path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/presentation/presentation.dtx
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/presentation/presentation.dtx')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/presentation/presentation.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/presentation/presentation.dtx
index 57e2352ede5..dd6a4fe8191 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/presentation/presentation.dtx
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/presentation/presentation.dtx
@@ -13,24 +13,26 @@
-\svnInfo $Id: presentation.dtx 1502 2010-07-20 08:17:00Z kohlhase $
+\svnInfo $Id: presentation.dtx 1671 2010-11-06 07:05:15Z kohlhase $
\svnKeyword $HeadURL: $
+\def\tracissue#1{\cite{sTeX:online}, \hyperlink{}{issue #1}}
% \fi
-% \CheckSum{557}
+% \iffalse\CheckSum{557}\fi
% \changes{v0.9}{2005/06/14}{First Version with Documentation}
% \changes{v0.9a}{2005/07/01}{Completed Documentation}
@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@
% sources, or after translation.
% \end{abstract}
-% \setcounter{tocdepth}{2}\tableofcontents\newpage
+% \newpage\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}\tableofcontents\newpage
@@ -469,7 +471,82 @@
% indices, and \DescribeMacro{\ulivar}|\ulivar| for upper and lower indices. Finally,
% \DescribeMacro{\primvar}|\primvar| and \DescribeMacro{\pprimvar}|\pprimvar| do the same
% for variables with primes and double primes (triple primes are bad style).
+% \subsection{Other Layout Primitives}\label{sec:inter:primitives}
+% Not all mathematical layouts are producible with mixfix notations. A prime example are
+% grid layouts which are marked up using the |array| element in {\TeX/\LaTeX}, e.g. for
+% definition by cases as the (somewhat contrived) definition of the absolute value
+% function in the upper part of Figure~\ref{fig:piece}. We will now motivate the need of
+% special layout primitives with this example.
+% \begin{exfig}
+% \begin{module}[id=foo]
+% \symdef{piece}[2]{\arrayline{\arraycell{#1}}{\text{if}\;#2}}
+% \symdef{otherwise}[1]{\arrayline{\arraycell{#1}}{\text{else}}}
+% \symdef{piecewise}[1]{\left\{\begin{array}{rl}#1\end{array}\right.}
+% \qquad\begin{minipage}[c]{5cm}
+% $\vert x\vert\colon=\piecewise{\piece{x}{x>0}\piece{-x}{x<0}\otherwise{0}}$
+% \end{minipage}
+% \qquad
+% \begin{minipage}[c]{7cm}
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% |x|\colon=\left\{
+% \begin{array}{rl}
+% x & x>0\\
+% -x & x<0\\
+% 0 & \text{else}
+% \end{array}
+% \right.
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \end{minipage}
+% \end{module}
+% \hrule
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \symdef{piece}[2]{\arrayline{\arraycell{#1}}{\text{if}\;#2}}
+% \symdef{otherwise}[1]{\arrayline{\arraycell{#1}}{\text{else}}}
+% \symdef{piecewise}[1]{\left\{\begin{array}{rl}#1\end{array}\right.}
+% $|x|\colon=\piecewise{\piece{x}{x>0}\piece{-x}{x<0}\otherwise{0}}$
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \vspace*{-1.5em}
+% \caption{A piecewise definition of the absolute value function}\label{fig:piece}
+% \end{exfig}
+% But this does not work for content markup via semantic macros~\cite{KohAmb:smmssl:ctan},
+% which wants to group formula parts by function. For definition by cases, we may want to
+% follow the OpenMath |piece1| content dictionary~\cite{CD:piece1:on}, which groups
+% ``piecewise'' definition into a constructor |piecewise|, whose children are a list of
+% |piece| constructor optionally followed by an |otherwise|. If we want to mimic this by
+% semantic macros in \stex (these are defined via |\symdef|; see~\cite{KohAmb:smmssl:ctan}
+% for details), we would naturally define |\piecewise| by wrapping an |array| environment
+% (see the last line in Figure~\ref{fig:piece}). Then we would naturally be tempted to
+% define |\piece| via |\symdef{piece}[2]{#1&\text{if}\;{#2}\\}| and |\otherwise| via
+% |\symdef{otherwise}[1]{#1&\text{else}}|. But this does not support the generation of
+% separate notation definitions for |\piece| and |\otherwise|: here \latexml has to
+% generate presentational information outside of the |array| context that provides the |&|
+% and |\\| command sequences\footnote{Note that this is not a problem when we only run
+% |latex| if we assume that \texttt{\textbackslash piece} and \texttt{\textbackslash
+% otherwise} are only used in arguments of \texttt{\textbackslash piecewise}.}. Therefore
+% the |presentation| package provides the macros |\arrayline| and |\arraycell| that
+% refactor this functionality.
