path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/mh/xfrac.dtx
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/mh/xfrac.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/mh/xfrac.dtx
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index 00000000000..a2e9c9c50fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/mh/xfrac.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,1037 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 by Morten Hoegholm <>
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+% version. The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+% This Current Maintainer of this work is Morten Hoegholm.
+% This work consists of the main source file xfrac.dtx
+% and the derived files
+% xfrac.sty, xfrac.pdf, xfrac.ins, xfrac.drv.
+% Distribution:
+% CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/mh/xfrac.dtx
+% CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/mh/xfrac.pdf
+% Unpacking:
+% (a) If xfrac.ins is present:
+% tex xfrac.ins
+% (b) Without xfrac.ins:
+% tex xfrac.dtx
+% (c) If you insist on using LaTeX
+% latex \let\install=y\input{xfrac.dtx}
+% (quote the arguments according to the demands of your shell)
+% Documentation:
+% (a) If xfrac.drv is present:
+% latex xfrac.drv
+% (b) Without xfrac.drv:
+% latex xfrac.dtx; ...
+% The class ltxdoc loads the configuration file ltxdoc.cfg
+% if available. Here you can specify further options, e.g.
+% use A4 as paper format:
+% \PassOptionsToClass{a4paper}{article}
+% Programm calls to get the documentation (example):
+% pdflatex xfrac.dtx
+% makeindex -s xfrac.idx
+% pdflatex xfrac.dtx
+% makeindex -s xfrac.idx
+% pdflatex xfrac.dtx
+% Installation:
+% TDS:tex/latex/mh/xfrac.sty
+% TDS:doc/latex/mh/xfrac.pdf
+% TDS:source/latex/mh/xfrac.dtx
+ \def\x{LaTeX2e}
+\ifcase 0\ifx\install y1\fi\expandafter
+ \ifx\csname processbatchFile\endcsname\relax\else1\fi
+ \ifx\fmtname\x\else 1\fi\relax
+\else\csname fi\endcsname
+\input docstrip.tex
+\Msg{* Installation}
+\Msg{* Package: xfrac 2008/08/03 v0.2 textstyle fractions (MH)}
+This is a generated file.
+Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 by Morten Hoegholm <>
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+version. The latest version of this license is in
+and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+This Current Maintainer of this work is Morten Hoegholm.
+This work consists of the main source file xfrac.dtx
+and the derived files
+ xfrac.sty, xfrac.pdf, xfrac.ins, xfrac.drv.
+ \file{xfrac.ins}{\from{xfrac.dtx}{install}}%
+ \file{xfrac.drv}{\from{xfrac.dtx}{driver}}%
+ \usedir{tex/latex/mh}%
+ \file{xfrac.sty}{\from{xfrac.dtx}{package}}%
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following}
+\Msg{* file into a directory searched by TeX:}
+\Msg{* xfrac.sty}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file `xfrac.drv'}
+\Msg{* through LaTeX.}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing!}
+ [2008/08/04 v0.2 textstyle fractions (MH)]
+ {\subsection{The Template Type `#1'}%
+ \begingroup
+ \@beginparpenalty\@M
+ \description
+ \def\TemplateArgument##1##2{\item[Arg: ##1]##2\par}%
+ \def\TemplateSemantics{\enddescription\endgroup
+ \subsubsection*{Semantics:}}%
+ }
+ {\par\bigskip}
+ {\subsection{The Template `#2' (type #1)}%
+ \subsubsection*{Attributes:}%
+ \begingroup
+ \@beginparpenalty\@M
+ \description
+ \def\TemplateKey##1##2##3##4{\item[##1 (##2)]##3%
+ \ifx\TemplateKey##4\TemplateKey\else
+% \hskip0ptplus3em\penalty-500\hskip 0pt plus 1filll Default:~##4%
+ \hfill\penalty500\relax\qquad \hbox{}\hfill Default:~##4%
+ \nobreak\hskip-\parfillskip\hskip0pt\relax
+ \fi
+ \par}%
+ \def\TemplateSemantics{\enddescription\endgroup
+ \subsubsection*{Semantics \& Comments:}}%
+ }
+ {\par\bigskip}
+\newcommand*\switch[2]{{\fontfamily{#1}\selectfont #2}}
+ \catcode`\_=12
+ \DocInput{xfrac.dtx}
+% \fi
+% \GetFileInfo{xfrac.drv}
+% \CheckSum{249}
+% \changes{v0.2}{2008/08/04}{Require expl3 and get rid of .ins file}
+% \changes{v0.2}{2008/08/04}{Move to macros/latex/contrib/mh on CTAN}
+% \changes{v0.11}{2004/05/08}{Consistent naming}
+% \changes{v0.10a}{2004/04/06}{Added a dependency of the latest
+% \LaTeX{} release}
+% \changes{v0.10a}{2004/04/06}{First version on \textsc{ctan}}
+% \changes{v0.10}{2004/04/05}{First publicly available prototype
+% implementation}
+% \title{The \pkg{xfrac} package\thanks{This file has version number
+% \fileversion, last revised \filedate.}}
+% \author{Morten H\o gholm}
+% \date{\filedate}
+% \maketitle
+% \begin{abstract}
+% This package uses a template interface to produce nicely looking
+% \emph{split level} fractions like \nicefrac{7}{9}\ldots{}
+% ehrm\ldots{} I mean \sfrac{7}{9}.
