path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tcldoc/pstokens.dtx
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tcldoc/pstokens.dtx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 979 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tcldoc/pstokens.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tcldoc/pstokens.dtx
deleted file mode 100644
index 26f2a71e28b..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tcldoc/pstokens.dtx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,979 +0,0 @@
-% \iffalse
-% Logos:
- <-9> logo8
- <9-10> logo9
- <10-> logo10
-\DeclareFontShape{U}{logo}{bx}{n}{<-> logobf10}{}
-\DeclareFontShape{U}{logo}{b}{n}{<-> ssub * logo/bx/n}{}
-\DeclareFontShape{U}{logo}{m}{sl}{<-> logosl10}{}
-\DeclareFontShape{U}{logo}{m}{it}{<-> ssub * logo/m/sl}{}
-% \DeclareRobustCommand\META{{%
-% \fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{logo}\selectfont META%
-% }}
- {\fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{logo}\selectfont META}\-%
- {\fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{logo}\selectfont FONT}%
- {\fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{logo}\selectfont META}\-%
- {\fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{logo}\selectfont POST}%
-% Useful environments:
-% \begin{environment}{isyntax}
-% |isyntax| is for ``informal'' syntax specifications, such as
-% \begin{quote}
-% A \meta{varchar command} can be one of\\
-% \begin{quote}
-% |\vartop|\marg{glyph}\\
-% |\varmid|\marg{glyph}\\
-% |\varbot|\marg{glyph}\\
-% |\varrep|\marg{glyph}
-% \end{quote}
-% \end{quote}
-% The implementation is based on that of the \texttt{verse}
-% environment.It usually works just as fine with \texttt{quote}, but
-% \texttt{isyntax} handles breaking long lines better (and more
-% elegantly).
-% \changes{1.37}{2000/05/14}{Increased \cs{rightskip} stretchability
-% and added setting of \cs{linepenalty}. (LH)}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \let\\\@centercr
- \list{}{%
- \itemsep \z@
- \itemindent -1.5em%
- \listparindent \itemindent
- \advance \leftmargin 1.5em%
- }%
- \advance \rightskip \z@\@plus0.7\linewidth \relax
- \linepenalty=100\relax
- \item\relax
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{environment}
-% Tabular notes:
- \leavevmode
- \ifhmode\edef\@x@sf{\the\spacefactor}\nobreak\fi
- \hbox{\@textsuperscript{%
- \normalfont\itshape
- \count@=#1\relax\@alph\count@
- }}%
- \ifhmode\spacefactor\@x@sf\fi
- \relax
- \list{\the\c@mpfootnote}{%
- \usecounter{mpfootnote}%
- \def\makelabel##1{\hfil\tabnotemark{##1}}%
- \normalfont\footnotesize
- \setlength\leftmargin{0pt}%
- \setlength\labelsep{0pt}%
- \setlength\labelwidth{1.8em}%
- \setlength\itemindent{\labelwidth}%
- \setlength\listparindent{1em}%
- \setlength\parsep{0pt plus 1pt}%
- \setlength\itemsep{\parsep}%
- \setlength\topsep{\footnotesep}%
- }%
-\author{Lars Hellstr\"om}
-\date{Work in progress}
-% \fi
-% \begin{abstract}
-% \package{pstokens} is a collection of utility routines for
-% \Tcllogo\ programs that need to view a file as a sequence of
-% \PS\ tokens rather than as a sequence of characters or lines.
-% \end{abstract}
-% \setnamespace{pstokens}
-% First of all, the \texttt{pstokens} namespace must be defined.
-% \begin{tcl}
-namespace eval pstokens {}
-% \end{tcl}
-% \section{Reading and writing tokens}
-% This section contains the routines for reading a text file as a
-% sequence of tokens (tokenizing) and writing a sequence of tokens
-% to a text file (detokenizing).
-% \subsection{Data structures for tokens}
-% A \emph{token} is a \Tcllogo\ list with the format
-% \begin{quote}
-% \word{type} \word{data}\regstar
-% \end{quote}
-% The interpretation of the \word{data} depends on what the \word{type}
-% is, as specified below. Some of the token types only occur internally
-% in the tokenizer and some others have no meaning to a \PS\ interpreter,
-% but this organisation seems to be the most convenient here.
-% A primary goal for the format of tokens is that if a sequence of
-% tokens are read from one file and written to another then the only
-% things that may have changed should be the whitespace between the
-% tokens, not the tokens themselves. Therefore the tokenizer generally
-% avoids interpreting the tokens any more than necessary;
-% interpretation of tokens is instead handled in the next section.
