path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/cmathml.dtx
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/cmathml.dtx
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-% \iffalse meta-comment
-% Semantic Macros for Content MathML in LaTeX
-% Copyright (c) 2006 Michael Kohlhase, all rights reserved
-% this file is released under the
-% Gnu Library Public Licences (LGPL)
-% The development version of this file can be found at
-% \fi
-% \iffalse
-%<package>\ProvidesPackage{cmathml}[2006/01/10 v0.1 CMathML Bindings]
-% \fi
-% \changes{v0.1}{10. January 2006}{Initial Version}
-% \changes{v0.2}{16. January 2006}{Added big operators}
-% \GetFileInfo{cmathml.sty}
-% \MakeShortVerb{\|}
-% \def\scsys#1{{{\sc #1}}\index{#1@{\sc #1}}}
-% \def\stex{{\raisebox{-.5ex}S\kern-.5ex\TeX}\index{sTeX}}
-% \def\sTeX{\stex}
-% \newenvironment{pcmtab}[1][5cm]{\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{|l|l|p{#1}|l|}\hline%
-% macro & args & Example & Result\\\hline\hline}%
-% {\end{tabular}\end{center}}
-% \newenvironment{cmtab}{\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline%
-% macro & args & Example & Result\\\hline\hline}%
-% {\end{tabular}\end{center}}
-% \def\snippet#1{\hbox{\ttfamily{#1}}}
-% \def\xml{{\scsys{Xml}}}
-% \def\xslt{{\scsys{xslt}}}
-% \def\element#1{{\ttfamily{#1}}}
-% \def\mathml{{\scshape{MathML}}\index{MathML}}
-% \def\latexml{\hbox{{\LaTeX}ML}\index{LaTexML}}
-% \def\twin#1#2{\index{#1!#2}\index{#2!#1}}
-% \def\twintoo#1#2{{#1 #2}\twin{#1}{#2}}
-% \def\atwin#1#2#3{\index{#1!#2!#3}\index{#3!#2 (#1)}}
-% \def\atwintoo#1#2#3{{#1 #2 #3}\atwin{#1}{#2}{#3}}
-% \title{A {\TeX/\LaTeX}-based Syntax for Content
-% {\mathml}\thanks{Version {\fileversion} (last revised {\filedate})}}
-% \author{Michael Kohlhase\\
-% Jacobs University, Bremen\\
-% \url{}}
-% \maketitle
-% \begin{abstract}
-% The |cmathml| packge is part of the {\stex} collection, a
-% version of {\TeX/\LaTeX} that allows to markup {\TeX/\LaTeX} documents semantically
-% without leaving the document format, essentially turning {\TeX/\LaTeX} into a document
-% format for mathematical knowledge management (MKM).
-% This package provides a collection of semantic macros for content {\mathml} and their
-% {\latexml} bindings. These macros form the basis of a naive translation from
-% semantically preloaded {\LaTeX} formulae into the content {\mathml} formulae via the
-% {\latexml} system.
-% \end{abstract}
-% \newpage
-% This document describes the collection of semantic macros for content {\mathml} and
-% their {\latexml} bindings. These macros can be used to mark up mathematical formulae,
-% exposing their functional/logical structure. This structure can be used by MKM systems
-% for added-value services, either directly from the {\sTeX} sources, or after
-% translation. Even though it is part of the {\stex} collection, it can be used
-% independently. Note that this documentation of the package presupposes the discussion of
-% the {\stex} collection to be self-contained.
-% \subsection{Encoding Content {\mathml} in {\TeX/\LaTeX}}\label{sec:encoding}
-% The |cmathml| packge presented here addresses part of transformation problem: representing
-% mathematical formulae in the {\LaTeX} workflow, so that content {\mathml} representations
-% can be derived from them. The underlying problem is that run-of-the-mill {\TeX/\LaTeX}
-% only specifies the presentation (i.e. what formulae look like) and not their content
-% (their functional structure). Unfortunately, there are no good methods (yet) to infer the
-% latter from the former, but there are ways to get presentation from content.
-% The solution to this problem is to dump the extra work on the author (after all she knows
-% what she is talking about) and give them the chance to specify the intended structure. The
-% markup infrastructure supplied by the |cmathml| package lets the author do this without
-% changing the visual appearance, so that the {\LaTeX} workflow is not disrupted.
-% To use these |cmathml| macros in a {\LaTeX} document, you will have to include the
-% |cmathml| package using |\usepackage{cmathml}| somewhere in the document preamble. Then
-% you can use the macros
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% $\Ceq{\Cexp{\Ctimes{\Cimaginaryi,\Cpi}},\Cuminus{\Ccn{1}}}$
-% \end{verbatim}
-% which will result in $e^{i\pi}=-1$ when the document is formatted in {\LaTeX}. If the
-% document is converted to {\xml} using the {\latexml} conversion tool, then the result
-% will be content {\mathml} representation:
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% <math xmlns="">
-% <apply>
-% <eq/>
-% <apply>
-% <exp/>
-% <apply><times><imaginaryi/><pi/></times></apply>
-% </apply>
-% <apply><minus/><cn>1</cn></apply>
-% </apply>
-% </math>
-% \end{verbatim}\vspace*{-.6cm}
-% \caption{Content {\mathml} Form of $e^{i\pi}=-1$}\label{fig:cmathml-eip}
-% \end{exfig}
-% \subsection{Changing the {\TeX/\LaTeX} Presentation}\label{sec:changing}
-% It is possible to change the default presentation (i.e. the result under {\LaTeX}
-% formatting): The semantic macros only function as interface control sequences, which
-% call an internal macro that does the actual presentation. Thus we simply have to
-% redefine the internal macro to change the presentation. This is possible locally or
-% globally in the following way:
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% \makeatletter
-% \gdef\CMathML@exp#1{exp(#1)}
-% \def\CMathML@pi{\varpi}
-% \makeatother
-% \end{verbatim}
-% The first line is needed to lift the {\LaTeX} redefinition protection for internal
-% macros (those that contain the $\snippet{\@}$ character), and the last line restores it
-% for the rest of the document. The second line has a {\em{global}} (i.e. the presentation
-% will be changed from this point on to the end of the document.) redefinition of the
-% presentation of the exponential function in the {\LaTeX} output. The third line has a
-% {\em{local}} redefinition of the presentation (i.e. in the local group induced by
-% {\LaTeX}'s $\snippet{begin}/\snippet{end}$ grouping or by {\TeX}'s grouping induced by
-% curly braces). Note that the argument structure has to be respected by the presentation
-% redefinitions. Given the redefinitions above, our equation above would come out as
-% $exp(i\varpi)=-1$.
-% \subsection{The Future: Heuristic Parsing}\label{sec:future}
-% The current implementation of content {\mathml} transformation from {\LaTeX} to
-% {\mathml} lays a heavy burden on the content author: the {\LaTeX} source must be
-% semantically preloaded --- the structure of the formulae must be fully annotated. In our
-% example above, we had to write {|\Ceq{A,B}|} instead of the more conventional (and more
-% legible) {|A=B|}.\ednote{come up with a good mixed example}
-% The reason for this is that this keeps the transformation to content {\mathml} very
-% simple, predictable and robust at the expense of authoring convenience. The
-% implementation described in this module should be considered as a first step and
-% fallback solution only. Future versions of the $\latexml$ tool will feature more
-% intelligent solutions for determining the implicit structure of more conventional
-% mathematical notations (and {\LaTeX} representations), so that writing content {\mathml}
-% via {\LaTeX} will become less tedious.
-% However, such more advanced techniques usually rely on linguistic, structural, and
-% semantic information about the mathematical objects and their preferred
-% representations. They tend to be less predictable to casual users and may lead to
-% semantically unexpected results.\ednote{talk about sTeX and extensibility in
-% MathML/OpenMath/OMDoc}
-% \newpage
-% \section{The User Interface}\label{sec:modules}
-% We will now tabulate the semantic macros for the Content {\mathml} elements. We have
-% divided them into modules based on the sectional structure of the {\mathml}2
-% recommendation ($2^{nd}$ edition). Before we go into the specific elements one-by-one,
-% we will discuss some general properties of the |cmatml| macros and their {\latexml}
-% bindings.
-% \subsection{Generalities of the Encoding}\label{sec:generalities}
-% The semantic macros provided by the |cmatml| package differ mainly in the way they treat
-% their arguments. The simplest case are those for constants~\ref{sec:constants} that do
-% not take any. Others take one, two, three, or even four arguments, which have to be
-% {\TeX} tokens or have to be wrapped in curly braces. For operators that are associative
-% {\twin{associative}{operator}} like addition the argument sequence is provided as a
-% single {\TeX} argument (wrapped in curly braces) that contains a comma-separated
-% sequence of arguments (wrapped in curly braces where necessary).
