Call with
+ % field authornumber
+ % e.g.
+ % author #1
+ % Instead of field, a string may also be used.
+ %
+% Some macro strings about commas, etc. between authors
+FUNCTION {comma.between.two} { "\BCBT{}" }
+FUNCTION {comma.between.names} { ", " }
+FUNCTION {comma.before.last} { "\BCBL{}" }
+FUNCTION {and.before.last} { "\ \BBA{} " }
+FUNCTION {} { "\ \protect\BOthers{.}" }
+FUNCTION {} { "\ \BOthers{.}" }
+FUNCTION {} { "\ \BOthersPeriod{.}" }
+% Add author index entry when desired.
+% "field" must have been defined before and must contain the
+% contents of the relevant author field.
+% "nameptr" must also have been defined before. It is the
+% number of the author that must be formatted. (So if it is
+% #2, then the 2nd author must be formatted.)
+% What's on top of the stack (the formatted author) is written
+% to the .bbl file.
+{ %
+ %
+ make.index
+ { "%" * write$ newline$
+ % Check for corporate author
+ field is.bibcorporate
+ { "\corporateAX{" }
+ { "\AX{" }
+ if$
+ write$
+ field nameptr$ sortify write$ newline$
+ "@" write$
+ field nameptr
+ "}%" * write$ newline$
+ }
+ { "%" * write$ newline$ }
+ if$
+% Citation labels when author or editor may be used.
+% Field is on top of the stack.
+% Call with
+% format.num.names field
+{ 'field :=
+ 'format.num.names :=
+ %
+ field num.names$ 'numnames := % numnames is the total number of names
+ % contained in field
+ %
+ % It is implicit in the APA manual that if "et al." would refer
+ % to exactly one author, then this author should be named
+ % instead of "et al."
+ %
+ format.num.names numnames #1 - =
+ { numnames 'format.num.names := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ %
+ % Format first author: with or without initials
+ %
+ #1 'nameptr :=
+ cite.initials #1 =
+ { field nameptr }
+ { field nameptr$ }
+ if$
+ % Add index entry when desired.
+ %
+ numnames #1 =
+ 'skip$
+ { format.num.names #1 =
+ { %
+ % First author et al.
+ %
+ write$
+ }
+ { numnames #2 =
+ { %
+ % Given that format.num.names > 1, it is 2.
+ % Format second author.
+ %
+ #2 'nameptr :=
+ field nameptr$ 's :=
+ %
+ % Check if 2nd author is explicit "others".
+ % If so, insert "et al." string.
+ %
+ s "others" =
+ { write$ } % First et al.
+ { %
+ % First \& Second
+ %
+ and.before.last write$
+ s
+ % Add index entry when desired.
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % 3 or more names, 2 or more must be cited
+ %
+ % for nameptr := 2 to format.num.names - 1 do
+ %
+ #2 'nameptr :=
+ { nameptr format.num.names < }
+ { %
+ % Put comma between consecutive authors
+ %
+ comma.between.names write$
+ %
+ % Format and add next author
+ %
+ field nameptr$
+ % Add index entry when desired.
+ %
+ % Move to next author
+ %
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ }
+ while$
+ %
+ % nameptr = format.num.names
+ % Format this author.
+ %
+ field nameptr$ 's :=
+ %
+ format.num.names numnames =
+ { %
+ % This is also the last author. Add (optional) comma.
+ %
+ comma.before.last write$
+ %
+ % Check if this author is explicit "others".
+ % If so, insert "et al." string.
+ %
+ s "others" =
+ { write$ }
+ { and.before.last write$
+ s
+ % Add index entry when desired.
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % This is not the last author.
+ % Add comma, author name, and "et al."
+ %
+ comma.between.names write$
+ s
+ % Add index entry when desired.
+ %
+ comma.before.last * write$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% Citation labels when no author, editor, firstkey or key
+% is available.
+FUNCTION {make.title.cite.label}
+{ %
+ % Formatting: check if formatted as article title or
+ % as book title, and insert this formatting.
+ %
+ is.atype
+ { "\APACciteatitle{" }
+ { "\APACcitebtitle{" }
+ if$
+ %
+ title empty$
+ { text empty$
+ { type empty$
+ { howpublished empty$
+ { note empty$
+ { url empty$
+ { cite$ }
+ { url }
+ if$
+ }
+ { note }
+ if$
+ }
+ { howpublished }
+ if$
+ }
+ { type }
+ if$
+ }
+ { text }
+ if$
+ }
+ { title }
+ if$
+ %
+ % Connect with formatting.
+ %
+ * "}" *
+ %
+ % Write to output
+ %
+ write$
+% Citation labels when author or editor may be used.
+{ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { %
+ % No author or editor:
+ % Use title or other description as citation label.
+ %
+ make.title.cite.label
+ "}{%" write$ newline$
+ make.title.cite.label
+ }
+ { cite.num.names.full editor
+ "}{%" write$ newline$
+ cite.num.names.short editor
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { cite.num.names.full author
+ "}{%" write$ newline$
+ cite.num.names.short author
+ }
+ if$
+% Citation labels when author (but not editor) may be used.
+{ author empty$
+ { %
+ % No author:
+ % Use title or other description as citation label.
+ %
+ make.title.cite.label
+ "}{%" write$ newline$
+ make.title.cite.label
+ }
+ { cite.num.names.full author
+ "}{%" write$ newline$
+ cite.num.names.short author
+ }
+ if$
+% Make "a" or "b" supplement to year label when necessary.
+FUNCTION {make.definitive.year.supplement}
+{ %
+ % Add "a", "b", etc. when necessary.
+ %
+ #0 =
+ { "" }
+ { "{\protect"
+ year empty$
+ { "\BCntND" * }
+ { year "\bibnodate" =
+ { "\BCntND" * }
+ { year "\BIP" =
+ { "\BCntIP" * }
+ { "\BCnt" * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ "{" *$ * "}}" *
+ }
+ if$
+% Add \protect if year is \BIP or \bibnodate.
+FUNCTION {protect.year}
+{ year empty$
+ { "{\protect\bibnodate{}}" }
+ { year "\bibnodate" =
+ { "{\protect\bibnodate{}}" }
+ { year "\BIP" =
+ { "{\protect\BIP{}}" }
+ { year }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% Make year label that is used for citations in text.
+FUNCTION {make.definitive.year.label}
+{ "{\protect\APACyear{"
+ originalyear empty$
+ { protect.year }
+ { originalyear "\bibnodate" = % date of original publication unknown
+ { translator empty$
+ { protect.year }
+ { year empty$
+ { "{\protect\BTRANSL{}~\protect\bibnodate{}}" } % trans. n.d.
+ { "{\protect\BTRANSL{}}~" protect.year * } % trans. 1931
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { year empty$
+ { originalyear "/{\protect\bibnodate{}}" * } % 1923/n.d.
+ { originalyear year =
+ { protect.year }
+ { originalyear "/" * protect.year * } % 1923/1961
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ * "}}%" * write$ newline$
+ %
+ % Add "a", "b", etc. when necessary.
+ %
+ "{\protect\APACexlab{" "}}"
+ make.definitive.year.supplement enclose.check
+% Make citation labels:
+% - Full formatted author list (or substitute if no author
+% available) for first citation;
+% - Short formatted author list (ditto) for subsequent
+% citations;
+% - Year, with originalyear when applicable, and "a" or "b"
+% etc. addendum when necessary.