+% \end{abstract}
+% \tableofcontents
+% \section{User Interface}
+% The \pkg{xfrac} package defines a document command \cs{sfrac}
+% with the following syntax:
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cs{sfrac}\oarg{instance}\marg{num}\oarg{sep}\marg{denom}
+% \end{quote}
+% Let's show a few examples:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \sfrac{1}{2}, $\sfrac{1}{2}$,
+% $\mathbf{3\times\sfrac{1}{2}}$
+% \quad \fontfamily{ppl}\selectfont Palatino: \sfrac{1}{2}
+% \quad \fontfamily{ptm}\selectfont Times: \sfrac{1}{2}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \begin{quote}
+% \sfrac{1}{2}, $\sfrac{1}{2}$, $\mathbf{3\times\sfrac{1}{2}}$
+% \quad \fontfamily{ppl}\selectfont Palatino: \sfrac{1}{2}
+% \quad \fontfamily{ptm}\selectfont Times: \sfrac{1}{2}
+% \end{quote}
+% You'll notice something interesting: Not only does the \cs{sfrac}
+% command work as it should in math mode, it also gets the job done
+% for other fonts as well.
+% \section{A Bit of History}
+% \subsection{The Past}
+% One of the first exercises in \emph{The \TeX Book} is to design a
+% macro for split level fractions. The solution presented is fairly
+% simple, using a \emph{virgule} (a slash) for separating the two
+% components. It looks okay because the text font and math font of
+% Computer Modern look almost identical.
+% The proper symbol to use instead of the virgule is a \emph{solidus}
+% which does not exist in Computer Modern. It is however available in
+% the European Computer Modern fonts, but I'll get back to that.
+% \subsection{The Present}
+% The most common way to produce split level fractions within \LaTeX\
+% is by means of the \pkg{nicefrac} package. Part of the reason it
+% has found widespread use is due to the strange design of the
+% built-in text fractions of the EC fonts, which look like this:
+% \textonehalf. The package is very simple to use but there are a few
+% issues:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item It uses the virgule instead of the solidus.
+% \item Font size of numerator and denominator is bigger than in the
+% built-in symbol. Compare Palatino: \switch{ppl}{\nicefrac{1}{2}}
+% vs. \switch{ppl}{\textonehalf }.
+% \item It doesn't correct for fonts using text figures such as in the
+% \pkg{eco} package. Compare \switch{cmor}{\nicefrac{1}{2}} and
+% \switch{cmor}{\nicefrac{8}{9}}.
+% \item In math mode, it doesn't always pick up the correct math
+% alphabet.
+% \end{itemize}
+% In short: \pkg{nicefrac} doesn't attempt to be the answer to
+% everything and so this is not a criticism of the package. It works
+% quite well for Computer Modern which was pretty much what was widely
+% available at the time it was developed. Users these days, however,
+% have a choice of many fonts when they write their documents.
+% \subsection{The Future}
+% Fonts are wildly different; one macro that works fine for Computer
+% Modern obviously doesn't work well at all in Palatino. For one we
+% have to make the separator symbol configurable, and we need to
+% take care of several details as well: font scaling of the
+% numerator/denominator pair (ND), font selection of ND etc. If we
+% are to have a single package for this in the future\footnote{As
+% this is intended to be about the future, the \pkg{xfrac} package
+% requires the \eTeX{} extensions.} we have to define a totally
+% generic interface for the fraction commands and then adjust
+% parameters depending on the current font. What you see in this
+% prototype implementation of \pkg{xfrac} is just that.