-% \DescribeMacro{\Capply} The current setup of the |cmathml| infrastructure minimizes the
-% need of specifying the {\mathml} {\element{apply}} element, since the macros are all in
-% applied form: As we have seen in the example in the Introduction~\ref{sec:intro}, a
-% macro call like {|\Cexp{A}|} corresponds to the application of the exponential function
-% to some object, so the necessary {\element{apply}} elements in the {\mathml}
-% representation are implicit in the {\LaTeX} formulation and are thus added by the
-% transformation. Of course this only works, if the function is a content {\mathml}
-% element. Often, in mathematics we will have situations, where the function is a variable
-% (or ``arbitrary but fixed'') function. Then the formula $f(x)$ represented as |$f(x)$|
-% in {\TeX} could (and sometimes will) be misunderstood by the Math parser as $f\cdot x$,
-% i.e. a product of the number $f$ with the number $x$, where $x$ has brackets for some
-% reason. In this case, we can disambiguate by using |\Capply{f}x|, which will also format
-% as $f(x)$.\ednote{what about $n$-ary functions?}
-% By the same token, we do not need to represent the qualifier elements
-% {\element{condition}} and {\element{domainofapplication}}\footnote{We do not support the
-% {\element{fn}} element as it is deprecated in {\mathml}2 and the {\element{declare}}
-% and {\element{sep}} elements, since their semantic status is unclear (to the author,
-% if you feel it is needed, please gripe to me).}, for
-% {\twintoo{binding}{operator}s}. They are are folded into the special forms of the
-% semantic macros for the binding operators below (the ones with the {|Cond|} and {|DA|}
-% endings):
-% For operators that are {\index*{associative}}, {\index*{commutative}}, and
-% {\index*{idempotent}} ({\index*{ACI}} i.e. {\index*{bracketing}},
-% order\twin{argument}{order}, and {\index*{multiplicity}} of arguments does not matter)
-% {\mathml} supplies the a special form of application as a binding operator (often called
-% the corresponding ``{\twintoo{big}{operator}})'', which ranges over a whole set of
-% arguments. For instance for the ACI operator $\cup$ for set uinon has the ``big''
-% operator for unions over collections of sets e.g. used in the power set
-% $\bigcup_{S\subseteq T}S$ of a set $T$. In some cases, the ``big'' operators are
-% provided independently by {\mathml}, e.g. the ACI addition operator has the sum operator
-% as a corresponding ``big operator'': $\sum_{x\in\Cnaturalnumbers}{x^i}$ is the sum of
-% the powers of $x$ for all natural numbers. Where they are not, we will supply extra
-% macros in the |cmathml| package, e.g. the |\CUnion| macro as the big operator for
-% |\Cunion|.
-% Finally, some of the binding operators have multiple content models flagged by the
-% existence of various modifier elements. In these cases, we have provided different
-% semantic macros for the different cases.
-% \subsection{The Token Elements}\label{sec:tokens}
-% The {\mathml} token elements are very simple containers that wrap some presentation
-% {\mathml} text. The {\element{csymbol}} element is the extension element in
-% {\mathml}. It's content is the presentation of symbol, and it has a |definitionURL|
-% attribute that allows to specify a URI that specifies the semantics of the symbol. This
-% URL can be specified in an optional argument to teh |\Ccsymbol| macro, in accordance
-% with usual mathematical practice, the |definitionURL| is not presented.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Ccn}\DescribeMacro{\Cci}\DescribeMacro{\Ccsymbol}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Ccn| & token & |\Ccn{t}| & $\Ccn{t}$\\\hline
-% |\Cci| & token & |\Cci{t}| & $\Cci{t}$\\\hline
-% |\Ccsymbol| & token, URI & |\Ccsymbol[]{t}|
-% & $\Ccsymbol[]{t}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% Like the |\Ccsymbol| macro, all other macros in the |camthml| package take an optional
-% argument\footnote{This may change into a KeyVaL argument in future versionss of the
-% |cmathml| package.} for the |definitionURL| attribute in the corresponding {\mathml}
-% element.
-% \subsection{The Basic Content Elements}\label{sec:basic}
-% The basic elements comprise various pieces of the {\mathml} infrastructure. Most of the
-% semantic macros in this section are relatively uneventful.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cinverse}\DescribeMacro{\Ccompose}\DescribeMacro{\Cident}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cdomain}\DescribeMacro{\Ccodomain}\DescribeMacro{\Cimage}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cinverse| & 1 & |\Cinverse{f}| & $\Cinverse{f}$\\\hline
-% |\Ccompose| & 1 & |\Ccompose{f,g,h}| & $\Ccompose{f,g,h}$\\\hline
-% |\Cident| & 0 & |\Cident| & $\Cident$\\\hline
-% |\Cdomain| & 1 & |\Cdomain{f}| & $\Cdomain{f}$\\\hline
-% |\Ccodomain| & 1 & |\Ccodomain{f}| & $\Ccodomain{f}$\\\hline
-% |\Cimage| & 1 & |\Cimage{f}| & $\Cimage{f}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Clambda}\DescribeMacro{\ClambdaDA}\DescribeMacro{\Crestrict} For the
-% {\element{lambda}} element, we only have the {\element{domainofapplication}} element, so
-% that we have three forms a $\lambda$-construct can have. The first one is the simple one
-% where the first element is a bound variable. The second one restricts the appliccability
-% of the bound variable via a {\element{domainofapplication}} element, while the third one
-% does not have a bound variable, so it is just a function restriction
-% operator.\ednote{need ClambdaCond}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Clambda| & 2 & |\Clambda{x,y}{A}| & $\Clambda{x,y}{A}$\\\hline
-% |\ClambdaDA| & 3 & |\ClambdaDA{x}{C}{A}| & $\ClambdaDA{x,y}{C}{A}$\\\hline
-% |\Crestrict| & 2 & |\Crestrict{f}{S}| & $\Crestrict{f}{S}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \DescribeMacro{ccinterval}\DescribeMacro{cointerval}
-% \DescribeMacro{ocinterval}\DescribeMacro{oointerval}
-% The {\element{interval}} constructor actually represents four types of intervals in
-% {\mathml}. Therefore we have four semantic macros, one for each combination of open and
-% closed endings:
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cccinterval| & 2 & |\Cccinterval{1}{2}| & $\Cccinterval{1}{2}$\\\hline
-% |\Ccointerval| & 2 & |\Ccointerval{1}{2}| & $\Ccointerval{1}{2}$\\\hline
-% |\Cocinterval| & 2 & |\Cocinterval{1}{2}| & $\Cocinterval{1}{2}$\\\hline
-% |\Coointerval| & 2 & |\Coointerval{1}{2}| & $\Coointerval{1}{2}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% The final set of semantic macros are concerned with piecewise definition of functions.
