path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/uni-titlepage/uni-titlepage.dtx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/uni-titlepage/uni-titlepage.dtx')
1 files changed, 3242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/uni-titlepage/uni-titlepage.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/uni-titlepage/uni-titlepage.dtx
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index 00000000000..e5cea817045
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/uni-titlepage/uni-titlepage.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,3242 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% ============================================================================
+% uni-titlepage.dtx
+% Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2009-2021
+% This file is part of the LaTeX package `uni-titlepage'
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+% the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+% The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm.
+% This work consists of the file `uni-titlepage.dtx'.
+% ==========================================================================
+% \fi^^A meta-comment
+% \CharacterTable
+% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% ==========================================================================
+\expandafter\ifx\csname ProvidesFile\endcsname\relax
+ \def\ProvidesFile#1[#2]{\message{#1: #2}}%
+ uni-titlepage%
+%<driver> title%
+%<example> titlepage%
+%<KOMAScript> -KOMAScript%
+%<Markus&1> -Markus-1%
+%<Markus&2> -Markus-2%
+%<Spacer> -Spacer%
+%<TU-DD> -TU-DD%
+%<TU-HH> -TU-HH%
+%<KIT> -KIT%
+%<JT-Aufsaetze> -JT-Aufsaetze%
+%<JT-Geschichte> -JT-Geschichte%
+%<JT-Typography> -JT-Typography%
+ .dtx%
+%<ins> .ins%
+%<doc&!manual> .tex%
+%<doc&manual> .drv%
+%<driver> .def%
+%<README># `uni-titlepage`
+%<README>Copyright (c) Markus Kohm <komascript at>
+%<README>Release: 2021/08/16 v0.6
+%<README>License: LPPL 1.3c
+%<!README>2021/08/16 v0.6
+KOMA presents the title page project
+% \fi^^A meta-comment
+% \changes{v0.5f}{2021/07/29}{usage of \texttt{l3build}}
+% \changes{v0.6}{2021/07/29}{package renamed from \Package{titlepage} into
+% \Package{uni-titlepage}}
+% \tableofcontents
+% \section{Loading the Package}
+% \label{sec:Loading-the-Package}
+% You may load this package like all the other package, simply using:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \usepackage{uni-titlepage}
+% \end{verbatim}\vskip-\baselineskip
+% This package declares several options for title page manipulation. We will
+% declare all those options in the following. Most of the options are package
+% options as well, but some are style options only. You may use every package
+% option already as optional argument of \cs{usepackage} and even of
+% \cs{documentclass}. But in most cases it would be better to use them as
+% optional argument of \cs{TitlePageStyle} or \cs{maketitle}. We show this way
+% below.
+% \section{The Title Page Styles and their Options}
+% \label{sec:The-Title-Page-Style-and-their-Options}
+% \DescribeMacro{TitlePageStyle}
+% Several title page styles are supported. You may select a title page style
+% using:
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cs{TitlePageStyle}^^A
+% \texttt{[}\meta{option}\texttt{=}\meta{value},\dots\texttt{]}^^A
+% \marg{style}.
+% \end{quote}
+% The available styles are shown at the following sub-sections. Options may be
+% every package option and every style option.
+% \DescribeMacro{maketitle}
+% After loading a style you may generate title pages using:
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cs{maketitle}^^A
+% \texttt{[}\meta{option}\texttt{=}\meta{value},\dots\texttt{]}^^A
+% .
+% \end{quote}
+% Again, you may use every package option and every style option as optional
+% argument.
+% \DescribeMacro{TitleOption}
+% \DescribeMacro{TitleOptions}
+% Another way to set an option is to use either
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cs{TitleOption}\marg{option}\marg{value}
+% \end{quote}
+% or
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cs{TitleOptions}^^A
+% \texttt{\{}\meta{option}\texttt{=}\meta{value},\dots\texttt{\}}.
+% \end{quote}
+% You can set every package option an every option of already loaded title
+% page styles.
+% For every option, that expects a string argument exists a corresponding
+% command with the same name. So you may set, e.g., the title either using
+% \cs{TitleOptions}\linebreak[2]\texttt{\{title=\{This is the Title\}\}} or
+% \cs{TitleOption}\linebreak[2]\texttt{\{title\}\linebreak[2]\{This is the
+% Title\}} or \cs{maketitle}\linebreak[2]\texttt{[title=\{This is the
+% Title\}]} or \cs{TitlePageStyle}\linebreak[2]\texttt{[title=\{This is the
+% Title\}]\{\dots\}} or \cs{title}\linebreak[2]\texttt{\{This is the
+% Title\}}. The most robust way is to use the command \cs{title} instead of
+% the option at one of the other commands! If you use the option you may need
+% to add \cs{protect} in front of commands inside the option value!
+% \begin{xltabular}{\linewidth}{>{\ttfamily}l>{\ttfamily\raggedright}p{.25\linewidth}>{\RaggedRight}X}
+% \toprule
+% \normalfont\emph{String Option}
+% & \normalfont\emph{Styles}
+% & \normalfont\emph{Common Meaning} \\
+% \midrule
+% \endhead
+% \midrule
+% \multicolumn{3}{r}{\dots}
+% \endfoot
+% \bottomrule
+% \endlastfoot
+% advisor & TU-DD & if your personal advisor differs from the
+% advising professor, this is the name of
+% the advisor
+% \\
+% author & \normalfont\emph{every style}
+% & the authors, with some styles (currently
+% not with \texttt{DHBW}) you may seperate
+% multiple authors by \cs{and}
+% \tabularnewline
+% chair & TU-DD, KIT, WWUM & the chair of the faculty of the university
+% where you've made or presented your work
+% \tabularnewline
+% company & DHBW & some works are made not only at a
+% university but in cooperation with a
+% company; at Duale Hochschule
+% Baden-W\"urttemberg this is the default
+% case
+% \\
+% course & DHBW & the shortcut for your discipline or course
+% \\
+% date & DHBW, KIT, KOMAScript, Markus-1, Markus-2, Spacer, TU-HH,
+% TU-DD, JT-Typography, WWUM
+% & the documents main date, this may by,
+% e.\,g., the release date, the semester of a
+% thesis or any other most valid date
+% \\
+% dedication & KOMAScript, Markus-1, Markus-2, Spacer
+% & sometimes it is nice to dedicate the work
+% to someone, e.g., your wife, your
+% children, your grandmother or your first
+% love
+% \\
+% academicgrade
+% & DHBW, TU-HH, WUMM & the academic grade or degree you
+% reach with the work
+% \\
+% discipline & DHBW, TU-DD, WUMM & the discipline in which you've made your
+% work or reach your academic grade
+% \\
+% duration & DHBW & the processing time for your work
+% \\
+% faculty & TU-DD, KIT, WUMM & the faculty of the university where you've
+% made or presented your work
+% \\
+% homepage & KIT & the www-address of the homepage
+% \\
+% mainlogo & DHBW, KIT & a logo at the main title (currently used
+% for the DHBW or the KIT logo at the
+% default of \texttt{titlehead})
+% \\
+% matriculationnumber
+% & DHBW, TU-DD & if you were a student while you've made
+% the work, this is you number
+% \\
+% oralexaminationdate
+% & TU-HH, WUMM & sometimes the date of the oral examination
+% is not the main date but has to be shown
+% too
+% \\
+% place & DHBW, TU-HH, JT-Geschichte, JT-Typography, WUMM
+% & the place, in general the city, where
+% you've made the work or where the Duale
+% Hochschule or the publisher resides
+% \\
+% professor & TU-DD, WUMM & the name of the professor who advised you
+% during your work
+% \\
+% publisher & KOMAScript, Markus-1, Markus-2, Spacer, JT-Aufsaetze,
+% JT-Geschichte, JT-Typography
+% & most written works have a publisher
+% \\
+% referee & DHBW, TU-HH & every academic work will be referred;
+% with some styles (currently
+% \texttt{TU-HH}, \texttt{WWUM}) multiple
+% referees may be seperated with \cs{and}
+% \\
+% sience & WWUM & kind of sience,
+% e.\,g., ``Naturwissenschaften''
+% \\
+% student & \normalfont\emph{see \texttt{author}}
+% & same like \texttt{author}
+% \\
+% subject & \normalfont\emph{every style}
+% & the kind of work, there are special
+% predefined subjects; if you use one of
+% \texttt{bachelor}, \texttt{academicgrade},
+% \texttt{diploma}, \texttt{master},
+% \texttt{project}, \texttt{seminar}, or
+% \texttt{studentresearch}
+% a language dependend replacement will
+% be done; to avoid this, you may set the
+% value in parentesis
+% \\
+% subtitle & KOMAScript, Markus-1, Markus-2, Spacer, TU-HH
+% & the sub-title of the document
+% \\
+% title & \normalfont\emph{every style}
+% & the main title of the document
+% \\
+% titlehead & DHBW, KOMAScript, Markus-2, Spacer, KIT
+% & page head over the main title of the
+% document
+% \\
+% university & DHBW, TU-DD, TU-HH, KIT, WWUM
+% & the university where you've made or
+% presented your work
+% \\
+% \end{xltabular}
+% Let's have a look at the already defined title page styles. You should find
+% an example \LaTeX{} file for each of them at the documentation folder. If
+% not, ask you distributor or administrator for those! But you may find the
+% code of all examples in \File{docstrip} syntax even at
+% \autoref{sec:The-Examples-and-the-Manual} starting at
+% \autopageref{sec:The-Examples-and-the-Manual}. At the shown examples most
+% variable contents was made red.
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{Style \File{DHBW}}
+% \label{sec:Style-DHBW}
+% Josef Schmidbauer asked me for a title page usable for bachelor thesis at
+% the ``Duale Hochschulen Baden-W\"urttemberg''. This is a only one title page
+% style.
+% \begin{flushleft}
+% \parbox[b][.707\linewidth][t]{.475\linewidth}{\footnotesize The
+% page (in example \File{titlepage-DHBW.tex}) is:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item main title page with \texttt{titlehead}, \texttt{mainlogo},
+% \texttt{title}, \texttt{subject}, \texttt{academicgrade}, \texttt{discipline},
+% \texttt{place}, \texttt{author}, \texttt{duration},
+% \texttt{matriculationnumber}, \texttt{course}, \texttt{company},
+% \texttt{referee}, \texttt{university}, and \texttt{date}.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }\hspace{0.025\linewidth}\nobreak
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=1,width=.475\linewidth]{titlepage-DHBW}}
+% \end{flushleft}
+% Note: The upper right corner is the logo placeholder. If you'd download the
+% logo from the DHBW homepage \url{} and save it with the
+% name \verb|DHBW_d_MOS_195x95_rgb_300.jpg| it would be used automaticly. The
+% logo file is also available from
+% \url{}. This
+% original logo has a large white border, so it would be much smaller than the
+% red box at the example. The example file also contains comments for an
+% optional company logo at the upper left corner.
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{Style \File{KOMAScript}}
+% \label{sec:Style-KOMAScript}
+% This is a style similar to the title pages of \KOMAScript{} classes.
+% \begin{flushleft}
+% \noindent\parbox[b][.707\linewidth][t]{.475\linewidth}{\footnotesize The
+% pages (in twoside example \File{titlepage-KOMAScript.tex}) are:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item defined by \texttt{extratitle}, which is not a package option but a
+% style option. You may set it using \cs{TitleOption} or \cs{TitleOptions}
+% after loading the style or with the optional argument of \cs{maketitle}
+% or \cs{TitlePageStyle}.