+% \section{Advanced User Interface}
+% \subsection{Text mode}
+% The usual problem in text mode has a name: Computer Modern. The
+% solidi of all the Computer Modern fonts leave a lot to be desired,
+% although things are potentially looking better as the Latin Modern
+% fonts are becoming more stable and widespread. As long as the
+% default fonts are Computer Modern variants we must however work
+% around this. One idea that comes to mind is to see what happens
+% when you use a solidus from another font instead. Let's try with
+% Times:
+% \begin{quote}
+% \DeclareInstance{xfrac}{cmr2}{text}{
+% slash-symbol-font = ptm,
+% }
+% ``You take \sfrac[cmr2]{1}{2} cup of sugar, \ldots''
+% \end{quote}
+% That looks quite good actually, so it was probably very difficult
+% to obtain that result. Nope, it was extremely easy---if you happen
+% to know about \emph{instances}:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \DeclareInstance{xfrac}{cmr}{text}{
+% slash-symbol-font = ptm,
+% }
+% \end{verbatim}
+% So we define an instance with the name `cmr' from the template
+% `text' which in turn is of template type `xfrac'. You'll notice
+% the `cmr' is also the name of the font family for Computer Modern
+% Roman and the reasoning behind is that every font family should
+% have it's own settings, and if a document command is to work well
+% in that scheme, letting it use the name of the current font family
+% seems like a good idea. Thus the \cs{sfrac} command checks to see
+% whether an instance with same name as the current font family
+% exists and uses it if the test is true; otherwise the default
+% setting is used. Here we defined the instance to be used for the
+% font family `cmr' and just told it to use the Times font for
+% typesetting the slash symbol which turns out to be a solidus by
+% default.
+% The option \texttt{cm-recommended} which is loaded by default uses
+% the Times solidus for Computer Modern Roman and Computer Modern
+% Sans Serif and the Palatino solidus for Computer Modern Typewriter
+% Type. This looks quite good. Should you however not want this you
+% can use the option \texttt{cm-standard} which produces somewhat
+% acceptable results using Computer Modern exclusively.
+% So what about old style figures? If you use the \pkg{eco}
+% package you might define an instance similar to this (`cmor' is
+% the name of the roman font activated by \pkg{eco}):
+% \DeclareInstance{xfrac}{cmor}{text}{
+% slash-symbol-font = ptm,
+% numerator-font = cmr,
+% denominator-font = cmr,
+% }
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \DeclareInstance{xfrac}{cmor}{text}{
+% slash-symbol-font = ptm,
+% numerator-font = cmr,
+% denominator-font = cmr,
+% }
+% \end{verbatim}
+% We also use regular Computer Modern Roman for typesetting ND, so
+% we end up with \switch{cmor}{\sfrac{1}{2}} and
+% \switch{cmor}{\sfrac{8}{9}} instead of
+% \switch{cmor}{\nicefrac{1}{2}} and \switch{cmor}{\nicefrac{8}{9}}.
+% Much better.
+% There are also situations where other tricks are useful. If you
+% don't have the inferior and superior figures available in a font,
+% or the font doesn't have a wider design for small font sizes, you
+% can cheat by manually scaling the ND-pair. I got nice results for
+% Adobe's Stempel Garamond (with small caps and old style figures)
+% with the following setup:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \DeclareInstance{xfrac}{pegj}{text}{
+% numerator-font = pegx,
+% denominator-font = pegx,
+% scale-factor = .9,
+% h-scale = 1.1,
+% }
+% \end{verbatim}
+% We use the font family `pegx' (Stempel Garamond with real small
+% caps) for typesetting the ND-pair. Additionally the key
+% \key{scale-factor} specifies that the font size used for the
+% ND-pair should be $0.9$ of the height of the solidus, and the key
+% \key{h-scale} specifies that the ND-pair should be scaled an extra
+% 10\% horizontally.
+% Should you be so fortunate the have a font with inferior and
+% superior figures like in the Monotype Janson example from Philipp
+% Lehman's excellent \emph{The Font Installation Guide}. In that
+% example Philipp defines the font families `mjn0' for the inferior
+% figures and `mjn1' for the superior. Thus to get the \cs{sfrac}
+% command to use them on the fly for the font family `mjnj' (Janson,
+% old style figures) we would say
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \DeclareInstance{xfrac}{mjnj}{text}{
+% numerator-font = mjn1,
+% denominator-font = mjn0,
+% scaling = false,
+% numerator-bot-sep = 0pt,
+% denominator-bot-sep = 0pt,
+% }
+% \end{verbatim}
+% I think this example is a very clean way to do it. An alternative
+% approach could be to use the keys \key{numerator-format} and
+% \key{denominator-format} to process the arguments and let them
+% determine what to do.