+FUNCTION {make.cite.labels}
+{ newline$
+ %
+ % Write a few lines for testing purposes.
+ %
+ test
+ { "\bibitem[]{} \fullciteA{" cite$ * "}" * write$ newline$
+ "\bibitem[]{} \citeA{" cite$ * "}" * write$ newline$
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ %
+ "\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{%" write$ newline$
+ %
+ % When key or firstkey is available, this takes precedence.
+ %
+ firstkey empty$ not
+ { %
+ % Full cite: firstkey.
+ %
+ firstkey write$
+ "}{%" write$ newline$
+ %
+ % Short cite: if key is not empty and cite.initials is 0,
+ % then key, else firstkey.
+ %
+ cite.initials #0 =
+ key empty$ not
+ and
+ { key }
+ { firstkey }
+ if$
+ write$
+ }
+ { key empty$ not
+ { %
+ % No firstkey, but key available:
+ % Both full and short labels are key.
+ %
+ key write$
+ "}{%" write$ newline$
+ key write$
+ }
+ { % No key or firstkey, so find out which field
+ % to use as author.
+ %
+ % Check reference type:
+ % if result is 1 then possibly editor acts as author
+ % 2 then editor does not act as author
+ % 3 then key should have been used
+ % 0 then unknown reference type
+ ref.type #2 =
+ { }
+ { }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ "}{%" write$ newline$
+ %
+ % Make year label that's used for citations
+ %
+ make.definitive.year.label write$
+ "}]{%" write$ newline$
+ cite$ write$
+ "}%" write$ newline$
+ % author.year.sort.label write$ newline$ % for testing purposes
+ % year.label write$ newline$ % for testing purposes
+ %
+ % If the item is used in a meta-analysis, indicate this with
+ % a star.
+ %
+ "\APACinsertmetastar{%" write$ newline$
+ cite$ write$
+ "}%" write$ newline$
+% "(Ed.)" or "(Eds.)" postfix.
+% editor must not be empty
+FUNCTION {editor.postfix}
+{ editor num.names$ #1 >
+ { "(\BEDS)" }
+ { "(\BED)" }
+ if$
+% "(Ed. \& Trans.)" postfix
+% editor must not be empty
+FUNCTION {editor.trans.postfix}
+{ editor num.names$ #1 >
+ { "(\BEDS{} \BAnd{} \BTRANSS)" }
+ { "(\BED{} \BAnd{} \BTRANS)" }
+ if$
+ %
+ % "(Trans.)" postfix
+ % translator must not be empty
+ %
+FUNCTION {trans.postfix}
+{ translator num.names$ #1 >
+ { "(\BTRANSS)" }
+ { "(\BTRANS)" }
+ if$
+% Format authors (or editors acting as authors) for
+% reference list.
+% Call with
+% dot field
+% where field is the field (string) that contains the authors
+% (or editors acting as authors) that must be formatted and
+% dot is 1 or 0 indicating whether or not a period must end
+% the formatting.
+{ 'field :=
+ 'dot :=
+ %
+ field num.names$ 'numnames := % numnames is the total number of names
+ % contained in field
+ numnames 'format.num.names := % Format all authors
+ format.num.names name.max > % Unless this exceeds the maximum of 6.
+ { dot
+ { name.max 'format.num.names := } % Format 6 authors
+ { cite.num.names.full 'format.num.names := } % Format 1 editor
+ if$
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ %
+ % It is kind of explicit in the APA manual that if "et al." would
+ % refer to exactly one author (the 7th), then this author should
+ % still be replaced by "et al.", unlike with citations.
+ % So format.num.names is not adapted.
+ %
+ % Format first author
+ %
+ #1 'nameptr :=
+ field nameptr
+ %
+ % Add period if required and if this is the only author.
+ %
+ numnames #1 =
+ dot
+ and
+ { add.period$ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ % Add index entry when desired.
+ %
+ numnames #1 =
+ 'skip$
+ { format.num.names #1 =
+ { %
+ % First author et al.
+ %
+ comma.between.two
+ %
+ % Add period if required.
+ %
+ dot
+ { * }
+ { * }
+ if$
+ write$
+ }
+ { numnames #2 =
+ { %
+ % Given that format.num.names > 1, it is 2.
+ %
+ comma.between.two write$
+ %
+ % Format second author.
+ %
+ #2 'nameptr :=
+ field nameptr 's :=
+ %
+ % Check if 2nd author is explicit "others".
+ % If so, insert "et al." string.
+ %
+ s "others" =
+ { %
+ % First et al.
+ % Add period if required.
+ %
+ dot
+ { }
+ { }
+ if$
+ write$
+ }
+ { %
+ % First \& Second
+ %
+ and.before.last write$
+ %
+ % Add period if required.
+ %
+ dot
+ { s add.period$ }
+ { s }
+ if$
+ % Add index entry when desired.
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % 3 or more names, 2 or more must be cited
+ %
+ % for nameptr := 2 to format.num.names - 1 do
+ %
+ #2 'nameptr :=
+ { nameptr format.num.names < }
+ { %
+ % Put comma between consecutive authors
+ %
+ comma.between.names write$
+ %
+ % Format and add next author
+ %
+ field nameptr
+ % Add index entry when desired.
+ %
+ % Move to next author
+ %
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ }
+ while$
+ %
+ % nameptr = format.num.names
+ % Format this author.
+ %
+ field nameptr 's :=
+ %
+ format.num.names numnames =
+ { %
+ % This is also the last author. Add (optional) comma.
+ %
+ comma.before.last write$
+ %
+ % Check if this author is explicit "others".
+ % If so, insert "et al." string.
+ %
+ s "others" =
+ { %
+ % Add period if required.
+ %
+ dot
+ { }
+ { }
+ if$
+ write$
+ }
+ { and.before.last write$
+ %
+ % Add period if required.
+ %
+ dot
+ { s add.period$ }
+ { s }
+ if$
+ % Add index entry when desired.
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % This is not the last author.
+ % Add comma, author name, and "et al."
+ %
+ comma.between.names write$
+ s
+ % Add index entry when desired.
+ %
+ comma.before.last
+ %
+ % Add period if required.
+ %
+ dot
+ { * }
+ { * }
+ if$
+ write$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+% Format authors in reference list, where it is given that
+% the author field is not empty.
+FUNCTION {format.authors}
+{ #1 author
+ "%" write$
+% Format editors in reference list in case editors act as
+% authors (such as reference to entire edited book)
+% Letheridge, S., \& Cannon, C. R. (Eds.).
+% or
+% Letheridge, S. (Ed.). (if only 1 editor)
+% editor must not be empty
+{ #0 editor
+ "\ " editor.postfix * add.period$ write$
+% Format editors in reference list in case editors are also
+% translators and act as authors (such as reference to entire
+% edited book of translated articles)
+% Letheridge, S., \& Cannon, C. R. (Eds. and Trans.).
+% or
+% Letheridge, S. (Ed. and Trans.). (if only 1 editor)
+% editor must not be empty
+{ #0 editor
+ "\ " editor.trans.postfix * add.period$ write$
+% Format a list of names with the initials before the
+% last names (i.e., names in the editor position),
+% commas between names (not between 2),
+% and ampersand (\&) before last name.
