path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/schema/rng/mathml3-presentation.rng
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/schema/rng/mathml3-presentation.rng')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2265 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/schema/rng/mathml3-presentation.rng b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/schema/rng/mathml3-presentation.rng
deleted file mode 100644
index 047524afda5..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/schema/rng/mathml3-presentation.rng
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2265 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- This is the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 3.0, an XML
- application for describing mathematical notation and capturing
- both its structure and content.
- Copyright 1998-2010 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio)
- Use and distribution of this code are permitted under the terms
- W3C Software Notice and License
-<grammar ns="" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">
- <define name="MathExpression" combine="choice">
- <ref name="PresentationExpression"/>
- </define>
- <define name="ImpliedMrow">
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </define>
- <define name="TableRowExpression">
- <choice>
- <ref name="mtr"/>
- <ref name="mlabeledtr"/>
- </choice>
- </define>
- <define name="TableCellExpression">
- <ref name="mtd"/>
- </define>
- <define name="MstackExpression">
- <choice>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <ref name="mscarries"/>
- <ref name="msline"/>
- <ref name="msrow"/>
- <ref name="msgroup"/>
- </choice>
- </define>
- <define name="MsrowExpression">
- <choice>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <ref name="none"/>
- </choice>
- </define>
- <define name="MultiScriptExpression">
- <choice>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <ref name="none"/>
- </choice>
- <choice>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <ref name="none"/>
- </choice>
- </define>
- <define name="mpadded-length">
- <data type="string">
- <param name="pattern">\s*([\+\-]?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?\s*((%?\s*(height|depth|width)?)|e[mx]|in|cm|mm|p[xtc]|((negative)?((very){0,2}thi(n|ck)|medium)mathspace)))\s*</param>
- </data>
- </define>
- <define name="linestyle">
- <choice>
- <value>none</value>
- <value>solid</value>
- <value>dashed</value>
- </choice>
- </define>
- <define name="verticalalign">
- <choice>
- <value>top</value>
- <value>bottom</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>baseline</value>
- <value>axis</value>
- </choice>
- </define>
- <define name="columnalignstyle">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- </choice>
- </define>
- <define name="notationstyle">
- <choice>
- <value>longdiv</value>
- <value>actuarial</value>
- <value>radical</value>
- <value>box</value>
- <value>roundedbox</value>
- <value>circle</value>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>top</value>
- <value>bottom</value>
- <value>updiagonalstrike</value>
- <value>downdiagonalstrike</value>
- <value>verticalstrike</value>
- <value>horizontalstrike</value>
- <value>madruwb</value>
- </choice>
- </define>
- <define name="idref">
- <text/>
- </define>
- <define name="unsigned-integer">
- <data type="unsignedLong"/>
- </define>
- <define name="integer">
- <data type="integer"/>
- </define>
- <define name="number">
- <data type="decimal"/>
- </define>
- <define name="character">
- <data type="string">
- <param name="pattern">\s*\S\s*</param>
- </data>
- </define>
- <define name="color">
- <data type="string">
- <param name="pattern">\s*((#[0-9a-fA-F]{3}([0-9a-fA-F]{3})?)|[aA][qQ][uU][aA]|[bB][lL][aA][cC][kK]|[bB][lL][uU][eE]|[fF][uU][cC][hH][sS][iI][aA]|[gG][rR][aA][yY]|[gG][rR][eE][eE][nN]|[lL][iI][mM][eE]|[mM][aA][rR][oO][oO][nN]|[nN][aA][vV][yY]|[oO][lL][iI][vV][eE]|[pP][uU][rR][pP][lL][eE]|[rR][eE][dD]|[sS][iI][lL][vV][eE][rR]|[tT][eE][aA][lL]|[wW][hH][iI][tT][eE]|[yY][eE][lL][lL][oO][wW])\s*</param>
- </data>
- </define>
- <define name="group-alignment">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>decimalpoint</value>
- </choice>
- </define>
- <define name="group-alignment-list">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="group-alignment"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </define>
- <define name="group-alignment-list-list">
- <data type="string">
- <param name="pattern">(\s*\{\s*(left|center|right|decimalpoint)(\s+(left|center|right|decimalpoint))*\})*\s*</param>
- </data>
- </define>
- <define name="positive-integer">
- <data type="positiveInteger"/>
- </define>
- <define name="TokenExpression">
- <choice>
- <ref name="mi"/>
- <ref name="mn"/>
- <ref name="mo"/>
- <ref name="mtext"/>
- <ref name="mspace"/>
- <ref name="ms"/>
- </choice>
- </define>
- <define name="token.content">
- <choice>
- <ref name="mglyph"/>
- <ref name="malignmark"/>
- <text/>
- </choice>
- </define>
- <define name="mi">
- <element name="mi">
- <ref name="mi.attributes"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="token.content"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mi.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <ref name="TokenAtt"/>
- </define>
- <define name="mn">
- <element name="mn">
- <ref name="mn.attributes"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="token.content"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mn.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <ref name="TokenAtt"/>
- </define>
- <define name="mo">
- <element name="mo">
- <ref name="mo.attributes"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="token.content"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mo.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <ref name="TokenAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="form">
- <choice>
- <value>prefix</value>
- <value>infix</value>
- <value>postfix</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="fence">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="separator">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="lspace">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rspace">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="stretchy">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="symmetric">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="maxsize">
- <choice>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <value>infinity</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="minsize">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="largeop">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="movablelimits">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="accent">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="linebreak">
