path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin')
26 files changed, 0 insertions, 3557 deletions
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- rm -f *~
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-# A module for loading .tex files and feeding the data to the various applications. #
-# Copyright (c) 2005, Ioan Sucan, released under the Gnu General Public License (GPL) #
-# see #
-# $URL: svn://$ #
-# $Date: 2005-09-26 12:44:28 -0500 (Mon, 26 Sep 2005) $ $Rev: 4243 $ #
-package Modparse;
-use File::Basename;
-use File::Path;
-# if both snippath and snippathList are specified,
-# snippathList is ignored !
-# if a default snippath definition file is found
-# (snippath.def) it is used if no snippath is given
-# as argument;
-sub new {
- my ($class, %options) = @_;
- $options{recursion} = 1 unless defined $options{recursion};
- $options{requireStatus} = 'include|exclude' unless defined $options{requireStatus};
- $options{loadInputs} = 1 unless defined $options{loadInputs};
- $options{onlyModuleLines} = 0 unless defined $options{onlyModuleLines};
- if ( !(%{$options{snippath}}) && (-e "snippath.def") ) {
- open(SNIPPATHDEF, 'snippath.def');
- my @snlist = <SNIPPATHDEF>;
- for (my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#snlist; $i++) { chomp($snlist[$i]); }
- %{$options{snippath}} = @snlist; }
- @{$options{snippathList}} = keys(%{$options{snippath}})
- if ($options{snippath} && %{$options{snippath}});
- $options{debug} = 0;
- bless(\%options, $class); }
-sub execute{
- my ($self, $file) = @_;
- local *run_event = sub {
- my ($event, $arg) = @_;
- if ($self->{$event}) { $self->{$event}($arg); }
- };
- local *go = sub {
- my ($location, %param) = @_;
- my ($tex, $path, @tex_data) = $self->readLocation($location);
- return unless @tex_data;
- my $NL = $#tex_data+1;
- $param{filename} = $tex;
- $param{depth}++;
- $param{filecount}++;
- my $i = 0;
- $param{nextline} = sub { $tex_data[++$i]; };
- $param{prevline} = sub { $tex_data[--$i]; };
- $param{rewriteline}= sub { $tex_data[$i] = $_[0]; };
- print "Processing $tex...\n" if $self->{verbose};
- run_event('onBeginFile', \%param);
- while ($i<$NL){
- $param{original} = $tex_data[$i];
- $_ = $tex_data[$i]; chomp; /([^%]*)((%.*)?)/;
- ($param{tex}, $param{comment}) = ($1, $2); $_ = $1;
- s/\s+//g; $param{simple_tex} = $_;
- if (/\\begin\{module\}(\[([^\]]*)\])?/) {
- if ($param{in_module}) {
- push(@{$param{module_stack}}, [$param{module_id}, $param{module_arg}]); }
- $param{in_module} = 1;
- $param{module_args} = $1 ? $2 : undef;
- $param{module_id} = ($param{module_args} &&
- $param{module_args} =~ /id=([^\],]+)/) ? $1 : undef;
- $param{module_nesting}++;
- run_event('onBeginModule', \%param); }
- if (/\\end\{module\}/) {
- run_event('onEndModule', \%param);
- if ($#{$param{module_stack}} >= 0) {
- ($param{module_id}, $param{module_args}) = @{pop(@{$param{module_stack}})};
- } else {
- $param{in_module} = 0;
- ($param{module_id}, $param{module_args}) = (undef, undef); }
- $param{module_nesting}--;
- }
- foreach my $srch_snippath(@{$self->{snippathList}}){
- $self->{snippath}{$srch_snippath} = $1
- if (/\\def\\$srch_snippath\#1\{([^\#]+)\#1\}$/); }
- if (/\\((requiremodules(\[($self->{requireStatus})\])?)|input|include)\{([^\}]+)\}/){
- my $req_filename = $5; my $req_spath = ''; my $command = $1;
- my $is_require = ($command =~ /requiremodules/) ? 1 : 0;
- if ($is_require || $self->{loadInputs}) {
- foreach my $srch_snippath(@{$self->{snippathList}}){
- if ($req_filename =~ /\\$srch_snippath\{(.+)/){
- ($req_spath, $req_filename) = ($self->{snippath}{$srch_snippath}, $1);
- last; }}
- run_event('onRecurse', \%param);
- if ($self->{recursion} || !$is_require) {
- go($self->makeLocation($req_filename, $path, $req_spath), %param); }
- }
- }
- run_event('onEveryLine', \%param) if ($param{in_module} || !$self->{onlyModuleLines});
- last if (/\\end\{document\}/ && $self->{stopAtEnd});
- $i++;
- }
- run_event('onEndFile', \%param);
- $param{depth}--; return;
- };
- my %param = (pack=>$self, perm=>$self->{_AUX_DATA}, depth=>0, filecount=>0,
- in_module=>0, module_nesting=>0);
- run_event('onBegin', \%param);
- go($self->makeLocation($file), %param);
- run_event('onEnd', \%param);
- return;
-# add a [.tex] extension to the filename
-sub add_ext{
- my ($self, $fn, $ext) = @_;
- $ext = '.tex' unless $ext;
- $fn.=$ext if $fn !~ /\Q$ext\E$/;
- $fn; }
-# as long as the extension is .tex, drop it
-sub drop_ext{
- my ($self, $filename) = @_;
- while ($filename =~ /\.tex$/){
- while ($filename !~ /\.$/ ) { chop($filename); }
- chop($filename); }
- $filename; }
-sub new_ext{
- my ($self, $filename, $ext) = @_;
- $self->add_ext($self->drop_ext($filename), $ext); }
-# location = pointer to array of strings
-# first element is filename; next are possible paths
-sub makeLocation{ my $self = shift; return \@_; }
-# read a location into an array of strings
-# aslo return filename and path to it (just in
-# case some changes were made to it, like adding
-# extension and/or relative paths)
-sub readLocation{
- my ($self, $location) = @_;
- my ($filename, @paths) = @{$location};
- # try to add proper extension;
- my $filename_ext = $self->new_ext($filename) unless -e $filename;
- $filename = $filename_ext if $filename_ext && -e $filename_ext;
- # try search paths
- if (! -e $filename){
- my $all_p = '';
- foreach my $p(@paths){
- $all_p .= $p;
- $filename = $all_p.$filename and last if -e $all_p.$filename;
- $filename = $p.$filename and last if -e $p.$filename;
- if ($filename_ext){
- $filename = $all_p.$filename_ext and last if -e $all_p.$filename_ext;
- $filename = $p.$filename_ext and last if -e $p.$filename_ext; }
- }}
- # don't do the same work too many times
- foreach my $file(@{$self->{loadedFiles}})
- { return undef if $file eq $filename; }
- push(@{$self->{loadedFiles}}, $filename);
- open(FIN, $filename) or die "Cannot open '$filename'\n";
- my @data = <FIN>;
- close(FIN);
- # find path of current file
- my $path = dirname($filename);
- $path.='/' if ($path ne '');
- return ($filename, $path, @data);
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/README b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/README
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-"Module Split"
- msplit <input filename> [options]
- --output <filename> filename of new main .tex file; default stdout
- --path <path> path where to write the module files;
- --header <filename> filename of header file to be included in all new .tex files
- --verbose verbose on
- --stop stop when \end{document} is found, not at EOF
- --help show help screen
-NOTE: All options '--xoption' can be replaced by '-x' as long as there is only one option starting with 'x'
-This program splits the .tex file given at input into:
- one main .tex file, that includes
- more .tex files, each containing one module
-The name of the new main .tex file is specified by output option. The path to the inputted
-files can be specified by path. The name of one generated input file is "name of the
-module it contains".tex Running on one already split file will just make a copy. Example
-usage: ./msplit slides.tex -o sl.tex -p ./modules -s
-Interpretation: "Split the file slides.tex; wite the new main file as sl.tex and the
-inputted files should be placed in ./modules; if path does not exist, it is automatically
-created; stop when (uncommented) \end{document} is found."
-"Reuse Factor"
- rf [options]
- --input <filename> .tex input file. stdin by default
- --stop stop when \end{document} is found, not at EOF
- --verbose verbose on
- --help show help screen
-This program computes the reuse factor for the .tex document given at input. This number
-represents the ratio of latex processed lines of code to actual lines contained in file
-given at input. This number will always be 1 for files that have no \input or \include.
-Example usage:
-./rf -v -i slides.tex
-Interpretation: "Compute the reuse factor of slides.tex and show all processed files(verbose mode)."
-"Slides graph [representation]"
- sgraph [options]
- --input <filename> .tex input file; stdin by default
- --output <filename> output file; by default
- --format <ps|png|jpg|...> output format; .ps by default; for available formats, see dot --help
- --nodot do not generate .dot file, just target format
- --root <string> the 'root' of the graph. (name of course)
- --theory <string> generate a subgraph for the theory
- --sliderange <begin:end> only look at the given slide range; (2:16 for example)
- --stop stop reading data when \end{document} is found, not at EOF
- --verbose verbose on
- --help show help screen
-This program generates a .dot file readable by graphviz, containing a graph of the module
-usage in the .tex file given at input, optionally looking at a specific theory and/or
-slide range; it also adds a dummy 'root' for the graph, so one can see where everything
-starts. It then converts the .dot file to a given format (.ps by default) using graphviz
-and optionally deletes the intermediary .dot file.
-Example usage:
-./sgraph -i slides.tex -o graph -f ps -n -t TCN --sliderange 20:10000 -r GenCS -v
-Interpretation: "Generate the graph of slides.tex in .ps format, write it in, do
-not keep the .dot file; include only the part needed for the theory 'TCN' and in the slide
-range 20 to 10000; use as root for the graph the string 'GenCS' and show all processed
- sms [options]
- --input <filename> .tex file to split; default stdin
- --verbose verbose on
- --stop stop when \end{document} is found, not at EOF
- --help show help screen
-Generate .sms file from .tex file given at input; .sms files contain only the modules and
-the macros defined within, no other text.
-Example usage:
-./sms -i slides.tex -s
-Interpretation: "Generate the slides.sms file for slides.tex; Stop when \end{document} is found."
-"Build Module Structure"
- bms [options]
- --input <filename> .tex file to read from
- --graph <filename> if mentioned, produce the suggested module structure as
- a graphviz digraph (.dot file)
- --path <pathname> if mentioned, produce same input file/s (including
- dependencies) in specified path with suggested
- module structure.
- --output <filename> the new name of the main .tex file in specified path
- --root <string> if mentioned, a father module is included, so that all
- other modules descend from it. generally the course name
- --stop stop when \end{document} is found; default is to go on
- --definitions show a list of all definitions
- --verbose verbose on
- --help show help screen
-This program has the purpose of computing a default module structure, such that a module
-uses another module if and only if it needs that module and does not need another
-descendant of it. First, the prgram reads all necessary data from the input .tex file,
-computes the minimal strictly required module usage structure, and writes it as a graphviz
-digraph, and/or writes a copy of the input .tex file (and maybe inputted files by the .tex
-file) with the new module structure in the given path. All paths are created if not
-Example usage:
-./bms -i slides.tex -s -g - | dot -Tps >; ggv
-./bms -i slides.tex -g -p ./new
-Interpretation: "Build default module structure for slides.tex and write it to;
-also use the obtained module structure and copy the input file to given path with changed
-module usage."