+% These names are not put in the author index.
+% Call with
+% field format.editor.names
+FUNCTION {format.editor.names}
+{ 'field :=
+ %
+ field num.names$ 'numnames := % numnames is the total number of names
+ % contained in field
+ numnames 'format.num.names := % Format all authors
+ format.num.names name.max > % Unless this exceeds the maximum of 6.
+ { #1 'format.num.names := } % Then it becomes 1 (First et al.)
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ %
+ % Format first editor
+ %
+ field #1
+ %
+ numnames #1 =
+ 'skip$
+ { format.num.names #1 =
+ { * } % First editor et al., no comma.
+ { numnames #2 =
+ { %
+ % Given that format.num.names > 1, it is 2.
+ % No comma. Format second editor.
+ %
+ field #2 's :=
+ %
+ % Check if 2nd editor is explicit "others".
+ % If so, insert "et al." string.
+ %
+ s "others" =
+ { * } % First et al.
+ { and.before.last * s * } % First \& Second
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % 3 or more names, 2 or more must be cited
+ %
+ % for nameptr := 2 to format.num.names - 1 do
+ %
+ #2 'nameptr :=
+ { nameptr format.num.names < }
+ { %
+ % Put comma between consecutive editors
+ %
+ comma.between.names *
+ %
+ % Format and add next editor
+ %
+ field nameptr *
+ %
+ % Move to next editor
+ %
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ }
+ while$
+ %
+ % nameptr = format.num.names
+ % Format this editor.
+ %
+ field nameptr 's :=
+ %
+ format.num.names numnames =
+ { %
+ % This is also the last editor. Add (optional) comma.
+ %
+ comma.before.last *
+ %
+ % Check if this editor is explicit "others".
+ % If so, insert "et al." string.
+ %
+ s "others" =
+ { * }
+ { and.before.last * s * }
+ if$
+ }
+ { %
+ % This is not the last editor.
+ % Add comma, editor name, and "et al."
+ %
+ comma.between.names * s *
+ comma.before.last * *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format editors in case editors do not act as authors
+ % (such as reference to chapter in edited book)
+ %
+ % L. W. Poon (Ed.) (1 editor)
+ % or
+ % A. S. Gurman \& D. P. Kniskern (Eds.) (2 editors)
+ % or
+ % L. Poon, A. Jones, \& D. P. Smith (Eds.) (>2 editors)
+ %
+ % editor must not be empty
+ %
+{ editor format.editor.names
+ editor.postfix
+ %
+ % format editors in case editors are also translators
+ % and do not act as authors
+ % (such as reference to chapter in edited book
+ % of translated articles)
+ %
+ % L. W. Poon (Ed. and Trans.) (1 editor)
+ % or
+ % A. S. Gurman \& D. P. Kniskern (Eds. and Trans.) (2 editors)
+ % or
+ % L. Poon, A. Jones, \& D. P. Smith (Eds. and Trans.) (>2 editors)
+ %
+ % editor must not be empty
+ %
+{ editor format.editor.names
+ editor.trans.postfix
+ %
+ % format translators in case translators act as editors
+ % (such as reference to chapter in translated book)
+ %
+ % L. W. Poon (Trans.) (1 translator)
+ % or
+ % A. S. Gurman \& D. P. Kniskern (Trans.) (2 translators)
+ % or
+ % L. Poon, A. Jones, \& D. P. Smith (Trans.) (>2 translators)
+ %
+ % translator must not be empty
+ %
+{ translator format.editor.names
+ trans.postfix
+ %
+ % format translators in case translator does not act as editor
+ % (such as reference to translated book)
+ %
+ % L. Solotaroff, Trans.
+ %
+{ translator empty$
+ { "" }
+ { translator format.editor.names
+ translator num.names$ #1 >
+ { ", \BTRANSS{}" * }
+ { ", \BTRANS{}" * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format editors and translators in case neither act as editor
+ % (such as reference to edited or translated book with a
+ % a single author)
+ %
+ % L. Solotaroff, Ed.
+ % L. Solotaroff, Ed. \& Trans.
+ % L. Solotaroff, Trans.
+ % L. Solotaroff, Ed. \& S. Prokofieff, Trans.
+ %
+{ editor empty$
+ { translator empty$
+ { "" }
+ { translator format.editor.names
+ translator num.names$ #1 >
+ { ", \BTRANSS{}" * }
+ { ", \BTRANS{}" * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor format.editor.names
+ editor num.names$ #1 >
+ { ", \BEDS{}" * }
+ { ", \BED{}" * }
+ if$
+ translator empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { editor translator =
+ { editor num.names$ #1 >
+ { " \BAnd{} \BTRANSS" * }
+ { " \BAnd{} \BTRANS" * }
+ if$
+ }
+ { " \BAnd{} " *
+ translator format.editor.names *
+ translator num.names$ #1 >
+ { ", \BTRANSS{}" * }
+ { ", \BTRANS{}" * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % translator of article
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.atrans.check}
+{ parenthesize.check }
+ %
+ % format "In editor (Ed.), "
+ %
+{ "\BIn{} "
+ editor empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { * ", " * }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format "In translator (Trans.),"
+ %
+{ "\BIn{} "
+ translator empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { * ", " * }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format "In editor (Ed. and Trans.)"
+ % or "In editor (Ed.)" if editor not equal to translator
+ %
+{ "\BIn{} "
+ editor empty$
+ { translator empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { * ", " * }
+ if$
+ }
+ { translator empty$
+ { * }
+ { editor translator =
+ { * }
+ { * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ ", " *
+ }
+ if$
+% DATE %
+% Formats year (+ extra label) between parentheses (which
+% may be redefined by \BBOP and \BBCP).
+% Extra label can be used for
+% Bentler, P. M. (1983a) <article 1>
+% Bentler, P. M. (1983b) <article 2>
+FUNCTION {format.year.check}
+{ "\APACrefYear{"
+ year empty$
+ { "\bibnodate{}" * }
+ { year * }
+ if$
+ %
+ % Add "a", "b", etc. when necessary.
+ %
+ make.definitive.year.supplement *
+ "}" *
+% Formats year (+ extra label) + month + day between
+% parentheses (which may be redefined by \BBOP and \BBCP).
+% Extra label can be used for
+% Bentler, P. M. (1983a, June 7) <article 1>
+% Bentler, P. M. (1983b, April 4) <article 2>
+{ "\APACrefYearMonthDay{"
+ year empty$
+ { "\bibnodate{}" * }
+ { year * }
+ if$
+ %
+ % Add "a", "b", etc. when necessary.
+ %
+ make.definitive.year.supplement *
+ "}{" *
+ %
+ % Add month and day when present.
