path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/preprint/figcaps.dtx
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/preprint/figcaps.dtx')
1 files changed, 1634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/preprint/figcaps.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/preprint/figcaps.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e6c08432cd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/preprint/figcaps.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,1634 @@
+%% Copyright 1993-1999 Patrick W Daly
+%% Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Aeronomie
+%% Max-Planck-Str. 2
+%% D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau
+%% Germany
+%% E-mail:
+% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
+% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
+% version 1 of the License, or any later version.
+% This is a contributed file to the LaTeX2e system.
+% -------------------------------------------------
+% This is a LaTeX package to put tables and figure captions at the end of an
+% article even though the environments appear in the text.
+% Installation:
+% LaTeX this file: creates docstrip installation file figcaps.ins
+% AND the (LaTeX2e) documentation
+% (La)TeX figcaps.ins: creates package files figcaps.sty, and optionally
+% documentation driver figcaps.drv
+% (figcaps.ins may be edited as needed)
+% Docstrip options available:
+% package - to produce a (LaTeX2e) package .sty file
+% plates - to include plate environments, just like figures
+% longtab - to include longtable environment, for longtable package (2e)
+% sublab - to include coding for use with sublabel.sty
+% toc - to enable tables of contents to be used; writes to auxiliary
+% files .pot and pof instead of .lof and .lot
+% driver - to produce a driver file to print the documentation
+% 209 - (with package) for package that runs under LaTeX 2.09
+% subpack - (with package) for coding included in other packages
+% agu - (with package,subpack) for inclusion in aguplus package
+% egs - (with package,subpack) for inclusion in egs package
+%<package&209> {\typeout{Style option `#1'#2]}}
+% *** Identify the package file:-
+% *** Provide command to dislay module version
+%<package&subpack> \ModuleVersion{figcaps}
+% *** Identify the driver file:-
+% *** The DATE, VERSION, and other INFO
+ [1999/02/23 4.7 (PWD)]
+% \changes{4.0}{1993 Oct 12}{First integrated documented version}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Oct 29}{Add coding for JGR, GRL, NLINPROC}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Oct 29}{Add \cs{iffigmark} for marginal notes}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Oct 29}{Add \cs{@tempa} construct to get \cs{@float}
+% out of \cs{if} \cs{fi} brackets}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Nov 15}{For JGR and GRL, tables after captions}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Nov 20}{Add coding for AGU supplement}
+% \changes{4.2}{1993 Nov 20}{Add \cs{figbox} for AGU supplement}
+% \changes{4.2}{1993 Nov 20}{AGU supplement: captions in two widths again}
+% \changes{4.2}{1993 Dec 16}{Suppress floats for AGU planotable}
+% \changes{4.2}{1993 Dec 21}{Add \cs{if@filesw} for extra appendix entries}
+% \changes{4.3}{1994 May 19}{Convert to \LaTeXe, add language and other
+% options, add \cs{figmarkon/off} and \cs{figcapson/off}}
+% \changes{4.3a}{1994 Jun 06}{For AGU, change \cs{@makefcaption}}
+% \changes{4.3b}{1994 Jun 22}{Update to first official release of \LaTeXe}
+% \changes{4.3c}{1994 Nov 30}{Bad bug in \cs{figmarkoff} fixed, caused
+% crashes}
+% \changes{4.3d}{1995 Jan 3}{Update documentation to PWD standard}
+% \changes{4.4}{1995 Jan 8}{Fix bug caused by LTX 94/12/1 \cs{@writefile}}
+% \changes{4.5}{1996 Jan 10}{Allow first float to be in appendix}
+% \changes{4.5a}{1996 Jun 27}{Change \texttt{nlinproc} option to \texttt{egs}}
+% \changes{4.5b}{1996 Jul 22}{Allow \cs{figbox} to scale automatically}
+% \changes{4.5c}{1996 Jul 29}{Add \cs{figbox*} to suppress frame}
+% \changes{4.5d}{1996 Aug 20}{Fix table notes for AGU}
+% \changes{4.5e}{1996 Oct 10}{Zero \cs{parindent} for EGS}
+% \changes{4.5f}{1997 Mar 16}{Fix copyright for subpack}
+% \changes{4.5g}{1997 Apr 29}{Conform to new \texttt{docstrip}}
+% \changes{4.5h}{1997 Nov 18}{Fix appendix problem for AGU}
+% \changes{4.6}{1998 Sep 14}{Add \texttt{longtable} environment}
+% \changes{4.7}{1999 Feb 23}{Update copyright notice}
+% \CheckSum{1417}
+% \CharacterTable
+% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+% \iffalse
+%^^A =============================================
+%^^A Here is the docstrip installation file
+%^^A It is written on first LaTeX run if it
+%^^A does not already exist
+%^^A =============================================
+% File: figcaps.ins
+% Copyright 1999 Patrick W. Daly
+% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
+% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
+% version 1 of the License, or any later version.
+% It is an installation file for extracting package and driver
+% files from the original source file. Simply process it under
+% TeX or LaTeX.
+\input docstrip
+This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
+archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
+version 1 of the License, or any later version.
+This is a generated file.
+It may not be distributed without the original source file \inFileName.
+Full documentation can be obtained by LaTeXing that original file.
+Only a few abbreviated comments remain here to describe the usage.
+<<<<< End of generated file <<<<<<
+This is the driver file to produce the LaTeX documentation
+from the original source file \inFileName.
+Make changes to it as needed. (Never change the file \inFileName!)
+End of documentation driver file.
+ \file{figcaps.drv}{\usepreamble\driver\usepostamble\driverq
+ \from{figcaps.dtx}{driver}}
+ }
+\Msg{* For documentation, process figcaps.dtx *}%
+\Msg{* or the driver file figcaps.drv *}%
+ %** To include the detailed explanation of the coding, comment out
+ %** the next line
+ %** To produce a command index: add the following line for one run,
+ %** then run makeindex -s natbib
+ %** and reprocess, with or without this line (much faster without)
+%<driver>% \EnableCrossrefs\CodelineIndex
+ %** To produce a change history: add the following line for one run,
+ %** then run makeindex -s -o natbib.gls natbib.glo
+ %** and reprocess, with or without this line (faster without)
+%<driver>% \RecordChanges
+\DisableCrossrefs %May stay; zapped by \EnableCrossrefs
+\CodelineNumbered %May stay
+ \DocInput{figcaps.dtx}
+% \DoNotIndex{\begin,\CodelineIndex,\CodelineNumbered,\def,\DisableCrossrefs}
+% \DoNotIndex{\DocInput,\documentclass,\EnableCrossrefs,\end,\GetFileInfo}
+% \DoNotIndex{\NeedsTeXFormat,\OnlyDescription,\RecordChanges,\usepackage}
+% \DoNotIndex{\ProvidesClass,\ProvidesPackage,\ProvidesFile,\RequirePackage}
+% \DoNotIndex{\LoadClass,\PassOptionsToClass,\PassOptionsToPackage}
+% \DoNotIndex{\DeclareOption,\CurrentOption,\ProcessOptions,\ExecuteOptions}
+% \DoNotIndex{\AtEndOfClass,\AtEndOfPackage,\AtBeginDocument,\AtEndDocument}
+% \DoNotIndex{\InputIfFileExists,\IfFileExists,\ClassError,\PackageError}
+% \DoNotIndex{\ClassWarning,\PackageWarning,\ClassWarningNoLine}
+% \DoNotIndex{\PackageWarningNoLine,\ClassInfo,\PackageInfo,\MessageBreak}
+% \DoNotIndex{\space,\protect,\DeclareRobustCommand,\CheckCommand}
+% \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\renewcommand,\providecommand,\newenvironment}
+% \DoNotIndex{\renewenvironment,\newif,\newlength,\newcounter,\setlength}
+% \DoNotIndex{\setcounter,\if,\ifx,\ifcase,\ifnum,\ifdim,\else,\fi}
+% \DoNotIndex{\texttt,\textbf,\textrm,\textsl,\textsc}
+% \DoNotIndex{\textup,\textit,\textmd,\textsf,\emph}