-Convert Relax NG Compact form to Graphviz dot file
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-# package for handling .tex IDs
-package TexId;
-use File::Basename;
-use strict;
-# error messages markers
-use constant ERR => '[X]'; # error can't be fixed
-################### 'public' members ###################
-sub new{
- my ($class, %options) = @_;
- my $self = {};
- @{$self->{ENVIRONMENTS}} = qw(module note omtext example
- definition problem proof
- solution program); # the environments to look at
- @{$self->{ENV_PREFIXES}} = qw(mod not txt ex def prob pf sol prg); # the prefixes for environments
- @{$self->{ENV_DEF}} = qw(id); # environment arguments that define new environments
- @{$self->{ENV_USAGE}} = qw(use uses for from); # environment arguments that
- # specify usage of other environments
- # options for the class
- %{$self->{OPTIONS}} = %options;
- # in case \snippath{} is encountered, prepend this to the filename
- $self->{OPTIONS}{snippath} = 'snippets/' unless defined $self->{OPTIONS}{snippath};
- # show progress while reading data
- $self->{OPTIONS}{progress} = 1 unless defined $self->{OPTIONS}{progress};
- bless ($self, $class);
-# check/set list of environments to look at
-sub environments{
- my ($self, $new_environments, $new_prefixes) = @_;
- if (defined $new_environments and defined $new_prefixes){
- @{$self->{ENVIRONMENTS}} = split(/,/, $new_environments);
- @{$self->{ENV_PREFIXES}} = split(/,/, $new_prefixes);
- die "Invalid argument combination (both arguments must have same number of elements)"
- if $#{$self->ENVIRONMENTS} != $#{$self->ENV_PREFIXES};
- }
- else {
- return (join(',', @{$self->{ENVIRONMENTS}}), join(',', @{$self->{ENV_PREFIXES}}));
- }
-# define/read environment definition arguments
-sub env_def{
- my ($self, $new_env_def) = @_;
- if (defined $new_env_def){
- @{$self->{ENV_DEF}} = split(/,/, $new_env_def);
- }
- else {
- return join(',', @{$self->{ENV_DEF}});
- }
-# define/read the environment usage arguments
-sub env_usage{
- my ($self, $new_env_usage) = @_;
- if (defined $new_env_usage){
- @{$self->{ENV_USAGE}} = split(/,/, $new_env_usage);
- }
- else {
- return join(',', @{$self->{ENV_USAGE}});
- }
-# define/read the snippets path
-sub snippath{
- my ($self, $new_snippath) = @_;
- if (defined $new_snippath){
- $new_snippath.='/' if ($new_snippath !~ /\/$/);
- $self->{OPTIONS}{snippath} = $new_snippath;
- }
- else {
- return $self->{OPTIONS}{snippath};
- }
-# check all the definitions and module usages
-# in all files referenced by base file
-sub parse{
- my ($self, $basefile) = @_;
- # recursive local function to go through each file
- local *run_parse = sub
- {
- my ($filename) = @_;
- # read current .tex file
- print STDERR "Loading $filename...\n" if ($self->{OPTIONS}{progress} == 1);
- $filename = $self->load_file_data($filename);
- my @text = @{$self->{FILEDATA}};
- my $line_no = 0;
- # go through every line of the read file
- # depends on: \requiremodules, \snippath
- # ignores \end{document}
- foreach (@text){
- # delete newline character, comments and redundant white space
- $line_no++;
- /([^%]*)((%.*)?)/;
- $_ = $1;
- s/\s+//g;
- # see if an environment that has some arguments is defined
- my ($possible_env, $env_args) = (undef, undef);
- ($possible_env, $env_args) = ($1, $2) if (/\\begin\{([^\}]+)\}\[([^\]]+)\]/);
- # if it is, search it through the list of environments we want to look at
- if (defined $possible_env){
- foreach my $environment(@{$self->{ENVIRONMENTS}}){
- next unless ($environment eq $possible_env);
- # if we found an anvironment we want to look at,
- # go through the list of arguments
- $env_args = $self->swap_exterior_char(',', ';', $env_args);
- foreach (split(/;/, $env_args)){
- # we want arguments of type name=value
- next unless /([^=]+)=(.+)/;
- my ($arg_name, $arg_value) = ($1, $2);
- # see if the argument defines an environment
- foreach my $current_env_arg(@{$self->{ENV_DEF}}){
- next unless ($arg_name eq $current_env_arg);
- my @to_add = split(/,/, $arg_value);
- push(@{$self->{'DEF'}->{$environment}}, @to_add);
- foreach my $added_element(@to_add){
- $self->{'DEF'}->{LOCATION}{$added_element}.=$line_no.':'.$filename."\n";
- }
- last;
- }
- # see if the argument uses an environment
- foreach my $current_env_arg(@{$self->{ENV_USAGE}}){
- next unless ($arg_name eq $current_env_arg);
- my @to_add = split(/,/, $arg_value);
- push(@{$self->{'USE'}->{$environment}}, @to_add);
- foreach my $added_element(@to_add){
- $self->{'USE'}->{LOCATION}{$added_element}.=$line_no.':'.$filename."\n";
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- # reference to another file
- if (/\\requiremodules(\[(include|exclude)\])?\{([^\}]+)\}/){
- if (defined $2 && $2 eq 'include'){
- $_ = $3;
- $_ = $self->{OPTIONS}{snippath}.$1 if (/\\snippath\{(.+)/);
- $_ = $self->{path}.$_;
- run_parse($_);
- }
- }
- # see definition of snippath
- $self->snippath($1) if (/\\def\\snippath\#1\{([^\#]+)\#1\}$/);
- }
- };
- run_parse($basefile);
-# this is the first checking step to be done
-sub check_uniq{
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $error = 0;
- # sort environment definitions and see whether they are uniquely defined
- foreach my $environment(@{$self->{ENVIRONMENTS}}){
- next unless defined $self->{'USE'}->{$environment};
- my @list1 = sort @{$self->{'DEF'}->{$environment}};
- my @list2 = $self->uniq(@list1);
- @{$self->{'DEF'}->{$environment}} = @list2;
- # some environments are defined multiple times
- if ($#list1 != $#list2){
- my $j = 0;
- for (my $i = 0; $i<=$#list2; $i++){
- my $start_j = $j;
- while ($j<=$#list1 && $list1[$j] eq $list2[$i]){
- $j++;
- }
- if ($j - $start_j != 1){
- print STDERR ERR, " Environment '$list2[$i]' is defined multiple times ",
- "within same environment type: \n";
- print STDERR $self->{'DEF'}->{LOCATION}{$list2[$i]}, "\n";
- $error = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # see that all environment references are unique (and sort them)
- foreach my $environment(@{$self->{ENVIRONMENTS}}){
- next unless defined $self->{'USE'}->{$environment};
- @{$self->{'USE'}->{$environment}} = sort $self->uniq(@{$self->{'USE'}->{$environment}});
- }
- return $error;
-sub check_prefix{
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $count = $#{$self->{ENVIRONMENTS}}+1;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++){
- my $environment = ${$self->{ENVIRONMENTS}}[$i];
- my $envprefix = ${$self->{ENV_PREFIXES}}[$i];
- next unless defined $self->{'DEF'}->{$environment};
- foreach my $elem (@{$self->{'DEF'}->{$environment}}){
- my $proper = undef;
- if ($elem =~ /^([^:]+):(.+)/){
- $proper = $envprefix.':'.$2 if $1 ne $envprefix;
- } else {
- $proper = $envprefix.':'.$elem;
- }
- if (defined $proper){
- print STDERR ERR, " $environment '$elem' has no prefix ($envprefix). Add it? [ <y>, n ]";
- my $answer = <STDIN>;
- chomp($answer);
- if ($answer eq 'y' or $answer eq ''){
- $self->add_change('DEF', $elem, $proper);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-sub check_defs{
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $error = 0;
- # combine all definitions
- my @defs;
- map {push(@defs, @{$self->{'DEF'}->{$_}}) if defined @{$self->{'DEF'}->{$_}}} @{$self->{ENVIRONMENTS}};
- @defs = sort @defs;
- # combine all used environments
- my @uses;
- map {push(@uses, @{$self->{'USE'}->{$_}}) if defined @{$self->{'USE'}->{$_}}} @{$self->{ENVIRONMENTS}};
- @uses = sort @uses;
- # for all environments
- foreach my $used_env(@uses){
- # if used environment is not defined
- if ($self->find_elem($used_env, @defs) < 0){
- # maybe it is a typo
- print STDERR ERR, " '$used_env' was not found. Replace options:\n";
- foreach my $definition(@defs){
- print STDERR "\t$definition\n" if $self->edit_dist($used_env,$definition)<4;
- $error = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- return $error;
-sub add_change{
- my ($self, $location, $from, $to) = @_;
- if ($self->{$location}->{LOCATION}{$from} =~ /([^:]+):([^\n]+)\n/){
- push(@{$self->{CHANGE}->{$2}}, ($1, $from, $to));
- }
-# write the stored changes
-sub apply_changes{
- my ($self) = @_;
- while (my ($filename, $changes) = each %{$self->{CHANGE}}){
- $filename = $self->load_file_data($filename);
- my $count = int(($#{$changes}+1)/3);
- for (my $i = 0; $i<$count ; $i++){
- my ($line, $from, $to) = (${$changes}[$i*3]-1,
- ${$changes}[$i*3+1], ${$changes}[$i*3+2]);
- ${$self->{FILEDATA}}[$line] =~ s/\Q$from/$to/;
- }
- print STDERR "Writing $filename\n" if ($self->{OPTIONS}{progress} == 1);
- $self->write_file_data($filename);
- }
-sub load_file_data{
- my ($self, $filename) = @_;
- # try to give proper file extension if file is not found
- $filename = $self->add_ext($self->drop_ext($filename)) unless -e $filename;
- open(FIN, $filename) or die "Cannot open $filename\n";
- @{$self->{FILEDATA}} = <FIN>;
- close(FIN);
- $self->{path} = dirname($filename).'/' unless defined $self->{path};
- return $filename;
-sub write_file_data{
- my ($self, $filename) = @_;
- open(FOUT, ">$filename") or die "Cannot write $filename\n";
- print FOUT @{$self->{FILEDATA}};
- close(FOUT);
-################### 'protected' members ###################
-sub def_env_list{
- my ($self, $env_name) = @_;
- return @{$self->{'DEF'}->{$env_name}};
-sub use_env_list{
- my ($self, $env_name) = @_;
- return @{$self->{'USE'}->{$env_name}};
-################### 'private' members ###################
-sub drop_ext{
- my ($self, $filename) = @_;
- while ($filename =~ /\.tex$/){
- while ($filename !~ /\.$/ ) { chop($filename); }
- chop($filename);
- }
- return $filename;
-sub add_ext{
- my ($self, $filename) = @_;
- $filename.='.tex' if $filename !~ /\.tex$/;
- return $filename;
-# look at $word, and swap all occurances of $char_find with
-# $new_char if they are not in a {...} environment
-sub swap_exterior_char{
- my ($self, $char_find, $new_char, $word) = @_;
- my @new_word = ();
- my $exterior = 0;
- foreach (split('', $word)){
- if ($_ eq '{'){
- $exterior++;
- next;
- }
- if ($_ eq '}'){
- $exterior--;
- next;
- }
- if ($exterior == 0 && $_ eq $char_find){
- push(@new_word, $new_char);
- }
- else{
- push(@new_word, $_);
- }
- }
- return join('',@new_word);
-# return unique elements from a list
-sub uniq{
- my ($self, @list) = @_;
- my %seen = ();
- my @uniqu = grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ } @list;
- return @uniqu;
-# binary search
-sub find_elem{
- my ($self, $elem, @list) = @_;
- local *search_elem = sub
- {
- my ($a, $b) = @_;
- my $m = int(($a + $b)/2);
- return $m if $list[$m] eq $elem;
- return -1 if ($a >= $b);
- return ($list[$m] le $elem)?search_elem($m+1,$b):search_elem($a,$m-1);
- };
- return search_elem(0, $#list);
-# edit distance between two strings
-# insertions, deletions, replacement, transposition
-sub edit_dist{
- my ($self, $s1, $s2) = @_;
- my $m = length($s1);
- my $n = length($s2);
- my @w1 = split(//, $s1);
- my @w2 = split(//, $s2);
- # add dummy char so we can have nicer indeces
- unshift(@w1, '*');
- unshift(@w2, '*');
- # distances matrix
- my @d;
- # initialize
- $d[0][0] = 0;
- for (my $i = 1; $i <= $m ; $i++) { $d[$i][0] = $i;}
- for (my $i = 1; $i <= $n ; $i++) { $d[0][$i] = $i;}
- # compute
- for (my $i = 1; $i <= $m ; $i++){
- for (my $j = 1; $j <= $n ; $j++){
- my @possibilities = ($d[$i-1][$j-1] + ($w1[$i] ne $w2[$j]),
- $d[$i-1][$j] + 1, $d[$i][$j-1] + 1);
- push(@possibilities, $d[$i-2][$j-2] + 1)
- if ($i>1 && $j>1 && $w1[$i] eq $w2[$j-1] && $w1[$i-1] eq $w2[$j]);
- $d[$i][$j] = $self->minimum(@possibilities);
- }
- }
- return $d[$m][$n];
-sub minimum{
- my ($self, @list) = @_;
- my $result = shift(@list);
- map {$result = $_ if $result ge $_} @list;
- return $result;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/allgen b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/allgen
deleted file mode 100755
index 4728d89ee56..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/allgen
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-if [[ -z $STEX_CONTENT_HOME ]]
- echo "STEX_CONTENT_HOME is not set; please set it in your ~/.bashrc"
- exit 1
-cat <<'EOF'
-% this file is automatically generated by allgen
-% Note: This hack is needed to make mikoslides and problems work together.
-sed -e '/\\begin{document}/ i\
-' $LIB/pre.tex | \
- grep -v '^\\def\\snippets'
-cat <<'EOF'
-for file in *.tex
- prefix=${file%.tex} # file name without .tex suffix
- [[ $prefix != "all" ]] && echo -e "\\subsection{${prefix//_/\\\\_}} \n \\input{$prefix}" # in subsection replace "_" by "\_"
-cat $LIB/post.tex
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/bms b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/bms
deleted file mode 100755
index 52f1002c0d9..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/bms
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# A tool for building a default module usage structure. #
-# Copyright (c) 2005, Ioan Sucan, released under the Gnu General Public License (GPL) #
-# see #
-# $URL: svn://$ #
-# $Date: 2005-10-04 10:47:41 -0500 (Tue, 04 Oct 2005) $ $Rev: 4371 $ #
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use File::Path;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use Modparse;
-# Command Line processing
-my $input="-", my $graph_output='', my $graph_root='',
-my $verbose=0, my $stop_at_end=0;
-my $show_definitions=0, my $show_modules = 0;
-my %arg_snippath; my @snippathList;
-GetOptions("path=s" => \%arg_snippath,
- "defpath=s" => \@snippathList,
- "graph=s" => \$graph_output,
- "opath=s" => \$main::path_new,
- "output=s" => \$main::new_name,
- "root=s" => \$graph_root,
- "definitions" => sub {$show_definitions = 1;},
- "modules" => sub {$show_modules = 1;},
- "stop" => sub {$stop_at_end = 1;},
- "verbose" => sub {$verbose = 1;},
- "help" => sub {pod2usage(2);});
-$input = $ARGV[0] if ($#ARGV>=0);
-# .tex data reading
-$main::no_name_modules = 0;
-%main::definition_module = ();
-@main::definitions_list = ();
-%main::module_definitions = ();
-%main::used_modules = ();
-@main::modules_list = ();
-my $mp = Modparse->new(snippathList=>\@snippathList,
- snippath=>\%arg_snippath,
- stopAtEnd=>$stop_at_end,
- verbose=>$verbose,
- requireStatus=>'exclude',
- onlyModuleLines=>1,
- onBeginModule=>sub {
- if (!defined $_[0]->{module_id}) {
- $_[0]->{module_id} = "MOD".$main::no_name_modules;
- $main::no_name_modules++; }
- $_[0]->{defines} = '';
- },
- onEveryLine=>sub {
- if ($_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\(sym|abbr|ell)def\{\\([^\}]+)\}/) {
- my $data = $2;
- $_[0]->{defines} .= "$data;";
- $main::definition_module{$data} = $_[0]->{module_id};
- push(@main::definitions_list, $data);
- } elsif ($_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\STRlabel\{([^\}]*)\}/){
- my $data = "L:$1";
- $_[0]->{defines} .= "$data;";
- $main::definition_module{$data} = $_[0]->{module_id};
- push(@main::definitions_list, $data);
- }
- $_[0]->{module_content} .= $_[0]->{simple_tex};
- },
- onEndModule=>sub {
- chop($_[0]->{defines}) if $_[0]->{defines};
- $main::module_definitions{$_[0]->{module_id}} = $_[0]->{defines};
- push(@main::modules_list, $_[0]->{module_id});
- my $module_refs = '';
- foreach my $def(@main::definitions_list){
- next if $main::definition_module{$def} eq $_[0]->{module_id};
- next unless $module_refs !~ /$main::definition_module{$def}/;
- if ($def =~ /^L\:(.*)/){
- $module_refs .= "$main::definition_module{$def};"
- if ($_[0]->{module_content} =~ /\\STRcopy\{$1\}/);
- } else {
- $module_refs .= "$main::definition_module{$def};"
- if ($_[0]->{module_content} =~ /\\$def/);
- }
- }
- chop($module_refs) if $module_refs;
- $main::used_modules{$_[0]->{module_id}} = $module_refs;
- });
-# Internal routines for BMS
-%main::bms = ();
-# add a dummy module that uses nothig, such that any other module uses at least something
-sub addroot {
- foreach my $module(@main::modules_list){
- next if $main::used_modules{$module};
- $main::used_modules{$module} = $graph_root;
- }
- push(@main::modules_list, $graph_root);
- $main::module_definitions{$graph_root}='';
- $main::used_modules{$graph_root}='';
-# end addroot
-sub included {
- my ($a1_ref, $a2_ref) = @_;
- my $ok;
- foreach my $elem (@$a1_ref){
- $ok = 0;
- foreach (@$a2_ref){
- if ($elem eq $_){
- $ok=1;
- last; }}
- return 0 unless $ok;}
- return 1;
-# find if a module uses another module
-sub can_go{
- my ($src,$dest) = @_;
- return 1 if $src eq $dest;
- foreach (split(/;/, $main::bms{$src})){
- return 1 if can_go($_,$dest);
- }
- return 0;
-# end can_go
-# find the actual module structure
-sub find_bms{
- my @added_modules, my @can_add, my @to_look, my @next_step;
- %main::bms=();
- @to_look = @main::modules_list;
- @added_modules = ();
- while($#main::modules_list != $#added_modules){
- @can_add=(); @next_step=();
- foreach my $module(@to_look){
- my @temp = split(/;/, $main::used_modules{$module});
- included(\@temp,\@added_modules)?push(@can_add,$module):push(@next_step,$module);
- }
- @to_look = @next_step;
- foreach my $module(@can_add){
- my @uses = split(/;/,$main::used_modules{$module});
- my $change = 1;
- while ($change){
- $change = 0;
- foreach my $f1(@uses){
- foreach my $f2(@uses){
- next if $f1 eq $f2;
- if (can_go($f1,$f2)){ # i.e. f2 used by f1 => can remove f2
- my @new_uses;
- foreach (@uses){
- push(@new_uses,$_) unless ($_ eq $f2);
- }
- @uses = @new_uses;
- $change = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- last if $change;
- }
- }
- $main::bms{$module} = join(";",@uses);
- push(@added_modules,$module);
- }
- }
-# end find_bms
-# print the content of %bms in a .dot file; note: may change %bms by adding dummy root
-sub printgraph {
- my $out = shift;
- addroot if $graph_root;
- open(FOUT,">$out") or die "Can't write $out\n";
- print FOUT "digraph MS {\n";
- while (my ($module, $uses) = each %main::bms){
- $uses =~ s/-/_/g;
- $module =~ s/-/_/g;
- if ($uses){
- if ($uses =~ /;/){
- print FOUT "$module -> {$uses};\n";
- } else {
- print FOUT "$module -> $uses;\n";
- }
- } else {
- print FOUT "$module [shape=box color=red];\n";
- }
- }
- print FOUT "}\n";
- close(FOUT);
-# end printgraph
-# print the list of definitions
-sub printdefinitions{
- while (my ($module,$def) = each %main::module_definitions){
- print "$module:\n" if $def;
- foreach (split(/;/,$def)){
- print "\t$_\n";
- }
- }}
-# end printdefinitions
-#print the list of modules
-sub printmodules{
- while (my ($module,$uses) = each %main::used_modules){
- print "'$module' uses:\n $uses\n\n\n";
- }}
-#end printmodules
-# wite the new .tex file, with found module usage, in given path
-sub writenew {
- my ($filename) = @_;
- $main::no_name_modules = 0;
- my $wmp = Modparse->new(snippathList=>\@snippathList,
- snippath=>\%arg_snippath,
- stopAtEnd=>$stop_at_end,
- verbose=>$verbose,
- requireStatus=>'exclude',
- onlyModuleLines=>0,
- onBeginFile=> sub {
- $_[0]->{'new_content'.$_[0]->{depth}} = '';
- },
- onBeginModule=>sub {
- if (!defined $_[0]->{module_id}) {
- $_[0]->{module_id} = "MOD".$main::no_name_modules;
- $main::no_name_modules++; }
- my $new_uses = $main::bms{$_[0]->{module_id}};
- if (defined $new_uses) {
- $new_uses =~ s/;/,/g;
- $new_uses="{$new_uses}" if $new_uses =~ /,/;
- my $arg = $_[0]->{module_args};
- my @new_arg=();
- my $done = 0;
- while ($arg =~ /^([\w-]+)=(([\w-]+)|(\{[\w,-]+\}))/){
- if ($1 eq 'uses'){
- push(@new_arg,"$1=$new_uses")if $new_uses;
- $done = 1;
- } else {
- push(@new_arg,"$1=$2");
- }
- $arg=substr($arg,length($1)+length($2)+1);
- $arg=substr($arg,1) if ($arg =~ /^,/);
- }
- if ($new_uses) {
- push(@new_arg,"uses=$new_uses") unless $done; }
- $_[0]->{original} = "\\begin{module}\[".join(',',@new_arg)."\] ". $_[0]->{comment}. "\n";
- }
- },
- onEveryLine=>sub {
- $_[0]->{'new_content'.$_[0]->{depth}} .= $_[0]->{original};
- },
- onEndFile=> sub {
- my $filename = ($main::path_new).'/'.$_[0]->{filename};
- my $path = $filename;
- while ($path !~ m!\/$!) { chop($path); }
- mkpath($path);
- $filename = $path.'/'.$main::new_name if ($main::new_name && $_[0]->{depth} == 1);
- print "Writing $filename\n" if $_[0]->{pack}->{verbose};
- open(FS, ">$filename") or die "Cannot write $filename\n";
- print FS $_[0]->{'new_content'.$_[0]->{depth}};
- close(FS);
- });
- $wmp->execute($filename);
-# Start program
-printdefinitions if $show_definitions;
-printmodules if $show_modules;
-if ($graph_output || $main::path_new){
- find_bms;
- writenew($input) if $main::path_new;
- printgraph($graph_output) if $graph_output;
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-bms <input filename> [options]
- --path XXX specify the value of \XXX (some snippath) in case it is
- = somePath not defined in the processed .tex file
- --defpath XXX specify which \XXX (snippath definitions) to look for
- --graph <filename> if mentioned, produce the suggested module structure as
- a graphviz digraph. (.dot file)
- --opath <pathname> if mentioned, produce same input file/s (including
- dependencies) in specified path with suggested
- module structure.
- --output <name> the new name of the main .tex file in specified path.
- --root <name> if mentioned, a father module is included, so that all
- other modules descend from it. generally the course name.
- --stop stop when \end{document} is found; default is to go on.
- --definitions show a list of all definitions.
- --modules show a list of all modules.
- --verbose verbose on.
- --help this screen.
- This program has the purpose of computing a default module structure, according
-to actual necessities.
- Example:
- ./bms -i slides.tex -g
- ./bms -i slides.tex -s -g - | dot -Tps >; ggv
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/checksum b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/checksum
deleted file mode 100755
index 9f0e533a8d4..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/checksum
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# A tool for updating .dtx files with a correspodning checksum counter #
-# Copyright (c) 2010, Deyan Ginev, released under the Gnu General Public License (GPL)#
-# see #
-# $URL:$ #
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Modparse;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use Cwd qw(abs_path);
-####### start of program #######
-my $mode = "update"; #Default is update
-my $action = { "update" => \&update, "disable" => \&disable, "enable"=>\&enable };
-GetOptions("disable" => sub { $mode="disable"; },
- "enable" => sub { $mode="enable"; },
- "update" => sub { $mode="update"; });
-my ($path) = @ARGV;
-$path = abs_path($path);
-my ($volume,$dir,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path );
-my @lines = `cd $dir; pdflatex "\\nonstopmode\\input{$file}"` if ($mode eq "update");
-my ($checksum) = map {$_=~/^\* The checksum should be (\d+)!/; $1;} grep ($_ =~ /^\* The checksum should be (\d+)!/,@lines) if @lines;
-if (!$checksum) {
-#One more possible error message:
- ($checksum) = map {$_=~/^! Package doc Error: Checksum not passed \((\d+)<>(\d+)\)\./; $2;} grep ($_ =~ /^! Package doc Error: Checksum not passed \((\d+)<>(\d+)\)\./,@lines) if @lines;
-open(IN,"<$path") or die "Cannot open DTX source: $path\n";
-@lines = ();
-while (<IN>) {
- push @lines, &{$$action{$mode}}($_,$checksum);
-open(OUT,">$path") or die "Cannot write to DTX target: $path\n";
-print OUT join("",@lines);
-######### Subroutines ############
-sub update {
- my $checksum=$_[1];
- $_[0]=~s/\\CheckSum\{\d*\}/\\CheckSum{$checksum}/ if $checksum;
- $_[0];
-sub disable {
- $_[0]=~s/\\CheckSum\{(\d*)\}/\\iffalse\\CheckSum\{$1}\\fi/ unless $_[0]=~/\\iffalse\\CheckSum\{(\d*)\}\\fi/;
- $_[0];
-sub enable {
- $_[0]=~s/\\iffalse\\CheckSum\{(\d*)\}\\fi/\\CheckSum{$1}/;
- $_[0];
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-checksum <input filename> --update|enable|disable
- Update, enable or disable the \CheckSum macro for a given .dtx source
- checksum omd.dtx --update
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/convert-paths b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/convert-paths
deleted file mode 100755
index 55ee72a2370..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/convert-paths
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# A script that converts paths in sTeX files from the old \Foosnipppath{bar}
-# to \snippets{foo/bar}, according to the definition of those path macros in
-# paths.sty.
-# Syntax: convert-paths path/to/paths.sty FILES
-# © 2008 Christoph Lange, KWARC, Jacobs University
-use File::Copy;
-my %map;
-my $SNIPPATHRE = '\\\\[[:alnum:]]+(?i:snip|pic)path';
-if (open(P, shift(@ARGV))) {
- print STDERR "Mapping:\n";
- while (<P>) {
- if (/^\\def($SNIPPATHRE)#1\{(\\KWARCslides\{[^#]+)#1\}/o) {
- printf STDERR "\t%s -> %s\n", $1, $2;
- $map{$1} = $2;
- }
- }
- close(P);
-else {
- die "Could not open paths.sty";
-print STDERR "Processing files:\n";
-while ($#ARGV >= 0) {
- my $filename = shift(@ARGV);
- print STDERR "\t$filename\n";
- copy($filename, "$filename~") || print STDERR "\t\tWARN: could not create backup\n";
- if (open(T, $filename)) {
- # slurp the file into a string
- local $/;
- $data = <T>;
- $data =~ s/($SNIPPATHRE)\{([^}]+)\}/
- $map{$1} ? "$map{$1}$2\}"
- : ((print STDERR "\t\tWARN: could not replace $1\n"), "$1\{$2}")
- /oxge;
- close T;
- if (open(T, ">$filename")) {
- print T $data;
- close T;
- }
- else {
- print STDERR "\t\tWARN: could not save replacement\n";
- }
- }
- else {
- print STDERR "\t\tWARN: could not open file\n";
- }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/filedate b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/filedate
deleted file mode 100755
index 8149b5e57bd..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/filedate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# A tool for updating .dtx files with a given package date. #
-# Copyright (c) 2010, Deyan Ginev, released under the Gnu General Public License (GPL)#
-# see #
-# $URL:$ #
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Modparse;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use Cwd qw(abs_path);
-my ($file,$date) = @ARGV;
-$file = abs_path($file);
-my @lines = ();
-while (<IN>) {
- if ($_ =~ /\\Provides(Package|Class)/) {
- $_ =~ s/\[(.*?)\s/\[$date /;
- }
- push @lines, $_;
-print OUT join("",@lines);
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-filedate <input filename> <newdate>
- Update the dates for a \ProvidePackage invocation in a given .dtx source
- filedate omdoc.dtx "2010/06/24"
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/
deleted file mode 100755
index cd6da0dc06a..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-use Cwd;
-die 'Set your environment variable "KWARC_HOME" and try again.' if !($ENV{KWARC_HOME});
-open(PATH_STY,"$ENV{KWARC_HOME}/projects/stex/sty/paths.sty") || die "can't open path.sty";
-while ($line=<PATH_STY>) {
- $line =~ m/\\def\\(\w*).*\/([\w-]*)\/#1/;
- $macros{$2}=$1; # dir -> macro
-print <<PRE_TEX;
-foreach $dir (<*/>) {
- $dir = substr($dir,0,-1);
- if (@ARGV){ # take all dirs listet in @ARGV
- next if !(grep(/$dir/,@ARGV))
- } else { # take all dirs but those listed here
- # next if $dir lt "b"; #test break
- # next if $dir gt "comb"; #test break
- next if grep(/$dir/,qw(PIC activemath admin eLearning lib kwarc mathweb mbase old.assignments omdoc openmath physml quantumcomputing sTex search semweb setthy spl1 term-indexing trs varia xml)); #skip these
- next if grep(/$dir/,qw(ai codeml fa graphs-trees kr mws nlfrags pl0 pl1 prolog regexp)); #broken dirs
- }
- print "\\begin{omgroup}{$dir}\n";
- foreach $file (<${dir}/en/*.sms>) {
- $file =~ m/([^\/]*).sms/;
- $prefix = $1;
- next if grep(/$prefix/,qw(all admin));
- print "\\begin{omgroup}{$prefix}\n";
- print "\\requiremodules[exclude]{\\$macros{$dir}\{en/$prefix}\}\n";
- open (FILE,"./$file") || die "can't open $file";
- while ($line=<FILE>) {
- $line =~ s/%.*//;
- if ($line =~ m/begin{module}/) { # many "begin{module}" in one line yields invalid stex!!!
- $uses = ($line =~ m/id=([\w-]*)/) ? "[uses=$1]" : "";
- print "\\begin{module}$uses\n"; # symbols after inner modules yields stex errors!!!
- print "\\begin{verbatim}\n";
- print "\\requiremodules[exclude]{\\$macros{$dir}\{en/$prefix}\}\n";
- print "\\begin{module}$uses\n";
- print "\\end{verbatim}\n";
-# print "\\begin{multicols}{2}\n";
- }
- if ($line =~ m/\\symdef{([^}]*)}(?:\[(\d)\])?({\\assoc\[)?/) {
- $symb = $1;
- $arity = $2;
- $isAssoc = $3 ne "";
- $defArity = $isAssoc ? 4 : $arity;
- $exampleArity = $arity eq "" ? 0 : $defArity;
- $arityOrAssoc = $isAssoc ? "assoc" : $arity;
- $dummy_args = join("",map {"{$_}"} (qw(a b c d e f g h m)[0..$exampleArity-1]));
- $dummy_args = "{a,b,c,d}" if $isAssoc;
- $escaped_dummy_args = $dummy_args;
- $escaped_dummy_args =~ s/{/\\{/g;
- $escaped_dummy_args =~ s/}/\\}/g;
-# print "{\\tt{$symb\[$arityOrAssoc\]}} $escaped_dummy_args\\hfill";
- print "{\\tt{$symb$escaped_dummy_args}} \\hfill ";
- print "\$\\$symb$dummy_args\$\\\\\n";
- }
- if ($line =~ m/end{module}/) { # several "end{mdoule}" allowed!!!
-# print "\\end{multicols}\n";
- print $line;
- }
- }
- close(FILE);
- print "\\end{omgroup}\n";
- }
- print "\\end{omgroup}\n";
-print "\\end{document}";
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/grep-rerun b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/grep-rerun
deleted file mode 100755
index f73ef082fbb..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/grep-rerun
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# A tool for updating .dtx files with a correspodning checksum counter #
-# Copyright (c) 2010, Deyan Ginev, released under the Gnu General Public License (GPL)#
-# see #
-# $URL:$ #
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use File::Spec;
-use Cwd qw(abs_path);
-####### start of program #######
-my ($errlog,$pattern)=@ARGV;
-my %rerun_set = ();
-my ($errvol,$errdir)=File::Spec->splitpath($errlog);
-my $currpath=abs_path($errdir);
-while (<IN>) {
- #Entering, update path
- if (/^Entering (.+)$/) {
- $currpath.="/$1";
- }
- #Leaving, update path
- elsif (/^Leaving (.+)$/) {
- $currpath =~ s/(\/$1)$//;
- }
- #Matching error, note source
- elsif (/$pattern/) {
- my ($name) = split(/:/,$_);
- ($name) = split(/\./,$name);
- $rerun_set{$currpath."/".$name.".tex"}=1;
- }
-#Perform rerun of affected sources:
-print STDERR scalar(keys %rerun_set)." sources to rerun:\n";
-foreach (sort keys %rerun_set) {
- my ($vol,$dir,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $_ );
- print STDERR "Trying $_\n";
- $file=~s/\.tex$/.omdoc/;
- print STDERR `cd $dir; make $file -B`;
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-grep-rerun <errlog filename> <grep pattern>
- Given an error log file, generated via the sTeX Makefiles, and an error pattern, fetches and reconverts all sources that suffered this error.
- grep-rerun latex.errlog "Fatal:"
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/idcheck b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/idcheck
deleted file mode 100755
index d832ac7788e..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/idcheck
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use File::Path;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use TexId;
-my $tex = TexId->new(progress => 1);
-my ($a, $b) = $tex->environments();
-print $b, "\n";
-print $tex->snippath(), "\n";
-#print join(', ', $tex->use_env_list('omtext')), "\n";
-#print $tex->edit_dist('anaIU', 'aanUI'), "\n";
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/msplit b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/msplit
deleted file mode 100755
index cf178ce9b5f..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/msplit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Program: msplit (a utility for splitting STeX documents along module boundaries)
-# $URL: svn://$
-# $Rev: 3722 $; last modified by $Author: $
-# $Date: 2005-07-27 03:22:19 +0200 (Wed, 27 Jul 2005) $
-# Copyright (c) 2005 Ioan Sucan
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License []
-# for more details.
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use File::Path;
-use Pod::Usage;
-my $input='-', my $output='-', my $path='', my $verbose=0, my $stop_at_end=0;
-my $flag = "include";
-my $header='', my @hdr_data;
-sub texf {
- my $fn = shift;
- $fn.='.tex' if $fn !~ /\.tex$/;
- return $fn; }
-sub write_file_data{
- my $filename = shift;
- open(FS,$filename) or die "Cannot write $filename\n";
- print FS @_;
- close(FS); }
-# remove the last component in a path
-sub justpath{
- my $arg = shift;
- return '' if ($arg !~ m!\/!);
- while ($arg !~ m!\/$!) {chop($arg);}
- return $arg; }
-# end justpath
-sub go {
- my ($input, $output) = @_;
- my $path = justpath($output);
- my @module_file=();
- my @out_data=();
- print "Splitting $input...\n" if $verbose;
- `mv $output $output~` if (-e $output);
- $input="$input~" if ($input eq $output);
- open(FIN,$input) or die "Can't open $input\n";
- my $in_module=0; my $path_name;
- foreach (<FIN>){
- chomp;
- /([^%]*)((%.*)?)/;
- ($_,my $comment)=($1,$2);
- if (/\\begin\s*\{module\}/){
- $_ =~ s/\s//g;
- /id=([\w-]*)/;
- my $module_name = $1;
- $path_name = "$path$module_name.tex";
- print "$path_name\n" if $verbose;
- `mv $path_name $path_name~` if (-e $path_name);
- push(@module_file,@hdr_data) if $header;
- push(@module_file,"\n$_$comment\n");
- push(@out_data,"\\requiremodules[$flag]{$module_name}\n");
- $in_module=1;
- next; }
- if (/\\end\s*\{module\}/){
- $_ =~ s/\s//g;
- push(@module_file,"$_$comment\n");
- mkpath(justpath($path_name));
- write_file_data(">$path_name",@module_file);
- $in_module=0;
- next; }
- if ($stop_at_end && /\\end\s*\{document\}/){
- $_ =~ s/\s//g;
- push(@out_data,"$_$comment\n");
- last; }
- $_="$_$comment\n";
- if ($in_module) {push(@module_file,$_);}
- else {push(@out_data,$_); }}
- close(FIN);
- mkpath($path) if $path;
- write_file_data(">$output",@out_data); }
-GetOptions("output=s" => \$output,
- "path=s" => \$path,
- "header=s" => \$header,
- "exclude" => sub { $flag = "exclude"; },
- "verbose" => sub { $verbose=1; },
- "stop" => sub { $stop_at_end=1; },
- "help" => sub { pod2usage(2)});
-$input = $ARGV[0] if ($#ARGV>=0);
-die "Input file does not exist\n" if (! defined $input || ! -e $input);
-$output = $input if (! defined $output);
-if ($header && -e $header) {
- open(HDR,$header);
- @hdr_data = <HDR>;
- close(HDR); }
-$path.='/' if $path && $path !~ m!\/$!;
-print "Done.\n" if $verbose;
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-msplit <inputfile> [options]
- --output filename of new main .tex file; default: same as input
- --path path where to generate the new documents; '.' by default
- --header file to be copied at beginning of all new module files
- --exclude modules exluded by default; if not mentioned, modules
- are included by default
- --verbose verbose on
- --stop stop when \end{document} is found; default is to go on
- --help this screen
- This program splits a .tex file into more files, each containing a module.
- Example usage:
- ./msplit slides.tex -o sl.tex -p ./modules -s
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/Makefile b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index d2ae41c6401..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-all: src exec
-src: idcheck.l defcon.l modstr.l
- flex -ft idcheck.l > idcheck.yy.c
- flex -ft defcon.l > defcon.yy.c
- flex -f+t modstr.l >
-idcheck: idcheck.l
- flex -f $<
- gcc lex.yy.c -lfl -o idcheck
-defcon: defcon.l
- flex -f $<
- gcc lex.yy.c -lfl -o defcon
-modstr: modstr.l
- flex -f+ $<
- g++ -lfl -o modstr
-exec: idcheck.yy.c defcon.yy.c
- gcc idcheck.yy.c -lfl -o idcheck
- gcc defcon.yy.c -lfl -o defcon
- g++ -lfl -o modstr
- rm -f *.yy.c * *~
-distclean: clean
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/defcon.l b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/defcon.l
deleted file mode 100644
index ad758086145..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/defcon.l
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
-char ltxml[100];
-char fext[6] = ".ltxml";
-char symstr[200];
-char ltxmlstr[200];
-int i,t,c,tmp,q;
-FILE *lt;
-ID [a-zA-Z0-9._:\|-]*
-NR [0-9]*
-%s idenv env sym
-"\\begin{module}"(" ")*"[" BEGIN(idenv);
-<idenv>"]" BEGIN(INITIAL);
-<idenv>"id="{ID} {
- for (i=3; i<yyleng; i++) ltxml[i-3]=yytext[i];
- t=yyleng-3;
- tmp=strlen(fext);
- for (i=0; i<tmp; i++) ltxml[t+i]=fext[i];
- t=t+tmp;
- ltxml[t]=0;
- if (!q) printf("File %s\n",ltxml);
- lt = fopen(ltxml,"w");
- BEGIN(env);
-<env>"symdef{\\"{ID}"}"(.)* {
-while (yytext[i]!='}'){
- symstr[i-7]=yytext[i];
- i++;
-<sym>"latexmldef{"(.)* {
-while (i<yyleng){
- ltxmlstr[i-11]=yytext[i];
- i++;
-<env,sym>"\\end{module}" {
-\n c++;
-. c++;
-main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- if (argc==1) {
- printf("arguments expected: [-q] filename(s)\n");
- } else {
- q=0;
- i=1;
- if (argv[1][0]=='-'){
- i++;
- if (argv[1][1]=='q') q=1;
- }
- while (i<argc){
- if (!q) printf("Processing %s...\n",argv[i]);
- yyin = fopen(argv[i], "r");
- c=0;
- yylex();
- fclose(yyin);
- i++;
- }
- }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/idcheck.l b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/idcheck.l
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b1603527d2..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/idcheck.l
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
-int ur,ok,a,lin,i,j,c,n,m,d,s,q,fe,f,for_ok,curr_lin;
-typedef char idstr[50];
-idstr l[5000], r[5000];
-ID [a-zA-Z0-9._:\|-]*
-WS [\n\t ]*
-%s env inenv fid foc
-"\\begin"{WS}"{"("proof"|"example")"}"{WS}"[" {
-BEGIN(env); // stuff that "for" keyval is recommended for
-"\\begin"{WS}"{"("proof"|"example")"}" if (f) printf("Missing 'for' at line %d\n",lin);
-("\\begin"{WS}"{"("definition"|"assertion"|"proof"|"omtext"|"example"|"step"|"pfcase"|"module")"}"{WS}"[")|("\\justification"{WS}"[") {
-<env>"]" {
-if (fe && !for_ok && f) printf("Missing 'for' at line %d\n",curr_lin);
-<env>"id"{WS}"="{WS} BEGIN(fid);
-<fid>{ID} {
-for (i=0; i<yyleng; i++) l[n][i]=yytext[i];
-if (s) printf("%s\n",l[n]);
-<env>("for"){WS}"="{WS} {
-<env>("continues"|"for"|"uses"|"premises"){WS}"="{WS} BEGIN(foc);
-<foc>{ID} {
-for (j=0; j<yyleng; j++) r[m][j]=yytext[j];
-<env>("premises"|"uses"){WS}"="{WS}"{" BEGIN(inenv);
-<inenv>{ID} {
-<inenv>"}" BEGIN(env);
-\n {c++;lin++;}
-. c++;
-main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- if (argc==1) {
- printf("Usage: idcheck [-q | -s | -f] filename(s)\n");
- printf("Option -s shows all detected IDs. \n");
- printf("Option -f shows line numbers for examples and proofs\n that have 'for' keyval missing. \n");
- printf("Option -q for quiet mode.\n");
- } else{
- s=0; q=0;
- a=1;
- if (argv[1][0]=='-') {
- a++;
- for (j=1; j<strlen(argv[1]); j++)
- if (argv[1][j]=='s') s=1; else
- if (argv[1][j]=='q') q=1; else
- if (argv[1][j]=='f') f=1;
- }
- d=0;
- while (a<argc){
- if (!q) printf("Parsing %s...\n",argv[a]);
- yyin = fopen(argv[a] , "r");
- c = 0;
- lin = 1;
- n = 0;
- m = 0;
- yylex();
- fclose(yyin);
- if (!q) printf("%d characters skipped. Found %d IDs. \n",c,n);
- if (!q) printf("Checking for duplicates...\n");
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- for (j=i+1; j<n; j++)
- if (strcmp(l[i],l[j])==0) {
- printf("ID=%s is a duplicate in %s\n",l[i],argv[a]);
- d++;
- }
- if (!q) printf("Found %d duplicates.\n",d);
- if (!q) printf("Checking references... (found %d)\n",m);
- ur=0;
- for (i=0;i<m; i++){
- ok=0;
- for (j=0; j<n; j++)
- if (strcmp(r[i],l[j])==0){
- ok=1;
- break;
- }
- if (!ok) {
- printf("Unmatched reference for ID=%s\n",r[i]);
- ur++;
- }
- }
- if (!q) printf("Found %d unmatched references.\n",ur);
- a++;
- }
- return d+ur;
- }
- return 1;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/modstr.l b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/modstr.l
deleted file mode 100644
index ae0101147c5..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/modstr.l
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
-using namespace std;
-const int indent = 4;
-const char start_char = '*';
-typedef struct {
- vector<string> defs,list;
- int father;
-} nodetype;
-map<string,nodetype> g;
-string vertex, data;
-int d, miss, skip;
-int max(int, int);
-ID [a-zA-Z0-9._:\|-]*
-SEP [,;]*
-WS [\n\t ]*
-M [^}]*
-%x in_module found_vertex in_module_cont mdef
-%x found_one_child found_more_children
-<INITIAL>"\\begin"{WS}"{module}"{WS}"[" BEGIN(in_module);
-<in_module>"id"{WS}"=" BEGIN(found_vertex);
-<found_vertex>{ID} {
-vertex = YYText();
-if (miss) cout << endl << "<-------- Module '" << vertex
- << "' -------->" << endl << endl;
-<in_module>"uses"{WS}"=" BEGIN(found_one_child);
-<found_one_child>"{" BEGIN(found_more_children);
-<found_more_children>"}" BEGIN(in_module);
-<found_one_child>{ID} {
-if (g[data].list.empty())
- g[vertex].father=g[data].father+1;
- g[vertex].father=max(g[data].father+1,g[vertex].father);
-<found_more_children>{ID} {
-if (g[data].list.empty())
- g[vertex].father=g[data].father+1;
- g[vertex].father=max(g[data].father+1,g[vertex].father);
-<in_module>"]" BEGIN(in_module_cont);
-<in_module_cont>"\\"("symdef"|"abbrdef"|"elldef"|"aliasdef"){WS}"{"{WS} BEGIN(mdef);
-<mdef>{M} {
-data = YYText();
-<mdef>"}" BEGIN(in_module_cont);
-<in_module_cont>"\\end"{WS}"{module}" BEGIN(INITIAL);
-<INITIAL>(.|\n) if (miss) cout << YYText();
-void spc(int n){
- for(int i=0; i<n; i++) cout << " ";
-int max(int a, int b){
- return a>b?a:b;
-void go(map<string, nodetype > ::iterator node, int depth){
-if (skip && node->second.father!=depth) return;
-cout << start_char << " " << node->first << "{";
-int tmp = node->second.defs.size()-1;
-for (int j=0; j<=tmp; j++){
- cout << node->second.defs[j];
- if (j!=tmp) cout << ",";
-cout << "}" << endl;
-for (int i=0; i<node->second.list.size(); i++)
- go(g.find(node->second.list[i]),depth+1);
-int main(int argc, char** argv){
-if (argc==2)
- if (argv[1][0]=='-')
- for (int z=1; argv[1][z]!=0; z++)
- if (argv[1][z]=='m') miss=1; else
- if (argv[1][z]=='s') skip=1; else
- if (argv[1][z]=='h') {
- cout << " Usage: modstr [-s|m|h]\n Input: stdin\n Output: stdout\n";
- cout << " Options: -s Show module usage only at the deepest level\n";
- cout << " -m Show text not within a module\n";
- cout << " -h This help screen\n";
- return 0;
- }
-if (miss) cout << "Text NOT within a module:\n" << endl;
-FlexLexer* lex = new yyFlexLexer;
-map<string, nodetype > ::iterator start = g.begin();
-map<string, nodetype > ::iterator stop = g.end();
-cout << endl;
- if (!start->second.father) go(start,0);
-cout << endl;
-return 0;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/symdef b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/symdef
deleted file mode 100755
index b5c789a1c72..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/old/symdef
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Pod::Usage;
-my $output = "-";
-my $input = "-";
-$input = $ARGV[0] if @ARGV;
-open(FIN,$input) or die "Can't open input file.";
-my $line;
-while ($line=<FIN>){
- if ($line !~ m/symdef/ && $line !~ m/elldef/ && $line !~ m/abbrdef/){
- print FOUT $line;
- next;
- }
- if ($line =~ m/\}\[\d,/){
- print FOUT $line;
- next;
- }
- if ($line =~ m/\\(sym|abbr|ell)def\{\\([^\}]+)\}\[(\d)\]([^\n\%]+)(.*)/){
- print FOUT "\\$1def{\\$2}[$3,name=$2]$4$5\n";
- } else {
- if ($line =~ m/\\(sym|ell|abbr)def\{\\([^\}]+)\}([^\n\%]+)(.*)/){
- print FOUT "\\$1def{\\$2}[0,name=$2]$3$4\n";
- }
- }
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-symdef [--output=outputfile] [texfile]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/rf b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/rf
deleted file mode 100755
index 7de36042620..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/rf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# A tool for computing the module reuse factor for TEX files. #
-# Copyright (c) 2005, Ioan Sucan, released under the Gnu General Public License (GPL) #
-# see #
-# $URL: svn://$ #
-# $Date: 2005-06-29 23:08:10 +0200 (Wed, 29 Jun 2005) $ $Rev: 3147 $ #
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Modparse;
-use Pod::Usage;
-my $input = "-", my $verbose=0, my $stop_at_end=0;
-my %arg_snippath; my @snippathList;
-GetOptions("path=s" => \%arg_snippath,
- "defpath=s" => \@snippathList,
- "verbose" => sub { $verbose=1; },
- "stop" => sub { $stop_at_end=1; },
- "help" => sub { pod2usage(2)});
-$input = $ARGV[0] if ($#ARGV>=0);
-$main::lc1 = 0; $main::lc2 = 0;
-my $mp = Modparse->new(snippathList=>\@snippathList,
- snippath=>\%arg_snippath,
- stopAtEnd=>$stop_at_end,
- verbose=>$verbose,
- onEveryLine=>sub {
- $main::lc1++;
- $main::lc2++ if $_[0]->{depth}==1; });
-my $f = ($main::lc2>0)?$main::lc1/$main::lc2:0;
-print "Reuse factor: $f\n";
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-rf <input filename> [options]
- This program computes the reuse factor for a .tex document
- Options:
- --path XXX specify the value of \XXX (some snippath) in case it is
- = somePath not defined in the processed .tex file
- --defpath XXX specify which \XXX (snippath definitions) to look for
- --stop stop when \end{document} is found; default is to go on
- --verbose verbose on
- --help this screen
- Example usage:
- ./rf slides.tex -d snippath -v
- Interpretation:
- compute the reuse factor for the file slides.tex, look for definitions
- of \snippath, in verbose mode
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/rng2dot/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/rng2dot/
deleted file mode 100644
index 53673e37dc8..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/rng2dot/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,770 +0,0 @@
-# anything that starts with # is removed until \n (considered as a comment)
-# except in literals;
-# NCName is limited to a-zA-Z0-9.-_
-# no proper support for except nameClass
-# no support for exceptPatterns
-package ModelRNC;
-use strict;
-use File::Basename;
-my $DOCUMENT = '_Document_';
-sub new{
- my ($class) = @_;
- my $self = {};
- $self->{literalCount} = 0;
- bless($self, $class);
-# this is the main method of the package
-# it should be called right after new
-sub process{
- my ($self, $filename) = @_;
- $self->readfile($filename);
- $self->clean_rnc;
- $self->read_topLevel;
- $self->build_info;
- # free some memory
- $self->{DATA} = ''; $self->{FILEPATH} = ''; $self->{GRAPH} = '';
-sub Error{
- my ($self, $msg) = @_;
- print "'$self->{DATA}'\n";
- die $msg."\n";
-# read a file into $storage;
-# or $self->{DATA} if $storage not given
-sub readfile{
- my ($self, $filename, $storage) = @_;
- # NOTE: this is not exactly perfect
- if ($self->{FILEPATH}){
- $filename = $self->{FILEPATH}.$filename unless -e $filename; }
- my $basepath = dirname($filename);
- $basepath .= '/' if ($basepath && $basepath !~ m|/$|);
- $self->{FILEPATH} = $basepath;
- open(FIN, $filename) or $self->Error("Cout not open '$filename'");
- my @data = <FIN>;
- close(FIN);
- # for use in namespace set selection
- push(@{$self->{LOADEDFILES}}, $filename);
- if (defined $storage){ $$storage = join('',@data); }
- else { $self->{DATA} = join('',@data); }
-# remove lines after ##
-sub remove_annotations{
- my ($self, $data) = @_;
- $data = \$self->{DATA} unless $data;
- do {} while ($$data =~ s/\[[^\]\[]*\]//g);
- $$data =~ s/\#\#[^\n]*//g;
-# remove all lines that start with # except
-# the ones that start with ##
-sub remove_comments{
- my ($self, $data) =@_;
- $data = \$self->{DATA} unless $data;
- $$data =~ s/\#[^\#\n][^\n]*//g;
- $$data =~ s/\#\n/\n/g;
-sub scan_literals{
- my ($self, $data) = @_;
- my @litseg; my $seg = 0;
- $data = \$self->{DATA} unless $data;
- while ($$data =~ s/\"\"\"((\"{0,2}[^\"])*)\"\"\"/_LITSEG$seg/) { $litseg[$seg++] = $1; }
- while ($$data =~ s/\'\'\'((\'{0,2}[^\'])*)\'\'\'/_LITSEG$seg/) { $litseg[$seg++] = $1; }
- while ($$data =~ s/\"([^\"\n]*)\"/_LITSEG$seg/) { $litseg[$seg++] = $1; }
- while ($$data =~ s/\'([^\'\n]*)\'/_LITSEG$seg/) { $litseg[$seg++] = $1; }
- while ($$data =~ s/_LITSEG(\d+)\s*~\s*_LITSEG(\d+)/_LITSEG$seg/)
- { $litseg[$seg++] = $litseg[$1].$litseg[$2]; }
- while ($$data =~ s/_LITSEG(\d+)/!LIT$self->{literalCount}/)
- { $self->{literals}[$self->{literalCount}++] = $litseg[$1]; }
-# remove \x{N} sections
-sub special_chars{
- my ($self, $data) = @_;
- $data = \$self->{DATA} unless $data;
- while ($$data =~ m/\\x\{([a-fA-F0-9x]+)\}/g){
- my $lng = length($&); my $p = pos($$data) - $lng;
- substr($$data, $p, $lng) = chr(hex($1));
- pos($$data) = $p + 1;
- }
-# remove redundant data from loaded file
-sub clean_rnc{
- my ($self, $data) = @_;
- $data = \$self->{DATA} unless $data;
- $self->scan_literals($data);
- $self->special_chars($data);
- $self->remove_annotations($data);
- $self->remove_comments($data);
- # add a newline, just in case the last word is a keyword
- # and for nice printing;
- $$data.="\n";
-# in the processing of the data, the data is destroyed
-# provide two methods for resolving that
-sub backup{
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->{BACKUP_DATA} = $self->{DATA};
-sub restore{
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->{DATA} = $self->{BACKUP_DATA} if defined $self->{BACKUP_DATA};
-# set or retrieve stored data
-sub data{
- my ($self, $newdata) = @_;
- if (defined $newdata){ $self->{DATA} = $newdata; }
- else { return $self->{DATA}; }
-# put back some extracted string from DATA
-sub put_back{
- my ($self, $back) = @_;
- substr($self->{DATA}, 0, 0) = $back;
-# try to match a keyword; return 1 on success; 0 on failure
-# NOTE: this implies that the used keywords should be followed by
-# some non alphanumeric or space character
-sub read_keyword{
- my ($self, $keyword) = @_;
- return 0 if ($self->{DATA} !~ /^\s*\Q$keyword\E\s*[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]/);
- substr($self->{DATA}, 0, length($&)-1) = '';
- return 1;
-# same as read_keyword, except it dies not expect a non-word character
-# after the word it searches
-sub read_controlword{
- my ($self, $controlword) = @_;
- return 0 if ($self->{DATA} !~ /^\s*\Q$controlword\E\s*/);
- substr($self->{DATA},0,length($&)) = '';
- return 1;
-# expect a keyword; if the word is found, it is extracted
-# otherwise, the program dies (the grammar is incorrect)
-sub expect_keyword{
- my ($self, $keyword) = @_;
- $self->Error("Expected keyword '$keyword' was not found")
- if ($self->{DATA} !~ /^\s*\Q$keyword\E\s*/);
- substr($self->{DATA}, 0, length($&)) = '';
-# Does not include Extender and CombiningChar
-# (as in XML Namespaces:
-sub read_NCName{
- my ($self, $terminators) = @_;
- my $termin_exists = 1;
- if (defined $terminators) { $terminators = "[$terminators]"; }
- else { $terminators = ''; $termin_exists = 0; }
- if ($self->{DATA} =~ /^\s*([_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]*)\s*$terminators/){
- substr($self->{DATA}, 0, length($&)-$termin_exists) = '';
- return $1;
- }
- return undef;
-# try to match an identifierOrKeyword; return it in case
-# of success; return undef in case of failure;
-sub read_identifierOrKeyword{
- my ($self, $terminators) = @_;
- $self->read_controlword('\\');
- return $self->read_NCName($terminators);
-# see if the argument is in the set of defined keyword of RelaxNG
-sub isRNCKeyword{
- my ($word) = @_;
- return ($word =~ /^\s*(attribute|default|datatypes|div|element|empty|external|grammar|include|inherit|list|mixed|namespace|notAllowed|parent|start|string|text|token)\s*$/);
-# read an identifier; return undef if no identifier can be read
-sub read_identifier{
- my ($self, $terminators) = @_;
- my $quote = $self->read_controlword('\\');
- my $ident = $self->read_NCName($terminators);
- if (!$quote && $ident && isRNCKeyword($ident)){
- $self->put_back($ident);
- return undef;
- }
- return $ident;
-# read a literal in any form given;
-# segments are taken into account
-sub read_literal{
- my ($self) = @_;
- if ($self->{DATA} =~ /^\s*!LIT(\d+)\s*/){
- substr($self->{DATA}, 0, length($&)) = '';
- return $self->{literals}[$1];
- }
- return undef;
-# read a namespace URI literal
-sub read_namespaceURILiteral{
- my ($self, $inherited_namespace) = @_;
- return $inherited_namespace if $self->read_keyword('inherit');
- return $self->read_literal;
-# read any URI literal
-sub read_anyURILiteral{
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->read_literal; }
-sub getNS{
- my ($self, $nspref) = @_;
- $self->{${$self->{LOADEDFILES}}[$#{$self->{LOADEDFILES}}]}->{NAMESPACE}{$nspref}; }
-sub setNS{
- my ($self, $nspref, $nsval) = @_;
- $self->{${$self->{LOADEDFILES}}[$#{$self->{LOADEDFILES}}]}->{NAMESPACE}{$nspref} = $nsval; }
-# read all declarations, until none can be read
-sub read_decl{
- my ($self, $inherited_namespace) = @_;
- $inherited_namespace = '' unless defined $inherited_namespace;
- $self->setNS('default',$inherited_namespace) unless $self->getNS('default');
- my $found = 1;
- while ($found){
- if ($self->read_keyword('namespace')){
- my $namespace_name = $self->read_identifierOrKeyword('=');
- $self->Error('Undefined namespace name') unless $namespace_name;
- $self->expect_keyword('=');
- my $namespace_value =
- $self->read_namespaceURILiteral($inherited_namespace);
- $self->Error('Undefined namespace URI')
- unless defined $namespace_value;
- $self->setNS($namespace_name, $namespace_value);
- }
- elsif ($self->read_keyword('default') &&
- $self->read_keyword('namespace')){
- my $namespace_name = undef;
- if (!$self->read_controlword('=')){
- $namespace_name = $self->read_identifierOrKeyword('=');
- $self->Error('Undefined namespace name')
- unless $namespace_name;
- $self->expect_keyword('=');
- }
- my $namespace_value =
- $self->read_namespaceURILiteral($inherited_namespace);
- $self->Error('Undefined namespace URI')
- unless defined $namespace_value;
- $self->setNS('default', $namespace_value);
- $self->setNS($namespace_name, $namespace_value)
- if $namespace_name;
- }
- elsif ($self->read_keyword('datatypes')){
- my $datatype_name = $self->read_identifierOrKeyword('=');
- $self->Error('Undefined datatype name') unless $datatype_name;
- $self->expect_keyword('=');
- my $datatype_value = $self->read_literal;
- $self->Error('Undefined datatype value')
- unless defined $datatype_value;
- }
- else { $found = 0; }
- }
-# ignore an annotation definition;
-# (assumes annotation content does not exist)
-# (it has been removed by clean_rnc)
-sub ignore_annotation{
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->read_CName; }
-# read a name (CName) of the form NCName:NCName
-sub read_CName{
- my ($self, $terminators) = @_;
- $terminators = '\s' unless defined $terminators;
- my $name = $self->read_NCName(':');
- if ($name){
- $self->expect_keyword(':');
- my $part2 = $self->read_NCName($terminators);
- $self->Error('Incomplete CName definition') unless $part2;
- $name .= ":$part2";
- }
- return $name;
-# read a datatype name
-sub read_datatypeName{
- my ($self, $terminators) = @_;
- $terminators = '\s' unless defined $terminators;
- if ($self->{DATA} =~ /^\s*string\s*[$terminators]/){
- substr($self->{DATA},0,length($&)-1) = '';
- return 'string';
- }
- elsif ($self->{DATA} =~ /^\s*token\s*[$terminators]/){
- substr($self->{DATA},0,length($&)-1) = '';
- return 'token';
- } else {
- return $self->read_CName($terminators);
- }
-# read a datatype value
-sub read_datatypeValue{
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->read_literal;
-# return the set of names an element or an attribute can have
-# this does not work well on complicated name classes
-sub read_nameClassEx{
- my ($self, $terminators) = @_;
- my @result;
- if ($self->read_controlword('(')){
- @result = $self->read_nameClassEx($terminators.'\)');
- $self->expect_keyword(')');
- } else {
- #anyName
- if ($self->read_controlword('*')){
- push(@result, '*');
- if ($self->read_controlword('-')){
- push(@result, $self->read_nameClassEx($terminators));
- }
- }
- # nsName or name(CName)
- elsif (my $part1 = $self->read_NCName(':')){
- $self->expect_keyword(':');
- if ($self->read_controlword('*')){
- push(@result, "$part1:*");
- if ($self->read_controlword('-')){
- print STDERR
- push(@result, '-',
- $self->read_nameClassEx($terminators));
- }
- } else {
- push(@result, $part1.':'.$self->read_NCName($terminators.'\|'));
- }
- }
- # name(identifierOrKeyword)
- else {
- my $name = $self->read_identifierOrKeyword($terminators.'\|');
- $self->Error('Incomplete name class given') unless $name;
- push(@result, $name);
- }
- }
- $self->Error('No name class provided') unless @result;
- # see if we have more possible names:
- push(@result, $self->read_nameClassEx($terminators))
- if ($self->read_controlword('|'));
- return @result;
-sub read_nameClass{
- my ($self, $terminators, @parents) = @_;
- $terminators = '\s' unless defined $terminators;
- my @result = $self->read_nameClassEx($terminators);
- my @finalRes;
- if (@parents && @result){
- my @nsList, my %saw = ();
- foreach (@parents){
- if (/\{(.*)\}:.+/){
- next if $saw{$1};
- push(@nsList, $1); $saw{$1} = 1; }
- else {
- next if $saw{'default'};
- push(@nsList, $self->getNS('default')); $saw{'default'} = 1; }
- }
- foreach my $res(@result){
- if ($res =~ /(.+):(.+)/){
- push(@finalRes, $self->ns_prepend($2, $1)); }
- else {
- map(push(@finalRes, "{$_}:$res"), @nsList); }
- }
- } else {
- map(push(@finalRes, (/(.+):(.+)/)?
- $self->ns_prepend($2, $1):$self->ns_prepend($_)), @result);
- }
- return @finalRes;
-# read a parameter declaration, if one exists
-sub read_param{
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $id = $self->read_identifierOrKeyword('=');
- return (undef, undef) unless $id;
- $self->expect_keyword('=');
- my $val = $self->read_literal;
- $self->Error('No parameter value specified') unless defined $val;
- return ($id, $val);
-sub begin_read_newfile{
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $file = $self->read_anyURILiteral;
- my $inherit = 'default';
- if ($self->read_keyword('inherit')){
- $self->expect_keyword('=');
- $inherit = $self->read_identifierOrKeyword; }
- $inherit = $self->getNS($inherit);
- my $newdata = '';
- $self->readfile($file, \$newdata);
- $self->clean_rnc(\$newdata);
- $self->put_back($newdata.'#');
- $self->read_decl($inherit); }
-sub end_read_newfile{
- my ($self) = @_;
- pop(@{$self->{LOADEDFILES}});
- $self->expect_keyword('#'); }
-# read a pattern
-sub read_pattern{
- my ($self, $grammarPath, $grammarIdent, @parentElements) = @_;
- my $found = 1; my $grammarCount = 0;
- my $DEF = $grammarPath.':'.$grammarIdent;
- if ($self->read_keyword('element')){
- my @elementNames = $self->read_nameClass('{', @parentElements);
- $self->Error('Unspecified element name') unless @elementNames;
- map(push(@{$self->{GRAPH}->{$DEF}->{$_}{ELEMENTS}},
- @elementNames), @parentElements);
- $self->expect_keyword('{');
- $self->read_pattern($grammarPath, $grammarIdent, @elementNames);
- $self->expect_keyword('}');
- }
- elsif ($self->read_keyword('attribute')){
- my @attributeNames = $self->read_nameClass('{');
- $self->Error('Unspecified attribute name') unless @attributeNames;
- map(push(@{$self->{GRAPH}->{$DEF}->{$_}{ATTRIBUTES}},
- @attributeNames), @parentElements);
- $self->expect_keyword('{');
- $self->read_pattern($grammarPath, $grammarIdent, @parentElements);
- $self->expect_keyword('}');
- }
- elsif ($self->read_keyword('list') || $self->read_keyword('mixed')){
- $self->expect_keyword('{');
- $self->read_pattern($grammarPath, $grammarIdent, @parentElements);
- $self->expect_keyword('}');
- }
- elsif ($self->read_controlword('(')){
- $self->read_pattern($grammarPath, $grammarIdent, @parentElements);
- $self->expect_keyword(')');
- }
- elsif (my $datatypeValue =
- $self->read_datatypeValue){
- # do nothing
- }
- elsif (my $datatypeName =
- $self->read_datatypeName('\s\{\}\-!')){
- my $datatypeValue = $self->read_datatypeValue;
- # read parameters; ignore them for now
- if ($self->read_controlword('{')){
- my ($ident, $val);
- do{
- ($ident, $val) = $self->read_param;
- } while ($ident && $val);
- $self->expect_keyword('}');
- }
- # read possible exceptPattern
- if ($self->read_controlword('-')){
- $self->Error('exceptPattern expected but not found')
- unless $self->read_pattern($grammarPath, $grammarIdent,
- @parentElements);
- }
- }
- elsif ($self->read_keyword('external')){
- $self->begin_read_newfile;
- $self->read_pattern($grammarPath, $grammarIdent, @parentElements);
- $self->end_read_newfile;
- }
- elsif ($self->read_keyword('grammar')){
- my $ident = $DEF.$grammarCount++;
- $self->expect_keyword('{');
- $self->read_grammarContent($ident, @parentElements);
- $ident .= ':start';
- map(push(@{$self->{GRAPH}->{$DEF}->{$_}{REFS}},
- $ident), @parentElements);
- $self->expect_keyword('}');
- }
- elsif ($self->read_keyword('parent')){
- my $ident = $self->read_identifier;
- if ($grammarPath =~ /^([.]+:)[^:]+$/){
- $ident = $1.$ident;
- map(push(@{$self->{GRAPH}->{$DEF}->{$_}{REFS}},
- $ident), @parentElements);
- }
- }
- elsif ($self->read_keyword('empty') || $self->read_keyword('text')
- || $self->read_keyword('notAllowed')){
- # do nothing
- }
- elsif (my $ident = $self->read_identifier){
- # check if we did not enter a grammar by mistake:
- my $asg = $self->read_assignMethod(1);
- if ($ident && $asg){
- $self->put_back($ident.$asg);
- } else {
- $ident = $grammarPath.':'.$ident;
- map(push(@{$self->{GRAPH}->{$DEF}->{$_}{REFS}},
- $ident), @parentElements);
- }
- } else { $found = 0; }
- if ($self->read_controlword('?') || $self->read_controlword('*')
- || $self->read_controlword('+')){
- # ignore
- }
- if ($self->read_controlword(',') || $self->read_controlword('|')
- || $self->read_controlword('&')){
- Error('Pattern expected') unless
- $self->read_pattern($grammarPath, $grammarIdent, @parentElements);
- }
- return $found;
-sub read_assignMethod{
- my ($self, $asString) = @_;
- if ($asString){
- return '&=' if ($self->read_controlword('&='));
- return '|=' if ($self->read_controlword('|='));
- return '=' if ($self->read_controlword('='));
- return undef;
- }
- return 3 if ($self->read_controlword('&='));
- return 2 if ($self->read_controlword('|='));
- return 1 if ($self->read_controlword('='));
- return 0;
-# read a grammar pattern
-sub read_grammarPattern{
- my ($self, $DEF, @parentElements) = @_;
- if ($self->read_keyword('grammar')){
- $self->expect_keyword('{');
- $self->read_grammarContent($DEF, @parentElements);
- $self->expect_keyword('}'); }
- else{
- $self->read_grammarContent($DEF, @parentElements);}
-# read all possible grammar contents
-sub read_grammarContent{
- my ($self, $DEF, @parentElements) = @_;
- my ($div, $found) = (0, 1);
- while ($found){
- if ($self->read_keyword('div')){
- $div++;
- $self->expect_keyword('{');
- $self->read_grammarContent($DEF.':_G'.$div, @parentElements);
- $self->expect_keyword('}');
- }
- elsif ($self->read_keyword('include')){
- $self->begin_read_newfile;
- $self->read_grammarPattern($DEF, @parentElements);
- $self->end_read_newfile;
- if ($self->read_controlword('{')){
- $self->read_grammarContent($DEF, @parentElements);
- $self->expect_keyword('}'); }
- }
- elsif ($self->read_keyword('start')){
- my $asg = $self->read_assignMethod;
- $self->Error('Invalid assign method') unless $asg;
- @{$self->{GRAPH}->{$DEF.':start'}->{PARENTS}} = @parentElements;
- $self->read_pattern($DEF, 'start', @parentElements);
- }
- elsif (my $ident = $self->read_identifier('=\|\&')){
- my $asg = $self->read_assignMethod;
- $self->Error('Invalid assign method') unless $asg;
- my $ref = $DEF.':'.$ident;
- %{$self->{GRAPH}->{$ref}} = () if $asg == 1;
- @{$self->{GRAPH}->{$ref}->{PARENTS}} = @parentElements;
- $self->read_pattern($DEF, $ident, @parentElements);
- }
- elsif ($self->ignore_annotation) {}
- else { $found = 0; }
- }
-sub ns_prepend{
- my ($self, $tag, $ns_pref) = @_;
- my $ns = $ns_pref?$self->getNS($ns_pref):undef;
- $ns = $self->getNS('default') unless $ns;
- return "{$ns}:$tag";
-# this should match the whole file
-sub read_topLevel{
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->read_decl;
- $self->read_pattern($DOCUMENT, 'start', $DOCUMENT);
- my ($after, $before) = (0, 1);
- while ($before != $after){
- $before = length($self->{DATA});
- $self->read_grammarContent($DOCUMENT, $DOCUMENT);
- $after = length($self->{DATA});
- }
- $self->{DATA} = trim($self->{DATA});
- $self->Error('Unable to completely process data')
- unless $self->{DATA} eq '';
-# remove leading and trailing white space
-sub trim{
- my ($arg) = @_;
- $arg =~ s/^\s+//;
- $arg =~ s/\s+$//;
- return $arg;
-sub build_info{
- my ($self) = @_;
- my %seen = ();
- local *go = sub {
- my ($reference, $node) = @_;
- my $ident = $reference.'#'.$node;
- return if defined $seen{$ident};
- $seen{$ident} = 1;
- map($self->{ATTR}->{$node}{$_} = 1,
- @{$self->{GRAPH}->{$reference}->{$node}{ATTRIBUTES}})
- if defined $self->{GRAPH}->{$reference}->{$node}{ATTRIBUTES};
- my @sons;
- map(push(@sons, ($reference, $_)),
- @{$self->{GRAPH}->{$reference}->{$node}{ELEMENTS}})
- if defined $self->{GRAPH}->{$reference}->{$node}{ELEMENTS};
- if (defined $self->{GRAPH}->{$reference}->{$node}{REFS}){
- my @refs = @{$self->{GRAPH}->{$reference}->{$node}{REFS}};
- foreach my $ref(@refs){
- next unless $self->{GRAPH}->{$ref}->{PARENTS};
- foreach my $son(@{$self->{GRAPH}->{$ref}->{PARENTS}}){
- map(push(@sons, ($ref, $_)),
- @{$self->{GRAPH}->{$ref}->{$son}{ELEMENTS}})
- if defined $self->{GRAPH}->{$ref}->{$son}{ELEMENTS};
- push(@refs, @{$self->{GRAPH}->{$ref}->{$son}{REFS}})
- if defined $self->{GRAPH}->{$ref}->{$son}{REFS};
- # if a reference has attributes defined,
- # they will appear as attributes to $DOCUMENT
- # if the reference is not defined within some element
- map($self->{ATTR}->{$node}{$_} = 1,
- @{$self->{GRAPH}->{$ref}->{$son}{ATTRIBUTES}})
- if ($self->{GRAPH}->{$ref}->{$son}{ATTRIBUTES} &&
- ($son eq $DOCUMENT));
- }
- }
- }
- my $sonCount = ($#sons+1)/2;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $sonCount; $i++){
- my ($ref, $son) = ($sons[2*$i], $sons[2*$i+1]);
- go($sons[2*$i], $sons[2*$i+1]);
- $self->{NODES}->{$node}{$son} = 1;
- }
- };
- go($DOCUMENT.':start', $DOCUMENT);
- %seen = ();
- local *gnodes = sub {
- my ($node) = @_;
- return if $seen{$node};
- $seen{$node} = 1;
- foreach my $son(keys %{$self->{NODES}->{$node}}){
- map($self->{GNODES}->{$node}{$_} = $son,
- keys %{$self->{NODES}->{$son}});
- gnodes($son); }
- };
- gnodes($DOCUMENT);
- @{$self->{TAGLIST}} = keys %seen;
-sub getTagList {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return @{$self->{TAGLIST}};
-sub tagChildren {
- my ($self, $tag) = @_;
- keys %{$self->{NODES}->{$tag}}; }
-# given a tag and a childtag, return whether
-# tag can contain childtag
-sub canContain()
- my ($self, $tag, $childtag) = @_;
- return ($self->{NODES}->{$tag}{$childtag} ||
- $self->{NODES}->{$tag}{'*'})?1:0;
-# there can be more results: list ?
-# there can be no result, but a class of results.. like a nsName
-# choose representative?
-sub canContainIndirect()
- my ($self, $tag, $childtag) = @_;
- return $self->{GNODES}->{$tag}{$childtag} if
- $self->{GNODES}->{$tag}{$childtag};
- if ($self->{NODES}->{$tag}{'*'}){
- foreach (@{$self->{TAGLIST}}){
- return $_ if $self->{NODES}->{$_}{$childtag};
- }
- }
-# given a tag and an attribute return whether
-# the tag can have that attribute
-sub canHaveAttribute()
- my ($self, $tag, $attr) = @_;
- return ($self->{ATTR}->{$tag}{$attr} ||
- $self->{ATTR}->{$tag}{'*'})?1:0;
-sub canContainSomehow()
- my ($self, $tag, $childtag) = @_;
- return ($self->canContain($tag, $childtag) ||
- $self->canContainIndirect($tag, $childtag));
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/rng2dot/rng2dot b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/rng2dot/rng2dot
deleted file mode 100755
index 588b8827c63..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/rng2dot/rng2dot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use ModelRNC;
-die "No input file\n" unless $ARGV[0];
-my $opt = $ARGV[1] || '';
-my $rnc = ModelRNC->new();
-print STDERR 'Unable to properly parse ('.$rnc->data.")\n" if $rnc->data;
-my %seen = ();
-sub make_graph {
- my ($node) = @_;
- my @children = $rnc->tagChildren($node);
- my $pnode = $node;
- $pnode =~ s/^\{[^\}]*\}://; $pnode =~ s/\-|\+|\*|\s/_/g;
- my @pchildren = @children;
- for (my $i = 0 ; $i < @pchildren; $i++) {
- $pchildren[$i] =~ s/^\{[^\}]*\}://;
- $pchildren[$i] =~ s/\-|\+|\*|\s/_/g; }
- if ($opt eq 'txt') {
- print "$pnode: ".join(', ', @pchildren)."\n\n"; }
- else {
- for (my $i = 0 ; $i < @pchildren; $i++) {
- print "$pnode -> ".$pchildren[$i].";\n"; }}
- return 0 if $seen{$node};
- $seen{$node} = 1;
- foreach my $child(@children) {
- make_graph($child); }
- 1; }
-print "digraph RNC {\n" unless $opt eq 'txt';
-print "}\n" unless $opt eq 'txt';
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/sgraph b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/sgraph
deleted file mode 100755
index c4e709db476..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/sgraph
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# A tool for creating graphs of module usage patterns based on graphviz. #
-# Copyright (c) 2005, Ioan Sucan, released under the Gnu General Public License (GPL) #
-# see #
-# $URL: svn://$ #
-# $Date: 2005-10-04 19:31:43 +0200 (Tue, 04 Oct 2005) $ $Rev: 4376 $ #
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Modparse;
-use Pod::Usage;
-my $input = "-", my $output = "out", my $format = "ps";
-my $root, my $stop_at_end=0, my $use_grouping = 0;
-my $rmdot = 0, my $verbose=0, my $theory = '', my $srange = '';
-my %arg_snippath; my @snippathList;
-sub group_name{
- my ($st) = @_;
- if ($st =~ /^(.*[\/\\])?([^\/\\]+)\.[^\.\/\\]*$/) { $st = $2; }
- elsif ($st =~ /^(.*[\/\\])?([^\.\/\\]+)$/) { $st = $2; }
- $st =~ s/-/_/g;
- return $st; }
-GetOptions("output=s" => \$output,
- "format=s" => \$format,
- "nodot" => sub {$rmdot = 1;},
- "root=s" => \$root,
- "theory=s" => \$theory,
- "sliderange=s" => \$srange,
- "path=s" => \%arg_snippath,
- "defpath=s" => \@snippathList,
- "verbose" => sub {$verbose = 1;},
- "grouping" => sub {$use_grouping = 1},
- "stop" => sub {$stop_at_end = 1},
- "help" => sub {pod2usage(2)});
-$output = $1 if ($output =~ m/([^.]+)\..*/);
-$input = $ARGV[0] if ($#ARGV>=0);
-$root = group_name($input) unless $root;
-my %data = (); my %group = ();
-my $mp = Modparse->new(snippathList=>\@snippathList,
- snippath=>\%arg_snippath,
- stopAtEnd=>$stop_at_end,
- verbose=>$verbose,
- onBegin=>sub { $_[0]->{perm}->{slide} = 0; $_[0]->{perm}->{linecount} = 0;
- if ($srange =~ /(\d+)\:(\d+)/){
- ($_[0]->{perm}->{sbegin}, $_[0]->{perm}->{send}) = ($1, $2);
- $_[0]->{perm}->{in_sliderange} = ($_[0]->{perm}->{sbegin}<1);
- } else { $_[0]->{perm}->{in_sliderange} = 1; }},
- onBeginFile=>sub { $_[0]->{grp} = group_name($_[0]->{filename}); },
- onBeginModule=>sub {
- if ($_[0]->{perm}->{in_sliderange} && (my $id = $_[0]->{module_id})){
- $id =~ s/[:-]/_/g;
- my $uses = '';
- if ($_[0]->{module_args} =~ /uses=(([\w-]+)|(\{[\w,-]+\}))/){
- $uses = $1;
- $uses =~ s/,/;/g; $uses =~ s/[:-]/_/g; }
- $data{$id}=$uses;
- $group{$id}=$_[0]->{perm}->{grp};
- }},
- onEveryLine=>sub {
- $_[0]->{perm}->{linecount}++;
- print ". " if ($_[0]->{pack}->{verbose} && ($_[0]->{perm}->{linecount} % 1000==0));
- $_[0]->{perm}->{slide}++ if $_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\begin\{slide\}/;
- $_[0]->{perm}->{in_sliderange}=($_[0]->{perm}->{slide}<=$_[0]->{perm}->{send} &&
- $_[0]->{perm}->{slide}>=$_[0]->{perm}->{sbegin})
- if ($_[0]->{perm}->{sbegin} && $_[0]->{perm}->{send});
- });
-print "\nGenerating graph...\n" if $verbose;
-my @queue=();
-if ($theory){
- $theory =~ s/-/_/g;
- if ($data{$theory}){
- my $start = 0, my $end = 1, my %already_in;
- $queue[0] = $theory;
- $already_in{$theory} = 1;
- while ($start<$end){
- my $idx, my $usesx;
- $idx = $queue[$start];
- $usesx = $data{$queue[$start]};
- $start++;
- if ($usesx){
- $usesx =~ s/\{//;
- $usesx =~ s/\}//;
- foreach (split(/;/,$usesx)){
- next if $already_in{$_};
- $queue[$end] = $_;
- $already_in{$_} = 1;
- $end++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-} else{
- @queue = keys %data;
-open(FOUT,">$") or die "Can't open output file\n";
-print FOUT "digraph TEX {\n";
-print FOUT "$root [shape=box];\n";
-if ($use_grouping){
- my %subgraph = ();
- foreach (@queue){
- $subgraph{$group{$_}}.="$_;";
- }
- foreach my $subgr (keys %subgraph){
- print FOUT "subgraph cluster_$subgr {\n";
- print FOUT "color = blue;\n";
- print FOUT "label = $subgr;\n";
- print FOUT "$subgraph{$subgr}\n";
- print FOUT "}\n";
- }
-my $lk = 0;
-for my $idx (@queue){
- my $usesx = $data{$idx};
- $lk=$lk+($usesx =~ tr/;//)+1;
- if ($usesx){
- print FOUT "$idx -> $usesx;\n";
- } else {
- print FOUT "$idx -> $root;\n";
- }
-print "Number of links: $lk\n" if $verbose;
-print FOUT "}\n";
-`dot -T$format -o $output.$format $`;
-unlink "$" if ($rmdot==1);
-print "Done.\n" if $verbose;
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-sgraph <filename> [options]
- <filename> .tex input file; stdin by default
- Options:
- --output output file; by default
- --format output format; .ps by default; for available formats, see dot --help
- --nodot do not generate .dot file, just target format
- --root the 'root' of the graph. (name of course)
- --theory generate a subgraph for the theory
- --sliderange only look at the given slide range; (2:16 for example)
- --path XXX specify the value of \XXX (some snippath) in case it is
- = somePath not defined in the processed .tex file
- --defpath XXX specify which \XXX (snippath definitions) to look for
- --stop stop reading data when \end{document} is found, not at EOF
- --grouping group modules within sections.
- --verbose verbose on
- --help this screen
-./sgraph slides.tex -o graph -f ps -n -t TCN --sliderange 20:10000 -r GenCS -v
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/sms b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/sms
deleted file mode 100755
index 360be4ea814..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/sms
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# A tool for creating STeX Module Signatures (SMS) files. #
-# Copyright (c) 2005, Ioan Sucan; (c) 2010, Deyan Ginev,
-# released under the Gnu General Public License (GPL) #
-# see #
-# $URL: svn://$ #
-# $Date: 2006-10-22 20:01:47 +0200 (Sun, 22 Oct 2006) $ $Rev: 10669 $ #
-use strict;
-use File::Spec::Functions qw(rel2abs);
-use File::Basename;
-use lib dirname(rel2abs($0)); #Assumption: Modparse is in the same folder as the sms binary.
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Modparse;
-use Pod::Usage;
-my $input = "-", my $verbose=0, my $stop_at_end=0;
-my %arg_snippath; my @snippathList;
-# match {,} brackets that are not comments or special characters
-sub match{
- my $data = shift;
- my $b = 0, my $i = 0, my $ignore = 0 ;
- foreach (split('',$data)){
- $i++;
- if ($ignore == 1){
- $ignore = 0;
- next;
- }
- if ($ignore == 2){
- next if $_ ne "\n";
- $ignore = 0;
- next;
- }
- if ($_ eq "\\"){
- $ignore = 1;
- next;
- }
- if ($_ eq '%'){
- $ignore = 2;
- next;
- }
- $b++ if $_ eq '{';
- $b-- if $_ eq '}';
- return (substr($data,0,$i),substr($data,$i,length($data)-$i+1)) if !$b;
- }
- return ('',$data);
-####### start of program #######
-GetOptions("verbose" => sub { $verbose=1; },
- "stop" => sub { $stop_at_end=1; },
- "path=s" => \%arg_snippath,
- "defpath=s" => \@snippathList,
- "help" => sub { pod2usage(2)});
-$input = $ARGV[0] if ($#ARGV>=0);
-my $mp = Modparse->new(snippathList=>\@snippathList,
- snippath=>\%arg_snippath,
- stopAtEnd=>$stop_at_end,
- verbose=>$verbose,
- recursion=>0,
- onBeginFile=>sub { @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}=(); },
- onBeginModule=>sub { push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $_[0]->{original});
- @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}[-1] =~ s/\n$/%\n/; },
- onEndModule=>sub { push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $_[0]->{original});
- @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}[-1] =~ s/\n$/%\n/ },
- onRecurse=>sub {
- my $recurse = $_[0]->{original};
- $recurse =~ s/include/exclude/g;
- push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $recurse); },
- onEndFile=>sub {
- my $file = $_[0]->{pack}->new_ext($_[0]->{filename},'.sms');
- open(FOUT, ">$file") or die "Cannot write $file\n";
- print FOUT @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}};
- close(FOUT);
- `touch $file` unless @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}};
- print "Wrote $file\n" if $verbose; },
- onEveryLine=>sub {
- my @lines = @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}};
- if ($_[0]->{in_module}){
- push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $_[0]->{original})
- if ($_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\(sym|abbr|ell)def\{([^\}]+)\}/ ||
- $_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\symdef\[([^\]]+)\]/);
- push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $_[0]->{original})
- if ($_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\importmodule/);
- push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $_[0]->{original})
- if ($_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\importOMDocmodule/);
- push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $_[0]->{original})
- if ($_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\requiremodules/);
- push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $_[0]->{original})
- if ($_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\requirepackage/);
- if ((/\\STRlabel\{([^\}]+)\}(\{.*)/) || (/\\STRsemantics\[([^\]]+)\](\{.*)/)){
- my ($label, $line) = ($1, "$2 $_[0]->{comment}");
- my ($matched, $rest) = (undef, undef);
- while (1) {
- ($matched, $rest) = match($line);
- last if $matched;
- $line.=$_[0]->{nextline}(); }
- $_[0]->{rewriteline}($rest) if $rest;
- $line = "\\STRlabeldef{$label}$matched"; chomp($line);
- map(push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}},"$_\n"),split("\n",$line));
- }
- @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}[-1] =~ s/\n$/%\n/
- if (@lines < @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}});
- }} );
-print "Done.\n" if $verbose;
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-sms <input filename> [options]
- --verbose verbose on
- --stop stop when \end{document} is found; default is to go on
- --path XXX=somePath specify the value of \XXX (some snippath) in case it is
- not defined in the processed .tex file
- --defpath XXX specify which \XXX (snippath definitions) to look for
- --help this screen
- Generate .sms files (STeX Module Signatures) from .tex files
- sms slides.tex -v
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/stexml b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/stexml
deleted file mode 100755
index 2c0586b9130..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/stexml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-exec latexmlc $1 --path=../../../stex/sty --path=../../../stex/rnc --path=../../../stex/rnc/omdoc --path=../../../stex/sty/modules --path=../../../stex/sty/statements --path=../../../stex/sty/sproof --path=../../../stex/sty/omtext --path=../../../stex/sty/omdoc --path=../../../stex/sty/sref --path=../../../stex/sty/presentation --path=../../../stex/sty/dcm --path=../../../stex/sty/reqdoc --path=../../../stex/sty/metakeys --path=../../../stex/sty/mikoslides --path=../../../stex/sty/problem --path=../../../stex/sty/assignment --path=../../../stex/sty/etc --path=../../../sty --path=../../../sty/ded --path=../../../sty/ed --local --mode=standard --destination=#dir/#name.tex.xml --postdest=#dir/#name.omdoc --log=#dir/#name.ltxlog --post --stylesheet=../../../stex/xsl/omdocpost.xsl \
- --openmath --pmml \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/stexmlmod b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/stexmlmod
deleted file mode 100755
index 55dd1f6ab37..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/stexmlmod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-exec latexmlc --preamble=../../../lib/pre.tex $1 --path=../../../stex/sty --path=../../../stex/rnc --path=../../../stex/rnc/omdoc --path=../../../stex/sty/modules --path=../../../stex/sty/statements --path=../../../stex/sty/sproof --path=../../../stex/sty/omtext --path=../../../stex/sty/omdoc --path=../../../stex/sty/sref --path=../../../stex/sty/presentation --path=../../../stex/sty/dcm --path=../../../stex/sty/reqdoc --path=../../../stex/sty/metakeys --path=../../../stex/sty/mikoslides --path=../../../stex/sty/problem --path=../../../stex/sty/assignment --path=../../../stex/sty/etc --path=../../../sty --path=../../../sty/ded --path=../../../sty/ed --local --mode=fragment --destination=#dir/#name.tex.xml --postdest=#dir/#name.omdoc --log=#dir/#name.ltxlog --post --stylesheet=../../../stex/xsl/omdocpost.xsl \
- --openmath --pmml
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/termin b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/termin
deleted file mode 100755
index 0589be09c2f..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/termin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# A tool for automatized replacement of plain words with their \termin macros. #
-# Copyright (c) 2005, Ioan Sucan, released under the Gnu General Public License (GPL) #
-# see #
-# $URL: svn://$ #
-# $Date: 2005-10-04 17:47:41 +0200 (Tue, 04 Oct 2005) $ $Rev: 4371 $ #
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Term::ANSIColor;
-use Pod::Usage;
-my $verbose = 0;
-my $wordDefs={}, my $twinDefs={}, my $atwinDefs={};
-use constant twin => 'T';
-use constant word => 'W';
-use constant atwin => 'A';
-my $before_chars = 128;
-my $after_chars = 128;
-sub loadDefs{
- my ($tex_file) = @_;
- # read file
- open(FIN, $tex_file) or die "Cannot read $tex_file\n";
- my @contentLines = <FIN>;
- close(FIN);
- my $content = join('',@contentLines);
- $content =~ s/\s+//g;
- $content =~ s/%[^\n]*\n//g;
- pos($content) = 0;
- my %modules = ();
- while ($content =~ m/\\begin\{module\}\[([^\]]+)\]/g){
- next unless $1 =~ /id=([^\],]+)/;
- $modules{pos($content)} = $1;
- }
- my @posList = keys %modules;
- my $modIndex, my $current_module;
- # see definiens of form \definiens[bar]{foobar}
- # word 'foobar', concept 'bar', within module 'foo'
- pos($content) = 0; $modIndex = 0; $current_module = $modules{$posList[0]};
- while ($content =~ m/\\definiens\[([^\]\-]+)\]\{([^\}]+)\}/g){
- my $p = pos($content);
- while ($modIndex < $#posList && $p > $posList[$modIndex+1]) {
- $modIndex++; $current_module = $modules{$posList[$modIndex]}; }
- push(@{$wordDefs->{modules}}, $current_module);
- push(@{$wordDefs->{concepts}}, $1);
- push(@{$wordDefs->{words}}, $2);
- print word, " ==> $current_module: $1: $2\n" if $verbose>=2;
- }
- # see definiens of form \definiens[aaa-bbb]{\twin{ccc}{ddd}}
- # words 'ccc ddd', concept 'aaa-bbb', within module 'foo'
- pos($content) = 0; $modIndex = 0; $current_module = $modules{$posList[0]};
- while ($content =~ m/\\definiens\[([^\-\]]+)\-([^\]]+)\]\{\\twin\{([^\}]+)\}\{([^\}]+)\}\}/g){
- my $p = pos($content);
- while ($modIndex < $#posList && $p > $posList[$modIndex+1]) {
- $modIndex++; $current_module = $modules{$posList[$modIndex]}; }
- push(@{$twinDefs->{modules}}, $current_module);
- push(@{$twinDefs->{concepts}}, "$1-$2");
- push(@{$twinDefs->{words}}, $3);
- push(@{$twinDefs->{twins}}, $4);
- print twin, " ==> $current_module: $1-$2: $3 $4\n" if $verbose>=2;
- }
- # \twindef{aaa}{bbb}
- pos($content) = 0; $modIndex = 0; $current_module = $modules{$posList[0]};
- while ($content =~ m/\\twindef\{([^\}]+)\}\{([^\}]+)\}/g){
- my $p = pos($content);
- while ($modIndex < $#posList && $p > $posList[$modIndex+1]) {
- $modIndex++; $current_module = $modules{$posList[$modIndex]}; }
- push(@{$twinDefs->{modules}}, $current_module);
- push(@{$twinDefs->{concepts}}, "$1-$2");
- push(@{$twinDefs->{words}}, $1);
- push(@{$twinDefs->{twins}}, $2);
- print twin, " ==> $current_module: $1-$2: $1 $2\n" if $verbose>=2;
- }
- # see definiens of form \definiens[aaa-bbb-ccc]{\twin{ddd}{eee}{fff}}
- # words 'ddd eee fff', concept 'aaa-bbb-ccc', within module 'foo'
- pos($content) = 0; $modIndex = 0; $current_module = $modules{$posList[0]};
- while ($content =~ m/\\definiens\[([^\-\]]+)\-([^\-\]]+)\-([^\]]+)\]\{\\atwin\{([^\}]+)\}\{([^\}]+)\}\{([^\}]+)\}\}/g){
- my $p = pos($content);
- while ($modIndex < $#posList && $p > $posList[$modIndex+1]) {
- $modIndex++; $current_module = $modules{$posList[$modIndex]}; }
- push(@{$atwinDefs->{modules}}, $current_module);
- push(@{$atwinDefs->{concepts}}, "$1-$2-$3");
- push(@{$atwinDefs->{words}}, $4);
- push(@{$atwinDefs->{twins}}, $5);
- push(@{$atwinDefs->{adjs}}, $6);
- print atwin, " ==> $current_module: $1-$2-$3: $4 $5 $6\n" if $verbose>=2;
- }
- # \atwindef{aaa}{bbb}{ccc}
- pos($content) = 0; $modIndex = 0; $current_module = $modules{$posList[0]};
- while ($content =~ m/\\atwindef\{([^\}]+)\}\{([^\}]+)\}\{([^\}]+)\}/g){
- my $p = pos($content);
- while ($modIndex < $#posList && $p > $posList[$modIndex+1]) {
- $modIndex++; $current_module = $modules{$posList[$modIndex]}; }
- push(@{$atwinDefs->{modules}}, $current_module);
- push(@{$atwinDefs->{concepts}}, "$1-$2-$3");
- push(@{$atwinDefs->{words}}, $1);
- push(@{$atwinDefs->{twins}}, $2);
- push(@{$atwinDefs->{adjs}}, $3);
- print atwin, " ==> $current_module: $1-$2-$3: $1 $2 $3\n" if $verbose>=2;
- }
-sub max{
- my ($max, @values) = @_;
- foreach (@values) { $max = $_ if $_ gt $max;}
- return $max;
-sub nospace{
- my ($str) = @_;
- $str =~ s/\s+/ /g;
- $str =~ s/^\s//;
- $str =~ s/\s$//;
- return $str;
-sub replaceDefs{
- my ($in_tex_file, $out_tex_file) = @_;
- open(FIN, $in_tex_file) or die "Cannot read $in_tex_file\n";
- my @content_lines = <FIN>;
- close(FIN);
- my $content = join('',@content_lines);
- my $lcont = length($content);
- local *go_word = sub {
- my ($word, $new_word1_ex, $new_word2_ex) = @_;
- $new_word2_ex = $new_word1_ex unless defined $new_word2_ex;
- while ($content =~ m/([^\{\s]?)(\s*$word\s*)[^\}\s]?/gi){
- my $p = pos($content);
- my $ahead_len = length($1); my $matched_word = $2;
- my $wlen = length($matched_word);
- my $trail_len = length($&) - $wlen - $ahead_len;
- if (($ahead_len != 0 || $trail_len != 0) ||
- ($ahead_len == 0 && $trail_len == 0 && ($p == $wlen || $p == $lcont))){
- my $start_pos = max(0, $p - $wlen - $trail_len - $before_chars);
- my $new_word1 = $new_word1_ex; my $new_word2 = $new_word2_ex;
- my $word_count = 0;
- while ($matched_word =~ /\s*([^\s]+)\s*/g){
- my $replace = $1;
- $new_word1 =~ s/W%$word_count/$replace/g;
- $new_word2 =~ s/W%$word_count/$replace/g;
- $word_count++;
- }
- print "\nAnnotate '";
- print color 'bold blue'; print nospace($matched_word); print color 'reset';
- print "' with \n Y = '"; print color 'red bold'; print $new_word2;
- print color 'reset'; print "'\n y = '"; print color 'red bold';
- print $new_word1; print color 'reset'; print "'\n in: \n<<< ";
- print color 'green';
- print substr($content, $start_pos, $before_chars);
- print color 'bold blue';
- print substr($content, $start_pos + $before_chars, $wlen);
- print color 'reset green';
- print substr($content, $start_pos + $before_chars + $wlen, $after_chars);
- print color 'reset';
- print " >>> ?\n";
- print "Options: <Y, y, [n]> ";
- my $answer = <STDIN>;
- chomp($answer);
- if ($answer eq 'y'){
- substr($content, $p - $wlen - $trail_len, $wlen) = $new_word1;
- $lcont = length($content);
- pos($content) = $p + length($new_word1) - $wlen;
- print "PROGRESS: Matched text was replaced with '$new_word1'\n" if $verbose;
- } elsif ($answer eq 'Y'){
- substr($content, $p - $wlen - $trail_len, $wlen) = $new_word2;
- $lcont = length($content);
- pos($content) = $p + length($new_word2) - $wlen;
- print "PROGRESS: Matched text was replaced with '$new_word2'\n" if $verbose;
- }
- }
- pos($content) = $p - $trail_len;
- }
- };
- my $we = "(s|(ing))?"; # word endings
- if (defined $wordDefs->{words}){
- my $wordDefsCount = $#{$wordDefs->{words}} + 1;
- for (my $j = 0 ; $j < $wordDefsCount; $j++){
- my $word = "${$wordDefs->{words}}[$j]$we";
- my $new_word = " {\\termin[cd=${$wordDefs->{modules}}[$j],name=${$wordDefs->{concepts}}[$j]]".
- "{W%0} ";
- go_word($word, $new_word);
- }
- }
- if (defined $twinDefs->{words}){
- my $twinDefsCount = $#{$twinDefs->{words}} + 1;
- for (my $j = 0 ; $j < $twinDefsCount; $j++){
- my $word = "${$twinDefs->{words}}[$j]$we\\s+${$twinDefs->{twins}}[$j]$we";
- my $new_word1 = " {\\termin[cd=${$twinDefs->{modules}}[$j],name=${$twinDefs->{concepts}}[$j]]".
- "{W%0 W%1}} ";
- my $new_word2 = " {\\termin[cd=${$twinDefs->{modules}}[$j],name=${$twinDefs->{concepts}}[$j]]".
- "{\\twin{W%0}{W%1}}} ";
- go_word($word, $new_word1, $new_word2);
- }
- }
- if (defined $atwinDefs->{words}){
- my $atwinDefsCount = $#{$atwinDefs->{words}} + 1;
- for (my $j = 0 ; $j < $atwinDefsCount; $j++){
- my $word = "${$atwinDefs->{words}}[$j]$we\\s+${$atwinDefs->{twins}}[$j]$we\\s+${$atwinDefs->{adjs}}[$j]$we";
- my $new_word1 = " {\\termin[cd=${$atwinDefs->{modules}}[$j],name=${$atwinDefs->{concepts}}[$j]]".
- "{W%0 W%1 W%2}} ";
- my $new_word2 = " {\\termin[cd=${$atwinDefs->{modules}}[$j],name=${$atwinDefs->{concepts}}[$j]]".
- "{\\atwin{W%0}{W%1}{W%2}}} ";
- go_word($word, $new_word1, $new_word2);
- }
- }
- open(FOUT, ">$out_tex_file") or die "Cannot write $out_tex_file\n";
- print FOUT $content;
- close(FOUT);
-my @background, my @main, my @output;
-GetOptions("verbose" => sub {$verbose++;},
- "background=s" => \@background,
- "main=s" => \@main,
- "output=s" => \@output,
- "help" => sub { pod2usage(2)});
-foreach (@background) { loadDefs($_); }
-for (my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#main; $i++) {
- replaceDefs($main[$i], $output[$i] || $main[$i]);
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-termin [options]
- --verbose verbose on
- --background background file to read \termin{} definitions from
- --main main file to process
- --output output file; the modified content of the main file will
- be written here
- --help this screen
- Read the \termin definitions from a background file and update a specific main file;
- output will be written to the specified the output file.
- Note: multiple background/main/output files may be specified.
- termin --background a.tex --background b.tex --main slides.tex --output new_slides.tex