+% \item empty and only in twoside mode with \texttt{extratitle} used.
+% \item main title page with \texttt{titlehead}, \texttt{subject},
+% \texttt{title}, \texttt{subtitle}, \texttt{author}, \texttt{date},
+% \texttt{plublisher}. You may use \cs{thanks} at any of these.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }\hspace{.025\linewidth}\nobreak
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=1,width=.5\linewidth]{titlepage-KOMAScript}}^^A
+% \\
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=2,width=.5\linewidth]{titlepage-KOMAScript}}^^A
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=3,width=.5\linewidth]{titlepage-KOMAScript}}^^A
+% \\
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=4,width=.5\linewidth]{titlepage-KOMAScript}}^^A
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=5,width=.5\linewidth]{titlepage-KOMAScript}}^^A
+% \\
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=6,width=.5\linewidth]{titlepage-KOMAScript}}^^A
+% \parbox[b][.707\linewidth][t]{.475\linewidth}{\footnotesize
+% \begin{enumerate}\setcounter{enumi}{3}
+% \item only in twoside mode defined by \texttt{uppertitleback} and
+% \texttt{lowertitleback}, which are not package options but style
+% options. You may set them using \cs{TitleOption} or \cs{TitleOptions}
+% after loading the style or with the optional argument of \cs{maketitle}
+% or \cs{TitlePageStyle}.
+% \item optional post title with \texttt{dedication}.
+% \item empty and only in twoside mode with \texttt{dedication} used.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }%
+% \end{flushleft}
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{Style \File{Markus-1}}
+% \label{sec:Style-Markus-1}
+% This is a style similar to the one of the title of the \KOMAScript{} book.
+% \begin{flushleft}
+% \parbox[b][.707\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize The
+% pages (in twoside example \File{titlepage-Markus-1.tex}) are:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item defined by \texttt{publisher}; may be omitted by
+% \texttt{publisher=\{\}}.
+% \item only in twoside mode with \texttt{publisher} defined by
+% \texttt{author}.
+% \item main title page with \texttt{subject},
+% \texttt{title}, \texttt{subtitle}, and \texttt{date}.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }\hspace{.025\textwidth}\nobreak
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=1,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Markus-1}}
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=2,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Markus-1}}^^A
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=3,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Markus-1}}
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=4,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Markus-1}}^^A
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=5,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Markus-1}}
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=6,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Markus-1}}^^A
+% \parbox[b][.707\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize
+% \begin{enumerate}\setcounter{enumi}{3}
+% \item only in twoside mode defined by \texttt{uppertitleback} and
+% \texttt{lowertitleback}, which are not package options but style
+% options. You may set them using \cs{TitleOption} or \cs{TitleOptions}
+% after loading the style or with the optional argument of \cs{maketitle}
+% or \cs{TitlePageStyle}.
+% \item optional post title with \texttt{dedication}.
+% \item empty and only in twoside mode with \texttt{dedication} used.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }
+% \end{flushleft}
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{Style \File{Markus-2}}
+% \label{sec:Style-Markus-2}
+% This style is not a real live style, but similar styles are often used:
+% \begin{flushleft}
+% \parbox[b][.707\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize The
+% pages (in twoside example \File{titlepage-Markus-2.tex}) are:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item defined by \texttt{extratitle}.
+% \item empty and only in twoside mode with \texttt{extratitle} used.
+% \item main title page with \texttt{titlehead} placed at the page head (if
+% this is to high, it might be put outside the page; if it is to deep, it
+% might overwrite parte of the title), \texttt{rulewidth} and
+% \texttt{rulesep} for the vertical rule (these aren't package options but
+% style options), \texttt{subject}, \texttt{title}, \texttt{subtitle},
+% \texttt{author}, \texttt{date}, and \texttt{plublisher}.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }\hspace{.025\textwidth}\nobreak
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=1,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Markus-2}}
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=2,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Markus-2}}^^A
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=3,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Markus-2}}
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=4,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Markus-2}}^^A
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=5,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Markus-2}}
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=6,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Markus-2}}^^A
+% \parbox[b][.707\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize
+% \begin{enumerate}\setcounter{enumi}{3}
+% \item only in twoside mode defined by \texttt{uppertitleback} and
+% \texttt{lowertitleback}, which are not package options but style
+% options. You may set them using \cs{TitleOption} or \cs{TitleOptions}
+% after loading the style or with the optional argument of \cs{maketitle}
+% or \cs{TitlePageStyle}.
+% \item optional post title with \texttt{dedication}.
+% \item empty and only in twoside mode with \texttt{dedication} used.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }
+% \end{flushleft}
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{Style \File{Spacer}}
+% \label{sec:Style-Spacer}
+% This style is a variant of style \File{Markus-2} from
+% \autoref{sec:Style-Markus-2}. It was asked by \texttt{spacer2012} at the
+% original \texttt{titlepage} project on
+% \url{}. In difference to \File{Markus-2} the
+% title head will not be placed at the page head but at the body.
+% \begin{flushleft}
+% \parbox[b][.707\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize The
+% pages (in twoside example \File{titlepage-Spacer.tex}) are:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item defined by \texttt{extratitle}.
+% \item empty and only in twoside mode with \texttt{extratitle} used.
+% \item main title page with \texttt{titlehead} placed at the page head,
+% \texttt{rulewidth} and \texttt{rulesep} for the vertical rule (these
+% aren't package options but style options), \texttt{subject},
+% \texttt{title}, \texttt{subtitle}, \texttt{author}, \texttt{date}, and
+% \texttt{plublisher}.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }\hspace{.025\textwidth}\nobreak
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=1,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Spacer}}
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=2,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Spacer}}^^A
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=3,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Spacer}}
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=4,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Spacer}}^^A
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=5,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Spacer}}
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=6,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-Spacer}}^^A
+% \parbox[b][.707\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize
+% \begin{enumerate}\setcounter{enumi}{3}
+% \item only in twoside mode defined by \texttt{uppertitleback} and
+% \texttt{lowertitleback}, which are not package options but style
+% options. You may set them using \cs{TitleOption} or \cs{TitleOptions}
+% after loading the style or with the optional argument of \cs{maketitle}
+% or \cs{TitlePageStyle}.
+% \item optional post title with \texttt{dedication}.
+% \item empty and only in twoside mode with \texttt{dedication} used.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }
+% \end{flushleft}
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{Style \File{TU-DD}}
+% \label{sec:Style-TU-DD}
+% This style is used at the ``Technische Universit\"at Dresden''. I was asked
+% fot this several years ago. Only one title page is defined!
+% \noindent\parbox[b][.707\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize The
+% page (in example \File{titlepage-TU-DD.tex}) is:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item main title page with \texttt{university}, \texttt{faculty},
+% \texttt{chair}, \texttt{professor}, \texttt{title}, \texttt{subject},
+% \texttt{author}, \texttt{discipline}, \texttt{matriculationnumber},
+% \texttt{advisor}, \texttt{place}, and \texttt{date}.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }\hspace{.025\textwidth}%
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=1,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-TU-DD}}
+% But there is another variant. If option \texttt{blackborder} was set to
+% true, an black border is put around the page:
+% \begin{flushleft}
+% \parbox[b][.707\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize The
+% page (in example \File{titlepage-TU-DD.tex} with option
+% \texttt{blackborder}) is:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item main title page with \texttt{university}, \texttt{faculty},
+% \texttt{chair}, \texttt{professor}, \texttt{title}, \texttt{subject},
+% \texttt{author}, \texttt{discipline}, \texttt{matriculationnumber},
+% \texttt{advisor}, \texttt{place}, and \texttt{date}.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }\hspace{.025\textwidth}\nobreak
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=3,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-TU-DD}}
+% \end{flushleft}
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{Style \File{TU-HH}}
+% \label{sec:Style-TU-HH}
+% This style is used at the ``Technische Universit\"at Hamburg-Harburg''. I
+% was asked for this several years ago. Only two title pages are defined!
+% \begin{flushleft}
+% \parbox[b][.707\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize The
+% pages (in twoside example \File{titlepage-TU-HH.tex}) are:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item main title page with \texttt{title}, \texttt{subtitle},
+% \texttt{university}, \texttt{academicgrade}, \texttt{subject}, \texttt{author},
+% \texttt{place}, and \texttt{date}. Some additional text depending on the
+% selected language will be used also.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }\hspace{.025\textwidth}\nobreak
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=1,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-TU-HH}}
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=2,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-TU-HH}}^^A
+% \parbox[b][.707\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize
+% \begin{enumerate}\setcounter{enumi}{1}
+% \item only in twoside mode with \texttt{referee} and
+% \texttt{oralexaminationdate}.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }
+% \end{flushleft}
+% The output of style \File{TU-HH} differs, if you use option
+% \texttt{final}, which is a style option, not a package option. You may set
+% it using \cs{TitleOption} or \cs{TitleOptions} after loading the style or
+% with the optional argument of \cs{maketitle} or \cs{TitlePageStyle}.
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{Style \File{KIT}}
+% \label{sec:Style-KIT}
+% This style is used at the ``KIT -- University of the State of
+% Baden-W\"urttemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz
+% Association''. I've made this because of the ugly \LaTeX{} class and
+% template made by the KIT itself. Only one title page is defined!
+% \begin{flushleft}
+% \parbox[b][.707\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize The
+% page (in example \File{titlepage-KIT.tex}) is:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item main title page with \texttt{titlehead}, \texttt{mainlogo},
+% \texttt{title}, \texttt{subject}, \texttt{author},
+% \texttt{referee}. \texttt{advisor}, \texttt{university},
+% \texttt{duration}, and \texttt{homepage}. Some
+% additional text depending on the selected language will be used also.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% If \texttt{titlehead} is empty or unused left aligned \texttt{mainlogo}
+% will be used. If \texttt{mainlogo} is empty or unused, and if you have a
+% logo file \File{KITLogo\_RGB.pdf}, this will be used. As an alternative
+% also \File{2560px-Logo\_KIT.svg.png}, \File{2000px-Logo\_KIT.svg.png},
+% \File{1280px-Logo\_KIT.svg.png}, \File{1024px-Logo\_KIT.svg.png},
+% \File{1000px-Logo\_KIT.svg.png}, \File{800px-Logo\_KIT.svg.png},
+% \File{640px-Logo\_KIT.svg.png}, or \File{500px-Logo\_KIT.svg.png} from
+% \url{\_KIT.svg} would be
+% auto-detected. Several other elements will be set to defaults too, if they
+% are empty. So you don't need to set all the elements, that has been set at
+% the example file.
+% }\hspace{.025\textwidth}\nobreak
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=1,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-KIT}}
+% \end{flushleft}
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{Style \File{JT-Aufsaetze}}
+% \label{sec:Style-JT-Aufsaetze}
+% The style is based on the front cover of ``Jan Tschichold: Ausgewählte
+% Aufsätze über Fragen der Gestalt des Buches und der Typüographie, Birkhäuser
+% Verlag Basel, 1975, ISBN: 3-7643-1946-1''. I've made this, because the book
+% is a major book of classic typography. It seems to be old fashioned and indeed
+% it is. Note, that the front cover of a book an the main title of a book are
+% not the same! Nevertheless, here I've made a main title from a front
+% cover. Currently only one title page is defined, but you may also use
+% \texttt{extratitle}, \texttt{uppertitleback}, and \texttt{lowertitleback}.