- <choice>
- <value>auto</value>
- <value>newline</value>
- <value>nobreak</value>
- <value>goodbreak</value>
- <value>badbreak</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="lineleading">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="linebreakstyle">
- <choice>
- <value>before</value>
- <value>after</value>
- <value>duplicate</value>
- <value>infixlinebreakstyle</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="linebreakmultchar"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="indentalign">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>auto</value>
- <value>id</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="indentshift">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="indenttarget">
- <ref name="idref"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="indentalignfirst">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>auto</value>
- <value>id</value>
- <value>indentalign</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="indentshiftfirst">
- <choice>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <value>indentshift</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="indentalignlast">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>auto</value>
- <value>id</value>
- <value>indentalign</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="indentshiftlast">
- <choice>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <value>indentshift</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mtext">
- <element name="mtext">
- <ref name="mtext.attributes"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="token.content"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mtext.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <ref name="TokenAtt"/>
- </define>
- <define name="mspace">
- <element name="mspace">
- <ref name="mspace.attributes"/>
- <empty/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mspace.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <ref name="TokenAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="width">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="height">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="depth">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="linebreak">
- <choice>
- <value>auto</value>
- <value>newline</value>
- <value>nobreak</value>
- <value>goodbreak</value>
- <value>badbreak</value>
- <value>indentingnewline</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="ms">
- <element name="ms">
- <ref name="ms.attributes"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="token.content"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="ms.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <ref name="TokenAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="lquote"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rquote"/>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mglyph">
- <element name="mglyph">
- <ref name="mglyph.attributes"/>
- <ref name="mglyph.deprecatedattributes"/>
- <empty/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mglyph.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="src">
- <data type="anyURI"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="width">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="height">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="valign">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="alt"/>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mglyph.deprecatedattributes">
- <optional>
- <attribute name="index">
- <ref name="integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="mathvariant">
- <choice>
- <value>normal</value>
- <value>bold</value>
- <value>italic</value>
- <value>bold-italic</value>
- <value>double-struck</value>
- <value>bold-fraktur</value>
- <value>script</value>
- <value>bold-script</value>
- <value>fraktur</value>
- <value>sans-serif</value>
- <value>bold-sans-serif</value>
- <value>sans-serif-italic</value>
- <value>sans-serif-bold-italic</value>
- <value>monospace</value>
- <value>initial</value>
- <value>tailed</value>
- <value>looped</value>
- <value>stretched</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="mathsize">
- <choice>
- <value>small</value>
- <value>normal</value>
- <value>big</value>
- <ref name="length"/>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <ref name="DeprecatedTokenAtt"/>
- </define>
- <define name="msline">
- <element name="msline">
- <ref name="msline.attributes"/>
- <empty/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="msline.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="position">
- <ref name="integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="length">
- <ref name="unsigned-integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="leftoverhang">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rightoverhang">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="mslinethickness">
- <choice>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <value>thin</value>
- <value>medium</value>
- <value>thick</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="none">
- <element name="none">
- <ref name="none.attributes"/>
- <empty/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="none.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- </define>
- <define name="mprescripts">
- <element name="mprescripts">
- <ref name="mprescripts.attributes"/>
- <empty/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mprescripts.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- </define>
- <define name="CommonPresAtt">
- <optional>
- <attribute name="mathcolor">
- <ref name="color"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="mathbackground">
- <choice>
- <ref name="color"/>
- <value>transparent</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="TokenAtt">
- <optional>
- <attribute name="mathvariant">
- <choice>
- <value>normal</value>
- <value>bold</value>
- <value>italic</value>
- <value>bold-italic</value>
- <value>double-struck</value>
- <value>bold-fraktur</value>
- <value>script</value>
- <value>bold-script</value>
- <value>fraktur</value>
- <value>sans-serif</value>
- <value>bold-sans-serif</value>
- <value>sans-serif-italic</value>
- <value>sans-serif-bold-italic</value>
- <value>monospace</value>
- <value>initial</value>
- <value>tailed</value>
- <value>looped</value>
- <value>stretched</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="mathsize">
- <choice>
- <value>small</value>
- <value>normal</value>
- <value>big</value>
- <ref name="length"/>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="dir">
- <choice>
- <value>ltr</value>
- <value>rtl</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <ref name="DeprecatedTokenAtt"/>
- </define>
- <define name="DeprecatedTokenAtt">
- <optional>