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cpiecewise| & 1 & see below & see below\\\hline
-% |\Cpiece| & 2 & |\Cpiece{A}{B}| & $\begin{array}{ll}\Cpiece{A}{B}\end{array}$\\\hline
-% |\Cotherwise| & 1 & |\Cotherwise{B}| & $\begin{array}{ll}\Cotherwise{1}\end{array}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% For instance, we could define the abstract value function on the reals with the following
-% markup
-% \begin{center}
-% \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
-% Semantic Markup & Formatted\\\hline
-% \begin{minipage}{8cm}\footnotesize
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% \Ceq{\Cabs{x},
-% \Cpiecewise{\Cpiece{\Cuminus{x}}{\Clt{x,0}}
-% \Cpiece{0}{\Ceq{x,0}}
-% \Cotherwise{x}}}
-% \end{verbatim}
-% \end{minipage} &
-% $\Ceq{\Cabs{x},\Cpiecewise{\Cpiece{\Cuminus{x}}{\Clt{x,0}}
-% \Cpiece{0}{\Ceq{x,0}}
-% \Cotherwise{x}}}$
-% \\\hline
-% \end{tabular}
-% \end{center}
-% \newpage
-% \subsection{Elements for Arithmetic, Algebra, and Logic}\label{sec:arith}
-% This section introduces the infrastructure for the basic arithmetic operators. The first
-% set is very simple
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cquotient}\DescribeMacro{\Cfactorial}\DescribeMacro{\Cdivide}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cminus}\DescribeMacro{\Cplus}\DescribeMacro{\Cpower}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Crem}\DescribeMacro{\Ctimes}\DescribeMacro{\Croot}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cquotient| & 2 & |\Cquotient{1}{2}| & $\Cquotient{1}{2}$\\\hline
-% |\Cfactorial| & 1 & |\Cfactorial{7}| & $\Cfactorial{7}$\\\hline
-% |\Cdivide| & 2 & |\Cdivide{1}{2}| & $\Cdivide{1}{2}$\\\hline
-% |\Cminus| & 2 & |\Cminus{1}{2}| & $\Cminus{1}{2}$\\\hline
-% |\Cplus| & 1 & |\Cplus{1}| & $\Cplus{1}$\\\hline
-% |\Cpower| & 2 & |\Cpower{x}{2}| & $\Cpower{x}{2}$\\\hline
-% |\Crem| & 2 & |\Crem{7}{2}| & $\Crem{7}{2}$\\\hline
-% |\Ctimes| & 1 & |\Ctimes{1,2,3,4}| & $\Ctimes{1,2,3,4}$\\\hline
-% |\Croot| & 2 & |\Croot{3}{2}| & $\Croot{3}{2}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% The second batch below is sligtly more complicated, since they take a set of
-% arguments. In the |cmathml| package, we treat them like {\index*{associative}}
-% operators, i.e. they act on a single argument that contains a sequence of
-% comma-separated arguments\ednote{implement this in the latexml side}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cmax}\DescribeMacro{\Cmin}\DescribeMacro{\Cgcd}\DescribeMacro{\Clcm}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cmax| & 1 & |\Cmax{1,3,6}| & $\Cmax{1,3,6}$\\\hline
-% |\Cmin| & 1 & |\Cmin{1,4,5}| & $\Cmin{1,4,7}$\\\hline
-% |\Cgcd| & 1 & |\Cgcd{7,3,5}| & $\Cgcd{7,3,5}$\\\hline
-% |\Clcm| & 1 & |\Clcm{3,5,4}| & $\Clcm{3,5,4}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% The operators for the logical connectives are associative as well\ednote{maybe add some
-% precedences here.}. Here, conjunction, (exclusive) disjunction are $n$-ary associative
-% operators, therefore their semantic macro only has one {\TeX} argument which contains a
-% comma-separated list of subformulae.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cand}\DescribeMacro{\Cor}\DescribeMacro{\Cxor}\DescribeMacro{\Cnot}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cimplies}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cand| & 1 & |\Cand{A,B,C}| & $\Cand{A,B,C}$\\\hline
-% |\Cor| & 1 & |\Cor{A,B,C}| & $\Cor{A,B,C}$\\\hline
-% |\Cxor| & 1 & |\Cxor{A,B,C}| & $\Cxor{A,B,C}$\\\hline
-% |\Cnot| & 1 & |\Cnot{A}| & $\Cnot{A}$\\\hline
-% |\Cimplies| & 2 & |\Cimplies{A}{B}| & $\Cimplies{A}{B}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% The following are the corresponding big operators, where appropriate.
-% \DescribeMacro{\CAndDA}\DescribeMacro{\CAndCond}
-% \DescribeMacro{\COrDA}\DescribeMacro{\COrCond}
-% \DescribeMacro{\CXorDA}\DescribeMacro{\CXorCond}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\CAndDA| & 2 & |\CAndDA\Cnaturalnumbers\phi| & $\CAndDA\Cnaturalnumbers\phi$\\\hline
-% |\CAndCond| & 3 & |\CAndCond{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{\psi(x)}|
-% & $\CAndCond{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{\psi(x)}$\\\hline
-% |\COrDA| & 2 & |\COrDA\Cnaturalnumbers\phi| & $\COrDa\Cnaturalnumbers\phi$\\\hline
-% |\COrCond| & 3 & |\COrCond{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{\psi(x)}|
-% & $\COrCond{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{\psi(x)}$\\\hline
-% |\CXorDA| & 2 & |\CXorDA\Cnaturalnumbers\phi| & $\CXorDA\Cnaturalnumbers\phi$\\\hline
-% |\CXorCond| & 3 & |\CXorCond{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{\psi(x)}|
-% & $\CXorCond{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{\psi(x)}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% The semantic macros for the quantifiers come in two forms: with- and without a condition
-% qualifier. In a restricted quantification of the form $\forall x,C:A$, the bound variable
-% $x$ ranges over all values, such that $C$ holds ($x$ will usually occur in the condition
-% $C$). In an unrestricted quantification of the form $\forall x:A$, the bound variable
-% ranges over all possible values for $x$.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cforall}\DescribeMacro{\CforallCond}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cexists}\DescribeMacro{\CexistsCond}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cforall| & 2 & |\Cforall{x,y}{A}| & $\Cforall{x,y}{A}$\\\hline
-% |\CforallCond| & 3 & |\CforallCond{x}{C}{A}| & $\CforallCond{x}{C}{A}$\\\hline
-% |\Cexists| & 2 & |\Cexists{x,y}{A}| & $\Cexists{x,y}{A}$\\\hline
-% |\CexistsCond| & 3 & |\CexistsCond{x}{C}{A}| & $\CexistsCond{x}{C}{A}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% The rest of the operators are very simple in structure.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cabs}\DescribeMacro{\Cconjugate}\DescribeMacro{\Carg}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Creal}\DescribeMacro{\Cimaginary}\DescribeMacro{\Cfloor}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cceiling}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cabs| & 1 & |\Cabs{x}| & $\Cabs{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Cconjugate| & 1 & |\Cconjugate{x}| & $\Cconjugate{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Carg| & 1 & |\Carg{x}| & $\Carg{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Creal| & 1 & |\Creal{x}| & $\Creal{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Cimaginary| & 1 & |\Cimaginary{x}| & $\Cimaginary{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Cfloor| & 1 & |\Cfloor{1.3}| & $\Cfloor{1.3}$\\\hline
-% |\Cceiling| & 1 & |\Cceiling{x}| & $\Cceiling{x}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \subsection{Relations}\label{sec:rels}
-% The relation symbols in {\mathml} are mostly $n$-ary associative operators (taking a
-% comma-separated list as an argument).
-% \DescribeMacro{\Ceq}\DescribeMacro{\Cneq}\DescribeMacro{\Cgt}\DescribeMacro{\Clt}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cgeq}\DescribeMacro{\Cleq}\DescribeMacro{\Cequivalent}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Capprox}\DescribeMacro{\Cfactorof}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Ceq| & 1 & |\CeqA,B,C| & $\Ceq{A,B,C}$\\\hline
-% |\Cneq| & 2 & |\Cneq{1}{2}| & $\Cneq{1}{2}$\\\hline
-% |\Cgt| & 1 & |\Cgt{A,B,C}| & $\Cgt{A,B,C}$\\\hline
-% |\Clt| & 1 & |\Clt{A,B,C}| & $\Clt{A,B,C}$\\\hline
-% |\Cgeq| & 1 & |\Cgeq{A,B,C}| & $\Cgeq{A,B,C}$\\\hline
-% |\Cleq| & 1 & |\Cleq{A,B,C}| & $\Cleq{A,B,C}$\\\hline
-% |\Cequivalent| & 1 & |\Cequivalent{A,B,C}| & $\Cequivalent{A,B,C}$\\\hline
-% |\Capprox| & 2 & |\Capprox{1}{2}| & $\Capprox{1}{1.1}$\\\hline
-% |\Cfactorof| & 2 & |\Cfactorof{7}{21}| & $\Cfactorof{7}{21}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \subsection{Elements for Calculus and Vector Calculus}\label{sec:calculus-vector-calculus}
-% The elements for calculus and vector calculus have the most varied forms.
-% The integrals come in four forms: the first one is just an indefinite integral over a
-% function, the second one specifies the bound variables, upper and lower limits. The
-% third one specifies a set instead of an interval, and finally the last specifies a
-% bound variable that ranges over a set specified by a condition.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cint}\DescribeMacro{\CintLimits}\DescribeMacro{\CintDA}\DescribeMacro{\CintCond}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cint| & 1 & |\Cint{f}| & $\Cint{f}$\\\hline
-% |\CintLimits| & 4 & |\CintLimits{x}{0}{\Cinfinit}{f(x)}|
-% & $\CintLimits{x}{0}{\infty}{f(x)}$\\\hline
-% |\CintDA| & 2 & |\CintDA{\Creals}{f}|
-% & $\CintDA{\mathbb{R}}{f}$\\\hline
-% |\CintCond| & 3 & |\CintCond{x}{\Cin{x}{D}}{f(x)}|
-% & $\CintCond{x}{x\in D}{f(x)}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cdiff}\DescribeMacro{\Cddiff} The differentiation operators are used in
-% the usual way: simple differentiation is represented by the |\Cdiff| macro which takes
-% the function to be differentiated as an argument, differentiation with the $d$-notation
-% is possible by the |\Cddiff|, which takes the bound varible\ednote{really only one?} as
-% the first argument and the function expression (in the bound variable) as a second
-% argument.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cpartialdiff} Partial Differentiation is specified by the
-% |\Cpartialdiff| macro. It takes the overall degree as the first argument (to leave it
-% out, just pass the empty argument). The second argument is the list of bound variables
-% (with their degrees; see below), and the last the function expression (in these bound
-% variables). \DescribeMacro{\Cdegree} To specify the respective degrees of
-% differentiation on the variables, we use the |\Cdegree| macro, which takes two arguments
-% (but no optional argument), the first one is the degree (a natural number) and the
-% second one takes the variable. Note that the overall degree has to be the sum of the
-% degrees of the bound variables.