+% \begin{flushleft}
+% \parbox[b][.707\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize The
+% page (in example \File{titlepage-JT-Aufsaetze.tex}) is:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item main title page with \texttt{author}, \texttt{title},
+% \texttt{publisher}, \texttt{rulewidth} and \texttt{rulesep} for width
+% of the horizontal rules and the distance between them (these aren't
+% package options but style options).
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }\hspace{.025\textwidth}\nobreak
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=1,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-JT-Aufsaetze}}
+% \end{flushleft}
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{Style \File{JT-Geschichte}}
+% \label{sec:Style-JT-Geschichte}
+% The style is based on ``Jan Tschichold: Geschichte der
+% Schrift in Bildern; Holbein-Verlag, 1947''. This is another major book of
+% classic typography. I seems to be old fashioned and indeed
+% it is. Currently only one title page is defined, but you may also use
+% \texttt{extratitle}, \texttt{uppertitleback}, and \texttt{lowertitleback}.
+% \begin{flushleft}
+% \parbox[b][.707\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize The
+% page (in example \File{titlepage-JT-Geschichte.tex}) is:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item main title page with \texttt{author}, \texttt{title},
+% \texttt{publisher}, \texttt{place}, \texttt{rulewidth} and
+% \texttt{rulesep} for width of the horizontal rules and the distance
+% between them (these aren't package options but style options).
+% \end{enumerate}
+% Note, that the default for \texttt{titlepagefont} prints everything but the
+% \texttt{title} with ad-hoc letterspacing in upper-case letters if
+% \cs{lsstyle} is available and without letterspacing but in small capitals
+% otherwise. Changing the default of \texttt{titlepagefont} will also change
+% this automatism.
+% }\hspace{.025\textwidth}\nobreak
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=1,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-JT-Geschichte}}
+% \end{flushleft}
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{Style \File{JT-Typography}}
+% \label{sec:Style-JT-Typography}
+% The style is based on ``Jan Tschichold: The New Typography; University of
+% California Press, Berkley and Los Angeles, California 1995''. This is the
+% English translation of another major book of
+% classic typography. Some things like missing letterspacing at the upper-case
+% title seems to be wrong. Currently only one title page is defined, but you
+% may also use \texttt{extratitle}, \texttt{uppertitleback}, and
+% \texttt{lowertitleback}.
+% \begin{flushleft}
+% \parbox[b][.707\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize The
+% page (in example \File{titlepage-JT-Geschichte.tex}) is:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item main title page with \texttt{author}, \texttt{title},
+% \texttt{subtitle}, \texttt{place}, \texttt{date}, \texttt{publisher}.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }\hspace{.025\textwidth}\nobreak
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=1,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-JT-Typography}}
+% \end{flushleft}
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{Style \File{WWUM}}
+% \label{sec:Style-WWUM}
+% Tobias S\"udkamp asked me for that title for the
+% Westf\"alischen Wilhelms-Universit\"at M\"unster. The
+% \texttt{professor} is more likely the \texttt{chairman}. Female
+% referees should be prefixed by \textsf{[f]}. You can omit the examination
+% date defining an empty \cs{examinationdatename}.
+% \begin{flushleft}
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=1,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-WWUM}}\nobreak
+% \hspace{.025\textwidth}\nobreak
+% \parbox[b][.7\textwidth][t]{.475\textwidth}{\footnotesize
+% The pages (in example \File{tilepage-WWUM.tex}) are:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item cover page with \texttt{author}, \texttt{title}, \cs{the}\cs{year}
+% \item the backside of the cover page is empty if it exists
+% \item main title page with \texttt{chair}, \texttt{title},
+% \texttt{subject}, \texttt{academicgrade}, \texttt{sience}, \texttt{discipline},
+% \texttt{faculty}
+% \item main title back side with \texttt{professor}, \texttt{referee},
+% \texttt{oralexaminationdate} (normaly empty)
+% \end{enumerate}
+% }\\
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=3,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-WWUM}}%^^A
+% \frame{\includegraphics[page=4,width=.5\textwidth]{titlepage-WWUM}}%^^A
+% \end{flushleft}
+% \clearpage
+% \section{Additonal Commands}
+% \label{sec:Additional-Commands}
+% \DescribeMacro{\NowButAfterBeginDocument}
+% Command
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cs{NowButAfterBeginDocument}\marg{code}
+% \end{quote}
+% is something like \cs{AtBeginDocument}, but if you call it somewhere after
+% \cs{begin\{document\}} argument \meta{code} will be used immediately. This
+% command is used inside some of the title page styles, because you may load
+% them either at the preamle or even after \cs{begin\{document\}}, but some
+% code should not be executed before \cs{begin\{document\}}.
+% \DescribeEnv{titlepage}
+% In oposite to the \texttt{titlepage} environment of the standard classes,
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cs{begin\{titlepage\}}\oarg{options}\\
+% \dots\\
+% \cs{end\{titlepage\}}
+% \end{quote}
+% knows some options. These are \texttt{pagestyle=}\meta{style} and
+% \texttt{pagenumber=}\meta{number}. The first one changes the page style of
+% the generated title page to the given \meta{style}. If the option is not
+% set, the default \texttt{empty} will be used. The second one sets the
+% logical page number of the generated title page to the given \meta{number}
+% and sets the counter \texttt{pagenumber} to this value. If the option is
+% not used, the value of counter \texttt{pagenumber} will be increased by one
+% and the result is used for the logical page number.
+% \DescribeEnv{fullsizetitle}
+% Using
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cs{begin\{fullsizetitle\}}\oarg{options}\\
+% \dots\\
+% \cs{end\{fullsizetitle\}}
+% \end{quote}
+% is almost the same like above. But \texttt{fullsizetitle} removes the
+% margins from the generated title page. Nevertheless if binding correction
+% (aka binding offset) of package \File{typearea} or \File{geometry} could be
+% recognized, it will not be removed. Some of the title page styles use this
+% environment instead of \texttt{titlepage} inside \cs{maketitle}. With this
+% the margins of the title page do not depend on the type area of the
+% document.
+% \DescribeMacro{\usetitleelement}
+% Command
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cs{usetitleelement}\marg{element}
+% \end{quote}
+% gives the content of the corresponding title \meta{element}. Each main
+% \meta{element} defined by the package may be used. Those are currently:
+% \texttt{advisor}, \texttt{author}, \texttt{chair}, \texttt{company},
+% \texttt{course}, \texttt{date}, \texttt{dedication}, \texttt{academicgrade},
+% \texttt{discipline}, \texttt{duration}, \texttt{faculty}, \texttt{homepage},
+% \texttt{mainlogo}, \texttt{matriculationnumber},
+% \texttt{oralexaminationdate}, \texttt{place}, \texttt{professor},
+% \texttt{publisher}, \texttt{referee}, \texttt{subject}, \texttt{subtitle},
+% \texttt{title}, \texttt{titlehead}, and \texttt{university}. Note:
+% \texttt{student} isn't a main \meta{element}, because it's only an alias for
+% \texttt{author}.
+% \StopEventually{\PrintIndex\PrintChanges}
+% \section{Implementation}
+% \label{sec:Implementation}
+% \changes{v0.1}{2009/01/01}{Start of project}
+% \changes{v0.2}{2011/06/03}{First version using \texttt{docstrip}}
+% Note: To generate all files, developers and beta testers should simply use
+% the source from \url{} and call
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% l3build unpack
+% l3build doc
+% \end{verbatim}
+% The resulting documentation will be placed in the main folder. The unpacked
+% style file are in \texttt{build/unpacked}, You can use
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% l3build install
+% \end{verbatim}
+% to install them in \texttt{TEXMFHOME}. See the manual of \Package{l3build}
+% for more information.
+% As an alternative you can use the source distribution from CTAN and run:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% tex uni-titlepage.dtx
+% \end{verbatim}
+% The documentation is usually part of the source distribution at CTAN. Note,
+% that all the generated \texttt{tex} files are example files. Do not copy
+% them to the run-time files but the documentation folder!
+% \subsection{The Installation Driver `\File{uni-titlepage.ins}'}
+% \label{sec:The-Installation-Driver-uni-titlepage.ins}
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% \fi ^^A meta-comment
+% First of all we produce \File{uni-titlepage.ins}, the installation driver. It
+% starts very common with loading \File{docstrip}, preamble declaration and
+% start of generation.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\input docstrip.tex
+ \Msg{********************************************************************}
+ \Msg{*}
+ \Msg{* Steps of uni-titlepage generation:}
+ \Msg{* ==============================}
+ \Msg{*}
+ \Msg{* - Generation of all needed files:}
+ \keepsilent
+ \askforoverwritefalse
+Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by Markus Kohm <komascript(at)>
+This file was generated from file(s) of uni-titlepage distribution.
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license.
+The latest version of this license is in
+and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+version 2005/12/01 or later.
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm.
+This file may only be distributed together with
+the file `uni-titlepage.dtx'.
+You may however distribute the file `uni-titlepage.dtx' without this file.