+ %
+ month empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { month * }
+ if$
+ "}{" *
+ day empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { day * }
+ if$
+ "}" *
+ %
+ % title of article in journal or book
+ % no finishing period
+ % field must be on top of stack
+ % (so englishtitle can be handled also)
+ %
+{ "\BBOQ{}" swap$
+ "\BBCQ{}" swap$
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { duplicate$
+ % Two arguments: Title twice: (1) don't change case; (2) change case
+ "\APACrefatitle{" swap$ * "}{" * swap$
+ "t"$
+ * "}" *
+ }
+ if$
+ enclose.check
+ %
+ % title of article in journal or book
+ % with finishing period
+ % field must be on top of stack
+ % (so englishtitle can be handled also)
+ %
+{ "\BBOQ{}" swap$
+ "\BBCQ{}" swap$
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { duplicate$
+ % Two arguments: Title twice: (1) don't change case; (2) change case
+ "\APACrefatitle{" swap$ * "}{" * swap$
+ "t"$
+ * "}" * add.period$
+ }
+ if$
+ enclose.check
+ %
+ % title of article in journal or book
+ % field must be on top of stack
+ % second element on stack must be connected:
+ % if that is empty, then
+ % else, connect, and add period
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.atitle.connect}
+{ swap$
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$
+ }
+ { swap$
+ swap$
+ add.period$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % title of book or so, without period
+ % call with
+ % field
+ %
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { duplicate$
+ % Two arguments: Title twice: (1) don't change case; (2) change case
+ "\APACrefbtitle{" swap$ * "}{" * swap$
+ "t"$
+ * "}" *
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % title of book or so, with period
+ % call with
+ % field
+ %
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { add.period$ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % title of book and similar
+ % field must be on top of stack
+ % second element on stack must be connected:
+ % if that is empty, then
+ % else, connect, and add period
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.btitle.connect}
+{ swap$
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$
+ }
+ { swap$
+ swap$
+ add.period$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % title of book and similar
+ % field must be on top of stack
+ % second element on stack must be connected
+ %
+{ swap$
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$
+ }
+ { swap$
+ swap$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format englishtitle (of nonenglish article, etc.)
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.aetitle.check}
+{ englishtitle empty$
+ { "" }
+ { % Two arguments: Title twice: (1) don't change case; (2) change case
+ "\APACrefaetitle{" englishtitle * "}{" *
+ englishtitle "t"$ * "}" *
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format englishtitle (of nonenglish book, etc.)
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.betitle.check}
+{ englishtitle empty$
+ { "" }
+ { % Two arguments: Title twice: (1) don't change case; (2) change case
+ "\APACrefbetitle{" englishtitle * "}{" *
+ englishtitle "t"$ * "}" *
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format type (of article, etc.)
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.atype.check}
+{ type bracket.check }
+ %
+ % format title and englishtitle (of article, etc.)
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.atitle.check}
+{ format.aetitle.check
+ title format.atitle.connect
+ %
+ % format title, englishtitle, and type
+ % (of article, etc.)
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.atitle.type.check}
+{ format.aetitle.check
+ format.atype.check
+ title format.atitle.connect
+ %
+ % format title, englishtitle,
+ % and translator (of article, etc.)
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.atitle.trans.check}
+{ format.aetitle.check
+ format.atrans.check
+ title format.atitle.connect
+ %
+ % format title, englishtitle, type,
+ % and translator (of article, etc.)
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.atitle.type.trans.check}
+{ format.aetitle.check
+ format.atype.check
+ format.atrans.check
+ title format.atitle.connect
+ %
+ % format journal, volume, number and pages
+ % call with
+ % formatted.pages format.journal.vol.num.pages.check
+ %
+FUNCTION { format.journal.vol.num.pages.check }
+{ "journal" journal warning.if.empty
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ journal empty$ and
+ volume empty$ and
+ number empty$ and
+ { pop$ "" }
+ { "\APACjournalVolNumPages{" journal "" connect.check
+ "}{" * volume "" connect.check
+ "}{" * number "" connect.check
+ "}{" * swap$ "" connect.check
+ "}" *
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % volume of book, checks whether
+ % "Volume" or "Volumes"
+ %
+ % call with
+ % field format.bvolume.check
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.bvolume.check}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { duplicate$ multi.result.check
+ { "\BVOLS" swap$ }
+ { "\BVOL" swap$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % edition of book, must not be empty
+ % call with
+ % field format.edition.check
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.edition.check}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { "\PrintCardinal{" swap$ * "}" *
+ "\BEd"
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % volume and edition of book
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.bvol.edition.check}
+{ edition format.edition.check
+ volume format.bvolume.check
+ connect.with.comma.check
+ %
+ % volume and edition of book
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.bvol.edition}
+{ format.bvol.edition.check
+ parenthesize.check
+ %
+ % volume and edition and translator of translated book
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.bvol.edition.trans}
+{ format.bvol.edition.check
+ connect.with.semicolon.check
+ parenthesize.check
+ %
+ % volume, edition, editor, and translator of (translated) book
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.bvol.edition.editor.trans}
+{ format.bvol.edition.check
+ connect.with.semicolon.check
+ parenthesize.check
+ %
+ % formats pages by first checking if 1 or more pages
+ % and prefixing pages with "p." or "pp." (these strings
+ % are given in the commands \BPG and \BPGS, respectively),
+ % whichever is applicable, and do a tie or space connect
+ %
+ % call with
+ % field format.bpages.check
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.bpages.check}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { duplicate$ multi.result.check
+ { "\BPGS" swap$ }
+ { "\BPG~" swap$ * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % formats chapters by first checking if 1 or more chapters
+ % and prefixing pages with "chap." (this string
+ % is given in the commands \BCHAP and \BCHAPS, respectively),
+ % whichever is applicable, and do a tie or space connect
+ %
+ % call with
+ % field format.bchapter.check
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.bchapter.check}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { duplicate$ multi.result.check
+ { "\BCHAPS" swap$ }
+ { "\BCHAP" swap$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % volume, edition, and pages or chapter of article in book etc.
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.bvol.edition.pages}
+{ format.bvol.edition.check
+ pages empty$
+ { chapter format.bchapter.check connect.with.comma.check }
+ { pages format.bpages.check connect.with.comma.check }
+ if$
+ parenthesize.check
+ %
+ % title, volume, edition of book
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.btitle.vol.edition}
+{ format.betitle.check
+ format.bvol.edition
+ title
+ %
+ % title, volume, edition, and translator of book
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.btitle.vol.edition.trans}
+{ format.betitle.check
+ format.bvol.edition.trans
+ title
+ %
+ % title, volume, edition, editor, and translator of book
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.btitle.vol.edition.editor.trans}
+{ format.betitle.check
+ format.bvol.edition.editor.trans
+ title
+ %
+ % format address and publisher of book etc.
+ %
+ % New York: Wiley
+ % or
+ % Wiley (if address empty)
+ % or
+ % New York (if publisher empty)
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.address.publisher}
+{ %
+ % If publisher = author or publisher = "author" or publisher = "Author"
+ % then hand over the final choice how to format this to \LaTeX.
+ % (I could imagine similar code for editors, but the APA manual does
+ % not mention it and then we'd have to check whether the editor is in
+ % the author position, so let's keep it simple until someone complains.)
+ %
+ author empty$
+ publisher empty$ or
+ { publisher "\APACaddressPublisher{" }
+ { author publisher =
+ "author" publisher = or
+ "Author" publisher = or
+ { author "\APACaddressPublisherEqAuth{" }
+ { publisher "\APACaddressPublisher{" }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ address "" connect.check "}{" *
+ % Recover publisher that was pushed onto the stack previously.
+ swap$ "" connect.check "}" *
+ %
+ % format address and publisher of book etc.