-% \begin{pcmtab}[6cm]
-% |\Cdiff| & 1 & |\Cdiff{f}| & $\Cdiff{f}$\\\hline
-% |\Cddiff| & 2 & |\Cddiff{x}{f}| & $\Cddiff{x}{f}$\\\hline
-% |\Cpartialdiff| & 3 & |\Cpartialdiff{3}{x,y,z}{f(x,y)}|
-% & $\Cpartialdiff{3}{x,y,z}{f(x,y)}$\\\hline
-% |\Cpartialdiff| & 3 & |\Cpartialdiff{7}| |{\Cdegree{2}{x},\Cdegree{4}{y},z}| |{f(x,y)}|
-% & $\Cpartialdiff{7}{\Cdegree{2}{x},\Cdegree{4}{y},z}{f(x,y)}$\\\hline
-% \end{pcmtab}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Climit}\DescribeMacro{\ClimitCond} For content {\mathml}, there are two
-% kinds of limit expressions: The simple one is specified by the |\Climit| macro, which
-% takes three arguments: the bound variable, the target, and the limit expression. If we
-% want to place additional conditions on the limit construction, then we use the
-% |\ClimitCond| macro, which takes three arguments as well, the first one is a sequence of
-% bound variables, the second one is the condition, and the third one is again the limit
-% expression.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Ctendsto}\DescribeMacro{\CtendstoAbove}\DescribeMacro{\CtendstoBelow} If
-% we want to speak qualitatively about limit processes (e.g. in the condition of a
-% |\ClimitCond| expression), then can use the {\mathml} {\element{tendsto}} element, which
-% is represented by the |\Ctendsto| macro, wich takes two expressions arguments. In
-% {\mathml}, the {\element{tendsto}} element can be further specialized by an attribute to
-% indicate the direction from which a limit is approached. In the |cmathml| package, we
-% supply two additional (specialized) macros for that: |\CtendstoAbove| and
-% |\CtendstoBelow|.
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Climit| & 3 & |\Climit{x}{0}{\Csin{x}}| & $\Climit{x}{0}{\Csin{x}}$\\\hline
-% |\ClimitCond| & 3 & |\ClimitCond{x}{\Ctendsto{x}{0}}{\Ccos{x}}|
-% & $\ClimitCond{x}{\Ctendsto{x}{0}}{\Ccos{x}}$\\\hline
-% |\Ctendsto| & 2 & |\Ctendsto{f(x)}{2}| & $\Ctendsto{f(x)}{2}$\\\hline
-% |\CtendstoAbove| & 2 & |\CtendstoAbove{x}{1}| & $\CtendstoAbove{x}{1}$\\\hline
-% |\CtendstoBelow| & 2 & |\CtendstoBelow{x}{2}| & $\CtendstoBelow{x}{2}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cdivergence}\DescribeMacro{\Cgrad}\DescribeMacro{\Ccurl}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Claplacian}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cdivergence| & 1 & |\Cdivergence{A}| & $\Cdivergence{A}$\\\hline
-% |\Cgrad| & 1 & |\Cgrad{\Phi}| & $\Cgrad{\Phi}$\\\hline
-% |\Ccurl| & 1 & |\Ccurl{\Xi}| & $\Ccurl{\Xi}$\\\hline
-% |\Claplacian| & 1 & |\Claplacian{A}| & $\Claplacian{A}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \subsection{Sets and their Operations}\label{sec:sets}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cset}\DescribeMacro{\Clist}
-% \DescribeMacro{\CsetDA}\DescribeMacro{\CsetRes}\DescribeMacro{\CsetCond}
-% The |\Cset| macros is used as the simple finite set constructor, it takes one argument
-% that is a comma-separated sequence of members of the set. |\CsetRes| allows to specify a
-% set by restricting a set of variables, and |\CsetCond| is the general form of the set
-% construction.\ednote{need to do this for lists as well? Probably}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cset| & 1 & |\Cset{1,2,3}| & $\Cset{1,2,3}$\\\hline
-% |\CsetRes| & 2 & |\CsetRes{x}{\Cgt{x}5}|
-% & $\CsetRes{x}{\Cgt{x}5}$\\\hline
-% |\CsetCond| & 3 & |\CsetCond{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{\Cpower{x}3}|
-% & $\CsetCond{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{\Cpower{x}3}$\\\hline
-% |\CsetDA| & 3 & |\CsetDA{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{S_x}}|
-% & $\CsetDA{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{S_x}$\\\hline
-% |\Clist| & 1 & |\Clist{3,2,1}| & $\Clist{3,2,1}$\\\hline
-% \DescribeMacro{\Csetdiff}\DescribeMacro{\Ccard}\DescribeMacro{\Cin}\DescribeMacro{\Cnotin}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cunion| & 1 & |\Cunion{S,T,L}| & $\Cunion{S,T,L}$\\\hline
-% |\Cintersect| & 1 & |\Cintersect{S,T,L}| & $\Cintersect{S,T,L}$\\\hline
-% |\Ccartesianproduct| & 1 & |\Ccartesianproduct{A,B,C}| & $\Ccartesianproduct{A,B,C}$\\\hline
-% |\Csetdiff| & 2 & |\Csetdiff{S}{L}| & $\Csetdiff{S}{L}$\\\hline
-% |\Ccard| & 1 & |\Ccard{\Cnaturalnumbers}| & $\Ccard{\mathbb{N}}$\\\hline
-% |\Cin| & 2 & |\Cin{a}{S}| & $\Cin{a}{S}$\\\hline
-% |\Cnotin| & 2 & |\Cnotin{b}{S}| & $\Cnotin{b}{S}$\\\hline
-% The following are the corresponding big operators for the first three binary ACI
-% functions. \DescribeMacro{\CUnionDA}\DescribeMacro{\CUnionCond}
-% \DescribeMacro{\CIntersectDA}\DescribeMacro{\CIntersectCond}
-% \DescribeMacro{\CCartesianproductDA}\DescribeMacro{\CCartesianproductCond}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\CUnionDA| & 2 & |\CUnionDA\Cnaturalnumbers{S_i}|
-% & $\CUnionDA\Cnaturalnumbers{S_i}$\\\hline
-% |\CUnionCond| & 3 & |\CUnionCond{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{S_x}}|
-% & $\CUnionCond{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{S_x}$\\\hline
-% |\CIntersectDA| & 2 & |\CIntersectDA\Cnaturalnumbers{S_i}|
-% & $\CIntersectDa\Cnaturalnumbers{S_i}$\\\hline
-% |\CIntersectCond| & 3 & |\CIntersectCond{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{S_x}|
-% & $\CIntersectCond{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{S_x}$\\\hline
-% |\CCartesianproductDA| & 2 & |\CCartesianproductDA\Cnaturalnumbers{S_i}|
-% & $\CCartesianproductDA\Cnaturalnumbers{S_i}$\\\hline
-% |\CCartesianproductCond| & 3 & |\CCartesianproductCond{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{S_x}|
-% & $\CCartesianproductCond{x}{\Cgt{x}5}{S_x}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Csubset}\DescribeMacro{\Cprsubset}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cnotsubset}\DescribeMacro{\Cnotprsubset} For the set containment
-% relations, we are in a somewhat peculiar situation: content {\mathml} only supplies the
-% subset side of the reations and leaves out the superset relations. Of course they are
-% not strictly needed, since they can be expressed in terms of the subset relation with
-% reversed argument order. But for the |cmathml| package, the macros have a presentational
-% side (for the {\LaTeX} workflow) and a content side (for the {\latexml} converter)
-% therefore we will need macros for both relations.