+% \end{macrocode}
+% But while the dtx file is the ins file itself, we will never generate this
+% file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \file{uni-titlepage.ins}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{ins}}% not needed
+ \file{uni-titlepage.drv}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{doc,manual}}%
+ \file{uni-titlepage.sty}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{package}}%
+ \file{title-DHBW.def}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{driver,DHBW}}%
+ \file{title-KOMAScript.def}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{driver,KOMAScript}}%
+ \file{title-Markus-1.def}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{driver,Markus,1}}%
+ \file{title-Markus-2.def}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{driver,Markus,2}}%
+ \file{title-Spacer.def}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{driver,Spacer}}%
+ \file{title-TU-DD.def}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{driver,TU-DD}}%
+ \file{title-TU-HH.def}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{driver,TU-HH}}%
+ \file{title-KIT.def}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{driver,KIT}}%
+ \file{title-JT-Aufsaetze.def}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{driver,JT-Aufsaetze}}%
+ \file{title-JT-Geschichte.def}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{driver,JT-Geschichte}}%
+ \file{title-JT-Typography.def}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{driver,JT-Typography}}%
+ \file{title-WWUM.def}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{driver,WWUM}}%
+ \file{titlepage-DHBW.tex}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{doc,example,DHBW}}%
+ \file{titlepage-KOMAScript.tex}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{doc,example,KOMAScript}}%
+ \file{titlepage-Markus-1.tex}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{doc,example,Markus,1}}%
+ \file{titlepage-Markus-2.tex}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{doc,example,Markus,2}}%
+ \file{titlepage-Spacer.tex}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{doc,example,Spacer}}%
+ \file{titlepage-TU-DD.tex}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{doc,example,TU-DD}}%
+ \file{titlepage-TU-HH.tex}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{doc,example,TU-HH}}%
+ \file{titlepage-KIT.tex}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{doc,example,KIT}}%
+ \file{titlepage-JT-Aufsaetze.tex}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{doc,example,JT-Aufsaetze}}%
+ \file{titlepage-JT-Geschichte.tex}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{doc,example,JT-Geschichte}}%
+ \file{titlepage-JT-Typography.tex}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{doc,example,JT-Typography}}%
+ \file{titlepage-WWUM.tex}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{doc,example,WWUM}}%
+ \nopreamble\nopostamble
+ \file{}{\from{uni-titlepage.dtx}{README}}%
+ \Msg{* \space\space done.}
+ \Msg{*}
+ \Msg{* You may install all the files now.}
+ \Msg{*}
+ \Msg{********************************************************************}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% At docstrip run we like to finish the file know:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\csname endinput\endcsname
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% \fi^^A meta-comment
+% \subsection{The Package `\File{scrbase.sty}'}
+% \label{sec:The-Package-scrbase.sty}
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% \fi^^A meta-comment
+% \begin{macro}{\TitleOptions}
+% \begin{macro}{\TitleOption}
+% We use the extended option handling of \KOMAScript, so we load package
+% \File{scrbase} and declare a family, a member and a something like
+% \verb|\KOMAoptions| and \verb|\KOMAoption| but for this package.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{option}{pagenumber}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setcounter{titlepage}{#1}\FamilyKeyStateProcessed
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \begin{macro}{\titlepagestyle}
+% \begin{option}{pagestyle}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \renewcommand*{\titlepagestyle}{#1}\FamilyKeyStateProcessed
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\if@resonecol}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifcsname @restonecolfalse\endcsname
+ \expandafter\@gobble
+ \expandafter\@firstofone
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{environment}{titlepage}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{environment}
+% \begin{macro}{\inittitle}
+% \begin{macro}{\makepretitle}
+% \begin{macro}{\makepretitleback}
+% \begin{macro}{\makemaintitle}
+% \begin{macro}{\makemaintitleback}
+% \begin{macro}{\makeposttitle}
+% \begin{macro}{\makeposttitleback}
+% \begin{macro}{\exittitle}
+% \begin{macro}{\tp@undefinedtitle}
+% Set of commands, that define a title style:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \PackageInfo{uni-titlepage}{leaving not defined #1-title page empty}%
+\newcommand*{\makepretitleback}{\tp@undefinedtitle{back of pre}}
+\newcommand*{\makemaintitleback}{\tp@undefinedtitle{back of main}}
+\newcommand*{\makeposttitleback}{\tp@undefinedtitle{back of post}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\inittitlestyle}
+% Will be called before loading a title style:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \renewenvironment{titlepage}[1][]{%
+ \TitleOptions{##1}%
+ \clearpage
+ \if@twocolumn
+ \@restonecoltrue\onecolumn
+ \else
+ \@restonecolfalse
+ \fi
+ \ifx\titlepagestyle\@empty\else\thispagestyle{\titlepagestyle}\fi
+ \if@twoside% im einseitigen Satz ist mir alles egal
+ \ifodd\value{page}% aktuelle Seite ist ungerade
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Current page number is odd \dots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifodd\value{titlepage}%
+ \else
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \dots\ wanted page number is even: put in empty page.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \null\newpage
+ \fi
+ \else
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Current page number is even \dots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifodd\value{titlepage}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \dots\ wanted page number is off: put in empty page.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \null\newpage % Leerseite
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \setcounter{page}{\value{titlepage}}%
+ \ifx\titlepagestyle\@empty\else\thispagestyle{\titlepagestyle}\fi
+ }{%
+ \if@restonecol\twocolumn \else \newpage\fi
+ \stepcounter{titlepage}%
+ }%
+ \renewcommand*{\maketitle}[1][]{%
+ \begingroup
+ \TitleOptions{##1}%
+ \inittitle
+ \makepretitle\if@twoside\makepretitleback\fi
+ \makemaintitle\if@twoside\makemaintitleback\fi
+ \makeposttitle\if@twoside\makeposttitleback\fi
+ \exittitle
+ \endgroup
+ }%
+ \renewcommand*{\inittitle}{}%
+ \renewcommand*{\makepretitle}{\tp@undefinedtitle{pre}}%
+ \renewcommand*{\makepretitleback}{\tp@undefinedtitle{back of pre}}%
+ \renewcommand*{\makemaintitle}{\tp@undefinedtitle{main}}%
+ \renewcommand*{\makemaintitleback}{\tp@undefinedtitle{back of main}}%
+ \renewcommand*{\makeposttitle}{\tp@undefinedtitle{post}}%
+ \renewcommand*{\makeposttitleback}{\tp@undefinedtitle{back of post}}%
+ \renewcommand*{\exittitle}{}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\titlebox}
+% \begin{macro}{fullsizetitle}
+% New environment for full page titles (with respect to BCOR or
+% Gm@bindingoffset if defined)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \TitleOptions{#1}%
+ \begin{lrbox}{\titlebox}
+ \hsize\paperwidth
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{ta@bcor}{%
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{Gm@bindingoffset}{}{%
+ \advanve\hsize-\Gm@bindingoffset}%
+ }{%
+ \advance\hsize-\ta@bcor
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{Gm@bindingoffset}{}{%
+ \ifdim \Gm@bindingoffset=\ta@bcor\else
+ \PackageWarning{uni-titlepage}{Ignorring geometry's binding
+ correction,\MessageBreak
+ using typearea's binding correction.\MessageBreak
+ If you're using geometry and typearea,\MessageBreak
+ you should set both options to the same value,\MessageBreak
+ e.g. \string\KOMAoptions{BCOR=\the\ta@bcor}\MessageBreak
+ \space\space\space\space\space
+ \string\geometry{bindingoffset=\the\ta@bcor}\MessageBreak
+ to make uni-titlepage use this value%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+ \vsize\paperheight
+ \linewidth\hsize
+ \columnwidth\hsize
+ \textwidth\hsize
+ \textheight\vsize
+ \noindent\minipage{\hsize}
+ \endminipage
+ \end{lrbox}
+ \begin{titlepage}%
+ \vspace*{-1in}\vskip-\topmargin\vskip-\headheight\vskip-\headsep
+ \vskip-\topskip
+ \raggedright
+ \leavevmode
+ \hskip-1in
+ \ifodd\c@page
+ \hskip-\oddsidemargin
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{ta@bcor}{%
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{Gm@bindingoffset}{}{%
+ \hskip\Gm@bindingoffset}%
+ }{\hskip\ta@bcor}%
+ \else
+ \hskip-\evensidemargin
+ \fi
+ \vbox to\z@{\hsize\z@
+ \vskip-\baselineskip
+ \makebox[0pt][l]{\usebox\titlebox}%
+ \vss
+ }%
+ \end{titlepage}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\DefineSimpleTitleKey}
+% \begin{macro}{\DefineReplaceTitleKey}
+% \begin{macro}{\tp@replacewarning}
+% \begin{macro}{\tp@dokeys}
+% Define title page ``variables'':
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \PackageWarning{uni-titlepage}{%
+ Using `#2' instead of `#1',\MessageBreak
+ because `#1' not defined%
+ }%
+ \l@addto@macro\tp@dokeys{\do{#2}}%
+ \expandafter\newcommand\expandafter*\csname @#2\endcsname{}%
+ \expandafter\newcommand\expandafter*\csname #2\endcsname[1]{%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname @#2\endcsname{##1}}%
+ \DefineFamilyKey[{#1}]{title}{#2}{%
+ \csname #2\endcsname{##1}%
+ \FamilyKeyStateProcessed
+ }%
+ \DefineFamilyKey[{#1}]{title}{#2}{%
+ \tp@replacewarning{#2}{#3}%
+ \FamilyOptions{title}{#3=##1}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\titlehead}
+% \begin{macro}{\@titlehead}
+% \begin{option}{titlehead}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\homepage}
+% \changes{v0.3}{2012/07/05}{new command}
+% \begin{macro}{\@homepage}
+% \changes{v0.3}{2012/07/05}{new internal}
+% \begin{option}{homepage}
+% \changes{v0.3}{2012/07/05}{new option}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\title}
+% \begin{macro}{\@title}
+% \begin{option}{title}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\author}
+% \begin{macro}{\@author}
+% \begin{option}{author}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\date}
+% \begin{macro}{\@date}
+% \begin{option}{date}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\duration}
+% \begin{macro}{\@duration}
+% \begin{option}{duration}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\course}
+% \begin{macro}{\@course}
+% \begin{option}{course}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\company}
+% \begin{macro}{\@company}
+% \begin{option}{company}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\subtitle}
+% \begin{macro}{\@subtitle}
+% \begin{option}{subtitle}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\university}
+% \begin{macro}{\@university}
+% \begin{option}{university}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\faculty}
+% \begin{macro}{\@faculty}
+% \begin{option}{faculty}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\chair}
+% \begin{macro}{\@chair}
+% \begin{option}{chair}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\professor}
+% \begin{macro}{\@professor}
+% \begin{option}{professor}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\subject}
+% \begin{macro}{\@subject}
+% \begin{option}{subject}
+% \changes{v0.4c}{2012/12/18}{typing error fixed (mrpiggi)}
+% \changes{v0.5e}{2019/11/20}{\cs{ifstr} in \textsf{scrbase} renamed to
+% \cs{Ifstr}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \Ifstr{#1}{project}{\subject{\projectpapername}}{%
+ \Ifstr{#1}{seminar}{\subject{\seminarpapername}}{%
+ \Ifstr{#1}{studentresearch}{\subject{\studentresearchname}}{%
+ \Ifstr{#1}{diploma}{\subject{\diplomathesisname}}{%
+ \Ifstr{#1}{degree}{\subject{\degreethesisname}}{%
+ \Ifstr{#1}{master}{\subject{\masterthesisname}}{%
+ \Ifstr{#1}{bachelor}{\subject{\bachelorthesisname}}{%
+ \subject{#1}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \FamilyKeyStateProcessed
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\Ifstr}
+% For compatibility with old versions of \textsf{scrbase} the macro is
+% provided based on \cs{ifstr} if it has not been defined by \textsf{scrbase}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{option}{student}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \begin{macro}{\sience}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{new}