-% The token types that occur in \package{pstokens} are
-% \begin{description}
-% \item[\texttt{number}, \texttt{radixnumber}]
-% \describestring[token type]{number}
-% \describestring[token type]{radixnumber}
-% A number (integer or real), and radix number, respectively. There
-% is one \word{data} item, which contains the string that
-% represented the number in the tokenized text.
-% \item[\texttt{string}, \texttt{hexstring}, \texttt{base-85}]
-% \describestring[token type]{string}
-% \describestring[token type]{hexstring}
-% \describestring[token type]{base-85}
-% A parenthesis-delimited string, hexadecimal string, and ASCII
-% base-85 string, respectively. There is one \word{data} item,
-% which contains the string (minus delimiters) that represented
-% the string in the tokenized text.
-% \item[\texttt{executable}, \texttt{literal}, \texttt{immediate}]
-% \describestring[token type]{executable}
-% \describestring[token type]{literal}
-% \describestring[token type]{immediate}
-% An executable (normal), literal, and immediately evaluated name
-% respectively. There is one \word{data} item, which simply contains
-% the name as a \Tcllogo\ string, not including any initial slashes.
-% \item[\texttt{procedure}]
-% \describestring[token type]{procedure}
-% An executionable array. The data is simply the sequence of tokens
-% in the array.
-% \item[\texttt{comment}]
-% \describestring[token type]{comment}
-% This is not a \PS\ token at all, but a representation of a
-% comment. The reason comments are tokenized is that they often
-% contain interesting information (especially structured comments).
-% The structure of this kind of token is
-% \begin{quote}
-% |comment| \word{head} \word{tail}
-% \end{quote}
-% The \word{head} is the part of the line which is after the |%|
-% that started the comment and before the first whitespace character
-% after it. The \word{tail} is the rest of the line (including the
-% whitespace character, if there is one). Any of \word{head} and
-% \word{tail} may be empty. The structured comment
-% \begin{quote}
-% |%%Pages: 2|
-% \end{quote}
-% would have \word{head} equal to \verb*"%Pages:" and \word{tail}
-% equal to \verb*" 2".
-% \item[\texttt{eof}]
-% \describestring[token type]{eof}
-% This is a pseudotoken which denotes that the end of the file was
-% reached while looking for the next token. There structure is
-% \begin{quote}
-% |eof| \word{token}\regopt
-% \end{quote}
-% If the \word{token} is present then it is a composite token which
-% was being read when the file unexpectedly ended. It is an error
-% if the \word{token} is present.
-% \item[\texttt{special}]
-% \describestring[token type]{special}
-% This token type can be used to extend the token type syntax
-% without having to change the actual routines for reading and
-% writing tokens. The structure of a |special| token is
-% \begin{quote}
-% |special| \word{token} \word{extra data}\regstar
-% \end{quote}
-% If a |special| token gets sent to the token writer then it will be
-% treated as the token \word{token} (which usually has another
-% type), but other routines may treat it differently based on the
-% information in the \word{extra data}.
-% \item[\texttt{error}]
-% \describestring[token type]{error}
-% A token of this type is returned from the tokenizer whenever it
-% encounters anything which is syntactically incorrect. The
-% general structure of this kind of token is
-% \begin{quote}
-% |error| \word{error type} \word{data}\regstar
-% \end{quote}
-% where the \word{error type} more precisely specifies the error.
-% So far, the following error types are used
-% \begin{quote}
-% |error| |extra| \word{string} \word{line no.}\\
-% |error| |missing| \word{string} \word{line no.}\\
-% |error| |missing/extra| \word{m-string} \word{e-string}
-% \word{line no.}
-% \end{quote}
-% |extra| means that there is an occurence of \word{string} which
-% shouldn't have been there, whereas |missing| means that there
-% should have been a \word{string} there, but isn't. |missing/extra|
-% is the combination that there either should have been an
-% \word{m-string} there, but isn't, or there is an \word{e-string}
-% there, but there shouldn't be.
-% \word{line no.} is the line on which the error was encountered.
-% \end{description}
-% \subsection{Reading tokens}
-% \begin{arrayvar}{input_line}[file-id]
-% \begin{arrayvar}{input_line_no}[file-id]
-% Since the |gets| procedure always reads an entire line (which
-% usually contain several tokens) each time it is used, it is
-% necessary to store the most recently read line somewhere. This is
-% the purpose of the |input_line| array, which is indexed by the file
-% id. In general, text is removed from the entires in |input_line| as
-% it is tokenized.