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Csubset| & 1 & |\Csubset{S,T,K}| & $\Csubset{S,T,K}$\\\hline
-% |\Cprsubset| & 1 & |\Cprsubset{S,T,K}| & $\Cprsubset{S,T,K}$\\\hline
-% |\Cnotsubset| & 2 & |\Cnotsubset{S}{K}| & $\Cnotsubset{S}{K}$\\\hline
-% |\Cnotprsubset| & 2 & |\Cnotprsubset{S}{L}| & $\Cnotprsubset{S}{L}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Csupset}\DescribeMacro{\Cprsupset}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cnotsupset}\DescribeMacro{\Cnotprsupset}
-% The following set of macros are presented in {\LaTeX} as their name suggests, but upon
-% transformation will generate content markup with the {\mathml} elements (i.e. in terms
-% of the subset relation).
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Csupset| & 1 & |\Csupset{S,T,K}| & $\Csupset{S,T,K}$\\\hline
-% |\Cprsupset| & 1 & |\Cprsupset{S,T,K}| & $\Cprsupset{S,T,K}$\\\hline
-% |\Cnotsupset| & 2 & |\Cnotsupset{S}{K}| & $\Cnotsupset{S}{K}$\\\hline
-% |\Cnotprsupset| & 2 & |\Cnotprsupset{S}{L}| & $\Cnotprsupset{S}{L}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \subsection{Sequences and Series}\label{sec:sequences}
-% \DescribeMacro{\CsumLimits}\DescribeMacro{\CsumCond}\DescribeMacro{\CsumDA}
-% \DescribeMacro{\CprodLimist}\DescribeMacro{\CprodCond}\DescribeMacro{\CprodDA}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\CsumLimits| & 4 & |\CsumLimits{i}{0}{50}{x^i}| & $\CsumLimits{i}{0}{50}{x^i}$\\\hline
-% |\CsumCond| & 3 & |\CsumCond{i}{\Cintegers}{i}| & $\CsumCond{i}{\mathbb{Z}}{i}$\\\hline
-% |\CsumDA| & 2 & |\CsumDA{\Cintegers}{f}| & $\CsumDA{\mathbb{Z}}{f}$\\\hline
-% |\CprodLimits| & 4 & |\CprodLimits{i}{0}{20}{x^i}| & $\CprodLimits{i}{0}{20}{x^i}$\\\hline
-% |\CprodCond| & 3 & |\CprodCond{i}{\Cintegers}{i}| & $\CprodCond{i}{\mathbb{Z}}{i}$\\\hline
-% |\CprodDA| & 2 & |\CprodDA{\Cintegers}{f}| & $\CprodDA{\mathbb{Z}}{f}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \subsection{Elementary Classical Functions}\label{sec:specfun}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Csin}\DescribeMacro{\Ccos}\DescribeMacro{\Ctan}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Csec}\DescribeMacro{\Ccsc}\DescribeMacro{\Ccot}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Csin| & 1 & |\Csin{x}| & $\Csin{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Ccos| & 1 & |\Ccos{x}| & $\Ccos{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Ctan| & 1 & |\Ctan{x}| & $\Ctan{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Csec| & 1 & |\Csec{x}| & $\Csec{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Ccsc| & 1 & |\Ccsc{x}| & $\Ccsc{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Ccot| & 1 & |\Ccot{x}| & $\Ccot{x}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Csinh}\DescribeMacro{\Ccosh}\DescribeMacro{\Ctanh}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Csech}\DescribeMacro{\Ccsch}\DescribeMacro{\Ccoth}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Csinh| & 1 & |\Csinh{x}| & $\Csinh{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Ccosh| & 1 & |\Ccosh{x}| & $\Ccosh{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Ctanh| & 1 & |\Ctanh{x}| & $\Ctanh{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Csech| & 1 & |\Csech{x}| & $\Csech{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Ccsch| & 1 & |\Ccsch{x}| & $\Ccsch{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Ccoth| & 1 & |\Ccoth{x}| & $\Ccoth{x}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Carcsin}\DescribeMacro{\Carccos}\DescribeMacro{\Carctan}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Carcsec}\DescribeMacro{\Carccsc}\DescribeMacro{\Carccot}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Carcsin| & 1 & |\Carcsin{x}| & $\Carcsin{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Carccos| & 1 & |\Carccos{x}| & $\Carccos{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Carctan| & 1 & |\Carctan{x}| & $\Carctan{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Carccosh| & 1 & |\Carccosh{x}| & $\Carccosh{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Carccot| & 1 & |\Carccot{x}| & $\Carccot{x}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Carcsinh}\DescribeMacro{\Carccosh}\DescribeMacro{\Carctanh}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Carcsech}\DescribeMacro{\Carccsch}\DescribeMacro{\Carccoth}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Carccoth| & 1 & |\Carccoth{x}| & $\Carccoth{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Carccsc| & 1 & |\Carccsc{x}| & $\Carccsc{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Carcsinh| & 1 & |\Carcsinh{x}| & $\Carcsinh{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Carctanh| & 1 & |\Carctanh{x}| & $\Carctanh{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Cexp| & 1 & |\Cexp{x}| & $\Cexp{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Cln| & 1 & |\Cln{x}| & $\Cln{x}$\\\hline
-% |\Clog| & 2 & |\Clog{5}{x}| & $\Clog{5}{x}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \subsection{Statistics}\label{sec:statistics}
-% The only semantic macro that is non-standard in this module is the one for the
-% {\element{moment}} and {\element{momentabout}} elements in {\mathml}. They are combined
-% into the semantic macro {|CmomentA|}; its first argument is the degree, its
-% second one the point in the distribution, the moment is taken about, and the third is
-% the distribution.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cmean}\DescribeMacro{\Csdev}\DescribeMacro{\Cvar}\DescribeMacro{\Cmedian}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cmode}\DescribeMacro{\Cmoment}\DescribeMacro{\CmomentA}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cmean| & 1 & |\Cmean{X}| & $\Cmean{X}$\\\hline
-% |\Csdev| & 1 & |\Csdev{X}| & $\Csdev{X}$\\\hline
-% |\Cvar| & 1 & |\Cvar{X}| & $\Cvar{X}$\\\hline
-% |\Cmedian| & 1 & |\Cmedian{X}| & $\Cmedian{X}$\\\hline
-% |\Cmode| & 1 & |\Cmode{X}| & $\Cmode{X}$\\\hline
-% |\Cmoment| & 3 & |\Cmoment{3}{X}| & $\Cmoment{3}{X}$\\\hline
-% |\CmomentA| & 3 & |\CmomentA{3}{p}{X}| & $\CmomentA{3}{p}{X}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \subsection{Linear Algebra}\label{sec:linalg}
-% In these semantic macros, only the matrix constructor is unusual; instead of
-% constructing a matrix from {\element{matrixrow}} elements like {\mathml} does, the macro
-% follows the {\TeX/\LaTeX} tradition allows to give a matrix as an array. The first
-% argument of the macro is the column specification (it will only be used for presentation
-% purposes), and the second one the rows.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cvector}\DescribeMacro{\Cmatrix}\DescribeMacro{\Cdeterminant}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Ctranspose}\DescribeMacro{\Cselector}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cvectorproduct}\DescribeMacro{\Cscalarproduct}\DescribeMacro{\Couterproduct}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cvector| & 1 & |\Cvector{1,2,3}| & $\Cvector{1,2,3}$\\\hline
-% |\Cmatrix| & 2 & |\Cmatrix{ll}{1 & 2\\ 3 & 4}| & $\Cmatrix{ll}{1 & 2\\3 & 4}$\\\hline
-% |\Cdeterminant| & 1 & |\Cdeterminant{A}| & $\Cdeterminant{A}$\\\hline
-% |\Ctranspose| & 1 & |\Ctranspose{A}| & $\Ctranspose{A}$\\\hline
-% |\Cselector| & 2 & |\Cselector{A}{2}| & $\Cselector{A}{2}$\\\hline
-% |\Cvectproduct| & 2 & |\Cvectproduct{\phi}{\psi}| & $\Cvectproduct{\phi}{\psi}$\\\hline
-% |\Cscalarproduct| & 2 & |\Cscalarproduct{\phi}{\psi}| & $\Cscalarproduct{\phi}{\psi}$\\\hline
-% |\Couterproduct| & 2 & |\Couterproduct{\phi}{\psi}| & $\Couterproduct{\phi}{\psi}$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \subsection{Constant and Symbol Elements}\label{sec:constants}
-% The semantic macros for the {\mathml} constant and symbol elements are very simple, they
-% do not take any arguments, and their name is just the {\mathml} element name prefixed by
-% a capital C.