+% \begin{macro}{\@sience}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{new}
+% \begin{option}{sience}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{new}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\discipline}
+% \begin{macro}{\@discipline}
+% \begin{option}{discipline}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\academicgrade}
+% \changes{v0.6}{2021/07/29}{renamed ``degree'' to ``academic grade'' to avoid
+% name clash with the degree symbol}
+% \begin{macro}{\@academicgrade}
+% \changes{v0.6}{2021/07/29}{renamed ``degree'' to ``academic grade'' to avoid
+% name clash with the degree symbol}
+% \begin{option}{academicgrade}
+% \changes{v0.6}{2021/07/29}{renamed ``degree'' to ``academic grade'' to avoid
+% name clash with the degree symbol}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\matriculationnumber}
+% \begin{macro}{\@matriculationnumber}
+% \begin{option}{matriculationnumber}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\advisor}
+% \begin{macro}{\@advisor}
+% \begin{option}{advisor}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\referee}
+% \begin{macro}{\@referee}
+% \begin{option}{referee}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\place}
+% \begin{macro}{\@place}
+% \begin{option}{place}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\publisher}
+% \begin{macro}{\@publisher}
+% \begin{option}{publisher}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\renewcommand*{\@publisher}{\csname @publishers\endcsname}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\mainlogo}
+% \changes{v0.4}{2012/07/24}{new}
+% \begin{macro}{\@mainlogo}
+% \changes{v0.4}{2012/07/24}{new (internal)}
+% \begin{option}{mainlogo}
+% \changes{v0.4}{2012/07/24}{new}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\oralexaminationdate}
+% \begin{macro}{\@oralexaminationdate}
+% \begin{option}{oralexaminationdate}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\dedication}
+% \begin{macro}{\@dedication}
+% \begin{option}{dedication}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\usetitleelement}
+% \changes{v0.4}{2012/04/24}{new}
+% \begin{macro}{\@usetitleelement@error}
+% \changes{v0.4}{2012/04/24}{new (internal)}
+% Users cannot simply use, e.g., \cs{@title}, \cs{@mainlogo} etc. So we need a
+% command to get them:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{#1}{%
+ \@usetitleelement@error{#1}%
+ }{%
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{@#1}{%
+ \@usetitleelement@error{#1}%
+ }{%
+ \@nameuse{@#1}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \PackageError{uni-titlepage}{`#1' isn't a title element}{%
+ You should use \string\usetitleelement\space for title elements
+ only!\MessageBreak
+ If you'll continue, command will be ignored.}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% Some variables use their own configurable font:
+% \begin{option}{titlepagefont}
+% \begin{macro}{\@titlepagefont}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \newcommand*{\@titlepagefont}{}%
+ \newkomafont{titlepage}{}%
+ \renewcommand*{\@titlepagefont}{#1}%
+ \FamilyKeyStateProcessed
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{option}
+% \begin{option}{subjectfont}
+% \begin{macro}{\subject@font}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \renewcommand*{\subject@font}{#1}%
+ \FamilyKeyStateProcessed
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{option}
+% \begin{option}{titlefont}
+% \begin{macro}{\title@font}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \renewcommand*{\titlefont}{#1}%
+ \FamilyKeyStateProcessed
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{option}
+% \begin{option}{subtitlefont}
+% \begin{macro}{\@subtitlefont}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \renewcommand*{\@subtitlefont}{#1}%
+ \FamilyKeyStateProcessed
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{option}
+% \begin{macro}{\TitlePageStyle}
+% Load a title page style from file
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \IfFileExists{title-#2.def}{%
+ \begingroup
+ \edef\@tempa{\endgroup
+ \noexpand\inittitlestyle
+ \noexpand\makeatletter
+ \noexpand\input{title-#2.def}%
+ \noexpand\catcode`\noexpand\@=\the\catcode`\@
+ }%
+ \@tempa
+ \TitleOptions{#1}%
+ }{%
+ \PackageError{uni-titlepage}{No title definition for `#2' found}{%
+ You've tried to set title page style `#2', but no title page
+ style definition file\MessageBreak
+ `title-#2.def' may be found%
+ }%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\NowButAfterBeginDocument}
+% Nice shortcut:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if@atdocument
+ \expandafter\@firstofone
+ \else
+ \expandafter\AtBeginDocument
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\chairmanname}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{new}%^^A
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\projectpapername}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\seminarpapername}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\studentreserchname}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\diplomathesisname}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\degreethesisname}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\masterthesisname}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\bachelorthesisname}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\presentedbyname}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\advisorname}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\thename}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\ofthename}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\fromname}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\fromplacename}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\malerefereename}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{new}%^^A
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\femalerefereename}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{new}%^^A
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\refereename}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\oralexaminationdatename}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\ordinal}
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\maleordinal}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{new}%^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\femaleordinal}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{new}%^^A
+% \changes{v0.5c}{2019/05/27}{not needed \cs{AtBeginDocument} removed}%^^A
+% Language dependent terms:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\providecommand*{\projectpapername}{Project Paper}
+\providecommand*{\seminarpapername}{Seminar Paper}
+\providecommand*{\studentresearchname}{Student Research Project}
+\providecommand*{\diplomathesisname}{Diploma Thesis}
+\providecommand*{\degreethesisname}{Degree Thesis}
+\providecommand*{\masterthesisname}{Master Thesis}
+\providecommand*{\bachelorthesisname}{Bachelor Thesis}
+\providecommand*{\presentedbyname}{presented by}
+\providecommand*{\ofthename}{of the}
+\providecommand*{\oralexaminationdatename}{Date of Oral Examination}
+\providecommand*{\durationname}{Processing Time}
+\providecommand*{\companyname}{Training Company}
+\providecommand*{\examinationdatename}{Date of Examination}
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\chairmanname}{Chairmain}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\projectpapername}{Project Paper}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\seminarpapername}{Seminar Paper}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\studentresearchname}{Student
+ Research Project}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\diplomathesisname}{Diploma Thesis}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\degreethesisname}{Degree Thesis}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\masterthesisname}{Master Thesis}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\bachelorthesisname}{Bachelor
+ Thesis}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\ordinal}{\englishordinal}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\presentedbyname}{presented by}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\advisorname}{Advisor}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\thename}{}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\ofthename}{of the}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\fromname}{from}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\fromplacename}{from}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\refereename}{Referee}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\oralexaminationdatename}{Date of
+ Oral Examination}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\durationname}{Processing Time}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\matriculationnumbername}{Matriculationnumber}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\coursename}{Course}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\companyname}{Training Company}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\examinationname}{Examination}%
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\examinationdatename}{Date of
+ Examination}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\chairmanname}{Dekan/Dekanin}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\projectpapername}{Projektarbeit}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\seminarpapername}{Seminararbeit}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\studentresearchname}{Studienarbeit}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\diplomathesisname}{Diplomarbeit}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\degreethesisname}{Dissertation}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\masterthesisname}{Master-Arbeit}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\bachelorthesisname}{Bachelor-Arbeit}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\ordinal}{\germanordinal}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\femaleordinal}{\germanfemaleordinal}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\maleordinal}{\germanmaleordinal}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\presentedbyname}{eingereicht von}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\advisorname}{Betreuer}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\thename}{den}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\ofthename}{der}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\fromname}{von}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\fromplacename}{aus}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\refereename}{Gutachter}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\femalerefereename}{Gutachterin}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\oralexaminationdatename}{Datum der m\"undlichen
+ Pr\"ufung}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\durationname}{Bearbeitungszeitraum}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\matriculationnumbername}{Matrikelnummer}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\coursename}{Kurs}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\companyname}{Ausbildungsfirma}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\examinationname}{Pr\"ufung}%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\examinationdatename}{Tag der Pr\"ufung}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\englishordinal}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcsname engordnumber\endcsname
+ \engordnumber{#1}%
+ \else
+ \ifnum #1<\@ne
+ \PackageError{uni-titlepage}{Ordinal of `#1' not defined}{%
+ This package does only define english ordinals from 1}%
+ \else
+ \ifcase #1\or 1st\or 2nd\or 3rd\or 4th\or 5th\or 6th\or 7th\or 8th\or
+ 9th\or 10th\else
+ \PackageError{uni-titlepage}{Ordinal of `#1' not defined}{%
+ This package does only define english ordinals from 1 to
+ 10.\MessageBreak
+ You may load package `engord' to improve support of english
+ ordinals}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\germanordinal}
+% \begin{macro}{\germanmaleordinal}
+% \begin{macro}{\germanfemaleordinal}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum #1<\@ne
+ \PackageError{uni-titlepage}{Ordinal of `#1' not defined}{%
+ This package does only define german ordinals from 1}%
+ \else
+ #1.%
+ \fi
+ \ifcase #1
+ \PackageError{uni-titlepage}{Male ordinal of `#1' not defined}{%
+ This package does only define german male ordinals from 1}%
+ \or Erster\or Zweiter\or Dritter\or Vierter\or F\"unfter\or Sechster%
+ \or Siebter\or Achter\or Neunter\or Zehnter\else
+ \PackageError{uni-titlepage}{Male ordinal of `#1' not defined}{%
+ This package does only define german male ordinals up to 10}%
+ \fi
+ \ifcase #1