+ %
+ % New York: Wiley
+ % or
+ % Wiley (if address empty)
+ % or
+ % New York (if publisher empty)
+ %
+ % warning if no publisher or no address
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.address.publisher.check}
+{ "publisher" publisher warning.if.empty
+ "address" address warning.if.empty
+ publisher empty$
+ address empty$
+ and
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.address.publisher
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format number as in reports: No. 2017
+ % call with
+ % field format.rnumber.check
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.rnumber.check}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { duplicate$ multi.result.check
+ { "\BNUMS" swap$ }
+ { "\BNUM" swap$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format type and number of a standalone item
+ % call with
+ % format.type.number
+ %
+FUNCTION { format.type.number }
+{ type empty$
+ { type.2 }
+ { type }
+ if$
+ number empty$
+ { bracket.check }
+ { number format.rnumber.check
+ parenthesize.check
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format howpublished if not empty,
+ % for various entry types
+ % call with
+ % format.howpublished
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.howpublished}
+{ howpublished empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'pop$
+ { }
+ if$
+ "\APAChowpublished{" howpublished * "}" *
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format howpublished if not empty,
+ % for misc
+ % call with
+ % output.howpublished
+ %
+FUNCTION {output.howpublished}
+{ howpublished empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { "\APAChowpublished{" howpublished * "}" *
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % begin and end of url environment
+ %
+FUNCTION {begin.end.url.env}
+{ " \begin{APACrefURL} "
+ % For "Retrieved <date>, from"
+ lastchecked empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { "[{" * lastchecked * "}]" * }
+ if$
+ " \end{APACrefURL} "
+ %
+ % begin and end of message environment
+ %
+FUNCTION {begin.end.msg.env}
+{ " \begin{APACrefURLmsg} "
+ " \end{APACrefURLmsg} "
+ %
+ % format url given that it is not empty,
+ % for various entry types
+ % call with
+ % format.url
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.url}
+{ % First format begin and end of the enclosing environment.
+ % With posted messages, a different environment is used.
+ type.2 empty$
+ { begin.end.url.env }
+ { type.2 "\bibmessage" =
+ { begin.end.msg.env }
+ { begin.end.url.env }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ % The url string.
+ "\url{" url * "}" *
+ % Enclose in begin and end environment
+ enclose.check
+ %
+ % format optional note
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.note}
+{ "\APACrefnote{" "}" note enclose.check }
+ %
+ % format original year of publication and note
+ % (reprint or translation)
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.orig.year.note}
+{ originalyear empty$
+ { format.note }
+ { "\APACorigyearnote{"
+ originalyear "" connect.check "}{" *
+ note "" connect.check "}" *
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format original journal of publication and note
+ % (reprint or translation)
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.orig.journal.note}
+{ "\APACorigjournalnote{"
+ originalyear "" connect.check "}{" *
+ originaljournal "" connect.check "}{" *
+ originalvolume "" connect.check "}{" *
+ originalnumber "" connect.check "}{" *
+ originalpages "" connect.check "}{" *
+ note "" connect.check "}" *
+ %
+ % format original book of publication and note
+ % (reprint or translation)
+ %
+{ "\APACorigbooknote{" originalyear "" connect.check "}{" *
+ %
+ originaleditor empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { originaleditor num.names$ #1 >
+ { "\APACorigEDS{" * originaleditor format.editor.names * "}" * }
+ { "\APACorigED{" * originaleditor format.editor.names * "}" * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ "}{" *
+ originalbooktitle "" connect.check "}{" *
+ originaledition format.edition.check "" connect.check "}{" *
+ originalvolume format.bvolume.check "" connect.check "}{" *
+ originalpages format.bpages.check "" connect.check "}{" *
+ originaladdress "" connect.check "}{" *
+ originalpublisher "" connect.check "}{" *
+ note "" connect.check "}" *
+ %
+ % format information about original publication of reprint
+ % and format optional note
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.orig.note}
+{ originaljournal empty$
+ { originalbooktitle empty$
+ { note empty$
+ { originalyear empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { originalyear "\bibnodate" =
+ 'skip$
+ {
+ format.orig.year.note
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ {
+ format.orig.year.note
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ {
+ format.orig.journal.note
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % article in periodical: journal, magazine, newspaper, ...
+ %
+ % call with
+ % formatted.pages periodical
+ %
+FUNCTION {periodical}
+{ %
+ % author or editor, year, title, englishtitle, type
+ %
+ author empty$
+ %
+ % no author: possibly special issue with editors as authors
+ % (APA manual, ex. 11, p. 121)
+ %
+ { editor empty$
+ %
+ % no author or editor: title serves as author.
+ % title formatted as article title (APA manual not consistent in this,
+ % compare statement on p. 119: ``treat as book title'' and
+ % example 8, p. 121: no underlining => article title)
+ %
+ { format.atitle.type.trans.check
+ %
+ % now formatted date on top of stack
+ %
+ }
+ %
+ % format editor and year, and check if year is present
+ % format article title and check if title or type present
+ %
+ {
+ %
+ % now formatted date on top of stack
+ %
+ format.atitle.type.trans.check
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ %
+ % format author and year, and check if year is present
+ % format article title and check if title or type present
+ %
+ { format.authors
+ %
+ % now formatted date on top of stack
+ %
+ format.atitle.type.trans.check
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format journal name, volume and issue number, and pages
+ % and check if journal not empty
+ %
+ format.journal.vol.num.pages.check
+ %
+ % if not empty, insert howpublished.
+ % (used if article is retrieved from the internet)
+ %
+ format.howpublished add.period$
+ %
+ % format url
+ %
+ url empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.url
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % possible reprint and optional note
+ %
+ format.orig.note
+ fin.entry
+ %
+ % journal article
+ %
+FUNCTION {article}
+{ pages periodical }
+ %
+ % magazine article
+ %
+FUNCTION {magazine}
+{ pages periodical }
+ %
+ % newspaper article
+ %
+FUNCTION {newspaper}
+{ pages format.bpages.check periodical }
+ %
+ % (translation of) entire book
+ %
+FUNCTION {book}
+{ %
+ % author or editor,
+ % year, title, englishtitle, translator
+ %
+ author empty$
+ %
+ % no author: possibly edited book with editors as authors
+ %
+ { editor empty$
+ %
+ % no author or editor: title serves as author.
+ % title formatted as book title
+ %
+ { format.btitle.vol.edition.trans
+ format.type.number
+ format.year.check add.period$
+ }
+ %
+ % format editor and year, and check if year is present
+ % format booktitle, volume, and edition and check if title present
+ %
+ { translator empty$
+ {
+ format.year.check
+ format.btitle.vol.edition
+ }
+ %
+ % format translator correctly
+ %
+ { translator editor =
+ not
+ {
+ format.year.check
+ format.btitle.vol.edition.trans
+ }
+ {
+ format.year.check
+ format.btitle.vol.edition
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ format.type.number
+ add.period$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ %
+ % format author and year, and check if year is present
+ % format booktitle, volume, and edition and check if title present
+ %
+ { format.authors
+ format.year.check
+ format.btitle.vol.edition.editor.trans
+ format.type.number
+ add.period$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format address and publisher, check if address and publisher present
+ %
+ format.address.publisher.check
+ %
+ % if not empty, insert howpublished.
