path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/skrapport
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-%% skrapport Skånings rapportklass
-%% Copyright (C) 2012-2016 by Simon Sigurdhsson <>
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Simon Sigurdhsson.
-%% This work consists of the file skrapport.tex and the derived files:
-%% * skrapport.cls
-%% * skrapport-colortheme-default.sty
-%% * skrapport-colortheme-unscathed.sty
-%% * skrapport-colortheme-violet.sty
-%% * skrapport-colortheme-cruelwater.sty
-%% * skrapport-colortheme-skdoc.sty
-%% * skrapport-size-common.sty
-%% * skrapport-size10pt.clo
-%% * skrapport-size11pt.clo
-%% * skrapport-size12pt.clo
- \char_set_catcode_letter:n{ 58 }
- \char_set_catcode_letter:n{ 95 }
-% Hide the implementation
-% Bibliography entries
- @article{kpfonts,
- author = {Christophe Caignaert},
- title = {KP-Fonts 3.31},
- year = {2010},
- url = {}
- }
- @standard{ISO216,
- title = {ISO 216:2007},
- subtitle = {Writing paper and certain classes of printed matter -- Trimmed sizes -- A and B series, and indication of machine direction},
- author = {{International Organization for Standardization, Technical Committee 6}},
- year = {2007}
- }
- @standard{ISO8601,
- title = {ISO 8601:2004},
- subtitle = {Data elements and interchange formats -- Information interchange -- Representation of dates and times},
- author = {{International Organization for Standardization, Technical Committee 154}},
- year = {2004}
- }
- @article{Flynn,
- author = {Peter Flynn},
- title = {Rolling your own Document Class: Using \LaTeX{} to
- keep away from the Dark Side},
- journal = {The Prac\TeX{} Journal},
- number = {4},
- year = {2006},
- url = {}
- }
-% Declare the target files
- {skrapport-size-common.sty}
- {skrapport-colortheme-default.sty}
- {skrapport-colortheme-unscathed.sty}
- {skrapport-colortheme-cruelwater.sty}
- {skrapport-colortheme-violet.sty}
- {skrapport-colortheme-skdoc.sty}
-% This is where the documentation begins
- % Change & version info
- \version{0.12h}
- \changes{0.01}{Initial version}
- \changes{0.03}{Removed \cs{rd} and \cs{id}}
- \changes{0.04}{Added \pkg{microtype} package}
- \changes{0.05}{Improved documentation}
- \changes{0.06}{Corrected cheksum, further improved documentation}
- \changes{0.07}{Various bugfixes, \hologo{XeLaTeX} compatibility,
- better float settings, quote style fix,
- \opt{intlimits} option to \pkg{amsmath}}
- \changes{0.07a}{Fixed \pkg{kpfonts} issues}
- \changes{0.09}{Introduced \pkg{kvoptions},
- fixed abstract in twocolumn mode}
- \changes{0.10}{Include skmath if exists
- and wanted. Gobble optional arguments to
- \env{figure} and \env{table} in two-column mode}
- \changes{0.10a}{Include \pkg{xparse} (fixes breakage)}
- \changes{0.11}{Added \opt{minion} for Adobe Minion Pro font}
- \changes{0.11a}{Added \opt{skdoc} font option and \thm{skdoc} color theme}
- \changes{0.12}{Deprecated several macros, moved to \LaTeX3. Use of TOC depth above 3 is now unsupported}
- \changes{0.12a}{The \pkg{fontspec} package is now only loaded when using the \texttt{word} or \texttt{none} font stacks on \hologo{LuaLaTeX} or \hologo{XeLaTeX}. The \texttt{word} font stack is now
- the default font stack on \hologo{XeLaTeX}}
- \changes{0.12b}{Minor and major bugfixes to \cs{maketitle}, \opt{ptsize}, \opt{twocolumn} and others}
- \changes{0.12c}{Added german language option, fixed sectioning macros in \opt{twocolumn} mode}
- \changes{0.12d}{Added \opt{hanging-titles}, latin phrase macros. Load \pkg{isomath}. Don't load \pkg{icomma}. Use \cs{frenchspacing}}
- \changes{0.12e}{Replace usage of deprecated \pkg{expl3} macros (thanks for the heads-up, Joseph Wright!)}
- \changes{0.12f}{Fix incorrect usage of \pkg{xparse} macros}
- \changes{0.12g}{Track \pkg{expl3} changes (thanks to Joseph Wright)}
- \changes{0.12h}{Fix incompatibilities with recent \pkg{expl3}}
- % Don't forget to update the version number and release date of
- % the package declaration in the implementation!
- % Metadata
- \package[ctan=skrapport,vcs=]{skrapport}
- \title{The \textbf{\thepackage} document class}
- \author{Simon Sigurdhsson}
- \email{}
- % First page
- \maketitle
- \begin{abstract}
- A document class intended for simple documents \emph{e.g.}
- reports handed in to courses and such. It is small,
- straight-forward and heavily inspired by the Prac\TeX{}
- Journal style.
- \end{abstract}
- \tableofcontents
- \section{Documentation}
- The \thepackage\ document class aims to make typesetting simple but
- stylish documents (mostly reports) as effortless as possible. It
- does this by mostly reimplementing the default \pkg{article} class
- in \LaTeX3, while making modifications to both form and function
- along the way.
- Because it is reimplemented in \LaTeX3, it may be incompatible with
- any number of packages that patch or otherwise modify internals of
- \pkg{article} or other document classes. For commonly used packages
- (especially those used frequently by the author), this shouldn't be
- a problem. The author gladly accepts reports of any such issues at
- the project issue tracker --- see \enquote{Known issues} on
- \vpageref{sec:issues}.
- \subsection{Options}
- As with other document classes, the class is loaded, possibly with
- options, by issuing \Macro\documentclass[<options>]{skrapport}.
- The class has a number of options controlling both form and function,
- by \emph{e.g.} setting the font size, selecting a font stack, setting
- the section title style, and so on.
- \subsubsection{Layout}
- Two options controlling the overall layout of the document are
- provided. Collectively they control the paper size and text layout
- of the document.
- \Option{paper}\WithValues{a4, a5}\AndDefault{a4}
- The \opt{paper} option controls the paper size of the document.
- Internally, this is set by the \pkg{typearea} package, so in theory
- many more paper sizes could be available, but the current options
- cover most useful documents.
- \Option{twocolumn}
- The \opt{twocolumn} option sets up a two-column mode. This is not
- provided by internal \LaTeX\ mechanics as in the original
- \pkg{article} class, but instead by patching environments and macros
- and using a combination of the \pkg{multicol} and \pkg{grid}
- packages. In theory, this means that baselines of adjacent columns
- should be aligned, and that three- or four-column modes are possible
- in the future (but that'd be ridiculous).
- \subsubsection{Style}
- A couple of options to control the style of the document are
- provided. Two of them, \opt{leqno} and \opt{fleqn}, are mainly
- provided for compatibility with the \pkg{article} class.
- \Option{leqno}
- This option makes display math environments typeset their labels on
- the left-hand side of the formula instead of the right-hand side.
- \Option{fleqn}
- This option makes display math environments left-align the entire
- formula as opposed to centering it.
- \Option{indent}\WithValues{true, false}\AndDefault{false}
- The \opt{indent} option enables or disables the indentation of
- paragraphs, with the default being not to indent anything. The
- default behaviour thus is similar to that obtained using the
- \pkg{parskip} package with the \pkg{article} package.
- \Option{titles}\WithValues{rm, it, bf, sf}\AndDefault{bf}
- Section titles (and a few other elements) are controlled by this
- option in that they are typeset either using the regular roman font,
- the boldfaced roman font or the sans serif font. For historical
- reasons the default is a boldfaced roman font, but the sans serif
- option is very handsome.
- \Option{hanging-titles}\WithValues{true, false}\AndDefault{false}
- This options allow sections to be set as \enquote{hanging} titles,
- \emph{i.e.} with the section number in the margin.
- \Option{color}\WithValues{\meta{color theme}}\AndDefault{default}
- This option tells the class to activate color theme support and
- optionally load a color theme. Several color themes are available
- (as detailed by \enquote{Color themes} \vpageref{ssec:color}),
- and the special value \texttt{false} disables color support
- entirely (which only means that the \pkg{xcolor} package isn't
- loaded, and that \cs{colortheme} remains undefined).
- \subsubsection{Fonts}
- Only two options control the font setup of the document class. The
- class provides the same point sizes as \pkg{article}, but also
- provides a large number of font stacks to choose from.
- \Option{ptsize}\WithValues{10pt, 11pt, 12pt}\AndDefault{11pt}
- The document class provides the same three point sizes as the
- \pkg{article} class. There is room for expansion, but there really
- shouldn't be any reason to use other point sizes.
- \Option{font}\WithValues{none, kpfonts, lmodern, palatino, minion, skdoc, word}\AndDefault{kpfonts}
- Several different font stacks, detailed by \vref{tab:font}, are
- provided. Most of these work with \hologo{pdfLaTeX}, but there are
- two special font stacks: \texttt{none} and \texttt{word}. The
- former, predictably, loads no fonts whatsoever leaving the document
- with Computer Modern fonts. This is useful if the fonts are replaced
- later anyway, such as when using \hologo{XeLaTeX}.
- The \texttt{word}
- font stack, however, does load a few fonts. The fonts must be present
- and installed on the system as OTF or TTF fonts, and the font stack
- requires either \hologo{XeLaTeX} or \hologo{LuaLaTeX}.
- Both \texttt{word} and \texttt{none} load the \pkg{fontspec}
- package, assuming the document is compiled using \hologo{XeLaTeX}
- or \hologo{LuaLaTeX}.
- \Notice{The \texttt{skdoc} font stack doesn't have a math font.}
- \Warning{Currently, \pkg{fontspec} is always loaded by
- \hologo{XeLaTeX} regardless of options due to
- the use of \pkg{polyglossia}. This means that
- you \emph{have} to use OpenType fonts in your
- document, otherwise \emph{only} Latin Modern
- Roman (\emph{i.e.} no sans-serif or monospace
- fonts) will be available. Therefore, the \texttt{word}
- font stack is the default when using \hologo{XeLaTeX}.
- \Hologo{LuaLaTeX} is not affected by this.}
- \begin{table}[tp]
- \centering
- \caption{Font stacks provided by \thepackage.}
- \label{tab:font}
- \NewCoffin\tempcoffin\newlength\templength
- \SetHorizontalCoffin\tempcoffin{
- \begin{tabular}{lllll}
- \toprule
- Font stack & Serif font & Math font & Sans serif font & Monospace font \\
- \midrule
- \texttt{kpfonts} & Kp-Fonts & Kp-Fonts & Kp-Fonts & Kp-Fonts \\
- \texttt{lmodern} & Latin Modern & Latin Modern & Latin Modern & Source Code Pro \\
- \texttt{palatino} & \TeX\ Gyre & PX & Arev & Source Code Pro \\
- \texttt{minion} & Minion Pro & Minion Pro & Myriad Pro & Source Code Pro \\
- \texttt{skdoc} & PT Serif & --- & Open Sans & Source Code Pro \\
- \texttt{word} & Cambria & Cambria Math & Calibri & Consolas \\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabular}
- }
- \setlength{\templength}{(\textwidth - \CoffinWidth\tempcoffin)/2}
- \hspace*{\templength}
- \TypesetCoffin\tempcoffin
- \end{table}
- \subsubsection{Functionality}
- The final three options affect functionality in one way or another.
- Since \thepackage\ was originally designed for reports written in
- either swedish or english, the class always loads either \pkg{babel}
- or \pkg{polyglossia} with either of these languages. Additionally,
- the class may load the \pkg{skmath} package if desirable.
- \Option{nomath}\WithValues{true, false}\AndDefault{false}
- When \texttt{false}, the \pkg{skmath} package is loaded, providing
- improvements to the math functionality of \pkg{amsmath} and friends.
- \Option{lang}\WithValues{en, sv, de}\AndDefault{sv}
- This option specifies what main language \pkg{babel} or
- \pkg{polyglossia} set up with. English (or swedish, for
- \texttt{lang=en}) is loaded as well, for use in constructs
- that allow for a second language.
- \Option{draft}\WithValues{true, false}\AndDefault{false}
- The \opt{draft} option, much like in \pkg{article}, enables
- \cs{overfullrule}s and possibly similar functionality in loaded
- packages (if they react to the global \opt{draft} option).
- \subsection{User-level commands and environments}
- The general idea behind the document class is to provide most
- (if not all) of the macros provided by the standard \LaTeXe{}
- classes, as well as additional macros to simplify and beautify
- the documents produced. As such, most of the documentation that
- follows details macros that are present in the standard document
- classes. Some of them have changed functionality or semantics,
- so at least a skim through this section is recommended.
- \subsubsection{The front page}
- The front page is the part of the document that has seen the most
- changes in \thepackage\ compared to \pkg{article}. In addition to
- the new, Prac\TeX-inspired layout, there are a few additional
- pieces of information in it. Also, the \cs{author} macro has been
- dramatically improved.
- \DescribeMacro\date{<ISO8601 date>}
- The \cs{date} macro now internally employs \pkg{isodate} to typeset
- the date of the document. This means that the input must be either
- the string \enquote{today}, the token \cs{today} or a date as defined
- by ISO8601\footcite{ISO8601}. The mechanisms provided by
- \pkg{isodate} can be used to affect the output format.
- \DescribeMacro\author[<email>]{<name>}
- In contrast with the \pkg{article} package, the \cs{author} macro
- should no longer be used to typeset several author names at once.
- Instead, one \cs{author} command is to be issued for every author,
- optionally providing a corresponding email. These are then combined,
- in the order they are given, to form a list of authors and a
- corresponding list of email adresses.
- \DescribeMacro\regarding{<topic>}
- This macro defines a topic or other short message detailing the
- purpose of the document. It is typeset along with the date in the
- upper left corner of the title page.
- \DescribeMacro\license{<license name>}
- The \cs{license} macro defines a short license name to be typeset
- in the lower right corner of the title page. This mechanism could of
- course be used to typeset an institution name or similar as well.
- It is only typeset when also using the \env{titlepage} environment
- described below.
- \DescribeMacro\title{<document title>}
- The \cs{title} macro, while not defined by \pkg{skrapport}, is
- relevant to describe. It simply sets the title of the document, as
- displayed by \cs{maketitle}.
- \DescribeMacro\maketitle[hide=\{date,regarding,email\},nopdfinfo]
- As in \pkg{article}, the \cs{maketitle} macro typesets the
- information provided by \cs{title}, \cs{author} and friends to form
- a stylish front page. When combined with \env{abstract},
- \env{titlepage} and/or \cs{tableofcontents}, you get a very
- good-looking preamble with almost no effort.
- The optional argument is a key-value list with two valid entries,
- \opt*{hide} and \opt*{nopdfinfo}. The \opt*{hide} entry accepts a
- comma-separated list in which the values \opt*{date},
- \opt*{regarding} and \opt*{email}
- are interpreted as instructions to hide the corresponding entry from
- the front page. The \opt*{nopdfinfo} key disables the generation of
- PDF information by \pkg{hyperref}.
- \DescribeEnv[<abstract text>]{abstract}
- The \env{abstract} environment defines an abstract, which is typeset
- in a block with the \cs{abstractname} word next to it (see
- \emph{e.g.} the title page of this manual for an example).
- \DescribeEnv[<title page contents>]{titlepage}
- Normally, \cs{maketitle} doesn't reserve its own page. By enclosing
- \cs{maketitle} (and \env{abstract} if appropriate) in the
- \env{titlepage} environment, the contents are typeset on their
- own page, without page numbering and with the \cs{license} text
- in the lower right corner (if applicable).