- <attribute name="fontfamily"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="fontweight">
- <choice>
- <value>normal</value>
- <value>bold</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="fontstyle">
- <choice>
- <value>normal</value>
- <value>italic</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="fontsize">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="color">
- <ref name="color"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="background">
- <choice>
- <ref name="color"/>
- <value>transparent</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="MalignExpression">
- <choice>
- <ref name="maligngroup"/>
- <ref name="malignmark"/>
- </choice>
- </define>
- <define name="malignmark">
- <element name="malignmark">
- <ref name="malignmark.attributes"/>
- <empty/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="malignmark.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="edge">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>right</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="maligngroup">
- <element name="maligngroup">
- <ref name="maligngroup.attributes"/>
- <empty/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="maligngroup.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="groupalign">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>decimalpoint</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="PresentationExpression">
- <choice>
- <ref name="TokenExpression"/>
- <ref name="MalignExpression"/>
- <ref name="mrow"/>
- <ref name="mfrac"/>
- <ref name="msqrt"/>
- <ref name="mroot"/>
- <ref name="mstyle"/>
- <ref name="merror"/>
- <ref name="mpadded"/>
- <ref name="mphantom"/>
- <ref name="mfenced"/>
- <ref name="menclose"/>
- <ref name="msub"/>
- <ref name="msup"/>
- <ref name="msubsup"/>
- <ref name="munder"/>
- <ref name="mover"/>
- <ref name="munderover"/>
- <ref name="mmultiscripts"/>
- <ref name="mtable"/>
- <ref name="mstack"/>
- <ref name="mlongdiv"/>
- <ref name="maction"/>
- </choice>
- </define>
- <define name="mrow">
- <element name="mrow">
- <ref name="mrow.attributes"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mrow.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="dir">
- <choice>
- <value>ltr</value>
- <value>rtl</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mfrac">
- <element name="mfrac">
- <ref name="mfrac.attributes"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mfrac.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="linethickness">
- <choice>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <value>thin</value>
- <value>medium</value>
- <value>thick</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="numalign">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="denomalign">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="bevelled">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="msqrt">
- <element name="msqrt">
- <ref name="msqrt.attributes"/>
- <ref name="ImpliedMrow"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="msqrt.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- </define>
- <define name="mroot">
- <element name="mroot">
- <ref name="mroot.attributes"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mroot.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- </define>
- <define name="mstyle">
- <element name="mstyle">
- <ref name="mstyle.attributes"/>
- <ref name="ImpliedMrow"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mstyle.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <ref name="mstyle.specificattributes"/>
- <ref name="mstyle.generalattributes"/>
- <ref name="mstyle.deprecatedattributes"/>
- </define>
- <define name="mstyle.specificattributes">
- <optional>
- <attribute name="scriptlevel">
- <ref name="integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="displaystyle">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="scriptsizemultiplier">
- <ref name="number"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="scriptminsize">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="infixlinebreakstyle">
- <choice>
- <value>before</value>
- <value>after</value>
- <value>duplicate</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="decimalpoint">
- <ref name="character"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mstyle.generalattributes">
- <optional>
- <attribute name="accent">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="accentunder">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="align">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>center</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="alignmentscope">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="bevelled">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="charalign">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="charspacing">
- <choice>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <value>loose</value>
- <value>medium</value>
- <value>tight</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="close"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="columnalign">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="columnalignstyle"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="columnlines">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="linestyle"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="columnspacing">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="length"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="columnspan">
- <ref name="positive-integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="columnwidth">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <choice>
- <value>auto</value>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <value>fit</value>
- </choice>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="crossout">
- <list>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <choice>
- <value>none</value>
- <value>updiagonalstrike</value>
- <value>downdiagonalstrike</value>
- <value>verticalstrike</value>
- <value>horizontalstrike</value>
- </choice>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="denomalign">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="depth">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="dir">
- <choice>
- <value>ltr</value>
- <value>rtl</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="edge">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>right</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="equalcolumns">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="equalrows">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="fence">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="form">
- <choice>
- <value>prefix</value>
- <value>infix</value>
- <value>postfix</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="frame">
- <ref name="linestyle"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="framespacing">