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cintegers}\DescribeMacro{\Creals}\DescribeMacro{\Crationals}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Ccomplexes}\DescribeMacro{\Cprimes}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cintegers| & & |\Cintegers| & $\Cintegers$\\\hline
-% |\Creals| & & |\Creals| & $\Creals$\\\hline
-% |\Crationals| & & |\Crationals| & $\Crationals$\\\hline
-% |\Cnaturalnumbers| & & |\Cnaturalnumbers| & $\Cnaturalnumbers$\\\hline
-% |\Ccomplexes| & & |\Ccomplexes| & $\Ccomplexes$\\\hline
-% |\Cprimes| & & |\Cprimes| & $\Cprimes$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cexponentiale}\DescribeMacro{\Cimaginaryi}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Ctrue}\DescribeMacro{\Cfalse} \DescribeMacro{\Cemptyset}
-% \DescribeMacro{\Cpi}\DescribeMacro{\Ceulergamma}\DescribeMacro{\Cinfinit}
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Cexponemtiale| & & |\Cexponemtiale| & $\Cexponemtiale$\\\hline
-% |\Cimaginaryi| & & |\Cimaginaryi| & $\Cimaginaryi$\\\hline
-% |\Cnotanumber| & & |\Cnotanumber| & $\Cnotanumber$\\\hline
-% |\Ctrue| & & |\Ctrue| & $\Ctrue$\\\hline
-% |\Cfalse| & & |\Cfalse| & $\Cfalse$\\\hline
-% |\Cemptyset| & & |\Cemptyset| & $\Cemptyset$\\\hline
-% |\Cpi| & & |\Cpi| & $\Cpi$\\\hline
-% |\Ceulergamma| & & |\Ceulergamma| & $\Ceulergamma$\\\hline
-% |\Cinfinit| & & |\Cinfinit| & $\Cinfinit$\\\hline
-% \end{cmtab}
-% \subsection{Extensions}\label{sec:cmathmlx}
-% Content MathML does not (even though it claims to cover M-14 Math) symbols for all the
-% common mathematical notions. The |cmathmlx| attempts to collect these and provide
-% {\TeX/\LaTeX} and {\latexml} bindings.
-% \begin{cmtab}
-% |\Ccomplement| & 1 & |\Ccomplement{\Cnaturalnumbers}| & $\Ccomplement{\mathbb{N}}$\\\hline
-% \StopEventually{\ednotemessage}
-% \newpage
-% \section{The Implementation}\label{sec:impl}
-% In this file we document both the implementation of the |cmathml| package, as well as
-% the corresponding {\latexml} bindings. This keeps similar items close to each other,
-% even though they eventually go into differing files and helps promote consistency. We
-% specify which code fragment goes into which file by the {\xml}-like grouping commands:
-% The code between |<*sty>| and |</sty>| goes into the package file |cmathml.sty|, and the
-% code between |<*ltxml>| and |</ltxml>| goes into |cmathml.ltxml|, the {\latexml}
-% bindings.
-% \subsection{Initialization and auxiliary functions}\label{sec:impl:init}
-% We first make sure that the {\sTeX} |presentation| package is loaded.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Before we start im plementing the {\mathml} macros, we will need to set up the packages
-% for perl in the {\latexml} bindings file.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-# -*- CPERL -*-
-package LaTeXML::Package::Pool;
-use strict;
-use LaTeXML::Package;
-use LaTeXML::Document;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The next step is to itroduce two auxiliary functions, they are needed to work with
-% $n$-ary function elements. The first one removes arbitrary tokens from a list, and the
-% specializes that to commas. In particular |remove_tokens_from_list($List, $pattern, $math)|
-% returns a new |List| (or |MathList| if |$math| is true)
-% with all the tokens in |$List| except the ones which follow
-% the pattern |$pattern|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-sub remove_tokens_from_list {
- my ($list, $pattern, $math) = @_;
- if (ref $list) {
- my @toks = $list->unlist;
- @toks = grep($_->toString !~ /$pattern/, @toks);
- ($math ? (LaTeXML::MathList->new(@toks)) : (LaTeXML::List)->new(@toks)); }
- else { undef; } }
-sub remove_math_commas {
- my ($whatsit, $argno) = @_;
- my @args = $whatsit ? $whatsit->getArgs() : undef;
- $argno--;
- if ($args[$argno]) {
- $args[$argno] = remove_tokens_from_list($args[$argno], ',', 1);
- $whatsit->setArgs(@args);
- }
- return;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The structural macros are rather simple:
-% \begin{macrocode}
-DefConstructor('\Capply [] {} {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()>#2 #3</ltx:XMApp>");
-% after this, the implementation will always have the same form. We will first
-% implement a block of {\LaTeX} macros via a |\newcommand| and then specify the
-% corresponding {\latexml} bindings for them.
-% \subsection{The Token Elements}\label{impl:tokens}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-DefConstructor('\Ccn [] {}',"#2");
-DefConstructor('\Cci [] {}',"#2");
-DefConstructor('\Ccsymbol [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMTok role='CSYMBOL' meaning='#2' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{The Basic Elements}\label{impl:basic}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-DefConstructor('\Cccinterval [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='CONSTRUCTOR' meaning='ccinterval' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg></ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Ccointerval [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='CONSTRUCTOR' meaning='cointerval' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg></ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cocinterval [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='CONSTRUCTOR' meaning='ocinterval' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg></ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Coointerval [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='CONSTRUCTOR' meaning='oointerval' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg></ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% what about separator
-DefConstructor('\Cinverse [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='inverse' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-%\ednote{need do deal with multiple variables!}
-DefConstructor('\Clambda [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BINDER' meaning='lambda' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\ClambdaDA [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BINDER' meaning='lambda' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Crestrict [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='restrict' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \def\CMathML@composeOp{\circ}
- \newcommand{\CcomposeOp}{\CMathML@composeOp}
-DefConstructor('\CcomposeOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='compose' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Ccompose [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='MULOP' meaning='compose' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\Cident []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='ident' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cdomain [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='domain' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Ccodomain [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='codomain' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cimage [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='image' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cpiecewise [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='piecewise' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cpiece [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='piece' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cotherwise [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='otherwise' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Elements for Arithmetic, Algebra, and Logic}\label{impl:arith}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \def\CMathML@factorialOp{!}
- \newcommand{\CfactorialOp}{\CMathML@factorialOp}
- \def\CMathML@divideOp{\div}
- \newcommand{\CdivideOp}{\CMathML@divideOp}
- \def\CMathML@maxOp{\mathrm{max}}
- \newcommand{\CmaxOp}{\CMathML@maxOp}
- \def\CMathML@minOp{\mathrm{min}}
- \newcommand{\CminOp}{\CMathML@minOp}
- \def\CMathML@minusOp{-}
- \newcommand{\CminusOp}{\CMathML@minusOp}
- \def\CMathML@plusOp{+}
- \newcommand{\CplusOp}{\CMathML@plusOp}
- \def\CMathML@remOp{\bmod}
- \newcommand{\CremOp}{\CMathML@remOp}
-\def\CMathML@rem#1#2{#1 \CMathML@remOp #2}
- \def\CMathML@timesOp{\cdot}
- \newcommand{\CtimesOp}{\CMathML@timesOp}
- \def\CMathML@rootOp{\sqrt}
- \newcommand{\CrootOp}{\CMathML@rootOp{}}
- \def\CMathML@andOp{\wedge}
- \newcommand{\CandOp}{\CMathML@andOp}
- \def\CMathML@orOp{\vee}
- \newcommand{\CorOp}{\CMathML@orOp}
- \def\CMathML@xorOp{\oplus}
- \newcommand{\CxorOp}{\CMathML@xorOp}
- \def\CMathML@notOp{\neg}
- \newcommand{\CnotOp}{\CMathML@notOp}
- \def\CMathML@impliesOp{\Longrightarrow}
- \newcommand{\CimpliesOp}{\CMathML@impliesOp}
-DefConstructor('\Cquotient [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='quotient' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CfactorialOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='factorial' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cfactorial [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='factorial' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CdivideOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='divide' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cdivide [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='divide' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CmaxOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='max' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cmax [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='max' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CminOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='min' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cmin [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='min' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CminusOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='minus' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cminus [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='ADDOP' meaning='minus' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cuminus [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='uminus' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CplusOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='plus' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cplus [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='ADDOP' meaning='plus' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\Cpower [] {} {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='power' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CremOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='rem' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Crem [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='rem' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CtimesOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='times' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Ctimes [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='MULOP' meaning='times' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CrootOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='root' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Croot [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='root' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cgcd [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='gcd' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CandOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='and' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cand [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='CONNECTIVE' meaning='and' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CorOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='or' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cor [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='CONNECTIVE' meaning='or' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CxorOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='xor' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cxor [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='CONNECTIVE' meaning='xor' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CnotOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='not' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cnot [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='CONNECTIVE' meaning='not' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CimpliesOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='implies' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cimplies [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='CONNECTIVE' meaning='implies' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \ednote{need to do something about the associative things in ltxml}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\def\CMathML@AndDA#1#2{\bigwedge_{#1}{#2}} % set, scope
-\def\CMathML@AndCond#1#2#3{\bigwedge_{#2}{#3}} % bvars,condition, scope
-\def\CMathML@OrDA#1#2{\bigvee_{#1}{#2}} % set, scope
-\def\CMathML@OrCond#1#2#3{\bigvee_{#2}{#3}}% bvars,condition, scope
-\def\CMathML@XorDA#1#2{\bigoplus_{#1}{#2}} % set, scope
-\def\CMathML@XorCond#1#2#3{\bigoplus_{#2}{#3}}% bvars,condition, scope
-\def\CMathML@forallCond#1#2#3{\forall{#1},{#2}\colon{#3}} % list), condition, scope
-DefConstructor('\CAndDa [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='and' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CAndCond [] {}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='and' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\COrDa [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='or' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\COrCond [] {}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='or' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CXorDa [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='xor' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CXorCond [] {}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='xor' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cforall [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BINDER' meaning='forall' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CforallCond [] {}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BINDER' meaning='forall' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-DefConstructor('\Cexists [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BINDER' meaning='exists' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CexistsCond [] {}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BINDER' meaning='exists' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\def\CMathML@arg#1{\angle #1}