- \subsubsection{Sectioning}
- \DescribeMacro\section*[<short title>]{<title>}
- \DescribeMacro\subsection*[<short title>]{<title>}
- \DescribeMacro\subsubsection*[<short title>]{<title>}
- \DescribeMacro\paragraph*[<short title>]{<title>}
- \DescribeMacro\subparagraph*[<short title>]{<title>}
- The sectioning macros are superficially very similar to those
- provided by \pkg{article}, but have been completely reimplemented
- in \pkg{expl3} code. Additionally, the style of these sectioning
- macros, as detailed by the \opt{titles} option documentation above,
- can be changed.
- All of them have both arguments and behaviour in common, only
- differing in style. The starred versions are unnumbered, but still
- accept the opional short title (simply discarding it). The optional
- short title is used in the table of contents. The
- \texttt{secnumdepth} counter limits the depth of section numbering.
- The first three macros, being section titles, are typeset as actual
- titles on their own line with appropriate spacing above and below.
- The paragraph macros instead typeset run-in titles.
- \subsubsection{Macros and environments from \pkg{article}}
- Aside from the \env{itemize} and \env{enumerate} envionments and the
- font selection macros, which are carried without modification from
- \LaTeXe, a couple of environments and macros are defined.
- The old font macros, whose use has been discouraged for a long time,
- are now deprecated. Instead of functioning correctly, they will emit
- an error and require user input. Use the \cs*{text??}/\cs*{??family}
- macros instead. For emphasis, use the \cs{emph} macro.
- \DescribeMacro\emph{<text>}
- Emphasized text will be typeset in italic, or bold italic if the
- macro is used in a context where italic is already used (such as
- inside another \cs{emph} invokation).
- \DescribeEnv[\cs*{item}\oarg{item} \meta{description}]{description}
- The \env{description} environment behaves as expected, typesetting
- a list of descriptions as in the \pkg{article} class.
- \DescribeEnv[<short quote>]{quote}
- Intended for short quotes, the \env{quote} environment simply
- typesets a centered block of italic text.
- \DescribeEnv[<long quote>]{quotation}
- Longer quoted passages are typeset using the \env{quotation}
- environment. This is simply a \env{quote} environment with additional
- spacing above and below.
- \DescribeEnv[<pretentious poetry>]{verse}
- The \env{verse} environment is intended for poetry and other text
- where line breaks are critical. Use \verb|\\| to break
- lines.
- \DescribeMacro\appendix
- This macro signals the end of the main matter and the start of
- the appendix. In essence, it resets the section numbering counter
- and changes the section numbering to the upper-case alphabetic
- sequence.
- \subsubsection{Floats}
- Both the \env{figure} and \env{table} float environments accept an
- optional positioning argument. The default positioning is
- \texttt{tp}. Both environments also have starred variants, which
- do nothing in one-column mode while typesetting the figure across
- both columns in two-column mode. As usual, \cs{centering},
- \cs{caption} and \cs{label} should be used inside the floats.
- \DescribeEnv[<content>]{figure}[position]
- This float environment is intended for figures. The most common
- contents are \cs{includegraphics} statements or \env{tikzpicture}
- environments.
- \DescribeEnv[<content>]{table}[position]
- A float intended for tables. Probably contains \env{tabular}s.
- \DescribeEnv{figcenter}
- This environment is useful for wide figures and tables. It typesets
- its contents centered horizonally, but allows the content to extend
- into the margin. The content is set in a horizontal coffin.
- \subsubsection{Table of contents}
- \DescribeMacro\tableofcontents
- The table of contents are typeset using this macro. The
- \texttt{tocdepth} counter limits the depth of the table of
- contents, but for stylistic reasons values higher than 3 are
- unsupported.
-% \subsubsection{Basic bibliography support}
- \subsubsection{Miscellaneous}
- \DescribeMacro\comment*{<comment>}
- \DescribeMacro\note*{<comment>}
- \DescribeMacro\com*{<comment>}
- These macros, the two latter being aliases of the first one, typeset
- an author's comment in the document. The starred variants typeset the
- comment inline with a red background, while the unstarred variant
- typesets the comment in a \cs{marginpar}.
- \DescribeMacro\eg
- \DescribeMacro\ie
- \DescribeMacro\etc
- \DescribeMacro\cf
- \DescribeMacro\viz
- These macro print the abbreviation of the latin phrases
- \emph{exempli gratia}, \emph{id est}, \emph{et cetera},
- \emph{confer} and \emph{videlicet}, respectively.
- The macros peek ahead to find punctuation marks and spaces, so they
- should behave correctly regardless of usage (assuming they're used in
- running text and uncomplicated settings). In languages other than
- english, appropriate translations are made if applicable.
- \DescribeMacro\dash
- This macro prints an em-dash surrounded by thin spaces, as discussed
- by \textcite[\pno~8]{Flynn}. When \cs*{DeclareUnicodeCharacter} is
- available, the real em dash uses this definition.
- \subsubsection{Color theme support}
- \DescribeMacro\colortheme{<theme>}
- The \cs{colortheme} macro, which is only available when the
- \opt{color} option is \texttt{true}, applies a color theme to
- the document. For a list of available color themes, see
- \enquote{Color themes} \vpageref{ssec:color}.
- \subsubsection{Font size macros}
- The font size macros, expectedly, set the size of the text. They
- do not take arguments, instead affecting all subsequent text of the
- current \TeX\ group, so use braces to provide and limit context.
- Also note that unlike \pkg{article}, these macros are \emph{all}
- available, regardless of point size option.
- \DescribeMacro\tiny
- Typesets {\tiny tiny} text.
- \DescribeMacro\scriptsize
- Typesets {\scriptsize script-size} text.
- \DescribeMacro\footnotesize
- Typesets {\footnotesize footnote-sized} text.
- \DescribeMacro\small
- Typesets {\small small} text.
- \DescribeMacro\normalsize
- Typesets normal text.
- \DescribeMacro\large
- Typesets {\large large} text.
- \DescribeMacro\Large
- Typesets {\Large slightly larger} text.
- \DescribeMacro\LARGE
- Typesets {\LARGE even larger} text.
- \DescribeMacro\huge
- Typesets {\huge huge} text.
- \DescribeMacro\Huge
- Typesets {\Huge really huge} text.
- \subsection{Color themes}\label{ssec:color}
- \DescribeMacro\colortheme{<theme>}
- If the package is loaded with the \opt{color} option, changing the color theme is
- possible using \cs{colortheme}, which loads an
- appropriate package. At the moment, four color themes are available.
- \Theme{default}
- The \thm{default} theme is fairly conservative, only coloring
- \pkg{hyperef} links with more readable, slightly darker colors than
- the standard ones. It should print well even on non-color printers.
- \Theme{unscathed}
- The \thm{unscathed} theme is based on a palette with the same
- name on COLOURlovers%
- and applies a \textcolor[HTML]{463335}{dark brown} color to
- emphasized text, a \textcolor[HTML]{CF5D3B}{rusty} color to links,
- a \textcolor[HTML]{B34430}{darker rust} color to titles and a
- \textcolor[HTML]{70524A}{lighter brown} to quotes.
- \Theme{cruelwater}
- The \thm{cruelwater} theme is also based on a palette from
- COLOURlovers%
- and applies a \textcolor[HTML]{030C22}{dark blue} color to bold
- text and captions, a \textcolor[HTML]{20293F}{slightly less dark
- blue} to titles and emphasized text, a \textcolor[HTML]{A9B0B3}{
- light gray} color to small print and a \textcolor[HTML]{404749}{
- darker gray} to quotes.
- \Theme{violet}
- The \thm{violet} theme, like \thm{unscathed} and \thm{cruelwater},
- is based on a COLOURlovers palette%
- It colors all links \textcolor[HTML]{932444}{bright purple}, applies
- a \textcolor[HTML]{311A2A}{dark puple} color to titles, bold text
- and captions, a \textcolor[HTML]{D6CBCF}{grayish purple} to small
- print, a \textcolor[HTML]{463335}{dark brown} color to quotes and a
- \textcolor[HTML]{98758D}{pastel violet} color to emphasized text.
- \Theme{skdoc}
- The \thm{skdoc} theme is loosely based on the \pkg{skdoc} document class, with which this documentation is typeset.
-% \subsection{Additional information}
-% The document class includes a number of packages by default. This
-% is useful to know, since passing explicit options to these packages
-% will require you to utilize the \cs{PassOptionsToPackage} macro
-% before you load the class using \cs{documentclass}.
-% Table~\ref{tab:pkgs} lists the packages included by \thepkg\ along
-% with their options (if applicable).
-% \begin{table}[tbp]
-% \centering
-% \caption{User-level packages included by \thepkg.}
-% \label{tab:pkgs}
-% \begin{tabular}{llp{15em}}
-% \toprule
-% \textbf{Package} & \textbf{Options} & \textbf{Comments} \\
-% \midrule
-% \pkg{amsmath} & \texttt{intlimits} & Provides \hologo{AmS} commands and environments. \\
-% \pkg{amssymb} & & Only if not using \opt{kpfonts}.\\
-% \pkg{babel} & see options \opt{swe} and \opt{eng} & Only loaded if \emph{not} using \hologo{XeTeX}.\\
-% \pkg{calc} & & \\
-% \pkg{fontenc} & \texttt{T1} & Only loaded if \emph{not} using \hologo{XeTeX}. Makes sure we are using a good font encoding for crisp appearance on-screen (OT1 is horrible). \\
-% \pkg{fontspec} & \texttt{quiet} & Only loaded if using \hologo{XeTeX}. Provides basic OTF font selection commands.\\
-% \pkg{geometry} & \texttt{a4paper} or \texttt{a5paper} & This is used by the \opt{paper} option to set the paper area. \\
-% \pkg{icomma} & & \\
-% \pkg{inconsolata} & & \\
-% \pkg{microtype} & & Provides micro-typographic improvements.\\
-% \pkg{multicol} & & Only loaded with the \opt{twocolumn} option. \\
-% \pkg{polyglossia} & see options \opt{swe} and \opt{eng} & Only loaded if using \hologo{XeTeX}.\\
-% \pkg{skmath} & & Only if it exists and \opt{nomath} isn't set.\\
-% \pkg{textcomp} & & Only if not using \opt{kpfonts}.\\
-% \pkg{xcolor} & & Only loaded with the \opt{color} option.\\
-% \bottomrule
-% \end{tabular}
-% \end{table}
- \section{Known issues}\label{sec:issues}
- A list of current issues is available in the Github repository of this
- package\footnote{\url{}}, but as
- of the release of \theversion, there is one known issue:
- \begin{description}
- % \item[\#6] ???
- \item[--] If a \cs{subsubsection} is the last item of the Table
- of Contents, it will not be indented properly.
- \end{description}
- If you discover any bugs in this package, please report them to the issue
- tracker in the \thepackage\ Github repository.
- \Implementation\ExplHack
- \section{Implementation}
- Start by including \pkg{expl3}, \pkg{l3keys2e} and some other
- useful packages, as well as declaring the class.
- {2017/09/14}{0.12h}{stylish report document class}
- \subsection{Messages}
- Tons of messages are declared for future use.
- {Please~use~`#2'~instead.}
- {It~has~no~effect;~simply~use~nothing~instead.}
- {\token_to_str:N\__skrapport_setup_paper:n~was~invoked~with~an~
- invalid~argument;~paper~size~will~remain~unchanged.}
- {\token_to_str:N\__skrapport_setup_ptsize:n~was~invoked~with~an~
- invalid~argument;~cannot~continue~without~setting~a~valid~point~
- size.~Please~fix~the~issue~before~typesetting~again.}
- {\token_to_str:N\__skrapport_setup_titles:n~was~invoked~with~an~
- invalid~argument;~falling~back~to~`#2'.}
- {\token_to_str:N\__skrapport_setup_lang:n~was~invoked~with~an~
- invalid~argument;~`babel'~and/or~`polyglossia'~will~remain~
- unloaded.}
- {\token_to_str:N\__skrapport_setup_font:n~was~invoked~with~an~
- invalid~argument;~no~font~package~has~been~loaded.~This~may~result~
- in~bad~rendering~due~to~old~Computer~Modern~fonts.}
- {\token_to_str:N#1~was~invoked,~but~circumstances~dictate~that~the~
- macro~should~do~nothing.~Will~do~\token_to_str:N\prg_do_nothing:~
- instead.}
- {The~old~font~macro~\token_to_str:N#1~is~deprecated!~Use~
- \token_to_str:N#2~instead.}
- {The~macro~\token_to_str:N#1~could~not~be~patched!~Color~theme~
- support~may~be~incomplete.}
-\msg_new:nnnn{skrapport}{license-not-printed}{Detected~\token_to_str:N\license\ but~no~`titlepage'!}
- {The~text~provided~by~\token_to_str:N\license\ is~only~printed~when~
- the~`titlepage'~environment~is~used,~but~it~seems~to~be~missing.}
- {Please~choose~another~font~setup~or~compile~the~document~with~
- either~xelatex~or~lualatex.}
- {The~current~tocdepth,~#1,~is~not~supported.~Please~redefine~the~
- \token_to_str:N#2~macro~to~enable~support.}
-\msg_new:nnnn{skrapport}{caption-in-figcenter}{Cannot~use~\token_to_str:N\caption\ here!}
- {The~\token_to_str:N\caption\ macro~can't~be~used~inside~figcenter~environments!~Please~move~the~caption~to~the~enclosing~float~environment.}
- This message should probably not be used at all. Except in
- development versions straight off Github, of course.
- {Unimplemented~macro~\token_to_str:N#1!}
- \subsection{Options}
- First, a few booleans used by parts of the option handling code.
- \begin{macro}{\g__skrapport_draft_bool}
- Are we in \opt{draft} mode?
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\g__skrapport_color_bool}
- Are we supposed to be using \opt{color}s?
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\g__skrapport_has_polyglossia_bool}
- Has \pkg{polyglossia} been loaded?
- \end{macro}
- \subsubsection{Option setup macros}
- In this section, all options declared in the previous section are
- implemented using setup macros. Some of these may have to be called
- in an appropriate order, but I haven't checked that yet.
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_paper:n}[1]
- {Paper size (\texttt{a4} or \texttt{a5})}
- \changes{0.12}{Use \pkg{typearea} to set paper size}
- Note the extra integer, which is set up for use with \pkg{grid}.
- \begin{macro*}{\g__skrapport_grid_lines_int}
- \end{macro*}
- \str_case:nnF{#1}{
- The two options simply consist of passing the appropriate option
- to the \pkg{typearea} package. Note that the use of \pkg{typearea}
- mean that we theoretically could accept more paper size options.
- {a4}{
- \PassOptionsToPackage{paper=A4}{typearea}
- \int_gset:Nn\g__skrapport_grid_lines_int{40}
- }
- {a5}{
- \PassOptionsToPackage{paper=A5}{typearea}
- \int_gset:Nn\g__skrapport_grid_lines_int{28}
- }
- }{
- Invalid paper sizes (such calls should never happen) are
- handled by issuing a warning and hoping that the default
- paper size is acceptable.
- \msg_warning:nnn{skrapport}{invalid-paper-size}{#1}
- }
- The \pkg{typearea} package is loaded with the options specified
- earlier through \cs{PassOptionsToPackage}, and some additional ones.
- \AtEndOfClass{\RequirePackage[DIV=calc]{typearea}}
- In case the point size changes later, or two column mode is
- activated, we recalculate the typearea just before the typesetting
- begins.