- <list>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <ref name="length"/>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="groupalign">
- <ref name="group-alignment-list-list"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="height">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="indentalign">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>auto</value>
- <value>id</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="indentalignfirst">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>auto</value>
- <value>id</value>
- <value>indentalign</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="indentalignlast">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>auto</value>
- <value>id</value>
- <value>indentalign</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="indentshift">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="indentshiftfirst">
- <choice>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <value>indentshift</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="indentshiftlast">
- <choice>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <value>indentshift</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="indenttarget">
- <ref name="idref"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="largeop">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="leftoverhang">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="length">
- <ref name="unsigned-integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="linebreak">
- <choice>
- <value>auto</value>
- <value>newline</value>
- <value>nobreak</value>
- <value>goodbreak</value>
- <value>badbreak</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="linebreakmultchar"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="linebreakstyle">
- <choice>
- <value>before</value>
- <value>after</value>
- <value>duplicate</value>
- <value>infixlinebreakstyle</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="lineleading">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="linethickness">
- <choice>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <value>thin</value>
- <value>medium</value>
- <value>thick</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="location">
- <choice>
- <value>w</value>
- <value>nw</value>
- <value>n</value>
- <value>ne</value>
- <value>e</value>
- <value>se</value>
- <value>s</value>
- <value>sw</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="longdivstyle">
- <choice>
- <value>lefttop</value>
- <value>stackedrightright</value>
- <value>mediumstackedrightright</value>
- <value>shortstackedrightright</value>
- <value>righttop</value>
- <value>left/\right</value>
- <value>left)(right</value>
- <value>:right=right</value>
- <value>stackedleftleft</value>
- <value>stackedleftlinetop</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="lquote"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="lspace">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="mathsize">
- <choice>
- <value>small</value>
- <value>normal</value>
- <value>big</value>
- <ref name="length"/>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="mathvariant">
- <choice>
- <value>normal</value>
- <value>bold</value>
- <value>italic</value>
- <value>bold-italic</value>
- <value>double-struck</value>
- <value>bold-fraktur</value>
- <value>script</value>
- <value>bold-script</value>
- <value>fraktur</value>
- <value>sans-serif</value>
- <value>bold-sans-serif</value>
- <value>sans-serif-italic</value>
- <value>sans-serif-bold-italic</value>
- <value>monospace</value>
- <value>initial</value>
- <value>tailed</value>
- <value>looped</value>
- <value>stretched</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="maxsize">
- <choice>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <value>infinity</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="minlabelspacing">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="minsize">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="movablelimits">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="mslinethickness">
- <choice>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <value>thin</value>
- <value>medium</value>
- <value>thick</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="notation"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="numalign">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="open"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="position">
- <ref name="integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rightoverhang">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rowalign">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="verticalalign"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rowlines">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="linestyle"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rowspacing">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="length"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rowspan">
- <ref name="positive-integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rquote"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rspace">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="selection">
- <ref name="positive-integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="separator">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="separators"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="shift">
- <ref name="integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="side">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>leftoverlap</value>
- <value>rightoverlap</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="stackalign">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>decimalpoint</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="stretchy">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="subscriptshift">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="superscriptshift">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="symmetric">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="valign">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="width">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mstyle.deprecatedattributes">
- <ref name="DeprecatedTokenAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="veryverythinmathspace">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="verythinmathspace">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="thinmathspace">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="mediummathspace">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="thickmathspace">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="verythickmathspace">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="veryverythickmathspace">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="math.attributes" combine="interleave">