-% The |input_line_no| array stores the number of the line in the
-% corresponding |input_line| entry. The first line in a file has
-% number one.
-% \end{arrayvar}\end{arrayvar}
-% \begin{proc}{open_input}
-% \begin{proc}{close_input}
-% These procedures are wrappers around \Tcllogo's |open| and |close|
-% procedures respectively which additionally initialize and unset the
-% relevant entry of the |input_line| and |input_line_no| arrays. Thus
-% their syntaxes are
-% \begin{quote}
-% |pstokens::open_input| \word{file-name} \word{access}\regopt\
-% \word{permissions}\regopt\\
-% |pstokens::close_input| \word{file-id}
-% \end{quote}
-% and they return the same things as |open| and |close| respectively.
-% A possible development of tokenizer is to implement filtered input,
-% in which case more support data structures would have to be
-% initialized, but then the |open_input| and |close_input| procedures
-% would be redefined to cope with this.
-% \begin{tcl}
-proc pstokens::open_input {args} {
- set res [eval open $args]
- global pstokens::input_line pstokens::input_line_no
- set pstokens::input_line($res) ""
- set pstokens::input_line_no($res) 0
- return $res
-% \medskip
-proc pstokens::close_input {file_id} {
- global pstokens::input_line pstokens::input_line_no
- unset pstokens::input_line($file_id)
- unset pstokens::input_line_no($file_id)
- close $file_id
-% \end{tcl}
-% \end{proc}\end{proc}
-% The tokenizer has a couple of extra internal token types for things
-% which later become parts of other tokens.
-% \begin{description}
-% \item[\texttt{beginproc}, \texttt{endproc}]
-% \describestring[token type]{beginproc}
-% \describestring[token type]{endproc}
-% These are the |{| and |}| at the beginning and end respectively of
-% a \PS\ procedure. There is no \word{data}.
-% \item[\texttt{beginstring}, \texttt{beginhex}, \texttt{beginbase85}]
-% \describestring[token type]{beginstring}
-% \describestring[token type]{beginhex}
-% \describestring[token type]{beginbase85}
-% These token types are the |(|, |<|, and |<~| at the beginning of
-% a \PS\ literal, hex, and base-85 string respectively. There is no
-% \word{data}.
-% \end{description}
-% \begin{proc}{get_primitive_token}
-% The |get_primitive_token| procedure returns the next primitive
-% token in the input file. It takes the file id of the source to read
-% from as its only argument.
-% A \emph{primitive token} is a smallest syntactic unit in the \PS\
-% file. Smallest syntactic units are characterized by that the
-% insertion of a space anywhere in them changes its meaning. One
-% exception is however the left parenthesis characters; it is
-% convenient to include |(| among the primitive tokens even though
-% inserting a space after it will change the meaning of
-% the corresponding token.
-% The first step in |get_primitive_token| is to read ahead until some
-% non-whitespace (or the end of the file) is encountered.
-% \begin{tcl}
-proc pstokens::get_primitive_token {file} {
- global pstokens::input_line pstokens::input_line_no
- set pstokens::input_line($file)\
- [string trimleft [set pstokens::input_line($file)] \t\n\f\r\ ]
- while {[string length [set pstokens::input_line($file)]]==0} {
- if {[gets $file pstokens::input_line($file)]==-1} then {
- return {eof}
- }
- incr pstokens::input_line_no($file)
- set pstokens::input_line($file)\
- [string trimleft [set pstokens::input_line($file)] \t\n\f\r\ ]
- }
-% \end{tcl}
-% The second step is to isolate the part of the text that constitutes
-% the next token. This is done using regular expressions, but as these
-% get rather complicated it seems best to explain how they are
-% constructed. The ASCII characters null (|\x00|), tab (|\x09|), line
-% feed (|\x0a|), form feed (|\x0c|), carriage return (|\x0d|), and
-% space (|\x20|) count as whitespace and delimit tokens, but null is
-% currently ignored because \Tcllogo\ before v\,8 cannot keep them in
-% strings anyway. The ASCII characters |(|, |)|, |<|, |>|, |[|, |]|,
-% |{|, |}|, |/|, and |%| also delimit tokens, and therefore the
-% regular expression for a \PS\ name is
-% \begin{quote}
-% |(/?/?)([^][()<>{}/%|\meta{tab}\meta{LF}\meta{FF}\meta{CR}^^A
-% \verb*" ]+)|//?"