- \AtBeginDocument{\recalctypearea}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_ptsize:n}[1]
- {Point size (\texttt{10pt}, \texttt{11pt} or \texttt{12pt})}
- The standard point sizes are defined much like in the \pkg{article}
- class, \emph{i.e.} by saving a number and loading \file{size10.clo},
- \file{size11.clo} or \file{size12.clo} as appropriate
- \str_case:nnF{#1}{
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_ptsize_token}
- {10pt}{\int_const:Nn\c__skrapport_ptsize_int{0}}
- {11pt}{\int_const:Nn\c__skrapport_ptsize_int{1}}
- {12pt}{\int_const:Nn\c__skrapport_ptsize_int{2}}
- \end{macro*}
- }{
- Invalid point sizes are critical errors, since we can't recover
- from them in any reasonable way. Loading a default point size is
- unreasonable, since all in-class calls to this macro should know
- what sizes are available, and if you're calling it with invalid
- parameters from elsewhere, you should be punished.
- \msg_critical:nnn{skrapport}{invalid-point-size}{#1}
- }
- \file_input:n{skrapport-size#1.clo}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_twocolumn:}
- \changes{0.12c}{Major changes to the sectioning commands, to
- override what \pkg{grid} is doing}
- Setting up for twocolumn mode is slightly compliacted. Note that this
- macro should be called from \cs{AtEndOfClass} to ensure that we patch
- everything correctly. Note also that \pkg{multicol} is always loaded
- as it is used for the \env{theindex} environment.
- \RequirePackage{etoolbox}
- \AtBeginDocument{
- \KOMAoptions{twocolumn=false,DIV=12}
- }
- We include the \pkg{grid} package in two-column mode, because
- it looks way better that way.
- \int_set:Nn\l_tmpa_int{10+\c__skrapport_ptsize_int}
- \int_set:Nn\l_tmpb_int{12*\l_tmpa_int/10}
- \RequirePackage[fontsize=\l_tmpa_int pt,
- baseline=\l_tmpb_int pt,
- lines=\g__skrapport_grid_lines_int]{grid}
- Now, we patch commands. First up is \env{abstract}. Save the old
- one in case we need it (we do).
- \cs_set_eq:Nc\__skrapport_onecol_abstract:{environment~abstract~code}
- \cs_set_eq:Nc\__skrapport_end_onecol_abstract:{environment~abstract~end~aux~}
- \pretocmd{\__skrapport_onecol_abstract:}{\null}{}{}
- \RenewDocumentEnvironment{abstract}{}{\section*{\abstractname}}{}
- Then \env{document} (kind of, at least) and \cs{maketitle}. Again,
- save the old \cs{maketitle}.
- \AfterEndPreamble{\begin{multicols}{2}}
- \AtEndDocument{\end{multicols}}
- \cs_set_eq:NN\__skrapport_onecol_maketitle:\maketitle
- \pretocmd{\maketitle}{\begin{onecol}}{}{}
- \apptocmd{\maketitle}{\end{onecol}}{}{}
- Next up is \env{titlepage}. This is where we need the saved
- \env{abstract} and \cs{maketitle}.
- \BeforeBeginEnvironment{titlepage}{
- \begin{onecol}
- \cs_set_eq:cN{environment~abstract~code}\__skrapport_onecol_abstract:
- \cs_set_eq:cN{environment~abstract~end~aux~}\__skrapport_end_onecol_abstract:
- \cs_set_eq:NN\maketitle\__skrapport_onecol_maketitle:
- }
- \AfterEndEnvironment{titlepage}{\end{onecol}}
- Always typeset \env{equation} and friends outside the grid:
- \BeforeBeginEnvironment{equation}{\begin{gridenv}}
- \AfterEndEnvironment{equation}{\end{gridenv}}
- \BeforeBeginEnvironment{equation*}{\begin{gridenv}}
- \AfterEndEnvironment{equation*}{\end{gridenv}}
- \BeforeBeginEnvironment{multline}{\begin{gridenv}}
- \AfterEndEnvironment{multline}{\end{gridenv}}
- \BeforeBeginEnvironment{multline*}{\begin{gridenv}}
- \AfterEndEnvironment{multline*}{\end{gridenv}}
- \BeforeBeginEnvironment{gather}{\begin{gridenv}}
- \AfterEndEnvironment{gather}{\end{gridenv}}
- \BeforeBeginEnvironment{gather*}{\begin{gridenv}}
- \AfterEndEnvironment{gather*}{\end{gridenv}}
- \BeforeBeginEnvironment{align}{\begin{gridenv}}
- \AfterEndEnvironment{align}{\end{gridenv}}
- \BeforeBeginEnvironment{align*}{\begin{gridenv}}
- \AfterEndEnvironment{align*}{\end{gridenv}}
- \BeforeBeginEnvironment{flalign}{\begin{gridenv}}
- \AfterEndEnvironment{flalign}{\end{gridenv}}
- \BeforeBeginEnvironment{flalign*}{\begin{gridenv}}
- \AfterEndEnvironment{flalign*}{\end{gridenv}}
- \BeforeBeginEnvironment{alignat}{\begin{gridenv}}
- \AfterEndEnvironment{alignat}{\end{gridenv}}
- \BeforeBeginEnvironment{alignat*}{\begin{gridenv}}
- \AfterEndEnvironment{alignat*}{\end{gridenv}}
- Since \pkg{grid} override the usual sectioning macros, we have to
- provide fixed and improved variants that conform to our style
- and out public API. This is only necessary for
- the \enquote{major} sectioning macros, not \cs*{paragraph} and
- \cs*{subparagraph}.
- \begin{macro*}{\section}
- \skip_gset:Nn\c__skrapport_section_pre_skip{-.999\baselineskip}
- \skip_gset:Nn\c__skrapport_section_post_skip{0.001\baselineskip}
- \dim_gset:Nn \c__skrapport_section_indent_dim{\c_zero_dim}
- \cs_set_protected:Nn\__skrapport_section_style:
- {\normalfont\__skrapport_title_style:}
- \DeclareDocumentCommand\section{som}{
- \__skrapport_generic_section:nnnnn{section}{1}{##1}{##2}{##3}
- }
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\subsection}
- \skip_gset:Nn\c__skrapport_subsection_pre_skip{\baselineskip}
- \skip_gset:Nn\c__skrapport_subsection_post_skip{-.35\baselineskip}
- \dim_gset:Nn \c__skrapport_subsection_indent_dim{\c_zero_dim}
- \cs_set_protected:Nn\__skrapport_subsection_style:
- {\normalfont\__skrapport_title_style:\unskip}
- \DeclareDocumentCommand\subsection{som}{
- \__skrapport_generic_section:nnnnn{subsection}{2}{##1}{##2}{##3}
- }
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\subsubsection}
- \skip_gset:Nn\c__skrapport_subsubsection_pre_skip{\baselineskip}
- \skip_gset:Nn\c__skrapport_subsubsection_post_skip{-.35\baselineskip}
- \dim_gset:Nn \c__skrapport_subsubsection_indent_dim{\c_zero_dim}
- \cs_set_protected:Nn\__skrapport_subsubsection_style:
- {\normalfont\itshape\__skrapport_title_style:\unskip}
- \DeclareDocumentCommand\subsubsection{som}{
- \__skrapport_generic_section:nnnnn{subsubsection}{3}{##1}{##2}{##3}
- }
- \end{macro*}
- We also redefine \cs{l@section} to make the TOC blend in a bit.
- \begin{macro*}{\l@section}
- \DeclareDocumentCommand\l@section{mm}{
- \group_begin:
- \skip_vertical:n{.75ex}
- \__skrapport_title_style:
- \__skrapport_toc_line:nnnnn{1}{0em}{1.3em}{##1}{
- \__skrapport_title_style: ##2
- }
- \group_end:
- }
- \end{macro*}
- The \env{figure} environment is patched\ldots
- \cs_new:Npn\__skrapport_xdblfloat:nn##1##2{\@xdblfloat{##1}[##2]}
- \cs_generate_variant:Nn\__skrapport_xdblfloat:nn{nx}
- \RenewDocumentEnvironment{figure}{o}{
- \begin{gridenv}
- \vspace{\intextsep}
- \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
- \cs_set:Npn\@captype{figure}
- \centering
- }{
- \end{minipage}
- \vspace{\intextsep}
- \end{gridenv}
- }
- \RenewDocumentEnvironment{figure*}{o}{
- \__skrapport_xdblfloat:nx{figure}
- {\IfNoValueTF{##1}{tp}{##1}}
- \dim_set_eq:NN\hsize\textwidth
- \dim_set_eq:NN\linewidth\textwidth
- \centering
- }{
- \end@dblfloat
- }
- \ldots as is \env{table}.
- \RenewDocumentEnvironment{table}{o}{%
- \begin{gridenv}
- \vspace{\intextsep}
- \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
- \cs_set:Npn\@captype{table}
- \cs_set_eq:NN\__skrapport_old_caption:\caption
- \RenewDocumentCommand{\caption}{om}{%
- \skip_set_eq:NN\l_tmpa_skip\abovecaptionskip
- \skip_set_eq:NN\abovecaptionskip\belowcaptionskip
- \skip_set_eq:NN\belowcaptionskip\l_tmpa_skip
- \vspace{\abovecaptionskip}
- \__skrapport_old_caption:[####1]{####2}
- \vspace{\belowcaptionskip}
- }
- \centering
- }{
- \end{minipage}
- \vspace{\intextsep}
- \end{gridenv}
- }
- \RenewDocumentEnvironment{table*}{o}{
- \__skrapport_xdblfloat:nx{table}
- {\IfNoValueTF{##1}{tp}{##1}}
- \dim_set_eq:NN\hsize\textwidth
- \dim_set_eq:NN\linewidth\textwidth
- \centering
- }{
- \end@dblfloat
- }
- \begin{environment}{onecol}
- \changes{0.10}{Fixed, now not completely broken}
- \changes{0.12b}{Reverted to \cs{newenvironment}, because \pkg{xparse} breaks the trickery}
- Finally, we define an environment \env{onecol} that typesets
- arbitrary material in a single column. This is a bit tricky to
- do, and probably cargo-cult as well. We define the start of the
- environment to immediately end itself (with the empty ending),
- then end the \env{multiols} environment, redefine our end macro
- to start \env{multicols} as well as redefining the start of
- \env{onecol} to simply reset itself, then start the environment
- again only to have it ended at once.
- Basically, we trick \LaTeX\ into thinking that we have an empty
- \env{onecol} environment at the end of the first \env{multicols},
- then some content inside a fake \env{onecol}, then an empty
- \env{onecol} at the start of the next \env{multicols}. Voilá, no
- wierd group errors!
- \newenvironment{onecol}{
- \end{onecol}
- \end{multicols}
- \group_begin:
- \cs_set:Npn\endonecol{
- \group_end:
- \begin{multicols}{2}
- \cs_set_eq:NN\__skrapport_old_onecol:\onecol
- \cs_set:Npn\onecol{
- \cs_set_eq:NN\onecol\__skrapport_old_onecol:
- }
- \begin{onecol}
- }
- \cs_set:Npn\onecol{}
- \begin{onecol}
- }{}
- \end{environment}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_leqno:}
- Instead of loading \file{leqno.clo}, we reimplement the (tiny) file
- as LaTeX3 code and include it directly. It's not terribly advanced.
- \RenewDocumentCommand\@eqnnum{}{
- \hbox_to_wd:nn{.01pt}{}
- \hbox_overlap_right:n{
- \normalfont\normalcolor
- \skip_horizontal:n{-\displaywidth}
- (\theequation)
- }
- }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_fleqn:}
- The \file{fleqn.clo} functionality is more complex, so we include
- the file instead of reimplementing.
- \file_input:n{fleqn.clo}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_titles:n}[1]
- {Title style (\texttt{rm}, \texttt{it},
- \texttt{bf} or \texttt{sf})}
- The title styles are implemented by creating a new macro
- \cs{__skrapport_title_style:} which will later be used by
- \cs{section} and friends.
- \str_case:nnF{#1}{
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_title_style:}
- \changes{0.11a}{Removed incorrect \cs{bfseries}, replaced
- \cs{relax} with \cs{rmfamily}}
- \changes{0.12d}{Added \texttt{it} option}
- {rm}{\cs_new_protected:Nn\__skrapport_title_style:{\rmfamily}}
- {it}{\cs_new_protected:Nn\__skrapport_title_style:{\itshape}}
- {bf}{\cs_new_protected:Nn\__skrapport_title_style:{\bfseries}}
- {sf}{\cs_new_protected:Nn\__skrapport_title_style:{\sffamily}}
- \end{macro*}
- The fall-back for incorrect parameters is an informational message
- along with setting up for \cs{rmfamily} titles.
- }{
- \msg_info:nnnn{skrapport}{invalid-titles}{#1}{rm}
- \__skrapport_setup_titles:n{rm}
- }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_lang:n}[1]
- {Language (\texttt{sv}, \texttt{en} or \texttt{de})}
- \changes{0.12d}{Use \pkg{babel} mechanisms for language-dependent
- strings, so they work correctly in \env{otherlanguage}}
- Thus far only two language options are implemented, each of them
- setting the other as the \enquote{other} language. We check if
- \pkg{polyglossia} has been loaded (this is done by
- \cs{__skrapport_setup_xelatex:}): if it has, we use the
- \pkg{polyglossia} interface for setting languages, otherwise we
- load the \pkg{babel} package with appropriate options.
- \str_case:nnF{#1}{
- {sv}{
- \bool_if:NTF\g__skrapport_has_polyglossia_bool{
- \setmainlanguage{swedish}
- \setotherlanguage[variant=british]{english}
- }{
- \RequirePackage[british,swedish]{babel}
- }
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_RFC_language:}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_RFC_language:{swe}
- \end{macro*}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{iso,swedish}{isodate}
- }
- {en}{
- \bool_if:NTF\g__skrapport_has_polyglossia_bool{
- \setmainlanguage[variant=british]{english}
- \setotherlanguage{swedish}
- }{
- \RequirePackage[swedish,british]{babel}
- }
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_RFC_language:}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_RFC_language:{eng}
- \end{macro*}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{iso,british}{isodate}
- }
- {de}{
- \bool_if:NTF\g__skrapport_has_polyglossia_bool{
- \setmainlanguage{ngerman}
- \setotherlanguage[variant=british]{english}
- }{
- \RequirePackage[british,ngerman]{babel}
- }
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_RFC_language:}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_RFC_language:{ger}
- \end{macro*}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{iso,ngerman}{isodate}
- }
- }{
- Fallback prints an informational message and leaves both \pkg{babel}
- and \pkg{polyglossia} unloaded.
- \msg_info:nnn{skrapport}{invalid-lang}{#1}
- }
- After loading \pkg{babel} or \pkg{polyglossia}, we provide
- translation strings. This is done using the \cs*{addto} and
- \cs*{captions<lang>}, which is compatible with both packages.