+% \DoNotIndex{\ttfamily,\rmfamily,\sffamily,\mdseries,\bfseries,\upshape}
+% \DoNotIndex{\slshape,\scshape,\itshape,\em,\LaTeX,\LaTeXe}
+% \DoNotIndex{\filename,\fileversion,\filedate,\let}
+% \DoNotIndex{\@ifundefined,\@input,\@latexerr,\@makecaption,\@makeother}
+% \DoNotIndex{\@mkboth,\@namedef,\@tempa,\@tempb,\@writefile,\\,\{,\},\^}
+% \DoNotIndex{\active,\addcontentsline,\addtocontents,\begingroup,\bgroup}
+% \DoNotIndex{\bigskip,\catcode,\clearpage,\closeout,\def,\do,\dospecials}
+% \DoNotIndex{\egroup,\else,\end@dblfloat,\end@float,\endgroup,\expandafter}
+% \DoNotIndex{\fi,\filedate,\filename,\fileversion,\gdef,\ifx,\immediate}
+% \DoNotIndex{\jobname,\label,\let,\long,\newcounter,\newif,\newpage}
+% \DoNotIndex{\newwrite,\openout,\par,\refstepcounter,\relax,\space}
+% \DoNotIndex{\stepcounter,\string,\typeout,\uppercase,\vbox,\vskip}
+% \DoNotIndex{\vspace,\marginpar,\if@filesw,\parindent}
+% \DoNotIndex{\advance,\divide,\fboxrule,\fboxsep,\fnum@figure,\fnum@plate}
+% \DoNotIndex{\fnum@table,\framebox,\hbox,\hfil,\hsize,\newdimen}
+% \DoNotIndex{\providecommand,\section,\setcounter,\small,\textwidth}
+% \DoNotIndex{\vrule,\vss,\z@}
+% \DoNotIndex{\@caption,\@captype,\@dblfloat,\@depth,\@float,\@height}
+% \DoNotIndex{\@ifnextchar,\@tempdima,\@term,\@width,\cl@section}
+% \DoNotIndex{\cr@relax,\fbox}
+% \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2}
+% \setlength{\IndexMin}{10cm}
+% \setcounter{StandardModuleDepth}{1}
+% \GetFileInfo{figcaps}
+% \title{\bfseries A Package to Put Figures and Tables at the End of
+% an Article}
+% \author{Patrick W. Daly}
+% \date{This paper describes package \texttt{\filename}\\
+% version \fileversion{} from \filedate\\[1ex]
+% \textsl{It is part of the \texttt{preprint} collection of packages}
+% }
+% \maketitle
+% \pagestyle{myheadings}
+%^^A In order to keep all marginal notes on the one (left) side:
+%^^A (otherwise they switch sides disasterously with twoside option)
+% \makeatletter \@mparswitchfalse \makeatother
+% \newcommand{\thestyle}{\texttt{\filename}}
+% The stripped version of this file contains the following brief description:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+ % This option allows the figure captions to be collected throughout
+ % the paper and printed on a separate page at the end. The figures
+ % themselves will not appear in the text. This is for purposes of
+ % a manuscript for submission.
+ % Similarly, tables are not printed in the text, but are outputted at
+ % the end, after the figure captions.
+ % A plate environment also exists, handled just like figures.
+ % A longtable environment exists, for use with the longtable tools package.
+ % The figures themselves may appear, with captions, at
+ % the end, after the tables. This is done with command \printfigures
+ % in the preamble. This only makes sense if the figures have been
+ % generated by LaTeX or if they are being imported.
+ % Marginal notes added where environments placed if \figmarkon given.
+ % NOTE: Only works for article-like styles at present, where \section is
+ % the highest sectioning level.
+ % NOTE: Tables of contents (incl figures and tables) cannot be used
+ % NOTE: This file must be read in AFTER \appendix has been defined;
+ % if sublabel.sty is also used, it must be read in first.
+%<agu> % The captions are formatted as for AGU journals.
+%<egs> % The captions are formatted as for EGS journals.
+ %
+ % Options with LaTeX2e:
+ % printfigures - prints the figures at the end of the article, (is
+ % like issuing the \printfigures command)
+ % figmark - turns on the markers for figures and tables in the text,
+ % (is like issuing \figmarkon)
+ % figon/off - activates or deactivates the whole procedure (is like
+ % (issuing \figcapson or \figcapsoff). Default=on.
+ % mylang - (default) leaves explicit text (e.g. `Figure Captions'
+ % as is, or if undefined, makes them English
+ % english,american,german,austrian,french,esperanto - changes explicit
+ % texts accordingly
+ % blank - makes explicit texts empty.
+% \end{verbatim}
+ %-----------------------------------------------------------
+% \section{Introduction}
+% Often when producing manuscripts for submission to a journal, it is
+% required that the figure captions be listed at the end on a separate
+% page, and also that tables be put at the end too. Then when the
+% manuscript is ready and camera-ready copy, or a preprint, is to be
+% generated, one has to move them all back to the proper positions in the
+% paper.
+% This style alleviates this problem. The \texttt{figure} and \texttt{table}
+% environments are placed in the text as they should be for the preprint or
+% camera-ready copy, but the tables actually are printed at the end. The
+% figures are not printed at all, but their captions are listed on a
+% separate page at the end. Optionally, the figures themselves may be
+% printed at the very end. This last only makes sense if there is something
+% in the figures, i.e., they have been produced with \texttt{picture} or are
+% imported graphics.
+% \section{Invoking the Package}
+% The macros in this package are included in the main document
+% with the |\usepackage| command of \LaTeXe,
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\documentclass[..]{...}|\\
+% |\usepackage[|\emph{options}|]{|\texttt{\filename}|}|
+% \end{quote}
+% where the possible \emph{options} are described below.
+% Alternatively, the name of the package is added as an option to the
+% |\documentstyle| command in \LaTeX~2.09 compatibility mode, as
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\documentstyle[..|\texttt{\filename}|..]{...}|
+% \end{quote}
+% It may only be used for \texttt{article}, or an article-like main class.
+% That is, for one that does not contain the |\chapter| level of
+% sectioning.
+% The order in which other packages are loaded is important for certain
+% features. If my package
+% \texttt{sublabel} is included, then it must come before \thestyle.
+% Furthermore, \thestyle{} adds to the existing definition of
+% |\appendix|, so that if the author has any packages that alter this
+% definition, they must come before \thestyle. Clearly, |\appendix| may
+% not be redefined afterwards.
+% \section{Using the Package}
+% \DescribeMacro{\figcapson}\DescribeMacro{\figcapsoff}
+% The macro package in \thestyle{} operates pretty much automatically.
+% The whole thing may be turned on and off with the commands |\figcapson|
+% and |\figcapsoff|. The default is \meta{on}. One might want to
+% control the placement of figures and tables with this flag rather than by
+% adding and removing the option from the |\documentclass| command.
+% Alternatively, the \LaTeXe{} options \texttt{figon} and \texttt{figoff}
+% have the same effect, with \texttt{figon} being the default.
+% \DescribeMacro{\printfigures}
+% The only other means of interacting with the macros is with the command
+% |\printfigures|, which, when given anywhere in the text, enables the
+% figures themselves to be output at the very end of the paper. Without
+% this, only the captions are listed. With it, both captions and figures
+% are output.
+% The \LaTeXe{} option \texttt{printfigures} in |\usepackage| is
+% equivalent to issuing the command |\printfigures| in the text.
+% \DescribeMacro{\figmarkon}
+% \DescribeMacro{\figmarkoff}
+% Another option is to put marginal notes into the text at the place
+% where the float environment is entered. This is useful for camera-ready
+% copy that will be cut-and-pasted together to indicate where the figures
+% and tables should appear. The commands |\figmarkon| and |\figmarkoff|
+% control this feature, with the default being \meta{off}.
+% The \LaTeXe{} option \texttt{figmark} in |\usepackage| sets this
+% default to \meta{on}; in other words, it is equivalent to issuing
+% |\figmarkon| in the text.
+% \DescribeMacro{\figurecapname}
+% \DescribeMacro{\tablepagename}
+% \DescribeMacro{\figurepagename}
+% The text that is written as header at the top of the special pages is
+% defined in three commands |\figurecapname|, |\tablepagename|, and
+% |\figurepagename|. They default to English text, but may be redefined to
+% other languages, or suppressed altogether, with |\renewcommand| or with
+% \LaTeXe{} options (see page~\pageref{names}).
+% \section{How it Works}
+% The contents of all the \texttt{figure} and \texttt{table} environments are
+% written to auxiliary files {\tt.lof} and {\tt.lot} respectively, and then
+% these are read in again at the end of the paper. Since these auxiliary
+% files are normally used to write information for the lists of figures and
+% tables, this capability is lost. However, it is not likely that one wants
+% such lists, or even a table of contents, in a manuscript. In fact, the
+% commands |\tableofcontents|, |\listoffigures|, |\listoftables| are turned
+% off (they issue a warning message).
+% If you really do need tables of contents, then see the extra features
+% below.
+% \subsection{With the \texttt{longtable} Package}
+% This package may optionally be used with the \texttt{longtable} environment defined
+% in the package of the same name. Since such tables are normally long, i.e.\
+% over a page, the list of tables at the back will always start a new page for
+% each of these.
+% For preprints, when the tables are not moved to the back (|\figcapsoff|), it
+% makes sense to put the \texttt{longtable} environment inside the |\afterpage|
+% command (from the \texttt{afterpage} package). However, with |\figcapson|,
+% and the table is move, this is useless. In this case, the |\afterpage|
+% command is deactivated. One should realize this in case it is used for other
+% purposes.
+% \subsection{As Module to Journal-Specific Styles}
+% Although \thestyle{} is meant to be an all-purpose bibliographic style
+% \emph{package}, it may also be incorporated as a module to other
+% packages for specific journals. In this case, many of the general features may
+% be left off. This is allowed for with \texttt{docstrip} options that not
+% only leave off certain codelines, but also include extra ones. So far,
+% options exist for
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\ttfamily egs] for \textsl{European Geophysical Society} journals.
+% \item[\ttfamily agu] for \textsl{American Geophysical Union} journals.
+% \end{description}
+% Previous options \texttt{jgr} and \texttt{grl} have become obsolete due
+% to revisions in these journals; they have been replaced by the more
+% general \texttt{agu} option.
+% \section{\LaTeXe{} Options}
+% Under \LaTeXe, \emph{options} may be added to the |\usepackage| command
+% that loads the package. Available options for \thestyle{} set certain
+% control flags, thus replacing the equivalent commands, or select the
+% language for the texts that are printed by |\figurecapname|,
+% |\tablepagename|, and |\figurepagename|.
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\ttfamily figon] (default) activates the whole procedure of moving
+% figures and tables to the back of the article, (same as
+% |\figcapson|);
+% \item[\ttfamily figoff] deactivates the whole procedure, (same as
+% |\figcapsoff|);
+% \item[\ttfamily printfigures] allows the figures themselves and not just
+% their captions to be output at the very end, in addition to the
+% caption page, (same as |\printfigures|); by default this is not done;
+% \item[\ttfamily figmark] enables marking of figure and table environments
+% in the text with marginal notes; (same as |\figmarkon|);
+% \item[\ttfamily mylang] (default) leaves the three \texttt{name} commands
+% as they are; however if they are not defined at all, then they are
+% given English values; since these name commands are not standard, one
+% cannot expect them to be set by other language adaption packages;
+% \item[\ttfamily english, american, german, austrian, french, esperanto]
+% \label{names}
+% set the \texttt{name} commands to the translation in the
+% corresponding language, overwriting any previous definitions;
+% \item[\ttfamily blank] sets the text of |\figurecapname|,
+% |\tablepagename|, and |\figurepagename| to nothing.
+% \end{description}
+% \StopEventually{\PrintIndex\PrintChanges}
+% \section{Options with \texttt{docstrip}}
+% The source \texttt{.dtx} file is meant to be processed with
+% \texttt{docstrip}, for which a number of options are available:
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\ttfamily plates] permits \texttt{plate} and \texttt{plate*}
+% environments to be treated just like \texttt{figure} and
+% \texttt{figure*}; the contents are written to the same auxiliary file
+% and the captions are mixed with those of the figures. The environments
+% must already exist though, for with this option the coding is included
+% to treat plates like figures, but it does not define such plate
+% environments.
+% \item[\ttfamily longtab] permits \texttt{longtable} environment from the
+% \texttt{longtable} tools package to be treated too (\LaTeXe\ only).
+% \item[\ttfamily sublab] adds coding to enable the \thestyle{} macros to
+% function with my other option \texttt{sublabel}, which permits objects
+% to be numbered 4{\it a}, 4{\it b}, etc. This coding may always be
+% included, even if \texttt{sublabel} is not invoked; the converse is
+% not true: if \texttt{sublabel} is present, then this coding must also
+% be there, and \texttt{sublabel} must precede \thestyle{} in the list
+% of options.
+% \item[\ttfamily toc] allows auxiliary files with the extensions {\tt.pof}
+% and {\tt.pot} so that there is no conflict with the tables of contents
+% files. Thus |\tableofcontents|, |\listoffigures|, |\listoftables|, and
+% possibly |\listofplates| may be used as normal.
+% \item[\ttfamily package] to produce a \texttt{.sty} package file with most
+% comments removed;
+% \item[\ttfamily 209] for a style option file that will run under the older
+% \LaTeX~2.09;
+% \item[\ttfamily subpack] (together with \texttt{package}) for coding that
+% is to be included inside a larger package; even more comments are
+% removed, as well as \LaTeXe{} option handling and identification;
+% \item[\ttfamily agu] (with \texttt{package,subpack}) for special coding
+% for the \textsl{AGU$^{++}$} package;
+% \item[\ttfamily egs] (with \texttt{package,subpack}) for special
+% coding for the \textsl{EGS} package;
+% \item[\ttfamily driver] to produce a driver \texttt{.drv} file that will
+% print out the documentation under \LaTeXe. The documentation cannot
+% be printed under \LaTeX~2.09.
+% \end{description}
+% The source file \texttt{\filename.dtx} is itself a driver file and can
+% be processed directly by \LaTeXe.
+% \section{The Coding}
+% This section presents and explains the actual coding of the macros.
+% It is nested between |%<*package>| and |%</package>|, which
+% are indicators to \texttt{docstrip} that this coding belongs to the package
+% file.
+% The \texttt{docstrip} option |<subpack>| should only be called if the
+% coding is to be included as part of another package, in which case the
+% announcement text and \LaTeXe{} options are suppressed.
+% An inferior version of this coding is provided for running as a
+% style file under \LaTeX~2.09. Code lines belonging to this are
+% indicated with guard |<209>|; those for LaTeXe{} only with |<!209>|.
+% Now test that the main style is article-like, i.e., it has no chapters.
+% This is because the figure caption list as well as the tables page are output
+% under a |\section*|, and because of the relabelling of figures, tables,
+% equations within appendices. (Maybe someday this will be changed.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<209> \@latexerr
+%<!209> \PackageError{figcaps}
+ {`figcaps' may only be used with article-like classes}
+ {There is no help. You just cannot use `figcaps'}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\iffigcaps}
+% \begin{macro}{\iffigmark}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Oct 18}{Add flag to switch marginal notes on/off}
+% \begin{macro}{\if@figpage}
+% Define a few flags that control the operations, such as whether the whole
+% procedure is turned on, whether figures and tables are marked in the text
+% where they should appear, and whether a page of figures (not just
+% captions) is output. These are set by commands defined below and/or by
+% \LaTeXe options.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newif\iffigcaps \figcapstrue
+\newif\iffigmark \figmarkfalse
+\newif\if@figpage \@figpagefalse
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}
+% \subsection{Setting Defaults and \LaTeXe{} Options}
+% \begin{macro}{\figurecapname}
+% \begin{macro}{\tablepagename}
+% \begin{macro}{\figurepagename}
+% Define explicit text with name commands that may be changed by language
+% adaptations. Since these are non-standard, it is unlikely that they
+% already exist, but nevertheless, it does not hurt to assume that they do.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\@ifundefined{figurecapname}{\def\figurecapname{Figure Captions}}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareOption}
+% \changes{4.3}{1994 May 19}{Add language options for \LaTeXe}
+% In \LaTeXe, the initial values of these commands can be set with options
+% to the |\usepackage| command. They are processed in the order given, not
+% in the order defined (starred version of |\ProcessOptions|).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareOption{english}{\def\figurecapname{Figure Captions}%
+ \def\tablepagename{Tables}%
+ \def\figurepagename{Figures}}
+\DeclareOption{german}{\def\figurecapname{Untertiteln der Abbildungen}%
+ \def\tablepagename{Tabellen}%
+ \def\figurepagename{Abbildungen}}
+\DeclareOption{french}{\def\figurecapname{Titres des Figures}%
+ \def\tablepagename{Tableaux}%
+ \def\figurepagename{Figures}}
+\DeclareOption{esperanto}{\def\figurecapname{Titroj de la Figuroj}%
+ \def\tablepagename{Tabeloj}%
+ \def\figurepagename{Figuroj}}
+ \def\tablepagename{}%
+ \def\figurepagename{}}
+\DeclareOption{mylang}{\providecommand{\figurecapname}{Figure Captions}%
+ \providecommand{\tablepagename}{Tables}%
+ \providecommand{\figurepagename}{Figures}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}
+% \subsection{Low Level Routines --- the Tricky Bits}
+% The way in which this routine is to work is as follows: the float
+% commands |\figure|, |\table|, and optionally |\plate| are redefined so
+% that they write everything up to the corresponding |\end| command to an
+% auxiliary file. These files have extensions {\tt.lof} (for figures and
+% plates) and {\tt.lot} (for tables). The entire contents must be written
+% literally, that is as verbatim, without any expansion. The terminal
+% |\end| text must also be literal.
+% The actual internal commands that will do this are called |\@vfig|,
+% |\@vsfig|, etc., where the second variant is for the starred version of
+% the float command. These must be defined in such a way that |\|, |{|,
+% and |}| are temporarily characters (catcode=12); their functionality is
+% taken over by \verb!|!, |[|, and |]|. Furthermore, the carriage return
+% |^^M| must also be made active so that it may be used as a character
+% within the template of the definitions. Its function is to separate the
+% individual lines of text. It must be active, not `other', because
+% |\set@literal| (see below) will give it a definition of |\relax|. (It
+% probably cannot be made `other' anyway because it is unprintable.)
+% Switch the category codes, within a group, of course, to keep them local.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \catcode `|=0 \catcode `[= 1
+ \catcode`]=2 \catcode `\{=12 \catcode `\}=12
+ \catcode`\^^M=13 \catcode`\\=12 %
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\@vfig}
+% Now define the true working commands. Take |\@vfig| as prototype for all
+% the others. Its arguement is everything up to the literal text
+% |\end{figure}|. This argument is expanded and used as argument to
+% |\writelof| with an extra line termination (|^^M|) and the text
+% |\end{figure}| added. The function |\writelof| dissects its argument into
+% individual lines (as indicated by the active |^^M|) and writes them to
+% the {\tt.lof} file, until it finds a line of text equal to |\@term|.
+% Hence, this termination command is first defined as |\end{figure}|.
+% Finally, |\@vfig| issues the \emph{command} (not the literal text)
+% |\end{figure}| in order to close the \texttt{figure} environment. This last
+% command appears in the definition as \verb!|end[figure]! because of the
+% altered category codes.
+% \SpecialEscapechar{\|}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ |expandafter|writelof#1^^M\end{figure}^^M|end[figure]]%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@vsfig}
+% The equivalent function for \texttt{figure*} is now defined.
+% \SpecialEscapechar{\|}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ |expandafter|writelof#1^^M\end{figure*}^^M|end[figure*]]%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@vtab}
+% \begin{macro}{\@vstab}
+% Next, the same functions for tables. Here |\writelot| is used instead
+% of |\writelof| because the text goes to a different auxiliary file.
+% \SpecialEscapechar{\|}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ |expandafter|writelot#1^^M\end{table}^^M|end[table]]%
+ |expandafter|writelot#1^^M\end{table*}^^M|end[table*]]%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}\end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@vltab}
+% \changes{4.6}{1998 Sep 14}{Add macro for \texttt{longtable} package}
+% For use with the \texttt{longtable} package and its environment of the same
+% name, need special coding. This environment is never put into a
+% \texttt{figure} environment, but rather is used on its own.
+% \SpecialEscapechar{\|}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ |long|gdef|@vltab#1\end{longtable}[|def|@term[\end{longtable}]%
+ |expandafter|writelot#1^^M\end{longtable}^^M|end[longtable]]%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@vpla}
+% \begin{macro}{\@vspla}
+% For the event that a \texttt{plate} environment is also present (as in
+% \textsl{AGU}, for example) we must include two more such functions. These
+% operate exactly like \texttt{figure}, even using |\writelof| instead of
+% |\writelot|.
+% \SpecialEscapechar{\|}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ |expandafter|writelof#1^^M\end{plate}^^M|end[plate]]%
+ |expandafter|writelof#1^^M\end{plate*}^^M|end[plate*]]%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}\end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@vptab}
+% \changes{4.5f}{1997 Mar 16}{For AGU only}
+% In the AGU supplement, there is an additional \texttt{table} environment
+% called \texttt{planotable}. This must then be provided for here. It has
+% no starred version.
+% \SpecialEscapechar{\|}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<agu> |long|gdef|@vptab#1\end{planotable}[|def|@term[\end{planotable}]%
+%<agu> |expandafter|writelot#1^^M\end{planotable}^^M|end[planotable]]%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@fcaponly}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Nov 20}{Remove caption-only commands for AGU}
+% \begin{macro}{\@feject}
+% \begin{macro}{\@pcaponly}
+% \begin{macro}{\@peject}
+% Some more special commands are needed with literal commands in their
+% templates. These are used to print only the captions when the figures
+% auxiliary file is reread in. First |\@fcaponly| reads everything up to
+% the |\caption| and throws it away. Then |\@feject| removes all text from
+% its current position (which will be right after |\caption|) to the end of
+% the \texttt{figure} environment. Similar functions exist for \texttt{plate},
+% but not for \texttt{table}, since tables are always reproduced in full.
+% The AGU supplement does not make use of these commands, since it works
+% in a different way.
+% \SpecialEscapechar{\|}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ |endgroup
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}
+% Here the category codes are restored to their normal values with the
+% ending of the group. Note that each of the above lines must have |%| at
+% the end to avoid \meta{end-of-line}, which is active.
+% \begin{macro}{\FC@writefile}
+% \changes{4.4}{1995 Jan 8}{Add macro, equal to old definition of standard
+% \cmd{\@writefile}}
+% The release of \LaTeX\ on 1995/12/01 changed the internal definition
+% of |\@writefile| such as to make it robuster: the text is written literally
+% to the file. This means that my |\string\begin{figure}| is written as
+% |\string \begin {figure}| instead of |\begin{figure}|. To get around this,
+% keeping capatibility with older versions, and not interfering with
+% other uses of |\@writefile|, I add may own version, equal to the
+% older definition.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \immediate\write\csname tf@#1\endcsname{#2}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\writelof}
+% \begin{macro}{\writelot}
+% \changes{4.0}{1993 Oct 12}{Add \texttt{toc} option to determine extension
+% of auxiliary files. Tables of contents were previously allowed, now
+% only optionally allowed.}
+% Now, the command that write the text to the auxiliary file |\writelof|
+% takes the text one line at a time, checks if it
+% equals |\@term|; if not, it is output to {\tt.lof} and |\writelof| is
+% called again; if yes, the routine comes to an end. The
+% \meta{end-of-line} |^^M| must be made active again at this stage so that
+% it has the correct category code in the definition. For tables, the
+% corresponding |\writelot| is analogous.
+% Before we do this, however, it should be pointed out that these auxiliary
+% files are normally used for lists of figures and tables information. Thus
+% they may not be used for this purpose. Normally, one does not have such
+% tables of contents in an article, but if that should be required, then
+% we provide a \texttt{docstrip} option \texttt{toc} to change the extensions
+% to {\tt.pof} and {\tt.pot}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\lof{lof} \def\lot{lot}
+%<toc>\def\lof{pof} \def\lot{pot}
+ \long\gdef\writelof#1^^M{\def\@tempb{#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempb\@term\let\@tempa\relax\else
+ \if@filesw\FC@writefile{pof}{#1}\fi\let\@tempa\writelof\fi \@tempa}
+ \long\gdef\writelot#1^^M{\def\@tempb{#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempb\@term\let\@tempa\relax\else
+ \if@filesw\FC@writefile{pot}{#1}\fi\let\@tempa\writelot\fi \@tempa}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}\end{macro}
+% \subsection{Caption Commands}
+% \begin{macro}{\@fcaption}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Nov 20}{Remove caption-only commands for AGU}
+% \begin{macro}{\@@fcapopt}
+% \begin{macro}{\@@fcap}
+% Here are the modified |\caption| commands for printing only the captions.
+% In |\@figurecaps|, the command |\@fcaponly| is called at the start of
+% a \texttt{figure} environment, which ejects all text up to the |\caption|
+% command, and then calls |\@fcaption|. This then selects |\@@fcap| or
+% |\@@fcapopt| depending on the presence of the optional argument. Both do
+% essentially the same thing: they call the true caption command
+% |\@caption| to process the argument, and then call |\@feject| to remove
+% the remaining text in the \texttt{figure} environment. Note: this is only
+% done when the auxiliary {\tt.lof} file is being read in to produce a list
+% of captions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\@fcaption{\refstepcounter\@captype \@ifnextchar[{\@@fcapopt}{\@@fcap}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@pcaption}
+% \begin{macro}{\@@pcapopt}
+% \begin{macro}{\@@pcap}
+% The same thing for plates.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\@pcaption{\refstepcounter\@captype \@ifnextchar[{\@@pcapopt}{\@@pcap}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}
+% \subsection{The High Level Commands for Float Environments}
+% \begin{macro}{\figcapson}
+% \changes{4.3}{1994 May 19}{Add on/off commands to set whole thing
+% on/off}
+% \begin{macro}{\figcapsoff}
+% \changes{4.3}{1994 May 19}{Add on/off commands to set whole thing
+% on/off}
+% Here are the new definitions of the figure and table, which are to
+% be executed in the main text where the environments are entered. These
+% new definitions are only in effect if the flag \texttt{figcaps} is
+% \meta{true}, otherwise the original definitions hold. This flag allows
+% the style to be input in the |\documentstyle| line, or with
+% |\usepackage|, even if it is not yet, or no longer, wanted.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}\end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\figmarkon}
+% \changes{4.3}{1994 May 19}{Add on/off commands to set flag
+% \cmd{\iffigmark}, consistent with older manuals!}
+% \begin{macro}{\figmarkoff}
+% \changes{4.3}{1994 May 19}{Add on/off commands to set flag
+% \cmd{\iffigmark}, consistent with older manuals!}
+% \changes{4.3c}{1994 Nov 30}{Correct very bad bug!}
+% Another flag allows the figures and tables in the text to be marked with
+% a marginal note to indicate where they are first referred to. Since this is
+% only necessary for cut-and-paste procedures, the default is to have the
+% flag set \meta{false} unless the \LaTeXe{} option \texttt{figmark} has
+% been given. These commands set the state of the flag.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}\end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\figure}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Oct 18}{Add marginal note with \cmd{\iffigmark}}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Oct 29}{Add \cmd{\@zfigure} to bring
+% float out of the if clause}
+% \changes{4.5}{1996 Jan 10}{Test for \cs{ifFC@appendix}}
+% In the new definitions, the
+% necessary auxiliary file is opened, the counter is stepped, the caption
+% type determined (these are normal functions of the float routine), and
+% then |\begin{figure}| is written literally to the auxiliary file.
+% Finally, |\@vfig|, or equivalent, is called to process the rest of the
+% environment's contents.
+% If |figcaps| is \meta{false}, then the normal |\@float| command is used.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\figure{\iffigcaps \let\@tempb=\@zfigure \else \let\@tempb=\@float\fi
+ \@tempb{figure}}
+ \if@filesw\immediate\openout\tf@pof\jobname.\lof\relax
+ \ifFC@appendix\FC@writefile{pof}{\string\doappendix}\fi\fi}{}%
+ \refstepcounter{figure}\iffigmark\marginpar{\fbox{\fnum@figure}}\fi
+ \def\@captype{figure}\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pof}{\string\begin{figure}}\fi
+ \@vfig}
+ \endgroup\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pof}{\string\end{figure}}\fi\else
+ \end@float\fi}
+\@namedef{figure*}{\iffigcaps \let\@tempb=\@zsfigure \else
+ \let\@tempb=\@dblfloat\fi \@tempb{figure}}
+ \if@filesw\immediate\openout\tf@pof\jobname.\lof\relax
+ \ifFC@appendix\FC@writefile{pof}{\string\doappendix}\fi\fi}{}%
+ \refstepcounter{figure}\iffigmark\marginpar{\fbox{\fnum@figure}}\fi
+ \def\@captype{figure}\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pof}{\string\begin{figure}}\fi
+ \@vsfig}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\plate}
+% \changes{3.2}{1993 Feb 9}{Add possibility of plate environments}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Oct 18}{Add marginal note with \cmd{\iffigmark}}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Oct 29}{Add \cmd{\@zfigure} to bring
+% float out of the if clause}
+% \changes{4.5}{1996 Jan 10}{Test for \cs{ifFC@appendix}}
+% Plates are defined in the same way, and write to the same auxiliary
+% file as figures. We must first test if there really is a plate counter,
+% otherwise we will have trouble later.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\plate{\iffigcaps \let\@tempb=\@zplate \else \let\@tempb=\@float\fi
+ \@tempb{plate}}
+ \if@filesw\immediate\openout\tf@pof\jobname.\lof\relax
+ \ifFC@appendix\FC@writefile{pof}{\string\doappendix}\fi\fi}{}%
+ \refstepcounter{plate}\iffigmark\marginpar{\fbox{\fnum@plate}}\fi
+ \def\@captype{plate}\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pof}{\string\begin{plate}}\fi
+ \@vpla}
+ \endgroup\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pof}{\string\end{plate}}\fi\else
+ \end@float\fi}
+\@namedef{plate*}{\iffigcaps \let\@tempb=\@zsplate \else
+ \let\@tempb=\@dblfloat\fi \@tempb{plate}}
+ \if@filesw\immediate\openout\tf@pof\jobname.\lof\relax
+ \ifFC@appendix\FC@writefile{pof}{\string\doappendix}\fi\fi}{}%
+ \refstepcounter{plate}\iffigmark\marginpar{\fbox{\fnum@plate}}\fi
+ \def\@captype{plate}\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pof}{\string\begin{plate}}\fi
+ \@vspla}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\table}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Oct 18}{Add marginal note with \cmd{\iffigmark}}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Oct 29}{Add \cmd{\@zfigure} to bring
+% float out of the if clause}
+% \changes{4.5}{1996 Jan 10}{Test for \cs{ifFC@appendix}}
+% \changes{4.5d}{1996 Aug 20}{Add \cs{spew@tblnotes} for AGU}
+% The table environments are made up the same way, but write to {\tt.lot}
+% instead of {\tt.lof}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\table{\iffigcaps \let\@tempb=\@ztable \else \let\@tempb=\@float\fi
+ \@tempb{table}}
+ \if@filesw\immediate\openout\tf@pot\jobname.\lot\relax
+ \ifFC@appendix\FC@writefile{pot}{\string\doappendix}\fi\fi}{}%
+ \refstepcounter{table}\iffigmark\marginpar{\fbox{\fnum@table}}\fi
+ \def\@captype{table}\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pot}{\string\begin{table}}\fi
+ \@vtab}
+ \endgroup\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pot}{\string\end{table}}\fi\else
+%<agu> \spew@tblnotes
+ \end@float\fi}
+\@namedef{table*}{\iffigcaps \let\@tempb=\@zstable \else
+ \let\@tempb=\@dblfloat\fi \@tempb{table}}
+ \if@filesw\immediate\openout\tf@pot\jobname.\lot\relax
+ \ifFC@appendix\FC@writefile{pot}{\string\doappendix}\fi\fi}{}%
+ \refstepcounter{table}\iffigmark\marginpar{\fbox{\fnum@table}}\fi
+ \def\@captype{table}\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pot}
+ {\string\begin{table}}%
+ \fi\@vstab}
+%<agu> \spew@tblnotes
+ \end@dblfloat\fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\longtable}
+% \changes{4.6}{1998 Sep 14}{Add macro for \texttt{longtable} package}
+% For the \texttt{longtable} package, add environment of same name.
+% This coding to be added after the preamble so that the order of loading
+% \thestyle{} and \texttt{longtable} is unimportant. The \cs{LT@makecaptions}
+% is fixed to use the \cs{\@makecaptions} format that is current.
+% Since it makes sense to use the \texttt{longtable} environment with the
+% \texttt{afterpage} command, but not when the table is moved to the back,
+% switch off that command when moving is active.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\FC@endltab=\endlongtable
+\def\longtable{\iffigcaps \let\@tempb=\@ltable \else
+ \let\@tempb=\FC@ltab\fi \@tempb}
+ \@ifundefined{tf@pot}{\newwrite\tf@pot
+ \if@filesw\immediate\openout\tf@pot\jobname.\lot\relax
+ \ifFC@appendix\FC@writefile{pot}{\string\doappendix}\fi\fi}{}%
+ \refstepcounter{table}\iffigmark\marginpar{\fbox{\fnum@table}}\fi
+ \def\@captype{table}\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pot}
+ {\string\begin{longtable}}\fi \@vltab}
+ \endgroup\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pot}{\string\end{longtable}}\fi\else
+ \FC@endltab\fi}
+ \LT@mcol\LT@cols c{\hbox to\z@{\hss\parbox[t]\LTcapwidth{%
+ \@makecaption{#1{#2}}{#3}%
+ \endgraf\vskip\baselineskip}%
+ \hss}}}}{}
+ \let\FC@afterpage=\afterpage
+ \def\afterpage{\iffigcaps \let\@tempb\relax \else \let\@tempb\FC@afterpage\fi
+ \@tempb}}{}
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\planotable}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Nov 20}{Add for AGU supplement}
+% \changes{4.5}{1996 Jan 10}{Test for \cs{ifFC@appendix}}
+% For the AGU supplement, we need to add the environment \texttt{planotable}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<agu>\def\planotable{\iffigcaps \let\@tempb=\@ptable \else
+%<agu> \let\@tempb=\aguplano\fi \@tempb}
+%<agu> \@ifundefined{tf@pot}{\newwrite\tf@pot
+%<agu> \if@filesw\immediate\openout\tf@pot\jobname.\lot\relax
+%<agu> \ifFC@appendix\FC@writefile{pot}{\string\doappendix}\fi\fi}{}%
+%<agu> \refstepcounter{table}\iffigmark\marginpar{\fbox{\fnum@table}}\fi
+%<agu> \def\@captype{table}\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pot}
+%<agu> {\string\begin{planotable}}\fi \@vptab}
+%<agu> \endgroup\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pot}{\string\end{planotable}}\fi\else
+%<agu> \endaguplano\fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\tableofcontents}
+% \changes{4.4}{1995 Jan 8}{Use \LaTeXe{} warning command}
+% \begin{macro}{\listoffigures}
+% \changes{4.4}{1995 Jan 8}{Use \LaTeXe{} warning command}
+% \begin{macro}{\listoftables}
+% \changes{4.4}{1995 Jan 8}{Use \LaTeXe{} warning command}
+% \begin{macro}{\listofplates}
+% \changes{4.4}{1995 Jan 8}{Use \LaTeXe{} warning command}
+% Unless the \texttt{docstrip} option \texttt{toc} has been selected, turn off
+% the tables of contents commands, because they will interfere with the
+% writing of the auxiliary files.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<209> \@@warning
+%<!209> \PackageWarningNoLine{figcaps}
+ {Ignored: \protect\tableofcontents\space command}}
+%<209> \@@warning
+%<!209> \PackageWarningNoLine{figcaps}
+ {Ignored: \protect\listoffigures\space command}}
+%<209> \@@warning
+%<!209> \PackageWarningNoLine{figcaps}
+ {Ignored: \protect\listoftables\space command}}
+%<209> \@@warning
+%<!209> \PackageWarningNoLine{figcaps}
+ {Ignored: \protect\listofplates\space command}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\set@literal}
+% \changes{3.1}{1992 Oct 14}{Use {\tt\symbol{94}\symbol{94}M!=\protect\bslash
+% relax} in place of {\tt\protect\bslash obeylines} which caused problems
+% with floats inside paragraphs because then
+% {\tt\symbol{94}\symbol{94}M!=\protect\bslash par}}
+% Here is the command that makes all characters literal. It especially
+% makes |^^M| to be active, defined to be |\relax|. In earlier versions,
+% |\obeylines| was used instead, but that sets |^^M| to |\par| and there
+% were problems when the floats appeared in the middle of a paragraph.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{\catcode`\^^M=\active \gdef\cr@relax{\catcode`\^^M=\active \let^^M=\relax}}
+\def\set@literal{\cr@relax \let\do\@makeother\dospecials}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Commands to Put Saved Text at the End}
+% \begin{macro}{\@figurecaps}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Nov 20}{Revisions for AGU supplement}
+% \changes{4.3a}{1994 Jun 6}{Zero \cmd{\parindent} for AGU}
+% \changes{4.5e}{1996 Oct 17}{Zero \cmd{\parindent} generally}
+% Now define the routine to read in the {\tt.lof} auxiliary file with the
+% purpose of listing only the captions. Since the list is to be made under
+% a |\section*|, there may be trouble if |\appendix| has been called
+% already. The redefined |\section*| command may print out |\appendixname|.
+% Thus this name is set to blank if it exists.
+% The |\reset@figtab| command is called to reset the figure, plate, table
+% counters to zero. This is because they are to go through their automatic
+% sequence once more as they are read in. Actually, this is not necessary,
+% since the |\caption|s were never really called in the text part. However,
+% it is better to be certain that the counters are where we expect them.
+% An entry is made to the running heads and to the table of contents.
+% The \texttt{figure} environment is redefined yet again to make use of
+% |\@fcaponly|, and |\addcontentsline| is set to swallow its arguments.
+% This latter is called by the |\@caption| command and we do not want the
+% entries to be made at this point. The |\@makecaption| command must be
+% altered to a special format for the captions list.
+% Finally, the auxiliary file {\tt.lof} is input.
+% For the AGU supplement, the procedure is different. Instead of ignoring
+% everything except the |\caption|, all printable text is contained in
+% a |\figbox|, which here is defined to swallow its argument. (Actually the
+% internal |\@figbox| is redefined.)
+% For AGU, need to call |\noappendix| and to set |\parindent| to zero.
+% This is because the manuscript part of AGU\TeX{} redefines |\@caption|
+% so that this is no longer done there.
+% Also need to zero |\parindent| for EGS. So why not do it generally?
+% Note: no distinction is made between \texttt{figure} and \texttt{figure*},
+% since both environments write the unstarred variant to the auxiliary
+% file. For a list of captions, there is no need for a distinction.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \immediate\closeout\tf@pof\fi
+ \@ifundefined{appendixname}{}{\def\appendixname{}}
+%<agu> \noappendix
+ \parindent\z@
+ \reset@figtab\clearpage\section*{\figurecapname}\vspace{1cm}%
+ \@mkboth{\uppercase{\figurecapname}}{\uppercase{\figurecapname}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\figurecapname}%
+ \def\figure{\def\addcontentsline####1####2####3{}%
+ \def\@captype{figure}%
+ \begingroup\set@literal\@fcaponly
+ }\def\endfigure{\endgroup\bigskip}%
+%<agu> \vbox\bgroup
+%<agu> }\def\endfigure{\egroup\bigskip}%
+ \def\plate{\def\addcontentsline####1####2####3{}%
+ \def\@captype{plate}%
+ \begingroup\set@literal\@pcaponly
+%<agu> \vbox\bgroup
+ }\let\endplate=\endfigure
+ {\let\@makecaption=\@makefcaption
+%<agu> \def\@figbox##1##2##3{\relax}
+ \@input{\jobname.\lof}}%
+ \clearpage}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@tablepage}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Oct 22}{For NLINPROC, add explicit
+% {\tt\protect\bslash small}}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Nov 20}{Revisions for AGU supplement}
+% \changes{4.2}{1993 Dec 16}{For AGU: suppress floats for \texttt{planotable}}
+% \changes{4.3a}{1994 Jun 6}{Zero \cmd{\parindent} for AGU}
+% \changes{4.5e}{1996 Oct 17}{Zero \cmd{\parindent} generally}
+% The page(s) of tables are written similarly, except no effort is made to
+% list only the captions. The whole set of tables is read in as is,
+% except that the tables are not to `float'.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \immediate\closeout\tf@pot\fi
+ \@ifundefined{appendixname}{}{\def\appendixname{}}
+%<agu> \noappendix
+ \parindent\z@
+ \reset@figtab\clearpage\section*{\tablepagename}
+ \@mkboth{\uppercase{\tablepagename}}{\uppercase{\tablepagename}}%
+ \def\table{\def\@captype{table}\vbox\bgroup
+%<egs> \small
+ }\def\endtable{\egroup\bigskip}%
+%<agu> }\def\endtable{\spew@tblnotes\egroup\bigskip}%
+%<agu> \let\planotable=\aguplano \let\endplanotable=\endaguplano
+%<agu> \def\@float##1{\def\@captype{table}\vbox\bgroup}
+%<agu> \let\@dblfloat=\@float \let\clearpage=\newpage
+%<longtab&!209> \def\longtable{\newpage\FC@ltab} \let\endlongtable=\FC@endltab
+ \@input{\jobname.\lot}
+ \clearpage}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Note that \texttt{agu} needs to provide for \texttt{planotable}. Since that
+% environment calls |\@float| or |\@dblfloat| explicitly, the only way to
+% turn of the floating mechanism is to redefine those commands. The
+% |\clearpage| is also turned into |\newpage| otherwise \texttt{planotable}
+% tries to eject some pseudo floats when tables are continued, resulting in
+% an unwanted blank page.
+% The \texttt{longtable} environment does not call the floating mechanism,
+% but we do have to restore the original definitions here. But add
+% \cs{newpage} to \cs{longtable} so that each such table starts on a new page.
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\printfigures}
+% A similar page of figures (as opposed to their captions only) is added
+% only optionally if the command |\printfigures| is given in the preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@figurepage}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Nov 20}{Revisions for AGU supplement}
+% \changes{4.3a}{1994 Jun 6}{Zero \cmd{\parindent} for AGU}
+% \changes{4.3a}{1994 Jun 6}{Add \cmd{\figurewidth} and \cmd{\platewidth} for
+% AGU}
+% The page(s) of figures are much like those for the tables, except that
+% the |\label| command must be switched off. This is because the labels
+% have already been defined during the list of captions. However, any
+% entries to a list of figures will be made here, since
+% |\addtocontentsline| is in effect.
+% For AGU, make the |\figurewidth| and |\platewidth| commands set |\hsize|
+% (as well as |\pt@width|) in order to avoid overfull hboxes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{appendixname}{}{\def\appendixname{}}
+%<agu> \noappendix \parindent\z@
+ \reset@figtab\clearpage\section*{\figurepagename}%
+ \@mkboth{\uppercase{\figurepagename}}{\uppercase{\figurepagename}}%
+ \begingroup
+%<agu> \def\figurewidth##1{\pt@width##1\hsize##1}
+ \def\figure{\def\@captype{figure}\vbox\bgroup}\def\endfigure{\egroup
+ \vspace{20pt}}%
+%<agu> \let\platewidth=\figurewidth
+ \def\plate{\def\@captype{plate}\vbox\bgroup}\let\endplate=\endfigure
+ \def\label##1{}%
+ \@input{\jobname.\lof}\newpage\endgroup}\fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@makefcaption}
+% The special caption format for the captions list is defined here. The
+% difference between this and the regular |\@makecaption| is that it is
+% never centered if the text is less than one line. Unfortunately, this may
+% alter the style of the caption. Maybe some better solution can be found.
+% (The specific journals have special definitions of |\@makefcaption|
+% that are given later.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \vskip 10pt
+ #1. #2\par }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\reset@figtab}
+% The command to reset the figure and table counters.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}\setcounter{table}{0}
+ \setcounter{plate}{0}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\enddocument}
+% \changes{3.4}{1993 Aug 10}{Change order of pages to tables, figcaps,
+% figures}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Nov 15}{For AGU, order is figcaps, tables, figures}
+% The pages of figures, tables, and captions should be printed
+% automatically at the end of the document without any extra commands from
+% the author. To do this, put them into the |\end{document}|.
+% (This can be done much more easily in \LaTeXe.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Complications with the Appendix}
+% The problem is that the figures etc.\ are stored to auxiliary files
+% {\tt.lof} or {\tt.lot} and then read in later at the end of the paper.
+% Thus these files must know when the |\appendix| has been given and when
+% |\section| commands have been issued (new appendices) in order to keep the
+% number labels straight. It is also necessary to reset things to their
+% previous status. The |\@addtoreset| command must be undone, something that
+% is not normally allowed for.
+% The modifications here are added to the |\appendix| definition that
+% exists \emph{before} this file is read in. The |\appendix| is not
+% defined here, nor need it even include such subnumbering.
+% The following macros merely allow such subnumbering to function properly
+% under this style option.
+% \begin{macro}{\appendix}
+% \changes{3.3}{1993 Jul 23}{Add possibility of subnumbered figures and
+% tables in appendix}
+% \changes{4.2}{1993 Dec 21}{Add auxiliary file switch test for the appendix
+% entries to the \texttt{pof} and \texttt{pot} files}
+% \changes{4.5}{1996 Jan 10}{Add flag to indicate appendix is on}
+% \changes{4.5h}{1997 Nov 18}{Globally \cs{let} some things be redefined}
+% The existing definition of |\appendix| is stored and the new |\appendix|
+% command is defined. It writes |\doappendix| to the auxiliary files,
+% redefines |\section| so that it puts a |\stepcounter{section}| command
+% into the auxiliary files, and executes |\doappendix|.
+% The definition of the |\section| command must be stored at a number of
+% locations: |\@section| is the original non-appendix version, while
+% |\@@section| contains any redinitions made by |\doappendix|, i.e., by the
+% original |\appendix| command.
+% Both |\@section| and |\reset@figtab| are globally set to avoid a problem
+% if the appendix occurs inside an environment. This does occur with the
+% AGU |\begin{article}|\dots|\end{article}| feature.
+% The flag |\ifFC@appendix| is used to test if the appendix is active when
+% the first float appears, so that when the auxiliary file is opened, the
+% |\doappendix| is written immediately to it. Previously, without this, if
+% the first figure or table appeared in the appendix, the listed captions
+% did not have appendix numbering because this command was missing in the
+% captions files.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newif\ifFC@appendix \FC@appendixfalse
+ \@ifundefined{tf@pof}{}{\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pof}{\string\doappendix}\fi}%
+ \@ifundefined{tf@pot}{}{\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pot}{\string\doappendix}\fi}%
+ \global\let\@section=\section
+ \doappendix
+ \let\@@section=\section
+ \def\section{%
+ \@ifundefined{tf@pof}{}{\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pof}{\string
+ \stepcounter{section}}\fi}%
+ \@ifundefined{tf@pot}{}{\if@filesw\FC@writefile{pot}{\string
+ \stepcounter{section}}\fi}%
+ \@@section}
+ \global\let\reset@figtab=\@unappendix}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The last step alters |\reset@figtab| so that appendix features are
+% reset as well as the counters.
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\doappendix}
+% \changes{4.5h}{1997 Nov 18}{Globally \cs{let} some things be redefined}
+% The |\doappendix| contains those commands that must be executed when
+% |\appendix| is given, both in the main text, and when the auxiliary files
+% are reread in. It first saves the current definitions of |\thexxx|
+% and of |\cl@section| (the list of counters that are reset when the section
+% counter is incremented).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \global\let\@thefigure=\thefigure
+ \global\let\@thetable=\thetable
+ \global\let\@theplate=\theplate
+ \global\let\@cl@section=\cl@section
+ \@appendix
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@unappendix}
+% The |\@unappendix| undoes the changes made by |\doappendix|.
+% It becomes |\reset@figcaps| when |\appendix| is called.
+% It is thus invoked by |\@figurecaps|, |\@tablepage|, and |\@figurepage|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}\setcounter{table}{0}
+ \let\thefigure=\@thefigure
+ \let\thetable=\@thetable
+ \setcounter{plate}{0}%
+ \let\theplate=\@theplate
+ \let\cl@section=\@cl@section
+ \let\section=\@section
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Complications with \texttt{sublabel.sty}}
+% \begin{macro}{\sublabon}
+% \changes{3.3}{1993 Jul 23}{Additions to allow for style option {\tt
+% sublabel.sty}}
+% \begin{macro}{\sublaboff}
+% A similar problem exists if the style option \texttt{sublabel} has been
+% activated. This could mean that figures and tables are subnumbered even
+% outside of an appendix. Subnumbering here means e.g., 4{\it a}, 4{\it b},
+% etc. As for the appendix, here too the auxiliary files must know when
+% subnumbering is turned on and off. This means that these commands must be
+% written to the auxiliary files whenever issued.
+% These modifications here can only be made \emph{after}
+% \texttt{sublabel.sty} has been read in, for obvious reasons.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \iffigcaps\def\@tempb{#1}
+ \def\@tempa{figure}\ifx\@tempa\@tempb
+ \@ifundefined{tf@pof}{\newwrite\tf@pof
+ \immediate\openout\tf@pof\jobname.\lof}{}%
+ \FC@writefile{pof}{\string\orisubon{#1}}\fi
+ \def\@tempa{plate}\ifx\@tempa\@tempb
+ \@ifundefined{tf@pof}{\newwrite\tf@pof
+ \immediate\openout\tf@pof\jobname.\lof}{}%
+ \FC@writefile{pof}{\string\orisubon{#1}}\fi
+ \def\@tempa{table}\ifx\@tempa\@tempb
+ \@ifundefined{tf@pot}{\newwrite\tf@pot
+ \immediate\openout\tf@pot\jobname.\lot}{}%
+ \FC@writefile{pot}{\string\orisubon{#1}}\fi
+ \iffigcaps\def\@tempb{#1}
+ \def\@tempa{figure}\ifx\@tempa\@tempb
+ \@ifundefined{tf@pof}{\newwrite\tf@pof
+ \immediate\openout\tf@pof\jobname.\lof}{}%
+ \FC@writefile{pof}{\string\orisuboff{#1}}\fi
+ \def\@tempa{plate}\ifx\@tempa\@tempb
+ \@ifundefined{tf@pof}{\newwrite\tf@pof
+ \immediate\openout\tf@pof\jobname.\lof}{}%
+ \FC@writefile{pof}{\string\orisuboff{#1}}\fi
+ \def\@tempa{table}\ifx\@tempa\@tempb
+ \@ifundefined{tf@pot}{\newwrite\tf@pot
+ \immediate\openout\tf@pot\jobname.\lot}{}%
+ \FC@writefile{pot}{\string\orisuboff{#1}}\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}\end{macro}
+% \subsection{Journal-Specific Coding}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Oct 22}{Add extra coding for JGR, GRL, and NLINPROC}
+% \changes{4.1}{1993 Nov 20}{Add extra coding for AGU supplement}
+% \changes{4.3}{1994 May 19}{Remove obsolete JGR, GRL coding}
+% When \thestyle{} is used as a module to other main styles for specific
+% journals, there are some extra details that must be seen to.
+% \begin{macro}{\figbox}
+% \changes{4.2}{1993 Nov 20}{Add for AGU supplement, to remove figures
+% from list of figure captions}
+% \changes{4.5b}{1996 Jul 22}{Let size fit contents automatically}
+% \changes{4.5c}{1996 Jul 29}{Add starred version for no frame}
+% For the AGU supplement, figures and plates are put into a |\figbox|
+% which reserves space for them, or which can contain a real figure.
+% During the printing of the captions, this command is set to swallow
+% its argument. The normal captions-only system cannot be used for this
+% because there may be additional width commands in the |figure| environment
+% for setting the caption widths, which must be observed, i.e., read in.
+% This box takes three arguments: width, height, and contents, which
+% are centered horizontally and vertically in the box. The box is framed
+% with |\framebox| so the parameters |\fboxsep| and |\fboxrule| may
+% be used to control its appearance.
+% The starred version of this command suppresses the frame without changing
+% the |\framebox| parameters. It actually uses |\makebox| instead.
+% It is better to use |\figbox*| to remove the frame because |\framebox|
+% is also used in the marginal notes for the figures, which always should
+% have the frame.
+% If the first argument (width) is left empty, the box is made to fit its
+% contents, both vertically and horizontally. If only the second argument
+% (width) is left empty, the width will be as given and the height is scaled
+% automatically. This is for use with |\epsfig| and relatives.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<agu> {\let\agubox\framebox\@figbox}}
+%<agu>\def\@figbox#1#2#3{\hbox to \hsize{\hfil
+%<agu> \ifx!#1!\agubox{#3}\else
+%<agu> \agubox[#1][c]{\ifx!#2!#3\else\@tempdima#2\relax
+%<agu> \divide\@tempdima by2\relax
+%<agu> \advance\@tempdima by-\fboxsep \advance\@tempdima by-\fboxrule
+%<agu> \vrule\@height\@tempdima\@depth\@tempdima\@width\z@
+%<agu> \vbox to \z@{\vss\hbox{#3}\vss}\fi}\fi\hfil}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% The marking of figures and tables with marginal notes should be
+% enabled by default.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% For the AGU supplement, the necessary flag is |\if@preprint|. Furthermore,
+% for AGU preprints and manuscripts, we need to turn off the |\figurewidth|
+% and |\platewidth| commands that come with the AGU-supplied macros.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<agu>\if@preprint \figcapsfalse
+%<agu> \def\figurewidth#1{\pt@width=\hsize}
+%<agu> \def\platewidth#1{\pt@width=\hsize}
+%<agu> \def\figurewidth#1{\pt@width=\hsize}
+%<agu> \def\platewidth#1{\pt@width=\hsize}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\@makefcaption}
+% \changes{4.2}{1993 Nov 20}{Redefine for AGU supplement, to print captions
+% in two widths}
+% \changes{4.3a}{1994 Jun 6}{For AGU, set \cmd{\hsize} to avoid overfull
+% hbox messages}
+% Now define |\@makefcaption|, the special version of |\@makecaption| for
+% the page of captions, for AGU. This is either the supplied version of
+% the macro, or a special version that prints the caption twice, in two
+% widths.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<agu> \ori@makecap{#1}{#2}
+%<agu> \pt@width=\wpt@width
+%<agu> \hsize=\pt@width
+%<agu> \vskip10pt \def\label##1{}\fi\fi
+%<agu> \ori@makecap{#1}{#2}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\doublecaption}
+% \changes{4.2}{1993 Nov 20}{Add for AGU supplement, to enable doubled captions
+% in two widths}
+% To enable this double caption, one must give |\doublecaption|
+% with the width of the wider caption as argument in the preamble.
+% A normal value for \textsl{AGU} journals is 35~pc.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<agu>\newif\if@dblcap \@dblcapfalse
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Finally, for \emph{EGS}, the regular |\@makecaptions|
+% macro is sufficient. In that journal, all captions are flush-left to
+% begin with, so this might as well be kept for the figure captions too.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The whole figure caption business is activated only for |draft| mode.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This terminates the special coding, and thus the style file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \Finale