+% As a side note Harald Harders was so kind to test it, and it
+% \emph{does} actually work---I hadn't tested it myself.
+% \subsection{Math Mode}
+% In math mode the choices are a lot fewer because first of all
+% \TeX{} comes with a built-in limitation of 16 math families.
+% Additionally we will not need a solidus for typesetting split
+% fractions in math, as tradition is to use a virgule instead. We
+% define the basic `mathdefault' instance to simply use the math
+% family in use when the instance is run. So if we're in normal math
+% like |$\sfrac{7}{9}$| we simply get family~$-1$. If we're inside a
+% \cs{mathbf} we're in family~$4$ (in the standard setup at least),
+% and so the fraction is typeset with the same math family. Simple,
+% isn't?
+% You can also declare instances for the math families, but I really
+% don't see why you would. If you do then name them according to the
+% scheme `mathfam\meta{N}', where \meta{N} is the family number, and
+% only do it if you \emph{really} know how to set up math fonts.
+% That is, if \cs{DeclareMathAlphabet} is unbeknownst to you, then
+% just don't go there.
+% Another example: If we want \cs{sfrac} to produce split fractions
+% without doing anything at all, we can choose the collection
+% `plainmath', which is defined as
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \DeclareCollectionInstance{plainmath}{xfrac}{mathdefault}{math}{
+% denominator-bot-sep = 0pt,
+% numerator-bot-sep = 0pt,
+% numerator-top-sep = \c_max_dim,
+% scaling = false,
+% slash-right-mkern = 0mu,
+% slash-left-mkern = 0mu,
+% }
+% \end{verbatim}
+% This creates an alternative version of the instance `mathdefault'
+% with settings as specified by the keys. In the default math setup
+% \key{numerator-top-sep} is set to 0~pt, and here we set
+% \key{numerator-bot-sep} to 0~pt as well, so in order to avoid
+% over-specification (and an error message) we must set
+% \key{numerator-top-sep} to \cs{c_max_dim}. We activate (obeying
+% normal scoping rules) it with:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \UseCollection{xfrac}{plainmath}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% Then |$\sfrac{8}{13}$| produces\begingroup
+% \UseCollection{xfrac}{plainmath}
+% $\sfrac{8}{13}$ and just typing |$8/13$| gives the same result:
+% $8/13$.
+% \endgroup
+% \section{The Template Interface}
+% \begin{TemplateInterfaceDescription}{xfrac}
+% \TemplateArgument{1}
+% {The numerator}
+% \TemplateArgument{2}
+% {The separator}
+% \TemplateArgument{3}
+% {The denominator}
+% \TemplateSemantics
+% Typesets arguments 1 and 3 separated by argument 2, which in text
+% mode by default is a \emph{solidus}. This is taken from
+% \pkg{textcomp} where it is denoted \cs{textfractionsolidus}.
+% This is the character used for the ready made split level
+% fractions such as \textonehalf---except in the (European) Computer
+% Modern fonts. In math mode a \emph{virgule} is used instead as
+% this is more appropriate and it is always available in the math
+% fonts. The solidus is a text symbol only.
+% \end{TemplateInterfaceDescription}
+% \begin{TemplateDescription}{xfrac}{text}
+% \TemplateKey{numerator-font}{n}
+% {Font family specification to use for the numerator.}
+% {\cs{f@family}}
+% \TemplateKey{numerator-format}{f1}
+% {Action to be taken on the numerator.}
+% {Process argument unchanged}
+% \TemplateKey{slash-symbol}{n}
+% {The separator symbol. If not specified the default value will be
+% used instead.}
+% {Solidus (\cs{textfractionsolidus})}
+% \TemplateKey{slash-symbol-font}{n}
+% {Font family specification to use for the separator symbol.}
+% {\cs{f@family}}
+% \TemplateKey{slash-symbol-format}{f1}
+% {Action to be taken on the separator symbol.}
+% {Process argument unchanged}
+% \TemplateKey{denominator-font}{n}
+% {Font family specification to use for the denominator.}
+% {\cs{f@family}}