+ \PackageError{uni-titlepage}{Female ordinal of `#1' not defined}{%
+ This package does only define german female ordinals from 1}%
+ \or Erste\or Zweite\or Dritte\or Vierte\or F\"unfte\or Sechste%
+ \or Siebte\or Achte\or Neunte\or Zehnte\else
+ \PackageError{uni-titlepage}{Female ordinal of `#1' not defined}{%
+ This package does only define german female ordinals up to 10}%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% \fi^^A meta-comment
+% \subsection{The \texttt{titlepage} Drivers}
+% \label{sec:The-titlepage-Drivers}
+% \changes{v0.2}{2011/06/07}{new style \texttt{DHBW}}
+% \changes{v0.2}{2011/06/07}{new style \texttt{Spacer}}
+% \changes{v0.3}{2012/07/05}{new style \texttt{KIT}}
+% \changes{v0.4}{2012/07/24}{new style \texttt{JT-Aufsaetze}}
+% \changes{v0.4}{2012/07/24}{new style \texttt{JT-Geschichte}}
+% \changes{v0.4}{2012/07/24}{new style \texttt{JT-Typography}}
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% \fi^^A meta-comment
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\PackageNotLoadedError#1{%
+ \GenericError{%
+ (#1)\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces
+ }{%
+ File `#1' Error: package `uni-titlepage' hasn't been loaded%
+ }{%
+ This definition file was made to be loaded by package
+ `uni-titlepage'.\MessageBreak
+ You may not use it without package `uni-titlepage'!\MessageBreak
+ See the documentation of package `uni-titlepage' for explanation.%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifx\csname uni-titlepage.sty@vers\endcsname\relax
+ \PackageNotLoadedError{%
+%<DHBW> title-DHBW.def%
+%<KOMAScript> title-KOMAScript.def%
+%<TU-DD> title-TU-DD.def%
+%<TU-HH> title-TU-HH.def%
+%<Markus&1> title-Markus-1.def%
+%<Markus&2> title-Markus-2.def%
+%<Spacer> title-Spacer.def%
+%<KIT> title-KIT.def%
+%<JT-Aufsaetze> title-JT-Aufsaetze.def%
+%<JT-Geschichte> title-JT-Geschichte.def%
+%<JT-Typography> title-JT-Typography.def%
+%<WWUM> title-WWUM.def%
+ }%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Each style corresponds with an own member. Nevertheless most styles will not
+% have options in their own, because string options should be global to make
+% change of style very easy.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<KOMAScript> KOMAScript%
+%<TU-DD> TU-DD%
+%<TU-HH> TU-HH%
+%<Markus&1> Markus-1%
+%<Markus&2> Markus-2%
+%<Spacer> Spacer%
+%<KIT> KIT%
+%<JT-Aufsaetze> JT-Aufsaetze%
+%<JT-Geschichte> JT-Geschichte%
+%<JT-Typography> JT-Typography%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Nevertheless some style has their own switches:
+% \begin{option}{blackborder}
+% \emph{Trauerrand} at style \File{TU-DD}:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \begin{option}{final}
+% Style \File{TU-HH} distinguishes between drafts and final thesis.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{option}
+% \begin{option}{rulewidth}
+% \begin{macro}{\title@rulewidth}
+% \begin{option}{rulesep}
+% \begin{macro}{\title@rulesep}
+% Some styles have some variable rules at the title:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<Spacer|Markus&2> 0pt%
+%<JT-Aufsaetze|JT-Geschichte> .25\textwidth
+%<Spacer|Markus&2> \ifdim \title@rulewidth>\z@ 10pt\else \z@\fi
+%<JT-Aufsaetze|JT-Geschichte> 1.5pt%
+%<Markus&2> Markus-2%
+%<JT-Aufsaetze> JT-Aufsaetze%
+%<JT-Geschichte> JT-Geschichte%
+%<Spacer> Spacer%
+ \gdef\title@rulewidth{\dimexpr #1\relax}%
+ \FamilyKeyStateProcessed
+%<Markus&2> Markus-2%
+%<JT-Aufsaetze> JT-Aufsaetze%
+%<JT-Geschichte> JT-Geschichte%
+%<Spacer> Spacer%
+ \gdef\title@rulesep{\dimexpr #1\relax}%
+ \FamilyKeyStateProcessed
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
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+% \end{option}
+% An some has their own terms:
+% \begin{macro}{\presentationinformationWWUM}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{new style WWUM}
+% \begin{macro}{\presentationinformationTUHH}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{\cs{NowButAfterBeginDocument} not needed any
+% more}^^A
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{provide sevaral English and German
+% languages}^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\presentationinformationDHBW}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{\cs{NowButAfterBeginDocument} not needed any
+% more}^^A
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{provide sevaral English and German languages}^^A
+% \changes{0.5e}{2019/11/20}{\cs{if} replaced by \cs{ifx}}
+% \begin{macro}{\presentationinformationKIT}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{\cs{NowButAfterBeginDocument} not needed any
+% more}^^A
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{provide sevaral English and German languages}^^A
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ for the \examinationname{} of\\[.5\baselineskip]
+ \@academicgrade\\[0pt plus 1fill]
+ of \@discipline\\[.5\baselineskip]
+ at the \@university{} \@place\\
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\presentationinformationDHBW}{%
+ for the \examinationname\\[.5\baselineskip]
+ \@academicgrade\\[0pt plus 1fill]
+ of degree course \@discipline\\[.5\baselineskip]
+ at the \@university\ifx\@place\@empty\else\space\@place\fi
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\presentationinformationDHBW}{%
+ f\"ur die \examinationname{} zum\\[.5\baselineskip]
+ \@academicgrade\\[0pt plus 1fill]
+ des Studienganges \@discipline\\[.5\baselineskip]
+ an der \@university{}\ifx\@place\@empty\else\space\@place\fi
+ \iffinal Of the \else The \fi Graduation Committee of the\\
+ \@university\\[.5ex]
+ to the Acquisition of the Academic Degree\\[.5ex]
+ \@academicgrade\\[.5ex]
+ \iffinal approved \else submitted \fi\@subject}
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\presentationinformationTUHH}{%
+ \iffinal Of the \else The \fi Graduation Committee of the\\
+ \@university\\[.5ex]
+ to the Acquisition of the Academic Degree\\[.5ex]
+ \@academicgrade\\[.5ex]
+ \iffinal approved \else submitted \fi\@subject}
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\presentationinformationTUHH}{%
+ \iffinal Vom \else Dem \fi Promotionsausschuss der\\
+ \@university\\[.5ex]
+ zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades\\[.5ex]
+ \@academicgrade\\[.5ex]
+ \iffinal genehmigte \else vorgelegte \fi\@subject}%
+ At the \@faculty\\
+ \strut\ignorespaces\@chair\\
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\presentationinformationKIT}{%
+ At the \@faculty\\
+ \strut\ignorespaces\@chair\\
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\presentationinformationKIT}{%
+ An der \@faculty\\
+ \strut\ignorespaces\@chair\\
+ \@subject\\
+ to the Aquisition of the Academic Degree\\
+ \@academicgrade\\
+ of the \@sience{} of \@discipline\\
+ of the \@faculty{} faculty\\
+ of the \@university
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\presentationinformationWWUM}{%
+ \@subject\\
+ to the Aquisition of the Academic Degree\\
+ \@academicgrade\\
+ of the \@sience{} of \@discipline\\
+ of the \@faculty{} faculty\\
+ of the \@university
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\presentationinformationWWUM}{%
+ \@subject\\
+ zur Erlangung des \@academicgrade\\
+ der \@sience{} im Fachbereich \@discipline\\
+ der \@faculty{} Fakult\"at\\
+ der \@university
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\KITlongname}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{\cs{NowButAfterBeginDocument} not needed any
+% more}^^A
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{provide sevaral English and German
+% languages}^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\fromname}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{\cs{NowButAfterBeginDocument} not needed any
+% more}^^A
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{provide sevaral English and German
+% languages}^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\refereename}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{\cs{NowButAfterBeginDocument} not needed any
+% more}^^A
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{provide sevaral English and German
+% languages}^^A
+% \begin{macro}{\KITurl}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\KITlongname}{%
+ University of the State of Baden-W\"urttemberg and National Research Center
+ of the Helmholtz Association%
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\KITlongname}{%
+ Universit\"at des Landes Baden-W\"urttemberg und nationales
+ Forschungszentrum in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
+ \renewcaptionname{american}{\fromname}{of}%
+ \renewcaptionname{american}{\refereename}{Reviewer}%
+ \renewcaptionname{australian}{\fromname}{of}%
+ \renewcaptionname{australian}{\refereename}{Reviewer}%
+ \renewcaptionname{british}{\fromname}{of}%
+ \renewcaptionname{british}{\refereename}{Reviewer}%
+ \renewcaptionname{canadian}{\fromname}{of}%
+ \renewcaptionname{canadian}{\refereename}{Reviewer}%
+ \renewcaptionname{english}{\fromname}{of}%
+ \renewcaptionname{english}{\refereename}{Reviewer}%
+ \renewcaptionname{newzealand}{\fromname}{of}%
+ \renewcaptionname{newzealand}{\refereename}{Reviewer}%
+ \renewcaptionname{UKenglish}{\fromname}{of}%
+ \renewcaptionname{UKenglish}{\refereename}{Reviewer}%
+ \renewcaptionname{USenglish}{\fromname}{of}%
+ \renewcaptionname{USenglish}{\refereename}{Reviewer}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\presentedbyname}
+% \changes{v0.5}{2016/06/21}{changed value for `WWUM'}%^^A
+% \changes{v0.5a}{2016/06/22}{fixed \texttt{swissgerman} instead of
+% \texttt{swiss}}%^^A
+% \changes{v0.5b}{2018/08/31}{changes have to be delayed}%^^A
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \providecaptionname{german,ngerman,austrian,naustrian,
+ swissgerman,nswissgerman}{\presentedbyname}{vorgelegt von}%
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{captionsgerman}{}{%
+ \renewcaptionname{german}{\presentedbyname}{vorgelegt von}%
+ }%
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{captionsngerman}{}{%
+ \renewcaptionname{ngerman}{\presentedbyname}{vorgelegt von}%
+ }%
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{captionsaustrian}{}{%
+ \renewcaptionname{austrian}{\presentedbyname}{vorgelegt von}%
+ }%
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{captionsnaustrian}{}{%
+ \renewcaptionname{naustrian}{\presentedbyname}{vorgelegt von}%
+ }%
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{captionsswissgerman}{}{%
+ \renewcaptionname{swissgerman}{\presentedbyname}{vorgelegt von}%
+ }%
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{captionsnswissgerman}{}{%
+ \renewcaptionname{nswissgerman}{\presentedbyname}{vorgelegt von}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% While style initialization, something may change:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% style \File{KOMAScript} redefines some footnote macros:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\footnotesize\small
+ \let\footnoterule\relax
+ \let\footnote\thanks
+ \renewcommand*\thefootnote{\@fnsymbol\c@footnote}%
+ \let\@oldmakefnmark\@makefnmark
+ \renewcommand*{\@makefnmark}{\rlap\@oldmakefnmark}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% styles \File{DHBW}, \File{TU-DD}, \File{TU-HH}, and \File{KIT} sets some
+% variable if not already done
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@university\@empty
+ \university{%
+%<DHBW> Dualen Hochschule%
+%<TU-DD> Technische\nobreakspace Universit\"at\nobreakspace Dresden%
+%<TU-HH> Technische\nobreakspace Universit\"at\nobreakspace
+%<TU-HH> Hamburg-Harburg%
+%<KIT> KIT -- \KITlongname
+%<WWUM> Westf\"alischen Wilhelms-Universit\"at M\"unster%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@place\@empty
+ \place{%
+%<DHBW> Baden-W\"urttemberg%
+%<TU-DD> Dresden%
+%<TU-HH> Hamburg%
+%<KIT> Karlsruhe%
+ \PackageWarning{uni-titlepage}{Birth place missing.\MessageBreak
+ Style `WWUM' needs the birth place of\MessageBreak
+ the student}%
+ }
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@mainlogo\@empty
+ \IfFileExists{DHBW_d_MOS_195x95_rgb_300.jpg}{%
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{includegraphics}{%
+ \if@atdocument\else\RequirePackage{graphicx}\fi
+ }{}%
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{includegraphics}{}{%
+ \mainlogo{%
+ \includegraphics[width=57mm,height=27mm]%
+ {DHBW_d_MOS_195x95_rgb_300.jpg}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }{}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@titlehead\@empty
+ \titlehead{\hspace*{\fill}\@mainlogo}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@titlepagefont\@empty
+ \renewcommand*{\@titlepagefont}{\normalfont\sffamily}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@homepage\@empty
+ \homepage{\KITurl}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@mainlogo\@empty