-\def\CMathML@real#1{\Re #1}
-\def\CMathML@imaginary#1{\Im #1}
-DefConstructor('\Cabs [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='abs' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cconjugate [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='conjugate' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Carg [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='arg' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Creal [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='real' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cimaginary [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='imaginary' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Clcm [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='lcm' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cfloor [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='floor' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cceiling [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='ceiling' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Relations}\label{impl:rels}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \def\CMathML@eqOp{=}
- \newcommand{\CeqOp}{\CMathML@eqOp}
- \def\CMathML@neqOp{\neq}
- \newcommand{\CneqOp}{\CMathML@neqOp}
- \def\CMathML@gtOp{>}
- \newcommand{\CgtOp}{\CMathML@gtOp}
- \def\CMathML@ltOp{<}
- \newcommand{\CltOp}{\CMathML@ltOp}
- \def\CMathML@geqOp{\geq}
- \newcommand{\CgeqOp}{\CMathML@geqOp}
- \def\CMathML@leqOp{\leq}
- \newcommand{\CleqOp}{\CMathML@leqOp}
- \def\CMathML@equivalentOp{\equiv}
- \newcommand{\CequivalentOp}{\CMathML@equivalentOp}
- \def\CMathML@approxOp{\approx}
- \newcommand{\CapproxOp}{\CMathML@approxOp}
- \def\CMathML@factorofOp{\mid}
- \newcommand{\CfactorofOp}{\CMathML@factorofOp}
-DefConstructor('\CeqOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='eq' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Ceq [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='eq' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CneqOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='neq' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cneq [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='neq' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CgtOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='gt' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cgt [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='gt' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CltOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='lt' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Clt [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='lt' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CgeqOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='geq' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cgeq [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='geq' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CleqOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='leq' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cleq [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='leq' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CequivalentOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='equivalent' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cequivalent [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='equivalent' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CapproxOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='approx' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Capprox [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='approx' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CfactorofOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='factorof' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cfactorof [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='factorof' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \def\CMathML@intOp{\int}
- \newcommand{\CintOp}{\CMathML@intOp}
-\def\CMathML@intLimits#1#2#3#4{\CMathML@intOp_{#2}^{#3}{#4}d{#1}} %bvars,llimit, ulimit,body
-\def\CMathML@intSet#1#2{\CMathML@intOp_{#1}{#2}}% set,function
-\def\CMathML@intCond#1#2#3{\CMathML@intOp_{#2}{#3}d{#1}} %bvars, condition, body
-DefConstructor('\CintOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='int' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cint [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='int' role='INTOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CintLimits [] {}{}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='int' role='INTOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#5</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CintDA [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='int' role='INTOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CintCond [] {}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='int' role='INTOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\def\CMathML@partialdiff#1#2#3{{\partial^{#1}\over\partial{#2}}{#3}}% degree, bvars, body
-DefConstructor('\Cdiff [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='diff' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cddiff [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='diff' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cpartialdiff [] {}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='diff' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "?#2(<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>)()"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cdegree {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='degree'/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#1</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand{\Climit}[4][]{\CMathML@limit{#2}{#3}{#4}} % bvar, lowlimit, scope
-\newcommand{\ClimitCond}[4][]{\CMathML@limitCond{#2}{#3}{#4}} % bvars, condition, scope
-DefConstructor('\Climit [] {}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='limit' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\ClimitCond [] {}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='limit' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \def\CMathML@tendstoOp{\rightarrow}
- \newcommand{\CtendstoOp}{\CMathML@tendstoOp}
- \def\CMathML@tendstoAboveOp{\searrow}
- \newcommand{\CtendstoAboveOp}{\CMathML@tendstoAboveOp}
- \def\CMathML@tendstoBelowOp{\nearrow}
- \newcommand{\CtendstoBelowOp}{\CMathML@tendstoBelowOp}
-DefConstructor('\CtendstoOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='tendsto' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Ctendsto [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='RELOP' meaning='tendsto' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CtendstoAboveOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='tendsto' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\CtendstoAbove [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='RELOP'meaning='tendsto' type='above' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CtendstoBelowOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='tendsto' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\CtendstoBelow [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='RELOP' meaning='tendsto' type='below' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-DefConstructor('\Cdivergence [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='divergence' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cgrad [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='grad' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Curl [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='url' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Claplacian [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='OPFUNCTION' meaning='laplacian' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Sets and their Operations}\label{impl:sets}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \def\CMathML@listOp{\mbox{list}}
- \newcommand{\ClistOp}{\CMathML@listOp}
- \def\CMathML@unionOp{\cup}
- \newcommand{\CunionOp}{\CMathML@unionOp}
- \def\CMathML@intersectOp{\cap}
- \newcommand{\CintersectOp}{\CMathML@intersectOp}
- \def\CMathML@inOp{\in}
- \newcommand{\CinOp}{\CMathML@inOp}
- \def\CMathML@notinOp{\notin}
- \newcommand{\CnotinOp}{\CMathML@notinOp}
- \def\CMathML@setdiffOp{\setminus}
- \newcommand{\CsetdiffOp}{\CMathML@setdiffOp}
- \def\CMathML@cardOp{\#}
- \newcommand{\CcardOp}{\CMathML@cardOp}
-\def\CMathML@card#1{\CMathML@cardOp #1}
- \def\CMathML@cartesianproductOp{\times}
- \newcommand{\CcartesianproductOp}{\CMathML@cartesianproductOp}
- \def\CMathML@subsetOp{\subseteq}
- \newcommand{\CsubsetOp}{\CMathML@subsetOp}
- \def\CMathML@prsubsetOp{\subset}
- \newcommand{\CprsubsetOp}{\CMathML@prsubsetOp}
- \def\CMathML@notsubsetOp{\not\subseteq}
- \newcommand{\CnotsubsetOp}{\CMathML@notsubsetOp}
- \def\CMathML@notprsubsetOp{\not\subset}
- \newcommand{\CnotprsubsetOp}{\CMathML@notprsubsetOp}
-DefConstructor('\Cset [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='set' role='CONSTRUCTOR' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CsetRes [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp role='BIGOP'>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='set' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg role='BVAR'>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg role='CONDITION'>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg role='SCOPE'>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CsetCond [] {}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp role='BIGOP'>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='set' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg role='BVAR'>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg role='CONDITION'>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg role='SCOPE'>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CsetDA [] {}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='set' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg role='BVAR'>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg role='DOMAINOFAPPLICATION'>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg role='SCOPE'>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\ClistOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='list' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Clist [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='list' role='CONSTRUCTOR' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CunionOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='union' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cunion [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='union' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CintersectOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='intersect' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cintersect [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='intersect' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CinOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='in' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cin [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='in' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CnotinOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='notin' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cnotin [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='notin' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CsubsetOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='subset' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Csubset [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='subset' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CprsubsetOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='prsubset' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cprsubset [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='prsubset' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\CnotsubsetOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='notsubset' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cnotsubset [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='notsubset' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CnotprsubsetOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='notprsubset' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cnotprsubset [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='notprsubset' role='RELOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CsetdiffOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='setdiff' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Csetdiff [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='setdiff' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CcardOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='card' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Ccard [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='card' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CcartesianproductOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='cartesianproduct' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Ccartesianproduct [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='cartesianproduct' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The next set of macros are needed, since they are presentational.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \def\CMathML@supsetOp{\supseteq}
- \newcommand{\CsupsetOp}{\CMathML@supsetOp}
- \def\CMathML@prsupsetOp{\supset}
- \newcommand{\CprsupsetOp}{\CMathML@prsupsetOp}
- \def\CMathML@notsupsetOp{\not\supseteq}
- \newcommand{\CnotsupsetOp}{\CMathML@notsupsetOp}
- \def\CMathML@notprsupsetOp{\not\supset}