- \begin{macro*}{\captionsswedish}
- \changes{0.12e}{Don't redefine standard language strings}
- \begin{macro*}{\dateswedish}
- \addto\captionsswedish{
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_and_word:{och}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_Email_word:{E-post}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_Comment_word:{Kommentar}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_eg_word:{t.ex.}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_ie_word:{dvs.}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_etc_word:{\emph{etc.}}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_cf_word:{jfr.}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_viz_word:{dvs.}
- }
- \cs_gset:Npn\dateswedish{
- \cs_gset:Npn\today
- {\int_use:N\year--\int_use:N\month--\int_use:N\day}
- }
- \end{macro*}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\captionsbritish}
- \changes{0.12e}{Don't redefine standard language strings}
- \begin{macro*}{\datebritish}
- \addto\captionsbritish{
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_and_word:{and}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_Email_word:{Email}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_Comment_word:{Comment}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_eg_word:{\emph{e.g.}}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_ie_word:{\emph{i.e.}}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_etc_word:{\emph{etc.}}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_cf_word:{\emph{cf.}}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_viz_word:{\emph{viz.}}
- }
- \cs_gset:Npn\datebritish{
- \cs_gset:Npn\today
- {\int_use:N\year--\int_use:N\month--\int_use:N\day}
- }
- \end{macro*}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\captionsngerman}
- \changes{0.12e}{Don't redefine standard language strings}
- \begin{macro*}{\datengerman}
- \addto\captionsngerman{
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_and_word:{und}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_Email_word:{E-Mail}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_Comment_word:{Kommentar}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_eg_word:{z.~B.}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_ie_word:{d.~h.}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_etc_word:{usw.}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_cf_word:{vgl.}
- \cs_gset:Nn\__skrapport_viz_word:{\emph{viz.}}
- }
- \cs_gset:Npn\datengerman{
- \cs_gset:Npn\today
- {\int_use:N\day.\,\int_use:N\month.\,\int_use:N\year}
- }
- \end{macro*}
- \end{macro*}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_font:n}[1]
- {Font (\texttt{none}, \texttt{kpfonts}, \texttt{lmodern},
- \texttt{palatino}, \texttt{minion} or \texttt{skdoc})}
- \changes{0.12a}{Drop the post-\pkg{amsmath} hook entirely.
- Load \pkg{fontspec} in \texttt{word} and
- \texttt{none}}
- We set up the somewhat involved font stack.
- \PassOptionsToPackage{intlimits}{amsmath}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{full}{textcomp}
- \str_case:nnF{#1}{
- The \texttt{none} font stack is special. If we're using
- \hologo{XeTeX} or \hologo{LuaTeX}, we load the \pkg{fontspec}
- package. Otherwise, we do nothing.
- {none}{
- \bool_if:nT{\sys_if_engine_luatex_p: || \sys_if_engine_xetex_p:}{
- \RequirePackage[quiet]{fontspec}
- }
- }
- The \texttt{kpfonts} font stack simply loads \pkg{kpfonts}...
- {kpfonts}{
- \RequirePackage[easyscsl,intlimits,sumlimits]{kpfonts}
- }
- ...and the \texttt{lmodern} font stack loads \pkg{lmodern}.
- {lmodern}{
- \RequirePackage{lmodern}
- }
- The \texttt{palatino} font stack loads \pkg{tgpagella} if available,
- but falls back to \pkg{mathpazo} otherwise.
- {palatino}{
- \file_if_exist:nTF{tgpagella.sty}{
- \RequirePackage{arev}
- \RequirePackage{pxfonts}
- \RequirePackage{tgpagella}
- }{
- \RequirePackage[osf]{mathpazo}
- }
- }
- Minion Pro, provided by the \texttt{minion} font stack, loads both
- \pkg{minionpro} (the font) and \pkg{MnSymbol} (appropriate math
- symbols).
- {minion}{
- \AtEndOfClass{
- \cs_set_eq:NN\__skrapport_old_vec:\vec
- \cs_undefine:N\vec
- \RequirePackage{MyriadPro}
- \RequirePackage{MinionPro}
- \RequirePackage{MnSymbol}
- \cs_set_eq:NN\vec\__skrapport_old_vec:
- }
- }
- Finally, the \texttt{skdoc} font stack loads \pkg{PTSerif} and
- \pkg{opensans}, inspired by the style of the \pkg{skdoc} class.
- {skdoc}{
- \RequirePackage{PTSerif}
- \RequirePackage[defaultsans,osfigures,scale=0.95]{opensans}
- }
- The \texttt{word} font stack mimics recent versions of Microsoft
- Word, using Cambria, Consolas and Calibri. This requires a modern
- engine that supports \pkg{fontspec}.
- {word}{
- \bool_if:nF{\sys_if_engine_luatex_p: || \sys_if_engine_xetex_p:}{
- \msg_fatal:nnn{skrapport}{font-requires-xetex}{word}
- }
- \RequirePackage[quiet]{fontspec}
- \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Cambria}
- \setsansfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Calibri}
- \setmonofont[Scale=0.95]{Consolas}
- \apptocmd{\__skrapport_after_ams_hook:}{
- \setmathfont{Cambria Math}
- }{}{}
- }
- }{
- As a fallback, we print a waning and load no font packages.
- \msg_warning:nnn{skrapport}{invalid-font}{#1}
- }
- \str_if_eq:nnF{#1}{none}{
- All font stacks except \texttt{none} and \texttt{kpfonts} require
- additional packages. Or, rather, \texttt{none} can't load these
- packages by definition, and \texttt{kpfonts} already loads them
- internally \footcite[p.~1]{kpfonts}. They are always useful.
- We also load \pkg{sourcecodepro} as our monospace font.
- But we don't load it when using the \texttt{none} font stack.
- \str_if_eq:nnF{#1}{kpfonts}{
- \str_if_eq:nnF{#1}{word}{
- \RequirePackage{sourcecodepro}
- }
- \AtEndOfClass{
- \RequirePackage{amsmath}
- The \pkg{mnsymbol} package is incompatible with \pkg{amssymb}.
- \str_if_eq:nnF{#1}{minion}{
- \RequirePackage{amssymb}
- }
- \RequirePackage{textcomp}
- }
- }
- }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_parskip:}
- \changes{0.12a}{Fixed bug where font size reset the \cs{parindent}}
- This part mixes \LaTeXe\ and \LaTeX3, which may not be a good thing.
- On the other hand, it seems hard to avoid. Most of the code is
- half-lifted from \pkg{parskip} and converted to \LaTeX3.
- \AtEndOfClass{
- \skip_gset:Nn\parskip{0.5\baselineskip~plus~2pt}
- \dim_gzero:N\parindent
- \skip_gset:Nn\parfillskip{30pt~plus~1fil}
- \begin{macro*}{\@listI}
- \begin{macro*}{\@listi}
- \cs_gset:Npn\@listI{
- \dim_set_eq:NN\leftmargin\leftmargini
- \dim_set_eq:NN\parsep\parskip
- \dim_zero:N\topsep
- \dim_zero:N\itemsep
- }
- \cs_gset_eq:NN\@listi\@listI
- \end{macro*}
- \end{macro*}
- \dim_gset_eq:NN\leftmargin\leftmargini
- \dim_gset_eq:NN\parsep\parskip
- \dim_gzero:N\topsep
- \dim_gzero:N\itemsep
- \begin{macro*}{\@listii}
- \cs_gset:Npn\@listii{
- \dim_set_eq:NN\leftmargin\leftmarginii
- \dim_set_eq:NN\labelwidth\leftmarginii
- \dim_set_eq:NN\parsep\parskip
- \dim_sub:Nn\labelwidth{-\labelsep}
- \dim_zero:N\topsep
- \dim_zero:N\itemsep
- }
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\@listiii}
- \cs_gset:Npn\@listiii{
- \dim_set_eq:NN\leftmargin\leftmarginiii
- \dim_set_eq:NN\labelwidth\leftmarginiii
- \dim_set_eq:NN\parsep\parskip
- \dim_sub:Nn\labelwidth{-\labelsep}
- \dim_zero:N\topsep
- \dim_zero:N\itemsep
- }
- \end{macro*}
- \dim_gzero:N\partopsep
- \begin{macro*}{\@starttoc}[1]
- {Table of contents extension}
- \changes{0.12h}{Replaced use of deprecated \cs{c_job_name_tl}
- with \cs{c_sys_jobname_str}}
- \RenewDocumentCommand\@starttoc{m}{
- \group_begin:
- \dim_zero:N\parskip
- \file_if_exist:nT{\c_sys_jobname_str.##1}{
- \file_input:n{\c_sys_jobname_str.##1}
- }
- \if@filesw
- \iow_new:c{tf@##1}
- \iow_open:cn{tf@##1}{\c_sys_jobname_str.##1}
- \fi
- \@nobreakfalse
- \group_end:
- }
- \end{macro*}
- }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_math:}
- This is the simplest option, only loading \pkg{skmath} if it exists.
- Also the post-skmath hook is run.
- \file_if_exist:nT{skmath.sty}{\RequirePackage{skmath}}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_draft:}
- Setting up the \opt{draft} mode is also fairly easy, as we only need
- wider (wider than \SI{0}{\point}, that is) \cs{overfullrule}s.
- \bool_if:NTF\g__skrapport_draft_bool{
- \dim_gset:Nn\overfullrule{5pt}
- }{
- \msg_log:nnn{skrapport}{noop-call}{\__skrapport_setup_draft:}
- \prg_do_nothing:
- }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_color:}
- Setting up colors is also fairly easy, as we only have to load the
- \pkg{xcolor} package. All the other color-related code is in other
- places, utilizing the \cs{g__skdoc_color_bool} boolean.
- \bool_if:NTF\g__skrapport_color_bool{
- \RequirePackage{xcolor}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{
- labelfont+={bf,color=skrapport@captioncolor}
- }{caption}
- }{
- \msg_log:nnn{skrapport}{noop-call}{\__skrapport_setup_color:}
- \prg_do_nothing:
- }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_color:n}
- We may also set up a specific color theme using options. This is
- easily done by first calling \cs{__skrapport_setup_color:}, then
- calling \cs{colortheme} at \cs{BeginDocument}.
- \__skrapport_setup_color:
- \bool_if:NTF\g__skrapport_color_bool{
- \AtBeginDocument{\colortheme{#1}}
- }{
- \msg_log:nnn{skrapport}{noop-call}{\__skrapport_setup_color:n}
- \prg_do_nothing:
- }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_xelatex:}
- \changes{0.12a}{Don't load \pkg{polyglossia} for \hologo{LuaTeX}.
- Don't load \pkg{fontspec} for any engine}
- \changes{0.12d}{Force \texttt{quiet} option for \pkg{fontspec}}
- This macro contains special setup code for the \hologo{XeTeX} and
- \hologo{LuaTeX} engines, such as providing
- missing commands (which have been replaced by equivalent Unicode
- characters, apparently) and loading \pkg{polyglossia}.
- \AtEndOfClass{
- \cs_undefine:N\dblcolon
- \cs_undefine:N\coloneqq
- \cs_undefine:N\Coloneqq
- \cs_undefine:N\eqqcolon
- \RequirePackage{unicode-math}
- \unimathsetup {
- math-style = ISO,
- bold-style = ISO,
- sans-style = italic,
- nabla = upright,
- partial = italic,
- vargreek-shape = unicode
- }
- }
- \begin{macro}{\nobreakspace}
- \DeclareDocumentCommand\nobreakspace{}{\leavevmode\nobreak\space}
- \end{macro}
- Since apparently \hologo{LuaLaTeX} isn't supported by
- \pkg{polyglossia}, we fall back to \pkg{babel} in that engine.
- Thus, only load \pkg{polyglossia} for \hologo{XeLaTeX}.
- \sys_if_engine_xetex:TF{
- \PassOptionsToPackage{quiet}{fontspec}
- \RequirePackage{polyglossia}
- \bool_gset_true:N\g__skrapport_has_polyglossia_bool
- }{
- \bool_gset_false:N\g__skrapport_has_polyglossia_bool
- }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_pdftex:}
- \changes{0.12d}{Load \pkg{isomath}}
- This macro contains special setup code for the \hologo{pdfTeX}
- engine. Currently, it only sets the font encoding to T1.
- \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}
- \AtEndOfClass{
- \RequirePackage{isomath}
- }
- \bool_gset_false:N\g__skrapport_has_polyglossia_bool
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_engine_specific:}
- This macro detects the current engine and calls the appropriate
- engine setup macro.
- \bool_if:nTF{\sys_if_engine_luatex_p: || \sys_if_engine_xetex_p:}{
- \__skrapport_setup_xelatex:
- }{
- \__skrapport_setup_pdftex:
- }
- \end{macro}
- \paragraph{Variants with expandable arguments}
- Some option setup macros accept arguments, but those arguments are
- not expanded. Here, we provide variants which expand the parameters
- properly using the excellent \pkg{l3prg} functionality.
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_ptsize:x}
-\cs_generate_variant:Nn\__skrapport_setup_ptsize:n{ x }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_titles:x}
-\cs_generate_variant:Nn\__skrapport_setup_titles:n{ x }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_lang:x}
-\cs_generate_variant:Nn\__skrapport_setup_lang:n{ x }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_font:x}
-\cs_generate_variant:Nn\__skrapport_setup_font:n{ x }
- \end{macro}
- \subsubsection{Key-value system}
- Let's define some \pkg{l3keys} corresponding to the options. Note
- that most of them just refer to a macro in their \texttt{.code:n}
- block --- these macros were defined earlier.
- \begin{option}{paper}{a4paper, a5paper, a4, a5}
- \changes{0.12}{Values \texttt{a4paper} and \texttt{a5paper} are
- now deprecated}
- \begin{option}{a4paper}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- \begin{option}{a5paper}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- Declare the paper size options. Note that having to handle the
- deprecated \texttt{a4paper} and \texttt{a5paper} values of the
- \opt{paper} option makes the code less readable. In a few
- versions, when these options are removed, the code should probably
- be refactored to look something like the \opt{ptsize} option below.
- paper .choice:,
- paper / a4 .code:n =
- {\__skrapport_setup_paper:n{a4}},
- paper / a5 .code:n =
- {\__skrapport_setup_paper:n{a5}},
- paper / a4paper .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {paper=a4paper}{paper=a4}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{paper=a4}},
- paper / a5paper .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {paper=a5paper}{paper=a5}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{paper=a4}},
- paper .value_required:n = true,
- a4paper .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {a4paper}{paper=a4}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{paper=a4}},
- a5paper .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {a5paper}{paper=a5}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{paper=a5}},
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \begin{option}{ptsize}{10pt, 11pt, 12pt}
- \begin{option}{10pt}
- \begin{option}{11pt}
- \begin{option}{12pt}
- Declare point size options. Note that we don't deprecate the
- non-\opt{ptsize} aliases as they are much easier to type.
- ptsize .choices:nn =
- { 10pt, 11pt, 12pt }
- {\__skrapport_setup_ptsize:x{\tl_use:N\l_keys_choice_tl}},
- ptsize .value_required:n = true,
- 10pt .meta:n = {ptsize=10pt},
- 11pt .meta:n = {ptsize=11pt},
- 12pt .meta:n = {ptsize=12pt},
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \begin{option}{twocolumn}
- \changes{0.08}{Added option \opt{twocolumn}}
- \changes{0.12a}{Use \cs{AtEndOfClass} instead of \cs{AtEndClass}}
- Declare column options. The code here should be run through
- \cs{AtEndOfClass} so that the setup code can patch everythin
- properly.
- \begin{option}{onecolumn}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- The \opt{onecolumn} option has no effect and is deprecated.
- twocolumn .code:n =
- {\AtEndOfClass{\__skrapport_setup_twocolumn:}},
- onecolumn .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnn{skrapport}{option-no-effect}{onecolumn}},
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \begin{option}{draft}{true, false}
- \begin{option}{final}
- Declare \opt{draft} and \opt{final} options. Note that even if the
- \opt{final} option does absolutely nothing, users may expect it to
- be there and as such it is not deprecated.
- draft .choice:,
- draft / true .code:n =
- {\bool_gset_true:N\g__skrapport_draft_bool
- \__skrapport_setup_draft:},
- draft / false .code:n =
- {\bool_gset_false:N\g__skrapport_draft_bool},
- draft .default:n = true,
- final .code:n = {\prg_do_nothing:},
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- Declare the \opt{fleqn} and \opt{leqno} options, mainly for
- compatibility with the \pkg{article} class.