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \changes{v0.5f}{2021/07/29}{autodetect several logo picture files}
+% Try to detect one of the suitable PNGs of the KIT logo from
+% \url{}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\KIT@logo{KITLogo_RGB.pdf}\IfFileExists{\KIT@logo}{}{%
+ \def\KIT@logo{2560px-Logo_KIT.svg.png}\IfFileExists{\KIT@logo}{}{%
+ \def\KIT@logo{2000px-Logo_KIT.svg.png}\IfFileExists{\KIT@logo}{}{%
+ \def\KIT@logo{1280px-Logo_KIT.svg.png}\IfFileExists{\KIT@logo}{}{%
+ \def\KIT@logo{1024px-Logo_KIT.svg.png}\IfFileExists{\KIT@logo}{}{%
+ \def\KIT@logo{1000px-Logo_KIT.svg.png}\IfFileExists{KIT@logo}{}{%
+ \def\KIT@logo{800px-Logo_KIT.svg.png}\IfFileExists{\KIT@logo}{}{%
+ \def\KIT@logo{640px-Logo_KIT.svg.png}\IfFileExists{\KIT@logo}{}{%
+ \def\KIT@logo{500px-Logo_KIT.svg.png}%
+ }}}}}}}}%
+ \IfFileExists{\KIT@logo}{%
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{includegraphics}{%
+ \if@atdocument\else\RequirePackage{graphicx}\fi
+ }{}%
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{includegraphics}{}{%
+ \mainlogo{%
+ \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=18.5mm]{\KIT@logo}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }{}%
+ \fi
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+ \fi
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+ \fi
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+% style \File{Markus-2} uses it's own pagestyle at the first title page
+% \begin{macrocode}
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+ \parbox[b][\headheight][b]{\hsize}{\@titlepagefont{%
+ \csname @titlehead\endcsname}}%
+ }%
+ \let\@evenhead\@oddhead
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+% \end{macrocode}
+% styles \File{JT-Aufsaetze} and \File{JT-Geschichte} set some font defaults:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@titlepagefont\@empty
+%<JT-Aufsaetze> \renewcommand*{\@titlepagefont}{\normalfont\Huge\itshape}%
+ \scr@ifundefinedorrelax{lsstyle}{%
+ \renewcommand*{\@titlepagefont}{\normalfont\let\@tpf@extra\scshape}%
+ }{%
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+ \fi
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+% \begin{macrocode}
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+% \begin{macro}{\publishers}
+% \KOMAScript{} defines this macro. But we use \verb|\publisher| instead.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\makemaintitle}
+% \changes{v0.2a}{2012/03/20}{\texttt{Markus-2}: \cs{leavevmode} added
+% before \cs{subject@font} to avoid line break after \cs{subject@font}
+% using package \textsf{color} or \textsf{xcolor}}
+% This differs from style to style:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begin{%
+%<DHBW|TU-DD|TU-HH|KIT> fullsizetitle}
+ titlepage}
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+ {\titlefont{\Large\@title}}\par
+ \vfill
+ {\subject@font{\Large\@subject\par}}%
+ \vfill
+ \presentationinformationDHBW\par
+ \vfill
+ \fromname\\[.5\baselineskip]
+ \@author\par
+ \vfill
+ \@date\par
+ \vfill
+ \begin{tabular}{*2{p{.5\dimexpr\linewidth-3\tabcolsep\relax}}@{}}
+ \durationname & \@duration \\[.5ex]
+ \matriculationnumbername, \coursename & \@matriculationnumber,
+ \@course\\[.5ex]
+ \companyname & \@company \\[.5ex]
+ \advisorname{} \ofthename{} \companyname & \@advisor \\[.5ex]
+ \refereename{} \ofthename{} \@university & \@referee
+ \end{tabular}
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+ \@titlehead
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+ \vskip 3em
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+ \begin{tabular}[t]{c}
+ \@author
+ \end{tabular}\par
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+ \vskip \z@ \@plus3fill
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+ {\fontsize{20pt}{24pt}\selectfont
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+ \strut\ignorespaces\@professor\unskip\strut\\
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+ \strut\ignorespaces\presentedbyname\unskip\strut\\
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+ \strut\ignorespaces\@discipline\unskip\strut\\
+ \strut\ignorespaces\@matriculationnumber\unskip\strut\\
+ \end{tabular}\\
+ \vskip\baselineskip
+ \hspace*{.25\linewidth}%
+ \strut\ignorespaces\advisorname\unskip:\strut\\
+ \hspace*{.25\linewidth}\quad
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
+ \strut\ignorespaces\@advisor\unskip\strut\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \vskip2\baselineskip
+ \hspace*{.25\linewidth}%
+ \strut\ignorespaces\@place,\nobreakspace\thename\nobreakspace\@date
+ \par}
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+ \strut\ignorespaces\@author\\}
+ \vspace{2.5cm}
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+ \strut\ignorespaces\@place\\}
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+ \vfill
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+ \@author\\
+ \ifx\@place\@empty\else\fromplacename{} \@place\\\fi
+ --\,\the\year\,--
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+% \changes{v0.4a}{2012/09/05}{fix influence of height of titlehead to
+% vertical alignment of rule}
+% \begin{macrocode}
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+ \begin{picture}(\title@rulewidth\@gobble,
+ \dimexpr 4pt+1pt+\title@rulesep\relax\@gobble)
+ \put(0,\dimexpr 2pt+.5pt+\title@rulesep\relax\@gobble){%
+ \linethickness{1pt}\line(1,0){\title@rulewidth\@gobble}%
+ }%
+ \put(0,0){%
+ \linethickness{4pt}\line(1,0){\title@rulewidth\@gobble}%
+ }%
+ \end{picture}\\[\dp\strutbox]
+ \@tpf@extra{\@publisher}%
+ \ifx\@place\@empty\else
+ \unskip\@tpf@extra{\strut}\\[\dp\strutbox]\@tpf@extra{\@place}%
+ \fi
+ \raggedright
+ {\Large\MakeUppercase{\@author}\\[\baselineskip]}
+ {\titlefont{\Huge\MakeUppercase{\@title}\unskip\strut\\}}
+ {\@subtitlefont{\normalsize\MakeUppercase{\@subtitle}\\}}
+ \vfill
+ {\normalsize\MakeUppercase{\@place}\ifx\@place\@empty\else\enskip\fi
+ {\LARGE\MakeUppercase{\@date}}
+ \ifx\@publisher\@empty\else\unskip\strut\\[1.5\baselineskip]
+ \MakeUppercase{\@publisher}%
+ \fi}
+ \end{%
+%<DHBW|TU-DD|TU-HH|KIT> fullsizetitle}
+ titlepage}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Some of the styles need additional string options for the back of the main
+% title. These are more structural than logical, so we do not define those
+% globally!
+% \begin{option}{uppertitleback}
+% \begin{macro}{\uppertitleback}
+% \begin{macro}{\@uppertitlebacke}
+% \begin{option}{lowertitleback}
+% \begin{macro}{\lowertitleback}
+% \begin{macro}{\@lowertitleback}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<KOMAScript> KOMAScript%
+%<Markus&1> Markus-1%
+%<Markus&2> Markus-2%
+%<Spacer> Spacer%
+%<JT-Aufsaetze> JT-Aufsaetze%
+%<JT-Geschichte> JT-Geschichte%
+%<JT-Geschichte> JT-Typography%
+%<KOMAScript> KOMAScript%
+%<Markus&1> Markus-1%
+%<Markus&2> Markus-2%
+%<Spacer> Spacer%
+%<JT-Aufsaetze> JT-Aufsaetze%
+%<JT-Geschichte> JT-Geschichte%
+%<JT-Geschichte> JT-Typography%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{option}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{option}
+% \begin{macro}{\makemaintitleback}
+% \changes{v0.5e}{2019/11/20}{\cs{ifstr} in \textsf{scrbase} renamed to
+% \cs{Ifstr}}
+% Only some of the styles define this:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begin{titlepage}
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{\textwidth}
+ \@titlepagefont{\@uppertitleback}%
+ \end{minipage}\par
+ \vfill
+ \begin{minipage}[b]{\textwidth}
+ \@titlepagefont{\@lowertitleback}%
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{titlepage}
+ \begin{titlepage}
+ \vspace*{\fill}
+ \iffinal
+ \@tempcnta\z@
+ \def\and{%
+ \par\advance\@tempcnta by\@ne
+ \@hangfrom{%
+ \expandafter\ordinal\expandafter{\the\@tempcnta}~\refereename:\enskip
+ }%
+ }\and\@referee
+ \fi
+ \vskip 1cm
+ \iffinal
+ \@hangfrom{\oralexaminationdatename:\enskip}{\@oralexaminationdate}%
+ \fi
+ \end{titlepage}
+ \begin{titlepage}
+ \vspace*{\fill}
+ \noindent
+ \@tempcnta\z@
+ \def\arraystretch{2}%
+ \newcommand*{\test@malefemale}[1][m]{%
+ \global\advance\@tempcnta by\@ne
+ \Ifstr{##1}{f}{\def\fe@male{female}}{\def\fe@male{male}}%
+ \csname \fe@male ordinal\endcsname{\@tempcnta}\space
+ \csname \fe@male refereename\endcsname: &
+ \def\and{\\\test@malefemale}%
+ }%
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}}
+ \chairmanname: & \@professor \\
+ \expandafter\test@malefemale
+ \@referee \\
+ \oralexaminationdatename: & \@oralexaminationdate
+ \ifx\examinationdatename\@empty\else
+ \\\examinationdatename: &
+ \fi
+ \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{titlepage}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Some of the styles need additional string options for the pre title. These
+% are more structural than logical, so we do not define those globally!
+% \begin{option}{extratitle}
+% \begin{macro}{\extratitle}
+% \begin{macro}{\@extratitle}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<KOMAScript> KOMAScript%
+%<Markus&2> Markus-2%
+%<Spacer> Spacer%
+%<JT-Aufsaetze> JT-Aufsaetze%
+%<JT-Geschichte> JT-Geschichte%
+%<JT-Typography> JT-Typography%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{option}
+% \begin{macro}{\makepretitle}
+% \changes{v0.2a}{2012/03/20}{\texttt{Markus-1}: Usage of
+% \cs{@titlepagefont} fixed}
+% \changes{v0.4b}{2012/09/18}{\texttt{Markus-1}: publisher page may be
+% omitted}
+% \begin{macro}{\makepretitleback}
+% Only some styles have pre titles:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@extratitle\@empty\else
+ \begin{titlepage}
+ \noindent\@extratitle
+ \end{titlepage}
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@publisher\@empty\else
+ \begin{titlepage}
+ \raggedleft
+ {\@titlepagefont{%
+ \large\strut\ignorespaces\@publisher\par}}%
+ \end{titlepage}
+ \fi
+ \begin{fullsizetitle}
+ \@titlepagefont
+ \vspace*{.33\vsize}%
+ \centering
+ \@author\\[1ex]
+ \@title\\[1ex]
+ \the\year
+ \end{fullsizetitle}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@extratitle\@empty\else\begin{titlepage}\null\end{titlepage}\fi
+ \ifx\@author\@empty\else
+ \ifx\@publisher\@empty\begin{titlepage}\end{titlepage}\fi
+ \begin{titlepage}
+ \raggedleft
+ {\@titlepagefont{%
+ \large\null\vskip 2\baselineskip
+ \LARGE\strut{\def\and{\hspace{1em}\linebreak[3]}%
+ \csname @authorfont\endcsname{\large\ignorespaces\@author}\par}}}%
+ \end{titlepage}
+ \fi
+ \if@twoside\begin{titlepage}\null\end{titlepage}\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\makeposttitle}
+% \begin{macro}{\makeposttitleback}
+% And only some styles provides one more title page with dedication.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@dedication\@empty\else
+ \begin{titlepage}
+ \null\vfill
+ {\centering\csname @dedicationfont\endcsname{\@dedication \par}}%
+ \vskip \z@ \@plus 3fill
+ \end{titlepage}
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@dedication\@empty\else\begin{titlepage}\null\end{titlepage}\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% \fi^^A meta-comment
+% \subsection{The Examples and the Manual}
+% \label{sec:The-Examples-and-the-Manual}
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% \fi^^A meta-comment
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<DHBW|Spacer|KIT>\usepackage[demo]{graphicx}% remove option demo if you have the logo
+%<JT-Geschichte|JT-Typography>\colorlet{RED}{red}% because of \MakeUppercase{\textcolor{red}{…}}
+ titlefont=\sffamily,
+ mainlogo=\textcolor{red}{{%
+ % You may add a company logo here!
+ % NOTE: The original logo has a large white border!
+ \includegraphics[width=57mm,height=27mm]%
+ {DHBW_d_MOS_195x95_rgb_300.jpg}%
+ }},
+ % You may additionally change titlehead. The original definition of
+ % titlehead is:
+ titlehead={\hspace*{\fill}\usetitleelement{mainlogo}},
+ title=\textcolor{red}{Bachelorarbeitsthema},
+ subject=\textcolor{red}{BACHELORARBEIT},
+ academicgrade=\textcolor{red}{Bachelor of Engineering},
+ discipline=\textcolor{red}{Studiengang},
+ place={Baden-Württemberg \textcolor{red}{Stadt}},
+ student=\textcolor{red}{Vorname Nachname},
+ duration=\textcolor{red}{12 Wochen},
+ matriculationnumber=\textcolor{red}{Matrikelnummer},
+ course=\textcolor{red}{Kurskürzel},
+ company=\textcolor{red}{Firmenname, Stadt},
+ advisor=\textcolor{red}{Titel Vorname Nachname},
+ referee=\textcolor{red}{Titel Vorname Nachname},
+ date=\textcolor{red}{Abgabedatum}
+ title=\textcolor{red}{Titel im Stil \texttt{TU-DD}},
+ university=\textcolor{red}{%
+ Technische\nobreakspace Universit\"at\nobreakspace Dresden},%
+ faculty=\textcolor{red}{Fakultät Wirtschafswissenschaften},
+ chair=\textcolor{red}{SAP-Stiftungslehrstuhl für\\
+ Entrepreneurship und Innovation},
+ professor=\textcolor{red}{Prof.\,Dr.\,Michael Schefcyk},
+% subject=diploma, % one of: project, seminar, studentresearch,
+% % diploma, degree, master, bachelor, or ...