+% \DescribeMacro{\arrayline}|\arrayline{|\meta{cells}|}{|\meta{cell}|}| is
+% {\LaTeX}-equivalent to \meta{cells}|&|\meta{cell}|\\| and can thus be used to create
+% array lines with one or more array cells: \meta{cell} is the last array cell, and the
+% previous ones are each marked up as
+% \DescribeMacro{\arraycell}|\arraycell{|\meta{cell}|}|, where \meta{cell} is the cell
+% content. In last lines of fFigure~\ref{fig:piece} we have used them to create the array
+% lines for |\piece| and |\otherwise|. Note that the array cell specifications in
+% |\arrayline| must coincide with the array specification in the main constructor (here
+% |rl| in |\piecewise|).
+% \section{Limitations}\label{sec:limitations}
+% In this section we document known limitations. If you want to help alleviate them,
+% please feel free to contact the package author. Some of them are currently discussed in
+% the \sTeX TRAC~\cite{sTeX:online}.
+% \begin{compactenum}
+% \item none reported yet
+% \end{compactenum}
% \StopEventually{\newpage\PrintIndex\newpage\PrintChanges\printbibliography}
% \section{The Implementation}\label{sec:implementation}
@@ -481,10 +558,8 @@
% since the documentation applies to both of them and to prevent them from getting out of
% sync.
-% We first make sure that the KeyVal package is loaded (in the right
-% version). For {\latexml}, we also initialize the package inclusions.
+% For {\latexml}, we initialize the package inclusions.
% \begin{macrocode}
# -*- CPERL -*-
package LaTeXML::Package::Pool;
@@ -492,6 +567,24 @@ use strict;
use LaTeXML::Package;
% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Package Options}\label{sec:impl:options}
+% We declare some switches which will modify the behavior according to the package
+% options. Generally, an option |xxx| will just set the appropriate switches to true
+% (otherwise they stay false).\ednote{we have no options at the moment}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We first make sure that the KeyVal package is loaded (in the right
+% version). For {\latexml}, we also initialize the package inclusions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
% We will first specify the default precedences and brackets, together with the macros
% that allow to set them.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -911,14 +1004,17 @@ DefConstructor('\@mixfixai OptionalKeyVals:mi {}{}{}{}{}{}',
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -1316,7 +1412,7 @@ DefConstructor('\crossrefOp[]{}',
\def\vnref#1{\csname MOD@name@#1\endcsname}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
@@ -1336,6 +1432,28 @@ DefMacro('\vnref{}','\@XMRef{#1}');
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Other Layout Primitives}\label{sec:impl:primitives}
+% The |\arrayline| and |\arraycell| macros are simple refactorings of the |array|
+% functionality on the {\LaTeX} side\ednote{@Deyan, implement and describe them on the
+% latexml side}
+% \begin{macro}{\arrayline}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\arraycell}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
% \subsection{Finale}
% Finally, we need to terminate the file with a success mark for perl.
@@ -1360,9 +1478,10 @@ DefMacro('\vnref{}','\@XMRef{#1}');
% LocalWords: capcup geq prec fset textbf textbf setegroup setegroup mathbf fn
% LocalWords: provideEdefault provideEdefault fromEcontext fromEcontext mathrm
% LocalWords: setEdefault setEdefault widetilde cdot vname vname vnref vnname
-% LocalWords: ulivar ulivar primvar primvar pprimvar pprimvar textsf textsf
+% LocalWords: ulivar ulivar primvar primvar pprimvar pprimvar textsf textsf rl
% LocalWords: printbibliography ltxml infty ifnum clearkeys nobrackets whatsit
% LocalWords: ifundefined keyvals kvhash newcommand setkeys crossrefOp argv
% LocalWords: tmpop i-th assocop textbackslash infixl gdef expandafter csname
% LocalWords: endcsname edefault edfault ifx prepostfix circ circ circ circ
% LocalWords: iprec iprec niprec niprec wrongset goodset prepost prepkeys
+% LocalWords: arrayline arraycell qquad hrule