- \begin{option}{leqno}
- leqno .code:n =
- {\__skrapport_setup_leqno:},
- \end{option}
- \begin{option}{fleqn}
- fleqn .code:n =
- {\__skrapport_setup_fleqn:},
- \end{option}
- \begin{option}{titles}{rm, it, bf, sf}
- Declare options for section titles. The old \opt*{??titles} aliases
- are deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- \begin{option}{rmtitles}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- \begin{option}{bftitles}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- \begin{option}{sftitles}
- \changes{0.09}{Added \opt{sftitles} option}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- titles .choices:nn =
- { rm, it, bf, sf }
- {\__skrapport_setup_titles:x{\tl_use:N\l_keys_choice_tl}},
- titles .value_required:n = true,
- rmtitles .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {rmtitles}{titles=rm}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{titles=rm}},
- bftitles .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {bftitles}{titles=bf}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{titles=bf}},
- sftitles .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {sftitles}{titles=sf}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{titles=sf}},
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \begin{option}{hanging-titles}{true, false}
- \changes{0.12d}{Added option to enable \enquote{hanging} titles}
- hanging-titles .bool_gset:N = \g__skrapport_hanging_titles_bool,
- hanging-titles .default:n = true,
- hanging-titles .initial:n = false,
- \end{option}
- \begin{option}{lang}{sv, en, de}
- \changes{0.12c}{Added option value \texttt{de}}
- \changes{0.12}{Incompatible change: values \texttt{swe} and
- \texttt{eng} are now \texttt{sv} and \texttt{en},
- respectively}
- \begin{option}{swe}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- \begin{option}{eng}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- Declare options for swedish/english \pkg{babel} or
- \pkg{polyglossia} support. Again, the old \opt{swe} and \opt{eng}
- aliases are deprecated and will be removed.
- lang .choices:nn =
- { sv, en, de }
- {\__skrapport_setup_lang:x{\tl_use:N\l_keys_choice_tl}},
- lang .value_required:n = true,
- swe .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {swe}{lang=sv}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{lang=sv}},
- eng .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {eng}{lang=en}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{lang=en}},
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \begin{option}{font}{none, kpfonts, lmodern, palatino, minion, skdoc}
- Declare font options. Again, aliases are deprecated.
- \begin{option}{kpfonts}
- \changes{0.07}{Added option \opt{kpfonts}, set as default
- option for fonts}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- \begin{option}{lmodern}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- \begin{option}{palatino}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- \begin{option}{minion}
- \changes{0.11}{Added option \opt{minion}}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- \begin{option}{skdoc}
- \changes{0.11a}{Added option \opt{skdoc}}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- \begin{option}{nofont}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- font .choices:nn =
- { none, kpfonts, lmodern, palatino, minion, skdoc, word }
- {\__skrapport_setup_font:x{\tl_use:N\l_keys_choice_tl}},
- font .value_required:n = true,
- nofont .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {nofont}{font=none}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{font=none}},
- kpfonts .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {kpfonts}{font=kpfonts}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{font=kpfonts}},
- lmodern .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {lmodern}{font=lmodern}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{font=lmodern}},
- palatino .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {palatino}{font=palatino}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{font=palatino}},
- minion .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {minion}{font=minion}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{font=minion}},
- skdoc .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{option-deprecated}
- {skdoc}{font=skdoc}
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{font=skdoc}},
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \begin{option}{indent}{true, false}
- \changes{0.02}{Added option of indented paragraphs}
- \begin{option}{noindent}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- Declare indentation options. Since the \opt{noindent} option
- technically has no effect and is an alias of \opt{indent=false},
- it has been deprecated.
- indent .choice:,
- indent / true .code:n = {\prg_do_nothing:},
- indent / false .code:n = {\__skrapport_setup_parskip:},
- indent .default:n = true,
- noindent .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnn{skrapport}{option-no-effect}{noindent}},
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \begin{option}{color}{true, false}
- \changes{0.09}{Added \opt{color} option}
- \changes{0.12}{Converted to a key-value option which will load
- the specified color theme.}
- \begin{option}{nocolor}
- Declare color options. Note that we explicitly set the boolean
- \cs{g__skrapport_color_bool} as well as setting up the colors
- through \cs{__skrapport_setup_color:n}, so that we can keep track
- of the color usage even after the options have been set up.
- color .code:n =
- {\str_if_eq:nnTF{#1}{false}
- {\bool_gset_false:N\g__skrapport_color_bool}
- {\bool_gset_true:N\g__skrapport_color_bool
- \str_if_eq:nnTF{#1}{true}
- {\__skrapport_setup_color:n{default}}
- {\__skrapport_setup_color:n{#1}}}},
- color .default:n = true,
- nocolor .meta:n = {color=false},
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- \begin{option}{nomath}{true, false}
- \begin{option}{math}
- \changes{0.12}{Option is now deprecated}
- Declare math options. As with the \opt{noindent} option, \opt{math}
- has been deprecated since it is an alias and has no effect.
- nomath .choice:,
- nomath / false .code:n = {\__skrapport_setup_math:},
- nomath / true .code:n = {\prg_do_nothing:},
- nomath .default:n = true,
- math .code:n =
- {\msg_warning:nnn{skrapport}{option-no-effect}{math}},
- \end{option}
- \end{option}
- That's it, we're done setting up the \pkg{l3keys} for the options.
- We will now define a \enquote{defaults} key-value system because
- \texttt{.initial:n} doesn't work they way we want it to. This
- key-value system will be used to set flags with which we will
- determine wether to set certain default options.
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_setup_defaults:}
- \changes{0.12a}{\texttt{word} font stack is now the default font stack when using \hologo{XeLaTeX}}
- \bool_new:N\l__skrapport_has_option_indent_bool
- \bool_new:N\l__skrapport_has_option_nomath_bool
- \bool_new:N\l__skrapport_has_option_color_bool
- \bool_new:N\l__skrapport_has_option_font_bool
- \bool_new:N\l__skrapport_has_option_lang_bool
- \bool_new:N\l__skrapport_has_option_titles_bool
- \bool_new:N\l__skrapport_has_option_draft_bool
- \bool_new:N\l__skrapport_has_option_ptsize_bool
- \bool_new:N\l__skrapport_has_option_paper_bool
- \keys_define:nn{skrapport-default}{
- indent .code:n =
- {\bool_set_true:N\l__skrapport_has_option_indent_bool},
- nomath .code:n =
- {\bool_set_true:N\l__skrapport_has_option_nomath_bool},
- color .code:n =
- {\bool_set_true:N\l__skrapport_has_option_color_bool},
- font .code:n =
- {\bool_set_true:N\l__skrapport_has_option_font_bool},
- lang .code:n =
- {\bool_set_true:N\l__skrapport_has_option_lang_bool},
- titles .code:n =
- {\bool_set_true:N\l__skrapport_has_option_titles_bool},
- draft .code:n =
- {\bool_set_true:N\l__skrapport_has_option_draft_bool},
- ptsize .code:n =
- {\bool_set_true:N\l__skrapport_has_option_ptsize_bool},
- paper .code:n =
- {\bool_set_true:N\l__skrapport_has_option_paper_bool},
- The following keys correspond to deprecated options. They should
- be removed when the corresponding options are removed.
- nofont .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{font}},
- kpfonts .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{font}},
- lmodern .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{font}},
- palatino .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{font}},
- minion .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{font}},
- skdoc .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{font}},
- swe .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{lang}},
- eng .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{lang}},
- rmtitles .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{titles}},
- bftitles .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{titles}},
- sftitles .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{titles}},
- 10pt .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{ptsize}},
- 11pt .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{ptsize}},
- 12pt .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{ptsize}},
- a4paper .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{paper}},
- a5paper .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{skrapport-default}{paper}},
- }
- \ProcessKeysOptions{skrapport-default}
- \bool_if:NF\l__skrapport_has_option_indent_bool{
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{indent=false}
- }
- \bool_if:NF\l__skrapport_has_option_nomath_bool{
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{nomath=false}
- }
- \bool_if:NF\l__skrapport_has_option_color_bool{
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{color=true}
- }
- \bool_if:NF\l__skrapport_has_option_font_bool{
- \sys_if_engine_xetex:TF{
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{font=word}
- }{
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{font=kpfonts}
- }
- }
- \bool_if:NF\l__skrapport_has_option_lang_bool{
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{lang=sv}
- }
- \bool_if:NF\l__skrapport_has_option_titles_bool{
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{titles=bf}
- }
- \bool_if:NF\l__skrapport_has_option_draft_bool{
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{draft=false}
- }
- \bool_if:NF\l__skrapport_has_option_ptsize_bool{
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{ptsize=11pt}
- }
- \bool_if:NF\l__skrapport_has_option_paper_bool{
- \keys_set:nn{skrapport}{paper=a4}
- }
- \end{macro}
- Finally, we process the class options using the keys defined earlier.
- We also run the engine-specific code implemented above, and the fake
- key system used to define defaults.
- Note that we save and restore \cs{@classoptionslist} around the
- engine-specific setup. This is because we might load \pkg{xkeyval},
- which apparently removes all key-value options from the list when
- loaded (and this is really bad for us).
- \subsection{Required packages}
- We also include some essential packages per default. The
- \pkg{calc} package, for instance, is essential in later
- definitions.
- At the end of the class definition we load a very
- useful package that improves typesetting: \pkg{microtype}.
- Also set \cs{frenchspacing}.
- \RequirePackage{microtype}
- \frenchspacing
- When the document starts, we set the URL style if the user has
- loaded the \pkg{url} package.
- \cs_if_exist:NT\urlstyle{\urlstyle{same}}
- \subsection{Utilities}
- We define useful \LaTeX3 replacements of \LaTeXe\ stuff that
- hasn't made its way into \pkg{interface3}. This includes
- a \cs{settowidth} clone and possibly more stuff later.
- \begin{macro}{\dim_set_to_wd:Nn}
- \hbox_set:Nn\l_tmpa_box{#2}
- \dim_set:Nn#1{\box_wd:N\l_tmpa_box}
- \box_clear:N\l_tmpa_box
- \end{macro}
- \subsection{Hidden things}
- Set some default measurements (should probably be replaced with
- simply loading \pkg{typearea}).
- \begin{macro}{\baselinestretch}
- Note that we can't use \cs{RenewDocumentCommand} as that yields an
- infinite loop before or at \env{document}.
- \end{macro}
- \subsubsection{Penalties}
-\int_gset:Nn\@lowpenalty {51}
-\int_gset:Nn\@medpenalty {151}
- \begin{macro}{\topfraction}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\bottomfraction}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\textfraction}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\floatpagefraction}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\dbltopfraction}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\dblfloatpagefraction}
- \end{macro}
- \subsection{User-level commands and environments}
- \subsubsection{The front page}
- \begin{macro}{\title}[1]
- {Title of the document}
- \begin{macro*}{\g__skrapport_title_tl}
- \end{macro*}
- \tl_gset:Nn\g__skrapport_title_tl{#1}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\date}[1]
- {Date in ISO8601 format}
- The \cs{date} macro sets the current date of the document. It only
- accepts dates accepted by \pkg{isodate} (or the special value
- \enquote{\texttt{today}}). Dates are always printed using the
- current format as specified by the \pkg{isodate} package. The default
- value of the date (if \cs{date} isn't used) is \cs{today}.
- \begin{macro*}{\g__skrapport_title_tl}
- \end{macro*}
- \str_if_eq:nnTF{#1}{today}{
- \tl_gset:Nn\g__skrapport_date_tl{\today}
- }{
- \if_meaning:w \today #1
- \tl_gset:Nn\g__skrapport_date_tl{\today}
- \else:
- \tl_gset:Nn\g__skrapport_date_tl{\printdate{#1}}
- \fi:
- }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\author}[2]
- {Optional email address}
- {Author name}
- \changes{0.10b}{Improved \cs{author} macro}
- \changes{0.12}{Use comma-separated lists instead of token list}
- The \cs{author} macro is redefined to accept an optional argument
- and to be used multiple times.
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_email:n}[1]
- {Email address}
- \changes{0.12a}{Store \cs{textemdash} instead of \cs{NoValue}}
- The \cs{skrapport@email} helper macro typesets an email address
- using \pkg{hyperref} if that package is used. This is suboptimal,
- the macro behaves differently with respect to special characters
- depending on wether \pkg{hyperref} is loaded or not.
- \texttt{#1}
- \cs_if_exist:NT\href{
- \cs_gset_nopar:Npn\__skrapport_email:n#1{
- \href{mailto:#1}{\nolinkurl{#1}}
- }
- }
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\g__skrapport_author_clist}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\g__skrapport_email_clist}
- \end{macro*}
- \clist_gput_right:Nn\g__skrapport_author_clist{#2}
- \clist_gput_right:Nn\g__skrapport_email_clist
- {\IfNoValueTF{#1}{\textemdash}{#1}}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_author_list:}
- \changes{0.12a}{Use \cs{clist_use:Nnnn}}
- This macro lists all the authors in the comma-separated list
- \cs{g__skrapport_author_clist}, separating them with a comma
- or the word \enquote{and} (in the appropriate language).
- \clist_use:Nnnn\g__skrapport_author_clist
- {~\__skrapport_and_word:{}~}{,~}{~\__skrapport_and_word:{}~}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_email_list:}
- \changes{0.12a}{Use \cs{clist_use:Nnnn}}
- This macro lists the email addresses in the comma-separated list
- \cs{g__skrapport_email_clist} by applying \cs{__skrapport_email:}
- if appropriate (or printing an em-dash if no value exists) and
- separating them with commas.
- \int_compare:nT{\clist_count:N\g__skrapport_author_clist>\c_zero}{
- \clist_use:Nnnn\g__skrapport_email_clist{\\}{\\}{\\}
- }
- \end{macro}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\regarding}[1]
- {Text snippet}
- This macro defines a variable used by \cs{maketitle} to insert a
- simple text into the header on the title page.
- \begin{macro*}{\g__skrapport_regarding_tl}
- \tl_gset:Nn\g__skrapport_regarding_tl{#1}
- \end{macro*}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\license}[1]
- {Short license description}
- \changes{0.07}{Added command \cs{license}}
- This macro defines a variable used by \cs{maketitle} to insert a
- license into the footer on the titlepage.
- \begin{macro*}{\g__skrapport_copyright_unprinted_bool}
- \bool_if:NT\g__skrapport_copyright_unprinted_bool
- {\msg_warning:nn{skrapport}{license-not-printed}}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\g__skrapport_copyright_tl}
- \tl_gset:Nn\g__skrapport_copyright_tl{#1}
- \bool_gset_true:N\g__skrapport_copyright_unprinted_bool
- \end{macro*}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\maketitle}[1]
- {Optional key-value list}
- \changes{0.12a}{Added optional key-value argument and PDFinfo}
- The standard \cs{maketitle} command as taken from the \pkg{article}
- class but with some basic restyling.