+% \TemplateKey{denominator-format}{f1}
+% {Action to be taken on the denominator.}
+% {Process argument unchanged}
+% \TemplateKey{h-scale}{n}
+% {Factor by which the numerator and denominator should be
+% horizontally scaled. It should only be used if the real superior
+% and inferior fonts are not available. For instance Stempel
+% Garamond looks excellent if scaled 10\% extra horizontally, i.e.,
+% by a factor of 1.1.}
+% {1}
+% \TemplateKey{v-scale}{n}
+% {Same as \key{h-scale} only vertically. Probably not of much use
+% but added for completetion.}
+% {1}
+% \TemplateKey{scale-factor}{n}
+% {Fraction of the size of \key{slash-symbol}. Used for setting the
+% font size of numerator and denominator. Usually a value of app.\
+% \sfrac{5}{6} produces fine results. It should only be used if the
+% real superior and inferior fonts are not available. As an example
+% Stempel Garamond looks better if the factor is 0.9.}
+% {0.83333}
+% \TemplateKey{scale-relative}{s}
+% {If set to `true' the font size of the numerator and denominator
+% is scaled with respect to the height of the \key{slash-symbol}. If
+% set to `false' the font is scaled with respect to the total height
+% of the \key{slash-symbol}.}
+% {true}
+% \TemplateKey{scaling}{s}
+% {If set to `true' the fonts are allowed to scale. If set to
+% `false' they are not. See the `Janson' example for an application.}
+% {true}
+% \TemplateKey{numerator-top-sep}{L}
+% {Dimension specifying the space between the top of the
+% \key{slash-symbol} and the top of the numerator. If not specified,
+% the depth of the solidus will be used, because this value will
+% make the fraction look even.}
+% {Unspecified}
+% \TemplateKey{numerator-bot-sep}{L}
+% {Dimension specifying the lift of the numerator from the
+% baseline.}
+% {Unspecified}
+% \TemplateKey{denominator-bot-sep}{L}
+% {Dimension specifying the lift of the denominator from the
+% baseline.}
+% {Unspecified}
+% \TemplateKey{slash-right-kern}{L}
+% {Dimension specifying the kerning between the \key{slash-symbol}
+% and the numerator. If specified in terms of font specific
+% dimensions such as \texttt{em} it is better to use
+% \cs{DelayEvaluation}.}
+% {\texttt{0pt}}
+% \TemplateKey{slash-left-kern}{L}
+% {Dimension specifying the kerning between the \key{slash-symbol}
+% and the denominator. If specified in terms of font specific
+% dimensions such as \texttt{em} it is better to use
+% \cs{DelayEvaluation}.}
+% {\texttt{0pt}}
+% \TemplateKey{math-mode}{s}
+% {Are we in math mode or not?}
+% {false}
+% \TemplateKey{phantom}{n}
+% {A character that suits the common cases. As we would mostly want
+% to use numbers in text mode we choose a `tall' number, while in
+% math it is somewhat different.}
+% {8}
+% \TemplateSemantics
+% This template is also the foundation for the `math' template. The
+% keys \key{slash-right-mkern} and \key{slash-left-mkern} can only
+% be used in math mode and are not shown here.
+% \end{TemplateDescription}
+% \begin{TemplateDescription}{xfrac}{math}
+% \TemplateKey{numerator-font}{n}
+% {Font family specification to use for the numerator.}
+% {\cs{number}\cs{fam}}
+% \TemplateKey{slash-symbol}{n}
+% {The separator symbol. If not specified the default value will be
+% used instead.}
+% {Virgule ($/$)}
+% \TemplateKey{slash-symbol-font}{n}
+% {Font family specification to use for the separator symbol.}
+% {\cs{number}\cs{fam}}
+% \TemplateKey{denominator-font}{n}
+% {Font family specification to use for the denominator.}
+% {\cs{number}\cs{fam}}
+% \TemplateKey{scale-factor}{n}
+% {Fraction of the size of \key{slash-symbol}. In math mode we
+% cannot rely on the fonts to be able to scale, but giving a default
+% scale of 0.7 fits into the regular size changing scheme---the
+% default scheme has values $(D,T,S,SS)=(1,1,0.7,0.5)$ whereas we
+% with a default \key{scale-factor} of 0.7 get $(1,1,0.7,0.49)$.