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- </define>
- <define name="math.attributes" combine="interleave">
- <ref name="mstyle.specificattributes"/>
- </define>
- <define name="math.attributes" combine="interleave">
- <ref name="mstyle.generalattributes"/>
- </define>
- <define name="merror">
- <element name="merror">
- <ref name="merror.attributes"/>
- <ref name="ImpliedMrow"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="merror.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- </define>
- <define name="mpadded">
- <element name="mpadded">
- <ref name="mpadded.attributes"/>
- <ref name="ImpliedMrow"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mpadded.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="height">
- <ref name="mpadded-length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="depth">
- <ref name="mpadded-length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="width">
- <ref name="mpadded-length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="lspace">
- <ref name="mpadded-length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="voffset">
- <ref name="mpadded-length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mphantom">
- <element name="mphantom">
- <ref name="mphantom.attributes"/>
- <ref name="ImpliedMrow"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mphantom.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- </define>
- <define name="mfenced">
- <element name="mfenced">
- <ref name="mfenced.attributes"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mfenced.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="open"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="close"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="separators"/>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="menclose">
- <element name="menclose">
- <ref name="menclose.attributes"/>
- <ref name="ImpliedMrow"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="menclose.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="notation"/>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="msub">
- <element name="msub">
- <ref name="msub.attributes"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="msub.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="subscriptshift">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="msup">
- <element name="msup">
- <ref name="msup.attributes"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="msup.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="superscriptshift">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="msubsup">
- <element name="msubsup">
- <ref name="msubsup.attributes"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="msubsup.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="subscriptshift">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="superscriptshift">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="munder">
- <element name="munder">
- <ref name="munder.attributes"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="munder.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="accentunder">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="align">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>center</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mover">
- <element name="mover">
- <ref name="mover.attributes"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mover.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="accent">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="align">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>center</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="munderover">
- <element name="munderover">
- <ref name="munderover.attributes"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="munderover.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="accent">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="accentunder">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="align">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>center</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mmultiscripts">
- <element name="mmultiscripts">
- <ref name="mmultiscripts.attributes"/>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="MultiScriptExpression"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- <optional>
- <ref name="mprescripts"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="MultiScriptExpression"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </optional>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mmultiscripts.attributes">
- <ref name="msubsup.attributes"/>
- </define>
- <define name="mtable">
- <element name="mtable">
- <ref name="mtable.attributes"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="TableRowExpression"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mtable.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="align">
- <data type="string">
- <param name="pattern">\s*(top|bottom|center|baseline|axis)\s*[0-9]*</param>
- </data>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rowalign">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="verticalalign"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="columnalign">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="columnalignstyle"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="groupalign">
- <ref name="group-alignment-list-list"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="alignmentscope">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="columnwidth">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <choice>
- <value>auto</value>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <value>fit</value>
- </choice>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="width">
- <choice>
- <value>auto</value>
- <ref name="length"/>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rowspacing">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="length"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="columnspacing">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="length"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rowlines">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="linestyle"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="columnlines">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="linestyle"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="frame">
- <ref name="linestyle"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="framespacing">
- <list>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <ref name="length"/>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="equalrows">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="equalcolumns">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="displaystyle">