-% \end{quote}
-% (Note that the first right bracket above does not end a character
-% range, but is part of the list of characters which are exculded
-% from it. Also note that |/| and |//| are valid \PS\ tokens.)
-% The number of initial slashes determine whether the name is
-% \texttt{executable}, \texttt{literal}, or \texttt{immediate}.
-% The executable tokens are however somewhat tricky, because the above
-% regular expression will also match all numbers. An \emph{integer} is
-% any token which matches the regular expression \verb"[+-]?[0-9]+",
-% whereas a \emph{real number} is anything else which matches the
-% regular expression
-% \begin{quote}
-% \verb"[+-]?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?"
-% \end{quote}
-% and a \emph{radix number} is anything which matches the regular
-% expression\footnote{Actually there is also the restriction that
-% none of the characters after the \texttt{\#} may represent a digit
-% greater than or equal to the decimal number before the \texttt{\#},
-% but I'm ignoring that, for now.}
-% \begin{quote}
-% |[0-9][0-9]?#[0-9A-Za-z]+|
-% \end{quote}
-% \begin{tcl}
- if {[regexp "^(/?/?)(\[^\]\[()<>\{\}/%\t\n\f\r\ \]+)|^//?"\
- [set pstokens::input_line($file)] tokenstr slashes name]}\
- then {
- if {[regexp\
- {^[+-]?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?$}\
- $tokenstr]}\
- then {
- set token [list number $tokenstr]
- } elseif {[regexp {^[0-9][0-9]?#[0-9A-Za-z]+$} $tokenstr]} then {
- set token [list radixnumber $tokenstr]
- } else {
- if {"$tokenstr"=="/" || "$tokenstr"=="//"}\
- then {set slashes $tokenstr}
- set token [list [lindex {executable literal immediate}\
- [string length $slashes]] $name]
- }
- }\
-% \end{tcl}
-% There are also a couple of primitive tokens which consist of
-% non-whitespace delimiting characters, namely
-% \begin{quote}
-% |{|, |}|, |<|, |<~|, |<<|, |>>|, |[|, |]|, |(|,
-% \end{quote}
-% The right parenthesis and greater than characters does not appear in
-% the list because they may not appear outside a string. Finally
-% there are the comments, which have the regular expression
-% \begin{quote}
-% |^%([^|\meta{tab}\meta{LF}\meta{FF}\meta{CR}\verb*" ]*)(.*)$"
-% \end{quote}
-% Here the first parenthesis is the head of the comment and the second
-% is the tail.
-% \begin{tcl}
- else {
- switch -regexp -- [set pstokens::input_line($file)] {
- ^\{ {set token beginproc ; set tokenstr \{}
- ^\} {set token endproc ; set tokenstr \}}
- ^\\\[ {set token {executable [} ; set tokenstr \[}
- ^\\\] {set token {executable ]} ; set tokenstr \]}
- ^< {set token beginhex ; set tokenstr <}
- ^<~ {set token beginbase85 ; set tokenstr <~}
- ^<< {set token {executable <<} ; set tokenstr <<}
- ^>> {set token {executable >>} ; set tokenstr >>}
- ^\\( {set token beginstring ; set tokenstr (}
- ^% {
- regexp "^%(\[^\t\n\f\r\ \]*)(.*)\$"\
- [set pstokens::input_line($file)] tokenstr head tail
- set token [list comment $head $tail]
- }
- default {
-% \end{tcl}
-% But if none of the above matched the next character must be
-% erroneous.
-% \begin{tcl}
- set tokenstr\
- [string index [set pstokens::input_line($file)] 0]
- set token [list error extra $tokenstr\
- [set pstokens::input_line_no($file)] ]
- }
- }
- }
- set pstokens::input_line($file)\
- [string range [set pstokens::input_line($file)]\
- [string length $tokenstr] end]
- return $token
-% \end{tcl}
-% \end{proc}
-% \begin{proc}{get_string}
-% The |get_string| procedure reads a \PS\ literal string and converts
-% it to a \texttt{string} token, which it returns. The only argument
-% is the file id of the input file. It is assumed that the next thing
-% on the input file line is the character after the left parenthesis
-% that started the string.
-% The only conversion of the data that |get_string| performs is that
-% escaped newlines are skipped and non-escaped newlines are replaced
-% by |\n| escapes. If the end-of-file is encountered while reading a
-% string then the necessary number of right parentheses are added to
-% the string and the resulting string token is built into an |eof|
-% token, which is returned.