+% That's close enough.}
+% {0.7}
+% \TemplateKey{scale-relative}{s}
+% {If set to `true' the font size of the numerator and denominator
+% is scaled with respect to the height of the \key{slash-symbol}. If
+% set to `false' the font is scaled with respect to the total height
+% of the \key{slash-symbol}.}
+% {false}
+% \TemplateKey{scaling}{s}
+% {If set to `true' the fonts are allowed to scale. If set to
+% `false' they are not. See the `plainmath' example for an application.}
+% {true}
+% \TemplateKey{numerator-top-sep}{L}
+% {Dimension specifying the space between the top of the
+% \key{slash-symbol} and the top of the numerator. If not specified,
+% the depth of the virgule will be used, because this value will
+% make the fraction look even.}
+% {\texttt{0pt}}
+% \TemplateKey{denominator-bot-sep}{L}
+% {Dimension specifying the lift of the denominator from the
+% baseline.}
+% {\texttt{0pt}}
+% \TemplateKey{slash-right-mkern}{n}
+% {Same as \key{slash-right-kern} but for math mode only and should
+% be specified in \texttt{mu} units. This is because \pkg{calc}
+% can't use mu-expressions.}
+% {\texttt{-2mu}}
+% \TemplateKey{slash-left-mkern}{n}
+% {Same as \key{slash-left-kern} but for math mode only and should
+% be specified in \texttt{mu} units. This is because \pkg{calc}
+% can't use mu-expressions.}
+% {\texttt{-1mu}}
+% \TemplateKey{math-mode}{s}
+% {Are we in math mode or not?}
+% {true}
+% \TemplateKey{phantom}{n}
+% {A character that suits the common cases. In math we have a high
+% risk of using a parenthesis, so we choose that. Text mode is
+% another story.}
+% {(}
+% \TemplateSemantics
+% This template is a restricted version of the `text' template. Only
+% the keys that are different from the `text' template are shown
+% here. Also bear in mind that the attributes \key{slash-left-kern}
+% and \key{slash-right-kern} have no meaning in this template.
+% \end{TemplateDescription}
+% \StopEventually{}
+% \section{Implementation}
+% \changes{v0.10b}{2004/04/07}{Now uses \cs{InternalSyntaxOn}}
+% \changes{v0.2}{2008/08/04}{Now uses \cs{ProvidesExplPackage}}
+% We set up the programming interface. We need the
+% \pkg{template} and \pkg{xparse} packages from the
+% experimental code, more precisely from the `xbase' bundle. The
+% other packages are well-known.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ProvidesExplPackage{xfrac}{2008/08/04}{0.2}{Text fractions}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\RequirePackage{template}[2008/08/03] % force upgrade!!
+\RequirePackage{xparse}[2008/08/03] % force upgrade!!
+% \end{macrocode}
+% With v0.10b the new internal syntax using |_| and |:| was
+% introduced. Starting from v0.2 the expl3 code base is used and,
+% hence, also its programming setup. White space is ignored as well,
+% so any |@|-signs in the code are remnants of old \LaTeX{} coding
+% conventions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% An option:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\bool_new:N \g_cm_recommended_bool
+ { \bool_gset_true:N \g_cm_recommended_bool }
+ { \bool_gset_false:N \g_cm_recommended_bool }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\l_xfrac_temp_box}
+% \begin{macro}{\l_xfrac_slash_box}
+% We use two box registers. We could probably get away with using
+% scratch boxes, but this feels safer. Anyway we're all using
+% \eTeX{} now so why not?
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\box_new:N \l_xfrac_temp_box
+\box_new:N \l_xfrac_slash_box
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{The Templates}
+% Then we declare the template. % \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The template type `text'. Make two separate templates: text and
+% math!! It is okay they share keys but it just gets too complicated
+% within the template declaration.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ numerator-font = n [\f@family] \xfrac_numeratorfont:,
+ numerator-format = f1 [#1] \xfrac_numeratorformat:n,
+ slash-symbol = n [\textfractionsolidus]
+ \xfrac_slashsymbol:,
+ slash-symbol-font = n [\f@family] \xfrac_slashsymbolfont:,
+ slash-symbol-format = f1 [#1] \xfrac_slashsymbolformat:n,
+ denominator-font = n [\f@family] \xfrac_denominatorfont:,
+ denominator-format = f1 [#1] \xfrac_denominatorformat:n,
+ h-scale = n [1] \xfrac_hscale:,
+ v-scale = n [1] \xfrac_vscale:,
+ scale-factor = n [.83333] \xfrac_scalefactor:,
+ scale-relative = s [true]
+ { \def:Npn \xfrac_relscale: {\box_ht:N\l_xfrac_slash_box}}
+ { \def:Npn \xfrac_relscale: {
+ \dim_eval:n { \box_ht:N\l_xfrac_temp_box + \box_dp:N\l_xfrac_temp_box }} },
+ scaling = s [true]
+ {\def:Npn\xfrac_fontscale: {
+ \fontsize{\xfrac_scalefactor: \xfrac_relscale:}{\c_zero_dim}\selectfont}}
+ { \let:NN \xfrac_fontscale: \use_noop: },
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here comes some fake lengths. I've decided to call them with the
+% suffix |_fdim|, so that I will remember to use them right.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ numerator-top-sep = L [\c_max_dim] \l_xfrac_numeratortopsep_fdim,
+ numerator-bot-sep = L [\c_max_dim] \l_xfrac_numeratorbotsep_fdim,
+ denominator-bot-sep = L [\c_max_dim] \l_xfrac_denominatorbotsep_fdim,
+ slash-right-kern = L [0pt] \l_xfrac_slashrightsep_fdim,
+ slash-left-kern = L [0pt] \l_xfrac_slashleftsep_fdim,
+% \end{macrocode}
+% As calc can't handle |\muskip|s, I've made them of type `n' and
+% added the suffix |_fmu| to indicate `fake mu skip'.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ slash-right-mkern = n [-2mu] \l_xfrac_slashrightmsep_fmu,
+ slash-left-mkern = n [-1mu] \l_xfrac_slashleftmsep_fmu,
+ math-mode = s [false] { \let:NN\xfrac_math: \ensuremath }
+ { \let:NN \xfrac_math: \use_arg_i:n },
+ phantom = n [8] \xfrac_phantom:,
+ \DoParameterAssignments
+ \mode_if_math:TF{
+ \let:NN \xfrac_textormath: \text
+ \def:Npx \xfrac_slashfontchange: {\tex_fam:D \xfrac_slashsymbolfont: }
+ \def:Npx \xfrac_numeratorfontchange: {\tex_fam:D \xfrac_numeratorfont: }
+ \def:Npx \xfrac_denominatorfontchange: {\tex_fam:D \xfrac_denominatorfont: }
+ }{
+ \let:NN \xfrac_textormath: \mbox
+ \def:Npn\xfrac_slashfontchange: {
+ \fontfamily{\xfrac_slashsymbolfont: }\selectfont}
+ \def:Npn\xfrac_numeratorfontchange: {
+ \fontfamily{\xfrac_numeratorfont: }\selectfont}
+ \def:Npn\xfrac_denominatorfontchange: {
+ \fontfamily{\xfrac_denominatorfont: }\selectfont}
+ }
+ \xfrac_textormath: {
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \changes{v0.11a}{2004/08/24}{Added \cs{m@th}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \m@th
+ \sbox\l_xfrac_temp_box {\xfrac_math: {\vphantom{(}}}
+ \sbox\l_xfrac_slash_box {
+ \xfrac_math: {
+ \xfrac_slashsymbolformat:n {
+ \xfrac_math: {
+ \xfrac_slashfontchange:
+ \IfValueTF{#2}{#2}{\xfrac_slashsymbol: }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \dim_compare:nNnTF \l_xfrac_numeratortopsep_fdim = \c_max_dim
+ {
+ \dim_compare:nNnTF \l_xfrac_numeratorbotsep_fdim = \c_max_dim
+ {
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Both unspecified.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def:Npn\xfrac_next: {\raisebox{\box_ht:N\l_xfrac_slash_box
+ -\box_dp:N\l_xfrac_slash_box-\height}}
+ }{
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Use only bottom specification.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def:Npn\xfrac_next: {\raisebox{\l_xfrac_numeratorbotsep_fdim }}
+ }
+ }
+ {
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Use only top specification.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \dim_compare:nNnTF \l_xfrac_numeratorbotsep_fdim = \c_max_dim
+ {
+ \def:Npn\xfrac_next: {
+ \raisebox{
+ \box_ht:N\l_xfrac_slash_box - \l_xfrac_numeratortopsep_fdim
+ - \height
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Over-specification.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \PackageError{xfrac}
+ {You~ have~ specified~ both~ numerator-top-sep~ and~
+ numerator-bot-sep}
+ {I~ will~ pretend~ you~ didn't~ specify~ any~ of ~them}
+ \def:Npn\xfrac_next: {\raisebox{\box_ht:N\l_xfrac_slash_box
+ -\box_dp:N\l_xfrac_slash_box-\height}}
+ }
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Typeset the numerator
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \xfrac_next: {
+ \xfrac_fontscale:
+ \xfrac_numeratorformat:n {
+ \scalebox{\xfrac_hscale: }[\xfrac_vscale: ]
+ { \xfrac_math:{ \xfrac_numeratorfontchange:
+ {\vphantom{\xfrac_phantom: }#1} } }
+ }
+ }
+ \xfrac_math: { % THIS IS JUST WRONG!