+ % (used if book is retrieved from the internet)
+ %
+ format.howpublished add.period$
+ %
+ % format url
+ %
+ url empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.url
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format original publication (of reprint/translation)
+ % and optional note
+ %
+ format.orig.note
+ fin.entry
+ %
+ % (translated) article or chapter in edited book
+ %
+FUNCTION {incollection}
+{ author empty$
+ %
+ % no author: title serves as author.
+ % title formatted as article title (APA manual not consistent in this,
+ % compare statement on p. 119: ``treat as book title'' and
+ % example 8, p. 121: no underlining => article title)
+ %
+ {
+ { format.atitle.type.trans.check }
+ { format.atitle.type.check }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format month and day as well when available
+ % esp. for ``collections'' that are not books,
+ % such as parts of internet documents
+ %
+ add.period$
+ }
+ %
+ % format author and year, and check if year is present
+ % format article title and check if title or type present
+ %
+ { format.authors
+ { format.atitle.type.trans.check }
+ { format.atitle.type.check }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format "In " editor " (Ed. \& Trans.), "
+ % booktitle, volume, edition, pages
+ %
+ format.bvol.edition.pages
+ booktitle format.btitle.connect * add.period$
+ %
+ % format address and publisher, check if publisher present
+ %
+ format.address.publisher.check
+ %
+ % if not empty, insert howpublished.
+ % (used if article is retrieved from the internet)
+ %
+ format.howpublished add.period$
+ %
+ % format url
+ %
+ url empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.url
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format original publication (of reprint/translation)
+ % and optional note
+ %
+ format.orig.note
+ fin.entry
+ %
+ % technical report number
+ %
+{ type empty$
+ { "\BTR{}" }
+ { type "\bibnotype" =
+ { "" }
+ { type }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ number format.rnumber.check
+ %
+ % title, volume, edition, report number
+ %
+{ format.betitle.check
+ % Single out the situation in which there is no number
+ % and type = {\bibnotype}, i.e., no type as well.
+ % (Why not use book then?)
+ type empty$
+ { % Now, we're in the regular situation with at least a
+ % number, a type, a volume, or an edition.
+ "\APACbVolEdTR{" format.bvol.edition.check * "}{" *
+ * "}" *
+ }
+ { type "\bibnotype" =
+ number empty$
+ volume empty$
+ edition empty$
+ and
+ and
+ and
+ { "" }
+ { % Now, we're in the regular situation with at least a
+ % number, a type, a volume, or an edition.
+ "\APACbVolEdTR{" format.bvol.edition.check * "}{" *
+ * "}" *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ title format.btitle.connect
+ %
+ % format address and institution of reports etc.
+ %
+ % Washington, DC: National Institute of Education
+ % or
+ % National Institute of Education (if address empty)
+ %
+ % warning if no institution
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.address.institution.check}
+{ "institution" institution warning.if.empty
+ "address" address warning.if.empty
+ institution empty$
+ address empty$
+ and
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ %
+ % If institution = author or institution = "author"
+ % or institution = "Author" then hand over the final choice how to
+ % format this to \LaTeX. See also format.address.publisher
+ %
+ author empty$
+ institution empty$ or
+ { institution "\APACaddressInstitution{" }
+ { author institution =
+ "author" institution = or
+ "Author" institution = or
+ { author "\APACaddressInstitutionEqAuth{" }
+ { institution "\APACaddressInstitution{" }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ address "" connect.check "}{" *
+ % Recover institution that was pushed onto the stack previously.
+ swap$ "" connect.check "}" *
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % reports
+ %
+FUNCTION {techreport}
+{ author empty$
+ %
+ % no author: possibly edited report with editors as authors
+ %
+ { editor empty$
+ %
+ % no author or editor: title serves as author.
+ % title formatted as book title
+ %
+ {
+ add.period$
+ }
+ %
+ % format editor and year, and check if year is present
+ % format report title and check if title present
+ % format volume, edition, type, and number
+ %
+ {
+ add.period$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ %
+ % format author and year, and check if year is present
+ % format report title and check if title present
+ % format volume, edition, type, and number
+ %
+ { format.authors
+ add.period$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format address and institution, check if institution present
+ %
+ format.address.institution.check
+ %
+ % if not empty, insert howpublished.
+ % (used if report is retrieved from the internet)
+ %
+ format.howpublished add.period$
+ %
+ % format url
+ %
+ url empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.url
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format optional note
+ %
+ note empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.note
+ }
+ if$
+ fin.entry
+ %
+ % (translated) article or chapter in report
+ %
+FUNCTION {intechreport}
+{ author empty$
+ %
+ % no author: title serves as author.
+ % title formatted as article title (APA manual not consistent in this,
+ % compare statement on p. 119: ``treat as book title'' and
+ % example 8, p. 121: no underlining => article title)
+ %
+ {
+ { format.atitle.trans.check }
+ { format.atitle.check }
+ if$
+ }
+ %
+ % format author and year, and check if year is present
+ % format article title and check if title or type present
+ %
+ { format.authors
+ { format.atitle.trans.check }
+ { format.atitle.check }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format "In " editor " (Ed. \& Trans.), "
+ % booktitle, volume, edition, pages
+ %
+ %
+ % volume, edition, report type and number, pages
+ %
+ "\APACbVolEdTRpgs{" format.bvol.edition.check * "}{" *
+ *
+ "}{" * pages format.bpages.check *
+ "}" *
+ %
+ booktitle format.btitle.connect *
+ add.period$
+ %
+ % format address and publisher, check if publisher present
+ %
+ format.address.institution.check
+ %
+ % if not empty, insert howpublished.
+ % (used if report is retrieved from the internet)
+ %
+ format.howpublished add.period$
+ %
+ % format url
+ %
+ url empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.url
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format original publication (of reprint/translation)
+ % and optional note
+ %
+ format.orig.note
+ fin.entry
+ %
+ % papers presented at conferences etc.
+ %
+FUNCTION {lecture}
+{ author empty$
+ { "author" author warning.if.empty }
+ { format.authors }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format year, month, and day, and check if year present
+ % format title and check if title present
+ % format howpublished and check if howpublished present
+ %
+ symposium empty$
+ { format.betitle.check
+ title format.btitle.connect
+ howpublished empty$
+ { "symposium and howpublished missing in " cite$ * warning$
+ ""
+ }
+ { "\APAChowpublished{" howpublished * "}" * }
+ if$
+ address connect.with.comma.check
+ }
+ { format.atitle.type.check
+ "\BIn{} "
+ chair empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { chair format.editor.names
+ chair num.names$ #1 >
+ { "(\BCHAIRS)" }
+ { "(\BCHAIR)" }
+ if$
+ * ", " *
+ }
+ if$
+ symposium *
+ format.howpublished
+ address connect.with.comma.check
+ }
+ if$
+ add.period$
+ %
+ % format url
+ %
+ url empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.url
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format optional note
+ %
+ note empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.note
+ }
+ if$
+ fin.entry
+ %
+ % default thesis type is on top of stack
+ % now, if type field is empty, this default is used
+ % else default is removed and replaced by value of
+ % type field
+ %
+{ type empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { pop$
+ type "t"$
+ }
+ if$
+ school connect.with.comma.check
+ %
+ % phd theses, etc.