+ subject=\textcolor{red}{Seminararbeit\\(bzw. Diplomarbeit)},% ... direct value
+ student=\textcolor{red}{Vorname und Name},
+ discipline=\textcolor{red}{Studienrichtung},
+ matriculationnumber=\textcolor{red}{Matrikel-Nr.},
+ advisor=\textcolor{red}{(mit akadem. Grad, Vor- und Zuname)},
+ date=\textcolor{red}{(Datum der Abgabe)}
+\TitleOptions{pagenumber=1,blackborder}% same with `Trauerrand'
+\maketitle% everything else, like above
+ extratitle=\textcolor{red}{Das ist ein Schmutztitel im Stil \texttt{KOMAScript}},
+ titlehead=\textcolor{red}{Den Kopfbereich kann man auf diese Weise füllen.},
+ subject=\textcolor{red}{Eine Klassifizierung der Arbeit},
+ title=\textcolor{red}{Titel im Stil \texttt{KOMAScript}},
+ subtitle=\textcolor{red}{Untertitel},
+ publisher=\textcolor{red}{Einen Verlag kann man ebenfalls angeben},
+ uppertitleback=\textcolor{red}{Oberer Bereich der Rückseite des Haupttitels im Stil
+ \texttt{KOMAScript}.},
+ lowertitleback=\textcolor{red}{Unterer Bereich der Rückseite des Haupttitels im Stil
+ \texttt{KOMAScript}.},
+ dedication=\textcolor{red}{Eine Widmung im Stil \texttt{KOMAScript}}
+ final,
+ title=\textcolor{red}{Titel im Stil \texttt{TU-HH}},
+ university=\textcolor{red}{Technischen Universität Hamburg-Harburg},
+ subject=degree,
+ academicgrade=\textcolor{red}{Doktor der Naturwissenschaften (Dr.\,rer.\,nat\,)},
+ place=\textcolor{red}{(Geburtsort)},
+ date=\textcolor{red}{(aktuelles Jahr)},
+ referee=\textcolor{red}{Name des ersten Gutachters\protect\and Name des zweiten
+ Gutachters},
+ oralexaminationdate=\textcolor{red}{29. Februar 2009}
+% Maybe we should define one more option for this:
+\setkomafont{subject}{\normalfont\sffamily}% because of KOMA-Script class
+\setkomafont{title}{\normalfont\sffamily}% because of KOMA-Script class
+ titlepagefont={\normalfont\sffamily},% to show is without KOMA-Script class
+ title=\textcolor{red}{Titel im Stil \texttt{Markus-1}},
+ subject=\textcolor{red}{Eine Klassifizierung der Arbeit},
+ subtitle=\textcolor{red}{Untertitel},
+ publisher=\textcolor{red}{Verlag},
+ uppertitleback=\textcolor{red}{Oberer Bereich der Rückseite des Haupttitels
+ im Stil \texttt{Markus-1}.},
+ lowertitleback=\textcolor{red}{Unterer Bereich der Rückseite des Haupttitels
+ im Stil \texttt{Markus-1}.},
+ dedication=\textcolor{red}{Eine Widmung im Stil \texttt{Markus-1}},
+ author=\textcolor{red}{Markus~Kohm\protect\and Sonst~Jemand}
+ rulewidth=2pt,
+ extratitle=\textcolor{red}{Das ist ein Schmutztitel im Stil \texttt{%
+%<2> Markus-2}},
+%<Spacer> Spacer}},
+ titlehead=\textcolor{red}{\includegraphics{Logo}},
+ title=\textcolor{red}{Titel im Stil \texttt{%
+%<2> Markus-2}},
+%<Spacer> Spacer}},
+ subject=\textcolor{red}{Eine Klassifizierung der Arbeit},
+ subtitle=\textcolor{red}{Untertitel},
+ publisher=\textcolor{red}{Verlag},
+ uppertitleback=\textcolor{red}{Oberer Bereich der Rückseite des Haupttitels
+ im Stil \texttt{%
+%<2> Markus-2}.},
+%<Spacer> Spacer}.},
+ lowertitleback=\textcolor{red}{Unterer Bereich der Rückseite des Haupttitels
+ im Stil \texttt{%
+%<2> Markus-2}.},
+%<Spacer> Spacer}.},
+ dedication=\textcolor{red}{Eine Widmung im Stil \texttt{%
+%<2> Markus-2}},
+%<Spacer> Spacer}},
+ author=\textcolor{red}{Markus~Kohm}
+ mainlogo={\textcolor{red}{%
+ \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=18.5mm]{KITLogo_RGB}}},%
+ % You may additionally change titlehead. Original definition of titlehead
+ % is:
+ titlehead={\usetitleelement{mainlogo}\hspace*{\fill}},%
+ title=\textcolor{red}{Titel der Arbeit\\im Stil \texttt{KIT}},%
+ subject=\textcolor{red}{Klassifizierung der Arbeit},%
+ author=\textcolor{red}{Markus~Kohm},%
+ faculty=\textcolor{red}{Fakultät für Informatik},%
+ chair=\textcolor{red}{%
+ Institute for Program Structures\\and Data Organization (IPA)},%
+ advisor={\textcolor{red}{Titel Vorname Nachname}\and
+ \textcolor{red}{Titel Vorname Nachname}},%
+ referee={\textcolor{red}{Titel Vorname Nachname}\and
+ \textcolor{red}{Titel Vorname Nachname}},%
+ duration=\textcolor{red}{XX. Monat 20XX -- XX. Monat 20XX},%
+ university=\textcolor{red}{\KITlongname},%
+ homepage=\textcolor{red}{\KITurl}%
+ % There are only three official elements:
+ author={\textcolor{red}{Markus Kohm}},%
+ title={\textcolor{red}{Titel der Arbeit angelehnt an Jan Tschicholds
+ ausgewählte Aufsätze über Fragen der Gestalt des Buches und der
+ Typographie}},
+ titlefont=\normalfont,% You may change the font of the main title
+ publisher={\textcolor{red}{Der Verlag}}
+ % Nevertheless, you may use extratitle, lowertitleback and uppertitleback.
+ % See Markus-2 for more information about those.
+ % There are only four official elements:
+ author={\textcolor{red}{Markus Kohm}},%
+ title={\textcolor{red}{Titel der Arbeit angelehnt an Jan Tschicholds
+ Geschichte der Schrift in Bildern}},
+ titlefont=\itshape,% You may change the font of the main title
+ publisher={\textcolor{red}{Der Verlag in seiner Langform}},
+ place={\textcolor{red}{Der Ort}}
+ % Nevertheless, you may use extratitle, lowertitleback and uppertitleback.
+ % See Markus-2 for more information about those.
+ % There are only four official elements:
+ author={\textcolor{red}{Markus Kohm}},%
+ title={\textcolor{red}{Titel der Arbeit}},
+ subtitle={\textcolor{red}{angelehnt an the new Typography}},
+ publisher={\textcolor{red}{Veröffentlicht für einen Verlag oder auch nicht}},
+ place={\textcolor{red}{Der Ort}},
+ date={\textcolor{red}{2012}}
+ % Nevertheless, you may use extratitle, lowertitleback and uppertitleback.
+ % See Markus-2 for more information about those.
+\renewcaptionname{ngerman}{\examinationdatename}{Tag der Promotion}
+ title={\textcolor{red}{Titel der Arbeit}},
+ subject={\textcolor{red}{Inaugural-Dissertation}},
+ academicgrade={\textcolor{red}{Doktorgrades}},
+ discipline={\textcolor{red}{Physik}},
+ sience={\textcolor{red}{Naturwissenschaften}},
+ chair={\textcolor{red}{Experimentelle Physik}},
+ faculty={\textcolor{red}{Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen}},
+ author={\textcolor{red}{Mein Name}},
+ place={\textcolor{red}{Geburtsort}},
+ referee={\textcolor{red}{Peter Mustermann}\and
+ [f]\textcolor{red}{Petra Musterfrau}},
+ professor={\textcolor{red}{Klaus Naseschwarz}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% \fi^^A meta-comment
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\title{More Titlepage Styles with Package \File{uni-titlepage}\footnote{This is file
+ version \fileversion{} of file \File{\filename}.}}
+\author{Markus Kohm\footnote{Markus Kohm \textless komascript\textcircled{\tiny
+ at}\textgreater}}
+\date{\fileversion{}\footnote{\textbf{Note:} All version below 0.9 are ALPHA
+ versions. Everything may change. Everything may break. Everything may
+ happen.} \filedate}
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license.
+The latest version of this license is in
+and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+version 2005/12/01 or later.
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm.
+Creation of title pages is something most authors should not have to do.
+But reality is not perfect, so a lot of authors have to do it. In 2009
+%<!README>KOMA started the title page project at \url{}
+%<README>KOMA started the title page project at <>
+to collect real title pages and implement them with a well defined interface.
+%<!README>In 2021 the project has been moved to \url{}
+%<README>In 2021 the project has been moved to <>
+and renamed.
+Now, changing from one title page style to another would be very
+simple. Nevertheless implementation of a new title page style may be still
+difficult. But maybe the guys of the title page project would help you. Just
+# Unpacking and Installation for Developers and Distributors
+To unpack and install all files, you can download the source from github
+and then run:
+ l3build install
+Afterwards you can build the manual and the PDFs of the examples using:
+ l3build doc
+As an alternative you can use the CTAN source distribution. This already
+contains the user manual and the PDFs of the example files. So you only have
+to run
+ tex uni-titlepage.dtx
+to generate the package file `uni-titlepage.sty`, the title definition files
+`title-*.def` and the example titlepages `titlepage-*.tex`.
+Please note, the `title-*.def` files are run-time files. Together with
+`uni-titlepage.sty` they have to be placed in `tex/latex/uni-titlepage` inside
+a TDS tree. All files `titlepage-*.tex` and `titlepage-*.pdf` as well as
+`uni-titlepage.pdf` are part of the documentation and should be placed in
+`doc/latex/uni-titlepage/` of the TDS tree.
+# Unpacking and Installation for Users
+Users can use the installation described at
+[Unpacking and Installation for Developers and Distributors]. However, if
+your TeX distributor already distributes a ready for installation package, you
+do not need and should not create files and copy them yourself. Just use the
+package manager of your TeX distribution to install the package.
+# How to Contribute
+If you have made a title definition that is not specific for a single project
+but could be of interest for other users, you can either
+* make your own `uni-titlepage-FOO` package with its own manual and [upload it
+to ctan](,
+* contribute in adding it to `uni-titlepage`.
+The first option has the advantage, that you are free. There won't be any code
+reviews by the `uni-titlepage` developers. You don't need to use the same
+coding style. There is not need to accept the license of `uni-titlepage`
+etc. But in this case you have to take care to keep it compatible with future
+releases of `uni-titlepage` and it will not be presented in the
+`uni-titlepage` manual.
+The second option has the advantage, that after accepting your code, the
+`uni-titlepage` developers will try to keep it working even if they change
+`uni-titlepage`. But there are several restrictions to your code, before it
+will be accepted. For example, you should always try to use general options,
+if possible. *Static text* (not handled by options) should be configurable via
+`\newcaptionname`, `\providecaptionname` and `\renewcaptionname` and should be
+available at least in English and German (but if we can, we help in
+translating them). The coding style and quality is also a criterion.
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% \fi^^A meta-comment
+% \Finale
+%% Local Variables:
+%% TeX-master: t
+%% TeX-PDF-mode: t
+%% flyspell-mode: t
+%% End: