path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/sgraph
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/sgraph')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/sgraph b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/sgraph
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..c4e709db476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/stex/bin/sgraph
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# A tool for creating graphs of module usage patterns based on graphviz. #
+# Copyright (c) 2005, Ioan Sucan, released under the Gnu General Public License (GPL) #
+# see #
+# $URL: svn://$ #
+# $Date: 2005-10-04 19:31:43 +0200 (Tue, 04 Oct 2005) $ $Rev: 4376 $ #
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Modparse;
+use Pod::Usage;
+my $input = "-", my $output = "out", my $format = "ps";
+my $root, my $stop_at_end=0, my $use_grouping = 0;
+my $rmdot = 0, my $verbose=0, my $theory = '', my $srange = '';
+my %arg_snippath; my @snippathList;
+sub group_name{
+ my ($st) = @_;
+ if ($st =~ /^(.*[\/\\])?([^\/\\]+)\.[^\.\/\\]*$/) { $st = $2; }
+ elsif ($st =~ /^(.*[\/\\])?([^\.\/\\]+)$/) { $st = $2; }
+ $st =~ s/-/_/g;
+ return $st; }
+GetOptions("output=s" => \$output,
+ "format=s" => \$format,
+ "nodot" => sub {$rmdot = 1;},
+ "root=s" => \$root,
+ "theory=s" => \$theory,
+ "sliderange=s" => \$srange,
+ "path=s" => \%arg_snippath,
+ "defpath=s" => \@snippathList,
+ "verbose" => sub {$verbose = 1;},
+ "grouping" => sub {$use_grouping = 1},
+ "stop" => sub {$stop_at_end = 1},
+ "help" => sub {pod2usage(2)});
+$output = $1 if ($output =~ m/([^.]+)\..*/);
+$input = $ARGV[0] if ($#ARGV>=0);
+$root = group_name($input) unless $root;
+my %data = (); my %group = ();
+my $mp = Modparse->new(snippathList=>\@snippathList,
+ snippath=>\%arg_snippath,
+ stopAtEnd=>$stop_at_end,
+ verbose=>$verbose,
+ onBegin=>sub { $_[0]->{perm}->{slide} = 0; $_[0]->{perm}->{linecount} = 0;
+ if ($srange =~ /(\d+)\:(\d+)/){
+ ($_[0]->{perm}->{sbegin}, $_[0]->{perm}->{send}) = ($1, $2);
+ $_[0]->{perm}->{in_sliderange} = ($_[0]->{perm}->{sbegin}<1);
+ } else { $_[0]->{perm}->{in_sliderange} = 1; }},
+ onBeginFile=>sub { $_[0]->{grp} = group_name($_[0]->{filename}); },
+ onBeginModule=>sub {
+ if ($_[0]->{perm}->{in_sliderange} && (my $id = $_[0]->{module_id})){
+ $id =~ s/[:-]/_/g;
+ my $uses = '';
+ if ($_[0]->{module_args} =~ /uses=(([\w-]+)|(\{[\w,-]+\}))/){
+ $uses = $1;
+ $uses =~ s/,/;/g; $uses =~ s/[:-]/_/g; }
+ $data{$id}=$uses;
+ $group{$id}=$_[0]->{perm}->{grp};
+ }},
+ onEveryLine=>sub {
+ $_[0]->{perm}->{linecount}++;
+ print ". " if ($_[0]->{pack}->{verbose} && ($_[0]->{perm}->{linecount} % 1000==0));
+ $_[0]->{perm}->{slide}++ if $_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\begin\{slide\}/;
+ $_[0]->{perm}->{in_sliderange}=($_[0]->{perm}->{slide}<=$_[0]->{perm}->{send} &&
+ $_[0]->{perm}->{slide}>=$_[0]->{perm}->{sbegin})
+ if ($_[0]->{perm}->{sbegin} && $_[0]->{perm}->{send});
+ });
+print "\nGenerating graph...\n" if $verbose;
+my @queue=();
+if ($theory){
+ $theory =~ s/-/_/g;
+ if ($data{$theory}){
+ my $start = 0, my $end = 1, my %already_in;
+ $queue[0] = $theory;
+ $already_in{$theory} = 1;
+ while ($start<$end){
+ my $idx, my $usesx;
+ $idx = $queue[$start];
+ $usesx = $data{$queue[$start]};
+ $start++;
+ if ($usesx){
+ $usesx =~ s/\{//;
+ $usesx =~ s/\}//;
+ foreach (split(/;/,$usesx)){
+ next if $already_in{$_};
+ $queue[$end] = $_;
+ $already_in{$_} = 1;
+ $end++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} else{
+ @queue = keys %data;
+open(FOUT,">$") or die "Can't open output file\n";
+print FOUT "digraph TEX {\n";
+print FOUT "$root [shape=box];\n";
+if ($use_grouping){
+ my %subgraph = ();
+ foreach (@queue){
+ $subgraph{$group{$_}}.="$_;";
+ }
+ foreach my $subgr (keys %subgraph){
+ print FOUT "subgraph cluster_$subgr {\n";
+ print FOUT "color = blue;\n";
+ print FOUT "label = $subgr;\n";
+ print FOUT "$subgraph{$subgr}\n";
+ print FOUT "}\n";
+ }
+my $lk = 0;
+for my $idx (@queue){
+ my $usesx = $data{$idx};
+ $lk=$lk+($usesx =~ tr/;//)+1;
+ if ($usesx){
+ print FOUT "$idx -> $usesx;\n";
+ } else {
+ print FOUT "$idx -> $root;\n";
+ }
+print "Number of links: $lk\n" if $verbose;
+print FOUT "}\n";
+`dot -T$format -o $output.$format $`;
+unlink "$" if ($rmdot==1);
+print "Done.\n" if $verbose;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+sgraph <filename> [options]
+ <filename> .tex input file; stdin by default
+ Options:
+ --output output file; by default
+ --format output format; .ps by default; for available formats, see dot --help
+ --nodot do not generate .dot file, just target format
+ --root the 'root' of the graph. (name of course)
+ --theory generate a subgraph for the theory
+ --sliderange only look at the given slide range; (2:16 for example)
+ --path XXX specify the value of \XXX (some snippath) in case it is
+ = somePath not defined in the processed .tex file
+ --defpath XXX specify which \XXX (snippath definitions) to look for
+ --stop stop reading data when \end{document} is found, not at EOF
+ --grouping group modules within sections.
+ --verbose verbose on
+ --help this screen
+./sgraph slides.tex -o graph -f ps -n -t TCN --sliderange 20:10000 -r GenCS -v