-% The local variable |level| keeps track of the parenthesis nesting
-% level, the local variable |data| is the string read so far, and the
-% local variable is a flag which is |1| if the next character should
-% be escaped and |0| otherwise.
-% \begin{tcl}
-proc pstokens::get_string {file} {
- upvar #0 pstokens::input_line line
- global pstokens::input_line_no
- set level 1
- set data ""
- set escaped 0
- while {$level>0} {
- while {$level>0 && [string length $line($file)]>0} {
- set c [string index $line($file) 0]
- if {$escaped} then {
- append data $c
- set escaped 0
- } else {
- switch -exact -- $c {
- ( {incr level ; append data $c}
- ) {
- incr level -1
- if {$level>0} then {append data $c}
- }
- \\ {set escaped 1 ; append data $c}
- default {append data $c}
- }
- }
- set line($file) [string range $line($file) 1 end]
- }
- if {$level>0} then {
- if {!$escaped} then {append data \\n}
- set escaped 0
- if {[gets $file line($file)]==-1} then {
- while {$level>1} {append data ) ; incr level -1}
- return [list eof [list string $data]]
- }
- incr pstokens::input_line_no($file)
- }
- }
- list string $data
-% \end{tcl}
-% \end{proc}
-% \begin{proc}{get_hexstring}
-% The |get_hexstring| procedure reads a \PS\ hexadecimal string and
-% converts it to a \texttt{hexstring} token, which it returns. The
-% only argument is the file id of the input file. It is assumed that
-% the next thing on the input file line is the character after the
-% less than character that started the string.
-% The only conversion of the data that |get_hexstring| performs is that
-% embedded whitespace is removed. If a character which is neither
-% whitespace, a hexadecimal digit, or the closing |>| is encountered
-% then an \texttt{error} token is returned and the text read is put
-% back into the |input_line| buffert (followed by an |>| which is
-% inserted to terminate the string. If the end-of-file is
-% encountered while reading a string then what has been read so far
-% is returned as a hexstring token built into an |eof| token.
-% \begin{tcl}
-proc pstokens::get_hexstring {file} {
- upvar #0 pstokens::input_line line
- global pstokens::input_line_no
- set data ""
- while 1 {
- while {[string length $line($file)]==0} {
- if {[gets $file line($file)]==-1} then {
- return [list eof [list hexstring $data]]
- }
- incr pstokens::input_line_no($file)
- }
- set c [string index $line($file) 0]
- set line($file) [string range $line($file) 1 end]
- switch -regexp -- $c {
- {[0-9a-fA-F]} {append data $c}
- \[\t\n\f\r\ \] {}
- > {break}
- default {
- set line($file) <$data>$c$line($file)
- return [list error missing/extra > $c\
- [set pstokens::input_line_no($file)]]
- }
- }
- }
- list hexstring $data
-% \end{tcl}
-% \end{proc}
-% \begin{proc}{get_base85string}
-% The |get_base85string| procedure reads a \PS\ base-85 string and
-% converts it to a \texttt{base-85} token, which it returns. The
-% only argument is the file id of the input file. It is assumed that
-% the next thing on the input file line is the character after the
-% |<~| characters that started the string.
-% The only conversion of the data that |get_base85string| performs is
-% that embedded whitespace is removed. If a character which is neither
-% whitespace, a base-85 digit, the letter |z|, or the closing |~| is
-% encountered then an \texttt{error} token is returned and the text
-% read is put back into the |input_line| buffert (followed by a |~>|
-% that terminates the string). If the end-of-file is encountered while
-% reading a string then what has been read so far is returned as a
-% base-85 string token built into an |eof| token.
-% \begin{tcl}
-proc pstokens::get_base85string {file} {
- upvar #0 pstokens::input_line line pstokens::input_line_no line_no
- set data ""
- while 1 {
- while {[string length $line($file)]==0} {
- if {[gets $file line($file)]==-1} then {
- return [list eof [list base-85 $data]]
- }
- incr line_no($file)
- }
- set c [string index $line($file) 0]
- set line($file) [string range $line($file) 1 end]
- switch -regexp -- $c {
- {[!-uz]} {append data $c}
- \[\t\n\f\r\ \] {}
- ~ {break}
- default {
- set line($file) <~$data~>$c$line($file)
- return [list error missing/extra ~> $c $line_no($file)]
- }
- }
- }
-% \end{tcl}
-% If the character after the closing |~| is not a |>| then the entire
-% string is put back in the |input_line| buffert and a |missing| error
-% is issued.