+ % call with
+ % "default.published.thesis" "default.unpublished.thesis" thesis
+ %
+FUNCTION {thesis}
+{ author empty$
+ { "author" author warning.if.empty }
+ { format.authors }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format year and check if year present
+ %
+ format.year.check
+ %
+ % format title and check if title present
+ % journal empty => unpublished PhD thesis
+ % journal not empty => published (e.g., Dissertation Abstracts Int.)
+ %
+ journal empty$
+ { format.btitle.vol.edition
+ %
+ % pop default unpublished thesis, top is default published thesis
+ %
+ swap$ pop$
+ address connect.with.comma.check
+ }
+ %
+ % pop default published thesis, top is default unpublished thesis
+ %
+ { pop$
+ type empty$
+ school empty$
+ originalyear empty$
+ and
+ and
+ { pop$
+ ""
+ }
+ {
+ originalyear connect.with.comma.check
+ parenthesize.check
+ }
+ if$
+ format.aetitle.check
+ swap$
+ "title" title warning.if.empty
+ title format.atitle.connect
+ pages format.journal.vol.num.pages.check
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % if not empty, insert howpublished.
+ % (used if thesis is retrieved from the internet)
+ %
+ format.howpublished add.period$
+ %
+ % format url
+ %
+ url empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.url
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format optional note
+ %
+ note empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.note
+ }
+ if$
+ fin.entry
+ %
+ % phd theses, etc.
+ %
+FUNCTION {phdthesis}
+{ "\BPhD" "\BUPhD" thesis }
+ %
+ % master's theses, etc.
+ %
+FUNCTION {mastersthesis}
+{ "\BMTh" "\BUMTh" thesis }
+% OTHER %
+ %
+ % title of something (used in unpublished and misc)
+ % english translation of title
+ % type and number of something
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.btitle.type.num}
+{ format.betitle.check
+ format.bvol.edition
+ format.type.number
+ title empty$
+ { add.period$ }
+ { title format.btitle.connect }
+ if$
+ %
+ % title of message or software-related thing (used in misc)
+ % english translation of title
+ % type and number of something
+ %
+FUNCTION {format.mtitle.type.num}
+{ format.aetitle.check
+ format.bvol.edition
+ type.2 "\bibmessage" =
+ { number empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { type.2 number
+ bracket.check
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { format.type.number
+ }
+ if$
+ title empty$
+ { add.period$ }
+ { title format.atitle.connect }
+ if$
+ %
+ % title, english translation of title,
+ % type and number of something (used in misc)
+ %
+FUNCTION {output.misctitle.type.num}
+{ type.2 empty$
+ { format.btitle.type.num }
+ { type.2 "\bibmessage" =
+ type.2 "\bibcomputerprogram" = or
+ type.2 "\bibcomputerprogrammanual" = or
+ type.2 "\bibcomputerprogramandmanual" = or
+ type.2 "\bibcomputersoftware" = or
+ type.2 "\bibcomputersoftwaremanual" = or
+ type.2 "\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual" = or
+ type.2 "\bibprogramminglanguage" = or
+ { format.mtitle.type.num }
+ { format.btitle.type.num }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % unpublished manuscripts, etc.
+ %
+FUNCTION {unpublished}
+{ check.relevant.fields
+ author empty$
+ %
+ % no author: possibly edited book with editors as authors
+ %
+ { editor empty$
+ %
+ % no author or editor: title serves as author.
+ % title formatted as book title
+ %
+ { format.btitle.type.num
+ add.period$
+ }
+ %
+ % format editor and year, and check if year is present
+ % format book title, volume, and edition and check if title present
+ %
+ {
+ format.btitle.type.num
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ %
+ % format author and year, and check if year is present
+ % format book title, volume, and edition
+ % and check if title or type present
+ %
+ { format.authors
+ format.btitle.type.num
+ }
+ if$
+ howpublished empty$
+ organization empty$ and
+ address empty$ and
+ 'skip$
+ {
+ "\APAChowpublished{" "}" howpublished enclose.check
+ organization connect.with.comma.check
+ address connect.with.comma.check
+ add.period$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format url
+ %
+ url empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.url
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format optional note
+ %
+ note empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.note
+ }
+ if$
+ fin.entry
+ %
+ % nonprint media and other things that don't fit
+ %
+FUNCTION {misc}
+{ %
+ % To handle @manual: use type.2 instead of type.
+ type.2 empty$
+ type empty$ not and
+ { type 'type.2 := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ %
+ author empty$
+ %
+ % no author: possibly edited item with editors as authors
+ %
+ { editor empty$
+ %
+ % no author or editor: title/type serves as author.
+ % title formatted as book title
+ %
+ % if no title and no type, howpublished is title
+ %
+ { title empty$
+ type.2 empty$ and
+ { howpublished empty$
+ { "No author, editor, title, type, and howpublished in "
+ cite$ * warning$
+ ""
+ }
+ { "\APAChowpublished{" howpublished * "}" * add.period$ }
+ if$
+ add.period$
+ }
+ { output.misctitle.type.num
+ add.period$
+ format.howpublished add.period$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ %
+ % format editor and year, and check if year is present
+ % format book title, volume, and edition and check if title present
+ %
+ {
+ output.misctitle.type.num
+ format.howpublished add.period$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ %
+ % format author and year, and check if year is present
+ % format book title, volume, and edition
+ % and check if title or type present
+ %
+ { format.authors
+ output.misctitle.type.num
+ format.howpublished add.period$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ address empty$
+ publisher empty$ and
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.address.publisher add.period$
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format url
+ %
+ url empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.url
+ }
+ if$
+ %
+ % format optional note
+ %
+ note empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { % Clear the stack
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { }
+ if$
+ format.note
+ }
+ if$
+ fin.entry
+ %
+ % for legal cases and other cases that need to be
+ % done by hand
+ %
+FUNCTION {literal}
+{ "key" key warning.if.empty
+ "text" text warning.if.empty
+ text empty$
+ { "" }
+ { text }
+ if$
+ fin.entry
+ %
+ % technical documentation
+ %
+FUNCTION {manual}
+{ %
+ % If type is empty, assume that it is a computer software manual.
+ %
+ type empty$
+ { "\bibcomputersoftwaremanual" 'type.2 := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ misc
+ %
+ % following functions not used for APA Manual examples
+ %
+ %
+ % booklet
+ %
+FUNCTION {booklet}
+{ misc }
+ %
+ % part of a book
+ %
+FUNCTION {inbook}
+{ incollection }
+ %
+ % article in proceedings
+ %
+FUNCTION {inproceedings}
+{ incollection }
+ %
+ % article in proceedings (Kopka & Daly, 2004, p. 230)
+ %
+FUNCTION {conference}
+{ inproceedings }
+ %
+ % proceedings
+ %
+FUNCTION {proceedings}
+{ misc }
+ %
+ % unknown types
+ %
+FUNCTION {default.type}
+{ misc }
+FUNCTION {initialize}
+{ %
+ % Maximum number of names to be formatted .
+ #6 'name.max :=
+% #250 'entry.max$ :=
+% #5000 'global.max$ :=
+FUNCTION {init.old.number}
+{ %
+ % For numbering the entries according to current sorting order.
+ #0 'old.number :=
+FUNCTION {init.old.label}
+{ %
+ % For comparing labels across entries .