+ \mode_if_math:TF { \mskip \l_xfrac_slashrightmsep_fmu }
+ {\hskip \l_xfrac_slashrightsep_fdim}
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Typeset the separator
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \usebox\l_xfrac_slash_box
+ \xfrac_math: {
+ \mode_if_math:TF {
+ \mskip \l_xfrac_slashleftmsep_fmu
+ }{
+ \hskip \l_xfrac_slashleftsep_fdim
+ } }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Typeset the denominator
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \dim_compare:nNnTF \l_xfrac_denominatorbotsep_fdim=\c_max_dim
+ { \raisebox{-\box_dp:N \l_xfrac_slash_box} }
+ {
+ \raisebox{\l_xfrac_denominatorbotsep_fdim}
+ }
+ {
+ \xfrac_fontscale:
+ \xfrac_denominatorformat:n {
+ \scalebox{\xfrac_hscale:}[\xfrac_vscale:]
+ { \xfrac_math: { \xfrac_denominatorfontchange:
+ {\vphantom{\xfrac_phantom: }#3} } }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Since math and text mode are wildly different entities we define a
+% separate template for each. You already saw the `text' template,
+% and here is the `math' template.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ numerator-font = \number\fam,
+ slash-symbol = /,
+ slash-symbol-font = \number\fam,
+ denominator-font = \number\fam,
+ scale-factor = 0.7,
+ scale-relative = false,
+ scaling = true,
+ numerator-top-sep = 0pt,
+ denominator-bot-sep = 0pt,
+ math-mode = true,
+ phantom = (,
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{The Default Instances}
+% For the default instances we just use the relevant templates with
+% the default settings.
+% The default `text' instance.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareInstance{xfrac}{default}{text}{ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The default `math' instance.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareInstance{xfrac}{mathdefault}{math}{ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ denominator-bot-sep=0pt,
+ numerator-bot-sep=0pt,
+ numerator-top-sep=\c_max_dim,
+ scale-factor = 1,
+ scale-relative = false,
+ scaling = true,
+ slash-right-mkern=0mu,
+ slash-left-mkern=0mu,
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Default Computer Modern setup. Far from optimal, but better than
+% nothing.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ denominator-bot-sep=0pt,
+ numerator-top-sep=\DelayEvaluation{.2ex},
+ slash-left-kern=\DelayEvaluation{-.1em},
+ slash-right-kern=\DelayEvaluation{-.1em},
+ denominator-bot-sep=0pt,
+ numerator-top-sep=\DelayEvaluation{.2ex},
+ slash-left-kern=\DelayEvaluation{-.1em},
+ slash-right-kern=\DelayEvaluation{-.1em},
+ denominator-bot-sep=0pt,
+ numerator-top-sep=\DelayEvaluation{.2ex},
+ slash-left-kern=\DelayEvaluation{-.1em},
+ slash-right-kern=\DelayEvaluation{-.1em},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We can do better for the Computer Modern fonts. For the roman
+% family we choose Times.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ slash-symbol-font = ptm,
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Times also blends well with `cmss'.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ slash-symbol-font = ptm,
+% \end{macrocode}
+% For `cmtt' we choose the Palatino solidus as it is slightly
+% thicker than Times.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ slash-symbol-font = ppl,
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If we used the \texttt{cm-recommended} setup we activate it.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\bool_if:NT \g_cm_recommended_bool
+ {\UseCollection{xfrac}{cm-recommended}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{The User Command}
+% Currently there is just a single user command. \cs{sfrac} takes
+% two mandatory arguments: numerator and denominator. It can take an
+% optional argument between the mandatory specifying the separator
+% like this:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \sfrac{7}[/]{12}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% It also has an optional argument that comes before the first
+% mandatory argument. If used it will use that instance instead of
+% the auto-detected one, so a user who has defined the instance
+% `cmr2' may use
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \sfrac[cmr2]{7}{12}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% and get the settings from `cmr2' instead of the settings of the
+% current font family.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareDocumentCommand \sfrac {o mom}{
+ \mode_if_math:TF
+ \def:Npx \xfrac_next: {mathfam\number\fam}
+ \IfExistsInstanceTF{xfrac}{\xfrac_next: }
+ {\UseInstance{xfrac}{\xfrac_next: }}
+ {\UseInstance{xfrac}{mathdefault}}
+ {#2}{#3}{#4}
+ \IfExistsInstanceTF{xfrac}{#1}
+ {\UseInstance{xfrac}{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}
+ {\IfExistsInstanceTF{xfrac}{\f@family}
+ {\UseInstance{xfrac}{\f@family}}
+ {\UseInstance{xfrac}{default}}
+ {#2}{#3}{#4}
+ }
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \Finale