-% \begin{tcl}
- if {[string length $line($file)]>0 &&\
- "[string index $line($file) 0]"==">"} then {
- set line($file) [string range $line($file) 1 end]
- list base-85 $data
- } else {
- set line($file) <~$data~>$line($file)
- list error missing > $line_no($file)
- }
-% \end{tcl}
-% \end{proc}
-% \begin{proc}{get_token}
-% \begin{proc}{get_token_rek}
-% The |get_token| procedure has the syntax
-% \begin{quote}
-% |pstokens::get_token| \word{file-id}
-% \end{quote}
-% and returns the next \PS\ token in the \word{file-id} file.
-% Most of the work is however done by the |get_token_rek| procedure,
-% which is a recursive form of |get_token|. |get_token_rek| handles
-% converting the various |begin|\textellipsis\ token types to their
-% complete forms, and it calls itself recursively to get the tokens
-% that form a procedure. |get_token| only checks that there are no
-% lone |endproc| tokens.
-% \begin{tcl}
-proc pstokens::get_token {file} {
- set token [pstokens::get_token_rek $file]
- if {"[lindex $token 0]" == "endproc"} then {
- global pstokens::input_line_no
- set token [list error extra \} [set pstokens::input_line_no($file)]]
- }
- return $token
-% \medskip
-proc pstokens::get_token_rek {file} {
- set token [pstokens::get_primitive_token $file]
- switch -exact [lindex $token 0] {
- beginproc {
- set token {procedure}
- while {"[lindex [set token2 [pstokens::get_token_rek $file]] 0]"\
- != "endproc" && "[lindex $token2 0]" != "eof"} {
- lappend token $token2
- }
- if {"[lindex $token2 0]" == "eof"} then {
- if {[llength $token2]>1} then {
- lappend token [lindex $token2 1]
- }
- set token [list eof $token]
- }
- }
- beginstring {set token [pstokens::get_string $file]}
- beginhex {set token [pstokens::get_hexstring $file]}
- beginbase85 {set token [pstokens::get_base85string $file]}
- }
- return $token
-% \end{tcl}
-% These procedures, and in particular |get_token_rek|, could be made
-% more intelligent when it comes to handling errors that occur inside
-% procedures. Currently they just embed the |error| token in the
-% procedure.
-% \end{proc}\end{proc}
-% \subsection{Writing tokens}
-% Writing tokens is simpler than reading them; the only real
-% complication is that the length of lines must be bounded. In order to
-% achieve this, data is written linewise to the file (much like the way
-% it is read).
-% \begin{arrayvar}{output_line}[file-id]
-% The |output_line| array stores each output line until it is
-% actually written to file. Like with the |input_line| array, each
-% active output file has its own entry in this array.
-% \end{arrayvar}
-% \begin{proc}{flush_line}
-% The |flush_line| procedure has the syntax
-% \begin{quote}
-% |pstokens::flush_line| \word{file-id} \word{physical}\regopt
-% \end{quote}
-% It flushes buffered data that is to be written to the file with id
-% \word{file-id}. The \word{physical} argument controls whether the
-% data actually should be physically written to file (when |1|) or
-% merely flushed from the |output_line| array (when |0|). The default
-% is |0|. Calling |flush_line| starts a new line in the output file
-% unless the |output_line| entry is empty.
-% \begin{tcl}
-proc pstokens::flush_line {fileid {physical 0}} {
- global pstokens::output_line
- if {[string length [set pstokens::output_line($fileid)]]>0} then {
- puts $fileid [set pstokens::output_line($fileid)]
- set pstokens::output_line($fileid) ""
- }
- if {$physical} then {flush $fileid}
-% \end{tcl}
-% \end{proc}
-% \begin{proc}{open_output}
-% \begin{proc}{close_output}
-% These procedures are wrappers around \Tcllogo's |open| and |close|
-% procedures respectively which additionally initialize and unset the
-% relevant entry of the |output_line|. Thus their syntaxes are
-% \begin{quote}
-% |pstokens::open_output| \word{file-name} \word{access}\regopt\
-% \word{permissions}\regopt\\
-% |pstokens::close_output| \word{file-id}
-% \end{quote}
-% and they return the same things as |open| and |close| respectively.
-% Note however that unlike the case with |open|, the \word{access}
-% argument of |open_output| defaults to |w|.
-% A possible development of the routines for writing tokens would be
-% to support output channels other than files. In that case more
-% support data structures would have to be initialized, but then the
-% |open_output| and |close_output| procedures would be redefined to
-% cope with this.
