path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/xsl/LaTeXML/core.css
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/xsl/LaTeXML/core.css')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/xsl/LaTeXML/core.css b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/xsl/LaTeXML/core.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 1007bca0ee7..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/xsl/LaTeXML/core.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
- Core CSS for LaTeXML documents converted to (X)HTML */
-/* Generic Page layout */
-/* Header & footer */
-/*.header:before { content:url(latexml.png); }*/
-.header,.footer { font-size:80%; }
-.header .previous,
-.footer .previous { float:left; }
-.header .up,
-.footer { display:block; text-align:center; }
-.header .next,
-.footer .next { float:right; }
-.header li { padding:0.1em 0.2em 0.1em 1em;}
-/* Main content */
-.content { clear:both; padding-top:5px; border-top:1px solid; }
-.footer { margin-top:5px; border-top:1px solid; }
-/* if shown */
-.navbar .toc li { margin-left:-0.5em; }
-.navbar li { white-space:nowrap; display:block; overflow:hidden; }
-.navbar li .here { white-space:normal; overflow:visible; }
-.slide {width: 95%;
- margin: 5mm 5mm 5mm 5mm;
- border-style:solid;
- border-width:medium;
- padding: 10pt;
- position: relative;
- Titles & Frontmatter */
-h1 { text-align:center; font-size: 150%; font-family:sans-serif;}
-h2 { font-family:sans-serif; padding-left:0.2em; margin-left:-0.5em; }
-h3 { font-family:sans-serif; padding-left:0.2em; margin-left:-0.3em; }
-/* h6 { display:run-in; }*/
-/* Hack to simulate run-in! */
-h6 { display:inline; font-size:100%; font-family:sans-serif; }
-h6:after { content:" "; }
-h6 + div.para,
-h6 + p { display:inline; }
-.subtitle { text-align:center; font-size: 120%; font-family:sans-serif;
- padding-left:0.2em; margin-left:-0.5em; } { text-align:center; font-family:sans-serif; } .personname { font-size: 130%; }
-.dedicatory { font-style:oblique; }
-.keywords { font-size:90%; margin-left:4em; }
-.abstract { margin:1em 4em 1em 4em; }
-.toc li { list-style-type:none; }
-.navbar { display: none; } /* override! */
-.main { margin:0px; padding:1em 3em 1em 2em; }
- Blocks, Lists, Floats */
-.inline-block { display:inline-block; }
-div.equation { display:block; width:95%; text-align:center; }
-.equation span.refnum.left { position:absolute; left:2em; }
-.equation span.refnum.right { position:absolute; right:2em; }
-.equation td { width:auto; }
-table.equationgroup { width:100%; }
-/* Hide this from IE */
-tr > td.eqpad { width:50%; }
-dl.description dt { margin-right:0.5em; float:left;
- font-weight:bold; font-size:95%; }
-dl.description dd { margin-left:5em; }
-dl.description dl.description dd { margin-left:3em; }
-.theorem {margin:1em 0em 1em 0em; }
-.bibliography dt { margin-right:0.5em; float:left; }
-.bibliography dd { margin-left:3em; }
-.biblist { list-style-type:none; }
-.bibtag { font-weight:bold; margin-left:-2em; width:3em; }
-/*.bibitem-tag + div { display:inline; }*/
-.bib-title { font-style:italic; }
-.bib-article .bib-title { font-style:normal !important; }
-.bib-journal { font-style:italic; }
-.bib-volume { font-weight:bold; }
-.indexlist li { list-style-type:none; }
-.indexlist { margin-left:1em; padding-left:1em;}
-.listing td.linenumber,
-.listingblock td.linenumber
- { width:3em; text-align:right;}
- Borders and such */
-.framed { border:1px solid black;}
-.tabular td, .tabular th { padding:0.1em 0.5em; }
-table { border-collapse:collapse; }
-/* Hmm... the star should be m:mtd */
-td.t, th.t, *[class~="t"] { border-top:1px solid black; }
-td.r, th.r, *[class~="r"] { border-right:1px solid black; }
-td.b, th.b, *[class~="b"] { border-bottom:1px solid black; }
-td.l, th.l, *[class~="l"] { border-left:1px solid black; },, *[class~="tt"] { border-top:3px double black; }
-td.rr, th.rr, *[class~="rr"] { border-right:3px double black; },, *[class~="bb"] { border-bottom:3px double black; }
-td.ll, th.ll, *[class~="ll"] { border-left:3px double black; }
-td.left, th.left { text-align:left; white-space:nowrap; }
-td.right, th.right { text-align:right; white-space:nowrap; }, { text-align:center; white-space:nowrap; }
-td.middle, th.middle, tr.middle { vertical-align:middle; }
-td.baseline, th.baseline, tr.baseline { vertical-align:baseline; }
- Low-level Basics */
-.TINY { font-size:50%; }
-.Tiny { font-size:60%; }
-.tiny { font-size:65%; }
-.script { font-size:70%; }
-.footnote { font-size:80%; }
-.small { font-size:90%; }
-.normal { font-size:100%; }
-.large { font-size:110%; }
-.Large { font-size:120%; }
-.LARGE { font-size:140%; }
-.huge { font-size:150%; }
-.Huge { font-size:170%; }
-.HUGE { font-size:200%; }
-.sansserif { font-family: sans-serif; }
-.typewriter { font-family: monospace; }
-.bold { font-weight: bold; }
-.medium { font-weight: normal; }
-.italic { font-style: italic; }
-.upright { font-style: normal; }
-.slanted { font-style: oblique; }
-.smallcaps { font-variant: small-caps; } { color:red; }
-.centering { text-align:center;
- margin:auto; }
-img.centering { display:block;
- margin:auto; }
-.flushleft { text-align:left; }
-.flushright { text-align:right; }
-.ERROR { color:red; }
-cite { font-style: normal; }
- pop-up footnotes, endnote, margin */
-.note .note_content {display:none; }
-.note .note_content {
- width: 70%; right:5%; font-size:80%;
- background:#E0E0E0; border:3px outset gray; }
-.note .mark { color:blue; }
-.note-type { font-weight: bold; }
-.note:hover .note_content
- { display:block; position:absolute; z-index:10; }