- \newcommand{\CnotprsupsetOp}{\CMathML@notprsupsetOp}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% On the semantic side (in {\latexml}), we need to implement them in terms of the
-% {\mathml} elements. Fortunately, we can just turn them around. \ednote{ooooops, this
-% does not work for the associative ones.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-DefConstructor('\CsupsetOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='supset' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\CprsupsetOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='prsupset' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\CnotsupsetOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='notsupset' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\CnotprsupsetOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='notprsupset' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \def\CMathML@UnionDAOp{\bigwedge}
- \newcommand{\CUnionDAOp}{\CMathML@UnionDAOp}
-\def\CMathML@UnionDA#1#2{\CMathML@UnionDAOp_{#1}{#2}} % set, scope
-\def\CMathML@UnionCond#1#2#3{\CMathML@UnionDAOp_{#2}{#3}} % bvars,condition, scope
- \def\CMathML@IntersectDAOp{\bigvee}
- \newcommand{\CIntersectDAOp}{\CMathML@IntersectDAOp}
-\def\CMathML@IntersectDA#1#2{\CMathML@IntersectDAOp_{#1}{#2}} % set, scope
-\def\CMathML@IntersectCond#1#2#3{\CMathML@IntersectDAOp_{#2}{#3}}% bvars,condition, scope
- \def\CMathML@CartesianproductDAOp{\bigoplus}
- \newcommand{\CCartesianproductDAOp}{\CMathML@CartesianproductDAOp}
-\def\CMathML@CartesianproductDA#1#2{\CMathML@CartesianproductDAOp_{#1}{#2}} % set, scope
-\def\CMathML@CartesianproductCond#1#2#3{\CMathML@CartesianproductDAOp_{#2}{#3}}% bvars,condition, scope
-DefConstructor('\CUnionDAOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='union' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\CUnionDA [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='union' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CUnionCond [] {}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='union' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CIntersectDaOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='intersect' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\CIntersectDa [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='intersect' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CIntersectCond [] {}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='intersect' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CCartesianproductDaOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='cartesianproduct' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\CCartesianproductDa [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='cartesianproduct' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CCartesianproductCond [] {}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='BIGOP' meaning='cartesianproduct' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Sequences and Series}\label{impl:sequences}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \def\CMathML@sumOp{\sum}
- \newcommand{\CsumOp}{\CMathML@sumOp}
-\def\CMathML@sumLimits#1#2#3#4{\CMathML@sumOp_{#1=#2}^{#3}#4}% bvar, llimit, ulimit, body
-\def\CMathML@sumCond#1#2#3{\CMathML@sumOp_{#1\in{#2}}#3} % bvar, condition, body
-\def\CMathML@sumDA#1#2{\CMathML@sumOp_{#1}#2} % set, body
-DefConstructor('\CsumOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='sum' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\CsumLimits [] {}{}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='sum' role='SUMOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "#5</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \ednote{complete the other cases}\ednote{add a keyword argument to all newcommands}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \def\CMathML@prodOp{\prod}
- \newcommand{\CprodOp}{\CMathML@prodOp}
-\def\CMathML@prodLimits#1#2#3#4{\CMathML@prodOp_{#1=#32^{#3}#4}}% bvar, llimit, ulimit, body
-\def\CMathML@prodCond#1#2#3{\CMathML@prodOp_{#1\in{#2}}#3} % bvar, condition, body
-\def\CMathML@prodDA#1#2{\CMathML@prodOp_{#1}#2} % set, body
-DefConstructor('\CprodOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='prod' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\CprodLimits [] {}{}{}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='prod' role='SUMOP' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg><ci>#2</ci></ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#4</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "#5</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \ednote{complete the other cases}
-% \subsection{Elementary Classical Functions}\label{impl:specfun}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-DefConstructor('\Csin [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='sin' role='TRIGFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Ccos [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='cos' role='TRIGFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Ctan [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='tan' role='TRIGFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Csec [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='sec' role='TRIGFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Ccsc [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='csc' role='TRIGFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Ccot [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='cot' role='TRIGFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Csinh [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='sinh' role='TRIGFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Ccosh [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='cosh' role='TRIGFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Ctanh [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='tanh' role='TRIGFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Csech [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='sech' role='TRIGFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Ccsch [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='csch' role='TRIGFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Ccoth [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='coth' role='TRIGFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Carcsin [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='arcsin' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Carccos [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='arccos' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Carctan [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='arctan' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Carcsec [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='arcsec' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Carccsc [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='arccsc' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Carccot [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='arccot' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Carcsinh [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='arcsinh' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Carccosh [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='arccosh' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Carctanh [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='arctanh' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Carcsech [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='arcsech' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Carccsch [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='arccsch' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Carccoth [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='arccoth' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cexp [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='exp' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cln [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='ln' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Clog [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='log' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Statistics}\label{impl:statistics}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\def\CMathML@moment#1#2{\langle{#2}^{#1}\rangle}% degree, momentabout, scope
-\def\CMathML@momentA#1#2{\langle{#2}^{#1}\rangle}% degree, momentabout, scope
-DefConstructor('\Cmean [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='mean' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Csdev [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='sdev' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cvar [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='var' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cmedian [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='median' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cmode [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='mode' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cmoment [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='moment' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \ednote{we do not seem to need the momentabout.}\ednote{moment and momentA have funny
-% elided arguments}
-% \subsection{Linear Algebra}\label{impl:linalg}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\def\CMathML@matrix#1#2{\left(\begin{array}{#1}#2\end{array}\right)}% row pattern, body
- \def\CMathML@vectproductOp{\cdot}
- \newcommand{\CvectproductOp}{\CMathML@vectproductOp}
- \def\CMathML@outerproductOp{\times}
- \newcommand{\CouterproductOp}{\CMathML@outerproductOp}
-DefConstructor('\Cvector [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='CONSTRUCTOR' meaning='vector' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "#2"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>",
- afterDigest=>sub { remove_math_commas($_[1], 2); });
-DefConstructor('\Cmatrix [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok role='CONSTRUCTOR' meaning='matrix' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cdeterminant [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='determinant' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Ctranspose [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='transpose' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cselector [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='selector' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CvectorproductOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='vectorproduct' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cvectorproduct [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='vectorproduct' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\Cscalarproduct [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='scalarproduct' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-DefConstructor('\CouterproductOp []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='outerproduct' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Couterproduct [] {}{}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='outerproduct' role='OPFUNCTION' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#3</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Constant and Symbol Elements}\label{impl:constants}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-DefConstructor('\Cintegers []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='integers' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Creals []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='reals' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Crationals []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='rationals' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cnaturalnumbers []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='naturalnumbers' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Ccomplexes []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='complexes' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cprimes []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='primes' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cexponentiale []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='exponentiale' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cimaginaryi []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='imaginaryi' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cnotanumber []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='notanumber' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Ctrue []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='true' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cfalse []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='false' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cemptyset []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='emptyset' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cpi []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='pi' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Ceulergamma []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='eulergamma' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-DefConstructor('\Cinfinit []',
- "<ltx:XMTok meaning='infinit' role='ID' ?#1(definitionURL='#1')()/>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Extensions}\label{sec:impl:cmathmlx}
-% \begin{macro}{\Ccomplement}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-DefConstructor('\Ccomplement [] {}',
- "<ltx:XMApp>"
- . "<ltx:XMTok meaning='complement' role='CSYMBOL'/>"
- . "<ltx:XMArg>#2</ltx:XMArg>"
- . "</ltx:XMApp>");
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{Finale}\label{sec:impl:finale}
-% Finally, we need to terminate the file with a success mark for perl.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \Finale
-% \iffalse
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: doctex
-%%% TeX-master: t
-%%% End:
-% \fi
-% LocalWords: STeX cmathml symdefs CMathML dom codom Im ll reln fn bvar arith
-% LocalWords: alg lcm rels Ceq llimit ulimit bvars lowlimit specfun sech csch
-% LocalWords: coth arccosh arccot arccoth arccsc arcsinh arctanh logbase std
-% LocalWords: var momentabout linalg matrixrow bruce NaN stex cnxml symdef
-% LocalWords: DefinitionURLs domainofapplication CmomentA concl