-% \begin{tcl}
-proc pstokens::open_output {name {access w} args} {
- set res [eval open \$name \$access $args]
- global pstokens::output_line
- set pstokens::output_line($res) ""
- return $res
-% \medskip
-proc pstokens::close_output {file_id} {
- pstokens::flush_line $file_id 1
- close $file_id
- global pstokens::output_line
- unset pstokens::output_line($file_id)
-% \end{tcl}
-% \end{proc}\end{proc}
-% \begin{variable}{wrap_length}
-% The |wrap_length| variable stores the maximal number of characters
-% that may appear on a single output line. The same value applies for
-% all output files.
-% \begin{tcl}
-set pstokens::wrap_length 72
-% \end{tcl}
-% \end{variable}
-% \begin{proc}{put_word}
-% The |put_word| procedure has the syntax
-% \begin{quote}
-% |pstokens::put_word| \word{file-id} \word{string}
-% \end{quote}
-% It writes \meta{string} to the file with id \word{file-id},
-% preceeded by a whitespace character if the current line is
-% nonempty. The whitespace character is usually a space, but it
-% will be a newline if the length of what has already been written
-% to the current line is too large to also fit the \word{string}
-% within the length specified by the |wrap_length| variable.
-% \begin{tcl}
-proc pstokens::put_word {file str} {
- global pstokens::output_line pstokens::wrap_length
- set l [string length [set pstokens::output_line($file)]]
- if {$l==0} then {
- set pstokens::output_line($file) $str
- } elseif {$l + [string length $str] < ${pstokens::wrap_length}}\
- then {
- append pstokens::output_line($file) " $str"
- } else {
- puts $file [set pstokens::output_line($file)]
- set pstokens::output_line($file) $str
- }
-% \end{tcl}
-% \end{proc}
-% \begin{proc}{put_breakable}
-% The |put_breakable| procedure has the syntax
-% \begin{quote}
-% |pstokens::put_breakable| \word{file-id}
-% \word{prefix} \word{text} \word{suffix}
-% \end{quote}
-% It writes \meta{prefix}\meta{text}\meta{suffix} to the file with
-% id \word{file-id} and inserts whitspace (newlines) into the
-% \meta{text} in such a way that the |wrap_length| linewidth isn't
-% exceeded. This is primarily useful for hexadecimal and base-85
-% strings.
-% \begin{tcl}
-proc pstokens::put_breakable {file prefix text suffix} {
- upvar #0 pstokens::output_line line pstokens::wrap_length wrap
- if {[string length $line($file)] + [string length $prefix] +\
- [string length $text] + [string length $suffix] < $wrap} then {
- append line($file) " $prefix$text$suffix"
- } else {
- pstokens::flush_line $file
- set line($file) $prefix
- while {[string length $line($file)] + [string length $text] +\
- [string length $suffix] < $wrap} {
- set t [expr {$wrap -[string length $line($file)]}]
- append line($file) [string range $text 0 [expr {$t-1}]]
- set text [string range $text $t end]
- pstokens::flush_line $file
- }
- append line($file) $text$suffix
- }
-% \end{tcl}
-% \end{proc}
-% \begin{proc}{put_string}
-% The |put_string| procedure has the syntax
-% \begin{quote}
-% |pstokens::put_string| \word{file-id} \word{text}
-% \end{quote}
-% It writes |(|\meta{text}|)| to the file with id \word{file-id} and
-% inserts backslash+newline items into the \meta{text} in such a way
-% that the |wrap_length| linewidth isn't exceeded and the
-% tokenization of the string is unaffected.
-% The only places where it is unsafe to insert a backslash+newline is
-% inside an escape squence. A position can only be inside such a
-% sequence if the part of the \meta{text} which is before it gets a
-% match against the regular expression
-% \begin{quote}
-% \verb"(^|[^\])(\\\\)*(\\[0-7]?[0-7]?)$"
-% \end{quote}
-% and in this case the position between the second and third
-% parenthesis is safe.
-% \begin{tcl}
-proc pstokens::put_string {file text} {
- upvar #0 pstokens::output_line line pstokens::wrap_length wrap
- if {[string length $line($file)] + [string length $text] + 2 <\
- $wrap} then {
- append line($file) " ($text)"
- } else {
- pstokens::flush_line $file
- set line($file) (
- while {[string length $line($file)] + [string length $text] +\
- 1 < $wrap} {
- set t [expr {$wrap -[string length $line($file)]}]
- set s [string range $text 0 [expr {$t-1}]]
- if {[regexp {(^|[^\])(\\\\)*(\\[0-7]?[0-7]?)$} $s\
- foo bar baz escape]}\
- then {
- incr t -[string length $escape]
- set s [string range $text [expr {$t-1}]]
- }
- append line($file) $s
- set text [string range $text $t end]
- pstokens::flush_line $file
- }
- append line($file) $text)
- }
-% \end{tcl}
-% \end{proc}
-% \begin{proc}{put_token}
-% The |put_token| procedure has the syntax
-% \begin{quote}
-% |pstokens::put_token| \word{file-id} \word{token}
-% \end{quote}
-% It writes the \PS\ token \word{token} to the file with id
-% \word{file-id}.
-% \begin{tcl}
-proc pstokens::put_token {file token} {
- switch [lindex $token 0] {
- number -
- radixnumber -
- executable {pstokens::put_word $file [lindex $token 1]}
- literal {pstokens::put_word $file /[lindex $token 1]}
- immediate {pstokens::put_word $file //[lindex $token 1]}
- string {pstokens::put_string $file [lindex $token 1]}
- comment {
- pstokens::flush_line $file 0
- puts $file %[lindex $token 1][lindex $token 2]
- }
- special {pstoken::put_token $file [lindex $token 1]}
- procedure {
- pstokens::put_word $file \{
- foreach subtok [lrange $token 1 end] {
- pstokens::put_token $file $subtok
- }
- pstokens::put_word $file \}
- }
- hexstring {pstokens::put_breakable $file < [lindex $token 1] >}
- base-85 {pstokens::put_breakable $file <~ [lindex $token 1] ~>}
- eof {
- if {[llength $token]>1} then {
- pstokens::put_token $file [lindex $token 1]
- }
- pstokens::terminal_print "Token unexpectedly terminated by\
- end of file."
- }
- error {
- pstokens::terminal_print "Error token intercepted at put:\
- [switch [lindex $token 1] {
- extra {expr {"extra [lindex $token 2] at input line\
- [lindex $token 3]"}}
- missing {expr {"missing [lindex $token 2] at input\
- line [lindex $token 3]"}}
- missing/extra {expr {"missing [lindex $token 2], or\
- extra [lindex $token 3], at input line\
- [lindex $token 4]"}}
- default {expr {"!!!-unimplemented error-!!!"}}
- }]."
- }
- default {
- pstokens::terminal_print\
- "Token of unknown type encountered: $token"
- }
- }
-% \end{tcl}
-% \end{proc}
-% \begin{tcl}
-% \end{tcl}
-% \section{Token stream editing}
-% This section I still have ToDo.
-% \begin{thebibliography}{99}
-% \bibitem{PSman}
-% Adobe Systems Incorporated:
-% \textit{\PS\ language reference manual, 3rd ed.},
-% Addison--Wesley, 1999; ISBN 0-201-37922-8;
-% http:/\slash\texttt{}\slash
-% \texttt{asn}\slash\texttt{developer}\slash\texttt{PDFS}\slash
-% \texttt{TN}\slash\texttt{PLRM.pdf}.
-% \bibitem{MPinTUG}
-% John D.\ Hobby: \textit{A \MF-like System with \PS\ output},
-% TUGboat \textbf{10} (4) (1989), 505--512.
-% %^^A 2 or 4 ? Hobby's bibliography says 2, but Bebee's
-% %^^A tugboat.bib says 4.
-% %^^A @article{Hobby89a,
-% %^^A author = {John D. Hobby},
-% %^^A title = {A {METAFONT}-like System with PostScript Output},
-% %^^A journal = {{TUG}boat},
-% %^^A volume = {10},
-% %^^A number = {2},
-% %^^A pages = {505--512},
-% %^^A year = {1989}
-% %^^A }
-% \bibitem{MPman}
-% John D.\ Hobby: \textit{A User's Manual for \MP},
-% AT\&T Bell Laboratories Computing Science Technical Report no.~162
-% (1992);
-% \textit{see} http:/\slash \texttt{}\slash
-% \texttt{who}\slash\texttt{hobby}\slash\texttt{MetaPost.html}.
-% %^^A @techreport{Hobby92,
-% %^^A title = {A User's manual for {MetaPost}},
-% %^^A author = {John D. Hobby},
-% %^^A institution = {AT\&T Bell Laboratories},
-% %^^A address = {Murray Hill, New Jersey},
-% %^^A type = {Computing Science Technical Report},
-% %^^A number = {no.~162},
-% %^^A year = {1992}
-% %^^A }
-% \end{thebibliography}
-% \Finale