- hide .clist_set:N = \l__skrapport_maketitle_hide_clist,
- hide .value_required:n = true,
- nopdfinfo .bool_set_inverse:N = \l__skrapport_maketitle_pdfinfo_bool,
- nopdfinfo .default:n = true,
- nopdfinfo .initial:n = false
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_smallprint_style:}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_abstract_style:}
- {\__skrapport_title_style:}
- \end{macro*}
- \clist_clear:N\l__skrapport_maketitle_hide_clist
- \IfNoValueF{#1}{\keys_set:nn{skrapport/maketitle}{#1}}
- \bool_if:NT\l__skrapport_maketitle_pdfinfo_bool{
- \exp_args:NNx\cs_if_exist_use:NT\hypersetup{{
- pdfinfo={
- Title={\tl_use:N\g__skrapport_title_tl},
- Subject={\tl_use:N\g__skrapport_regarding_tl},
- Author={
- \clist_use:Nnnn\g__skrapport_author_clist{,~}{,~}{,~}
- },
- Lang={\__skrapport_RFC_language:}
- }
- }}
- }
- \par
- \group_begin:
- \RenewDocumentCommand\thefootnote{}{
- \fnsymbol{footnote}
- }
- \RenewDocumentCommand\@makefnmark{}{
- \hbox_overlap_right:n{
- \@textsuperscript{\normalfont\@thefnmark}
- }
- }
- \RenewDocumentCommand\@makefntext{+m}{
- \dim_set:Nn\parindent{1em}\noindent
- \hbox_to_wd:nn{1.8em}{
- \hss\@textsuperscript{\normalfont\@thefnmark}
- }
- ##1
- }
- \newpage
- \int_gzero:N\@topnum
- \__skrapport_maketitle:
- \thispagestyle{plain}
- \group_end:
- \setcounter{footnote}{0}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_maketitle:}
- \newpage
- \hbox:n{}
- \begin{flushleft}
- \vspace{-\headsep}
- \clist_if_in:NnF\l__skrapport_maketitle_hide_clist{regarding}{
- \small\__skrapport_smallprint_style:
- \tl_use:N\g__skrapport_regarding_tl
- \clist_if_in:NnF\l__skrapport_maketitle_hide_clist{date}{
- \tl_if_empty:NF\g__skrapport_regarding_tl{,~}
- }
- }
- \clist_if_in:NnF\l__skrapport_maketitle_hide_clist{date}{
- \tl_use:N\g__skrapport_date_tl
- }
- \clist_if_in:NnTF\l__skrapport_maketitle_hide_clist{regarding}{
- \clist_if_in:NnTF\l__skrapport_maketitle_hide_clist{date}
- {}{\par}
- }{\par}
- \vspace{1.5cm}
- {
- \Huge\__skrapport_title_style:
- \tl_use:N\g__skrapport_title_tl
- \par
- }
- \vspace{.125cm}
- {
- \Large\__skrapport_title_style:
- \__skrapport_author_list:
- }
- \vspace{.75cm}
- \end{flushleft}
- \par
- \clist_if_in:NnF\l__skrapport_maketitle_hide_clist{email}{
- \dim_set_to_abstract_or_email_wd:N\l_tmpa_dim
- \bool_gset_false:N\g__skrapport_abstract_used
- \dim_set:Nn\l_tmpb_dim
- {\textwidth-\l_tmpa_dim-\c__skrapport_abstract_separator_dim}
- \begin{minipage}[t]{\l_tmpa_dim}
- \begin{flushright}
- \leavevmode\__skrapport_abstract_style:
- \__skrapport_Email_word:
- \end{flushright}
- \end{minipage}
- \hspace{\c__skrapport_abstract_separator_dim}
- \begin{minipage}[t]{\l_tmpb_dim}
- \__skrapport_email_list:
- \end{minipage}
- \par
- }
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\g__skrapport_abstract_used}
- This boolean keeps track of wether the \env{abstract} environment has
- been used, and is set accordingly in the main auxillary file.
- \iow_shipout:Nx\@mainaux{ % !!!
- \exp_not:N\ExplSyntaxOn
- \bool_if:NTF\g__skrapport_abstract_used
- {\exp_not:n{\bool_gset_true:N\g__skrapport_abstract_used}}
- {\exp_not:n{\bool_gset_false:N\g__skrapport_abstract_used}}
- \exp_not:N\ExplSyntaxOff
- }
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\dim_set_to_abstract_or_email_wd:N}[1]
- {Dimension register}
- \changes{0.12a}{Set abstract style before word to fix incorrect width}
- This macro sets a dimension to either the width of the email word
- or the width of the abstract word depending on the state of
- \cs{g__skrapport_abstract_used}.
- \dim_set_to_wd:Nn\l_tmpa_dim
- {\__skrapport_abstract_style:\abstractname}
- \dim_set_to_wd:Nn\l_tmpb_dim
- {\__skrapport_abstract_style:\__skrapport_Email_word:}
- \bool_if:NTF\g__skrapport_abstract_used
- {\dim_set:Nn#1{\dim_max:nn{\l_tmpa_dim}{\l_tmpb_dim}}}
- {\dim_set_eq:NN#1\l_tmpb_dim}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{environment}{abstract}
- Standard restyled \env{abstract} environment from the
- \pkg{article} class.
- \bool_gset_true:N\g__skrapport_abstract_used
- \dim_set_to_abstract_or_email_wd:N\l_tmpa_dim
- \dim_set:Nn\l_tmpb_dim
- {\textwidth-\l_tmpa_dim-\c__skrapport_abstract_separator_dim}
- \begin{minipage}[t]{\l_tmpa_dim}
- \begin{flushright}
- \leavevmode\__skrapport_abstract_style:
- \abstractname
- \end{flushright}
- \end{minipage}
- \hspace{\c__skrapport_abstract_separator_dim}
- \begin{minipage}[t]{\l_tmpb_dim}
- \end{minipage}
- \end{environment}
- \begin{environment}{titlepage}
- Titlepage environment.
- \begin{macro}{\ps@skrapport@titlepage}
- \cs_set:Npn\@oddhead{}
- \cs_set:Npn\@evenhead{}
- \cs_set:Npn\@oddfoot{
- \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
- \raggedleft\small\par
- \__skrapport_smallprint_style:
- \tl_use:N\g__skrapport_copyright_tl
- \end{minipage}
- }
- \cs_set_eq:NN\@evenfoot\@oddfoot
- \end{macro}
- \cleardoublepage\setcounter{page}{1}
- \bool_gset_false:N\g__skrapport_copyright_unprinted_bool
- \thispagestyle{skrapport@titlepage}
- \cleardoublepage\setcounter{page}{1}
- \end{environment}
- \subsubsection{Sectioning}
- Sectioning macros. This is kind of messy. We start with creaiting
- some counters using our homemade \LaTeX3 counter macros.
- Next up, we have macros to display the section numberings.
- \begin{macro*}{\thesection}
- \arabic{section}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\thesubsection}
- \thesection.\arabic{subsection}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\thesubsubsection}
- \thesubsection.\arabic{subsubsection}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\theparagraph}
- \thesubsubsection.\arabic{paragraph}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\thesubparagraph}
- \theparagraph.\arabic{subparagraph}
- \end{macro*}
- \paragraph{Pre- and post-section spacing}
- Here comes the tricky part. We define two generic macros that add
- spacing before and after the section title, to condense the code
- a bit. Note that many of the following macros constitute a
- reimplementation of \cs{@startsection}, \cs{@ssect}, \cs{@sect} and
- friends.
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_pre_section:n}[1]
- {Skip before the section title}
- \leavevmode\par
- \skip_set:Nn\l_tmpa_skip{#1}
- \@afterindenttrue % !!!
- \dim_compare:nT{\l_tmpa_skip<\c_zero_skip}{
- \skip_set:Nn\l_tmpa_skip{-\l_tmpa_skip}
- \@afterindentfalse % !!!
- }
- \if@nobreak \everypar{} \else
- \addpenalty\@secpenalty % !!!
- \skip_vertical:N\l_tmpa_skip
- \fi
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_post_section:n}[1]
- {Space after the section title}
- \skip_set:Nn\l_tmpa_skip{#1}
- \dim_compare:nTF{\l_tmpa_skip>\c_zero_skip}{
- \par\nobreak
- \skip_vertical:N\l_tmpa_skip
- \@afterheading % !!!
- }{
- \@nobreakfalse
- \global\@noskipsectrue
- \skip_horizontal:n{-\l_tmpa_skip}
- }
- \ignorespaces
- \end{macro}
- \paragraph{Starred sections}
- These two macros (the first only being an alias for the second with
- its last argument empty) correspond to unnumbered sections. Or,
- rather, they do all the typesetting and none of the TOC/counter
- stuff. This means that starred sections only call this macro, while
- unstarred ones call other macros in addition to this macro.
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_section_star:nnn}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_section_star:nnnn}[4]
- {Indentation of section title}
- {Styling of the section title}
- {Actual section title}
- {Optional code to run in the indentation (\emph{i.e.} section number)}
- \__skrapport_section_star:nnnn{#1}{#2}{#3}{}
- \group_begin:
- #2
- \hbox_set:Nn\l_tmpa_box{{\skip_horizontal:n{#1}#4}}
- \dim_set:Nn\hangindent{#1+\box_wd:N\l_tmpa_box}
- \noindent\box_use_clear:N\l_tmpa_box
- \interlinepenalty\@M % !!!
- #3
- \group_end:
- \end{macro}
- \end{macro*}
- \paragraph{Unstarred sections}
- This macro typesets an unstarred section, \emph{i.e.} a numbered
- one. It defines a temporary macro containing the section number
- (maybe, depends on the \cs{c@secnumdepth} counter) which it passes
- on to \cs{__skrapport_section_star:nnnn}, and then writes some things
- to the TOC.
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_section_nostar:nnnnnn}[6]
- {Section counter name}
- {Section level}
- {Indentation of section title}
- {Styling of the section title}
- {Actual section title}
- {Section title for TOC}
- \changes{0.12d}{Added support for hanging titles}
- \cs_set:Nn\__skrapport_saved_section:{}
- \int_compare:nF{#2>\value{secnumdepth}}{
- \refstepcounter{#1}
- \cs_set:Nn\__skrapport_saved_section:{
- \bool_if:NTF\g__skrapport_hanging_titles_bool
- {\llap{\use:c{the#1}\hspace{1ex}}}
- {\use:c{the#1}~}
- }
- }
- \__skrapport_section_star:nnnn
- {#3}{#4}{#5}{\__skrapport_saved_section:}
- \use:c{#1mark}{#6}
- \addcontentsline{toc}{#1}{
- \int_compare:nF{#2>\value{secnumdepth}}{
- \protect\numberline{\use:c{the#1}}
- }
- #6
- }
- \end{macro}
- \paragraph{Generic sectioning macros}
- We will now set up a generic sectioning macro. First, we need
- version of the above macros that expand their arguments.
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_pre_section:c}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_post_section:c}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_section_star:ccn}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_section_nostar:nnccnn}
- \end{macro*}
- Now, the generic sectioning macro basically takes the sectioning
- macro arguments straight up (arguments 3--5), additionally
- requiring a section counter name and a section level. It expects
- that constant dimensions (see definition of \cs{section} below)
- and a formatting macro are available, and passes these as arguments
- to the underlying sectioning macros as appropriate.
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_generic_section:nnnnn}[5]
- {Section counter name}
- {Section level}
- {Star (tested with \cs{IfBooleanTF})}
- {Optional argument (or \cs{NoValue})}
- {Section title text}
- \__skrapport_pre_section:c{c__skrapport_#1_pre_skip}
- \IfBooleanTF#3{
- \__skrapport_section_star:ccn
- {c__skrapport_#1_indent_dim}
- {__skrapport_#1_style:}
- {#5}
- }{
- \IfNoValueTF{#4}{
- \__skrapport_section_nostar:nnccnn
- {#1}{#2}
- {c__skrapport_#1_indent_dim}
- {__skrapport_#1_style:}
- {#5}
- {#5}
- }{
- \__skrapport_section_nostar:nnccnn
- {#1}{#2}
- {c__skrapport_#1_indent_dim}
- {__skrapport_#1_style:}
- {#5}
- {#4}
- }
- }
- \__skrapport_post_section:c{c__skrapport_#1_post_skip}
- \end{macro}
- \paragraph{Public sectioning API}
- It's time to define the public sectioning macros. They all follow
- the same format: first, two skips and one dimension (used by
- \cs{__skrapport_generic_section:nnnnn}) are defined, as well as
- a macro defining the text style of the section. Then, the actual
- macro is provided.
- \begin{macro}{\section}[3]
- {Star (tested with \cs{IfBooleanTF})}
- {Optional short title (or \cs{NoValue})}
- {Sectioning title}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_section_pre_skip}
- This is the skip \emph{before} a section title.
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_section_post_skip}
- This is the skip \emph{after} a section title.
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_section_indent_dim}
- This is the \emph{indentation} of a section title.
-\dim_const:Nn \c__skrapport_section_indent_dim{\c_zero_dim}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_section_style:}
- This is the text style of a section title.
- {\normalfont\LARGE\__skrapport_title_style:}
- \end{macro*}
- Finally, the public macro is provided.
- \__skrapport_generic_section:nnnnn{section}{1}{#1}{#2}{#3}
- \end{macro}
- The other sectioning macros (macros from section to subparagraph are
- available) are defined in an analogous manner.
- \begin{macro}{\subsection}[3]
- {Star (tested with \cs{IfBooleanTF})}
- {Optional short title (or \cs{NoValue})}
- {Sectioning title}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_subsection_pre_skip}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_subsection_post_skip}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_subsection_indent_dim}
-\dim_const:Nn \c__skrapport_subsection_indent_dim{\c_zero_dim}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_subsection_style:}
- {\normalfont\Large\__skrapport_title_style:}
- \end{macro*}
- \__skrapport_generic_section:nnnnn{subsection}{2}{#1}{#2}{#3}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\subsubsection}[3]
- {Star (tested with \cs{IfBooleanTF})}
- {Optional short title (or \cs{NoValue})}
- {Sectioning title}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_subsubsection_pre_skip}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_subsubsection_post_skip}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_subsubsection_indent_dim}
-\dim_const:Nn \c__skrapport_subsubsection_indent_dim{\c_zero_dim}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_subsubsection_style:}
- {\normalfont\large\__skrapport_title_style:}
- \end{macro*}
- \__skrapport_generic_section:nnnnn{subsubsection}{3}{#1}{#2}{#3}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\paragraph}[3]
- {Star (tested with \cs{IfBooleanTF})}
- {Optional short title (or \cs{NoValue})}
- {Sectioning title}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_paragraph_pre_skip}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_paragraph_post_skip}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_paragraph_indent_dim}
-\dim_const:Nn \c__skrapport_paragraph_indent_dim{\c_zero_dim}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_paragraph_style:}
- {\normalfont\normalsize\__skrapport_title_style:}
- \end{macro*}
- \__skrapport_generic_section:nnnnn{paragraph}{4}{#1}{#2}{#3}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\subparagraph}[3]
- {Star (tested with \cs{IfBooleanTF})}
- {Optional short title (or \cs{NoValue})}
- {Sectioning title}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_subparagraph_pre_skip}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_subparagraph_post_skip}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_subparagraph_indent_dim}
-\dim_const:Nn \c__skrapport_subparagraph_indent_dim{\parindent}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\c__skrapport_subparagraph_style:}
- {\normalfont\normalsize\__skrapport_title_style:\itshape}
- \end{macro*}
- \__skrapport_generic_section:nnnnn{subparagraph}{5}{#1}{#2}{#3}
- \end{macro}
- \subsubsection{Macros and environments from \pkg{article}}
- \paragraph{List environments}
- First, several dimensions are provided and three penalties defined.
-\int_gset:Nn\@endparpenalty {-\@lowpenalty}
-\int_gset:Nn\@itempenalty {-\@lowpenalty}
- Then, we define the appearance of the item numbers.
- \begin{macro*}{\theenumi}
- The first level consists of arabic numbers (\(1,2,3,\dotsc\)).
-\cs_set:Npn\theenumi {\arabic{enumi}}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\theenumii}
- The second level consists of lower-case alphabetic characters
- (\(\text{a},\text{b},\text{c},\dotsc\)).
-\cs_set:Npn\theenumii {\alph{enumii}}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\theenumiii}
- The third level consists of lower-case roman numerals
- (\(\text{i},\text{ii},\text{iii},\dotsc\)).
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\theenumiv}
- The fourth level consists of upper-case alphabetic characters
- (\(\text{A},\text{B},\text{C},\dotsc\)).
-\cs_set:Npn\theenumiv {\Alph{enumiv}}
- \end{macro*}
- We also need macros that typeset the actual labels. Here, different
- levels have a different postfix: all levels except the second are
- postfixed by a period, while the second level is postfixed by a
- closing bracket.