+ "zzzzzz" 'old.label :=
+{ %
+ % Initialize "cite initials" indicator for all entries.
+ #0 'cite.initials :=
+ %
+ % Initialize "add to year", i.e., whether a, b, etc. must
+ % be added to the year in citation, to "no".
+ #0 ' :=
+ %
+FUNCTION {move.forward}
+{ %
+ % Indicates that we're moving forward (ITERATE) through the entry list .
+ #1 'forward :=
+FUNCTION {move.backward}
+{ %
+ % Indicates that we're moving backward (REVERSE) through the entry list .
+ #0 'forward :=
+% Beginning of the thebibliography environment:
+% Write preamble if there is one, write \begin command
+FUNCTION {begin.bib}
+{ preamble$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { preamble$ write$ newline$ }
+ if$
+ "\begin{thebibliography}{}" write$ newline$
+% Write \end{thebibliography} command
+FUNCTION {end.bib}
+{ newline$
+ "\end{thebibliography}" write$ newline$
+% Write the citation labels and reference list entry to
+% the .bbl file.
+FUNCTION {write.bbl.entry}
+{ %
+ % Output \bibitem and \citeauthoryear command.
+ %
+ make.cite.labels
+ %
+ % Format and output reference list entry.
+ %
+ call.type$
+% Read entries .
+% Write version info to .blg file
+EXECUTE { identify.apacite.version }
+% Some initializations .
+EXECUTE { initialize }
+% Sort items by title in order to replace each title by
+% its number in later sorting .
+ITERATE { make.sort.title }
+EXECUTE { init.old.number }
+EXECUTE { init.old.label }
+ITERATE { make.title.number }
+% Now generate some tentative author-year labels and do some
+% preprocessing for the later definitive author and year
+% labels.
+ITERATE { make.tentative.sort.label }
+% Now check whether initials must be added to first author,
+% how many authors must be formatted, whether an "a", "b",
+% etc., must be added to the year label.
+EXECUTE { init.initials }
+ITERATE { check.add.initials }
+EXECUTE { init.initials }
+REVERSE { check.add.initials }
+ITERATE { tentative.cite.num.names }
+EXECUTE { init.cite.num.names }
+EXECUTE { move.forward }
+ITERATE { definitive.cite.num.names }
+EXECUTE { init.cite.num.names }
+EXECUTE { move.backward }
+REVERSE { definitive.cite.num.names }
+% Make final sorting label and do definitive sorting .
+% Write preamble and \begin{thebibliography}{} statement
+EXECUTE { begin.bib }
+% Make final cite labels, format reference list entry,
+% and write to .bbl file.
+ITERATE { write.bbl.entry }
+% Write \end{thebibliography} statement
+EXECUTE { end.bib }
+% DONE %
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \Finale
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/apacite/apacite.ins b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/apacite/apacite.ins
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eb16002b110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/apacite/apacite.ins
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+%% This file will generate fast loadable files and documentation
+%% driver files from apacite.dtx when run through LaTeX.
+%% Copyright (C) 1994-2007 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed
+%% elsewhere in this file.
+%% This file is part of the `apacite' package.
+%% -------------------------------------------
+%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in:
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% The `apacite' package consists of the files apacite.dtx and
+%% apacite.ins, and the following generated files:
+%% apacite.sty, apacite.bst, apacitex.bst, apa5ex.bib,
+%% apacite.drv, apacdoc.sty,
+%% english.apc, dutch.apc, finnish.apc, german.apc, ngerman.apc,
+%% greek.apc, norsk.apc, spanish.apc, swedish.apc.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Erik Meijer
+%% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the
+%% source files of the apacite package, i.e., apacite.dtx and
+%% apacite.ins. You may however distribute the apacite package without
+%% the generated files.
+\input docstrip.tex
+This is a generated file.
+Copyright (C) 1994-2007 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed
+elsewhere in this file.
+This file is part of the `apacite' package.
+It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+version. The latest version of this license is in:
+and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+The `apacite' package consists of the files apacite.dtx and
+apacite.ins, and the following generated files:
+apacite.sty, apacite.bst, apacitex.bst, apa5ex.bib,
+apacite.drv, apacdoc.sty,
+english.apc, dutch.apc, finnish.apc, german.apc, ngerman.apc,
+greek.apc, norsk.apc, spanish.apc, swedish.apc.
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'
+The Current Maintainer of this work is Erik Meijer
+This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the
+source files of the apacite package, i.e., apacite.dtx and
+apacite.ins. You may however distribute the apacite package without
+the generated files.
+This is a generated file.
+Copyright (C) 1994-2007 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed
+elsewhere in this file.
+This file is part of the `apacite' package.
+It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+version. The latest version of this license is in:
+and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+The `apacite' package consists of the files apacite.dtx and
+apacite.ins, and the following generated files:
+apacite.sty, apacite.bst, apacitex.bst, apa5ex.bib,
+apacite.drv, apacdoc.sty,
+english.apc, dutch.apc, finnish.apc, german.apc, ngerman.apc,
+greek.apc, norsk.apc, spanish.apc, swedish.apc.
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'
+The Current Maintainer of this work is Erik Meijer
+This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the
+source files of the apacite package, i.e., apacite.dtx and
+apacite.ins. You may however distribute the apacite package without
+the generated files.
+You are allowed to make changes to this file, in order to generate
+the user's manual with your preferred settings (e.g., to choose
+whether or not to include the documented source code). Please
+do not change apacite.dtx for this purpose.
+ \MetaPrefix ^^J%
+ \MetaPrefix\space End of file `\outFileName'.%
+ \usepreamble\mainpreamble
+ \file{apacite.sty}{\from{apacite.dtx}{package}}
+ \file{apacdoc.sty}{\from{apacite.dtx}{docpkg}}
+ \file{english.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{english}}
+ \file{dutch.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{dutch}}
+ \file{finnish.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{finnish}}
+ \file{german.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{german}}
+ \file{ngerman.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{ngerman}}
+ \file{greek.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{greek}}
+ \file{norsk.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{norsk}}
+ \file{spanish.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{spanish}}
+ \file{swedish.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{swedish}}
+ \usepreamble\drvpreamble
+ \file{apacite.drv}{\from{apacite.dtx}{driver}}
+ \usepreamble\mainpreamble
+ \usepostamble\noendinputpostamble
+ \file{apa5ex.bib}{\from{apacite.dtx}{bibdb}}
+ \file{apacite.bst}{\from{apacite.dtx}{bibstyle}}
+ \file{apacitex.bst}{\from{apacite.dtx}{xbibstyle}}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the *}
+\Msg{* following files into a directory searched by TeX: *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* All *.apc, *.sty *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* and to move the following files into a directory *}
+\Msg{* searched by BibTeX: *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* All *.bib, *.bst *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation, run the following *}
+\Msg{* script (or something similar, depending on your *}
+\Msg{* operating system): *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *}
+\Msg{* bibtex apacite *}
+\Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *}
+\Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *}
+\Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *}
+\Msg{* makeindex -o apacite.and apacite.adx *}
+\Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *}
+\Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* See the README file for a brief explanation and *}
+\Msg{* the file apacite.drv for how to customize the *}
+\Msg{* manual (e.g., to include the documented source *}
+\Msg{* code. *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing! *}
+\Msg{* *}