- <choice>
- <value>true</value>
- <value>false</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="side">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>leftoverlap</value>
- <value>rightoverlap</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="minlabelspacing">
- <ref name="length"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mlabeledtr">
- <element name="mlabeledtr">
- <ref name="mlabeledtr.attributes"/>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="TableCellExpression"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mlabeledtr.attributes">
- <ref name="mtr.attributes"/>
- </define>
- <define name="mtr">
- <element name="mtr">
- <ref name="mtr.attributes"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="TableCellExpression"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mtr.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rowalign">
- <choice>
- <value>top</value>
- <value>bottom</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>baseline</value>
- <value>axis</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="columnalign">
- <list>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="columnalignstyle"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="groupalign">
- <ref name="group-alignment-list-list"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mtd">
- <element name="mtd">
- <ref name="mtd.attributes"/>
- <ref name="ImpliedMrow"/>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mtd.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rowspan">
- <ref name="positive-integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="columnspan">
- <ref name="positive-integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="rowalign">
- <choice>
- <value>top</value>
- <value>bottom</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>baseline</value>
- <value>axis</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="columnalign">
- <ref name="columnalignstyle"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="groupalign">
- <ref name="group-alignment-list"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mstack">
- <element name="mstack">
- <ref name="mstack.attributes"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="MstackExpression"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mstack.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="align">
- <data type="string">
- <param name="pattern">\s*(top|bottom|center|baseline|axis)\s*[0-9]*</param>
- </data>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="stackalign">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- <value>decimalpoint</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="charalign">
- <choice>
- <value>left</value>
- <value>center</value>
- <value>right</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="charspacing">
- <choice>
- <ref name="length"/>
- <value>loose</value>
- <value>medium</value>
- <value>tight</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mlongdiv">
- <element name="mlongdiv">
- <ref name="mlongdiv.attributes"/>
- <ref name="MstackExpression"/>
- <ref name="MstackExpression"/>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="MstackExpression"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mlongdiv.attributes">
- <ref name="msgroup.attributes"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="longdivstyle">
- <choice>
- <value>lefttop</value>
- <value>stackedrightright</value>
- <value>mediumstackedrightright</value>
- <value>shortstackedrightright</value>
- <value>righttop</value>
- <value>left/\right</value>
- <value>left)(right</value>
- <value>:right=right</value>
- <value>stackedleftleft</value>
- <value>stackedleftlinetop</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="msgroup">
- <element name="msgroup">
- <ref name="msgroup.attributes"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="MstackExpression"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="msgroup.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="position">
- <ref name="integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="shift">
- <ref name="integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="msrow">
- <element name="msrow">
- <ref name="msrow.attributes"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="MsrowExpression"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="msrow.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="position">
- <ref name="integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mscarries">
- <element name="mscarries">
- <ref name="mscarries.attributes"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <choice>
- <ref name="MsrowExpression"/>
- <ref name="mscarry"/>
- </choice>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mscarries.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="position">
- <ref name="integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="location">
- <choice>
- <value>w</value>
- <value>nw</value>
- <value>n</value>
- <value>ne</value>
- <value>e</value>
- <value>se</value>
- <value>s</value>
- <value>sw</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="crossout">
- <list>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <choice>
- <value>none</value>
- <value>updiagonalstrike</value>
- <value>downdiagonalstrike</value>
- <value>verticalstrike</value>
- <value>horizontalstrike</value>
- </choice>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="scriptsizemultiplier">
- <ref name="number"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="mscarry">
- <element name="mscarry">
- <ref name="mscarry.attributes"/>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <ref name="MsrowExpression"/>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="mscarry.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="location">
- <choice>
- <value>w</value>
- <value>nw</value>
- <value>n</value>
- <value>ne</value>
- <value>e</value>
- <value>se</value>
- <value>s</value>
- <value>sw</value>
- </choice>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="crossout">
- <list>
- <zeroOrMore>
- <choice>
- <value>none</value>
- <value>updiagonalstrike</value>
- <value>downdiagonalstrike</value>
- <value>verticalstrike</value>
- <value>horizontalstrike</value>
- </choice>
- </zeroOrMore>
- </list>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>
- <define name="maction">
- <element name="maction">
- <ref name="maction.attributes"/>
- <oneOrMore>
- <ref name="MathExpression"/>
- </oneOrMore>
- </element>
- </define>
- <define name="maction.attributes">
- <ref name="CommonAtt"/>
- <ref name="CommonPresAtt"/>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="actiontype"/>
- </optional>
- <optional>
- <attribute name="selection">
- <ref name="positive-integer"/>
- </attribute>
- </optional>
- </define>