- \begin{macro*}{\labelenumi}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\labelenumii}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\labelenumiii}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\labelenumiv}
- \end{macro*}
- We also fix the referencing of lower-level items so that one can
- refer to them properly (\emph{i.e.} as 1b(iii) and so on).
- \begin{macro*}{\p@enumii}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\p@enumiii}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\p@enumiiv}
- \end{macro*}
- All that was for numbered lists (\env{enumerate}). Now, we define
- the \enquote{labels} of \env{itemize} items. Alternately, they
- are a bullet (\textbullet) and a boldfaced dash
- ({\normalfont\bfseries\textendash}).
- \begin{macro*}{\labelitemi}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\labelitemii}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\labelitemiii}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\labelitemiv}
- \end{macro*}
- The last of the commonly used list environments is \env{description}.
- Defining it is fairly simple --- we define a list with empty item
- labels and a bit of hackery for the \cs{makelabel} macro inside.
- \begin{environment}{description}
- \begin{list}{}{
- \dim_zero:N\labelwidth
- \dim_set:Nn\itemindent{-\leftmargin}
- \cs_set_eq:NN\makelabel\descriptionlabel
- }
- \end{list}
- \begin{macro}{\descriptionlabel}
- Additionally, the \cs{descriptionlabel} macro is defined.
- \hspace{\labelsep}\normalfont\bfseries #1
- \end{macro}
- \end{environment}
- \paragraph{Quotation environments}
- The quotation environments are also fairly simple --- \env{quote}
- is just a list with a single item, and \env{quotation} is a
- \env{quote} with extra skips around it.
- \begin{environment}{quote}
- \begin{list}{}{
- \dim_set_eq:NN\rightmargin\leftmargin
- }
- \item\itshape
- \end{list}
- \end{environment}
- \begin{environment}{quotation}
- \bigskip
- \begin{quote}
- \end{quote}
- \bigskip
- \end{environment}
- There's a \env{verse} environment, too, but it's just \env{quote}.
- \begin{environment}{verse}
- \begin{quote}
- \end{quote}
- \end{environment}
- \paragraph{Front- and backmatter}
- We only define one front/backmatter macro; \cs{appendix}.
- \begin{macro}{\appendix}
- \par
- \setcounter{section}{0}
- \setcounter{subsection}{0}
- \cs_gset:Npn\thesection{\Alph{section}}
- \end{macro}
- \paragraph{Old font macros}
- The old font macros have been deprecated. Do not use!
- \begin{macro}{\rm}
- \changes{0.12}{Deprecated command}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\sf}
- \changes{0.12}{Deprecated command}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\tt}
- \changes{0.12}{Deprecated command}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\bf}
- \changes{0.12}{Deprecated command}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\it}
- \changes{0.12}{Deprecated command}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\sl}
- \changes{0.12}{Deprecated command}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\sc}
- \changes{0.12}{Deprecated command}
- \end{macro}
- \paragraph{The emphasis macro}
- \begin{macro}{\emph}
- \changes{0.12}{Changed definition, may have introduced spacing issues}
- Redefining the \cs{emph} style to be bold when nested.
- \begin{macro*}{\em}
- \changes{0.12}{Deprecated command}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_emphstyle:}
- \itshape
- \dim_compare:nF{\fontdimen\c_one\font>\c_zero_dim}{\bfseries}
- \end{macro*}
- \ifmmode
- \text{\__skrapport_emphstyle: #1}
- \else
- {\__skrapport_emphstyle: #1}
- \fi
- \end{macro}
- \paragraph{The footnote rule}
- \begin{macro*}{\footnoterule}
- \changes{0.12}{Removed footnote rule entirely}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\@makefntext}
- \dim_set:Nn\parindent{1em}\noindent
- \hbox_to_wd:nn{1.8em}{\hss\@makefnmark}
- #1
- \end{macro*}
- \subsubsection{Floats}
- \paragraph{Table- and box-related lengths}
-\dim_gset:Nn\arraycolsep {5pt}
-\dim_gset:Nn\tabcolsep {6pt}
-\dim_gset:Nn\doublerulesep {2pt}
-\dim_gset:Nn\fboxsep {3pt}
-\dim_gset:Nn\fboxrule {.4pt}
- \paragraph{Counters}
- \begin{macro*}{\theequation}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\thefigure}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\thetable}
- \end{macro*}
- \paragraph{Defaults}
- The default placement, list extension and caption text of all floats.
-\cs_new:Npn \fps@figure{tb}
-\cs_new:Npn \ext@figure{lof}
-\cs_new:Npn \fnum@figure{\figurename\ \thefigure}
-\cs_new:Npn \fps@table {tb}
-\cs_new:Npn\ftype@table {2}
-\cs_new:Npn \ext@table {lot}
-\cs_new:Npn \fnum@table {\tablename\ \thetable}
- \paragraph{Environments}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_xfloat:nn}
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_xfloat:nx}
- This is a helper macro basically replacing the \cs{@float} macro
- used by \LaTeXe.
- \end{macro*}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{environment}{figure}
- \changes{0.12a}{Figures are now \cs{centering}ed by default}
- \begin{environment*}{figure*}
- \__skrapport_xfloat:nx{figure}
- {\IfNoValueTF{#1}{\fps@figure}{#1}}
- \centering
- \end@float
- \__skrapport_xfloat:nx{figure}
- {\IfNoValueTF{#1}{tp}{#1}}
- \centering
- \end@float
- \end{environment*}
- \end{environment}
- \begin{environment}{table}
- \changes{0.12a}{Tables are now \cs{centering}ed by default}
- \begin{environment*}{table*}
- \__skrapport_xfloat:nx{table}
- {\IfNoValueTF{#1}{\fps@table}{#1}}
- \centering
- \end@float
- \__skrapport_xfloat:nx{table}
- {\IfNoValueTF{#1}{tp}{#1}}
- \centering
- \end@float
- \end{environment*}
- \end{environment}
- In addition to the \env{figure} and \env{table} environments, we
- also provide a \env{figcenter} environment that enables centering
- of figures or tables that are too wide for the page.
- \begin{macro*}{\coffin_typeset:Nnnon}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{environment}{figcenter}
- \changes{0.12c}{Fixed the x-offset calculation}
- \cs_set_eq:NN\l__tmpa_cs\caption
- \cs_set:Npn\caption{\msg_error:nn{skrapport}{caption-in-figcenter}}
- \coffin_clear:N\l_tmpa_coffin
- \hcoffin_set:Nw\l_tmpa_coffin
- \hcoffin_set_end:
- \dim_set:Nn\l_tmpa_dim{(\textwidth - \coffin_wd:N\l_tmpa_coffin)/2}
- \coffin_typeset:Nnnon\l_tmpa_coffin{H}{l}{\dim_use:N\l_tmpa_dim}{0pt}
- \cs_set_eq:NN\caption\l__tmpa_cs
- \cs_undefine:N\l__tmpa_cs
- \end{environment}
- \paragraph{Captions}
- Before we begin, we pass options to \pkg{caption}, in case the user
- is loading it or another package based upon it. This fixes an issue
- where the custom caption style was overwritten with the ugly default
- \pkg{article} caption style.
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_caption_name_style:}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_caption_text_style:}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\@makecaption}
- \changes{0.10c}{Fix missing coloring command for some captions}
- \changes{0.12}{Split \cs{@captionstyle} into two macros}
- \changes{0.12a}{Fix a bug which applied caption name styling to the
- caption text}
- This should possibly be redefined already at the \cs{caption} level.
- \skip_vertical:N\abovecaptionskip
- \hbox_set:Nn\l_tmpa_box{
- \color@setgroup % !!!
- {\__skrapport_caption_name_style:#1:~}
- {\__skrapport_caption_text_style:#2}
- \color@endgroup % !!!
- }
- \dim_compare:nTF{\box_wd:N\l_tmpa_box>\hsize}{
- {\__skrapport_caption_name_style:#1:~}
- {\__skrapport_caption_text_style:#2}
- \par
- }{
- \global\@minipagefalse % !!!
- \hbox_to_wd:nn{\hsize}{
- \hfil
- \box_use_clear:N\l_tmpa_box
- \hfil
- }
- }
- \skip_vertical:N\belowcaptionskip
- \end{macro*}
- \subsubsection{Table of contents}
- \begin{macro}{\tableofcontents}
- \changes{0.12}{Removed spacing and \cs{@mkboth} call}
- \section*{\contentsname}
- \makeatletter
- \@starttoc{toc}
- \makeatother
- \end{macro}
- The following macros conspire to replace \cs{@dottedtocline}.
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_toc_line:nnnnnn}[6]
- {TOC line character}
- {Table of contents level of the line}
- {Indentation at the start of the line}
- {Width of the section number}
- {Section title}
- {Page number}
- \int_compare:nF{#2>\value{tocdepth}}{
- \skip_vertical:n{0pt~plus~.2pt}
- \group_begin:
- \skip_set:Nn\leftskip{#3}
- \skip_set_eq:NN\rightskip\@tocrmarg
- \skip_set:Nn\parfillskip{-\rightskip}
- \dim_set:Nn\parindent{#3}
- \@afterindenttrue % !!!
- \interlinepenalty\@M % !!!
- \leavevmode
- This here is pretty dumb. We can't use a \LaTeX3\ temporary skip
- register (or skip the temporary), because \texttt{\#5} further down
- will contain a \cs{hbox} based on \cs{@tempdima}. The proper thing
- to do here would be to rewrite \cs{addcontentsline}, I guess. Bah.
- \skip_set:Nn\@tempdima{#4} % !!! (dumb)
- \skip_add:Nn\leftskip{\@tempdima}
- \null\nobreak
- \skip_horizontal:n{-\leftskip}
- {#5}\nobreak
- \str_if_eq:nnTF{#1}{}{
- \hfill
- }{
- \leaders\hbox:n{
- \(\mkern\@dotsep mu\hbox{#1}\mkern\@dotsep mu\) % !!!
- }
- }
- \hfill\nobreak
- \hbox_to_wd:nn{\@pnumwidth}{ % !!!
- \hfil\normalfont\normalcolor #6
- }
- \par
- \group_end:
- }
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_toc_line:nnnnnn}[5]
- {Table of contents level of the line}
- {Indentation at the start of the line}
- {Width of the section number}
- {Section title}
- {Page number}
- This is a variant of \cs{__skrapport_toc_line:nnnnnn} which
- implicitly sets empty space as its TOC line.
- \__skrapport_toc_line:nnnnnn{}{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\l@section}
- \changes{0.12}{Now uses \cs{__skrapport_toc_line:nnnnn}}
- \group_begin:
- \skip_vertical:n{.75ex}
- \bfseries
- \__skrapport_toc_line:nnnnn{1}{0em}{1.3em}{#1}{#2}
- \group_end:
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\l@subsection}
- \changes{0.12}{Now uses \cs{__skrapport_toc_line:nnnnnn}}
- \group_begin:
- \skip_vertical:n{.35ex}
- \penalty\@secpenalty % !!!
- \__skrapport_toc_line:nnnnnn{.}{2}{1.3em}{2em}{#1}{#2}
- \group_end:
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\l@subsubsection}
- \changes{0.12}{Changed style to match \pkg{skdoc}}
- \skip_set:Nn\leftskip{3.3em}
- \dim_set_eq:NN\parindent\c_zero_dim
- \group_begin:
- \cs_set_eq:NN\numberline\use_none:n
- \small #1~[#2]
- \group_end:
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\l@paragraph}
- \int_compare:nF{4>\value{tocdepth}}{
- \msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{tocdepth-too-deep}
- {4}{\l@paragraph}
- }
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro*}{\l@subparagraph}
- \int_compare:nF{5>\value{tocdepth}}{
- \msg_warning:nnnn{skrapport}{tocdepth-too-deep}
- {5}{\l@subparagraph}
- }
- \end{macro*}
- Fix for \emph{e.g.}~\pkg{tocloft} package.
- \subsubsection{Basic bibliography support}
- \begin{environment}{thebibliography}
- \changes{0.12}{Removed \cs{@mkboth}, \cs{@openbib@code} and
- \cs{@noitemerr}}
- \section*{\refname}
- \list{\@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}}}{
- \dim_set_to_wd:Nn\labelwidth{\@biblabel{#1}}
- \dim_set_eq:NN\leftmargin\labelwidth
- \dim_add:Nn\leftmargin{\labelsep}
- \usecounter{enumiv} % !!!
- \cs_set:Nn\p@enumiv{}
- \RenewDocumentCommand\theenumiv{}{\arabic{enumiv}}
- }
- \sloppy
- \int_set:Nn\clubpenalty{4000}
- \int_set_eq:NN\@clubpenalty\clubpenalty
- \int_set:Nn\widowpenalty{4000}
- \cs_set:Nn\@noitemerr{}
- \endlist
- \end{environment}
- \begin{macro*}{\newblock}
- \skip_horizontal:n{.11em~plus~.33em~minus~.07em}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{environment}{theindex}
- \changes{0.12}{Use \pkg{multicol} instead of \cs{twocolumn} mode,
- removed \cs{@mkboth} call}
- \begin{multicols}{2}[\section*{\indexname}]
- \thispagestyle{plain}
- \dim_zero:N\parindent
- \skip_set:N\parskip{\c_zero_skip~plus~.3pt}
- \dim_zero:N\columnseprule
- \dim_set:Nn\columnsep{35pt}
- \cs_set_eq:NN\item\@idxitem
- \end{multicols}
- \end{environment}
- \begin{macro*}{\@idxitem}
- \par
- \dim_set:Nn\hangindent{40pt}
- \end{macro*}
- \begin{macro}{\subitem}
- \@idxitem
- \hspace*{20pt}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\subsubitem}
- \@idxitem
- \hspace*{30pt}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro*}{\indexspace}
- \par
- \skip_vertical:n{10pt~plus~5pt~minus~3pt}
- \end{macro*}
- \subsubsection{Miscellaneous}
- A macro \cs{comment} (alias \cs{com}/\cs{note}) is defined to let
- the user add comments and notes to the document.
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_comment:n}
- {\textbf{\__skrapport_Comment_word: :}~#1}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\comment}
- \changes{0.10}{Added macro for comments}
- \changes{0.12b}{No longer uses \cs{colorbox} if no color package is loaded}
- \IfBooleanTF{#1}
- {
- \cs_if_exist_use:NT\colorbox{{red!50}}
- {\__skrapport_comment:n{#2}}
- }
- {\marginpar{\__skrapport_comment:n{#2}}}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\com}
- \begin{macro}{\note}
- \changes{0.10b}{Fixed a silly error in \cs{com} and \cs{note}}
- {\IfBooleanTF{#1}{\comment*{#2}}{\comment{#2}}}
- {\IfBooleanTF{#1}{\comment*{#2}}{\comment{#2}}}
- \end{macro}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_space_if_not_punctuation:}
- \clist_if_in:noF
- {{,},:,;,!,?,-,),'}
- {\token_to_meaning:N\l_peek_token}
- {\ }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_peek_punctuation:n}
- \begin{macro*}{\__skrapport_peek_punctuation:x}
- \mbox{#1}
- \peek_meaning_remove:NTF.{}{
- \peek_meaning:NF\ {
- \peek_after:Nw\__skrapport_space_if_not_punctuation:
- }
- }
- \end{macro*}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\eg}
- \__skrapport_peek_punctuation:x{\__skrapport_eg_word:}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\ie}
- \__skrapport_peek_punctuation:x{\__skrapport_ie_word:}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\etc}
- \__skrapport_peek_punctuation:x{\__skrapport_etc_word:}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\cf}
- \__skrapport_peek_punctuation:x{\__skrapport_cf_word:}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\viz}
- \__skrapport_peek_punctuation:x{\__skrapport_viz_word:}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\dash}
- \cs_if_exist_use:NT\texorpdfstring
- {\unskip\nobreak\thinspace\textemdash\thinspace\ignorespaces}{{ - }}
- \end{macro}
- \subsubsection{Color theme support}
- Color theme setup. Start by patching commands and declaring
- default colors. Not implemented: background colors for e.g.
- quote environments and sections headings, different colors
- for the different sectioning levels.
- \apptocmd{\bfseries}
- {\color{skrapport@boldcolor}}{}
- {\msg_warning:nnn{skrapport}{color-patch-failed}{\bfseries}}
- \apptocmd{\itshape}
- {\color{skrapport@italiccolor}}{}
- {\msg_warning:nnn{skrapport}{color-patch-failed}{\itshape}}
- \apptocmd{\__skrapport_title_style:}
- {\color{skrapport@titlecolor}}{}
- {\msg_warning:nnn{skrapport}{color-patch-failed}{\__skrapport_title_style:}}
- \apptocmd{\__skrapport_smallprint_style:}
- {\color{skrapport@smallprintcolor}}{}
- {\msg_warning:nnn{skrapport}{color-patch-failed}{\__skrapport_smallprint_style:}}
- \apptocmd{\__skrapport_abstract_style:}
- {\color{skrapport@titlecolor}}{}
- {\msg_warning:nnn{skrapport}{color-patch-failed}{\__skrapport_abstract_style:}}
- \apptocmd{\quote}
- {\color{skrapport@quotecolor}}{}
- {\msg_warning:nnn{skrapport}{color-patch-failed}{\quote}}
- \apptocmd{\__skrapport_caption_name_style:}
- {\color{skrapport@captioncolor}}{}
- {\msg_warning:nnn{skrapport}{color-patch-failed}{\__skrapport_caption_name_style:}}
- \apptocmd{\__skrapport_emphstyle:}
- {\color{skrapport@emphcolor}}{}
- {\msg_warning:nnn{skrapport}{color-patch-failed}{\__skrapport_emphstyle:}}
-% I have no idea why this was here or what difference it makes. These
-% things should be using \__skrapport_title_style:.
-% \ifskrapport@twocolumn\AtBeginDocument{%
-% \renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
-% {-.999\baselineskip}{0.001\baselineskip}{\bfseries\mathversi%on{bold}\color{skrapport@titlecolor}}}
-% \renewcommand\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}%
-% {\baselineskip}{-.35\baselineskip}{\bfseries\color{skrapport@titlecolor}\unskip}}
-% \renewcommand\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}%
-% {\baselineskip}{-.35\baselineskip}{\itshape\color{skrapport@titlecolor}\unskip}}
-% }\fi
-% \renewcommand\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\z@}%
-% {1ex \@plus .25ex \@minus -.25ex}{-1em}{\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\color{skrapport@titlecolor}}}
-% \renewcommand\subparagraph{\@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{\parindent}%
-% {1ex \@plus .25ex \@minus -.25ex}{-1em}{\normalfont\normalsize\itshape\color{skrapport@titlecolor}}}
- \AtBeginDocument{\@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{%
- \hypersetup{%
- citebordercolor=skrapport@citecolor,citecolor=skrapport@citecolor,%
- filebordercolor=skrapport@filecolor,filecolor=skrapport@filecolor,%
- linkbordercolor=skrapport@linkcolor,linkcolor=skrapport@linkcolor,%
- menubordercolor=skrapport@menucolor,menucolor=skrapport@menucolor,%
- urlbordercolor=skrapport@urlcolor,urlcolor=skrapport@urlcolor,%
- runbordercolor=skrapport@runcolor,runcolor=skrapport@runcolor%
- }
- }{}}
- \AtBeginDocument{\color{skrapport@defaultcolor}}
- \begin{macro}{\colortheme}
- The \cs{colortheme} macro allows the end-user to load color themes
- (described later) to customize the colors of the document when the
- class is loaded with the \opt{color} option.
- \DeclareDocumentCommand\colortheme{m}{
- \usepackage{skrapport-colortheme-#1}
- }
- \end{macro}
- \colortheme{default}
- \subsection{Final class setup}
- We end the document class by setting a few lengths along with the
- page style and page numbering. Also, activate \cs{raggedbottom} and
- \cs{onexolumn} (since we always do all the two-column stuff
- ourselves anyway).
- \subsection{Color themes}
- As described earlier, the user can load color themes to customize
- the appearance of the document if the class was loaded with the
- \opt{color} option. Four themes are available by default.
- \subsubsection{Default color theme}
- \begin{theme}{Default}
- \changes{0.09}{Added default color theme}
- {2012/06/07}{1.0}{skrapport color theme default}
- \end{theme}
- \subsubsection{Unscathed color theme}
- \begin{theme}{Unscathed}
- \changes{0.09}{Added \enquote{Unschathed} color theme}
- {2012/06/07}{1.0}{skrapport color theme unscathed}
- \end{theme}
- \subsubsection{Cruelwater color theme}
- \begin{theme}{Cruelwater}
- \changes{0.09}{Added \enquote{Cruelwater} color theme}
- {2012/06/07}{1.0}{skrapport color theme cruelwater}
- \end{theme}
- \subsubsection{Violet color theme}
- \begin{theme}{Violet}
-\changes{0.09}{Added \enquote{Violet} color theme}
- {2012/06/07}{1.0}{skrapport color theme violet}
- \end{theme}
- \subsubsection{skdoc color theme}
- \begin{theme}{skdoc}
-\changes{0.11a}{Added \enquote{skdoc} color theme}
- {2013/04/10}{1.0}{skrapport color theme skdoc}
- \end{theme}
- \section{Point sizes}
- The point size options are pretty much \LaTeX3 translations of the
- standard \pkg{article} class option files. There's a lot of duplicate
- code here which may be worth to consolidate a bit.
- \subsubsection{Common macros}
- We first set up a package providing replacements for \LaTeXe\ macros,
- common to all the point size files.
- {2013/04/29}{1.0}{skrapport point size option common macros}
- \begin{macro}{\__skrapport_set_font_size:nn}[2]
- {Font size}
- {Baseline skip?} % !!!
- \fontsize{#1}{#2} % !!!
- \selectfont
- \end{macro}
- \subsubsection{Actual point size files}
- {2013/04/29}{1.0}{skrapport point size option 10pt}
- {2013/04/29}{1.0}{skrapport point size option 11pt}
- {2013/04/29}{1.0}{skrapport point size option 12pt}
- \begin{macro}{\normalsize}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{10}{12}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayskip {10pt~plus~2pt~minus~5pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayshortskip {0pt ~plus~3pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \belowdisplayshortskip {6pt ~plus~3pt~minus~3pt}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{11}{13.2}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayskip {11pt ~plus~3pt ~minus~6pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayshortskip {0pt ~plus~3pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \belowdisplayshortskip {6.5pt~plus~3.5pt~minus~3pt}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{12}{14.5}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayskip {12pt ~plus~3pt ~minus~7pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayshortskip {0pt ~plus~3pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \belowdisplayshortskip {6.5pt~plus~3.5pt~minus~3pt}
- \skip_gset_eq:NN\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
- \cs_gset_eq:NN\@listi\@listI
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\small}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{9}{11}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayskip {8.5pt~plus~3pt~minus~4pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayshortskip {0pt ~plus~2pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \belowdisplayshortskip {4pt ~plus~2pt~minus~2pt}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{10}{12}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayskip {10pt~plus~2pt~minus~5pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayshortskip {0pt ~plus~2pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \belowdisplayshortskip {6pt ~plus~3pt~minus~3pt}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{11}{13.6}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayskip {11pt ~plus~3pt ~minus~6pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayshortskip {0pt ~plus~3pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \belowdisplayshortskip {6.5pt~plus~3.5pt~minus~3pt}
- \skip_gset_eq:NN\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
- \cs_gset:Npn\@listi{
- \dim_gset_eq:NN\leftmargin\leftmargini
- \skip_gset:Nn\topsep{4pt~plus~2pt~minus~2pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn\parsep{2pt~plus~1pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn\topsep{6pt~plus~2pt~minus~2pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn\parsep{3pt~plus~2pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn\topsep{ 9pt~plus~3pt~minus~5pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn\parsep{4.5pt~plus~2pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_gset_eq:NN\itemsep\parsep
- }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\footnotesize}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{8}{9.5}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayskip {6pt~plus~2pt~minus~4pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayshortskip {0pt~plus~1pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \belowdisplayshortskip {3pt~plus~1pt~minus~2pt}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{9}{11}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayskip {8pt~plus~2pt~minus~4pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayshortskip {0pt~plus~1pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \belowdisplayshortskip {4pt~plus~2pt~minus~2pt}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{10}{12}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayskip {10pt~plus~2pt~minus~5pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \abovedisplayshortskip { 0pt~plus~3pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn \belowdisplayshortskip { 6pt~plus~3pt~minus~3pt}
- \skip_gset_eq:NN\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
- \cs_gset:Npn\@listi{
- \dim_gset_eq:NN\leftmargin\leftmargini
- \skip_gset:Nn\topsep{3pt~plus~1pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn\parsep{2pt~plus~1pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn\topsep{4pt~plus~2pt~minus~2pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn\parsep{2pt~plus~1pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn\topsep{6pt~plus~2pt~minus~2pt}
- \skip_gset:Nn\parsep{3pt~plus~2pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_gset_eq:NN\itemsep\parsep
- }
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\scriptsize}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{7}{8}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{8}{9.5}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\tiny}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{5}{6}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{6}{7}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\large}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{12}{14}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{14}{18}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\Large}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{14}{18}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{17}{22}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\LARGE}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{17}{22}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{20}{25}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\huge}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{20}{25}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{25}{30}
- \end{macro}
- \begin{macro}{\Huge}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{25}{30}
- \__skrapport_set_font_size:nn{30}{36}
- \end{macro}
-\dim_set:Nn\parindent {15pt}
-\dim_set:Nn\parindent {17pt}
-\dim_set:Nn\parindent {1.5em}
-\skip_set:Nn\smallskipamount{ 3pt~plus~1pt~minus~1pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\medskipamount { 6pt~plus~2pt~minus~2pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\bigskipamount {12pt~plus~4pt~minus~4pt}
-\dim_set:Nn\headsep {25pt}
-\dim_set:Nn\topskip {10pt}
-\dim_set:Nn\footskip {30pt}
-\dim_set:Nn\maxdepth { 5pt}
- These (\emph{i.e.} text width and height) are hopefully overwritten
- by \pkg{typearea} later, so we don't bother much with them.
-\dim_set:Nn\textwidth {\paperwidth-2cm}
-\dim_set:Nn\oddsidemargin {.2cm}
-\dim_set:Nn\evensidemargin {1cm}
-\dim_set:Nn\marginparsep {11pt}
-\dim_set:Nn\marginparpush {5pt}
-\dim_set:Nn\marginparwidth {.8cm-\marginparsep}
- -\headheight-\headsep
- -\textheight-\footskip
- -.5\topmargin}
-\skip_set:Nn{\skip\footins} { 9pt~plus~4pt~minus~2pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\floatsep {12pt~plus~2pt~minus~2pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\textfloatsep {20pt~plus~2pt~minus~4pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\intextsep {12pt~plus~2pt~minus~2pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\dblfloatsep {12pt~plus~2pt~minus~2pt}
-\skip_set:Nn{\skip\footins} {10pt~plus~4pt~minus~2pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\floatsep {12pt~plus~2pt~minus~2pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\textfloatsep {20pt~plus~2pt~minus~4pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\intextsep {12pt~plus~2pt~minus~2pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\dblfloatsep {12pt~plus~2pt~minus~2pt}
-\skip_set:Nn{\skip\footins} {10.8pt~plus~4pt~minus~2pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\floatsep {12pt ~plus~2pt~minus~4pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\textfloatsep {20pt ~plus~2pt~minus~4pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\intextsep {14pt ~plus~4pt~minus~4pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\dblfloatsep {14pt ~plus~2pt~minus~4pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\dbltextfloatsep{20pt ~plus~2pt~minus~4pt}
- These six have been changed slightly compared to \LaTeXe.
-\skip_set:Nn\@fptop{ 5pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\@fpbot{ 5pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\@dblfptop{ 5pt}
-\skip_set:Nn\@dblfpbot{ 5pt}
- \dim_set_eq:NN\leftmargin\leftmargini
- \skip_set:Nn\parsep {4pt~plus~2pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\topsep {8pt~plus~2pt~minus~4pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\itemsep{4pt~plus~2pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\parsep {4.5pt~plus~2pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\topsep { 9pt~plus~3pt~minus~5pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\itemsep{4.5pt~plus~2pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\parsep { 5pt~plus~2.5pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\topsep {10pt~plus~4pt ~minus~6pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\itemsep{ 5pt~plus~2.5pt~minus~1pt}
-\skip_gset:Nn\parsep {4pt~plus~2pt~minus~1pt}
-\skip_gset:Nn\topsep {8pt~plus~2pt~minus~4pt}
-\skip_gset:Nn\parsep {4.5pt~plus~2pt~minus~1pt}
-\skip_gset:Nn\topsep { 9pt~plus~3pt~minus~5pt}
-\skip_gset:Nn\parsep { 5pt~plus~2.5pt~minus~1pt}
-\skip_gset:Nn\topsep {10pt~plus~4pt ~minus~6pt}
-\skip_gset:Nn\itemsep{ 5pt~plus~2.5pt~minus~1pt}
- \dim_set_eq:NN\leftmargin\leftmarginii
- \dim_set:Nn\labelwidth{\leftmarginii-\labelsep}
- \skip_set:Nn\parsep {2pt~plus~1pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\topsep {4pt~plus~2pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\parsep { 2pt~plus~1pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\topsep {4.5pt~plus~2pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\parsep {2.5pt~plus~1pt ~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\topsep { 5pt~plus~2.5pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set_eq:NN\itemsep\parsep
- \dim_set_eq:NN\leftmargin\leftmarginiii
- \dim_set:Nn\labelwidth{\leftmarginiii-\labelsep}
- \skip_set_eq:NN\parsep\c_zero_skip
- \skip_set:Nn\topsep {2pt~plus~1pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\partopsep{1pt~plus~0pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\topsep {2.5pt~plus~1pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set:Nn\partopsep{ 1pt~plus~0pt~minus~1pt}
- \skip_set_eq:NN\itemsep\topsep
- \dim_set_eq:NN\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
- \dim_set:Nn\labelwidth{\leftmarginiv-\labelsep}
- \dim_set_eq:NN\leftmargin\leftmarginv
- \dim_set:Nn\labelwidth{\leftmarginv-\labelsep}
- \dim_set_eq:NN\leftmargin\leftmarginvi
- \dim_set:Nn\labelwidth{\leftmarginvi-\labelsep}
- \Finale
- \section{Installation}
- The easiest way to install this package is using the package
- manager provided by your \LaTeX\ installation if such a program
- is available. Failing that, provided you have obtained the package
- source (\file{skrapport.tex} and \file{Makefile}) from either CTAN
- or Github, running \texttt{make install} inside the source directory
- works well. This will extract the documentation and code from
- \file{skrapport.tex}, install all files into the TDS tree at
- \texttt{TEXMFHOME} and run \texttt{mktexlsr}.
- If you want to extract code and documentation without installing
- the package, run \texttt{make all} instead. If you insist on not
- using \texttt{make}, remember that packages distributed using
- \pkg{skdoc} must be extracted using \texttt{pdflatex}, \emph{not}
- \texttt{tex} or \texttt{latex}.
- \PrintChanges
- \PrintIndex
- \printbibliography